The Oregon Argus. (Oregon City [Or.]) 1855-1863, September 27, 1862, Image 3

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    Thcro it f'11""1 1,11 11,0 '"J'"1 ,S,"l,'H 11
laM of iiteti who Hcek liy political cuinU
C tloim t cMulmrruHH llio Govi-nmioiit mul
Li niil the ruliclH, im fur h they ran, In
tncompnwI'W ,u d,,M, u,!tlo" TI"'J' 1,0 ""l
rt to tliu unit ol linn", lmt would do
(Mi if thry ,,al1 W""'"""?' lM,M1 ol" ll,is
chrctt-r can lie foniul l Oivon m Hm
wt,r(). ,nt nil of tln'Hu will lind that llm
(joveriiincnt Ih In ruriirht now, and will Im
fl, ,oro hori'iifUT, to riivuinveiit their
jmlgnii nnil ultinmlidy lo iunisli tin-in in a
manner that will bo a lewioii lo traitors in
i! limo to I'liiim.
Kcci'iitly n " uViiiorrntii:" nieeliiijf whh
culled In rhiludil.liiii, uvoweilly for the
of innnnnriitiiiK mcsiirr ngidnut
21S XI. W0.,,',. liiitcst from the East.
. it iu in iiiiiv vuiim i iu mill -iiiti-
niilvinir Iri'ii Hiii'i'iOi iiliil lv tm-v Hie?
What American eillzcn can now rull ltiin- H''l''' 2. Total viduo of CovunmicnL
M ir it liwnian? Utiitm dcMiotinin, Turk- hUmvh tWmpiJ in Col. Liglilbourn'g re-
ish uliKolntimn, cannot viu with It. (Jill- 'Ht imitUid M Imlf it million dolluiH,
wimor America, yon lira hIiivkh! Your killed a,id wound.'d 100. Suit work bo
Iivih, fortune, and lil.ertien iiro at tliu mcr- tw,,,' l'lt ('lmrlctoi fell into
tho prosecution of thu wur. A H'nid ""'
Jiff puvia politician, were present.
Clmrh Jurrd IiitmiII wan one of llietu.
Ilomiid in n npeech on the occasion
" I y further, fellow cili.ein, tliul n
more corriiil Kovtrnnieiit than that which
now iv rim us never was in the United
States, nnd has been Neldom seen iu any
,;roifan part of the world. ( i' iinr
saw M ;') lnr .'''''' "f yl.iir lo
Jiwl as much cnrrulin us in thi.i
government of Mr. Linenln "
This is but u sinlo specimen of the
cy of 1'Vdcrnl ollleials. " Disloyal prac
tice!" Who shiill dellno It? If tliisrouses
not tho peophi to resistance, then wo rIiiiII
('east! lo liopo that America ulnill bu free
Tho suniu paper of n previous issuu had
already counseled resistiincu to thu author
ilicH of tho United tStiitts in enso drufliu
was resorted to.
Theso ('Xlraets sliow the treasonable,
character of tho Portland Advertiser, thu
Uorvullis Union, nnd the Kncim City Ro
niter. TIiimi papers mo of thu Kinun class
tin! rebel's hands, with liiro. quantities of
null. Tim works ure now beinjj run day
uml nijdit by rebels. This is in Western
Virginia. Thu Fcdcruls lost 10 pieces of
artillery lit Munfordnvillc.
On occupation of llurper's Furry by
liuriMide, the rebels retreated, leaving can
non and stores behind. Several hundred
J'Ydend troops were, ulso loll, whom they
did not liuvi; lime lo purole, They cross
ed the bridgi; which was unimpaired, mid
pursued tin: rebels us far us Miirtiii.ilmrjr.
" JfewlijHiirters Arimj of llie Putomuc,
Sept, 20. The rebel iirmy bus succeeiled
iu escaping from Maryland. They saved
ns those in California lo which thu use of the creator portion of their transports mid
carrioil oil all tlieir woumloiJ, except w).
llurinir the eiimiHoinont udiitisiluV ni'iir
ly every house in Shnrpburg was struck
by our chrlls. The nnine given to the
buttle is " Antiutem." Our lorees lind the
whole Held. Rebel loss is found to be
I'arL'reulor than lit first supposed fully
'J.r00 were found lying on the field, while
n much larger number were buried the
dav before bv their friends. Their killed
tin! (lovermui'iit malls luivu recently been
denied. The Albany Inquirer belongs to
the class of Hrcesh pnpi rs iu tlregnn, but id
more guard d iu its ( xpressions of tieahon.
