. It any wi,in '.iU'Mils tn wn ilmili llif .MhivU'AU I'paa:. -.limit liltit tiwiUa-Htmt I'i f.Vii. )i'.r. iiljc (Dvegcm Clrgus. W. &. A Jam 3, - Editor. OKSGtON CITY: s.VTi' iin a v. no vi:.u;i:k i, isi-.j. 1(il. Kl.M --Lord I'aliil.'istoii is said to he worshipped by nil t ! so old women of Tiverton, for ill - reason tint whenever Ills Lord-hip visits tlio place !io g'ves such of tlio women us choose to cat! on liiin two miiuvs of t.-u. If tlio ti ll gives out In-fore tin- visitors do, lie hands oivr s'xpenee U each to buy with. Pulim-i-stou thus se cures tin- friendship of the Tiverton women nt it cost of sixpence e:ieh. Jolane used to liny It's women f iends lure for a hand ful of beans (begged (ivtn some truck patch on the road) ' right from the VrsJcnt's garden.' His mule Tikes he bought tit a a-o.t of just one-rightk of a cent. In this county wc hnppem-d to get an insight into J bis policy. A bundle of Stcpln ns', Wig fall's, or some other pro slavery tleniocr.it's speeches were begged of those who made them in Washington, and franked in n bundle to I-olf. On their nrrival, I-olf took the poll books and copied off the names, for which we believe he pit a bit a hundred. With the pockets of his swallow-fork stuffed with these speeches, ln sallied out and on meeting a Ike from the " ferrin," the proper speech was presented, with Jol.me's comiluients, and an assu rance that " Mr Lano sent that speech es pecially to you with the request that you rend it, ai d then write to him what you think of it." Tike rolled up the whites of his eyes, ejected a niouthfull of tobacco juice upon the ground and his shirt bosom, stowed the speech away in his breechis pocket alongside of his " ti rbaecir," an 1 left under the impression that Jo!. me was a "gn-r-r-c-a-tin.nl." That man voted for Joevery t.nie, on I it cot J o only ot-.c-ch'.h of a cut to h i v hi n. CiUNiiK ok Position-. After the light w ilh lireekriiridge's forces nt Ilaton Kongo, n Maine Soldier who hud shot at lirecken ridgo nt a very long range, said lie hud had the pleasure of levelling his musket at his favorite candidate for President. He only regretted that the two candidates on the same ticket hadn't bo;h been in range, and near enough to enable him to make a sure shot. He thought as they, by lying hypocrisy, had ltul him into the paths of treason in lSn'O, he would l.ke to cold lend mem in K--11.. i iiai niiows neuil ami li art wire both exactly right. Tin: Unair Ouir. Uov. Yates of llh nois was written to by a man in one of the counties North of Springfield for ml vice in case the s, ecdicrs in his neighborhood at tempted to carry out their threat to pull down the Stars and Stripes which the I'm ion men I ad raised. Yutes wrote " shoot Details of Eastern. News. New Yoik, Oct. Hist Tin) Tribune i'nr the Agu$ Tlio liosa'l X ami- I nlun. Slavery is the causo of the great Kebab lion. Slavery has made a deadly attack on our National Life und greatness. As no writer acouainted with human nature. ' fi-derni-v bv the l-t of Jamniry, provide ...i i a.-.i i ...!-. ..ii ill. .f. 111. nil chiiio- ill the situation befor ,.i i..;. , i I,.., i i.i i" "ii" 1 "'ll III.' I'l lllll...lll,IIIV, 1 1 II S I 1 II I II I V l ,1' set a limit to the melius which a man mav cditoriullv says the last Muropenn ndvie render it morally certain that Prance inn Knchind will iveogniiii the Soiilhern Con justly use for self defence, in attack which threatens his lift In l ie same article it say i . . i i' i leio will soon lie a name near uiciicsact ml in- -es sendim: evcrv available man to reinforce Mct'lillan. resist uir mi so not a m; v.,.,li-.,r,l ..rih,. T.I, 111 Mi-sOlll Statesman of reputation dares set nil nbso- ;, Sun lit iiltaclod a band ol giu rrdlas on lute limit to national effort for seeiirintr and AiiMTois rivi-r, alisi'cr.siiig ihelil, killing am neniel.iHtin.r national x isleii.