StauIuncj AfKii.iY anu DKATII.-Oil ,j.ul.Hjny afti'i-nixm IuhI, mi nflYiiy ucciirruil l the Btoru of l. IIukIm k, In thin lin:), wlicri'ln 1,1,111 llu,"et' M1"'"" (known im jik Mrnii) ' tinilily cut hy Win. Strli'llii u rcid''it "f I'm county, from (III) fffoftK of Wl'ldl ll lit J till Nllllic llij-lit. Tim fffniy i I f r-cl to Imvc mown out of njjfllouliy w liicli IuhI taken placo u few Juys provlous nt u Itorsu rm.'o a few milci l tliBCtiiinlry. On the "'it ""J, 11 prrlun iim r rxuniiii ntluti wiih hchl htforu Junticu Ilurfonl, when Striikhu wiih hounil over for liin up' ...nuu'ii at lh nt'xt Iitiii of tlai Circuit Court I" 'ho t'loi of f .r,000. Si jaii Court, I" l"" H'lHI O" ,"' f-' I'lllllHK IIlH'hlt lliM'liri'll for tllO Mall', llllil A h. Wait for thu ili'fi'lliliilil. Thu Mili tii H on (ho boii'l "r" Mfr. KuNtoii ti Myers BaJ IiOiiIh Hilirt'tw, uml aihnn miu or to othl'M. Vitliout rth'rritijt to iho tin riU of thu c 4 itlii-r to cri'iitc iiyniuitliy fur or j.r J iiilicu HK'iiit 'r. Sti itll n, ho is an olj ninn nul i" ( '"IVU 11,1 hiiini'liul triul lt: fore Jti ry of liin count men, wo may yet j be permitted to nay that thu use, much inorij tlm uh'.iM', of Mich weapons us knives anil pistols in our coiuinuuity ihserveii tha ni'vcrcsl reproliiition. llvoi the eiin vii ' ufsiU'h deinlly weapnus in a community wh'TO In w Rial order rei'il, Ih tin iliMlIt tn tin) law, -which is (I -sinned for lint pro- (i-clion of all and to the m-iimi of jif-liee mid right, which is nunly puniiiimnii in thu In urts of our ( omiuuiiily. tlm Sick ami Woimhh St.ii i.iih J I'M. Arus: On Tui hiliiy Kn-nin of this week Iho cood folks of our little town hi hi j n siiine for tlm licinlk of the S.iu tury ' (Nimuiission, which iieltnl the Mini of JJil.fiO. Of cniir(.i " music arose wilh its' vi)hiilil"us hwi II," and hearts us will us, k-i-l Ileal happy timu In the strain Ani'iiitr other feiitur. s of intirist, was r tipleiiilid e-ikc, eonipniniilcil ly llm n r 1 1 ! ii ii in I h of Mrs. I'. It ('Minus, and Imhl n- in its ii ith of sw eelni-i.s a i'"hl r-nsf i nn , iiui-.'Iv hnl I'll, ii tul only to In' lirouht out i at tin-liiddiii' of tin' tl.iililis ol I'liilime f ir Mime one of In r l.ivuri d lu'iir c. 1 Tliirty hi'Vcii khui-i s were mM in the rim: I fpi'i-ulnlMi", and durncj; a ruis the pirns i Were il'strilinted In the shara Ind h v, uii-l Mis Seit.i-r priinil tin lie ky one wenr ini: tin' k!iiiiiiir circh t uwny ns trophy All went tiieirv as n in irrtiie In II, iiiel a I -III - aflil- tell il'clilik the purl)' S''ilirntei will pli-.isri not only with lie iiiiniM-iiii-ht of l In' rvriiin lil ul - th'it He V I il I n iilc tn d i to:ni.-:hn g fur our c iiitrv'-. ml (lurs Caii'Mnih, Oct. S.l Tim Ssir iiiY 1'iiUMisiiDs Sni'icn -On Wulii'-il.iv i v n nr uf ih s n k, tin-iii-citii'l S'lirn' ("r ; l l'i the S-.ii t.iiy ( 'urn m s i. hi w us In hi i.l I i.'n'i II ,n! pi ir tcrs and wriit oir w ill l!v.u' c i'ms '.- im III I I- ll, p sp.ll- ll'lll. ul a ii-rrdile no i v -1 . I M i I an a" d -iii .nl.liii.' of iIn-l, In elij'iV hi.lISi ll .I'l l Il lM'll lllll ' IIL-Iv. I.eiu,: iiIiihinI feinly In mulicy n' iiii-t l!:e rru' il "ii ly w Im :i llie i . rein s crc tu i niii'luil-' at t ll o'i In, k. W c hnl iilni'i-t I U it n diiiy to r.u iii'n a mil. uie il- r p linn nf tlm " It i-'it pint i ul ,r stir-," lit mi in I'nrn ri ll -. I on nil r irnill i i; !!i m-n ; i"i-l iitinu III " III" f.l 1' illlll II Uml 1,1-iVl liini" w Im r-neeil I. I;iinn c on the ; infill liif'iri-Wul'-rliHi, il m- iimI iillu;:elli -i ir l.ii lit ni lind I n niiiiii p'nri! In i xpr '-. , our Iri'liiiu's, I'lsi.l' S lint linlf tin jii-tice In tin i.ulij'1't. we C.:ivc it Uj' Snlliee I 1 1) MY, it recall' d the il.ijsnf m MM t Uie j ii;'ii, ali'l if our " i"tiy III n'" ' It" ul li"t Ii-en in iireiii'ili'l'le Ixd ir-hr li"'ii nit; nic I .iiit uf u-e, we vhoil.l ivtli.nly hive; in l ie prn l'i'iu-i i IT r'.s ti ji-ml out an line i 'I'd de. I One, feat lira of tin- evening' H a ii cn- Hlll.llHHI Wilh till' or lilcs of u'r us In the' nw iur-hip of a u'nn l l'i"kiii pn-nchi r' I wati Ii wli rh h-oMici n l.amleil in d r the liciulil of tint ('oiiiinis.ion on thi'i r -i'iil j in eveliilli;. Mr. .1 on-s Milan prnvnl tn j lie Ih ii'dll-i'e 'iwrn r, nun h In the lie. 1 npiiniiilim nt nf -nun 41' o ld t-lln-r iinl.viil , mils who hid suppOM'iUhi iron n i l.i insnsj Miiu ns his Thoso wlm " tr'pped the 1'i'ht f ilitn.