CoNHltKHHIONAI- WllKllll(!n KiCcia diditnlolie" Htnto tltnt Hunntor WiIkoii will ooii Inti'oduuu a bill k' vi"K "M to MiaNourl fur iiiniiclmtlon purposes. It will oiler tun millions' Ul1 tt I-8- 1 1 iriL'tkt. In tho IIouko, WiiklilVij of Kcnlucky, Introiluccd a bill fur tho protection mid ru liofof loyol citlzuns wIioko properly iinU hIiivi'H lmvo burnt tukon by tliu oII'khth o( tho Uultcd KtntcH Army. Referred to tliu t'ommlttoo on Jmllrliiry. Stovcim of lVniiNylvnnlit liilroiluceil n bill Imlcmiilfyiiiliitf rrwidciil Liiiooln ami otlior pi Moim for hiiKiirmliiiK tho writ of liuliciiH corpus.. Tho hill in ihc hiiiiiu iih was. Introduced Inst week. Vnlll"("" f VbU) olijcrtcd to rend tho hill, niul under tliu rtilu tho ipicK lion wan, ImII tl'o bill bo rejected. Tim IIouso refused to rejeet thirty-fuur uye against ninety nou. Tho bill wm then punned by forty 11 tro majority. lu tho Seimto, mtvctiil petitions' wero presented In favor of n Ucncrul llnnknijit luw. Latham of Culifomia Inlroduecd u hill to provido for tho development (if (he miiierul reionrcTs of tliu United Stutis. Referred. Tho llunkrnpt Hill wuk taken up nud Hindu the speeinl order for Tliurwlny, ISlli. In th House, Morrill of Vermont offer ed tho following : Resolved, Thut no timo tiineo the cxuit euro of tho rebellion linvo tho forces mnl material in tliu bunds of the (iovernuient burn moru uinpla uud uliiiniliinl for the speedy termination of tho war thun at l he present moment, nud tlint it is the duty of lovol American, rcg,urdlcKs of minor dillVr i'iiee of opinion, mid especially is it the duty of every ollk'cr and soldier, mid those in every brunch of the (iovennueiit, includ ing tho Icgialativt1, cordially to nltiU tho iiskkIii ut ouco wlto have conspired to destroy our c.vwriincnl ol prosperity mid freedom, of which wo aro justly prouil nt liouo uud abroad, uud for which we Mur.d pledged to perpetuate forever Agreed to ayrs, II.") Win. J. Allen of Illinois nlono voting in the np;ilive III tho Semite, Harding of Oregon, offered resolution rcipicntinx the Com misdioner of Indiuu Affairs to impi'ro into the expediency of iiepitiutinjr n treaty tliu Indian of Southern Oregon and Northern California. The resolution was adopted. Washington, Pec. II. In the Ilo.;se, yesterday, I he Senate hill for the nilini-ion tif Western Virginia into (he Union, was passed by till to ,'.". It provides for Mil) milting n constitution to the people fr ratification. Meeeslj'i crn . lirceatiarW Kihtoii Allot s: A writer in the Salem Statesman of tho Ht It. Mylinjr himself " Honesty,'' eoninieiids very Mr Kiiinsy for " vii'K Williiim in legal tend) r ut d scoimt Tc w riter's i ffol t would not hit nolieulile were it not for the Iron;; presumption that he is one of a fi w SjIciii spirulators, or a tool lor tin in, li v ing to i-nlubliuli a sent. tin nl nt'iist u-in If tril tender at par It is not the lir t at tempt Hindu " to steal the livery of lle.iwu to M-rvo tliu I)evil in." As I heard it, thut rental knblu c.ise of honesty has ronnectiii cirennislanecs sonic tiling l.ko these: .Mr. It unsy inoita.-i d his premises to (jet " l''! il tender" pioinis iiur, to pay ((old coin in Mum with I 'J per cent interest, tor the pnrpciie ol vli off another inortcae In 1 1 hy Mr WilliaiiH, dearing iiilcrest two or tlircn per cent pi r month. Mr. U. paid the leu at pur, but to satisfy Mr. V (rave him some forty dollars. Would Mr. W. have done so muoli to save a mcrfioc of Mr. It's proMrty? Vrmn he would, ltut Mr lliinpstv What "it lemliui: reliulilicun propose to do with tlni'MIrecn lt.n-k ? ' I answer: he offered lo exel ivi'e them at par for mile bcarinic two per cent per month payable in cold coin wi'iA onli the litlle a'llitmn uf tut jur rrnt iir ru.'lriliiiil from n man w huso word is (-ood for the money without the paper Come t! tears of joy to celebrate the glory uf puyii'K h irnl tender t .'