V tin Argnt. C.tnr Oa. See! what ou- alalor Stale Inn done To nwell the golden stream, How briff lit among the many dan t California gleam Shall Oregon lie left behind, Willi all i'i nicks ami rills, Can we tu nothing, though each heart Willi patriot ardor thrills! Wake iii, vc rich anil smiling fields, Your In-usures garnered in, Ferliaps the golden gnun matured To iiel the work begin, (tut in the harn-yard there' a cult, l'erhas a gentle cutv, What famous help would one of those (live to the soldiers now; Or. see! wh.it pretty speckled hens, Anil stately turkeys fine, Yn would not miss a few of them. Anil they'll bring many a dime. A word's sufficient to the win', Let ft try hotly lrinp. Something that will quickly sell N sure In he the thing. Now one may say Dame Fortune's frowu'tl On me thin year, you know, My t'riirea washed oil" in the (loud, My et.si-k froze in the snow, The orchard failetl, and, what is worse, The cruis. refused to grow. And everything is out of sorts, I get along so slow ; lt.it what of thatf I dwell in peace, Far from the battle-ground, And would (hat I csuld add a mite To s.tth a soldier's wound, 1 want to help along lh' wotk, It certainly is good. And. if I can find nothing else, Will bring a load of wood. Now. that's the way to talk, my friend, The ball is rolling on, Inst keep it moving, and you'll all lie proud of Oregon. October 1 1 lfij. '1'HK Tot'E AND THE Kkh.KI.MOK. AtY'll- liishop Pureell preached liis first sermon, since Iiis return from Europe, at tlie Ca tliodral in Cincinnati on Sunday. Tbc Ga zette snys tlie discourse wns niiiiuljr devot ed to a recital of the incidents of Lis tour, and of the results of the solemn council held at Home for the canonization of the ,Ia:niese martyrs. Just before the conclu sion of li is remarks, the Archbishop stated the interesting fact that the affairs of our country had aroused the most profound in terest and sympathy of the l'opo, whose earnest prayers and heartfelt wishes were that peace might be restored, and that the unity of our nation might be maintained as the only bulwark of the world and church against the despotisms of Kurope, and es pecially njjaiust the machinations of Kttg- !:tlld. I5LSLLS UA1JD5?. W. C. JOHNSON, ATTOI.NIiY & ColNSFJ.OR at law, And SnltdUir in Chancery, "tTfUX promptly atl ho uny business which may be committed to iiis professional eharge beforethe Districtand Supreme Courts. Oilier ..v. r Milwaiu's lit! store, immediate It-opposite the Main Street House, dreg.. ii (.My, October 1, 153. JOHN R M BRIDE, ATTORN KV A N U COUNSELOR IT LAW, Uifuyette, Yamhill Cuunly, Oregon. TIU. faillifully attend to all business en w trusted to his profession . are. J. II. .ITt III'I.L, ATTORNEY & COt'.YsKLoR AT LAW, And Solicitor in Chancery, PORTLAXD OREOOX. OlFi.-o Front Street, opposite Vaughu'i Wharf. Collections made and promptly Minted. japll! :. iikav, HOUSE, SlfiX. A SO ORXAMEXTAL Slfip nearly opimiite the Mrthoditt Church, OKKh.'.S CITY. April Ifi, l".V.I f DlAYAGE. T MIK CO.MRINATHi.N OF TKAMING sxins, . Ln:v. this day by mutual consent e-as,n, ami we the undersigned ask a continuation 'f the patronage of our old customers, and of as many i,t ones as laiy otl". r us their draving. Ilarstow will be at all times in t anemah, to re ceive order for dray ing, and Frailer in Oregon City. We will b as prompt tn attend to our cus. loim-rs as cirpur:iluiicji will admit, day or night ra o or shine. JOSKPH JSACSTOW, J. M. FRAZKU. Oregon lity, Ai!l 1, JMj.'. m;i N. 15. Country iiii-ri.hanH who are slep I'ifl? 17'ssJs to()rs'.on Cilv l. l, naui-ri to the country, will do w.ll to addrem to our rare, us we will charge uothing for storage any reasonable length of timeall M charge is I ho cartage to tlj f,l!U:9 0( su.nige. or from our place of storage to the boat for shipment. JJ. A F. JAS. CONNKK'S SONS' U. S. 'J'vnf; Foiifid (.TV WM. KaI'LKXKK SOX, Agents, .o. 30.1 Kiiiioiii! kC , Has i-'n.t.NX-iHro. 1 V FRY article necessary for a complete .Vena J or Job I'riulm; Ollice. furnished at the low-e-t pric.n. Also, a.