.If nny man Mli'ntit haul ivUit Amoviran Vine. ultotii htm on the vl t'l ?. Dir. l)c (Oregon CVrjua. W. L. Ad rns, - . . Editor. OiOXaON CITY : S ATI' HI) A V, SKITKMHKK 0, lSi.2. I'ha SUbeliion Must bo Put Sown. in ili; r has been written tun! spoken up-n the duties of American citions in the pi-st struggle, we have seen nothing tlmt mere full v comprilicnded tlio whole thing in n lew words than the extract from n speech ilc'ivcriHl by Kev. Robert J. llrcck inriilgv tit Cincinnati, which wo published r.ot hn-g since. Tie extract is ns follows: " The lirst lesson we draw from the ue 1 11 i I state of t!ie country is, (hat the war in whit'i wo tire engaged ought to bo pros ecuteJ, and prosecuted to the end, with the whole energy of -the nation; ought to be prosecuted to t'.ie List extremity. 1 may be called fanatical perhaps 1 am; but 1 have oaen said, nnd I say it to you here, e'.-.d God L- 1. 1 y judge, I believe it wouhl be better for litis country, terrible ns the ca 1 unity wouM be, and incalculable as the misery wouhl be I believe it would be better for (Jo.l's purposes upon earth 1 believe it would be iueouipar.ibly better for t! ;. hu:!;in race, for nil that is Mined by ns, th,;t wo should go back to I'lyniouth Koch nil 1 Jamestown to the infancy of our country than to ! t this atrocious and sbomimi'.h- attempt lo suhw-tt the (ioveni lii:::: smc- J." The utterance of that speech places Dr. l.rcckii'.ridge in the front rank of all the ibetors of divinity, and lifts hiiu i:p upon a pl.ufonn . eeupie.! by the most patriotic an l far-sci. i;.g ituttsicen of the nge. As a th (rent Northwest tlirou;li tlio Northern hikes to receive tlio Ynneeys, Denure- gurds, mid l-raggs, loaded down with pis- To ImmtgruaiH, To those who nro Necking locations in Oregon, it might bo nu object to look into tols nud bowie-knives, as ministers from ; the advances olTered in the region of Richmond to Washington, demanding with country adjacent to the mouth of tlio Co insulting swagger that the whims and ca-1 lumbia and bordering on tlio sea-shore. prices of tlio uegro broeding oligarchy bo j There is a largo extent of vacant country complied w ith on pain of being beleaguered j that region which is susceptible of being with nigger regiments from Cottoudom, j converted into line farms. The timber backed up by swarming minions of tho j with which much of it is covered has pre- Knglish, French, Austrian, Spnni.sh, and retails of Eastern Newt. SKVKI.K l'lUilTlNllt tint iter Miltl nl null Hun 1 1 perhaps the China and Dahomey liovorn ments. The cost of siiucleliimr the rebell- New York. Aug. list)). -Tho Alexan 1 t-ii 1'iiiTi-snoiideiit of the Triliniif. states ...1 :i. . .. t.:i 1 1 . . ..-.tun its wiuruiciiv mniu puiiiiu "" t,Bt Tuesday lligllt (-IH1I), tllO I'CiltTil. could bu obtained in the Willamette valley, , pickets at Manassas .1 unction were driven yet this timber is much more easily dis- j in; two companies infantry, one of cavalry ion now will be a mere trille in treasure posed of than that on much of the land ""I -)'. M." !' ..'if i i ,i ,i ' surprised ami ultuckcil ny r.wriu unison, and blood to the enormous expenditures of whew farms are being opened in the north-, ',,.,.. fl,,m wu.n U) ,, thousand, in- both which will become necessary to main-1 ' P1"'' of tho Willamette valley. The , , . ..... ,.,,1,.,. mid nrtillerv. After a tain our existence, provided the rebel con federacy ns nn independent power makes land when cleared will produce, we believe, j short skirmish our small force Ih'd and the twice as much grass as the laud in tho rebels turned on them in no ot our guns, I . i I j 'I I I . I ' . ! . . i ....... war noon i tho I,,., Ili.,1 -i.h ,.,, Willamette, w hite and red clover hcim: as "l "' 'c 1 " ""V ""T" , ,., , ... ... ... .. . . , were taken prisoners, only a lew escaping half dozen liberty hating governments of ! " woro indigenous to the soil, ami owing to I l(1.os ;lini ni Vllon yy wmi, the old world. That such a war initU-r J fr-'l'"il showers during tho siunnier it j ,,,,, ( ,, -.'ih (hi, tfen. ('ii's divis- such adverse circumstances would be forced is wH the time growing, mid two crops ' ion. were stationed. This division inline- upon us in a short time, is niornllv certain. ' (wnio y three) of hay can be tak... oil' diately advanced, under Seamu.on, jo meet That Kngland itself, the