The Oregon Argus. (Oregon City [Or.]) 1855-1863, October 11, 1862, Image 3

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    potalla of Hatoni News.
'uv York, Si't. Nw Orlcinm ml
vic'cH kWo ii" onlur ly J . lluilr, riiir-
foroiii ri"lili'Htn i Hint ili'mrtmi'ht to
report to tin.' I'rovost Mumlm!. Tliu order
nays tlmt 1" l,,u ,,,irsu "f ,mi J")' il '"'K1'1
(ji'omu m-ffKSitry to diriliiiKiiisli tlihlnyul
Ironi loyiil .'"i ii"1' liomut ni'iilrul lor
eiiriicrii. Uuii. IJntlrrllircutciii'il to miUi
(iniulutoil fliiiiii" ' foreign iilligiumo with
tlio utmost ituvciity.
Chirk A Co, iiml (W, AljcriKitjr &, Co., I TVoliri' in Tm y.i.m vrr
cxlcnsivo ..i.,Wr ili-nli-H, filed lii ptHlnn dX-pdytrS.
In iiisolvi'iu-y to dny. Di IiIh mid liuliili- ,
i sun. on.i.-ni jn.-u, i reiisurer oi iiiu.huiii is
L Col
tii', over $14 0,000; iivailuUu um((Uh, 20.
000. A (uitrlotii: muss iwctiiiir tit WutKonvillc
yi'.stcnliiy, uoiilnliiiicil $1,750 to llio fund.
Oct. 1 CoiiiiiliiiliniiH to tliu mtriotiu
fiiiid uru C(iiniii in luihkly from tliu Inte
rior. Oni! Iiumlri il iliuusuiid dullni n wiis
wilt ciif.t todny. '1'lni ludicx of lJiniciii
ki ml ciliti'iHi lio.xi'N of lint uinl 000 ynnls
t'uiro, S''t. 'it. Tim hteiuni-r ,';. i of IhiihIiiu.i'h with eoiniiresses uud all ready
i i . . i .:n i n i.i.i. . . .. i ? .
wiih lirel lilt" "j K"':,,"",n 1,1 . ' 1 1' nil I hi, i tm iii 1 1 hi i u use
.... UT...I l..o 'I'l... I I mm
riViin 1 on WeiiuiKiiiiy. mo town wim
liiirni'd I" coiiv(iicik:i. TIiIh po cy luis
lii'i'ii iidoilod und will bu rigidly oufoieed
in every likn ense,
,St. Louis, Si-pt. 27. Tlio Mlturv Cum
mission lor tliu trial of (Jen, MrKinstry
hurt iillort'ed the pi ociuiltnK to lie n purled
In thu liewxpiiperri. Tin lu in hut onii
chnri'ii of I'1 leel of duty. Tim spi vilint
(iiinn tiro over llfly In nuiiilier. (Jen. 'iy.
inout ill he Miiiiiinniiid n ll wilhiiw Id
bIioiv tlmt Mi'lvlnatry tided under his
New York, Sept. 27. The Timrt Ims
news from Winrlur-lir In Wednesday, 2 1 ill.
A lur'ii loree ol ri lid" wern tin rv, iniii-li
ili'iiioriili.i d and nilT.'i in;,' fur want if fond.
All th' ii't!r,IH in 111" lieililiinliiind lind
lireii iinpi'eNied to woik lit the furtilir.itiniis.
Tliu relief Wero lipplehi lisivu that lln-ir
I'niiiuiiiuii'iitioiiH mid Mipplim would he cut
tiff hy n tiiovtiieiit from Washington to
1,1'i'slnir. All pulihe hiiililin.'s nml n
liniliher of privalii ilwcllinH ill Wineliei.t' l'
wire used an military hospitals.
KnrtresH Monroe, Sept 20 - The Char
leston Mercury, of the 'J.'ilh, miv there aro
roiinils fur In-lit-viiitf that tiie eni niv aro
henilni lienvy riiiifiiieenieiilN to IMlon
j , n.l, mid hI.iiij,' the shore uf I'nunl r.vrr
1'itiel.iny Idaiid h now ueeupied hy luru
tiodies of troojii.
The lliehlliond Eiumincr, of the 2'illi,
Miys ItriifK with 10,(0)0 men is at (ilusuw
Junction, uud tluit Koiism'iiii h;is gonu to
meet him.
Tliu Nusliv;!le Union n inds ihe di (cut
of llr.ii hi eirlain, mid suy I hero are
JoO.OOt) Federal troo lutweiu Nnshvillu
uud Loilititill'i,
A hill pussi-d the Ciitifederute Cnn;'re,
nnlhori.iii' the Seeret iry of the Treasury
to ihsue copper co n of tint ilenoiniuation ul
fi, III, and i'j cents, to I lie uinouiit of $.",
Waliic(;ion, S. pt. 30.-1 he f.ii
I'flie nl reiui t Ims lieeu r.'i eivid hv t
A t South Mountain mr loss was IC!
killed, I.M10 and "G iusi;
At Aulirtnm, our k lied I'limlf n il 'i.filO; 1
wound' d, t. 1 1 ; iliiin, 1 Hit The los ;
of reliels at Soijtli MmitiUilt cannot he as- ,
rel t iioed wilh lucurili'V, hut lis our troops , e tin in, fniiil the ciiiiiuiiieeuieiit of the
in t .in, lyid us much pr ater iniinhi r of
their dead U. R Seen oil the Ii I I tlmil our
iwil, it is lint 11 ti ri ii II .1 1 to -.llppi'sc their
lnv.s wim uriatrr than ours. IStiuniliiie?
their kiil.d at .'ii'ii, in lint li-ht, the lotj
liiimlii r of rehi Is L lh d in the two h illh s
would he 4,0(10 According to the rati s
sd our own killed ami wound, d this wniild
iniike tln ir Ihs in Wouliihd lit, 700 As
nearly as can he drlciiniui d, the nun, In r of
iiri-om-Tfl (liken tiy imr, in the lu!
