fllE O UK (J ON A 11 (J US. nv i. w. h m. r:Ms ( sviisvitirrioN. fkt Ail!"' furiiUhrtl ill Tlirte Ihliiri p annum, if in udmnrr. W'htn ihf nullify 'i' "l"' m'riiiUT, 'iiui Ihllitrl """ ""'If"' '" mimllit, ,r 'u'l '"'' ' ""' " ''" '"" J Ihllnri will hr chnrunl fur tit munllii fit mbieripliiint "rr"'r'l )"l prrmd. JVn pi1"' ditruntiniirtl uiiltl till itnmrnra rf J,,,,!, HfWi'H ' I'miiilinii 11 Mr iukhlm. SmrI CHliifluitiitij J'tvri 'iitt. A Weekly Nj-wspiipcr, devoted to tin; Intorcst-i of the Liihoiino; Clares, and Advocating tlx; shin of Truth in every issue Vol. VIII. Oil Hi ON CITY, () II KfJ O N, SKPTKM P.Elt 13, 1 8 02. No. 22. P.'.rUS OK ADVERTISING I One Muuru (twelve lim n, or low, brevier measure) one iuflcrlioii -1 00 Kac)i uli' UPiit iwrlion I 00 lIiiniiinMcunls one year SO 00 A libernl ilwluctioii will bo made to thoeo who idverlim: by the year. ITT The nnniticr of inwrlioni il.ould be noted on Hi margin nf im tilvrrtinenient. olherwiie 1 will be iuli!islic(! till furbnlden, and clmred ac-coi'dih'.y. Obituary nvticra will bo charged ball tin above nti-ai.f a.lw-tl,,iii(r. Fjtf" J.io 1'ui.vii.mi executed wi:h neatness and disj.at.-li. I'uijmat ..r Jub I'rinliiig ti usl Lt mailt I" llrlirrri i-l tlf trnrlc. f.aiUnA W imnti In utvn liw I'.itmiilii. J'rof. 11 1 i it Sinilh urge that Camilla iliould Iiu cut nil' from tint mother country to prevent lilt.' possibility of quarrel; the florth British AVi'rw holds to tliu mnnc 0j,nion, wliilu llio " 'J'littnJfirr" i I mil 4 tlmt it would tie Impossible fm l'n -1 ni l in Jifi'inl lliu irovim: (.i int tin gigantic mail' of lli North, and Lord Mou'k, in din recent Nn't'i'li ill Montreal, frankly tills j,,, Canadian llml h'. the event nl u m.r they must depend mainly ii j xiti tin ir own resources Murk llim signdicuhl language doiii lli" London llt vii w; C'liini'li' i 11 'I' pendency only In nnini", klir in hi ri'iilily tiiili'tii, mi l n .') to if m,f pnp'irnt In luke mwi her. nil ll,f ui l,g,,li,iiit inrnmhrnt on hrr in ti nrinL r nf the iff'11 '"'"'.V ' nnliain. Wc sec no reason iiy i special Irmly should not he entered into with Inr fur 1 ln hii jiic .f ! fining our innlii il obligations for In r 1 fens. V' Ifif, Imwcvrr, llml imlilic .:.!i. inn in tin' eiilnny is mil ri"' fur iin-li n irn i,ihiiI, timl tlmt II"' kw mi, i( iiiut1'', woilM ttf tt. lit! Mi'LVt'lfil. Tim ilni'Ti:il I'dViTiiiui'iit iiml tlm oilnny view lln ir inn 11'iW (JilV. VaTKH I 'lioi-n.-t k.s to TllKATI What t.-t tiik I'mirffsci? It is lilu As Ouiikai. that Tksts We iik why (j i:n. C'amkiiun in IlestJi a. Fnmi mi-, Tiuirniti Lulily, (;v. Vt.. rircivnl it Unto ItitlcrH nwivil in Ibis i-ity, tlinct frotn (iif)n'i to Imve mu.Ii u country s this in- ""''""i '" th" fxtfu'y w P'-ril 1. 1 1,.,. i u.1,,,.1. ,i .. .. , . . . ,, . , , , i , ,, , i i) . i i .1. r , , frinii fii'iiiJisli Iri'H-oii. slioii nut iivni licr- It tier, in v, Inch I he wrilrr ciiiiipluiinil tlmt St . IVtcrsUirnli, wo Irani tlmt On. Cnin- vdIvimI hi civil war. lint Inyond the fact j r (f njll; (.IlS of j(.r j m) Iriiiltirs in his tmn Ii t 1 cut down tliu'cron, Minister to ltnssiu, lm. nalVly ur- Unit we tire involvml in this Uni'.'ul'J tlx m j t.i, ,ivii , inclmlin'Si lilucks, nm! uru nnsivcr- Ailiciic.ni ling, nml le-kiii whnt oiihIiI to rivcil nl tin; cnpilul of the lintion, wlii lu is no eprciiil cuiisu (or ilr)onili ticy. When j wl tlmt our white citizen (ohliiTy will rj'it Im iloiitt in Ihi- pn iniM -4. Tim (Jovi i iiorjiis I'Rilioii is I'.-tnlilisliiil, iiikJ tlmt ho ulso w tliiuli Unit we Imve not a i-oot n J1 it-tu?l , fij-'lit ly side with Mm ki. Let lis see: promptly wrote, him lo hi I hiicIi oir,ii,, rs ' li.nl his first interview with the Kmpcror till we d-sircd at Iliclimoml, wc should ulso &n""v 011 S'',,irJl,y "x !"'" i i i n . , , i .. . . .. , . . . . i i our iridium, nh'iioiis in-my luloru K ch- iltiwn nml I will iun.iii you for (hi! oll.iisi'. Ah xiindi r. Aeenrdnijr to the ri'ld ell- ri ineniner that hi the est we have nt'-1 ,() fo 1 itw If so f. arfully oiiliiuinhiri-d c trive ins leiti r In-low : St'.vri; of 1 1 . i . i n . i h . KxivrnvK I)i t'.. ) Sn;iN.,ni l.n, July 15. K(52 ( until i!. ,,,;,. of l:i nfter the nrri- that we ilo not occot-V nil of Viraluia. Iiuli t'",1,r ,m'n:i,' 0 f U,,,",s. " " A III I tl K I Mils I I IIIOW . r i . ! . r .! I . lOTlll III 111 IIIUM'I UI, llll IlliiftO II I ll'i Y ii hi, w ii iimiim, Illinois r :llir I in t in t liiu fiKii no nil. I n.n. u fur reiiia'iii" that wc have 1 . . jtpn tle nl" th'.' Russian Court, it in not n-u- coiiipli.