RATKS OK ADVKUTIBING: One Muare (twelve tint, oi leu, brevier meniturn) one inimrtion v- uv Kncli iulnwiUent imertioi 1 OO lluitinentcartliiene jeer SO OO A liberal deduction will bo uuui to tin) who- advertise by tlie year. rJT The number of innerliona ehonld bo Doted on the iiinririn of nn advertiwment, otherwise it will be publmhed till rorbidden, aaa cbargea ac- cordiii;ly. -A WiM-kly Nw Vol.. VIII. ' tli Obituary nolicee will be etiarced half tlie- SJlillMT, diivotcd to till 0 It VAi ON ) Interests of tho Lilioriii'' Classes, mid advoc atinjj tlie side of Truth in every issue. nlxive rnlt e nf advertinini;. r?T Ja I'uiNTi.NU executed with neatnen and dinmteh. Payment fur Job Printing mutt be marfe er Jrlireru nf tlie work. CITY, 0 UK (JON, NOV KM J'. KM 15, 1 8 0 2. No. 31 ti. THK OKJ0(iON AIK.US. it v i. w. it uu. TKIIMS Oh' SVllSCltll'TIOX. 1'kf Aril'1' ""'' filrnillinl at Three Ihilhn frr annum, If "' mlt'itnre. M'krn the nmneu it mil n'J in uili'mire, I'uur fulfill ( if' lie iliiii)iril if mil in tlx muntlit, tT 1'irt ''"' ' end ". ' .!"" 'I'irn l)nlliin Uiill lie rhnrgrtl fur tlx wwiilm Vu ait '''""" rrrrirnt fum lent n-iiW, jVo "i'"" ilitrmitinuetl wifil anrnuirt til piiii'i uhI" ''"'" iiMmlirr. Single cnpitttirenttj fire milt. '1 tie llntlln tit liiiliuli. Corinth (Minn). ..-t. 1, 1802 -We luivo achieved u M n 1 ill victory. The en Vmy has lied ' confusion ami ilisiistcr. We hnvo on;ituri'i his artillery mid mniniiiii timi. Wo Imvo wounded inul slain, ac cording rullt' liits. In iIiIh wonder fill light, '"" k."01' IIR'"- Wo lllv" im mense number (if prisoners inoru than i nn iio disposed of, In every point of view it in n magnificent victory! In order to obtain u correct Idea (if the lmttlu of Corinth, il in necessary to refer Id thu ImtlliJ of I nk ik, occurring on tint l'Jtli of September. After lien. Prieo was no severely punished, Iih retreated, followed I y Gen Iloseciiins, by wny of Fulton, in the direction of Iiiirt. a distance of lil'tccn or iwpi.lv miles, where, nflcr piirsuil was end c(l, liu hulled "ml rested his wearied men. After u delay of twenty-four hours, ho lniirclictl northeast to Itiplcy, whcrti lie ef fected a junction with Ydlipiguu mul 'uii porn, with whom ho lull a consultation liml ihTltleil again to lltlutllit the rrcilptnri) of Corinth. Thu soldiers woo averse to the imtli rluUug, mid were lolil timi it win their intention to mureli into MUsouri, tak ing lloliviir in their wuyj uud they wero not unileeeiveil until within ten miles of Corinth, when (ieu. I'rieo inlonniil them that thu heavy nuns w ere removed nml ihut the placo eoiihl In) en)lureil without ilfli riillv, ami imlueeil tln'ir consent by holding nut hopes of plumbr. After waiting al Kiploy u ft days, thu combined jinnies, now iiuii.bcriiig fully 10, (MM) mi-ii, took up (heir line of liiarrh for ('.ninth. Tin-)' marched r.iiiilly, ilis'iicuuilnri il of 1 n;r g.L't', and came iii wilh our iiilvnnenl I mi kilt not fir from Clu-valla This was II week k"'. ur liliil fi II lim k, and there wiih constant skinni-diing between the al v.inees of both ui'iuie, the eiu iny bring nl Inweil to liu v the ml v. Ullage in every en roiinter. Thu olij' t t ol this retriyr.i.le iiiovemeiit will to eutiee the em my wiihiu I iii'i of our new ly eiiiistruelei! fnit lien I, hi :. tieii. I'riee w us evidently inoniiit nf the exigence of the-ie, ns ihey II id In en roiistrueted liy (ieli I e I within tin) lu-t len tl.iy, a ml hi) hul uiidiiul't' illy lie' n ly t'.l..eiii iiifnniied lh.it we Were on the jiuiut of uluwid'UiitiH (.'t rilitli. The riieiny re-ted lor the niht nt n ilU tiinet? of llirce or lour mile from ('oiinlli, nml nil I v I'ruhiV morning the liiekets of Imtli nrinies coinuieiieeil the lijlit Willi kirmili, II liereli'fiire They W' re -ii t'tli lv reinforeeil, until II C II -r.tl eiiuM' inint w.l lironn'lit on. The t'.i .tuner of the liit i le.-ii jeiiient wit not more than a mile and n hull 'from the redouM. Imt n our iroop were lietween tin ill mul the enemv, imd ns the tiinniie;il took pi tee in a heavy tim lier, it w-i iuipti'.iililu to iiic o.ir heavy pins to nth uiit.ie. Skirniishiu and rinniinadin without iuti nni-Miui fiuiii ilili;ht until eiht n't lo k, w hen our fureeK slowly f II liaek, lilinij to ti c riejit, thus co.ieeut rating the relnl altaek lii lween the rn Iroiid, north east nl the vilhiu'e, and iih'iut n in le tlis tin'. On thidty !en Paviis' tl.vi.