jjr A distingiiislidl Anioriran, convers ing a kvr d.ivs simv, in Paris, with M. Tlioureiii'l, t'i I'Yeucli .Minister of Stiito, was asked rather impatiently by the Frenchman, " 13 nt. Sir, bow much time do you want to take Pvichmoud? How lonsr must we wait?" '" I think, Monsieur, with great tcsjwt," was the court eons reply of our countryman, " that we shall be satisfied if wc are grant ed as much time as the nllies took to re diuv Sevastopol.'' M. Tliouvem l ehiiiijred the subject. r.VTKIUTIO I.lliKliAl.irV. J. 15. 1 nomas, i n prominent tiu'rchant of Sin Francisco, is a contributor to the patriotic fund to the rxtont of $-JoO n month iluriiii; tho con limiance of the war. W'c iUcstion wheth er any other ttiatt in the United States has been riiially generous. Ohio produces this year fifteen mill ions of gallons of syrup from sorghum, or Chinese sugar cane, and from being nn im porter of molasses, becomes an exporter. I.iucs en (lie Peath of Col Maker ul the battle of lull's I!; ml'. Though feur to one lliey come, they conie, Yes, deaili niny be our certain doom, Hut we'll show them anil in ikethein fori We in'.' light ut t lie point of steel. On they come with iit'pTa:t in'ght, Father and liomll.-li for the fiitht; ('liarjxo, boys, charge! our lieiieral said, Then be fill lo join the ikaj. In they rushed let seize their prey, Mangled, in blood, lii!" Ihily lay, 'I'lii'h a desperate fight ensued, Their ban. In in human blood imbrued. They fell by scores ihey went and eanie, Thinking thus to fain n name, Hut thrir lives and prize they lt, 'Twa borne away, tliouo,h blood it cost. All! who has lot oiniioh as we, Here by the pre.il Pacilie n-a, Away from all the State but one? We lost a friend, a matchless son. Ye lieiiioiis, aiiil ye tit odsi'f hell, M.iny a patriot by you fell, Orphan children and widow too, Crying, Stay tby hands; uiimv er you! First of all. Fort Sumter Ml, T lie next you thought the Capital, The next victory was Hull linn, Where fell many a lot a I sou. 'ow I tell you, and 1 Jo su ear, And you may m ,ik it, ni.d take cure, Whene'er ou kill a loyal son, For him we'd have of ycu a ten. i es, wln-n your filthy nee is run. W lu n Freedom's fluriuiis ticl. rv's won, A OU '11 Sllf.lk ;. .1V Ui lu cl.'m.-s, Aud think of nothing but j cur crime. C K.W 1 IMS. J:rsi.i:ss cards. V7. c. joiiiison, attoi:ni:y & ii'.si:i.oi. at law, And Solicitor hi Chinrrri!, yjLL promptly attend to any business wh'ch T may be cnmi.-titt.-d to his professional eharje before t!ie Pistrict ami Supreme Court. t(iee over IMilwrn's tin store, inline diatolvon. p-sote the Main Street House. Orejon City, Metoher I, JOHN U. W3RIDE, -TIOIJIJ AND COCNSELOR AT LAW, Ltf:j-l!r, Yn'Kitll County, Ort;nn. "V1 f 'i'hfu!ly attend lo all business en V w tru-ted to hi-profes-i'iinlcare. f. ii. :irrt ni:i.r., attup.nf.y & oa'.s::i.o:: at law, .Ph.' iSnliritnr in ChtifTy, roiiTL.i.xn orvmos. Office I'r. nit Street, ervio-i'e Vaughn's Wharf. Cil!e,-ti..n mad.- and promptly r m tie 1. , nj. I :! v. ?u iii: v, HOLSE, SIVX, A XI) OllXA.VEXT L Shipntarhj nppiiiilt ihf M'lKmlut Church, nnrr:.-.v rllv ' I '' v I 1 I April Hi, lt-.",!l ,r DIiAYAGK. THE COMI!..TIm r.p TFAMIXfi in mid around (Jrei-.-n City, of tARsT.iw, F b.izkr, 4. f.A.NKV, this day by mutual consent ' ci.-a-s.-s, and we the mclern.'ned 'ask a continuation 1 of the patronage of our ..Id customers, and of ns many new ones as m iy mV. r u thur dr.-n ii.g. I Uarstow will le at ail lime, in Caiie-nu!i, tore- ! crive orders f rdrajing, and Fni7r In Oregon ' - i!y. Wc will be as prompt to attend to our cus- j ioiii-rs as. cirrumstanccs will arlmit, day f.r n' "lit, ralu or thine. JOSKl'll I; A CsToVV, J. M. I I! A Z Kit. ri- i -i 1 4 N. I!. --'ir-'in o, .IIJIII I, -I, ' . ! ("ountry nien h iiitii who are sh'p pine eoods toOre '.ai Ciiv in l. hauled lo the countrr. will do w. II in n,l,lr... m our cure, us w will rtharg nothing for stura-e ' , .v .oi..ic i. ii.u oi n,iie an wo charge is the cartagi) to the phi. e of storage, or from nnr I pUco of .long to theb..it for shipment. J;. &.F. ! U. 8. Tvp(! Founder)-,! WM. FaI'J.KM;!' A SOV, Agent., i .10. W.l S,tIIOIII(! Ml , S.cv FitAM i,-:. o. IVrRV ertW iieceary for a crnplete News J 'it Job I'rintin j (JiHce 'fornislied at the low. t