.til cts. to be sold ouaui at $1.10! Mr " Honesty" if you and your kind of honest men wi re to labor ns zealously to sustain tho credit of your (lovcrmnei.t in writing articles roiuuieiulinu thoso who take leiral tender nt par; iu culling meet iiiii of the jM.opIo to condemn tho-e bank rr nml money shnvcrs. who damage t!io credit of our country, as you did iu gctlini up " Union niectincs'' liefore llm thction, inakiiiK loud professions of patriotism, and ns you now do to favor upeculnlion in gov ermni nt paper, li )d tender would bo nt par In less than one month all over tho loy al Stiller). In your case, lovo of llio " al- inichty dollar" nceins to rise above your lore of country. Perhaps however, you lovo your country tnoro the less, but tho dollar more A Ruin, you endeavor to imposo upon the nennlfl of tho Pacific ft double specula tion, by rniiiriii(( them to pay for (,'oods in irold or leiral tender at n discount, whie'i urn bought east with h (ral tender nl pur or (told nt n premium. Some ol ournewspn iicru tell their imtroin that imper lia ad auccd: thnt a half or wholo dollar must In. ,,.t.l..,1 I,, ihn mibseriiition unco mi l t cnurif ttii-v must imy In Hd, nctually mid Inn 10 to 15 cenU to tho III) or 40 t t spoeuhUioii cast. Honesty nun wmi Vfliin-oniiei.f Von snliHlnntiallv hold that puyinff leftnl tender to indiidunU nt par is ste.iliujr- takitifr Hontflltiiii; for iiolhimt leu cents on the dollar! bill fan a consequence, 'i that tnnlirur frnm (tin irovernilletlt is tl h'cili mlo biisinetw; or do you know that whilu tlm mioeiiliifiir inak"i thirty Iter cent, tho Kovcrinneiit must ns certainly loscT Wn the nnni.t.i llm leirnl tender notes nud nild Ivn unv fine sntillers with them. When thoso loldiers relurii to us with arms ahnt nff .lolT Davis ikn von repilill te your own paper you tell litem it l " lionost" Hint tliey hIiouM Ioho leu tu thir ty emit nn ihn dollar In favor of money Urki nfter Within your bnttlen for Ion or nrtccn dollors per inonlli, wlitlo you mm i Ktnv mile tl nt lininn followlnir tho tuna rnitndu of plennitro nnd upcctilullon. The Into licnrled A nutrient! blushes for nhtiino tKiiclidviow! ' oxon. Kii tu ii,.a in 'ni 1 u if ii tfn,..miv" uishru to show tlinan ntlmn nHntllli.a enni-.inm nllll patriot Ism, would It lm well to wrilit over hi ren !mmef Oriretlintf lion. Mr. Moorcn, Mr WilNnms, tho Trensurcr of Slat'', or nny nthers nf nnn.n.innnen In I'lldlirsO Ills Vll'tt", would It not bo well to din-u'i more fully mid carefully tho moral nut! patriotic bear "I tl'iH Biibjectr " Honor" will en deavor to jro an npprpciiitlvo nndleiico to "llonrMy." ,,, AiTiioHiiATK. An extract Irom ono of l!iu Salem Stutesuiau'g articloM ubusing tho uduiliiihtriitioii, Ih now pooled up in ono of tho whisky saloons in Astoria, Xo more appropriate place could bo found lor ono of tlieso ui tides than beinjr pasted on a barrel of " rot (nt,1' 8a)r At a Into " democralio meeting in lirooklyn X. V. tho crowd dispersed hur nihiiitf forJeir Davis and Seymour. Hanr to ycr " hould," J'ut, you nro entitled to tho " baslu." I'niun Mkn IIunu in Te. Tim Texas Its pnlilicmi n' Nov. I, ((ivBH ua account of Ui e- ei'li f fnrty-lwu men said l.i Imvo beliai(;ni In seerel mMiely In I tin noilliern part of lliu Stain, (lie (ilijcet of ihr nooiety u-itir to arn ailcr Uiul purljiui uf lie- Siato tu the- Kiderul aailn r. illl'S. Kit. Asin-si Tlinaelpriioi-eilsoflliB llllli leveu "f llii- Cluekuiiina ('uuiily AwH-iiilloa ill niil uf tin- Suiiiiiir) ('uiiiiiiiiwioii, aiauiiat tu Sji J-,' (il I. A. II. Stkki.k, Treas. ORDINANCE Helpline to tliu 1 tit:i Mr it nidiiiiiul and rluli!ilied hy tint I'ily Coiiaeil of Oii-ijuii City, That au perma or ir wiiim, pairat or iiaardiua, slinll hn nlilli d la the irivili-;t' and lienidita of I he (My Sellout linlil 1'ii-y kliull liuvu rmidid uilliia Ihn ioiiniti) Inn ilsof said eily for llm lerill of llirro coast cnlivo mouths. Any irroa or p tmiiii elaiiainir to huve nipt Ihe furegniiii; ctiuililioas, and i-liull produen to llm I'liaeipul of Mii I Oregon C'ily Selnxd n entilie.ile of Ihn Selioid Sn,( riiili-iiil.-iil ui-rlifyinK ,u 'I1" fin I of ua h eoiiiliiiniiii huvint hi-i-n ni. l, ll.en Miieli prrMia or jutikiun shiill ho entitled to nil tho iriili-(r,. mid h.uidi:s uf lie-I'li lllPlltnl slailies laalil in raid iieltool. All (ii-rttojiH who have nut r niilod within Ihn corpoialiaa as heri'ialiefore pnividi'd, uii'l uho ih'Kirn Ihp privile(; "f riidiii; llirir ehililrra lu said City Sehuol, kIi.iII ho t-atillnd to nueli priviti-ge .y pu)ia ill advuiiee fur e.