Mvlfcwt-m Juno ii'itli, states that Porter's licet com IllOlli'cd li slii'll till" U p 1" b:tti-r: s below town. This eoutliiucd nil day without any result, niul lirin,' w is ri'in u on Fri day, be'wg directed on town, over which shells were to Imr.-t. Tin -:ty innt have boon c. really diinn';el; fires were scon ill various :iris. Wo arc in'.ormed by indisputable aut!ii'i.iy Ilia' .'UOO iio.sivcs have been orilclVil by Cell. Puller to opiH n otiinl iirr-i-J the bend on v !i;i"ti Vicks-linr-e or it rcmiius is iiow situated The c!i.i:i!i.-I of S l.o M:ss!:-s'l'i w i". wi in.ik i! I'll i'd. low n. Vol i iv i M .i:n-.v, 'J. I. Col. Smith's'!i iii.l of J.lUH) men, connect, d with n m ivi' i.f ouv.ilrv, has iirrivod lior: l!i!. o-i'iM! :i id w.tli 1...1KM infantry mid living : i.'hrv ii'ul.r S:oneli.ii:i, woro Kttoiullii ia" p Uioinl of C ov eminent propi'ly tVoni Wi-t i'oiiii; t "uy l.;t there, ivireatiui; to Will mils', nre;. tin nee io . ti ktir.Mi, thence to lilt- I ralisi'orls. Pl.s'iu r 1'rport tilt loss of tho rebels as ii.."t tcrr-Mc; but ni'V-t hr.lliant t!ios(uvos v. Id. ii ui'caded our ari'is. The rib. Is woro d, f ated at every point rebel prisoners! a los of lO.Oui. Ni w Voik. oili. The l'itt!e of Tuesday li:e.i from 0 .. m. t.ll 'J p. m Wo took "J t llllllS t"l It'll tho rrl 11 Is. Calo io, oth. Yioksl.iirj: is our'! No I .at.oiii.ii's. A " 1i i.i.y" P. M-. ---'I'll j New Yoik " I'i'.I" Col. Coieoran's crack reg iment, at the head of 11 hieh lie was capture I nt Hull Hun, and is still a prisoner in ivk l I: inds says the Sacramento Hoe, risp.-ud-i d with alau'lty to the call of tho Sot. ta rt of War I'm more troops, inade 011 the Join lilt , when that o'Xw r became ' sear id" nt the spier..!:.! 1:1:1 made by Com. I!. inks upon Wahintoii. Til's reehneut. which was of the thru.1 months men. was T,!y out up nt the luttle of Ma::a-as It was in the hottest of the fu'ht, am! while a regiment stood, it never n treated. Will, it has been reeruited, and tho oilier day, ,-it i hours notice; it uot l:p :.i:d inarched ti Washington with t;ri t'tcus.ri'I Ae, Aid-',- ! H.---H in its ranks. New Yoik furnish i 1 I'lirlj ri-c:raot:t upon that eall! A lit ti 1 no : moid i f t'.e.t kind iFks jj.-o.l oee.t- . 'v 1 t 10 ,.v, ' ,,' ') b'e and positive el.ur. nre iletennaad to s-! 111 !.es the patriot I.e. Details of Eastern Wows. Union loss, Into battlos, 23,000! Rebel loss, 50,000 to 75,000 ! ! Mavumi'U UUi'U mIi 10 lie Hlltnlt rialllniore, "ih The Hioliinond ls patch iinnonuoes the d, .ith of Stonewall .!.iek-on and liiriiweil l'lhelt. lieu, l.oio street was wouinh d. l-'ortress Monroe, dn'y -1th. Antony I ho prisoners just arrived liom dallies river ai" .V elVtC' rs, ir.eludiuj "J Colonels, l I.ii i;ti nam t'oloiu Is ai.d l Majors. It U S'ated that the li.-ht w as renew i d on 'I'hurs day, in which the reliels wile driven liaek tea m l. s, with irreat lo-s of men akd can non. There is notion:; definite however. l-'reh troops aif'Vid Ir.mi Yas!i:n;;ton to day nil 1 went up dame Kivor. A sklr inh tei k place yesterday m ar tho loll w iiiiT wlileh ti nninatod in the defeat of the r.'hels. We t.'ok several prisoners, and alo, three :na!l , hat terles. Our cavalry tollowed theeiieniy until they passed White Oak Sw amp. A i"tiel iMiiiooat was eaptiirod to dav on dames rivi r, and brought down the i' riddled w'th halls. New York, .1. MeCh ::ie 1 1 1 1 pa pa- 'if t:.;.t tin :'';.V the robe's. It tlow a a. to hear ii.v i',;i. 1 lie iatol livm v t. Ii'irraoh 11:1 to vi sterd iv eveiiinj: duly t'ch, all ipiiet mid the army in i;o.i 1 spirits. In a conversation with (Jon. r.itt.rva, Mi'Clellan is reported to have said: " We have foue;!.! n l attle eirrv dav for a Wnk and w'! the eneniv eve"V t:iae. tliouih th V had Ihr e to our one." Cor:nt!i. .luiv 1 -- li'.lHHi rein I troops are r. ported to heat .MoMie. 'I'he eit'a 11 of that nhiee are conlid.ait tno o:lv cannot he tak.ii. Fortifications were ir.etid inontlis 110. lra',' is said to be in comniau 1 of 10, Odi) troops at Tup' Io M. m plils, .Inly Cili --The Fourtli of .lalv was appropriati !y i wd!i muse, sp'oeius and to.i-ts. Sahitrs wire tiled in tho U'.oruinir nt noim mid in the evi nine: New Yotk, .July 1. Tho Trihune says r.t TI.urdaCs battle the li.dit was v.-ry .se vere, and e.ti nded 11 1. .in.; our w hole hue. We I,. t m any men and otlieers. It tt.