pric s. A l-o, a . n's f..r Taylor's. f;.,.,n's, P ". ner',, Ae l,urC., Potter's, m liawk. s' rfe.. s'? yg Just Itf-ccivcd, a i. Awn: lot or Dry Goods und (ipoccries Which will l,e sol,) w fi,r Cash or Country Produce. We would say to the b arm- r., l,.rru you go lo Portland to buy Goods, call on us, as we mil lake Flour, Uncori, iiutler, I'.fi, Ac, and give in Bxchunge (ioo ls as low as can be bought in J'orllaiid. DAN'NKMJAI.'M A. A ('KM It MAN Oregon City, Nov, ID, Jsnjlj, ATflU ' "r 'STANT KK .' , . Mi:F nml I'llltAf A.N'FNT CI. III! of tins iliatrussiiig coiiiplaiut use ERONCniAL CIGARETTES, hY ' ' KF.YMol'l: A. m m ,.,. p Hay, ,M,W ) t)Ui. 'e, 4I..VJ p. r hot; sent fr, ,j by Jio.d, i3 ih per (loell boxes, free ,y 'xp;ciu). DISS k CO., .Commission Merchants, AMI Dtateri in Caliurniu ami Orrgun Vrndnr, No. 'U Must street, (HvlMw-n Clay and Wushingion streets,) HAS Itl.tXC.SCO, "Iff H.l. be happy lo liausa.-l any business in f ? theirlirio lliul in ,y be entrusted to Ihfiir ears by prod m.er or nierohauts in Oregon, All bu ,i. Mess enlru.l. to ),, lr , lfJ,,. v ,; (- ,,,-.,,,,( r tsuded lo on leasoiiubli. l rms. July 'i,v.f Dr. WM. HALL'S HALS AM f.llS all diseases of the l.l'XHS and throat. For the euro of consumption, de cline, astlun.'i, bronchitis, wasting of flesh, niuht sweats, spiltinp; of blood, w hoopmu eiincdi, dilli cutty of nri'iuliing, colds, coughs, iulliieiia, phihisicpain ill Ilio side, mid all diseases of the lungs, it Is riioipialod ! Hill's . Hh'mih, ill all cases, given the best satisfaction; lias wrought more euros since, its inlMihiolion than any other couch luedieiue ; Is endorsed by our leadin; plivsieians as the salest and best remedy now beloie the public; Is safe lo use anion:; children, vet powerful iu cases of chronic pulmonary disease; Hrlujs in certificates almost daily of its wonder ful cut os iii nil purls of the country. There is no medicine w ittiiu our know ledge that has acquired so ureal and wide-spread popnlaiity, in so short a space of time, as 1U. II ALL'S HAI.SAM l-OK THE .C.Vt.W. Its bal samic and healing proportion are nmgical. It is highly eH'ctoraut and tonic. It contains not a grain of opium or morphine, the narcotic and as tringent properties which have created so much prejudice against similar preparations, W c believe that a medicine possessing real merit will ctlect cures whenever it ia used, at home or abroad. I'r. Hall's llalsam for the laings is no paregoric preparation, but cue which, if used in scasou, will save the lives of llion.. ands. The most distressing coiijih is fre.iuenlly telieved by a single dose, nu.l broken up in u few hours tunc. The alll eled do uol have to take ! bottle after bottle before they lind whetherthisl remedy will afford relief or not . i Hear what l'liysieicns say of Pr. Hall's ll:il Mill. Says one: "I, vr.tli conlidcnee, rccoiu nieud ll.e 1 !.i I r-in n as superior to any preparation." Another sos ; 1 have u-ed it with uniform suc cess, and can confidently recommend it for till those complaints for which it is oii'ered a a rem edy." Still aiioiher writes :" I have no bes.t.i lion ill saying tli.il it is a safe, convenient, and cllieaeious inej cine." vVold by all I riiL,L.-ist. SANDS' S ARSAPARTlLA, RKMF.MP.l-K. THIS IS TI1K Original ami (u'lniino Article ! ACKNOU t.Ktll.'KI) TO UK Best SarsjarilLi Ever The Best Sarswtrilla Eur M,,.h ! rilllls unrivaled preparation has perf.rme.l J some of the most astonishing cures th.it are recorded in the history of M. d.cine. The r inuh- i tv with which the patient r covers II itlili and lii nili under its iiilluence is surprising. F.ich new ease ; in w hich it is apphe 1 furnishes in the result a now I certiticale of its eilic.iey aud eneel.'eiipe; and we have only lo point to the act imiuI.i'o.I to-l.u:on i f multitudes who hue cxpericii. ed ils beael'.ci.il I etl'eeis.to convince tile mot incredulous of its :i:;:c. : Po uot forg t to a-li !'ur S in.ls' S.irsi;, ir.'l.i. I For s.ilc by II. .lonsc Co. and Ui:n. iM.r. Co., S,,n l':;:iicisco; lln i: Cotii. M.irysville; . II. M '1 io. vi.u . Co , S.icr.iuieu-o; , and by 1 'ri:gglst jetiefally. juivClin! ! W Istar's Ualsam or W Hit l.lirrry.-- 1 he only pure r.tn! c'uuiue Falsam is, and i..r the l.i-t ; twiiity years has been, pr. -pared by S,-r:i W. F.