The Oregon Argus. (Oregon City [Or.]) 1855-1863, August 30, 1862, Image 2

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    ciice. It is no more than justice to truth
to say that, although the rty to which
lie belonged hud lint one other member in
that body, ho wielded more power than
any man in it, and was tho leader of the
coalition, which finally drought iihout the
practical overthrow of Lane and Smith in
the Legislature of Oregon. When the Un
ion in ii of Oregon met ill Convention, in
April 1 it, to nominate n State ticket, he
kv.uii'' the choice ot' the Convention for
!;'!'!;, 'iit-itivc lo Congress', ami has lieen
ch.w-.i I
iv a Iriuniidiuiit maiontr at the
. 10 t ho has evidently boon rath
ivoivd for one so vming, lie is by no
means w Int is termed "a brilliant young
iv. i;i " lie is a linn of good ability, a
pleasant speaker always secmiiij to strive
to I" thought o.ind rather than s'.iowy
h is a i:n, crnuM, forcible style, anil eon-
!!- more ilia'i captivates his audiences
ir tirinneiN are inn. lest, mi, his habits
pci; an.l 1 predict icr him an inlliicnee at
W.iviioiton superior t any Uepreseuta
tie t' O.vgon has ever sent to the coun
cils of the natio:). The readiness aiul
hearti'scs will) wl.ieh the Union nomocra
cy of i:-''o!i s.ipporte.l so early nnd con
sistent a Republican, shows that, he posses
ses t'.e iviilideii.v of the people in nn ex
tl'.ier.liiviry decree.
A. C. tiibbs, the Governor elect, is
about forte Vi u rs of ago, and is a native of
New York
IK came to Oregon in ISoO
tt'e.l at .vottshnrg. in I minimi
:v. Keeping hotel and practicing law
soiiowiut various pursuits un
H in 1 ."'2 he was, by Franklm Pierce, thou
I res., lent, appointed Collector of the port
at the nnnth of the Umpoiu --which post
t 1, . i . . . i. . .
ne i;e:. i until unie. during li.ieiianan s
'ration, when ho
aed. lie
was at one time a member of the Territori
al Legislature, and in 1 Still was elected to
fie lower house of the Logl iture from
Multnomah county, width, r he had re
in 'Vi-,1 the year before. IL is a good law
yer and an able- and reliable man Al
ways hitherto a P, ", he warmly support.-
Abraham Lincoln in his efforts to
put down this rebellion, nt;d po-s. sses the
entire confidence of the patriotic and loyal
State, over which he i to pr side during
the v.;l four years. II. s present residence,
i- tiie c'ty c-f Pc-rtlai.d.
1m i: i'.ANri Writers from IVnrer City
.oi 1 .oi Like, represent the ovirhm-I im-
le.'gr.itloii to C.ili.vrni.i mi l Ore;,
year, as i in:Kise, the roid Ling
on this
; lined fer
mil'.s an 1 m'les with
men, wo:n :i ami club
dren a company ing their w.i
o:;s an 1 stock
thousand souli are sa',1 to be plod i :eir w-.'.y from " the vale of t'liis" to
' the pro:ii..--.-J l.i:, 1" one t'iir-1 of whom
are l und for $ Anion Ulvcr. If these. r
pulls are true tie. re will be a great demand
for proviso: tii ? coming winter.
!.-::,:.. i;.:ortsM A c.'rrespon-ieut
of the Charleston C'urirr writing 'rem S.i
v i.i (leor.'la, gives u laughable account
fan i-il'jit to complete a rupil-iiioii for
' .h -I ;ro-'i- iuu more men being n guire 1.
Abe:;: tilleen Imudr-eJ of the Lu-i:iej.s men
a'l 1 of Sav.i-iiiiih wire parad.J
i:: a l.oilo'.v s-pnr', ncjeh cx.itid, wii.n,
:ieeu.--ilng to tiie corre-
O.l 111,
..Ii h
the foliuiv-
i: ' p.vceid :', wh i i ' .1
in by the Dull" and Wa
-.' rial will.
P.ti.? :r.iev. '
t-juk j.l.icc :
" 'J'ilC Colonel leii'V 0 ji i.'s placs I.i to.
r -nt'.-r, and froai the lucl; of a magt.i:': n'.
'..r-e. in a few well iiin.-d rem n ! c i.N for
V- InnU-ers. He said it v,a- a -hu.'r.o that
n Giorgian should submit to be drafted,
and iil.-iio:io,-.iiili; to a c.t z.n of Sivaaiiitii
to lc f.;rce-l into t',1-; ol I. S'
He appealed to their pat "io'. . - e, their J.'.uek
,;id t'.e.r p'
,. lie to. I t.e 111 l. L en
' ..,:li. s, goj i liv.i.g ami Ii 'y ii,j..jr- i, cm
ly, a-i-1 on the -tii-;.gth of ti,. o:,-.,!- r.i
t...;is mViteil fVirylioily Xl:,K t.'iree J.ce
i:i front. Nobody did it.
