effort miule to make her a perfectly efficient ship. Webb's Tie in anions 7ii. Wclib of X. Y. City lias contrncteil with the Government for t lie building of it rain which will eclipse in size nnd destruc tive power everything o float in the waters of thu United States. She will cost over n million of money ' $1,2."0,0U0), mid tie plated with iron no less than six inches thick. She will have two revolving tur rets, mid on the bow there will be i cover of P.2 inch iron A solid projecting ram v,ll protrude from the bow. .1 Vrssil to Diiit at the Xavi Far.. An iron clad vessel is to lie commenced immediately in the western shiphouse ol the Prooklyn Navy Yard. She is to be 200 led long mid ;u) feet beam, with propor tionate depth ol hold. The (htniwits Built for Gen. Fremont. When (Jen. Fremont took command of the Western Militay Department he con tracted for the construction of seven iron clad gunboats for the War Department, which have been transferred to the man ag Miient of Secretary Welles. Tliesj ves sels were named Cairo, .Mound City, Pitts burg, Cincinnati, St. Louis, C.trondclet, and Penton. Some of these were built nt St. Louis, the oilier three nt Mound City. They are nearly nil al ke, mid, ns a general (Jlorious AVws ! SPADES LAID ASIDE! AX J) TUP. Pi A YON IT FPF.F.LY USKD! Tiik CoxsKijrKNCKs : Hrilliant lTnion Victories, AMI (u'aiul 8kil;uKllino- of lu-Wls!! Rebel Ilordo iu Maryland about used up by XVI'Clcllan!! Kobol Loss, over ,",000 Killed, ami l:000 Woun.l.'tl, In-sUis thousands taken PrisiniiTs! MATTERS AT THE WEST, .tv. the enemy two and a half miles from Sharpsburg, where they were drawn up in line of buttle on n range of lulls. Kieli nnison's force not being sufficiently strong, no attack was made. Frederick City, Sept. 18. After the buttles of South Mountain IS up nud Par keitsville linp the rebels fell back rapidly to Poonesboro, nud (hence southward to Sharpsburg, ami began crossing thu Dolo mite above and below Shepardsville. The pursuit by our troops is rapid Luugstreel inarched from lliigersioivn to reinlorce the troop fighting at die (lap, nud arrived in time to join the rout, Previous to news of sniT.indcr at Harper s Ferry, such it dispo sition had been made of our troops as would have re.Milted in the capture of nearly the entire rebel force The number of prison ers sent tii the rear yesterday will probably reach S.IMHI. Our loss will not exceed J, OOO killed and wounded, with u small proportion of missing. Washington, Sept. I ". The Herald's dispatch from Frederick, Itith, says, an ol lioor just from Harper's Ferry, reports the rebels have evacuated thai place in a great hurry, Lot even waiting to parole the pris tiling, of the following dimensions: Fx tri Tie length, Kit feet; breadth of beam, Ml feet;' depth of hold, 6 feet. Their nra anient consists of lii gnus each, of heavy metal. To afford greater security U the engines, etc., those portions sur rounding them nre iron plated, each plate being -2 incites thick. Each boat cost $00,000. or $t;.K0U0 in all. They are built very wide in proportion to their 1 ngth, giving them almost the same steadiness in action that a stationary l.tnd battery would possess. They are con structed on the same principle as thu fa mous iron battery nt Charleston, the sides sloping upward and downward from the water line at an ang'e of 4 degrees. The bow battery on each boat consists of solid oak timber "Jl'i ii ches in thickness, plated on the exterior surface with iron 2 J inch's thick. The side mid stern batteries are somewhat thinner, bat have the same thiek iiess of iron over th.it portion covering the machinery. The boats were built so that in action tin v could le kept "bow on;" hence the superior strength of the bow but tipy. Proadsides Wire so arranged ns to bj delivered with terrible tff.ct while shift ing position. To facilitate movements in action, the engines and machinery nre of the mo.-t powerful kind. The boilers nre live in number, constructed to work in con nection with or independent of each other. In case of damage done to any one or more of them, a valve was arranged to close the connection between the damaged and undamaged boilers. What the-e boats, provided bv the foresight of Gen ioiiMon.liv Fremont, have done is already matter history. Li addition, to thes-", the Choctaw and ... , I oners taken. nshington, Sept. 1 titli. Nind tv morn- ing, MeClell.iu's army came fairly up with , Harrisburg, Sept. 1".