-'on mid the richl of MeKfiHM wero the divi- li. in prineipally fliM(;ed. The advaliliiire hi l-'inlav was iiniinetiiinililv wilh the fin-inv. The liht win a lui-liw h u kH(,' af fair, fought where the timlnr was il nst and thu iinderu'roMth nlino-t iuipus.alile, it n 1 1 t In trr ill of a nut lire e.ileul tied to lirimr out tliu eneiuy'. pceuliar I'uhlin: iiualitiei. The saine rein I tr.iops onee oe eiioied Corinlh. mid knew every inehof the ground. It was on 1'iidiV that we mh I. .,i.,., I llin heiiviisl Ion, ti I'll. Ilai l.Ieinin wiih killeil while al the In nd of hi hrijj.ide, uud (leu. ()(;lesliy severely wound. d. Al 'J in the mnniiiiL' Col Oliver, coin iiiuiiiliiiir a liriu'iule of the Sixth d vision, ul,.,-li nt ilmi tin.e wii slalioiied on the Chev.illii road, sent to (len. Ihivie, rom liiuudiiiK' thu Second division, mi urgent (If iniiii.l lor reinforeenietil.. I M" I lur.l nri mlii eonistiliL' of the Seventh, I'lftieth lllld I'lflv Heieiith llliuoi. Col. Ilahlwin iiiiiiiilinu'. wero sent lorward to their relief Shortly after their arrival the enemy nt laekeil in Urne force, niitlluiikimr uoti the r'mht, Imt were held in cheek for ahout threo'(imrters of an limir, when our troop 1!il tn rciin- which tin V il M t ill Dm fiii-n nf nverwhehnililf IlllUllier. A new lino wiih HiliKeiiiiently lormeil, and at ! m . it charL'n wn made ly Seven teenlh WiscotiHiii nml Col. Ilaldwiu'n liru,' mh. nml ihn eneinv driven hack half a mil uud recnpturiiiK Heverul neetiotiH of artillery takou from iih In-fore. In thin eliniL'i) our Iroopt mlviinced in Hplemliil order, and (juined ureal credit The fitfht continued dm in H'" ''"y 1,11 f,mr r. M , without any decisive resiiltn, when it liecnme evident that tho enemy was vnn hvf position, tlen. llaiiiilloii nlleinpted to i liirt division from tho Tiirdy road. Imt he occupied n position loo far to tho mirth, ond ho wuh unalilo to g i'm n wHistm-tory pmition. Darkm-Hi Ih'Kmii to lwr over the C()iiteiidin nnnifi, mul position ''''' taken up for tho nlht. rnni li'.i were Imilt, rulioin wero cooked, nml kimiii lh two rcnl iirinieH, lately inarshuled in dend ly Mrlfc, wero laid upon the Rroiind, nlniost within rail, prepared to renew tho lmttlu on tho following day. Tim rehel wero in tho cdo of tho timln r, Just in rung" "f batterieii lately constructi'd. All wiih ipiift during llin W, ,ml 1,1 ImlfpaHt threo Siitiirdny morniiiir, ,l,t,'r- " It. il.ii. i.l ' i..iintiiiiliili'll llV l.il'lll. II- lUihinet. no ofliecr of thu l-'irnt l'nilf'1 Si I ulna I i.P,. nl itl iM (til Mil II I Iflll tho r-iietny Willi till llimvv i.n irllllK. Tho nibeU Wl'I'D prepareil lor thin movement, liavimr duriim tlio niKhl planted a Tew pnw" "P"; tillnrv ni.,1 l.i-itilil relilieil. TIlO ItrlllllTV duel wan kept up tmtil nix o'clock, when tho eiililiidiii(( Dro ireviouly hroimht to Wnrhv liiilterv "Willimn" nml It.iHi'fy " I'hilllp , .Midi iuounlin:i" pounder 1 ar rotn nml 8-lneli liowil.er, reduced nml He li'iireil tho f.iieiiiieH' batlerii-H, and t-oiiiiII fill 1 1 mil utiiittiliinitii- nl. A lleliichmellt . tin- Sixty third Ohio captured the eiilon Will tlio loltlii'N of Uallcrw "I'.'iiMl' hrounht away a uplcmlid hultery of Jumes hon, which in-lived from Jackson during rilh-d HUM", which was presented to llieui ho iiiht, at daylihl they Ktartcd to pur hy Ueii. ltusecraliH as a reward lor their ue the retreutiii),' rebels, valor. The Thirty-ninth Ohio recaptured j (Jen. Ilosecrans followed tho rehel army two Purrutt guns taken from uh oii l'ri- until near the Halchiu river, the bridge ''"y- over which stream (Jen. llurlhut had reach- At Ki-vcn o'clock the hatteriei) uoinmenc- ed wilh his division from IJolivar, and do ed feeling thu woods in every direction, hut stroyeil, near Pocahontas. Tho rebels without eliciting any reply. 1 found their retreat cut oil' in thul direction, At this lime, as wo learn from rebel mid atteinnted to retreat toward Cheva'la. prisoners, the rebel soldiers were gathered when they met tho iidvuncinj; column of in li:e tuniier, out ol raii(,'i; ol tin' guns, ami (Jen. Kosccruiig. Thero was litfhtui,' all addressed by (Jen. Prieu and others upon day Sunday mid to day, uud this (.veiling me licecsNily o unplurimr llallery Kolimet, wo luivo the ;ratilymu; intelligelico Irom whose iniii-ilerous dischiu-jjes were creutiiiK (Jen. Ilosecrans that the enemy is utterly such havoc in their ranks, mid nloiio pre- routed mul defeated. A lare number of vented the capture of the town, ami called his men, those who escaped tho casualties frr volunteers to attempt its ciipluie. liu of Friday mid Saturday, uro