-.s ehliii . an ai t.ll- rv t'u'l ! but our men made o: such ::uj..' d.vo'.;.':i to ti.o eoantre. s. 1 ral si... u.liil ana Mieei s:ui eli.irji l'l:e en.'aiv's troops were d. spi-rato. Laviee; been pr( viously uiado drunk, th tajor.d ini to our l'iii.s to be mow 11:: i lr,.,U Wo tin II drove t I.s A::,- -I lYsou-r.-L S Gi lt rs reo. -I. hut. .M.iwry Ived fron Tu's hr. d lMi d'r: , state t ie California Yohmt - : Cap irr.vt t ! ::-:. I at T11 :i 011 'ta li. e w.tli tw :- at th l. A:. 1 e: th 'in was Fl- 'It r'i ir.'. d with fur; is'i'i'.' I II s t !,, ct.emy. U !-y ipi't-' a liir.nb. r of d t -a I 1 t j ni .k- !. si., r.. v.i.a M ":'y ot.e reb. Is llr t inl'i. s. .vrv, who w is :l::-i:i:t.iei -'i; .1 , eMv s'ir'-r. '; t l-'r U. The pr .s j:. io !' r: w:. C ;i C ar.'.ton w.i re' A p-rt rf :'..-(.::':;..,. 1 I vir ls M... !!.,. Th.-ari !. a!:h. 1 in. r.w.: sen- Mir,.;- u ) s ani in--e, but tley t.ikeu by he '.ro:p.''.t ilewii !'V I. back with .'Rat los. In ti." li.'ht 011 the 1st, Morrls.'a's Ih.i sloa muT r-ii most. The loth NiwY.ek ri-.-hiKiit w is iiearlv unuilidat. d. TI, . It:!i N w York, ;k; Venn, and F'.ihM eh' Call. id-D -:;!le;d., rli. Id's hi- . :, In oel.t In three; 1 of c.r tAli t:o:n t'." i '.' my oa the ti- Id. lF'v.k.-r il'',: 1 . iIM-'o-i -,v i t to the Ih ;ei,. -ul 1 11. 0,' 1 Ni -.v tle y i:i:::i'(T 1 's than 0,11 '0 Th. S' v..! -t ;i;fl r. rs in tho il.ii.ii.ii lure th. !-, l!;h in.! Mth .Maaehu-t:s. .1 .' -' injj I ho woiids, nn. I seall. i in ; li lu ls. Wa.shineiton, .Inly It h.--'l'ne .S'.'nc says a distinguished army o'dioer, who-e oppor t unit irs b r leai'iiiue; the iMelit of the ene my's daina;;. in th" seven days' liht were belter than those of 111, y other poison, esti mates their loss i : k.lled 11 ml wounded ill 7".l'ilO. They r. fused t. r. e. io II i.;s ol truee from MeClellan, enrryiu .; impiiries re laliie; to Fnion ollieers li.heved Io be wounded and taken prisoners. A letter in the N. Y. Tunes plae. s our l.issis in the recent bi'ttlhs at 'Jo, ('I'll. An army hip r states: "A r. Ivl llieel taken prison, r es tan;. t, s tin ,r los in the battle nt tiaiiu s' II II on Friday, at 'JI.CoO, mid their I'lilhv lo,,s dorii"," the weik lit Irom ('.H.OtlO Io 7hO00.'' Another letter says; " Numbers of our wounded have arrived, haviu; been order ed by tho rebels to s.a k the'i own Oiiinp." lb. Oliver, n Hiehmoud refu''ee, repre sents so ofeat a sea i cily of medicines and provision- in that oily ol hit', that those of Ihe I', deral iirmv who fall into tluir hands are left iineari d I'm on the field. The eorrespondeut of the em'.' says; 1!. he! prisoners sav that Ion; before tin evacuation of Connl h, troops Irom lleaiire- .':uil iM'u'an 10 niiive nl I , cliuiomi. ami eontinued to ariive stead l.v until the evac uation to, k plaee. by which lime lil'ly thou- and had arrived. Si!'eiilent to that event, tw only fuo thousand uifiro came All these were the llouvr of l!eauree;iird's arny. (!eii Fee had the chief command ill the late bailie. The Washii'ioa V,,-, ,,!y S, says; On Friday 1.1-t, a d. vision of Mclow, Ids army took up the line ft nun eh lor WaTeuton, 'a , w hich place it now holds. This move ment is snppo-ed to be preparatory to the on of (Jen Fope's nrmv. Cell. M.tehell w ,11 be n-slucd a Com 111. Old llU'h r Cell Fop '. Ti e S: ir savs; W'e now have nt Front Kovai ipiite a division of Fope's aluiv. The Fi'i si h nt l,:is nominated ll.ii.i l man, ."sumn. r, Iv.ves, uml 1 orter 11s l.r. ut l'.inliel (ieiierals in the K-i;!.ir army, and Ma;..r (ii in I lis of Yolillitei ls. II. bel pr.son. is . o-;f-.s ih 1! tl.Vv fad, d In the ol-j et of tli t it lie n'tai ks, com- ni re. i on l..:,i!. v I hi i. w. . .. iie b, 1 lo.s inehnles manv oilheis if Ir-h ral k. IFehm n, 1 n o., Maeru- 1 I i's in. d del, l.-i. :,'., ,i,t , w.refr. ;ht eat 111', a id 1 he o-s i,l o:',e, .-s was 1 A mo:'.' the hitter w -re manv j t' -k ; u.- t) Yi.:::i. i:r oa to- -i.ll !: -eel Fetters confirm the r port 1 ! 0:1 Ti.iirs ! ,y, in vv I.. i h v e : . .s and sum, p Isom rs of Hlehiiioii'l, d .F:!e t teal bravest in the Southern 11 r- i ; ci'i.f. -s, d that the vidor ol our ' it. d their pi. in. uud thut the re- , m i::;:.r d vv ;ili eon-uni;n ite iud ,' ""' "'I''1 U"l! Th. ni: Can I' n r.b'l- i i..' -, I-! :; 1 in :h a 1. r : l': :r ;.s d. ! I . I'l le .11 v h ' t' put the V, 0, .1 , lo-s ;;.i 110:1 F.:v -: ,: - ''. r.,t Pe-: . J I N I I .v .v. :'.. 4: -hi. : i.ll-'el :ii.:i..:'. t ite o.f t! e i . l -r , v ,1- "T l'' ta '..., I,;,t la II. who 1 c'' I . tVit'.'.F.. P"- i 1.