risive battle vviil lie fomtht to-iliiv unless t!i' rebels should bring on mi engagement which is not prohahlo. Washington, 1 1 Gentlemen in high po.-itio:i repeat tlie assertion ns coming from l'nrr.side, that lio has men enough niul wants no reinforcements. H is thou here that nknit -10,000 of our troops were c:i-v s-.r-'il in yesterday's battle. From in formation received this morning, prcpnr.i !;oi:s were making sill mght for n ronllu't today, linnisiilo remaining on tho 11 K 1 giving o:-.Kts ami looking after the condi tio:i of his men. Additional surgeons. everything which our wonmleil may require hive li.vn dispatched from Washington. d,n. Mea-her was wonmleil in tho leg, in vc-!cr,hiv kittle. New V.uk, 1 1. The Herald's Froiler bk-burg dispatch' dated tho Pith, savs il is ::s ci'taincd, beyond douht, that the roll ei toi.'o n !v 'JOO.000 strong, .lack .:! fo::.:r:n:! their right, eMeiuhy from Pert Ib'va! to (Ihmis Station. I.ongstreel hi.s the centre, Iron (linn's Station to t'c '1M r.:p!i ro ul. I .cc and Stuart arc on the h it. A dispatch from headiuartcrs, last night to t!ie Herald, savs that Uen. Franklin's l.ue moved forward at sunrise. Shortly afterwards a rebel b;Uterv opened on our lino, and thof'th N. V. militia were order ed to charge; luit, after a fierce simple w. re ooimv.i al to retire. I lie remain vcr of that brigade, un.hr ("ion. Tyler, then charged o:i the 1'atterv, and the' light be came general. On the extreme Kit the cuii:ie:'.i'.dir.g was terrific, lmt cur troi suffered little Irom it. Gradually the light extended round to the riht. About 10 o'clock lieu. Sumner's troops engaged the enemy back of the city. The battle raged !;:ious!y until datK; the enmy occupying t'.e woods and hi.i bad tae most ml van t'leous portion, but v. ere driven back on their r'g'tt a mile nnd a half. I'.irlv in th day, several huulred prisoners vv re taken, who report Lees whole nr.nv i:i tlie viciu ty. New York, IV e. loth. Concerning S..:;i;! iys li,'ht, the Herald lias the fol lowing: Tiie battle rage 1 fiercely through out tiie il ay and evening until dark. The ii,'htl:.g in our immediate front, and on the rigl.t and beyond Fredericksburg, was car r ed o:i 1 y Suuiif-r's division. Shortly af ter 0 o'clock, Grn. Couch's corps moved i ,-:r ii. j itieiuy yvldi'd prorss with er p irt ot the city with a ;..e.im ::t o! skirnishers, I he ded gradually, but contused our stub'ioriuk.s.-: and for .-j.,:e t.itie Me rutin: or iun-K'':ry was in-cc.-.:.ii.t. At the ti.'i'.e this movement com i.i 'need, b.iitriiiS of the division stationed ou the bluffs aerois the r.'v. r, opened with .'ul!, to c ;-;er our a Ivunee. The rebel in fantry Ir.vin: fallen lurk t.) their Gsrt line of works, th-.lr batUri-s opctteJ with a an 1 rapid fire iij on our columns, u'nieh l.-c:i;!il thrui to a temporary halt. l' or sou.e i in: cur anii.e.y ou me nuius k'j-t 'to ;l.c (ia tic rr' il bait-.rics with e..V.'r.b'.. -u.v -s; n:.d t- nbc! bu'teric? i Tu A !M', op; 7-ite l'al:.i'ith, watf f-w" il :. -I. Paving ail this time the ivi, 1 artiil.rv was c. itir.lv devote 1 to to huiulle his troops, although personnlly they acted bravely. Two of the regiments were composed of new troops. Uicliinond papers nekiiovv ledge tho loss of 2 -Jo killed and wounded at, llartsville, Tennessee. At Vieksbnrg the rebel force is repre sented to be 7,000 men, a large number of them sick. (leu. (Irani is still at Oxford, and mi immediate ndvance is not expected. Philadelphia, Dec. l.Y The Press' Washington special dispatch states that (ien. Hanks had lauded ut Wintou Head, on the Chowan river, and formed a junc tion with the troops at Sull'.ilk. It is sup posed that he is advancing on Wcldon. Wen. Hanks has assumed the chief com mand of the troops under Uciis. Foster, Peck, Auger mid Kinoiy. A letter Ironi Fortress Monroe ou Sun day says that Plymouth, N. C, has been destroyed by lire, but by what division of the Federal army is not known. A scout ing party from Suffolk had some skirmish- mg on I riiluy nt Joiner s l-oiil iin.l cap tured two rebel captains with 15 privates. Newborn. N. C , Dee. 10. The free la bor movement which has been extensively but quietly organized in Kastern North Carolina, is now understood to lie pivparu KK.IU'.UAl, KOIU'FS UK CI50SS TllK P.APPAIlANNOCIv! Wusliington, Pee. 111. The following dispatch, dated Falmouth, 8:15 this morn ing, has been ju-t received: " Uaining fast ; the river is rising rapidly, mid nil our troops are on this side of the river, and tho pontoons up." Headquarters of the Army of the Poto inae Pec. ldtli, 1:110 v m - Puring last night the Army of the Potomac evacuated its positions ou I ho opposite side of the rlvir. The movement was a p-rdens one, but was conducted in saf ty The artillery was tin- first to cross the river. The last ol the infantry brought up the rear shortly after davlight. The enemy never discover- ! ed tho movement unt.l it was too late to a - un ..U hiivh iumv((ii tiiiut iiMln' tHMleiH Hiu ltod m wn Ull t"' - (.Vn. 