killed and represented the perilous nature of the uu- wounded, mid wu have more prisoners than derlakiiie, and ileiunmled to know if 2.01)1) we can provide ipiarters for. 1 1 is a low men, leil liy a Ki-iieriil ollieer, were willing estimate to say Unit, in the cn;;iiKcmfuls to utiderliike its capture, (iiu. Iti"'ers here mid on tho 1 lute-hie, not less than Kwancii'atiox in JIissoL'iii. A State Pkvksck fiiom CisToiis. I ho present Kiiiancipation Convention is to be held in , tariff law, which went into operation on tin, onih nevtl-'ridiiv. When tho lirst of Auirnst, is workinir as well, first culled, this Convention promised to be not better, than its friends anticipated, ono of interest, as bein the lirst KiitheriiiK; The New York Times, of October 3d, of tho kind ever held in the State; but the j lliv'-s a statement showing the amount col Hiriihi ol this war has denrived it : lected for duties a the port of New York f , h r ii a nmmiued iimiortiincB lV ! for the lirst iiino months in the year 1 SCO, ,l,.im, il,., nrk whirl, the Convention nro- 1801, and 1802. Tho totuls for the threo posed to accomplish. Jt does not require ; years foot up as follows: mi Kmancipalioiiist now to see I ho issue of tho present strife in Missouri, though su- racions l-anancipa lo.usi were i " mrl(;r ()f yuir r,.ac, tie nvi.rnge 0f discu-n, throng, tlio violent ebul htion, the l'B fil.st lil(J lmlnlllS lll0 r,vt.Mlle for t1(. resioiiiiminai m io ..-ii.i.ii. unt.. u.u uuu- b(. thllt port nlono wi amount to bio shall become tin t. , t ftr,r ,;oo O00 Bli t,e totlll ri.Venue rM.Tn H I,, n mrliltf l nintiiilltiktliitl Vl- ' .... . . 1 " " ".' 8 ' ' ; . from customs, it estimated will rcacli f 'JU, eiety-iniKiilicr I mm a nun. reu I"'"'-''-'1 111 ; 000 00() for the year 1802. Considering orcunizatious worKi.iK iiironjri. tut. onccy , he lms(.ul(.(, comlition of tie country, this ISfiO. $3fi,-iys,7Ul Si ll thu receipts I Hi, I . ,-.i;9.38t (luring lsfi2. 811,1)1)4,8 o reuiuimng of laws, voles and ballots. It is doing its : fl iimdi meRm Umn t,011(, ,mvc wors as eui cKiniiy s . n.w V ' hmi eXpected from that source. Tlio ro ItOnl'ML UI OlllVl I V UUIIIU WIBII. Ull'l III'MUi . . , rrvM in promptly oirered to lead the forlorn hope, 10,000 rebels are killed nnd wounded, summni ily and rudely tliun wo certuiuly : wivf ti(j (jom,mwt ,y httve jrold ami 2,000 men instantaneouslv stepped Probably fully that number havo been la- ever desired. . interest on tho public debt. The from tho ranks. Alien a. m. tho enemy ken prisoners. An immense (puiiitity of Slavery in Missouri, at least, mul, per-, ilt(,ri,st 0, te present (uuded debt amounts were discovered drawn up in two lines, ' artillery and all of his baggage trains are , Imps, Shivery in the South, will end 1(11 t0 u)0,,t $22,000,000 per annum, mid if near tlio tinnier lietween tno aionuu ami in our possession, nmi wo mny san-iy coiiuv , uiu war. u mu mivc n. tlt. Wlir .,S)S nnotlier year it will ImrJiy Ohio llailroad, ono facing tho town, the upon the utter destruction of lire Mower ol i liscntion Act Do eniurced, lor inn net is i t,xm,j $jo,000,000, so thut for some years other the batteries, each at right angles , the Southern nrinv with the other. The oi.e destined for tho! Corinth, Oct. IS, 1S02. The enemy cntno town was drawn up ju.il behind Ilalleik's and fought desperately, by spasms, nnd old headipiarli i-s. ' was coiupiered, uud is now retreating, and At a given signal tiny moved forward our forces are in hot pursuit. The loss of rapidly under u heavy lire ol grape and Our ineil is not henvv; the rebel loss great 1 ." r .-n .... . .1 I r. I I .I'l .1 f'.... ... .. ..., 'I'l.i, canister iroin our nriiuery to tno ieu, uu-, i uere in e iiiiee oi loin u um unt, nothing less than Emancipation. blind ns not to seo that twelve months hence there will be left nothing but its corpse, which even its former friends will This I be chid to get rid of. I I ... ;,..!;. I,v ll...ir re. ,. ;,., I.. ,wir emw nrl illl'rv ire (111 tlielll I l lC I.UlUtll'IHUtlOU LOIIVCIIllOII, lllllt limni iii ,i..i,iiiiis ii.m v ..j - ... j . . ... .... 1 . II . serves. Daring their advance their colors i while they could not get their cuiiiion into j meets on Irnhiy next, will not, wc presume, wero shot away several times and as olteii position so us to do much servico oguinst . endeavor to build a live parly organization ...... I 'I'liev itimii it ivilli iliMieultv the n-i Tlu-v full'' ht desiierat'.