Iialtlrs, was, i,( l.-ii-t ,-,,('00j', l.'OO
Mere wounded. This ni.ik' s r Oi l In.s in j
killed, wounded nml r soni rs, 'J.'i.filJ It
in iy In mifily eoiiihul.'d llial tin: r hil
urmy lost at least IIO.O.'O of tin ir la st
troops from thu tiui" our troops hr-l en i
eoiiiiti red Ihenieiiiy in M iryhunl until tin y .
were driven Inn k into 'ir nil. We cup- j
lurrd 13 nuns, 7 caiviiis, s I',',) i olor, :
mid one (cejnul II iif We h.ive mil .it a
iin;!c etin or color. On lull I ! foil of
Antielain 1 1,0(10 mi mi 1 1 anus wirocolhel
id. A t South Mollntuill, no colleelioii of
Milall HI us waii Hindu owin.' lo Ini'-te ol
pursuit fiomlhiil point. Mi I'l h i in.
r.altiuiore, Sept. !H) Harper's Ferry
is now held in hii'i: forcii hy our troops
and is evideiilly rcgarJ. d as an iiiiporiant
l'liiladelphiu, Sept. 2'.).-It is nrnoreil
that the cxitinn quietude in the mniy l
on account of Couimininucrs on thu way
from Confedernle Con;:ress to propo-e
terms ol peace, s.nnelliiii,', the
States to take all the Terrilorhs, Missouri,
Teunessec, Kentucky, lilul Mnryland, the
col ton States to have ft ConuTi ss of their
own, to ri'Kul.ite domestic affairs only. In
nil other thing's to he naiu asono n piirate
people for ilcfciiMVii and ofl'ensivii opera
dons against other countries. To he in
unity in matters of p istae and revenue
wTvico thu mi mo ns lieretolore. They
pledu themselves to return all (overiunent
properly as they lound it. In inhlilioii, to
he represented in Our Congress iiceoid;ii(,'
to their white population.
Chiea-o, Oct 1 The. rumor tlmt rcliel
r',.,i....i.y iim.ra ii ro nil III.' W'llV fl Olll I!. I'll-
iiioiid to treat for penro is prohahly m'lisii-
tionnl, ond was leleb'raplied yon hy mis
la kit.
Ciueiniiatl, Sept. 30.-(Jcii. Morgan
left Cuinherhind (Jap two weeks nj,n, and
is supposed to ho innrehintf north easterly
towards Portsmouth, Ohio. Ho hronejit
nway all hisntores uud hlockeJ up the (1'.
so as to render it iinpn.ssiihk
New York, Kept.:iO.-27,O0O troops have
left tho city, hut their iliHtiuntion Is not
stated. A Washington letter douhts the
rumor iihout Lee iiinkin n serious move
ment. Soys 110,000 troops left U "shmtC
ton lust night In one. direction nml nnotlicr
body in nnotlicr direction.
Tim Slnr says it Is jrenerally helieved
hero Hint Jeff Davis is ahout to send .ill,
001) troois on forced ninrclies neross tho
(imuiiliiins to Wlieelini?, tin-urn to 1 itt
Imrjr nml Cinclnnnti-theu fonnin
tion with Ilniftf tind Kir1y Smith in Ken
tucky, . ,
Thu Slur Intimates HcinUclmim in m
ioslllon to Intercept n iiiovrinent or tlio
rok-I nrmy towards Ulrhmoml.
I'he newspaper curriers of Sun Frnnciseo
Inivu Miliserihid $020 to Ihe patriotic
Ui'i-Kii nr. Thu L'uion, (,'npt.
.1. I). Miller, wu leal n will iniike r yulnr
nips id nuii-tii ami inti-i iiii-tlnitu points
during liili water. Thu iveciit rains have
raised thu Wilhitni'tto so us to eunhle liout t
to run to mid nhmu Salem.
Mil ti Um Mnnltary ('.aniintsslnn,
I'uiii nil l.i no lie.-, ii in... linjr uf IuiI i h nml -
lii-ui. II i f I Irrij'Mi l ily wiih In-Ill nt Ilia ( null
It.i.illl mi WimIiif luv evi-llinir, (I I hill, unil oil
in.ilimi II IV, 'I'. M.illii. k w.ii ii.i.iiiili-il cliuii--
inioi unil !. W, Crui H. i-M'iio'y.
Dr. Sl. i-U, mi lialiull ul' III., luilim, siliiiiii-il
tliu titij.-et nf llin ui.-iiUn:;, wh orli wu in fiinn un
iihm i o I mo in ul. I of lli-j IJ. S. .s'uiiiluiy Cuni-
Mi. ,ii ml Ire-..- wrri? unit.. Iiy W. C. .I.iIiiih..ii,
!: .; II. AikuiH.,11, It. v. C. tl.Klr.illon, J. I
I. n.. i v, mil it. n, MiiikH'-iolii-r, wlmli weic
IikI. n .1 I" W illi nil. um iiiirri'nt hy Out uiiiIidiii-ii.
lr Sle.-lo ("iK-iikuw lor lli.i l.nli.j lli.-u iiiuv.d
llin M.l.i'tl.ill nl llin I.i.luwin i!iiu uf liMMiriarun,
uinl Hint tlie i.iuii hi. m'iit..! Iiy nil in tin- ir.iuiuy
luvuiiil.!.- tn tin. ul.jeelii c nilriiijutli-.l, w.k
iitiiiiiiia'.iin'y UjiriM-il l.i.