only goWrnment ' each summer. Fruit, ihongh a month : j;;;',;1;'; 11 of importance that is generally recognized ,a,, r 111 t'"1111 the upper country, : ilirtiml 10llrs The I'nion troops being as having a regard for constitutional liber-. ,loos ,,s Wrl1 "s "'".vwliere in the Mate, nn.l ; ,-,j,.y outniuubcivd, and dunked on the tv, in llurope, would be a-aiiist us in such ' tlu' m'fS " Sl'Mo111 '- lu,v,r winterkilled, rinlil.'relurned across Hull Uun "idg'. ' i ' .... . . . .... . . it : i I. in. i. I.i i.i li.il. 1 tin. nrfivi' svinn i. I lie cohl is never as severe. I lie coldest : " " """ "i , , turning our right toward Manassas, and that the divisions 1 had ordered there two days before had not arrived from Alexan dria, 1 immediately broke camp at tho Wiirreiitou Junction, and marched rapidly back in throe columns. I directed Mc Dowell's anil Sigcl's corps, and Homo's di visions to march upon (lainsville, by Wor rentou mid Alexandria, Tike's nnd one of Uciiitzelinan's to march on tlrceuwleh, and with Porter's corps nnd Hooker's di vision I inarched back to Manassns Junc tion, MeDowdl was ordered to interpose. betvveer. the forces nl tho e ny which had passed to Manassns through (lainsville and iiis main body moving down from White Plain through Fair (lap; this was accom plished completely. I.ongstreet who hud passed through the (lap, being driven back to the West side, the forces lo (ireeiiwich were designed lo support McDowell In case he met too large u force of the enemy. Hooker's division moving toward Ma missus, came on the enemy near Kittle riv er on the afternoon ol the '.".itli. Alter n shiiin nctioit ho nulled I hem comnlelelv: I I ii ... i . . . .1 I llllf'1111-.il tit nil I... - .1 siirrouniieo ouo, capiiirii'g uio camp nun i-i v "ul,lg '.no woiiiii,., mifgiio, with lintiiv stand of nrins. I his Allhoiiuh the I'lienm-ii i morning the command pushed rapidly for- j ,0.st H.ulliiiW and Mlm,lm, . 0f " ward to Manassas Junction, which Jarkuui I . . , . h t'lurni,. had evacnaled Hove I rs before. He re- j 1 '", Mnw of ,. , . ii i ii i i in NKMi mul i .i . ' " "eii(l uf 55'gel nud McDowell w,.- i. . ' front, llunkiwas ;n,ri,,gJ Inrger army than ,, under Jl ,r,?r' A pules his inarch. Udl.ti, Washington, Aug. ao.-h t that Met 'lelhu, hn, boll . , . ' ot (ler-ln-el,ier;-MeC,lllu, V C". ri n"i!'l'-4,ct!Ii";ii;1' 'nn.: LATKST s "sliliigtoii, Aug. HO -.if from private sources Mate t'ml "P will, and attacked thorncmr . o'clock this mornin, ,,,'7, Probably arrived on fhe ft J, J.' from Manassas, olly t milw 81 (annonadintrU distinctly , j ' "K... The lJ,Kv: greatest exoilcme.it In Ul0 d KJ hnve been iWUG. by tic 1(,nd J ferent bureau, calling on H,,,:,,,;, U ployees to reiiiiir In il... i . .., . . M I --- IIU III! I I In IT. I t - ""HUM i i . inr II,. FiiiiTu ami luirt s Malion. takuiir pos-.es- sion of Mana-sas Junction. The reliels captured seven trains loaded with provi I rented by 'cut if v tilt and took the turn pike roud towards Wu-hinglon. He was met si miles we.si ol l ciurevilio uv Mi- Douell mid Sigel, mid lain this nflernoon n severe lihl tool, place, which dal knes ler- iimiated. 1 he eiii'inv was ilriveu Imek at all points; and Ihui nll iiis rest. luthl, from Cenlreville, and I don't s. e how mu. tH, mlr.(.(11H . ' """U to I lie enemy is to escape without heavy loss. ' u. i- . ' ' to .... . . . ' 11 1 11 1 1 III lO 1 1 1 L5 1 1 L We have cnplur.d I.Ono prisoners, manv : lu '"K"1- arms, nnd one piece of nrtill.-ry ' ' """""'I'. Aug. '."... cu. . Fori:. .' "t "rs irom i,,.,,, t0. - lien. nr iMil. ni-r ii.i. . o iv ,h"1,"" ""' ''t'-ultiS cess is everywhere diseerniblo i'i.ii . 1. 1. 1 i i iiiimii ipiiiu, jug. ro Tii, uioniies received a a hard foueht battle h. ...t.. V7 nlr m. jilll! M'UrclMijy 'Oil com: : .in ..... l . ; . .1 i in.gg.e, ,S suowi. oy me aeine sunpu- - , , , M " A, , oV)K.k( , nbel reg tl.y with the slaveholders' ivl.elbon every , """ 'Menno.ne.e, e,e,-. niiiti j.