-1 r p ;; p.' 10 I that I. r O' i v :e! I' . rios - s of 1. i'l ill I - .' h' r-, w i . ) r'-l '. .'is if TI. v v. ,'. r 'n.i . Tie. .oj a ih Ms. he. 1:1, .Fi'v eh lh.l"l N 1 s,v. Iturn- I: a a ., :,:-. I, I! I. - 1 .1 IT. s ularii, N I'. rn- ns' .it".--- iirn Is Keha.a,:.! ,d,i!y s;:, .(;. ,. I ' ' m .no ; .'.; ! ! II Lot : o ll.l V :l'l , Iv 11.-. 1 e ' I C i'.oU ii.- nu ir::.. itionp'l I.I I: '!'. IN l.a '.; Mlil-i 1 , -, do t I'll 1 r, it iron .-! ij -h:;is abro ; 1. cen.i I )., tirn.'l ( i.t by t'e lia.'i.-ii drew t '.v Mv-'a.r f -. t of wnti r. and so;;;. -tint s '!.. n: , are I Io llhlel her Io. l.ll, nil I o:u. -he ,i,Ji,'t. Now vv..- ha-,-..- in our f.rel!i pipms tin- rn.-n-t "U of t he- !a-t French pro hi -t in this t the " T-Ttiw." SI," w.m bn It ie;.r Pur's, uud h r f r-t t;l; wast) Ci.. rlor;-ir Fu! '.. I. id -'. ai.-e .1 (edy a f ,e la i . Ii ;:. ! ia I -erevv s bri k ', a:e I .' h id to h l ea., I tic- r.-t u( tie: way. .-he Ha a fa-t'.'ht -'tli do-.v n liie :,. S i ', !, p, w-ji.l I b; Valuable in a 11 i'r ' le .i !. ':. .-olu la r-tarly thl Ml .'. a 1 .:.:: ai.i d I y s. v. ral i liii-r-;: -' ta :u .i,- vv .,- -upi o-i ! to be (in lli.. K. .liar u ., t ini.-rv e'.v vv I! i ' 1 . h" j r ..'."!' I la ,.,iii., Itlv. r I'l ; '.II' r Wilk'S iiriiv.d l..-re !!.' :.i .r;, '' .:, :' is u. I r-o 1 :!::lt !.. :-, tj eo:u l;. in 1 dan.. F.v r I! - '.. .1 .';. '.'!. i;ir ; j, .' , tr. ar:;,y rl a j::a ! , n verli M ( , Han s nru:v vv hi m t I e 1. :e-t, the . .re. i-oliel's :i-.,o;e. Ihe p! il, (a! "l.s ae " of ih .-r.. , vv ho I. iv e I r w : o l: v . run a vv a v. The N. Y. IF,. .'. d'a'y F. !' ':; n fr ! a ire 'wor'.l.v F..I. Iv from At'.lll'.l. til, tl at f.e ,nia, m.wiui: t .'r as . w 77.' .ATI'.ST. N, Y , duly 10. - A dispatch from (leu Fee to dell' IVivis announces 11 siiiiud victo ry on .Inuo'Js, but lieve.s to state p.l'ont rebel loss ill ollieers and men. Chioii';.", duly 1 1.-- la iioeordunoo with joint resolution of Congress, the corporators of the Facdie K lilroad will me. t ill this eity the first Tin -day in September. Fortress Monroe, duly ! The Presi dent is reported to have epl. ssid liiin.tlf W , II s it: -li 'd thai nil was jyoui:: oil' tor'lv. 'I'he troops nre well rested, and another li;ht. The new position is imp: eijialile, and (ho roads leading I" Kicliliiond, nineteen miles, lire .dry and favorable. Piiiniside's re'iiforeeini'iils have p;onc up the river, l'oinisi.le is an intimate friend of.MeChllan, and will be net ill coin- 111 11 ti 1 ! . N. X , duly II 'I'he corre-p indent nl the Tillies was present ut the nmval of the President lit Harrison's Fandiin;. (tell MeChllan, with .-ell I'd oilier (Jeiieia!-, visitnl hail on hoard (ho vass, I, ufler W hieh the Prcidont and Cell. MeCh liiiu had a private eonfeienee, ami proeeeded to .'Milliner's head. iiaiii is, where they pro cured hor.-ts and visited the eiicninpiii"iit j Tho President ad.ln ss, d the soldiers - ; He said he ha 1 com to hum (he situation 1 of all'.iiis, mid that he should 0,0 hack sat isfied. It was reported that they had been whipped, but it was not mi, he knew tin,'1' would prove npial to the task bc.'ore thelil, and lie va r cive up vv ilhout L'oin to liieh 1 1 .-. . 1 . 1 1 1 1 iuoiim. . in r i,ai lie i;ai seem lie wouiil ! biek to WllshintfiH sa';die that il was all ri-ht w.tll th.' Army of the I'o'.o ;ae. Ho declared his cii.,',,!enri' in the army, nml its commander, who uhke had the confidence of the ooiivlrv. Nnv York, dully I I Speei.iF to Ihe New Yoik Win Id report that there is 11 I; II, I Flit M.Chlho, will he Ihe lievv See r. r .1 i-y of War, lor which 111 mv r. "nrd l,.m ns the litte ! man in Ihe country. Transpoils were fir. d on vePrdav 11 few miles this side of IFirii-o i's I.and.ii'.' - no dainae;.' done. 'iik-bi;r'. ,1 ily ',', - 'i'he r. b 's r. 0 to s'en -th' 11 the inithwoil the blcfl's, but vi. e ilr v. 11 11 h nioi t are Mo-t I , s,., 1;, i rl h!l d. r'. 1. v i .11' am Hi.vrt ivlli'iinil" 1 iaw iwwMn Ami vie .111 I tnu. slum! I1I111 mi Mil' vl f - f.Vn. i.r. VV. X. Ad.inii, Editor. oiccaori citv: SA I'l'HUA Y, dl'FY IH. isc.j. Mism -- Wo suppose il will not lip disputed outside of California that Ihe Sid mou liiv Bar The fulh.ivin iMt,'C((U , ri'im.Fieut.Cnp,,, lrtlth ri'.nii this eouiny, llinv lt u,all i ii,y l'"t.i' W'ai.i a v7, Wt ' i :n. ..u:, : , ,' ".'l - July -j. 'ii... :r'- '' l'"'i.. Hio Kinnmer ' '?" nn.l.iin,lp t n"l"v,! my iitrivnl ,,. ...1 . I'0- " ' "b I H 1. 