The lessen liiught thu Albany l)eniocrat
luis not been lost. UpDIl the I lliuiiT.
Tin i'i) nru Home facts conuecled with the
recent c-lubii.hment ol tho mcc.sIi papers
iu Oregon, which It would be well to bear
iu mind. The
I'or (he Argut.
Our Hick ! Wounilrd Holdlrr.
From llie red battle-field, where theitneod M the
wrest, i
The call Inn g'ine out tbroogli tlie valley and
From the deadly luzara, wlicro the wounded onet
Ilelji, Ilruthrra! lliey cry ; ilmll wo liend not tlieir
We have tulked fur the causk, while our brothera
have lonrlit;
In treasure like blood? could mich unrvice Im boujrlit?
Sliull our hoarU not bo thrilled with their p liful
Hliull our wounded men die on thu fields of their
SIiull wo turu a deaf cur while our countrymen
Nor wipe, an we may, orne luar-dropt of anguinh?
A tliuuiuud tiini'S no: Is our iiiuinioou an I'oiu
Did w tuku up the cti.K without countiii; tlio
'Mil chinuor of truiiuieUi we heur from ofir,
Our lieaitlmuru not btaiutd with llie dualli-murlta
of wur.
Our brolln rH uml hularn!i! ar not iu the ntiife,
Hut we may ttivi' monk.V, hero olln rs give un.
Our Union Forever! thouijli deadly llie hifiit,
Our Union l'oiever! mid God Srm:i the
Uuiiit !
fpcfi'h. Its object wus cleiirly to raise n j llegii tor, ami Albany Inquirer linvo
lire in the renr for thu hem lit of the n In U. lutely lieon conum need. Not one of lliese
IngiTsoll was put under bonds lor his good i pnpors is supported by the patronage, it re
bclinvior. ' j ceives (loin the peoplo. Tl:'i is obvious
More overt nctH of treroiin run be h: eti ( uongli. Tliu orrau of truisoii ut I'orlland
every da) hi thu rein I prints of Oregon Ins long Ihmii a rickety concern. Its edit
(tea. Wr ght, coinmaiidiiig this depiirtuient, iiih nod publishi rs since it espoused .lelT
lias been directed to arrest and (,'oiilino all pavisistn, have been legion. Most of the
mid wounded will not fall short of 18,000
Corvnlli l;nii,ii I'lon!,!. or 2",0tO.
n I .... .... . i IIP II I
I he relief ienefnls lUptev, uiKcr, iinu
Hayes wen; wounded, and Walker killed.
Frederick, Sept. 20. Considerable fir
hit; was beard across the l'otomue. lJiii n
side is on the Virginia side, and pursuing
Cairo. S lit 20. On Thursday, Gen. I!oe
rimm iiinri lird from Corilitli ill direction of Inka
(Mum.,) when ho met Gen. f'like with l.'i.Oi.O
rebeli, who ai ciiu d to be iiuiri'hiu; toward l.nn-
. ... .1. .1.- ..r T...t..ifll- null
iruilers say that they liuvo lieeu taken in ., . KpmI1cl a, 4 o'ci, y,.,.
ns liubliilcrs on pri tense that it WUS the terd iv niorninj, kirinihiii5 commeiiced, which
i .i ii .,. f, ,,. larird till iiiKhilall. Kutly ih morniiig the li-ht
only way they could fiecilio pay for their . ,, ,,, whp ,,e enunyRuve
WOtk. Theprisrnt ostetisible editor is utl wv, re'.reiiling noulhward. Fideral low is about
.... ... i i. Ml(i killeil anil wounded, ltebel Intel not ascer- .lull, wttuoiiiygump.wn Uu,i,wJrd our.. A.non the rebel
to butcher the Kuglish l.iugiliigi) to death, rnmialtiin ari'Oen.l.ltlle, formerly Gov. of Mm
... , i r kille.l: lii u. Wli ilield w virely wounded and
mulls merely uu mrHiini us n son m ... . ,.. ,,.m,UK,,i
. , , . - I IIIIMIlin III "Ul im'iH". I
do o, inereiore, we pmee no oiume upon , ( ,() t.0Vl.r t, ri. i,,om or tllL tri o- o, army is in full uruit, and hopen are enter
' l.i tl !.- ...... I I . . . . ii . . i ... . l. ..(.) ... !..
. .. , , , .; ., , Uouubhi urtuhs in the aper.
ji-ri.' tHtit V'l arc tl kr Unit Hit Ii Unit- 11 ....