-The battle yes the enemv misted on 'ihe oa-l .side of Pine 1 t' I' day closed without any definite result. Kidge mountains, stretching on a line ,-,, ! No tiring heard at llagei'stown nflcr 4 and south Irom .Middh'towu, on Kog is town road, to Jefferson, on the llaip.-r'- l'Yrrv I-. 1. 1 itur riir'it iowl.e lt-o-ttvi l. rested on , idillctown, and the li lt, under Franklin, on JitlVrson. A general en gagement ensued MeClellan necessariiy attacking the enemy in their advantageous position. The battle was oltinatelv con tested tin t -1 i oMoek in the cveiiiUg, by which time the enemy were gradually drivi u up South .Mountain, over its top, into the valley on the other side. Purnsid ' In Id the top of the mountain during the night The battle was fought principally with in fantry and artillery The South Carol na o clock. Mraggiers come iu who report that l.ongstrect was killed, and that the I rebels were surrounded. A battle com menced near Gcttvsville this morning; Jackson reinforced Lee w ith 40,000 troops, and our forces reinforced with "JO, 000. Pp to latest ndviees, victory illuminates our standard. The implosion prevails in I lag erslown that the w hole rebel army has been badly used up. Confidence prevails here, that we have won a great nud decisive vie tery. Among our troops are inar.y batte ries and thousands of small arms, prisoners, A. The rebel (ieu. D. II 1LII is killed Ten thousand Fenn-vlvunii mlitia will MeClellan pussed immediately to the right mid his presence added much to our success in recovering ground lost. Washington, Sept. ID. An official dis patch from MeClellan, 11 o'clock (his a. m , says: Hut little occurred yesterday except skirmishing. Last night the rebels aban doned their position, leaving their dead and wounded on the Held. We nre. again in pursuit. A dispatch dated half past ten, says Pleasant is driving ihe enemy across I he river. Our victory is complete. The rue my has been driven back into Virginia. Maryland and Pennsylvania are now safe. In the battle of Wednesday. (Jens. Pod man, lLirlsutV, Diiryea, Scdg.-wick, Pah itrdsoii, mill Dana were wounded, and (ion. Meagher was killed. Pmliimore, Sept. Ill A gentleman who left Ihe baltle lield nt t o'clock Wednesday night, says our forces occupy ihe position chosen by the enemy nt commencement of Ihe buttle, and rebels were driven back a mile and a half at nil points except the ex treme rght, which they still held tit close of day. MeCh-ll in regarded Ihe result as a glorious victory. The opinion of all appeared to be that ) the fund results would depend on who got I the fust reinforcements. Our inforiuiiiil . tiny mutt ItrmyW In limit iltiuollir Amciliu l tail, limit tittti un Uir unit lit Urn. Put. l)c rcgon SVrgua. W.L.Adams, Editor. oxmaoxv city : S ATP PDA V, SF.PTFMPKK i!7. Koi can coin Iu rrer h.ui ... i.. . ... . "iii rn ... mm " W'l'ilmiL with Hl. ilnrv . HV '"0 tn Mil III It 1 . " "lc", l'koA,noric-co11"ai,IP! "''"I f tliolawf(iru, ,,,,.. ",1Br -7"- tr r,'l,,,0""i i'MllltllU Si,,,,,,,,,,, f lh. Union, U plain e ll.in.l,l,.f of Lruil J " Wl' cou.su the ,m,H.r,Huril ' "l-l ( of California, " 010 Court The main (rouble wo encoilll,rr itrrangenieiit is f,mm iN . ,u "m lender a five-dollai- ' 1,8 " 1 circuIoi. l.i'ltAt IrmlrV Nolr. A farmer friend writing on business, closes his letter by inking " What rebel to us poor fanners, will legal lender notes give, when inereliiinls, baiiker-i, money lenders, and Shylocks gen ei'ally, make us gittt our notes payable, in gold and hiker!1 Ltn-I April, Mr. who had my note lor (HIS, called on me with an urgent rcipicM to lilt Ihe nolo lui uieiliali lv. I told him I w us anxious to do in ii.. . uiinot make II i,v i l ' ' t ruhII);;;(1;1; H" 'hang., if , t.-.wl. rt-a li'. fl , W tl.e exact amount due nM bo U ,1 1 k-w Wyno c,,;tr .blllcully will so,,,, 0)V,, ,', , '' Tl' - -7 a Usn, of notes of small ,,;,,,, ''''-rn-'J-vhourcnppnj,,,. tli. se (, Kr t..,,,. mules tv i Sodnl n value so us to be Wl)r,, Ul ' . ii.aiL.I . . '''Ho brigade was entirely cut up, either killed, wounded or prisoners HowillCobb was wounded and captured; lien. I.'c reported ivomulid. Gen (i.ul ind was kiih d. Mon day morning, lien. MeCIiHan, with his tv serves and fresh troops, pm-Mied the r l N with desirnetive vigor. The ' in my tovk Hie ro.nl towards the river at llirpi rV Ferry and ShepanNv.lle, Mel'hllan follow ing, shelling their rear guard. When tin y in. mi- u .