The Oregon Argus. (Oregon City [Or.]) 1855-1863, July 05, 1862, Image 2

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    . If iw mail niit'iuii lo haul iluwnlhe
.uuilimi Vlai., slmm It tut tin Ihf sol 1"
Ije (Oregon Sirgus.
W. I.. Adams.
sATnuAV,"jri.v"r, ism
Tur.x and Now. Iii the days just be
fore Sumter was attacked, while I lie pain
t'ul an x it ty of Mispcnc hung over us, mid
it seemed so impossible to believe that our
Southern neighbors would attempt to carry
out their oft repeated threat of dissolving
the Union and niueh less that they woulj
Inaugurate ti terrible' fratrieidal war for
this purpose our Nation and (lovcninient,
de.-pite the possession of elemental power
in men, money, nnd all material resources,
backed liy ni t and science of almost infinite
application in the deadly trade of war,
were essentially weak. We lacked the
consciousness of power. A giant, but
asleep. We knew not (because we hud
never been put to the test) that our people
would unite in an undertaking of stagger
ing and almost incredible dilliculty that
the broad arms of National Faith would
enfold the great principle of Union, and
stem determination lead them to battle for
and uphold it. Men wuo had been reput
ed great leaders of the age and time, shrank
back appalled, losing heart and courage in
the terrible extremity. Jut the livinitv
that shapes our ends left us not without a
leader, nnd though we wcro called on to
hew out our destiny with brawny unn und
sturdy stroke, in every circumstance of
danger and d.fliculty, of doubt and discour
agement, the voice of our Federal head,
like the soi;:.J of a clarion on the Ik Id of
battle, has animated pul.-e and brain, heart
v.i-. hand, to the utmost inteu.-ity of will
and act, living or dying, ever for the right.
In this wc see reproduced the spirit of the
Revolutionary Orator who cried, "Give
me liberty, or give me death!'' The Atucr
can people have cried in the same heroic
::ido.1, an 1 their deeds at Donelson, ut
Shiloh, at Williamsburg, ftnJ in lila,,y otja.r
deadly battles, cu laud nnd sea, have
proud that thry feel what they have said;
iiivc us Union or, give us death!
since the Monitor' u flair, talk it ry 'doeih
nnd on the whole are rather glad they d
not get their foot in it. lu a late issue
the London Times savs of the Americans
and their recent naval improvements
" Had war been declared, thev would
have annihilated the whole lit it under Ad
miral Milne in u single day, by their rillu
cannon and liont'ug batteries. "
As for the French papers, they twit the
Knglish about their bluster, and their failure
to construct iron vessels of war that would
have stood miv sort of chance w ith the
Yankees, and even go far as to say that
the North, in three mouths nfier war h;u
broken out, would have made peace with
the South, blockaded every port in (treat
r.ritain, raided an insurrection in Ireland,
seized Canada, nnd given them a blow they
never could have recovered from.
JVllllOI. r.XAMlSATION. I'll I lllirStI.IV
nnd Friday of last week, the (initio School
in this place closed its second term with tin
examination nml exhibition, which gave
general satisfaction, evidencing thorough
culture by the teachers, ami substantial
progress on the part of the pupils. The
efforts of llev. Mr. Atkinson, as Principal,
ably seconded by Mr. N. W. Kandall who
had for some time conducted the 1'istrict
School in this place ami by Mrs. N. It.
Atkinson (having charge of the Juvenile
department, iiuiubirlng some ("0 scholars
have been crowned willi marked success
ami tue experiment ol a tirade isc 100 is
sail: f.ietoriiy demonstrated. Under its
pnsi'iit ilV.ciciit management, the s,!'.,vl af
fords f.icilitiis of a high order, and if it is
supported permanently, as it should be, it
will do an ti;ual share with institutions ol
a more ostentatious character, in ndv.uicln;;
educational interests and dcvcloninir 11
I r-
higher standard of culture and intellect
amongst the class who are soon to assume
our 'laces in the management of affairs.
The term closed with 171 pupils.
uur not interned in time
to attend during the two days of thie
i.vrcis s, which piwenls any attempt ut
lift .i . ol the roceeii;i!'s, nnd the sneeid
Ul Itl! SlM.IVti ' UK Ml IIKIM.U'.
Fivceiliug the on Norfolk a few
days, our licet, licadetl by the Monitor,
startctl up the F.linbith llivcr, engaging
the laud batteries and what low rebel ves
sels that dared lo show their heads, until
the Mcnimae steamed out, when the wood
en vessels ha.-lily scampered back toward
Fortress Monroe, the Monitor slowlv fol
lowing The Mcnimae, however, did not
pursue the licet any distance, but shortly
turned her head and slowly returned to her
nuclionie.o. It was evident that some
maneuver was being attempted by our of
... . ...... i
cers, which was nol tiiiiicrslooil nv tnci'iiu-
but that the relu N had information of
our purposes, is demonstrated by their re
lusing to bring out their boasted vessel
which was to sink the whole Federal navy,
ami nv (ueir destruction oi mo mm mon
ster without once trying her power after
In r defeat bv the Monitor on the !Hh of
March. The object of the maneuver above
illiidcd to was this to 'loll' the Mcrriinae'
nili) deep water, under pretense of being
it'raid of her, and then run hfr Joint, tie-
droving nil on board, w ith the vessel. 1 he
Vandt rl.ilt, one of the largest and fastest
trainers in the world, was specially select-
1 and her bows strengthened for this pur-
0 Uiioiiaiiox.-Now Hint so ninny j Tin: Mm t.; is avion- to (Vwiiounia,- The
, , i t i . ,,, first of the Muslein eniii: ration lor the Fn
who werolattly secesh are cndcaio i g to ..v'Mllvn,si!)(iM,, (lf
wot k themselves, into the ranks of loyal; IPJd S. W. Kccd'ii company,
parlies, it is important, before admitting mm well known on the plains. They had
llicin, to know whether they have really with thtiu twenty nine men, two women,
e-ol their eves open, nnd to this end we ! eight wagons, a bugiy mid sixty seven
, " , , ,. ,- , i head of horses am mules. I he ipiailrnpeils
iironosc that he fo owui' ones ions be 11111,1 . 1
l' l1 1 ' . . leave evidence of travel ami the need ol
propounded, and if the applicant gives the ()o (,(Mli, ,-iTi. ,,, ,.rll,.ra thing
answ ers here set down be may be nduiiltiil ' ,,,. -lhl, ,n-gr horses. One stallion weigh
into a Union oigauh-.ation on u'i,i,'(ui, nl pound", and big dray horse
i reached l.l'lllt. I hev I II t minim on (lie
i, and she was lying in Hampton Heads,
with steam up, when the attempt was made
to draw out the Mcrriinae. Hut the reb
els w isely concluded not to risk the cer
tainty of being sent ttt the bottom of the
deep, w ilh no hope of recovery this side i
the Judgment, ai'.d sullenly blew the M er
mine ill' themselves. i
The amount of force with wl
provided he thus not want an ollice:
(J. Who begun tins wail1
A. The rebels first by tiring on the
steamer Uncle Sam, and than on Fort
(. Why ditl I hey begin the war?
