The Oregon Argus. (Oregon City [Or.]) 1855-1863, December 13, 1862, Image 3

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    The Frcnidcnt'i Message.
Fellow-Citizens of tlu Semite nnd of the
House of Keprcsciitativcs: Since your last
asst-mMine, another your of health niul
bountiful harvest litis passed, nnd while it
lms not pleased the Almighty to Mess us
with a return ot pence, we cannot lint
press on, pniiled by the best light lie. gives
us, tni-tnii; that in His own time una
way nil will le well.
The correspondence touchini; foreijin tif
f.iirs which lias taken place during the last
year, is herewith sulunitted, in compliance
with n request to that fleet nindo ly the
House ol Ki'presentatives near the close
of tho past session of Congress II the
condition ol our ri'lations with other tin
t;ons is Uss grutifyiiij; than it has usually
been at otlnr periods, it is certainly more
satisfactory than r nation so unhappily dis
tracted as we are, might reasonably have
apprehended. In the month of June last,
there were some grounds to expect that
the maritime powers, which at the lirj;n
tiiiij ot our domestic difficulties so unwise
ly und so unnecessarily, we think, reooji
uzed the insurgents ns u belligerent power,
would soon recede from that position,
which has proved only less injurious to
themselves than to our own country ; but
the temporary reverses which afterwards
befell the National arms, and which were
greatly exaggerated by our disloyal citi
zens abroad, have hitherto delayed that
net of simple justice. The civil w ar which
has so radically chanced for the moment
the occupations and habits of tho Ameri
can people, lias necessarily disturbed the
social conditions and affected very deeply
the prosperity of tho nations with which
wo have carried on a commerce that has
been steadily increasing throughout n peri
od of half a century it has at the same
time excited the political ambitions and
apprehensions which have produced a pro
found ngitution throughout the civilized
world. In this unusoul agitation we have
forborne taking part in any controversies
between parties and factions in any such
States. We have attempted no propa
puidism and acknowledged uo revolutions
We have left to every nation the executive
conduct and arrangement of its own affairs
Our struggle has been, of course, contem
plated by foreign nations with reference
less to its own merit than to its supposed,
and often exaggerated, effects and conse
quences resulting to those nations them
selves. Nevertheless, Complaint on the
part of this Government, even if it were
just, would be unwise.
The t.-eutv with Great Dublin for the
suppression of the slave trade has been put
into operation w ith a piod prosjicct of
complete success. It is an occasion of real
pleasure to acknowledge that the execution
of it on the part of Her Majesty's Govern
ment has been marked with a zealous re
spect for tho authorities of the United
States and the rights of their moral and
loyal citizens.
The convention with Hanover for the
abolition of the St.idt duis has been car
ried into full effect Htuhr the act of Con
gress for that purpose.
A blockade of three thousand miles ol
sea coast could not be estaUihed und vig
orously enforced in a season of great com
mercial activity, I ke the present, without
oxnurtting occasional mistak-s, and inflict
ing uii'.itciitiunul injtiri'S nr-on foreign na
tions and their subjects'. A civil war, oc
finrii g in a country where foreigners re
side and carry on trad" und. r treaty stipu
lations, is necessarily fruitful of complaints
of the violation of u utral rights All such
The condition of the finances w ill claim
your most dilligent consideration. The
vast expenditures incident to the military
and naval operations required for the sup
pression of tho rebellion have hitherto been
met with promptitude and certainty uniisn
ii 1 in similar circumstances, and the public
credit mis been fully maintained. The con
tinuance of the war, however, und the in
creased dishii's tuents made necessary by
the niigiliei ted forces now in the (Md de
mand your best reflection as to the best
means of providing the necessary revenue
without injury to business and with the
least possible burdens upon labor.
Tlie suspension of specie payment by the
Iwinks, soon after the commencement ol
vour last session, made large is.-ues of
United Stntts notes unavoidable. In no
other way could the payment of the t roups
mid other jusl demands In' so economically
or so Well provided lor. The judicious leg",
islat ion of Congress securing the r eeiva-
bilitv of these notes for loans and internal I "'-d beyond the reach
duties, and inakinir them n lender for : the different parts of
the other believes it is wrong and ought
not to be extended. This is the substan
tial dispute, The fugitive slave clause of
the Constitution and the law for the sup
pression of the African slave trade, are
each us well enforced perhaps us any law
can ever be, in a country where the moral
sense of the people imperfectly supports
the law itself. The great body of the peo
pie abide by the legal obi g itions in both
cases, nnd a few break over each." This,
I think, cannot be perfectly cured, and it
would lie worse in both ii, stances after sep
aration of tie States The
foreign slave trade, now impel let t'v sup
pressed, would be ultimately rein-wid Willi
out rest r clinn, l.ile fugitives, now onlv
partially surrendered, would not be sur
rendered at all by the oilier. Physically
spcakii'g. we cannot separate. We cannot
remove our respective sections from each
other, inr bud I an impassable wall he
I ween them. A husband mid wife may
i-e tin orccti, ntul iro out ot ti e presence
cl each other, but
our country cannot
ilii tins. I lu-y c-innol lmt n mam l.nv to
lace, 11 it 1 intercourse cither nmieahlo or
least, and for the time, the long fill want j hostile nuist continu- tin-in Is it
of nn uniform circulating ineiiiumn, lesiv.inr i possible then to make that intercourse more
thereby to the people immense sums in dis- j advantageous or more satisfactory after
count anil exchange. A return to specie ; separation than In Ion : Can aliens make
payments, however, lit the earliest . rnl ir-uil' s easier man li iein.s can nnl.c laws,' ,
ompatible with a due regard to nil inter- i v tm ,IV;" es lie more M.iii.u.iy i iitorocl lie
csts, should ever be kept in view. r'luctn. i tweeii aliens than laws call union.' friends? j
atiots in the value ol currency are always ; you go to war, you cannot light !
inpineus, ami to reduce these tluctuat.ons , uiways, nun wnen aii. r iniicii nns on i-o'l.
to the lowest possible point will always 1 1 " 1 I'O iM-n on eitlnr, you cease
bo a leading i mpose in w i-e legislation. identical oie .stuns us to terms
Prompt anil certain convcrtabilitv into of intci com se are again ttio i you " There
coin is geiiiT-tl y in Know I. ttgi-il tii he the : 11,1 ' sir.ugiii or cook-ii, suitanii1 tor
best nr.d sunst protect ioi: agninst lliem, tmliotial boutnl.iry, upon which to divide.
