IIEIMHTRKET'3 Iiilmliublo llulr Itfloiallv. IT IS NOT A DYE. ut rotor" gray Imir lu III oilgiunl oulnr, liy iup. plying ill o)lnry ttli wilh natural iiiiitenuuco, Impaired by nga or diseiwu. All iiistaiituneoiit Jyes ara compoevd uf lunar cauttie, destroying lli vitwliiy mil beauty f lln hair, ami nH'ord of lhmilvs no tIroMliiK- llelimlrect'i I iiiinilnlilo Coloring not only rcilurci hair In In natural culur ,y V easy prouemi, but gives llio hair a l.iiiiirliiiit llt'iuii), promote In growth, prevenli !u rlliii oil', aradl ralei il anvl rtiiTV and lniiarls heulth mi l peasant licnl tli" brail. It hinloiid III lent of limn, tin. lug lb original I lair Colmlng, and Is ciittnnll y Incre.w'ng I" faviir. Used by both g'nlleuipii mmiI IhIIpi. U Is sold by nil rapiciuhIdcalor,nrciiii b iriciirrl by Idem uf I) H. Hasnks, J'nr irlor fJow York. Hiiirn ,V Pavis, I'orllniul, jig'iiis. Twnsi.ci,r0ceiilnd 1 1. J)'3u)'l MUSICA L CONShll VA Will I'M ot Oreyon City. Th undersigned would lake lliu liberty nf nay. log li lh"e winding In lenru MUSIC, that bit method uf instruction ia diH'crill ftiun lluit laid down ill printed hunks, and much In Iter calculat ed In asaial Ilia learner. Ha aim idler liii service fur playing at II., lis, I'arliei, &o. ln..iirnof JOS. Mo.MMEII.S. Wotl4o--A J. Ciiartui, lata nf lbs Hand and I'riiuiuin Hiuring Milli, ii again on hand, and wouldnny la M.ll piopii'turi llml Its will bo found at Or'gon (ii'y fur three mouths, if any ono wish's bii s.rvici . July L'l'i, IMi'i. DcnUltry.""'- ! U Nlrphpuioii will In in lawn two k; during which Inn thoae who want hit letilo will plani call mi liiin. Office at lii rcudclic. 1000 To Loan. Good security re- quiird. Apply lu V. C, Jiiiimhin, Or gnu City. Maw KatM'iM'u, April titb, ni',-.'. Mrnii. It i: in mi rum A: Co: I laki p'eiiaui in informing you tbnl I bavr been lining your cscell'iil Veunt I'oW.Ipm for noun llmr, and uiiln ailnlingly ptiiiiouni'e lliriu linn -,U!ed by my niinilar pr.psrailnli tbat I havp tier ui'd. Every linut-k"p.,r liny rely up.n it. dial whr. lined ai-c.irdii'g lu dir. cli.nin lin y neer fail to prodiiro lli.lt mini denirnb'e of nil arlielcn of fond, goo , street, and 1111(1 llinut Lirnd Hating otni pr.vd how nup'rior they ale lu all ilirn, I roul I im 11,1 account bo tail limit th'in. Mayl'mS M N. Mu-i- Multnomah Lodge No. 1, K. A- A. M., hnldaiiantatedco iiiine.i- M'Oiiiiii Maaoiir It ill, on th Naturil.iy V needing lb hull Mutto """Il iil inlb lliclliiru ill iimhJ a'aiidnitf ar l.i nltriM, . I' MIDMI'.iON, W. ,M. Tn vinrar, Srr'y I K' Tii-' m"' " lie "" raluidu) ri'ii.ng, 'Jt i. b. o. r. I IBRIIM .IIIP. Hi. - al lb MaaiiuiK Hull on Aloud n IT Ktrnniis ol ra, Il -ik. Ilroih- V' 7lU rrn in good alaii ling nf"1 mulr.t i...iir..l. d. II M IIKAM. N. ; V. M Kk ti a, V.rr Si-r'y. Manal'a l.ll IMtl."' ir Ii gb nu.l rn ird rlrlinlv alioll Ilia i'lrnn nrul im-.lo ill' lioa 01 u.icl for iU . n iir illion-y ill all lb' il . whirh H prnfawa to rnif, lua r'nuiTrd !' iinu.il iira.-iir "f onlriilnt una loilliiii; .t mil) uuiirrr- aory but unomlliy of Itir-n 'lli'y am kimxn by tUnt fi.ula; r g'M.il mk lnly for la-an, mid lliry tliiito not by llio laiib f Itm rrnluloim. In all r in. of rotltinra. t'vitriiM.I, bilioiM mi I lirr all'.iloin, pilfa, lliruunl nll, foVrr mill alir ..ll.la l.rnil.a. 1,,-a and all pfnrl.il llrMni" liitMltaiil ln-allll. tlirnti IMlaluva imiili ibly pMU'd a rertiin nid n.r,ly rum- H A a n Inal i I jiUn-lliK .ifr r.llalwyninlili'rrai-Iiolroinprl.liuii llio raiiinail .n .,f viv inlirnl. Jir. M.illji'n I'lvrit.i II .iin iU l' f oind'H'ial- ly rd'ma. nnin in all ran. a o( n'fioiia . Ii otv. i.y ii... b, niUi br. tb' i kii'i. inr 'd'til I" f- ni il .1.1,. m.. I,'.:tli. and i 'rv koi.l of ' .kll n1 .1.. a ...i , ,.ii I or ml.