All tilings logi'incr snow uuiv uie
h iuhrsol llie m ci sh party in Oregon, still
Imping and winking for the success of trea
son in the Soulhi ru States, ure indulgin.'
ragiigcd iu disseminating treason Mii't
not a government nisluin ilself? Hear
what the Portland organ of seccsioii snjs
rtliosu nominal editor is but a stupid, illil
erato bloi khcud, Irotu bihit d whom un u
ilaiuiing chiirucli.T fpout llnir treason):
"(Jen. Wright is, no doiilit, oiiliii d to
lumrd that wi' bull at kasl bo ublc to topture Ul
i iiemy'a uiti lei y
of II Siikjutittiiif; mlinf IIV Kifuk til ly"'
ul Jit tun ii, uol us do it mtithnt brntulh
the lirunh' Ituh, ami ivt mistakt ijur nil
or if ii'M lurfVr this vilt nffirtxtion, u hu li
It miXP mtlMirwn in r.uir .vuir i.' , . , .1 . ,i ., ...;ti .... 1 ,I.. in
, , ... ., ' ,, , ) ,, 1 he d. lusioii tlnit liny will yet lie o'lie to
(lire, n IhhIu S'lhl'i tltr'l up 111 lif r.Au'i U i ' 1
InjuJetif rr. by ill,,, on I l dt,,nn ''nny out the di s:g.l Hot long mice nil
ynuo' your daimt on mtrt lltjniklit in nouiieed by Jo lme, " to hirt Orfjnn on
iiunViiiii." j il? jl,it;'rm if iht CuuftJeratt Suites."
Here is u d rect nppral lo the dMyulisN . '-.s(. ,.,, s Jong ngo, had their incnsures
Linos, 011 the deuih of the child of Mr. and
iMr& lladlook.
l!i ing liny flnwera lo (trow above her,
A fu r a bud at carlh bid bloom;
Aching are the bearta that love lirr,
Clnllfl by vapors from tho tomb.
Though biller lianl it in tosparo her,
Sunken mo'lier! weep no more;
Glnrinua are the arm lint bear her
Uul'ely to the "shining nlioro."
Hpiired the certainty of lorrovf ,
Following on life's iifler jeam,
To lo r shall come no dirk to-morrow,
Crict of pain, or mourner'a tears.
Canemuli,hept.iri,ISGJ. t.
IIomoHteacls and VuluaLlo
Ileal Estate.
Building Low from SIO lo M f.ieh'.t
Also, 5U Vara Lots anil Entire Blocks of
JJeituliful Garden Land!
in tho city and county of
ON the line of the San Jofo Railroad, at tho
Tin; title is absolutely PERFECT, being a Span
iah (irunt, finallj confirmed and patented by the
United States.
The Shafter Hill respects this Title,
The City Authorities respect it,
The Uimrict Courts and
.Supreinc Court of llie
United Slates repeot it.
IJi'siues, the
Title his been forever quieted by a Final
Decree and Judgment against
the City.'
o that there i not even a cloud or shadow upon it.
Whoever purchase-! one of theso Iota will buy a
lot and not a lawsuit.
OIIi;e No. 1!) Nngieu'e Building, corner of
Montgomery and Merchant afreets, Sun F'rancia
co. IJiii'.' HARVEY S. UUOWN.
Dannenbaum &, Ackerman.
frVIE season of this tpring nnd auuimer's trade
approaching, psrdou us 111 pre-onlinjr to yuu
Sr. A. H. 8TSSXB,
OITice at the
(Opp-wita tho Methodist Cburuh.)
Drug.-, Medicines, Patent Medi
cines, Kerosene, Camphcnc,
Burning Fluid, tfcc, tc,
...AT Till...
Charman, Warner & Co.,
Dea'.cra in Dry ood,
Clothing, Hardware, Crockery. Glassuare,
Jioolt, Shoes. J'aints, uus, ore,
Intheir firc-proof Dock Mainitiiit
onnooxciTV, oreoon
...F. Charman, having united hi...
to tlie establialirneiit of Cburman ii. Warner, the
firm will now carry on buiiineaa in all the above
mentioned brunclie, iu tlii city, Imp ng by atnet
attention tobusineaa to merit the continued favor
of tlieir old patnun, and n many new one
of Oregon lo rise ill n I III H uguilisl the (iot
rrnmeiit lugersoll never dined to g 1 t!,is
CXtelll ill Ion treilsoll.