-, (ht ,.im li()y0 w where manifested by the leading IVlish ' ' il'Troes above zero at Astoria, when it w) ,)l0 VM (i:,i0 charged nnd drove journals and the itching disposition 0f t!,0 ' stood at six degrees ubove in the Wilhim- Uumii back with heavy loss. Our ivgi- tJoveriimenttohuntup some paltrv pre- ctto Tiillev, making a dilMenee ol seven- menis iom .... or .o iu.uo, ... . .' ..... i : p. ,- i .... . i. ... inissin,' At J oclock. eammoii was text to join issue with us and lend a help- . ''- " "--.nee o. inmia a nuu- ing hand to the rebels in trying to lav our l"t', Jf ls 1101 wuent country, nut , . . (.iV(.,iim (lf Alexandria. The w hole country in ruins. Her svmoathv vegetables, oafs, barley, Iruit, and grass do rebels ndvaiiced across Hull Uun. On with rebellion has shown the hollow-hearted remarkably well. Herries (wild) grow in Weduoday their advance cavalry were at hypocrisy of her pretended ntiti slavery abundance, while game, such us elk, philanthropy, while In r threat to declare '"'i,r. l,l''''. KIVS0. s'il". ducks, snipes, bloody war against us for a the cart of Cant Willi's- in t ii. !:i.- Ma.on that It is a region of attractions to him nil of which I ln-V ih stroved. Out of H I 1 " ' ....... . . . r . ... , I - ' " ni i.oiiHin r.ii, i, .1 vji:.i. :i i,. i... 'i. i . i.. .....i i... who ei" its in iniiniii. Siii'iTsi us men 111 tie (. rcnnsv.viima regimeiu. in out ol l lie nny plucis wiilioul onmrs. f -., I .... ;.,.... u- , . uim ..i.u iii.il iiviii uiv. linn, .-iiiu.ij in. ii tiiv - o r p ill ! III , nu 1) tlllll'Mlny I',.., IV lliiee are Known 10 nave eseapi-u. .1 large i nioii uiieiiug was In hi on I lie in" to mii'i h for the (Hi p: r, H tt FrJrnl ll into ll has L'onu mi the rier lo lieninl -.h nil lilaei i ,.iil.r .l.l.. t tii i i ... " I I ' ""ii. .1 111111(1 l no n M ii..! on tho banks of th" rin r where iMetnllas ,,., , 11Ml r,..,r1,rr..llll.,lU i, ' '"I" have (ir.il upon paving Wits. I'm. kin- i.IimI ut litis iin.imr.. li . i '.I ... I '.r.-.if I In r I. Il.-l II,... ,' ' I"tUOIU, ,.,,.... w - I t MHO (III 111! I New York. Au r I".) Dates from New si H.... f .t... "f,i;"lf, lh.1 iiut s for a shuht error on I' K''N . M I'H'i"), mw ana nu, s:..nq I1Mi ,mnnitioM. ami ton l.u'omotivi. Orl.nns nn to "tlio '.'-M. Tlio ritv innlm- , o ihmi ., I.- T of r l il - -- ii uill in ,..,,,...,. ,v,,,; ...m...- ; .11,1.1111 men lias d-rt lie front nf r i u.s healthy. Arms w, fonnd ... nil sorts nlll fll .olltlo bolv horror she iiianifests at the cfl'usioii of .salmon, .sturgeon, trout, and many other lli'l U1M11-M .-.111; lllil I til 1.-3 l.-S ilk till; I lll.IIM1 Ot I ,' - , . . . , . f , ,i.., j. . . ! ' - ' . 'IIIU lOlrF II .1111 ( ur hiss is iniuiense in tioveriinieut stores, exemiig or tlio ,'litli, tied oil h r presit ing, r,..,r.., i .. v ,,,. . , 11 b ood and sacrifice of nronertv conseniient . Kiiuls arc taken in great abundance n hi e , , - ,, , . i i . ; -, ' . v , . , 1 , ' 1 11 '" ' Mlm'1 I id Fnln oilou Him ..muni oi prt'ptrix loiiMipuiii e and large in killed, woundetl and nuvsing. 1 lie iiiuu New Orleans correspondent troops nro n-iilti-ri'd (' i upon our present struggle is too miserable ' the oyster beds at Shoalwater Hay and v r.11,,ain ju,t r,., iVnterv.lle, say; says that U.iyoii Sara lias been ,lc- m,i ,.llU. tM. ,;., M h J,n adeceiitioiitocovrr.il. the damning fact Tillamook, together with the clams, crabs, firing was heard eurIvThursd.lv morning stioved by our gunbnals. foni. I'mier 1 p,i.M..ii, ,,f r,.i -. ," '' '"'j ",,a t 1 1 - ... ... X . . .' . .. . ' I " ""iii'i Iiiriiat-iiif i tliat iiid'catious point with uneriin.' cer vc, w incli are romul iilung the whole ex- icyon. .Maii:.ssa, nmi U is t)eiee.i ( taii.lv to her chosen position o:, the side of "f the weather beach, fun.ish much ''"P- Mtack.il Dwell in the rear. e snows li instir nilciinate to a ' ur.slocr.iov i.i a luturo conllict hctwecn the '"" ""'. moie wuunsonie :u..-ion of the wisdom ami fitness of , s!a'e power and free gover:.nieiit on this liia" l'olk- '' he pleasant sen breezes make divine rule that in ail the politico-1 continent. We have got to make up our the climate delightful and render t! eccifsiust c systems that h..ve professed to ! iin.id.s to f ght these reprcs.iit.itiws of the llon " e "Oalttiie.-t in the world -come from he;.v. n. lias dealt vigorously ! antasonisini of human liberty combined as -'ol:' .v. during the hardest times in the and llle!::.iily with the lingering vhineiits . sure as we fail in crushing tho rebellion, of bn-'j.'.rNui that pure devilis.ii has liung ! and it is more than possible that wo nmv have to meet them in buttle r. the allies ol Jeff Davis before the rebellion is ended. The bare possibility of such a contingency ought to Set us about preparing fix it. We have got to Jifi-nd our (.ioveruiiu'iit a:i.j protect tiie nr.'; o. unman Unite, ihe npo.i t..e wliiels of liiimr.ii progress. As a s! i'.t n, l.e viinl'ea'.