1.. Iii.ili'ili0r ''I flll'il..,.! lt'Va.ihy f. .'is III Him..l had lU'elreshi, "" """'-luiv-. Ill ,S .. - lioe.l .uuel, ,i,,l " m I I'liH'MliK weulher. WU I,,' , HIUUV .1 , , ni'i w.iu iiiiiiinlaiit iM .1 inreo or loar ii , '"" iiiviL'iirnil, 1 Hie Willainellcv,,!! ,,."iro """I it. ' HUN 8l'i )'onr. I lops look Well -illy I'e 0,1 V at ! Ol.ip'l i-i nut o 11 el I, . :i s'o- a i.'h i- u"er!v hii'.re F. e:; . tin- r. h. I! 1 II" Hi-, s : I i I e s do vv h i! th. et th" VI h, ,t I r. k' n, 10. I r.ond r -11 1 : 1 on 'aetnl I, a ; t. it CO' tmy. to 1:1.1:1, r:i oi I tin' ill rebel Lie In 1 11 ar..t!i. ly lis fa it II v:i ii I il.e.y Th ol th" North, ra p. nin.; ;,-, .1 :!s iv ;!! h nre 'I'd to I. I'll -i. I ,! roii f" Koiisnil of U dieatiires nre the riehest Ihnt j consideration tl 1,.,' , UK,n luts have ever been si nick, since Hold Was liist j vution, tlnro will h n lir, '"('u',i' known. This is takiu,' into the oaleuhi- j valley the preseiil Miiimiif1 '"'''j.'" lion the number of claims in these mines. : Sl)' tl) , . p,,,,,,,., . ' , ll''",v tin, doliu I,. Ihuloiv, Mil, just down IVoiii ; ( (ii-,.,,,,,, ,lhli ,1. "'O' part tin 11', infotiiis lis that llu I'e are 11 1 .dm I lilly claims iu Salmon pi' fl,tiol) 11 day eneh, mid nhout I iv 0 him. he, I Ihatvald from one Io four ounces 11 day, uud some two hundred lhal han ly pay " ftrub." Mr I'.. u low says tin) country has been thorou'hly prospected in iveiy direction fu-th rty or foity imles I10111 Florence I'll v, hut w ilh, mt any lud.ciilii'iis nl (.'old 1 1 cannot be deliii .1, how ev er, that vv hele ten nre niakli.' fortunes live hundred are I10I even payin-; expenses I. utterly, how 1 n r. Pond' r li.v. l begins Io loom up, and claims Cehhn.: from "Jl to ii it day to ihe htm I are freely talked of, Fph 1 1 y vv rites to the Times liom (Iranlle Cn . k 111 blanch id doliu I'.iCsi, duly 7, that ho has found 11 ee.od ihin th' ie, and is satisfied lhal those mini s will pay Irom one Io lime loiliri i 11 day, 111. . I -o'll" da. ills probably unii'li more The I i"i k is 1 ..vv all i d, n Up, but h. s ij s t!.; re Is 1 h n'v ofcounUy vvhcli Io, k 1 iipl.div lis : I, but it has not he. 11 pi.'.a.ele I y l Alto." I hi 1. iv e I h id, llu 1 e ai e not far II .'III It III 1 1. Oil of dohal's It H 1 1 k taken nut of Cn- Or -,ci iie I 'it-hii.,-to:i 111:111s ho s , s in. el y vv ,11 lioi be pa iily nil, r 11 w h h '! ' id Ori L'.in, nn, I th,, ,,,. , '"'"K for hiiiners b. ,,mv,-,., ., 1 .k.-lf..r IlH-irr,ITrT hilioi is now very cheap. A Kr,,t J ,v"" mwn lmv"M"lt'''lintl,t'vu l""ruiK' Ihe doleful Mori,s gf oinin- hack, tlisi,.,i, tt..j aJ jj id, have broii:;l,t up -,-t. .1, , ''I'01"'' ph-yui. lit nt mii. iriw '""'; 1 ;' iNr,iao,I;;2 " f a,1"-v' ,,',"l'"'-'r.iiiki,,j, i,lllt, '''""'" I'-vrrvliigh. TWcl lor a poor man will, limily (o raise, I r.-pud ns l,.r h,.r, . ""f l,,,r,:" ' (,'T"i' Tlu-ronrua,; imiliy vacant (.I...-, yet lmt ,!, , made valuiible. ,i,,u II"- lu'idlli ofll,, I dollN F. I.e. , I. .s ..rr v llu; '! ; M.'. ie !! O, I d I" .r.:: !lir: r e.l u. 1 ae pr- pa r i'i..:,s f.,r an adt o N'e'.', 1 ;r , 011 Til - lav ia-t. 'Ih, 'lay - ; . '.. roc :v. l .-u m.' d the 1 o:u p!" 1 I.,' th 1. .-. 0:i Wed..- lay a'l .,: tie- tro'.; vv-re mi leiard of th- ve-'a- n:. i ih" vi '! -111 :i I sa'.l.'d down the Nell ' r 1 '. r. I . t ' 1 I , I 01 i.i' '.as 11 lv.ii" i .eVeii luiP . ii'. th' ,1.' U Cai S hi C.i-.y, w! "i" 'd th'.' dM-i-i;,s in th P. ehue.:, I, i- a W-t I'oi..! ; C.-s .f I - -J J. II: s,M, j I;..' Fl-'ildt war, at,.! id-.) W.elh in the M ill ..ii u..r v.i le y. ,.,;,.! ''.:;. n. i;i h.d ! la'.'l': l.-ur ;r.h;..te..f!h" w.ih or d t in '.:,'. r (..11. II- was i iii ih" !,..:!.'. .1 C c n'p ra-, .:;:!: the k) woiks. Fori,!,', I ,. V' Ii I Jii.lit'.t: t I 't (i'.-Ii. (', Was i- : ' .: II- 1,,'h' !: V .rtner n.riji.U" ..' il L'aii.ll.t Oil th': ll,eiV'- "' I'-' s ill y, Aid, i; W is .t '.-li :,. !. Ii, Au.-i.-t id a bri.'-idi'T v i'1 ra! i- .'.", Phod... Flii. l. P.-'' Il N'l.'.v i Ilio'.i Ca; l." ',o Th' P lt-h I ,,!, i;li f,f Ju'y JOili, ill f;iiikili"J i f ll.U Ci.l a1,.;'; Hi';. 1 !, ; IV : Tn- o,..,m r (V...mi'i nrrlvd from V ',v W. -t nin-t r y-it- rl iV Inornii. ; w 1th "a" hm.dr. d p , i,.'.-r- and n vu ill nri.o.jnt .f tp ,1-ur.i. 'J'io; ...'-ii.ri r Ft.- .h.'.hil t i!"s fdtl .ir i.vpi rl'.'ia ... nt tho il .'.-iu.-., m il -i.y that net ..',, r f ity cili,,, in 1!,.. v.!...!.; i.'iiitjy nr..- paying " pruli," but nh nit ((lily of that l.iiii.h. r dp; f..hiih.:iv Ivnh. rlv r shie; the Fh He has is-ue I an r- -s to his .'