-..in. i, rai ii...-, - .....i ii i; , i t, w,ui L.r,..,i siiiru, mil driving them Ir.vn j.o nt to po nt. ( nr i,-;. n l oth i.l. s eotdiuu. d t II window n, troop--, both old and new, b. liav.d w .th . r ) , ,T,. .lllK, , ,v ,.k.-r and great gallantry. We have c-:pr.ir,-d soo i J port( r nlu s,.VlTtlv ,,;, .',, , Tl,. ,r fir-pri-oners. MeClellan continued pu-hing ; l,, .,.;,. ,e-ultor.-, and it was evidml : the r ainmuii'tion was gitieg out In the savs nothing had bee ami on ihe Ib id i ' ' "V ' ' "",K ' , of'ih,, capture of I.ong.treet which ll'V'ry ki.ullyiisllhon.ht.n.recdlowait rumored; ,1 u prolmblv untrue ! ou .ne another y,u,r, ,r I would give u new Twenty thou-and Veinloreeinents were 1 '". 1 . . "'"".'' "f, 'll"1r",11 expected from Harrisburg yesterday. i .","1l"lm' '" J'"'"' ,,,w 1 ,,1,"","lHrJr i iu ilomg, as I was not ait are Unit Ihe eiiiui- Hurri-burg, Sept. Ill Heavy cannon- j try wouhl soon be full of legal lender notes, tiding on the Potomac w a heard ut Hag- 1 celling nt some tttenly per cenl. or more erstowu today. discount, while gold would be wirlh a Williiugt,ai, Sept. I'J.-A eatalrv re lll',n ' I'reuiiiim. if indeed it could be had coiinoi.vMinee from Heinteluiau's 'head "' "" The probability now is, that I shall tpiarters vesteid.iv. went within three mdes l",v'' l'".v "r "'irlern hundred dol of Thoroughfare (Jap, performing the Ml - ',r!l 111 ''P1' lrl",r "o'1" for coin inoiigh to mdes iu less than L'O hours. .Near the (iap ! ""Tt r" "ee mi V tiny they discovered u small force and captured , f"r ""' ''' "r ilo'i hes of this III! of Ihem uiiioiiL' whom were several nlli I sl'.iuper, you will do me a great lavor ill- ' n i ll.,.' i.... i i -. ., i. .i :.: . . .. cers. I "V ""'to'K me '"'"' I um lo (in ll. r..-,u,,,K ,, , ,0 I ',ir lli,. I.i,. I'.i ,.f ..I... l... ! ir n ii v iiintl h ,1.. . .r -. n . , ' ineiit (..ok place ve,tenl:iv nt Sharpsburg. I'lntadelphui, S. pt Ii), midnight. The j ' 1 "l . ' ; ' J" 1,1 le Han.li of iu which the enemy Miff, red considerable following is just received from MeClellan' ; " '"'" limn our friend, tve pub- . I ivtiMirrr, or any A vi.llt TfrM( -laughter. Five hundred of their dead J "rmy- : I sh ihe iibove, w ith our nnstvrr Suppusc ( r, r. will bnvc isnn to bim nnrftittmo have been buried by our forces, ami the Marly last ni-ht the . n.-iiiy commenced you lul l given v.uir note for '.i7 Lu-dicls of ! ,,f -s registered or c,,nnh 7 u.i.-L -till n r ., P.nn, l,-i i-,.i.iL..ii ci'o.ing at Sh. ivirdtown bri.L'o and ford ! . . . . I .. . i . " " . .. , . , t i ,,. " i w n. ut, iiisleail ol V i si dollars iu coin, and Hirper s Ferrv, and is advancing on n : '! ''ove and below I , , , sp.ci:.l tai-ion'tvdh his corps. ' j During the night MeCI. 'lan mlvanccd a J '" ll"' l,"lliri' (,f .v"llr -r'. r oilier l.allel'V unit sl:eiled litem. cause ymi roin.lu I gel lite Wlieal W lien 'lie meet the foe at lLigerslotvu. All engage- "V Pve ruurtelr... ... onlhtt, score. They r",';,,,f lli,,m 'iirii .iii-., .,,,; ns bet it ecu conti liel.irs I. ' gross, ir.henotts ro e'ghly cents lo the dollnr, cur L ' "'ll Miouget toehai-glng, ,, for the Mime g IsyuueouM I,,,; 0f for SO cen is in coin, ThcM M, i-r Urprrrmlo mora tl-n tw-,,,l; for this reason. Any Iml.U ,.i n. 4 i utnf(0t Phil id. Iphia, S. pt. H A special from llagei-t.Hvn, mvs of Ihe light of Tuesday : d , , i 110 may choose, benrtigna ,r rr : i i .".s.,..i.gi, nmresi M -:,,M,,ril them last li g.it an. I had s nt to the rear for batteries. The rcluN are i:i a pnear. oih eond'tioii. gltt was renewed w ith vigor V acted a- if tie V had iteen Fort Henry have been purchased by the Xavy Department, and are being; rapidly prepared for sen. Fries m' Latent Cant i act. T.h latest contract of Captain Kricsson with tl.o Government is for two iron pluted ships nf remarkable speed a;.d strength. Oi:e will be ;;.''', the other 3 10 fe. t long Tii. se, it will be seen, will be by far the longest mail, d ves-els in the Navy. Thev Fre.Kriek, S.pt. M We regret 1 1 an nounce the surrender of Harper's Ferry, with nil the fore s and stoles, to theue-niv rite euenv comm.. wed the of I attack Friday iio.tii, mid -k ruiililug con tinued throughout the day ;li- ciiemv be ing driven baik with much los. The at taek w as renewed Saturd.iv, w le n th i-ne- will also have nure powerful engines than any now ufl.Mt. The turrets v. iil be strong enough to withstand the ho. k of 42.i pound, rs. The armament will eonsi-t of lo-iueh guns, but the exact nimjer is not y.