The Oregon Argus. (Oregon City [Or.]) 1855-1863, August 16, 1862, Image 1

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itv i. w- i hj. J
... I,.,,, will!" farniihrd ul Thrrt Ihllmt ;
J :Mim, - "'"' '" u''"""r"' , I
H'Ai-n ih"v " ""' r""' "' i
....... ,, br rLiltrd if "'' ' month, I
fir" """"' "' '" ""' "'' r"r'
" r , ! Ui lirrhmnrd fm iix mmitht ,
W ' luliirriptw trcrittdfur u If iri.W. j
A'tt diiruntinurd "" iir"'i"l!" i
, ji.i..'. "'" "' """l'h"" "J 1MI"- I
A Weekly NtiWHjMijtcr, devoted to tlio Interests of tlio L'iljoriii Classes, and advocating tho hido of Trutli in every issue
Vol. VJII.
Oil KG ON,
AUGUST 10, 180:
No. 18.
Ono miiiuru (twelve lines, or lew, lirevler inrawire)
one insertion !$-t OH
Kii'jIi t.ubf-ipieiit iMHirtinii I "H
J luniriCHii cnriiii onu ym,i "0 "U
A liliuml .Miictiim will bu mmll lu lliuflo wlm
O'lvertiw by tlmyear.
OJ" Tin iiiimbef of iiisiTlioiu mIioiiM be noted
on tli innr(riu of tin ilvertirrrie nt, mberwimi it
will lis publiilicri till forbiililHii, aim charged ao
cnrdiiiKly. W Obituary nilirM tfill b cli.nti! Iiulf tlm
aIkivh rates of advertinin;,
t?rf" J" I' Meuuted Midi ncatnen. nml
I'uymrnl fur Juh Printing mntt Le made an
llrlmrrti nf ihr irnrk.
trip i'liircitrr,
Vu. A inJfa: In common with ninny th-
cr I fl "U,,P lnu,r''" vory tljiit
which tends to develop tho resources of
tho I'utrltlo Count, nml niuku it justly at
tractive to tteUlum. Especially on nn Ore
gonlnii, in this Interest felt fur our own purl
0f tho Const. Ilavhitf just returned from
4 lr;p to Florence, I nm diKpuseil to nd I
record to tho many which traveler nro
tnnkinj? "f tho roulu uml region thilhrr,
ofpinouiidlir. Wood iindhiiiilifrlo-siiri! to nMicinl other hilU, passing by the trail, Cointino tiik Cost. The Sun Juan J it k .National Iax.-I.k us iook iu down tlm Clear Water to Luvvisloi. casing lino cool streams, ten or twelve ! ( Nevada ) i'm. bus the following pungent , ' 1 ' ' "" ' i,,'.
a few in ' s,.CCHHj0lljgtH c ,0 that to their hearts'
content. Loviil citizens tuny nut their
and Wullula, to incut all tho demands ol
tlio inn i kut.
Tho third impression nimlo upon tho
mind is Unit very natural town sites have
lii.'cn chosen uml settled. Tho Hulks has
long been rrgurdud (is tlio key to tho up
per country. In view of ull tlio mines, as
well ns by its position on tho great high-
wny of travel, it lias mi iitiiicslionuhlo iui-
thus to IncreasH tho conlldencu f i purtmico. Celilo will bo another iuipor-
miles more among fields of (Jruuitc, you remarks, which will apply to not
nscend o ridjin of tho sumo rock, mid sec i this lutitude:
Florence six miles off upon an eminence, in
what appears to bo u vast basin, 15 or '20
miles iu diameter. Tho interior is filled
with wooded hills. The mountains around
" V.vorv countv every community has hands in their pockets mid pay their public
its cluss of timid people; some from mcrcc-1 as they do their private debts, without
nury, and others disloyal motives; who stop, hesitation. Looking at tho bill, wo liud
to count tho cost before they aro willing to; that the luxes consist of licenses on various
pronounce upon mo rignieousuess oi kiiiuii ui huiih, uiiii u
omlilirli niir.r,.,! nml omi! of thetn covered i ..i.nur. Kiich neonlo have neither a God , ol commercial and legul papers, and a per
...:.i i. :.i i...; inorn cniintrv. unless thev aro taliiriblo cciitiiL'O on llinnnfiicturcs. .Most of the
Willi hllUW. Jl IIWMIUI IIUIII n I .iimn J i -- - t " . . , , .
Willi hllUW. JIIIWUIUI IIUIII n I .iimn " j i . . I . A MM.
, ,. ... (1 ... ,, f,i10 1 bodies, and can be fell iu their trowser ; rough material is not taxed, lln
you to the diggings. On ether side of ho S lllX us,on i,,,,,), grilin, vegetables,
trail in tho woods you see prospect holes. , , cotltcrn,;t 0f riiintU-a men. or cattle. Tho annual licenses u
l'.urnyrnn tnlcrventlnn la the VnUrU
Tlio intilligeiicc Iroin Ktirope fore
shadows the intention of the Ktnperor of
the French, in co operation with England,
to intcrposo by nn nrnietl intervention iu
tho American war, in order to put n stop
to it and to enforce peace on the basis of n
separation between the North nml the
.South." Taken in connection with I ho
visit of Count l'ersigny to London, with
an article iu the Paris Cimntilationml, willi
the tone of tho English pnss and Parlia
ment, and with tho fact of the invasion of
. . fnvi..rt Tif tlit urnu'firl iilirnit!l) nf flinntr.