'i i . OUUttOW CITY : ndilor. do us any damage. As soon us the hist ; S ATI' 15 DA V, DKCKMl'.Klt 2", ISC. J. man i;ot safely across the river, the pon- " 1 ' toon bridges were removed, cutting off; Tfco " Iiulcpcudencc" of Cznpkny's communication between the tdioivs. (liir ; Ulocklicad. wounded are all t.ife on this side of the. The Siai. limn look iMio vith the river. A heavy wind prevailed last liiu'ht, la--t drinoeratic n.lniini-lrnlioii aeeouipannil l.y conu.eral.le rain, wlueti assisted us in our movement to prevent the rebels from learning our intentions New York, Dec, It! -The Washington correspondent of the ( 'ommen A tvrr liiiT ot the loth says, il our army is crown ed with victory before Fr. del iekslninr, it and it Wli.il II dutv." torv to an organization of the liovernmeiit 1 "i.i inuir me iM...m.m-..i ... ., h.m of the State on ft local basis, so that North i successor to Secretary Suiilli, but should Carolina niav accept President Lincoln's nny mishap occur, it m - lead to a rrcci- . . i-.. .. ...... ... St. Ul. UMI l'l I V i mih i it i n it i .i.i il .ill policy of compensated emancipation Fortress Monroe, Dee. 1 1. Southern pa pers says that (leu. Foster's North Caro lina force is designed to CO operate with the Yankees at Su.Tolk against Richmond, ci ther by direct advance upon Petersburg, or by attempting to seize our railroad com munications at eldon. 11. a.lqiuirters Army of Potomac, Dec. 15 There was considerable firiliu voter- il.iv li. I . i'ii the advance of both armirs I'our.h ..;' . ' . . i r l ....... . :. iv ,, j Ji,un, , iius I un to move . seou. irom .11.11 u ei si.oi o against Franklin's forces, but did not. We had some skirmishing tics morning, with considerable artillery tiring. 1 he Clclhui to command. Already we have speculations and rumors on the Mibjrct, but like everything cl.-e, the war news is to decide. In the meanwhile, tilnio-t ev.ry one is ex.'ite.l w ith leveris'i impatierce. The Tribune has a special disp.iteli from Nashville, giving an account of the viola tion of a Hag of truce on the Murfre. hoi o of the I iirupiKe, y which fifty tight eg.iu were captured. weather to dav is clear and warm, and the roads are in very good condition. The po rtion of the armies remains nearly the ame. There is but little artillery tiring, tins afternoon, l.y cither party. I lie ene my, who are in plain view, ara engig. d in eiigthen.iig thcr lorts. About too pr s- . . . i ..... oners nave neni lau.ai suico our aru.i 're-si d the rivi r. W;bh:u-'..'n. Dec. 15. -On Wednesday ,!,,v.l nt l'.iit K.Hiil 7 I lie..'.'.', I C ., , , i ' , ...I-.' ..v lli,,, mi i !:-... Il 1- r, . .T.ik ill IVlTl' ITi'il Ill.l i'.iiii ivs that J c IT. Davis, in a speech there ou Friday, said that Tennessee n.nst be held at ail hazards, (leu. Polk nNo Iliad.' a speech, and said he expee'ed tlr i'it to be ih leated at the next battl", and tin n Nashville is to be assailed. There are al.out forty thou sand ri I.i Is between M u frei sburo and Nashville. FiMTcst, with tl i- e r.'.'ii''...ii's of c.nalry, I. ft Manchester on Thui -day hi -, for the purpi'M-of ero--l!ig tie' Cu'.i'" r! in I river below Nashville, to cut oil' the radload coinuiuiiieati.'i. li e 1 ii K, i.e.; ts i-it.'i ri:'.' r il c : i ! 1:1 lifter c swen I'd tin III 11 s nth. Siicdi '',;.'es;ui(. Il is iloiicd by this In make people think licit the Sfiittwwtiii is quite nil inde pendent journal, and that its lair ctliul to dr-io eonlidctiei' in the ( ciniu.nl are but currx iug out ihe p..li it iuuiigurul cd by "inking i-uc" with I 'uclcuiiiii's nd luini -tea! inn "when il -nerved Ironi its oilier :ind duly." Thai is abniit u ronl a-. could be t'. eel. 'i! fur ihi- lime ul' raiv-- 1 -i n-ibh .... . ' I T in ii' i-n'l a man in ( I'. oi.ii w hi. hii..u s i i,m ei thr hi-torv nf ibis lu.ill. r who dor. not I n. .w for wlcil nv .1 know licit ill.' X.'