-ents for Taylor's. fJoidou's, D.g, .Newbury s, Potter's, mid Hawk.' Pieces. )U Just Received, A I.Alt HE LOT OF Dry - (JimmIs ainl Vivw.r'w Which will be sold loW for Cash or Country Produce. W would say to the l arim rs, lief,,,., v.,u go to Portland lo boy O'sls, call on us. n w u,tl i t..k Flour. Hm oii, I'.utier, F.gg,, Ac, mid give in exchange. (Vwia as lo as can be bought in Portland DAXXf-XIIAI'M A. ACKMRMAX. ' liegou City, Xov, ID, w;(. ASTHMA,, ror tho IXSTAXT RK- .1 KF mid PKItM A X 1AT t-t l.l, of this distressing complaint una EaONCIIIAL CIGARETTES, .M.i le by ( II. SK.YMOU: ft, CO., m liroad- way, ahiv 1 ORK. I ?l,.)l s r Ih sent ffl, pf dou boxes, free by Fxpress, ly post, . 1 3 diss" .t CO., Commission Merchants AVO Ihalrri in California and Oregon I'roduct, No. mi Cusl str. .., ' (Heir. em Clay and Wa-hiugioi, .trecis,) HAS MAX Cisco, WIU. he happy lo Iriinsacl any ,u.ies iu llieirhne thai m iv beeiiliu-te I to their care ly prodin.tisor me.ini, ; Orion. All Imsi. ii. fj entrust! d lo tl). ;,-, huriru n:it i,- teu'le I lo ou reasonable (--rrii. July ll'i, 'bMf Dr. V)L HALL'S I5ALSAM CI' RES all diseases of tho Ll'XGS and throat. For the cure of consumption, de cline, asthma, bronchitis, wasting of llesh, night sweats, spitting of blood, whooping cough, dilli cully of breathing, colds, coughs, iufluenin, phthisic, pain in tho side, aud nil diseases of the lungs, it Is I'lii'tjiiali'il ! Hill's Lung Haitian, in all cases, gives the best satisfaction; Has wrought more cures since its introduction than any other cough medicine ; Is endorsed by our leading physicians as the safest and best remedy now before," the public; Is sate to use among children, yet pewrrl'u! in cases of chronic pulmonary disease; Hrings in certificates almost daily of its wonder ful cures in nil parla of the country. There is no medicine within our knowledge that has acquired so great mid wide-spread popularity, in so short a sice of lime, as Pit. ll.M.lS BALSAM FOR THE LUXCS. Its. bal samic and healing proerlics nre magical. It is highly expectorant and Ionic. It contains not a grain of opium or morphine, the narcotic and as tringent properties which have created so much prejudice against similar preparations. Vie believo that a medicine possessing real merits will cllcct cures whenever it is used, at homo or abroad. Or. Hall's ttakmi for the laings is no paregoric preparation, hut one which, if used in season, will save the lives of tlious nn.ls. Tho most distressing cough is frequently relieved by a single dose, and broken up in a few hours' time. The alllicled do not have to take bottle after bottle before they find whether this remedy will afford relief or not. Hear what Physicians say of Mr. Hall's Hal sam. Says one: "I, with ' confidence, recom mend the llalsam as superior to any preparation." Another says : " I have used it with uniform suc cess, and can conhdeiitly recommend it for ull these complaints for which it is ottered us a rem edy." Still another writes : " 1 have no hesita tion in saying that it is a safe, convenient, and cfhVticious medicine." &ldhyall Druggists, SANDS' SARS AP ARILLA, RKMF.MUF.R, THIS. IS TIIK Original ami (u-nuine Article! ACKNOWLKIHiKI) TO IK The (. Sarsttjmrilla Ever Made ! r pit Is unrivaled preparation has performed X. some of the most astonishing cures that are recorded in the history of Medicine. The rnpidi ly with which the patient recovers Health antl Sin n-rili under its influence is surprising. Far li new case in which it is applied furnishes in the result a new eertitieato of its efficacy and excellence; uud Wi nnie only to point to the accumulated testimony of multitudes who have expert need its beneficial effects, to convinoetiic must incredulous of its value. Uo Hot forget to ask for Sands' Sarsaparill.i. For sale by II .Ioiinson A Co. and Kmi im.toX A Co., San Francisco; Kick A Cuffin, Marystille, U. II.McIIomlii A Co., Sacramento; and by 1 iruggiats generally. july i'l uid Y Mar's Ualsaut of YYUd l.ltcrry.