ami it is extremely iioni.llul the! trace mrougn ironi easi ni wei upon tin
circulation of United States noti s, payable lni' both ol the free :'il country,
in coin and snllieieiitlv large for the wants - and we shall I'm I u lillle more than on.--
4 1.., livo-v State wherein slavery the average of Kuroprni. population of 13 J
.. i . : I. .1. .11 lit,. ! til llll Rtl IIU rt llllllV
re it,., Massachusetts has IM, Ivhodt. Na.ul
. ' ,,. ... ... :.. I i:i:t New York and New Jersey, each St)
III" I A I'. 1 11"'. MHtll ni.tiw 'in -
,.. f it.. I sii.i.w Two other Slates, I Vnnsylviiniil nml Ohio,
, :: , ;! r tf.rbelow. the r..r....-r having 1U
T L ' : . I . . been .herein - ! and the Infer M. Tin. K.i.fcH alreatly
..i.i i Is l. .Iehvere.1 to such Slates 1 above (he Muropei... a virago except New
by instalments or on parcel,,,., the com- j Yo,k have me reuse, i l.Uis rapnl a ratio,
,.i.,,; ' .1... nhohshmeut. accortling as since ihe passing ol that point, ns vwt n
!. i til I .... .1.1.. I hp lit iinn I ftllV lll h- not one of tin m is t onal to
t:ie same .sua., nini' in. ii i;i'"iii." , . ,
time and interest shall b. Kii, to run upon ! some oil,, r parts of our country in nalur.,
' i i. t ,1... ......ner lime ofits 1 capacity. In the aggregate we Innl it
,1,-iiverv tilor.saiil Aft, rwartls, any Suite ; population ami ratios of itiere.iso lor sever-
having' received bomls as aforesaid, and ; l ilecenninl pernios. ,u loin.w s
f,ervv"ar,ls iiitroilucing or innking slavery 7!H), :i,U2t SJ7 ;
l herein" shall refuutl to the I'mltil States i 1 SOU. .r . it I Kr. tC 1 7 . ratio of inc. d.'i (1J 1011
other debts, has mule tl.etn a universal
currency, and has satisfied, partially nt
of the people, can be
and safi lv m iintaineil
perinanintly, iisi-fullv
Is there at. v other
mode in which the u. eessarv
toi ,s:on
the public wants can be made nr.. I the ml
vantage of a safe ami uniform cnrrei t-v sr
1 know- of o::c
th rd of its hnglh are rivi rs easy to In
crossed and il, or s.) as to In- (hit k
ly populate. I, on both siih s, while in near
ly alt its r- uiaitnug l iegth are nu n-lv stir
eor.s' lines-, over whi.-h people may walk
llu- bonds so received, of the value lliclcol,
and all inten si p tiil
Article, All slaves who shall have en
joved actual freitloin, by the chance of the
war, at nn v tune belore Ihe end ot Ihe re
bellion, sin. II lie lorever free; bill all ow n-
..i 1...11 .... i. ..... i u.
ers ot stli'it, w no si.nit ii., i into
loval, shall be COIIipensilli il lor lllelll lit
(lie s ime ra'es its is provided for States
inloptiiig the abolishment of slnvt ry, but in
siiel, a way that sl.vis sliall not be twice
accounted lor.
Article, ( '.i ;;r-ss iiiny npproriat-t '
money, or ot provide lor colon .nig
free colored persons with their ovv n cottsi nl,
at any place or places with it, the Unilcd
Stati's'. j
I beg in. lulg. nee to d'seii-s these pro ;
posed articles nl some length. ;
Without tie- rebellion would :
never have existed, without l iVcry it coilhl
not coiiliiiiii- Among the ol the
I'uion th re is a nival diversity of se.iti !
iin-nt nnd pnbey in regard to slavery, nnd !
the Africa, , , nee amongst u'. S.nue would ( it gr idil.ihy nnd wilh ciiiliH iis.itioi
Some w oiihl r. Iliev e the I r e eoloied people
Iron, tin- I'nited Stales, nml s--uie vvotihl
ntaii lh m with us mil there are yet nth
er uiin-'r iliv i-r- lii s l-eeniise of the diversi-1
ties. We w asti-lunch strength in sting
glis amongst ourselves' I'.y mutual eon-
In hM, l.'Jll'.I.Hll, " -ft! I", 1011
In i.s-.'o. I a I . " 1:1 100
In I Mlii. 10.siiti.njn. " ft'.i :tu-1 no
in i s to. n,os'.i,, ; ion
In is.'iO, .';!, I n:i s7o " :!.' ,s7 inn
In i sen, :ii,i:i:i,"oo " ;i.'i :s loo
This shows an ii v i rage ileeentiinl nu ri nse
of lit I'.O 101) per cent in population
through seventy years. I-'inin the first I
our last census, it is seen that the ratio of
hit reuse at no one of (hee m vt periods
is either I vvti pi r cent lu-low or two per
cent above the average ; thu-i show nig how
iiitl. ulilc, ami const ijunilly how reliable
the law of increase in our ease is As
s.imtug lluit it will cniitiiiiie, it gives tin
following result:
In IN70,
In IM),
It, lt'O,
It. I'.Uo,
In lO'J t,
In r.:i!
r . ".. i
I n:t. jos. 1 1
'J.'l.l'iMI.'.'l t
, !e
i prionisi s so
certain results, nml at the same tun.- .-o nn
object 'enable as the organization of bank
ing institutions, under a gemrd Act of
Cor.gress, well gmr lnl in its provision;
To such flssooiutioiis the (
i t ,e;glit
furnish c'rcnlating notes on the ol
United Stat, s bonds d-pnsited in the treas
ury. These notes, prepared n:i.l r the su
pervision of propel ellk-crs, nml being uni
form in appearance ai:I s cur tv, nnd con
vertible always with cirtiiintv, would nt
once protect labor against the ev Is of a
vicious currency, n::d f.u-'litate ivm-i- ree
iy cheep an 1 saf- e.i
cession we should hiiimoni.'.e and net to
ii:;i K nn.l lorn, vViliii iil any consciousness I gi-tlii r I li s vvonM lie a eoinpt utilise
of the r presence. No part ol this I in- nmoiig the ft ii-inl. and lot with the e
can be maile any more't to pass by i nr. s of tin- Uu on Tin w arlicl. s are in
writing on piper or parchment, ns a tin i ten-h tl to eiiile. lv n pi hi of stn li mii'iiul
tiolial .try. The fact of s, .-tr:itiiu. j Co, s-,,n, and if tie- p! ill sf.i'l Ii,. ii,o.t
if It com s. gii s up on the part of the v. 1 eil it is n-.ii:n il .! it i in-il.c p ition vv ill toi
feti ng sect on Ihe fug. live i Lit-.,- nfoi g J low, nt I i-t in s. v. r d of tin- St.,1. s In
with nil flier Co,.-'.talneial
upon the si i tion s--.led, fioin
tr. aly st piilala-n would ev.-r I e in ole t
t.-.k ill that e! ill-e. I'. ! tin re is an. -tie
it iiii-noy I he treat mr. r.