A. llecanst! Mr. Lincoln was constitu
tionally elected lYcsidont of the I'nitcd
(). Why was Mr. Lincoln elected President.
A. lteeaust! of a split in the IVinocrntio
. Who caused the split in the tanks of
the Pcmoerncy t
A. The rebels, nt the Clnrleston Con
vention. .
(k. Why ditl thry Mo it?
A. To elect a lb publican, ami so "lire
the Southern heart "
( To what end? ,
A . To dissolve I he Union, and t reel ll.e j
Southern portion of il into ml iirisloi I die .
ihspotism. i
i). What Ire.'itinent shouhl the (lovern
inent bestow on the rebels'
A. (ii'apcshot for the masses till they !
lay down their arms, ami hemp lor the
leaders alterwar.l.
Wiiu';iii: I.oM'Cv Tnirs nhw Tiiim.s.
Not long since the Loudon Tunes tried to
crv down the l nitetl Males, saving Hull it
. , , . i could not obtain soldiers, tiiouev nor credit.
:eh this j . '
, . . . , , , , i It now ruminates linu:
ship, moving nt her average spei'tl, would i , ,.
. . ... , . , , Not if all the resources of this coimtrv
have brought to bear upon her intended .m , ,, (1Nl0sll (lf Mr vl-,,d ,,
victim, is still a matter of interest. It is I friends, ami nil our power were thrown
thus c.tle
' into t!ie Northern scale, could we ndd to
Jlth of April, and had nmdc gootl tune till
Ihey reaclietl this end of I he journey, where
thev were hindered bv high waters n weeli
longer than Usual. Altwotul k Dubois
came in yesterday Willi another small coin
I in 1 1 V live wnu'ous, two buggies und lillv
ftuir horses. They It-It Omaha on the -Oth
of April. Neither of them saw Indians on
the road. The emigration on Iho plains
for Salmon river anil California is reporti
to be uniisiudlv large, and from this time
will roll into the city up to the hitler end
of August. (. hum .W Mkt ( ornsi'Kii
hit: WrusriMi ir thk .vh u.uiyk h
(!i --Nt) osk Ivit iiH". The late neei
dent on board the trnnbot A'iiii,mic - the
bursting of her 100 pound I'm roll gun,
; w ithout injuring n single mail out of a erew
j of thirty is the first pr ielica! ibinonstru
I lion of the correctness of Mr. Stevens' new
! principle of inourling nml loinling ordnance.
I'.v this plan, thu crew load the gun from
! beneath the deck, Mini below the H liter line,
' 1.1. .1. ....I i.i.R. it-.if i il..'... iVi.ii. lint .......
" .' I ' '
I . ... r :. : ..... I.I .
! m es suoi, nut il tun injury uy ncciticiiis list-
'he bursting of n g in moulded and
used in the ordinary way, with the crew
nil around it, must have sucr lieetl n hug"
number of lives. The injuiy of two liieu
on the ..ii;,'iiiiii' duriii;r this action was
from other chums, nfltr the hiilMing of the
It order Id perform the srrvico that will
be r-tpiired of modern projectiles punch
hn; iron clinls and stoiiu forts an rxeevsive
strain mu d be brought upon orJiinnco, nnd
nl llie sann) timu its lig'itnps-i and iiiuniigen
Or.lerii have been lss,, , ,
'I'onng nil voters nt i. . ... . '"''""Iiliu rr.
Inkolhe oath of iillnrhi',,,,. ,
- - tii
i;'!-' not mull,,, ,;, "f'!l.N.
llllll Si I ti n ni'l-lu...! II '
...... ,IS
'to. leie, n(. ,ofl,
l VitV of.
i . . . . Ill I . . I V I
The dead weiuht of the Vanderbilt is, in 1 the strength or the elianres ,. tl,e l e.lerals m''"- " Meseneu. ..., j k,
roinitl nuinbcrs. -t.OOO tons, nnd In r over-1 h' 'l,is s.i,l.-lll,'r ''''" Vu "'!' srMl' ' i"n 1 u" "l,,;M,re .rll"r of I'0"'
tlieul sliij.s, liul thev have cjot lis many ns ' "T, inn u ic posvon- oursui.- it xnna 1,1
they want. They have nlivadv .o se-'-am ' the boat mil ol nelion by killing h'l'f
ol the seas, niid 'the whole II. tt : -!i n.nv the er. w, and th the n it, nn i
are speed ;s nt le:it lifteen miles mi hour
That is ci-imI tt t'l'.dt'O toes iiioviu.' at the
rate ol on.' I i
u v.delit to
!e an lionr, l.;c!i, III turn, Is
'.oo to ns moiiug ut the ynte
hem nothing more. We uiiuht
mention of those d
most crciIilaUv.
t'i!guis!i!i:g thims.-'.v.