-- The only pure and genuine llalsam is, and mr the last twenty years has been, prepared by Sktii W. Fowle A Co., of Boston; and Iheir printed name, as well as the wrtten signature of .. Julls, appear on the outer wrappers. As you Would aroni the spurious cud Aure the genuine, tale no other! Wistar's lliuin r Wild Ciierr. This in valuable rem dy i the besi one extant for the safe, sure, speedy, and iennaiieiit cure of ruusk; toltlt, tort lAru.il, hronrhiln, atlkmn, ;ieriy, ynrumonm, rroup, trumping cough, klredmg at the lung, piin in the breant or title, and in fad every form of throat, ch.sl, and lung complaint, as w ell as CoNsi MmoN itself. This household remedy should he in (he bauds of every family uud individual, as a timely nimli. j cation of it to a slight cold will cause imin.l.ate ! relief; while eases of long standing, ohstinat.-, j and apparently incurable t huractrr, will suicly yield to its wonderful curative powers and its i great adaptation to the wants of man wlieu af I tlicted. j For sale in California by Krdington .V Co , I Henry Johnson A Co., Charles Morrill, San Fran cisco; n. ii. .ticlfnnald .V Co., Saerunieuto ; I Kr' I'o., Marystille ; iumh A Davis, ; Portland, Oregon. fcl."row 31 ill Scat and Land. I II A YK an excellent .MIM. SK.4T, sur rounded with excellent TIMlJF.Il, which I would like to have improved. 1 will give noun millwright who wishes to invtst iu a saw mill or grist mill, or both, a good chance. The location is one of the very best f-jr selling lumber a b vel way to the mill seat, uo hills lo pull over, no oaim id neavy settlements. I wish also to sell half a section of I.AM) near oy. me pia,.e nilt., Wr(l ,)f j f. lay. cite, l aiiihill county. .. W. I.. ADAMS. ;nov. yj, is.,9. 3:ttf Yamhill House, AT LAFAYETTE, )' .Trrit H oi fc. TKRJIS; I'er We. k , " meal The table is furnished as well hotel in thu country, june 1.1 STAIII.IXO. ff i 00 as that of any 10 OSWEGO, OltECOX: A Ko;ir(!iiisrliool lor IIoj: "lfll.l. UK OPF.NKD OX MOVDW SEI'IEMUKIOtii, l-i;i. ALSO SPENCEH HALL, MILWAUKIE, OltEflOX: A IJOARniX;..SCHOOI, for (;ii:i..s: III be ojcucil on Mo.HUAr, SrrrKsjBKa '.), ItsGI. Tli'ne schools will Iw organiw d nnd conduced unoer in.:survisionof the subscriber, In whom aiiycornmuriicalionsmay be addressed, until the iioiuoi opening, at trepon City. A ugust 1 7, 1 MI. THOMAS K. HCOIT. PAJIffER & CO., U I'lacticalPrmtert, and Dealers in I'lOHsoH, l'jiiitiii'' Materials 7i Ink, Paper, Curdi, ,e., J..ri.NTK j .11 Cl.-iy Htriii.t, above Sanaomn, I M. fAimrra , Hun Francisco, rr. histk ) J7'Ofn. cs fitted out with dispatch. tut it t.;t iCii oil ii I h, Imsirt-r and Dealer in TYPK, I'lVl. HHI.H, AND I II I X T I . Ii Material. JXKS, CARD STOCK, 4,., HI nd 113 Clay Hired San Tranciico. f.)y I 1S1 New Ferry, ACUm TUK CLACK AM AH, O.N TIIK Old ICminmt Road, itlJXXIXO II Y JUHKVll YOUNG'S TO I-'OSTKR'S. fi f Travelers can procuro nt thu Furry, IJA COS, FI.'H II, li , elo. THOMAS WATi;p.HLI(y. Sick and Diseased AY ORKGON. ou can be cured! An Honest Apnoal to All with Hatl or Failing lloalth. VRK you languid, inanimate, restless, appetite Htor, digestion bad, and TAINS IN TIIK l.l.MHS, IIOPY, HACK, nuil H UAH I Reader, much of this is caused from COI.H caught tin wittingly, or, in seven cases out of ten, sluggish neitsof the liver and blood, and wunt of natural perspiration, indiscretion in the use of food and drink, or from a dryness in the atmosphere which is n very unhealthy part of this climate many of the nw tul, violent, anil M 1 1 1 r. . iiiiauim that occur here must bo attributed to this. Now, reader, I have made this mr study for miinv veurs and I do assure von that mv I'll. WKIIIlllli'S INVICOHATINi: COUO'lAI. will cure Hi., causes it will insure animation of the 1.IYKK, III.OOI), aud HltAl.NS It strengthens the nerves, and gives to tho sufferer a lightness of spirits, a mental and bodily feeling of strength, that is delightful. Tho many respecLible persons who have beeu bciielited by and certified to its extraordinary