tiro S1UU """. ,- i i
tho news is of a nio.-t
I. l our Klrenid iHirtlon of tlio1. i t ,i... u..;i t( t, i...;i. ( ..,l,.l, 1.,1 ... Vr""'. ..... ". V... ..i.. . ;...,i....i i.,.t. theatres mid wliohsulo liinior u'n lts mslitmious anu sum (rung us pres.
niir iii"i" i l mufc t 'ui, m viiu ivi.ii vwt(ii in .'nub. vup- oui;ii iuii iiih. ivf . u.v-i. i. ijiir i irru lb llliuuill i tuna w ttiiv... , , - - ..-...,. ,
. . i til.. i.v n,.ii it... ! .i r,s . . .1 I ... .. ..... ... . ...i i .i... u ..i,.tu u-l.n ' l...iiea. r.O inwin limkerii. wlioli siilo mer-1 l,M' !""'-"
Iiational uiuniini, ii.i'i " . crwiso lliu ues Vliutes mis mo auvuntage. : peur.
mtcution of thoso abroad to tins region. j Wallula must conliuuo to be tho Depot ulon,
The first iinpnssioii that ono feels in )ns-1 fr tl0 Vulln Walhi Valley, und for Lew-'from
In tip the Colniuliiu, is, that it is a mililit istn ami tlio rogimiK beyond during that 'and still
river, tho natural high
of Interior commerce
from Lewilon to th
lm 100 feet on tho toluoi'iia and hnako ),,' river mines and settlements will re-, in used.
B, 1,1 a aMmce "ca roauwii.uu.g ue execrme. ... -,"a" .T".:.: ... Z l'ZVl.Ji Z oft'.,no m.e.innoer, startling clmractir. The sumo pretence
g the hills. It is to bring the water : re Keiie ou a , , , . , .-.v - , s,,fur,h i .he famish Cortes by Cald.rot,
M,ado, cretk into SmitVa Gnlcli, - "y ,0 be caries, physicians, lawyers, dentists, retail ,m i'.f "i !u
r...i 1 i . .. ' i . i .... T r...: .,.:., .,,l 'V. I'J ireu-ia .. imiiihuoi i ia ...
Iiiruier on. u . iirunj nun un:i. i .,,, ... . . i-rist lit LI in war. 01U fell nicrciiuilis, tunietimm-iB, iuim.Knii-,
hwny ofavut nniount Htl,m 0f tho yuar in which the water of Hero n either hand tho gulches uml rn-1 down to culculuto tlio tax it imposes Ibtv pholorplicrs, niid toboccotiists; froii$2j ft'lr iiltcrveution i
,aud travel. The hill ,lcl Snake Iliver is too low for navigation. ! vines are (lug up. M-ii art) busy iu the J the purpose of parading the figures toj to $oO upon brewers; and rron. ?o to 00 cotf01 nM(1 toJilt.
,e I,cs Chutes is said U is pro- le that the Powder I pits with rockers. Here and there sluice ' Std t ihellEflmlhict,!;" Vr.l.
Others are busy "" oT
prom; of iron, tin, brass, copper, lend silver, cot-
out to the tar of humanity and civilization
in the Lmled States. JSut
joeco and hostility to free in-
the hoitoii) ot uritisu i.iul
French iihiluiithropr. The London Timet
of the 11 th instant ravus nliottt promised
. . i . t i .
.ini....... . . ...v.... , I I' D nl tniTI ll(fl ill lllllll.lll. I U Ol.
Uivers, tiinl is, ior mo (iihuiiieo oi i io .jniru a point tielow Wallula, perhaps in from lour to six leel oi son anu uin, the beL'iuniug of the world uowu lo me ton, wooi, nu, u..o ...... .""- k'" nnd takes no comfort iu our capture
miles anil tho current is conse.piently tlu inoulli of the Umatilla, or at the (Jrand ,er to get to the " pay dirt." The woods present time, when did a people, worthy ol nnioiini ot auvenis. nun u . u. uj Orleans. Their ruined comim rco
... 1 I. .1 - 1.1 ....t....i;,..i .....I m.ii'inniuN t if ft ill 1 lot M 1 1(1. . fl UU ( 1 1 V UlCIHlS I . . .
I nliout : thai name ever piuir Kum ..... ..... r ,. ,. and maniiractures, and the revolutionary
rin iiit' r ' i. u ii.u.i i.uiivuu. nwuui . v.v ra ,
ift, and In some pi ices it forms danger Uondu landing. Wallula city is necessary 1 urn ch n red oil' about the town, nm
mi rapids, but on the whole it Is easy ol t() u ow vallc-y, but it is a little two hundred wooden and canvas bull lings , cv(;t jt' plivs )(.r harrel, nml wine live cents per
navigation to the experienced ami t.Miuui out of tho way uf a largo lmsitie4. ' constitute the city. lUfuiiunis ior mreo . . s,,,.V(!li for Mich papers os the Marys-! gallon
turn now iu charge of those upper steatnen. 1 Lewiston is ot Unijunction of the Snake (,r four miles over the lulls and in the ra- vjt. Jlrjirmi to diM-over that a country is nous pa)
tendency of their own pnpnhttioii in conse-
saved its honor defend- mot easi s
. I. .. ..... n.nv UnV lluit till lull. .. ( iiliini I PI.... I VV..I..P and tents. nnworthv Of Ijeni','
I U1L1 II U III". -. ...... .... ill ill t ............ . ...k, mm n ..wm-m.v w - I J , - , . , . ' . ,
II ' . . ... . . .' . . . ...I I it.,. ti(.iii.i nre reiiinri (1 to Cent
hin is tioiMiavigable MID miles from the lirtes the two, coming down close to the Claims run in nil directions, and even into - " f ' i,.,,..,N ,...,.,s,irv ',,11 incomes between $ii00 and $10,001).