-lv. but. no such upon a tliin-' ko inoributid und deeiiyiug nliatlis of trees iu-t outside of the town, ' continued firm and obstiunto fighting as . as Slavery in Mi and L'ainiiiL' n iiosiliou win ru there wero no characterized them at Pittsburg Landing. a sweeping Flume oi . . . lr u.. ...!,.. the 1 lie institution is passing i ,;., i:i.,.i v (n i, ..rnmned away from our midst, and there nre few so f)j, (Q interest. The receipt! from the various sources of internal revenue, : it is estiinnted, will rencll ?J(ii),uoo,lluu to ; to $250, 000,000. This, together with the I customs receipts not required for interest, I will be applied towards paying the war ex i nenscs. hile tho war is L'oing on, we I arc thus iiavin? a coiisidcrab'.i portion of the expenses. banamcnln Inf. obstructions tin y came gallantly forward nl n i-luirgf , bwcciing everything before th -in. They occupied the streets of Cor inth, ami their line of battle was formed jul in front of tho ofiiee of the Provo-t M.iNiul. Meant imo our batteries were nl iviiiL' mum them with excellent i licet. i . i The L'cnerulship on our side was faultless. Kvery one admires none condemn. The rebels could upproach at no point without receiving ft ( ross lire of urtillcry nnd infun trv. (Jen. Posccrans has been to us the iur" shell froui battery " Williams'' ex- the fit Id w as known by the wild nnd hear- il iii the tu ul-t of a solid column, and thirty were sent to their long account. Their reserves had been prevented from coming up by tho attentions of the Imtte lies, und our" boy, rallying, clmrg d upon tl em, ami tie y s tin in beit'ir shot uvery in .Missouri, licioro sucii nu organization coull net tlirougii regular elections, or legal enactments, its enemy will hnvo disappeared vanished died; and it would find itself armed and panoplied fur battle, without a foo to finht. It will bo moro ni in opriutc for thel Nearly all ol the inhabitant of Sharps- ... ........ .- . .i... f.... i ... .. i . ii..,: ,i,..,,n;.,rro I.... ..i f ,..iii...,fi. nm u- si run i liiriinr ' riein s o IMiia CI lauou lu luru uiu v-tjii-, iiiirsr nave reiurin-u iu men im I'll) .iir.li nn. v vi ....... "p- n - i .... i1 111 . .1.:.. i t.. i.ia i,i-..o.i,i.i. in utiv Hurt nf i veution into a iuhilec of ri loicini: over the , The work of removing deaJ Horses irom mm ntiiii. , - - j i :. " ....... . . . . I . . -i .1 swill (iisnppearance oi me iiisiiiuiion which ,ine streets mm r iuiiiuj; nm u.uij, ihn Inn iliiitrs lias conimenceu. i A TnWS OS TUB IJ.vTri.EFIKI.D. All Kastern eorresiondent thus describes the effects of the buttle of Antictam on Sharps- burg: altered and ran, many of uud bavotii'ted in their lv cheers that creeled him from his adiuir ing troops. 1 rode all over the field very soon after the battle clo-ied, and can say, with certain ty, that the rebels lost four to our one. Tliis is owing to tht) fact that wc gnully excelled thetii ill artillery and position tracks They were put lo Ibght, auj m '1 hey wi re coiupelletl to meet a eioss lire, great tlisnnle'r n iii'lu d the etlgo of the I'm- ' come from any quarter. We lost but very In r In yon I tho ubattis from whence they few on Saturday. On Friday wc lost more, N,n,i,.,i, ; and this because it was necessary to nied l!y this time tlie first line am! nverves ' them to know their force nnd position. what Uu re was h It ol them had reaclied (Jod bless ti tit. Ilosecrans, says this army, their old pes tion, the second line lorni.ng ntul llie country win s-iy tno suinc. liepons Ol man) piisunei, civ.-., uiu t,wni- ' r il . . I. .. well ad ult mil- ,' nl I H IV lierces. neie vitnecd in the ilr ft ion of battery " Itob iuet " This was the forlorn hope. l s.ip- minted in gaining a loilguitiit in the vil lain-, il im'oiii lilt d unit tl sin nrteneil, met they thought it would require years of toil to remove. St. Louis At irv. M.mvi.AXii MrnxT ok the Ksiaxcipa TIOV Pma LAJIATtoV. 1) dtiiiiore, 'Oct. 1, 1SI12. The greatest theme of rejoicing among the real friends of the Union, nnd of denunciation among its enemies, is the President's proclamation of freedom to the slave. This is tho plummet that sounds the depths of the rebellion, the line that divides between the friends and enemies of tho Government n(' l'ie Federal Union. There is henceforth to be no more dodging. The Union is not to be saved, simply be- churches were nearlv destroyed, nnd will have to be rebuilt, l ortuiiately tne man sions of tlio rich rebels MiflVred the most, severely. The dwelling of a Mr. Grover, a notorious secessionist, was almost de stroyed. A shell from one of our gtir.s parsed directly through his portrait, hang ing upon the wall in his parlor, and tore out h's nose, h:s eyes nnd his mouth no thing but his Imld head, neck and shuul-d.