-ni'd more lliiin we hail any rinht t' j tiul pressed upon tlmt it nui.-t cva'-uate its I)i i- ) nl lor the Kinoi ror to l-runt mi iul rv'mw i xmcl ii. so short a tine. Wc are pained position, leave n lure nhnru of its wound" i) 1 r- ,'-- - John W. I! Ml. i , , va it a A inisier, mil in tins case un uu- mere is i;au-:u or njo;eiu iiiai iiiivu i . ., , ,i. i r, i. , ,,r ( ,,,," H.uir Sir: I have just n ceivnl yours of , , , . ,, . . . . , , , niht mareli to tin? le.t u,t oi J.iun s tli Ii July, ii; which y. m my tlmt the pole WIS 1,11,10,1 miuiedintely pr.iiite.i, opened the Mississippi, suved Mury land, i pjo,.,. t j-aV(, itst-ir Ti Oin tilt- r destruction, I wln'i h Hi, nl, i theSliiis and Shapes and the reception iinulc the more cordial Kciitui ky, and M souri, uiid retrieved word had pii-s.'d nloii the shattered, weak- oii the Fouith of July, win cut down hy ' l,y the earnest Koliciliidu with which the Tennessee; that we have (ruined from the etieil, hli i ilinu' columiis, " (Jen. David S. '...,.,;,(,, hl t whiHi V'lU I,' Iri.il rnlinr t!. lit inn r l I, lr,.,,il more territerv than linv ,,.! Hlll.t'T l.i.i. j-t arrived 111 Jum.S lliver lit ... . . . .... . .. . . :. i" ' i - ' ' ' inn iii nave ll is nip ilieueii tnill 11,1' 1 a p .i . I ii l . i L I i ,. nf III" American ul.eil.er urn .'...U l.,.'i,.,t 11,1,1.. In .I,.!'. .'numerical power, itaullig-iice, wcultli, and Nohorly had a rijrht to e.vpict that more' ii.tr tl... II ,r li, r n. V one'., ss. i would lie done than has hccii; and nohody a little a coiml of their own to settle w: I mil iMi'i,Mie, ut the inc-linii As I lur.ii this interview the mueii so es it yon w. v to a-K im, Wlietln r ; urcU (.vin(V(1 k now U.lr of ) ... imiiiui nave n n-ni in iieienu your prnperty ujuiiist roiiliets or your lib ii'miiiiiI iiiiinler. rs 1 1 1,, i I. eml nf .me limn red thnncinil ovn their resoiirci H, lion in Europe, save llussin, pos''. , ,.,,,.,.. w),m ,e ttra., m drilled for the eneoiinter, ami who, l uvins W OUIII lie liOlie lliai. Hill lin n , nil'. nuJ i ii i m ( ..win, i, i.i v Russian Mon-' had u rght to expect that victory would u"' "d 'wokm of this in 1 , , , ., , , liell.on, usl permission to tnko n of our system always favor the Lederal arms, litis a I fial.t will ro nllow hr-lw infernal re- hand in -how nianv of L'.iveriiinent, uiid liis.iidinir.itioii for the " hi'' jot).'' We have licjruu it, ueco.n- j f , . , r ' s wolll ,.lvo r(!Spoiid- ! i i .1 .1 .. I f .. . . I t I .!...!! T .... II .. It U'' , ,iV ...II . I .. ,1 ..,! !SUi'Cess Wi! mill iniinu III inc ueveiojiuieiii ui piiMieu i:iui:n, aim mi.ui .. iii.ij iw " , eu .mi we ouni muni m..i,u uini Details of Eastern News. You a k 111" what you shall do? I r )v. ' tilt; vast extent of territory now Within Hie must expect It to co-t mudl Ot l.lood ami slnuirlitcred ov w lute jruiiors .nun oe suve. II V IU 11. 1 11 ill U.1 I i' i"' i v vupi do nut ru.se Hie A mi ricuii llii' iinn ly in ji;Miici ou of the Federal authority. That treasure; hut if the Union as it was is pre- i, . i . .i . . . i .... . . . tunl (ilihiratioiis in so different u luht that provoke your Sim i-m iphl.orK do not ; llll;0.,yi j opinion of the Rmperor, ' served, mid tic Constitution as it is can be wo no no. ini'iv iiiiiiiii'i "ui. tin? n"M- i i-i.' ". Wlieiiever Von 1 not have been one. A'. 1'. Tribune. ihia nru think, Hw'W, I'l if a il'jin tf ;i-iim to tlftt riff I thmt'il if "i i ", on llml, ifilf- cliiiril, in it Kim I 'I "t in' jifii'i'i'irili ii', Letter khom Gov. Yates tiov. Y'atts of Illinois risponds to t.ie Pi csidct.t's call . t i i i. I ... ..II 1. ...... ...I.. ir t.... ni,,l . Im miiiiit re ri vlnriiil to ns rr.inil , ,. .... ,i , . i i . .. ,. i. i. i ..... i ii siiimiii ui. iiiiuiiinii.' ii iii ...i .I.I..UI1.1. I. "'' v... j - e .llUiewueu .ii" ' i , e '...." - ; "'" - " I . . i .. . . ,v . . i:.: i...f I.,. ...I...II It u.ll l. I.... i k , ninr I oroiii lie ii I he Slat . ur eiinnlv nr nt nnv Ilie . real ive iihuiu in uie i. eni nun tuiiuiii.iii .is ue.u.i ...i. .. pul.l.c eili liiuiio'i. 1 1, mi honest love to that ken down, and ceu a d to wield mi influence, worth nil ll costs. I he tide will turn, j tor three liundivd oiousatiu more iroops in II il' Hint liiill'intic It-vi it ill to till' eoniilrv .1 ,.f . nmlr.. nnil .ielbvalion w.inhl i, n