C.-i-- We hear it stated I y - e-, -sit.
that lion. J. IL MTirld.'. '(t).!gr,sS!1.u,
thet fioiii this State, vote.! for slavtry in
Oregon, t!:iis s ik'ng to dan;ii.-e his r. .
uta'.ion for honest eons'.-'., ny. It is haid
ly iMc-.ssary to say that there is ji;-t as
much truth in this r.s
:lie nation was in a
Until Suxter fell,
urea:;), but idiucat bifure the suiuke
wrcr.t!:3 of that rbel bombardment had
hided away, the people saw their way
straight to Washington. 0poetl for a
Element by a brut.d, infuriated mob in Ual
tiiuore, the cry we:.t tip, If not th.-' the
city, over it! and the avalanche poured on
to vindicate the national supremacy. The
We.-t and North-West, our mighty national
heart, throbbed indignantly when the prin
cipal life artery of trade nnj commerce, the
lower Mississippi, was stolen out of the
nutioil po.-3Ci.-iun nnd appropriated with
out iv. n a polite " by your leave" to the
piratxi'liy Lctlk- purj osis o! the cotton
i.....'..o..i. ,u I. .at great highway is
open a ,d fae, as the North-West pro
claimed it should be, and as it e ver more
.-hall be.
..e.:.-:-..o:i o becoming' unpopular even
::::.'j'.g its friviuls, nnd the new-pa-j
cr ped Her-of stale treason on this cca,t
b .ckvd up for a short time before the the
tic:, by access to the purses of political ns
) ii iidii of more nmbition than ability, nnd
l-.s-s of hontMy than either, when the j.oli
liciat.j w-trc th tted to stay nt home fur a
further improvement in mind a,,j morals,
the pupcrs immediately shrank out of an
ignoble cslttcnee, the stals ..f the coi.ecrns
bring doubtless translated to the paradise
of foo!s situated ju-.t south of the scorching
i.otie of ptddic shame nml conteinpt.
Now no mat! p-j-s.sinj tiC mulkn
modicum of brains think of reproducing
j'... .-iL-tssioii iiisijiitutics cs that "States
have a ri,-ht to seecdo," and its twin bro
th. r, bjrii in the sainu scrjient'ii iit,t, that
th'; " (iemriil Govennneiil cannot coerce a
'.:" Wry seldom, indeed, do we hear
t: e,s ion, uttered in u tragi comic
Villi', .such r.s f-'out'.rni.s i.i.i-l,.,i.u I
r ...'-- u iv . ...-I.
t'.ey talk about that never to-be di.-covered
lu-til-tch'-lU " the South never tan
be subjugated."
In the beginning of the contest, we in
the Fur West waited impatiently for good
ii'. ", and if the telegraph refund lor a few
hiy.i to do itl duty in bringing , tiding of
J'eih rnl victories, we trunbhil ut the pro!.
ubility of defeat and disaster. Now w-...( U
may clupse wiil.out i.tws-nnd neet'di let
lers romo through by thj iitider;:roui,d
railioad, cominuiiiciitin grcut rebel virtu-liis-nnd
our j.ulseo beat steniiily; in tllt.
Li':;uage of some iiiiiininorlali.eil West-'.'..'I-,
"nobody's frightened."
l.i glnr.i, fn,d Frnni-e, nnd tvi u ,cpaiii,
liny set nt defiance one of our reserved
r'ghN, 'i ' rtf d lii the " Monroe Doctrine,"
'"d for thu time, having our hands full, we
s!illoourrev,ntm,,,tbuiwK,(l 0uri.0ln.
'"'""-lifdinicliy tinMt tftitnuy ,.
i.iu.e loreign powm comen round m
'Toiling for a fight, jt ult tmi,m)
cm easily be accommodated, l,iQ wo have
cur Imnds in nt the game of war.
Unpen, ribroiid, Hint tried their mn,J, m
our naiiom.1 of bluT, nnd went so fur
m to my out that Fnglnnd nml France
oinbii,..,!, nr ningly, ought U cindoy their
immentf (kel in humbling America, note, I
t.iers was in the
stttimnt ofsoa.e pr.ten.hd Ual in i.i.i:,
but train rs at heart, that Mr. .MT.r.'de
was an abi'lltionist, in order to have an
excuse fr not voting fur him. He is i.l..,ut
c.pndly ."t::.uved from secessie'iii-ai and ;.b-ol.lituiisin.
00 m i. :in hour. I .,e i t o! a
cannon hall may be rat. d at two hundred
mil s an hour. Tic A r:n -trong l iiii, one
e!';!;e heailcsl I:: i:.-e, tarries a It'll pountl
I.:;!!. Thr.-e hundred to:.s is to 'x
i: i:e!s i-::.;,i ;. I a oth. r w the
rl .it w o'lh I -::.!' the i i-hn ivdh
traoriliioirv eluii.;-, i Veil in tin- yi '.it. s
etui -I'u'i Ct V, Wiiuhl not be ue. Willi llie
phm lietl nn the Anio.i'. . k, l.n.leicr, lliere
oiarthil law, and iinvM.-j t
.limit .- A'eiv hni., ., . . . .
front of Ku 1, df,,rU,Hn7"n:'
Liehl.iond papers spenli of l0 ,. "r
"'. I'ri.-... No 'me , V""-' of
w b-reaboai, or lh'iiiireKnrt',, " . "f improving in N,w ,
Iho .Newbern J'nu.r,,, ,,r '
the report uL ' ,,
North Oarolinnregin,,,,,,.,,,,
my .liNb...i.h.,l, prevlnnn toKl,ieht , "'
their I'.rigii.licrOciKnil, ,,n "Ug
Fairdalts, Va, Jll0 o;., .