icr i.arre , nnu wine uvo ceins .er . n,.,.i :
Hills of e. change and promissory 'l"l".co of prolonged .hstre.,,. ire the. cnl in-
r a small stamp tax. nmou, g i . ",lvcs " ne,l0l1' of, tl,e l'
' . , .. .r ......... Western Europe, and not ony sympathy
1S to less .nan oi.c-u u... u. um ,.n.,;tv ; ,i, V,
.' U.U SUII'IiUq. W. l.itu.-...' ... -."
A tax of three per cent, is laid on
ocean, ubuting the portage by Railroad of Snake River at the point. Tho Clear Wa- the town and through the streets. One of
m. i I! I. .1. 1 ...
.... .. . inn .ii". iii r i . i i iu i.iiiau
tn the .reservation of their cherished insti-, lllC hill Went IlltO l-llcct Oil tie llll O ,-.,,',,.. f ,.r;,net nlTeet
. . . ... .i... i..- .,,,1 f f,l.i i .... i i :....! -;..l. ..liui,,, r,,r. :..t.t..a ir .T.wi.lvn of linker's . .- 1 nv. i i ,t ....,.ru L-;,,i!r..,l A iwmk( nnd the first taxes tni'.er It Will . . ,', ... p....
0 lull's v "lu v i. r hub ... j. "Tin 'i .. i ii ., "bii -'r i unions. 10 una tuuti, u.iu .i.j'i.n ( - - . . to lie greatlV shot Keu al Inc rniirse Ol ueii .
il.fl D..II. S nud Pes Chutes. ; kind of meadow uhmg the north side of Prairie, has a hill claim 1 understand which ! j ,li,oyalty, belongs the office of reckoning , probably he collects, next spring. 11 wi .w QrkaM j(01( 1ujl,ll fStoll
i . ,r ...a...... i .in... on iininiiiicn niiiii:'tii in ttiiinev iniDtiit'i ...
the Ellin totul oi war expenses; oi ..u- r-... .... .-v , " " i i10 House of Coniiii
This ono great fuel bears upon Uic bluff. This is tho town sit.:. A por- runs under two houses.
CoiiiinonSj stigmatizes it
hr Kail Itou.l, namely Lew i.vt.m mahout ir,eut high water inaik. The whole can ditches nud holes. Tho tou is simply ; tr fulsifying the facts iu order to accom-l as well as I'mht. The money tnibt be paid,
11 1"" tili'sh that most disgraceful end; ol repuhliah-; and the sooner we coinmence the better it
nt lots ' ' every dirty little scrap which strikes the . will be for the nation u imiat, ly. It is bad
g are : Administration or the policy it maintains; policy in a nation to ollow debts to accu-
' i " . i.... l,.in i i n. in ink n the . a lona treasury, aim nei i not a nine io . , r.,..r.i,i
. ..... 1.'... ..i, . f:.i.i i I. ..I ........ i. l...n: .-..I ; v,.rv iu mun uU - ... , OS " liiailious . nnu Mien uiui uu
onr conmciion win. ui.i - nou oi ii i.i ... ..... me r i .;,,,;,t ,i,nt thev itinv resist the tax Gather-, show me worm now u.e .,. ...isea.. r . , . . . , .,..Sllx01.
.1 I-. 1 I...I... ' M. o ei..i..ltf ' I . . . II - . I- ... T ..... ....... Iw, . . l-...-'. ' - c
race. Ivirl P.ussil on the same night dc
nouiices it iu the IIouso of Lords, nhilo
Em l Carnarvon says " it is without a prec
edent in the nnunls' of war." Have they
forgotten Puekeiihani's watchword ot
" beauty and booty" before New Orleans
nt the close of the'war of 181215, or thfl
tomahawk and sculping knife of tho sav.iga
. . . T...1.. ..1
Ill the war Ol .uurican jiiuepeimtute,
a ceri
1 jO miles further east than any cily of t ah- . ,.llMy ul,d chenply prut, ( led l.y n levee ma le for the tinning business. II III
fori.u or of Nevada. Tho Washoe mines L,.wb.ion Inn'. I'2.' wooden buildings an.r it will go to decay. Corner ond front lots
ore between ll'J1 an I 1 - ', ami Lewston 1 00 canvas ones three we.ksago, or July; are vuliii.LL- now but ull the n.iildi.igs are -luim " " ' iienenL Innla'te. without an effort to reduce then.
is very near III', of Wct Longitude, nnd The latter are being replaced by temporary. Every man feels Unit he is , J, of ri.ectiM,r p0 t,e bravery 1 by taxation.
