loiiicslcadH anil Vnhial.lc " Real list ale. (jKN. Ul'TI.KIt'H OmiiKII COM TltNINIl Si'.- TOR SALE. U'liMKN WHO ISHl'l.T SfM.IHKIM. ; . Avery tiu w'"' '"'I'1 "I1 w 1,1,1 count f l'1" JTi'ri-ss of our iiniiliA koiiI li- ,viinl, ciinimt but no mimick ny i no nruum-: , , px'hililtoil ly tit' Hl'CCHsloll women, even I lliillitliiii .i,U front Mo to f4'il)( l.ucli ' i.i I .1..: i t:. .. . (oWlllll 0,11 W""IIUU" ")"' ""muxi ttiuliiive full'''1 tl"'11' Im'i'l "tnl our victorioiw f""l,s 'mvu ',,'l,jl 'l',l t ihu vili't ntnl iii,,"'Nl insulin wliil.it iimicii. nlilv iussiii nlim;r tlni slri'rtH, liy linliiM Hio Iiivu liiTi'tofuru cliiiiii"i (or il, Im l)l)t, cliilmcil for tliem) tlmttliiy ( imi,h the very -li'iicsl ninl most Mined of Aincr- L ull KOllil't V. 'I'lll'ir COIIlluct llllS lll'I'll so A .vii, 50 'irn Lola uit.t Entire lUm k of llnilllifill Harden Luml! In tli I'.iy mi l cmhi')' uf SAN 1' II A N (J 1 S C O, ON 1 1 1 - him .f ill' Him .lnkii Kiiilriiinl, ut tliu vi:st-i;ii iu;i'ot. 'I'li. title in absolutely I ' l; Ii !" i;t Ulnu Siiiii i"li Omul, linully continued uml patented ,y in t 'nil.-d Slates. 'I In' Shulii-r I Sill ii'B"i-iH this Til If, I'!.. !;.. l .:. .. - . !. lUlirked IMld HO (IcVlllell-llir IXOCC l llt III The Dislr clCouilsaiul . climii.S8 tlmt or tllC limil-lliut il Inn Siipituic C t of the . r . ,1 i i I United Siules r.''fl it. become nofi'ssnry rur tlm (Ji-mruls com-1 u,,,,;,.,,,!,,, 1 MiitmliiiH to look niter litem. If itwns '',;, ,,., .,. frn,n. ,tnirt,l b,j l'inul niell vliorTllitliltti'lt tllCKd otilr.ti H, our Dee ret uml Judgment iiuii.U the lily.' so llnil tlii'Ni in mil even n cloud or shadow us.u it. S hoevei pur-liases win ..I thesu lulu will buy a lot mi l nut it luwuiiil, Olhr Nil l!l NiiIii.' lluilding. imu.r f Mulllf .lllfl V mill Men limit allrrla, .Sun Fl'lllicis ! :inr.'l II It V i:v S. IIIIOWN. Iruve by woulil know how to reply to them, lint ii " j;etitl' f'iiin w lint nnswer could lit! iniulii to Iter tannin ntnl Hindis? In St. I .miis, (it'll. Unlink iuiirioiinl any fcMiult) who lliiuulnl il i'fihioii ling; or in nultttl ii tmldiir I')' rxpi'CMiniw tif iliiliivnlly, ninl lu N ii v M v i I If, (ii'ii. I 1 1 nl slitit.i tliriu up ill their ItousesiiM " t'oiiiiiinii woiiii ii " n Nctv Orleiuis, lniH uvi r, where tin se ski' Jtvil W''ru i'iiiiiiniil, (liii, ltnilir ini't Ik'f t-l,s'' w'1'' n K,',"'f,l order, wliii li in fliiirai ti'rihtio of tlmt ri iimikulili; mini.--"(icmnl (JrdiT No. '.'S'' iMt' il ly him, is RroIliis: , 1 1 f.tjl 'AlimtH Iltr. OK Tit K (illf, Mn I.V As lliu ofticiTu mill Mililirrt of the I'ni'i il Stuti'H Imvii Intti Milijirt to ri' pinti'il iiniili from tin' wniiiiii culling lIlltllsi'lviN " lllllil H of Nl W Ol'IrlllK," ill ri'liirn fur lli" moil MTiipnlous mm i n t r Ti r cnri ntnl courtesy on our purl, il is onli r ul tlmt Ii' rcnflcr, In n liny fniniln shall, liy unl, (jt sturii or movriiii iii, innilt ur kliiiw ciiili'iii t fur any olVn er or snlilirr of tin' I'uitiil Static, sin1 sliall In1 ri''iiriliil ninl liiM liulili' to ir trrati'il as n nmimn of lli town plyimr lu r iivocitiun. !v iiiiiim iinl of Mai (ii 1!i ti i n. (im. V. SiitoM., A A. (i. In cspl.imitinii nl tin1 nlxivc nr lr.it lii'cil only In; Kaiil tlmt in N ()l li nin, liy a iminiripnl n'iilutioii, "wtimi ii of tl.c tun n" fiiiiinl plying lln-ir Irwle upon tliu Ktri'i Is ore liitlilc to itiipr'.' iiiuiii'iit in tin c il.ilinini', uml lliry it r nl-n pmlnliiti'd fruii liul'liir coin i r.ittiiiti trom tlic ilmirs ntnl itnliiw s of llicir lionn s w itlt pi-r-oin in tin' slm t. Tin' in lit' r aniii iiiN s'lnj ly In tli's, linn f.iri': tlmt tl any wiiinim in N' - (l.li'.'iiis sl.till mi f ir InuiT tu rn If ns t.i I -1 1 v t K n div'udrd I'liinlt iin n j m tlir ii'il'ln- stn-i't, sin- ill 'II Ii" urn -li d nn l itilprisniiril l.k't any ollnr iniulii ol tin' to tl It mmmiii tli it M ivir M.imoc at lint re cur Ifd tin-nr. Ii r in an otitrn.'