.I.J. IVck wnsmtlcretlihiH .InMoVr"'
(l.n. Cisey in eoinnu,n, f hi, .lit!
To the Inner (ieiural will ,o ('n
H importanl nnd .vsiiunsiU., ?".,l,,nl
tecling the base o our oi,..r,.n ' . Uv
ir Oi.i ri.i ..... .. ..." "
N. V.. .luue iiil.-A ticl, ZT
says J, IV Davis wN (!,,. Hil.k . ' ' . !
A.dicipat.o.iH iir,, ,.x,,r.-wd tl,,,t10" '
'-'"Mo the rebel 1 r
I he same paper (Urn ,...
capture of lU deserlers some nf ui ,1
be shot. "'"""I
Washington, June t,Y,.-('im .. .
......,m...u-ut.-. to il.u NatyDe,,,,,;;
ippi between ii portion of uur,,( ...
leiiel linltery Incnled in tlir t
was hi'ouL'lil.
mid town
eon!. I c:ve
h ud til. Ill inoiieV, but ol tins, too, in some
form or other, tl.i V have got e :i;!i to al
low of a pre-ent ej'e:i.liliire of .'
a dav. A ! tit 'i nd.ii'' tli. ni men
i HVctive troops now scriin,' in Fiuduid , act""! ''.v p in. -lung the eneiny s iiluliiiirl
mil-lit be land"!', nl New Vurk w ithout ' "nd if llie gun should buist, the Vessel would
call-in n ! i V pri c. I'tililc increase in l!ic lah imiy int.- i in- use oi iii.u gun. nini won
(1 nml w ol o" no leitr .'I liin- a l uge eliare w In ii
. i . i . . .
i;. i ii is Wiinii'ii -n cnaig- inat ninv nn
v .
I! rami (iulf wiih f.uo men. (i, ' 01
Ldlednndsix w,m,.I,,. .t
in Mlelicing the rebels' lire, nml tUf.,,,
ing too foiimtl.ibl,. t l,.IIVl. 0
Hie boats ,th runainihr of le ..., '
;h( . ..ii ..t.,1 Kl,e,,
Iho rebels dcterteil i,n ,J
...... -i- i . "ti-
l'l I I lie I iillllllllliller HUVS I IP . ..
I ll I .. i.l -.1 . .. "
linen nun iMieuien: II Ih,.v i. v I.:...
anniiyniice, he will shell ih'(. (uw ''
Wiisl.ingtiMi, Jiinit o;,., M'i ( . ,,
ing tins just Ik-cii reemved:
Ledo.ibl No II -I o'clock, mm, n:.
Iltt s I' M - To tlirSecrelnry ,,f Vrtr:
Inuf ntlnineed our picket rot l, ,.f .
siih rably to day, under n smrn r,.k;.i...
The men In hau , liaml ,(,,:i v. Ml1(, p ,
si. II emit. inn s.
t f
; tl
and lOtlj.iMin
ii'"::) en A ruistrni'tr :
,:l :
:m, at
s.'.n, sio;!
hul.ition sin
nn ; i . t u i . i of th" Vand. i !
u:'lll to l.'JOO frem tht
same in-
, i:
in the
i r i'i
any pn c. pi
n'lml'. r of the Nor'.hei a We
nd 1 1 1 . -1 1 1 t Ii) ft times ns inanv sol
iv i -nt to w ithfiit nddliig
t .i.-:i one i :
'v s that
ill Wl-llld
Union i
Sk iv .-.nil's M.-.xicas Ciu.'i i..u; is Ilrnorr.
'lue I'ireuii.r of Secretary Seward, si nt
to our For.-'.-ii Minister, n.-ain-t t!,et.-t ,b-
lis'iuiviit o! a Monarchy in M v'c,.,, i.te ,
wa.; ad Ir :'.to nil I Turn; 'an govern:.;: i.ts.
aii.1 was f.rst given to the e;Mie throu.-h
.1.,. i.-, i. . .. . ii. - ,
inu i ipers. . i r, to:re-'Oini. nt
Jhe r.ip.'ararer nf tie-dphimaiic circii'ar
written by Mr. Sewni.1, und. r the dute of
M.ireii :; I, I, is- produeed a niid .-..i.-ntion
in Iliirop.;. This h.,s ,,f eour-i: .,. ir.,.,..
l.ittd into the vari ni-;:i.-i s of ll.e con
thn nt, and ivpuidished l y nil th .' ii.fiij.n
tid journals. Tl.ire nj ,.":,r to be but .me
ojihiion mi the sul.ject viz: that it i. the
s tt.'e I j '!-; , of the I'nit.jd Stut. - to , p.
pO0 the -ill. :npts of Mlll-opf .lii j.,U.!s.,
s-ibs'tltuts a inonarchial f.r tie- rep-ibH-.n
form of govermiieiit in M. xl.-n, i:, a.
the perniirieiit occupation bv .,r ei-n tro.ij.s
which sm-h a chang"! of regiin-. woi.M S) ,:.
essarily involve. It U reiu..rked that the
perf.ct fourte.-y of the hu.-u ie m. ployed
by the Sec-i, ;:,it of ,j,Hij . pp-vent
h:m from niaipiivoeidly luanifi -lin the
ili--.-itIs-f.ii tl-u of thu Ui'i:, ,1 . .,t the
events which have filr.ndy r. -ultni Irom
t!i; Miirop(u:i expedition to tie; (lull'.
on th" l'.:ii Ibii
one in m
it will be s mi that the suicide of the
M i r' was ',ull tiim d n f : t r all.
or lii:: N:.ti M.):r u:s -The
ti re.' ir-.n gi;i:l'o..ts of the Monitor
mohl, which were oiih red by the (louru
luent iniiii'dlately after the tii,"i-.;t mint of
the Monitor with the Merriniiic, have b, i n
co::.':ii i.e.! ;,t (Jr. enj u'n, n. ::r N iv Vorh.
