. r m man n 1 1 1' in i t s lo iau rtnw nitre iiii'rli'in lin, slum titm im thi'kiot I" Ce. u . Ijc (Oregon CUgus. W. L. Adams, - Editor. OIUlOOHr CITY: SA'ITUPAY. Al'lilSTlG, ISi'.J. hnl f Mchit tiovcrnor S;r:inm- of Khode Island linv 1 1 ! proposed lo raise a colored regililctit, ami I. -till tlirm to battle Irmself, has caused considerable discussion among iifw.jut pt-rs lis to the probable lighting qualities o!' this kind uf soldiers. Now that the rebels arc using negroes to shoot down northern sol dier, the conviction seems to lie rapidly gaining ground, i specially anion, promi iioiit mi'ti who have heretofore acted with thi' democratic party, that it is just nm.'. proper to organize negro regiments to hunt up and destroy the 1-oivanlly bands uf guerrillas w ho are ovcrrtiuiug portions of the rebel States, shooting ami hangii'g aiul cutting to pieces, loyal men, stealing their horses, cattle ami coin, burning their dwell-1 ings, ami after outraging the women, ihlv- j iiii; them with their little cues into the mountains ami swamps to perish with cold j ami Imager. These gnrrr.ll.is", according j to the laws of civilized nations are outlaws i and pirates who can claim none iff the rights nnd amenities due to common captives; hut who deserve death by shooting or hanging wherever taken cold-blooded, vindictive, wholesale murderers, who arc not to he compared, but f.vlerm!iinttJ. Since the rebel defeats at Shiloh, pert Poiiclson, New Orleans, .Memphis, and MeCiclluu's base before Richmond, every thing seems to be drifting lowar Is tin-point we long since predicted as the ultimate development of the rebel programme: a d's solution if the large armies under il:-tin-pushed generals, a general evacuation uf t!ie most important places, and a dispersion of the rebel cohorts all over eottondom, or ganized in small basi ls, under devil josse.o.l nnd desperate leaf, rs to carry on a guard la warfare unknown in k'nd in the Li-lory ol hr.rbari.-ti), by mobbing, nr.ird; rinr', ami torturing Union clti.-ns among tiu:u and annoying the Federal (lovcrmn.nt to the utmost of tlkir ability. Wlu-ii-.-vcr th's policy is fairiy man.;, rated, ami Davis abandons the idea of k ( ping t.ytthi r a I ir.'e r be! army at any one puint, we miy s..f !y ta'ei.l.ife that the h a 1. i- i f the r be 11. on I.avc abatid :-'-d the i h';! of a p r I'.i.mcnt md. tend; :,t Tii-m ,', nnd tre scik'ug to make ! th-ir c eaji with their ii!-.-'H;e:i tr.-i'.r- to r:i.. fon-Ij'i i.-ouutry nit ! r C"Vi r of ll,..- f.r-, M.i.-kc, ami j ,r"'',: !' s'augVc. tint .-'.all bir-t ;! ail over the j '" lv-t--;l cnutitrv, ca the track of n ih-.'and bands I ' l 1 t: the temple of minimi liberlv that .shall start to Kurope, wrap both continents in blaze of war, and knock the scales from the eyes of purblind demagogues who have been thus far throwing obstacles in the w ay of a speedy termination of the w ar upon a just and christian basis we also beliive. Of the mighty causes which are operating us a hidden moral volcano under the sub stratum of civil soeielv, and of the ulii uiatuiu ot the irrepressible eonlliet between barbarism mid a civiliz itiou struggling to advance, the little taekey politicians of the Wait school know no more than a ho knows about centripetal and ecutrifiigu forces in the heavens. The AngloSnxon race, occupying the front rank in the faini lies of earth and headed by New Kngl.uii Yankees, the brain of America, the d.-pos itory ot inventive genius, the fountuin of art and literature, and the cradle of human liberty, has not been the Duressor in this conll i t w liieh is to introduce a millennium when, after the 1'n-ry ordeal through which the world has passed, Pk.uk, in gulden let ters, shall sp in the heavens, hallehijih In waueii on cverv iireer.e, aim glorv mid g in every dark corner and valley of the earth. He who thinks that ttabricl's last blast is to purge the world of sin and introduce lie millennium by the exercise of that vol, lion that creatid I lie material universe, is n;th as a heterodox theologian. The"ihet friends of human progress have legitimately tried to advance the cause of civilization by moral arguments-failing in that and being confronted by the motley hordes of disiiotisin with fixed bayonets, the tin at .Lhovah expects them to draw their swords iiinl In w their wnv through to the r.iiikn- nium, instead of waiting for tJ.ibriel to f.'ightcli aw ay w ith his horn the ,ots ol Magog who now bloi k up the road. Thl eonlliet has beivi coinmeiieed on the "land li.jih ing w Il wir gs" it has been con liiii'id on the part of the eiieiniis of t-iv:li-nation and a are demoeraey in good keep ing wi:h the spirit of intolerance tli.il prompted the rebellion conducted by the w.;r code- of savages. On the part of the (iovcrmut tit a remarkable gentleness, leni- cia'i, and fi ibeurance have been shown the rehils, in re!e.i.