(Mlti-I- d cast bv the
itions i iii,. ir-!
h no i the . iii i
r sect:, n
north l.y
-r l.sti
rate ri-servation from
lian.g.s. A
I In- int. r. -t
ol ll.e
bonds wnuli! compensate t!;e United States
for the preparation nnd lii-trih-.pi-'n of the
notes ami a gt n ral e.Mi'iision of the y
tetn woiilil lighten the burden of that part
of the public debt f-niplop. d as s. cur ty
The public credit, mon over, would he
greatly in-proved a-n the nrgitation of
new 'oans gr. ntlv fn il lateil bv tin- steady
W'-st lo
ll the I;.,-' I;
rn and e.
w !.i ': : c,i . s j.,rt o' V r
I II- ' s s iij" cn'Ui
liigift, Wisftinsin, lln.o s,
-s is, I, M un. soi i,' und
of P.cota'i. N.l.n-ki, nml
lit t- Ii nn.'liii;
.Moi-.!-,n,s. i
ti e eiii'iva'i-'ii
and w ;,i 'i : ,-,i
( 'oh.r.nlo,
th- Ho. k v
.11 Where
fon licit,
:init, pait
l'i r i '
t! e e
be III
t :.!.
tl.-inaml for (iov'. rnm- nt I o- !-, whVh th
collisions tn I to excite iivsapprclitnvons
and possibly to produce recrimimitions be-twei-n
nations which have o common inter
est in r si rv-ng peace nml frietuMnp. In
c-h nr cast s of thise kinds, I have, as fur us
po-s ble, heard ami r..die--.l the com
plaints which have been preferred by for
eign powers Then is, however, a large
and augmenting number of doubtful cases,
upon which the Government is unable to
iign e with the gov. rnm-nts who-e protec
tion is demanded by the claimants. There
are, mon OVi-r, many cases in which lie
United States or I heir citizens suffer
wrongs from naval or military authorities
of foreign nations, which the governments
of those states are lmt pr.-pan tl to retires
I have proposed to some of the fure:gn
ti, blisters thus introduced, mutual conven
tions to examine and a-btist nich com-
. MM . ... ..
I'm I"'. i ms proportion lias i,n n made
fsptciully to Great Urilaiii, to I'rance, to
Spain, ami to Pr:is,i:.. In each case it has
been kindly ric ivtd, but ,a.s not v-t bc-n
formally udoptt.d. I (h em it my' duty to
recommend an appropriation in'bclialf of
the owiu-rs of the Norwegian bark Admi
ral V. Torccns Uiola, which vessel was, in
May, 161, prerented by the commander
of the blockading force oif Charleston from
leaving that port with a cargo, notwith
standing a similar privihgc hod before
been grunted (o an linglidi ve'sel. I have
directed the Secretary of taie t0 cas0 t,e
papers i'l the cae lo be coitmuniealcd to
the proper committees.
Applications have been imidu to me 1
maiyfrte Americans of African dtscit't
lo favor the:r emigration, with a view to
such colonization as was (utitcnipbiled in
recent Acts of Con "rem. Other imrties.
at home nml abroad, muiic from motives of
prejudice, others upon patriotic principles,
und still otlun influenced by philanthropic
sentiments, have nuggest'd Minilur mes.
ores, while, on ihe other Lund, several of
the Spanish-American republics have pro
tcsttd against the sending of Mich colonics
to th'-ir respective territories. Uieh r these
circumstances, I Lave declined to give any
such colony to any ktntc without first ob
taining the consent ol its governtin nt, with
at, ogret ment on its part to receive and
protect such pnrtit-i in nil their rights ns
fret men, nnd I Lave at the same time of
fi red lo Ihe sevorul slabs situated in the
tropics, or having colonies there, to nego
tiate with them subject lo tho advice and
consult of the Senate, lo favor the volun
tary removal of portions of that cla-s to
their respective territories, upon conditions
which shall be equally just ami Immune.
Liberia and IJayii arc yet the only coun
tries to which colonisls o'f Africnn descsnt
from here could go, with a certainly of be
Ititf received and adopted pi citizens, nnd I
regret t0 gay lliut such pemon contemplat
ing colonization do not stem so willing to
emigrate to these countries as to fomc oth
ersnot no willing on I think their Inter
fsfg demand. I believe, however, that
their opinion Is Improving, nnd that ere
Inntf there will be on augmented and con
liderublu emigration to both these coun
triw from the Unif') State?.
adopt on of the prc;ine. sy-t-tn would
er- ate. It is rei-i-mii'-inl t
tion of the measure efeonsid- rah'e weight,
in my jtnlgni-nt, that it would r.eoucde, its
far ns po-silie', nil existing inter s's, l-v
the opportunity ( !T r-.1 to ex-sling
tiotis to s i j 1 1 -; i : . j t c a utiiforin n.itlnnal c ivu
I.i t ion for the local aii.l various e'r- it'.it'nn.
secured nnd i:n-i cured. n w i.-sj ,1 l,y
tin m.
Tin- r. e.-ipts intii ihe tr. n-nrv li on, ail
sources, he-hiding L.atis nnd lala-i--. s IVhiii
lie- preceding v.-:ir. fur tin- tise;1 i . . tol-
illgon the :,ilih f.t'.rune. 1 .-st'.J. vvi-n- s.',s;..
x-oit" '.. of which -inn S l-.i.nos, .-;-., i;
were ili-riveil fVoiii -ii-tom-; Sl.T'.i.'i.'l-l 7-'!
friitn tin- tlireet t.i; fricii pill I'..- hi'i l-.
?l"-.-l-'i 77; t'l'.iMl llli-ei llillieoll- -iitli'.-e-,
1. 7-s'.i I'l: from ...,iis in nil I'm-ni-.
"s.Vjn.O'.t-.'.M;!! .",11; the p til lilld. g.i7.-
Ittl.i "in. was the liiil.mei. from y.
Tin-ili-biirsi-ment- ilmiiig tin- -;titi period
Wife, lor Cling! ioiial. Kveeiitiv.- und
Judicial purpose-. s"i".0.'iO.""!l ; t'-.r
foreign inii-risnir-i-. $.'1'V.K U hniri..
Po-t Otlii-e-. tl. lii-ii-neii -, eoll.-etiiiri- of
rev enue and ml. or duos and ehai L'. -. '! I.-
i-'.'.ii'i ; lor i-Xii-ii-i- uinier tin- Interior
I)ep.ui nt, s:;.if.V.m.j iind- r tin-
War I)'-p:irti.-tit. I,.'!t'..-s. n7 :ls ; tin-ih-r
the Navy I)i .,-,i-imeiit, J,f,7 ,.",,v., c,o;
for iuti-re-t on tin- I'uhlii- I), bl. -sl.i.I'.iii,.
VI I l'i, ami fur the pavim-nt of tin- Public
I).-bt, iiiehuling reiiiibur-i iio iit of ti-rnpo-rary
loan and redemption, s .i."i.ii'.h;.,.i-.,J n;i;
milking an nggri-gate of sr.T"..! 1 1 ,'.' I L'";
and Ie:iing a biihniei-in tl,.-Tie.i-iirv on
th"-first day of July. 1 ( I :',.'n .l,.