. .... i i r . - . . .1 ..... I .... 1 t . II:.. I... 1.. ..I. ..ii- linen ' ' . . . . . ! -
in Latitude nfM'Mf t negrw oi i.m- ones us ta-i as me iuiu-ht can oe merely u sojourner. iiis.....ii 0f our troops by placing them m unwnrraiiv-1 f . ti. , M;,rvsv"illc
Appeal says: Ever sinco the war began
is shown its head
' : litical cuiiuelis have been
upon the necessity for compromise Later
itiido at that point is about miles ) On j ,,(,t,. Nteinu saw mill runs day and night mid ho dues with the Miialhst omouiit of ,.j ul,j disreputable contrast with their cue
i ii Vnlm'iiv i mi r set- r.... in. in . rt in k.iniilv Hie ile- run. fort Von first meet Iroin one
" " , ' i , ,. . .. ... 'unces ofthose who reM.le in the L nioti and the Peace party lias shown us head , iirj tili coven. meut paid
Hers have advanced ea,twar.. wiuu.i a ju, ,. , num.reu i.,e iiru ... . . . ....... - ; ; wi(i(mt fl m.t of it. (loillifi i llic Nonli 1C org:1Ils 0f that race of po- ,nm price for evcrv fcalp produced by the
j;0 mile., and that on the most nattir;.! Frm I,cwi,tou, u.ineis, traveled, nml notice carpenters and blacksmiths and other (,vml,iil;, wlU., rallk trllitors daro do, : .. . , ., ,mvo uen ctt.Tiittl!v liarnins Imlian as Hie result of liis slauSltcr of the
rm.t.. lii the States. ! oil lienlon at me fn i d.t tm ns depart ihnlv lor the IMce mecMaiucs very Din-y. .ncmin... ,A , t hotit incnrrin,' the direct cno.suMiueiii
head of navigation on thu Mi-onri i in
.oii,Mt.i l.!ll()' 0' and Lit. H Express
r,.l..r iilreudv ..ait anil r past between the
(i,y Hi miles.... a route between the two toiling in tho sun. siiom-i nun p.c ... . . M.n(,ilnrM n.y woulj tako the T.o..; e j t)io vdminMration and denouncing the
lhen. Those three routes are like three ; lwker or sluice, fre.p.eutly testing the . ,ai.k nnd reproach it lorhs parsimony It i
"'-I "'f '' 'i-dirfwitl, the pan, and then care.uHy ; c,d d. no act s hart o ,ow.
.l.iv'e ivo. k ! 111.' Ill ov ieuu.i..ii.l, ..." .....v..v.. , .
mining reg,..,s already discovered; for 1, hotel keepers, ket men are . wMc, belong to their ! j . . , t,10" , roW.d,; Union Demo-
O,. Fio. mil, to the ens, ; for Fh, , y meeting their cails. On every ; Z llt'l ' pcrs of Ktwho do the di,
ence, l'.M) miles south of ca,l, and for Elk side around, the miners nre delving hi.. , ' C overmnoi.t. wnn his I.beral iu its ex-! ty wutt of ,ho Secessionists by nssidlmg
two po uts.
H was only reipiisile that a motive he
presented thus t begin the navigation of
the Columbia and its tributaries, yet iu the
.... - . t .... ... . .. .... i I. In en.
llllciTlallllie" in uimi.i", i. .. a ...
Other routes ' collecting
(infers centering m
iihieh represents I.ewi.stou.
. .... ..... i . r.
f,.r .1 mi the C ear a- ttiih inereurv and weniliintr the irotu aner i
I" " J
...,..,;, m ..imnrel Poril.ind with Lcwi.stou i. r will be hke other lingers, cent, ring , the lulter has been cvapon
l,y lines of Kteamers and stages. The Ore- ' mek to the same point. Daily stages al j ,, cay spot. In most cases the gold costs
rm Steam Navigation Co. have done it , r,.,y connect I.ewiMon with Walla Walla, all it u worth. CUeluJeJ nfxljrak.) A.
with success. They uro now investing s 1 miles. TuiTit num a SrttASUr. t i;.UTKit. Tho
lirgo minis in making a first class Kail ; A stage leaves Lewiston every olh,r!llt.w c,jrrt.sp.itiil.rtit of the Loudon Times,
Road around tho Cascades, on tin. north fr thu Mountain Houm; tii miles u ; writi jall.y rom New Yolk, says:
I'liev do not pronosc l stop iii tins, i ... road to k lorence. me roau ir mu
.i . .. . ... .....
mo riMii.s ui .uu u. .j n ..u. -v ...i.:..i, ,..t,i i ..... . ...... ... i.
.1 l 1 nfter tho Southern LOiiieucruey, nuitu nuu.u cr llml K mnijj i.u.u iu .... u..-.
" ' i.r;...r i,.tf to their heorus. lo thai end
ated. Mining liMilh "Jre' zuuous co.workers, and if tlieir
success should fail to prove coiumcii:
ivhit.k:ns tthtthir nun. women cr chil
dren? Have they forgotten the massacre
of Wyomii'g, nnd the fniiili-li deids of
their hireling Iles.-.ian.-.? Could they not
call to mind the bloody scene of (Jleticoc,
in Scotland, it tho atrocious butchery of
Ciomwell, i.t Dmghida, in Inland, where,
I.V ll.a OWI1 l'OliaaiUII, I.O inilll.liuu.ii;
nut man. woiik n and chilJ to tho
after the Mirreiidcr of the town?