-u.-h M-lmhir lla-y crad Ihn sain of six dollars por term of rtrvra urt-k. This ordiaaaeii to liikn ellVel an, I ho in foree fn in and olirr Ihn liml day of hMinury, IHGJ. Al ius II. Stkki.k Mayor. Atti-'l: J. Iv III i.Chhii, lini-ordt-r. oteiui fiiy, i inc. an, sii;a. NOIICIC -:X I "It A. Tho l laekaniss Coim ly .-..h ml on in Aid uf Ihe Sanitary ( 'niiiinio miia w ill lie el li-xl w m k on Tui-sil.iy vi-n i n jj , llio 'J.'ld ihKt., iiixti'Utl uf Vi ihn kI;iv eveuiii;, f -r llm snln of aitieles ill eoiiiirctiuii with a t'lin.liii.ii Tri p. Tin-to i.lulo hn iinitio and a u'rr. Adiuitlaaen, iiiin hit, iih u-uul, at the duor, 'I n kela fur llio t-apimr, .'iO eruta. Coatii hationa t"i Ihn lire or llie lalilo aro coim-fllv ro. Iieili.l hy lh l.mly Maa i;eif, and may ho sent uilu Ihr Hall at any tune on Monday or Tuna day. Oregon City, linn. '.'U, Mi. To l ilt-: 1'i ni.H'. The lady niuimri-s of the S.iniury Aid As.Hicintion for lhi County intend to iimke mi cxtiu ciliii t I'm the ;iiod -:hi-i. by u 'ale of nrticlcs ill (iiiinrelioii with a Christin.'is tree, on the eM'iiiii;; of Tin -day, ihe .'.'Id in.-t. Conti iliiilioiis nro i-iii ne-lly nolicilcd of lii-edli-work, limey urliclcs nod rcl're.-li-iiieiil-', thai our Cliii-lmas 'ft to the m1 diers mav be wol lhv of the lienev olent ell- nuiM i a an it in ii. i v .mii. . I I',..,,!. iiIM.Ii,l will send,-. r i .1 I ' ... our In uiul Inble will be aliiiiiil.intl v siiii- plied, nil. I " ill'' Mrs-ill" ol iIiom; Irmly to prri-lt -hall iniitr upon us" All w ill under-dund thai llirsr aitieles bi io' I'm' -tile, will waul piiiclni-crs mnl we h:tr nude this advance upon our u-ti-nl time, thai tlu-y may be bought ill se;t- ill lor ( bl l ItlUH ple.-rlit-. Coiitiibiitioiis for ibis purpo'-e, may be lit lo either of the I'ullow ill Ilillurd la- li.-s: Mrs W. P. Ill ItNS, Mis .1. (1. C vMl lii.l.l., Mrs I). N. CuAKi, .Mrs W . Dti liiMiiti i, Mrs S ri.i.i.K. P. S. It will br iindrr-tood, tlmt li the i , i i . irrr will t llpv Hie llllli, O.lticili:' iuii--i or i-prll-eil with. la Salem. D.c. I I, Mr. W. II. 'lhayer u.l M as I. II- II TrrlllMn. l llm if.i.leii.-n uf Alei.mder .Met our I, in V Mini, ,11 eoilllly, OV '.'.), by Uev t.en. I . I llllli- Her. Mr. in. t'omphell and Miss l iaacns h. nehary. line. Il.l.v l-'.ler Imiii t nil, till, .Mr. f. Vnll sad Mim Marllm M. I rouian, all of I, inn. llpe.'J, by Ilnv. IV S. t alliey, .Mr. J. II. liar- er anil .11 im .ir.ili 1.. I u.u, an 01 i oin.iu.i. DIBI: la l'l.rll.ui.l. Dee. Kill, of dyplhnria, Kuima dmi-'liter of I'rhaa It and India A. Iliel., aged '' years, 3 iiiuulhs, and 3 days. At sea. on Ihe aleiniier (iol.lnii Age, Nov. II, a litlln hoy, the ynungnr soil of II. W. I'.ddy, IC-q. of this eoliiily. The poor litlln lelloW d ed of r and was consigned to the sea a wi.ln grave and far away fioni home. I he lieaiiiilal lull. nl aervieu of thn KpiKopil I'liiireh was rend over Iho reiuinus brfi in Ihey wtto consigned lo the deep. II III Wll'l n' .'". and eli'ld who hns any ili-ease of lh syslr ,..., .1 by ua impum slain of the Miaul, In r:l,,.e to St'OVII.I.S I1I..M.I) A I I n l it HYKIT. that be.t of all iiunhrr,f ii., i ii .... ICVIIilll, lyslrtn, iivu AM) .S'ull'er no niore. ntlla li d, but r slnrn voar I lielh bv u-ing SVOVI U.'S III.OOP A S I) I I VI' It SYHl'l'. Il "ever tails In pnsln,.,. I heael'ieial rlleets. l!t:nisuroN A l'o.. . . i iiu r....l mi Sim l-iunelseo.' ,gl, I Ii; nn.l IIS float -I., Sun I'laneiseo. lurry housikrqur fxMimcr how we difficult il i" In innkn theref.'Ki lake plniisiiro I ihn f.iet thut lo iiimiio I . ... I li i. ...L., iriwhl III -II. I . Uii'l miaiiro iu enlling atlentien " uiufotnily I'Kh'. w,ii . i i. i- n..iu In ase in nse If- i i lis r I " nail nairiiioii" i"".i.ii '"":., n,ui' REIHN'iTOy " ", '' .": IITH la nverv reaneet It reeis an a I J. '.. , . ..: ...I Ii, ui.iiltier lollllllll : ne..r ii lern, III l ie in ine Aee llin a,ivi'liia.