-i.K A;, Co., of ll,:on ; and tli'.-.r print. -d name, as wll as the written s .-nalme of ,. ! linif, app. ar en the outer wra.-i eis. ., oil ; w- uiu ur.;i.i ;ne snu::-'us ?.:td h ire lli. uunie, tu-f no ii.fi . j Wistvr's ll.u-sui ,.r Wii.n Ciikrrv. This iu I valuable rem. dy isiia- best one evtant for the safe, sure, f-ee.iy, and pi-rm.uient cure of cu.-hj, I cold.', ..ie t!,:il, lironrhitis, a:!hmi, p'riiuu;, ! m ii ;i rrunp, irhntijuns run'h, 4,Veii;..g ul I I 'ir! i;vM, -iiiin , the hr,,iH or ,'.r, und inu.-t eiery f.-rm of l!iw.at, ch. st, und oi,g compUiat. as w ell as Con-i m i-ri'iN itself. This hnus, hold rP niedy sliould lie ia th hands , of every f..m.ly and inhvi li.-.il.us a time!,- ujipii ' - ation ef it t., a !.ght cel-J w ill c.uso imme.l..!:, r-li.-f; while cim-s of lung standing, ubstin it.-, ! and ap; ar.-ntly li.eura!,!.- .huacter, w II s.i . iv VKldlo its wou.leif.il niMtive piwers -mil ils great adaptation to the wants o! inaa when a I' ll e'ed. F.-r sale in 'nllf. -n.:i by P.e.!ingt..n A Co., Henry Johnson & Co.. Chailes Morr.il, S.in Fruii i eisco; I!. II. McPoiiaM .V Co , Sai-r.iiii.-uio: Live, t. ttin A.lo., .Marysville ; Smith ,V ) i l .-rlNinil, ilr.-g-m. ,. 3Iill Scat and Lanil. T HAVF. an J- "'Uinlcd wi exeell-nt .Ml I.f, SKT. snr. ilh excellent 'I IMUIIIi. wl,,,-!, I would like to huve improved. I will civ sumo millwright who wishes to invest in a saw mill or grist mill, or both, a .,o.,A chance. The location is one of the very best for s!ing lumber a level way to the mill s. at, no hills to pull ov. r, and handy to lo avv settlements. I wish also to s. II half tt section of LAND near by. The place i, ,i.t ,mt west of I.af.iy. cite, . iiihill county. W. I.. A P A M.S. jovjj.-., i-.-r). 3llf Yamhill Jfouat!. at lai'ayi:tti:, by Morri-t Wolfe. TKRMS : l'er w.-ik " meal $;! 00 5!.) as wa ll ns that of any I'bc table is fumi.- lot. I in the couulrv. jiinel.", STAHLlXfJ. () OSWLUO, OUIMOX: A Itiiaidiii-Sclioul for Koji: V.K OI'l-lM'.p O.V MONPAV, V .SIlKill.MIJI.U Urn, ALSO SPIiKCIK MAM, MlLWALKIi:, OHVMOX: A ri''Ani)i.(;..scinoi, Foit (;ii:i.S: Will be opened on .Mommy, .ScrritMiiitR rS,, These scliods will be organl.n) mid coiidin.1. .1 under the supeivision of the suUcrilu r, to whom miy communications inuy , nddreiH.-.l, until the time of opening, al Oregon City. August 17, l-M. THOMAS F. SCOTT. PAINTEH & CO.," .r.J n IK.. ii.:... ,. , ;'ir " '" iimrrijsim jie.uersiu Materials, Ink, 1'iijirr, ('mile, ije., J.s.rAiNTita i .',1 Clay ,Strt, above Snnsomn, J. M. I'A INTKIl hllll FMIIItis-O. I V. rviNTf.il ) lyOffi.-e, fitlod out with d patch. en ikm;i( r. Koii;n..N, Iins,r;. r nu.l peU. r in TV IT., I'lH.HSI.S, M I'lVIMIM, Material. A'A'.V, CAI(l) STOCK, A,., Noh. ill and 111) ClayKlrent San rrancisco. p.iy IVow Fcj-jy, ACROSS Till; CLACKAMAS, OS Till'. Old Hniigranl Jtoud, ItVNNIXd It Y JOSKl'll VOUXOI'S TO i'OSTKIl'S, II y 'I'lavelers ( nu iirocmsj lit lloi I'tn-ry, !A- O N', I l.'ll I'.. , , THOMAH wai i;i:fjr. Ii V. Sick and Diseased 7.Y ohfuox. be vurcil ! on van An Homst Appoal to All with lia.l or Failing Health. Kl. you languid, inanimale, resiless, appi ipolilc poor, digestion had, mill I'AINS IN TIIL I.I.MliS, liODY, HACK, and II K VP : Keader, uiiicli of this is ciiused fioui COI.P caught un wittingly, or, in seven cum-h out of tell, sluggish ness of llio liter and h'lh il, and want of natural perspiration, indlcrelion ill tlm Use of I'.H'd and drink, or from a diyness in the atmosphere which is a verv iiuhealihv part of lliis climate many of the awful, violent, and St PPUN PICA I MS lhat occur here must be atliibuled to this. Now , reader, I have made-tins my study for many veins, an.l I do assure von that mv Pit. F.lllilllJ'S j INVlliOUA HN(i COUP'IAI. will cure lb.se i causes it will insure animation of the 1,1V 111!, I lil.OOP, and HUAINS it siicnglhens the nerves, mid i;ives to lh sull'erei' u lightness of 'spirits, a mental and bodily feeling ol strength, lhat is delightful. The many repecl.ihle persons j who have been b. netiled by and certified toils I eMraordinarv uualit.es in cume; ativ of llie fob I lowing diseases, must satisfy all but the self-wise i and ignorant sceptic Pv.xjn'j'sia, or iinlii;vt un; loss of lnuss'ttlar or lunlily stn iiL;tli aiul mental I'lnM'u'y; Fi'vt'i', Airtic, or cliills; l lu'iiinatit', ncuralii' or dtlh'r pains ; tlj l,t i n and weakness of t lie nat tir.'il t'iuu'tioii-i, ileMlit y tVoin disease, tliM at'nn, too much d o e tori n lt, ilel'aiU'lieiy, and oriir.it c.irsrs. In case of excitement from constant INTll.Ml'IlKANCi:, ii ml where MlI.IKIl'.M TKF.MK.NS Ins nciirre I, I have s oji i: , lnn.;. thesutl'eier in half an hour I'r. in the cost limn! I.