What of
trneted pountrv." Now. will any newstia- the war onanist the t-hincse, to compel
. i . . i:.: ......
lion, but lor me auvauiuge oi tiriusu rum
And. finailv. is their memory ?o
tirms will you propose a pcnciM com- trcaclUV1,s i,;lt th.'y do not remember tho
, 'o Per of the above named character give us to o ut tuc. -
with their labors, it will be no fault answer to ni.s queauo.,: And, finally, is their memory fO
Am Aimv OrntR ox Auoi
The following is nn extract fr
letter written by nn officer of the regular
I promise to the rebels now iu arms against atrocities of Hastings and Give in India
.unoNisM.- j ft o( tIl0 mpre I)l0, ,,roc(.cli,!gs of tin
mm a private i Rriiish army compelling the Sepoys to bit.
" Ilniiii.Y lUii'EcTAUi.E." Dr.
i " ,..v i .1 mil .iroiiosc to sto ) in i.i.H. i ... nmil to L ore ce. uic iouu ii ; ,.., . . i .. ..., .(. ,.,. . ... 'rei
. i i . ' i icre cut. u uv mwiw i - . . .. .. . ir . . .. . .. . . . .. . .. .r i ...l n..H.'. ..I. i nnrnii v lo
but to build a good road fro... the Dalles to IIIOsl ,irl good. Several high and ll(nl u llu! ,,, .(().)Uiur mttU in tbo United army, holding a high position on mo stau ol Ul0 bullalO repress, wno Liiargc 0, . .... ..r -, ,
tho Des Chiiles, a di!V,e..!t nml very c.telly 1 Mw1 hills have to bo passed. Twenty I States. There is not a journal in the icouu-1 ofGet.crul McClellun, dated June U, 1HI.-.: 0nc of the hospitals at lortrefs .Monroe, .rr.1,)k?vi;i:ms from ti..
r.iuto of !) miles. It is mtnuity to be 1
Imped that their prosperity will he Mlfl'Ki. hi
lor this enterprise, so creditable iu itself,
I ... bnnorlaiit for our cuiin.ctioii with
miles Iron. Lewiston, the road runs over' try that speaks of him except will, . high re- j ., j w
been told that confessions w. re ; says iu a recent letter:
soul. I am going to make;
mm tn vou. 1 am at la-i uu .uuimuin.-i. . m
, . , noii.' Ui us i.tai
I have the very best for stat- uLmll .)rcccik,lts for
j that " highly re?Kctub!L' fatnues in T,,c rea) 10!inins
Hunt, tho Just because thev would not bite greas-
of ed cartridges, contrary to the precepts of
blowing oi tneir
e mouths of can-
,? Let us l.tar no more, tlicrciorr,
for cruelty iu war.
of the mock humanity
. ...n. I)r.-L'iiu and'll. Nunc l,v the,e l laiiis can be cultivated Willi sue- origin, coiuiuei or p.. ; "'"" """ ,,r' but I do love Illy coiimrv uou .v i Uttos aim ip.auruui.s pu,;C ,,llnt 0I r.rg;ati.l nnu ail
.. ...... .. r..l I..... .in. Mr I. .neon. ... ii :.. l ...... nn.l .... i... ' ...i. I... i .....nn t... n.ul nuf ...uler . .. 10...1.- 1
. ... ..I. .....u ..r .... emu. .. 'r. I. il.,,. t I.inival. a IliC noes in'i v i 11...; - ., white rilCO. .11V (UU mini. r" " , vu.un..e.. , - ,,.,,,,st tlio L I1IICU Clan., utui ... ...
"""I"'"" r ... . , .. bus shown h1111s. ll eipiai to ins woih, urn. 1 . . ,. , B..pi.(1 ollfi one uy strict guard, this step nss Moppcu me , f . t!U, tt.rvctit.on wliuli
pn.r, hut if th.y w.ll spend u.cir money Mr.-nni. has cut out .1 uc. p r.n ,..e. ,.v ... Presidential ofiiee from the con-, .. )WV lmt gurdv. 1 could not pass ! regular incomo of tho aristocratic f.innl.cs ,. ,.51 llt;matlS is a cpustion
in i.i.reasint' tho fiieilitirs of travel, ns they :..(; with the Hear Uat.i was 1.11 ,nl,t jllt0 l,ic, it was fulling. I ho '- , . j, .. , j mv0 witnessed during h, Norfolk, and the lady owners are b.g- . , r ,j;e Dtlih
t .1... 1....... .1. If, ill ' ' . UIIV IVI - . " ..-..I Hit. IVMi B
grass, luriiisiiing nn) ior uiu iu.... .. , t mu j,, .,rivtc ,e, whatever may ue , . . , . .. . ,ro or um prepared j Norfolk live upon the prostitution of their . ... , ..,. pvll.s,.i nJ tl,e other lint-
.. 1 ..r Ij l..i. . . . ... . . . .1" .1. . . . n; . . e.:.. ..... f...:l . -, ... ...
as gr.i.-'S or UIOII.IU..IS ui iiinu.ui-.. ,m political opinions 01 .ns ie a .."m. ... (() (,V Vrt tluui not a man aim u i;ru.n- roiuuiu siuvcs. me lie. inn, um uu .1 statesmen is, that they Hi sire 10 ii.nuino
of time
now doin" it will become more ol a 1 j ,isi0u station or .Mr. pi.i.iin i'ii ,;iation is lo i.c ioiiiki in u.s ......nj iu.u- lho Iasl yt.uri un,i ,lot see whal every non-1 uuljr Ior tun release ouneir icmaie s i u.,...s. Tlie i,onj0, j0,l, its orgin, says 1110
it- .1 ,. ..rTvate ben. ft ' the Mime -pot the Indian AgeneV has been imm sense and his honesty. wnU mn ihoM ,illlt , intlta-. They had better starve than live thus upon l,nk.lllli,, j,, ,iC way of the reconstruction
public than pr ai.. n . j 1 ' Iiu-orrnpt amid the co, rii.tion, persevering , . , con s0 a whole people the wages of infamy. 0, tha Anur:can Union ore ii.snr.tiottnt.