.r: to be I ::Iit vi ry n.a.-h I he the
.r, e;,c, j t that lh. y ( .n h to ha . e
n Iving s',,,1 ,,f'ets in- lead id
I i a!-.) sl'ghily alter. (1 -,i
n le tl. r sea I oi s and to
Ll.e the Mm,;
r, toe th t k le'
it. r line. Their
e ni'
Tl. ,
oil '.
a to :u:.he !
ul.'f liieia great, r pe - J.
tor, they are to be pr.ipt II
ing but litl'u iiboii! the w
tlii rs n-
abnie lite per cent. In their Tom s in the I
liiild. No ruler in t In- w oi Id, not i veil lir-t '
N.i; t h on, ever disposed of so many men
or so much iiioiii y ns Abraham Lineoln.
He has fully (t.",!i,fiill troops now und' I '
linns, and it is briided he could thuible
1 that i.iirnbi r. 1 1 is finauci s nn v ret on a
stable .'oiin.l.dion, but he has nt nnv rate
enough nnd to spare for the liui". I:i nn
ii. ,!!';. -;t? r.r ti'I t ,i rv i oer. it'ie i lt i'... '
I.-, .1, ,..!., ...... I i ......I I... il I th' V
I ...If..." V. I. I ". . 11 .1.. Ii I -1 I I I i I. .1 11 I
of nn ii or money, and if tln-v hud to pi iid
some time in tunin g fit. ens into soldiers,
llu ir 1 1.' niit.s w i re under the nn.f
I, on i t-rt ntion, lh, i'i I.-re, rn beh.ih' id
I .e ..rtli V. . l. e - ir.! v n i n V ,- f.
ro alii'int" ( on Id ndd to it.-
Ill' '. ' ils l lli'v
a i. ul. ry,
1 1 otwr cr
liht on with th' (est, lis if notion;? had
happened .Vie )'ork Timr.i
A 1 si II I trivXi III II I I- - The Nasi
i il!e Union le!! this slory t.f n parly of sr
ce.,o worn. Ii; , hid CI oils incdelil too!,
pi ice ii few il.ivs Min e at the I'rutii.t
li d's hi ad'i'liirti vi l'oiiv Lil.f!
Cain d to see Coloin l M l! I lit w t. Acti-
th" Hii'i, and b -ttln ii the outer cat,, nn I
the bou-e ii hit g.. luitional Ihig is sil-peiid. d
Two of the In l:, s pasvtl under ll, but tin
other two I. ird, III llli'lll.lti d loin s, (t ut
woiil 1 1 1 r -t butt iheir beads to
"hithy I, ncohi r.ig" When tin- pnily
Was nlio it to le'ive, tin- Inn Mini hud ejoii.
into the I'rm ii-d's roo'll pi-s. d leit nf tin
Itate, liul the other mrir stopped bv I
n ii i r I. U ., it tli von in. mi. .r: l.i I
II- out in-!. milt !" t-i hiiin. il one of the ,!.!!
in t kid Ui bi'.'s, sharply " .ut n st-p,'
s.i.l the pini'.l ; " you w iMonlv iuulin
lit re I i defi nd, pin
unit i;.l- hieli we nre
V.,11 e m't h .He (lot i.l.i
e l -tii is t.t be thr.-e l.iir.tlrMl nn-1 two f. 1 1
over ail, witii a breinbii of hum ol fortv-
of tin he f. 1 1.
in thl. k::(s .
' f tl.t in i tnn-
n .diced, but the blmk, haie I,, en l.u'd f,,r
he Ihir 1. The
oi." f..i t, and a d.pih of hold
The r.rui' r is to be tlx inch'
There are :.t j.r s. nt but (,', i
the p I-, ptio-i of the le
M OI k IS W - 1! illllll.' mi
the lir-t one, I
A sonii it Kk! l'no.,i i i r.-L
it b.- true, ns reported, that Coni-re.-. l.u-pinr-"l
a l i-.v for the r ';.":. -is- n-! i-n'-et-i.-il
ptini.shu, i t t.fio!yjamy in tin; Monnnu so
c.ety ol Utah, judging by the pa-t exju ri
ence of our led. ml nml Stale gov, rninent.,
With tho-e '.oiIe, there is a f.ur pro peel
lor ae.'iil w,r in Utah. We Mhccivlv tru.t
I report is tni, and that t!,e law mm-
if need be, be enforced nt tl,... point of the
bayonet. The Mormons Imve long enough
shalllMl ih.ei ,iry ,v !) ;.. v;i :. .;, ,
und outlaw nl themviyt, from civ.l i.ghts
by thilr lioh nt in'.th'.il, of its cnforceniMit.
They have by n thou-and f-Mimpli' given
the world to iiinh r-tainl that noihiie but
force wdl reform them; ami now tlnit (iov
Miitmnt has a dl-po-able armr lo k ml
he I'etor-
vi r. The fraiu". wh'eh is cut. r le of iron
is up, rxeept ut the bow nml sd rn, i.,nl the
work of putting on the fir-', h.yi r of iron
phiti -i are forgi-d iu woihdaip, but miiiiII
toi'.-i s are set up nil along i-ur!i s;,!u fr
h-nlliiL' the bolts. As large n crew of men
nscaitwolk with'iil.'iiee are busily
engag' d in riveting the phites. D will be
at least four months In fore the firs, boat is
1 .iiim led.