.nnv c..t rniii.' the oie r.i- tecs .. th,.. .;.i t.u'days. IF-s'.v-: "You I.:.'.'; s;i ,i .1 in ehan.'lii..' tl,,' b,,--of y Hir (y rat..,-.- by .1 ll.tnk 111 y.-iiifi.t -11 ii;.... m :,t i.l.vavs i-op.l . ri d ns ndiii.'. r-'.u- !a I tare 1 pc.;eit; you hate sated nil th" 1:1 ii : .a! .-. . j ! a f.-w yuns !o-t in bat 'I' , niid ii'eh r -.f. ry d:-adviinta.'i. of 1111111 le i-, a . I po It'on, y.ei h.iv.; 111 every 01:1 II et I,, ,1','H I, , ; l!,. Iil-m v. 'Iii'.- 1 eei'v r of p..!. r.d pri-ocrs u Il . '.;;.,,!; I, J, ..,',,, t I..-.00, ; Mi;- Cali le la.' an, on'; t:,.- nun, le-r. Tie: If eh '' I J' " rs lioiniate that lin re is ,1 .1. -a -'.f ii-:i.'ir.i! i'h.n .f I'e ir army, m I - iv , tint vvle 11 a Innni il, I, k k upon Ih' fi " Ih'.' ' ol the wli'ih; nrmv is ini- P'rhd. The ni.-l.,... a Fvaii.her of.Jilv i:h, '.'all, th" Iri'th; of T'l' - lay the fi. re. '-t and uio-t s iuu'iiary of tin se'n-s of bloodv eon !l et-: it say., ''vvhi t. M i-.-ru'l'-r's co'ion ;ti I win ord. ml to rli.-n--.'.; on tho I". ill tloa.o . hi'!, ri' ', HI, I ollieers mi.) . a, went down by hiindrnF, whih iho horror of the biltth: Wi P: ill'T' llsell by th.. ,ro : 1 - d H of t h' ' ii'-iny's iruii b. ills. Tl,c car lei.'" fi-oii; tl,; witlii-riiiy off. et of (li'i Fed or d pd 0 it-i nml nrlill-Ty win drnidfiil. Th" ('..'....deraii; ;i.s wiiv.r.'d nml f- II i. i' k tw:' '; to tli: cover of wood-; 1111 ifi'oil Was 11.01:1, i,,:,,),. (. r,.MI( 'l ie; Iii iiiiii,' r h:t : " Til'-'dliv's batlh M' hi pr " lili'd 11 (en, t'l f-fior-lc to I, I ii'.tf nir. S.n ti'iv Mr,; v.'.!!;, 1'i.r dw. i upon without iiio-iiMi. Tin- wood t- I '.. 'j t... ....:...! 1 . . , ,- . , 1 . (... . ;.n i..i -. 10. ."I 111, I vciilli-.', 11 I llil; Vtl-li'lll niji) WIT'; I'lV'-r , . : , : mt 1 . . . . . . . . ... ' r..n..-.- .... 1 j,,. jrilttt'li tff ' I' I WIMl Hill Ii ll'l, III l l.-.jri' s olviohni U .il Th" fniltl Ilor-lie.; (.'ily hi'.' Ililil hit i'.ll ; Whill; oil tho I III-1. Tli fid" In y to d'l'y .',:h. Jl cii-nieti,-,,) niowin-; in il,.- j 1 ; f nu f.pi d i.uiiib.rof )'. ih rnF. Many in ; ." on ...r.n 0, .Ion", frini fliM-s.-iijf.r "f oar imu . re .till iiliv.. 1,'ivii vi. i ii. .ia throu.'h, w; Furii tint '.lor.; ii , I-ft by t!,"'r frhiids in th'ir iinh"i-i,t ha I.. a iv niiiouiil ol i'l in Ih" li:inds of t'e; . t'M "'apo th-,. j.rnwi of th" Fcb-rnl -h'-ll I " - '" .,Ut. i,v rvw ii. r! wim i:s.-. rnibli; throu"h tin- vfoo'li, Ion;: iivii,ii. cut thronh tlm trc I.y t'c Mii-uivH shol; tri'is Ihn i; f. i-t thi' k W'.r; I.UI -I, Op. , I,, l(,,t j,,),, ,jt( ri .'i'l. I U.-pnli'li train iiluia.!,,,, o 11,1; no'Wi.iv,: am on.'.-r of ihd. no.l from M'.-('. h'lin'n nrmv. who hm vhit.-.l ta le; paid in U'li-hiii'lon, uiviH Urn most fii'ouriiiiij I lieeoiint of ulliin whii II Inn Vet ,i nn" r... j oi ivl. JF: Mat. s lhal our iirmy is line h (junu ion Ono. - A 1 uitij. nt of voluii- l-ir'-r limn is ciirr.'i.ily n i.ort. .1, in ti. rt t". r.i win; ncriiitcl in Coluiiihus, Ohio, "f Ih" Into l'.-'s, in,d 'llmt it is in n pi-rf. t within 1M lioiirs of one d.iy .,st m , -,- M i iire )ioiiinii, l ilh- r lor i.d'.-iisivc or d"- III' 11 en hi i.on fl f n IT ,.u l I la. ........a:. . . e t. . : i . ... I . I ' . , . . ii'lilillllT OP , n'isi; uioii'iii' nn, l l, i;hh KlUiOlll tic; ! ii.iiiionii lor i iii.siiiii nt. - I.!' ut. Miilliu is tiovr nt j-.,fi )', ht,, Tl." road Ihrouli from if,.- AF-Miri r'v-r to W'idhi WhII.i, will bo fial -'ml H id j r ' tioiibl.. for wn"iiiM ihiv to. 'i : n I. 1, i- an ul ti r I 'w:l! be t' t,r. U.chl.lOli l' It . ill liv w ill siiil r. mil. a;.- e'.iplov , d to n u ' i a'i ' 11. - w ih vv hieh s . ,;.t v Il IV 1 ,. I 11 il.l, I !e,. P.e:.l'.'.' ; 's Hi;'' dh I ( i.i ai.- N Y, day II :, fj: to i.' i;. hi i r -:ivs f I . th" if tl, l",!l a .'l!,l -pita I a- pur . ,t i F...I. Ihe F I 111 I e, AI.I l.s a C la. 1 e i.i ia- I'M.,. io p. . .r.-t . a: n l, Sdpi Io v - I . .1. I -pt i I, ,'. V.I,. I. I .ail ! Ii i p..:: .ton, I.t ' 111 th' r in f n, I lu.p II ..V lb do P. II all p. a. " in '.h "I w r. e. iii r V ill New W.I- tie I :i r' a in I .1 .V I-F. v ' d iHi i ,.;: I Iha I :i- a r. a l. rrr.i. Tin. s t, r. 1 ii : on th" S ui i ii: I f: I: rn A file, el 's Ih" M :ti: la t: F.y fo III.,' on . I le 'la ,t t :.' 'f ' r W as ilh. I. iipr Vat at th" .f. . r.i,. I, V d I'l. -1. 'I ' I,s il s' of i.ii arn y or I o-h;e i - .,' , vp ;. j . iTat' iv on. . e i .'.h', ami m.t much m ipia nl ! t e d n. iii 1 -, I ta ii nr. d P. -ii Ih 1 1 t :.,:.;. i on ..r I F S . . ui r. I t.ll le ealne n. Oia'. I The (.plain Ml r, w .' h . , . Iii in; v '. d;.'v .