-o n-id uinlv. .wounding several, and capturing i i I-'or veins, sl.ivei v bus been a vexed and their the popular mind stood for some incomprc" hciisihly deadly thing, threuteiiing existing institutions and the ceneral welfare. It is down the villian like a dog that alteuipts even Irue now, that efforts are sometinn it, and I will pardon you.'' Three ehors for Yates! Fot.t.owtxc. tiik Niuunis. The Canada papers state that before the rebellion broke out nil the emigration from the I'nited States to Canada consisted of runaway ne groes. Now not u contraband treads tin old path, but tlio road is blocked up with "peace democrats" running away from ti e dmlt. We hope the black negroes will not disgrace themselves by harboring the w hite cms. aims iiiHinnnit-oii, blniika'ts, an, I Imrs V n.i In r halve rebel camp in the vicinity doubtful question, upon which no writer or f I'oriluinl Iiiin ln-i-ti broken up. Major sneaker could express ni. honest opinion (Yule of Adair county, reports that Capl adverse to it, without being at once brand- lour came suddenly on the rebels, killing ed with the nan,,, of .abolitionist which ill und wounding twenty and capturing eleven nilMinels. "ll noises, nuns, n, lien (iuitar l as iiImi captured Severn eiienilla leaders near Columbia,' lloone eomitv. .1, lb i-soii Ci!v. Oct. I. - The rebels w ho seized tin- simmer Amelia, nt Poll I in. I u. r.. ii,i, i,-, iileil nt Wavn, svilh- by I ;.mo -l'n! SilmI. i,ii,I scatleled No par t culiiis hac I n received. More rein I, were said to be gntluring lit Portland Measures have been taken lor tlie.r cap tun-. The IV bi 1 bauds reinailiing ill M.ssour sei III to be elicit a vol'ing to Make their way out of the Stute in the shorta.t turn made to revive this prejudice iiuuinst the unforlui.ate thcki y, either for a local and purely si llih motive, or from n sp'nt of sympathy wilh, and il desire to aid tin- re billion. In the beginning, the So.,th be lieved that she could coninund sympathy an I aid enough from Northern sod, to par-iily.,- all military operations against her, and nt least if this wire not tin- case, that practical)! sir The following appointments have been made by Gov. tiibhs; Joel Palmer, Major General of Oregon Militia; T. II Pcarne, Prlgadier General, resigned and Stephen Collin of Portland, was appointed Urgadier General 1st district; O. llunia son, Prig. Gen. 2d district; lv L. Apple gate, Prig Gen. 3d district; Picliard Williams-, Judge Advocate; Ralph Wilcox, Suig-on General; L. Powell, A. G. Ho vey, J. H. Mitchell, and P. P. Thompson, Aids de camp to Commander-in-Chief. A. the North would never dare to assert the true issue of l-'reedoin as against Slavery, bv calling on the iiiirrocs to strike for tin- Union and their ow n liberty. Hitherto this has been soniew hat the case, and the nation is just beginning to real .,- the terri- west of Helena, lli 1,1.. ,tn, I., .if it... mil, st mi, I tl,. it mi v thirteen mill oi the and all means of coercion will bo found necessary to crudi the n hellion nod restore t!m I'niou in its old supremacy. I'r.iiu the animus of the Kebillion as so far displayed, what sane mail will assert that if ut last, after an incredible i xpenditiire of blood and treasure, the rebellion is crushed, that its smouldering fires will not again break out under the same inlliieners that now C. P. Sliaw, Warden of the Penitentiary. ! fa jS .,mD to such u height. Put -if Win. Waldo, and V..V. Grav. .Notaries Public, Auburn, Paker County. Okki.on L'irv Lvv.K.ru. Tbis Institu tion which embraces a fair list of speakers, j the nbi lliou is not put down If as lin y asseit, with their reserve force of si ive la bor, tin y are able to protract the war in delin tily, l. nt. I weakened by ilf, lis.ie op . . . . i . . . i, i i .. t - r ... ias organ el tor its uitir t ru: bv the ! ' 1 1 - ! tervent:on wc si., ill lie gl.ul ol peace on ehction of Mr. Paqm t, as President, and j A Oi'Emm; r-.u Hoik The nUI Congress his ad.nlttL-d Kiikis into the ' Confederacy." Kentucky, Mi-sour', Kan sas, and Maryland, are all expected to an s-.ver to tliu roil call in P.iclitiiond Congress, whether these States wish to he reprcsei.t ed tie re or i.ut. The n.-xt rews frcm P.clitnoad will probably be that Or, gun, Wu-hii.gron, and C.iliforni i have u!so bei n n l.-n.Ced n.to the C, i:f, d, r i, y. h sran;e tint Cnzy P.nk u; in II el.. no ; 1 as " Sen ifor fro:u Califor nia" i re this. I: It..f ILuiuah :,nd Jol.n Henry Sm.lli si,oul i t..k,' it into their heads to ilres t,, i;, wi-ii -n's i bj-.!i.-s) au, toddle d --vn to II chir.oinl, the f'-niT as " Sena tor," hie tii.j lutt. r as " lb ; r. ntatlve n II V t iTIIls . a,lilleil Wit, I 10! I'lior.-l.elis public debt, and cr'ppb d l y the ln-s of hundreds ol thousand of brave nu n who would then have given their lives vanity for the I'uiori what that is hopeful will our J future pr. sent t It is will fur ih to c u oi:iv,'KIS Pl.tsS A lirivate letter :.l.