An ug,v p.a-e cii-ii -J, '.ve,,'-.1 a
! .. I
b' ii the ticking of a con
a. Till Coioii-I thuight Ii- liilg':,'
! Iiave been ie arl or ilnd- i.-to d, an i r-
it;dl,is catah'gie of pu'-'l.i-iu:.i. At
p-ii'it, o:e: ot lh'; aid S of the s-;u .r
.-il. ami i:i I.i .rein d a c":n..n:v ol
. it forty M aiw-itt Iii-hite-n, nlrci th -o
j.'.iiin, in a Ion I and i Xult.ii.t tui,'-, nn
::.e -.1 a, '' M.,e.i-!! (i i.rd-; we v.l.m-
C-ilo-e l, i l a I. - ly." Ti.e Chee
v, iii d -1 g'.t' d. He pi'i,i')-e,l ti.ree ch-' r
f ,r t'e! ,M ti'ii-li i :: i : I-, ni.d the crowd in
d ilg. 1 ii't luor l in. t.-iy i:i lii'i pi.iiiiO'i iry
cv r,-'-e. Tii" rii'ii-'tj li.rnbT del not
.- to be- f i.;!, corning, l,ir.v-Vi-r, and t
I .'..!. ur I made a . rl i-r ,n"-eh, w
no wiili an inv.t .!-on U tin; Id. o k ilrum-
in r and fr'-r to p-rambii! ite th" (pnulmngli'
nn I pi iy I x , w ae a l-n y il
. '.le v
en lie ns
th V went - snl.t WT III. I
r being anyw lo r
,h in t!
i Lililupi.iii w :ik-. T;.i; Co!
it- lil.i'.ri a- II le: whs g'-t'mg
aii I a draft .s-.-ttntd iieii-p-.u-i
A - a ilernhr r-ort, the Colom I dlr :i:t"d
i-'.l who ha 1 eve.w-i to tiiviilie: to tiie ri-n
t r an I t-iihc.ll ti.cin for e.,iliiilml!oii. I)li
y el i-vif e a crowd running away from n
t li'.ieg tui I ! ug at a In"", ur towufl n d
ii.iiii or a s'r t s:,i,-,i ; jr ym iniv, von
cm for n 'one' i hiu ol the t.-irip. -t.ioiH I
lure of th:- why: that swept for.vard tollo;
l.'tle t-ilio! m the ( nti-r of the Mpiare,
j.liinl wh.e. v.- ieg..ta'inl the four gr.'.Vi'
1 il t II w'ho w re to i-. :i mi n; t,i; ilo'-'l
u-ii'v It w :n ii .- i ne wh'eh, as mi unite
r, ,t, ,Lou'-id' r, one rmil only ),., hi--I
h and I rig'i at. II. its were i ru-h
. .1, no- p'iia'lie I, i-ori.r! -iriii-I.e-l, nn I cintln
:,,r i. L..;: V ha'el In ! I its III agii 1.1 b'l lif
ji OM-. fi'Hii the begraii''d (1 gils of tin; in
i loil ! ,'i ' fioui I. Mnb!'! or a fo'indrv to
th : d ih.'v !ou-1 i-x!r'-iii'ty of the dry-
.' Is i Ir.k ji t from hi j (.ounti-r.
Young nod d, I, rl.-h n:ol poor, iii-i.t and
. ty, Aun i ieaio, L'l.cb-hllieii, 1 1 Million,
j 'Till ill -, I 'l elieliUieM, I tlllillll", I-reillit!l'.,
lite! tj i.'ihs, all wont to nrike up th
lu'.th V in .os. What il pn tty lot if sii k
uu 1 (1,-abled individiinly there were .o lc
iiire. K .veiled iirm-, limpiig hg, spine
diseasa, bud eye", corn, loufhtielie, con
(.lltiltUiunl ileliilily in tho bread basket,
finptive di'i'iin, rln ntnati-tn, not well gen
fully tin so nnd n thou'iind olio r com
plaints wi re r jiren. nti-il n- varioii-ly nud
In ti'ro:'cn oily n by nny proei-sion of
pilgrims ll.iit ever visited the Holy Lund.
And 'o the day progrei--,n tienily tin
hours bene' coii'.umcd in the i-mleavor lo
sieni) a hi 'It. 'litis i.ltor :. U,c ub-
Mllt'C. Vide gi'lmcJ tog tl-tr, 4 till ''it '.'f
fort renewed, when strange to say, every
man who fomnl tho liability imminent of
his being foreed to enlist, protested that he
was just on the point of doing so, nud will
ingly put his nniiie on the roll.
fciT The County Commissioners have
been in session ,11ns week
The rates of
taxes levied for this year were six mills for
county purposes, two mills for State tax,
one mill lor school purposes, and one dol
lar poll tax.
Among other items of business transact
ed we hear that the name of Curry precinct
was changed to Union. Poor Curry was
or.eo supposed to own the concern, but
since he was defeated for the Senate and
turned traitor, he is of too little importance
to call a precinct after. We trust the
Legislature will profit by til
dealing with Ciiitv fount v.
5jr We had the pleasure of a few mill- j
litis conversation on Wcdiiosay morning
with J. M. Kiikpattick, IS., who pass. J
through on his way home from Powder
river. He gives full confirmation to state
ments of llio extent and richness ol Powder
and John II. iv river mines, and of tho large
number of immigrants coming to Oregon j
and Washington. Mr. Kiikpatrick savs!
there is no dci-titution or sulVel'ing among
the new comers, all stories to the contrary
.i.i I,, i , '
liotwilhstundmg. lie has been out on an
expedition among them and knows. Mr.
K. brings n petition signed by over one
thousand legal voters tor the organization
of a new couiitv in the region ol the new
Hon Win McCoy, member of the Leg-
. , . .. , ...... i-
Is.JIIIlll' I- ill'ril I ..111 II- .1 . I:
in our otliee, on his return from
tern gold ft. Ids.
the K
Tiie Circuit Court for this com.ty
COinmeiiers its si-.-lo:i on Monday next,
with lion, II. D. Sh.ittuck pre.-idiug. The
docket is of re.-poctablo length, mid will
probibly engage attention fur tnc-.-t of the
Wlik. '
fT Wed i. -d.,y was decidedly the Lot
tut day of the The tin n inoneter
:s reported to have been as h g'i a- luj de
grees, in the shade.
W We are under oblig at .i to W.