- it i. i, Uli. lla-'lt of t i: k o, VV as III "ni" tie' I i' I ' .''all of l! VV is ,'. ,., d .ly I", ia th" S, ;,;,!,, M, ..,,; .11 ,.f f. r. d a i . -ol Ham ih" i'r. - .! . ; I,.- r -ipi. -ii d I i have pr' p i re.) a fu'l r, port on ih- f. r --ti i. :,d d eii. .'Ie I rid" nf-Cnhior ',i,l !:' .'"ii ale I W.i-!, iiL-Iou T. r , to be u' 'a tie i I . t s -vi, n J.:,., ma r. M. i-.i i-i-.Jidy T - Tie- i'lot,,-. ha- ord- r.-d th it I - i he:, i w hh-h I i Ion i 'i.l.Viii. nr.- sn aen.h d si. ill be la- '.en l.o-., i -. r i.f t r ih- (ion nun. nt N. Y , 11 Cold has .oh at to ; '" 1'" I'l''" lh '1 b'"i shore was l,ot far . If, 1 .' 1" r 0 I.t , iu Pllaielli I'l'.' of 1 11111' T of III. i !':"' '"'-' '"'ll'' "!-" t'"'1 I"' "'lhl ( , P ' rt duly. The If .W'i ,r-pa!.'h sat lalit nianlh -to, In l!ni shiip.. torn the Pr-hi-lit. ih liieii" tl,.- future i n,; 1 l':" yv' ' U "" A II hour policy i.f the .Vhidui-t-iitioii ii ih- L'ti -.t i "r I""" '"' sl,"k I' 'll ipn si,, ti (,f th-i.our i, not improoabl" nt bll-il ihl'i; "Ut ll.e . ad, i In.n.ii , wl,,h- th, F". in.' oi :, ti I, ,l v. ,1 ii nan t t th. ran :i:;rou!.d ; but, v. ilh the ohei.ili. d u r of : An iiii'ior ' 11 ' oomp. b ut commniid. r, le ,f ft l.roel on ,. i r' I '1"', 'I L'll' " I llll'l' r-lallll lilt lai.llles, ' I I ... II. w 1 1 1 . -1 1 i t I j i , , I out rutin i .ore n.i.r il,.,i nt Lincoln has been I I""" "" tin; captain ' ll.i ier.loo.l ls mem i-ite. an in r. v d.r,. I'r ,, ,v .eyer.,1 Seiciors nml iiieiii-j 11 " 11 'i"1- '"'"i lor M 1,011 le rs ot i!. llo'is-.. He w ill iL,ib.- vi-it. d ' " ' " ""' '"' "') '" . n rinht. In inuil I.... .; .i .. i lll I .. Ill'- 111. 1.1 III v Wi,I,l loe noi,;.' su, .strip ; . u;,, n .ri-i m :, . 1 l by a lare d. ! -Mllon Io day, In urzi Til I at,, tt t.ri.i- ... .. .... jf .... . I ' ,'." , .', it...- .-.inn: i.-iiui , ns the b.l! r-poiLd to the Seiii.te to day, ; " ";"l";,'t w e h"i,rd the cry for hi !p - Char P'pllrlli.' (he Cein rds Coliiliililidll. Ihe tii- ''i'" '''"""'''J 'I'he (a). tain wis our rii.i;- ih pariinei.i, to Ih" servics of i '"'f,r''' '''' '"'k, i'i.eii-e, in m, ml,, nil p.-r-'ii s et, mli. wllhiu our lines. f" r '""'I " ' ' I !' ay on rcoat, hair htri-nm 111 the Waves, ri,pv;,,., ,' J, j, I. I,;i, . 1 IJ'liM ,t li.l' illl'TpO-ilioll III ' r N"-fnlth, I In; Snt'tiiry of the! .. .- i .....i.. .iii.-i-.. ., i ,.- i. ..,-.j ,is nr'l'T 10 J.'.',' tlie ' ' ' on I n: U ur J) pt, in c,'.-.!i( i,i,d ' . ni, ns i-r. toh.r", I-, with int.r t. lii'lof Ihe "iiiib'inls." I Th" I'oire.poiid. iit of Ih" I'hilad. Iphin V.t, wrilin und'r dnt" of llu; tlh, re j ports llmt Me('. Ihii, js pipliiie rnpidly for watd, l rl v inxr Ih'i i in mv lit nil poails.'Th'i , 'il;bo.i'-' t.'.co'ilpfiliii.'il (h(. hitiiii.'" hell- Wa .hiiv'oii, duly '.oh Th" S-iiiitu hud ii Io'-l' s' --ioii to day on the policy ol niin iiC tie ii' rnes. Kin ol N. vv Yo;k -.If r d a bill Io nu ihoi .e tin; ii.hslm.-iit of nrroi-s, to la- ttru i-' iiici fipiippe.l ns t-oldi.T-i, nml u-. d for il.a'iii iiiti'eiiclimenls iiiul other mil. la ry purpo, for which tiny miht ,l; tv ai.t' d. It is Ihotl-eht that this Ini! or soiim other ol I k.; i huri.'l. r will pa-s b. (,r" tint ml ;olirnti,"lif, Wlueli, it is believed, will taku on .iloii'Iay. Cniro, duly 7 ih ,, v fn,M1 vicki- bur.' to th" i!d vvs: Th,. .!l(l;, ,.r .s , . . .. : . i: i. . ,.,.,,i Msiiu t u Ksoiiri,' is ii'nriy coup pl"ie.. Tl," iic;'rom for (his work were i'ollict',1 from various plantations in . v riiiiiy i;.'.i.ij,N w.-re t'iv.n in nil rnn for th' iii This caiuil will , mi. 'i, kd,iir in v u in ii'um ,(. ',v,r I .i v i'i from i,bov" nrrn.-d. The bombiird limit was kepi up nt ii,,, from both ll'.'l. It Was iimhr-lood lli.-if. il... r.. in"; t,c wa'. r, he j.r s nP, nu iippem,,,,,.,. that .erti'd t, l'e.i; i .Vphciii. (,.tblll'.ta I.f f"'!'li' 'iO" Ihe Irouhle I. over. The cup lam had b.-. n ,,!,( h,ri t iiu-, with tin; uid of n couple of 'tat,,' 1(! r.'j;iiiuei the v-si'l 'dripping wild cooltu ks he iirosi! from the . iu,i,nrenilv .o, , scions, even then, thut he ,, been m lions ly wound, l. . ii,,ist, , ,t i. Ul:, boom hail knocked him overboard but lie had b.'in i-hot ',,ot in the luck.' A smooth bore I. luck bolih; did Ihewoik It would hut.. ,e.n a u rious mall. r had there- bci ii itind iiii'l rock; so mm-li m tlmi I Ini ve r. sol i nl Io (ravel no mom on mi H-ssi !s w here I hey shoot lie insev. s Very . tl 111. . . . I . . , . J oil. II Willi llll! IIOIIJ" mill ;;i ovorbonrd Innitiii;' ' II ,ls ' til it W .0.1 I be bv 1 1. . r r' m il i. - Io pi V I I I,, to I IV .. ,;.!'