-rsV-mains within the Iraine. During the cannonade the women and children were huddled together for throe days in :a : . i... i... i.n.iipiiu.ii . . . i t ... n , ,. . fr,,, r armv. fo'lowiiiL' u.) the , t'""e 11 U M,M",l . . ' " . i mft"S'on containea more unm oU. tho re-f.s!i,vt'ry' must ry In i.llle fess to iiu utter rout if that bulte- the cellars; one cellar nmlcr a large stone .......einii nnitnined more than CO. They that is the object uud work I ,,..,, ,,.1i themselvis with prayer and ... of the rebellion. The parties to the war i tienl.K;I1incr. nnJ rurs'n-' the rebels or ..r'are now- logically delineil the rebellion j tji(J ymikees, ns their sympathies leaned lor slavery mid the I nion lor liberty. lie i that doubts now the success o! thu Union si nn- i-u-1 1 1 .1 i,-k-soi. Wo think Stone-, cause is doubly censurable. in rebels, but wc must wait to know suit of tho mutter. Our loss in view our great victory mul thu number wounded and kiitld is small. nut liken. I luce in tiicir possession, I .. i. ...... ; i . r ' r be 'j nt u men. mass li, e -. . , , , . . 1 in sin-do eiitiunn, eight deep, mover! for- wall Jackson lias been inilcli overruled; ue war d iii sih nee, Gen. Ungers al tlio lieiui, ;s ,k dashiug partisan ofticer, but lus career , sai(j ll)at t)C t!me ,aj C011K, t0 proclaim regardless ol tlie sliower ol liuueis which whistled al nut their ears nml Uivimiueii their rai.k-i. Tlie decis'.vo inotiieiit the turnicg po ut of the engagement hud ar- ,. Fury buttery bearing on the col- nvei Gov. Seward made a prophetic remark I to Judge Uiindull, the other day, when lie has not been distinguished for nuy brilliant lfTy to the slave to save the Ill-public indeed he has betu ns often de-! There w;'l be no more contention in tin' I i . tin . fid. SliiiUls nion hosts, j ney lire now us one, una their progr ,-ss will ue resistless, i i.e roc victorits feated as he has been success! 1 dtf'-aied him disastrously nt Winchester, lunation lifts loads from men's hearts cauisli r, w uud cli a f; faces I with one or the other of the belligerents One can ima-'iuo how furious the cannon nde must have been, from the fact that but five dwellings in a village of 1,500 inhabi tants, escaped uninjured. The Americas Lancuaof. George V. Train, in a speech lately delivered in Phila delphia says: " I then spike to the President about i.1i-iiii'inr our I11112 mire. I told him we " . 1 the I.nglisll language lomr compelling him to have his wounded nnd alli Mll;itS urillt!(. the to losu his color, nml Hunks drove him Unionist, at finding the wall of partition j vsw,r'! k l,a ,l.l.l,Lr' l.l.,,iil! Shenandoah Valley until the uu- between themselves on the sublet but I l.fy moveil slea.liiy 011, main- ..... , 'i. . ......i .i.J slaverv cast down by the President. ...1... .l ni mv... As fast or Ullille UiVlslOII 01 coiiiuiami reuueeu , , . 1 uie , ii ...... ..... r. -- , . 1.1 CO III. W 10 Was liailV lllCl llinnil i".-m mi . l'.,1.,,l 1 1: . r..n I.:- ..... I.. I... . ,il sti-it- 1.,:..,, f..r..n 1.1 r,.itr thousand, and then . . ... i.r .1. ... :.. send the irrnuillinr to lJiglunU 1 - . .. . .... . ... CU1IIHIIIII.K UI lin. 1... r "." " II tmnrmon V irnVlS I forward and took Ins lace. ''7 Stonewall wilh thirty thousand took heart, : ..is .,,s Rmldeii!y reinstated liimsvll 1 .Miirr.ij '-" ' ', r: ,....,"..,, charged up .0 tho battery, res, mug u-ir , ,,U ,u,,u,rs, drove them ' i loyal men's hearts, by this grand act ol ', them . neir .r mmar --' - ' ,ir" V" r:;Tr r::'Z back, but caim-a no advantage. At Cross justice of hi. to the ;Ow.,troiMcn Mavc , . ' . NoW ve repulse,., 1.0 t.m. 1 '., "... ' ... . ,. , .,.. ,,. ,vU, Kivniont. I ""s 110 . .. ...' i,n,,! ,1,!. KnMisI, lamfiwirc. u ni It nml 11 allien liieir unu 11 "i i)s, uu m i ....v. ... . , , , . ... ;, . n- tnimr. :nnlr o i- f r. ,. ... .. . ...... , , i 1 1 1 ! ew nun ot-i; iv 11, .i-. . irpineiit. II was slioi now 11 ami iul, altliongli Ins naiiio lias uceii couiieu . , l.,;VWilt.riS shall dare resist or Inul siKiki n onmi.rh ilmt t was Inch tunc wc SIIOIIIll ; 1 bcMii speaking tho American language. "I- 1 r I . Are vou l liiUiieipiiians nwuru ii j Linuiey neutralize his proilaiiiatiou, nnd he w ill liud that this net of national repentance will be followed by victory nflcr victory, till God shall