qualities iu curing any of the fo. lowing diseases, must satisfy all but the self-wise and ignorant sceptic Pyspopsia, or indigestion; loss of musfular or luxlily stiviyth ami mental oncriry; Fovor, Asjnt', or chills; i-honniatic, m-uralLrii' or nth tins ; tloplctioii .ii' r k weak aiul ncss ot t lit' nat- nral futu'tions, tli'Mlity trout tlist'aso, dissi pation, too much tl o c tori n ir, iloliaiulicry, anil OTHER CAUSES. la case of excitement from constant INTK.Ml'F.RANCK, and where liKl.lRll'.M TRK.MKXS h is occurred, I have seen it change the sufferer in half nil hour from the most hoirihle state to calmness and placidity. It cuu, indeed, In- Con scientiously recommeii led to all rnll'eriiig, and the proprietor regrets deeply that it is necessary thus lu udvertise it, iu urdt r that its merits may be known. .Void highly concentrated. I'riee re duced to t n for .$.' large ipiart bottles. .Sold by every resp.-cialile druggist. The Rev. Robert Schuyler, of IVluluiiia, says: " Fur tt-urs, both myself aud brother have suf fered mi from dftjisia, weakness of and Mnir I xiiaeh, indigestion, an I flatulence, thai life at limes was a burden. We have used your Cordial l'r. Webber's Invigorating Sauguitierj four days, and feel ts-tl'-r than we have for years. CUANF. A IIRItiHAM aud KF.DIMiToX A I'M., 1'iuggists, San Francis, o. Agents. nu'Jy IIa!l ia. Ha: i h..! ho! ho! hf! he! In-! MISS SI'SAN SMITH, your face and skin, though yellow, coarse, an I diuk as s.n, and pimpled, freckled, nuiburnt, laiined, siwtless can be, I understand all sued defects are cured, elope, when washed with JO.NKS' CIIKMICAI. SO.VI'. Your teeth, your breath, vu'll Dot dis pute, by Ijif.nit's famous SOA1 TKK'ITI ROUT white as the driven suotv are made, though yel low, larunu, uarK, iiecayol ; anil ra-rant, pure, au l sweet your breath, though putrid, foul as rot ten death ; aud that red hair, though Hew as cnaroe as any mane or tad of horse, silky and dark 'twould be niado to live, by Jones Coral IU r Ke slorallte; all dandruff, scurf would bo removed the hairstupp'd falling and improved; and reader, though we thus do pocliie, the things are e'en better than we udvertise, and are all sold, reason able, al every drug store in Oregon. .1 -rents, CRANK A IIRIUIAM. Driiir-isls. Van Francis, o. nov.'y CI.OVK ANODYMC Tooth-ache Drops. Coiiijiluiu no mart o Aching Teeth! rlIH.l. Hi ops have been extensively used by X thousands w hose experience has proved thai the An.slyne will g.ve imiiiediate and pe.-in.ilo lit rcnei alter llie luilure of every other remedy. It is pleiuuul to thu taste aud sinell.aiid a few anul catioua will entirely remove the pun aud soreneai from a decsjed t..th, so that it may be filled and rcudorcd as useful as ever. Wh.-u the pain pro. Cecils from the face, or from the gums around a tis.lh apparently sound, this Anodjue will give stieedy relief by rubbing a few drops on the part ain ciei:. II lias only lo become geuerully known to lx: as highly appreciated by the I'ubliu as it ia by IJeiitist. For sale by II. .Ioiiksok At to., and Kkuinutun tV f.-o., nan rram isco; I.ick &. Corns, Marys ville; II. II. McDoN.ti.n A. co., Sacramento and by Druggists generally. j.", Roman Kye Ralsam, FOR WEAK 4 IX FLA MED EYES. riMIIS I'AI.SAM was used for many years in J the private practice of 0 celebrated Oculist, Willi remarkable success, for diseases of the F.ye and Kyelula. There are many persons who would rattier suffer from pain and disease through life, than credit or try Ihe elli acy of any 11. w discovery; nil such had better nol read this, hut to all reasona ble persons this preparation is recommended as a most af and 1 fTcoiual cure for inflammation of tho F.ye and Kyelids, caused either by too close applicatiou to minute objects, scrofulous habit, ej. psiuru lo cold, blows, contusions, or irritation from any extraneous Issly under tho eyelids. It is remarkabhly soothing in its effect, and has cured thousunds who Would otherwise have list! their sight. In cases Ihe Kyelids nr inflamed, or tho hall af the F.ye thickly covered with blood, it acta al most iika inngic aud removes all appcarnnoet of iiillurrirrialloii ufter Iwo or three applications. 