-.s hic.stli" from the chare tlr.tt nny surditi consideration has er.i!!:p"il th; rti.otions of his g.-e.'it r-atriotic r.r-. a of his vision a oi, I ecniprci.eu-ion of the mean lf;ll .. ..... o i ii iii.iiueue lauey, lias n.ways lieen mens ur.bly plenty in Atoria and vicinity, ow ing to the shipping mid pacing traile, and labor has alwavs couimaudul better wages New i oru, Jn - t lie N i .i.virv. today, s.ms a special messenger reached here last night with despatches from Ihe War Depaitmei t lo liov. OhU. to forward evt rv ii, an nw t nr i!. ti to x tislon ;tnii wle-lher eiiuiped or not. The Washingto.i Shir say, the Fo-t-mister at Fairfax t'ouit Hoas- has ar- nt d. I he .Viir s-iys the eueinv is en- cainp-'il JII.O'.M) of ;.t.,IM)U s'.rorg at ti.nns- v i ! near Min.i-us It also s.tvs the tl to r.t sc ihe I I u k Iht against our troops umi i ui. j nine eoui mai, ti ng at Ihilon Uniigi,1 np r.;ti iati ly respiMnli I i'V siaiing i:iul It.t'i a l.oug.' would be a'i.ii.,loin d iin l pio'i.iMy dtslroy- Mi r,.n,., ,r ,,.,,.r ca. Fortress Monroe, Aug l".l The Sig nal Corps, w hii li In,. I.eeli dispiilelied to lf ll (ien Mnlbicf, who is In n. ,l,;.,i. lorl.lieH.ons be luiim-diatelr Ihru.n , around Cincmin.ii; . IK-Iicv.s tlial nuilh Uuell in I. ported ul Cliatlanoo... ii;. army lliiuttei.H Drag.', renr, l,o ulufti-fvuo; l.e-ur, cr rmit.J t liter j I, ia,i iii toe llppi r connlrv. rronerlv rein s sueeeetl hi getting inn-t ol tin ir is i.u-.v lower in Ihui si .-tl,.,. I!...., ii annv aenivs tl,i' UapiMihamiiH k, nt the b.ise will be again, and those nlm se.il,. , n,. "f "''i" I i.i, ns. n is ct;.;eii uiey t Weill I oil,' llll.l til'' lort lii'.HIOlis nrot!!i Mi l 'I Halt's iiiiiiv, the l'otoin.ie lien and those t',.-r.. n...f r.,..i I ... .1 .. . ...v.. in.,, i v i I ii. ii-l.l .11. 1 1- l ! till- till til lit White aim lo gel in-- i .............. j . - . . i . e , it i i 'j i' ,i 1 1 , i t t!e: ;.',v(ti! crisis ! r-:;:.glit oil by the j hope of the world, agiinst nil ippi.,ing . t'0!ll'''l'.v w.ll gradually mid sun-ly grow up Washington, nnd i:ig ot eii.ai.i s oi di inocrat y and dcatn y on tins forces, and make up our minds to wh;p the continent. Dr. Drukhirhlg"-, after cocdlv rebids, combined though thev be with the having done !n v , comes to the minions of despotism in a'l tlie world, ral s.d godlike cos;- j lied under a ratih snako ll ig and led on by better lor God"s j the Dai!. We h.nc got the im n, ami the surrey h,.' the whole f.-h rational, statesmai.l,'.", i c! i -ion that " it won! I be pnrposi-s upon earth ii:.o:njnrr.!..lv better: means, besides having brain and inventive for tie: l-imati rr.ee. tl. 't we should g. j trettius enough !o co:.vert our Mib.-ta!:re Lack let I'iynnmtii Uo.!; ah, Jamestown ! iu'-o defeii-ivo barriers and huge m-ines of t ) tin- i- finey of our country than to let j war that .shall protect nil our harbor-, attempt to blow hostile navies out of the water, nnd into an iti:-ortauee that will rest on the sure foundation found in its very many ex ce'lent advantages. The ot tiers around the bays and along the streams that empty i.ito tin in, as will as the farmers on (Jut sop Flait.s along the weather Ix-acii, ore nil nnd thov :eern to ,i l. Il!0!lg tii.s a:r subvert '.'.oiis n a'jormnal. the ,1; ill tiovernmoiit fnccced.'' In o.ucr words, Dr. Lack'nriJge means to say that we have got to put down this diabolical rebellion nt nil hn.ards, nnd maintain free ii.-.t;tu!:i.:is on American soil, thcr-jgh p-.-r,!tiiit nud daermined war and s'jul cnoc ; put the !.t-t ttbtl un b r the so-i, bosidr ' Lrrakiug the arms of the rebel sympathi. iixs nil over the Northern states. Th" whole nation ought ns one man to make up it 3 mind with Dr. l!re kinridgo that, lav ing right on our side, nnd b-ing forced into should be cirritd on till every village ami ! a war for the re..-rvat;-)ti of l,f.-, liberty, keaitt:fi:l ham.ct is razed to the tround, the w hole j nnd the uiouit of happiness, we owe it to c-iiii.try converted by ire and sword to a j our.elves, to posterity, to the wmhl, nud to w.Merness, and a population of thirty mill-1 OH to cease rtiinatiiig the cost in dollars join be decimated to a tu'.