I.iiiiguage of u inure lri,aotnil..' (Imrur
tercnu be found constantly n ut f..,-!!! in li e
rebel priutH of llregon tlimi that found in
Ingriso'.l'ii spi-ech. Here ntv spiriuutis
from the t'orviill .s Union -a sle et recently
r snscituted lid ii it iiljuuct lo tlie Knight"
of the (iiihleu Circle ill Oregon.
11 few extract:
" Atiioi lot t --The traik of the l'e h ml
nruiy iu tlie South is marked by every sn
nil nrrui g d lor lliis purpose. I hey lire
not Imp) less of tlieir miitiks yet. It re
in linn to be seen whether thcticni rid tOV
i rnuieiil 1ms not Mill power to punish trea
son bete on the Pacific Const.
Till: I.PfilLATL'IU:.
Sept. 22th, Js2.
An inviliition fio;n the ladies oT S dein
wm rend, inviting the tneinlnn of the
one lo 11 soiree on Thursday evening, in
honor 10 lUfiiiliers of the I,eg -lature.
IVtiiioii from eiti.em of Wii-hnuton
I A mm i
coiintv to 1 tit tT 11 ,orilou o, sum cotiu.y
-it- ol ntroeilv. The war is if.-ir.-n. l 0 1 il..' I f-l to U u k 1111 is counij , us
for the Argus
Piifsunut to u cull, made by thirty-two
ladies of Oregon City in lnjl week's Ar-
ulili n-fi-riMiee to fortuill!' Iltl Asso-
ciaticiii ol'tientlemen und Ladies, through
out Chickainas County, in aid of the Sun
itarv Commission,"
Notice is hereby given that the fir-t pub
lic meeting for choice ol'ollicers, and other
bu-iness, will be hohh n nt the Court Room
in Oregon City, on Wednesday evening.
October Nth, ut seven o'clock.
Short addresses limy be. exported from
several gentlemen, nnd it is earnestly
Imped that all, both ladies nnd gentlemen,
who sympathize with the sullering soldier.'
of our gallant tinny, will ho present, to
e their rounletiunee to this noble object.
into n rimnlu of savuirrs bent on revenge, '
ratlu r lli.ui n war of e;vd,.ei iiieu."
"A Col Truihin. rmiiii.iinling nt Ath-l
uH Ahi. vu I'lislm-r d from tl.e s rvice liy j
n court martial of winch (!eu I'.ml was
th presid.iii oll'u'i r fir peimittuu; the rulT
lans in Ins comicaiid to outr.g.' the perMins
uf two fcni'iles ol lluit place; President
Lincoln d.islud his pen aeru-ii llie sentence
and p;ioinled the CosMiek a 1'ilignd er
Oelier.ll!' " Woltl'S OF Till Til AMI Soill USl J-s"--
(rnder thin heading is an extract from the
London Tunes, iu which occurs I Irs ex
pression: " We must repeal ngmll nnd
nuiiiti rnrncst ricoliililendatioii to the Fed-
rds lo ;u on end Iu t'us hornllt rr ir.' J ;
. 1 1 . . 1.. ril
Istf" Amounts naiioeu iu r . vuainiiin,
i.lT. rcd 1'I . ll,;s weik' f"r "'c S""i!,,ry Cotuinis
Mr Coll ird, nnd at his r ouesl wus refer- sion, as follows:
nil to the ineinln rs orlioth counties.
llum t-on tuvseiited 11 etitiou iiskiiig for
llm re,if of Wiim'o eotinly, nnd nliothcr
iivkin for relef l y an nppri'pritition (
iniiie v, in rouse teiici.Pe of lar'.'e Minis luiv
in liii'n i xpemled in the rel;t t of strangers
who wi re sii k and luaiuu d front the in
(lunettcy of tin- ln-t winter, thry not being
cil .ens of Wasco county, but of other
counties in the Stale. Tin se petitions' Were
referred to Committee on Wnys nnd .Menus.
Pill to prevent accidents on pubi.e h gh
wavs was read second tune.
(This lull nipiires nil drirers to keep lo
Mrs K Piowmnn,
.Joseph Parrott,
Mrs W. Pnrrott,
,1 Parrott.
V. .1 SwiifTord,
John F lloek,
II V Short,
A Cook,
Miss painiie O Steele,
Mrs N P Atkinson,
(jeorge II Atkinson, jr.