- bv I'r W. II MntVI-MT .1 1. lLro.1 lwa . New Yiuk. aiidbi Mnliriiin l.aV-i anl Diu,i.ln gni.-i.ill) lliri'ii(bNit tin- rnuiiirv. '' Haail1 aravrttlJi. 1 In. niil) ,g't.ib:r 1'inrdy i iiiibui'a in Hw-lf lb. r.. if" uf all An harpl r, a mil I ralliarlir, and a I mio. Il .jun k ly roin ovi fr "il 'b bl.J, in I olbor llmdn uf lb' ImnI y , Iba jinpilnti" "f niili' illby a'rrf'i'.na ln. b t.i.g'in1'f tin I f" d diwa. -, Iliua attikinu i lb' ro..t,.fll nlady. Allliouh pruvl a-lli-u rn.ua il liu y lw lul'n at all Inn" Willi rH ilrrl af'tv, ai ilcmlaiiii no powiful drantic drug l d..hui the ayal'iii, or niiui r.il pomou to rum the rmint I ii 1 1. hi Vp.ml..Hi..Mby A It. A l S VMtS.IHO Fulton it , N' York. I'r.oo $1 Mr b .III', m an iH.til'a fnr $.Y I r II' I tb a.lirrtin'iii'iil in aimlh'r minimi Snldby III. sri'.KU:. "f'lf" ' "V- "J I trufffftiU f i'IipinI'v AX .VF.I.Vf school ril.l, HI'. orKNKP, In iboSi.lm' now hrbnol Itoum, on M Iny.AVpl- II ia ii.lrly to arc'.inui k)4Ii jmrng rh Idr'n, 1o(a and guli, from lima uan and diin. i'rmrinal bran. h'i of lnaiiiniiK.il. it t I'riuiM. lla.lnig,.t,illi..f. Writing. Manlal and I ra. I ral Arilliinalio, and I'runiry li'g'aiby. rarli. ulnr err and nliml"i will UobKrwd w IIm i biblirn'i drporitiiriit i ml lialma Tumi of Tu li.m. $i pl !"" Tincbrr filial 11111, Miaa II. I'UI .... I (Mllll'S IIAIICI.U, Orrgnaj City, Attgii-t .Vuriinl. iid. nt. SOTHt: JH Itl'.UKIl Y il l.N in all rrotii wl.oin It may Botmorn, Hi il appbraiion will b mad to lb I'r-.bni foiitt of ( larkamii eminly, lr gn, mi Hit tint Monday of i - Ii-r. 1mv. fr II otdol to aril III Iml f 'I' ''r AIU IIOX KI'l l-H. Aiigut!.1. IMWwl (Junrdian In III Cirouil Court i.flba Slut uf r. g-n fur fUarkiina iiiiinly-rrplt inbr TrriH. IMi.. II. Iirl J. Ilugli. i, cinpla nanl, 1 I rl.l on I II.. . I.... .1. C.ulai.t 1 Pltori'. Y) WM J. lliW.llr'.H, naid d'frml.inl I 1 nil ... k.r.i.. i..,iir.'.l llnl Ibriaul rnmpliiuaul ... 'I )iaa filid In r bill In mt'l '""il "ving for a b"H finm you on lb" gtnuinl nf bWi nu cru. n. ;iiKl. rind littbilual driiiik'iin- N". " r jru aptMar In th firrurl rourl of tb" Hlal nl t gon for Cbu-kamaa comity on lb lift "nd.y ol Hplint.r, INfi'.', nuil aiiinimaid complaint, III ium will Ih iW.I In V"'ir l-". . CUAWKiiltD JOHNSON. Ang fl, Mn'Jw4 roniplalnanl'i Solicitor JVotico. 4 I.I, COUNTV onWMH pri.ai-iit.il I" I" A 'IWuror, and andorird by liiin, 'l'" 11 f January, IHfW, will b p'J "ii prwiiimion lib olliof lb Triutr of Cliirkamainoun ly. IIIDM. CIIAIIMAN, lr.n Augual 9, INM. JVotkv. U, pernon. knowing ih'inwIvM lml.blJ to . Ibund. raiii.l by b.n.k anconnl, ore hirrliy B-tillfd to call linmnllalely and mk Mtlb ni. nl if tin una., a n furlbar lndulg'iir will b JYolicx To Donation Clniiiuints in Or- CgOII. Tlio Hixtli Huellon of tlic Act of C'Hi KriiNt I'lititliid An Act to fciliici) tlm p.. jiijiisun uf thu Survey of tins l'ulilic Lnuds in tliu Uniluil Ktittim, tipprovtd Mny ytJtft, lOlli, 18 II k iuiiowh: " Skction (1. Ami lio it fiirtlicr cmirlml, 'I'luit fruiii inn) uft c i- tliu first tiny of July " ni'Xt thu i:oiiii(!iiHiiiion nl Ili.jfihicrH mill IllTUIVlTH III Ull III!) I,Hll OII'kth in . Uiiiluil SltittiH nIihII lie mi uiimiul Kiilarv " of live liunilroil dolliirs to eucli, will) tliu lot' n ii ' I coiiimiKMiiin miwr ircKcriliel l,y " law mill, to Im pniil by oliiinimitH, mi ml " (litioiml feu in (loimtinii cnscH ul live dol " Inrn fur eiieli limil ourtiriciilo for oim Imii- ilnil mid sixty iKTi'H. ten dnllnm lor " lliri-c hundred tun! tu etity ticrcs, nnd lif " li'im dwllam fur six Imndrud mid