n.r lli,. n et o! thaiL'S flOUl time to sliriillL' U'ld memorable terms. Ilenrlmn: vihii li it s mbiil..i s, liiiitor if any tht imif full fi iff rnr.irut nh.itt l h-ju'm lltf 1 d in s In I ly li s mill illiivvl Iniml Upon to foftrunirnt ! ' ihf n.'i'i' th-it t'tf lltiit-h ' tear ll ihiwu, linn I say shoot him down frtxijif iu If H'l us vial wnui.i ii i,i, au, 1 will pardon you fur l lie off. nee. Kn it w.:i Yati h, (Idvi tto. i lnnrn liirl'tint'i, un I thf fnhini I'l In 1'iKCi If mill n 'i " nrrs it riol' Ihiuk piotrr .if 1I.1 iufi ilfmrr If ihi' (' III oh His i, s re ll, let IlieS' Ver nun, lietweel. Ill II II I th I I be r - llil. T.il CiiiUlilet" nil I perlect We In hi ve C it to 1 ''"l"""' ha" lhi limely remil.iscener inrelv n Mich ii v.r inc h mil Mi nl im It is a f iet imt l" in r . 1 1 v Cm ion Ii -in. ihi rEs The Pater: am ; ,,ii. .,,i,i ... U .. t, ir I1, .it 1 ,! Iliensr- iuii ., .. ,i,i. ' Ulir I'lllllieltllll VUlll Cllinll is Ik'lyt'l; rmbr'iil u nl nnv moment with tin- cev-rn ' inrut of the I'll, l"l St it' , inn! wek.o.v wi ll lli it nhoiild i n r tl war h ipp' ii to ; urine bet een I'ic two iv, rum, nt. fr nnv ciinse w h ils'i' ver, the lulu: b "i'l 't hm' 1 of t',iu.nl.l nil I the I ik. s is our Mi'liee nl j wvukiie"' We me or opininii lliitin the whole I Vtelit nf Hi" llr.lisll .ilip.re. fiere! beehaimeil, ami a continent, destined by time, but upon the whole it is in our lavor. (jod, for the happy homes of millions of IV several weeks every llmitf went on free, iuti llii nt people, would be iveii lo well, utid the enthusiastic said ihe war was Inlidi lilv and burbarisai. ruin and de. ol i- over: we did not see il. Then we met Lou. with reverses, ond theso persons said we . Afli r sin Ii expressions to the American wi re ruined; we don't see tlmt either. ii , .i i : ...i.:.. .1... n i. r ,1 .i.t:..l 1 j u all' .vlillisn-r, inereeiui oe in. .nisuihii, mi.- iuK"iione ui iiivsu ji.tiu.ii .,.s. .it eoid al f,-elin.' nml hearty sympathy ol the whole we have been (raining al limperor of llussiu, nor can there bn tiny nml the rebels have been losing since l'"" , l,a.-k fl 'g f rrh.-llinii in the face of the iiiUiinnrelieiis ou coiiCeminir the deep in- fii-t ,,,, o;, Sumter, and finally tin Y must Ouverniueiit, mid llircateti to butcher our c Used up, iiown, that dnr lirf tne 1 V,il,l!,oaaiy il ..r. lien UCit i i w ,.s dl .ilt, d in V 1-ilia he Was allowed In li.el no ii'.le b .d e.l linn as a Mii siiiute. 1 p.,!, . nianif'-sls ill the success mid d nm in) ili-M.i liici was in, hie on iicoiiliil ol ciiior. Yrv nianv krlit l!i, i- nl, Ir ln,li,'- to I'ulit ill ,1 th, m-ielvi or their miiis, an I history says had the most fl ittering iissuruiices to off' r ,, tlie.e miik of A r ea I'l'i it luavi ly nod jh.it the interest of the Aineriean peojili wi !l, sp.Ilai' t!n ir blood ir ely fur cur hi- ,l,,i-l.'-l.,e. " M Id and conciliutnry liuiius liavebecn tried in vain to r culi Ihe rebels 10 their i,l!e"iaic-e. The conservative policy lias utterly failed to reduce traitors to obedi eece Mini to restore the supremacy of the laws. Tin y have, by melius ol ft sweeping cuiicriplion, (ratl.ered in couli'less hurdis threat'-u to beat Inn li are! ovei wliellll I In- ..nnies of the Union With blon.J and e l,lu('. ir .nc,,., in ll,, ip lieai ts l!:ev fl illlit the We want patient emlurunc "",m'' "" tiny or tho United Slates. This feeling m steady courage, for the war will test V of the slavi owners , ...... , .... ,r i . ll iV toli dil iii place f was reciprocated by Mr. C aliicron, who w)i.2iU.buryp'rt.)ltus(ichascits)ller- Tin: U'.timni." 'I'lni Kie'lish nailers was ll.) less sincefj ill llicir SiilicitUilc for,p ,', ,:,-,', '....knn-li.il'ru that Ihe .1... c. ...... iin.1 ml.'lile .,r.i,irrK4 .if 1 1.0 ic . I... i ..f .ln.lp nuve ii. nt u li.'li i un Kiilii, .1 IllehriniV rmi ' .Mc stale i Aliertlie war llnse lil.uk Sold., r pa-, " ' i" ' i . ... .... , l, no su"j'i i, .... ., . . ,. . , . .. .... i.l.Ks..l I',.... r,. of tie North. Henre- cost so cuorinoiislv. is n fmlur . IlieLon- nf i ircii'iilaiicn, r.iV'iif'- '(' ' ' ir ..k ,, s a-, , n. i,e i.re im n, oni i in irown- , i - tilt h ii'ilr.l 'I' Vif ','" i'l I'l l' """''" r ' i r-i p'lt l"ith lh, ir e'a ins in cv. ry inslunee, ! s.-lit'iti such widi !y ll-ffePriit systenis, and ii rr.nt .,' ii inr u-it't (.- I'.utl ' hi I the bloks wlei sanind the war, after ! ,Vl.rl( , ,v authoritv so distinct mid .' .... i !l il I I' s, r i , ii I'll 1 il lllllll ...is iiiiiti .