- statu I" cdmncs an I plac il.ty. It can, in I. ed. be cn se'enliously recoiiinieii b-d to all sull'.-nnt;, and the propll. tor r.'vels il-i-;.lv tli.it it is lieoossory thus to adv. ll.se it, in or.h r that Its nu-rOs m.-iy be 'ii- k ii. 'v-1 1 1 1 i ! . ! y eoueenti ated. I'i.ee re iluecd to f 1, tv- o J.ii' Stj latg" ipiail Iwtlles. S,'.. by e.ry t.'sp c'al.l-' dtn,-; st. T'io It. v. II-S-rt Schuy I. r. of I'ei.ilut ia, say : l'er ears, l .-tli im-.-il und l.r.-tlicr have suf fer, d so ft "in ib -p p-a, w i-:ikn.--ss i.f and sour e. m i.-!i, iud. sti .n, ii ii t tlalul. lice, that I fe at 1 m. s was a biir.l.-u. We h ive iis.-d jour Cordial i ,Pr. ehli. r's 1 :ivi ;.-rat ng S.inguitiei four d.n s, i and feel l.ett- r til ill we h ivc for . ais j CKANi: a IIMitillWI and Kl.l'INilTt'N' I cV I'O , I 'rugg:-:.-, Sail I ran. is. o, Ag.-nts. lu.'.'v ! Ha! ia. iia; lu in! In ! he! MISS Sl'SW sMII'II, your fine and .kin, . though ii-llmv, c -ur.e, and .la; k ns n. oud pimpled, f:c. kit d, siiiihurut, i.inio-d, si!ss cati tie, I tin lerst.ind all such detect ar cured, i 1 ei.H-. when washed with .It t US' (IlliMICAI. 1 I SU A I'. Your teeth, voir breath, you'll n.-t .lis. j pute, bv Li, foul's i.iiiirai.MiAl1 I lll-U'll liO'ii' i whre as tho . Ir.M-ti m-j-v arc ttin-l , though jel- l.. , tarlan d. dark, .le. ay.-.l ; and fi a.-ranl. pure, ' and s-.v et-l your bii ntli, ihi-ugh putii-l, I. oil lit rot It. n de.-i'h ; a'i 1 th.-.l r. d b i r. though in n- :n j fo.. r as any mane or tail .f I. or-.. , siiky end d irk 'twould be in i ! to hve, by Jones C,,r.il Ha t lle j -t..riine; all dandruff, n-m f w on I l.e leiii.ve I the ha.r s;o;-i'd tailing and iinpr-.v. d ; and reader, I tho-.i .di we thus d i po.-ti.-e, the Ih n.-s lire e'en i beti, r than we advert. -e an I nr.. nil sold, reason. al. e, at every druj store m )n-..u. .i.'ents, ( Kan ii v imp. ham, Pm-.i.t., . a ii J- r.:tic:s o. i-ov ci.ovi: anodvm: Tootli-aclio Drops. Coinjiliin no mint of .le,;o Tttlh! T' 1IH..-I. lireleih.lVe been Tlen-lV. . Il.ed b tlioii.aii'li n ho-M evis rienee has wove. I thai th A n.rfjyiir w.ll g v.- inline hate and pe.-uian. lit J rinei alter the lailureiil t v. rv other remedy. I is p.easaui to Ihe t ..to ami smell, ami a few iinnf : cations w ill entirely remove the pun ami soreness iroiii a tienayeil t.lli, so that it in ly be hl. ,1 oiul reii.n ren as iisetui as ever. Io n tlie pain pro ceeds from tho face, or from the irams aruun l a toolh appirenlly sound, this Anodyne, will j ve speedy relief by rubhiiig a few drojis on the part ull. cted. It b..s only to become generally kiioan lo be as highly appreciated by the I'ublic as il is liy Uentists. I-or rule by II. Joiimuin it t o nuil Kki.iik.to.n iX co , San I ran' isoo; Kick A. Cue fix, Marys vine; ii. ii. ,i iioKAi.n it co., .Sacramento and by Itruggist genei.illy. j,", l 1 I I ItUIH.Ul JiVO JiaiSIUII rnn weak .j- isrr.AMi:n i:yi:s rii:u-i ii.v i,...i was used lor many years in .1. the private practice of a eel, hruied Oculi.t, w '.h remarkable success, for ilin-iei , of the F.ye nun i. yen is. I bern are many iiersons who would rather su.b r from pain and iliseasa through hfe, than en dll or try the eU'eacy of any in w ilis.