forty ncri'H." In view of tlio nliovo mnelnteiit. nnd lo Imve tlid order in wliieli wo tliink it liest fur Hie work of llm ollieu toproeeed under- Htoml, wo now nuy In tint tloimtitiii clutiti- iinlMiiflhe lovnsliiii In-rewitli (leii(,'nuted Hint tve slinll jiroeeed to innkn out tlie ctr lilieiiten of kiii Ii of tlioso fliiiinniitH lis nro disposed to tako Ihe ireserilii-d onili of oynllv, nnd liny for their ei rtilientes. A rciihonuljle time will lie. nlluwed within which to lil'i request for r-crtilifiitc", coin ilet iroof, mid take the onili. Wn shall then puss to other loww-hips, mid in this order cull on nil tlio Initiation (Muiinunts in nor district. Persons who live nl n distance Ifinn this Ollico enn In k ) thu ontli liefnre it Jihtice, hnviiirf the Clerk of the proper county cer tify that the Justice was authorized at the time to administer onths. TuwN.tiiiiM-ri S 2 W.; 1 1 S I W.j S. .1 W.j 3 S. 3 W.j 17 S 3 W.j 2 S. 1 K ; S 1 i:. W. A. STAitKWtATitt'.it, l!i'Ur. W. T. M ATt.ot'K, llvninr, Oregon Cily, August 23, 18C.2. siiKRit l's .v.t.;;. Villi l lv uf a mluui urit of rn.-riitimi ikim.i (.ul ot i lie c ri.uii i-oiui oi me la roi Oi''ini for lb' enmity of ( l.irknim., nu.l to me diiri-l.'.!, lu fuwir nf J It I'r " and nca n-l Ju- , ili Miignne nnd Si lury W. M.m, ami for w.int f i-r.omil iir.'prrty lu nut nfy tin- mini.,, 1 buve Irt j-d ois,ii nil llio iil'IiI, till., mid mli'ii-nt of Jo- n.-.b Mnjoii' winch be bud on tin- Mb day of M.ii. Ii. I si.'J. or ii v lini' ii".', in unit to llio ml- lorii'j d'ciib'il trarl nf laud, to wit, a portion of ii.l ,Ium Ii M.ig .ik 'i lull I cla ill known na i la.ul No ,i7, lunalii. No. .i aoiilli of rimgi' I w at, iu- rurd.ng to 1 1 1 o ni:rvi)a an I plotn of tin-tuiti u .Vtiitra im- on lilr III tlio 1 .1 ml Ulli. e nl t Ir'toii City that pari of nui.l l.m.l cla. in lj ing iioi Hi and run ol llulr crrrl., in t'l n-k.iim.n nmnly, Orrm, and ajiull pMM p. d tu rll tlie mini' t tl.e biuhint il l.lforc ili ol pul.l o am i on on 111" j.r. inin'a on lb' .' I dav of .".'I'l. inlH-r, nl on' .. elck p in. it mi i.l day; and lo lunlirr antmy lb niiue i--rnilioii, I b..iv Irvird upon all llir 11 lit, lillr.nnil lnipr.nl ulnrli Solnry V. Mo-.n hud 111 uml to lb' I. Ilun ng drai-llbrd rr.ll pl.ll' oil til' hill Hay 01 .M.ir. b, or nt any tmi' n.n. i-, lo wn : len ill) llir.o and tii in bo k i'.'T) l'iily-nn, and loin i'.') toai d it 1 K-M-nm block ,'JI.J Iwniy-nu, all 111 tl''Mii 1'ily, I l.irk.man i-i.uiiiy, llrr'in, a. i-oid iig in ill. plot of mid r iy, a id shall piuri-rd 1 1 aril ihr num.- lo tb' h.;le-.t b dil.-r t..f cab at puM c auolioii on tb p" 111 w, on ilm '.'.Id day uf .Vi pi'inlm, n.-.', i.t n'. :.i k pm 01" mud day, lo. g'ib'r nlilt all lb'1 biiiMni;: und iiiiprovriarnli iliri.uu and ihnclu l.il"H."nj. W.M. I". T.IT.NS, au-.M MirnlV (lirkamai e unity, On-gnn SltriUl fS SAW.. VIUTI'K ..f a rrila.n ril of rtpruiioii . .. . . . .... f .1 ..t imii. it out ol Ho- . ir. un coin 01 win .-.! ... . r 1, ... llirgoii, and to 111 ilHTi'lr.l, ill luror 01 luiui'y lli.o.ly and nu' .int II" p'inon.il nnd tr.il pinn iiy of I.. I. 0.b..nif nml r.l!r:mn,.r ill mini 01 fifty -Cue .Inll.irn 11:1 1 iniirt) lo cum, with inter, 'ili run, and a. crmi g cl. and fur w "it of p ruiinit pe pnty lo nnlify i d rxrcul on, I have Irvi. .1 u.n mid "bull prop.-, d to s'M ut public nule to 1I1, l,vl.'l bi.l.l. r for ra-b. ail ll.p nglit, titlp. and iiiImcI b rh the na d F. I. O-boru bad in und to lb follow. nir d'.nilnd t'al 1 nt.ite 011 lb' '.'.' I .lay of A r.l, IM'.-.', or ut any tun' ninrn - ... l I..L,. -. .111 Hi' nr'UI ncl on 01P -- nil nui nf Sne. ii.Im-i. IM;-.', IpiW'-pii Hi' Ih iiii ( I'll ami nvo..M. kof n.ud iluj-tuwit: Kiv. rlol I iiii'.iioii So. I. ninillo-t ijinrtcr of n.niibr.i.1 ipiurl, r of n.