I We iiik e.iiuji -ll.-il In limit tlm r. nilntinun llii
Week III. ) WITH l'lll'lll-cl III thu Arjjun III' iSl-ll.
'.'lull, nml uo in. iv ii-iiililinl tin un nesl erk.
'I'lie iiw.nei,itia in lu lii-cilli-.l " (.'Inekuinui (.'dim
ly .Wnemllnll III Alii nl'lhe Sallitliry l'(illllllii-l..nlil"
lu he iiinli-r tli- (Miiiiul "fa llnunt of .M.iuugm,
a I miMiii-r, nu.l a S.-.-t. lury J
'I'ln l.i.l nl neviou iiit-i-lii.i; hu.l re-miUi-il,
Ul, 'I'.i niililnj li-vi-.-N, (ini-n u ui-i-k,
l ul Mime e i. lu lp li.-ieiifli r (lei.'iiiiiii.-.l; '.'.I, 'l u
: Kl.rllll llic eVellillli I'l II H'liy llj-rt'l'llll!.- ltlUllfelvi
.1.1, 'I'l iiH i't nl 7 unil uilj.'in ii at III r. X i till, A.l
: iiiiIIuii.t fee. Iii Ii mil I. sd limn mis ilium, and
h.i'l iiImi mini ii .I. i n linnol uf ,M iinii.'i'K of u-it -I
llrim ii, n fiillnwn: M.-Mra W. VV, lluek, .1. (i
I Ciiiulili. II. Ci-ii Lnvrjnv, Or. Il.ireliiy, Or Nidi-,
I V. I'. Il.iii.-iil, W, I'. Iliirnn, 'l li.m. (.'Iianumi,
1 A.U'uint-r, W. C. J.iliasnii, .l.m Wumluii, J. r.
1 lliiilur.l. Win. I iinil. .ill'. .). I). I..K-.V. Win.
S lull..' k. 1'ie.l. ( liainimi, uu I W. II. I'ailtuW
I ,Mr. I'. CIiuiiii in v.i iiiniiiil.ili-il In r.-ri-ivo pro-
ilu.-rj Mr. Ilurloi.l u; Mr. W liit'.n. k un
i XxK.m.iiil Smrtni v: Dr. Merle '1'irm.urrr, lu
n-.-eive liin.N, uinl iy llio .ilno oirr uuce
w. i k In III.' S.ui l.iry (,'..iuui 'miuii.
AH "f will, ll Hue '.-li.'ll ullll nnillillilti'ills Were,
mi iiiuIiuii, e.'ii'-nil'- l in Iiy tins ini-. liiij, Hi-m.rori
On ni.ili"ii uf W. ('. JuliiiM.ii, Muiiu;iii!
(', .ilini ll. i un ll.e mi! uf llid wiia ii.nal
; I in lii'luwa: .Mm fiiui;, Mi. .Sl.tlr, .Mm.
' rmi.i.VII, Mm. Ilii-nl 'ill'. Mr". II. inn.
Tin- in. Win.: llu-ii o.lj.inriird to li.rel at the
. Cil.irl Hume IikxI l-llll. nlny rvruiim, I'cl. I.
I.m li oni-1 r jni-f.U! to hmi' o e..nd lor h 'lit-
in I tn dull.
Anility, w.iulil iafunii tin- 'J'uK imvcru ufnui.l
county tlmt Um T Imve b.-on pLced in
ni iiuiiiih, una nil I ido-ii urn ru'airod lo ha juiu lo
him within KI.XTY JiAVS, ul tlm end iif which
linio diiliiiuuiiiil luxes will be InrneJ over to Ilia
Kherill fur collection.
Oii-ijoii Cily, Oi-t II, 1HG3.
no orzvivc on. calomel.
Dr. Win. irull'H Kiikiiu for
tlio luiitrs lias no of i mil us u
citK. uud is
ully tulapU'd to the constitu
tions ol' ii'iiiules unl tliosi!
8iilTei'iii from consumption
or any lung complaint. (Jivo
it a trial.
mkdingtox & co.,
Whiik.sule AijentH, 410 und 418 Front nl.,
Sun 'tiuiicnco.
iVcirr Dcblithiks.
It icijiiiiuiiii.l.-i inliri'ly fruia OUMS.iinil hu
heciinin un Phliihlinhi'd fu'M, a Klu'i'lurd liiclicine,
known uud npiiuvril Iiy ull Unit linvo uud il, mi l
now rerotiL-,1 lu with cunlidt'iini in ull llio dm-
ru-in fin- w hii ll it is ii'i.-oiuiiii'iiilid.
It hui i nre.l llious-
alula within III" lin-t
Inu yeum whu Inul
ivra up ull lii''i' of
relief, an the iiiniier
oiis lilii"ili"ili-J Cl-ltif-
icilles ill lliy l'sCHIt-
ioa shuw.