-ovnry; nil such iiaa oenernot real tins, lint lo all reaono hie pen rms lies preparation is recommended nsa most safe and ilh-cionl cure for iiillamiuatloii of the V.y: aud Myel ds, caused either by lisi close, application to minute oloecis, scrofulous habit, ri sur to cold, blows, contusions, or irritation Iroin miy exlraiieous body under the i ylid. I. i... i ii i ... J . . Ii in leioai silllioy nOOIIIIIig III ITS Cllol'l, ail'l ll.'IS cured thousands who would otherwiso have lout their sight. lu cases the p.ycluls nro inllameil, or tho ball of Urn l-,ye thickly covered Willi blood, it nets al most nke mngic ami removes all tippoarnnoos of miiummatiou niier two or lhreo applications. Tin re, is a numerous class of persons that are jiecu barly expreo d to accideiiis or diseases that wenkm and iiilliiiin.' the r.ye, and i-rliim destroy the sigiu, w ho, iroin inn iiaiiirRoI their employments iireeoiiipclh d to work in a ' loud ol dut and orit Mu. h should never be without tins HA I. SAM lleinemher, "Seeing is II. heying." I'ricn L'." cents p"r jnr. I'repiired and sold by A. I!. A, I), NANIiH lJiiifgis's, I ' ' Fiillon siret, ,Vv Vnrl,. ' I or sain by II. .Ioiinson A. Co. und Kc.mmi rov k Co. rsrin I rimes' o;liii;nA-.('oi'HN, Murysvilln; II. ll. ,Mi:;oni.ii A, Co., r-'craiiieiilo! und by iJriiggistst;. ii'-rally. ,Jy a.m:i ! ()i(!on City foundry NOT WASIIKI) AWAY!! WI'- pleasure; in iiirormiiijf Ihe puldir! lhat we. Iiuvo Ilcjiairctl all I)ainatw 1 mid oil our Foundry in ruiiiiiug order nguln, nn I lire ready In do work ns iciml (Jiy,. i,., ,', , I.'. SMFll A IIKOIi. PURIFY THE BLOOD. Morr at's Vvgrttthlc. Life I'M ANU riMII-: high nu.l envied celebrity which thc-opre-.1. eiiiiiiniit .Medicines have ucipiiied lor their invariable ellieacv ia all Ibe diseases which they profess to cure, lu'is rendeied the usual practice ul pulling not only unnecessary, but unworthy ul them. They are known by their frails; their uis.,1 works testify' for lli. ni, and they thrive not by the faith of the credulous. . In all cases of nsthm i, acute un.l chrome ihcil inalisin, iillcctions of the bladder mid kidneys, bilious foveis and lncr eoniplaiul". ui the soiiili and west, where these diseases piowul, lb y w.ll be found ill! uluablc. I'lanleis, tuinicrs, und oth ers, who ouee lish llicso .Medicines, will never ul ci w nr. Is be without lli.-m, nieisla. o person with this distressing disease should delay using these medicines iiiiine 'dialely. Ilruptions of the skin, erysipelas, llalu lency,' fever nu.l iigue-loi this scoiuge of the western counlry, thee mediciiies will be I'.uind n safe, speedv. and certain leniedy. Oilier uiedi eincB b ave'lhe sysleni subject to a return of the ,i0se a cure by these medicines is permanent. Thy tiiku, hk sv i isnitn, ami ok ct mi. Meicwvtut IMm-ivscs. Never f ids to erudieatc entiiely all the vtl'ccls of Mercury infinitely msmer than tho most powerful prepuralion of Suis.iparill.i. Xighl Sicrut, A'.-t r.m IKhiltty, .Vriruin rnmi'liiiiilt of all iimh, (bguuie AJ'r (oiin, 'pi.iliioi ii' the llruil, I'.uutri't rh tlic. IMies.Tlio oi lemal proprietor of llnsn ine.li ciues was cured of IMes of Itj yeais' sl.niil.ui! bv the use of these I. fo Medicines alone. V ms of all kinds are ell'. , lually evpelhd by lhfe med icines. Patents ill da well lo a.lni uiier Iheni whenever their cisi n e i suspected. Keliel will be certain. The Life i'l.'.J ami I'h.mix Ihtlrf Puril'v the lit. ..si, and thus reinovn all di-eao Iro n Ihesvsiem. A siuule trial will pl.i.'i- tho I. II I'. '...N'and '(.A.V IIITTI.liS bevoiul the reach of competition in the eslim it .on i I every patient. II (" I'rep.ued I'V PI!. I I.I.I AM It. MOFFAT, .t.l.'i lie-iiii-.i v, em . Il'ui (A , .Vein I oi I. ,1. FI.IIMIM;. Agent, at the I'utl O'Ju-t, ;i y Oicgnii 'if)(. Inipoi'tant to I loiisekeepeis JYi) Family aim'il to he Without M !Ai:u n i k av r i. o r s V cnuin I Jest rover. IT lois ih'slioveil every deso. p lllli'slnio pl clliisc wll.-re it l s I'lov. d to the cut. re ali-l.i. t...ii I, It is ll.e on.' thing lieed'ill t i p. o (1 of rriiini n'li u--',, ntttl Iti h.l-rf III ll t!mrn.;li cb an! ness. H2A3 TIII3 ! onice uf Oie I . s. Vwnl Insvci tor of Vvo vision oiul t loiiiim;, N. Vaii'. N. V., July I- -This is to ceit.fy (hat .1 !: Mejsr, I'm.-'., ul Ch. in t, h i, bv tli o-e of Ins pr. p ir.il on,, di .v en nil the r. its n -in 1 1 ..v i-r '. me :.l Store V. Ii of ill s Inspection, l Ii.. Il WSS llile.te.l w .ll th'o lie- strii.-tn e nu ni'i's: an I ih it I w in. -nl nu n Iraor.liu try destrueti-.n of co. kr.mi lirs, .- Mr M.-yr; a!t!it"i,-h, when lis nppli. .1 In p .wder alsait the.r p'.n-rs of r.-s. rt, onlv a li-tv wi-r ecu, sis . n otter, ill less than litl. .