-tic," I A'" , in particular, as well ns the i nlire coin ninr in irein, were indi lited lo M' !.ms W.Uon. M .11. r. Kicliar.l-in, Attn y. IJ.inies, and While, for excellent instrumental inuxic (lurilitf the evening' AlloK"'1" r the MtTair is a famously nrinli.i one, and in tlin ilnscal laliunije of I ho ;mh--" I.omi may ir Wavk." NiT Col- May, Secretary of State, call rd on ns thin week, and adiniirstercil to ns nn oath, the Iiesl we ever lonk-pi'limu'"-ry to Iho payment of wmiu moiuy. Tlm alh, winch nil Imvo lo l ikn in cim l ir ciiscx, will he found in the law lately pio-i-cd, which we pulili"h in another column. llimini.nv I. 0 Ir. J'artlow, th" now postiinmtur ntlhis place, returned from the niinc last Siindny, nnd on Tii'mIh)' look charge of the office, wll.cli Im rcmov fl to hi linilding opi'ositn Mr. I'li ining's. rinr.iwiM fiTT.Orl. 33. tli. Al): Al Ilia aeeunil ineeliaK of (lie rf'I.L. r -.mi An.irialiull in aid nf Ilia -Sail" Ii.,. r. -in... llie.. was receive,! fur lh iratoh ulvan lit llie Rev. Mr. Wrathm -IH.0il , For aalea of ainnll nrl clru, & . " S'-O.IU The b id. were nut aold, hnl will l'1" legalar inenliiiK. Tlia AiwH-mllmi have a lir.o oiTero.1 Ihem hy from llio countiy, Whirl, will ptiitiatily d K'I'I Hi -nie f""'e nieel; la. A f.Ki I new milk rnw nuiM lie ih."""" "' if any of our fnruier foemla liavo '" "'"I ,h,X wanlil ilevute to llie ohjeet. A. II. Srrri n, Trenmirer. Mr A moT.nlV hilled to P. Olmrmnii, Ksq., UiIh week, for ihe Snnitnry Comtnis "ion, ns follows: Cniictnah Soireo for Iho Snnilnry Com .i..i.. 2rt.f'i lllin.Tiii( Churlea 1!nI,Ih, ChickaiiuiH Comily AMOcinlioti, 2.00 inntintll.iawi'ik JWi " previously ni'ktiowh'ilucii, $UHJ,II Tolnl, .JUKOi Cr Hon. II. 1'". Ilurdii'K Sunntor elect, on.! Hon. J. (. Mcllrid'', tnemher of Con tcrvM, from thm Statu, will linvu for the East on thu Bicrru Nuvadu, which sails to-lay. IIF.IMSTIUCKT'.S liiiiullaltlo llnli- Ilckloi'iuivc. IT IS SOT A DYE. Hill restores gray liittr to in original color, by sup pi) lug Ihe (!iiiillnty lulu s wilh natural su.lenunc., Inipuiiod by nyn ur disease. All iiintuntttttriiui ilyt urn i-iiiiii d of lunar muiic, ilcstio.iug tlm vitality mill bmily of the liulr, uud nffinl of tlu-iii t. l vc no ilri-miiu. Ilnluisireif luiuiitulilu 1 t'lilnrinir nut unlv nutiirri lunr tn ita iinturnl i.i.lnr ,y , eil,y ,. 1 1 tt; lnun I.iixiii iiiul Hi'diil)', irriniili il" x'nwllii irrvi'iilii il f.illinj i.u", rruitt- iMli'n iIiiii IiiiII'.iiii.I iniiirl. IhmIiIi mi 1 ,,h,hUIi1. in mln llm lieu. I. It lnilwii) tlm 1ml oTiiiiii-, i. '"A ''" ""K l Huir t o!..rintr, oi.d In cuihiiiiii:j uii!re.'lig in fuvnr. I.'ianl by liulli i;dilleuii'ii unit Udirs. It imuil.l hy nil itii, nUitilr .1, ul.-i ,ur i;un I pmcuhd hy ili,.,!, 0f ) H. Uah-nm, Proprietor New Vuik. Sunn )Avin, 1'oiilund, Igcnls. Ti , rIJ O'liln Jill 1 . jjf'i'l l hi )litm!il ml nrry man, wuhih, Aiiid ilnld vhn Ii;ih any discusc of III, system, culls, , I iy uu iin.iiin sml ul I Ian, lime f n'i im in M'i.i ll.l.'s! A N J 1 i.ivi.u s v r, t t bt 0f uii puniicrsf .S'ii II . r tin itmri', n iiU'ii'li il, 1 . 1 1 1 r in our lii-nliii hv using scoviU.'s lll.ooi) AM) I. IV lilt SVKt P. i never fulls In pioduccj llCIM'lie III I'll'i'CtS. lUlllMITIIN A' Co , AjU , 1 1 Ii iinil I IS l' li. n!l , Sun 1'nin, iscu 4 V.vrra liniisrkrrpr ,1 llii i.l'. it I. to it.aki! u llicrefiln lslie pleasure I III" r.u I 1 1 1 ii I III iliMllo II uml lliltlil huh lire, id, it is ii r eriiiriruirs how glllll III I'll I, llllil Wc in culling ni tt-ul iuii in unit .