-iii".i ... Ill lllia impel. lMultnomnh Lodgo No. 1, V Vt A. M., hold" its slated e am a- srianisin Masomn II ihn Saturday 7V.,eeeding the Full .Maon in rnel. u.outh. Tur..i. Wvimut, Src'y. fiT The nnl regular will be held on Haluidiiy rvening, i'ee 'M- Notice- ValtiiiMc l'lopcrty For tfnlu in Oregon City. . j a i -. l.l.. k !l. nest to Cant. My- I , . ..'lv I n ihn lunik ef lh fiver-iinder eii;;,,. Ig If-";-. " 'h ml,,,,,!,,,! In Ihe KT '! ''"'V' n,I on. ,,1,-ln loth, islnldis I grade. I ml ! ' l' -nd".: ITi hne seres nl liAisl'i ""," . . ,es- land elai.,1. ; - Annie lo 1)IIIIU.3 ' deju City, Dee- -'. wl 1)UAKI5'8 PLANTATION I'.ITTEIJS. Thny purify, lion'llii-a, and Invigorate. They cn-ute a healthy appetite. They are an antidote to uhunga ut water and diet. Tin y oven oiiio effects of dissipation and late hours. They strengthen tho system end enliven the mind. They prevent niiasinatiuaad inlennilUiil fevers. They purify the breath and acidity of the atiaiineh. They euro Dyspepsia and Constipation. They euro lllanlieo, Cholera, uud Cholera Murhus. They cure Liver Compluiiit uud Nervous Ileiiiliicliu. They aro the best Hitlers in the worlJ. They iimke the weak man stroll)-, and are kxiiaustku natusk's uskat rebtorks. They ure mado of puio .S't. Croix Hum, the celebrated Caliaitya Hark, routs uud herbs, oad aro taken with the plousaro of a lioveiiij-n, withoat regard to a'e or liiiieuf day. Particularly recommended to deli calo persiias reiiiiria- a fr. ntlu ntiniiiluiil, Sold by ull (ii-ocers, DriigKisui, llotnls, aa.l .Saloons. P. II. Diiakk &. Co., New York. Smith & Da vis, iviIiiii.i, tgeuts. jy:i"y' z. o. o. r. qS,,vV Ohkhon I.oiiok No. 3 neet --fSi "' 'lB .'"""'c Hall on Monday ,'JjS eveaini of each w eek. Hreth- . I. i Vs ren ill (fooil ulna. linn are invited to intend. J. II. SeilllAM, X.U. C. M. Kkstks, l!ec. Sic'y. 'M Notice Donation Claimants T in Or Tho Kixth section of the Act of Con (,-rcss entitled An Act to reduce llio ex penses of tho Survey of tho Public Lands in the United States, approved May 30t.", 1802, is as follows: " Skction 0. And bo it further enacted, " That from and ulter tho first tiny of July " next tho compensation ol Uecisters uud " Receivers in till tho Land Ollicca iu tho " United States shall bo nil uiiuual salary " of five hundred dollars to ench, with the " fees mid commissions now prescribed by " law and, to be paid by claimants, on nil "ditiomtl fee in donation cases ol livu do! " l.irs for each final ecrtificutu for one hiiu " dred tiud sixty ncres, ten dollars for " three hundred mnl twenty acres, mid lif " teen dollars lor six hundred mid forty " ncres." Iu view uf the above enactment, and to huvo tho order in which wo think it best for the work of the ollicc to proceed under stood, wo now say to tho donation claim- nuts of the Townships herewith designated that wo shall proceed to make out the cer tificates of such of thoso claimants ns arc disposed to take the prescribed oath of lovaltv, nud imy lor their certtlicutes. A reasonable time will be nllowed within which to fi Iu request for certificates, com pleto proof, nud take the oath. Wo shall then pass to other townships, nud in this order cull on all tho Donation Claimants in our district Persons who live at a distnnco from this Office can tnko tho oath before u Justice, . , , '"""'X llic Cl,',k "f tlie I'"'!'" "'y cer' tify that the Justice was authorized ut the time to ndmitiister oaths. Township ID South, Uatific 2 West, 5 1 r, 12 t) 13 11 11 8 12 S ft 13 1 1 1 1 1 2 4 1 2 3 3 K W W. A. Staiikwkatiikk, lirgalcr. W. T. Matlock, Ilcetivtr. Orcoti t'ity, Dec 13, 1S02. Male of Oregon, J lu Couuty Court. Caekaums C'oaatv. la the in.ilU-r of llm Rstatn of Thos. G. Itoork, an I limine I'eraou 'VJOW on this day eume Archoa Kelly, guar diau of Ihe waul aforesaid, and tiled Ins pe tunia as rsiiired by law for license to sell nil tho real eatute belonging to his said ward ill Clacka mas rotinty; and it appearing from said petition that il is necessary and beneficial to said ward that mi, I estate shoald be sold, it wasordernJ by the court that the next of kin of said