-mi. . t' ha i, r o; a ve l i'llll rel l' II, is. Josicit II, ii r av I'.vivt ti -.ti isi r TI... V V VVtiin.'. Wa.li i .'!":i i 'T , f, respond' ill wr.li-s; I yl , , r i .... .,...rL- .....I.. H.- I-'K -I-.'iii.- ..f A .r-.--i.-n. tit the in- """I ..'.'.".-. " i rune fT rs.m. in . rl.r to reieli r i'l-t C" to lies'- lil ii k-'. found line il'V to I' is il 1 ,,i i ( iv. I ' 1 "nr Ir-Mlo-n vm.s " Kr.,,,,1, there is st 11 no reason why Kussia Itl, I ' I i 1 flit ill il i ir n: i i "mi . i in i ,r i. 'iii u . t i t'li'.r 1 1 i 1 1 i i 1 1 1 1 v i ( 1 1 i Ins. in line nnd stem uil.ance, iin.l wield an ir- un,!' me ii d I'Xpri wi Culi il ell ili-,- o, In most t!n, l, null ' with the I'l, 'ih i.l s 1. T.l. r M lie pit on -ele me, nnd Is .-..rn -1 ' III i-oiidil' l IU 'h'' war i. H War Ml, i ,inp itliv i I in. iin-i favor nl ir ii"; i.nlli illlT thai Hid- in the W i)' I'l its MnVes.ti.l nil, I Iriiilllph in' t' l -ii li i! '"' i vi il the instiiuiiou nl SI iv ry. Sie h l.i k li i.u n m ill I ke Mr. Il 'll. Im is more to Ken in, Lv than Ii ll liiiiii'.iiid sin Ii im ii as Wa I. Iff -, i u ,u ol I lie liniei j (its llAVKS lie l.o.lsv.ll" ....r,i thin speaks ill this command r: The bealiii.' and sk II of M 'j"r (i' U. Hail' HI Ihe buttle nl Saturday me In, le tiomil Willi npplin-e by Hie tihejuph " Hanks." .y the d -p.lcl" '. "was oil I In field tl.riiuej'iiiiil h.. .ii li.ni mid i 'I nitly uiid' T lire II Ii. null. n' "I his tin'ips nml p, rsiinal tr dl mi rv nr" Ii m y pia d l y h,s t.lhcirs" 'Hi" pf"1-'' dniH imt si.i prise us I5.ii.ks is I'll bnuibii.' lie is ll U'i niime mail. lie has sue ceded . c. Il""t ly uiid euniiriiily in cv. lyili.iu- h- has tv.r Hlii.tl"keil. lie O I" Hr.'liir. biave, ipi ik, miui ions, ,u mail. We have la in m han. Mt v.--II. m h d- iv r ! eel r II.' that, ll IV- ... I . , .1 .11 I'l.' 'i l V. il Hir.'.l.'ll Hie War ami lllli. l .in u then- .vs i,r tin ir country, Ih'-y w, re ell t ii, , t.i tie r Ii' e loin. nml u luvv w.is tie c'.l n.'lv p i-s, I to cai ry into i j.-t und pair ot e ib I' r iiinal'ou. brave and loyal nraiies with lore g a liayo-ti'-ls. They arm lu-trrocs and uiirciless suvmri s in their behalf. Mr. Lincoln, the er sis demands treiiter efforts mid sterner measures. Frocluim anew t!ie pood old motto of the Heptibl c, ' Liberty and Union, now ami forever, one mid inseparable.' nnd accept the services ol nil lot-!.! men mid ii w ill be in vour povvir Colossal Umpire of the North. Keprc- co-t so enormously, is n failure The Lou- (() linl,;,.s ont 0f the earth irrcist- dun 1) illy .M-ws, oi n.e iisi mi., mp nun annl.s ,lul Wl ULUr 01ir Luiiners to she is almost uiiuianairenble in heavy Weath-1 l.l,rlj V;clory. er, and that she ships mi immeiise rmnntity j j; (lV r.V(.llt' j;i;no-s, already nlive with of water, so that cveiythiiur on the Jit i )Put 0f ,',-lr,, n,d r"ouiitl:n' vv',;!i the tread mid second d' i ks nr.- wet continually. The (.r (w ri.(.r,;S B-j) respond lo your call, sailors are drenched day uiid niuht, except j A.oit this policv, and she wdl Imp Ike n when ill their hummocks; mid hlloaihcr : fl,,,,,:,,,, p;IM,t into the fiht. This policy , .1 ..t m ,11 i I nt wliin is n " ll-lll' llalim'' r ., I . .r .. II ....,!, r r.ip. ,. u.i ,.T,,,,;, I"" n" ' I . i , ior tiie coniiiiei oi ine oi. ,-i,uh tt.i'ld.-ynM'ry tJ'J"l jlfcir, IVrhups. at solii" tun.' in n not , ; t , r v.-t t ion impossilde, and the amis Tim Canadians very (list-mi luiurc. su.-uesi.s ine .i -' 0f t,c n-'pnbro inviiicibl.-. lt will t.riti.' Miudav 1 Hues, our unit Tiiuieni m.i) "'"itlu'cmil 'it ioiisiut.lv close, ami secure peace Oil n jii-rnitiiietit basis. UicI!ai:ii Yatesi, Gov. of Illinois." and the United Stiites should not be llii.tcd ! stem i ii 11 ti in resi. sllbl Caa:ia Stiititi:ii Ur ... .... are tei r.i.ly stirred im i,y Iiu- course o me y. jf . fi,r llriti'h jiuiiniils in riving them the cold ,,jVl.s j,,. wet w nrr;or a dose from one : ,1.1, r and telling thi in to defend them- 0f .r eleven inch (runs, the latter will soon Otiv. Y'att s is n Kctituckiaii born, was ffect ihi, selves or become n. x.-.l. in in.nvi-.il i.n up, ,, anient Con.nr.imiscr in the Winter of a war between lviulmid mid the Un tcd! s .mFa Those w ho lie down 1 .'GO-Cl, and has always been credited with ... ... ... ...:ll I.. ..'...r... I ., ... . . -.1. n II . ,' ii, l.1I-v-(3"i.eri.r,M'1"'- l"1 1 J ' 1 will. ilo-'S tt.usi l" i up win. n-a. ; l IJlirJr t;,1,u... cvniputhlcs. I.IM.'