-ii:g prisoners on parele, in reluming slaws to their claimants, i i pro tietiug rebtl property, in permitting rbel officers capturd in war to loll in ni.iguili een'.ly fnrnis'.id apartments and f.ire sii up-lao't-ly, while oar OWU sold. ers are ci.iwdeil into iiithy ap.irl nn-iit -i by the nbils, I'.-d on mis- ral le fon I, and sliot br stepping lo a window to t a breath uf pure air. The w hole j idi.-y of tiie (jovi-rnnient in cn.id n t ii.g t'.e war has been sudi ns many ho,ied would win back the rebels to loyally It ha.- b.-i i; a p' llcy w in-ly iuailgurated by Details of Eastern News. l.irri.K Wasiiixi;tox ('a ), August lid. A recoiinoitering column under (lea. Crawford yesterday crossed the Kiipidan, and pushed forward to Orangu Court House and took possession of the town, which was occupied by two regiments of the enemy's cavalry, under lien. Kobert son. Mleven of the enemy were killed and fifty-two taken prisoners. Among the lat ter were one Major, two Captains and two Lieutenants. Our loss was two killed and three wounded. The enemy retired in such great haste as to leave their wounded in oar hands. sful. Information from (imsgow, , r Washington, Aug. It. A dispatch from it,, i liiuiiliiiiiii'li'i'S of the A i niv of thn l'oio. "( ..... ... - . in y H nniiA nun: today, mivs: The Army of the Polo, year Stii: "cWi'r fur mac has again assumed the oll'eiisive. A j 'u n.n,i . . .. rn'otinoisaueo was imidii yestenhiv by (leu. ., . A"wf ,. Hooker to Malvern lldl, Vhiio llk LSl i. It' Missouri, says that a liiindivd and fifty Federal troops at thu place nro in ilanger from a large band of guerrillas under Torn dexter. Should the report prove true of a strong rebel lorcu being In that, vicinity, the garrison will probably retire to the oilier sine oi Hie river. ...-i i ; , i. a;,.,,,,,: , rfii.-inii imhii, i""i '-' ii'i'iiiwn hi In the iiortlieiisterii part ol the Statu .ew niarket and Kichmoiid, which was In the town of Newark was attacked by a 1 every respect a complete succesH Tim large force ol guerrillas on Fridny evening tmps left, rump about dark the uiulit by last. Only two companies of State troops ri. i,, ,., inrivcd ut Malvern Hill ut 4 were slatioiied at the outskirts, who were (,Y,, k yesterday inuining. They i iicoiin- Invin into ilio town by superior iinniiier.M. (,.,., , cegiuients ol inliiutry mid a teit M If ,....,. .. . "i in ii j i'i...i. Sri?;:'""' t;(t Milwiiukle, Mast Tualatin, West Tuulatin, Ibiyton A l.afiiyetle, .""''"lie iiinl an enriliwurk. Fue ions lirmg i corn lunniii nouses nun leiiees. ttus oneneil on llieni ov lleiisons iiattei v. At dark they were compelled to capitulate, -pi,,, inf.t lit rv were not eiigagi d. The tiring The Federal loss was t killed and I wounded. The rebel loss, necording to their own lasted three hours, when the lebels inglo- rionslv lied by the river road toward Well- statements, was "11 killed and u itmuliL-r i iimiul, tiolty piirsiicd by our troopn, who wounded. j look ltH) prisoners. The loss mi our side rrovideiiee, (11. 1.), August .Mh.l!ov. I " 'I'"'" MM "' eleven wounded ;,, I,,.- ..all,.,! mi i ..hired citizens Col. Avenll, with hOO cav.ihy, look the for a regiment as part or thu o.iota ol the ' hl h. re State. lie promises to aceou.panv them f""ml the lentil irguuu I avalry drawn I,, il... I1..I.1 ami slmr.i their i.enis wilh 1 np to receive hull. A charga was iiimiedl ,1, .. iitelv ordered, w hich broke the r. ln-1 im, Wnshiiiglon, August. 'S' it Mildll, Salem, Mill Creek, Dallas, llock Creek, Oregon Cilv, i i..i. i ii i 'ii m m-R . ,. "ir Vaueonver, j. (), K 1 '' Mfc, Si. 1U-U.,. Cowing Ll;ui,C-h . TI,o. II. IV,,,,,,.. i-Miuir .,r " ' Agent, Mini I, member of lWluj'"1'1 Icily Confi nm,.,,.) Um""d Qutir- A. F. Waller, Aueni ,,f v..,i when tiny lied. Col. Avenll followed , v-rsity --Win Ki.bc,i , Aireiilnl "'' lisoateh ,,. ' It.l.l,. Soeieii. M....1. ... . 0All"nf.r. , , llilll' ...Hi-, inim;; ,, iMiniKit j, i llU.,.f. ,,f , IViiiii ll.. I . . 1. , ii el ,-iw nl I in iil'inv ill I hi . . .. in .. -.i . r . f II I'....r. i "Wfllllli i losing a mini ii. i, i leiis nn, iiii ii niree , i wim u m-.. i - A A reguhir skirinish took iilaee the Slate j t,,rv posted behii iim.iiiw lii'iti.. fi-iini lirliiii.l houses nnd I'eiiees I I ,., .1.. 