Miss Anna S It Atkinnot:,
LMdv M L Atkinson,
W. Ilium liarlow,
In spt nking of the lute order conci ruing
traitor on thin Coiit, the Pnion s.iys;
"Ciilignld, the most cruel und monstrous
tyrant thut ever Koine had, wislnd that
luu Hit ( i 011 had but one head that I f utit,'ht
cut it off nt ft blow; lmt the tyrants iu
power at Washington desire no such cu
einlr.iled iissiissiuiition. They desire I lmt
tuch individual ' traitor' should have 11 dis
tinct blood fountain from whence to drink "
Thcro another paper, of the same gen churnetcr. nt I'ugeiie City
(nnd but recently commenced) culled the
" Pcmocratic Piegister." We give n lew
specimens from that paper:
" If the war proven n failure (nnd sure
tit drstiny il will, if il has vol alrrady) the
hgtil tender note will not bo worth so
much ns blank limit r."' "The only aw-
mtnl ire enn see. in favor of receiving the
pnper" "i tho ympathy for those who Imp
pen to bo ut work Tor the Administration."
" Wc tiro told some persons of thin class
Lave nlrcatly gathered effrontery enough to
offer tho note nt par." " They would di
graea n bund of highwny roblicrs. Too
cowardly to Htenl openly, they tnko ndvitti
tngo of their neighbors under ahleld of the
law nnd worse than Ntenl from fricntls who
trusted them in their ndversity."--lieyisler,
Sept. 6.
" Il nnifi onli remains, as the htsl jinUey
tif our Government, lo utkuowhilfif the
independence of the South, and endeavor,
by fair dealing, to restore si feeling of ami
ty between the two nations."
" A wnr in upon n nnl it i rhiiuied by
Its advoeutea to be waged for tho preserva
tion of tho Union, but the truth hi, they
lie when they miy it. Tiny know, n nil
must know, that thin in ft wnr upon tho
Constitution of thu United State n wick
ed effort to dissnlvo the Union, that it may
never bo reslorud ngnln. A nchcino well
wm-ihv r,f tU.levilish Kiiiritn that rngugo
in It. A wnr a corrupt nnd rotten n tho
hnek wnlU of lierdillon. All Abolition
vnt."lleiister, Sept. M.
Of Keerotury Klonton'i order (o " nrrost
nntl Impriiioii nny person or person who
tnny bo cniigod by et, )oecli, or writing
In diHcoiiragliiB yolunlnry t?litiiioiit. or in
ny wnv uivlntt aid coinfoil 10 mo u
uinv. or In nnv other illnloynl prnetiro
ngiilnst tho United Suite," tho Keglstcr of
Brut. 20ili rnivs:
" Wht ru III the nunnlf of hit-lory rnn be
the ris'il; to prevent the iniployinenl of jjr. ym ParloW,
diivirs who are utldicti il to druiikcitni ss, c,iss;s : Barlow,
nud to make tin; driver secure proper.)1 Ins (j,.,,,. (Jrahnin,
orsis when ho s'ops iitul h aves thu earn- rs (j,.,, (Jrahnm,
n-e etc This is a good bill, nnd Mr. j(W Hedu'es,
pnlur I ns used consiijerable energy 111 get- j.llnrs u Pingir.nn,
I n.rit uiO-Pir. ltelirretl loLotnuuiuu
of tin- Whole.
House ti ll No. 21, regulating" salaries ol .liitltts uiitl Commissioners, "as
read a second t inc. Ilcfcrrcd to Coininit
tee of the Whole.
Semite bill No. 4. substituto to House
bill No. 21, to pnv for tho contingent ex-
.if Li L-isla'ture. nnd npproprialing
1011 neUMiillll rs fiirnislied to members n,ile .lone.
of the House. Lngrossed, ni.d to bo read (.1)t j j) Miller,
V M Alfred,
: F Cullurd,
J nines A Kirk,
Joseph Church,
Mis Fntinie ltolds,
Miss Nancy ltolds,
Miss .lane Holds, , .
Miss Siiruh Holds,
A C Iteringer,
IVXusiC.-- I'rof. A. J. I!utji:i would sny to
the penple of Oregon City that lie has relumed
from Cariboo, and having 11 aeen the elephant,"
ia now ready to give Icbhoii on tlio I'iano F'orte
and Melodeon. Apply at the Temperance House.
Scsirablo Property for Salo.
As il iamy intuition to lemove from Oregon
City, I will el! my residence and adjoining prem
ises fur four thniiuand dolluia. The llottio ia one
of the best in the place, Three lo! ia a hi,'h
Itle of cultivation wilh 1 00 choiee fruit trees
ill full b.arin. I'oitBEa Uakclav, M. D.
AuKut,30, 1K.-2.
Sas 1kascicj, April Sth, 1SC0.