.VI. llvil.'K-i ..II' O '""i'l riWioi, b.eo.n.S re- 1, will ..er-st in Ileitis D mncrat-, II ,1. t k is lien, r.d in Ch-i f. lie nceiitiy, ii,.,i w h ineinlier of lie 1) niocratic tmttv Tin: IlKnn. Ixkfruaxn Gfxs The . ., I l',.t I... U- is tl.it llhlV VI lit .11 ' til IIS" , J th" 1 I '.k liillilll.lt nil of ill" Solllll ll.' lillsl , ,!. r. ..!;...,, I.,.: that he had Ks,,, , orders ''" " . 11 ' ' P'resun limn pa-rot I, our ir ui ciaii snips w .n ne m sm Tin: IlKnn. I.vkkrsiaxs Grxa . it .: . I I . ...... .. .I ..I SI i..m , .. i ,i I I innle" nnv anil mi e rciiui-i un is, iiiiij p.-. r, ihi oui oiiis ii-iiim . i i i ,,. u. v", v,h r now where lin y will nuke then l-cd nt some time, find I ini'i-ll more of n t; ,.. 0f twentv tivu of the c union ci.ptur- In h rj it is ton late. Ill ii v.-ry short lime ,.;-. ,i.,, ,.ir 0t. For in v self ll.nnirh cd bv the Uu.'l.sh from the Tuissiaiis nt the to hs (ii in r ils ti (pi I inu' Ihi III to Use n irio. s tia y III) tpl' Slilllis efoi s iv mi 0M.,. n slrciiiiiuis p. inoenit, it is suniceiit batileof Inkerniauii," and presented to r,ls r.ipiuii.'ti.iu. to " , )i...1M(U(, XllM,,Ws n-vt out Ion,,,' .hat treason binh'ed, l,lo".ued, the n I.. I.s byc.ri.ru Kiijrl.nh m.rchauls. i en i'l j."! h"!d of, nnd Ha', . f , , ,,r-w ripe unhr that nam- ami or.-nn-. We consider this out! ot tin; finest false- .1 be a-k. d h. Her tin-i"1 ("'" , ' Y !,!., F. ,1- ral. absiric.lv. i.s ns c.mv a ! hoo.ls wl.iih has y, l di-gricd the rcl.-l it t .I........il,.'.ii.ll.l.ill'," ... . . . , . . . rs I, ot I l.. .1 ... n.i.iv. that anil Wauls to eivi' slave of fr.ee, or whillnr their " 1 ,. , i ...pii.,,!ie nf t 1c 1 1 cure of . . . . .... I I ... . . ....,.! .. ,.. ,,! iw i. ' II ' 1 1, a si . I . ,r l.i 1 ,1 1 i i. '"'1 ',, ..'.',,. .. - ii ait. r nl record for n't, r us, I'd ii k nc n aie lo be s. .-. mid impressed into tin1 si i ihe if th. y i! i.t't cum. willinir'y, or if tin ir III, i'l' r in ik' nllV object ions. The ihei-selfwheu tin" storm conns winch will in 'k In r, if she il.-Mrcs it, one of the Uni- Tin: Tixr nm I' mux Jom ph Hull in Ins li i'ton -p a year ii".o, Kii.l; " N i Midi wold ns i i prouiisii or ci.iic. "ion en be iitl.r d no l-Xcept by disloyal bp, or those ill the HI llTcsU of rb' limn. So Ion.' u 'I'l' ' '" -K Uvo ai-iin in their liuii'ls tin-re is iinih nr lo couiproinise but lliu honor am! iuteiriiiy of tho (Jovernineiit," It.bla iloctr ne f. r Union men. Ill'CIUNAN ANII IIIH I'lllllllAlT "While Hili'liiliiilil w.m President Ihe Fotlslown lt.tnk cniiH! into i xisletn e, and, mil of i uu- iliinent lo liiui, lliu nntcH contain-d hi p"f-tru-t. Hut of lulu llm bank Im nrcivid no rn.iny iniiiiliilcil note., with ihe "rl "Iruilor," " .Tnil.iH.Iiruri.il," elf, inscrib ed IHidiT llm portrait. Ih"t it l"1" le'idved to full iii all llm iiol.-H bearing the l.keiies', , n.l re-iNstio new-oih. . Il must bu done toblfl iiuimiiirrv Tnoi hi m is I'.iHsu -Att nnsncci sful ntlciiipt on the life of lh Knipiror of Itus iii in ri mrl.sl lo h ivit lire" d i "," Clmrcl. of K lint Yl idim. r. I'lvf.V house in Hi. rulershurir lum now il wal. liinuii iliilioned nt llm door, who follow! every one who (roe in. A Ihim-und Mildct hiivo hecn m l. cled from llm Vt d ntrn iolicni,eii, Accoidiiitf l lutcMt iiccoiinU nix h Ir'd n"1'1 hccii nrnde, nml llm n In-rdudy iniTi-ii-f- ASOTIIKH AlHU.iriONHT. CJrll. Cllf-, " l Mai.il, in reply lo Impiiiy In f',f, r' ncu to conllKCuiiiur the properly of rcuci fplied, " confiscalii I'Vi-rylhintf l '' tlM' Union," Knelt tin uuritniliiitlinniil exprr- linn I. .,.ni..i.,,.l uiili I lot tin DiinllisK to T P, I.) I. I." ,1. , " tump him as an Abolitionist. Think or TiutI-TI.i I.ouiv. l.i Jour " A paper which would Im I'Kdy to know, nay there him heeli liuiliy nil Hcdi.nr.i In ivl.1,,1. . r.,l...l ii.i. rnlhi Iiiim aided In the nunler of lornl ttoopd Miilioiied for tho rrotvcllou of Jilii own property General al-o s aid: " S'ari ry is upheld by local laws nl'iii" nml win re rebelholi is tin re is no local I .w- li'itl.iliu lull the law of the laud. My li'lnrals and officer must not know lh.it there is or is not shive ry ui any civ. u lace or territory. They make use of llm bl.n k lu ll, Hot ilupiil in.' ilitii lh. r coiul.l on, and leiiviliu' the Civ I laws of the I I l' determine tin r nm.li- Ion" tul St tis the prcatcst lepllbl.C ill tile woi Id, nnd