-t decided on. GOOD NL'WS! San Francisco, Sept. 12th General Wright is still indi-posvd nt the Warm Springs, but at hii earlu.-t opportunity will appoint a military Comniiviou, to con sist of three officers, who will tuk5 cogni zance of ull cases of arrests lor di-Iovalfv under the recent orders from Wa.hingMu, wiiieiiare inletnl.;J particularly to meet the case of rebels who have lately tini-gra'i-d from the Atlantic States, ''he tie-el.-ion of the Co:inui.--ioii will be without iippeal to the Court'. Direction have been given for the iiniii'-diati; ron-truc'I'm of a prison on Aleatruz I -land for political olf-nders. S-'t. K. Major .M. Kay, a di-tingu'-h-f n-lH-l syinpittl,i..-r, of Penieia, was ad iiiittcirto the Alcatraz institution to-day. It is stated that s.-veral nrr-its It ivi; lieeit, or w.II be i!i)ui"d.i.tely mi le at this ci'v! Two men, mines unknown, w, '.it ov..r to the fort under guard to-day. The St'c-kfori A-Vnt :t'id lhumr.rnl S in Jose TriLunr, Tular; Pol ami Einnl r i . . . -. ... . ' r.Tpm.ior win i,; adu-nl trans i:i.i:on through the. muds and extres Tlie Murysville Express is probubly under uic same oari. Py t'-legraph from San Francisco, we fire informed that the patriotic fund Us r.nrn.M ; morion. (jL.n. vr;,t ,in is- find nn order giving notice to all cow rn 1I...1 . .i mm Ul.: llliJUMOIlS Ol lllf) i;oiiii-c!it;on Act will be i-nforceil in this Stat", nud throughout the Department of the I'.-K-lie Q-m T'l". W.I.W ,.n w' . t to 'Ml e . ..... o, orju. I ,,,m. incti wen; arrested to-night for r..-ni.-,ing to pay the nutionul pf.ll tux. A fellow who wouhl not give hii nnnif: was n.-rested to night for shouting for Jiff Davis. Di:r;:xjK.i or Wa.-iiinoion. A corres pondent of iho Providence Jnnrnul ei.um i rnt'.s the following ns n portion of the. d(!. feiiscs of Washington: Fort Grebl", : cutis; Fort Carroll nnd .i. ..i ii i . . . . I'uiiu'.i, 1 1 guns; rori miv.ht, 0 gun'; con .-nini.iii, iu gntu; j-ort Ijood Hope, I gun; Fort Kicketts, 4 gun-: Fort Uk r, fi guns; Fort Davis, 15 guns; Fort Dupont, igiiim; Fort Lincoln, 12 guns; Fort Meigs, (f gunv; Fort Mahcui, lo gum; port Thayer, 4 gun; Fort Saratoga, H guns; Fori Puiik.-r Kill, 8 gum- Fort Tott-n nud P-floubt, 1 1 giinn; Port Slocuui, 10 gins; Fort Massachusetts, 10 guns; Fort Do Kusny, 7 etum; Fort IVtiiisylvaniii, 12 guns; Fort Gaiim, 4 gnus; Fort Kiplcy, Ckuiis; Fort Akxunder, 7 guns; Fort Franklin, 0 guns. Palleries Vermont, 3 guns; Cumeron, 2 guns: Martin Scott, 1 'I.. i. nt. ' l,uu. joint, ii i guns. Chiengo, Sept. 19 A frightful ex;in slon of tl.o AH'ghnmy Arsenal occurred on Wednesday uft.ruoiiii. About 1".') boyi and gin's were In tbn buililinir, of nbom c'ghly or ninely were kilH my approached with ov. rwh. lining force Hitlers given lo sp ke gu:.s and throw th-m down the Mountain. Our force from the Heights returned to the F. ivy iu safety with the gins from Camp ILd. uing them on the enemy when t!iy attempted lo par--;!' our r. treatieg fore1. At i;.. .-i tie-r.-bels rijiparel in fore- on L'.:..!.i.. Heights. Fid. r:i!s s!i, !l-d tie m h. iti point to point, p b.-Js promptly replying - Cannon i ling conti'i'i.-d throughout the day, and resume 1 ngilu M uid iv, win n t ." white Hag WiiS ra't'l. The u-'els eon tinned firing three 'pi .r'.'-r-; ol a-i d-etr nf terwards. On S::nd iy night, i,:)f) e.tval ry escaped, cutting their way through th. enemy, nnd arriving r.t Grenea-!... P,i. with little lo-s. The bal.tnc" of the troops nnrnbering from tl.OOO to si)0o witlt 'i-n White's e'lmmnid from M irtin-I urg. -ur rendered Monday afternoon. (! ;i. F.-.nd;- lln was within thr.' ' hours n. i-, !i of ( ,r per's Ferry, w here it is s.ii I he h-id been nrd-rel by Met. I.-ll.in to r-li. ve the be. leagued garrison as soon as he r e iv. th dispatch from there that the pi toe w.is iu danger. Cincinnati, Sept. Di. It lu b.ci a, C' rtaincd that the enemy is liil in po-llio'i smith of Florence, awaiting relnforc-iuei,:.