-. lion I, nv. r l.u Noa. 111.1.1 111 linn VI. Hip n.'l'li lia'l "I river im clioliNu. IV, IIV.TIOI .o s 111 nrn.... i. lb ii..rlliw.l qiiaifr nf lb. M.ulb'nit .purler of .. I on oil' 1 1) in tmvnnliip So. 3 nwilh, riingi No. I pint, ronlniiiing uli' liulidrrd ami ni'V a (11,11) iiiorpor I.m, all lying and l.'ing iM la, K.i man coiinlv, ' i'g..n log'Hirr willl lb impr hp mpiitn ibrri tu b'liming .,..., .11. I . 01 I' au.M Sl.prilVl'lo. ki'imnciiiiniy. Or'.-on. Tinal Settlement and Distribution. NtlTlt'F. in hrr'l.y given that Jaiii'a I Itru-pr, udiiuii.ntrnl..r of Hip pain: of John Kling!r, .lereaa. ,1, ban li'ed bii nc, oiml for l.nul Illniieal of in d mial-, ill Ihe oHip.. of lb e-iinly i-Vik of I'im kuiii.il cnuniy, Oipg ui, uil III - "I "I Jill), IN,.', nnd lb limt duy of lb '.'d AiiL'U-t tnil uf aid Clarkaman .oniiiv (null, A I) I MM. (llm aai.l day b-ing lb V.'.ih of AuguM. IMii.) ba. b"H np (Hiinlpd tin am II final nelll. Ill-lit of naid adiiiiniatia. tnt'i i cnitili. Nol.n ia bi-by fnilbrr given lo all pernon. 111 any (way iiilerented or comrnied 111 lb ibnlribnl'on mid part It 'll of lb eta of laid KlingVr. d-'d, in Mid a.l inlraior'i bundn, In npppar in "id mini lit III Inn l"Ve namrd, I i nbow can.-, if any llipy have, by d.nlritnilion mi I patliliiui uf aiud t nl.ilo nboul I lint tli-ll be made an pnividcd by l.iw rilll' ri.MF.S III FL T, July 'il'., ISM w I fount) Judge. Trobato Notice In lb County fouil of Cla.liiinaa eimiily, Or Pgiin. jlat of John 11. ( biles. N'O'I'ICF. ii brby giien to all pemnni liilnr. p.le.1 111 lb alsivi.-nained eilnle that a prli. lion baa b. n preapul'd I III eoiinly Com t of l-laek.uiai rounly by one Robert StPWart, claiin. ing that h ii nlill. d to a eoiiv. yanrn of d 1 7 .i-1 HU nen of land from mil nlal and htiu Ihe aid court Im ordered Ihal auid pUUon h heard at llm 8p:e'nb. r I. rm of Mi'i court (which tanl irrin will b held "ii ihe H.'illi day of Augual, A. n. IrU!.'), t wbieh tun and place all .rwii inter- rnlrd ill ia d aliile imv "'"'"d. ROIlKItT STFWAIir, July III), IMJ. by C. F. I'kthj Hl:iNtiT()N if COVH rUJI'F.UICM Vcast Powders. r Ann vn 1 to MAKK LltiHT awiel nml iiuiiiuuui ICpmlly ad ipled In I.0AV1X hot nisei' IT, liCCK WIIH A T and other takes, (ilNt.FHIlRKAI'i "d cikwi of all kind. Warranted fully i-qunl lo any in tlm market ! A A-for IlKDlNOroN f tVi YEABT FoWDKItH, .,,,1 i.k.nooll.. r, if you would l.v uniformly HOOP lU'vl'AU! '-uf ""iraSoN'Vro. n .nil III ( lay tlrrrl, Hill l ran.is.,(' FOR SALE. Ioiii(.'HU'a(1,s nnd Valuublt; Ileal Estate, Hullrtlnii l.otn from 8)0 tu ft'lOl) l-.aittt'. Also, 50 Vara Lulu und Rutin Binds of lknutiful (tnrden Lund! in tliu city uiiil county of SAN F 11 A NCI. SCO, ON' liu- linn of tlm Hun ,lu Itnilrimd, lit the WKST-KNI) DKI'O'I'. 'I'lmtille in nliHolulfly rKIIKKCT, boingaSpan- mil Idiiut, liaiilly ruiinriiii-J and piileulid by tin) I'iiiI.-.I Slal.-H. 'J be Slmfii-r Hill respi c!n tliia Title, 'J'bo City Autlioi-iliin rvipccl il, Tim I Jim! riot (''iiirinuml Hupri'ine Courl uf tlm L'nikd Slul'a renncr-i . Ill'liiirH, llm Title tins ba n fomirr ijuichii lj a Final Decree ami Jwlfimrnt aninxl the City! hi Ihut tlii-rn In lint rvra n i-lniid or nlmduw upna it. Wboi-vi-r piir rliusn nne of llicno Inla will buy n lot Had nut a lu warn it. (lliu1 .hi. I!) Niiglnea Iliiil.liii'', corni-r of Montg'iiiifry nnd Mni-liunl ntr"-tHt S;iu J-VunciH' co. llm'.' IIAKVKY S. IlKOWN. Danuenbaum Sc Ackcrman. Sprin J 8(52. tr ft' 'J 1I1IC nnniiof I bin tilling mid ninniiioni Ir.iJo apprba. liiiig, pitrdoa as ia prceufiig lo you our c.ird. We have now the ehoiceat, must vaii-d and inui-t r'i.iii.T nlovk of ( foods ever c ll r. d to the is noli- of fluekiiiii ia c.iiuly. We ur receiving, by every nteumrr, ntl J lion lo our nlix-k, from , Sua l-'r.