!' ntinti tin' untni'ti of llic S'liilli, ntnl ri'liiotntrnti'd I'L'iiinit il in tin in-iilt ii,: litiiT, to wliiili (ifii. l'niil. r r plii d in IiiIIiihs; New Oil.-iin. M iv It'., lf,.' - S'r: Tin rc ciin In', tin re li.is h i ti tm r""ni fur liiioi'iilcr-t .indium of (Ji'iii r il Or.lf r No '.'S No lidy Will ta'ni'tinv nut' if n strin.'i' ; I'i n'l 'itin", mid n trhir 'i nf a it rninii r, s niilv in "I' ll fiirtn as to ii 1 1 en t n'.lf ntii'li. t'niiiniiiu uii'tc n tin. Tlicri'f"ri', wlititi'nr uniniu. Imly or tii'i'iO", ifi'tl'1 or vi ii' lii, I'V fistiiri', Im.li nr wrl, tn-i.l's, slum s imitf nipt fur, l!, ns atirm t'ii'.' to In -r If tin' until of mv i.T:.'. r iim! MildYrs, nil In' diuni d In m t as lii ri'lll's In r Vnciilinn i n t iitmnnil (lo in i'i. and II I'i' I- d'l" tn I"' tri'iit' d at' inr linudv This Whs nw-t ftl'ly cvpliiind tn vim at mv nlli.-c. 1 ilinll nut. in 1 Irtve tint, iilnili d n sin nlc wnnl of t tm t nrd- r; it ivk wi ll cn.'sid i rnl; if nlii'V' tl, will pmti 1 1 ll'c trim ntnl inndi'il woiniin from nil po'iililc inmlt Tin- ntliirs will take rare n1 tlicmsilvis Ymi i-iii puliliili yntir letter, if yni puli liili tliis ti'ite. nnd your apnlnrv. Kf tfidlv. ' I'.t VJ I'' I'" Tl i n. Major (icliernl Ci'tnmnndilii.'. The M.ivor then r lied wdeil In' Inn! Mid-lint afterward repealed his retunti tniuie, to wliicli (leu. l'.itili r replied liy nn ord"r deiiiiiiu the M iynr and wndins liim to l'ort J.n ksnii This li'itiflit Ihf Mayor to liin semes, nnd In- imiiieiliulely tti.imif;iil to conitriitt the order correctly, nnd Infill (icii. I'.uth r'H piiidtin for Ins tui.ilnkil. Dunncnliaum v Ackcrman. Removal! MICHAEL MENQES riVMillS this ini'llinil of iariiriiiiiij his ftiiinls L uml the iiihl:i! f mlly Unit liu J.S IIVMOVEI) to tlm sliiml liirini ily l,eit liy Mr. Miller, nearly Ojijiositc ('liiintiiin, Wiinit'i' co. wlii.il In: e.ills The Union Blurkel, wlino li in h'('jihimI In ln'fji nil Kimli ui incut, (III I tit WI'JI llll- MtlH- 111 RKASONA VA.V. nilCK.S: us low nstlia inurltnl will afl'ur.l. Sprin tr fllllK Mnuiiiif tin inn mul Niiininrr'H trudi 1 tiiiruii liii, M!iii im in nMMtliii lu )uu imr c.ifil, v liavriiiiw tlic I'lioii-rnt, iiidtt vmn il mul i in I rxlcti-i.n lih-k ol" itn.il in it i'l!'-inl tn tint h oji(' ol ('IjH'kinn.iB coiinly, ( ain iiMTivmi;, hy ( v ry hliiht-r, nilil liutiM In our iui:k, littiii Sjiii I' latifiMt'O, mi l tli-o w liu u ill l.ikf llir trmilili to c.ill, t-;ui llifiiiHrlvcH llmt lliry run (lit ( t1rr Willi iim tl.JM ihry can do I'V Ml.' In I'hi t,n I. NEW GOODS, NEW GOODS, A'oir o i' i:r.a at Dnnncubaum dt Aclicrman's, Oiitntr the M.mt Si. Ihittnr, ...eiiliRiltll of... STAI'I.I' AND FANCY flp r y - fJ oo rf,v, the newest, styles f DIIKSS (iOODS, Ktii.ey l'tiplins lliire'es, Deletes, 11.; in- I i!i 'mill, all 'inl leilf W""l I'lrnell llli'tllli", l l' lii II l.ii'ii". Iinllmiillliei. Iiyiire.l mill i!ulll M r i-"i-, S i- n I j e nift niiiilili, hiti: n h -rl iil-iit "I l-'ri in 11 mi l Xlll'-neiill eill eus, lili.wtl l.nriK, Ii rii, In tl mul iinliV..i-lir.l miip-lia, Tilt i t nr ii vi. i s or ,:llv lli.iinets, CI (.ak s, Shawls, itinl Silk Mantels, iiiul n lare ii-tutiiieiit nl' straw "rotitls, eml'i'ttiileries, etil lars, sleeves, A-e. I kla il'-siri) lu :iv to tin. i npl" that I tun iS'ot (inlii to the, .Mines! Imt will ln here nil dimmer, in iit of Cuiibou or Siilneiii Itiver. I'llll'KS I'I II I'OIIMI. Iteef H, 10, nail T.'J i ts Miittnn I '-'J em I'ork I -J J els Ve.il U'J ut" Curnlirer it" MldlAKI. .