-r t'i trar.f l!nl n, ,v I. n ., 1... from Charles Wright, on the gunboat '. n- I r . .., .... ..... ... . - . .-. .-3 . j . im ins s;s-.- ill this city, gives an a::iisng account ofan iii i 'c yv . i. .Matlock, as vice Iron lent J. I. Looey, See. and Treas. .Meetings on Friday ivcning uf each j wcik, at tin- Court Hou-c. Invitation to I all. ; I, Is 11 The situation is one of grive j r; !- i t y. ii.lt rv-civ w ith a lumberman on the Yu.oo ' al"' Loyal Ner:h, ns w. m its c o rlvir. who I. -id never heard of the trouUes ! in-nt the Admini-tratio:!, hav,: len drlv-n nboiu s.-cess ,,Mi m r, e-ivcl his first inti- st..,, bv step to the conclusion that f.,ibe.,r lllat. 011 that WMP tv,n rn.r'n.F tmnt nnr : ' . . . . , , . , ! r . , . i . nil. . ! l,l" 'I't'-siion nns eea-", to i a-a i i:;r!i '.I 1 "-i-o i ,i in,--liinjo.u. n-.- in l iieen in : , . , the gum mi a :n;,s for four years; during a i v,r;'"' nl'" " ' ",vt r-v s,'""''i '" l:' lari- port;ou of the time he has not seen 1 w:1.v ''"' I'nion, by furnishing s!uev n a s i Iiu'irm being. When he met our ' w ar lo the rebellion- I f bhi, k mm ur "1 ' : ! ,ie, J 1 b- i: in ... .1. n I ....1 I. . 1 .. - . v ..... u-u..,,.,,..., s in.'' ! l,,.. mi, will. in', lo i ,i mater.u seine, for tlir- I' ii o'i ill r. tnrn f. from fir ,.n " i', .. i i ., i -. " - - . - l.i,criv puaranteul to Hie bl.n K nn n n liotu Oregon, te w,,:., !,:!, be a l:.M- , Orleans is an expensive luxury ! ,'. ,. .. - ,- , ...i,.,...., ,- . ...... I ti . o ... .- 1 - i the 1 resident s I.inaiie;i,ation Proihuna- ..v. ,,j ,.! ,,a. ,,)U, nua- - io eruiii..-in is piiying more Uian ?.((,- k. r, an! Oreg-n w..-.i!d bo imm-dii-.t-lv en- ! tHl" a " '"l', coiild, iably more than tin- !... I iw . .. ne n .. t. i iirniv oi occupation costs, to f.-e. It he starv- . ... i ... i.. .1, , . i , . . , r -v ...... in.' I. -in is w liotn .M ior (n n. I.ovcll and and J. if. I'avis have left upon our l:at Hel.-na l Arkansas) advices to the I'll ha e been receiv, ,1 at lii inlouarters. -. i n thin-' was eoino irativi ly iiuiet. Tin ih lelisive WClk-c aloiilid Helena Were near lv completed. In u skirmish on tlio llh, t wi Ivi- miles I'lderals eiij.tui i-i Twenty first Texas Pediment, im dud. us; n Lieutenant Coloni I Their other loss is unknown Tlie Federal loss was four k died, six wounded, and four teen missing Gen Jiff C Puis, who killed (i.inral Nelson, has beili r, leased from in ri st mid ordernl to report ut Ciminnati lor duly An escape, prisoner from (Jen Pain camp gives the follow in stateineiil In re ''ni l to the rebel lores in Northwestern Atkaiisas; M, Pride and Parsons have 10, ('00 men. P lins has l.'i.PIH), ol whom In, Dill) only are i II', etue Shell, y leu four or li'e thoils.md The geiiernl plan for the inti'sli'ii of Mi- ,'iiri was l, r the rebels to match in tlni e ci'liniiiis, umbr Coopir, P.irsoi.s, mi l Pains The fust Is to be taken Wer- S. -.i.i;li. Id, .Mount Veliion, ill,, I Poll. i Thebehel was e;cinr.il that there wi re oii'y (-,(nn) l', ,. r.il troops in ih s portion of tlie St. it'1. Iliiiilniaii mule a s,( , eh to 1,1s In,,-s a short t ine since, and promised ll.nt the stun nmt bars u old, I Ih'at nil nh mi.' the M ss.s, j ,i and M-s.iuii r.v.rs b. lo.-e ( 'In it mas The rebel n rm v is repr. s -nt. d im being in n frightful co-id lion O.ily l mil t irn" fourths of the sold-crs nr.- urn,.,!, i,u tn any of tim e ar- only prou led w ;tli shot yuns and sipi.ir, I r.lh s A ib'.. n r- ;;i ineiits are w it hoat leu! mi I the Ink of ehcliing ui.,1 I!. ii. kits was -en-rnly l it 1 1 uudi e,is of on n Wire bar foot' al, Imre he id , I and rif,''n 'ur lidoruialil w us V, ' 1, , Stl.-f :iK. ( II.. .... 1... ., ,i .-. , . V; I. i , . , ' ', . : f'T the I n:o:i, in return for the.r own . li me t.m , to ick-hur.', to secure a m.,rli.t for Lis Inuib. r 7iV,...r .Tr,- i erty, that slavery shall be nbnh-hi d, and ro wit ns a J jilan t of the C'o;t ns mil tarv g iv- ruor. riey, Th- tlon, a sicoud ih adly blow is struck nt llie peculii.r institution. The Smi'.Ii l. r-" If stnnk the fir-t LIjw, when she withdrew wo'ililes-ticss i, J ff 'i,vi, s! i n plasii rs, i or .--ml in from dav to ilav from beyond in wliicli rebel f-n-.-re w :.r? p il l r ff, is i our l.ms to be fed. The approach of Win the onlv bar to an im n-diat,- ru-!i to II V.- ' l"r r' rii ' a HrioiH question whctlnr mond fro.-n Or.