The Oregon Argus. (Oregon City [Or.]) 1855-1863, December 27, 1862, Image 3

Below is the OCR text representation for this newspapers page. It is also available as plain text as well as XML. 1'"a( riuv jMi;i;timi. An ml
jpiiiwil incrliMB ol :ili.iMi(t of Oriymi Cily
ns l0,) at llio CuiirL Itouui on Wnliu s
,y IhkI, nt i! oVIoelf, 1 r. Hindu in tliu
chair. Win. (. 1'i'iniMil, clminniin of llie
c0ininitlou iijtpoint tul uL lliu pri'vioiiH meet
lvt rt'H)i'lil In ruIisIiiiii'u llutt tlm eoni
initti'O lmil iilU'iiili'd In tli ImisIiiciw nsalgii
...i i liitii tlutl Mr. lluivcy iii-uiuimiI to
mil two loin, wll li tliu wnlcr power iutch
miry fur funlory, f" t,1 'f sjUHW
ll,ut dm laluiul property wits i ll'd'cil for
4j0(0, tliu hIioI" kiihi to liu ImKcii In Moil,
and, lurtlirr, rccinninenilcil I hut. hl.nrcs
,o inuilu miuiII, Kny J 1 00 cucli. The. report
wu rcciiivcil.
Ssoinu ruiniiili.H wero thru muilo liy ilillVr
cnl Kcnlli'incn iih to cost, tile, of lint pro
posoil work, from which ivu atln.Teil thut
ahonl $"fi,000 would Ito nci:issiiiy to put
tliu factory In running order, which Mini
could bo raised without much difficulty.
Tlio iidvantiiK'is 'f Oregon Cily as to loca
tion, water power, Ac, for tliu proiosed
miiimfaclory (and lor iniiiiiifiii'tiiiics of nil
Minis) nro uusurpiisscil on the l'acilic cimi.t,
and aro conceded liy every one not Minded
hy local prejudice, luivinj,' a full kuottledo
ol the facilities that nature Iiu.h made.
There Is ono ilivudvuiitiW, however, would ivttcnd Mich an enterprise now,
hut which would prulmhly he liiulcd ii: u
tear or two the t-curcily of wool in On:
r()) or tho consutnptioii of the mill. This
inconvcnicnco would ho remedied in a horl
timu hv tho operations of that rule, us old
lis rtiniincriT, that the mpply incivases with
tho iliinuiul -particularly if tho present
hih rates of wool arc maintained.
Finally, V. C. Johnson proposed lo pre
pare nil tho necessary pupein required ly
law for oratii.inj; li i'oniiuny, and that all
t who wished to niou the (aim' as oiii-
mil corporators could inn i at his ollictt on
kiiiic day certain, m.Y 1'"' l!7lh, in I , and
nrm-ivi! to lirrfcct tin!'. monK U.i
motion of Mr. ThoiiipMin, lliu piopo.iiioii
wan accepted hy I he mei tinn - w hen upon,
withoul further proecci;i;;,":, un ii'ljoiiru
hl'lit took place .tV die. i
O y,.s;.Mr, ',er Tooting i s.uie Cm-s
called Ileaure-ird in a letter to I'.r.i, -reeouuncmhd
to him in future to ( .11 the
Federal force " uIi'ilitionisN,'' which he
thought would liuu- a " sliiij'iiii,' i fleet" on
AVestcri: nu n em rally ai.d suul he in
tended to " i'sno a nnh r on the
hul.j, tt." Wo haven't . vii I i K' lit I .it or
der vet, hut we notice that in h;s il.s
patches ho 1' lins the Fnion n.lil.i i s " aho
lilionists." lie has a wuik ally in th'-
Stat", t!io IdoeMu ad of ('; y.'. ri ''l't
man, who will depute the aut'.ioiship of
thin brilliant ktroke of " j.-y " w ith tin-l.oui-iaua
creolc. (V.ipkny's can
claim n pi lor iiivcntiou.
Imouk Tax --On next Wedii'-lcy
rvemnjr, He. ills,, cvtn hotly shout, I post
his books, mid compute the intuitu. I of h;s
income the past j t-iir over and iil.uvc tic
necev-ary iienMS ol c.iiiyin.r on tint bn-i-iiess
from which h;s income is il rind - on
which th-s i;i),i) a tax f three p.-r c-nt. is
tube iisscs-etl. Fay incut, Iio'.vim r, wi'.l
not be rnU:ic.l la hue the I'.r t of Vuy,
Pat's am ' HosrsrvV Hut .hhk. -Forney's
Press nays thai it i ";" v
tallied that the li'di who pih li d the d I" U
duriiii; their I itu raitl into 1 . nn.M lvau:.i
were fourdeliiocrats ualiu'tl I.or'an, il.-on,
Siinei, nml I'.rinn. 'Honesty is korry no
't at the ' ciiucos' when
the bargain was strm k, and Ices u.
the rcbcU.
v t .-u.i i ill.i who 1 1 a lor
months been bulking on the track of Mr
Pcnrne, informs the public that the reat
rrimn of which Pcnrne has been eiiilly, is,
lh,it he inn eucf (nu-nmvr. llelialm
Mr. Pcnrne, becansu Pcarne cave a sAr
...i.. i ii. Aliiiii.btv never irave him a'Tinv Anoi .inoMMTH.- A Iravil
At lint liislttniiiioof tin- I'J.n-Uuni.iH C.tni- j Wuhhinton, J Kilt. A resolution was
ly Ai.Mteiiilitm in nit f tint Saailtny C(iinnu-sit.iii oll't reil, that lliu coinmillee on tho conduct
u iiiMiiliful ( 'Ii tint ii t tin Tri-n was iicettnl In tin- ' ol' the Will' impiim into the (acls rehllive to
hall, mi whlt'li wein Muieiiilci a variely tf urti- , tho recent halllu nt I'Vederickhburj,', pur-
liK i. n , i . 1 1 1 rs liif pr Hi-uiH I'up lint inliilii)K, pint nf ! licuhirly n.s to what ollicers nro responsible
which Weill tho wiirluimiiili'li of hclieii of the
Afii. i.i I i' .it . Wu nin (Miililii i in li niii thnl nil
f the liilii 'iH w t in ilhioi.cil nt' at ;ik1 nit:eshi
rilt) llni lnt'i liir; elimt tl, iiikI that tint lid tru-
fftls nt lint i-vi'iiiiii; with over !y: I. 'ill, whii-li nf
ml 1 1. ii will en lullni Kuiilliiiy ' j 1 1 1 n i --! i j 1 1 .
for tlm nsfiaiilt, anil nho for the delay which
occurred in prepiiriu;; to meet the nieiny.