11. I ' . . I. ...I. IIM ... ! II ... . "' ' -. If II.. " . Hill I'll I." vi iisuuigion, .v ugu.si -nil. i ne union ing order has just In en issued by. the War lie part men t: aslungton, August 4th It is order- .. . .i . i .-. ..... i i . . i eii, nisi, nai a iiraii oi inree iiuuureo moil- sand militia be made imuieiliately into the service ol the United States, to servo nine months, unless sooner discharged. The Secretary of War will assign the quotas to the States, and establ.sh regulations for ill ' draft. ccoud-That if iinv Stale shall not by the l.'illi i.f Auailst Inruish its quota ol the add tiounl three hmiilred Ihousnni n (Heirs nnilioiizctl I 'V the liw, llie ilelt I',,,,,,,,.,,. t,M,.y. savs: Uiclu id imiiers .. ,,.,. ,i. v,. l... ,,. eieiiev of volunteers la that Slide will also , ,,r ,1,,, .1,1 ;.;',,,, ,,i r i. tii.-l.i ,. , ' ... ... . .. ,. ,., . . i - f i- . w men a pmiani oi ine lem-ii were ii I In followed I hem to williu a short vili-mv X I ebiniini ilislauiv of Newm.ilket, when nn'etiiig two , In i.' nl. n( I'elii ls lie fill Inn k lirin 'iiii' . . u A large lorce ol infantry. ei.vuVy and i ,.,;. ..; ,m r, , lkl. , (V11V T)lll, .. . ,1 iii tillery lelt camp last night lor Malvern niln, (1 for llie t.,y, The troops Vpoiii,.', ' . enciimped oil Malvern Hill. ' v; 'it,,..., About four thousand s ek be l' In ..- J x, ... ... n n .. :.i. ...t " ' , .... i lie inn. oeeiinv .miiiiciii ii.n linn sin i I.' nlai.liy nnd u.-t ng iisned sei vices, nnd ,,,, I mi,.. Stales bave arrived here since ,; , , i, .i.i ;, i P,. ,i.r !:" .'".V ...... 1 ... ...I'lll . Ill.u iii v came to Junes rivrr. Aliout n ,.. i... . .. i I I '" three llioiiM.n.l c. b, prisoners have also ,.r- , .,ivi,v (,fl1(. A,,v f p,,,,,,,,.,,. rived Iron, dill nut points lor exehang.. ; f(,r ,t (.w ,(M. ()r llsK W)( o Hostou, August fith Ui iTiiiting for k:lh d nnd woiiihi i. The position is con the old and lit w regime, its is going on sidered of great inipo, tunce. rapidly It i- i.oiv thought (hut Slate's Wa.hingloi,, Aug t, -The Cuinn meet quota wdl be raised without a draft. The l( . (. , ( . call for the second three hundred thousand n-lir A ,r , f ,,u ,m,,t , nine inonlhs uieii is received with cntlnisi ,.,i ,. ,; i,.i ,..i.. i , I'....; ""I'lilinh u n i i1!1"10" 'Wli - ni Hi i,.,l I" fi .,II'"IU y V. Strall,. . ii lie made up lv stiecial dratl iroin the mi .t a. 1 he N-erelarv of War will istati !:sli reg.ilatioes lor this purpose. The recil hil onswdl ln prepari-d by tin' M'ar 1'e parlmei.t and presented to the I'resideiil. with the olject ot s. enring the promotion of I'lliei is i f the armv and volunteers for cng igi uii-nl opposite mail lioiil laiuli .g, :,, . . . , 1 " n ' ncl.nowleilg.s that one man was Kille.l ami six wounded. .in 1 ; ' ir.. w . .t. .. ... .,.,, ,, ,...r, ,, , , . treat-1 , Wmhlwiirtl It ., ''""" w. S. I, ilifi:iii-ti,iiioii, eoiisidirii.g the ami m ija , n t!;e -!. the ,M; illW 1 state of the public ,-eiiliiii' i.t ..'.ity ijinstlon. Saeh has l.en .- d CVild.tiim of pal, lie- s' l.t llielit oat i. cur tiachings from il.ive hi i h giacs nnd politicians, that tip two or thne months it has ;'. Ni ithirn iii.-u iri'iii-ri.llv pre- i.f gir rrilla ru'.bi id c.'iid- 1 1 i sin h.-e lhe;r on n sons nm! bro D.iv s. Y ancry, nnd II. acre--.rd k::o-.v v, re ' l'" rs '" ',:it;!''. r.ith. r than have the p in" well th it the i'ir.d (lovi riiiiniit will b.- Iibie t i ' the ia'.p'i-. tal.'. p'.ae. s in l'iie n.'icr taking tie :n, au l that sj ,,, M w.. retain j:Os.;s;o!l of Klc'ifii.ii.l. t ", arV-ton. New Oil-alis, M .hile, Nasl.v.:! ami Mem- j !-'r"! phi , aul control the. navigation along ti.- j whole hn,t'i ol llie Mis-i-.- ppi, a tiry hot "' ' "' j.laet we r fd of n.ll f.cc;:'.- r.vt r bear-th-y can laive a S a.tl.ru Cot.f. di rm-y that v.oiil.l amriiiiit to :;:.y er at f!.ak.-, w iih even Santa Anna. nor iii.'.'TS i i.l. ti.l to la- shot dow n in lighting Ik'.- ga-r.ll':i ..i. 1 J. If Ij(i..'s colur. d fs."i- s. S;e. h .1. inocrats ns lliekii.-'ii a,..l lai.e i ai i.nt see why one pour n ii t A fill.,. , -lioiild be worth more liiaii of our idiieutei white im-n. There in-t i.o.e. since t!ie dawniiiL' (if t'.e n rr.lla i r i of warfare, to lu a cla-.n.-e raj I lly go'ng on in pubhc seiitlin-'iit nil m.r the N'it!i as to whether we hail I "quit q i n ri ling and go to fight , ej," or revelling the lioiiita.it, on and appoint , ,. mi ut of inconipelenl persons I he leeu at.ons w.ll ili.