-gou. If r b. ri ! ,i'e V!,t!",,:'1 ,j,,v',('"t is ""'J "!" ,. , ' , ,, 1 ; "j -port in- ii who nfusc to ta ;-: t he oith o.' w-itj wort.i two b.ti to the dollar there 1 nllV'eai.er. iii f f. i - wouni uc niieeii or tw-i.'v " coi,t -taut- hands ; fr,n nnd-r t!t? prole ; le.'ii of the Con stitution, and plunged tin- nation into civ. I v...r. This institution which has be- n a blot on our National gp ntne-s has tin mj !i ut lii,.'hn,o:i'l f all ci.ij'iiiliig f,r for si u's in Cotigre-'s Oregon this winter, CSiT " D'jtlor IS mini." Wn.t. Dunk. Mr. Stout n! Oy-tmi!!-, W. T , informs us tint tin- cil'ens of Pa cific county, have tnk-ii hold uf t!,c caS(. of the .Sanitary Commission in irood earnest. In two precincts, co-it iin:ng but a few voter-, $j'JT have already been ra:n.J. Tlx other two precincts in the county in which II. K. Stevens, L'-q , is op-rating, aro ex pected to raise the sum tofjOO at k-at The ciiizens of Oysteniil..- ure loyal to the fore. There nre on'y to or three half breed Yanccyltis iu that w hole community and they arj men who " never nod the Argil,' of cour e t.'-t; the Arui is no more suited to the uppetity of n sti' .-ikin " K-ccsli thun would l.c a royal banqin t to n liog. Vn.ioii Stni The (iraud Jury of the United Statei, for the Third Judicial Jbv lri..t i.f OV 1.. It' 'I I . ...v. v.. .y.;i.,j,.i, ii . i , , me iixiiiu mi in sliclmeiit against this gi ntleinuii for the eiiibezJement of liionry and goods belong ing to tlio L'nited SlHten. One of the in-li-tui( nts coiitniii'i tlcrti en separate charges of embezzlem'-nt. .Smith is Colh tlor ut A storin. Jnek ton vile .S'' it (iw I. A grand jury of Olympio W. T. fin-Is mi indictment ngainst the Collector at A i loria Oregon, does it? Perhaps your grand jury ut Jacksonville has indicted the U. S. Consul t Victoria? Is the Sentinel by ftn.li items doing "ji-tlee to the Southern portion of the State''? tftTTlie customs receipts at the CVtoin House nt Astoria, on good brought from Victorio on the Sii rru Nevada lai-.l week, amounted to over t'.i,W). ftafXot n particle of frost yet al llw mouth of the Columbia river. Htf Wo Icorri that one day this week, on Clackamas, n little Imy of Mr. For ester's, was n-nt (o the utablo to fied the liorses, wlieu he was seized by o pni.thir, und kilfed, nod Hi. ff. The 'iinflur was !crniirds killed TliK Ho.'.i.llll.f. T.ll.K Ho-;ir or TIIK nut nil us I Its own dlrec , an avi.i,gli g i It-elf, and in v in-1 the N'i i ' "c d. stiny. lice will be done. H'.-tcry vli.'llc.bs in id- to the Moloch of Il-bi'llion, by an Tt'cial return of the Surgeon General nl Pichinotid, who states that up to the pres ent time one hundred thousand suk and wounded soldiers have been received iu the hospit.iis of that city! From these ex amples one moy form u conception of the enormous havoc that the war hus made in the S'ju'diirr. population. AN ACT to Increase the Revenue of the State. Section 1. He it tiuicud Ly Me ,n',. Intiie Asiemhhj of the Stair iif ()r'nn: Hint the minimi tax herenftir to be levied in this State, to defray the current expen ses of the State, Khali bo three mills on the dollar of nil taxable property, and, iu nd ibtion thereto, a poll tax ol one dollar shall be asif.ii on and pnid be ea-h and every mine peron over twenty one and under Iif ty years of age. mx. -1 I he Act ent. tied" An Act to iwrease the revenue of the State," approv ed June lid, l-otl, is hereby repealed. Approved, October IT, Wrl. lie it (ntlclt'l hi) the Isifinlalirt Awmhhj of ii he Stale of Oregnn: .Si:t:os I. Thai the sum of thirty-five thou-mnl, one hundred and forty, and two third dollars be, and the samo is, hereby appropriated out of any moneys in the Treasury not ollurwise appropriated, for the payment to the Government of the United States, of the amount apportioned to bo paid by tins Stalo of the Jbrect Tux levied by t,.. Act of Coi gres., approved me uiiii nay oi August, eighteen hundred and sixty-one. Si.c. 2. That the sum of ten thousand dollars of said amount be paid by the Slate Treasurer, whenever the proper officer of the Treasury department of tho United States, shall draw upon this State therefor; and the sum of twenty five thousand, one hundred and forty and two-thirds dollars shall be paid hkewise, upon like draft drawn ut any time after the first day of March next; and the Treasurer of Stale shall pay the amount hereby appropriated, iu