(MIN'UIIS. Diefijii City, J it ii. I, lli'J. Saniis' Saiisai'aiiii.i.i. Fur tlm removal uml ii-iiiiiiin'iit cure iifull ilisi aw-s arisini; fn iu 1111 mi pure Hlulu of the hlnoil, nr hub I of the system. This pli'iisallt ami i-llieueiiilis lennily will K''"1'' stiiniilnle I li- fuie-'ii'iis of the slinnaeli and howels j to n (iilnr ami In-allhy iielion, uml without ininsi a ornir;iin e-l lln-r. fmin .ill (h-lftfi inns uei'inini hitiinis, lunily thohlonil, eiii:ili7.K tliu cin-ulutiuii, ri'iuuve Hrsiriitiiia, imptnvn tlm nipetito, imnrt tuns mul vi'ir to the sjstfin, inn (jr.nluiilly, hut iurrly, rxliii.itv the (1 scw-n. mil "ml i:i:i)iN(;T(N . co.'s si.ri:iuuK Vcttst i'owdcrs. AY r.i:K Nii:i) tj MAKI-: M;irr mvii'I uml initritioiis ns net h '2 .rv liiim!ly uil ipti-il to 1,0 A VMS, HOT lUSCCIT, ; I '('A' WIIKA T an! ulh?r cakes, (;iN(;i:i:l:l;ll. l, am! cakes uf all kials. WiiiTiintcil fully ' the marl. t:iil to an V in et ! 1 A.-kfr l;i:iiNt;T(i.N .J-Cu.i YKAST l'DWIillllS, ami take no tlii r, if yon woiil.l linvo uniformly (JUOl) lniKAD! Manurnettireil and ""hi nl Imli Ktle by HI.IHNtiTl'N f, (i:i aii.l 111 I'lny slli'ft.Sua I- raneisto. DKAVAliK. Mill COMIIlNATIoN F TI'AMINl. in mi l uri.iinil l)reL".n I i:y, of II.rst.iw, Fa tit.it, V l.iM t, this day by iniiiiial emu nl c n-. -, uml we Hie uii.li-rMtriir.i aK a eoiitiuiniiimi of tin- intnmui.' ol oin M ruslomers, uml of u many new tnn u may till- r u their druMli(. Ilai.linv will tw nl "Il lunei I ttneinuh, tore-.-.neoi'len. f..r.liiiiiiC mil Frieer in Oii'"a City. W e will hf ns iMiii,t t ttttoul to our cuv li'iii. rs ui eiift-mstane." will ii'hmt, 'ly Itht, tu n or .li no. JO.ilil'll UAIiSTUW, .1. M. Fit..i:u. n,. ( iie. .Imil 1. IsU.'. nn! - ('"iiatrv iiii-reh.ints who are ih i iN l-ins K"'lH'" l Oieji'-n City lobe Intnl. ,1 I'i the -iiui.il y . will tl" w. II to u l.lr.i to onr eaii'. as we will elnite uotliiii for storape iiv trai-'inihle I. liL'ih ol ti -all eliart-e Is Hit- rutuicu I., the phi ol sI.tui;.', or ftom imr ,,U.-.".f 'or.'i;.'to the b.at for i-hi.iiii-nt. It. V !' T. ('IlllMAN, A, WAHNKR, F. fill It M A H. Charman, Warner &. Co., IIEXKHAL COMMISSION MERCHANTS WIIOl.KHAI.K ii HKTA1L Ilcatci'i in Dry ools, Clothing, Hardware, Crockery, (jtamiicttrc, JIiidIk, Shorn, 'anils, Oil-i, dr., la their liru-.roof Hriek Main htiikkt, oiiiiooM.rry, oiti;;oN. ...F. (.'Intriiiiiii, liaving uaileil hi... llAlilillY, COSFKVTIONEUY, ASl) FAMILY liKOCKUY bTOIlt-: In th.' eituhlinhtiii'l.t of Chuiiniia ct Wuraer, tlm linn will now curry on htiBJiess in nil tho iilinvn-meiiti..iii-.l hrmiehcs, ill this elly, ImpliiK by "triel ulti nlioii lohusiiiess to merit tho continued favor of their old i.ilr"iis, and iim many new om.-i us chuiiss to eomu lorwut'l. No etin w.ll bo jurl to Kit'd iiitiffuetioa to till our custoineri. Nolicc-Scttle Up! ALL Ihose owing Ciiakmin it Warskh or Ciiikma.n. will nlf use coine forward mid iinik'j w'tllemi-nl of tln-ir iinl.-hli-.lness, without d.