1). Partlow, for a present ol some nice ap-
We would refer our readers to the
adveriiuieiit of Pr. Hard iv, in today's1
Ih Nisi.M iNr . v Ginuai.. as -The gen-
or.,! or.te.-s n giierr.i ..s are very
pointi I. Wo iplote soino of tlieru:
S critarv Stanton savs "Lit them
Gill. I' x ad'.i-e.i to " iiot them o:i the
G ;i. Sel i-fi ll s.. - " i-.x.- :ite tl.tin
i-liiuidiat. iy."
ti.ii. I'.!,,;. t miv-" Give th in no piar- '
t-r." ' ;
G'ti L"3ti siys "Sl.Qot tiiei.i wloii
G.n H d! ks or !i rs are Let
lie tro'd i'liui, d at' ly by a drm.i !t- ad Court,
and ji'ii.isl-.-d w dh death. "
G'-n. P iti. r -ays" They should be cap-t.ii'e-l,
tr.i. i at the druiii lo...d by m htary
eo'iiio..--0:1, i.i. 1 iv-ry man .-hot, their-h'-::-
i I unit, tli'-T prop, rty i -troyi-d, and
i'V.-ry lle alii tak'-ll to slu'.V lh' III '.iiat I'e y
iir: en-eiii, s of the l.'im.'in race, not Mildiers
i,i;t imirderifi and l..:id''.s." '
f'y I ie w l.i-iit en
of Al ibaruil, G
gl.i and Sou; h ra Teiiie-s-ee is a bud fail
ure, while the c ru ci op is everywhere ail
in T to I to be fir In-hind what It' sho'ild le'
at this S':i-o:i of the ye-r. M.n.y lh I Ii of
w In at w. II rut y'..!l the S"n. "People
un- dying of starvation," sr I a g"iit!eiiuu
from Mobile. "Tho poor are tarving," a iii-i hanlc i.t .Moigoini ry. "(re!
hi'p'i-i.wi! are starving, ntrl that's the
G u'- tiuth," .-.i.-l the wife of a coal tniie r
I.' '(r (.'iiattaiio. g 1.
A II smu.ii l.ii: Li in A plieeof
g-id He'.'h.lig nil" i.illidl'.'d ilo'lir.i Was til-k-
n i-ul o'Chiiv' t'i t.'o '; claim, oti W.l-on's
ih, I'i.-.S'! r rlc' r, li-t w ik.
A (orn spo -id' nt of the .fnutit.iinfr ,
ui.t-s lioiii Aidnirn, j o.l'hr river, Aug.
iii, , follo.i -; '
Mr. K rkieiti- ek starf d this ni'iriiing to I
' . , ..... 1 I
ni' 1 1 ll.e em gr.1i.1-, w 1.0 are r.'poni'.i 10 oe
v. rv ini'liv
off, and fi-iine of Ihelii t irving
Lv, iy elaiiii in I'owd'T river viilley, i.nd
marly a.l in Grand II uido Vulley, are ta
ken up, nn I in lM tiiau a year we shall
pnehiee a ,',r:ioii 01 our (
, s.r.v m il, work"d by wuier, wdl be 111 1
op' latum on Willow Creek in a few days 'lo in an: dying like rotten sheep, through
uiul the propr;. tor i.ijh lie will mpply lu'm-1 their enlire ho k of any and every de-crip-I.i
r at H cents a loot.' I t.on of ho-pitnl stores and Miiplies, uiul
Flour is worth J 10 per 100 b; Ib "f 10 !
lo lo i-U; Mutton 1 to 10 '"s
P.!' II Sen lyes-. -We well! shown, Sat
nr l.i.f tie b Ivirl.tititrirk n vi i-v fliir
-p. eirn. olpi.rt.go!d obtained at Auburn, j noi irue umi ine eueiny eapinre.i ;gm
Powd, r river. A v. ry liel. tVw I-ad j "!"! Mi:(J'll.m " siege guns, or any mm
has I.,,,, st,',. k i..-ur Ho- town of Auburn. ! T "'ores to sp-nk of. On tho eon
anditii the opium., of old mlm n v. ho " "V-, Up '"-'! held artillery
l.av- -M.mii.f-I th- l a I, that it w,! prove ! '"' '"7 fr'"" '"'V f"1 "",W'"'
the rlehist nimrix mine in the world. Ir-; w'""1 h,,u'v ti,,; "y,"f M,l'l'l"' "f
l.e, w ho have wo,k"d upon it have alr-ady , f '"" HH "" ,'"H'l''',,t-.
t,k"i, out largo umo ,,,(-, and wh.n fairly! K-ILrliiw men will s. m tl,es,( ,u-U
o, em , th. re is no P Ihng how miieli will be 1 l'r""f "lir '""V 1"" ""taiilial
re,.. ,1'lllv. Poillllls Will b- taken OIt '
itist' ,. 1 of ounei s Otti'imi'ln.
F.,r..i. Acim.vt Lii-t Sunday ufbr
i.ooii, lule fomii hojs were swimming in
the 'lough jii-t iib'ive town, Il"iiry Noble,
a fine, int. Iligi nt boy I J or 1 1 years old,
went up to whin; le- hud lied a colt Hint
1,0 I.nd b"i-n riding. On nttenipting to
puss behind the n 11 1 riu I it k ki-d him on
the le nd nud killed him almost instantly.
hiigfUt l 11 J J!rpiiiliran.
4V Oen. I'lilh r is following up Ids en- j
rg'-lc .roi liimn lions in New Orleans with ,
( in rgelii: action. lien men violate 1 heir
parole-, lie hang- or shoots the III without ,
lli igctierul course has been ad- j
tstf Lxel.niig" on Mnttern citien rules wr The rebel nrmy is like on inretenito
'en to twelvn per ei-ut. d'ettunt f,,r , 111 ; coipiette it bm ki down from oil Mlgnge
e'vubl: iii currc'icv , men's. Juni'vili' Jnvtiml.
roroign News.