com. Approved, October 2d, UJT The total amount contributed lo the Sanitary Commi'ion bv Oregon thus 4 I. far is nearly f I licfj. , .it.s One "cM an aniialliiL' idea! It will be i.otlced that a rrliii-oiil mjii .. (IT , o. tlie sicril.ees thut haie ulrendy been ' n.ent hl' nist emancipation as a war tin-as- r. lire, is drawn i.ot from its coii-titntionahty, nor from imy rights which the South has iu the pnmisi's, and w hieh we are bound iiniii-"d at si-nig scores of cuvuliv who had l.ire M' can 'irs bit, kled on their ban-I.e. N. l'rov.sioiis were vi ry scarce, an I or,M, nnl w at' r, witn an m immhihi r, !i-h of li i I w .thoul s ill, le 'ie,' t i- prini'i pal ii,, t. 1 In re seeiii' il to be but I . t r I di -eii.l ii- or nr. h r among these in.rt.iins of the r, bid nruiy. Ph. lad, b.l.ia, (l.t J.' l ( tlVi.-i.il returns from M-vmty i onii' .1 -, eoinpiisiig mop than half of the voting population of th, Mat, , give Ih" 1 1, nioer.itie candidate Stat- Auditor I.m',11 tn ij. r'.ty Spiingfi. Id i M.i -, Oct Ist.- A bum oi p in I-, iwu iiiui'.ri i in nun, i., r, wen lii-eovi n d on M, inla v, s, 1 1 ii m.i, s south ea-t of Mar I, field, in iemoriiig to m,,k . . 1 1 . , .i uieir way lo u -i ri.oi.s, .i Kansas '1 h. v w , re a: la, Led by a c!i I.,, him nt ol the T. tat la I .linoi- ( 'al .ill y illid cnnpl-id; loiitti!, with a l s.s of lour k,li' ,l, i, u w oilin.. . i, ninl iiiiei n c.iMtirci. wur o-s Was one k lied. Tin .v.'all'.Tid i n my were pursued by our fori' s The Pol. ma- (lotillu has lal.ly bun doing an extensivn luislin'ss iu cipluring conli nba'e! goods and men m Ih- r In s-rvice. To-day, it pally Wt re bronchi to the Navy Yard wlo were enpturiil while ntti iiipting to cpish Irom irgnnii lo visit tin ir horn, s iu Man html l!.b, nrinv passes and many letters, wi re found upon their persons. It is li'-i'll died from a New (l rei.adiiin ollieial Minree, that lhat Govi rnuii'iit inter po-es no objection to the fr e black emi gration to that Kepllbfe, the policy beili to i neou'age the seltleinent of the com, lev lhat number had dcsi l lctl since the Slate was invaded. Oct. I'-Jd. Sigcl yesterday moved nil hiscoinn d lo the neighborhood of Cm ireville, and established his lieathpiarters Ihcl-o. li ght regiments hnvu been lidded to his command within tint lust few days. A prisoner captured nt tho first battle of Pull Pun, who has jn-1 arrived from Uiclnuond, says the Mcrriinac No. i! is nearly iMidy'tol' scitice. Slut has had all her iron platis placet' on Iu r, ami looks as II she would be nil ncdv cusloini r. She is said to be similar in construction to the old .Mcrriinac, allhouuh not so large, und const tpieiitly more easily handled A Shnrpsbiirg ( Md ) sici iul dispatch snys: I lie lorce al tin) cMieuiti nuni oi our line, in the vicinity of Hancock, has been greatly strengthened w illiiu the past two days. This has caused it movement of two or I li coo divisions further up th.i river Various rumors are all, nit in regard to the future disposition of the army. The men are desirous lo lilher oiler Imltlo or go into Winter quarters. A large number of our soldiers having been found at Sliaipsburg without proper passes, arc icing sent to Harpers, terry to hoik on l In- railroad lil'nti;,'. A Harper's Ferry special tie patch to In- Timri says; Purnside has been as igm d by the Government to I In' charge ol the Hand's I'i I TV tl, f, lis, , and the st c- oud army corps is pi ici d nnd, r Ins orders The soldi, is me p ported to be rmlly mf felieg from cold went In r. The Peli i-sluirg tVn ) .'lyorii of Oct l.'illl (in Is I;, ,ie will be luiicli tlnlll,!,' und vast Miff, ring bom the scarcity ol eo.d The Pichn.oiid of Oct ll'ilh ... . . ... . i i . ii says; i e I it It r mat Ilic r.tierais win soon Galveston i, ' ve been math. ,m (.'ur,L n?1 , "lk, Kimboats. M, U'riul ,; CJJ Late Soinlicr,, "!"' T'" t 'faiCSr r,W '-"lib,,,,!,, 1.t x. T,.Iaii i herd,, Is Ih.l, "C"1 "I lilt furl' 'i' i" liiiell I,,,, ,,,n ,. f"::,,:ii:f11'" -m ; '""I ''" Itoseeriins order i "'ickr lion "r,,r,''l lotUipJ The follow iuir i. ,, k.ir St. utT"M lOtlI Our armies me i,,r en. A,i sns. ;;,,;;;fii'N-or.i, " II 'I II. . i,,.....i. i i t v iii' ii r ii in ii . )t inn! rmii.,1 if.. nr. ..r,.. a baltei v ,.f l! . 