'I ho d.i" tn not bo
ttlitiliol to thr Ii-iii-.i'rmn'iil
"f llio lukiui; it, unil
ur.l in mu ll iiiuali
lien un lu net L'.-nlly
on I he IiiiW i-Ih.
l.i-l llio da lilies of
Loyalty lo the Union !
WE have j tut received a lurgq and splendid
uwortment of
G O O D 8
udnilcd lo the wiiiiln of the country, which w
will he liu.iy to excliunge ut the lowert inarkel
Lciil Tender Notes.
J-jy We would ulo inforni our old ft iendit thut
we icceivo I,i-ul Tinder aoleii in nettlemeiit of
old uccouiiii', i.e.
Oregon City, Oct. -1. IMJ'J.
II In shmi'd not rvrrti man, lenn iu, i-lrl.l hu Ii i" any do-' ""- of lh stela,
, -iii-i.I hy an iin uie mule of IIik hl sal. have
, , I., r-l'OVII.I.'S 111.(11)0 AMI
' l.ll;lt SVI.l I', that best of all pur liersf
.V ilT, r no more, nlltiri. .1. l.m r -il.'f" 3 ur
1 hi, l,e usiin? St ll.l. S 111.00 H ' X lit '. ll nev. r tm!
I.l. fl,-.ul rll'.-ClK. III IIIMIT.IN
V,.i. III! ami IIs' I'l""' l . sia I rune
l,iiiis,i''-i"-r rrirriinns how
1 l.real, mil We
eiil inj aitenlieii lo liH'i'. wciM,
y our j itdiiiinil (rai.le
you la ill" use of the
l.iver Invigiirutor,
und it will care l.ivcr
couiiluinl, a'.
tueks, d y r pe p h:u,
0 h r u ii i c diHrrhdM,
suiiiiiur cuiupluinb),
dyn-iitery, dro p y,
sour atuinucli, h ibil-uaU-OHlivt
cli'il.-ru , eliolern irtor
bua, cholera inf.uit
iiiii, llutulriicy, juuu-di.-etfeinulu
uud limy he aue-
cewfiilly an an iiidiimry I'jinily un dieine. ll will
i-ure nek heuiliiche u tliuuaiiiiaa can UKiiiyj ill
tvii nly iiiiuiiIrD, if luu .r Ihree U asiooafuli uro
taken ul coiuiui-nei-inent of nlliick. i4ll who uo
il are Riving th. ir lestiinony in il fuvor.
H i wuier in Hie uionlli with the no iguratur,
nml nwiillow h.'lli toellnr.
UT I'riee, $1 p. r h..tlle.
( oMI'Ol'MiKD 1'IIOM
l'ure Vtgdnbk Extracts,
Put in k'lu- cusi-, uir nhl, and will keep in uuy
'I he Family Cullurlie Till i a ceatle bat active
ciitlmrlie, w liu Ii the prnir, haa used III Ilia
prurliec inure tlmil IWealy yeura.
I hc rousluiitly luereasiui; uemaiia limn nene
who lime limif 'ed llio 1'lils, ami Ihe
due lelereaee lo mm
Will latubhalud fuel,
been c u tn poiui.led
from a varu IV of the
purest vegetable ex
tracui, vtliicli act u
I ke on every purl uf
the ulimi-iitiiry ennui,
and are oudaad ittl'e
in ull i-u.e when, a
calhartic is ueedtd,
un Ii aa derion'-iiien's
all pur liersr
I r-ilorn juir
.00) AS I) I
U lo pr.ilavl. I
I rniieivo
.I lli, ul: il i-. tn iimke k"""
iher.-f-ie m
I ,e f... t ll. il lu lll-IIIC lllllf
.1 I, it i nnlv .e.''".rv III UhP
i!i:i)tsnns .Yo .v v: ivr row.
.'. In even- r.p.'t it rvr'.t all .inilar I
pr.'.u" ever oil' red lo the I
,Vre the adveiiw uinil in uuu'.hi-r eoliiiini
uf lln puis r. ut
tin ilie t'.ib inst ,bv l!ev. Tin". II IVurnc, at
.1,., ...... I. , ut tlm ho.le'a tllllief, Hon A. S.
a ..he ..I tli.k I'ouil. W.T.J .ha II. Iliew
. r, I m , i.f .sail rruiieonu, l',ilif..rii u, lo Mi
Murcaii'l .1 A'.ein.-tliy.
I'tir tlio ru'iicllt of t lie
Miirlin Wizard
M lmitlie li'imir of ana.iiiii.ini; I" 'In'
'a.... I i:..i.i:,..i.rn of liei!.iii fit V mid vi-
! ciiiiv thai h- II i;oe one of ln popular ami
vmii-.l i-nleil i u in- ins of
Jlagic and .Vystcnj!
O It
A Night lu tho Wonder World J
it vis.iiii:ti.N MAI. I,. ON SA IT It-
Tiyellier wlli iniiuinrriililo leeina In
riii.'"!""" M'diitniail 1'igum:
. ,. ..... ...81.00
t v- li.,.,rr oisii at 7 oVIwk-l'uiiaili lu ne
k ii
nl . o'oliK-k.
Tubfic Auction.