-ia.-in-o, nnd tlmne wliu will lake l!i' Irnulile tu Cull, enn nitlisfy tlieaii'lvei tluit they can do b-ttcr wilh lis th.in th-y enn do by gotn lo Im 'Hand. NEW GOODS, NEW GOODS, A'Oir OJ'EXIXU AT Danneubaum Ackcrman's, Opiutitt the .Uiiin St. Iluute, ...eniibiatia of... STATU'. AM) FANCY Dry - Goods. tlie newest styles uf DRESS GOODS, St I II AS Fancy Poplins, Unrobes, Duljpes, lij.irr.l drlain, nil mid half wool French nicrinn, French biwnn, brilliin'iiien. f'uured and phi in Mut-Pillea, Si-a ati l j iconel muslin, a larir aorlriienl of l'rcn-h mi I Ameiicuu calicus, hn.wa l.lipiia, b'eavhed mid inible. che.l iniisiin, the LtTitar stvlkh or Silk Hoiini'ts Cloaks, Sliawl.s, ami Silk Mantels, ami a large assortment ot straw good cniliro'uleries Col- laix , sleeves, Arc. ...Ai.9.1,.. .1 I.argt Atsortmtnt of .allies' ami (I loves, k'nl T I 1 eliiUlren's Shoes, and calf (iaitors, lieatl dresses, I. at lies corset-:, etc. Gents' Fuinishing Goods, Hoots and Shoes, Hats and Caps, CARPETING, C V. C K E 1) M A T T I X G ; &(?., Sic, &-c. Together wilh the liargest and lest selected stock of f FSTOMMADK C I o t h i n , Cenla' aupetfin French cloth coali ; bciiIi' line silk niied, nnd UarriMiii'i casimcre paali, and a Xem style of IJUS3INKS.S SUITS, SILK VKIiVET k CASIMKim VESTS; Hoy Clothing, Extra line heavy Mack doeskin pants, Davis and Jones' shirts, with nnd without collars, etc. r-3- li. lllelllbel tb Hot of 1A N N FN H.VUM . Vi' KFRM AN,wbr you will Had tlio latesl AND HKST SELECTED STOCK OF GOODS JOver ltrought to this place, which ill be sold Lower than can he pnrchibsed in Portland il All who wish to sp moderate price, plonte call ml examine onriloek. liraleful for pmt favnm, we will tndenvor to merit ncniiliiiunn- nl lb .iiiii'. ..,.., DA NN FN II M'M .f ACKKRMAN. Oregon Cily, April 13, lb'J. Merino Hucks. r II VI0 fnw ihreo-rpiarlnr bbs.d MERINO I IICCK LAM IIS. which I will toll low, My lae I ii mile wei "f Liifiiyoliy. t. 'X Hfl. ' l ADAM ' T.CIIAIIMAH. A. WARNER. P. CM AHMAM. Charman, Warner &. Co., (1 UNGUAL COMMISSION MKRCIHNTS WII'll.KH.U.K v RKTAIL I(!it'.crn in Dry Uooda, Clothing, Hardware, Crockery. Glassware, J loots, bhof-I'uinls, Otis, dc, ntlinir fir-proof I,,k Main tkf.bt, oiii:oox CITY, OHKOON. ...V. Cbaririiin, liaving united bii... BAKERY, CONIIXTIONKRY, AND FAMILY fJUOCEKY STORK to llm 'ulub isliim iil of Gbarnian &. Wurner, tlio linn will now earry mi bun m-ai in all tlio ubovo-nii-nti.iiRil biunclies, in tbi cly, Imp eg by utricl allmlion lobm-itieni to inoril Ilia continued favor of their old pulromi, and in nuny new ori'i a clime to coma forward. No pi.ni w II be npared lo give aalisfai'tion to ull our customer. Notice Soltlo Up! VLL llioan owing Charman & WAnsra or F. (Jiiakmas, will pl'iKo coiiio forward and iniiko iiilllcrniut of lln-ir inilfblcdiir., willioilt d.-lny, bo that you cun all comnica'jn dealing! with llio new firm of Charman, Warner & Co. All our ib blore will the m cemity of altcad inv to tliia call iiiimetli.itfl V. CU ARMAS, W A UN Kit & CO. Oregon Cily, Aug. 2-1, Ififil. notice. 