ward, and all persons interested iu Ills estate, be required to appear before Ihe county court of Cluekauias canity on the fust Monday iu January, IM!3, to show cause why a license should not be grunted for the sale of such natato. And it was farther ordered by the court that a copy of this order be pubUlieil three successive weeks ill Ihe Oregon .ligus, a newspaper published and circulated in aid Clackamas county. siKi-iiJiis Hum. at, County Judge. Statu of Oregon, Clackamas County. I, James WiaMoii, County Clerk of said conn ty, celt. fy (he foregoing to be a correct copy of tiie order in said mailer, entered at tho December Icrni, Itili'-J, of said court, as the sum remains of record in my ollicc. Wilaess my hand and the seal of said court, 1 1., s.l Ihe Ulh day of December, lHli-J. Jamks Winston, Clerk. JoiiNMi & I.ockv, .literiieys for liuurdiua. la the Circuit Court of thn Slute of Oregon for the couuiy of Janus Shelley, I'lululiff, vs. Win .1. ltrowauml .Idnliae llrown, Defca laals. fM) WM. J. IIKOWN, llefeiidnnt! Yoa ate .1. hereby noliliod llml in pursuance of an or der inudo iu the above cause, nl chambers, oil tho .Ie .if Diieeuilier. I.Sii'J. bv ihe lion. Kras- lima D Shaltuek, iluduo of said court, that said pl.iinlitr has liled Ins hill of coinpluinl iigaiasl tho ahove-nauind defendants, and claims to own and hold a certain note and mortgage made uud deliv. ered bv yon and your hue wife .Idaliuo llrown lo pliiialilV dames Shi-rley-said nolo executed by von on the fust day of November, I8.V.I, and said inuilL'iii!e In seeiue the iniynuMil of said note e. ,i i,v von nod voiir lale wife Malum lirinvn. on the fust day of Novcnilmr, IKW, for llicsum ,.f l.inr hundred and liim ly-lhree dollars and nirhtv-live cents, with interest at eleven percent. pyriiiiuiim IroiiHluit'; no jmrv ui wnn r...M - t .1. .. i.l. H.,.l ttliiiiitill' miiVM iutknil 'iit lUtd decree id forncliwnre and for sale of Ihe nn'rlgjiKM in nnv thn uiii.niul dan, to wit; ilM ,H.i. with interest at elev. a per cent r milium from the first day of Noven r, IrJ.W, which so inorlgaged are ill v,incsaiiias ui.n.i.j , ....-K-.., i :i..i i'.iIIi.wm. to w ill III towindiip -I, ruago 1 nasi, weal half of section 31 . bnund.-d mi llus "t hy ihn claim of the lieirs 01 j. i. ., ',-. -...n. i... i' ii ll .vnimi'a claim, west bv 1 lile' aim no.. -y-V. . ' ,,..,.,I,I, all anus, ninth IIV Mill, ailieoeii ... the leaem, ills nail niiiirlraanee ihereiinto be llie leHi-oi' nt -i i , ,1 . """ '.V,V, . ,., ,n ,i,n ih',1, !.. ii... p.hi t f.. iii-i ill llio nunrui 't rioll lor llio couuiy oi vi - , .lav of March, s. n. lt-li:l (bcim tbe llnrd Moi nl ay ... It.. I n ill), ami answer the b.ll ol t ipumii herein liled, ihe same will be taken lor eoaless. aiid Hie prayer thereof will be sranteil by I! coiirl. Deo. 13,18liSni3 Ait'y for I'Uiut.fl. Something New ! F. A. COLLAUD HAS bought Ihe 1-atlro interest of Ciiasman, WsRNKa, Sr, ('o. at the old stand of Fhxd. Ciiasman, in OHliUON CITY, where he proioaet to do business in all the various depart ments as heretofore done at that Hand, and ex pects, by strict attention tu business, to obtuin a share uf public patronii'-e. IHKSII CANUILH and TOYS will be on hand fur the holidays, Deo. 13, lbb'2. Full, 18G2. R E mFV A L . Danncnbaum & Ackerman HAVE REMOVED To the Urick Store Lately Occujiied liy Cliarman, Warner, ci Oo. rplIB season of the Fall and W'intes trade JL approaehiug, pardon us in promintin to you our card. We have now the choicest, most vuried and inoft exteiiftie stoek of Goods ever offered to the (H-oplu of Clucknuias county. We uro receiving, by every steamer, additions to our stock , from Saa Krancisc-o, and those who will take the trouble to call, call satiufy themselves that they can do better with us thuu they can do by (.'"into Cortland. NEW GOODS, NEW GOODS, NOW OPENING AT Danncnbaum dt Ackcrman's, ...consisting of... STAPLE AND FANCY the newest styles of DEESS GOODS, 81'CII A3 Fancy Poplins, Bareges, Debeges, figured delniii, all and half wool French merinos, rrench lawns, brilliaiitmes, hgured anil plain Marseilles, Swins and jaconet