-Humphry Mar-hall's forces have found them. Th'-y ndvanet d ye-terday and drove our pi.k' ts two 'riiil. s th.s side of Flor. tn-e They M;cm (i-po-'i lo occupy their oi l camping grouu i within a t.'ght of our lines The rebels bio knded the river, nine in I b' I'j'.V this city, ye-t'-rday, but left to day, on the nppro.ch of our gurd,oats. Plnii.ephi:i, S- pt. Pi Carli-h: dis patch .s :i y - communication to II -.";-. town is Oji'-n ag ain sho.tiug tliat the j. c: ha been totally nhand'imd by the rebel-, un occupied by our tronj., .M'-tuplcs, Sept 11 Tl.o Appeal, of tlie lOtli, says .lohn-oii has been ord' r-.l to the ls:--;ij,i D'patirient, with IViee, Magruder and Holm' s und. r him. LATE 11. i;.)oiievii. Md. S. pt. ,. The l.-.tMe of .South Mount tin G ap yesterday n-iiilt. d iu a complete Federal victory. 1! idle field was located in n g org ; of the inoiinta'ii of. the turnpike- between Mlddh town nud I5'iorie,boro. At 12 o'clock, Gen. Il.no ordered the nscent of the luouiitnin on the left, for Ihe purpoit; of flanking lite enemy. The battle that followed with musketry for half nn hour was terrible, resulting iu ene my giving way and ! vii-r our troops in posesdon of that part of the ridge. Gen Hookfr ascended the mountain on Ihe right, gelling his troops into position nnd move on enemy. Two hours before ns on other ridge, our troon were succesvful j dnving tiie enemy before them with grent laughter. 1 he rebels have suffered more here than at other parts of the Old; il our troojis could luive hud daylight for (wo honri longer, Iho greater portion of the rebel army wouhl have been ciinturcd im they were nearly rm rounded on all hii I. a. They escaped, however, throiwh a sriudl delile iu the mountain which our nrtillerv would hnvo made iiiipnsiibu. All their wounded wero left on Ihu fi.hl. (jen. Franklin's attack on Iho enemy ut Cur ki.tlsville Gap, six miles from Harper's Ferry, also resulted in their couiiiletii rout after a single charge, Gen. J I uncock' biigiide nipturet the batteries, six nieces of Howell Cobb. Cobb lost 'JOO of his Georgians during the day nnd night. Ful ly 15,000 of the enemy were killed, wound id and missing. Gen. Leij acknowledged to the citizens ofPoonesboro that ho bad been d fente.l with terrible loss. Our kill id ami wounded will probably reach 3,000. Gen Hichnrdson's division come uj with morn ng the I by rebc!s-th reinforced and turn -h.d w ith ammunition The lut:!,. .,-!,,1 I II I o'clock v i. wh.-ii rebels r.t retted, and lift I.ong-ireet and tt r. inn ml o! his tiivi-ion iu our hands, r s oners. Tin1 entire r-be itruiy wdl be cap tured or killed; tin re was no chance I. ft I or t !i. in to ero-s lie- Potoin ic, a-ithe river was rising nnd our troops were pn-hiltg ili. iu -ont iii'i.tliy. Mi. ' siirr. n. I. r of II irpi r's F' rry is regarded here its shame (ul. Six batteries of l.ong-tivel's di. iion wer." captured ye.-t. r.lay. It is sii.l Ihul l.i.Odi) prlo tiers have ben taken since Sunday. J,n k-ou's itruiy i with L e, nnd th.-y w !h idler dl.t ngu -h. .1 ollic-rs will i... , i i . ... .. t . ,. ,i ; i ' .' I I' ...ll 1 1 ' I I " . I NO I il ll ' I l'l l M ll ... . . , , , , , , ,- ,i , ,. .i ', mto irguini tut Harpef s t-rry, nnd i at :.ir!!i. -i. O-ir ti. nertils tire cel t. on of ., 1 , , , ,, , ,, ii moving on die ru.-inr someiv here, an nit. in. ite nnd th c, ve Ml'-f. -s. ,, . ,- . , lle-erteri n'-ert t tut the recent move- New Yo:k, S pt H.- Tlie Ih r, ill's ment of Ihe rein-Is ix.-nplng into 'trg'itia The dead and wound..! found this morn ' ing et inc. d the nbihty of our i'l!i'-ers in ili 1 ret ting the lire of our guns Gen. Pha-iintou was di-ptilched this morning iu pur-nit with two l.utt. im-s nud two regiments of in'antry lo Tliorotighf ire Gap, nnd Mieeeede.l iu culling off large nnioiiut ol iiiiiinnnilioii, siippL.s, ,Ve be. -id. s n small port on of a South Carol.ua brigade. Pleastiiitiin shelled the enemy with eff el as they p'tsved through the Gap The la-t seen of th. ni they wi re filing iii dine- 1 lion of Winchester, and it is supposed lin y ' would r. treat precipitately In K i-lunotid ( lur entire iirinv has ctoed Anlietani Creek, nud was massed between there nn I the Poto in ae, opposite. Shepardlown There is evry cvidemv lhat Mel'li llan 1 would cru.s tlie river. j The loss ill Generals and fell ofliecM in j our army is s i large ns t- be un o eotiiil 1 aide Pel . I d. si rt. rs r. pn senl the l.os of their officers as e.pially sevi r. ll it is uieli r-tooi! !urn-i.e ero.