-lity, so that you cull ull coimni-ace dealing! with tliu new firm of Charman, Warner fc Co. All our d. htors will me tho ncci-wity of ultend- in.' to tins null inn lialely. ClIA KM AN, WAIlNKIl & CO. Oregon City, Aiig. - I. ''L Iotico. nn: oitEuas cm shminahy I T .U life II TV nted hv the Orison City Cor- J 1 (torjiioii, for the purpose o!' foiuiini; a (irudo .S.lioi.l. 'I'hi. Seh.l w ill heoien. 'l mi Monday. Janu ary tl'tli. in three depmlments. All children wiihia tho district will be udmitti d fiikk, to in- SIIII I.TIIlN IN TIIK Kl.llMtNTAIIV BRA.M.IIKS, vii It. a.lii', Spelling, Writinir, Menntluad I'rantical Aritliinilic,(;eor:ipliy,(irii:iiiiiar, und the His tory of the United Stules. I'npils outside of the district will he adiiult.-d to these priv,le s, per term, ut i I 00 For every cxtru study " the charge will ho 1 OH For the I'luHsies, , a "0 The hiu'hersliiilies will not be allowed to occu py thf lime due to the eleiinnlury. A careful register will be k- j.l of the attend- I.M..M III PVITV lllll.il. Noun w:ll be admitted fur less than bulf a term. Tuition muni lie j'Oid at the midJle ol every I.. no. Pupils, whose parents or ciiurdiaas, reside out of Ihf distinct, will ho charted the entrance fee, according to the provis ons ol tin- city charter. I'I f nturv .xt llo-.ks SuaUt-rs .series, It.-ud..s and .Spellers; Davles' Arilbmetics; McNulhs (ieoruphies; I'liim-o'sSeriesof (Jrain- ii:. t' w.- A mars, una v inui.i s nut. - - T.-u. hers, lit lerm Ki-v (I. II. Atkimon, Ptimipal ; ,N. V Uani'ai.l, Assi-iant, 'Jd ib-p'l ; Mis. X. II. Atkinson, Priiiniry Department Miss. K (J. Koiiciis will give instruction oil the piuno For'.o, at f. .rut r winmary prie s. F..RB1.S Htltl'I.AV, Sup't nf the City District Sflns.l. Orc'".ti City, Jan. Is, ISi'.'J. Git OVER & BAKER'S NOISELESS SEWING MACHINES FOR FAMILY USE A XI) Manufacturing Purposes. PRICES AINSWORTH& DIERDORFF. WF. ARK NOW O P K N I N (i I.N TIIK Now rire -Proof Brick, A I.AHGK ANU WEI.I.-ASSOKTKD STOCK OF GESEUA L MER ClIA XDIH E. Feeling perfectly sceuro aguinat firo, we will now Offer Greater Inducements than ever ta tho public. We ure consluiilly in receipt of G $i O D H jielecti d with the greatest cure (us to price and quality), und ro comment thut our lacililics wil inuble us to oiler and mil gwili AT PORTLAND PRICE3 (freiijlitson;, and would advise ull those visil'ms this city to purchase, poods, to eininine our stock and prict t before pun haulng elm w here. We huve, and are juit receiving, an invoice ol air am, coasislint; ia part uf the follow ing articlca-Cnchc-co, I'ui-ific, lladlfy.C'iiesteL'o, Siirauue, I Inl'l' Allin, Fall Itiver, Merrimae, Iliitrg"."1"1 on other choice PKINTS, all lute ilylen l I'.ng lull i: French merinos, Lyonese cloth, inohair ujitl other Dehaie brae, wool, i. muslin do lauiesi black, blue, purple, & pink merinos, fancy jilmds, iaeuiiet, book, Swiss, & mull muslin, ladies eitih. sets, collars, Inll.fs .V skirts, dtess A: bonnet trim iiiings, Ftench 4. domestic giliKhums, French lawns from P.'J lo ii-'ic, blue, mixed, it grey witl net, wool it cotton jeans, coltoninle, bleaehid ami brown sheeting from ll-d to l')- wide, brown and bleached drills, denims, hickory shirting ; Silesia mariue, brown, uad Ire h Ini' ii, nunliecii, inuper, und criu.li. u large lot of linen and thread luccu and edging, hoiiery, ka. MUX'S 4- HOYS' CLOTH IXG : llluc, black, and brown cloth cuts; lOdoi blk cloth vests, 5 do, white and bud' .Marseilles do., velvet and satin do.; 3D do satinet p ints, dockiu und fancy caisiini re do, 30 doz merino and cotton undershirts, gicy, blue, it blink cloth over coats, with a gcucral aiuortinciil of j;eul' furnishing T'"7:OOTS .J- SHOES. Men', hay', and ...... i..' i. .. laJiva. misses', and ehildreu's nio- ! lorcn, goal, kid, and cull Congress booU, with & ! without heels; ladies' kid slipp-ia. From G0, upward!' Groceries Over 50,000 in Use ! .1 . At, . Afsfrtmeut (' I ..'l ies' itml eliililreli Slide; (iluVt'S kill aiel eall' (I niters, 1, :n lies' head dresses, eiii.