-n in iiut- s, the tl s.i ii the rie'in was liter. il'y cv. red w ilh them, s en. olr. ady ilea, I. others djiug, and I fe. I n..in d th.ii bv n lew applications of hot Cli. no. ul powder ,whi. h ise. itainly lervrtli .t'-i..us,i Mr. NIewi would rul.r.ly rid n h .u-e ot ihe ,.!i-i..i. us in s .Is. JM.V i lill'.siiN, i.t.v-.r i f li ion 'in I tV-.f'.i'i- S.. Agent.. A II SNPS A Co, H !,'.,V al.- I i n l' ton, New V. S.ia I r i in- ,111 W, 'lion I . r lie b, . an I l.v I ling t. ro.'ii.-r ot ,'ou..h ooier il'y I ii' II riRST rUEMIUIVI FA M I I. V S ,!u i ii g Macliiin's, Aiti: At KXowi.i:ix;i:i to hi: FAR SUPERIOR To all oriiF.ns r. usr.: J'.iitif mart s'w'.', uwl cnimllf nj' I)(iir' liiui'f kiiitU of M'u'Iv THAN AXY OTlirJt M.UWSti! The tlilch is alike nn I. .th s ib ., Ami will nut ov K.ivi l ! aitr.AT iti:ui ctiox .v I'lticlis: II. C. HAVDKX, .ly.., t'orner Miiiilomery and .V.icniineiiiii streets, ' ";l 1 ' Mm I st. ist ii, CM. KESTEH, Under laknr. W Ml 'I.I) inform Ihe people i.f On j,,,,, nnd vi.tinily lhat be will k. , n i.. ... Jtialy-iim..; Colliiw, of nil hIzch. ciiistniiiiy on imml. Il'i will ii I in k.i'p n ' ii!; mm. ,w NI..I tvill I,., pr. pared lo nil. ml Ir, all ll, 'lUKIU.'HIl (if lillierals "UilM'i ted Willi lo. I.,,.. in lie. i. m mr w "'. '"I the ,V ' mimli it .7r '.ui.tiiiu d the f.'iiiiilr S'll.Clll .1. rv IS rsspeolflilly J.iii" U I.HI II SUHHililtV. AND HARNESS MAKING, ORFVOA' crrr. 1 Al now nrning on a Saddler's liar- I ness nialter's shop ill Ibis ell) , nntl have con sluntly ml hand the best uf Ui'iidy-inadt' li!ii'iit'ss,s.'idilli's, lu'i tilcs, lialti'i's, mai l meal's, mid evetything III my linn. I "ui ulti lemly to ink is iii older anything in my hue that tuny be called for, on u short notice. My nmtlo is, M iltn ll gnoil nilicle, mid sell il cheap. I solicit pillion ao.. al liouie und floiil ahlo id. M v eslnhhslinieiil is ileal ly opposite ('hiliuiall A arnei's Old Stitnil mi .Main siteet. J. II. M'llliAM. April '1, IS.V.I. Sa n L Nil t'sa p a rill a, Fur riirifying tho Blmd, AMI I'l'lt "I'll K THi: !' Sitrofiil.i, Mciciirinl I hsenscs, Ulu'iiiiiulisiii, tultiiictiiis I'lriiptii'iis, Stub litirti ulcers, l.ivcr foiiiiluiiil, I ' Nicisiit, llri'iichitis, Salt Ulii'inii, l.tiiiiliHf!", Whiti' Swell. ilios, llijl llisi'tiso, lllilillt'i'lllent of tlm ItiHics mill Joints, l'u v' r Sines, I'liiiul'i I'oni. ).iiins, l'',rysiol,ii, ,,lsS ,if A 'ioilc, l'..ll.!c. Hll.s, I !t licra! I h'liil' ity, tVc., Ac. 1 1 b is long I u in-'st Imp irt.int de.iil 'inlum in the pi.icl.ee of medicine, lo ol.l.iin a leniedy nu I, ir lo this, and a. I.ling'y " lind it lesorle.l IoiiIiii .sI niiiv.-is.illy in all those loriiircttng tin ea. he kiu m trying In llie pnlienca, and in- piiious lo Ihn lo allh. It is a mine, up. rieul, ami lliMllfe. Inllt. ll sets silllilllaueoiiily upon llie sr. in n il, the crni t i t nun, und the sow 1 1 s, and lliiis three processes, which ate ordninuly the re nil of tiisi k d.ll'ereiil kind, of inedi. iuc, me ear ned on al Ihe ame t ine thr ni ;h the iii.lruui, ii. tahty of this osit reoie.li.il itijenl. lis gii-.il in. -nl is thai it meets an I ii n Ii i.' i : e then, lite principle of ill.. , i.e itself, nu I when Ibal gone, llie siiiit.ocs necessarily di.spjiear. 'I'he in. , .lily W illi w Inch the pili.-ul reeiuers health mid strength under this tuple lullil- nee is surprising l EM lRKABLE CURE. I.i.ti I'ooN-r, Oregon Ter , M treli ll, I "O.V Messls. ,. l. A ) SllM. ,etY Vulk: l.ell lleinr.l,- III the '.lili' of I v II, it lule on olll tt .iv fi oui I ii.li.lll I l- ih.. place, ton eld-st l.o w a. M-ied w -ill s "ii.-lln.g nu.l s.-vi-f" p nils ill lie- !,'. W ll eh day bt day gl . w w ,o.e, until lo. leg. i-..n-llai led, end be. -.line o pa.htiil ll, it be could ii I Kj1'., iii.l lit' Inl l.ii'iiro boil nl.oill like mi in. I.uit We re it-he I A than i ..a lliei .'II .. t . fomj-lel. ly tvota out by f it .-ne. liy Ih.s time, be W as l.-dll e I I 1 i perfect kel. Ion llerettr tveie ciot1,!.- I la eon-nil a ;,ti-.i.-.aii i I r II1I!1, who 1 1 one -1 1 V e.0lle..r, he ..al I not f III n III ui, al though be fo.t'.l t;ive I1.111 llie.l i-.ne that wotl'd le. l i ve the pun. Ill lb el, 'en. )' sullielii III IIOI-l he ,! ,ne, of d ' till tt as lil'-t I i'.Ii.. Il.'illg re, . Ilh tided to Iri our .".irs-OJI'l. 1, I pr.s on-, I a Lot tie. l'!. r I iki.'g oiiie, be .i;.;ii-lied not--; bat telill,- W lO it, I o'lt 1 e 1 a se.