'Mu re is a numerous class of mtsous thai are ;cu. uuriy exiiosi u 10 acciileiila or (Lsi-ases that weaken and iiilliimi.' the Kye, und i.erlniisi destroy Ihe sight, w ho, from the nature of their employrrieiila areciiinpelh d lo work in a cloud of dust and iitil. Kiicli hhould never be without this HAI..HA.M. Reiiiomlier, "Keclng is llelle ving." Price V!.r cents per jar. Preimred mid sold by A. II. A. D. HAN'D.S. Uriiggisiji, ()i) rullon strest, New York. I'oraulo by II. .Ioiinson A. Lu. and Kkiiisjotosi il Cm. Kim Krnnciaco; Itii.-s A. Cofsisi, Murysvillc; II. II. McD0NAi.11 A, Co. Druggists geuerully. KucrnmentOi mid by duly lii -m.'l Oregon City Foundry NOT WASII'JI) AWAY!! WV. lake pleasure In that wo have informing Ida public Jtcmirt:(l all J)jtllia(!H ! mid got our Foundry in running order again, mid are ready lo do work ns usuul. (Jive us a call. II. HMITII A JiKOH, Oregon Cily, Dtc.MI, Ml. PURIFY JTHJ BLOOD, MOFFAT'S Vegetable Life i'lVn AND riMIK high and envied celebrity which these tre .1. eminent Medicines have acipilretl for their invariable ellicaey iu all the diseases which they profess to cut e, has rendered the usual pi nclico of puffing not only unniveKsai y, but unworthy ol them. They nre known by their fruits; their gtsxl works testily for them, and they thrivs not by tho faith of the credulous. In nil cases of asthma, noule and chronic rheu matism, all'ections of the bladder and kidneys, bilious fevers and liver comphiiiits, in the south and west, w here these diseases prevail, they w ill be found invaluable. Planters, farmers, and oth ers, who once use these Medicines, will never af crw nrds be wit hunt them. lttieutK.No persoil with this distressing disease should delay using these medicines imme diately. Fruplionsof llie skin, erysipelas, flatu lency, fever and ague foe this scourge of the western country, these medicines will be found a safe, speedy, and certain remedy. Other medi cines leave the system subject to return of tho disease a cure by these medicines is permanent. Tar TIIKH, SK SATISKimi, AMI K I'I'RKII. Mercurial llees, Never fails to eradicate entirely all the iill'cela of Mercury iuliiiilely sooner than the most powcrml preparation of Sarsapardla. Xigkt Sweat), A'riniMS Ihhiliti, AVrruiis riimplaiiif of all limit, Organic Aertiont, 'tfniriiiiiH of the Heart, I'amttr't chalic. tlles.The original proprietor of llu-se medl cilies w as cured of I'des of :l.'i years' standing by the use of these Life Medicines alone. Worm of all kinds are rlKvlually expelled by these med icines. Patents will do well lo administer them w heuever their exist, nee is suspected. Relief w ill tie certain. The Life Villi and Vhtnii Ittttcn I'urifv the blood, and thus remote all diseax from the system. A single trial will plaei. the LIFE I'll. I, S aud flHESIX HITTERS beyond the reach of comHtilion iu the estimation of every lulllcllt. 11 C I replied by DR. W I I.I.I A at H. MOFF AT. S.'I'i liu.idu-uy, rur. Wuilhll., Xew Yolk. J. FI.F..MINU, Agent, MA 'ost Ojhce, 3 y Oregon t ily. ImjHU taiit to lloust'kt't'pi'is ! No '(IhiiVi might n Ik Without MKYKU'sS ,V It AC U I. U S cniim Jlcslrovcr. I T has destroted every desoi p n of Vermin iiifi-sliug premises w here il Ii s eeu used, and proved to (he entire satislaelioii j jrrh.iserslh.it it is the one thing needtul to promote thorough clranhliess. ZU3AD THIS ! Ofllre of the . S. atal lasuerlor of Pio- ttstonsaad I totlttug, Nttt Yard, N. Y, July '.'ii, iM.i.-l. This is to certify that. has ph Meyer, I'ractical Chemist, has, by the use of his pri mr.,li,.ii., ilnv- eu all thu rats from l.ovemmeul Store ,u. b! f this lusissctioii, which was infested wuh thos.