-ets, ete. Cents' rumishing Goods, I'.t mts ainl SlltieS, Justice's OJficc, OIIEGOX CITY. I AM nlwavs nn hniid. and will attend to the coi.Li:cri.; or avcvusts, Dnwinii) of Deeds, Mortgages, Leiises, Iioiids, rowers of Attorney, Contracts, ifco., and all oilier business committed to my care. (OfiVr ilirtctlii upmisite the M manic Wiiiiiik,'. Juu.I6.1pUU. J. tO. 1IL UFOK1). i On Main street , mid formerly tho " Main Street House,") OREGON CITY. mill', traveling public are respectfully .1 invited to give me a call. :" jj House is the most plfus-i-.'.1. I nittly located hotel iu ihe Stute, oil.t Itus been o tirraaje.l as to uiitKe il ouu ot too lum vumin. ous li.uises in the country. THE TAIII.E will always be supplied with the bei-l thai the inntkel affords. linvi accoii!in.dations for ludiei oil 1 famihei. pricks: Hoard and lodging, per week SC-M IU,.,i without IwlL'ing. ivrweek '' lt..,.r,l o.-r duv. with l.ilglllg 1."'0 Single meiil Night! lodging Pi., m.,1 Java cfTfe. bla'-k nnd green tea, X. O China, Hatavia Island, Ca. retiued, and cruslte sugar, K. Iloslon, Cul., sug tr-house, It golden syrup- suit, 5 lo 'JOIJ lb tki 100 kgs nails, assdsiica; Hill's pale, chemical, It Kmfl.sli soap, soap pow d. rs, powd.-r, !iot, t lend; yeast powder, salera tus, cream tartar, sinokiug t chewing tobacco, et't it earn, prat, tnmtitoet, "rait and blacktier riM. iirJ lb ll"s; spice, wp;'er, and caniu, peari b ii lev, maecaroni, vermicelli, cm lurch, aim oa.ls.'walnuts, Drail num. r.nins. Cliili p.-ache, dri. d fruit; mack. rtl, iu qr t Itlf bblsj sardine.. A fine assortment of CROCKEIIY .J- TABLE CUTLERY: Jfl crates assortid w are, 411 d-.z steel picks. 'Jtl ' DjIcIi fc Udla hoes. While Lend, Oil, ami M imfuic inass; -1TTE BEG TO S.SL'UI-: THE PUBLIC I with a variety "f oth. r articles tn-uahy kept. V that the well-known reputation of llte.e ' IT We will pay cv-n f.r wheat, Hour, b; Machines for 1 butler, '.'-. and alinoil everything Iho fa bacon, farmer I has to seil. ! (jr. goa City, April lC, leCt. RELIABILITY Will be fully auttalnad, aud in our rapidly increas ing business the tame care will be faithfully cxer ised in every department of (licit manufacture. I EVERY MACHINE SOLI) ISY IS IS WARRANTED IN EVERY RESPECT. TMnn.apKidcnt NotiCO. riAi I Jll.N A III AN I- l"Ll': ou are .1 I'.-r.-l.v notif e I thai James Milno has this day fil. . 1 ui tin- CM. nil curl of the Stute of Ore gon for ( I .cUiiinas county, Ins lull m chancery ag im-t von. in ttlneh lie eks to recover from you Ihe Mini of thr. e Imndr. d and thirty-live do! Inn and eight V ten's and nil. te-t, ul twenty per cent u ear iiuee DM May l".Y.i, acording to the lei nn uf V" ui' pr.'iiuv..Tv n-.te iihi.lt In- holds; and a No lo loice Ins.. a m-Mgage iin the south half and the unditu'ed half of tl orlh half of onr doiiniii'ii claim in said (.'lafkamas county, whnh was i;ii.n by you lo see lire the ubote iiained nole- Now unh ss you .-tiv.ir in m'd court on the hrt Monday of September. sti'. and ain.er the hi .1 I . I ..... ...,,! . ..I ll,m sillllf w ill bo Ink. u as eou- f.wrd and the priijerD.ere.'l win no gtaniru o, ,,,,1,1,1 1 i-u inif.nuieiy miu o.a. ...,..'