.ME-sr.a. Reuinuto.n it Co:
1 tuke pleasure in informing you that I have
bea using your excellent Yeast 1'uwdera for some
time, and unhesitatingly pronounce lliem uno
(jualed by any aimilur preparaliun that I have
eier used. Every housekeeper may rely upon it,
that when used according to directions they never
fail to produce that most desirable of nil articles
of food, snol, ticttt, and nutritious bread.
Having ones proved how superior they aie to all
others, I could on no account be without them.
Mayl7in3 M'1-'
Inimitable Hair Itestorativc.
Hut restores gray hair to i:a original color, by top-
plying the capillary tub.- with natural lustenance,
impuiicd by uge or discuss All instantaneous
duts ure composid of lunar caustic, destroying
the vitality and beauty of the hair, and afford of
ibeniieliea uo dressing. Ileimstreel
folorluK not onlv reitoret hair to il natural color
by su easy proves, but givialhc hair a
Luxuriant IJeautJ,
promotes its growth, prevenU its fulling off, eradi
cate dan ItutT, and impurt heulth and pleasant
neaalo the head. Il has stood the test ot time, ue
infflho original lluir Coloring, d i constantly
inci e ising in favor. Used by both gentlemen and
ladies. It is sold by all respectable dealers, or can
be procun d by them of P S. lUasts, Proprietor
New York. Sumi & Davis, I'urtland, igenis.
rA-o.i.s.Sncenltana 81. j3"''. ..
our card. Wo have now tho choicest, most varied ciloose l0 conie forward. No pun will bo para
an-l most extensive stoe-K ol Uoods ever uiierea 10 (0 g!ve ggjinft-on lo all our customer.
llie people Ul voiUKUilliiii eouuij .
We are receiving, by every steamer, additions
to our stock, from San Frane-isco, nnd those who
w ill tnko the trouble to call, can satisfy themselves
that they can do better with ue lltun lliey can do
by going to I'ortlanu.
Dannenbaum cV Ackcrman's,
Oppotite the Main St. Ihwe,
...COUBiktillg of...
Notice-Settle Up!
VU, ihose owing Chahmas ti Warsir at
V. CiiARiMX, will please come forward and
inuRo settlement of their indebted neat, without
delny, a thut you can all comraeuc dealing with
llie new firm of
Caarman, Warner dt Co.
All our debtor will aee the necessity of attend
in" to this call immediately.
Oregon City, Aug. SI, 1861.
Justice's Office,
T AM olwny on hand, and will altcud loth
Tw1 lrnrtrrfi.e'e3.
???- Cr OO MS. Leases, Uonds, Powers of
I illlVlnvj j w- j - 1
the newest styles of
and all oilier business committed lo my care.
Office directly apposite ine .nasomc
JunelClgC..: J. E. UCRFORU.
I (On Main street, and formerly iho " Ma'm Street
v u..... "
THE traveling public nri respectfully JbsL
iuvited to give me a cull. 111;!
The Oregon House ia the most pleas-. ''Is
Fr;.h brnii;;;une, ia ...d p!.in -y
arrniiiren on 10 mio
Fancy Poplins, Bareges, Debeges,
fiirured dclain, nil nnd half wool French merinos,
MiiMiMes. Swiss and i iconet muslin, a lar:: a-
sorlment of French nud Americun calicos, brown
linens, bieaehed and unbleached,
Silk Pwunets, Cloaks, Shawls,
and Silk Mantels, and a large
assortment of straw goods,
embroideries, col
lars, sleeves, tfce.
ous homes in the country.
THE TABLE will alway ne luppneu wuu
the best that llie market affords.
Good accommodations forladie and familiei.
f rice:
Board and lorlgintr, per S6 J0
Board, without lodging, per week J-OIJ
lfoard per day, with lodging J0
isiugle meal j
V:..l.l'a Inil'Tinff 0
rx-c. I4,1SG1.
Multnomah Lodge No. 1,
V & . M-. holds its staled coinmiinica-
AVi.min iii Mason c Hall, on the Saturday
nrec.ding the Full Moon in each month.
rethreu in (oodstundinir are invited In attend.
V. 1. 1 liu.m
Tnrii. Wvcant, Sec'y.
t't! The next reu'tilar meeting will be hold on
iturday, Oct. 4.
, I. O. O. F.
Orkoon I.oitor So. 3 meet
llie Masonic Hall on Monday
n-eniniT of eneh w eek. Itreth-
j NS ren ia gd stnnling are invited
U, alien I. M lllvA.U, .