about to hi com.' the niO't pow erful nation of the cartli. We will -rive tht Cmad aus cx, nine or twelve name lis Ilellioerat; bill if tilt! llaH'Old ; press. Ill t II C first place, t In? l.ll".! sll (llil Convciitii.ii bruiiL'lit the former into clisri- ! not capture imy cam, on tMin the llussians pule, what iniist the r -cut rebi U'iin do t li.k, rmuiin. In the second place, il any f,r the latter? There tire cond Ilnuocrats such cannon had bc-n rapiurcil tin y as there were also trnoil Fed. r d sts; but ; would have been carefully kept as trophies tho Pi-mocralic pa-tv is lik" n barrel of by the Kmrl sh covernnu i.t iii'tend of be- poor npph s late in the Spriuir most of them are rotten, ami even the Round ones in, mills to nm rendered fillhv 1V the COntnct. Good- Wusliinirton, A ntr. 311. The railroad already naclus to IJnll Hun, find MipplieH nru bi.-in trmii-poitid there. JJufore lliu buttle of Mamis.'iis, the rebels paroled 1011 Union prisoners, including GliO of Tay lor's hiiirude. I'opc's stutt-uient thut Ileiiilzelinuii's corps would tnovo on the enemy ut daylight, in confirmed by heavy firing being heard in that vicinity. Yes terday the rebel .scouts were sci n at Lang ley, near Chain Lrid;-e. Kvcry precau tion lias been taken to prevent a Btirpri.se there. Pope's conduct i.s highly praised in Government quarters. Nearly one thou sand Government clerks repaired to tho fn hi of battle to attend dead and wounded on both siths. On Thursday, reports reached Wnrieiiton Junction, that Jackson was again in the rcur, nnd had taken pos session of the ruilrond iicnr Urislow, four miles south uf Manassas, burned two rail road bridges, torn up the track and taken nil the (ruard on the road prisoners. Sub sequent information proves it was true. Telegraphic communication has been estab lished to Ceiittrville. Cmciim-iti, 31. On Friday, a rebel company ut Hichmoiid, (Ky.,J drove iu our cavalry. Gen. Mun.soti, with two regiments, moved tip, uiid ufter throwing a few shells, the enemy retreated rapidly be yond Ilogcr.sville, leaving one gun. Mun son ciiciiinpul, nud Saturday morning ad vanced with two regiments and (our guns; coming tip wilh the enemy, an ortdlery I . 1 ...!.!. I 1.... l.'.tt etiloo llrill Cll'lieO VI llil l.eilljr lo-ts Ul. uyui .s.i.a. The enemy attempted to turn our left flank, vh--n sharp fighting occurred between skir mishers. The C'Jth Indiana advanced, ihrotiL'h n dense fire, to tho nlief of our skiniii.'lurs, ami behaved 1 ke o!J soldiers, but the rebels finally turned our left and advanced in lull force. Miiuson then ordered a retreat und fell back three miles, ic-formid in line of battle, mid got his ar tillery in po-itiou on right and left flunks. Firing of urt.lieiy then commenced, nud was kept up briskly on "both sides. After two hours fighting the enemy advanced under cover of woods, on our r'ght, and nit r s: Vere lljlol. g, Eucceeiieu iu iiiriiing it. A retreat immediately took place to th" original camping ground, when Nelson ia:ne up, nml, ofler jjr.-at efforts, succeeded in rallying the men, and formed another hue of buttle; but nrtilk-ry ammunition be ing ma-ly exhausted, some guns being without wen to work them having been k lh-d und wounded our men njaiu fell back, retreating towards Lexington. Tha em my s force numbered from ten to fifteen thousand, while ours was not over six thousand, with Murray's und Mctcuirs cavalry Loss heavy on both sides. Gen. Wright left th'3 morning to take the field. Washiigton, Aug 31. Private advices from Fredericksburg tip lo 3 p. v. jester- av. contiadiit the reports relative to the burnii g uf bridges und destruction of prop erty in that locality. Gen. burnsiik lins .oses;oti tin re. The cm-niy was heavily reinforced yesterday, and attacked Pope's army btfore Sumner's and Frai.kliu'f ar rival. The attack was boldly ruct, and a severe battle followed. The adviintago was with the enctnv. Pope fell back to Cuiiervillf, with his army, in good order, win re he was jo:m d by Sunnier mid Frank lin. Forty-three wagon loads of hospital stores left "here Saturday for the hattle-fi-11. A number i f physicians also went. Our army is cicctitrati d, and iu good condition and spirits. No fighting today. New Y'ork, 3 1st. It is known that so lil it v III Government Circles (irivaii-s, mm -v will bye to the Democratic party! Ece CV- JY. Y. Herald. rr'iini'Nf. . iv . ., ..11- 1... .7 1 . I. tug shipped nil to