I III X. It -honld be (ili-e vii that the
sum of s!n;.i:if;.'.-j;; n:i expi-ndi-tl ti.r re-iu,b,ir-i
mt-nts nnd r i. mptioi, of lie- Pub
lie I)eht, hi-ing included nl-o in the loan
niaile, may be propt rly ielueteil both
from the receipt and expenditure.-, J,..1V.
illg tho llftllid r.-eeiit f nun ,e Vear
S 17, "''s..'!'.' I '.(7, nnd the i-xpi-tidiiiiro
S 17 1.7 I 1,7-sh 10. (ither information on
1,0 .-object oft!,'- finance will he given in
the n-jiorl of I ho Secretary of the Tn-n li
re, to wl.o-e siat.-iiieiii anil view s I iiivile
your ni-t eoii-id.-riite tll-nt ion.
pie, niel vv J I h.iv,' li'ty m
i'-ars, if n. .f prevt nt. tl l.y
ly or i:,;.t :k- It cent in
lli r-l i t tin- c-u i'ry o.v ie i
St ites, iiiul ft -rt.ihily iiiore
III '!-. of sin !'::-i- ( )::e hail
M.l --a. l.Ust in a!;-, . i. !v is,
more th in s--v ::'v live m
A gin.-- at tin- i:: !.
: i - : i
Oh o
thin Ii
itic.l I
of! ,1
" i I
r. i .
r ;.
,s to ;:
at in'i.i
a iy p.
s n.ore ill in i..;,--
I by the r-volt.d
tli ill OM- ,111. . oil
' ns popn'on. ,
it Well!, I I..VC
,i.C-s of p.'Op'
--, licit t. ni'o
- at body of tin-
are but
n, ,g-i-f, -i.t r,
l. II" ll'jiO -It I-'
nl-o i.
reduction of
and ell -ue:i
i- gr.- it iiit--i ii r
.- must i-i. p. r
, Iro'll st.,iis- es
regain v. J . i . Ii t :!-;val:o!i,
ntel r.ij i,!l; in
prol.c-N ' W.'
ill" 111 Ig'lltll e
of tie- pro-pcet r -cute. I, mnl v t t! is r--g
o-i I a no s, :l co ist, lunch, ng no oe.-an
ai : a- r.-. As part of one nation, j' , o
pi.- now may find, niel nay forcn r liinl
: tin ir vvy to Kurop- l,y S w Vrnk. lo
Soti-li Aui'-ri'-t by i w Or! ar;.-. to Asia
I by San I'Vi.iii' -co. si p irite our coin-
j 'I '. ii e-.ilt. tiy ii, to int. oils if. signed l.y the
I prt -. nt reb.-l! on, iii,d t v . ,"y linn in thi
. gn at interior ri-.'iin is t ! r- by ei.t of!' f.oiu
! one or mop- of tin " onth I-nut, ,..r, ,,.,
- l.y a pliT-ie-il barrier, b.;t lv imimrriss
in. -tils oii'-r.tu- to I r nl'- r.-g'ialanis, nml
1 lies i trii'.- win in -,, r a il'viding or boninl ,
ry I. in- n: iy b" li.-d. l'i i.v it bet wet n
; the no'.v frei- ami tin- s ,v,. t-oiiniry, or
I phn-e it soul Ii of K'i ntiieky or north of tin-
- Ohio, and still the tru'li rein,iin licit mine
e in on po.u's nr lii'-l,
oiv . r, the I. : ;; !t of tunc
i nt hi -i I :ig it in v-.r. uu I tnid.
ni -i-nsaliou 'I in- ein;, ic'piit.iiu vv ill
al sf.ii-,.: v to tin- ii. v .i nli s of p. r
s'avei v. I nt the length of t lite
cr.-at! v ie. tig it.- ti-. .r d'.ie-
The s.ves ..',l r ic. s fuel, thi
ef sin), th-r .tig. 'incut, w Into no is t
c w h-re liiil-iin d course of lh. tight
be il.sim lil by i Ii,. mc-ur.-, vv ill have
id b. l-.l'e its t ...i-uaiillalion Tl.eV
ucv i r s -c i; - aimt her ,1 is vv ii bad
.r.i-p'ct of i in iti.-i, ilii.ii, but Hu'l ic-
I ngtli of t ue- Tin y vt ill f,a
gi.C to l.ltle too those a,vv l.vilig tl s
y gi v i s in, in intti'li 1 1
it- vttgr.ii.ey aid tl. sr 1 1 ii
ig iy n't nd nun- 'I u'e
c.ll.llt s W It- re the ndvi r-e
v.-ry great It iv. s n s!,., ft,.,.
I th it :t
s:.V. s, but it r all
j s i , I le in l i ,"i I
I v lech nri-t I
en: o.i- p tl .,n m I,
i n i uu. .! ai. c, , u r
s-.r on e t!i ib t'ic.r
'y socking, it is the
-i',: c I :,e iK'ii r p
;!!-r :- rs t , it. Tii
g W. st I.i,-;) I'.,
e P. if lit", bt ing
r d lv. -altli, nnd
I r- ' ii in th
rov'.ioi . g:;i ns, gr a..i .-,
proee. ils from, that t:,
r- g on i. ii itnr.d'v one of l'i
ta-it in t'e- world, is e.-rt nn,
i! the s,:a'l prop. a-:, on of t'
lias :.s y, : l en I loiigU
an I a is. i !i (,ti) .. ir.,.
cr. as : g itiiioiiiit of tli---ii
ill be (iv. rw '.elni -d w t'l
t,.r,-v.r. Tin-
el o.i.'l g to il
i t d of tie- c
l ine, it by il
w !,,.',- or any
lib'i." s 1,11 t-.i .
It ii'- i r ivid
ird'v th- lie-
s - iii to .' ir'l.ei- mil g ile i
of tic w ho f.ivor .i rpi Ii
I ft h aves to en Stale
i-li-li s!.n-i ry now t.r at the
ntnry at in V int. rim-d. ile
gl-.-es et, i.dnig mi r tin
i n t of thai p. r ,i,, and it
States tn r .',', ,-. I n!l!(,
s for eomp. ii-alion nnd e;, n
! t f 'I I is v ,,nl I
I . - s.i t i :' i i-i o in
slaV.IV. and
:t 'y t:
- ll.
,1 r- lo r.
, ti.
I ti
j.-iy nn I
tl-e me i
-it t.
IV .- VV 1
! j'l-t
w ho
ft. Vet that
I ClC.OIIih'.il.