Tho resolution wns adopted.
Hiunii'M'ant. The cowardly "tirrrillus
in Missouri, who after taking the oath of
.H';i)i:intma et.inneaefil Its htheiii on lint !.-,ih of ulleKialico ti) ihi'iive, Union vim, turned
( Icti. lntr, mei 1 1 iih alreinly mmiI In llm a'i i f our
wiiiniilt-il Ki'MiiTH the Hiini of .V.ll,'.,ri, in! ii' am
hy the ieiiul of tlm lieitmnnr. NtilwilliMliiiiiliii
lliu T''d ( liniiH nf u fmv ertial.i'iH, llm A H "( illl Itlll
nlill lives anil 1 1 1 i m , mil e ho;e it will emi
tiiiiui in ilneini'' r of iisfl nliii iim iiniil ilm litht Hit f-
ferillU IttlltlilT i li'lil'Vetl.
Titi'.tou mot 'h lleriiicr. I'mei i'iIh of tlm elev
mill li'Voo nl' ( 'liiekuiiiim Co. As sn i.iIiuii mi' uh
Siili-M liniu Chili.lina" Tree, Jfjit 'Ti.ti ."
" Snji.i-r tit'littls, (ili.Ull
lliilritai e I'.-t rt, ".'i,','."!
llaliiiift! niil ;''ani:;oy fiiml, $1.11,10 I
.Sinn in nil the tiii't linjjs to Ihis time, $.1:.' I ,'J.I
A. II. Stkki.k, 'I'leasurer.
out lo robbing, raviiJiin, and tniirderini;,
nr.; appropriately willed 'iVii-whackers.'
I T.-Ti i nTTTTo v . Morrison's prent I'nn-tec-na
lliec a, oT Travels in Muropn and Amor
ca, illiislratetl with five splendid pannram
iih, will be exhibited in this cily on next
Friday mid Saturday t'V(.'i:iup. These
views are highly eompliuieiiled by the press
wherever they have been exhibited. Valu
able prcsculK e;lven away each evening.
Adnii.ssiou $1 - children !"() cents.
Sen i.ri ii.- l-'ur llm lii'sl tiinc in i.nven ycurs,
llm or;ua lia.n ilrniH il C..'iiliii)'n ailvi rliM'ineatH
ffiini ils -. . 1 u 1 1 1 iih . Wu tri'sunic tlm mijip'y of
lllftlici'lcN, which the Al'fllt look fur ll(lvelti;ll(!
has aiTinniilat' d in itiiOilily Millieit nt for u f w
iimiitlin' iisii.
Viilti:i1l; l'topci ty J'or Siilfj in
Orogon City.
rOTS t mid .1, hlni k !), licxl to Capt. My
J rick's Iioiikh on tlm h ink nf tho rivor imiler
eullivalinii ami (jnod feiHie, nml this street rn.-ie-iiihinii.iitl
to tho Kruile. I,ol 1, 2, 7 ami 8,
hlnek U'.', op)ioniln Culholic chureli. Htrirt coin
p!eii to ihn mliihliiilieil jfrinle. I. 'it 2, hlnek 1 ,
with hiii kaantl m1h;1. furuinrly Atx-riitMliy h i-lore. neriH of LAND, Moek I!) untiyjof
IIi.Iiih-s' luatl chiiin, uiljitiniii'.' I'iihI s oreh.'iril.
Apply In KOIlliKH DAlilJI.AY.
( )rej,oia Cil ', 1 eo. '-'0, l H.13. w I
( 'iiiiim'u h - -im Iniliility ii no' tl ".I in oai t'ily ; ,V,., " , ,t
' ' i t v Aiiiotni!nhiintlt"lto I' . ( haiinan for tho
with Im. limn tint usuiil ineitl. ills uf llm oi.t'inaon- ! Sill,lllllv c,,,,,,,,!,, i,,,,, ,,Mowm:
A I III ll-t III 'I H 1 ll-lt llll'l I) 'fll IH pit'Pl III III" .oelll
i i. tv.,...;,.t:..t. n,... r.
etlist Chinch in v.-iy liittlnl myln, which wan Chiekiiiii.-m Co. AsMieiatiou, Deo. 1 0
fuilly In.nlril with iiieseats of uliiiosl int'iy tie- , ,. .. c . ,.. ''
' 1 ! I.nihi's I'niiiii; Sueit-ly,
nt'iiplaiii lor I nt I. lilt- hoys it lei Kills, lint iiimiiiiii- ,,imH Knox (ii'ahain,
lion uf wlil.'li oil ( 'Illiniums ilay oeeahitini'.l -h
th-iii'ilii ini'i liiiii'lil nml Ojeieiiij;. '1 lie Intl..
iiinl (,'t'iitlfini'ii who snpi'iiniemli .1 lh" ulFair tle-st-ivti
lunch ereilll lor the skill mitl litalii ilit
phiyt'tl in in Mii;iii litis tree nml Ihn uttielcs sns-
t'liilcil final il.
Ill the evening. 11 h.'lll Will, (jivnil ll Ml'. Wlili.llll
lliilin s', whi le n hilue pinly of fair ttnnifii nml
Intuit it. cil while.l lovny the Iniiini Willi linn ry
Iti'iols mitl living h ft.
Cliicl.ainas t t. AHsiii'iiiliiui, I'i'c. i!l,
Am unit fur last llm we. U,
" picvioaaly utrkinirt h''l;;eil,
I 1,10
Fall, 18(2.