muslin, a large as sortment of French and Americau calicos, brown liueiu, bleached and unbleached mushu, TIIK LATEST STYLES Ot Silk lionnets, Cloaks, Shawls, ami Silk Mantels, and a large assortment of straw goods, embroideries, eol lars, sleeves, itc. ...ALSO,... -I Large Assortment of Ladies' and children's Shoes, Gloves, kid and calf Gaiters, Ladies' head dresses, corsets, etc. Gents' Furnishing Goods, Boots and Shoes, Hats and Caps, CARPETING, AND CHECKED MATTING; &c., &c, &c. Togellier with tho Largest and Lest selected stock of CL'STOM-MADK Cloth i n y, ...SITU AS... (tents' uierfine French cloth coats i gents' fine ilk mixed, and llurrison' casinu-ru pants, aud a .Veto style of SUITS, SILK YEIiVKT CASIMI.KK VESTS; Boys Clothing, Extra line heavy Mack tloesum Hants, Davis and Jones' shirts, i . . ' i .! . ii i . with and witnoni conars, vie. -5T Kememhei the store of DANX KX ftAUM ACKEKMAN, wholo you will find the latest AND BEST SELECTED STOCK OF GOODS Ever brought to this place, which w ill bo sold Lower than can Le purchased in Portland ! 1 All who wish to see moderate prices, please call and examine our slock. i :.,.i..iol for nasi favors, we will endeavor to merit a continuance nl llie i samn. DANNHNIIAUM .J- A CM'. UMAX Oregon City, April 19, 1SC9. no onxnvx on oaxoivieii. Dr. Win. Haira Piilsam for the lungs has no etjual as a, lung medicine, and is especi ally adapted to the constitu tions of females and those milTcring from consumption or any lung complaint. Give it a trial. KEPI NO TO X A CO., Wholesale Anls, 4 1 0 and 4151 Front st. San FaaiKitco Notice. nAVINOt juit tho mercantile basiuass, 1 am oow engaged iu Buying Apples for Shipment. Those having apples to sell, would do well to (JIVE ME A CALL. Settle Up! To all those indebted to us, I take occasion to ay, Call and settle up, IMMEDIATELY !! WM. WERDORIT. Oregon City, Oct. 85, IbGSt. T. CIIARMA.N. A, WARNKU. F.CIIAKMAN. Charman, Warner A Co., ft EN EN A L COMMISSION MEIICUANTS WIIOLKSSLK k RRTAIL Deatcra iu Dry Goods), Clothing, Hardware, Crockery, Glassware, Boots, Shots. Paints, Oils, de., Iu their fire-proof Ilnck Main stscct OltEliON CITY, ORgtiw.-t. ...F. Charman, haviug suited his... BAKERY, CONFECTIONERY, AND FAMILY GKOCEIIV STORE to tho establishment of Charman & Warner, the firm will now carry on business iu all the above mentioned bruuehes, in this city, hopnK by strict attention to business to merit the continued favor of their old patrons, and as many new ones as choose to come forward. No pains will be spared to give satisfaction tu all oar customers. Notice Settle Up! ALL those owing Ciiaruan & Wissrs or F. Ciiarman, will please come forward and make settltmeut of their indebtedness, without delay, so that you cau all commence dealings with the new firm of Charman, Warner & Co. A II our debtors will see the necessity uf attend in j; to this call immediately. CUAKMAN, VVARNEP. & CO. . Oregon City, Aug. 24, 1661. I1EDINGTON $ CO. '3 SUI'EItlOIt Yeast Powders. AUUANTEI) TO MAKE LIGHT sweet and nutritious MB It J. 19 -ua!ly adapted to LOAVES, HOT BISCUIT, IS UCK WHEA T and other cakes, GINGERBREAD, aud cakes of all kiuds. Warranted fully erpial to any in the market ! Ask for UEDINGTOX d Co.'s VEAST TOWDEUS, ami take no other, if you woold have uniformly GOOD BREAD! Manufactured and sold at wholesale by KEDINGTON CO, 409 and 411 Clay street, Saa Francisco. 4 trades or sciences, assumes lo impute au ab surdity upnu the public. On the same principle, any one medicine which professes to cum all dis e a is unworthy the slightest confidence, and should at once bo deuounced as a quack nostrum. Tho Gnefenberg Family Medicines do not assume to cure all diseases with oue reined'-. They have eleven different medicines, each adapted lo its peculiar d'usessc, and time has prov ed beyuud a quesiiuu the efficacy and certaiuty of these preparations. Their list comprises the fol lowing mediciues: Grcrfenherg Vegetab'e nils; MmhalCs Uterine Catholicon; Gntfcnberg Sarsaparilla; Grtrfenherg Pile Remedy; Grcrenberg Dysentery Hyrup; Green Mountain Ointment; Grcrfenlerg Children's Panacea; Grcrftnherg Consumptive's Dahn; Grufehberi! Ave Lotion; Grafeuberg Fner and Ayue Remedy; Grvfinbenj lhallh btUfrs; Grtrfenberg Manual of Health. For sale by all Druei;isis throughout the State. liKSESAL agists: REDIXGTOX i CO., Wholesale Prucj-Jsts, 416 aud 418 Front St., Sau Francisco. -yyilAT IS LIFE WITIIOL Ml.Al.lli, aud how few are free from the aami-rous ailments arising from an impure state of the blood T Be warned in purify your restore your time, aud blood, and health, by vill's Dlood Syrup the pu rif i er the namer calee of re in the hands taking Sco- ond Liver ?s? a y ? 