Cai-k Hack, Aug. 8th.
Tho following has been received per
steamer City of Baltimore:
The Paris correspondent of tho London
Times savs: " It is believed that the Amor-
i 11 ' 'lm'il1011 occupies mo most serious at-
lontion ol .Napoleon, nuil Hint a council oi
Ministers has been held at Paris. It
wouldn't be surprising if the subject should
be laid before tiie L'nglish Government in
a still more pressing manner, with n view
to a speedy solution." lie adds: " 1 don't
intend to say whether the movement w ill
tie followed by any immediate effect, or
whetlnr France wiil take the lead, with
the expectation that Fngluml cannot do
otherwise than follow, or whether both
wiil net at the twine time. I only know
that l'Vaiiee is convinced that the present
moment is most opportune for united ne-
example in I tiou.'' lie intimates that President Lin
I coin nud some of his advisers wouldn't ob
ject to some gentle pressure.
The Times editorially points out that the
Federal prospects lire more gloomy; but
the Uaily News combats such views, and
speaks ol tho Northern policy with oontin
ucvl confidence-.
Most of the Loudon journals allude to
the financial crisis in America, and reiter
ate their strictures upon the false financial
policy of the Government. Lven the Star
charges the Washington Cabinet with the
most deplorable ignorance of true cconiuv.
j The Tunes uignes that if the position had
' I'eeii reversed the Americans would never
1 have rccoirni.'., ii the blockade as Mngland
, , ' -. ' ... . . .. .
I has done, but would have broken It, under
he . 0rwf ir,,.rvul0n.
j Several journals attack Archbishop
, Hughes for certain revolutionary remarks
: ''.v '' " "elore a Hub.iu ,
! au.licl'ce. i
In Italy, Garibaldi, in the course of a
.,,,,. M ' ,, u. tj ,,,,, i, lls, Sl..,r.
I.-.. . f,i...i l ... .. ii
111 1.111, 111 I 111 11111,1.-1'. IkllllllT ,11 lll'lllll. 1
to which the people rosponed caoh time,
" Lome or death! lie spoke in violent
terms of Napoleon, and said " Wo have
given him Savoy and Nice; ho still wants
.something more. Me has one price ready
for Pome another for Naples."
l.ivli-r Com t'.aoir.
Sr Johns, ( N. P.), Aug. 1'th.
The Scotia from Liverpool on tiie "Jd,
W illi ( leen.-towu dales to the 3 I, has ur-
I' ',i u .. .. pjsv.ip l. i
The Iuilepeudeliec liilg1 n--erts tlinl
France, Pra-.-ia and liiul.nid are
nig lor nu d alien in Aunr.c.i, and that the
I ,m former in .de a proposal to Lughind,
but h ue not iccciinl a tin . I reply
II. rl Uu-sel jn-llties tho v.tor of the
Frdtral cru -i-rs e-tfthe I!aliam:n.
I rii'i-,i is i-iirr,..l l)iit l-'n.-t nut hud .
, ' ' . " ,
sent a special envoy to w usiiu g.on to
urge the Pre- ih nt to tuke the initalive to
wards ponce if he wishes to uoiJ cm rs of i
mod. .it-Oil.
Gen I'ire's proetamafon, iln.l the army
.. .. 1.1 ..1. . , .... I
mM t
lliiini -ij.J-.-k nil i.ii. i in in , , una mm i iu- I
adoption of a m -ten, ol ,
rapine, and has provokul unfavor.ihle Com
im uts from tiie press.
Sir Y. P. Mead savs, in the Turn that
the cheap' st defeii-e tor C.niad.i is for Log
I ....I ... .......I ..... .. ..i..... ..( i..! .1 ....
. v uu.. , . i
t.lll'l 11 I'l'lll I. Ill .. sl - ,l II. VI , ...l.l.l -
I f the A mrr.i-ins burn Toronto, Kugl.
i -1 t .
in! i
.:n o.;, i lo-,,,,, !
....,., ,i ..1..01. . r.r. uui-p- o
.Mexico uu, nr.-Kiy.
Ti e Frei.cli have reocciipnd the l'.oii,:i!i
Ir .nth r.
Garibaldi I. .is I.--n il .1 pro.-lii'iintion for
oliliit'-i r. to ii-eiulde ill S. cily, announc
ing that ll.e t me for a -t.i 11 .;n couie. The
.h. -'.ii.a'ion of the I'.ljreitltioil il IlliklioB II.
Wuv TiiK Si r.'i Pays' Cosri r wuni:
Vti'touiKs New .j, 'j r having mentioned
alrnidy that (! lu ml Andrew PmPr, Pr
vo.,t M11. -hal Gi ie r..l ill the Army, of the
Pntomar, and also G'Oi. Marey, Chief of
(Jin MeCh Il ia's .stafT, have ru intlyU. n
In re, we may 1.0 longer n fruin from untie
ing the f .et, more 1 -neiiilly 111 it enables
in to -t ite th it they concur in the In lief
that ll.e si-yell d buttles were a -ii'-eis-slon
of sub-: ant. nl Union lctor is, inas
n.ii li in th.y nsiiltid:
I. I.I the .-neee.' aehien ineiii.t of the
nrpo-e of MeCh Hall, viz: so to change lis
baseui to secure the co operation of the
1 In the defeat of the two 1 lids nlnn d
to b nria iiipl -hi d by the cm my, vi: ihe
pri Yi.i.tiuu of MeCh Han's move for the
J.nues riv. r bunk, nnd .-during our iin
un ii-" -tipply ut tiie While II011-".