smile upon the Kepublic re united upon the basis of righteousness. There is now nn end to border slave outer i' est ngaiii planted, but was shot dovn tho sec-' witl( ()ie j.j, 1)0n tl0 rt w;g 0f our n, time They fired froui tin) wU Uiclunotul, it is extremely through tho embrasures, and had partial . . ,,,,, , PH.sission of the works. P.ut their tnumpii uououu. i.e..... -0- was of short duration. According to pre- UH. At Cedar Mountain ho did not oc vious instriiclions, the gunners fell back be- u,,,,,!;, lis purpose, but fell back tho hind the works, and baltery " W i,s" i m.xt ,.,y nn, Hoi)t in 0 (lug to bury his $tuto policv, with all its paralysis ol the ml bull, ry " ltobinet" threw n murderous (J mM llrm. Henceforward there nre fire. Ilwasatshortrunge, and the nils-'""- t aill but two parties in tho nat.on, the I n-oiiist Mies wero directed with fearful arc.iracy.- dashed into lopes rear nt .Manassas 111 nMl, Ult, ViUllioi.ist. tho liberty uud the No body of men could .stand that lire, umi n,u 6l,bsequeiit liull nun unities, """"": tttVl.ry, the right and the wrong. .1 ...1 ...ii.. . itii.lri.iv This churiro :..:..,.. ...,1 nt 1'nirfint he iney it nn uiii'ij - wns noi 11 putini'uii', upon the battery was a mngnihcont but j,,.. by Kearney tvhenlientteii.pt- a:s s:sP.a ttSii.tva u l ,,,.. u Iinudrcil'deiiil bi"l'c 'f fuu.lcl in nml career and we Imd veryjvjuiccesses. L d.argo upon tho disordered column, by vices from Pans wo are ...formed of tho do r Cnl Mower's brioade, nnd ,;,, of tho famous Maineliiko who was ... t.:i .....I they were rontod nml niuiosi nunnm. i.. ... ' . . .1... r.i ,.-na lu-len re- Iho iitlucKiipon tuuioii. i,..i nn,l nu alien repulsed. 101. iog 111 tin H. I. ... . ' a l-i II. nilil WI'VI'I'II ersiiiun 01. n ,, .,. 1 .. , ... .,.. .. ilft. n other well known nnd iinporiani ueui nauves 01 r-gypi, i.i.s v 1 .-. ...!.... i'..l M.ivviT llliult) . 1 1. ... ....... .....iitli. miii nil Ar- cers. 1 lie iiguting " '-"' , . 1 Miraoagn, mm t-wnfi..i. j UI ( MV Srir.xnin Wah SrEAumi. The New York Herald of the 1st inst., snys; Cointiiodoro Vnnderbilt is converting the noblo steamship Vuiulerbilt, which he lately g.ivo to the United States Govern ment, into 11 nian-of war. Sho will carry some twelve guns, of heavy calibre, nnd will b the fastest war stemni r ulloni. brought from F.gypt by tho F.mperor Nft- j Sl0 wm probnbly bo employed to chnst historv of this person Is tun i'"" ' You know 1 toll the President Are you aware that llnssiit has passed a ukase, say ing that the American lunguncc shall bo taught in their colleues nnd schools? Are Americans less loyal? Cannot wc nso the American language? In Kngland when a thing does not plenso them, ihey say it is nn-Fiiglish, let us talk ol tilings we 110 not like ns iin-Anirrican. Let us think moro of America, nnd do not let ns goto Eng land for every thins wc want. Piki'.f.i. OrTit.tisKs. The Nashville Union hni nn iiccount of 0 horrible out rage per petrated by five guerrillas. They visited the house of 0 citizen, nbout eight miles from thnt citv, on the night of the 3th of September, nnd violated tho ersons of his wife mid daughter, nnd proceeding thereon to tho house of ft widow lady, treated ber in tho samo brutal manner. Two of the ruffians wero members of tho Tennessee Legislature, and voted to carry the Slnto Li.i.iftlm Union. Gen. Necley lieonng . 1 . .1 -r ueiui mucin ui Details of Eastern XTews. New York, Nov. 3. Port Royal dates to October 2!Uh say that two lintisli steamers, Minho nnd Scotia, have been captured. They nre valued at 01,000,00(1. It is reported at fori noyai mai a reoei ram was coming down tho river from Savannah. Uoston. Nov. 3. Tho br'g Boron de Castino just arrived, reports on Oct. 29, ii latitude 39, long. CO, she was captured bf the pirate AlubaniB, but was liberated on giving bonds for $0,000, payable to the- President of the Confederate States, 30 days after peace is restored. Among the vessels captured by the Al abama was the sloop Towandu, from Phil adelphia to Liverpool. She was icleaseil on giving bonds for $S,000. The capture of one of the vessels cap tured was informed by the olTicers of tho- Alubnma, that her next destination was New York to throw a few shells into tho city. He represented t lie Alabama as oe- ing very fornnuuijlo. me snip L,aiayeuo having a liritish consular certificate as a protection, had been captured nnd burned by her. Louisville, Nov. 2 A Bowling Green correspondent says: Great activity preayils among our troops, lien, inns