R E MV A L ,
Danncnbaum tt Ackcrman
To the I5rick Store
fituly Occupied by Cliarmitn,
Will'lKT, t Co.
al.iioiiKii' Un -'I i.l imt ., lit llio ri sah lieit o(
III... Iti.ilt-H liillier, Mr .sunnittl llii;lifs, hy Itnv.
C. 1'. Ilrutii', .Mr. .M imiii Wainoi k to Miss
I'l-ruieia IIiij;! ullnf C liiekiinius eoiinly.
lii;n- At tliu ),.ll.', on Siu.ilav, 21sl insl.,
.Mrs. Maiiv Cahtkk, wife t.f I. V. Carlct., li.,
lint .'Hill year of ln-r ue.
Am hi St. i mi its The billies' I'liimi Scw.n
Sttcifty of I iiciiii Cily uiail'i n sale ol' vio ions I Intf t.l' this plue
pr.tiii'", nf lie .r han, !.w. nit mi la-t Suliirtliiy. In
ii,n,v,i,i,i" ,i inoitUaio enii;;,.i wi p...itl,t Multnomah LodgoNo. 1,
which uu tln'v nppii'inut'il mitl i -yi-tl 1 he
if. i-'ts fur tl.iv mnl rvriiin;; rtinniinlt-il In SilllO.
'Hi's ::o -,r!y I. a" h en in ,'anieil Ihi'. e iiimilhs
,i '.lial I lias lca!i".i lie' :-n ii i "f . I."'",
win. Iih t I" hi il ol', .IV."i t.t Hie ."a,.iia;y ami S.' i In luni.'h ii.tiliiu: lril
.litTs. Ail' i;i'lln", Clark i in is cuincy has If is. II
lu l.r j.r.tii.1 ul her ptiMliuti us s t-.ititl un t.t'' est in . ,
... ; 1 1-'. .' I.h.'iaiity In waul our i-oiiiilry' si. k ai;.l '
ttUllllilit! l-.lll.eiS. .Ml nil" iiiiii; r. ...
miit i.t. ni tilti liy I! " fueii'iy, can npp ) in .uis. j liiu tljl. ,',.rj. ,, firCiiit t-ourt tor Hit?
Wlnll. ck ul .Mi". I'r. I'.irll.t. j l.,,llltv v( Yamhill ami -Statu of Ureua, in lic
it,.,, I ciil.lalicu Willi u ueeit'O l iuu-i:i"i u uii'(;""
ni.uii Un- In if.ea.ler ocsci'iin'ii tifiiiis.t.
n . , tv a. .M-, l.'ihls iisstalctl co iiiiuca-
t Vi.uiik in Masitn e Hall, on llm fsalarthiy
,l,i.; Ike l'u:i .Moua ia each month.
r.ri ihicii in Li'i'tl -nii'lint' "re nivilcil In .illfinl)
i). r. i in).Mi'.su., w. m.
'I'.ir.i. WHitsr, Scc'y.
f ;i" Tin- next regular iiH't'lin,! "ill he Ir'1.1 oa
haiinilay i i n im, I 'tc. '..'T.
Mibnirrs sai.i:.
f pi I li season of the 1'ai.l nail Wintkr Irailu
.1. apiroiiehiii;, puriloa us in irwiitiiiif to yuu
niir canl. We Imve now tho cliuivvat, most varieil
mnl uiot nxtoiisws slock of (iouds ever oU'ercd lo
the peuplti of Clackamas county.
We lire rect-iving, hy every slfiuiiii-r, nihlilioas
lo our slock, from San Krancisoo, ami ihoso who
w ill take the Ironhle to cull, can satisfy llieinseUes
lliat they can do hcltc-r wild us than they can do
'')' H"'"',' lo l ortliiliil.
TTAVIN'i 'iiit the incrcantiie l)Usinei", 1 atn
.1 L now fiigagetl in
J'uyiiig Apples for Sliipincnt.
Thorn! Imviiifjiipplfs to sell, would do well to
To nil those indclrted to us, I lake occasion lo
niiy, Cull and i.clllc up,
w.m. iJiKunoitrr.
Oregon Cily, Oct. 53,1, ISOii.
Channan, Warner &. Co.,
WIIOI.KS.U.I! d. It KTA 1 1.
Oi-ulem ill Iry (tioodo,
Clothing, Hardware, Crockery. Gliwwttre,
Booth, Stive. J'uint, Od-i, lc,
luthm'r fire-proof ISrick Main utikf.t
...F. Channan, liaviiifr uailctl lliu...
to the wtuhlishnieiil of Chaiman &. Warner, lliu
linn will now carry oa hiisiacwi in all llio uh.ive
iiicntiont'tl hranclieii, in thin cily, Imp iiK hy strict
munition tohusineiM to meril the coiitinutd fmor
of llieir old patrmin, and a many new ones as
choose to come forward. No pains w it be spared
lo give satisfaction lo all our customers.
Wolf & 'Ellis,
-ni'Al.F.ris in
CI. .tiling Dry (Imnh, J.uois and
SllOCR, FlUTliHllillJ,' Gootlrf,
(Jrocericfs, etc., tfec,
1) KSPKCTFI'I.LY iinil" allcnlion to their
t Fall au.l Winter rtuck of tlm alwve nrlicles,
which, fur variety, elegance, nnd clicopnese, ia
iiiif'iiu!t!il hy any in this cily.
Their aswirliiiriil isT Dry (Jowls einhraecs e,
orylhing nect'srary for, tnUw, ami ohildren
such us
Dry Good!, Cloak, Furs, Silks,
Embroideries, Hosiery,
Hoop-Skirts, ifcc,
.-ill of the latest and neat.-st k!)Ic. A spUudid
variety of all kinds of
zE'Jivn-n'ooL knit goods,
. . . n t lit I l!t,.,i..1. .miirlitlteS
a lari'e supply -i- i, o-. m-i i - .