Ill Ihe fart that the rebel loss in kill
!, e.oiiirb'l, pr.soiun, omI men oth. raise
"it "ri dt rumlml, wai, nt the luwesl ful
cnl.iti-jii, two for one on our side.
In lh" fact that tho rebel.,' Ions of
1.. 1:1.,.. ..r 1
"' -'i" "'""i"
be replaced; while ours cm, instantly al
o In the n lilivo iceiditioli in whieli the
batlh s h ft ihe sick nnd wounded of two
eoiiti iiding fufcis. Our wounded and siik
"II lemg numiraiiiy proYnieii lor, while
thin en al ng n slate of things in and around
It i hmond, appalling to tint w hole South,
We may add that the gem ml ofllerrs
iriiicd ubove unit" in declaring that it is
'""""' '"'" K, "'' en, y .,,
tho umi d iV4 battles lis n si riei of Union
victories. U'linhiiiilmi Xtnr, July Hi,
Tftooi", A iiiom n Major Jlinnrson's
coiinniiiid First Kegimeiit Oregon Cavalry,
nrrived on Wednesdiiy morning from Walla
Walla. Tiny crosed the (Jlcurwaler with
their large liaggflgu wagons about noon,
and ntoneo started for Lapwl, some twelvi'i I
miles from town, where we understand I hey !
will b(! stationed for the present.
present. These
troops wre taken from tlm best in tlm ills-
Irlct, and judging from their fine soldierly
bearing as they piosed our ollieii on their
way from the firry, wo shall man, wo
trust, hntn oecnsion to speak fit the 111 in
1erm of praise nud roininendutioii. (Jot-'
ih n Aje
Details of Eastern News.
Our silvers by telegraph from tlm Fast
reach to yesterday, August Hth. The lie
tails of intelligence, without being marked
by any striking oecnrrrnee, lire- decidedly
interesting. Tho " situation" ol the Army
of the Potomac is tit present timo ipiite n
pn..lo to both Union men ami rebels, ami
(his fact is pregnant with elements of good
to the cause of the Union. A blow may
soon descend which will confuse and aston
ish the rebels. Still more, It is very evi
dent that we are beginning to have at least
ii suflieiency ol men in the right place and
at tho light time. Gen. Popo certainly
gets troops from some leasiblo point, and
uses them to good advantage. If Gen.
McClellan supplies a portion of them, ho is
wise enough to keep his own counsel.
Pope is still following Jackson, who will
probably make a stand at (iordonsvllle.
Hreckinridge, after trying to play war a
little by taking possession of n part of
Pat. in Kongo, was obliged to fall lack.
A sad accident ocearrod on tho Potomac,
by a collision of steamboats, and some
seventy three lives were lost of FniriiNido's
returning wounded and convalescent sol The Union men in Mis.-ouii are
slill engaged in the work of driving the
robber guerrillas I.i their Secession holes.
Instead of the Union troops having been
defoaled in tho vicinity ol 'Cumberland Gap,
as reported by rebel journals, it turns out
that the followers ol Jeff. Pavis were sig
nally beaten. Gen Itutl.r, at New Or
leans, it appears, is still in the way of Ins
duty, having lately succeeded in obtaining
about $of0,000 from wealthy Secessioni.-ts
for the relief of the iliotic-Mil. Wo an
nounce with pleasure thut Col. Corcoran
has ul last been rclensiJ, mid has reached
Fortress Moiuoe. He will bo welcomed
buck bv the whole nation.
rile account.- fruiu lhiropc present nocvi
uVnco of any ih.-positnm lo interfere in our
troubles, further than some expressions in
Fnghind in favor of mediation at some
tilling period. The luecii very graciously
suys .-lie was determined from the outset to
take no part in our contest, and ha-seen no
rea.-ou "to depurt from tho liuitrality
wh ch she has steadily adhered to." This
i- more thin some ol her subjects can say.
la Italy, Garibuldl uu I Victor Miuanilel
are issuing opposing piocluiualums and
in, iv Li! i -i-t. Iin. ii i-i't lit, h " I'liniifi-r im.
I ..i , yMtuf.t w h ,1 bo ot s, . vice
. , , , Ami.r,nl lfl-lir,.
The Sloaliu r OriMbu hamtiTived at Sun Shu brought up third olliei r
Scott of ll.e G olden Gate, thirteen of In r
pa.v-eiig rs and fifteen ol her crew, who
Were saved ill tho bout of which inentiou
has been made.
Leavenworth, Aiigu-t IS --Owing to
tiie ritiels in
Jackson county threatening
an altai k on Ivau-nS City, the Prwo-l
Mar-hal has ordered citi.elis to enroll thelll-
selvi lor inditary duty refusing to
id, mi s-it (,.. iirti sli'il ltiiMin,-- . ifi'in.r.
... , , ,..',,,,... .,. .......
i I I
... . .
ii linn'. nl Ho. orili-r
IS The
New bi in iViigir ti tutes lliul the lii.i.l re-
I -nil. nl tin. .Ii rlio. i 111 ol lit I ',iriiloi:k ilnh-
cate the .Ii feat of Johnson the Si cession
..,,..,, I,,,. I.,,i-,.rii,,r liv i, in-lit, rov i,l
' J 4
In liannpole
Augu-t I.) - The i,ewi ol
the l.ivas.i.u o Kentueky
w hu ll n aelii d j
,.rc OI, JVt.l.iT. irealed
. ..
'I I,.. r. I - i-iili ri it il. Si,.!.. i
several points and i-apturul Soim isct.