C. M. KR'TfR, ltec. ecy.
Mrs dipt J I Miller,
Mrs Ktttilien May,
Arthur (Iruy,
Mrs Susan Gist,
Klleii llntcli,
S C Hatvli,
T ltrown,
Ahliy Hall'".
ii,;,,l iln.i. to morrow
II. M. No- -:. ilerlnrintr tho ('uliiooia n
piililif liiuhwnv Irum its mouth ! Hip AI
lumy Mills, in' I-iiiu county. I'asseil M f-
ninl rciuliii-
II. 11. No. 23. to tux Cliinnuicit, ISe-
irroi s, anil Knnnkiis.
i We Dufiir snoku in favor of the lull,
uml statfil tlml Iho mtrrovs ntnl Cliimuii'-ii ,,Vix j Ym,
liuvi-Ihttketl into rorihinu nmi oinuiuco j Appfrson
Kitimlit.ns to Uu- ilftruiivtit ! Iioilfsi ami
.i....evi.,.r wl.iti; i.fonlo. AftiT i-iiusulcra-
1,1,. (lisi'iisslon, il was pfirrcd ton Commit- Amom,t this wk,
tro of llie Whole' House
II 11. No. 'JO, lo rt'Kuliito uiiirriflgi',
nmi prevent impropi r runnwiiy miitehos, in
trmlnml liy Su.itli, of Mitn, wm rea.l ncc
oml limn. Ilfftrrotl to Comtmttco of tlio
previously acknowledged, 1 12,4 1, f23-09
Cohbection. In Iho list hnntlrd to ns
last week, thu amount coutnunicii oj .vu
ii .... i t tvus Inenrreetlv civell III
l tu i i"l- .
onu unit'
Wliiiln liill No, 7, to prevent person 0, ,l0Uj huvo been $5
front ilrnwinir money imm i -
.y Uiilt ss Hi" onlli nll.'irinlico i Jnken.
I . i I.. II nnlnrnil rend
KuleS misnelliieu, mm v,v". . .,
thir.1 time. lUirin tlio di-bnlf on thu bill
thu IIoiiKontljourneil. ,-..
Aflernoon session. i.oiisiumui.".
. ... irv
Stiiiili) ''HI o- M"" T ,i
ssm.pson .hi. v. , - . of 0rrgna
imsse.l. nnilil Times.
OfTitAOK.-A liowlitiR Becessionist in
Lnnt) county nnmeil Itutlcr lutely
onlrnueil tho person of o girl, tliirteen
vetir of ntro. nnd then traveled in tlio di
rection of Dixio to cscnpo tho vengennco of
tho community.
. . . .i r. ! 1 I.
jr Tlio wonil worK ot ino imiii"
nliout completed, awaiting tlio lr.jrli.if down
ol tlio iron, wl.idi i B,,orll''
Tho flat mil will 1,0 mi- .
Tho Compoiy Imvo miido quite no im-
nroveinentntH'ol'Tml""" ofll' roH,,) '"
Canemnli, !. Urg. rel,o.,o hu
room ....niciHit to More nil tlio freight t '
Illfl ,o brought either my. A mlublo
wareliotisolin-nlsobeen built nt th lower
Innding here.
Senate lasl Widnestlay.
V owa ourlhaiiklo Mrs. Wcsloa fork ba
kelful of flno lomaloe
DISS fi CO.,
Commliflion Morchanti,
Dealers in Califnrm and Oregon Product,
No.4Ql Kastitroet,
(Hetwaen Clay and Washington liet.)
t i.. i....,.u in iraiisaol atiV titisinrs
V hi.' ii"" "' y he '"aI'i' , ?
by prr,laeeror ror.rohni m ', ",i
...iriisied lo hi eharao will hprornplly !
lendml t" on Ini. July ' i !
Livery and Feed
VY. undersigned having purchased the sta
ble properly on Sixth street, between itiain
inl Water, tneiir llalslou iV .livers ,) Known ns
the G.b.on Sc I'otter Livery Stable, would inform
the public that tho stable is no.v open, where are
.cuts' mid Ladifs' Siultllo Horses,
l.titrgics ami Horses, anil
all on reasonable term. Also,
A I-nrge Wagon Sheil,
i .,.mm,ilata llie traveling public. I will en
deavor to give gencrul aati'fuctinn to nil who may
r...... n.M u-ilti a call.
There will at all lime be an attentive hostler
... I, .ii.l rhv duv. nirhl. nnd Sunday) to wail on
customer. I hope by slriet attention to business
to gain a sham uf the julilic lnR"- ..