'U frl l. ' . . r 'it i s, ij,, , "j, piii'Mied lliinlniui, l . ''. Wiu6,,i it im ..: ... X """". whoses force lied hey,,,,,.',, ' J ? More.l,,,,, lislflhrnrmy ; I'"ry H tuuh r eon.nin.,,1 J, " .' nrK, luriih t ,-' ,,,, i.. i 11,1 freiYiil;. '"' can eurry elr',?, f'otllinlt f-recl inarcli. l(,k7r I in i iioosir r-iiini ,' - .liy i "olior. I oi.in.s - Grih,ii iv. 1 1 is si,i i. I, t.i....r. . "rm desto, and lhat I,.. ,n , '""Wr cany i his proj, nf ,nki f lo i Iir .In, oir.1,;ii',f1U.l- l t'l the iiuin, sty, m r,s,rv il,, , " roti. sling ngai st it. r' l!l HI I. Colll liotusK -Tlie oaln "'''I''. "''I'M. the lmui.(i,lt t"!,,,, 'H,,.n,,t1r1.d,.rntfs,,,;,',", lierinission lo 1 1,.. ..i i.... o. . "" lw (it her SI,... . their own il.'.li.,.. ....I ... . " -Ifcl ,v . . r . . I I . ,' I IU I i . ., iiinK,' a tle- ran. , lion io lore iioii i noi i f...,..,, .iii ., "Wlhrr scls up the James river past I Inn y' 1 Sl, , (r i.l. ., ,,. ' ' ,U"'''ltr,, I'dulf. Ml,, i- f,,. v.,.,,.. ' " U - . .... ire In its account of lh,i Puiyvill,. light, the Ihijiitih snis It is inn- Kentucky Will mourn for ninny years. The I'nhlal b'-s was heal V. The r, b, I fore, s fell buck six III", s. The jiirniiier elaiins a i i, loey at Per- rvviile, Kv , and si,s the red, r,il loss, in kill, tl, wo let, nnd captured, was Jil, lll-O ; the Cotifi th rale os .'.(lilil CinciiiniiM, ( let -Jtl -The returns from sixty counties give a 1 1, inoi I at a- ii.iioi:ly n s (ipil lieiiig a hii.e gam lor th.l irtv. The leiiiocr ,l.c major, ly iu the lat'e will be ahoiit I .'"I'll It is In I , . ,1 now (hat the Concr ssiomd ih -leg ,'ion W:. t.iiitl foul I, i n 1 1, iin rats to li' e I " moii. Illdialiiipolis, Oct I'.l -- Ttie 1 Inoilat C Male t I k-t Is I 1, 1 oi I , V i i ell ll IV In, 111 any ol tl in the Conf, il, racy, eilameut uf the rit;hl itil- "' us ak.i III l,,...' . uh,h Ihi, ,r,ie l,. A,,'...: "mJ" I he peace which ends , , v ""'" .iuiri "er. fie w,i( .-J Amounts IiiimI,,) tl, y (-j ( ll-q , Ibis We.k, for ihr Saaitur. rmJ $;,oa itl l.f'O t.oo 50 ieOO A n.oinit ll,i 1 1 k pre .mi. ly ui Utinhd, To!.,!. in :o 'i. tim.ot to re-pect ill Mich ft struggle, but it is urged lhat such n line of policy is unwise, because its dt duration alone will not se cure its enforcement That a larger force will be required to emancipate the slaves, than to crush the rebellion, and restore the Union, which is the object of the war. II the in grot s were hogs or cattle, we should of course be wasting breath in tnlUinj of ' by ll.o.-e qual, lied to develop her ngriciil emancipation. Put ,,s they ore human, '"'al an.: mm. r.il sources. nnd the subjerfs of motive, until it is proved Pit htnoiul ll'i; ol the 'JOth, in mi conclusively that they do not h sire their 1 '''I'1"1' "" i Kentucky, says; This f i i ii i .1 .. r.-trogr.'i'lii movement or Pracg has pro- freedom, and will do nothing to secure it,1, , , , ,.,.' ' " ' ! Ill II , I , - 1 1 if ,1 il 1 1 1 1 I ninl mm Ii mil that nrgument is not entitled to eonsid, ra-, j,,.,,,, nlllJ tUxM ltl(, n, ,n.s t.y m, tion. If they will help to erudi tlm n In I ! formed of th- liberation of Kentucky and lion, and we may thus save loyal lives iitul j We had rea-onubly expected treasure, who is such an enemy to his ' !'r";" lr"M'H i'i"aili-'''i,t army something ' t : ..... ... . , .. . . . i . , . iiioi.j iiuin ii iiirii: incurs, o, ,f ii,,. Jlf-IITIJ- eonntry as to oppose their eiindovment. i,,i,,i.rii .i- w . . ' 11 1 I liorliooil or Ihe Ohio liver. e nnlieipnt- 1 u- '" ed sonieihiiig more than boast (id orders and founding- proclumaliotis. 1 1 im long Ilr.AW omtiikJoiiv Pri.l.s. George j delay at Tupelo, his hesitancy nt Cluitlii- Franeis Train says that nn llnglisliinaii is noogii and ids tardy ndviince into Keu- rmide up of so many cubic inches of mutton j lucky has shaken public confidence iu hiui. chops, and so many quarts of be. r. Sixty, I he Kentucky movem.-nt iu the hands of thousand drunkards die every year, and Pragg has turned out to be simply it li.zln fiuO,00(t more gu..h.. habitually little j ii magnificent failure. children grow up druiiknrds, nnd there are I .-,, , , , , i ''iiell s brief Kentucky campiiii'ii seems ten limes iis many gin shops ant rum places i ... , , ; 1 , ,, i i ii Vi , to be at an end. Coirespont ei, s aeree as ther.! are ehnrelies mi I schools. A Ion- I ,,,, , . , ,, . .. 1 , , " . that l.riL"' IS bv this I, me Mih v i.imrl, n.,1 over, says 1 rain, ll, u i-.nglisli are st t ol , . ,,, ., , ' , . - , i ii ,i i . 