. in S'ttti-fiiittii llc rr li'.'k I I'.ll. Ilil'liOl'-. -preili "i ur" wilhlhr udiiiinisirnlinii nl'lluch auan, till l In tidiniui-tralioii chrked il li ii I'eN t'enlil thr public Icilt, nnd do Lain look I In- lilllr r.litor bv ll.r lu ck mid " -qiicr.'cd lie ien prr"ihlo .ml nt' him." 1 tilling the li iiildr w :ir in which ll.r ad-liiiui-ti'.ili.in 1. 1' liiirhaiian w:is cli'iug' d in ci iicily ing I Vic-hi". and carrv her mil il I.i ei.niptun -ch. uir lo I .rcr .-hivri v iipnn Kan-a-, the .V',i'e,vi,oi was our of Kuch aiian's nei-i i.ii-npiiiuis .u.-, and d.n. d n.'l d. ! n. 1 Poii:.:lo-. i vi .1 if it had brail r ch In wi-lt I... At Me f!i t . 'i;,i il : I : 1 1 :i l. in ."on, i , j -i'i , .A'...... . the (0 '',.'. s ,i ; id. nee i.f bis ' !n,l jii uliiici" 'Sc.'! MAIT. AN sV: !1" "cU lie was ;.iinding up in llu' 'Voiil licrol thr coiiM iitii.il. liicing tin' clminuuii's f lau.l. lie poked bis head I rrlnbliiigly ll little for- Wind -corked up b'c cyr-and Mpicnkr.l out. " wire t' imvc'i o's ictn- tint; jot- ,','," i mil lhcuilod; cd baik behind muiii on, in Iho crowd. (Nobody piii.l any ul Iclilioil In the bin, kbriid, nnd of cour r tbr "spceilic .Inly polirv" wu n't "rxccplc.l.") Thai was tbr great "ss.ic" ibcn and their made with riucbanan'.i ii.lmini li:it'."ii. when thr phlllbl'lil roM lcd the llchluf bu until liberty, laid in ruin by Fed. i id Lay ourls nnd by lirrbi.iii.l , I'aggol-., bowir knivc nnd bhl.lj'i on i in ihc Imnd i "I slne hiiiiliug outlaw -. Thr Ut'! mss of thr pnppv never pl'r-i lllc.l il . IT In II' in n clearer light ihnn it did ihni and there An " i's.mic" .' .' .' O, ycl "ire made in i -lie"- t!n een'ov, " W 1. arc nn iiiihy-eidcnl joiunnli I - i , who held r.u. huii.iii' eoiil while he cudgeled I ull;..'!.i . In death, and ,,ce us yniiVioioye, ul'lcr be gut buhl uf one lhro.il and choked ibr w in. I out nf il ire made un i --in ill. him t "" V" ' int' 'flirt, .,,') tl.ei.ioic, ire me 1.11 i'miA ywi'i ut 'uriuili'tt, hiiviu;' il right In uppu-c l.iiiculu's adinlni tralioii in every tl'.c t it in. d.c In erii-b the n bell irr unedit In lead I toil" ta- in. il in lal.ing i. -.' will. u!v policy ." Doll; I.i- t Hi Ml in en. i-u'l Ae a lit leader In liil.r t 'liinil ileini.ei :i! int." ibr camp ul I ira oil ' ! a I. i. nd I" I 'nil'. da 1 1 Thr I, How i-u'l win ihy In pi, 1. up and chew a quid ul li.b.ieen that I tuiigl.i . had ilium n aw :i v. Kmanccvikin Aiiuoa,,. JZTT i"' hi our b..mlf, T ' 8 "8 llio wiuf "'- ' nuti,iK for , Ty' hopo.Lnt t.,t, Anu n. (Uc ''J w '--?'- ,.-ol-I,,1I,t1o,, In mm.i, , their tools and ullicn du m 3 , D" '"''. NprukHlor tll0 1 ii -'l only MW,d .r..1.nl... .-t-sulla to tl.Q I s clnn.tioti of lll'l"'l"!, ,llY " It tliinU that tli0hr, , 1,1 ""m11" lmly YroJZ olatnations ..ad (., of illni,y 0f ll0 v , cral (icnerals, will i,mv ul,-,, ,.i.. . i...i: i... i. . . in ,,iu ri ii, r.iuir in oar i. ... r m. ' ii. 1 in ... 'Uln.i... which grumble alt!,,, j-rorluiiiutioii Lccouw they pretend to think it will ,e ,. P. rl mti-i -niri .' il down, One 1 vv,s v i::e. ."--..'Oil .fter t le whOii ;v.-.s d 'pl-n-cJ into Hue of battle nnd 1 fj.-.y to attack cud storm the V' r.. s. o:i tue n. .. . i . r.ciki piVd fr : llu. Tli , iioui tue '.v. rks a tcrribi-.' f.reof sir 11, grape 1 t.rj through their bleeding N-.'.wltl,. Hug this, they -'...ad.ly to within a s!.c:t dlitani' .' J. the i:i'r.:.eh:ue;.'s.' d :-; the rebel from the for. a r -ri' I,. iuM-i whue the r -1 1 1 : : 1 1 '.v .: l: -o:...ji -bed ri!;. r me l.,r,.e ir COii :U0 ! t f! irt im 1. r a i:vj.. . i . i , - i . i i .un i. ..... . i- i.i iv .i p.. i.. '..rr -mi in-i'ii m tinnier ::t hi. ,..i.u. .... .....i. mis. The firing was rapid, and continue,! ".'" ll'tter ,it tne 0ui -t.ii tint it pa till simd.iwn, when the battery was .-ih-nced. 1,1 lirt' '" ''' 1,1 The next ino.-iiing tlie gunboats again open ed ou tlie batu rics, !n;t received no re- ponse. Our lo.-s was '2 kill-d and il wound, d. New York, Dec. ItV The j apers tin's inorii:ng contain nothing new ironi j re.i.r ieksburg. The whole liuiiil.er k.il'd, woiunkd and tii'-'ii.g, in Frai. kiln's crun ! d.vi-i.ui, is fi.t'.lj. Our army ou Sunday Wiis engaged prin ! aliy in Liking care of its wou:.U'-il. auu imrving sucu ot us iiea.i q ii'.d lie U I. t I.I::!.- (,i.,ii:,"i ii.:. . i and i: Ml I.i. mi toil ot his -team, rs had towed into that port P..il:iii.ure, Die. I1'. --It is reputed ly the (I'd Point boat that the Lrgb'-li st.-atn T C.l.liUUS reports Iruimg se. ii ii large Ih'et t nterlng Capo K. :r r.v, r Car.), Dee. 15 Nn'lilig i.w rr..m 1 (i. n. (1 r.i:.t !.