Tiny arc now moving 011 Glasgow, nnd 1'iotthng Giei 11. Kuliy Sii.itn,
at the I. cud of b br g uh s of iiifanliy nnd
batteries of artilh ry, in:d a 101 respond mj;
torcf ol cavalry i.- ul mut to inan h lo Fog
In k I i.i). Tiie ph.11 is to cut our line ol
11 :un m il if pos-iblo compil tho
evacuation ol Cumin-rhind Gup.
G.n. Morgan has retired with a part of
his force to Porbonsville to hold tho place
and nsks for reinforcements.
Tic re is a force of ' rib. Is in S ott
A loree of JOO cavalry sup.osei) to be
tiie ndtniice of the Trni.i su e Guard, is nt
Moulin 'hi. The rebels l.nvo tak' n Lon
don, in the rear of Gen. Morgan, and w.!l
undoubtedly attack him in front at the
same 1 1 in.
New Yoik, August l!i Tho 7Voir
has a di-pi.lili winch n)s Ilnrrison's Lund
iug whs iTui.Ui.ti d K ithuiit the loss of 11
single gnu. All ngne that tho movement
was cxecutid admirably.
Monday last Meddl's iliviu'on received
orders to Mnkc tentH, provide six days ra
tioni, ready to move ut u moment's notice.
A I 'J o'clock tho same li ght, the nholo di
vision I'liibnike.l on fieameri for Aipua
Crei k, viu Fortress Monroe, ai was sup
po"i d.
An order was i.-sii.d thai no vessels with
prov'sions should pneoci! further than
Fortress Monroe. On Wednesday, ten
day'i rations were served to army nud tni
Thursday irge guns were n moved from
the rort ami safely rmburked. Thursday
and yesterday Gen Pope's corps led the
vun ol the overland portion or the army.
Thursday night fifty sail tessels left the dif
ferent wharves loaded with stores. The
sick nnd wounded wire placid on stenmers
belonging to the sanitary commissioners,
nnd were first to move. MeClclluii und
most of his staff went by lurid.
Tim oflieial report shows tho total force
at Cedar Mountain batlle to l,o 21,000.
Tim village, of poniii Ison nbovo New
Oilenns was destroyed by fire by order of
the Ciiptaiu of the sloop of nnr Ilrooklyn,
it being inf. sled with Guerrillas, who-o
principal business was firing into transports
liilled Willi sick 11ml wounded soldiers.
Philadelphia, Aug. lit Tho cornspomlei.t
of the l.iiiitirrr, from Fortress Monroe,
Aug Hlh, says the nrmy was crossing ihe
Chiokiihominy yesterday by menus of Pon
toon bridges 2,0(10 feet long,
lly observations this morning, I find
with 11 few exe, ptions, our entire Heft have
arrived here, so that I may say that our
enure in 01 is sale.
.St. Louis, Allg. Ill IW'ligeM bv tlm
I iieilic Knilroad report that 11 light occur
011 '''ri,l,J'. "l''" north of Lexiiu,.
'"ween portions of Col. Phillip (,'rit-
1 regiment, H00 strong, and about
0,000 giierrillus under Onunterel nud other
inn rrillu i.-hiefs, riMilting in the defeat of
.Slate troops with los of 200 killed und
wounded nnd 2 pieces ol artillery,
New York. Aug. 19 Sterliiof .
'''""'ge 127 n 12HJ; gold 1.1; Imrn iioiul
(.'olumbiis, (),lo, August 21. -A dis-,nl.-li
from (Jen. Morgan At Cumberland
(lap, says there Is considerable excitement
on the subject of the rebel d ruoiislrntioii
In Fast Tennessee, nnd snys there In cause
for excitement.
Nashville. August 20. The rebel Mor
gun is reported to bo at Munlsvillo with
1.800 men.
Fortress Monroe. August IS. Tim old
bridge neross Hampton creek was ru built
to day ami a pontoon laid across near it
A lame number of troops are encamped
about live miles this side of Newport News
loniiihl. Gen liurnsido Is hero. There
is some talk of bis taking u portion of Me
Clellan's command as it Is evident that a
part of this army must remain on the I e
iiiusiila, as between Hampton nnd York
town there are 'Jd acres covered by bos
pitals on the Hampton railroad now being
built Irom Hamilton to tins place.
Philadelphia. August 10. The I!ulletin
savs a goutleniail who loll l ortress .Mon
roe last cveiiing furnishes the following:
The army of the Potomac had arrived nl
the lower Peninsula without being molested
in the slightest degree.
McClellan, il is understood, was nl
Williamsburg yesterday morning.
Fit. John Porter's division which was
on the opposite side of James river has
abo come down to the Peninsula. Gen
liurnsido also arrived Sunday, and went lit
the James I her ns far as the Chickahoniliiy
to s.-e how operations were going on. Ho
relumed voMerdav to the Fortress, report
ing that everything was satisfaotory. The
weather was delightful, most favorable (or
the regiments Most of the gunboats bad
come down the river, but some remain to
guard the pontoon bridge across the Chieku-
hominy over which the army passed on its
wnv down tho 1 YiuiimiIii.
Nashville, August !l A train fiom
Huiitsville, Ala, was find into today
mar Columbia, leiin.fonr persons killed
The rebels are reported lo have rvaciiu
ted Chattanooga and to be making
Northern march.
Union refugees from G. '.latin report
no houses were burned by tho guerrilla
W iishliigton, August '20 Specials to
Now York papers say the mind of the
Government is again agitated to using tho
rei.snrship of the press Coinpluinls have
been made that now nud nmvo
un nls of the National armies were prima
lurely published in sumo of the New Yolk
journals. 1 bo ur 1 . pn.-tment bus deter
mined to order eurn spoi.di lilt out of Gen
Pope's lines, i.l-o other (ii'tnriil's
W e arc inlor d that Geli. Pulh r Will
ooll be n called fiom I he depnl lliiei.t ol
ll.u (iulf and Gen. 1 . will hike his place
w illi l.eail i.uartt is at Niw Oil ii ns ,iin
that bu w ill lie as-oi-iiit. d in the loliuiiiii
triil, on of local i.fTors w ilh Keerdy John
sou in provisional Goirrnor.