-re handful, to be- onJ ctnfs nnd g rd rmrsilvn for a conP.ict '-' :l a,:tw 'J' f-'-I'Wim-.-ut of founding an . tl at shall L,t till wc convex, or ihe .-ont;- gooil IIVT'-, w. llles: ,,, or niii i .s I in i:irr.i.i.!i t.l tlian tho-c of any section of country we have yet seen. The country we are speak ing o( will not suit everybody, of roursi, i.eith'-r wouM any othi r, but w e think it well adapted to the lidi.s, and lo men who have fine organizations, poetic ( miliums I c n'Xallv to noiiteciati! woiiiu have a l.veiv t ine eei'.iii ' nil oi l.t pillion H"rker's ihvi-.oii b id ail i ng ig. :ur:it on eiliieslav. ttitil a ivlxl f. t to ar Uristow's Station. I.i-t'ng all I'.av. Hook cr drove the rein Is step by sti p baek t. M.IIUSs;iS. Olll' i'l-s III t,.; ll V. ...Oil .s ;!ini I :,e sain,' tl, ii.iig ill rg V. . iili Cl.ga; Ineiit o l.vi-eii .-.t i:i:ri' m hnga ! r.n.l n heavy force ol r. be I, f' r the po-e sin i o tie- Ua b'oa I bridge at I'.uU Uun, the i -li (is h pis, is, ,,i' nl mgl.t Itll, lei', it j- b li 'V. d th;.! NiUi:uoii w fnI d. -!" I- Iih-iii TIiiii .m! ,V Tl.ui s l.iy iiiglit the x !" U bunn-d bn nl A.'eatuek an I I'ope'.s U ni The A le.X Hidl iil con rspniidelit of the cxcrilenee nnd love that whi.-h is sweetaud -''!"'V'i' ! l"'r'r. r.ting on T!mr Hi" ..re as our ancestors did in a howl KSTho L'nion iii'-n of this jd n-t- have had their " own fun" nvir n rumor which has unnccouiiUbly got out mining Ihe s cr.sh that (iov. (iibbs has reccivid ordu i j ion ever start nag tli;a hold oiinounce- ",r !irs"; l'lllts- ' .ongrt-s ought to ni.iit may be to niggardly patriots who j r'rov:j'- immediat. ly for nriuing ( v. ry loyal wi'.'i nwful cfiuntcnr.iices ore counting up j ma" 011 l!,c continei.t ; for budding gun-tin.- co.sts of snpj.ress.ing the rebellion, nnd j i0llU clllJllr,'!i to jirotect ( Very harbor from higgling about taxes, it is ncverthil. ss a Ho-.toii n.uml to Tiit Soiiml. V.'e ought, position to which the American people will i if 1,l' ,0 '"r" H our coih g.-s into mo-t assuredly com-, if indeed an over-1 'i:r? whoo!., nnd conwrt o.ir public whelming majority have not already firmly '"I"'"'" '! place of r.-soit into inilitnry pi.iiited themselves on this ''round. The I t'l,l:I'S '' rv c-vi ry ublc-bo lied mnn should boon o, civil nnd rehgioiis bbu-ty the r.gat o, inaint.iinii ; a free goveinmetit on n l sanctified by lhensh(s of lb-volution-nry heroes, the enjoymeiit of the elective franchise, of ivpresfutut.'nu with taxation 'f trial by jury, the protection of I fe and pi"i'rty, ami the inviolability of our na tional n.sign floating in the brec.-s that i in the shores: of empires nnd ishind., all 'MMitute the stake for which wo ore to I., ht a .stake which when thrown into one !"'"lc "'"''s lb'-' "ther instoiitly kick the b l.lll, ill the (yes of ,s,.., ,:iri0(s , )r Ureckinridge, tho'jgl. freight...! with m ""'a,) ''r '"'"od, nnd everything the value i.t which is climated ,y do!!rs o,,d cents on the coiiiin.'i t. 'J'hut ihe recognition or He: rebel eonfed- racy as nu independent !( riiliir.it fl long-id... of lis (!,.,,y l.ovtil.J lo human progress and h:v institntions, con trolling the iiavignlion of ,MW;,! J-ippi HiKr, laying i.mbnrgws ujion our "r,,"l making lilliiiiliati.iy i-Mictioiis of lh'' old gow riim-nf, ntnl rnirring into of. r... ... ... it- . i p .'.,-.1..- .i 0 .,i tiri i . mi ioi-,'i..i (.'cMiotisms lo wage n war of cxti rminaiioii : the only 1'iiie iliinoer.icy iu the world, nonM Innl citlcr p. ..in i.tf.-r ov.'i!l,i-i,w ns n i.ntion, mid Ihe In,, of l.b. rty, properly, and life, or involve us iu perpetual wiir-no mini who has any brains can f.,r a moment doubt. As a malt, r of r( .,, y( ,, ,,. W.(J see the end from the beginning know viry well Ui.it it i - f,i,r jN(, r,.st to pro,, cute the war to a -micci ',s!iil t i inii;nliou, even though il cost ten tim-s or fifty times the iiuioiiut already (xpcmh.d. Wo ennnot oft'ord to give up the navigation of our Wlf-ru wn Ur' i.nd -e l. outlets fr the trade of ,.. tl.tv. -avs the i in in v H is t n -ri-- : i in no ing th'-.r o.m in the vicinity of Mini ate! got down a, f..r ns Hurt'., tnliu:i Wed ii"-day night I'h I iddpiiia. Acg '.t - Tit" Ibdli n: .lio riVin, of Th ir , lav, !! o'clock F. M , say oar trooits nre bein ' mi lcd forwurd . 