-;s 1 n '. :i'i i -r.h r . . M g 1 1. 1 ..e.. y, t . it : t ;,: ..(.. f-itri!- .! (!,.. r. .":. , I'.,. ('.,., Hit of t!u Uuit,.': S'.ali i in. ! th.-l.iws i in 'I., Ox'. 1 i as could bo recovered' from the battle field ', of C.igrc.ss, by cl.no-leg 1'i.ioii men to f.ll llum.-ide has bom reinforce! bv (Jen. Si- State u.lio.s and execute laws, the inil.li.iy gel's corps-. He unquestionably has good ' iiuthoiities are p-ohi!,.'. ,! from any inter reasons for delay in-another attack iijm ' feMicc. The iiulitary i. nut to bo u-td the caemv's lines. except to su pros r.ots and mob r. s stiu.ee New York, D:c. 15.-A vc--. I l.i.s rr to the laws; nil civil author ty ti.t.t can be rivid which r. ports, nn the 15th having 'H'etcd nt u. !.! iry , !s 11 be pr pn-'-, d four steam, rs and one brig, h, av.ly ni.tti .l. laden with troop-, going into Port l'ryal ,.-.v V.'ik. I -.-. IT - -Tic un i..ing i lLlt'Cl Ilea 1 .Tlvins, by the g.inbuat ,.r, r0 with ile'a.l d :ncu,'s of Ih, le buhl iq run lip ihe I.e. the. I.I I V,S. ,! ell the State liel .. .... . ;,(.,., l'hi- i- tin- liui. I I: :. ' I I, Lioil !..li Iv, .1 I'uii.lr. I,.::l,..l' tur I mi, !,.,;,;,., b u i.'-.i' f. r I. uptuii and Du d uivin ; .,.1 u t i ; u r . 1 ! at the rh, -peeeh fur I.i, ' candid. itr' In g tduwn. wig'.dr bis tad, and iriiinr mi riidoi'-nin nt nt what had been -aid, wbiili lir nlvv av , di I v. i'b a 1, li b. '11:11 v .i- t.tkiri " i -lie" ' y , ut" i di t tin- Pnbiir I'lii.t it . e :ij.fiii jn I lel.'l -i.,l Slliil ' .'. i.r.r ,- .S-, Sun: .wo Cei vrv T.vxis We burn that the Trcasiir- rs in some uf the coiintie,, have w rittcii to S.ih in lo know whitlnr legal tenders Would be received for Stale ItiiX.s Wo nr.' In.'.'.evir informed that I soi.ie prof, -i , Fiii"!! Ii.einhir nf eniety ! coiiitu ss.oiu I',' con,: , ale nut in fni.rrl i Liking (iov crnmei.t cuireney lur toiintv ;ta. .. Now this is i'i d,r rl v.ul.it.oii i ll.ii t nt u i 'n,.-'i, in .t it v !' i n.,,,. ..! ou the tax I nriielit bv ru'..t,,iig thr f .run r i, v..,i by In iiii'Cinn p. !! .1 to Like e.ii I , uey u! p i,- i;i :i , m, ut u! nil ' debt ', 1 1 :i' s ni,. il : ; i . . 1 1 1 1 ." d nil a v.i. a, nun I. vc .ur-, It is rob!, in;: th: (i h I'l l. t ..it. ..; its em li licv , ui,d ! for vvl;.,l. M.i ly t . i Ml W , , . t . uf S ill I I: e 'I ! e " I, hi, t. ,, ,' g ...i.g l u.ar 1 rous lire. I. liable to .-;u! agali.. '. this ter.'.'le lire, they retur:. id in g-.rl ord-.r, crrjlng away their v.o iii i.'-l, to tlnir original line of pickets, though iiohling the gro-;:i 1 they fi;,t oecn jil'.d, aff.r l.av::'s' ben.-iv hours : l.r lire. Cii'.'i.go, D.e. 15 Tiie f.jiiu.ving is h: il.v..i! t j be icji.rly cu-.C't ns to tin.- nmn b r of u ;; i.rtry at Fr- derl.:k,biirg: Hook tr's corps f.Irj it 5 ),00J. Franklin on the i'.-.'t hi; 1 ;j -rnti'.r t the rigli', ctich with -;'i.d i::j:;i !.".'.v. S'ge! w'th 25,000 advanc iug 01 c- nt.-r, and Sl-e-u n with 15,000, is f.:;.e :'.::i0f l!a:.!i mciMnvnt ou cncifv's i-. ft.. C'ii'c. go, 15.--Tiej .situ.iiii'ii ;.t Fn.d' r ieksburg, as briefly -Statid, is as follow;;: We have cro--d in furee and huh) the city. The rebvia hoi ! a s,;ii,i cirrular llic (J works, ranging fioui uue to three niile b.uk of the riv.r Thero reutaius three th::;.rc for us to dowo may attempt to .,tor::i li; -!r work', or -trrl on the ilefen live v. I.e.;''- we are, or bring up re-erre.s 2nd attempt to turn their Hank. In the first en.-1, if defeated, we would i: thrown back ou the river, without any sulli-i.-nt nieatis of cro ing. 'J'iierc was HO fighting of ei,:, ipienee ye-!i rde v. 1'o. tr 'iS .Monro LJ. The Ilichmond Iviquin r has the fallowing: Heavy firing was goi'i.g on at I'redcrieliduirg, mid the r,i.i:.i,:m.l;:ig is s'-ven;. (la the 10th, our b..f - rh , i.tall'ciod abuVft nnd b'-low town, ree.ci' d lire on gUi.bo.its in llicntr am. Tic' li.-li g hi.ted :m hear and a hidf. and was very luary a:e rap: I. Lh-veii houses were .-'ruck, four r'nm.,h-tely ib st royal. Washington, 15. L'p to inldnfght no iuteh'igence of importunes hml been receiv e 1 from llu; army. There was oec-i-iomd firing during the inch!. The Iticluiioiid Kiq-iirrr my. 12 Vunk. ': regimn ts left Nev.biirn .Saturday. Somo thii,!; tJ,e;r de ;tin itiou is Wilmington, but more gcu ird b-hef is that they will attack WtFdoli tt ; i I Pet. rJuirg. Cii.clnimti, Dec 15. Southern dU p iteh- .'ay that Jeff, Davis nrrivril at M ull bo,-..' ou Friday. Gov. I'rovni, of Ci-o-ghi, actiii" uii'If-r iiuthoriiy of tlie L' ' ! turc, f..i."d a half million dollars v-orth of good i, in Augiistn, fur the use of tli'j hul'ii' I'-', to be paid for nt r fi'ouabhj ratet. Nlei.vllle, IJtJt. TI rebels; huVIJ ,1 Ibeuviile. iui i.tiou that nn exi,c.i t. on is proj-et. ,1 agali. -t Mobil". Two ste.