-1 1 1 y li'iit, duiel, null llilllil huh lirr. ul, Il in lillly lli'i:. iiitv III ll" Ii I. HI Mi ll). ij- I II ,Y fVH- In eurv npct il c,la nil o ini.'ar I 'lrl intents 111 IT nil' led III the pllUlc. E .See iIh" ii'lvviiii. iiiuiil ill uunthcr column F of lllii llilli f. ol itr.DiMirox .t co s y i: sr row. iVoticc. II A I Mi iiiiiI llm n i i i:o ul ilu Luiini wi, I am II' A 1-11)1.11'. I in I'uyiiig Apples fur Shipment. TliuM Ii iiimi; it : t-x In ki'II, iiuuld ilu will In UIVK MH A CALL To ul! lliO'O iitil tU- tn u, I tuKo orcn on to ny, l ull ithd M-tlln u i', jumi:j)!.t i :i.v.'.' WM. I IKIUXJKI r. I !. mi ( i:i , Oct 2.i, I'-i;'.'. I'lnx-Si-nl W'iniled! Ir c. iii'i'M-ni ! nr. i uii o:i. mm. i. nt ur ni-ur .i'iiii ur l'i. vnii C ity if I.iiiiii-ih will l' HIM. t III ll"' lT lli'Al k Uk'lll five llllllllird iii.'lr-i ul I I. X I'll:- i- r liuilirl, tl tu -Sli'iO. iri I, 1. In .'I l;u.lrl l.i (Hi If II III. I) lit i.iiiril iii It: ii. .'! ur .'ill a.-r, anl In iutiiiilan . in rt Ii-!' l-tiri-n Ori j"ii t'lly anil I In- lie L'uy . 1 ..r ii'ii ii-ii. nd.Ii-Ni uu' r nn til sa i-iii- i vi. i-i;.'. r. inn. I, 4 NY H. K u ho nru.evi. a In uii.irrttuud ull I i ur m:i.-i. , iin' iiineii lu iiiij e mi ul lei i n ii llie i-ulil e. H i Ihi iuuii-iiiuei!r e.e uu 'In ice v lu Ii n ii c tn. In eiirn all dm- ei I l.umilllil llir k irli'i' tl I'linti.lelice. and u!d ul u..i:c b - ileeu ineed Uk il ipidek nostrum l'i (ii.i fciil'i'i-g Family .Medicines !n ul e---i in Iii cure nil I'l-enai-a u ilh uue rem il-' Tin i l:a'-r . "el, n ,! ft' 1','nl ln-,l , ines, e.iell d -itt .1 to it in ,-ii.-o d-M-.uv, iii,d 1'iiie him ntiiv rd li.'i .n.l a iiiii-i.i.n llie rlli ae mid , eitaiiilv nf tli -- .''.i:i lnii-1 'I ! , e , I eOllltlls s ihu fol luiv.l III,' la ll. ex . , 'nr IV;-fiiiV 1'ilt; MirJii'l's f'iTir.f Cttt!fi!,,un; (irjfn, '. ry .Sicvr;. 1, ,'i'.'r ; fi-,r;i'i,'u ,' '(( Unnrtlii; ti'r.r iiiiiii' l)i'eli ry iSiruj'; li'ii n Miitiilun Oiu'mrnl Ijr.if, i,l,.rj I'hltlri it's I'tinacta; (iur'uih'i i! CuiiniMjiltri't Hn in; (i'i.i I, i,h. (( J.';- 1. 1, t un; f.'r.c' r.'-.r- ' i- ran' A:,ve llnnnhj (;, ''..', r i II i'i offer.; (''.tJuifi Minimi of ll.nllh. I 'or mile ll, u'l ! ll'si! lliinll.lioul lh .Male 1 1 r m.;i ii. Aui mh : l:i:l)li: TON' A- CU . WlinVualc Pm;; -', -I Miami 4I.H rmnl l . Mm I'r.iu. ieu ' ii a r is i. ni: wniioi. r iilai.tii and lime few an frrrficm llir iiuini rous allmeiili in n? fi. in an impute state i f llie b'oo.l ! II v. .11:11 d in lime, (iiinfy juur 2 - r 7. 5 ' 3 '-, J- liliiud, and 1 re. lure yur ?WS health, by li kiui; -Sen- V ll'a Dliioil Hyruji lh ami Liter lull blis'd :Sine?'i . 1 - u - p a r i f I e km w 11, as mis cirldl liiuiknlile (urrs, llil numer cules uf re J r- la the liniid r 1I11. lireliiielen. IIMlaeitlOllalllv I'tove. TA'.D 1 1 iMiniV .1 CO. A2en.11. 1S I'lnnl fliei I, Fan I-'ranei-eii. 2"i siu:nn is sm.k. . 1) V VIlU'l' I' nf a "inlel of nslo Iwaed lo me f Men llie nlliee "f die clerk .if ihe eireuil rniirl nf iheMiite uf (Iti'-jna fur llie enmity nl i- L i. I'uiiiimiiiilaui liu- 10 inaaeauieoi nn fulluwinif ilelei.lie.l real e.late, lo Will lleguinmi .1 i l-i -l.'i elm oulli, and 'JO.-.'u elcini" weal, nl Ihe antilli enrner of the linrlh-weel quiir irrnf eeiMiull fn (Dill lna-h ) .1 "illll, fniiR. , ...... -n .,.!. Ilirnen snulll 1 1 de;. .Ill Ili a ens j '.'.I l!l i h.un., ll.enee .....III U J; g. ';'L """ .''"'! w,,, , ruiii.-iMiiiren lln-relo ln-loiif uitf. Ir lli 111 ul i'iitiireiiii a decree of luteeliwilie ul ' . 1 . 1... ...:.l . ., i-i ,n mnilUiiUe nil mini neini-o inade by suid eoiirl nil Ihi. HI. day nl .rilriiihi'r, ikic, iii i.r -i (" my II.iII.iih.K, (.mililiua, iikohi". n" .- -i" j--f .. ,i.. 1 iu,i iliuiiMiid f.iur liuii'lrid am l"l III' " " . Ihiilv-liveil'.llare, 1. ittintf inlen-l al Iho ralo of (weiily iier rent, per annum, and 11U1 Ihe sum of fiiilleeii fliiilina nml ImU'lV eeuie co-sum " 1 'II,, , line, hv virtue "f "iil Older I hall " il.n , .. ,lr.h,ie uliuvo ilmerilieil al Madioa mi Sat unlay llm I .'nh h'V -f N'-veinliei', mU, tosalisty Ihe .ml .mil of jgt J.i:l..Ui, and liUereKt ul III ml., nf iwenly per real, per annum mice c-c,. I.