77: OREGON CITY SEMINARY nSH linen rented by the Oregon. City Cor poration, for the purpoi c of foimiiuT a OraJc .School. The School will b open d on Monday, Janu ary S7llt, in threo dep,nliii'.nls. All chldren within tha district will be admitted i-rle, to IN- irtlfCTION IN TUB F.I.KMKNTAHV IKANCIIKI, Vix K-ndiug,Splling, WriliiiK, luulal and I'ractlcal Arithmetic, (loorupby, Oraiiimur, and the liu lorv of tlic Uniled Stales. L'upila onliriil of llio district will be admitted tntheae privilejp-s, per term, at SI 01) For every extra study " ihr charge will be 1 0" For the flawiei, " 2 00 The higher itudiri will not be allowed to occu py tlm limo due lo the elein-ntury. A careful register w.ll bo kept of the attend ance of every pupil. None will bo i limttoil for less 'liaa nail a term. Tuition mutt be ;iuid at the mid tie of every term. l'nr.ils, whose pfireiils or guardians, rcmle out of the distinct, will bo charged the rntrance fee, a-cordiag lo the provisions of ihe city charier. Kiemeutary Text ITsikii saiiii'ra series, lleuders and .Spellers ; Uavies' Arillirnetica ; McN'ally's ieornpliie; 1'iaaeo'sSeiiesof (Jnim insrs, aiid Willard's Hist. U.S. A. Teacher, 1st term P,cv. (i. II. Atkissos, I'riiieipal ; N. W IIam.ai.l, Assistant, iid dep't; Mn. X. H. Atkinb-.n, Primary Department Miss K Kimieki will give instruction on the Piano Forte, at form r seminary price. F,inni: Harclay, Siip't of Ihe City District School. Oi-fjou City, Jan. 1H, Ibi'.i. Juslicds Office, OnEGOX CITY. I AM ulwnvioa hand, and will attend loth COLLECTING OF ACCOUNTS, Drawing up of Deeds, Mortgages, Leases, Uoiids, Towel's ot Attorney, Contracts, tfcc, .mil all uthf r busiaesA emiiniilt'd to my care. OlTice itiiectlu ovposilt the Masonic lluilJing. Juno lu, 1st) J. J. K. IlL'liFORU. (On Main street, acd formerly the, " Main Street House, j OREGON CITY. flMIE traveling public ar respectfully Ji. invited In give me a can. The Orennti House ii llm most pleat nntly located hotel in the State, and has been so arranged at to make it one 01 tlie musi omnium ous houses 111 the country. THE TAIILE will alwayi be supplied wilh the best thai Ihe imirket ailotds. Ono i iiceoiiiai 'd.itloiii for ladies and familiei. prices: r.oaid and lodging, per week fCOt) lloaid, without loilg.iig. pa week .'i.i'H Hoard per day, wilh Ulguy 1-50 Siti(!e meal Ml Niclil's lodging 50 b J. BUKI1M. Pec. I t, ISfil. Proprietor. NOTICE. aMIE Assessor for flu kiinas county, with the And lor, will be in sessiou at the Auditor's olliee on Ihe Inst Monday ill August, (from 9 o' clock a. in. until 5 o'cu.ck p. m.,) to correct the asaetrmcnt roll for the y.-iir I MM. All ini-piven will take dac notice und govern themselves ac cordingly. If- V. SHORT. August!), ISfJ. XlTotico Iri IIERERY C.IMi.N to all concerned, that unlesa the lots of land hereinulter described, hich were sold for tue on Ihe 12lh of Septem ber, Ip'.'i!!. in Clack Unas county, are redeemed on r before the pipirution of tix moaibs from llio d ile of this notiice, by the put nieut of the amount for which lli. y were sold, and interest and cliuru p, all uf which appear in the following schedule, the mine will bo liually conveyed to the respective purchasers thereof t LOTS IN' OltKiiOX CITV. Lot. Block. Am't sold fur. Int. Charges Total S.cts 1.78 1,88 l.GG 1,66 1,66 1,64 l.M 1,78 1,78 1,114 2.12 1.63 1,03 1.03 l.d J 1,03 1,03 1,03 1,03 2,07 2,07 8,07 5,07 2,36 1,82 1.82 1.66 1,66 1.G6 1,50 1,59 1,09 1,09 1,66 1,56 1,66 1,69 1,66 1,56 1,66 1,66 1,59 1,56 cis. til 70 :,6 :.g so ii sr, tu G4 55 t."l 48 -18 48 48 48 48 48 18 IS 82 82 82 82 100 tii! fill GO GO GO 4ti fi2 f.2 52 .'.0 ftO 61) f.8 ,10 60 60 60 60 60 cts. cts. 15 71 ;a TO :c 71" 711 t-2 82 85 Pli b8 HS K3 8S 8S US e8 :!8 42 31 31 34 33 .13 7G 76 76 7G 7G 76 2d 7G 7rt 7G 7fi 76 26 2fi 26 26 2d 26 26 3 4 7 8 2 8 )of3 4 1 2 3 4 ,1 tl 7 8 4 5 7 l 2 2 ! 