-lll-l llofl". Ull- ll .Tltlt ,1 til rt;.; ll tlm thc iir Sill ll r.i'it- I it iii.ti l.i sun 1,1 tlm ! I llll'f.rtirilt . I'll. it .I k "i, Ii ip njiwt tf mi tilof he ill In ft tir 11 Tt.ui rti rourage I, I 1 Ml- lit", il a Uol. I t.ottle ; w lot,. Ilk lllg ll tlo" a eli .11 g. ,n It. leg. I.r.ke, ttitd ...llie pieces o hone olie .ighUi i! iltllll' ll loilgeins ual, a'l. r tt hit h lo. leg. "ti t -11. i.- I and lirati d lip. lie 1. oe 1 r n 1 1 . e 01 Ino.t kilt is 1 r.lll l e, lity. Mo. jk-'I. .-liy l.-,.tg a ci ;.; t I". 10110.1 1 1 nor", :e '. . 'ter, I ha. .0. .tp .1 p 111 11 , mid ,i. 4II our lie 'M.i .1 i: 1 v t s . x l .'v, I'repsred nnd so'. I l- I W'1,.,1. .ale Hi, 1. g .1., I" l.oi'ii, "-i 1 "ik ,v.:.i I,. II J.illN I uili.u lreet, corner ol X ( '0 , X in l'i 111. ro,.,,- 1:111. X t III I IN, . if .iiilir ; I: Mi T N A I.I HI, X in.imenlo; and II I') l,-u.'g .t. r r ..!!. i lis .sll.ll.ll, Ag t.l, City. lllm'lj 31(rc. (....m: into II vv 1: A 1 ; A I N Tin: LIVERY EU.JINErJ3, Illltl W.ll ke I or .llli-le I . p loir., e.d... I per W eek at . .VI OK I 1 hie night 1'i.r Inn. per day f..r ..t.l. He Ii. This.- price, will be cl. irg I .'II fiirllo I noli, e d di I have a t. M K I'S, ( 1 1). IS. uol II I.I.I US of my u'l .. ra.siii,,', lhat I w ..aid i h vc e I .r .,:l. 1 r pr..p. fy N. W. .M.ts.S. Ir. g.u. Ci'), uu.l 17, l""'l. .'tin I'ioir a ml )t!rona! die lilncK.-iiiitliiniz; t all Kimls ..iif to i.r.lcr. IK Kill' nbt ).'... hsnd .S'77.7.7, . H'.V, te'irriinlrj to eeuut nud do s. g'snl wmk as any other, in ihe Slats. I est. al.o fiiin .Ii yu with II .l.'OAX. I can alwsvsbn found al my bop, npjeejiie Mi Kintay., te.nly In shoe your bnr.es, or do ant lb ng 111 tin hue of my 1. 11. no-.., fall mid see. J W. I.KWIS. M1egr.11 Cly, Apill III, -.Vl. f Notice. All tll'MS lii.li'ht. l III U. Will l'!el" cms fol ward and selile l.e'ore th" I ilh of January, an. nte ce.l ,,. i. . . , iis nil ..lle er w.ll eerlaiiily wail on llo in nller thut d it. -nnd tin'' Imvinj bills icjiiii't us win rceni u.eni .,i p ivmenl. 1 1. N N ll.NIl r.M ,v A( ki:i:ma. Mieer.a fily, ),e. ., (,. i i: 1. 1, v ' s TEMPERANCE HOUSE Villi lt.,iipjineilet;,o. Alietnrthti .J Cn.'i !:i:i()N CIIV. ifioii Kiioms FI ITCH I T win, ( l.l-.AX and lomfoilubln lillll.S lor the e.' ia accommodaliiiii ,,f , IrnveliiiK pulilie. Mct.-.lM.di. K Ii. Kl:i,l,V,l'r..prier, Till'. HTF.A.MIIK ST. CLAIR ... yt i 1. 1. it i' n ii i; t w i: i: n 1 T IVIAV.'OoTA'A' and It, CASCADES, STori'lNtJ AT SANDV. .. Iinikini; ., Thrco Trips a Week. 'a.lilieetinjj with 'AIT. ANKKNNY'S 150 AT als.vu Ihn Cascades. h at us or i m: it! nr. To III o Ibilles ft 10. Ii rsons iiinkluir Ihelriiwii i,r. Iiipte olheiwiM", ff:,. 'Mm p.irinKa (.nll llliw bn Hindu on tin. W. T. aide, Hl'ick Ink. II fin.il Kmnly lo ... ,. ( fj f le ad In Iho ( ii.i-n.li-s nl (J-, Wnnlso linve a hin .VCOW, nliluli tie ma in c i'e of a lari'e losd ul t'nclt. Hhu-lvwoods Marine AMI TIIK llritisli ltivicWHi Oroat Xndttcoin70 gnblerflt I'RKMWMS Ml,,u)VVTl0Ns I Hl'OTT .V (lo.. nkwv lis Iti publish the fulhiwiin, l..i.. .'. !"""Iimh r it. 1 1 1-11 In , Mr, ... "K uruitli ' I. till. servnllvel. I i. I UI. I.IMMH U M.VIVW . 1. THV. xw-m iiiii'i'.wr.VYiWU., (Fitel'buichl, vr,vu.W 1. 'I'M i'. w r.snuHi v,R 1 1. ibe 1 an u,,"Mr.v Mti.IM'. (Tory), '"''"Utl 'I'he preseul cillie , (lf ,; w ill render these pubti,,,,,,,,,, I ' HHir, nig . lining Ihe fii ynt ... I ""sii-tl. '"i'y i''1- Kfui.ii between,, i,.,7 llloe' liews-lleins, einile ,, ,ilutilla . "' 'I'"'""")' 'K.it. t,J.n Ihe future historian, ,, ', ,10 ,it'i',,,, ' n"'1 ul t.f t, , inr. ' l"1""' ll.e limn shall hay,, paused away i ""'"f- I'eriod.cal. Ibal icudo,. , , ;,'(,k ,J .,0 Ul """V ' '"K'M aud rel ., ' eveuis, nn I as siirh, In a.ldiiioii t 7" labh.bed lltels.y, .i-ienlili,,, nclei-, we in ge il,,.,,, up,,,, ,l0 ,. j ' r. iiihng pnh I,,,, fuiiutt of u, The lec.-ipt of VtUanre Hhreti f, Hiili.h publish.... giv... ml'litnuisl .1l,.0,,.,1,, Itep. Ills, lll.l. nilii ll a. they ,.,, w i, 1 III Ihe bauds of siibsenheis als.nl . . ' 01 enial e.liiioi,,. """ Iks Ttllt US. vlbgularlVi,,,) l or any one of ihe four Hi views I or any two ot Ih. I,,,,, He,,.,,""' I o. 11 nv Ibrce of the four Henrws . I or nil lour fit I.e. Unions I'm Ilia, kit ih-.!'