1 e. . . . .... - ' " . ...I ;. l,;i :.. ... i :. . , , '" '"."n s nwa in soiiiiers liinlir i-:ii.;iv iron n ei . , ' n. , , 1 the hit" call ol the I-re-idei,' a: sooiias he (in Mi (.'lellar. has vi,itetl Wi.shii.glon "wi u-.-ougii uiesoii iimier . an I ncc.-nt- d co,.nna:id ..four aiuv m Vir ' S"t'llOt lll.L .IliJIiilllV. I i ,.i I.,..,. .i . i , ,, r'""''"'"H niMl J.V.,'.,-,sf1.,J..M.,aN.,.sn.i,IF.,:.rxre .lowers "Oil) poor Ua.t ll.e I,, ail to Doll ,i! u eoolhigcitiou in the direct,,,., of the tii" l:iil nl tiie coneixn, ilM-liml that the latter plu'-c. It win nippoail (iovern rebi 1,'iiiu nvi't be nut do-.in nt in, v .-,,.1 ,r 'mitt sinr.., hud Ici'ii dc.-l roved. It isiilso . . . ' J - -. i .i ... ...i i i blood nnd trr.ioir", but now that the pnn i':t is that th.-y will have a chance to ex hibit their faith bywn;k, nnd help pre serve "the Constitution ns it is, and re store the Union os it was," they roll up d the rebels raptured two nut of four New Ji-rsey P'giiil. Ills stationed at Center- villi-. be till. g!,l to li.iiull... firms mul ru-minn ll,. ' art of war ftt!- (;, ,,t !,'.,,. l,lC.'r') i" ""-rl b rror like a dying elf, , dii'.-e a tlnxoiigli r.forin in its treatment of r. beb, and show patriots in Tennessee, N rth Lurohna, ui. l (vtrywhere ilc, Hint lien, i ope is u.-yoini .Manassas aim his l,i,tt.. hero vest, nliy, with I In couibi.ied comi.iunieation is cut ofT. flr,.M f tl(; ,.,miiv.' wlii.rh ,isle, with con- (iui. Uiiri.side's and l'ope's cotp, b id tinned (my from davHgbt till lifter iliuk landed at A.pn.i creek. (). wlii.-li time the .'..euiy were dnven fro,,.' It IJ nLl LUIil (lull I.Kl'j.I l.fiL: i.,i..,lrnr ,1 . I f 1 I I ' less expense ol takilie' foM.i r frnm rim. iaiiL nf Oecinoi in rn i.r i..... t....i .. n- . . ' . - i iiiriiieii i ii i rr. it r Mm i .iii in I ... I 1 .- . I I e i .1 ' ' " " .'- ft lu re vi-stinliiv for tii.nl Vpiir.l ot ihr i.h. Hiiliin Mentphis, Aug :'.i - loogmriiilas ilsii , ' I llopifi.il, (Aik ) on lb.- night of the ""' 1 -s- ''uilary Coiuiuiuian lute h i'.t'i a ,d liter..::;, -a l.e !- t,,u' The M'"l " " "d'll nppeiiling to Kn,c ,j r.-b I Cuu-l.-s has ile, l.tnd K iiisis lo be tl. Foiled Slates, mi In Imlf 0f Hie tkl in t'te I 'uiili-der.it v Vtiin-y introduced n ,.,..i i.i r ,, i. i , . . , ,1, , , ,, , ,, . ln"1 " "'"I "f the linplii' Ailuw liillet'il ,-. ng Hie ml of the L-ie in h.n uin .. .... 1 '. I,.r.i,g tint ,f ll.v w,r.. I:,k.n by t!,e '"''-' I "i their nlii-f, it i.1, I'eder.tls nml tnalul i tlnrwise than ns """" ,v n"'' uppoe, nl i.u.f and in nW ui r, of war, .1. Il Du.s lini't ril.iliiile .imv. The nihlr.M titr "'fliot lite on Fed, ral iloiu r i 'Cri.n.nrv .,f H. C ...;.... i i. ,' .".Mil."!..!! is iii.w liraoj Nitt Voik, Aug. IblitiM' l.dtieis exbanslnl, when, i( it hail a liiliiiln-il tlicm tl.ioii.'h l.lter, r.'e.i , lure I'-t nigl.t. sni,, ,!i: ,r, i ,.. ,.l i, ...,u l t.il ' i, II. ui. In ttr Ac Xiti.i.it i and a h,i i , ,. i. i . ,i . i, , ' K'.t teiik f-ir ITni nri.fiil nrl li..r,iM i t"ii pr. eiit a mine fat' ru'de asp. 1 1 Furu- ' sdeaiMl Fopo stien-s.'uliy cut their n" 1 '"'"I" l" "v '"""ItnU perish h tin iiigh the rebi I force nt M.iinis,.ia Ui ! " ant ol its aid in the A rmr "f tlic I'eto f .nin tl a j'liuiion mil) Mcv'lellaii's nrinv mac iilone." The gurn ol llie mklrrs lb s si,e nl ( enli-rtil!.-. , , ,i ,i ,...-!. i... ,! i i . t . I -'"-- -s i..i'iiiiii hs. . in11 i ii.ii, iiivtr "-r.il engage;,,! ,!s It :t I II In U I'J ill , , , , ... 1 s iinl art' i, mi Iviiki it, it. nl .i.ni. I .l.L Ms. inn nu ler Hook, r, Siurg s, ami ,".-i.i ' " mon, h.ie wriirivd, in tth.ih Ihe n bi I, , I,r. "r ntlenihne e in llir cinipn an J w ere coinph ti y routi tl and di it , u fi urn tin- di puU on J.ioirs riier. " rr imnr of lieiliily of MaiiasMi. n, Dull I'.nu, 'hMngh ll. iu must die, who could have Umi wicd si s ol I. ii.i ,;:!i iiiniiutaiii". , i... , , . i , -, , i -, r I .i-.. . , , , ' , ., l' n I'liink't, a suit ol l,ii-,itl iliitlun; P pill let) the loss I'll I. I'l l Sid. s i ' i.iy heavy. No urate i.,.,r.iMt..i.i, . ". " " ""' FT" u" lotteti r, is alt.iniaU , nt hi, loiul, ,ut 1 nnd slimnhiiit", iiKlfinl of the niiliiury fa it is b 1 i t ci (iic , ui it r b ii l,'-i n loo-t .),-. v i t ly puiiislied nn, I ii.Miy l.iL n pr s.mi n Il is si.il tin: 'nt,eu n: i, fordnble III any Miint ahnve 'iil,iii:t,ii. nn, I i ii in Ii i m-iIi- mint plevails tbrnu .