II lill- I ic ;l-i-r.illoii (, lie sbiv.H is
l.-sirncl mi oi prop.-rty iietpiir.-
se nt -ii, I by , i r -;. .-,'. 'I Ic .iinie
ml,, r pr-.p rtv, i! i no h --( true I
ml tint the
re r- s;,o:iiL
I ,ro lie i. mi ..: i, us pio r'v
j pen; ! o!' I Ic I. oi lit, nnd vv Ii
le r. ,! how tin 't - tal m.'ly
ali i sug-ir, ll'cl s , li'e 1,'ie i.r
g l.'-en ol'eii s
ei:l ii r ' tin ue
VI .'
,i he ,c
is any
or Lav
of Ihe
the III'
are the
ri iiii-iii-
i utlon
..f th ill, r.
1 in tin in. it i-i
' the -olllh Ice
to t-.IV
.-, thai,
IV hilt be (l,de safe
h' l II mole rcspon.lil
i t In- north lor i: nuiln.ii nice,
j ll :h -i.tvi ie.'d'-r ol.j, cti that his prop
' . I'y is to I,.- - , r,li.-. i. is it in.) jis , ,1 it
' be ih'ii nt ii eii'iuiiiiii t b il-ge, nu I if not
I l'-s iii'ti.i y or money tnnr.- eas !y pt-d, we
c in pr, serve th- ben. Iii of i,,. l'linm ,v
j this lite in, belt, r th III We I .111 by tlie War
It I".' . com. mil-ill 'o till II '! 'I'l, e
Tin se ligur. s slum ti,..) i. iii- couiihy limy
be as poo. ilon a I.t, tope nt m-iiic pit hi
bittvciu I'.llll illn! ll hit), say about P.I
our (i l'i itorv at si v t lit v l d 1 1 e and one hall
to lite s.pi .re mile, In-lng ol a cap icily t-
i tun '.'17,1 Ml.ll, li und we vv;ll too, if vv.-ilo not ourselves r.l iiipis!,
the chiiiice by the folly ami t v .ls of tbs
union, or by long evjuni-liiig w it r sprn g ng
from lie' onlv great i h tin lit i.f ili-cold
among us While d cannot be foreseen e
ni l ly how much on.-loo, - , tniple f s.-e.-s,
on, bringing lessi r t-iies, utd.-lii. t. Iv,
would re. aril our p . pi. I t. ion,
' nn.l pi'.fpi-rity No on.' can it. oil .1 bin
that tin-i l. Ill of it vv oi:l, I be vt ry g-e-it
ami ii.jnriinis. I he pr-'.'is, d cm ita ip il .ei
won!, I shorten llu:, preeiptl-ile p. ace,
insure ties nn rt' isi' in pupu! ition, nnd pro
port, una, i Iv I n . r in w.-.tllli of the
eoiaitt v With this vie sh nihl ay nil
emaiicipalion vv ouhl cost, vviihoiit oitrollt
er tb l. Is, bet'. r than we mnsclves co., I
pay our other d -l.t w itho it it I ,r vi e l,a I
nil,.') , d i ur old Niilioinil d' hll-i rui at
. pi r cent per annum, nt tnpl ml. r. t,
, from the i n l of our v string
i gle till lo.l iv, nith.iii! puling tnnihnig
lor i-'thi r principal or int. r. -I, i n.-h mm
! of its vv mil I owe hs on that d- It no .v tlmn
i rii-l, in in owed on it th. it, at. I tli s I,, com
our increase of ni' ii thl.iagh the vv liohi pe
rod I, ,s t..en r thin m p. r ttit
nil I rut fist.r Ihnll ii.tere-t li..i l'ie
debt Ti.ti ni. ulna,- r I v. s a .1. bi,,r
ii ti on. so l oig a ils pop. i'i, I, o i,
t ist. r th in u-ip ii'l interest ncn nn! ,!. , ,t
It llel. Til, lloW. V. T, V I o 1 1 , b ' I'll r
en . for tl. I lying p v n:- nt of w h it i us-v
due, but s,m, ,t. u t .it iiiiport.n ce ol
tmie in this coiiih el'on, tin, I the i r at in
V ll, tag of 11 pol l V bv VV h , h We s', ,11 nu
have 1. 1 pty ntttil we oi.e bun Ire
Uiill.o ,, whal, by ti ii If p-tit "lev, w
would hive In par now, when m.r tin t,ti.
i thirty one Iniiho-i; i-i n word, it -how
ll doll r Will he II, Hell Ii ir ler 1.1 ..V fo
the War than n th-llar f.r . in meip ition o
tin- prop.. , plan, rind th a the ,f, r vv II
Co.. no I, oo I, le. pr -c 01. f.- il u ,
i i . i . . . ,
tl no it g oi mil il ,vi la llevictnl nr
l;.-e. I Hul k It woiilil l,e iiipriiil. cable ...
to rctiiril to boti lag th i 1 1., of p. r i,
tie ii-iii i .ini. in ,i,n, -i .-s eiie ol lliem
iloiibi'.s l!,.,g to ,ni, (,ner.. nn
hence provis on i 111 id in !c nr. .! fo
t-oinp', oat ng stu-h The.h.rl nrtii I.- r
late to lie- lull, it-o' th- ft". I p op!e t
thus not oblige, hut iinrilv nnthiiri
Cong r. s to aid in eohui 'ni.' It ( oni
to llltl lit Utiles hy inu'iid eoii.ei.t of tin
... i . '. i , . .
people , 1 1. port. . i, nn. i tne , imr em
voters through their Kepri-'entaliv. s in
('otlgre-S til ike it better klKCV II
t'nati it nliCiolv is, tin. iironglv favor
eolonvatlon, iiiil y.-l I wish tn 'y thai
llii re is nil objection ng-iittst eu,irei p.-r
sons r. iniiiiiii g in the i-onnlrv wh'ch j.
Hut If gradual cnmn,.lmii,m .. . .
.1 . : " ""'"li-i
i "; win ,u
v llltuti? ,
wages lit least t, ,,w ))0r(i
. " ' ""III IIIH
lion ho adopted, llu-y vm ,, """ ' ''.
Ib e, fur their own niaM,-. ,vin , ,w"tlo
::r:.r,"lr, imzsr
i. i v.. b.ik.ih r..H . . ...
r . ' " ""Kes till ,,., ,
"""" "'r ""'" l -"ige.,l Z C""
l'l""flheirovin"bhi;: ' N
Ihls pi'opoMt.on u,Va '.
il-r.-l. i..v..v...l. . ' ""
cannot the Noi l eide fr , ,,;,1,
receivMhein? As praetl Tllf
ll""' theory In .my e ' ""'or,
nnv lir,,,,,,,,,, Nortbvvnn,, h,,,,,,, 7
"'"I"'''"!-!!! ol l ivery in t, ,,' f
Coluiuha.lasuprinn, Wl tl . nf
-f pi'0,11,1. ion r, v,. .;vcM
I"" "''Mis ol I Silo having lmr,r "m
.M rsoi M-elletlcotilr,,! t '''tt'lK-i lo
made free bv tin, Ac ie'.. ' ,0.""M
nt sinvery in I'O. itrllcleu
--"iioni lit ia 1...1 t .