- de structive annuals; and thai I witnissrd au traordiuary deslruclioii of cotkiuaches, by Mi Meyer; although, when hs applied his iwder about Iheir places of resort, only a few were seen, soon alter, in leas (hail till, eu m uuli a, the ll.s.r ol Ihe room was literally cov. ml with lliein, so tic already dead, others .1) nig, and I fe. 1 assured that by a few application of Ins Chemical l'uw.ler, (which is c.-rtamlv very etli. acioiit, Mr. Meter would entirely rid a house ol these ohnotkius in sects. J( O. OIIISIIN, Inspector of Vroettiont and Clothing Sole Agents, A. II. SANDS A. CD, Whole, sale I iriiL'g'sts, 111 William street, corner of lul. ton, New York. For sale by II. doussox t o San Francisco, and by Druggists geueral'y. 3s wiii:km:u t wilso.vs nasT rnxivauiyi FA .1 I. Y .S mv i ii MachiiM's, ARE ACKXOWLEDUEIt To HE FAR SUPERIOR To ALL OWE IIS IS USE! Leing mure timplt, find cupuLle 11 I)uiii" inure kiwis nf work THAN AS Y OTHER MA (HUSK! The stitch is aliks 011 both side Awl will not Rip or Iiavrl 1 ORE AT REDUCTIOX IX PRICES! II. C. HAYDKX, Afjt.nl, Corner Montgomery and A'acriiiiii-nlo slreeis, Oct 1:1 Hah Fsanciiho. COFFINS." CM. KESTER, Under laker, WOli'l.D inform Ihs people of Oregon (,'ily uud vicinity that ho will keep a supply of J'fjmly-madi! Collins, of all Hizns, constantly on liawl. ID) will nlso keep n. ma mm. t- bo, nnd will he pri pared lu nllend lo ull lh lieceasury business of fiinnriilscoiiuiieii.il with his line Shun near As Senntinri. tW (-'ustoiii from lliu country is respectfully oliits.-. Juuu kl3,ltl,U. SA D UIilMtV, AND HARNESS MAKING, Oil Ml OX CITY. r AM now earrving on ii Haddler's and liar- 1 uesa maker's shop ill this city, and have con stantly on hand the best of ltVady-mailo harness, smlillt's, lu'l- tlles, halters, maitiiialH, and everything ill my line. I am nlso ready lo make In order anything ill my hue thai may be called for, on a short notice. My motto is, Make a got al ailiole, and sell it cheap, I solicit palrou age at home and ftom abroad. My establishment ia nearly opposite Charmnn cs Warner's Old Stand on Main street. J. II. SCIIUAM. April 9, IH.VI. Sa n fs' Sa rn a par ilia. For Purifying tho Blond, AMI full TIIK CHItK OF SortiftiU, Miiri'tirinl Uisi'iiseH, Itliruiiintimii, I'ulAiHHiiia I'.iiiiiti'Hf", Sltililidrn ulcers, J,ivorcitiilttilit, I y i,in. llroiH'ltiii", Salt Ulieuin, l.uiulint, Whilii Swull ingn, ltip 1 MSt uao, Kiilitieiiiiint of lliu Hones nnil Juints, I'uver Stircs, I'eiitulo l.'otil. jiliiiiits, I'lrj-sipelns, I,iw of A (ipetilii, l'iltlitt, lilies, (iotierul 1'elill. it)-, i:,, A-tf. It has long been a in.utt imiortiiiil deslderatuiii in llie practice of inediciiie, to oblaiu a remedy similar to tins, and accoidiugly wa find it resorted to almost universally in all those lorineiiliug dis eases of the skin so trying lu the patieucu, and in jurious to the health. It is a tunic, aperient, and disinfectant. It acts simultaneously uhhi lbs aroBUi'ii, the ctsi ci. nut, and thu sow sis, and thus three processes, which aie ordinarily the re sult of Tiiass ihll'ereiit kinds of medicine, nre car ried on al the same lime through the instrumen tality of Tins tins remedial agent. Ita great ment islhsl il meets and neuliali tel the active principle of disease itself, and when thai is gone, the symptoms necessarily disapssar. 'Ills ra pidity wuh which Ihe patient recovers health and strength under this triple influence is surprising. l.EMARKABLE CURE. 1. 1 m.i Coesi-v, I iregon 'Per , f March 1 1 , t ".'... Messls. A. II. fi D SiM.s. New York: (.en llemeii, In the spiing of I SMI, w bile on our ay ftom Indiana to this place, our eldest boy was seiietl with aswelhng an I severe pxins in ihelrgs which day by day git w worse, until his legs cuu tiucletl,amt became sti painful thai he could in I w alk, and w e ha. I to carry linn sIk.ui like an in faul. We leached Albany on the ld of Oeloiicr, completely Worn nut by fatigue. Ily Ibis lime, he was reduced In a jsufect skeleton. Here we were rtiahled lo consult a physician (Dr. Hill), who honestly confessed he could nol cute him, al though he could give him medicine that would re lieve the pain. In Ibis exigency something must In. done, nr death was Inevitable, lining recom mended lo try tour Ssrssparilla, I prtscured alsit tie. After Liking Some, he appeared Worst-; but Hrsrveriug with it, I obtained a second bottle, w Inch seeinrd to grapple with the diseasp, and cuord a maiki-d improveinrut : the swell ng and pain III Ihe legs were reduced, his spM-lile im proved, and bis color hrg iii lii return. Thus fii roursgrd, I pun haul a llnrd bolilr ; while Isk nig it the swellings in hs legs broke, and soius pieces ol Imius one -igli ol all lueli long rsioe out, stl. r which Ins legs stra'ght. lied ami heated up lie is now erlefilv r.