-o prov de lor milling the si r vice ol ue!i incompetent peisoiis us u iw ol. eoiim;-sions. l'oi lre-s monroe, Aug. l-t. It is In lie v. ,er,.. Ilnl the new ,ii rianae will ivuic 1 nvn as far as Fort 1 i'liiig. The I'uh r d uiiiibi. it- h ue passed iiii the riven be- o-id Ilirri-oa's Landing. La-t night, be tween tw i ll e and one ii clock, the reln ls pi i.i I I' re on McCli 1! in's cetiti r. and con- t:nm d fi r !' out an hour and a h ilf, with four lull ti s of Hying nriilh-ry, oppu.ile the landing. -Cine above and some la low. Not one tilled of their sla lis i i od,-d. eveeal ,s-els ware stunk l-y fr.igiu.-nl o! V,,i i,-,-l ,,f il,,. ,1,.... u k in. ii.tl .x on- -,'l.ia r- a i r" k.oeii r w ,uu l- I. Aft-r half ii a hour del .y, our sa-L;,' gill s opened llie, nnd III !o;'y nmi'ltes Ihe ri la I.- Wl re MleliCi ll. N. w Voik. Aug. Ith - A Ictt.-r to th lirll, d ited ll lton Hand, duly lil-t, Nay-; " The ri b'-l.-.' lam, u ineh for a long (UUP has been III pioecN, of t'oii-teiietion at SavalUI ill, iN fi 111; l.-li-.l , i rilled and and ready lor N,.-i.ce. A I .iccounts winch eoi.ie to us irpse-. nt her i.s viiy formal ul le. She iN o! I i ; i . t draft andgreat power, am! has a very in ai v iir'n iiih-ii, Already cii, II. E, lllaio i . "Hiiie. 1 's"ili hoti J, Milter J. l. Ilril-fr "'Mirrer AHi-Mmi l II L.. . .m Si,tr the relii- St ill.' iiiri. I of ten dollars, has Im-cii reo,ed. A I'.olln r onh r h as been Is-ued, il, h oling the enrollaieiit of all loyal e.li.ens into com paiilis See. NN.nii.Nt.N are Hot perui.lted lo eiiti r the ni hlia. but nl'e n qilie. d to g.vc all titer alius to the in are-1 mililaiy po.si Foil Monroe, Aug ,'M One divis.on ol (Jen. Ion iiv de'.N corps has h II t!ie l.oads, -ail.ng in a ibia-c'lou quite the uppos.lr nl .1, inns liter nnd Harrison' Lamlai;- o:IiliiMll, iiNin, ns indicating soeedy woik on tin, part , ,, ;,.'. ,nii' o,n k, I, ,.ri.,ei. i . ?' . . . of the (loveminent lor the Mippres-i,.,, of il( :,,;,. ,, , S,(.ri',rr ul ' ' '" To U nr, taking uiioii Iiiiiim If Ihe re-iioii..bi,, i .... ... ... , ... , , I, . , ,'. , ., .. . '. , (mi) Ilirtior.V. Mimdant. r 1 ,i .. : Loins, Aug. Ith 1 ue order ivlcns lor nets for w Inch the Ncn-tarir has b. . n ; ,.. ' . "V irisoui rs leo.o , nrolbn, nt, on tile p.,v- ! I.I d. ' , 11 '"" " " lhl't-Jok l'lmP f; lew lung, I n I,miiiVIIi' Aeii.lt iny - in. mbir (,r .wr i. tii.iieterly Conf.renre. ll"l"lu' Suuml Jhxtri.t-X, ,,m, f ,. Olynipia nnd Tuniwiilir, A.f y,,u. Mound Friiine, W.J.K,. '"'''. J.S.I),,,,,, e. . " N i.nIiv .!!., Aug. . (Ii ii pii d Me M .mil die, Ti iiiii n-. i on . Kuril iv with ti. (IIM) troops. Then In I loie.-s lb ti ill Ins nppro'ich, baling forty lr..e;;lers to lull into o ir hands The n In I Col. For rest is MippoNcd in be nl Sp.ii I.i willi J, ,1 fl) eavaliy, (.'II N' gh-V lirrited II, CoblUlbill Vis t , r L i r lb' ilisp. r-ial a l .rge . oiicei.ini I. "II of t'Uelflll IS lit Willi, l..HMl, IW. lie T II . It'll.. , I.IO. . Illlll, .l Nl'll 01 ll- II.,, ' I 'all' ( -('lll. , Ollnr ihii-ioim lire einbaikilig mid will loihs Irum ( 'oiiiiiI.;.i, on Sunday i teiiin -iii vi rv soiei. (irenl Mi recv has been ' capturing u i.uuiln-r A eoi.-iiler.dih' tola o I in. rn d ill III .King t its liioveiin nl. .. w Yoik Aug oih A letter to the Tril,,ir ..ay-; M.Ch llau selil a large oree iicio-s dames ri vi r iiii Satiird iv-ino-tlv from I ilj i'in Porter's loiuinainl. The til v of col ton has be. ii liiirnc I i cnr C..1 lliu'ii i. The u'll' iriilas In ar ll ,e h it. Ii.-el, litt. inptilig III l .ili. i 1,1 rate I', r Miini III the rel'els ure making the neee-siirv sunn n-s preimr atory lo bringing h. r down llie nuuilur is said lo be Iii, OOU r;v-r. I wo -team rs ciiirui'g the r 1 ! 'lag. v. L ii Ii .ire eegieed in the , rfonn inee of t'.i- si rvic, came w tu n range of I'ort Pllll-hi's L'Uas nil Tuesday, bill Were I'Oill ...!'..,! t,. re 'i.e. t I I. il.. il t ik ... ,i L . . i . r i... I " "! v" '.' I. ........... .....I I' ..1 1 1 ...I I!., I .ill I C. I . 'I. f . prepillatioil to rceive the I. -t.r. ................ ...... ,M lip woo .n , ,,.., 1 llie soul Ii liank of the . I iiins riVi-r us the "(id (hat it ii tleir lal.iilioii In nil. ok A-piiiil il-pnteh to the New .a k new hue of i. d n-e. ''m r.-b. 1 eavulrv, ' I'ope innl hip hiii, if liny euli, and then Tr.f.unr s.Vn; " The (iiveriiiiieiit i, now i nndi r (ieli. Loin rtson. is In hived to have full noon .M.-Chllati. ft... .,..... ..( .1 .. I...-.I. I . r ..... . . . ... . . j ... .. .i,- ,,, 1 1 1 1 ........ i neen w ii iiiruii il i rum ine Mienaliilniili Vul ' I no-e w no r lil-e lo i,. K' Hi" oilli ur Wahi,iglo,i, Aug. fth A dispatch from Pope's In udiju irlers, dated yesterday, say-: lnlormat.on Irolu vnrious soiines P uds lo ciiidii m the In ,i f that the i iinnv lluie 1 1 e utiuo-t v prer.nl ll.i iu Wii-liiiigtiin, Aug 7 -(!., i C.inby is relieved Irom .Inly in New Mexi. o, nnd or der. d to r. poi t in p r-oi. to the S. i r t it of War. t' porl snys a In rgo r b. I f .r. e Jelm Fl m, (J F. irirP 1 si hr kn.,..i;i I.' w i-ti.n, .. pow i. r Hirer, ., Viikunu Imhaii P.eM'rrutioii J.I.Vil,or a si-i nkv Wotiiu ...v r. ibi, ,co M s Wilson, who him n ,1,1, )lt I..-,, the Cain, lu. nnd Mokiluraiif.iirtr To, ii P.nk i', n turning In Ii. r liou if. ler ll -boil i,e, naar ii f, lw M,n;g 'IPp I. er window, nnd km. wing I'ml tnUti hud h ll ii saik of i lnl lies there Willi pnee in tin in, she Mip,,.,,l h, lh.it i n n The nohi,i Winiiin ii.tti.l is r qairid lo f,,r (!,.. ,(, H, ,,, pn.1,,,,,1,,,,,11. With I. mi She rli.iv d him Wo tiiili-1 W.ii II the lilM lil Ml Ilk, In,1, nnd )li llMkk. cd I, I'll don ii in. d car, led him, M di.1 not had t'." f J pin e, hut iliu-ot, rt-il jl ,if, rw in ,!, ul l.oiiie. Tl.P f How lanlfinjh ta i out the i loll,. , pill III I loiif n ,Mi, tuo pf.- a ml n bon I c npple Mint. ,frr Mr.. W.l-oii b ..I i-iiir,.! ihe iiiilmlir man pi. it y l!,oriU,y, sU , l 1, a, hJcLvi. 'ii .'-yi.'i''.,' in. Is 1.1 Whenever the tele 1- li.al, le 11' liefii!- lo per-i.-t ill their diabolical de-ijn to dig this (Joverniin . i.t up by ti,'- root -, till lie I not. i i tl.re, "last n; an l.s a gie Ii.il. i falls in the li;r (J. u rnmi iit having c.iil' l o it hiiiiicd thousand moro m -n, the v ug broken out alre-h, the Noiih I, 'ting beeomi! more uuiti.l and i.. .. r. i ... i . i .. 1 . 1 . o d:icli,"l!i.'taii,:,gi,.iliM.,,s.,f fr-MiiM, on ':' ' "'" ""e v.nu.ni.e, r i . I ..... t ... I I .!'.. I.. I this continent w ill ,m,t the i-u- I kerne,-: ' "c ',r"" ,l ,:i:iM'"' Adm;,i -,..l:iei will keei pace with piiblie ,"ing in won; lo cru-ii nut will ti.k-j the loftv. p!iil.in,!i.-i'p ;e (in'ti; j e, iUid ' r:,,, si'ii'.'iu nt ov the r b'-llioii by the n.j of nil the liiiam i that Cod ;.i. l ( 'hrl.-tliin pos-ilon pointed out by the (jr 'at .li-ho'. :il, to the Je'.vi-h g. iier.i!-' on the eve if a rampain :it'.iii:st tl liiei;rrlgll henthtu "r,.b K'' of A-ii, and n-.; all (!, uieaiM ih:.t fiod and nature have laei 1 ii: our ham's to k-'fji Atm r'ran foil -ai red to l.uiii'.ii liberty. The p oil ion to which tie e traitor.; w ill hive th' n fire il the I'.y. bi,r;u ,1 lo tin.- . iter's edge, dear ,fiiui,i OUT C :i".. lb;..! .. oi L:i ,: -h ,'t S ii. I- The Ml., atjre Lave jiIikmI v. th ii IKK j.ji.tjv: v ( tri: Lo ., (!i n,m r Oold-ii 'Lite, tt.ut co on the i'lst ult , whs ts will be, the cot; bu t of a w ,r, i.ot j ou tl.': iiTtii of July, nnd one humln d ami for i ni. que, t, b:.t iMerm'iiatici. IbdeN have y. , gi, to b lil'id'; t'l drink the nip tley prepared fir in to it, v ry dr. g- We are of tin.-; v. l.o now l...!l''ve, ds we III',', III '. I Ml f. h is ulreadv ,i ;.l tl.: lie '.v. r uliii.'n t.lii' ty-i igl.t ! v. ji w -rv lo '.. C.it. P. '.r on publish, s u ,s it. m'lit of parlii.'iiJaes; I.'; think-, the iire orig Hated in the lifter galhy, bit iw ii the fctoves and Hnoke stni k. It got the start of the r-rew, nnd the ship ' uoiigfi ii.ni .nt bh.od to b:irud up in an ineredlbly khort spi I'.e con 'yiupalhl.'.rs wiih ire.i-o i, in a lij,t;.ui till y klioW dot lit, add at the Sllll'j till;'; pil .i-h (ill of ns ' 'i:ii-.i hat, f.r l.av.ng ton lire h w li.l.t l at (he i0.v r le hiud the lliroii", y, hi, h has I mii for more lhaii hall n ' tilury core. ij, ling, deba-liig, and il". lie. I ai ,li,g l he w hole rouiitrv ; I II ib baii:l. cy, d.-l.o loe, and l hhom .sly w. ie consider i d no di-qu il hValioliU f.T lii.'li position-', mi I t'a: avaricious r ibbh; had uiade an idol ol gain, gro.Vii fat and fir-otP u their (iod. Tiiat Ihu " h-ri pn . ;i,h: eonlliet" foretold by the wi-ett of our Mai. -iii- , and fore fdiudotttd by him who (jot a glimpse of Gog; and Magog mu-d ring their l.osU lo Lottlo, ii) already upon uK Wl, mV(, ri.. sous tvliicli wc caro not lo give, to believe That we have hardly big,,,, lo vx1 the be fanning of the end, aiel shall not (ill ihe lldiing (le-poli-llis .f ihe old m 1.1 shall dirt to lelzii liner iild'ii njiprir'u'ilty to join flu' rde I- u'ld ; on; u bro nl '.'.' noai a it g'Ue, lao. got lo e.'.pinfe tfimij of time. 1 he p.is-engers Were sitting down its ( rimes on thi- f-ide lh" borders of hell - l dinmr; liny fought the lire miec. fully uinl tin,? the (ini., .Ii.ho'.i.h intend. b"f.;r: f.r half mi l, ir, when all Lopm av way let Is O'.ir to I (ij.li.... Noidnin of savilig II. 