3 7 10 8 4 A (I o ll 12 1 I 5 G 7 8 0 1 38 38 .S3 61 29 20 ill) 29 29 29 29 29 I.I N" X I'lfY 49 -19 49 19 GO 40 40 lit! 3ti 3 28 31 31 31 30 30 30 S5 30 -30 30 ,10 30 30 63 I.0T3 1 1 I 1 4 5 A 6 t. it K 11 II II 12 12 12 13 14 II II 11 14 76 76 76 7rt 76 76 71 ill 76 76 76 70 26 28 76 76 7G 76 7(1 76 70 70 76 76 76 14 19 19 S.I8 9.18 69 63 78 All of said lots wer assessed as non-resident. J AS. WINSTON, County Clerk. Oiegoii City, Muy 10, 1869. 4wl'J (nACKIlRS-nlwayi on lund j at I' UNA R WAN'S- GROVER & BAKER'S NOISELESS SEWINO roll FAMILY USE AND Manufacturing Purposes. PRICES From $60, upward ! Over 50,000 in Use ! Wf; CFG TO VSSURE TIIH ri'BLIC that the wll-known reputntiou of these Machine for RELIABILITY Will be fully sustained, and in our rapidly increas ing business the tamo care will be faithfully exer- isrd in every department of their manufacture. EVERY MACHINE SOLD BY US IS WARRANTED IN EVERY RESPECT. Tliepa'j'iie attention is respectfully requested lu the. following rioiii tlieCJrovrr iV Ittikcr Sewing itl:i"liiii! Cuniptiiiy. The ptibl-c, in their eagerness to supply them selves with Sen-iug MjcIiiiic making the GRO VKR it I1AKKK ititch, must not forget topur chase them of the parlies who alone are authorized to sell them. All machines sewing from two spools, and in which one ueedle only penetrates the cloth, and having feed which allows the ma terial tu be turned at will, are infringement. GROVE II St DAKER S. M. CO. .1 Card from Elitit II owe, Jr. All per.ons are cautioned nut to make, deal in, or use, any sewing machines wliicti tew troin two spools and nuke the siilch known as GROVER ,V BAKER stilch, unless the same are purchased Irnm the U ROVER & BAKER SEWING MACHINE COMl'AN , o.-their agents or Ii. eensees, and stamped under my patent of Septem' ber 10th, 1816. Said Coiitp iiiy and their Licensees, alone, are legally authorizi-d, under their own patents, and my said paient during Ihe extended term thereof, lu muke and sell this kind of Sewing .Machine, and all others am p rue es upon my said patent, and will be dealt wilh accordingly wherever foiiud. r.LIAS HOWE, J. TUt ATtENTlOS OF TAlLOl AND Who prefer tha " Lockstitch," iscalled to our Improved Shuttle Maclimcs, Which tire speciilly adapted to their requirements, AND IT THE DEST IN USE! J3 11. G, BUOWff, Agent, ai0 (91) Soulgomory Slrcet, SAN rRAXCl9C0 I9in'3 AINSWORTH& DIERDORFFi W E ARE NOW O T K H 1 u 1.1 Till! New Fire-Proof Brick, A I.AKGE AND WEI.L-ASSORTED STUCK OF GENERAL MERCHANDISE. Feeling perfectly secure egalnit fire, we will now Offer Greater Inducements than ever to the public We are constantly in receipt 04" GOODS solected with the greatest rare (as to price and quality), and ire confident tbat our facilitiei wil enable ua lo oiler and ci goad AT PORTLAND PRICm (freights on), and would advise all those visiting Ihit city to purchase goods, to examine our stock nnd price before purchasing elsewhere. Wo have, and are just receiving, an invoice i t consisting in partof the following nrliclrti Cnclie co, Pacific, Iladlcv, Cuucstego, Sprague, I hilip Allen, Fall River, Merrirnae, Ili iggs.and numer ous other choice PRINTS, all late stylet; hng. lish i: French merinoi, Lyonese clolh, mohair and other Debaze; hiaze, wo'ul, it muslin de laine, black, blue, purple, & pink merino, fancy plaid, jaconet, book.swiis, (c mull muslin, ladita ernli sets, collura. hdkfs iskirts, dies & bonnet trim miiigs, French &. dom'slic ginghams, trench lawns from li-'J to 2",c, hluo, mixed, ifc gry iuli net, wool & cotlou jeans, coltonndc, bleached anil Kr.n .L.nimi, from 3-4 to 10-4 wide, brown and blenched drills, denims, hickory sliirting i S.lesiu marine, brown, and Irish linen, nankeen, d.aper, and crush, a large lot nf linen and thrend luce and edging, hosiery, &c. MEN'S BO YS' CLOTHING : Blue, black, and browncloth emits ! 