: I'.t -il! I Tl A s A hot ll Ii V Tiff (' .i hoi:
I v;i Umov Covu'vnov The folloning
I patriotic r. ointions were ndopled by the
' Coiii n'.ion which a-., tl in Sneramru
I to the 17th ult. Tim I'e.olu'.ioiis are to the
"hit, nnd il . i.i I ' i t.i ly nil j
-hn kl' s, ti.ei ting th: one single i--ue be
fore the nation in a manly and iiueipiivoeid
li.anii. r. Tiiere' is not a Union man in the
.... I . t .! I -.1 I
i ei.ui; i i.i tun .l.i, i "i I'll liJlll V till ll i I.,,- i . i i
iillu e as piiiinilr us in ho ,rs of yore
! ... I ........ I .. i ,- i 1
il.el V ..I nn III I.. I II CllliKMIl. il I . i e , , ,
I i .so f ir ns tne hni f inn Irniisinitli't!
Mr. Iloll.iiid, fioiii the Committee on :,,,. i ... ,, , ,, t( ,,, .
,, , , , , i' K's, it won,.! sietn IJiil (he Miivorof that
i. -o. in. mis, n ; oi i. ii me siioj. linen ns nnv- ., . . ...
in-b. ell unaniinoiislv,, ilonteilbvMii.lC.ini-! ' 11 noe .. morn
U IIIOIll Ik r Ii s
sioii Imiii liii- 1 rniirsl I ,nr lnl rH wlnil
ed roii'nl in a furious r. miking u led!
iiiit i !i,l..l,o'i of ... , iters nn. I olhi r llu
lie nl, on. t e things !. tie- en i of the cu.ird,
nnd v. int b.nk und, r the li i ; t nn Colo
in I M.itlhi ,,
Tin L.n: Num.- Memphis it nor m
id, nnd ll e old ll.i- llonts fioiu the I'., I
them, the country should ih in.ind
mution which u feeble Administration had
not the net vc to press to n firm lily. W;
coiigiatuhile C'olom I Connor's (.'0111111111111 on
its very good prospect fur m-tiv.- service be
fore the year - loses. Slurilim I iiilii 1 vl, nl.
Aumn'AN- A ut at th k Woiii.n'rt Kxiir
nirii.v. W. W. Story, the A im-rienn mhiIji
tor, has 'eullo llu: Iiitein itioiiiil Mxhibitiou
two works which nrcapokni of in the high
"t pruise. Due figure Is that of Cleopatra
and the other a Sybil, 'j'he London Tnnr
HI H I hilt nothing l.f.J M.l..r..,t I..I.. ll... I
I'Uilduiir winch nppi ouches theni in origin
niiiy 01 conceitioii or power of 1. Mention.
jooso v.1,,, ,V(j Ml. W0ks j,, MJ
hoof the sculptor nt Lome, will be grut-
iiieii, 0111 imi ri, to ni i.r il.thc wolds
ol comniehdni.oii. I he Cleoimtrn il will
be rciiiMiibcrcd, is iho klutm: mi much prm'.s
(d by Ifawthoine in '"J'he Marble Fuun."
The people of Louisiiiiia hud no more
right towiihdraw Lousiurm from the L'nit
ed States nt the limo they iirof.-s-eil lo do
h than they would have hud to withdraw it
In the mum; manner one month or one weik
nfti Ml had been bought nnd paid for by
the U. H. (J overmuch I.
The rebel- hate ihe sIiuhiiihI Mi inn but
they nru eoiiini lied to si e llm Ion.,. 1 ,1
ful the Liter, i
Siirsii Wourv We runl (piite fre
'pi'.nlly of late, of tin- Impudi me of the wo
men in rebehlom to our soldiers. The fob
lowing is from 11 solditr in MeClelhin's nr
my, nnd it cirri' 1 its own couuneiit:
" The woim 11 lu re in town look aw ful
our to in, but the men don'l s-.iy uni'thiii'-
for thy know well il liny in-'ilt o!i; of us
they would get their 1,,-nd-i smashed. I
was dow n low 11 to day, nnd when I was
oiiiin biiel; to (.mi. 11 vi-rv tintiv ruiin"
t.'irl, with In r " f' llow'' or brother, met um
011 the ,'ide walk. Shu tnr-k up her (nee
ami said, " Oli dear! iher.' in nuuther of
Lincoln's dogs!'' I stepp. d in front of her,
took off my rnp, mid niade n low bow. I
then Miid, " Iloiv do yon do, Miss- Iinmi
th'iiee? Have I the honor of tiddrchiih"
one ofJefl's bitches?'' She piiici) on nnd
never said miother word. 'J'he younjr fel
low Hint wm with her did not my 11 word.
I guess he did not like the looks of the big
knife that was 1 luck in my b ll,
W A cartful analysis of the appoint
inents of Mnjor (JciutiiU nnd ttrigiuliers I
shows that of tweidy two Major (ienernh
appointed, -i:Veii(ei n either belonged to i,u
regular nrmy, or have performed military
M'i'viec in previous wars hero or in llurope,
or had military eilucalioins. (July five have
been tuken from civil I if u. Of Iwo hundred
Jiiigidiers iippoinled, one liuudred nnd
twenty-three wore either tuken from ihu
regular nrmy, or hud military tAjiericnco
in the field here, or In I'luropr;, or had mil
itary (.'diieiitioiiH, Jl in iniiinlaiiied that
our nrmy U ollici red ns it whole most nbly.
The tirtclivR force is i;iveri by Senalor
Wilson nt about .120,000.
imtlee, whi. h (-. 111 -i sli d ol 1(1 lb publicans
nnd " Union I i. iuoerats.