,l,t ..tinOT. tl inncl .-, Salcin-iiiade fronds, labia linen,
blankets, e..m,t.'ri.Ps, UihcIh, carpeu, o,-ui..,
niuttinfl, damask, .V.c, & c, besides a fu II assurt-ini-nt
of ladies', miW, mid childr. n (.ougres,
(Jaitori', llahmirul .Shoes, slippers, &.C.
, ... ... i -I-.. rti.rt
roe was ifiiii'. ret in inc wcttiii't tun. it...-
r.iiiiii-iiM rAi.rv.--Cn I nlay ev.n n
llllh, Vr A'ct k (Jay givi' a m-h-t-l p-nlyto
l.ngf miaihei of his fi i u.i.'-. (ife.itti s.. ilancii ' ( 'tn-mi Cttiii I lur said eonnly ill f..vr of li. T.
was,,,,: 1.1.1 l H,c!...'k sup;,-runs re- W..!,!,,,nie an! oguiiiM (J. C. IMmlsoii fir the
. . , ... ... ... , ' Mini in i - i.t'u a i, 'i t,i'' i"-..- - ,
iii.iM .ii.i .lill, l 'H Mia sin i, unit ... nt, . - ..
e -a ill it i;.-l i:c an-.l i.l .M.ltou Diuwn's ll -t'-l
' Win.', win. !i ii..i!.e;h gl.i-1 the heart "f mall,
,.'.,I. ,'tl iil.d tn ii i.'.t .1 us lu'hllv " tllP eves thut
I CICl tuleil III pni.l.C lllli'll.. U lutllt- mum i.
I lur c.i"h in i.:i,,l wnllto '."III day of January 1M,:I
:iit 't'lu, k, r. i. "f k i d day on ltn- picunsfs li: links Ninlil west li'.lll Lafayette the ini in . di done hail ..I t!ic lo.l.iwiii'.' le'scrmiti
n ale Int.- to l,e.,i;: li part uf Sees III Ac 1 1
in T. J S , li. -I W. ol llm U il'.innelte .Meridian
mnl h as f,.!u-.vs: I'., giaain ; al the S. W.
coimri.l thcN W orSec 10 in llio Tuwush p
! iiluiesaitl, Ihtlteo W '.'U chs., thence -''ens.,
. ...... .. . V i.l It. . .1......... I-. O'J
- i titence I-. ! i clis., iiicneo .t i'.i iss.,
Ki iniMi in a niK as. l.'.-cm-.l o: liie , t.1H t ,! ,j lUu,t tln-nce h a ileg. ! I cu.,miu
U.h.s' I'liion Ncwicg ,'sts-iety ten ilul.ios . l.nks., lln ncr I. I , t lis., anil X'j liiihs, oicinc
liuittl, t- piiifhn Sol.lnrs', I mei". , . ;b , , ud lil links, tin lice men","110
and 'I'hi' llunnt-r. ful eii'iips and lio-P'Inl'- Al". ' s -.'tl chs., Ihtiico W 111 chs, tin ncc N 10 chs.,
I liiu tluK.os f, II, u Juvenile I moil ilit-nt'c V '.'() chs., tlii-in',' rs I 'I clis., to!
r . ., .... I ..' .ii. , ill, ..n.s mure ttr
, W ,1." CI''', V I'.I ll't ll Hie ,,(' ,M. I ,1 l,t 111 II . ll. CUII lill ll I 1 1 I .'" - t '' "
.,! ...II lilt' tl"..!.!. un
I, .1, ;. ii,'-." w a" lit. tl'-i'il I
u. ttt iii. nn 'i s. 'y p1
Ike f ., I
iti.ii.v ii "long Lie ami :
Mr. Uiiy. .Ml liamls
tsr.l, itu.l w.fli..l Ihe ;iver ul
u litiiti.and ais. uad that :
1 li,-V iiunht ailciul 1 it fit. li aiiull.t r p u.) on c.u
ict'iiiriiig li.t Ill-day-
(J. I I . A 1 1 IVSUN,
St. . un.l I'r. . Ir. Sueitty.
Ti 1 1' .urn. 'I hose iCuw-i mil Mei.iiywii.,
. . t .
hair i ..t p .1 ! lln tr unis i.p-n'-i i l,l, i '"
T. ;, v .. l,'. i u!t tpl , i ail tin Ml I,., lll.' Ill '.he
,p ,.( Ch . ii, Winner A C.,., h re the
.!.- haw I, en I' fl In Mr- S'iu,i'.
CutM.t n lltsi...- 1'. A Co' Inn .1 I U.e
h .i w;l!i all Ihe iin;.r.. fluents anil apptirieiiaa,.. s
iht'ieunlu liikiugitig eoiisi.-'.iii ol'sa-.v mill, dwell
ing h.ias, ulher o il haild.ncs; said picmisi'S
ln, siiu.,1. d in ixuntv uf Yamhill and elate
! .fuit-.ud and will he tol l to satisfy said exeea
I liuu ni.d t c. lswitli int. rest and iiccin ing cu-Us.
I Mit ii.Vut Yionhill euiin'.y ga-
Luay. r.e, Dec '.'id, Hi-'-
Il.ikftv n . ! Celi'rel on IV tl.i!.!i-lie.'l " ' f niliS is to l-.ll,..l ml P'T'",,s i,.,i,;
I in iiiv wile .lleloiil.t Ml-ien. "r i.iui .j
. .1 1 .'' .i.l
..hi. .1- i- iii 1 1- ti nil (i " ii nt
Ann Austen, as lh. V have left my home willemt
i-iin-c or, "".I ' " I'1) " """" .-..iitraelill-. .lOSl'.l'H At
Cliiekainas County, l'ee. '.Mil, lwl''-
1". and Amelia
il. Ins
t M. os. Win mil J.'hii L. l.irl. w, wi.u
. i . I.ntii,. . al Ihe s on.- si. m I.
lur' l.a l-.w and J. .M. I'"ii will a.w.i; ne "m
hall I to t. iti! on eiisltilll 1.