..' ie- lie ran. cat in d, I it.. , ,y w.ih i, ! . 1, is la '. II 111 ,p' ll ,-' It 'l .h'lii t! an V. '!, u b r ( r us th oi a I'll J re CI", i l.s t' .1 If rent " a " ;'oli,.r w ith A 1 ic. (ly v.. h! d I . iv , nl nr. r. J 11 ie t V" -u; ; ott ,v p. n. r.d's coti.u, ll ti r l a I bi.t ., rebel- -nu II, or ( '1 III' le Sotithil 'Io. .' It see Ti- r ad ly i c ,i at ho, ii" nn I th. n- d lip d f 1' Ih r ai iu i nn I r Fl Vie f , a-.,,' I.i I.i an tr., '.a. to l.s' -V. Ily ti.i as I I I) I It'jlh h . i ll 'e .1 or yt l or, (lie I'M,.,,! . i . "i vie- mi nt to micvm, is much ii(e.'e, .r,. there is very l.ltle th.iio. Since tie niiii" here , r ,,. ,, . j 1 ,. I1'"' """ K'l.'i-i..')' picl, .miii,.!, I """"-'h.l.k li.eoiij,,,,,.,;,,,,, ,i'"'-'l-'"" I'H'I pan,! cilihr,:;!,,, i tor (Ins p.ut nl the cmuilrv) o lt Jt, "" l Hl" 1,1 r"K' iv-tai;- I,,,,,.,; i i ... lis .m l sohh.ti mi tin , to t. riilirtlr drowne.l u, 1 1... ,,V1V , (.,.,lim,.1(iri)tf day. A bill was ;,,, ot UI.U lU bind, tthil, pus,,, oll'ipiit,. p,,n. "'' .".l-l here. Ut ''I "I I 'e' M ..,,' nrr. in (..... "! " " ' 'v " p. r, : , ,.i,.i.itu:,lli, tl., (i. v. I.. iii. i.t nl nl! , ,.t ni.,1,, "' 1 ' ; ' i op-lla I 1 .11.1,1,1 '' s 111 1 ' 1 h" y si.. t;n.c a o i loeti , i .,s ,.,:;,, ... , - . 1 't . I 1,1 ill -..!.. ipi. l,-f of '' ' '' pi."-li ,' l.n ll.iliillii. le 'I he i,;l,n ,-, 1 , ,t ii h Fn, mi men ntid M r i, a ll.e " !;. ,,,,, o ,i i f th, in ul cf f 'I' .. iv ,1 I al d 1,1 OV I !iai I, d t'e th 'Hal' IV- ih ll. "II, " .1. 'I. I, at" aplaimi .i works woiii.i i,i. Moiund on ihd Fourth, out W" li ivi; no mlvieeH UK Io the n ll," ciiy is Hani not Io linvi. been mi bndly . I I .... ' 'iiiu:iif.' i lis was in liivi ri poi li il. A Mory hud r. iie.( i. ,.t ,1( h,.mn imi,r,,, rebels Innl been liillnl. Th" InortnrH conlililli; t.i (.hill Ihe ellv from above i,i,, In low. The rid' hi luive n iiumbi r of m, j.'" fnini moiini. . on ciii iiiii'i H, which they inovi) from point, . ,;,,) ,H pri'Vious iiosiliium n ro mini,, imlemiblu l.v Ih" lire of our o,nH. A Imb ud Ib id l,i'. ' ry on the point opiio'ile ihe cilv eaii-CK lunch llllt,.,f;,e. In , r,., pumi. r-t. Work on Ih" eiinl eoiilinu. s nml il.n i.i.m. I.T of WOlklni li has been irjoly ineraii.e.l nn .(ni,.. I;, the bombi.rdin'.'i,t ""I'l f Farrfi",t'H vev , U pa.e. Ihe but - ri. h,t :; puns!) wilhout serious dniniit.",. It is -bile.l 1 1, , (, 1.',,,.,,,., .,. WO'lll'l-'l ill Ih., .. lllll'i,,, i, ',.,,... '"'". ''' t'l': wound h; no) eon id' re I dan- roii-. Po'tiiser'K eouiinistliiim ,,vi. been received nl. Sun FrniieiNcii, for (J.ore-,. Co:;t'iill, Choi Ti'lllil's, Cliicliiimii, Coillily niul Ilaritis Smith, Forest C rove, Wash ilijlon (,'ouiily Caiiiiik Fai.ii This hlenimris now on lu r wnyn niul will m.oii In- rcpiiired nml in mil rui.iiimr order, w In n t,lm will n-ruin lake 'i' l )ihiee in the hint dclwcfii (his l ily innl the Cii-ciiiles Timvu. W- Mr. H.J. McCormick has (.dyen iiotlcu by Circulnr, thut H; ,,,m. .'.,')l)0 eopiiH of hi, famous (Irepon niul Viicliiii(.'loii Allniiiiac for I ho year I Mill Oil or libout the lir.t of Seplemher iii xl. lirJli' Fust Week, ll mall named Slevi'll- miii, from F'uip.pia, iii u lit ,,f tcmpoi'iiry in: unity, juuipi'd from Ihn H'coiiil htorv of the Oi'i'e-nii IIM, i (,is ,,,J, 1M (ljr((I hiiipilfro that licilied u (ny r wo ft ,.r. wind. Din. -In IhU place y.'.iterilay inorniiiK, Inly H, Jaima S. Iluiil, a - t i v of Hull' P'liplaiiil, n;'ci idiot 'i'l yeniM iia '. r i.i all f I la, d s if, i,, , b. t !"Ui I, ,li r p; ,e e-l l- . ...,. hal e, I il VI e d.ii, 1 id HI 'I l" 'y r !li I rn h, ii A 1 .1 mt i t; . d to i id A !, , : it if a 1 I :. I . r bat f,. d J.r e ! Hi cien tion v. ih hue for vt hi.!, v 'I h it h is be, u his rnhi. Mo, i.'.n , r hi Timor - Tic I i-t com piny 'dpt. ;.; ",) o ihe ( '.it Ci v ,. iiri- t.t r r i.tly si.,!;.,;,, d ut (hunp CI n k i ma-, staited on Monday la-t f..r Soiiihiiu ( Ir. -;on, nml, r coiiimaiid of M..J Ibew Tl. ar duty will b - in look i,!t, r ll.e Indi ion in thut ipi u l. r. Tin oth' r coiiipuiia s, ,i,j P n nrsoii in f. fin.u-, will I,., f.,- .,,. preseiit nt Wall. i W.ilbl, win nee they will ;oi fin tie r up th" coin try, nu. I will be clnir;;, .1 W Ith the dtly of I.e. pi o the In, lulls slr.lltflll ill III it section but IIS M ij P'liearsilll sat, the In II, on will not rupuruMi much lltlellllull IH Slllll" While mi ll Who l.ubllll ll ! ly stir lli' in up Io noM of d. tiiiry We ilicl il't bi th" opinion that Millie ijnor will be t-pill iii that ipiarl. r In fore ini;f. Fnrn pun. lilies of ti e st ii 11', we lenm, up nu ' Iu a' ; o. i t ,n : W ,re ("!', I '; I "'ll tl ll- !l, . I ' I. lit Io be t..' f" tl.V "..'Had l e, I 1,1 Ih l.t. . W.i I i.i.l M.;:, r .,!.,, A . .... ti in .' r ,,, .!, r f 0lf . , " ! 