umsion passed through this placo on aaiuruoy, en rotito for Nashville. It is reported that the rebels have de stroyed two tunnels on the Nashville rail road, nnd torn up the track for a consider able distance above Gallatin Tennessee. New York, Nov. 2. The Ilcroli'i dis patch savs, tho rebels have been driven from Phil'oniont, London county, but have a largo force between there and Snicker' Gap. A Percilville dispatch, dated the 1st says there is a large rebel force in tbe Shennudoah Valley, just above the Gap. Cannonading has been heard in that direc tion. It was supposed that Bayards and Stuurl's cavalry were engaged, as Stuart .1 1 a f"1 al... 1n tnv!nna passed llirougu tne uop mo jr n." with several thousand cavalry, and four pieces of artillery, encamped at Uuion, aud yesterday passed down tho valley. Washington, Nov. 3. A dispatch from the hendqtiaaters of tho Army of the Po tomac dated 2d, says: Gen. ricasantort came up with the enemy's cavalry and ar tillery nt ten o'clock yesterday, at Philo mont. The light was conducted wholly by artillery, ond lasted fivo hours, when tbe enemy retired to Uuion, a saiall town three miles beyond. Our loss was only one killed ond fonr tccn woundcJ. Fivo of the cuemy nre known to have been killed. At 8 o'clock this morning Gen. Tleas anton renewed the attack. During the forenoon be was reinforced by a brigade ol infantry. At 1 o'clock the rebels fill back, and our troops occupied tho town of Un ion. Another portion of our army took pos session of Snicker's Gup to day. Three brigud. 1 of rebels were at latest arcounU advancing np the wrst side of the mountain, iu two columns. Firing follow ed, but uo mure is kuown. Washington, Nov. 3d. A dispatch from Headquarters of the Army of the Toto niac, dated 21st, to the Prrsident, says Gen. McClcllan telegraphs from Snickers Gup, stating that ho hns full possession ol that position. When Gen. Hancock arriv ed there, it was held by the enemy's cavul ry, who were driven out by a column of five or six thousand iufantry. The rebel advanced to retake, but were dispersed by our rilled cannons. The position is a I ' of interest. None of tho Mamelukes wero his charge was for 11 great portion by birth und uutionnlity, lledros , ,,.K ..... .- - r- . ,cillllll time band to nam., mm u. ..... Ml,LM,r,lichyiin by nnn.o. rate character. As they retmite d 1 w M.fc i r ll.l.i K-wardst hott.nl.er, u " "T 'T":,, , w e im'iiil biilleriis" Kooinel nun " nnd entered upon " iiihi'j v..... poini.oiiut. ..l,,.,.,,.. of. ,- ....... l.;.,.u..lf ilml l,n oon at- phiyed upon mem wu ' nu so uisuugioi'io" - griq-i and canister, mid ma.lu their retreat tw runk pf Mlllm.Iuko n,.y His Inko tl.o elm racier o. ......... fi j.. the field so won on tho niiuura- time, sktruiiMiing was gou -. - - 1 . . ..' .... ..t.i.iiii..." r.i,liiinf iii n sharp tion of . !'.' i 1,..u i.. .'r filtcenor twenty ii.in-1 .: 1,;, fortunes. Ho hhnred in tho victo nine, nn"', ' ..... .......lo J- nrvatecrs. lialever suo sees sue 1.10 1 f ,IC outrage, sent onto .... . 1 -i. 1 . .1 1 1....I ... . . - I .... ..!.n.....,l. J IIU t UIKlerinil mis inree iiiiinin ti shiers n.ld rapiureu l.ie hiischui.k., catch men working on board of her, nnd will be r.Mliltf In rf.'fivo her nrmaiiiciit in the 1 . r..... .!.... course in 11 n " iij ', n , retreiited Ihinten nt every point, "' lliug in n sharp1 ti,,,, of Napoleon that ho persuaded liiin to twenty mil'-1 j0i his fortunes. Ho sliorcu in mo view 10 l,,u rul,l'ls , rit.g ol tho French nriny in vnrious cam . , , ' paigus in F.urope, und received many deco ,1!',"l,l,omU" I ...,t., for distinguished services. Ill IIL'IIL. Itl.TH", , r . 1 e ...!.:..). limn t lift ri'lH'N . . .. n I. ........ (.....MiillU IMIItl iU nt tho cnu v winm 1 rivs ol tno rmicn 111117 '",,vM" ..t 1 ...... Hltf l.V.WIllml , I'lUIWMl IW. ..... ... tiii.i. ivfii 11. .. iivi.i.j . - .