Li it; I'm its This week we receive I a M of
, . , ... t i t....
rv f illte Last, tlnle.l ill .tj,:,, i" .'
st. .vnme of tht ni ri laned lull aceunuls t.f
llir I. itlle of Slol'.h.
l.s.,M, The ineiiiVrst.f .Miiilnom.ili l.,!g
N'u I ale rcim sted I" I
. i
,t II t.'t at. k, wlieli llie in W ) tl
If il.stillll I-
- . . . ; i.t ii.,i'ek.:trV It 1 ft I
Ctuaii,,'- Ai,i.iii.s-.-.e,.r Mii.Ui l",'-',,,M ' " ,,'.., it w.isurdere.l bv
r .1 . I ' l ll "' ' ' " . . ' . - . .1 1
l.,s iiiuinline ills In ll,e pur 'lis "I in" , .... , i il,.,i I in in l ol Ion nl mm aro, nu.i
I.. ... ,. , il in a call on New Vein's nmru- ,, , . in!, r. slctl ia Irs estate, lie rcptiicd
." r - .
Ar0ir 01'EMNG AT
Danncnbaum di Aclicrman's,
...consisting of...
D r y - Goods,
the newest styles of
St'CIl .13
Fancy Poplins, Bareges, Deludes,
fnrtire.l delain. nil and half wool I' rench meruit,
French lawns, brilliniitiiics. (ijrurt-il and plain
Marseilles, Sw isa and jaconet inuslin, a Urt-e as
sorlmeut of I'ria. li and American calicos, brown
hnens, bleached and unbleached muslin,
Silk r.onnets Cloaks, Shawls,
itiul Silk Mantels, and a large
avsoi'tineiit of straw goods,
ciiiliroideries, col
lars, sleeves, itc.
A Large Atsortmcnt of
Ladies' and cliildren's Shoes,
Gloves, kid and calf Gaiters,
Ladies1 head dresses
i'' corsets, etc. ' v
l o t- f
Gents' ruinishing Goods,
Hoots and Shoes,
Hats and Caps,
Notice-Settle Up!
1 I.t. Ilinan owillir ClIARMAN it W.VIl.VKR
i !'. Ciiakmas, will please come forward ami
inako scttliiinent of llieir indebtiiliieHS, willmiit
delay, so lliat you cun all commoner! dealings with
llio new linn of
Charman, Warner & Co.
All nor debtors will see llio necessity of attend-
in" to this call immediately.
Oregon City, Aug. 21,
Yeast Powders.
swt-et and nutritious
. JJsJ
Kqually adapted to
J! UCK I VI! E A T and olhrr aikct,
UlNUKKIiRRAU, and cakes of all kinds.
VOI,K &. KLI.I3 solicit pailnular HttoHlmii
lo their
a- a e rev :o.s: :ff Jtv i3-
departmcut, which is Mocked ilh lliu best
ever brought lo Ibis cily. yllways to be had, su
perior bushier casiiin te suit', Jiuurantecd custom
made, mid warrauled lo fit npi:.! to any urn- e t
order. Kxlra qnulily beuver husitiess coats,
vnr Trock and sack overcoats, Hiipenor black clolli
frotk coals, nml doeskin pants of ilegant Wyw
and make. The choiceBt variety of all kiuda r
Coats, Pants, Vests, Overcoats,
Kaglans, etc., .
for men and b.,ys, nil of the most fashionable out,
nnd well made.
They keep constantly on hand every -Wiptiou of
Gents' rurnishing Goods,
White I.. U. shirls, Shaker, and silk undcrsh.iU
and drawers, fancy ovorshirts, susK!nilers. ho
siery, skives, nock-tici, Vc , hals, caps, ealf boils
and shoes, gum boots, tc.
Genuine Jiadicrt's Qmltrd-bijlloia BU.
lYrs.,118 at a distance ord. iing through us, will
find llieir wants su ed with the smno promptly
LIGHT aaJ advautai-e us if personally prescm-
A full supply of all kinds of
Groceries, Provisions and Miners'
Warranted fully equal to any in
the market !
Ask for
and take no other, if you would have uniformly
Manufactured and sold at wholesale by
-1(1!) and 4 1 1 Clay street, Sun i-'runcisco.
St.jet.f OieRon. I In (.'utility Cmul.
Cliirkaiinis I'utnily.
In Ihe inatlir of llm I : .!;( of Thos. f.. Kooik, all
lns.ine Person
... . 1.- .
I TIHV on tins Uoy eame aiciioii n.t .
I,. IL.ll lliis niotnin.' i 1 ,1 an nf llm wai.l iili.nsaitl, nml uieu ins pi-
, led i.tlit ers w ill
1 1... 1 1. uu ii. u.a 11 1 10
l.linii ns r.ipi re.i ii)- law 1 ."-
leal eslat.i'ui lo his said waul 111 I Im'Ku
Hinseonuiv; and it i.peiiiii' from sa d petition
I In-lit lieial 10 saio mini
r:-.' , stunid il 'It ( of llm SlnterinaiO,
who mil h'eed them I III" ,lom'racy ihnisli
in, nu.i Ile a sell lli'i". 1 "" """""
fur lifiv tloll.irs, ami luhn an inner .u ...
'.. i. m I..,. .1 I, .11, I.T '
r,H.isotl lliu 1.1 si r tun..! ..-
I'-""' . " 1....I
UttHou ever ' heem Ml nun - eiin i ...
' ' . ... nai.. 1 V.... .
lis, n iiecepleil iie.uer iiiuue, i.u.) -
VNY ONE who professes to understand all
trades or sciences, assumes lo imp.e un ab
surdity upon Ihe public. On tho same principle,
nnv one medicine which professes tn curn nil dis
eases is unworthy the slinkiest confidence, and
should ut once bo denounced as a quack nostrum.