...... ,.f the same, us U) itiriuer iii'ii'i,. D.C. ll.lsCI. .;.o 50 J. IluEHM, Proprietor. i I.I. persons knowing thennelics indebted to : the tiuil. riigne.l ny o..or nceouui, on- umj The public atwutiou it rwpeelfully requested totlto following From IlicCirover V llaker .Scu lti i Jlticl.i.io Cumpaiiy- l The pubi c, in their eagerne to mpply them- , elve Willi Mewing .Machine making (lie OflU- ' Kit A: 1IAKEK Mik-li. must not forg-t to pur- i chase them of the parlies who ul.'tic are tiulhorued j to sell them. All iiuchinee tewing Irom two i sHKils, and in which one needle only penetrates the cloth, nn.l having I Iced win-it auotvs tne inu- . teriul to be turned nl will, are infringement. j liUOVEIl x UAKtll S. .M. (. (.. SANDS' SAPvSAlVAIULLA. The Original ami Gaiuine Article. m F.adorse.l by the Medical Faculty as being the REST and PUREST V.vlracl ot Sarsararllla made. S.VN'PS' SAR3.r.n!LL.V 1'urifttfS tho Wood. SANDS' SAUSArARILLA Cures Scrofula. CAHPKTIXG, .M HECK i:i MA TTI XG ; iVc, '- Together with the (TSToM M ADH Cloth lug, .. Hill AS. . , ;,., ,r,r..... Fn iicl. .'loth coat, i gents' line ,1, and 1 1 at I ii'ii t it"1 in. i .....- - silk mi"'' Xcie fl'lk nf MuBic.l , ned aseho.,1 ,. cty I.itl-est and Lest selected stock of fur lea.huig lOl.lNmnl V( M'AI. Ml'Slf, ad , Im giving leimiua In ll.n (ii salt and I'sneu j l.ivifiuri, I resieeifully Mli.it ihe patruniig" of i Ihf p.il.lie. Finale, lessons III eilliei biimeli will be given, if denied. Terms lenwnuible.. Impure Il llis (lirgi.n House, of k J(IH. MOM MFIIS. July 19, IM",!. Dontltry."Dr. I l St. .li...-.m w II be In Is n two we. k; dur iiif w Ineli tune lie who mil In Winers t ill plenso rail "ii Inm. I'lliee t li s rend. nee. his KaiM IIM'II, A pitl Mh, I"'''' Mi.msi Rciiinuton ,V t': I lake pleasure III infnnniii ymi llml I l'"v' ln Using your .cellenl Veasl I'.'W.leis fi.l soine lime I iinbesiialiiiiflv iioioiinr them line- lled by my suuijar pn parall "ti llml ' hl,v in uml. Kveiv liouiekeeper nisy rely np'ii H. Hist whsii need ' rotdii'K to dir. Chens liu y H"i" flilliiprislueelliall I ilrMialiln of all rlid"" "f Ud, Km,l, iireef, mul Mii.ii.ieM" hreml -lliiiioiieo proved Imw miperior ihey ate In H When, I rnul.l en llo Beeniilil be Wllleml Ihem. M)l7u,:i Ms.. N.Mil.l.a x. o. o. r. s- J r.... mwi N. ' '-fS-"l Ihe Mmilc llnllmiiMi'Milay -Tev gol eaili " Vl lN reil In jooil stall ling are Invited laa.leii'l. N CM. K LS I lilt. N.H. J- T. ArrKNniN, lien. Hen'y. :ln - , . , '1, wru u.'.i lints and ( sins. ,i , Wiln. Ki mv hand and the seal nf said court ll.s allixed the STlh dav of Mav, lib-'- J.S. INSIO.N, rieik. W.C ,Ioiimo, ('oinplaiiianl's Solicitor. Sw J AS. Vo.NNKIl'S SDNS' U. S. Typc KoniHlrry, WM. FaiVkMH! M'N. Afi"''"" 5li:i St... me M Sax FitANTisi'O. FRY article necewary for a complete News j or Job Priming Ollieo liimislied ul tho low e1 I't'C'S- , , A No, agents lor I syn.r s, ...i o. h - Newbury's, P..tei's,un.l Hawkes' I'resses. )". b'' AINSWOKTII .t DIEUDOItl'K. Oregon City. Feb. !:i. IMil- nrsiNKss sui.