10 dor blk clolh vests, 5 doz white and buff Marseille do., velvet nnd satin do.; 30 dor. satinet pants, donkin and fancy eassimere do, 30 doz merino and cotton undelihirts, grey, blue, it. black cloth over coats, wilh a general assortment of penis' furnishing VR00TS it SllOES.-:Un boys, and youths' boot; iRdlei', misses', and children s mo rocco, goat, kid, and calf Congress boot, with & without hccli; ladies' kid slippers. Groceries: Rio and Java oofiee, black and green tea, V Oo Chiua, Ualavia Island, Ca!. refined, and crushed sugar, K. Huston, Cab, sugsr-hoiise, 4 golden syr up; salt, 5 lo 21)0 lb sks; 100 ktrs nails, aasd sizes; Hill's pale, chemical, fc English so.ip, soap pow ders, powder, alwt, lead; yeat powder, aalera tns, cream tartar, smoking t chewing tobacco, green corn, p tat, tomatoes, strait anil blackber ries, in 2 lb tins; spice, pepper, and cassia, pearl barley, maccaroni, vermicelli, corn starch, alm onds, walnuts, lirniil nuts, raisin. Chili peaches, dried fruit; mackerel, in qr t hlf bbls; sardiue. A fine asTlment of CROCKERY $ TABLE CUTLERY e 20 crates assorted ware, 40 doz steel picks, "0 ' Dutch i Hdla hoes. White Lend, Oil, and IVlndov Gluts; with a variety of other articles usually kept. n We will piy cash for wheat, dour, bacon, butter, egt-s, and almost everything the farmer lias to sell. Oregon Cily, April 1C, liCl S AKSAP AKILL A . The Original and Genuine Artklt. Endorsed by the Medical Faculty as being the BEST and PUREST r.xtract ol SarMparUU mane. SANDS' S.UtS.rAH!I.LA Purifies the Ulooil. SANDS' S:rvSPARlLI.A Cures Scrofula. SANDS' SAR3APAIUI.LA Cures Stubborn Ulcers. SANDS' S A RS A PAR ILL A Cures Cutaneous Eruption. SND3' SAR3APARILLA Cures Strumous Complsinis. SANDS' S A R S A T A U 1 L L A Cures Motcuriul Uisenscs. SANDS' SARS APARILLA Never Fail I SANDS' SAR3APAR1LLA May be safely taken it nil times-it wd! cure to Ladies a regular periolic hub t, audi the very but medicine they can tnko when arrived l th perio.1 cull, d " turn uf l.l'e." Aik fur Sdnds' Sarnoporiila, and takt no othtr. I'rej.arel by A. D. k 0 s.NI)S, Drug;ists. 100 Ful'on it., comer of W illiam, N. I . For il bv RemxoToi A Co., San Frmolioo; Sinitl. & Uivii, l'ortlan I ; Dr. STtkLi, Oregou Cily. aulT Sr. A. II. 3TE3L2, PHYSICIAN & SURGEON. OfF.ce at th? OREGON CITY DRUO STORE. OREGON CITY DRUG t STORE, MAIN STREET, (Oppislto tlio Melhodiat Church,) HAS CONSTANTLY O HAND Drug, Medicinca, Patent Medi cines, Kerosene, Caniphcnrj, Burning Fluid, fcc, &c.t ...AT Till... LOWEST MARKET PRICES WF. llIGIIFir.I.O. fj . WATCH-MAKER. Ai-J w IV.'. l. aYal, Hi'f- rerun desirous f gettiuir GOOD WORK dono will do well to give me u call, ns my whol lime is devoted l the reps ring nf Chronometer, Lever. Duplex, and lloritoulal Walchei, An nssorlineat of I'm En jliab Watche, and alto JEWELRY, on hind. Clocks, wilh weighu lo them. Jewelry mtU to order and repaired. l'licet to suit the lim'i. 1 am thankful fur past favor, and hop to g veiatu act on Infulur. rnp I,ocatd at th old stand onpoaite th ' Or egon Ilouto,' OREGON CITY. feh. FINAL SETTLEMENT. NOTICE Ii hereby g ven, that I'riDcli T. Howard, admininlralor of th eitnl of I'leassnt Baundem, dc'd, fil-d htoiM. nnl for final sottlemcnt of sa i Into In th e!rk ' offina of Clackamas county, Or'gon. on ilia Hi day of Ju ly, lSG'J, and Mondny, lb firs, day of lha onnd i4ugusl term nf said county court, u. IR62, (to wil, III 3'uh d iy of mid month of August,) has been appointed fur such final seltlimiul of nid adntiniilMtor's aoeounts. SEPTIMUS HUELAT, JiJv 8, 1SG2-w3 Couniy Judjt. .1 ' AINMWOKTII A HlfUPfdtl i Crfoii I nt. I b SI, IW.3 O