-Ixrit Wisteni Mary land bom fi'urs tl, ii a portion of the Con- fed rate nr;i,y m iy main) a th spi rate ife strut live raid iii ili.it ipiai ter, Arr.nig -in 'lit, fir a prop r r.-ci ptinn of iruitor at all j'oiiit.i nre romph te lor all ruierg' licics l.ATlill. Wiishiiiglmi, Aug. ."0 The following is in,t irom the ,, of I, nit ,.. (Iiovetown, neir (Jninesville All" .'10 hi ii . . ' in den ii.tiin k: e fought a li-rr.lic II it is safer to be for the Union thnn for re bellion, nnd we shall toon begin to sec a wprik.-nbig in the rebel ranks that wc shall not h"e in three yenrj under the present mild o.id gentle policy which U everywhere bu omiiig di.'.tiisteful to loyal men. Let no ' man ever begrudge the moii'y it Income,, his duty to contribnte to the nij.pmt of the war, or ever harbor the idiudn.v of n doubt ns to the ultimate triumph of the Union ' came. We shall whiji the n beN, nnd all the ollirs they can bring ngainst us', even , n iney Ke'i u.s lighlii, Tor n blllid'Cll years g in, when (here are p!mfy fo be Inn! in Ma?sachus..t:s. The truth is they ure hyp-o'-rilcs, rebels at heart, nml w.sh Jeff D.i- From tho np 10 lint strict- . , i iiiuiii, ii iiiu icniM nre i.'ui, nu, in .... in nn,.:.: in ii lucre is n project Mr ;my limy he Mattered am! ie-lrovei. Thin It.,. I- .ll I i . ill i .....I- inii-ii enrenssrs oeii, the re- reo". iiioveiiieni is a Oolil l,ul lia.ariloiii cn-ased llm i.rih.r .,f A largo Federal force i- marching to .omii,g, ns m.oi, ns Fit John Porter men men ,o,u nM.si in op-mng u way in ,.,.,,., , ,.., ., f,.,,,,, Mlllnhsn, wen, 1 opes itiel liiirn-iilesiirm.es H Ihe Theiiieirv is Mill in r.,,.,i l.... :.. 1.1 :. 1 ...1 .1 .11 . . mil. i-iiii 11 L is nil, I 1 SSIIll I L . llllll II lf'V4 IVIII I ...... I .... 1... I.I. .1 .. ' VWtO M.TM.I mill M.llnnl; I .! I. ' . . 1 . . , . I . ' " ,"-..-.,,. IM1 1 0 I 0l CSS I Mill ' 0..1 i" uun- puiei: nn: reoci iiruiy in n worse losinoi, (n n L .., ..... 1...1 i- ousness nl,,,,,. .f.p ,t.f ffltm ,,,'iively than that in which the main body of our pearoiice of th... i, , . '...ii-my hit fighting th-ir Ooverntnent iu the rebel '''""I"1 l,ow' ""T necessary, at l.-a-,t two to our one. Ho stood rank s. j ; hIllc cowardice, pmuriousiies. ' "' 1 , ' , ' ,' 1 K""" ' r"";" l' le..sive; every assault was made an.Uympalhy for the rebel cause, make ,. u " ,7r Xt Zi ..1 i Vll r-. r tr,"l M" . . " iiMiiv. 1 nr 11111 ir irnu Imittht nn 1 1. tiotl jiit.l uf Hull Hun! which greatly in 1 "' 'vm . I 1-1 1 .f 11 iiii) II r II 1 1 r lit AiiP iiinii -V.i, I... cep.ncies ol reln l hull, Is, , of iheirprop. 1 . I"M renehed ...e from Ihe iroi.l lh,.l H, . . . - i iiiiu.hi. .. . ..r f . ...'i .1.1 r '' er.y nerngtaxeiiror the support of, 1,,.,,. '.' ",;'' iwiiiyiiru lelreuling ti.wards the iou- ion nr,,.:,.. ' I ' ""r"x' M f I."".'" ,,".ro ' W frw,.r, nt ,,ec n. We All good Union men nro willi,,,, , I V Z' Z . ' . 1 .. " ' " . ' , l"" ,'",' '! nro unable ' and if need be f., die b. or.l.., , v-sterdnv. He ,tn ,,l i I ; ' ' " ,n"lr ,,"'"t- '"' i.his uio-t ,r,,io. rebellion. 1,,-t 'h ..,.v : ,l,r. ..1 I, . u "I'"! escaping Irom that nnce. 7u() rebel . . "'. ' v 11 i iioure i,, in seven, 1 01 nn; ure- '" "" 1 "; gruiiion rs limy i,c ,.,.i. 1., 1. . ,' '. .. nave miormiiiiou wl, u-h ki,i , lies nu iI,mi, . . , ,11.11 I ...1VHIL' I I IU.' n 1 1 1'sl'I'li I Ii 1 I nil I . . . ...... gon .npern 111 giving nn nccount of i,kirnihl. "Il,rh' (l M-cssioiii'ts. with Indians in Ornmlo Uonde Valley K'e i .ipt. i.nrrey's name ns (J. ,. The muir Nmr o a Si umi itmrn. Tin: gallant c.-ipliiii,' initials nro Oeo. IJ , and " OM Ilnng-r" (Hon. Anion I'uyno of wc-are very ghul to know that hn in n mini ' Vuiiiliill I riillcil on mi ihiy u.,,1 of diir.rr.nt caliber from his i-.v-nccidency. i cording lo hi, custom paid us iu ndvano ' L'fir,. l, ,,, a. , . ., y"1"":'i". n ilislunco of 40 miles, b, two Um Ii.Curry iu nn Indian fight! 0!,, : f'rr copies of tl,,, Argus-one for him- ! tnwUh, which left I'hilailelphia lio: thnt u-ftiit.l I.i. Inn ..! :,.t. fet.tf nml il,r.,.. f... r..l... .1 . . . n . I .11 : 1 1 . . ' . . -' s'".'. 1. ""j, ...nu mi 11 ii.-iinn r.iiKi. ny unys isk, .1 1 1 1 v iiiei iiuenoreii .... . 1.. I'.' ti i:rs,- K. j. Forbes lately from 1 . , , ' ,M,,,l'r 1 . 'U,iv,""1.ri". -"-'-At half past 8 "'.V' , .""" V"T "f l wUMl M"w H, .', l, i... ,.. .'