St. Linn-, Aiign-i I'U A litter in re
gard to the batlle in Jackson comity, sny
ibe Frili rat force was moving Smith frmn
Li xiiigtou. Mo , in m arch of ll.e men.)
Ion it nil n. will, nn nn.l'.
an I was as-iided oil uil sales by n In Is
I'lie 1 1 di made n stout reil-lnuee, but
alter in pi rule ami li!u,ly lulil.i.g wne
captured. A il reports agree c lot two
or three luindled in. 11.
A i iiiiip of gm from that roiintr,
i-ound South, wire nrresinl ly the .1 . fT. r
son Home Gu.irds l.i-t light 'l'lorlv
i '""':. l "r. ;I
Ni mk, Angu-t 'J.I An nrmy let
I. m ... .. .. l . I . I . II I . .
I ,.,.., . , ,... I 1. . I .1 ,
i """r ("' - " uo.mioi.y hi
iwiioceHK, 1 iiurii.iy 1 v, 1 lu-re l.a
bein im attack on the rear nud no losses of
uny k.i.d
Washington, Aug JO --The ruinond
t vui nation of Chattaiioi pi, m il the none
mints of the rebels lowurds Kiioxviile,
1'n. 11, 1111 1 K. elm, omI,,
caiiio d go at ex. iteiin nt in the m. I laty cir
cles lure; Iroop-i nre eoi.-t.nillv nrr.i ing
knicois City Aug 20 - The Fulcrui
I lo-s 111 ihu eng.igi no ill at Lone J ok, on
I Friday, is imd.r-i I to be l.'iO klhd
1 ..1. .1 1 .. .. 1.1 t .1
nu.i.niiil Ilini iiiissiii;, nil- iil,.l.ri- li im-
loice to Lexington. The 111l.ll. ry
I0.1t ill the light Was retaken four ( mm, ni.d
Iin., lly sp kc.l and nbaii'loiie.l by tlm 'rd
Ibiring the fibt nl Iinliiiuapiili, Mo,
Well. Iluglies, riinl, was kdlial Mm no-
lor. mis and brutul Col. Ii.rd, and Col
Thompson were wounded; the lormi r lati.l
ly. Fedeial lo'S 21 killed nnd 2.' oiind
id -while the n bid loss it lio k lied und
1 1 wound, d.
St. Loins, Aug. 21 A geiiilemnn just
bom Lexington, Mo , re; oris soon alUr
I living that city, be heard an nhirui of a
gun liit j nnd tiie toll bnitt n 111 tho I'uhr
ul lump, followed by loud 1 uiiuomuliiig
lie is confident the garrison wdl be aide
to imi i.tinn its. If nud n pnl-e the in. my, ns
the garrison is 2,000 strong. The strength
of Ibe rebels is supposed to be 1,000.
Washington, August 21. Iho Fidi
prisoners, captured ut Pull Pun nnd other
points, arrived line today lioin Soulli
Curohmi. They complain bitterly of bud
1 1 is understood that Pi rerdy Johnson
n coinnn nded the return to Consul ol the
Nellu rlands $hii(,0u0, sei.ed by (int.
Cutler; $7 1 H.OOO be returned to the
French Consul, nnd uh.o n large amount of
sugar nnd other inercliaiidisu be relinquish
ed lo Greek, P.nlish and other ineicl.uuts
doinicihil at New (lib. ins. According to
Johnson, these sciiircs of llutler cannot bo
Advices from Mnrtiniipic stiilo that
000 French reinfom menu for Mexico hud
urrivnl; 6,000 inoro wi re expected.
New York, Aug. 22. The Tnbuiio'
correspondence, dated head (punters, Army
of Virginia ul Cedar Mountain, says the
army is again on the march, and that
inarch is u retreat. An order wan issued
today, lo bo ready lo start ut once, nud
before two hours the tents nnd baggage
had all gone to tho rear.
Wo understand t l.u wliolo Army of
Virginia is retreating.
All sons ol rumors nro nlloat, that the
whole army of Richmond is advancing and
thai the n.bels urn alleinptiiig lo turn our
left Hunk. In a word they nre innn liiog
Htraight on to Fredericksburg and Wash
ington. Thus threuti ning on the left flunk
ai d in front by an nrmy of superior num
bers to our own. Pope' itruiy relrealn
nnd fights by ihiybght. 1 1 Is supposed Im
will cross the Ki.ppnhiiuiioi k, but when
once oil the north bunk ho will no longer
The Times' letter from Fortress Monroe,
dated the I Ktb, says tint army In already
In process of embarkation to nnollier field
of operations. 1'ickcnsvillc, Kentucky, is
In posses-Ion of tlm rebel of lluiiiiihrey
Martini's iidvnnce. It serins lo lio iliini-
I'urey'n lutein l ... . ,
. . ,u IURO Iin ,
'Is nanny region ' -iiun of ..
. M';'i''hiN, Au,r. lsn
Uu. 1-lth for Ci "' 1 V Il.l
where alar b 1. S? Whit . 'Ht
Hock. Cuvalry " """ofi,;
rw York A ml 01 Imriii.
..Hnrnvedfron, Havan,
mo,,,;;: hq
.. Culpepper, Aug. lot.