-overed h is no sp ptarance ol being a cripple, and ran p- rtnin most km. Is of romnuiii Uis, aasll our ne ghlsos esn certify. 1 ours, resisscilullv, CAI.KIi IHV IS I Prepared and sold by .1 II . e l .V.I.VD.V. I Wholesale Drut'gsls, 1 ' sat Fullou street, coiner of ' Will. sin, N'sw i ork I N,:,al.oby II J'illSH Co, ,V,i Fiaa- rueo. Klt K ,V (tll-Mt, WirneiHe; II II Mel it IN A l.l I ,V (II, Sac, amenta; and by I Druggists generally. ! Is M F.KI.F., Agent, O.rgsa (My. jlliol Once; IIAVK a;ain 31 ore. t.uNF. INTO TIIK LIVERY BUSINESS, and will ke. p hol.es per week at .Al 0(1 i r or single r d o.i i ine mght ;:. For lure per day for saddle horses I ull Tli. se prices will be charged till further notice ! IS given. I I bavoaf. w M UKS,( ii. .s,sii,l FI l.l.l IX ol my own raising, that I would m-haiiu'e lot oil,, tr pro ny. 8. W, MOSS, Oregon I ily, August 17, M,. I9 low a and IVairoim ! lil.'ii-ksmithiii of all Kiwis ilmif to ortlcr. IKKF.P always on hand STEEL PLOWS, warranted lo leoor and do as good work as any others in the Stale. I can also furnish ton ilh IV ,i;)..S ran ulwats be foil ml at mv shop, opiila Mi K inlay's, ready lo shoe your horses, or do anything iu the hue of my I ness, ( all and see. J, W. LKWIS. Oregon ( ily, April Di, IhSU. Iif Notice. Allilns.eiu.lehl.il In us will plrasn come fur- ward and settle brlore the Ijih of January, ami sat rusts, as au olln er will certainly wait on them nfler that daleand those having hills against us w ill present them for payment. IMNM-iMIAI'M A- ACK HUMAN Oregon f.'ity, lor. I I, H(i. K K I, I. V ' H TEMPERANCE HOUSE, .Wmil it.,opiHinleUio. Alitrnelky 1 Ca.'t, OKKiiON CITY. ( 1 OOD ROOMS F I 'FT F.I 1 I'I with , m IX (T.ICAN and cnmforlithls IIKDM for Ihs mienial sccommmlatiop of theJiUll traveling puhho. UrA.M, IH.',!!. K.I). KKI.I.Y.IWrielor. To Miners T Tlllt HTKAMKK ST. CLAT'R zjsSSc yy I l. h It H N II i: T W K V. N VANCOUViai und Ihe CASCADES. HTOri'IXO AT HANDY. ...milking.,, Thrco Trips a Wook. Connecting wild CAIT. ANKKNNY'S IJOAT alsivu lliu (,'iuicades. hATES OF I'll E Id HT. To thu Dalles J 1 0, srsous nuikiug their own mr- ingn oiiinrwise, sji.i. 1 !iu portnga can now be maiU 011 thu W. T, side. Hlock tiikmi from Handy to lliu Dulles ul A IH.r head In lliu Cascades al ll'i. Wa nlso have a largo A'C'OW, which we use ill case of 11 l.irys load of slock, s AND TIIK 1Jntish llcvicwa Oro.t Xndacomonu 1 SCOTT & (;t) vl.v v f. ''""'''i"iuh.fi,;J 'K rloihcala, vi., " """'"'Il llm,,, 7 servallv,.). V' AUr-.Hl.Y ,r a. niK nihil i ,ul y- (Free Church). "IHH lKVW TIIK VV.HTM,Hr..B (l.ibeml). "Hri.H KV a. Mi.u.kwnoii't. ... M...lXV.(Tu,y). l'H The present nrllleal at r u will render lhe ,.bll,IU l,,,",'"!'-"! .IUi ' "'.rort'i ,,,:,:,"u,u,;!;iC cupy . middle g ,,; ' "' "isy liews-ilems, crude specul.,1,,,,. j,"1' ritl(, id lbs daily Journal, ,, ")"" " Ih. fiituro (,i.i,. ; ' ' '" "'"- lo, aim! I "-'eu, of , " M l, II.. time shall v. .Bw I eriodieitls lhal readers uui.t Q, tbts, re.lly l,,lell,g,b. , 1 " II,. svents, and a. such, iu a.l,,t.oU b"7 Mn i.. . """sl .inn ami n,A.a aeler. wo urge lhe, upon .1,. con "ll,'lc,ll"il rending public. 1 ""'""'ralloa ,l laiiiisneii nternif . ,..,. . The recelnt of ati,i vl. . Illili.ll publishers giv,, ,,, , Hi. Reprints, iuasiiiucli as they .... ' h?to Ill Ihe hands of sulstcnb. .1..... . " I'UrsJ nriilial editions. "sot ti ,w ut Ti:itiis. ("'Hflarl'ricM.) . ... ..... o HIS lOlir K, ViCW For any two of i, f,.f t,w;""" 3 Wt For any lines of the four ll.;.. 