-un. r left, on the l.i'.h with troops (or the Snath. The rein I' i.i the vitinityof Hilton 1 1 ------1 have i r. eted powerful batti-ri- s na J.iur'S and S iliiv m'-i -I'l'id, and nlniig Lie on-', a? f.r res I5..1I Pull's bay. P aur gir.l was cn!;vi.c!.!:ig Charleston w.th Jt).(itl') i, n n. Tiie health of our trouii.s ul Po: t fghtl fit 1're.l. s.i'ur-t-iv Tin v contain no n 11. .bi i-oiuprisi; iiicldents r l.itiu. Tin' Tine s s.iys P.m i, i h ' the r,v. r w is to av.i ,' a b re l.lt II l.uth leg b'lt in - S b.i t.ij ill v, ,;s not In. if - i -in r le I pi itiua A .1 -pa'ch tu ( i f.icn I! i: , i I", r. r. i -.; hi -i i r.. !. J a rg nd h.li" c-mv,:.:!.,; I ii'.v , r lii imiiiitiai ih di:, n-",vs, but n: .inly g to tl.e b:,m-' 's lit 11 it I IH'II'S' , Il W o'l '.I ' e bl.b'- f g us tie . n ll.ill.el, ll, Siy- iHg I'm b.llei.l air, mi, . i-h . un Mil;', -Mr "n. ill. i:;d" K' II v l'.,r C' cr'I'e I 111. I l llll I iL'inj th i iiiti- W, M iiM T lie- " g.q.ing cioud . in ' i in ' " II Itii li nin I if Lung T.u.1 olr d- eided lhal - bill- ill' llovii! Wli.s good. 'Tlie Richmond I'.j imiiirr says th.it t'u preparations of the United States, to sub ju,'jte the South are now truly gigantic. In the Last, We.-t and Nurth, on land und Lren di -a-trou. water -(.very v, lur-, and on all sides - the 1 ..'.nlquart. r--, A nny of IVo.n ic, Dee nioviU!' Ms of the Federal nrmies nnd H--ti 17lh Y. -t, rdav ,i u-iili," t! c n. :nv i :u- this ,.,h: o! the tint Ib-ir.-t d', I -elit.g hi'ly v n d th it the po-it.oii in front roi.ld n ,t lie e.'.rrle I, le t'eeiin ,1 it a m.ht.iry i,,r, -lly i iile r to attack or retreat. A rep,!-.' v.o'.id have iiidic.ite .rid, hoiie nnd f.iiiutlciiiii, and a cd iistou'-lie l to iind u-, dcsp'i'iitc jividity that should banish from river. A boat U a m t'e V ll'IV.ill" every Soiithcrin r s luliid all thought of an , i,,;,t,, r- aim...' 'he f i.'lre l-ic, ir, ear. v p ace nn 1 m rvc every lov.il South- W,n 1)0 era nan d .or battl , in vvlcea thcr'i no qnarb r. .tortheru ugii..i is ng i.n i , r,-d ui-utral I'l'mud ovi rum. ll rhmnn.l, Pel, r.iburg, Wi Mou, i v Sl.,.f, i-,,t,i,hi - th--, are once more thri-nt- : On Mmnhiv Ih-ii , d p i k'-ts on the ri'.er bai i, Wu had l.rg" nuuib, r of ihad na whit wis inn Lie r l,. 1, vw i e i-i.i lies I lie ciii my eing ioiici.nl rated in .M.ssouri ; fur tlr; iuva-ion of Arkan-as tics. ;' i I'r.ii.khu sent a i'e -, a Pii . hd ..:l' by i n l.iel do l.icie, ., Ihr I,; lie Ir Iki, - and the r. ,ii ei,! ;..n, v hi, , ran .eel M. .i: a l.- IMi,: will, ll.r he, i h- 11 , '.,'. I'.ui!, ,.'..,, li,!.. Slut,', i nt. r;. lining tic- ,;- ii. .,- ; t.iio'A ii i:i tu,- -e.,: -, of I.i. .it v.a- na ll..- -id, I.n ! lie- i i.-' li, t. A i t.:.j.',j:.: Tien iii..': . - vm nt til! A;, i the day lie- il mmT.tlir cn'U I liliull I ' I . . i d ii- labor- iii Sal.-m by thr.r.v in; (iioMr um I board and iioiiiiiiatin Sloiit lur ( 'mi gl'' -. Ill lhal cmivrnliull, the Lilllr Ini ll, having n li i.i j, ui 1 y- of luiiit ih-.-idi d In I throw llr- Pnbiir I ini r ,, i board not lhal lliry di-liu-t. d hi, nbilily In -widlutv P'lehaiian, nnd hi. wj-h In ral any rim it nf dill bill brrau r li'' va- Inn II li n fa bluehhr;ii In br di-rrn I, and Inn li ii l.y In br lill-lnl. W'r wrr nil i y r-lv ilnr s of I ibr doing, of lhal rnhv i-nlioli on thr 1 1 i .' 1 1 1 1 the 2'Mh a toriiiy nllliir, I.i ling till mid lii,:hl, und n -embliiig a inrnngi-i ir nf w lid bm-li lliilnil luu-r, Innir lhiiiiiibody.nl' i nu ll. .I.ikr Consul- pro,o-r, In iidimiiii ! lill Ix'.l'l, nnd It' ii Harding prop,, , , ,, " .'liljouni the ih lnorrali,' parlv." j In that runv I'litinn, ihr "i -ur-" over ! which lin y qiiarn Ird rmbrarrd iiolbing of ' pivu'ipl, llnij imr nil iiirfiniil. (iroM-r M I'.ll- Sloul Was (br hour ovrr whirl, I a rt , . , v, ii.i.n,,,,, , i i.i , -in- , r rot, si' iuiiei s the Lake C.tv, u cour.er wan m to ; , , t, .,ro,w, tt ,mn 0, ;:,kl- ,v , T.ay, Lluiiehr, imd Svvrclbra.t Mmpiird lb kna to u sk protection. Jb.foro llio ur- i . , , ' ' ' !,,,,... .. " """-""0 , mi'l giovvirii or nvr lioiiis. I In- lonvrii Wnsbiugtoi, De: Hi!' -A large ihle- ,() I)IV;,, Al ,, M;(, , gllt OO Of llel,l;'H of both IIoll-l'S of ( Oil ' .. . . . , ...i.l. -... i.i... , ll i:.. ... , !...: "II Ihr " Moallllg polilir;,! i xcri'liu iil." i,ro- . t I , ... . . . - . . . . ill ' ii ii ii.' i i . ft, ui: in. I i mil I ill ii t i iii -i i i (jeii. Movey a cvpeditioii into MiMivuppi , .' . , , , ..