J. M. r KAZKu.
c... nik lsr." niO
t-baily Oreg.mian and Statesman insert
the above ai month. "o n' " ' '
i. i.i iiiNAiiiirit iick'k of A in1
iii...l,if in this e IV. have romoveO lo mo ore
proof brirk lately oreupied by A. &- V ,
heir old slund. lreoa City. Sept. f.t, '3-
.1 Large Assortment of
Liul'ies' anil cliilJren Sliocs,
Glows, kid an-1 calf Gaiters,
Ladies' head dresses,
corsets, etc.
Gents' ruinishing Gooda,
Hoots and Shoes,
Hats and Caps,
TCH-MA a if.
.tlmus of cettimr GOOD WORK
done will do well lo give me a call, a my whola
time is devoted lo tlie repuring ol unronomeier,
Lever, Duplex, and lloruontal alcue-a.
An assortment of fine English Watche, aad
also JEWELRY, on hand.
Cloeks, with weighu lo them. Jewelry mada
to order and repaired.
Trice to suit the lime. I am thankful for
past fuvors, and hope to giveiatufacliott in future.
IJ- Located at the old stand, opposite the ' Or-e-on
House,' OREGON CITY. fohS.
Yeast Powders.
sweet and nutritious
z nz -A.
Equally adapted to
BUCKWHEAT ami omer eaittt,
GINGERBREAD, aud cake of all kind.
Warranted fully equal to any in
the market I
and tale no other, if you would hava uniform!;
Manufactured and old t wholeealeby
409 and 411 Clay street, Sn franciae
ClHARM A.N, VAIl.l'.IV eo-i
J bouirhl out the enlire sloek of Ainsworlh &.
Cliiiirs and Bedsteads
IIIAU'IH.I iv nmi"" -
Oron Cily, Sept. 13. 18IIJ.
"llflLL HE OPENED, In Iho Risler' new
Muiiilnv. Sent. 1st.
j f reii"i -.. -- . . .
It i mlelv to acconmiodule young cntblren.
boy and girls, from nine year ami uown. ( hi.imlies of liislrticlioii. vit i rrimer.
Rending, Spelling. Writintf, Mental and Practical
i bI, I....U, ii. a,.,l P.lintirv I ienffrnllllV.
' Parlieulnr euro and attention will b observed in
the children's deportment and habit.
nf Tif lion. 6 Der term. Teacher tirsi
term, MiM 11. Pmoai. u
Oregon Clly, Aujti.1 8.1. f?np.riutende nt-
Together with tho
Largest and best selected stock of
Cloth inij,
...SITU AI...
Gents' unerlin French cloth coat ; Rnl' fine
silk mixed, and Harrison' caaimerc pant, aud a
Xeie style of
Hoys Clothing,
Extra fine heavy black doeskin
pants, Davis and Jones' shirts,
with ami witnoui cumu, nv..
nmmi,-, ib. .tore of D ANN EN KAUM
ACKERMAN, where you will find tha latest
Ever brought to this place,
which will ba told
Lower than can be purchased in
U.irt, and
Sand' 8AMArAii.u. For tha removal and
All who wih lo e moderate price., pgrman.nt cure ot an oncase an.iHj imm ...
and examine our toek. pur, . 0f the blood, or habit ef lb m.
llrateful for past favor., wa will endeavor to . , Ia ifltaM,0Bi ttmeir will gently
mrit "'CnNKnIi TV ACKER MAN. ,tiimrfat0 lho fnnC.ion. of Ih. U,mh and bowal.
Oregon City. April 19, 1S01 , Kga d healthy aclloD, and wllhout nana
-T ; l or purging expel therefrom all d.lelerlou aoooau.
Merino Uncus. Mon. purify ih.biood,qu.iiia tha eirotatiod,
T HAVE a few Ihre.-quarter blood MERINO nmmt juration, linprova lha fippellta, Impart
1 DUCK LAMU8, which I will sell low. My ,, an j Ti(tl,r , the system, and gradually, bat
IieeVjO, 'fiL ' '""'."li- ADAMS. .urely, ..lirr.. Ih. '
mAKES this method of informing hi frlaad
X. and the pubhc generally that he
to the tand formerly kept by Mr. Miller, nearly
Opposite Charman, Warner co.
whii'h he call
The Union Market,
where he i prepared to keep all kind of ma.
and to aell in samo i
i low tha market will afford.
Micf rica rouno.
S la 10 ola
10 eta
. ... 10 eta
10 eta-
Oregon City. Sept. 9, 186'i.