Iteiiiiati'iul lnl"vc inv prnn ws fr "'' n
' An L.i ..I KAIt.MINd t'll'.N-
rATViX noKSKS, ...)I SK....I.0
...... i i-i ii.- .1 . u l.i.'li I hliull I" ' I liee.l, I
. r-ll the ..-. l rulilHi Aufilio Ill
,Jrt bi.l.ler. Sale M Hike , PJ '"VI'
of (ICTOlllllt, coaaaeni'ing al lea cluck ul Ihc
fine noun. i: . ., .i
.i... i'...v i-mnbiaei Iteiiiieraii.l Mower, Willi
Wood.' Iiupiovi meal, in perfeel orders
(In. Se!d Kuwer, lievolviag ll
.iielareeH-lior-e Tl.r.l.ii. Mueliiu-, beat
i ine I inii.'riii e " , , , ' ;,,
N, oi emlil I'lmvl. il.ll-r.-lll mii.ia. n... T.-..-,i
One ur two Kami ViiK"iii
whieh ull ispte-.ii ill
renii'l lo Ihe.r uie,
l..m la.liiced mo to
pluee limn Willi. Ii the
reiieh of nli.
The pr fensioii well
know llial dill'-reiit
catliarliea aet on d.f-
fereiil poitii'iu of the
The l'aniily Ca-
tluili.- I' ll li". Willi
of the a nui.icli. sleep lien, p.iun in Iho b.i- k nud ,
luiiii, c.tivnii-M, puns una ..renea over tl.e j
whole Ii.nIi. Iioiii sud leu cold, wjiich frequently , i
if iii-uli-cted, i u l ill a lonif coanie of fever, loss of
ii.etile, a ereepini; w iisuuoii in com iner uio re tlesmiei-s, lltucaiue, or wc cm in in"
hend, all iiill.iiiuuatoriy d ' ase, worim ill chil
dren or adtilla, iheuimiliMii, a t-reut of the
I.Io. d, and n.iiav dii-as alo win- ll lle-h n lu ir loo
liiunermii lo meali -a in ll'"" advert enu lit.
0,e, 1 tu :i.
fit. IIKUh IMll-...
The I.iver Iiui;'ralor and I'ainily Calhartic
I'illn are eold by Oiuti!islever)Wlieri.. ana uy
ur.iiiN(.rn iv i.
.Vo'e .-t'-nin for (be Paeifi.' cout,
i 111 Jt IIS I'runt at., Xan l-'ranciico.
I) li. )VM. Jf ALL'S
Halsnni fo:' the liiins
WIM, UK OI'UNKD, In the Sislera' new
School Kooin, on Monday, A'epl.
It m ti.lely In accnuiiodute yonni; children,
boH mid t;iils, Irmii nine yean and down.
I'liiicipal hiunelieii of lusti ucti.ia, viz: Primer,
Heading, Spelling, Wr.tiiii:, Mental ami Practical
Arilhuielic, and Prinriry (ieogi-aphy.
I' euro and atleutioa will be obnerved ia
Ihe children' deportment mid hubita.
Ternu of 'I'u lion, gli put teim. Teacher fint
term, M hi 11. P.muiin.
lOIiti ICS liAItCI.AV,
OrepoiiCily, AiiKitS-l. .S'upei iutcndetit.
Sr. Baker's Fain Panacea
Is cnumosi d entirely e,f liialina oiiins, and vi-eela-
hlo uds un i heilw. Jl is p' tfeclly aafo for the
most d'-licale lo uso. I cun liio-t ainceiely nay
thut 1 have never known any, however delicutn,
to bo injur, d by il in the least. I W.II continue lo
unk tl.e nlllicted, who liuve not u d it, lo try it
f..r the lollowim uucasea, If Ihey arc not ul
fed with il" heal iij proiertie, the money will be
cheeifully refunded by the og.-nt where Hie medi
cine ia for sale.
If vou Imve puiu ia the Stoinu li ur Itowela,
try a dose of Pain Panacea iuiernully, bailie ex
ternally over the parts ullecUd, ami you will ut
unci; resloro the propi r action and relieve the pain
If vou have a ur Wound, b.itlmit Wei
ullll the I'uin Panacea four times a day. It will
.,.!'.. v. ih i.uin. ami tuke out all the po'son, and
deal t)ie wound in a abort lime.
If von are iuiK-rini! from Neurulgia or Rhcu
matic Pa lis, apply the Pain Panacea freely, and
lake a dose uf it internally, morning noon and
nielli; il will not only cure Ihe pain, bul will re
move the cause of the disease.
If you have the Dynpepoa, and your food di-
resour a'.oinuch after eating, taku a done of
P"in Panacea afier each meal.
If you have a Cankered or Sore Mouth or
Thrnul, upplv th" Pain Panacea to the ullected
parts, and Barbie the mouth or throat three orfuur
times a day.
It you have the Dinrrha-a, or a relaxed itale of
the bowels, lake a few do of Pain Panacea,
and they will -un be restored. If you have a
prriful twelling. buihe the patta freely, und you
will ojoii relieve the pain, und the swcll nj will be
redn. e.l. If you have a severe tootli-uche, uppiy
the P.iiu Punucia on a p ece of cotton, and b-iihe
the k'um at tliu aame time ; if will atop the pain
iiistaullv. ,
If ou have a puiu in the Ilreujt. Side, Il.ick, or
Ki.ln'i-y-.ballie the partaafT . led iiiorini; and night;
ul the tune lane tiko ad.cufllie 1'au.vea in
trmiilly. , .
If a Mother has a Caked breast, ap;.ly llio Pum
Panacea as hot as call be home.
If ou feel chilly or coll, as though you were
peine" lo have a fever, take a doav of Panacea.