"'"I. imr vv,
ing Mav ,-ry l re. The .,' ,., ' '
1 recoil an h , I ,' .. r."1
reMoriilionnrnalamaltnitliiir,,'.. ' '
'"''-'I"'''' I IU ailttoli,,,, ,
vvn;- or procet-tbiigs iinil,.,. ,, ,.,..,''
-f septembir i;g,i, isiu,
canMiof lheieeogniinnMif ,ln n'
timely itdopt.on, ,,m,, ' ,"
restonilion, ami thi-rebv May hull, v"'
'"-':""liU'll,ispn, ',1,,.,,,
I hat (ongnsspioviih, l.y ..w f.,r
stliligany Slut., ivlneh ny ,!.,, 1 I'
I"' I" f,"' ""M'l"'- l.,.il Itaveht-r,,' ',.,''
cdnn.wlerthyeamtnily r,,,,,,
plan I leeoiiiiiieinled ,,, ,,1(Mlr(, '
com In on ol, but iiddilioiiul t ' 0( "
f..r rt-stniing u... ,,r,'H, rvii, il,,. "'!
utitliority Ihronglenit the IVei, Th
subject IS pri-M'ltted .A'l'IVVt'lvi,,,,,
... . ,.i .i- i i iii- pi. m vv ,i
il ni, n cine pence more
lie done hy lor, u
ll i. lie.
hi tm.i-
p e.lily m
It lKll,l i.n.1
s, consid, ring !,e .,inn, t tl, ,
f pay tin nt, nnd the turn s ,.f i,, ,..,., ...
" '"'I" would he e,.,er ni,l' llms',
lie ihe mldit oa , e,i,t ,, l(, . . '
I. ly on lon e 1 1 i, most ,,,r
.s no blood ,,t ! p. ,,; , j,-., f J.
as p. rm uu nl, ,oii..nn., , ,CJ
IIOI I'l l l. till' , J, I rt lli, ,i,l H,
ti r -t ol trio lh id
vv ir.! of tin. i f.
" "I "" ""'-i, trn...
u tl.i Him us .iii.-oi a- tv.. nl, n, i!
d s ,ti' lli.- I tniiii ton i, r
1 ,! ' '"' ' ' t of in,. r
.ol u,.s,, ... i!, (',.-,, f ,i, Mm9
by tt Ch .f M ... sir.,!,., i.. r .!.. f,?(
lit.t soine f. w nl . mi n my tiiur. iiriUt
til. i V ol Vou have more .,.,i,iP 1.aa
in th.- ion.!,,. . ot ptibl.c 1,11,11,. j,t I re,
in .i w ol , ., ,,,,,,;' i
, - - - ,
, ol
II I " Ml
Ci'gri, !trr-
I'l lif Slllll If
hr vtriiL-'!,
n I
cl -
largely in. ig miry, if not Mmietimes m ill
' i . i . . . , . . , .
i 'ni'i li I ins:. i. -i lien iiieir re t-iiee
would injur.' nml tl splic - white labor nn
I i i'. .I.:,., t i... 1 1 . i , . ,
nine . p. 1 1 , i . 1 1 ini'inn 1 1 1 in r ' e vt-r eotilil I," a
i . .n un .p. ii iiin pioper nine i,.r nn re argiimeiii llil I ui"
I. Mild I'Ollsill. I' is dot It'lVV- III time 1 Le the l,t- went ,t
,.,.r.l, .., i I . r ....... i , ... ' . . .1
I,-.. , ,. "i .,, ,i ie i (c-ie- if, i , ii tn i, e. i w i -i.i r 1 1 ii- nc-iistir.. ,, ,.t t.,
I . . . . ,
n i in iisei ri.-nn ine sinn we r t tt v
III the War snn'O Cllnies,ltel
-otiili ol It ciin trail., with any pint or I was i nioose.l M.,r,
. . i i
i: ha vet i',iT.'os- j-i:o t vmv.i
I u I
i rune in iniy part or price souiii nl it, i..
ce,.t llpot, terms l.y a (invent
IH'-lit lon-igii to them. Tlit'-e outlets, east,
we-t nml .(tilth, ant ind:spi-iis.,l,e lo the
well bt'ing of the people inhabiting ,;s
vii-t interior r.'giuti. Whicit of tic three
may be the In st is lot proper ijil' -tioii -
All urn better limn either, nnd all of right
la-long to that people nml lln-ir tdicee-.sors
forever. True to tin in-elva s. they will ink
e re a I, in: of . i,ir,it;on slmM I,,., (...i
will viivv roller ll, ,1 ,1....... I ... 1 1 I... .... ...... I.
I. .1 Iff . , , . . p. ...ll .Ml ,-ie I,
'!"",twl o, rs. pi.-,,,,,, r las,, f j i i.t- Ime ,,f k,, o.r.iti.,,, will, . , ,rgi.,.. r
million was issued hv (In. I'v.e. .!..'.. .. .. . . ......
, , . , . . '., . ". ' " - g'"iis, less iiiiere.'.ie.l liitln-e (oiiiuiuiiiea-
copy oi wiiien ,s ..erevviii, n.i,t,,i. j ,., ,() ,, lUr,m,h ( M
itrff inl:iiifM mill ll.n i i.L-ft .vi.r.. ....t ;.. 1 - i i .
....,'.., .sp.'s.,,, ,,;,; v or i-i . hey do, nml i mli one ol
eco,i pi.r.tgrapn oi tinii paper, 1 now re- j ,1,,.,,, fll,i.t have nec.-'s the right of the
cpeet ully call your iilteutio,. to what may : WeK, w,o,lt ,,i,ving loll at the ,
be culled compensated emaneipnti.m. A ' of ,,y ..ational 'boimory. Our tiat o
nation may be to consist of ,H t.-rn- ,,(,f,. N,rings not fr. onr permanent pari
tfiVV lit t,l,H.lil fill. I I . . . 't'l... t. - ' I '
' T" I ' " "' -it'.- tern- imt rotn tin- lands w,t inlmbit-not from
ioij in lite Olltv pari WIIICII IH 01 Cl'l't.llll (,ic
uuruhihtr, on.! gi'i'i-ruliou ia.s"ili
. , , I'-"" 0"!:U'. '"'l ""' I gate evil among us. In it, ,..l,it..,im
etinu umntnuitr ver." it H ol the l,.sl ,,,,,1 nptumlcH it dcnnndH Ctiou and i,b
.mpo.ta.i.-C to duly coinnh r nnd estimale ir, s,,)lirilti()ll. ,,., 1( W01M
tins ever enduring fuel, that the i.oriiou of i,, r,.r,.,. r ;,,. t. t. . r 1 1 ,
, ,ii- " ' ' " 1(1,1. II Kl IllOOt,
ami lrcanirc it, Our Urilii in ilniiis
''tl III
it'll promptly
utter itothhig for wli-eli they wool
S Oil'
nu. iioii.'s,eii,,. I nert! S III I.H.,
out! ge. eniti.tll pass-Hi ,lWy ;, i, .,.,.. ,;,, ,, ,.., ,I111,; i ,
the earth Mirliicij o-aiikI nnd ud,.d,n,
by Ihe people of tl,(. United .SiiiIch is well
adapted to the home of one milinmd funii
ly, and it in not w, 11 adapted for two or
more. J U vast extent u,, vnri. iy of cli
mate and production lire of inlvuuingi; in
oui-si'ivt'K, to tim passing gfiicriiiioim of
utui, and it cannot without convulsion be
I puslied lorever, bill. With the passing of
Olte ee.rt((, illi tins view I n com
i,w.,,,l 1 1, (.. II, .,;.. I..,: i i
.! . .1 . - ' " .".".. .ill I'r.nioioil 111,11 lll'l
thm ngo to the (;.v,nle,,e of one people. ,.,,. mill,llhlUy ,(Ul: iMlut-m , ,,
l.'nileii Htiitffi.