'i.ip; sl.e W.n lii'iidfd fo,- (he b ;,eli ami niei.eedeil in reiiehing within about ii q'i .it. r of a ml! of it; huge brink i.rs wi-ic iiiiu.'i.g over thf? hip, nve. piiig ever.lhlug bi f.irij thelll lo Ihe bi ueli Thn, if who r. tiiined ktrcngili when ih y eiiiim on chore, helped to drng the i .hni-f. el or (hud from the surl. Captains Hud--on niul P. ,ir on weru the lot lo leme (lie sh;p, at !' o'clock, when h,(, 1,!H ,iir,,, llji but lie! bed plate, and wheels Tl (I sur' ivoi', oij.j hundred and five in nii'iibir, start, d text morning fir Mai,.iinillo fifteen luih a iii.ta,it, luiving for k'lsleliiiiiei- In, th ing but on.u li of lager L i r that Inol wadi'd !i-hore, On the S' cond day liny all r ai.lied M.inz iliillo. A Mi s. Wallace, one of the eived, ili.-liiigiii.'.lied lurca lf by boldly Miniuiing u-liore, and u(Muul taking euro of llie si. k and bruiM il. u'lv T'-p.ir. State S, it--:oiii-ts, whilli. r ill Maryland , ,v. h av, ng that part of the country to the sent Soul I, bevoml our hii. s, l.y ( i.n P..,.', ( 'apt, Mir.k, will buic Piiltljl.J, tllilil or Kentucky, "ltd will in-tantlv crii-h any ,1, fe.,M. ol gu-i r.llas aloi.e. and if th. y return w.ll be tret. d as .p.. , ! r,,, ,,',-.', , i , 4 tv , ' , . ,. , i , ., , ,,. ... , .... ... . . . 1 i luit.ur iiol.ee, on .loiii,ill, iinnmlari, !i ! Tellil.le.l tl.el.ltll l..il,r.,.,r I .. ........ .1 : W.. I. ......... t .... r..t. t. l. 1 U'l O I. . .. ... w .....: I ' .'' I 1 1 .. - ,i,u. , ...I, .iii ..in. .i ..as in en iu niiii.ii,.- m - mi- m ,-i ii i',ir,s i. Kentucky i watched. Ohio. Indium nnd . bchcie l laic in some quarters, fur several now Mib-i-ting enLrely on Ihe t-tiemy K. ntii. ky wdl be forued iiito i.n ii:d. pen.!. ' d ivs, that the eneuiy h .ve beeii evii.-ii iting : , ., , , ,' . ., ..itui.l.i iryd. pir.mei.t.nial. rde,,. Hu. II'n I;.;.,,l,),,,. There is n-u ble sii-pieioa ' I'"' r, .orl a f g .. ; '!. C-nu,;,,.ry 0. n, r,l, . ,h a p,,.,lece In,., brokm out in ' that I . ' who-e h.ad p. iM.er, wd! be at Cim iuu..ti. ,-itv , ! .,'" " " "f '' , , ,l r',U J' 11 ' , I l.oni-oii s i.iiiiuiiiiid Ihe nbil.s were Spe. ial- lo the N' w Voik pap.rs -a;: ,idi .polls, Aug .'.lh.- Orders have drivi n b.n k w ,th g r, ut !.. , r a til. I i-olil-rciic! I .lweui Die ,!ipi 1,-eii received to prepare .omplet,' foils of ii.i.ou ;ioii, ,10-enn e 10 nasi, ng tl.e I .In I pr.-oin rs now i onlini d nt Camp ..i. to r. pn--. 1,1 the i p..-, , eoi diiion id M, t w,i, a , t ,,.Uvra rx.-hunge. i lie- In rd r of that S' lle-nml the Nfivv , N.-nrly I DDI, nr... here i ' whom ..n. : 'J ID I Teiine -e. an . W ho refuse to be i i- , . I I . ...i .1. ... . I .. .1 .i. . r '., '",1,,,,.,, and ll, ipi.,1,, ...lunle-is .; i.le,,.,ee I ley pr, f.r to remain p,i-o- ,,,, r,M, e s lo li 'ieg exehaii.'e.l, cl.i.in.i g lo be cite i 7. ii-of tl.u Foiled Stat' s. I N V , Au r f, W II. W. bb ha con i ..... . i .. .. . , . inn i' ii nun mi ii.n, rnnn nt lo I u.1,1 mi I leji'irtment. the hi, I. r roini-, d die Com milt,.,-as In my nu'il.oa's lor -i rviee clu-iiely on the Ohio rivi-r a., tin y want'd l e i mull bonis, dr ivrng twofi.el of water, h :ve l.-en air adv S-hcted nnd in-i,, .-Ii ii IhpiitiiPlit Liieh A s in iir in enn be n-e. r, l ie , III' n hi e beell nil', ud v . in oil, . Vmk State, under th ra'I f. r Vo'init, it. i. criui iig n going on iin.lv in I .mot ,100 lu Nee :!, iiuo Cu iM.f or Tut. - The t aaur Riiil, and Fndiis rt llj A , mill UD Tl- d.itt, Thur d it, and Salurduyi at ' i u , mi I I I' u .1 ( '.s IC. I . f 'O.XSKH F.l TOlllDI Hi ( trrynH ('ll 'I l.r lli.drr. Jll, ,1 ...:J Uk. ll.,' I.!rt tl Mi ni' I, ill, -i. r,.liin( I,. If air M(', thai it ii. 1 1. . m I ,f i...iruri..i a ilar. ml Irm iktl ! I hii in .r no. I loiln, mi, I iimrh N lln c. Iu!it r.l l, ii.i. i)n- Iraf.ti I. ,, ,.r. .,f JUS M(JI:M. V th" llgeli's nl the I o it i-ci. I, libit" I to carry two guns .s I,. li -fcd that ud en liny nre i the rlv r ail dangerous g'nriilU invnsioii W:il be ii' all li I. ll Piivale Pf.lt.r'. bank of I'i hi-!, nnd II innilia! f i ! .... i' '.' .,,..-., .. wen in. ,n III illy ! . , . , i i ., . , r ... ; , iro.l sli lllller. to be , .l , le, ti il l V III,' . . . Mai'' i inn our li re. tmiv . ,....i .,r n,..,,r . . il on I .. . . . iron, am to ...ye t ii o i, i,. i inir, 1. 1 I ,. " 1 .' K'" i ' i 'I. ii i , miui iiikv ei ery lie- I ,i , . , . . i i . . , , ,,,, i!l..,,l ... i : . ' i. t!ie Monitor, Win, h lire to be ...l.