Il vou huve a wound, cut, or pulla on your
hoise, apply Ihe Pain I'aaiCea: il will tuke out
nil ihe iiill i'ination. and heal Iho aore in a ihort
t ine, r-old by ail ihe pr.ncipal drui:g n, and by
lil-:i)IN(iTOX, it CO., Agents,
41C nnd 41r4 Front Street, San Francjco
S A 11 S A P A 1 1. L A
Homesteads and ValuaLle
Heal Estate.
BulldlBi Lola from StO lo S'lOO tachf,
Also, 50 Vara Lots und F.nlirt Blocks of
IkauUful harden Lanu!
in the cily and county of
ON Iho lino of the Son Jos? Itailroud, at the
The title is absolutely PERFECT, beinga Span
ish (Jrunl, finally confirmed and patented by the
United Stntea.
The Hhafter Hill respocte this Title,
The Cily Authorities respect it,
The lJimricl CoiirH and
iiupreinc Court of the
United Slates respect it.
Beside, the
Title his leen forever quieted iy a Final
Decree and Judgment against
the City!
so thut there ia not even a cloud or shadow upon it.
Whoever purchase one uf Iheso Ion will buy a
lot und not a lawsuit.
Office No. 19 Nagleo'a Building, corner of
Montgomery and Merchant atreets, San Francie
l:!...yi IIAHVI-'.V K. I1HOWN.
Office at the
Danncnbaum it Ackerman.
' Sprin
1HB scinonof this spring and ummer a trade
approaching, pardon us in presenting to yuu
our card. We have now the choicest, most varied
and most extensive stock of Goods ever offered to
the people of Chickarin county.
We are receiving, by every ateamer, addiliotia
lo our stock, from San FranuiKO, nud thosa w ho
will take the trouble lo Call, can satisfy themselves
that they can do better with ua than they can do
hy going lo Porllund.
(Oppmile the Methodist Church,)
Drug, Medicines, Patent Medi
cines, Kerosene, Camphene,
Burning Fluid, kc, tc,
...AT Tll...
Cbarman, Warner 6l C.,
Di:a'.cr In Dry Cioolf
Clothing, Hardware, Crockery. Glastvart,
llooli, Shoes. Paints, Oils, tc,
In their fire-proof Crick Main tit
oitEuo.vciTy, oreoon.
...F. Charmun, having united hia...
to the establishment of Charman &, Warner, tin
firm will now carry on busineaa in all Uie above
mentioned bruuehea, in lliis cily, hopr'ng by otriol
attention to business to merit the continued lavor
of their old patrons, and aa many new onea a
Clio. to come forward. No paiua will be aparad
to give satisfaction to all our customers.
t'oMiiuiiiirinn, .tni, -iA'-'.r su-fura. .s-i.rijr
Moid, HI". ' oiiv. iiiiiiiru.., ..,
in M' Vnif. ! "It Porutf oj
tkr l.ung:
Hi- Win. Mali's I'.ubaui for the I.ungs, in nil
eie,i;ies 'he bis' of utif.ietion.
lr. Win. Hall's Ilalsam for the l.un.i
..,..,,,,1,! more cures since its inirouucnua
any ulher coii-h niedioiiie.
Dr. Win. 1 lull's Ha'saui fur the l.ungs i en,dbv your phyHciaiia aa Ihe
and be.l'rein ly llowlietoie Ihe public
Mood y hirer Syrup.
" T i hereby recommended by Phyiiciam to
1 cure the following diseases having their on
g a ia a diwrdered Ute of Ihe bhs.l :
-...L... I 'I. nud Enlarirement of the
Jo.nts. Cancerous Tumoia. l-.rysipelus, Kinj a I
Evil, St. Amlioay s r ue, hiti- Mve.nng'. uo
tiiiale Krnplions', Pnnples o:i Ihe Face, Ithen
iniilisin, llloteliei, Pustules. Hjs-p.ia, etc;
Siphiluic and Meicurial Alleciioiia am i-nred;
(Miioro-isiT ohstractioiis in females; Lenchor
rlien or Whiles, are relieved l) the use of tlm
Mcdeiue. .
I I,- n.e.lieul nrorerliei of Sarsnpardla m con-
aafist j with Stilluigia are well known by all
a.... 1 ir- .1 tllMTi til he Ihe best compound yet discov-
Uie liluoa, auu erau cuie i
.voir 0PEXISG AT
Danncnbaum 6t Ackcrman's,
Oppotite the Main St.lfouit,
...consisting of...
Dry - Goods,
tlie newest styles of
Sl'CH A3
Fancy Poplins, Bareges, Deleges,
figured delain, ull and half wool French merinoa,
French lawns, brilliantiuea, figured and plain
.Marseille, S i and jiconet muilin, a luri;e n
aorlment of French and American calicoa, brown
linens, bleached uud unbleached muslin,
Silk Ijutinet., Cloaks, Shawls,
and Silk Mantels, and a large
assortment of straw goods,
embroideries, col
lars, sleeves, ttc.
A Large Assortment of
Ladies' and cLildren's Shoes,
Gloves, kid and calf Gaiters,
Ladies' head dresses,
corsets, etc.
Notice-Settle Up!
1 LT. the! owing CiuaMAS ANa
l F. Ciiarma.i, will pleaae come forward and
make aettlomi-ut of their indebtedness, without
delay, no that you can all commence dealing with
the new firm of
Charman, Warner cfc Co.
All our debtor will ce the nccewity of attend"
ill'' to this call immediately.
Oregon City, Aug. 24, 18C1.