-, .nl,. IM'.J. uml nl aluieftiul and iieeru intf Hnle lo laka plucu tiwn Iho 'ieiiiiM' ul 'J n'eli.ik III. wm. p. niiuxs. Oel. IH, IHC.O. Rlieiill'nf CliiekHin is Cn imilXISTHATOHS NOT IV h. l VII SMITH. Iu"iu Ihtu iluly "P I . i,,"r.iflh' enfCli.ulei 7..! I..,- ,.r Vhiuhill cuu.ilV, (lieirnn, de reii.e.l liirel.y tilMliy '" l!"vi"? Hi,,'. s .lrM,i..o pi-nt . hem w rn. ,,l i.iv lemilenee. IW Inilea et of Lafn e le, in l rU iv.-lihlh on. year f,o.u .hi. .lute, or liny will b" forever I'firie jyjp 8MT. Lslajelte, Cct. Pi IH'3 4 Notice to Taxpayers. I1IIR iiiuliimin'il, Trenaun-r of Cliiekauna L (.'uiiuly, mihiI.I iiifi.rrn tla- 'J'aix-JUV':rn of mid I O'linily lint llm 'I'm lifHika lllivn bneu pl.iCrd III j ui nuiiili, ami ull I uxi's urn ri'iiuriiil lu Im paid to urn within M.TV J(VH, ut the end uf which limo ili!liuiiii'iit ini will i tnrneil over to Ihs bheriil fur colltrction. 'IIIOH. CIIAIIMA.V. Ori'ijon City, Oct. II, InUi. no oriuivi on calomel. Dr. Win. Hall's JJiikim for tlttj luiiL'H has no (jijuul us a lung liiLnlicliic, and U especi ally adapted to thu constitu lions of females and tlioic (Suffering from consumption or any lung complaint. (Jive it a trial. UKDIXOTOX & CO., Wlwesale Ayeuh, 410 and 4 IS Front si., bun tutiitwco. SAXFOlUrS LIVER iNVIGORATOR Nwr Debilitates. Il iii oiini'iotindi'il eiiliiely from (UM.S,and hus cuinu an i"il;ilj!c.ii-d fuel, a Hiu'clunl niuiliciiie, iniwii and ,-ii;.ruvi-d liy ul I lliul h.ivo uw d it, mid lew n Mil led lo Willi cunlcleiicu in all Iho d:- t-u -i i lur A Ii ii Ii il in I'l'ciiiiiiiit-inl d. ll huH cured lliinin- your juL'iimiil (nihil) yon in the ue uf the mills wiihiu llm hut two years wliu hud (iivi'll (l ull lllll- uf Liver luviiiruiir, uml ii will cuio Liver ciniiituiiii, hilli'iiu at lucks dyaieiu, u Ii r o ii i c diiinha-.!, aiirnriicr conipluiutn, dym-uli-i v, drops y, knur Ml inn j c (i , 1 1 1 1 1 1 -n il i ustivi nem.chiilic, cliulera , vholi-ru inor-liu-i, cliiileiii inf.uil tun, flaliili'iicy, jiinn'itiHlu wi'uknriia .l-r, lis the ntiiiier : aiiMili'jiteil cei til'-ile-i in my puuieM n rliniv. 'J'Iih iIu.kj luut lio url: ptil In the li'iu--luuii'llt nf the iu-li- inking ll, un J r.l in kiK-li iinunll- lien ns tn net yi-iuly on Ihe liuweli. Let llie (In luli s of and limy lie Uhrd mc- cuK'Uliv u uu uri.iiin.ry uni iy nniiii inn. ii win me tli k heuduclie (us iIiuuuuimIs cjii testify) in tin-illy Iniiiulei, if Uu i.r three Ii aiiK)iifuU ale ikra ul coiiiiui-ueeiiienl ul nllnck. ylil wliu use it urn L'U'iiii; (In ir totunony m ili l.ivor. M x uuler in I In" inouili wilh Iho Iiivi(;ofal(ir, itnd vviil!uiv liulli tn'i'lhir. II ' I', ll p. r t.ll!e. SANFoI'.IVS FAMILY CATHARTIC I'll.LS, to)iiMiMii:i) fhom J'ure 'i ucl'ibh: Exlrucis, Put in ylii cam s, air lyht, und will keep in nay uliiuuto. 'llm I'.iinily I'uthutlie Pill is a gentle l.ul unlive itliartle, n liieh llm Jirnpriel'ir lius used in hi .iuriiet' m il e llciii i'i niy yean. I lie ro.islaallv Iikti-ii-iiiij drill iinl Hum IIuimi n In lintr Img ueu Hie I'ill" und lie almrucliii winch nil express in rr fa nl lu Ihe r U"c, Il k imtuced me lo due reference lo thin w II tKtalilndiid fuel, been c o tn p nun. led ftmn a variety of ihe purest vej, lul.le es tracts, which act n I ke on every pari of Ihe ,'ihuieutury ramil. and are good und .sure ill ail cu-es where a rathnrlic is Heeded, aiii'h as ileranijeiiii n'ii ilaee them within llie reach of ull. The pr. I'ceviill well know lliul dil!'.-enl alliiirii. a ad nil d.f- rent p'Tlcim of the Uiw-t-'a I'll" 1' unity Cn- lliurtic 1' II tins, wi ll if the a urn ich, sleep ue-s, pains ill the u I- k and colivetirM, puna and anrei.e over ll,e wh.iie tHslt. (imii nd h a cul.l, which freipieiilly, if ll Ijlected. II I in 11 I'ltiJJ collrte nf fever, !- nf ttte, a creptni? sensiiimn of en d over the, fe-llc-sticMi, heuiluehe, or wr cht III Ihe lend, all intliimrnaiiiriv d icim-s, worms ... ch l- linn, ir mini's, ilieuniaii-ui, a cfeut pur.lier nf Ihe .il, und ninny di-ens s to 11 In. h lle-h . In ir too iii.nii'tiins lo uien;i"ii in llm uuvt-tl senieiii. i-c, I lo II. PRICK, TIIIU'.K I'IMKS. 