1 Ml For all four oMhe Kctiem For lllaekwisM's Magntine. "." For Ilia, ktt nod and on,. (,v'isW For lllackw.ud and Iwo llsn,,,, For lllackwood and Ih... H-.i... '"' ? Wl : 8 OU 00 . 1 Ou " I 00 For lllackwood and tin. four ltetlclr,"'; i W lu ou uvr.tiii Th. IWtoa to any .., of ,. till be hill l'l)-t.r.,ti, WUI ' I ll.ii kwood." sud but Vaarlrra l for rarh of Ihr Rstie Jen Al Ih a above prices the IVritslk-aU willk. , nulled AMI AS A rrcmium to Now lubicribert : luiiii.hrd complete, a-lhoat nJJ,iu,tl tlm mm I lllike Ihe . .phem.l. .lg.,IOT, .lit, these Pcrl ., fc a lull tear of the No. ff nv( .' V , ,.ea,l,-st.lu.l,l...fr b"'"W ! Sul-cril.er. wishing ,U Ih. NV f, Hfi( -j, be supplied al the follow,,,, , Splcinlid ODVrs ; For 1859, 'CO, and '61 together. j Forlllarkw..PsM..e.i.nMlw,ir,,.Mn., i ror sny oue lirv sw . , , '. L. I.. W l ui im.i i.rti. ws I I For !U' kwoo.1 sinl .ins Rrtiisr, I For lllackwtssl and two Reviews 1 . I'or lines lletirws t 1 For lllaekw.snl nod thire Itpiirsi i I'ur ihe four Reviews 1 1.1 HiackM'i-'l ami lh l.nn !(, ,, II Ul at IK HI II On Ii Ml II III Il Ul , Any of the sl-ts w.uks ml fu,, ' to .Yi-ie A'n.srrileis for Ihs yssit I t.'.B, 'i; , t ; .Il ens half ike RrgaLir .VaW.i,!!,, ',,,. Thus .Vrie .Vul.r.i.,r msy olii.ia lln Rssnsij : of Ihe I our lirl ri slid lilsrka.ssj Hl ('.rrnlltf ranfar m Winch is sU.ul the p'ics of tl,r sneisaj f nus year. Aswe shall n- er again l.s likely Is orTr isrk iudurriiieuls as llna here presrnls.1, Now ii tho Tlmo t9 lubieribtl I'D' Keiiiitl.tnces ioimI, in sll iss,., U sttos Jnrr la Ike I'ahhiken, (r at thns ptirei M rollllll San a I'.ll Iss all' Wrd losfrnU. Addles., l.l.OV Al:l .SCO T It (0, No 11 O .I sir.,1, Nrw Yi ii it i: a t MEDICAL DISCOVERT. M l II.I. H I IJIootl & Liver Svriij), mi SMlSAPAIlll.H AM) STII.I.ISIU, )oit nut 11 hi: ir Srl'ofula, Syphilitic-, uinl Mtu rial I )iriitc.-, ( )M wires, hkill ilixcases, awl all other li-i'.ises whifh nro t aiitfil liy an .Impuro state of tho Blood ( THIS I1I.OOI. A UVF.K SYKIT, JT IS WAKRANTKD J To euro nil scrofulous and oilier duessn fill oiiginnls from Ihs iukip hi uhl i:i:ai tiik utatkmkxt ik mr.m. m. williams, Who is Klder In Ret. Horace llu.lilt.-11'l fliorcd, rigariling the riire of his dsugliler, was sis In sll apHsara s crippled for Ids witk las let- nlds distnoe, H::IIH Ul Cim issATi, Ftb. IDi, I Ki9. M rasas. A. 1.. Hrmii.c. A 10 Dear Sirs: I feel II my duty lo wiits jes, isJ let you know what your llhasl iu, Ijrer)"P has done f..r my diiughler, and that by paM'H itollmrs wliosulfir with Hi" sanis dusis know of il, and by Its use derns gresl bear SI -Me .1 l,ler I '.his has been sorely illhrlej silk hdlOFl'I.A, attended with first sn,fsfsn Hum iwo years. Khe had s..me five of m rsni Fleers 011 ons of lu r feel, one on hr kf, ous on her bark. They rsud coalricisoi His Inula, so Uial she could not tislk. Al IW time, from thu high reroinuiendslsia r"f lllood and Liver Hyrup In niruig suck disiMer, 1 was induced lolryit. Mi eouimsaesd i, and as Ihe i.isdleine acted on the bW,l" coi.nneiiced l.l lieal. The limbs 1"' strsigl.l-she is n gaining strength. I M" only ud lines U.lllcs of Ihs medicins, IM 1 w can now walk .put. well. Vur Wood sad D Hyrup has done wonders III restoiing bsriVilu. With Hie greatest resj-eot, ' 'J HTATKMF.NTOK Rf.V. HORACE Vllil' Cily Missioaury .y 's(r 0 th. Wr'"'" CiaciNM ri, March JJ, M rssas. A. I.. Hconi.i. 'o - , , Dear8ir:-M. MnWIIIisins, IHi In th. church of which I ' I'"""..' , ri.in.iil.il with Iho circumslsiices . , l,i..l.Kht. r1...dlhav. iwhrsiuief 'ZllxtA 1 .... MvslIF for "I'I Hcoviixs husiii asji. II the princ ipnl Druggists sverywliere. Dr. A. II. HTKKI.K, Age,, , (JKO.W. HNKLU .-, Agent, San Franeiteo, I. W '" " MIC Ml lllllll!lHINi I J7M which am ollered lo Hi at AVis York urice, with W'" Tor 't , IV hlocK 1 mi-: 11 ai.k of m i r:.l' uii,iiii. No. . " . . . " iirtlis. this city. D..i.ir? at Oregon I .Ily, man rJ&'S t , New V t-r .-j Vr7'' A BM AN H Dec. 13.