-riil With ii I I "i w . ill 1 1 1 wu K. t ... I hii . i l i .i , 1 twc.vi ifii'Ii iron. I In vt -m h I'i luvt u ill.'l Hi). f Hii! IiriliV DM I ift oiichiL- iik f.r .... 11 " . . J ' ", y,.l .1 . - I. If ll I . at I .1 I 1.'" ri illa- iro to the north M ,,-jl,,.. 'I'll, v c.,r.N, i.le r. l ..I -"'"' "' iu ici.g I IM Mill. ' M fiv. r oi. W.d .lay j Imr-s mid e.itth' when v. r found. 1 ?I''-,0.,MI11 r.l lion-lay in ht ci-i-id Ihe I ... , ,, . Suice the nrrivnl of ( i, n ( ',., i A.lla'e. .'Mill Sn, . ,, i ,, c,, ,...i I 1 . . ' ' i 1 11 I l-llll. Alk III Ills' lie, .1 l.i.u .r.l. ..f .' (HOI I'I St .1 Oil lblilrolld, on ! i I. IrolM ' I'l.llill Hel.tiu...... L .i.,it..r.......l I... air-' r . . " many ciu.. us. plant. a, visit oiii . , . i ,.. i . . . iais niiiiosi u any, ii mi s, mi ll.eui luxuries th",r w ay I.i the la rtle r,i eo,iiiti. i u,d l.y 'Col. I (i',,t,,r's force, porter ' "!""y ,'"l:"'s- llj'tivs of n ver.il rich had between s i.ndsevu, hmidivd iiu n , punoers visit our sick soniier in Ihe ho-pi Hand', t.niiiberiiig ten, twenty nnd fifty Is nt IL I cmi, Aik , I sbiv,, luo-tly those who Wmk'-d on port' W r ght nnd Pom l-nii. A pe(.;,, dispiil.-li In t!. New Vi were eon-t hi, ly joining A no'tfier tio'ori'- , A W ,';tlz' ,,H w ""-' of , I-r. f. v-: A ih h gulioii of We-li ru men i irnidir, 151000 To X.o.-.n. i"i r ,f,i,r.l ''') ! VV (' J.., ,.,'' ( ' '7 fJotiCC- .1 l',i.r, Ift of lU IUbJ 1 iii.l I'rxi.i.i.i. l,,n,i,i( .Milti, ii ( mIui'. i ml ..i!,l n y to M II .i...uriura dirt hi till I fn.ll ll '. I rr.i ( .1) Ivlll.irv ,lH.lll., ! " il,r lu rr.. .i, J otj, ift, lC DciiUiiU7."l' l Ii Sir(.l,si ,ll 1 j in lu hi l.i w, i k; ilur .. ul.i. Ii lain lh" ..ii, h or. i.i r. n.ll .!ri cjII i. lni. ,'ll i.l le r. .id. ti. p. h.s rei.., il "ill. K'- ! .Mr. ti i.isi,,N ,k Cu: I litkfi .'ei.illa ill lIlH.riliilig V"U tin, I !' wHi ,'(l,..d",.,1n,b,roi:,:",lSi'-"l'H,,"rl"'lll"l "k'-n t'"' oath on im ludinhvo S-naton. .nude at. 4r of ! J'"'""""11"" Y'"" l,-J'-- iii'i.n (;i..- ',,.y ve-i. rdav i.Il.-triiiii.". Seventy ,v,. I,,,.,, rr,,i,., ! certain negro regiment , Vm,ci.i !"""' """"'U'r fo.,..,imr. (l..m Ur . Mrli. ,lil I men loik r,' ,111 i,n , ,. ,.if i.i,.r. ,.. -' " "'- 'e cu nrreslei , 1 '"' " .. I . .1 ..... ..... , . ., . ... . i ..." i ... . . '.' 1 and urn liolV in cliiircc ol Pnivi.-I l,.r.l.l 1 Vesterdnv. In ul.i. l, ..ff, r il... I', ...i.l..... ( uiinlnl by iiiy ni" If .. .,' . ; II. . e ). , .; ,. - . llj.l.l l ,s ., Ulllllli I I, j' I 1 1 . , . J ' ' .." I ..I... j - , erafs. The gin rrlllasof Noithea -ten, Mis- ,"'l,"rN "v r fl' l,ll"n-' r-tii-l syiiipilhi, r plied Hint he laid decided not to arm Ihe , l...i...lir'r ') TT onri probably muiibcr two thouii,d 'l.nt I ,'r'1 '"'"'"'y !,IV evacuated Hieh- ' "'groes. but would iiec pl ,H luuny us !' "! ci.J.i- u du.-ciuin ,lif '' ",o,iii. i.n. -iiii ns Ial, or, rs. I los U ll i if I r. IU , IimHui IN.il n.n.l ilrui.un wi " i,,.Oi,i in"" it is 01, fl, lentil' I.i lievei! t'eit tln ir ........ lions will be speed ly brought () n clo-e by ' '"'L' hl' """ r, V',,,"r'. 'oiniug firm II, - , ''ood lo be the n Ith d policy of the govern. ' "f . g,,., ..,., nJ i the prompt an 1 i Ifii'i, lit fiica-iircs mlopled i '""' '" ,-'"'1'". w'l"'" above Memphis i This refusal ix.-it. s surprise among ! llmii.tf on. r .i,.v, leer f,,i ,ilor ,hr i led I.V our fore. K I'nrlcr nml l.,;,.,l. ! Mi,rt lllv'1 ",l g l' ir lhis, receiving sen nil l-arlies illlerestl ll in (Jen. Jim Lane's lilniis oilinr. I .-...,1.1 u . in, Iw woh.Mif lfi". prof. H to have emiie from the C.mf. d, r it- 11,111 r ,ll'l"'r works, .ooiie " Miile, pusiliiely l,er,. ,.vj,,g ,llt It it said in well inform' d circles, that 11; Senator A. O. P. Nichol on of Ten ii' -'er I as b, i ,i rrr.'fml ci ii ihurge of ti 1 ., -,i Mm I in, .'I lll, liovi rniiii'tit lo raise recruits , jain llu lr i '" . , 't'lllillilMrntloli limli-rslood bis llileiiliou forces, w h i.li are expect. d M)0II t() . j L'en Cnrlis nnd slafT nnd Coin. Davis J ctdi'ling negroes in K minis. IIKIMMIICHrS the State again j b ol nnived at ( 'airo, it is hooposed I,, c,,,,- W,,,!,;,,,.,,,,, ,u ' Clh - It is .; I "r MrMoNllH I Ihal (;,. Ibirn-nle has renclii -l his new IT IS T A DYK Lynclibiiig, fVa.,) July SO A speeiai ! I'''11 "I'opiraliois, nnd may hi'U,, by ,,,1' ii r, ,i., Kn,v ,if to Ha oiijinul col..f, tjf "V- lural Hum-"' IllimllU . . -.1- niiiiiu .l.rc'-l 111,, I flee IVI. dell,,., iu Ii. I... ......... :.. - '", in , ........ it. 1 (,. .,r. 1:,,.. ,.r il. u-,. 