-s, SII.K VKI.VHT .V CASIMKKK YKSTS; Hoys Clothing, Kxtni lini' lu'nvy Mark doeskin pants, Davis nnd Jt'iH' S,11I',,J with and without- colhirs, rto. ... ., i i,.,.,.,r f I) AN NK Ml A I'M ..lV MlltM AN,wlieie you will find the lalcsl A M) I'.KST SKU'X'TKH STOCK OV i; if u if r5 Kver l.roiiit to this yhwi which ii" 1,0 "ul'' i . .. .1..... ..mi lie iini'cliased in IVtlandl I ADMINIHTIIATolI'M NdlH'i: VOTICK Is heicl.y Kivi lllhul letters nf ml il iiuiiislinli.. ii have been gniiilei! In the ml '''glinl hv tlm en V coilii ol Claekiliuas t f 'f. on Iheeitiiln of K. Lmis V lerithn, ileeein- "I. lain id sunl ly.aud th it nil peiwus in- ""ble.lioMHlr.iuinmelKpi'iedl" '"like Inline "'He piiyiiunl, mid nil pers.nn havi'iit " llll saillislillnmilil ptesfinl Iheiu In Ihe tinier. "tt'i'd at his i.iuleuee lu said ro V willnii one ' ln.ni (lain. C F O.M'HI! A Mlv -'mif 7, Irf 'J AlUhowiel, I I"'"' "' ',,""""C" ,,i,:1i"::::r;:',-i tavors, . .,,,1. n'.ile.".lm1nvnV,'1lV;,,:rACK.:llMAN DANl'i" 0,,'gntiCity. Apiil I'J, . 1 . i,io..d MIU'.P 11. 1) a i'-'1 . . . J mi I lee '-'tl. 1 I INO FKOIUTF. NoTICK. 1 ... ,.t .1. XT0'HCEi herehv given mni leu.-.. ... i Iiinnffdalo MaV I'Jtll, IfbVi A 1 1 -... r. . .. , nve been granled hv the l oui.ty i ouri o. . .... . .. 1 ..I ., 1 1. e estate ut iiuiits i-oouii iu ... . ., J. II. Chiles, deceased, late of sui.U otinty. All person, indebted lo said . state are re.pi. s .... ... make inniu d aie p.yn.ent, and all lh.e having claims iiL-ainst saul esli.te nr.. rcUeslcd lo pre- et.he,.,a.re.p, redl.y law lo the- tiu.lersignc.l. at her rt-idenee. will.in l" ,".W f,h, lira. II FN Ull. IT A Cllll.l-s. Jiine'Jd, ISi.'J. Dissolution of Copartnership. ... .. I'll 1. 11., .tf.V r 1 1 1 1.- I.r.11 or ( . HM'.I. l ""I I dissolved by liliituiil eoiisoit f partners. -J.iM'urtwrighl will atl. nd to our husiiiee. m out' aliseuee. Salem, May 1H,1SW- Notico IS IIF.HF.I'.Y (ilNl'.N t all concerned, that ' unless the lots of land hereinafter described, hich were .t.l for lives on the l-'lh of .Sepletn t,er, isi'-l, in I'laekiimas county, are redeemed on r before the exp.rali.'ti of i months from the d ,tr of this notice, hv the pat meiil of ihe amount for which ih. V were sold, mid interest and charg. .. .. , ", :.. f..!l..ti-it.T K.-liHitu e. e, allot wincii it.i-ur u. .- -h the same will be tinally conveyed tolllc respective purehaseis thereof : LOTS IX OlSKliOS CITV. f ... i!;..l 4 .,.' mIJ I'm: Inl. Chiinet. Tola! 7 " 1.7N l,S!l 1.66 I, tit! l.Oti l.bl 1.14 1,78 1.7 a i,ti 1 2,14 1'.3 1 ,03 1,03 1 .03 1,03 1.03 1.03 1,03 .1 Card from i:ila How i, Jr. All neisoni are cautioned not to make, deal in, or use, any svwing machine which sew from two spools and make the Hitch known us UUOVEIl - IIAM.II stltcn, Ullie tne nn.i. in- "i.. Irom the UKOVEll A. BAKEIt SEW1XU MACHINE COMPANY, or lli.ir agenn or u. oensees, and (tamped under my patent of Septem ber 10th. 1Mb. aid Company and their l.!cemec, atone, are legally authorn-d, under their owii patenls, ami my (aid patent durnu ine eiteit.ie.i iruu mn, to make and (ell ihii kind of Sewing Machine, and all others an p-raciei upon my mid patent, and will b dealt with accordingly herever found. E.L.1.1 liv.i 1., a- ir. 71 7i 7 it 7 7;i 7!l h4 S4 J..f3 bj V. I IO EL, E. T. IIOSFOKD. Mtinal'H Life IMU.--Tho high and envied Icbntv which litis pre-eminent medicine ha. a.'- :..i.i. ..ill v i.. 11 l ie diseases vtiire. ..r is 1111111 111. oe .... . j vh eh il pr..fesse-.oc.,r.',has rendered tho usual Jf,icefosl..t"m.i' pull'me not only minccrs- .rn. 111 Inown hv their ftnils: their K'" otKs ten .... -. ' . . . 1... n. iniiti hi iiifi rrrunii'"" rive 11111 ny m" In ull cases ofcoilivelies". ii)i.e,.-., - - ury but tinwurlhy f them. They nro Ktu wu , ...... .1...;. ,.l works tei lfV for thrill. , ' art e. ...1 , pile-, iheuinatiMi, fever und ague. ! ,."..'. .;.' I-.;; ,.. I.,. i.u:.r. n..'.' - --, - -. H Ol l.'