Gra'fenl)Ci'g Family Medicines
do not nsnunio to cure all diseases with ono rem
id They have eleven different medicines, each
ad-iplcd to'its peculiar disease, and time lias prov
ed beyond a nuestinn the efficacy nnd certainty of
these preparations. Their list rump rises ihe fol
lowing medicines:
Grirfcnlerij Vegetable, nils;
Marshall's Uterine Cutholieon;
Gnrfcuberg Sursaparilla;
Gnrt'enliersf Pile Jxemedii;
Urtrfcnherg Dysentery Syrup;
Green Mountain Ointment;
I Gnrfenber'i Children's runacea;
Grtrfcuherg Consumptive s Uuhn;
Grofeuberg Eye Lotion;
Gnrfchbcnj Fi ver and A'jne Remedy;
Gru-friilwry Hi tilth itier.i;
Gru fenbag Mutual of lLullh.
Have opcuc 1
A New Trade,
to everybody a dhaiice. Tin y aro psyi.ig
Cash or Goods for Produco,
and will always pay Ihe holiest m ullet pi--
A full supply "f
kept a.vy, on hand. '!IS. Main street, Oregou Cily.
Xeecr Debilitates.
h iscomlwundea entirely from (.UMS.nijdhat
U-como nn established fact, a standard,
ls !1()W resorted lo with confidence in nil Hi" cl-ea-rs
for which il is recommended.
yonr juu"iei k -ou
ill the use of 111
.1-... .1. 1.' .... 1 i.i-i. itiieq .
rr WHO 1111 pilfSOil llirimnn iiin'.'. sinlrtmaii.
Hint ninco r.nik' nml Kirl.y Smith left s ,i,e r.loir.1 '" l,o s ,1 Ik-iniu
Kentucky c.rr,iK several.
ettt, twenty .no. ; - ' J;;-'; '.,. (IilH. al
Itor.tLH nttil neorly ns many cnltlo uu o irlmrt" of the s.,iem train of oilier pLimler, tlu'te M'n
iiiekiiins who Imvc liein friulitnii'il nt the
" abolition" lnilH-ar, row hI"1' H"'1 11,0
rcWlHnroti'ntinK'tiwor thi.n tlm
lionintiiiliiro to In-
d to
.1 . .. ..I I ll.'k I II IS
Hi pear le..rit inn .-.iiitti) -
,.,,'uuy on the Iii st Monday iu January, IM..I, I"
show ennse why a heeiis.' sheaM not he granted
Ittr the sale ol such. .stiile. AIM uwn. ......
1 tnderid hv the com I llmt a copy of this order lie
.tuldahcd'lliico successive wn'ks ill lln) Owm
. . ..I.I.J....I .....I .-ll.-ll lltl'tl 111
.lljrils, 11'.-. .in. i.s. i
' sii.d t'la. kmii is enuiiiy.
fKniMrs I li i:i.a r, tuuiuy ju.ik".
Slate of Oie.-on, )
(lat k.'iiniis County.
I. Jinn, s Wiusl.ui, Coililly Clerk ol said oouti
IV eert.fy Ihe I'uri-Ri'iliX to be n correct copy of
tin, order insnal iniitter, eiitertd at llm December
lerni, IMi-i.of said couil, us the miiia remains id
ti cord in my ullieo. .
lines, my hand and tho eul ''" c0,,r,
,. . Iho llllh day id Hceenilu r, inn.,
Jamks WiNsrox, ( krU.
. e u .......... I It lit. I ll Wtl
Si.ili.sniaii claims 01 i-um . v ,
, ,r,y lo see that In r salutiitory nhovi, shmis lwf ,tllvl fur (
cuclustvrly llmt lh" flilr-i" "'" '"',;,'r
ll " Hush ir 'ol' ' "
o- Altlion-h wo lmil Hi'itto rain within
i . .a it. inn IlUt lll't'll Mllll
Iii tho Ciieuit Ciiuil of the Stale f Oren for
Ike conn')' of (
James Sherley, I'la alill,
T.,a ll,,, - ll is ...el Un.l mi" '')' ll'" l"t 0 "wM 11 m7 1 Wm -1- l!r,wu and .l.laline llrown. D. f-adanla
, V A .'.Ti . hi- '-'M'- l'ie.,ttolu'. I.thlM.pierV.lli..nettc...Koo l y ,i:,HVS, Deleudaut : '.a. -o
(,.,pkay.AKe..ti..M.Ii.u I" 'i- ' "'l ' ' ( vvn.J piul Ki'liff, L hereby noiiliod ihnt in pursuance of un or-
rl, preeiate the eurrenl paper ni' ''"" " l.oat.l. tml.T. Ill- ' ' L , ,,,,, , I ehamhers, oil tho
I., that " lem.1 tentlei." me nut tnUn on the ot wi, lstl)mlil.,'. I'V0 0.t'l..U'J to innkC ( f , )ri. ,. r, , ,y llm ..n. I'.ras-
V......H ..,,,, l mil di,euunt trhihm. ,. ,h.wm W11H lllinblo to i. sliatlu. k, .lu.l.;.. ofsiiul ennrl, '"'
Vfl.ii.,H Uf,trr,iliiint'il .'"""" " .. rini., i.... ti, Omvnnl
uf Iii- 1-11 vi.,1. Ihere. a - Ic.imuu. .l,.,,,,.,',, ,r. Tlm lii'lu-r Oil
- h ... , .. t. .. 1 hlilmvn .Ml
Ihe lltT 1.11 trip Hfllll oaieiii, .....
L.r i'.i) offrei-ht. Shu Mill go u-
Jhiriiif lino
Mlltler'' liellilf prrseliliil Willi
i.l I.I..I....I .inline, I llm pietures
I. .1.111 ,,,r...... -- . ,
,,,.., f,ls,ut ii ininule.",.li hea l
l then iiiditllianlly evehiimed,
"ITIW kutlni rhulnmin I" TI.-Ak.I
rrllirued Willi 11 hill disfll-l.
imjt Mr. Iivoiih linn iiroiinieil n resi'lii-
lion lu tho Uii'linionil Vtmem onVrinn n
nprain on Mon.hiy muruinp:
Iionnty of t'10 to wry '
o wlio kilNn
Union nUr. Tho J.-IT Pavin ")'
who nro ahockeil nt tho l.ln f H o
Krociliy tho Uovorninei.l will not l''u
nny ovnr Lyoini propoHitioii.