'I'll I.irr Im iorutur and family C'ulliarlie Plila 1110 wild by lnii;iisev, t) where, ami by I I' 1 ., V "l-i 1 V k. I'll lll.lil.iu in i l v., .Vo'e .l'.'iCs fur llie Pacific coat, 4 Iii .V I IS I ron! M., .Van Francisco. DU. )VM 11 ALL'S Balsam To:' the Lungs ('oN.uinp'iim, .Israelii, Night Sirtnli. Sj'ittini U.o nl, o.'im, oujn, Innii'nta, ruin in lt SiJr, anil a'.l Dutatet of Iht Luugi. Vi Wm. H ill's P,alnin for the Lungs, in all es,"iies tho nf satisf.u lioii. Dr. Win. Mall's Ru.xun for tin I.iinj" has nri'Khl mote cures since ils inlr,duc!iuu ihau any iom;li niedirii.e. Ir. Win Hall's R,i' sain for the Lung's is en dure- d bv your lead n(I pliysioian. a" li e ofi! and best rem dy imwhetoie llie pu'a ic. Dr. Wm. Hull's Iialsiun f .r lie- l.nnjs ' safe t" ... I .. ......! ... jt n-e iiuii'inr eliiiiireli, ami yei iiiiiiui v.,r. .... chrome puliunnary diseases. I)r Win. Hall's llalsiim f.-r llie I,uni.-s brinrj-. its certificales iilmo-l daily of its wonderful cures iii nil par:, of Ihe c "uiiliy. The m ae strik'ni! proof of lli iulrins'e worlh und escelleiice nf lr. m Hull O-iisam inr uie Lui-i.", is shown in ihe lupilny Willi wliiclM. ne- Ciiiii, s u l!'l,rta. lnviue w iui mr yr..r.r is mehiiignf u simiiur naliiM 1ml what is asm c.isi iu'n ihe simile when ihe Unlearn litis been thiiriiu"hlv lesie.1. 'I he ovenla far il sale, the cminliy over, ill wderii (f tt v supplies, are very euihu-i'isiic 111 ils fuor, sayin(j: " ll is Jitsl ihe ihlusiil acts like a cliurm ; its cllivts nrelru- Iv m igicil. - , . l ' The iiuroh iser should be very purl nnliir In ak Inr, und lake none hnl Dr. WILLIAM II ALL'S IIAI.SAM FOR TIIK Ll'XC.S, liich i. war milled to aive siiti-faclimi or llie money r, turned. For sale by all DniC- i-is, nnd by IIKI'IXlt I'O.N V CO., Sole Aicnt, 41(1 and 4 IS Front 11 reel, t-'ioi l rnncico. Livery and Feed STABLE, at onr.aoN city. riMH'. iindersiKtied having purchased lh sin. 1 Ide property on Sixth sireel, belween Main anil Water, (near Rnlslon Myer.',) kanwa as Ihe (iih-un A Puller Livery Stnblu, would inform lh pulil.e llul llie liable is now open, where are kept (J flits' nml Ladies' Saddle Horses., lhlSgies nnd Horses, find FKV.D OF Ml KINDS, all on rea'iituihlo lerins. Also, A Largo " Wagon Shed, In Rccommiulut the lrnveliii public. I will cn deliver to Riv ne'"'Ul antifacii.m lo nil who may favor me with a e.ill. , There will at all tint. be an allenliv. hostler on hsiid (by 'l)'i niyltt, nml Jsiindny) In wail on oiislometi. 1 hnw by Uriel alleiiliuu lo bimncss In Rain a shar of Ilia public P"'",mB"' .. lis IU' iwwtvsi.i- Scpl.Uih. Wil. mfl NotlCO.Tlmso In town and vicinity who At. Imhblc.lto Iho Argus fur ulierlplleil, ad vi rtisinK.rVO., will bo wuited on by (irorgoSinilh, with lullafor Ihe Mns. W Irust there will b an delay In payment OUR MOTTO, Loyalty to the Union ! WE have just received a large and rploudid uaaorluicnl of G O O I) S adupted lo Ihe wruits of the country, which we will he luippy lo exchange ut the lowest murkel rule. Loff.'il Tonilcr Notes. CD f2f We would uti-o infnrni onr old friend that we leceivo l.-sl Tender notea in aelilenient of old accounie, s c. CIIAItMAN. WARXKR. & CO. City, Oct. -1, Mi. Notice- AN INFANT SCHOOL RK OPKXIiD, la Ihu Sisters' uevr School liouin, 011 .Mnmlay, Sept. Int. Il !a e.'lely tu ucctniiwdalB uimg cli.Uien, buys Had cirlu, from nine yeata ami down. bniiicliee of Instruction,, viz: Primer, Raiding, . Spelling, WritiiiK, Menial ami Practical Arilhiiioiic, uud Prim iry ticoijruphy. l'urlicul ir cure nnd attention will be observe, in Ihe children 'h deporliiii-nl und haliira. Terms of Tu linn. 8' pet term. Teacher first term, Al as II. I'oiuiiam. FORUI23 HARCLAY, Ori'Kon City, Auijii ti!d. i'uperintetident. Sr. Baker's Falsi Tanzcca l entirely ofhenliiii i;uuis,nnd vegeta ble o Is und hetbs. Il is pi feet ly sufo fur the m , si delicate to uie. I cull 1110-t sincetvly say I have never kuuwti any, however dehcute, tu be injur, d by il in llie leust. I will cnutiuue to ink Iho nfllcied, who huve not ued il, lo try il f,r Ihe MIomuij; discuses, If ihey uru nut aut'i