. M.io.uiun . For lll.i. k tt oo.l mid on.. Km iew.. Fur I lln krtood Mild Ittu Itevirws.'.",',' I'..r lll.nliHool niidlh.ee Iteilett.,,,, For r.laekwot'l and lb., lour lletim, inisi-h.i:. lvr aanj -I I (HI i OU too ... 8 Oil I M .... 5 00 1 Ml I M) ...,10 of The Fosri... to any p,, f , (, . w.ll be hut lel)-iir t,,u , Y, U " Itl o kwosl," and but I ollrlrr, f.c(," lor each of the lietiews, Al Ihe ahote pin e, the l'eri,li, , jL, . lush i d tm I slil. AM. AS l rrcniinsn to New 8ubcribcr, ll.e N I llie ..ins IViii.,1, ,1. (, is;,..,,,,. llllio.l d C'llliplele, .-. .mi a a iiii.sulrsr. I ill ke the none iphein,!,,! .M,,,.,,, ,,'a '',',,! ;""--' I Icy.ee. fKi " ""!?''"' "' ''"' '"' ber,fJ 11 .1.11 I '"i 1 " 1 . f tt'tl 1 1 IH Vim f... Iss.'.l - Splendid OIHts For 185D, 'CO, nnd 'Gl together. F..ri;'..,k sl'l M g ume, llie lIirro)rr faftl ' ' i'oo I "I SUl 1: f e 1 I ill II i.t !',.,. Iei, 11 . . . . . . , I ,.r I"; . k 1 .1...1 .111 1 one list 1 n, I or I- a. koo si nnd luo I;. tr,ra. 1 I el three llet r t I 01' I'lit kwoed elol ihitr lirtirss I i i tl.o ft, or K.-t inn 1 .,r Itlj. kw 1 in I lb. lour Idtirai, Ou in 11 to II Ml Ii CO IJ Ul i; (XV Any . f t lo .Yew XV e shots it ok. will o'iU fsrsaLnl 1 1 i'eu t..r lli tr.r. Is.MVit.t'Jd If mis A 1." te I'rgu.'or Si,l,ri infis, 'rKfl. Ili.i... .V if X'.'i.rlrr miy obtj.a (lit Repribts' of ihe lour ll'-lew.sul llUikaisd SIX I orisr. nine rr (,r gat 1 1 W h . Ii i. t'lool li e p'i, e ol thrii'iciiM vaiibi 0 ir le.r A.se.1,,11 n ver .gin he 1,1,'j a olTrrittb ill due. luei.t. u. th.e Ii. re pirM-iilr.l, Now is tho Tuno to Subscribe 1 t l" l.en. ' .' e. 1 1 . 11. 1, , ,:i , ai ..'..r. I ,. the 1'i.l.Uih'ie, (. f .1 .nrrt k 1 '0.1.0 . 'I. cull tie s'l.-w e. lo nernt.. Ad he.. I I UV AIIII M HIT ,V 1(1. .No. .'.I Ool I .it. el, r Vers. ti ii i: a t MEDICAL DISCOVERY, M.n tl.t.'H Ilood iV Ijivrr Syrup, mi SAIisAV Alill.l. I ASl) STll.lmtX, i ..it tiik 1 1 i.r. ui" Si'IhI'iiIa, S jiliilitit', mill Mercu rial I li-sCllsl-X, ( SUl'ft, rkiii II -.'ii-s.'s, nu. I all i.thiT ili".i';tsrs i liich nro cai i -ft I Ly mi ,Iiiip;iro ttato of tlio Blood I this r.i.onii k i.ivki: syrup, JCH W AIIKAM KI) j T.irnre nil infulum and other dw.tsn lllf ui gin its f.o.u the si ".in ol l.nii. ukaii Tin: stati.mi:nt hk sin. m. m.a ii.i.i w. Who is l-lbler ... Iv. Iloriiee IliohihU'i fliureh, I. gar.hnu Ibe eu.o of Ins dsuabler, hs ti. .ill appe .11.1.1.'. . crippl.d for lifs with lln WI" I, tile ill.. , l.e, MIIIIH I. A I CixcisstTi, Fib. SH, I nil Ml". A. I.. SroMI I. A I '. he.,. Sn.t I feel it my duty li)wiil)o",i 1.1 ton know what )oiir lll-sl iii-l l-wrSj"? . t r I m ...I lli.l l.v hutiiiaflisf I I1U. Ui'llV I". ."J '.' ' " f i " ., , '.e . ' ., Jwul I It. 'Will. H.l".''..1. - ...,. . ' ' an.! by t"" ,My ilaui;hter l.ha has ...... ' . hi II'JM I.A, all.-...le.l nh gresl 'in.l lh.ui two y. a.s. hbn had si.u.. Cm ul W"l I le. rs on one ..f b. r feel, una one on h.-r !". k. TI.ey rauwd cenlrseisn 1 the limbs so that sh could "l lk' A' lime, from Ihn lvu,U lei-oi emlslS' t )" llhsid aud Liver Syinp m e.iriii( su.li u.seMs, Wn. iiidneed tuliyil. hhe coiiiineneeil nlk and as the i..e,.ci"ie acled nn llie bluol, lh cimuienceil In heal. The IliliU are If"1" slrs.i;ht- she I w fininr slreiii(th. I only n.eil three bottl'S.if lbs iiieilieuie, ' can no ulk .pole well. Vour lll.ssl M Hyrup has iluiie wonders in r.-l"nf lnMlB' With Ibe irreai.st respect, I rciimp yonn. II. McWi-tH' HTiTK.M F.NT Ml' KhV. IIOllACB BUSII Cly ,U,....n..y .f- ''i.'.far'" M' ,.V" rhmch. CiWf.-iNNATi, March M, ltw Mr A HcoVII.I. in ....u,. e,rr.,..:-M. ,M.tW.lh.in., H, 'ftn'U' In the church of which I mil plf. ' " ' " ipiiiitilfd with ll... crciiinslaiicei of IM lo.i hmi. hi. r. and I iwvn in. iie.ii." r - - - '- ''l''r,li"T:::1r:nNKi.L. ii. nun .' - H. ovn.t.'a lliooi. l.i o Hrair for mfl all ll... priimipiil iMii'.(ilvrywlir- I. r. A. II. HTIlKI'i:, Avnt.1' ",, (Mill. W. H.NIll.l.. ',,,';, VJ, Auenl, X'. i;ii', 'U')'"t ali Imports .. A'IVSL which are ollere.l lo tlm I '." , al Nr,n Yntk Vnft,mlhhnwWW'r f.yf.r. rr. t is wnr riMii: 1 No. ion. r 'r '" !'-' . ., I, n.ljoiiiiiiir lb" "L '' " ii... ..lie li.i.iiirs al the Ari(u" i ti.m a ruin t'liiv-v Mrec'.ui (lily. Mni' b . I I I, MTI'I.V lull i"11 A lliul iletv 1 if ' I h e. I V