Istiuvm. Tat Kkvkn. k-A Wash-
liU-lon cor.'cspou.l. ntorthi.N. V. Tril.un.i
unynitlri ..Ir.' cviiient that tho rn.inei'.H
of tho tit x Inw inuUri'sliniuiuii im
nf revemm Unit WOllhl mrillil ! ll' l"v'
er ut from it. htUm of l.'in n hun-
nftv tuilliutift. ntt lit lir.'it sii"fcl,
IL In likely to brlnir io Itiimlrcd mnl fiHy
iu.t nt 11
Hill I.CnHI'IAIII"-'
The c.lilor f lh"
'.. . ..Il l .11 f . I. ..'til lli'iltll! t ll Ll
plainlill has llleil ins nin in - -
,.. mimed .h'feu.laiil., and eh.ii.H to nwa and
, .i.i ; nml inmtL'nL'O uuiile ami ileliv.
ciftl hv von nml yon hue wilo vtdahu Urmvn lo
! ttl tinlill' .liiiins .s., rl. v -sanl imle eveeuien n)
11 .. . e.. . .1 r n..i..iIiit. lH.V.i. and sanl
i von on ine ins. ...... -. - . ,
i : u...r.. llm inivii t ill said note ex
! rculeti ',v oa ami vmir lute wife .'t.laliae Urown,
It Mil .1 ll,.. HI.,, I
.cheMonll "t ....y o. .v;ve ' .. ....
X:c., ic., fcc.
TuRcllier with tho
Largest and best selected stock of
...SUCH AS...
... r... .' clolli coats : tents' fine
i.eiits iii'.- - .
ilk mixetl, unil Harrison s casimcrc ..a...., -
.Vfid style vf
15USINKSS bUl, ,
Jiotjs Clothing,
'Atra line heavy Mack doeskin
iMitt-t. Davis and Jones shirts,
with and without collars, etc.
C-?;- i;.',..,nhe. the store of PAN S EN 11 XV M
ACliKllMAN, whore you will had the latest
Ever brought to this place,
un it." ""' '.'v , , ,,
e , i i,.., I un, ii at Iv l iree dollars
,. ( Salem is URnin r..mda!nii,,' of Ihe do- ! , v.(hl, ,., , inlenst nt . hvu per cent.
" . , i,. -l'i. hrst remetlv fr ,.. ,.'. Imiii datm un part of which said imle
riiiilfcmeni" m - - I , , , , .,,. ,.. tuhrnn nt nun
I. derancement." is, W keep away from In, he' H l",,, ,,,,,,, ,1
Ihn Yiimhill KiiMirvaiinn, mm r
,1 H...f(ViipUy ' mche s. wi.ici. amine,,
Jv, rtl.e,l In hi-columns. Ilawill prolu.hly lind
i. .... .1 ... ,-i a
ihein Hot s" severe as .lie neeii,
j,iT s'i'1'1' Ml,ll,,n' WflB "1
Into four yonri nKo to roiwlrm-t u wngon
i. .. ... il,.. Mi.i.iiint i ae. in wu:'i
will. Inlere.tul eleven pen t per annum from
, Irs, day of November. IH5H, h,cll preim-e-
,.,aedrein (,.ek',..,s cunly. reKoi.
, . i ... ... ,.. i...... I.. - It III liiwnslnii I, runo 1
west hall' of .ec.ion III , hmilided oil the en"t
hvllieelain.ol' Ihel.eir- o' " ' . 'en I.v CO ll.vnlou'selaiiil, west by I a
" " . ... ' . .. - .. i.t. ..ii
. .. . ... Mil.. ... . Incii ier nn un
' , ,.r i!, I '.i. I sun , Inn hi ") ,, i,.
. ..... t . f t f it I , lit H .1 C.n.i. ."v s , ,, .nnnr ,.t'l-N iii.-,ui
roilil 110111 un- in. ,e leiiem ins t - ' ,,; ,t , , ,. unless
.. . ., . st: I l,.,a l i. shei he i .,. And veil me linlher nolih. d Ih il ' "
lllllllilll 10 l ' . ' " ' ,,lir i (U circuit eoin l of Ihe Stale o.
romli liml t NVnshin,.,, to r,',. ,,,y of
It., ki.vs. I,., has nui.lo n lino "" " " , day n
hniHi II will tnm mil nn Improvement
,i .miitll,-y roiul' will, n 'tenniu.H i
i'pper Aatoriii,' mnl rumiM-K Jm llltri
into tho lirusli - u mil Bi-ctmi nnMil'.
.. . ..' iHr, i(l...iii'filit,,hitd Monday
" ' . v ' . ,. ...' 1..1..1
... ..i.l ,il.l. mnl iniswer Hie "' '""i "
" ' .' , ,t .. ill l. taken for coulessei,
h::rr: r ; ; : , ;;.nf win i.e .... .y .
it- ,:i(.uv:,l A.,'y far l'lanil.ll.
It has cured thous
ands withiu tho last
two vears who had
L'ivtn up all Impel, of
relief, as the numer
ous unsolicited certif
icates ia my possess
iun show.
The dose must lo
adapted lo Ihe tem
perament i f 'he indi
vidual lakin? it, and
used ill such quanti
and il will cure Liver
complaint, billknw at
tacks, dyspepsia,
chronic diarrhnxi,
summer complaints,
djsciilcry, dropsy,
sour stomach, habit
ual cosliri Iie,chiihc,
cholera, cholera mor
bus, cholera infant
uin, lltttuleucy, jaun
dice, female weakness
ml may bo used sue-
ll will
For sale by all DrnegisW ihrou-hout the State, used in ucii quauu- y
C.k.nkiiai. Aokxts: lies as lo act e;eutly
KKDINCTOX t CO., Wholesale Priii'sis, on the bowels. m .