Justice's Office,
I AM atwavaon hand, and will atlend loth
Drawing up of Deeds, Mortgages,
Leases, Bonds, Powers of
Attorney, Contracts, fcc,
and all other busine committed to my cara.
OIKet directly oppotite the Matonie Building,
June 10,1860 J. E. Hl'RFORD.
(Ou Main itreet, and formerly tho " Main Strart
rpHE traveling public are respectfully
L invited to Rive me a can.
House ia the most pleas-,
anlly located hotel in the Slate, and has been m
arruued as to make it one of the moat commodi
ous houses in the country. .....
THE TABLE will alway ouppuea wim
the best that Ihe market affords.
Good accommodation for lame ana limine.
Board and lodging, per week $6 00
Board, without lodging, per week 5.00
Hoard per day, wiih lodging 10
Single meal "
XiC",,,l0dsine rBOEilM.
Dcc.l-,1SG1. rroprietor.
.. i
... . f ereu lo cieause ...... f, .j
Dr. Win. Hull ll;."-i;n M me .n. 8 , ,,, ,,, fri,m ,K. ,y,te,n,
n-e nmi.n iiiiioren, u.... -
ehronie puliuonary diseases.
Rim I'YniiniNCo, Sopl. 29,-Roino cm
liloyci'D of tlm Uns Cmiinny wo " 1,0
proaccutt'd lor nlti!iiitinK t' n r.iovo n nm
tiT from clKr lioi, tliu proprietor ImviiiK
insiHtcl on pnyinn hi K '" 111 lrc,,Nl,ry
Tlio Klnmp Act gne into op.-nilioii on
Wctlii.iHiliiy, lint no tmiP ,,,"'n r?'
cvlved In lliii Hluto. All truiiKnctlonn In
tho nnturo of cont win nnd coiivcynnrcH
will liovo lo l.o suspended until Um tnmn
a n
Hiram, of l!ic llrma of AVrn-tliy, '
lt.i...i I'aa.
Cider Mill. Corn Sln llcr, ami u.r,,. ..-
toll ing I lav Itakei
One set ilhickunilh'a Tools)
'I'wospun largo Wnfk Hnrr"i
Due span ;i-yearoi.i anirn".. .
H or H J nml 3 year. .hi American How ami
'"r''"!.....:.. ..,.1 Q .nrkiinr coll American
il jeoiiiiiK" " -
'".'.T' . no I.....I ...,L -n.lle from 1 lo 3
'J.I or J" Ill-no I"""- -
n m . i... f iWliolil Furniture,
Tog.- ner wiih - . -, .,..f,.i
l,H,U..&o,uillin.noro.m olhrr article, useful
""JZ! ... k...,iaii - i"i" 'o" '!'w
duiitie-. '',r',,,7
Mnlalla Hlntmn.
lir Win. Il.ill' H.'lsniu (or ihe I.nm:s brings
il,,-rrtificalrsi,l,ni"l.l iilynr H" wonlerlul cure,
in all purl of Ihc ouiiUy.
The m .re slr.kiuu' pr.f of the iiit.ins'c worlh
and encellence of Ur. m nan "''" "'
.i... in ihe iiiiidiiv wilh which it be-
,J s . .... . '.I I. There
(onus a liivoruo won I"" "
i, noihing of a similar liatur m "a -
,it into the simile mien me .." " , "'
lh,ir..ui!hlvlesl.,l. I ne a-.-eu.
country over, in ..t.rii. m;w Wl'W.
very enlhiiMasti.-in Us lavor, a'ng. " - J
the thing ', II f 1 rn,nn ' " 11
'y The''punl,.ser should ''''7r;r'7'V('J
for. und lake none I..H Ur. H-I.l AM l"
ll M.SAM I (Ht Till- i.i''" '
tuiilrd lo give alisf.irli.;ii or the money returned.
Forialeby all I 'rug'."-h
Sole Agenl",
4lfi and 4IS Front lre.-l,Sall rrancisoo
hi very ami Vcvd
rtVW. tindersignoJ having- purchased the la-
1 hie .rnp. riy on MXHI sireei, ue wr-,
anil Waier. tnear llals.on My.) knwu i a.
the liihson A Puller l.lvery Stabl... would Inform
Ihe public Hint the '" " now "I'"" """" "
"'I - - u.
Gents and Ladies' Nuiuic Jiorses,
r,u."ie9 and Horses, anil
We have given Ihe recipe to mosi puisici..
Ihc country, that thry may know what they are
using and' will continue lo send it by mail to those
drftiruus of knowing the ingredient, enlenug into
ii.oon.p-siiion, that they way prescribe it m
III. ir practice. ,.
Thispr. p iralinn land. at the head of the list
of reme.lie. fur curing nil dicac. ari.-ngfrom lm
punlie.oflhe blood or diseased matter lurking in
the i .If in. . , .. .
Thousands who have used tlio Stilhngia and
Hiirsanar.lla will Ictify to ita rftn irkable firectin
moving all i.npnrnie. from their blood, giving lone
nnd v.gorto the whole human frame, and lestor
ing a lu-ulihy action to nil Ihe funcliom of the
The l.-slinioi.U! received in il favor from many
inemhersof tho Medical Faculty- would, wera wu
to thrm. l"R voluim':
It prepared under tlic.up. rvi.iou of one ontie
oldest un I lif'l practical chemist, in the rountiy,
(Mr W S Merrill, ("inc nnali.) an a lo insure a
uniforn.ily of coni-o.ili.'ii nnd purity in all the in-
'"'a.'", spring remedy, to purify and cleanse the
blood leaving it free from nil humor, nnd imparl
lies, we assert with coulidenc. Iheto U no belter
rvniftlv. , ,
Sold by nil nrugiisi. and by
r.KlilXUTOX, At ( 0., Agents,
4lCaii.l4IM Front iireel, fun rraiicisco.