(.,.,(.,i , ...i,,.,, ,. ...,,. i,... , , .,. I , . t f I . i. I II i,',, " ' ' "il tii'i I I -e r ll v I' I I -i t , n ll ll r. " , n- luis returned to Helena. J lie r',u!t,s. nun , , . i i ..... i. ., i , i.u. ..: i ,, .. . , ll I'.'j',' nt .t.,:,n. I iij I ,; iojiii 111' II Ul I lull- , illlilll , I.I 1 1 II III, Itinillllif llu nf nill'llll till II H t ', llu r , ; i w oi t h a I , iiniiin !:.! ti ni. I i 1 1 1 1 ' -.' ul'.i . in!, A le tie' .silt,,!,, o 1 r l. ii.;h -le 1 I y a iii. ie h.ii .lli.l uf si 1,1 h n.. 1 ui.pitiiut.e !!',. c l.'.Idcis' The II .aid uf c.'iii'v conna - .in:.. r .( .'.i . county have .1 eld. d tu r. - p. i ! the l.iu , of Ci.ngr, -s', mid ilo just re lo the Li p.y I i, by leking n.'l tu . s ;u . gal ciirriuiy I'uy n!V ihr Public Printer and other s' n -h o! fi.-c Lohlers (if nny thme nn-) in leg d ,-ur-r, ney, and they ,11 ! iq-t lo '.'.-p vvh n ii.g i.boiit the v-oit!.!. -n cf a ' r-,g cur ICiiev '' TI..I V.h.ne ...- I., , n ; ott. li iqi, n, a, tu r . i .1 1,,'ii.g -i- I in th. t vv ny Jam the luon, y into :li, :r po. !,. ;,, im-l ll,. y vv .1! I e,;,, t lit S.d. in n lur ('mi. lor Public nt ' l.'gd In. I : , I...M ll,. in ut I then I eg. u to !, ri." th, V W ill , a rn! j !- i, in . ,.- ., il.Tai ; t,r j if tr, Sec " Hon. l" in th" li t " l.o;.. ,t" b'.nt vv d Ih n be on ihe et!., r . g. ',"-, j'" I r I pp. ivtle.V The :n '.it, think that ihe rnma , nf , ( , ll.ui vins a blow at f-!r..t. gj --a Ho nhrful pi inciple, Mllll'-hili! V loin who i 0 whi,.-!, it bas li.-nrd "J 1 ' 'I1'' vv nr ciight to be ( uu lin t, I mi nt. i I ni. ii think '' I '"'.'. ! f H,,. , si riu'lt ell laoMh, I,;, the ' , !rat. )' a I Charle-tnii, M ,bi en. ,1. 'I'c.v is, undefended bleeding at (.V'.-ry pore. forces an; und Ivan- of truce for un ( xcli.iuge of d' .id, which was d-iiie y.stndny. L'eseiit a Hag of truce to Hum. idr, a k i.g him to ihtail uen lo bury Ins ibad, m hunt of (un Sumncr'H division. Oar (iitire nrmy is now cik auip.-d ou tin: 'ground previously occiiiiii-d. The army ha, le , n rou.uh r 1 1 l v tr,,,utfir,i.'s are br.sLuig with giinboiits for j r.-inlorrcd The opinion i.r military men operations as .-oou ns the Hoods come. j is U,nt, had vv ink. u th" I'.r4 ridge of Ihe . ti . ii i rebel Wdlks, th"ir 0i'i',lliiniti( .s lor shingh- .a;ro, Dee, 1.,. Iho ntcnni'.-r Li.c . ,,, ' '. , ,, , ', ,. ... . i tenng ii, would havi: been great, r Ihnn be- City was buried by guerrillas nt ( arson , f . I . . !'. I " .. '" I .1 . .! r IOI ('. i.an.iiiig, i.i inn's uoovu me mouui oi Couiiuimiriitioii b-twceii the We-t mid Uicliinond iii menaced lit Chattanooga and Knoxvili ". The Mississippi river nnd its n.iv tlie The Sucin vi h'pn.i at ve in ulc the word inn I l.'--'ii.' wnill. (Lphui While river, ou Monday la-t. The boat and cargo wire valued at two hundred thousand dollars. The li't day the naval di-imtch bo,t D: Solo went to (,'ar-on Landing nnd bullied forty two homes Most of the baggit'i.' bi longing to jui---ri-gers on the L ike City was recovered Tho citi.' lis of that place claim to have dotn; nil they could to prevent the burning of I'i r.val ot the courier, however, tho ih Soto ad neeoiupi;.,heil the destruction of tin.' tow u. Last night tlie i icuiy ii,( nase.l dr-ir in treiii'hin' iiis ou the terrace, in the p ar i,f Fri'dericksluir, nnd I l,r-w up rdh; pits iii nr the river, on tho D ft of the city. Their drills nre plainly vis.ble on the plain today. No movement of importance Likes place by our fores to day. New York, D'-c 17th. ---The bulk Ann, from New Orleans, reports on t lie Utii, oil' St. Augustine, M.i, she saw us M'ainieM twenty of tho enemy k- e , for y ,, , , ,, ... ,l ft.... I I il l .:' : ''"' ,l'k'" ""' " 'I hrav torce near Nolaiivllle. nnotlur nt Murlrei sboro,' nnd n cou-idi ruble force t',1 ; ide uf Nolan's mi k -the entire mini b. s e.-.tl.uali d at " Chicago, D.c. I.'k TlieiieeouiitH ofiho fiilli'euder of Federal troops nt 1 1 n it h villi-, Tennessee, Home days ago, lire inea're. Our loss was !; men killed, IgO wounded, nnd 1,,'JOO taken prisoners, Three wagmi loads (,f tuu ,kcb were nfterward-i n cover ed from the tin my by a force c ,1 in pur mil; but they Miaeeded in enrrying off about .It) wagons nnd leuins. 