U'l.lif,.Vi.f. llil.V fl.iirhf 1..,..,. :.. r u I
-.' "- ".- .1 in toriii'-r
oge. Steam and telegraph, and intelli
gence, have brought these lo be inlniiita
geottH to the constitution of a united pe,,.
pie. In the Inaugural Address, I bridly
pointed out the tolnl inadequacy of dis
union oh a remedy for dim-rcneim between
the tcoplu of tlit) two seelioiiK. I (lid no
in lungtiagi! which I cannot improve, nml
which therefore I beg to repeal; " One.
section of our country hc!iercn that Muvery
if right ond ought to he extend"!, r.TiiJj
Kesolvetl, IJy the .St mile .mil IIoiihc or
licprfsciilativi'H in Congress iisncmhlcd,
two thirds of both lloum h coiicnriitig, Unit
the following articled be proposed to Leg
islatures or Convention of ilm H-vcrul
Stab h as (luieiiilmeiiis t the Constitution
of the United Sin leu, nil or iiy of which
iirlicliH when i-atified by three fonrthn of
Miid l,egi.siilnit:s or Conventions, to ,
vali( ns partH or parts of miid Constitution,
' Siitve Mule. lie - lint w il ing-y lie roiioilsi , e o n I..,,,,
nun vv oi.l. I not have done more lo ami cli-nuly ll it true, then, ihe color, d
thenar tltoi has been ol hi rvv i:.e i people cm displace nny lilol'e vv Icte I ibor
,1 so. tlie lie, nine would save mo. , bv In in . ftee .lmt. he i,-,., ;,,,,, l,..
- j "
my, nml in that m w would be a prudent If they stay in Iheii-owti places liny j,, i,.
.oi t .. oiioiiiici.i nn aoire. i ni, only it is no vv tote lahorcr.; il tin y leave the,r n
not s esy ( ,.,y sonn thiiig H ,l i,s , i ,;ly I places liny leave t ln-rii open In white
iioilimg, hut it is easier lo pay a large miui borer: logically, there is neither
and it is easier lo
than lo pay a larger one
pity it w Inle we nre ahl",
I III' llggreiile neee,
teil I nniiii'ipntioii
It, ore nor
i.ry lor cniiiiei,sii-
ciiurst: w ould I,,- In pre
h-.S of ll. liiii.tlu ijtatioii, I Veil Without tic
porlut tin, would probably i iihai th.
wages oi w iiiti, iniiori r; very nirelv tt
would not retlnce tln lil Thu the eusloin
inn il woiii.i reipni-e mi r,.,y ,.islt, nor my timounf of labor would still have to hi
ine is-ue oi Hon, is any ,, r u,,,,, mi,,,,,,.,. perhiri I - Ihe h i i d ju-opli! Would surely
palio.i, an, I then, iit,,t not i not do mort! than their old proporiion ol
elo-e bei'ori! the end of tht, thii ly seveii j il, nnd Very probably lor a limit Would do
V'.n-t, vi intii nine we kIiouIiI prohnhly less, e,ivuig mi on rcnse, part lo ulntii la
h.ivi! one hunilrctl mill ons of people to ! borers to l.f.n.r their inbor in L-rent.-i- ile.
. - - n
share lint burden, instead ol thirty one mil
lions as now, ami not only so, but thu in
crease of our population limy hn expected
to eoiilimie for ii long tiiiKi niter that pe
riod iis rapidly i.h before, hecausi, our t,.P.
rilori. s w, not have hei omi! ',, J ,
not stall! this considerately; the Kami, rn
lio ol inert .."(j which We hi.Vi! Ilia nlniiied
on nu average from I "no to vv,.
should, in llt O, Iuivi.ii population of'lOil,.
'-'DM, ! ,1, und why may we not coiitiuim
that lulu, for beyoml that period, with our
abuntl.ii I room', Were our territory lis
limited ns the !ritih H,. certuiiilv our
popuhiiion could not expand ns slaled.
n e nave a,',M,.!,ono ors,puire miles; liiiropt,
has :i,hi.'i;,l)ll() with n liopiilatioii liveratrimr
7iJJ perMuis lo tint siiiiarit iiiiht. Ami whv
may not our country, at some tin,,., ,m.r.
age as fiinity'r Is it less fertile? ,IH it
more waste siuhteo by tiiomitititiM, rivers,
lakes, deserts, nml other causes? Is il.'ln!
fenor to Kuronu in nnv iialural ,iili't,.v
If not, then we are ul nmi,. timu tn hi,
populoiiH ns I'iurope. When this imiy be
we limy jinlgii hy t. ilht ., ,.,.NI.,, . ..,
iiiuch ih-p.-iitlH on whether we maintain n,
mot, i-rvcr.'ii o otir u e-, in.. ,.i.,.,.
iiuilnl, nml couiiiiciiiy i tihaiiee the w ages
of it. Iiiibor is bke any other commodity
in the mm kft, increase (hu ileluaiid lor it
and you increase the prim, of ji, K- iluct,
the simply of I, hu h labor, by coloui.iltg
lite black laborers mil ol lint country, und
by precisely so much you would increase
tlie ih iiliiml for while labor, lint il is
drei.iled that the Irenl people will swnrin
lortii ami cover the whole bind; will libera
tion make ihem nny more numerous? Jf
they Weill i-tiialy llllioitg the
whites of tint country, Iheru would be but
olid colored person lo seven while. Coilhl
the one in nny way greatly tln.turd the
seven? Tbt ru iiru many communities now
having .iioi-ii than one lieu colored permm
to seven whiles, nnd Huh without any up.
parent consciousness of evil from il, Tint
Histriet of Columbia nnd thu of
Maryland mid Delaware an. nil In this con
dition, !ut why should eiiiaiiclpalioii
.South, send the freed people. North? Pco
pie ol nny other color seldom run iiiiIikh
I hero Ih something lo run from, nnd here
lofoi'O colored people luivu lied Norlli to
Komt) extent, from homing,), and now per
haps from both bomhigi) nml (hsfifiif Ion
"ti. mi iy r.ila.f
ij oil 111-, VOIJ H i p. I.e.,,. I,,, W:,', ( ff-
p i l lo y i.'.im it. ., in I,,,,- ,,ii ilk f.,n,t.