Ibsolieil, Th tl we heartily indorse the
I'l'esent Nu'-oliiil Ailn.ilistiiition, and hi'ic
by pledge our, 1 lies to sustain il in nil its
clhirts to presirie the I nion,
Ucsiilved, That m nre in f.ivorol a vig
orous prosecution of Ihe wnr, without re
g.ud to co. 1 or sacrilici s, until thu lust
rebel is disnrini'd nnd the supremacy of the
National (iiivi riiment is ncknow ledged in
every Slate nnd Ti rrilory in the Union.
bly lli.iu his lellow iui"slrile i f New (Ir
hulls No correspond .nee s.-tlinj; ftuth
that Ins people were very " sensitive,'' nnd
all that sort of thing, ha n t come to light
11 e d d imt, however gum possession of
Memphis without a sevi re Mrugglu on the
The engagement between the two Hold
Ins, for ns piirticiihiiiy, nml fur vicjiceg ui
erally, is the most iinpoitaiil t vcnl which
Iltsolicd, That we l.ave l.o sympathy j h is tuken place thus far in this cceediii
with niiv r.M-tv nr iieison u Im!.... I
j 1 v - 1 -
pence 011 any terms while there is nn mic
my of the Union in mm. ngaiirt the (Jul
irniuent, und that nub a peace would
prole to be but n hollow trin e leading
again to n bellion and war, nml would U
11 lasting di gi ice to 11, and our counliy
l!'-(,!vcd, That every cilii-ii of the Uni
ted States owes nn nlb-glimee to the Nn
tiomd (Jovernnient which is panmiount to
his idli g'lince lo any Slnti1, nnd llmt nny
olhi r doi'tiine would be rejiii;riiiiiit to Ihu
Coiisliiiition nml to (.very principlu upon
n1111.11 our 1 lovernui' III IS loilliileil. 1
Kesdlveil, That dime the iiuiiigiirntioii
v In ll co e ('pooh of the World's hhtorv.
Iron-ides nil I rutins wi re iis. on both sidt s
The (ioveriiineiit it nppe.irt had n large
numb' r of th" l itter in th- in lion The
gem ral public m ic not mi lunch ns nwnrr
that Mich Higilll S Were being ciin- trncl. il.
Tin y were on hand, however, nml In Imvt d
'J'he Federal rnm Mmnnrli, by shilling
its position 11 lillle, 1. 1 one, of Ihn Ib bel
rains run full tilt ng u'iist one of ils fellows,
nnd the rciilt wns 11 grand Muesli. Full
of the jircneiil Niitiomd Aduiiiiislrntion nil ' details of this important fight will be iiwuil
L' pnst ; I'M -Tlieem-n,.,,,.
iiiiiking 11 th pi ratti resistnnee u ie ,j.
tunc- nf pi, k.t line . Ke.iriiey runl ony
liiill of llookt r's nre where we wnnt thim.
I bae this in 1,1 reiiifo-n-.l ,rt
1 -bt with n br. gude nml n couple of guns
I hop.- m 11 f, iv inn, ut,, n, finish the nr(
intn.,1 d lor to tint ; the men t.ttii0 tpl, .
ilidly; Ihe ineinv nro lighting Millnhti
tins lit nut n Inittlo. merely m, n fT.tir nf
Id ii.lcniuii'ii corps sii,porlcd by Kiyvunl
thus f..r nil e" s in II.
We hold i-n-ry font we I nie cninnl, ll
loss thn, f,,r i, ,( firL.,. ) (li,ltn, 1(ln
thi time has b, i u ,on,. ,y Hd.,1,, t iliti..
ion, I e has sd, 1,1 1, 1 . ,., mi, , ,nit.rj,.,
on his fiont ;, oVI.mI, ,- Thrnln,iri.(
ott r We have .;.., ,lr Utl r
but little lo-s, liotililhstal.,1 ng n ttriii' (ii-
"" I bir linn i.i nil tluil oii,, U,
desired, 'll.e 11 flair w.n pmlially il,i'i,,4
by tu guns tl.i.t C, In-.-mr l.roii.i j.
to nt lion under v. ry 1! (In u'l ciri iuiiiaiie,t,
the runny w.isilriin fuiu, hit , jmj i
fiont ! 1, urt A 11 turn (juii t
lr'"'1', M. ('IUI.AX.
issueii heretofore (lil idilig the loynl pi oplc
of the difi'i teiit polilicnl parties hate been
settled, oml the only issue now before the
Nation is Union or Ilisiiuiou.
Ucsolved, That we call all the loyal
citizens of this Stale to unite with us in
Union pin fy which shall place Ciilifnrnia
where she of right beloiin, hie-h In Ihe rank
of Stalc'i, ready to micrilice nil lo pres, rve
the rich heritage of liberty beoiu i,,i d to
in by our for. falhi i (.
The I', solui ions wi I-.- ndopled by n ihiiu
delill'' nve. without delude nml tin, im.111.
ed with iinxiity. From the number of
rums nml ironside which nre cnnstnntly
liiriiing up in iho service of the (Jovern
tiient, it in not too much to iniicliidu thnl,
nt the close of the wnr, wo will Imve afloat
Ihe fiiic.i.t iHoihru navy in Ihe world
A Mo.ti 11 a " Mu.viroii" Fiio.iki ti n.
It is siiiil tlmt Mr. L'lii'tson in eiieiij-'d on
11 plan ol a imilumulli ship on thn Monitor
modi I, to Imve n tin ret .tnful with iron li
bers then rose nml g.ivo t lir- roudng j tt ''n'-m of 2 in, hes, nml to enrry two
iiioiiiinr gniiH, inch Ihrowiiig n bull f J(.