." .' . ".- i.epsui, headaehe, the si. ... . .... 1.. ..11 ...... ,y , ineneioo. " , . , , u111 . ,li,.live ..ilmiiis. l or sale by I I. MOFFAT. .Tl.'. Il..li.y. IM'W ".-" -, the tligeslive iilgalis. II AVE ri'w uv ' ' ,' ,n ..,11 lw. Mv K I.AMIIS, Wliu il 1 - peel.sl,milewe.lnl l.a.aj.i.fj ..... iu Mulleiiin lVnlers uti.t .'ii.i-.-- - -tlironglionl the country. .'. .1. II. "II K IH'I' - , iu, ATTOllN EY ft- COl'NSEI.OIl AT LAW , ,1,,, Sulirilnr in CmiKfiy, ,n,rii.il)...i OREdON. CHIiee-F. I St.eel, upposilo Vunglm'' Wlwrf. Cnlleeli ius made and pioiiipllV remdlfd I'M''- 4 1 o ) 4 .'1 6 7 8 4 5 7 .) 3 4 '.I 3 7 10 8 4 5 0 o ll 14 I I ft II 7 H II I 4 b.'i ss hS SH hS cs ss M b8 LOTS 1 I 1 1 4 ft ft (i II tl H II 11 II 14 12 12 1.1 II II II II II II III 111 ct. ci- ci"- ill 3S 7ti 70 44 7li ,'iti 3 1 7ti .Mi 31 7G ftti 3 7(1 ft.'. 33 76 ft;, 33 4'i t'.l 38 76 64 3S 7(1 ft.'. 33 76 8ft ft I 4H 29 IS '."J 46 .18 4t 48 4'd 9(5 48 49 96 45 S"J St' 48 '.'! 26 48 an '-'u' IS I.ISN CITV. y. 411 7(5 pi 4!t 76 K4 40 76 f 40 76 Hill 60 "6 66 40 66 40 76 (it) 36 7 litl llti CO 36 76 46 98 76 64 31 76 31 2(5 64 31 yrt 60 30 7(5 60 30 76 ftt) 30 76 68 3ft 76 60 . 30 76 ftt) 30 70 60 30 "C 60 30 76 60 30 76 60 30 7(5 fill 6.1 70 Kl t'il TUr, ATTSATItt' V TAILO AND SHixn'S'JsasTiiiaXiaa Vho prefer the " Lockstitch," i.calle.l to our ImproYod Shuttle Macliinrs, SAN US' SARSArMULLA. Cures Slubborti Ulcers. SANDS' SARSAP A1ULLA j Cures Cutaneous trillions. SNLS' SAUSA PARILLA Cure Strumous Complaints. SANDS' S A II S A T A R I L L A Cures Mcicuriiil liseac. j SANDS' SAU-sU'ARlLLA I Never I'Vils! ! SANDS S.MISAI'AIULLA ' M.v be safely l iken at all times-it w ill (ecun to , Laiie,. regular perlic haht. nd t - very i L, medic ni. they can take when arr.vei al the p. no I call -d " turn of l.ic." I ,l- (r S imU SirMponlU, and like no other. ! Prepared by A. II. S AXIVS D,ug. I Itl'i Fulton t . e" H il!"nl' ;N- ' ' 1 For .tie Ken.s irox ii I i). San l S,,.:. .V D.i'vn, Portland; Dr. . Oregon (Vy. . ""' , j Dr. A. n. STEELE, IPHYSICIAH & SURGEON. Office at the OREllON CITY PR Ul STORE. ORKi-iON CUT DRUG STOKE, MAIS STREET, iH,.i.;to the Mellii'ili't Church,) II IS lOXST tMTI.Y on IUNU Dru, MciVk'iiu-s, Patent Modi cwuw, Kcrosoni', Camilu'ne, l.urtniig r lunl, vo., tve, ...T TIIK... LOWEST MARKET MICES 1,00 1 i,r.o 1..M5 l,('.'.l i,:.6 i,ft I, Mi i,r.o i,r.o 3.18 4.18 10 ..I- 1.1 I..I. .nn ttatesseil IS Ilt'll-.' e... 111 .'I enn, - 1 J.S. WINSTON. County I lerk. OirSimCiiy.Muy 10, 1804. 8.0 9,07 2.07 9.07 2.36 1.84 1,84 1,66 1,1.6 "" I ""' " II i W.l.-I..-. le"M : .. I l."er, im "'"-...,.., Vv,..i.. ...I 1 ,511 I Which t specilliy ai'.ipif a io men rr.t... ....... ...r, nw,rllwni oi nno i...... - rfl "" ft? I...lr. m..ln l'l-k. Willi weignts in '" lo oi.l.r and r. piire.l. t it V. HD'.HI IF-LD. W. A TCH M Mir.R. . . t ui niMi.ii" wwi'i' ........ d,. ;: i l w;n..Bi.?n,.ac..a.,ny w.mU, Z li leveled to the repairing of t hrononie.er, AND a. ii a , f fii l3 mi liiillil AK Al. lil'.Bn n.""J- .'- . ARM A N'S' JT TUB BEST IS USE! 1 l U. MIOWN, Ageut, 390 (91) MoiitKi'miry 8tjeel, 19ml SAfT FRANCISCO t..;-... . ...ii (hi limei. I am lltiuhful fur p.,,t favors, au l ho to j(ivc.ati.r.eti"U In filiate. IT liated nl the old slaii.l. piile th f egon il louse,' )(:f.'O.V CITY. ' J. ' KELLY'S TEMPERANCE HOUSE, .Vim ., ''''' '' Aliirnelhy .j-1: , OKHtiON CITY. n OOI) HOO.M-S WEp UP will. A-l It eit'tv .iiil roniforlabll KKDH, f... ll.n esnecial iccomuiodalioB of the. "s-o: E D. KELLY. rr-nrietor