'J'ho rebel los.i was nbout hi), The rnuni of the dis uater was thy iiienpiicily of the comiuuinJcr u ,. n .i .....i r..... i ,i i i . . i. .; "" ' ' "'"'o'v-o o,R. ., ji.iMd i .s; i ma. (j ,......,,. (lr iiutiioiiiy io raise "go, in i myni cm among the nuinbi r B'; vera I ollicern. Th'! I'i deral lo rn wan four killed, twenty wound ed nnd ten taken pri-ontm, The Memphis IJulletin tinted that (ieu. Sic rmaii had r-'luric d lo Memphis, nnd wn( organizing another expedil'oii ngaiiist the reb'ls, it is naid, between Canton und Jackson. Washington, Dec. 15. At 8 o'clock last night, 10o rebel envalry Hindu n ilnh into Pool' sville, Maryland, whero only t Ftdernla were ittatione'!, After a brief but debrmined struggle, nud when tho building in which the Fed' mis were (piur ten d was on fire, our mni wirrendercd The rebils lo.il two killed and thiilecii wounded. Cairo, Htli. Tho (gunboat Cairo, when within '20 inileH below the mouth ol Yuwh river, wn blown up by n torpedo, no oik; ppoiiit iiiei,tof Lb I nny. r ; n'lm'nu irltlmut in, irii iillm,. ,l.,l,. ('. Kl-'t". w'"': u-... .1 It- :.. .: .. ,, ' 'J """ "i i'i' euii rin inn . i . i , , . . . . 'I lev nlso presented n tuix r hi;.ned by i ' " "H,K ""!') win, iinrni n-r up thiriy-four iicinber, of the Semite nud o"l obj. cl (o lliirhnnioi's Li eompioii Iloii'ie concurring in Ihe reipc st. j rch- ine In 'i cr lm obnoxious, illaiuoiis NuHhville, Dec. 1 '.th - lirngg having Is- ('on, liiuiinn ,I(,U) ,), ,in)t ()(' v'all.M Kiied ordert for tho comeripiioti of every exiled Keritiiekian nud Ti'lllU sseeail, liilck I er lllld Iln ekilll'idgO threilti IM'il lo resign with bnyonels mid bowie-kliivrs, The "Public Piinier," having been Ihrollbd il thin wun done. The Murrrec-boro Pan- "iivciilion, Ihoughl of roui',,. that net taysj Jeff. Davw has gone to Mobile. ' j mil t imd.e mi " i-,ui'" and wml Kt. Louis, D. c J"th. Ollicinl reporl i . v,u.sil? Was lm n inly to objrrl lo Ibirh phiee our lo. s at the lei'lleef Prairie Drove, j , .,,;,. i. ;;;, i,,,',, j. nl vllh .iu ICIlil liceoillll-l increiii.i' reb-J lo-s lo i,"Wi killed nn I wmndnl, nnd nearly It, 00') by ileieitinn, lllndniiiu is on Ihe -until side of A id urns rivr. Mar liiailuki) m ou llu not th i.ide. Cnu. Ibr roii telegrnphu to Curtis that the victory nt Prairie (ironi was more complete tlimi (ird report' d. Over 1,5011 reb'-h ,nve nl nil, Wn- he .til led by Ihr bloody Le eomploil I oliey, which Walker rallnl a des poli iii und Dougln a 'h iiiniiieeil I,. i i-ijiiiil u villainy lo Napoleon' ilrrrre lo . hool down every limn who didn't voir lo noil him '(. Of loin ( nol. ;U ,,. iiiii-i umUi mi hurt. The Ioat nod nrinaui' iit wu i n total ! been bui i"l .Many or the wound' d d ied '"'"", " s lo hnvr ome peg to Imng lo:..r. Iro-i A'lti- of a", i, I, on. j hi, cap o i hereafter, mid lo point bm-k lo wonl .1 i . . lliln-lgiinlil 111': (,V (. K. ir onus it a in ,n'.i',iiis Mr U uf .'.trategy when the d', m ral of the M.ick'Ti! Prigade h t tlieci.cmy charge r'ght ihroiyli th'' llii'ldl" (if his ei nler column, M tlniu,.hcs to provln'nas from the baggagi' wiiguna In I be rear, till lliey nte i.o much il Hindi them shk. The S.ihm Stiifi'Miimi onlyini aiis by ' strati gy,' pm aiing r,. treating cm my ut I,,- Tuir i.f sir miltn il il'iij, and halting occasionally to cnleh nnd send buck tu his liniht'-r it runaway nigger. " Cn-nv c" DiuvK.-- Whi ky ii , poled i'i $10 lo $15 n g.llnii in Uichiuoiid. This probably prevents nn ciuigrntioi: Iroiii Or egon to Di.ir--(he lin t ' ruin' to coleisl of u wheelbarrow (nun Curviiliin, nnd an 'honest' footpml from Sah in bringing up the rear. If iIiomj 'morlgages' lire paid in currency, it may be some consolation to know that legal lend'Ti nre liik' ii ut pur in Ilii hiiionil for ' rot gut.' Dcvim ii.vt.i Havktiik MoHrKoi.iur.im, The rebel origiiiiH in this Stale Ihink, lo use their rhimiu laiunge, "nobody but a ihimphool" would (buy that u "gnod maiiy deinocrnbi" nre in the war. Who il-nicH It, A fiw of 1,,1r I. liui were ilmtnl by l. U, s. Ciovcriiiiient, while nil of Jell' Davis' mgniiMilhii (ioliliem nru " lnmnmtn" ihr g,,,,, '', fact Ih, wo lii lieve (hero nre timrr ilnnn rrnh in Ihe war loduy than llepiiblicniiH, Wiu.i, Kaii,.