5- ? - 3 av"5.-3l best bliwd known, as oui certin- tnarkable cares, of the proprietors, unquestionably prove. HEU- 1XGTOX 4 CO., Wholesale Agents, 416 sad 418 Froal street, Saa Francisco. GUARDIAN'S SALE. "fY VIRTUE ol hcease asunil by llie cooa I l iu -nri ,.r Yamhill county. Slute of Oregon mi il. December term, 1SC9. io the undersigurd, i;. ,.r ih minor heirs of JomiiIi Oiibrelli dee'd, I shall ofl'ur for sale at public auolion on the premises on Saturday Hi lOlh day of January, ISta, belweea the hours of 10 o'clock a.m. and 4 o'clock r.H , all the reel estate belonging to said minor heirs, described as r.Hlows, hi win neraj T.3 8. K. 4 W.of the Willamette Meridian, m Yamhill eouoty, and boamled as ioiiows : North by tho laud claim of A. P. Ankeny, East " " " " James Uriffilh, South " " " " " C. Davis, nn.l West " " " " " j timiier, aad con (ainitij- 137 2.1-ltlO acres. Terms of sule, cash in hand. W.8. IIUSSKY; December 5, 18C2w3m1 (iuardiaa. Pure Extracts for Flavoring. NsMKLYi VANILLA. LEMON, ORANGE. PEACH, mllFF. e stracls (s-asess, la tho nvs-t eonren 1 centraled form, the delicious t-.le and much admired llavor of the different articles i.Ik.vo enu merntrd, and for all culinary r'..r-es w, I be found the mest ee anieal and convemen . n- tier of communicating Ihe flavor. He isrUeular ,.,a.k for the kind, p.epared hy U". lh ma-.y kinds prepared by us, ns there are many ki'ds' in maiket 'possessifig bill link. If .my, of the rcullluvor. -'afcco. 41(1 und -IIS Front st., Sail Frnnciico. .M.-.-Msaes-sa-ss-seaMsasaassqei ckiooo To Loan. l,"'d eut? ru" ,,mvi . Apjay t Ot I"' Wolf & Ellis, dealers in Clothing, Dry Goods, Boots and Shoes, Furnishinjj Goods, Groceries, fec, fcc, MAIN ST., OliXGON CITY, RESPECTFULLY Invite atteution to their Fall aad Winter stock of the alsive articles, wh.eli, for variety, elegance, and oheapnow, la unerpjuled by any in this city. Thoir assortment of Dry Goo.lj embraces ev erything necessary for ladies, inUnos, md etiildreu, such as Dry Goods, Cloaks, Finn, Silks, Embroideries, Hosiery, Hoop-Skirts, ttc, all of the latest and neatest styles. A splendid vurie'y of all kinds of ZEPHYR-WOOL KNIT GOODS, a large supply 4-1, G-4. 10-4 llleaeh, Sliirliilgsi hcetinirs. flanneU, Salcm-made (, table liueiu blankets, counterpanes, towels, carpets, o.l-clotln mulling, damusk, A.O., 4c, besides a full assort meal of ladies', misses', and children's C'ollgres Gaiters, ISulmorul Shoes, sliipers, 4c. WOLF 4 ELLIS solicit particular attention to their xz: cs ra? m a: h nau" deirtment. which is stocked w iii the best CUSTOM-MAMS SttQDZ ever brought to this city, illwiys to ke had, su pcrior busineoH caainn re sails, t!uarnnsed cualein made, and warranted to fit equal Us nnf m le to order. Extra quality beaver basuiins coats, bea ver frock and sack overcoats, superior bkek cloth frock coaui, and doeskin panls ef cb-f int style and make. The choicest variety ef ell one-Is of Coats, Pants, Vests, Ovwcoats, Kaglans, etc., for mon aud boys, nil of the imsit fushiouae'o cut, uud well made. They keep constantly on haad every description of Gents' rurnishinr Goofe, While L. U. shirts, Shaker, aad silk undershirts and drawers, faaey ovorahirts, susjienders, ho siery, nlovcs, neck-ties, 4c , bats, asps, calf boot and shoes, gum lioots, M. Genuine Uenkert's Qniltrd ltottom Buots. I'crsous at a dUlaaee ordering through us, will find their wants supplied with the same prompting and advantage as if penmaally preeeut aud at TIIE BEST BARGAINS. A full supply of all kinds of Groceries, Provisions and Miner' Outfits. WOLF & ELLIS Have opened A New Trade, to give everybody a chance. They are payhig to r.vr.MEits Ctish or Goods for Produce, and will always pay the highest market price. A full supply of GOODS FOR FARMERS kept slwavs oa huud. He sure to call at I If". I L- A. 1.