I'onnJ-t weight. She Is to be built for
- Secretary CIuin.i boldly tin-ned lh,i
vestry man of his ihurch out of 11 eh 1 knhin
the other day for seeebh i-yiiipnthy.
eheeis (or the Union I'lutfuiin
IiKiioeii.i. v riAT Si its Vn Wn Imve
been aecu'domei lately to hear many bonsU
from Hi cchh peju rs, of the great In inucriitie
triumph ul the Chicago Cily 1 lection, Well,
J-'runcic SIk-i infill has been inaugurated nn
Mayor. In his Inaugural Address, he
" 1'nrliiinihti fur Itm rminlnj, und fur
the. ciitiie. (' Jim unvrnniitiil ihiniinlnml
thr ic.ri, llm .UminiHlmliim of Mr,
ruin . jiruvril ilxrlf IMTIUOrH.', 1 O.-.'i l livx
Till: A II Alll.K."
That is precisely the I)eiuocracy Ihul e
like. Orrifoaiiin.
I'Hd Vl-d-
n.'iiigiiling tlieoieiiA(n, nnd will he, nn
'loubtnlly, th,. most foriiiiilublo mniiiie
moiisler that cut was invenli i. (Joy, r.
inent it in hnid, will order two of the
he Is for immediate coiihlriielion,
The Mobile lliU r bonsls Hint the
l.niled .Stutin (ioveriimi iit in nfmiil of the
l.elitl hosts. About lis much ho ns the
loriiniloor Ihe ivhirlwind Is of thu noutl it
HWiepH Ihrough.
Thu rebel Imve been runiiim (ill nt lust
it is ( lah nl that Ihey have ubuut run their
I'ln- Tr. 1 in v Ni ie bill for a nr is-iie
of il .11. 1, no, nun in i, is ,,,, I lin,, ,nM1r
llu- llnini' .lnne :i ( iidi-r this hill ire
I.. ! is.n,., $.',0,(1(10,1100 of 1cm di noiniiia-
taiiis tluiii lin t.
Mai -lb 11. I'.. pi. remliiil Watliiiietnn nn
the '.'..lii, nnd w i,t 1 i.lliininvlKiillv re.eiinl
wut r, out -fed lo coin., to con-all ilU
ihe military initio tr it i.i, if consist, nt nidi
us s in Ihe Wi t
(Jut. .M.tili. ll Imd n buifli- wnr Win
In 'ti r. Trim, with n rebel lercf. nnd
nn to Ciiiitl,iiii,i..M, rmilins Ihe r,ln!, nd
t.ikm faii'e Mijipb. , of nininiiiiilioii, .tr.
Mel I. Iliili eun (In. ,,.s , tl, Utile of
I'.it Oak", iis fullow : KiHul W Htflliiil-
id fi.'T; Hosting ,JI7.
( lur Ironiis linve buried tienr .'!,OnO rch-
( Is foiiml nn the liehl. The ri'U I (ieiimf
who w.u tuken n fiisin lo give hit iiaiiic
Keciniiiritiriiii.' (eirtieH h:ie been within
thr, e unlet of L'h hiinuid.
The K.i hiiioud Ilispntch L-iii 1 thr reU'l
oss in the baillu of Fmr Oaks n 8.000,
iiiilu.liiirf ." (iem mis, -J.J Colmifli, 10 Mi
nt, nml .1. ( iiptnins
The rebels nre said lo have 'JOO.OOO Ktn
in and 1. ear liichmoiid.
A di pal, h from llnlleck mil's wo now
ih i ii,v llaldtun .liiiielion, on llm Jnckoi
ami linlivar Unbend The rinmy hurt
n.l git.diui nini by ih tertion mner runw-
ling Corinth mostly from Krnlin t. Ten-
iM-sti e, nn I A ikiiii'-iis Kegiiiieuls. All ro-
im.lils ft .1111 thn. 1' Stnles were Cliwrly
uaiihil by Mi.tissipi,i Ulll . liitniiiia rcgi-
UM lllS.
A e imp of in driii linn for .10,000 men
II soon be funned ni Annapolis.
Ibirusidi. nml hind- ciime to Ft Monro
Line !l. Ihroiieh Ihe Allieiiinrle nml L'ln-
n iike Ciiiml.
(Jell. Lew. Wnlhu-e hns ns-nnieil com-
iiiiind nl M.-miihis. Threnls Imvinir lxvlv
mnde of tniring down iho Union llng ")'
ing over rilia im' Iiiiim , the I'rovosl Mr-
shul iiisiriieted the uunrd to i-hont down on
Ihi'rpct nny one nttempting to pull down
the ling, or nm r insult to or moM
iIciiIh who thus mnnifest their Hrvollon to
llm Union. All ritir.riis will bo iinpMoMi)
found carrying fircnrmii or other ronccilnl
Ciierrillu bands Mill prowl nhout lh
( ouiitiy, nml nre engaged In ilrHlroyinfT
llm cotton In (he northern counlirs of Mil
sis.sippl. liouiH nre tjoing north, londid 1
their utmost cnpiicily with frelghl.
The oath of nlleginiicii whs ndiiiinith 'Ktl
lo 110 persons In Men phis, on the 1 2tli
half of whom hnd been rebel loldiets.
New Orlcuiis iiiters of tho lt Inslwi
hnid been reeiiitei) 'I'lm llrllil Ol'Cllly
ilei.iiimeeH leeessiuii nml diipporls Onif"'
liul er. I in Hit ins reniiiirnreil. imv"1!!
iipohii'i.ed fur its nrtiele onrollnii burning.
The of May .11 si fny Fl. Morgnn, Ihw
.Moinle, niirremlereil to the inoriar in ui
Thn I lidl.i hi.i-i. La lii hiinhilnrv lerinssi
Ihe Imlieliiiis cuursn of (Jen. Ilulhr, ud
nyi Abriihnin Lincoln conhl walk
hiirmcil nml iimiecompnnleil ihroiigh
slrcels, In perfect nicurily.
Fierro rioulii has been nrrr.Mru uy ""
liuthr on hidi polilicnl iharge. Olid
Mould bv unl North tovu.