- Ilnlph Wnlilo liincrsoii, in F-pciikimg of the IVcHideiil'einuii(:liutioii proclumiitloii, HnyK " Tho tmiligiiiiiit cry of the miciKitioii ireKH within the free SlntcN, nnd Ihe ri cent nclion of Um Coiifederiitii (5uigrei,s, nru ihciiivu hh to Its cllielenry niul correct ncHM of aim. " He (Adiiins) wiih hiHt Hpring opimsed to ii Union ticket In Oregon, um i( 1 t trc for n HriuMirait Convention, nnd a ,',:. liiiUinm lhv.",S'tiilr)iiiini. You uro ii liar. inchj wti. " ''. l-i"l in to believe thin lh f w'll frou in,,,,.,),:.,. more than u " nullitv." i,, ..i,;,.! k v" HJto Kiev must abandon nil hp0 f tt r,,t.0...a(. ' the " cour,,iri,ey"-.he l(,pt., fuf lion having been alrea.ly i,dlfll,it, ' pon.d by the American llovernrat,,,', . ti slavery policy. Tl.e news from liuropeis, (U ' , f()r slavery the Muropcau Bov(-riinwnU touJ long lince Imvaj rccogni. J tl0 .. cracy." The , inaiicipnlini, ),i of tioveruinel.l, which, while it will ,'e ions ol nnuiey nnd rivem uf blooj i, "''":' r.kU, will pmbiibly m, , m,;,i , i en -aa war mih Englnni lui n.oiiv Ti F,vc i'uihts Mtmocnrj' lhal vottd f. r Seymour of runrv) im imthiiig nud cure nothing Bl,oiit while the Yankee n. re vtiimisti in llu Jig,,' want fhiveiy It I id, me, tu tbul e by have n long and i:.pi nsna Hir-lor.-i in ii, h to nail,),, them lo Kd yj i nun ,!i ( ;..v i t nun i.t bund, to itIJ ibvni hand .unic i.i. one) Ihe tistef tlair liui Tu vr "(In,"- P. niisvlvanlii Iia elect id Mti.ker, or Slihltr, iho ikicocn i aud.tintti for Auditor (inn ral, Iij oiilj ."..."it 1 ni'jor.ty The ib iiuvnilic (ott m hurt, V. !','. u ' i fl tl.i'tiHiid l,u iltt), 1 "i'r Villi,!' Si C. .,lii OfniU tt Si bill, Ci.j v.iils, nnd ll.iginc Rr rubbing the r p dins t,,;: th, r with dilijjkt, nnd ..pi- .il.n ; no!, " Our La it gaining tu. i ..ii W.th a drain uf a ImnJni .1,1.1 C..r.j -ii ( I in.iii totm fur tie ,iui'V, if the if inn r.il i f!l !! ivnrUt ! '...a un, a ,.d ,t.ll curry llie Stale l.j wilj :;..'l'. iiii(.,ity, what will U Ih.ir ircjK-ci ii. Nt u-iii- with the I'nioii uiili'i l Unn, il Lie il. um, T.ny full, off nnutlirr fourlrtn thnii-aii'l.' If Put und lm S.,1, in claim bate f.n .'"'till the rulmnf pjhuil, e till t -.aiiin I th. in that the rol l ia it null l y I.n it. in,- nil' ll.ty i;i.l to meal oitf :n bey ho.,1 in trying lo g t the 'outr'le the Mini "If u ling at the holtnm of vv i rl jump i.; one (nol ( n. ll day and fill leu k t'V, bow lollg will it takt liim to uai h tbr t' p? ' Will ih.'iC HOttLirt i ij In r ii i.tlle on Pi nirylvnnia peliliel, H"l 'u l th ir l.ung Ti.ui C 'lt'e ri knuvr tU IV Tl i i: ami P, v: ni i l. Tht il,juil I.'-.i.r un in , p. ..kin,: of ll.e moral power wb.ih baiki the i iiiiineiiiitiiin pulirT f li e Pn-tldi iil niys " 1 lie tl.iteriilnriit hil n- ured It !l of the best nrimtituctifj il the world; ( very sji.uk of inkllitt, Ott viituuiis feilmg, eviry religirui htarl, ere ry man o f boimr, i iry port, trrrf pW biN'iphi r, the gi neros itr uf tho riiiw, tl h. iillh ol Ihe iiiiintry, the tron' (run of the iiKchanlc, the i iidutnin'O of fitrmclt, the pas.tionati) con.-v icnee of weiuiP, ll vinpiilhy of di.laiit nations-ill Mil W its siijipoit," nnd the toiinrsfl il qnltf true, lhal the (iovcrniiieat in tloiiij? W httl nrrayed ng-aii- .t ilsell tho word clement of society ; cviry Hiij-id doll, every worlwJ sympathy with corruption, every Lkk, re ligion hating heart, every diJiouonM , . -, r ..l fli-Mrcrvl. Ml. liK, ('Very runner oi u.i.siuiv -sn- -i (v.rv man. who, hU old (irihhlo tl'ii'1' tin, "world Is lint," thy fiipUHty w Shyloi ks, the moral ngue niul olitisral if lu iiini Ircuiemi of the country, ,c" arms of jack leg Kcrctth imelmniei, ike tax frightened Airmen, tho roinbotivenwi of lewd women, llni frecd.ilil dinting )'f"ll,lf ilb.ti.iil natioiis-idl rally to lavo mid pull down the (iovcriunent. " Cii,v.v " Wu nru liifiirined, niithoi ity, thntono day Inst vtrk I "7 Hciisibhi old Keiith.iimii, wko I'" ,Iw,1,,, been a tituiinrli Hiipportcr of Cw'J" blockhead, having (jut a eoJ of,,1, AP ,' or Dec f'th, mid ciiefiillroiiJlUW tc.,1., posted off 10 Unlem lo '''u l with "tho Agrnt." In llio courio of weighty co.if.ihiili.lion, Amliel tmtM "O, Ad,.,milH'r...y." Tho old ft'1"18' ,,, ruiKcl his hend, niul with n iigt.iOc-" look replied-" llu-ili, I y" , cra.y'W. A.hm.M TO cng, Cnpkiiy'H pill peddler, that bo thrctenrt lo write buck to Iho 8UI, l''n tl.i.iK thai Iho old geiilhinnn liJ "'" when n boy, nnd then Ml" Illul ln lotil pnjur. 'I',,, ,. An old inl'r cn.ne within the I'.iion lind "VS. North Crohn,,, nud A' noumglrl ofBixleoiiyciinnJ r hluvo." Upon heluir lNf""" "f ' holder,' claim, lo l"' "...ill pcrsiMed I,. ,le.n...uli..tf hj. ,',,,, lolukohcrniiKt'''"1"