To whom all order .li.'iil.l be mlilre
Ilesloriny Gray Hair t! Us Orhjinnl Color.
1 lo 3 year
(lid. llw'J
- : I,n,t
ut At; h i'i' - y "', - II it m a N
. - .7 . ii.. Til.
Apply l w. l-.jwi"""! v ' '
all on reasonable term.. Also,
A Large AVagon Shed,
. . .. . . r... .,,,1,1,. I will en-
, accmninmi.i. ...o "?--;.. . ,.
denvnr to give general aiiM. Ho.. ...... ,
favor me Willi a call. .
Ther. will al all limn be an attentive hostler
on hand (by Hiiy, night, and Hunday) to wail on
" . n..,i. J hP by MiU-l altnliicil to bu.mrM
Sept. mil, m. "'" ..
MlW.O. I'rof. A. J. Ui'tJw would y to
,he ,.,de of Oregon Cily that he ha. returned
from C.rirs..., and having lh. rlrphant.
I. now ready to Riv J'iano fort.
,d Melodcon. Arr'y ' ih' llouM
ai.irvi'WTIlHHAm from fall
J. 1XU OFF. IT curn 11 ildnea. aud remove
all diiudiuir and 'ecurf from the head,
i. .iu... .n irritation of ilia cali. II cool ami
refreshf. lh. head, and Impart, lo Ilia Ijair
, . ....... .,n.milliril.
iieiiiiny. in..) -rr i.j..,ir
p H The nronoilie which rnmora tlandrull
and .oiirf from the head, allay irritation and fre.
the acatn fiom humor., render Ihi arllcle invaluj
.lu . lotion in all cutanron aireclion. itich
a. Itch, Rush, Halt Ith. uin, Chilblain, Kiy''P
.... ii...,.-,,,,,,. Hhinole. Ultra and 8llng of In
ecu, and all eruption of lh kin, aspeoially that
caused by POISON OAK. ,-,-.
The only genuine arlicla I. put up In 1 y
ii..iii... .ii.! ha. the wrillen .ignalura uf N.
MII.1. Ib original proprietor and msuufaoliirer,
nn iho label and wrapper. Hewara oi an P. .
dilTerenl -tyle, which i WllSn.nThn.
Wholesale Agent,
41(1 and 41? Trent ( reel, Pan rniueitfO
Gents' Furnishing Goods,
Hoots and Shoes,
Hats and Caps,
etc., &C,
Tngelhcr with tho
Largest and best selected stocu oi
CI o thi n 7,
...aunt ...
C.eni' uperfine French clelh coat ; gent line
silk mixed, and llarriaou'a caiincrc pant, and a
.Vfir style of
XII K vkl hi
lhnis Clothing,
Extra fine heavy black doeskin
pants, rtovis and Jones' shirts,
with and without collars, etc.
. i... ih. .tor. of P AN X EN B AU M you will findtha lateat
Kver brought to this place,
which will be told
Lowe r than can bo purchased in
Portland 1 1
All who niah toaa mod.rat. price., pleas, call
'"?, ""UT7.vor. w. will endeavor to ,
merit acontiniianc. ol lh ' rv ..,, .
Offgon Cily, April 13, "''
ttt V llir.HFIELP.
Terun deirou of getting GOOD WORK
done will do well to give me a call, a my wnola
lime i devoted lo the repairing of Chronometer,
Lever, Duplex, and Horizontal Watchea.
An awortment of fine English Watohaa, ani
also JEWELRY, on hand.
Clock, with weight, lo them. Jewelry mada
to order and repaired.
p.;,,- in nit the limes. I am thankful for
past favor., and hope lo giveaali.laction in futora.
O" Located al the old .land, opposite the 'Or
gon Hou.e,' OREGON LI Tm. nn .
.wcel and nutriliou.
z hcl
Equally adapted to
Ii UCK Wilt: A T ana inner can-,
GIXGEKUUEAD, aud cake of all kind.
Warranted fully equal to any ia
the market s
Ask for
ud take no other, if you would bava uniformly
Manufactured and .old at J;o'l "T.
Yeast Powders.
409 and 411 Clay ttreet, San Franciaoa.
TKES thi method of informing hi frlad
and the public generally that he
to lha .land formerly kept by Mr. Millar, .ar!jr
Opposite Charman, Warner co.
whu h he can
The Union Market,
. O 1 .lJ- -I auL
where h. i. prcnarfd o Keep a.i ....
and to eu me
., low a lha market will afford.
micu rr.a foiiiid.
. ........
3Icrino Bucks.
T II AVB a few thrw-quarl.r blood MEIUNO
1 UL'CK 1.AMH3, which I will all . "1
place la i mile, wert of .,,3
Pee 21. ISM. "' A0A3
5 to 1ft eta
. ... 10 eta
Oregon City, Sept. 9. 1H6H.
C boiK oul'thaantlr. .lock '"Xt
Dierdorff In thi. oily, h.v. removed to lb. to
proof brick lately oocupi.d by A. .
ihel, old .land. Q"t
Chairs and Bedsteads
Orvnrityept. 13,1503.