We aro glad to see other Loinpain. s in ciabhshcd. Mi. Hi It nut has , Vncillolioii. and suiglc-tiiined omul I . . . ,. , octions lolvnris their 7 " ., , ., .,,, Tlc London lhrall, organ of the
I he rks , r cultivation, and the crops are wrj ,iri'teiiso and tortiiou.s double-deal- . ...;. ,.,m,,trv must TaT Mr. forney, in a letter to 111c j .111.1- . ., , Arru,ril.a ,
..... . - . i . 1 .11: 1 1 ,v,t j . , , '.lit n mm
I... indu bred and Europe lo ci ilun : mo
nr.M-,.,1 (ti ll il 11 '. ..'.. ...,.,.,.. enn n .if ill.. V.nT
,.. ,.,,,,( on investnieiit 1111M ihereiorc .... ,, r recliou, ami in nue nn.u i 1 , w mm. ......... , 1. with Hie ueuer. ... ueMius ......... , ar.s tun. sp"......' .-- o
(r""1- . r ' ii in I.., .......tied has ci.ncenlrated upon hunsill without seeK- r ,,, i1)llL,0r 11 stickler for the con- 1 : r. kiiu iil-ro had been elected, four years .; ,,.. ss, rts that " Nnpokon is os-
'I'!"'" u"n ; menis rnp.iru, uj . ' " ' it am0iii.t uf that Wash- !,.,,, 10 S,.utll; a peopU- B.nnM l,.,B fomi.1 the frw Stales 'f l!ic cooperation of Euclid in his
will lie In almost dead , () (, I.npwoi and its urunciies aru ..u. , . biniself never enjoyed, nnd ofpoiiu-,'. . P.inic,,v to destroy their 1 ,.niltr s:ive that which was controlled L..,,. nf intorveiitlon in the United
c iging iu tho same enterprises
of nil parties are great nnd coi
kind, or
on mules ! ll0 nmst noticeable. Wc ascend the fir
ul . . t . i t .. t .......I
III Ull mi. .nit 11 i im and Cider thu pine lore.s.s mei...
' i I l,; .,1. ..'I: "
ei in lliri, tlimiiiih troves of pine, over bciiulilul. .
Lt nKiN.i liaiToiis.-ino .eT(. v, ...,,, 110 ,
Illll 1(1. a ... cult... 1 .
stoi ks nud men be h ft t" p'" '
i-..r .I... wastes eastward
;,. . i-uru For one I rejoice
that has b-eii done by our transportation ' ,,!,. fn,m Lewiston. Twenty five
...i.;..u In i.riilllllte trade and trave
vwilil'a.l'vn ........ . ... II
.. . .. .- . 1 . ,. ml hill sides, coven d with hixun
'"V U'rC 1.-.1J .' rlbvf.ou..nt streams. 'snvs: It is observed in Dowuicvillo that
It innv he well to suik' ior n.ose 0111 gi 's". " -v . . i 1 t .. 1 ,
l ....... .1......... ....,.,.. leave Port- ,riL,H,Hto the famous Pruir.e win never any news comes, winch can I t
1 1 daily' for the CWn.les; .1,1 the P,P, It is a basin of laud "JO mil., by 30, sn, ally construed os h.vorab e to t.
,.f r.A i:. k!.. takes all frcicht and pas- rollhlln y high hi'ds and mouh. s, M:t a number of persons r ow
- " - - ... .i. , i . . .. .1! ........... ....n.i.pli
.1 l.i.. r.i...i: i wnL'1.11.. lull.'.. I. him re.i.'ii . k.-hi.
........I-. if,..i.,.,,rL nil to tho Dalles. crn porli
S..,. r i., m-uitinir. under tho efficient I streams, one or two of which
. , i. i i ... i ..I. i huh- ' i.. Im, iii P.ivi r. A lino la
niiitinuen.eiii oi i..i. i inniiun, ljr ,.
on tho western pan ..' ",u ;
eastern portion, which is much
who can re- j-iM.:, i, om.
We icrue
The rebel- Stntes; that mediation lias been resolved
, . . j ...... . . I'll II ' ..III) bl.lU'llil. . . .J .liv j i ., CllHV.-, .'" " , , ...
' hrst (riot's nicinory after dentil had sinictilled his tl) uK so anxious to over ! ioll nf iSGl-'C2 is tho voice of the devil p0n; thnt fimultaiiroiiS propositions Will
went v ! claim to veneration. Two other traits in i tjirow j can now appreciate and echo ,,r0claiining that, in tho event of the dec- i,c made bv Englind and France ut Rich
miles Mr. Lincoln's character uro his good nn-1 .. of Wendell Phillips: 'Let u lMl 0f Urcckinridgc in 1SC0, four years llrtud and ' Washington, and that in tho
...-m,,.. il... institution which has ibsturiad ..,.., would have found us a slave moil-
he neace of our country for seventy years.' nnliy."
case of refusal, cither by the North or tho
South, the two Powers will impnso peace
tlm . "rren s 1V orco Ol nriiis.