'r' , l h oa ti e .. fium tU li.ihs, ihii-.- or four n jppiiinn ; t,', i j. ih'' I l e of in .:i h line loii'pjnr Ultimo to Ia n I. it, nial nhout , IMI (hp ytM bi r-t .a p , iii .,, ; alum Till re rc I' l"b,i I id 1 1 1. 1 1,11.1 .(a- roll, I, 111 ill? ''I I"" pot the Il.lllt,, ,.,, i w h,t, s i, ie i,, t , ,!,, , , I,, j, ,jM rt p (tin if I ! . ot.l.ioie th, r l.inh-s n.Tf.iliini lb i fully, W 4 ('ill'! P., ii:i. Wim: ii- ipl'l P rvrv-' We i., re. pi i, , I v J,,, 1,1 J'!rnii Iff t ill' tl, ;l tout lla tl ll, il.lui ,f Mflill I'e r i oiiiitfy teluiiiei rs, lutein oppor! i:.,iy ,;, o ,y npplym; at !,i I. i in .tilijf i.lli. c ju tins cty on lint Will- I 'V, I'd I int Th.y a. II U ftilelii! in Ihe , IV '', I'. S Vulunlitr, f r tli" I, 'i ,,, ll ,-e f It-, Utiles IIMl!i-r il.M-hliV d. 'l a y ti ll b' u.llll, il Iu nr from (he date i. 1 1 r illim nl, me t.utt il.'.d doll i,, nn In g IioihihM di . hiir. il Cosvo, ui,., Th" Cont. siibnn of tin CI'Ty uud Fti'y of the I Ipi-eopiil t'liorrll of (lre;'oii, w is Ii, !, in tlu' eily, cniiiminr ini( on I'll. I. iv, July 1 1, tin Mwimi trriuin litine' on Tin Btrftiilt w.n .1 on r by lit Pn r. ThfM. f. Scoit, Alter lint morning wrvio on Sun day, Mr John W. Scllivoiiil wm nnliinfJ I I, neon, nml on Saturday rwnin? A. II"'' In 00k, F,-i , m iik coiiliriiieil ni mrmlirf of (ho Church itliuo-t en ry boat from Pnrlhiml to Ihe up- ! Tnotiti I'.ovi K,'li K AuKl p( r Collllnbiii, lulu e. " I'ii kh s," "(,l" 'e luive been (;ooi while ihliinlu'lf ,c coiispiciioiisty Imnlioli Tliiiinil-I ll'iji'- . . , r , , ., . Newspaper Agency nl Sun Krnniii I oui.iiny I., ( ahfoiutn iiliin fi in, ( nt, i r, . t it.,. I Mr , . 1 ' ' I Afli r yeitrn of i xperunelit, linil Air. Schiuidi, lately .(atioiml nl Fort llo-kins, l!,,,,.,, i,,eo,np,.r.ibly ll.u limt nK'Ht i" pa si 'l Ihroti'.'h low lust Wi iIiii ,ity, nml eimnlry iiecoi idiitinjr mnl irninptto look Ihe " Itiviil" for Yiiticoun r Tln-y 1 """"'" If u neinl io him fur m H"0" ' r- r-t kiddy net in ..pper'e,., and ! !,f l,,,--r "r n l' JJI. "''JJ i , i, , , I how In i or how miiiiII, tin-ilenirnl ilrl look' i we w hi t innri' iimr from Ihe in. .1 , . , . t-ii-. mrt 1 1,1 ' "V 1 cniiii! I'Miclly iin ililectiil, l.ri'Clsi'l I'0 " per to Ihe lower l.iinliiur, 1,1 il,,. if , M.llt f(,r ynt tin, t-nrlint tim ilium, llu ir innvi m nt i imlieulin onil , (hey couhl (i' t lu re. To Hei'illllll'"''11" ' Ir.iiiiiii',' iii (he iniiiiiinl of , M.ldii-r. ll ! l"r It" l noeihlmiinl Jo ilo bu- u .oir i,, 1 ii,i ii . .. 1 . 1 1- niuefs, Iloycu wouiil run nil over Sn rn"' is uinler loo.i llmt tiny (o o (',1 1 rmu on ' ' , . , i.noiif ,. . ; I i i-cii fur ii nnr of pum: nml, tr " Hm mxl, nlontc Willi I., other !,., r rxperience lum Iteeti. eonipiiiii' H from ihe upper Coluinliiii, under him iil.oluli ly infnllilile, Cilizi'im ' "", cominaiiil of M,ij. Curlin. connly ilesiriitK Ihe prncuri'lili'iit " In In In Sun I rniii'iscii, or mo . Zt UnioM li- ('nl, Coini litis Iiih resi)fliei of 1,11-01, 1 s llieri', iiiny rdy mi tl'' I'l1'11 his po.illon ns ('ohm. I of Ihe Oii'ioii Cay- '""I iroiliplilii.le ol mir old frM-H ""J ' nlry P'riu.- iil. It is mi'lcnloo,! ll,l I "r. '"'" " '"" ""l " " "itTl I ni 1 in n eoiitiei'lioii 1.1 secure In 1 ' siicceisor Will l.n 111, i.oiiiled nil f ! ji t ll,., . .... ., '..,..u... L',.ii.irt.- 1 ' 01 1111 ine oilier llfciiiH ill rim i'""- I!"(.'iiiii nl will be under Hm cominiiml of Sunn Xtui. I.h'nl. Col. Manry, I v eheeifnlly nub.crllie to l'"e"" W'am.i hi Ksovy. Tim Iticliuioiiil 1 I'uriiitf ilniliii,'H of ni'ven yn rifli Mr. ' ..... .1. Whi wuiilN .i know hotr it in llmt while ' Poyee, wn linvi) f'inn'1 Ii!" "", Ihe p In I f iii riiMn evi ry et K"?'--""" re ' -Ymch nny ol liim. -, port 11 ilcciHivtt vicloiy, tint Federal force, coiilimi'i Io ii I vo in e f Multnomnh Lo&go Wo. 1, A .... v A.M.. Mil H. ""rS lt,r, l,SK,,.ur frieiul (J. Ilo. l of H. ! JsAZJ'Z " ' ' Hi ri'.oit of dm 111 in. Is riot very t'linpj 'nii.iiiiir , , l. I' IIIKMIW.V, 'I'tir i, tnu frv'y.