llie rem is oy i-.ni'sn merchants. So much for tnis rebel I f, which equals nnv of Deaureg-jrJ's best. make up llnir mind as lo what tlu-j do; wn mo not in n hurry: but the sooner ; If,, V dee d" that their destiny i with thej Cited Slates Ihe li- ller for themselves. ui fn-n n t letter from The American cov, r.iun ut can protict Jmliana, to Secretary Stanton. Owen Ihciu Tho thioiigi its 'ir( on dit not to lose ii niiinu iit, therefore, in r,m,..s , chuiactcr of I lie great contest. ReuTI.UON-. In view of the fact, says a taT The N. Y- Evening Post publishes correspoiid, lit of the Journal of Commi-rce, Ilobert Dale Owen : thut Ihe journals ol t.ngianu nr.! ct ns., in ly playing the paiiit-nc nooui I lie llieiiii.iu .1.' w ,.r" in this country, the sub- Hrit.sh liiiuiarchy confesses m M,.r been a leading inaii in the Demo-1 j. 1 nt-il particulars fmin Thomas Paitii's nrgiins that it cunnot. They crii,. party, but now, after studying the Oninion Sense nra worth renumbering: lose. i liniment, therefore, in ,.,ms,..s imd'chuiactcr of llie great contest, " Tlcriy kini-s and two minors have -reign- d,,., ir,g the, indcpeuilence. for thus ih-y h, , nces lha, he has reached the ; 'n lt Z IIoiu,EGiiiEi.iv-II"""-'Gr.el.yhus'w, avoid truubl,., in which t!..y i.re in va-m thut lo eff, ctunlly critsli the r,,'t'1-1 1 ,',., '..K:1t civil wars niul aintU-in rc- .. r - . . . IT.. I ' tt MM, ii letter lo the Picsidcl.l, urging' d,...(r of being involved by tliu policy oi lion, the slaves must uu cinancipmci. Kngl iiid. The question of nnnexation is snys: " Every montli llml passes is convei i an after eoiisid, ration, and ono that mnsl j,,,, hmnlreds of thousands of moderate nnd inst lvcs. We nrc not cons, rvntive and peace-hiving men to llie him lo ii more prompt enforcement of Ihi i-oi.fi-.i-.it :n law. The President Im n- a chiirict' ristic lellcr, iu which la- . ,!,.,m,d by the pin d in suy Siunr Casi istiiv. An East.ra pnper presents the following bit of Dhiopiun ur- gnmciit I nnvions to iiun-x Cumnla; 'mt, if she de- ,,,. opiuiou. Tln-y despair of sectional,- . , p . n)(1 i ,.,.,i obi.ct iii tl.U Maggie's,,,, to cusl h.-r lot with this great t-ouii- rricn.lli or nuti-um! peace, until the teem-' ,.'. wi olt ,,. d nig,ra mil IH t.i 'nave the Union, nml not In K..ve e.r j , , it Wi (l0 fr .r own interest, nnd we IUJ csi. of mortal hatred und civil r is j causi, r khivry, nnd ought to be wiped destroy slavery. If I nn.hl save lh.' ; Un-1 ' f iim)t l)llt proposition from lur rooted out forever." out, loo; kmc (liar would he no war wid- tir:z .Ls'i,.:!: ... .., i, ; Tiik UmUuwM (Ire. arasi dl ril t:n sii.tiii'uloiie, I w'ould ul-" do it. What byour govcrinm-tit nml people.-, i . lUn(tmi Knys:"Thn American g i? Take k..r dut you dou't wipe out too . . . . do iibiiul si ivcrv und Ihe comMi i ". ,-;,.,; I do I.ec.lUs.. I believe il help till L moll, t . ,4 l I ...mI.....h I.i.imiIIS.i I .1.1 Mini w f i.il I mi ocnr - - lu heve II would mil help lo nave llie I phnll do less will-never I snail lie Union is the best friend of Ireland in the, iiiucii 0 kv IIai i kck -The N. Y. Tinus says world. We beg to Idl ll.o Irish m Anier ' ' 1IillI,.'l.k. icu Unit the people of Ireland nre nearly to " .J'.''. '.' '.I .merit In the field ' mm will, the cause of the Union nnd ialliciilion lor the oigiini.ntioii. coinbi.i.i Ii. v"i what I am doing hurl the cause, "'"'I ( , aItlll.tr lien. Ilulh-ck'n supr. mo ,1(r,linst tl0 wicked rebellion. They do shall do more Wl.el.eler I Hi.all oc lie e ..- , ((, nig mo-e will help Hie cause. 1 man 'n , . ,lr, t.,i,m of our nrnii. lo coned error when lh-y nre shown in . . Mm j, precisely the o... in the S Tr.rr. as Gosi'Ei.. A writer F. llulleliii mys: "The Union has much mora to fenr from the Lathams, the Bright, the Ben " ol forget the good deeds nf Hie Republic : Woods and allandighuin of I he Ninth 8 i 1 Mi,,,,., ,d they Innnilv than ftv... nil Hie h gioiis which Jeff Davis In their day of distress, and lw) iMnrtil; , , Ullt,, K.t ft , ,;,, ol !, unccess to llie Mars mm niripe-, .in.. , - f (,h().r CltwT,M mi i.ri, .. I ... IH ll'eii. I - , , I. '..ml kin ftihihL IH'W ill nil P" . ' .. ..... i ..i iniist lli'I'l I'll. I" :r omT c :j. t ., rv miiv rest asiire.l Unit wlm w,0 huvo revolted iiRuinst the ireesi uov U....P. .I i iii-.i.