-nl leml.rs t tptrt lo gel, ,.,) noli! became due, you know tery well lhat bonds arc as n.ife u iiotis of hai sccurcl no cotiit would give judgiiieui ngaii.-t ymi ' by inorlgtege on rial i-stnie for 'JlS btidi. Is of w'teut but for the value j The M.i-l. ru money ,-t,, r l0 pwf of the wheat in tonry 'Flint ju.lgiii nl , I'"' "nn k. t nnd buys 1 1 tt hu ru,n Trt.j. could be paid off in any iiiotier winch un j r? ""( lit Iu mty j-rw ,lt ,icinit ,J th r the hi ts of t'ongriss is made n I. gal I " d. pniles Ih.iu in the P, S. Trr.wf temh r. So a judguieiit on your Hole for , r' iv.ng coupo i bonds, m-vni uij'd '.GS iii coin can be miii-dicd with any ; '"ill 'p. r i-eni p. r nniiiiia on hi, nimirj p, , moil, y lhat is a legal tender by the law promptly in ro.iitt.iy yrnr. Tin lurr Legal tender Tret.-ury not.i being such by j t' e int.r.sl mi inimey , ninre il Tmt. nn m l of C.uigrevs itpproved F. binary i "r.v notes be north in eo n; m;i jw,M J.'ith, 1st',.', me ns gimil in the p., , t , it- j "it. r. sl ruin i,t il.n pn si m tttn j;4, i-fy nil debts and th maiiiN of very kind ''" r'' M dl alw ays be i tiiud hnuti in m,r. whi.l. v.r, l.l tl are lo be rec ited ns mi. h, who wdl gne from X'l In pJ Ptnti on ti'l't in piynent of ,lnt ,-i on imp 'j. , I be d.nhir ill nun, for Imti i In (it .;4, I'.a.hrn , Main j The l.t. I is, lh- Mibjtel . f (.'..riTimifiit liii..l.ee ht,. ei,k.-, , the (.rnUmb , ,tl,. ttoti of nur best nn ii in ('ni..'M, J inn, r.i. ...i The i, ,i,!t f ,,,,r !frj g v ii lis n M.tii.d . urretier niul put lirmlh he orr oon l.-iifi" o tlie 17th, was sol. Iy (lireeli.l by Stonewall Ja.k Were be. Hi i t . i . it i. i i i iiiiioi -riaini vaiiev li.lii ls look ndian lag-e of the eivit;o of jiiKllhliel Yeli r day lo lilak th. ir retreat. Wiidiicgtou di-pal. h siiys infortunium i i i-h,ng'i.:i t s ii s th-,1 at I', ii'cloi k th.s n't. rtiooii intelli- sou ge-ee w-;is i-. c iv. .1 that since .. o', Iik k this G.i-rr.ils I.io and Long.tr.el , inorn'ng th" fi-re. st nnd mo t sanguinary either wound, d or loo f..lgu . lo ; ba'tl- of l'i war is progr -sing all the eieiit. I corps il ntrnee which .Mel I- IImti took with j him to !!-. .-rl. k w ere tna-t-e.i at a point , ind.c.iti-d. nud nn iligagt-lil' iit nppi'ars In . have cn-tii I betWit-ll the wh' l.! t.it) nr j nres. Tier' I- ret-on lo Mippo-e lli.il the I are so jrri-at as to c.tu-e a r. .pil-.tion for lie ! c.il -'or s tin- niiiiib. r of injured be i.g iii'i.-h ! trg.-r than i v r before. In ; form t' .it is r.-citiil that Mc( 'h ll.tn lie , -t'oved the it ti.-t) in-1 nt the month of the I A :! 1 1' in er.-t k . iit.'l Ihe bridge across tluit 'ere.!; ha. Ing to Sharp-burg, thus rutting off the r.-tr.-at of rebel, in tic d r. etion of j Sli' p.ir.i-vill . Wn-Miigfon, S.pt. 1 s L'itr-t infor inatioti rt I'-iv.-d dal'd II o Vim k, I7ih, when it was t. fgr.iph' d MeCh lliiu had a sever ! engagement throughout the entire il iy, re-tilling in Ills gaining the position for which our ii rmy had fought. Information from n point within four miles of Ihe battl'.' I'n 1 I to nine o'eloi I this morning, s-ivs nothing later of the engage-ni'-nt, and m.-n Iy slates that KlOo r.-bi I pri-oiierj wt re lak' n yesterday nnd were le ing s. r.t to the rear. Paroled pri-oners from Piclimnnd say J '';l' ll' r'' ) II hours skirmishing, Ihe (hat fresh troops continue to invite from , rebeh endeavoring to gain the north bank the South. j of the river. P.iiekner's division was ndd New vork, s. pt. in -The 7w.' ,:''':,1''!,"l,rki.i:r !r f,dr'-: U- t. , . , I i i- . i ""I. ii esu ay tie i gil eon unlet ii-liingtnri ihspnt.li savs speeitt dispute i ...,-i.i , , .iii.iiiiii.ii , , i ' . , "Hid the I'ei era s aiuinuiii ion trnve out stales an nrnrnl recotmoi-iinee to L'eslmrg. . , , ' s""' u"1 r i . , , , . , . o surrender fo ottetl, found one rcg.un iit. of ri b. I infniilry find a batlallion of enviilry there. After a short i S.t. Louis, Sept. '.'0 Wednesdiiy our eiig.igeiiient ihe rebels wero tlrivcii out . Iroops fought vigoroudy, and so pushed with coir-id'Tablc I-fi. (he rebels (lint they rmnn nt liny. Me. Frederick. (M.I) fi.j.t. 1 7. Tl.ii has : P'1' '"T would be given bc eventful diy in Ihe history of the f'"r. "' ''. ,0 mTr'uvr I1;" rebellion. Atdnvlightlhelmttliwa, re- I , ,Br.,njr' "Ivm nble newed on center ,1 right by Hooker nnd 1 1" h"n u,l0lkr fiK''1 "'1 '" Sunnier, who, after n shnrp contest of two ! ""T, r,', , , . ... hours, drove Iho enemy a fnile Uric. I , ' C lcll"n T""1 "H?'