Ii. d with ils heulinj properlies, ihe money will be cheerfully refunded by the aj"iit where the medi cine is for sa'o. If ynu h.ivo p. in in the Slum nil or Rowels, try u doe of 1'aiu Panacea internally, balhu ex lerually over tho parts ulVcclid, and you will at once testure the pruper action and rel eve llie pain. If you have a or Wound, bilho it Will with llie Puiu Puiiacen four limes a day. It will relieve llie pain, and luke out ull llie poison, and heal ihe wound in it eliott time. Il jou are suflerin from Neurala or Rheu matic Pa u, upply tho Pain Panacea freely, and take a d'e uf it ' iulei nally, morning no,n and ni,'!il; it w II n il only cute Ihe piiu, but will re move Ihe cause of Iho disease. If you have the Dyspepsia, and your food dis- sb risvour s'.oinncli aUei eating, tuku a duse of P'ni Puna, ca nficr euch 11w.1l. If vou hive a Cankerel or Sore Month or Thrnut, apply IIm Pain I'unueeu to Ihe utf-cled pints, nn I farle the mouth or Ihront ihieeorfnur lanes a (lav. It you huve Ihe Piarrleii, of a relaxed state of the ho.vcls, take a few dou'-sof Puiu Panacea, mi l they will ,or be re-tored. ir you liavo a p i nfill Iwelln,,', bathe the parti freely, und you will soon relieve III'- pain, and ihu swellmi; will be iclu -e l. If you have a severe tooth-ache, apply the Pain Panaci a on a p ece of cotton, and bailie the i;uin at th-j wins lunr ; if will slop the pain iiisiuiille. It' vou ha-e n nuin in the Rreast Side, Back, or Knliicys,b.illie the parts airde l iiinrinif ami night; ul Ihe nunc I me lake a Uusc 01 1110 ruuucea in UrletllV. If a Mother hj a Caked breast, apply the Tain Panacea us hut ns can bo borne. If vou feel chilly or col I, as though you were coin" lo have a fever, take n dose of 1 auueea. If you have a wound, cut, or jiulls on your liuiwi. apply ihe Pain Panacea: it will lake out nit il.- n,il million, ana heal the sore in a short t mc. told bv ail the principal .!ruu'i, and by RiCDIXUTuX, it CO., Aeenis, -116 mid -llsj Front Sired, Saa Fraucisco S COY ILL'S S A II S A P A IU L L A ASD S T I L L I X G I A ! OR Blood Liter Syrup. IT ia lierebv rcc immende'l by rtiyricians to cure the f..ll..win2 dis. a-es having tlie.r ori- ., ,., n ,1 -..i .lered stale ol III. bloml : i ,.,.l. r I'l.eratii.iis nnd Kiilarnemrnt of th" J.i n's, 1'iiiicrruus Tumors. Lrvsipelas, Kiu;'i Kvil.St. Anthony 'a Fire, White Swelling. Ob .iMuite Enmliim. Pinnies on llie Fuce. Rheii- limtism, Iliotches. Pustules, D)pepia, etc; Svphilitio an! Mercurial Allictions nro cured; t'liiorosis or oU'.rucliniis in females; Leuclmr rhra or Wh.U-s, at e relieved by Ihe use of ibis Medicine- . The medical prn erlie. of Sarsaparilla in con jniictinn with Stillinya are well known by all medical men to be llie best compound yet discov ered to cleanse und purify llie blood, and erad cat. all bullion fmni the system. e have given the recipe to most phy.ici ins in Ihe country, they may know what Ihey are using, mi l will conlinue I" lend it by mail to loose itcsiruus of knowing Ihe ingredient, entering into ils ci.nisiHiion, that 1h.1l lin y may prex-ribe il ia Ihi ir'.inn stands at the head or tin hit of reiiie.lies for cuiinj nil difcascs arising from im purities of iho blood or diseased mailer lurking in Ihe.islcm. . Thousunils who liavo used the Stillmgia and Snrmpui-lla will u-Mify lo its rem ulab'e elTectin niovin,' ull impurities fnun Iheir blood, giving lone nml v gnrio llie whole human frame, and tesior iug a heuhliy action to all tho function, of the Tho tcslimot.ia!. r c. ived in il. favor from many mcnitien. of tho Medical Faculty would, were w. lo publish Ihem. (i.l a Lirge volume. it 1. piepaied uudcr the sup rv.siou of one or lb. ol.h al an I best practical clieini.ts ia the countiy, (Mr. W. S. Merrill, One nnnli.) tn as lo Insure a uu formiiy of composiiiuii and puiily in all tho in gielienls. As a spring reroedv, lo purify and cleanse Ihe blood leaving it free from nil humor, and impuri ties, we ael with confidence there i. no belter r.-inedv. Sold by all Priigg rs, and hy P.KDI.MilOX, ii CO., Agents. 