1 .1... I ,";l",l('11 " '"' li'd'Hiilicin, Haled .i.rrown I " w own, iiiiuouueu Ins e.act locnhly. I U,uu llm emall.iv ml.. mil, 11 l,.,l...,r I i.v i.lu I.... ..... . I "' 'N,W ll'V"r' ''"ly -yi,b MVS; Mliior! 'I'I...,,. I I 1 . . . Ill.l,.i.e,l I.V .... .,r .l.r...... All I .... . ... .... ... in, , , . .... .I.II.IIJ t, ', , ... , . . . 1 .n '...V .... ...ii,iiiii..iiiiyi.iy 1 - - - . (i. neriils ..nil Ihe Mxeeutive bra.iel: of he I ', i" 7 " V! .' . ."".u-""r"" I ''" ' "'" lnlMi,W,t lh.il. SirrJ. ! J'" " I""' "f ''""""'" (iovelliment '.' 1 n N ,."!,.I..M county (Western ' ,nrv S.,.r,l I,,.. I ... II,. ..ulii. .,.1 t t ,1., h.ir. . .Le k.,,1 ,.,,., Arg.,-. .'id -The -I -r captured thu ,',,r rr.HO,,, inelud' ! Ml.,i(;() of 11H(.r(,1 ,,,,lr r ,,,,,; , f...irr, ,,,. I'liviilry which have Lei n in pur-nit of ihe i Mi-' ''inr eoiuniisi, nm n (.Iheer-i nnd sixty , '. , .. .liri r, bid .Ii.ckBon'j fo.-ee I,..f.. r..i.,r t II 10 lion (Oliilnissioned iiflieen niul i,rii.., , M issouri Hiyer ftlenmboal me , "') '"l fii.y pi inn ui . nport that in all Hk t fghls Ihev only hud three killed ami light nu-sing. Jackson in HOW Mid, I, of Ihe llMlehii. river, and is be ing purmcd by cavnlry from Iloiiva Then! rebel raids, of tt liieh this is probably th" la-l, are supposed In be intended lo over the nal move, nenl of ihe main body of thn rebel troops, though the object of thu bitter is known to be lo nltin k Hid II The n be force cnnreiitrated KOillll of the lines of our nrtny are Miid lo Im in motion in tin, direct ion of Sievenwm nnd Chut; t mooga, and llm rebel cavalry, which have In . n , nuking deinoiistratioim in Kentucky and Western Te,lliesei! is believed to Im now milking for the n-nr of this movemeiil. There is now no direct overland commiini enlioii belwedi (.rant nml IJin II, nil com munication betweui them being i.eiit via Cairo. Si. Loui', Aiu'iifct oil. Jlishutchcs re ceived III I endioiiiileru mi" 'I I, rl,l ., . , , ... . ;, , '. " I " 'r."v i ". iui iiio country, iimy uieii on i, odiuma . -,v y .llvn. ,w,, ( e.-uerally ,e l (,.,. f ,. r,)1Vf,s. Not being able to bring away the Mores, I lueinorial asking for n lighl draft l-iniirliml Hc"'i Major Ibnley burned them. ' gunboat lo keep tin, river open. Nearly ' Miani,l.. it. Kr.mlli, ,r.rrnlilii f..lliii kIT""'" very sieuin, r is now lired upon. I min .h.u.lri.ir, nn.l l.ii.iri limlili T'"" l',ir.,Li.l..' .lie' I 1 I I ll, .,. the hrll.l, ll lm.ri.HHl III I"! 7 I.UrilSllleH (llVlN IsSIIld tollCIll A(U,l , ,. Ill i f 1 .'ii. a.iH ll (KIM1"''? . . ... r . .. . I ill, in ir vi. in Ilnl. ( .I ..IIIII, ..(-en. iciiiiv inr in, ..iii...,.... .,. if,... I Tupelo, (Miss,) July :ri--(Jcn. Ann siroug, iu a general n port of the affair at Cuurll, mil Alabaina, says thu Federal loss was three killed. He ruptured the equip. inentH of four compunicH, nix wagons willi horses, and a quantity (,f Mipplies, including live hundred bu-hels of com. Thn depot of the Ich graph line, n bridgo and tresile work were destroyed, A rmslrong also de fealed the 1'YderuU the nam,) day, Inking fourteen prisoners. An olliccr who left Tuseuuibiii, Alabama, on Monday says; On .Saturday a band ol rebel cavalry burned Ihe Million liousfw at Lelghion, luu miles Irom Tuseimibin, nnd at Jonchboro', fifteen mihs from ihu hiiiiui place, lohlopcoinmuiiication on thn L'harlcK Ion Hailrond. The r, be! cavalry nro mi inirous and hold thai reuion. Heimr il,r. i " - n 'K'"y nciiiain,e, with Iho couiilri-, th (Jkn. I'lif iioNr.-Tli.) New Voik Trib une Hays: A trustworthy friend riled us that, hhortly after thu battle or Hull Hun, a clergyman of high character known to the writer met (J.-n. Hubert Anderson, of Port. Sumter fame, nnd, hi u conversalion with liiiii concerning thu wnr, thu flein ral Npoku of Preiiionl, who was noon to iivauiiiu command of thu Western Deparlniciit, ami Hindu hiibslaiitially thu following reimiik; '' I di.'le.-t Iho .olitiifi.l priueiph fi of pro nioiit; hut, iih it military mini, 1 doubt whether Im hat; his equal or wipei'lor In this country or thu world " gum. i. n... .....I...H. - - , . . . . .... .... .....Lntfl I'M linn famig in ruvor. i 'Mia ay ii Kr" U lic. Ii i. .old hy nil tnr.lM lii'i""" k ,r,H-i.r. il by lli.u. i,f l H. Il. Pi"P",w N.w Vmk. Harm .V It,", IWlliuit, Ar T.i: r.n oeiiu iii.1 i. i'J' Multnomah Lodjo Jto. I, A P. .V A. M I..i..uirf"""' 1' r tin... la Mi..m.ln Hull, ,h'l, V,eee,liu H l''" N"" '", , lln.llifi.il In i,...l.l..,lu,tf are lii'it'' '"' , ' D. i'. 'hiiimiwi " Tiik.i. Wvntitr, Heii'y. " x. o. o. r. r.e,i.aUfel, "', , l.intleinb I'"'''"' ('. ,M. I.i:-mi, !-,' fri'J'-