Pkace riiixctrLrs. The pnnc;. oi i! 1Jiit V(, ralh(,r Wm. ns intimated by l.nrl
t rfiuw
.i .1... f.lU w iciico I ...... ...uerei w th nnblo lorcsts.,an imveiii.i.s.. . ...,.,
..ugersprouip..; uo. - , . . . Th lrt) l.ccoillllig ' , ...a ., .,....r of 11
w wuitTfti umi-v v vm i j j i uiui - r . ,
k bin il
' ehivalr v Like many oilier things down , tho peace politicians, wuo uate i.-.m. r. u .sf m ,,y l)l0 M:,,;clie.ster uwtrman,
t.iiMiii.. . j i,, ..;.,D,t tlwiif miU t irone'hout Ihls rebi Kill .. ... 1 ,n ii I. . Vmnee for
els, : s3nt i i nid even tuui iioasuu' in v n mai ine piui'i"." " ,
t tt h .inbuL' Among all the Southern of- to avoid offending either party, remind nt , rri.wr.t. Bo (orwnnl .Ioiip. os i.t the
. It... II! u iw.Mi I have met and been bMtighti of a distinguished London lawyer who on ' f Ml.x- Qll(i ti,oti j lux.,sary,
11 1 ! ! I.. J...kK.km1 urn a n&L'oil hv tin r Irrir Vtllilll I . i .. i c; .-11 ..nitm Irt 1ifr nt.
...hi. i i hi it i ii in nil ii' irrr v li ui: i iim uvnitr uvh --r. i i...'(tii.i nnii i:uii 11.11 uit. v
Northern me I what were his religious principles. Thedying
Clinic. Numerous
eiii'ern to tha Des
wagons uro oil hand to transport freight -Four
steamers are now plying ' tho up
per water. Id Wallula, 110 miles and Lew
iston 210. Three moru steamers ore on the
slocks. Hcides these, several barges ond
schooners are doing a brn-k carrying trade
... If. ..!.. i.'.. ni. i. .Il ilie iimiii route or
I'J UIIUIU. TiW linn " I
travel. ' l"rK,,t lM,rt,"
The second imj.ressi.m upon t tmveler,
i t t ... r.. :..! ..! nil I l.iirn cii vi ri'fil
How direC ;m,,orio,,. and they ough -e - ichanic 1 coi. u;, on o . ,0'olr..d ,1, devi,,a.,d
ke is seen ovt.ry patriotic citizen, i neru . , , y. - - f ircj.7V(W Lulfrj,nse.
.or The , f ill.... from Heaven or prisoned in Sontli that wmu u .. R , r
.i... i.....,.mi i ii. .ii i,K u.,.lliin,r. Cainlikc. about the ; ''y or waM" .,.'. f . wu, i Vmi.ATixo the Coxstititiox Aiaix.
UIU lll.Mai. I I I'll. I ....( l.'iiiniliiil iHV N llll IIUi: "
l!l the United -s will know how to
deal with these should t.nj at
tempt to interfere iu her domestic concerns.
We will s.m have nn army of three qunr
..... ... n million of men dlscuzflL'cd nfler
J .. ..r .i... ,v,ir,t nml hatred . 11 . . . 1....1. ..f e,.i ...IT The President has committed another gross . . .1.. rebellion, and a licet
U well watered. Indeed the streams, .,,,, on..e, u. , oniiddea.i w u .,.;,.! of tlie Constitution by his is,.ing , . ; V mU ftllicU wi mf, ,h.i
. .. .. .. 1 ..... ..I ..-Mi rrnvs-' nt.ri si-nrn of men. than is lie
indicated ny mo long .'" ,.....
i'i . ..I I1..H1..I hi runt nri-1 tition n 1 the reverses of ins country.
nir each other iiko a cueenei... - ,.
'"n l" nu ;.. 1 .. . i. .,,,l, ... nm. on on 111 : WO 111 m
wnt tlio most Inviting appearance, i u. would noi
affords tho finest pasturage, ior wouldn't panuKo o. r,.e, . -
Itv VesU-rd..y to Sutlers were found ; nn order that the Federal army now in the romWmi ,,., uf Frilllt.c, England snd
Im' woods haniiug by the neck, and ; lield, shall seir.e and take from the inhabi- ? (rom t)lc fuce of tho ocean; nor will
HO noons mint, h ; ..,, . n.nv be. whatever 1 . .. .. ... -.,. .Ml tt wind
mim teamsters wit i their tnroins cm. ."""i """" . ' '.. . I we ever my uon.i um - .
SOIllOUttiiisiii''"." . , , I ki,.A thu i.meirs ' .. . .r A...;... .....v in thu
.... m . . i llll V ill i l i.ii i.i.'i , ..... ......rv t i.wl . 111 I . ' I . . I. . ...... - -
i'rn" rr.. .,, : m. Lm..i. ., d t.,ted. noisa tmior .i o. rau.u, ., , ...
liri?est portion of it is susceptible ol tillage. ft ,0ry In mo cx-re . - -
on. ins about (100 s.p.are mil,,, and at nm, ,o,,Kl bo left in Just ..baud.uime, u
111 . . . I-... i. i.. 1.1....1, ... ib.iiiiiab o that trea-
l1,nll,..1ih.f....essof the whole region.-ifttuoderaiocsumaie I""" . . .....t 1 nvnltant.