4lCan,l4l8 Front street, San Francisco. Tn whom all orders should he addressed. INFALIIBIE HAIR RESTORATIVE, FOR Restoring Gray Jlair to its Original Color. TT rREVENT.1 TUB II A III FROM FALL I I Mi OFF. IT cures ll ildnesa, and remov.i all dandrnlTanil acurf from Ih. lu-.d 1 1 ull Irritation of the aralii. Il C0"la ana refresh, lb" head, and linpail. lo the hair n heiillhv. liwly .p. ntunof. ' f, st. The rscrliea wti-ch remove damlrult and .inrffioni the head, nllay Irritation ml fie. llm scalp fmm liiiimmi, reader Ihi. arlicle Iiivnhl able as a lutiow In all, cutaneous alledtion., such aslleh, Iliish.Sall llheiim, Chilblains, Kry;p lu. Ringworms, Shingle.. Hi tea aud Sling, of In sects, and all etuptiniis of Iho akin, especially that cruised by I'OINON OAK. ri,. lv nemiiiie arlicle Is nil UP In r!T Hollies, and ha ilia written . gnaline of N. MII.1.N. the nrit!lnal pmprletnr and manufacturer, nil Ihu lubel ami wrapper. Hewnra of ail put In dihVout .lyle, which is (OUNTI-.KFKI I'. ItliDINttTON tVCU, Wholesale Agent, Ut and 419 Front .(reel, Pan FnanciwM. Fall, 18G2. remTval. Dannenbaum & Ackerman HAVE REMOVED To the Brick Store Lately Occupied hy Cliarmifn, AVarner, & Co. fMIIK season of the Fall and Wmrcn trado X approaching, pardon us in presenting to you our card. We have now the choicest, most varied and miwl externa a stock of Goods ever ollVred to the people of C'luckuuia. county. W o are receiving, by every steamer, ndditions to our slock, from San Fiaaciaco, uud iIiom who will take the IrouUe to call, cun satisfy themselves that Ihey can do better wilh ua than they can do by g'iiii,' lu Portland. NEW GOODS, NEW GOODS, NOW OPENING AT Dannonbaum dt Ackorman'a, ...coiinistilig of... STAPLE AND FANCY Dry - G oods, the newest styles of DllESS GOODS, SUCH A3 Fancy Poplins, Bareges, Debeges, figured detain, all nnd half wool French merinos, French luwns. brillianliues. figured and plain Marseilles, Swiss and j iconet muslin, a large ft aorluienl of French nail American calicos, brown linens, bleached uud uu'uleuched muslin, TUC LATS.ST ITVLLI OF Silk Bonnets, Cloaks, Shawls, and Silk Mantels, and a large assortment of straw goods, embroideries, col lars, sleeves, tfce. .-1 Large Assortment of Ladies' and children's Shoes, Gloves, kid and calf Gaiters, Ladies' head dresses, corsets, etc. Gents' Furnishing Goods, Boots and Shoes, Hats and Caps, CARPETING, AND CHECK E D MATT I N G ; GROCERIES! &c, &c., &c. Together w itti tha Largest and best selected stock of CUSTOM-MADE Clot h i n' sunerfine French clolh coal, i eenls' fine tilk niiieJ, and llarris.m'. Casimcre panif, aud a .YVlf ulijle of BUSINESS SUITS, SILK VELVET A CASIMERE VESTS; Boys Clothing, Extra fine heavy black doeskin pants, Davis and Jones' shirts, with nnd without collars, etc. ry Reincmliei ihe .tore of DANNEXflAl'M ej- ACKERMAN, wheie you will find the latest AND HEST SELECTED STOCK OF GOODS Kvcr brought to this place, wh'ch twill be ni Lower than can be purchased iu Tortland ! ! All who wih to., moderate prioc, pleas call and cum in-our stock. Grateful for P-uil favor., we will endeavor lo merit aconlinuanc ol ihs ' "me. v DANNENBAUM ACKKRMAN. Oregon City, April 13. 18C3. TOR SALE. Homesteads and Valuable Real Estate. BulUlnj KU trum 10 to 100 Eachlt Also, 5H Vara Lots uml Entire Mocks of IScauliJul uaruen ijann; In tho city and county of SAN FRANCISCO, V ihclin f the Ran Jose Railroad, at the J WEST-EXl) DEPOT. The till, is absolutely PERFECT, beinga Span ish, finally confirmed and patented by th. United Stale.. The Shafler Hill respect, thi. Title, Th. City Anlhoriliia rewpeol It, The Distill! Courta end Court of the United State, respect it- HesiJrs, the . Title has been forever qwettd by a Final Dura and Judumtnl against the City! .0 that there 1. noteV cloud or shadow upon It. Whoever pur-hai. nn. nf lh lot. will buy a lot and not , OfBca No. 19 Nngtee'a Building, corner of Monirmery and Merchant rtreet., San Friin' te I3m5j HARVEY S. DROW.N. Dr. A. II. BTBEM, PHYSICIAN & SURGEON. Office at the OREGON CITY DKUO