----- i nun nt" - - III plan of ci.pl uri.iK lt''. n,Kl',l,,,r"1 n,0,V(i" ,0 nl(,g tho cni.ro reoe. . -- ..hunt half imst twelve on bitliihlny, nml al y tho end of tho t'ligageinont liero. OuMnl-ps s.o.i.1 in li"0 !..re.ltness b, 1.,.nt t I'VITV IMiHll . miiiuiu " LT H' H" mi - 0 . t. 1 Ii (..tint It nni utedlv wounded, ho lived iliun'i.b" ' I ' .... r in Paris to tho ndvnnced ngo of cighty-fivo yenrs. Ho recently died nt tho Hotel des Invidides and ns interred nt Mount Pr uuiwp, nmong the In rocs of tho nation. mv ., T ncf KVi'iiinif n IHlUi aim to renew tno nu ... - - i f .nerchi.i.tH met togetHcr in mo .1 nl leini.t would bo imido " I r , ..... i,, f 1'oininerci). for tinini. niiL 1 rnii uh ni i iu v ni"",, ' . the rebel tmopH l "' , , i n nf foi.Hullinir together In rein IICm.iii. .. - , - 1 . , , e ,r ...,., nc IOII nnd pay- ry uoles in nil Ikrttht, tl.1- T TZ1 S - 0 tep riety of niking some ali,ed. Tho enemy shm y . ' ,ru, m. retreat In the ilirccliou -r (.hot. Hit. , ' h , ,rt,nsnry ,,, A iiit'-n,t nnd bivouac n ro . rr;..iiii(i)iiiiderlbi5. -!eii.Mil"'ir the navy yard sho will bo thrown open to public inspection tor a lew unjs. taT Soino idcii of tho miiount of ninmii- nition required to supply an nriny' sirvh ns GeiiMcClellan's, during it henvy fight like that of Antictam, may be gained from a- Tim l),'eret Xfirs states Ihat III iiiuiin iiv n . P.eforeshc goes to cotton mill has been built at lurowon, In that Territorv. nnd Unit sonio ol tuo ma ehim ry bus been put np and is now run ning. A considerable nmonnt of cotton is now raise.) iu Southern Utah, n-J it is for its manufacture Into cloth thut this (actory has been erected. ikjr-Tho canals of New York hnvo total of four million ngni nun. tion were forwarded to Gen. Mctlellun , cn()i m t)(J lst nsl j.'or tho ytnr ending with tl.o closo of navign Wea.K't nutnbi'roi from Washington via P.iilt.i.lorc, Harris burg, nnd llugerstown. An eye witness of tho battle states that ho counted nt four different times during tho day tho number of discharges from our urtillcry nnd found that they wero made nt tho rate of seventy eight to tho miniito. Knui.axii'k Ixvoi.i xtaiiy Contiiiiiitios. Tho following F.uglish steamers, cap tured by our Navy whilo trying to run the blockade, havo been taken by tho Nnvy Department, to bo fitted up ns t nion cruis ers viz: Tho Circassian, Mcmplii, l'er iniitbi, Stelln, and Colutubiit. Tho Ailetn will prolmbty, on further examination, bo ,aUo used for this purpose. tion next Hecember, it will probably be fully fivo millions. Ki.r.cTr.i) to Conokhss. Gov. V ilham Jnyno lins been elected deh gnto to Con gress from Dakotah by nbout ono iinnorcu r.r.u mnlnrittf OVpr Gctl. Toil. Mr. ..III. .11. - - - Jnyno is brolher in law of Senator Trum bull, of Illinois According lo Iho census, there was an nf 7:1.1 ''.".S mules over feinales lu ii,n iTniinl Slates iii 18i0. Tho excess is chlelly in tl' Weslern States. Tl.n l..w fur tho abolition of slavery In tho Hutch West Indies iu July next, hits pawed thu Slates General of Hollnud I y n vote of V) to 7. strong one. It is said Gen. Jackson and Hill are m the valley opposite. Gen. Plensanton bad driven the enemy's cavalry several milea beyond Union, at this afternoon, capturing several of their wounded, and exploding; one of their caissons. Cuiro, Nov. 3.1. A dispatch from Jack son, Tenn., dated 2.1, says that news re ceived at Grant's headquarters yesterday, from the South, via Hn-nei, confirms the capture of Mobile Philadelphia, Nov. 3d.-Tho Washing ton Star savs: Last night's advance of Ar my of tho i'otomoe, under llurnside and Porter, doubtless camped npon tho line of the Alexandria and Winchester Turnpike from Vpprrville, three miles in front of Ashby's Gnp down to Middlctown, a dis tance ol 10 miles. Their cavalry must have halted for the night very near, if not on tho line of tho Mannwws Gnp llailroad, somewhere betweeu Front Uoyal and Thoroughfare Gnp. Sigel's force must nave nuvanccu on mo " .. . . n.l l.f . n.n hi.rAni samo rniiroaa to t noroiigninrc ur "' nightfull, while Sickles was doubtless ad vancing iu rear oi Mgci. The march orsickiea' division y.im-.....j from beroro Alexandria to extreme Iront reflects great credit on II. New York, Nor. 4.-1 ho llernins spe cial from Wheatland, Va , 2d, says Mc Clcllan reconnoitred enemy irom tne iron this evening. Pleasant"" ' citlry, sup ported by brigade or Poubledny's divi lion, dro've rebels from their position, they ..'.,.ii.i.f irrninid with considerable spirit. Jackson and Longstrect are just beyond Snicker's Gap wilu largo lorcc. IhRriR'i Fkrbv, Nor. 2.-No enemy opposed our advance until It reached Snick ersville, when they retreated to tho west ern side- As our column reached tho crest of the bill, body of rebel cavolry, ono battery and two brigades of Infantry emerged Irom the woods In the direction or Winchester, but they retreated when Er wns oH ned on them. It Is evident they Intended to di'pule possession of Snicker Gnp, but wero too late. Tho impression seems to be general that ilmm will be a battle to morrow. Washington, Nov. 4 Four rebel mail curriers were arrested with large mail,