."' ,,''nl""' Th-y rallied shortly, nnd, with ().rriMc. 'leath nmong (heir ranks. 'I ho ground loss, retook most of Ihe lo,t ground.!"" "VT'' ,lh W0","l", Hooker received a shot in ihe ankle nud : ' !": n:' " U "r" ''".npletely snrrou, , win crri.,1 rr.Mii the H- Nl. The eou.u.nnd i 11 l" " . V ' ' 1 ,,"r" devolved upon .Sumner who n look ihe i "? 1 hl,r ..l"?' "H "r '""V fl t lll.PJ. f.l IIU I.K..M 'l l..... .1 "' '" 7 i y itiiisi siirreiiuer an ! the inlrr,t n lie puh'ie l bt Titis ip. slioll has just been deild. .1 Iv the Pistnt Court in Phli-lelpl... A bond iiu.de iii Io', st,.,, that May Pt, I'l'.J, Jjsl. ) .should be pa., I "oi .,-,.. u t urri nt gold mid In r nioii.-v of ihe Pn. led Slut., of Am. rica." The loud I,,., i ,"' " I" r.ti.il.ei.l fiHitiri I, ,,v. coining il..-, the debtors tn.il. Ml in-te..,l ! '' "' ' V nM d I.) llulifl on I coin. I'li.l.d Sulci not. i. Tin y n(-ri. j ''"I""'. "" ' I 'hr interest w, !,.tti,yt rihl-ed, nnd sti.t u.s'.m'.d lo ioiiipt Ihe j ''' ''' '''a t u g bn k. m, Shyl.s k hjilff, pay in. nt of eooi. The court ii cnli il lhat : " ' 'ioiosls, w , couih m lo ! irri-j tlf t. n d. r of the not,-, in,, MiiTi,-., ,t ,, "r '''" Guiernin. nl i nireney, tail Hi ml sitis'y tiie o'llig .t.on of the bond, and the "" "" " nn .in. nl it f.ain latiist H irrisburg, Sept. pj - f , . , j, r r.t was s. t n,l,!e. ('ml r tin- lnv ,,"' ""' Goteriimenl ihilf Wnlnonoi . rf..t M-cur ly prevails in offu i d e.rch Coiigr. S', liiese no!, s h eh hair be. n is- r.-.l-ltiolltlieil secei-inn'sts who lure 'ulte a i.iitnb. r of wounded hate i.r ' ,,., ,., ,. ,, f t 0ii,ii..(Muil lir,. i I '"""' ""I larg" un.s of moitr; at n ' , "'et hi. i.iiii-r poiitti in ine j nude icoiiu.l.!,. for nil debts nnd d.-inaiitP I "'t"'"ate interest, who, when ih.y ,trr piitl not etc pting State and county taxes - ex I '" '' K' '' l""'' r ""'', dl prohuh!; litis in-it h. in " ' " ""'r' r"'1 '" ""' "'" ism uf tl-a . ..... i ' i I I..,-... .. r . ici '-oj ut l ..iieitii tit s lor ' " " r. ...hi. , on ,es oil lofi agll III- H lull ' lli-e llltd lull rest 11. l ( hi . ri, in, i,l I...... mm . i . . . ' - ..,. I i.e insiii . oily erie-seil Ihe r.ver 'I I, i. si, ,,,.,., c . I ,. i some say nt JInrp.r's Ferry und others . , ' "' at Dam No four. know, has ilecid.-tl that thee not. 1 are not V.. V,i, .... on ....... ..... i'W-'ble for State I..U1-H eeisl i ' oi. --e I in: tirrut l s nl kicpinr w.ih n tcrnl fu.ili.Vi .1. ..si.uis n reived llml t b'ls ilesirov.d bri.lj.-n nt w lii.li bavu In fore fiinu fcnu ll.nt ijrjttrt.r; II arp'-rs Terry and bh-w up the piers and , und one so nianifestlv contrary lo luw that il.-tro.ved everything ,,osl,e t the f.rry, j ,!,, Supmiie Curt of Ihe l',t, ,l Stale, lino moil,,- un- nn.- 1. 1 me rono io tiarui.s burg, including splendid bridge nt that point. will n htm' it whenever the cave is carried Iiuisville. S. pi '21. At surrender of Munforil-ville. Weducday morning, Ihe rebels look 4,000 prison, v, who nre re ported as being Mibseipiefdly paroled In Sunday's fight at lhat point' Pie rebels iiiiink'U ns nilli II regiments. Tu. pel ground nnd drove iho rebels a fiuarler of a Utile beyond, w ith great shinghler. (Jen. MniHield wits shot through the lungs nod di'd soon after. At ft o'clock. nil the eneiny's positiom were carried on (he right. This duly was assigned lo liurnsidc; his nrtillery opened nnd his infniilry nd vaneerl the point was carried at charge bayonets, but lie wan forced to relrent be fore superior numbers: the rebels knowing if they ot this ridge n complete route of their nriny would be the result. The releds fought with great desperation. Darkness now fell upon the two iirmie nnd hostilities censed by mutual consent. The battle lasted from ft a. h , lo 7 r. m , without a moments' cessation, Tho con duet of our troops was excellent. It Is rilmost Impossiblfl to form a correct idea of tho loss on either side, but ours probitbly Is 10,000: tlm enemy's must ex ceed It. Our wounded were Immediately carried from the (kid, When Hooker fell 1 r rainy morning tlm fight was renewed nt Khiirpsbnrg. No niiticulars have yet oeeil received. JfaT .Vff nrrt pne for the Intent ilinpnlrh. OitiiKHH luoif Wasiiinuton. A dis patch to the lire yesterday tins the follow ing: Gen. Wright, Ihe United KtrilcH Mar shal, and Chief of Police Jlurke, yesterday received orders from Ihe Secretary of War Inslrueliiig them lo pliiee under nrrest nil men found littering treasonable, language against th.) Government. Kajr A long niul well written eommuni cation from a respected contributor in Marion, making some tim.