-ii. i i," o""".' - ' -. ... . JiiiirHnnnys: jsy- The Nashville Union, iu noticing .i. .....infiliis mithiir of " Anion C , , Hill -111.11 ! " Wll'ii- l'"b,1T ,"V! :!r!r tb Pines," that a secret orgnniMtion cx- xiu r::i:z:Zi ..r u.i.. i. n so.i rn .!. .he ..iima.e ' . . ;.l.......l in the field Ull'ler his b;,. I,.,. ... u ii,,,...,.,! " .. i ,.,sUi.i thru, division.: lint ever in..., . i - . erium ......' - oFsediand. n. f - - S, oil .H.I. and llm Jnilcd Prcsbyl. ruin --. tagc. The latter i not uu offshool or the second. I,L a h older oiga.i...iioi:;nii'l Lku I ...ti ..I n at' hi'lll III il... iiwnitil w u"! i"1"" " . .. ..n.iM.iri V I .ll v ll l Itl" linn I- tfii- " - " ,l. I-M,.l,lislicil fl.i.rrli, tt.o.ili ninny y''r '" ' (,.',.,.1. Lit of con.ni.n. ,,1,1,. (,f whU-1. is freedom, snys that ft hiTori!. liense thatsohlieM nru employed to fig .1 .. Mn,(,ni0 Iniitntion" is generally be- .. I'l.. f ni.Ll'lll.t ' 1 1 ..nl I .rill.lt llll'ir hl'lirOOfllS. .. , CI-... I. ......... .. nlnl nlnillur TlUT M Till". IJt K-STIOM. ii" J""- , mo CIH'lliy mi" '' I IlcVell IllllOlig ooiiincriieii iu v.s.n .-.. It , ri,10l... that Jeff D,.vls con.cm- tin. negroes, hut wl.nl lis purpose may oc - 1 IT. will 111. 1 imt L'ltAUMI . I . .......I. ffi mttm IL n uni". " .... ti,. ibi.s I tors who imve so mi.. r 1 f l,lllllk1,ivillj. Uu will in- is not known. . r,Cn. fl, neeof.l.eco..rseof Providence .7 a suyul t tl,.- expenses nl ni" - " ,racy iln.ll lie...k.i.iwlc.lged l.y ! ir .1 crntnei.t bicaii'O tliu wnr Is costlyT K w, . . i. .... ...... .....nil mil : wnv iimi i i'" ; ( bill- .1 . i. i, r- ...ul rnsili it n mili'M HR YwrT.r: . . ofnbullby.onc mm uiiTtT ii - tK 1 hcouies ft woman rttnnin(t fiis tongue o.tl of luf mouth. Il is nn old saying, but n very pretty L. thut a l)hisliil.koft little gin, mr n will be the uulioii's liberties, and lor whut purpose have we laid down on the ullur of our country n liiindrcd tlionsiind lives and ii thousand millions of dollars? The ma jority of this tcrr tory would be ci i di d lo ii. j,.v.i i.liu-iiTt-liv at Richmond: the m' nt- cry of ihe gulhnit defenders of llm U n, Who l.i.vi. sealed Iheir pnlriotic devoluui with their lives, would bo fpit upon nnd they stigtn.ilir.ed a the ' vile hordts ol Liu coin' nnd 'nigg. r stealers.' " Kg- The wool clip or Ohio, it is mid, will Ihli- jciir amount to thirteen millions of pounds-two million! greater than the lip of 1801. Vainglory blosroiris, but never bear.", departure ol Surgeons caused considerable xcitcmcnt. urious rumors are circu atul but l.ot tractable to nny nlinblo sources, therefore wo do not deem it proper to tel. graph them. A leeling ot depression itl-o exists in Philadelphia and Boston in consequence of inability to obtain reliauio information regarding nU.urs. New Y'ork. Sept. 1 The Tribune' Washington dispatch, dated Jlst, says no news of renewal of contest to day, except telegram dated Fairfax Station, lorenoon, which spenks of heavy guns being heurd in tho neighborhood of Brislow station. It is thought in high cfliciul circles here that the noise was canst d by tho blowii-g up 01 Gen. Bank's train, who is fcurcd to bo cut off with his whole force. At Fairfax 500 rebel prisoners are awaiting transportation to Washington. They concur in saying, ns docs information from nil other sources, uini mo wuoio reu el nrniv is engaged itniU-r Lee. It is es timated to bo two or three hnndrcd thou sand. Prisoners also say th. y were prom ised a speedy march into V. ushingtou. Who ahe tiik Woitsr TnAiTOns. An nrniv correspondent says: The traitors North arc worso than tho traitors South, und sometime I think wo huve as many of them in tho aggregate. They ure meaner men; they arc nu n who will coinn behind von nnd cut your throat in tho dark. Thnve great respect for Southern traitors who shoulder their mus kets nnd conic out nud tnko tho chancel of Ihe bullet and the lutlti-r; Imt I hove the most superlative roniniipi lor ino North, rn traitors, who, miner me iniieiiu cd guise of patriotism, are stabbing their country in the dark. CitAri.AiNs in the Armt. There uro at present in tint United States nnny in tliu field nhoiit four hundred and seventy-two chnpliihis, who miiy be divided as follow! : M.thoilisis, 121; Prr.sbjtennii(.V!.)U5 Congregational, 11; l'piscoflil, GO; Bap list, 43; Presbyterian (0. S.) 24; Unita-. rinn, 23; Catholic, 22; notknown, 0. To- tul 412. The Charleston Courier snys tlmt two or three Union flags were recently found In lomvt nt Galveston. All the r"8001 guilty of thii " trenson" wire pxecutti