011 ""' r side o he ( uiiib, r and inoun- cowards Irishmen have won a their but- ,, ;, u ... ... , " , ,. ' l tn; , li i l il i lo, l III) l. DIH'H WOUIII '"' ' Hiieeeed iu bringing the rebel army to an engagement und defeating; it, has not been nidicd, K, however, his mission was simply to drive the rebels from the .Slat", then he has accomplished all that was in tended. A correspondent of the Cincii,nali (In. vile, says the nbi plunder Iraiu number ed four thousand heavily lad, n wagons, wilh several ihous beef entile, one thousand iihiIih ii m I lu il, I .1.. "0,hfn,i , Jr,il, nii.1 lPTury lieview," ! ,.(, ..,,,,... .,.,, , , ,,.,. u,u ,, ' ;Uv.mI.-M ...lij,,.,. i,.U,,,l i it, ,i,l, I. Kenlucky. In ennvers,,,;,,,, ttil, l(.rM,lm ,s .I,Ii.Ik.J wr.il.ly u, S,, I oiii,jio, l,y Wi,,, lb , friflifU at Mount Vcr v'.'nin-U. K. V luii, oull.or , f Wool's 0rl, Tim Law 1 5rii!!f is r ported I.i l,i f,',.1.LI.. J.iiirnul will ihililillem inri l Willi u liln nil noil ' kliowledi'i il Dm! onlu f, ,l i '. .. .. i '- i " - . "ii ii'.,i iiiiii miiiiii fnin tlio Icjvil friiO-iniiy ,f tins , .-.as'. Terms uf lii'lllti had been iv.lied to li emits finm y.ui'i ; rr uiiii-l,.. Kmlucky, mid he li li vc Hint more than tMT The number of men ulreudy re cruited under tho two calls amounts to 47o, 00(1, tho number yet to he raised be ing M'tlfd'2. Of these, New Yoik .Slate l.as furnished H(i,!l77. I he quoin of New lersey is lilhd up, that being the first Slate to raise her full number. 157" W I, live ri'iniii-il din ft ml iiiunlier of ihe :cn. as follow .Mo,,n, I.iok ns, Mrs M ,.oki,.,' .1 l 0 I.kins, I'-iiig I! (ih ii.iin, Cum iiinh I'm, n A..riiihv , ii- ii mill lo sitHUI iu ajor.lv live d iuocr.it- i-'"n .-s.in s. n, Con-re'sm, n and b ur l i i are d el Hat kaoias ( lamly Awci-wliim I Tin- lote in the Tt nil, and lib until l.-lr i ts is so i , sc ai to r, uuirc (lie of!i, ml it- lo decide Il is I.i lieu i lhat the l UloCI its w ,l i t a niijor.iv of both brain l is of the L' gisl.iliin- M lata It W II ccur" tl" ! cl li f a I ), moer.itic S- li ito I to Idi the l o lint V i.;oii.. by l'n' i .ia's ,! oi II:., hi ll .l i'st.ur.', ( let I'.o;, I i l, i n I'i. i n I olljr sill- n me i h t p , J l.r ! ate l.t K . t I II di id'thi!. Pill I'"' thai, is taii.r l!,, I. ri.ocr.it. T.ie 1 1 . . a; s ,. nil I r. ",,!. is t III I III I 1,11'tl. til ,' I 1 lllot I.il -: ll.e . mitt- .'0 I'm, m to 1 1', 1 1 uioi r i's , Am nun, ;. in The H'Tald s ',si, li;'loi in-ii! tl s , ml eh i s tin- i'i' - Mil f.,r a (,, nitl inoi ,.i ;. i ..i... ti ..I ti I ''""." --"u can I it ft l Oirr(niltrr of ,i in, I! mi rih nf cold iIiim Iml Ui sh pp. d ih,-, ,-.- ,ih a mi; ihaii Oi Ur n ha I pu d out fr dust' 1 1 i.S.OOO n In . out v no'., s lax. s ( in, (if,. JO, K.J ' " I I" Ii of is ih,n Kin ' ' " k ' ' ' ar A aa-aaa , ui J 1,1 '.. I mi, iiiii ii tf .,,.a, s"r "' I' t nt.it) botU Kitra by Mt In I' tin, i.i ,; iy) I' " f-aaa I. adi. uUc, lj ;o I I1'I4II.'- l ., 9 f ."-ritu, Tl Mtaiff. Iir.'ed w I, 11,, enrni stn, s, lhat ell i tol.il!, d T.ie if U-ia lit ! ttJ- A K ehnio a,. I pr p r s . tint lli " r. I g ..in 1 1, mi til ' i . ry mine is U ('niit, ilt rule army. W'v infer hrard n win k-V so Co!, , bafnre, lleaiigh il il KfT apt to g. t i'i ni, ft, , ill that pyun. V i t.'t i ill n il I ii,.' (bir (i bhs r. t.H-tl Ik bll li e s. lit ,f cell millt III MlKllinO to the .( Lj,:- , , iP I, .n,ii,nf lef inn im, lit, m of u i-i'iiiits lor M.irinn rfim ly, im,- i',i. giiiuud of an ointitutlofitli'J. h. 'inn m Tiie itu rage pt ae (if filiform j wool itl San I rani ico is 211 rrriH f" : pniin.l, and lln-1 stimuli t cl p is (1,110,(1.0 j pouiids worlh $l,l"..'.n. ! I'll lllf II a II I i, an - -The nihrr'il,ul I booki of lln- I'm- lie Ceiilnal Kudr.ad fff i op' in din Saernmi nlii mi tlir S'.'tl, im tt,,k to the aiuoiiiil of fii,000 rule j scribed. A II l'it.'s I'i as (i-.i . . Tl r P'dtrr ,Vrr ',., .. ...I. . .1 .1 . . . I. .n in u r If i d thai tic' Ku'r it t. on of ni, r iii.ia-iii.il w ,1 run, the i eoii'i'ry. i Th- Tilurt all-p I'cll, Cli"U' "II ncci'lllit j of the n fugt ,- I ii Pro, ihl the r, i or t from . Cnlpepp. r connl V, Vu , t!i it In-rant cip. ill d : a slave iiimiiti cl on, ais I l.r ii.li,ii..liuils ,, the eoiiiiliis where in ti'iord u itiou i Msts ihreati n lo r t ll,e ('oiit lij.l on At t, on the plea ol s, . r,,ti c! o , to di ft nd tin in S, lies llg.lilit tlie l.eroi . It Is b.l.ellll that I 'i o thirds of t!,i. ,v, t