-1 I IC ilUU . LUbi i Nov. Main street, Oregon City. SANFORD'S LIVER IHViGC'.ATJo iWt'r Debilitates. li iaeomnounded entirely from (iUMS.and has become no established fact, a standard medicine, known and approved by all thai tiave uu u, au.t is now resorted lo with confidence in all the dis eases for which it is recommended. . It has cured thous yonrjiiiicnieni you iu the use of the Liver lavigoratot, and it will cure Liver complaint, at tack, dyspepsia, chronic uiarrhoM, summer coiuplaiuls, dysentery, dropsy, sour stomach, habit ual costi'eness,chohc, cholera, cholera mor bus, cholera infant um, flatulency, iauu dice, female w eakness ands within the last two years who nan given up all hopes of relief, as the numer ous unsolicited certif icates in my possess ion show. The dose must be adapted to the tem perament of the indi vidual taking il, and used in sucu quanti ties as lo act gently on the bowels. r l il.i ili,.t:lles of and may be used sue cessfully as an ordiasry lam.iy tucuiciiie. u ui cure sick headache (as thousands can Usiify) in tweniy minutes, if two r.r time tcsspnoiiiuia are taken at commencement of alUick. -AH who use il are giving their testimony in iu favor. Mia wuler iu the mouth Willi llie invigoraior, ad swallow both together. tT Price, f 1 k-i bottle. A, SAX FORD'S FAMILY CATHARTIC TILLS, couroi'SPGD rnou Pure Vtgetnble Extracts, Pul in gloss cos-, air tight, ami will aeep in any climate. The Family Cathartic Wl at H""i n' cl cathartic, which the proprietor has usca iu u practice more than twenty years. The constantly increasing demand fmm those lone-UM-d Ihe Pills, and Ihe salulactma which all i-pre in j duo reference to this Well established fact, been compouu.led fmm a variety of the purest vegetable ei tracts, which act a oa every part of the alimentary canal, aad are good and safo in all ca-es wheni a cathurt'.c is ueeded, regard to their use, has induced me to place them within the reach of all. The profession well know that different cathartics act on d.f ferenl portions of Ihe bow-e's. The Family Ca thartic Pill has, with such asderangemems of the itomach, sleep' ness, pains iu the bauk aud loins, eusliveiiess, wi" " soreness over l ie whole bodf, from sud leu cold, which freqaently. if neglected, md In a long course of fever, ( nppelile. a creeping seuaulioil of Cold o'er the bodv, restlessness, headache, or weight In the head, all intlaininatorry d senses, worms io chil dren or adalts, rheumatism, a great punlier or the blcsKl. aad many diseas e lo which tle.h is he.r loo immeroas to mention in Ihis advert semeat-. Dose, 1 to X , ,., . PUICK, THI'.EK HIMES. The Liver Invigorator and Family Cathartle Pills are sold by ).ngi;i.tsev.-r) sud by KEDINUTON CO., Sole Agents for Ihe IViliccos.t, 4 Id A. 4 IS Front si., San FrancUo. Sliito of Oregon. Tnuniv of Yamhill, i- Estate of V. II. Osbora, oecu. i T Ilendrick, adimnls A tratorof lhei-state of D. Il.Osla.m, dee d, aud i.K.a affidavit Hied according l law makes petition lu Ihe court for a license l sell the real property of said estate! anj it n.K...ruig to the iali.lacl.on of Ihe court lhat iher. is not proiHiny lo pay Ihe debts of said .stale, the n.c rswry allowance to Hi- bi' f l'','0. ' "a the costs of administration; thereupon U'sorler. ed by Ihe ourt lhat Tuesday alter the first Mon. day in February. ItsKI, bo set inn for the .ear ing of said petition, directing all nersona later estodloaparbcfurasaid court at lh. court hoase iu Uifayelle al Ihe lime above specified, to .1,1 cause wliy an onlrr .hwU aaid administralor to sell as much of the real es tate of said dee d a. sh.ll be requisite t. pay drhu and costs of administration, and thai a copy of ih. above order be rnbli-hed lu the Oiegoi. Arum lor four sueeexive weeks. , r j. W. COWI.M. Couuiy Judge. 1 Le-fay-itta, Ds. 9, ltiCJ w - - . ...