.., I " "i-n pniu ior 11, ami 111 tins way "chh-k 11,1s inoriiing, Stewart' Cava rv ' ' , ....i ..iu livuilll Ulir .till- , i f... .... ...... . . 1,1,.. hi n . ,.J. ;,.i.. l-i ' 1 1 (HI. era .,n-i,. ,.,.... I ... H'l l.. wain',-, and would 1 1 1 1....... ..... " w ' :,r " V. " . .. .:,!. 1... . ' V" . ' 1 ' " " t ie hn.. f .i. i,. .1... 11 1 1 1, 1, icpniiei, a iigni is l'oiikz on ,1.. l,i. I i.n' in iiivimo... nml it, was a i-i M,f, 111 umrr (0 hill down )"wmj. nu iviunini uj t:tm In hi Imi.m i 4 Rdous rebellion. 1,,-t ' ''M'i f"-o'ly hut was nut by ci.i,ens fro,,, w; SS',, , ,, ii una escap ng from that nhice 700 rebi I ,K '. nd the gru.i.bhrs may be ,..,,. ,, ,; . '. "J..' r ," have information whir . , .."'.' . l'-si;.-l, nil nun I - I 1 f,,. a,,i . . place which ii but miles from Wik.Ii- ' " , m''".y nppeareu in the ,ig.o, renr o( I op., i.rmy, were Jack son 'h divis. J Uisui,deploodtl.ereiKlarg..rnrcl,t -N!,",,rl " ,,"''l,,",l''"t (iurnlrj 'flI.e,'b,.rg. The prevailing opinio,, is Ihev t'Tiv ,'' "H", mrcmi intend cro-,i.,g irlo Maryliiinl by way o'f on tin, headwulerH i,r the , Walerford not over knee de p. Uappulu.imoek, around Whit,, I' ilillM tO fortress Monro, Aug. lir.tl,. Tlio new days, without wagons, tents l.h. .Un .... .1 1 . . : : . 1 0,1 nil) nmi Kllll ISIICKS, lllllS Ien V llir their liniirnmi I l,fi It I. I, .full, I i.i: . .rn .w,.'i. i". i. in 1' 1 .nit. inn i.i mm iriiiiuiHiriii.i willi public give hi,,, B call, lie is prepare to i Z ' " ' " ' '"V""" uy. " " " gratifying ,.,,. furnish nhotogrnnhs. ambroivne, ,l,.!n.i ' . ' tnn" il ""'"rrying " 1 on 1 hi! wtir lii.rir t l tutiii.i.i 1 ,1 Hei.il. Imaii is reported lo be ,.u. 'Vh 1,1 ludf-piiNt ti inn TliurNilay types,, V-, b-iL'oodMylM IVi.i'r,.i l.tk.-i. 1 '!" " ."r' W l M"'t,;",'( ' letting ! don's r-ar, w ho Is suppo-.-d nl,,, 0 morning, .d coneentraleil his very large s-rr- i"Mf.'T(f.;7ul,'..:,"'', . . -rz A .,, , '. i.nv son, on the nd Aug., ., Sural. Ann Cut- "P". " J-.-ictioi, o,,,. I- k 1 P . " .i . " TTi .. . !''"'? mi. i i . . . ,.M' ' i'.w-.i.wii ui:iwi'c .iiicKsoua rear i .ii sjit - in e in, i-fs next Mom wn ym., a,el infill,-., of Ty ,.,.. v . .. Loiiii-tnifn front, which had nil tl... li,'il. Tile ( Vllimitl.'l! llllS "nllll liMtJltsll, if no I thoit-amis (if im n, since lliii O.H puigu I r.'iin, by Mipplyiug iIm-m iiiUn Me nnl Since the orgin.iuli.si of Imtilli of sientners and .iiling Trs.I, io-stc tliaii tin thotMiiml pitk and itmnidiil dkii have bum trmispoiletl to the Xarlli, ly the Commit .ion, with -ciul nllratie" t their cure nml ooiulort. At this nn. in est, iu iew of (lie ninlii t .de of those to w horn the (pn-tlion wbctli er help fmiii the people tlmll n-iil. tk,'M today or lo morrow, Is ft untlrroflifc ami di-uth, nnd ulso of the moral rtint that a few days will iuerrase that nonabrt" by thousands, the magnitude of the "l is llpjlllllillg ('iiiilrihiilitiiii in wioacy art tomfill) ItritrJ. Will not tho loyal ami grnroui nif mi l women of OregoiL, d'-privcil M 1 nre of tho opportunity of fiirnbliii ni tidi s us nre neeiled, nml of renJcrfng ii rauiu! aid, be ready nnd (lad K Jir ,(ine of Ihe nion. v which It wurgwtlf nked for? The Mibscrib, r linn been ,KiiilcJ nssocintn member of tho (,'oiuiulnlon for this Stale, mid In ill behalf M'"',l,Jr vitm liberal and prompt cniilribulion. which may bo forwarded to him 1 l rious ngeiils of U'rlU, l argo $ Co., n Tninj. Co.,, who linvo Bnicrmiljf ofTcrciX lo iisdist him In making collcclioni, fr clu.rge, All nuioiitita paid will U pW'c,y ncknowledged, nnd m it i ' ' mnko personal op,eals, It b WA iM nil who care for the comfort of tho licit Mtffcriii mildicr nud tailor, will (.end In tho proof-forgo or uninll of Hie. Ii,ii r,,i.t In llm welfare of th' fighting nml dylnjf for Iho Notlon'i lift Amoiiv 1I.M'II0K. Member of Sunltury coiiiiul"in' iVrtlaiid, Aiigunt 2H, 18M. A Ooon' Act.-(1ov. Wl.lt.kjr h Haved his Biicci-Hsor tlio plonHuro of im hiimiiiio nnd generous net by tt Holfon tho eve of retiring Iro.u oiIk. ' Wednesday, John C.J"'!""",il,,,r ed o.itof tl.u IV..It.mti.irjr t I'or;,'",J' rJ which ho had boon iel.tem:t'J 'ur ' . . .1 ...... K.llur wIlO lll,ultW for a Killing wm vim- poid I. vr, step dniihterof M. Hi, ,:tr, on. ,.rw t,;,( p,r,. f( Vlt , ... I ami I lOiifistreel n front, which had nil tin. '" """""' " . nriiinc- " "" i .i coricspoiKicn. r tlt, ivcm, nays, while I Wo Imvc known .Mr. .ihui' oi'-e of ) the