"0 rny would cros, tl,0 it ' "Nd
r 0 H i)ia inisIi-'S;
"'-'"' tleiiyed Hun - ? ku
"'"'k'' Alel),,,.;0'1''!!,.,,,,,?
oniiiig np; u,j
""1118 n,...
ill sin,;, r ,r Un
l''eovers the re.r
"is o men nr. or' Ar
order y ,nrel,i,,gi;l,llg ;ifll
over fields towards lo H
pens no crossiin, .iii i. ' Uo"W
;"""'" N'iofuird ,,Ud "H
""'K Imiiu ' "tr,ki)
1 "ik, auk. 22li 1
thut the r.iic s of ,, 1,
.'"I 'vcforu.rdJ jllSM,
tioro. AiiL- ; J i..."1-
(":' '''' 10 .i, xr?N i
W ar states il,t 1. IU, .
MilliTj, At Litile lUu JiHf
JlKAlKMiAKDg Fosei c
hnie direct li.f,.ri.iii... , 1 oHiinu
mioriiiiiii,,. 1. "U.11H
1 . v". .0 lii. .. .1
'"' no error, Hint (i,n u" ntm
.M 1 mi o'chsk on ii,, ;.; :,.k
of Shdoh. lrrL.rill.,,.. UKUVllkrU
-legr..,,ra ( J
A In , that ho
and that he h, ,," ' nl Urtort
the conllict, , 4'0ft 1 ""Wii
despatch was r, u iI(in,, , K
r telegraph onic. in ,.,c C"'
ulterwards, ,HI0 uf fti
gei.tlen.en was,,, of , mj
f'Tee in the art, J, J prf,
or tmrmjr thium 'I
proniinr,,. clix.,,. Iyrili, "J" " 1
,!," "I"' 111,1 ,in,,1' Court, S
Ic-palcli lo n.niul otkinfnlT Jl
WTTh. scii-nc cV"
"""t l-ere.ftrr be ,af,.mj
Na.y Ibparlnunt to H .
,0(10 tnri
r .ronplted v.,, ..j
.'i.oK,c .ure,,,i.Iff.,i0ll()f
etrablo armor, n,,d the Monitor b.J ,', .
its lesson lo the i,f!,, ltD j,r
ut Xi a ...L -t..i... ... 1 . '
; 1 " lu aTo jfriutt.,,
luveiii.oii wi.nii s. iiWi1(,!;aItr ktX ;
ina.le nl Jervy Cty u)l f(l.lU
mwly pioj.elid Ku,i, ,ntt j, iUt(WJ
lc I lived lu thr pru f , ftu .
d.plh, fiom one to Ui,.tyi
ler. On ihu oeiu-mn mi. Ut ..,
let I in lengih, tf crpsrity to carry ti((
tl.r.o nun, was pronilid ,,, , j,,.
projn ted from Ihe Uv rIn.uI lit f;b,
low thr surface. Py of I M rr
l 'r,rK-. d by coiieimliti t .A
gi t, ll.e bout roing t nry fcnii;.
sh ii. This larjit coii Jhxi of 11
three im h plunks Willi 1 , Utin
thin, n j rtuntng the onliia.y tLl;
of n k-mI's s iht. T'i L!l ptrliri'.'!
both and wn.t through Ihe lair vf 11 .
luirge nyiiiiist hnli tlis turl isii
prii.led. Mr Puffy 1 hiiiiu lUt ll fit
rntt or ni-y otlur large liorr fit t V
ibsi bulged ill thr same IliMiMr. T-ttH
rle ii.jiits tl.ioegh pai ling, Bt.J trss I
is ilrumi 111 lo br n losdij t iitn fij:
preuiit the admission of lift Fw
then- 1 xpi riir.eiits, tliiiti 1 r rt 1 liifsfl, it is nub lit ll.t r ki iii
gum of n jirneus l y shiih tru!fu!
alta. k.d be low the w stir line, 11.J lKK;i
their Iron ph.lmg Tliii o.t kid tti
new stylo ol nibinurine rfuir, itsl,
ll.e theory of .Mr Puffy pron orrr.l,
essi I lion coll
"mall Mibniergeil ram, mrryliiji wraT
of largn calibre, uliieli neaU n"- iM
jn a ship's hull large rumai l 1
man's body, and would nml beftotbeW
tout in (en minutes.
Pimiirsor Pr.misu.-Tln U&tff
littlu beeK,,r in San Fr-oeisco,
ph. 11 Manuel, Is said loin "k
pendent fortune, and l bB;Ur :
liouse on his ,r.i.rrtj, 011 milr. f"
$20,000. Thr father .r part lw ""Ft
diM urm iits for the boy.
KrsTi iiiV-l'mler llf Prri J'
Mucky will probable l'" "'-
spedy n.uster, ayi tin Loo'rrillr Jn
inerly rt n.inrr In m Vrnr ";,.iiC
r.....i.l .Im.i1 nn Tlirilr WWI,, u
ftlreel. No m.rk. of flolmft "
Peer saloon in t'.nrmih, rl'"tu "' .
for license to ri-II liquor 17 ' '
Jority of Ihe cilieni of IM rpv"
nml ho fonld'nt come il.
lireHonth, Ihe most rlnhil. ,
n bi lsaro U.o.e of Nort "rn bWf , ,
tlm editor of Ihe in WWjfp,
Ilmnble, In ft unlive nf thj lw
who first rnme H011M1 "' 'uv
gn nnd brouyhl Utn
from Ihe reneKii.Ie Congrcwniin,
lighnin. , 1
- . .ii.
A. IH.n.y '''''',i'VS.lH'''rt'
fl,.ur.lnll.. r."'
...ii.varvn ' si V
iriit.rinh- '""""
mn 01 n..rl.ill '
ac.i,:h, lf';3-