STORti. , OltEfJON CITY Jl 1 DRUG a STOKE, MAIN STREET, (Opp.isito tho .Metlmdist Cliurt-hj HAS CONSTANTLY ON IIANU Drugs, Medicines, Tutent Medi cines, Keronene, Camphene, Burning Fluid. itc(( Ate, ...AT TIIK... LOWEST MARKKT PRICES T. CIIARMAN. A.WARNER. F.CHABHA.1. Oliarinan, Var'ner fc 0:, GENERAL COMMISSION MERCHANTS WIIOLK.ALI fc RETAIL Di-u'.ert in Dry iool, Clothing, Hardware, Crockery. Gltwiearti Booli, Shoes. Faints, OiU, dr., In their lire-proof Brick.. '. ....Ma'i.'S rraitt onr.uvx cut, oreuo.i. ...F. Churmnn, having united III.. i DAKEIIY, CONFECTIONERY, AN0 FAMILY GP.OCERY STORE to the establishment of Charman it Warner, the firm will now carry on busiuosa in all III. above mentioned branches, iulliiaclly, hop'nf; by striot attention lobusinesi to merit the continued favor of Iheir old patrons, and n. many new one. a choose lo conn forwurd. No pain, w.ll be spir.vl to give satisfaction lo all our customer. Notice Settle Up! i LL those owing Ciiarmam & Warm! 0 i F. Ciiarmam, will please come forward aad muko aHllleincnl of their indebtedness, without delav, so that you Cua all commence dealing, will llie new firm of Charman, Warner tft Co. All our debtors will see ihe necessity uf attend ing to tbi. call immediately. CHARMAN, WARNER & CO. Oregon Cily, Auf. 'ii, I8C1. Justice's Office, OREGON CITY. I AM alwavs on hand, and will attend to the COLLECTING OF ACCOUNTS, Drawing up of Deeds, Mortgages, Leases, Bonds, Powers of Attorney, Contract.?, feCx,- and all other business committed to rfry Car.. OlUce dirtctlu oppoiile the MutiMi fluidin. June iClftb'U. J- E. IIL'RFORD. (Ou Main street, and formerly tho " Main Sti liaise,") OREGON CIT-S'. r-vsllt- , I,. nol.tln in, rnsoeetfuTlv i 1 B 1110 iia.cou e " r it ii I :....l..l ia .... ,, N rail. ! s. - 1,1, ' ' V. M ,W f. - ' The Ureon House i. the most pica.-, an'.ly located bolel iu ihe State, aud lias been so arra'uied as to make it one of the most commodi ous house, m the country. THE TABLE will always be.uppnea wuu Ihe best that the market atfords. liooi accommodation, for ladies aud families. raicEi: Hoard and lodijiiiL', per week $6 00 Board, without lodging, per week 5.00 Hoard per day, Willi lodging 1.5" Single meal -"j Night's lodging i0 Dec. 14,1361. Froprietor. W.5J lllGllFIELH. m n ft 1 1 V t. u I i v M - -'1 -s as ... as ,'a-a rerii. desirous of getting GOOD WORK done will do well to give me a call, n. my whole time is devoted to llie repairing of Chronometer, Lever, Duplex, and Horizontal Walchca. An assortment of line English Watche., and also JEWELRY, on hand. Clock., with weights 10 them. Jewelry mad to order und repaired. Price, to suit tho linte.. I am lhaulful fof favors, and hope lo g.vo.ali.t'actioa in future. irr Located nl ihe ol.l elund. oppoaile the ' Or egon House,' OREGON CITY. fehS. REDINOTOX r- CO'S SUPERIOR Yeast Powders. TTfArsRANTED TO MAKE LIGHT awi-et and nutriliou. nn in ari: A xm Equally adapted to LOAVES, HOT 1USCUIT, B UCKWHEA T and other eaiei, GINGERBREAD, and cake, df all kiddl. Warranted fully equal to any la the market ! Ask for REDINGTON f Co.'. YEASf TOWDERi, and take no other, if you would have uniformly GOOD DREADt Manufactured an 1 .old at wholesale try REDINGTON CO, 400 and 41 1 Clay street, San Frneles Removal! IvlICIIAEL MENSES TAKES thi. method of iuforming his frleade and llie public generally thai bo HAS REMOVED' ' lo the .land formerly kept by Mr-. Miller, Marly Opposite Charman, Warner & co. which he call. The Union Market, where li ia prepared lo keep all kind, of aseat, and to sell the same al REASONABLE TRICESt a. lost aa lb market will altord. fains m Moan. 5V10ot i 10 CM in el. , , Ill ei MICHAEL, V.ENGK9. Deaf. Mutton.... rork Veal nreeon CIlV., 1 SH'J. Jicmotal CIIARMAM, WARNER & CO., having bonchl out th ntir tock of Ainswoiih it Di.rdorf? In thi. city, have removed to th Bm p:oof brick lately uccupicd by A. oV D., wa it the Ir old .land. Oregon City. Sept. , 68. Chairs and Bedsteads MADE IN THIS COUNTY by ALFRED M VUQL'AM. kH for wl l CIIAHMAN it WAKSER'8. Or.gnnClty, S-pt. 13, 186. cn