... . .... o.... ..' I .. ,1... it.,.!:.!.' Ol M
-1 m annua iron. .... - - i i.-.rmdv medicine.
l cercmiiv of"" - -w , . ,-f,. ;
. . s...,n tintriMr I . . . i t.. il.,...J..ailt Mil liHtlfV) III
and how few .re free from ,h. nunurou, ai.menl. taken ml:Svo!:, "
... :.. .... ....ti. iih lite lnvmoralor.
., 11..1. ...I aiit wilier ... nt.-- ..."
arising iroiii an iiii(.uio .i s...... .
r-5 Z ' J-S
o 3
warned ill
purify your ;C'f!
. -s (J
restore your
tikini; Sco
und Liver
but blood
known, as
out crtili
markable cun-,
time, and
blood, ami
health, by
vill's Illood
and swallow both toother.
OTriee, !?1 per buttle.
- 2
' C 3 o Son
c a S- s n
r1 . s. n
?-'-5 S-5'3 ji
Pure Yigetabk Eftraet.t,
Put in class cases, air lyhl, ol will keep in any
Syrup-lhe ci,te. ....
Tlm r ainuy anionic i i s, - 7. .
purifier caii,Br,icp which the propricMr has used m In
practice more man many .-.
The constantly increasms deunnd ftom ll
who have loUR used .he 1'HU, "'t 'lie torn
nut- m pti'ti' i'
the nuiner-
catesofre-1 which all express in
reii'.ird to llieir Use.
ill the liuntb ,:u, induced me to
place lluni witmn me
Uf the proprietors, mnp.cstionably prove. KL.J- rei,;; , o am
,NGTON V CO., Wholesale Agents, -t.C and Xtaef on ? iHirlious of the
418 Front street, San Francisco. "'' . Lniwe's.
ti.. r.i.iiv fa-
GUARDIANS SALE. . . ,., with
well cstaiiiuncu inui.
been compomiled
from a variety of the
purest vegetable ex
tracts, which act it on every part of
the alimentary canal,
and are 1,'ood and saf
in all rases where a
Cittlmrl'o is needed,
such adernneement
V V HIT UK ot a license issued by llio conn- of (hc ,.0,.IC,, ,,.ep-uoss, puins in the ba-a ano
aim iviipiiv'-w
whicli freqti'-iilly.
J tycuurtof Yttiiihill couiily, Slate of Or-PRoii, ,oi)ll4 C(Vtivenfitf, and
. .. 1 mil'). In lliti linder1''IK,l, I 1 . , i. c. ....I.Un nnM.
...lardianof the minor l.eirs of Jok-.Ii Cilhre lh, ,,,.,., a, end In lonj course f fever, loss ..r
dee'd, I shall dlr for sale a, public auction on the . ...i,,,,, f cld over a
premises on unr,Uy the llllh day of January, p,rm.M, hi-udaehe, or W"C''. .
ISia. Iwtwccn llie heirs of 1U o'clock a.m. and 4 ' .. in.,llimi,torty disvns. wornw iu cl I-
which will bo sold
1 1 :..
Lower than can do nnreitase., ...
Port land 1 1
All who wish to see moderate prices, please call
mid examine our slock.
liiulelul for past luvors, we ...
merit ncoiiliniiu'iee ol the wmw. ....... . N
1) A NN I'..' " -M' 'V "
Orej,'on t'ily, April 12,
Dr. AV111. Hall'H llalsam for
the lungs has no e.inal tw a
luiiLC niedieine, and is especi
ally adai.ted to tlie oonstitu
tiom ot females and those
suffering from consumption
or nny lung complaint. (Jive
Sm FitanciHt),
IMsl, IKllwcc. n, i...-... ..
o'clock r.M , all H' ""l "'lale DeionpiiB .0 ."
1.. ... ,l....t,lie.l asliiiinws. ii ,
T 'IS 11. I W.of the Willamette Meridian, ml
Yamhill county, ami noun.ieu as -North
by the la""! ck.ini of A. P.
rat ,... ,.,
Soulli " " " " 'V.' '
West " ' JU' "rutul' "
tniulni! 137 23-MO acres
Terms of sale, cast.... nauu. .
December 5, lt-Hawllpd
l'tire Kxtraets for Flavoring.
dren -r adulu, rl.eumalisin, a ttrea 1 ir.hf r rf l
blo.l. and many dmas .10 wncn 1 es,. ,. -.
nnmeron, to mei.lii 1 Hi- adverl,me..U-
The Liver' In. i'corator anil -'
Villa nro sold by lii.;irei'-'.v , V-i
ItliOlMi I"-' I tj.,
Sof .I'O'ii"1 f""" I'0 ,'"'il'"' co""',
4 ll! A IlS From ' sn l''',","r-
Slnlo of Hiesoii, (,,
l-oiintyol lumiioi,
.j.tnto uf P. I'- ""'" d'cJ'
1 T th.daycu,eM.II. Hendriek. nJium;
A tram" of Ihe estate of D .11. 1-1-",, drr d
,,d n ku, alV.davi, Bled ''.rt
HITTER ALMOND, hit. mm rf (k. , , ,, o. I
rpilKSF. exlrac,. ,
' I ""V . . r .1.. .I..I ,. oils uste and much '"""J "" . : , 1 hi reiiiwn ll M order-
mt - ZMv .W ..-
I Lkfi,, the kin... prepared by
many kin I- prepared hy ,M. as he , are i y
kind, ill in,..kel,H.esi.W bu 1 lit. 'f . ' l"'
t,,l,lior. r;.;o,
41li and US Front si., Hun Francisco.
I'nfsaid e.llit,,d',.ecli,i!..ll I"'""'" '
eslcl lo api-ear b, fore sai.I couri ni '""
house In iVifnyelte l H.- 'T 'j'r'r.TJr. Ii S
.howc ewhy n ZV:
nut ndiiiinislralot ' sen u.i"-. .
! ric',l.ssl.allbore,1uisi,.t.,.aya
SIOOO To Loan.".'"l tmeJv'
f the above order be published ill lh "ieIon
Ar:!ns for four Uto.
Lafayette, UvC 'J, I -O'-'w
luilliom into tlio'lrctutiiy.