in ':r.':io:i have already hear I of Lincoln's pro. hut u lion, lllitl lichen- Ihiuiseius ( The g-lil. rill, II ho l,ron.;ht Ihe 'i p,,rl th nk th ,1, should the r. In I i.rmy r. Ir at I, nn ,ts pre-, nt po.lt Mi, nii i'ln r N at Ti.f iii r r-I-II, mi would in c u r in Ma tt rn and Central Virginia (i ll. Sihofnld. W.tl, Lis n l. nice, l -i n achi d I Hkiiorn Tu u rn, Aikuiis.a , si ids iiilellg-i.ci. thut lln- enemy are niuk itig for I'm Ion in, millions (ieli Stcth nnd ( )-ti rhiois are al I'.h it Knob, minim ii g agaltisl the cm my lllitl. r .M, lii,,l,', w !,o are posted ill the .t iiii' V aT I'm u li'in t ., Ark.iioas A ili-palth datitl Ihillwar IHchls, (It I .,ll, ... ll,,l II.. r. I. 1. u I... r. .0. ... ...I ' Lruf I I.O-I' W ill (a'ell. HnuiphrtVs Inn k to the riur have I ll"rr"M lf , their pit ketsiigaiiit xt. mini tt) the Polai I would be glad e the (-nunrtC forth of iliac. There is i anion.,! picket f,rii,g I blood of all the atrioti of tin across Ihe rim r I he roads ol this m i i.on ,r,; hard, dry, and in -upeib comlilloi, for inarching. The In aty rains which render tin in inn, hly anil ihllieult commence about the first of Nova lliber Iii the recent rebel raid upon la x ngloia, Kciitui ky, t'uy lost five kilh d ami fill, a n wnimdeil, iiiiinng whom was M ijor Morgan, John's cousin, w ho w as shot iu the m i k, anil will die. John Morgan wa nt to Law. rencebiirg yesterday morning, with 1, '.''() men. I Pun, ait' cavalry is in close piir.,nit From fifty to a hundred of the rebels were captured A special dispatch from Cincinnati says: Advices from (Jen. Cox, at (ialliiiobs. Ohio, report that the rebels have evaeua t"d Western Virginia and gone to llaslt rn Tennessee, taking with them nil their trains. Tlu-y are said to have nitiiiufaetnred two hundr-d thousand bags ol salt In llio Ku liawhii Valley. Ilcfore leaving they lie- slroyed all the salt works ami other prop erty (Jen. ( ox expel led to reach ( harh-s- town, on (he Kanawha, today. (mi .Saturday the steamer ( iitoiihnhi was final into by rebels thirty miles below .Mi in- tilts. 1 hey wounded one man. Il, same evening the steamer (Jhidiator was nlliiek ed by a baud of rebels while Ion, ling cot ton, twenty fivo Hides below Memphis, mid two persona were killed ami seven wound ed. They then filed tho boat, but the Humes were extinguished without doing much dnimig,'. The boat escaped. The ra hcls continue lobiirn coitonlu the vicinily of Memphis. It Is said that Prim has been reinforced recently by fifteen thou- mini Ti'Mins, and lhat more are niriving hnly, A special dispatch from Cinciiiliali says; " It Is quilt' eel lain that lirugg has I 111, iul liiiell, nnd Willi all his lore s sah ly passed nouuli Ihe u ,ps of the ( lumbei land .Moun- lains inlo Teiiuesseu. liuell Is said lo be moving in Mich n direction its to be nble (o support our forces nt Nashville ami aid op- f't-nlifinu io llui i h.Ii.ilu t.t I '..:..ll. a Im lure most lo .' iu Th" New V-:k Iinl-N-o.!fat wli mules tl.,,1 there are f H.O00.000 ii cash, lying in ll:e barkiof Ne VotkCilJ- Tins. -Tt. I.oiy IS.ini.. f.r .." fina rfW nl llie li- .1 i.iro li. a, in.rlili-,l InllinoffifH- a1 Ik. Car a ..iineili.l Or. f-.li (My M """", . . . " . . i-. .1 1 metet mi .ilnliilav el, inn tf. iv a. i1"'! " . . NoUCO.'Hi-r mil a mln , l 4HIBVU . ll 7 J lv lb ri. " N.i. I, lsr,vi ZVIultnomab todgo Jto. I, A K .V A. M.,l...l.l a- '""-"'"" "" l't ls AA,,,,,...,!!,,, tl,n I' nil bn In J; lliHl.rru hi r,....,a.lo.f 'n'' ' "ii ' I). P ill" HW-," 'I'm.., W masr, hrn'y. . o n Iff I he a-ll r.'Kaili.l nari-lillgaillM ISiil in ilny rarniiig, .a I. - M AH XI IB 8 1 .. .. ....... ..i. ...a.. ..miIi nr " "w. luliea, llaa'lillal.'aa fallaar, II. f H'hAftltl hv lll.lrr (i. W. Ilielinnb"". I"- lll'li.i.n III ,.o" l." , t'llarllfi". ,Mr,.,Hf.a,..r. '' JtI'' l,m, I Will., of lies riiuiily. I" 1 Al. I 'iifUtri, of ,Mai i-j,!,, 51.1b. Al lh nam. Inn 'l . , ' MirtA- ,a.f llinrnuaiy.w.'"- Jillli- II. Caill't'V Mt l'iillal.., aif iMialinll. pxtpj ' aPrllH..,i, (. i: H. ""'Z",j!'f II. K. ami R I, ll..y,"' " n - a 4 t Md Vo()(i-i;nM,i",n' TAKli A orient 4 ,, ,rw,i, sr.- f..H.t.i."" '".rjj.Ai'f.W A eiaav r't" CITY r..i.tf...ray-'V"riWi ,.. a,. ... IV, ,,n! etaia l .) nliira ..f U'.C Jat'O- l or Ih- l-iawni. ."',. vllrl il Pll,l.a.r i" "J ' . ii a.. .iilanff ' ' IllH'll ulnlt'il III '"in,l Nov, I, It'i-i' . .... v . ii. (m.iiiiit u i.vinnaa.