-Ijr hints anil sug. geslions to the judges selected lo nward the premium at the Hlato Fair, man received thij week, but too Into for insertion. up 1 lie l cision of ihe Supreme Court . i ' i.r :.. . i . . . it i titiioruiii ns report, u iii lite M u nimcnto Pnioil, was to Ihe i ff. et Unit " CoiigriM, by Ihe terms 'debts, public or plivate ' in l ndi d sn. h obligations for the payment of money us nre founded upon contract, and that I lilted Statis notes nre not .gn leu 'I' r for taxes.'' The net of Congress, upon which Ihe Court decides, nnd fiom which we gnllnr what "Congress intinded," is in tliese words -"Kncli nol.s herein nulhori. d, shall be receivable in pity men I of all tuxes, internal duties, excises, debts, and demands of ( v. ry kind due In thu United Stales, ex cept duties on imporls, niul of nil chiiiuti nnd l miiiiils ngainst Ihe Uniled Slates, of every kind whatsoever, except for Interest upon bunds und notes, which thiill Lu paid m coin, nnd shull also be lawful money and n legal tender in payment of all debts public and private, within t,(. United Slules, except duties on imporls nnd inter- cut us uloresiiid." 4Now that Congress did nut mean by " debts'' such " obligations for the tfiyincnl of money ns nru founded on contract," is proven by tho exception of tariff dues. If (Jongreks hud used the wor.l dins instead of "debts," it would huvo more clearly embraced duties on im ports nnil might hnvo suved tho California KoIoiih from fulling int0 n blunder. Put when the net says (hat thu miles shull bo n l.gal tender for ull " debts except duties on imporls," Is it not palpable thnl (he word "debt" is used for dues? nnd cannot any school boy see that If Congress had meant by debts such obligations nil nro founded on contract, duties on Imports would not Imvo been eirrptetll nn tnriff dun (or "debts" by tho uct) uro no inoro founded on contract than uro Hlato tuxes. Tho fnct Is, that (Joiigrcs intended to innke thi ne notes lake Die place of Ameri- i ' 1 1 . . i.i .i iioii riiineni i iutc inn l one at iiir bin. k heart. i s. oiiiidr. N, W ho, if lit I.JiI all be was Wollliin (iovt riiilirlit boiitl, but wh it would get on hii iiiirro Ixinii ami pray three lams n day for the mwi of the Union cause, so lhat ho nii(.'lil pt lh." int. n-sl on his ruoii y nnd ifllirUwJ couldn't be paid without, he uouM willln; 'y see, S't)oi k like, a pound of bii'f cut from Jed 1 1, i us' or Jo Lnur's rnrcuu. N;w Mil. i,. We huvo lain iliown bj Mr. Ilait.y thu draft of his now mill, which when iouipl.le.1 will be I tru'jT splendid one, nud the finest in (he State. 'l'liu basin has bei n finished, euiuiilrriblo progress has nlren.ly been iiimlo on ll Hume, niul next wok, if lininU cnnuijli cm be obtained, ihe Iramo ol tho luiltling 'H be ruined. Thu mill will slnliil ihout I hundred yards in front of (ho ilo of lh' ohl one, towiirds thu bluff, nnd ilirccti op posite Smiths' foundry its dimension! fill be f.ri Icet in length by U in width will lito lloors; or six, counting llm bosrmrnl. It is ciilciilnted for six run of Imrrs, ill'0 bo placed iibove high water mark. Mr. Ilitrvey Inforun us (hat it I Ui m- teiitiou to expedite tho work, so wg llm frame rooletl beforo iho rain e in' Foil tiik .Sr.tTK Faiii.-Wo lenrn H" Iho hlei r Union lias inudo iirritngimfnU lo run next week up tho Wilhimctlo M nr to iSiilem ns i.osiible.ln order W commodulo tho iinnibcm who wili lo K to Iho Klalo Fair. Capt. Miller UiwM ho will bo nblo lo get within fiftwn nillfi of Knlcin, whero lincks will bo In rwli"' lo convey passcngero to tho Fair Krulld, Tho Union will start from Ciincnmli i Monday, WedneMlay, and Frlilnj morn ings, nl II o'clock. This nrrnngrrno'it tw iiccommoil u great many, who otlirr""" would bo iinablo lo attend jher"ir' Mr. Il .rv.y . ...ill, Ihi w.,k, "JJ anil ).,liiltaiiill r..iinJ IiiiIm..I.I"I ""I" ,l,n ,r,,ll. ..f rulil or lea M. iu'1"' . m ,t-l.r mul hMlls. fuNHCil priilinlily of lril. llml '"""' " " ""ib. Ill sllhli.l.lieo.1 prnvl-M.-to frr.lirt .lm'l ... . it ...ifiar WW ..no or la.l wtiilnr. A tiiuii-i finiii.l at iho sine 'le- Vo sr.",.'.lM olillBati.."," "Jl''' .,fl'r.l,.l,l..f ..Ma' ''"""rn