Thero is nothing in iyhl very valuable be
tween tho Lull. and Lewis...... men, ,, , - .nillJ; " ,rlnrv, ch an one ought to
nnd iiew.M...., ..I--' i -... i,.ilitv. ar-
m Salmon and Clear Water nvcrs, won . bo Hpewed on " . .
many thousands
I thpv need for their sulisistenco, the ollicers ,.,kii nf forcien swsy
I . .1 - I... .!. ........ in tin luii.t ' . . r.. .r .11
f the nbnvo has always been giving mnrm-e.p ". . ; , New World.-. I.
Yours truly,
ro few r,.nns on tho two or three streams
nt.irtlioD.ilhi. A very few moro arc i on
tho two or three streams between tho Des
Chutes and Walla Walla. Tho only Im
portant farming region for 270 miles is
found lu tho Walla WIU Valley, and its
tributaries, and these farms nro far apart.
Nearly all the rest of this whole country,
210 miles by Ml, Is high table land, Inter-
Lflf'lml litt iliiftlt ravines nud chasms, nud
covcredwith biineh grass nud sago. It s
fine stock region, except that water is
scarce. Hardly ft treo Is seen for miles
and il,,.., In tho deep ravines, through
which the few streams find H'dr w7 b
.i ... ... mm., .ti.iniit tniuintiiins
...w vniuiuu.u. ; .. i .In . 'di n
n...r! .ill. flic fweils cf liHM.i.ta.n
no doubt support twico as
lleyond tho prairie wo ascend ft moun
tain by trail, and cuter tho woods. Wo
pass along rhlge, and level portions with u
U l,rttiri,'H' 11,0 ,'8l"ll3j
lnilu to Slato Creek. Descending into a
very deep gorge, wo begin very abruptly
toiLcnd, byn'mtpH'.11" "l ud
,h mountain. An hour and twenty minutes
.w,.,i t tho door of every religious sauct
uury iXeverthelcss, thero aro such to bo
found here, nnd ull over tho Stale, living
off the patronago of patriotic citizens, pro
faning the national sabbath by their hypo
critical sacrifices, while their hearts ore dis
tilling treason, and their gulls arc enlarg
ing with disunion bitterness.
EntsT and Si!coN...-lVt.nsyWni.hi was
first State to pay mio .no .... -.
ito region.
Sv nil"" lJ , . ,.
Treasury tho Statu quota of tho
tax levied Inst year, nun i:j
of steady climbing will bring jou to tho -j
...... hw tiimsed tno region ui.nnniiiiiii u.A i'- j - , ,i
top. i on ' i i ii inV v,irv und," as a secesu suuk
U, uMt nnd entered fully Into Or ; , ny M )
ri.rotign inn nu....n, -
w as the wt
. . . le' the monr-v.
tiMneht iic.iciuio'i'-.
kuown ns nn uncompromising Hunker
Democrat. He has ever been unsparing
in his denunciations of Abolitionists and
Republicans, whom ho considered, when
ho left New York a few mouths ogo, real
ly responsible for tho war. Nothing could
bo moro significant of tho change which
experience and observation nre silently ef
fecting in tho minds of our soldiers, thun
tho fact that such ft man now quotes ap
provingly tho sentiments of radicul men.
8oT Tho editor of tho Nnslivillo Union
,iu..rii.. for a lot of uncut Confederate
llonds for newspaper envelopes; also, one
hundred pounds of Confederate notes for
cigars lighters. Old clothes uro ultercd in
Snow at Caiuuoo.-TIio j'lriiUh Colo
nit of July 14th snyr. that snow Ml to the
depth of five Inrheo en the trull lending to
Willinms Crcik.
for provided the owner con istablish his
fidelity to the Government. AtihouVi tha national debt of our
nmnii.itinir to about $400,-
Hkroic Dcst to Hkhoic Dt sr Iu dig- 0l)p mly n,,(,nr ,,r:c to us, it is small
giug the graves of tbo brave men nf the Vvr- (.'nlip',n,,i w ill that of the great nntioi
tnont Third Regiment, who fell before of ciirUtc-iiilom. The debt of Italy ai d
Yotktown, tho remains of somo soldiers of puw:4 j ns h.rgo as ours; Austria hoi
the Revolution were turued up. The brass f('1r prnm.e live, and Great Britain ten
buttons that had been on their clothing (iim.'s a, much of a debt. There is prob
were In good preservation. nblv, no population in the world so rich,
j,, proportion to lis numbers, is the Atnerl-
tuv Vlnriihi t the timo she seceded, 1,.,,. I., tin. Frco States; ond thero is noie
had in her treasury four dollars and fifty- w)rrc (ie mass of tho people aro belt, r
(Wo cents Tlm whole of this sum has been tt,0 t0 bear the bur.lct. of taxation. e
expended In defending tho rights of the ,. rd to fight lor three years yet ct
South. tho same rate of expenditure ns during tl e
tlHt twelve months, and then hovo a much
T fU-,U Sir Colin fiimiihcll.) tl... ,1l,t In ..rnnorlion 10 Our Wfllllh,
the highest military authority In Europe, pnpuiattuu ond rcsonrces, than either oi
hsenounces Oen. .MeClellnn a splendid ',(, three great rwc" of ,lU'rn flnd
strategist ond an able lender.
. . u- lm v.. TV,n Rnltsn of Tuikey has behaved
...-7?rVr" Z E ; n,ro 'like I Christian toward, tis than .ny
innt, Ioa, In 1,150 fttl deep I othfr Sovr.on.