I m iy . i in in i..p ,v
I il d.etbt. , i: ',l., j,.,,,,, ;
pt- I. w.!l .h..r;, n .: ,r , ,i
I. ' .. It It I V .. lid III. I.f le. tl. I n. I I.!....,
I .1 doubt. d i! nt it ,,! r-.ter- th-it
t " ! i .r . . -1 .. , ,! v. ro .1 i . r... ., .1.. I,..ii.
I li"-:. I, ' I . it .'..ii'. I. d iii .t I r,.
1 ' I a i r i n i ti- ,r. it,
, I ' e , p,,.;,,. ,,, I r.,, ,
I "I'l ' it le -t npl I .1 'to n ,. (,
t1- y , hi nny ,,, r m a ,, to nr.
r " s( . ,- l.'y ,, ;r ih .,. ;! o',.
e ' in ii e . I i, ,!,- I r i-iiii.irt;
t i. imt. e oi in v of in i n , i,,. I.i'ip
. I wh ,t ,.:,, ...u r I, ,t,
on s!:,,i, I, cur. " . ,11 ue ,!,, I.rtl r'
I i.e 0" g li i "I lie on , I pi. nt.- i ,.iic-
H't.l" lo I.'--, 'i i, pr. . t,! .Hi'oiirt
. p I. d high v lli i .i. ),!(, ; rnul
r , w.l', 1 1.,- ... c i - ion , 4 onr iai-- t
n 'ii to Iiiii.I Inn X n n nt I me w Y
inii.t iii-. i l . ( , i . i.r. 1,.. rt l!irn
'' s- ivy enr i .' i,.tiy ', li,. eili.M,
w c c in- , I . i p.- I, , , e , He, ,i! , , fun.
-r, s ltd b- , on n,, n d in p '.. t.f t.-ir-
"!" ...p , " ,-.n:i. nnv r ii,i
i"li' a- C ' c.i'i sj. oe i tt or iitii'tler of'tH.
I ' li i v Ir nl I i!, vv ii c'i we p (ill
I j I.t ti . tl i w n in I; on or i r ,!-!., i . r tn t!t
l.-t gi nn it mi We -ay vvr f.r lli
Cn.ici T ,e u ,! w 'I nn. f,.rg-1, lll'l)
vv.' sMy il,,. i,, Wl, dn, , ,i, t,nr tin
I'm. ui Tie w olid know a, we tl-l lnn
hoiv 1. 1 site. e I,..! lie- ml
b nr the r. jion- In g Irmlttm
In th"-s. ne, e in, nre ft i'.-ti, in to llir frrd
and I ill k" I a v.!i t ue pit
.tad what we pr...iv-, r !t ill lethly m
or la.-mty I tic 1 1- hist Imp" (ifrorth.
Ollnr ne uii. tn v uncoil! Th" rool'l
,,of,i Th" w iv is p! da, (eat'tfill ml
glor on.. ,l,i ' tin-!, ti war, wi.ii h, if ful"
low id. lie w.l . w il npphiill pntl (l
must form r b,
All, HUM I.lsiMX
Wiis!,;t:..n , entile r I, l-t'.'.V
U7,v ,'(..(('. (o.f ((eft tlittl, K-"Kt(l. ( I: II III... 1.1 ..I.V lii.'J-e Ol .1. V"B
.iii ,1 to n il line.. i" ,.l" ..f ll. l''li
' , ii ivn
It,- ,1. 1.1 M lllll.t, III."""' '
t I! M 1:1 P. l.'-i nf ..ll i"t'
.Villi', r "in", V"!.. t..l. I nt r ! -' " I
HI I.v ti n g V. '.'l ..'-V ..'"'-"
I7.7f AV.f '. I, li'v.r I.,,!. .( I" -It""
ii.-lie nl ,'ln . llreisitiiK A t .
ii. , 111. mnl 111 I 'nmi t . a I Mil. i"'
" I'.vrri) h"ir''rr rrirnfuff '"
, Itii till n n tn ;.l t't"1. '
,!.., i, r in -.lime '
.tit" nml 'Italy I'g'i'.
i.l li.l' lirr.t.l. ll t (tn'V li""''V
l.vrri) Ifmii't
I Iticllli ll ! til ll.r
tlierrf-.t" Ml." il-.i
,li f I llml I.i in-
, i... .1 . Mints V ni s i:st ''-1 I.I "l.',V .-. .1 II i" '""" I , rv. r oil' i". I" lit" .,i'.li ''
.VV" llu. ic Iv. Mt. ni"iil ill in. "ill" .".lieu
uf Him .,if r. '
lultiiilalilo Hair ll'lrnlh'r
.v sor i m i:.
Put ml.." ((,,y Ioi r In in col-', I'Jt nf
il,itiKll.rr,i.iiiy .nl.. 4 Willi lilm '
iiiiiio,".I l.y nn" ,.r iln-. AH ii,'""""""
iy.4 urn rii. n. ,1 f lunnr cnulit, il.ntj'l
Ilm v laliiy mnl Ir. amy of Ih'- hi'' 1 "
ll,en,...i..4 in, .Ii-miiiK. Il.ifli" I""'"1
',.l..f,i.( 11..1 ..itly r. -tor. Imr In in null""""
yiu r,i4y i,,i.'f, lull (t'vi '""rl
l.uxiirliiiil llcimlfi
... tr rili.
.relii.i.-4il4((ii,wlh,iirvfiH"1-'' '""
lr. ,l,i,, Inill, .lll'l Iint,l4 hr.illli UU I
II....I.. Il, Iti-ti.l. I,l,.i..l.lll""",u .
illg ll," ... U I lltilll'iil.-lit'lt, 'itl "" '
ier".fiHl,.ft,v..r. i:..ll.yl-diK""lf '
l.i,-.. ll l.y a"''"'"'
,",r....t.,l l.y Ih" f II H. H"". ' "
New V..(k. Hvtiril ln. ' '"' ,
Ti.4i. , .'ill i f iiln mi l !
Multnomah Iiodgo No. 1,
V, ,ll,r lit- Full M.n f " 'f
Tiik.i. Wkmnt, e'y .
- ' 1 .,,tllV tf
. . . a M . T...n ... IIKI
iiiii'.i. .i1!") i " " '