KATES OK AUVKKTISINO: Onn qar (Iwolve lini-i, or lea, brevier mfniinr) one iiif-rlion $3 uO Kueli iuUc.iieiit hun-rliua I liusiuemciirdH out) yrttr SO (10 A lilierul ileiluctiun will be mads to those who ; lvcrlic Ii)' (he year. lit W The number of insertion! nlioul.l bo noled on i h o margin of nn advertinetnent, ollierwise It will be iublinhel till forlii.l.lon, an.l charged au cordingly. tW Obituary noticm will bo cbargcj half tlit ubuve rali i f adu-rlininir. t2?" Juu l'RiNTi.su executed with neutiinw ami ilini.itch. i'aijinrnl fur JJi Printing mutt he made oi. drtirrry of the irmk. A Weekly NiMVHmjMT, (Icvotcil to the IntcrcHts of the Liihoring ClfisscH, mid advocutiii"; the Ma of Truth iu every issue. Vol.. VIII. OKKUON CITY. Oil KG ON, JULY .1, 1 8 0 2. Ao. 12. ,fjlH OKIidON A R(i UK. Ill J W ,K.1. TEHM-i or sniscidi' i ioN. The Are"' """'"'' "' Three Ihltutu H'Ar'l " ""' ""''' '" "lr""r' ,. ,,, .,( be tlimgrd if iiil in fix inniilliit, 'V'i '"'"'"" '"r'" nut fi i iiimiiiii-- fanlHu-rililiiMtrrrrirrtlJ'iirn r icnW. A'u iwwr dinnnliiiiird unlit nil nirrnnifif , iuh'i "' ' '""i''"'" " I'lil'li'lifi- Slllf!l, mint ir.wify rr ;iM. ty if 1'irnidrnt I'niliil Stat'li. A I'UOi.l. AVIATION. W'htreM, Tlit io appears ill thu public nriuts what purports to bo a proclamation uf Major Gen. lluutur, In tlio words urn! Inures billowing, to wit: II. iiKimnTKn. IIk-aiumknt ok i-i.r. Huutii, ) 1 Ihin-N IImi'.H. C.Mi.yll, I KM. S (Jknkiiai. Oi.nnw, No. II. Tlio three Stlltl'S "f '.''"'n'"' I' l"1'1'". Ko.llll Clip oliiui, comprising -ho Military I .-urt nicii t of lliii Smith, having ilcruloly dcclurml ItieutHfl vm no longer uiu! r the protection of tho United Slates of AiniTicii, nml Inly ing taken ' nrm ii?"iiist said United Slate, It bccuiiui n military necessity to ili. elure llicui "iidcr ''mrliul hiw. '''his win accordingly Ihiu on the '-'.'itli ilnyof April, ISii'J. Slavery nml martini law in a livu country uru altogether incompatible. Tim wrsoiiH ill these H'lot) SI a leu- Georgia, I'luridu, nml South Carolina lieretol'oro i.i im hliivfn, nnt then-fore (behind for crcrfrw. DAVII IIUNTKK, Major-General ('oii.uiiiiiiliiig Oflicial - Kn. W. Smith, Acting Asst. Adjutant General. Ami, win-ram, tin' same is producing some excitement '""I misunderstanding, Therefore, I, Alirahiiui Lincoln, 1 resi lient of tin I'uiteil Slates, priicl.iiu. und ileclaro tlmt tin' (Jovernmeiii of the Undid States liail no knowledge or lii'lnTol mi m teiitiun on the part of lien. Hunter to Ik miii such n proehintatioii, nor Iihn it yet liny ..iLilieiit'm iiil'ormntion thai I lie document H L-enuiiie: uml, further, that neitlurtieil Hunter, iir nny other roiiiuinuicr, or per- miii Iuih lieeli aiitliori.eU hy Hid tiovern lileiit of tlm United Stall K l' make procla- nmlion declaring the slaves ol' nny Mate free, utiil that th" suppo-nl pro. Lunation now in inuslioii, wliell.ir genuine or Inisr i. ..'in.'i ilier voitl. mi far us ripielM mu Ii ilichirulion. I liirlher tniike knoHii that whither ii l,i eoinpi tent for nie, hi Coiiiiuainli r in ri,i. f uf Hit Armv ninl .Nnvv. to ilerlare ll... hlnvm of anv Stato or Slides l;ve, nml whether nt unV lime, or in anyen-ie, it sliu II I, .v.. I, ii-ii iin-e.. iv imli-.iiens.iMf to tlif uiaiiitenaiiee of the I love niineiit I i ex rrei-C Mil ll Mipp"eil power, are ju K'lis wliieh, uii'l'T my rf-poiisiliil.ly, I r. -ervr lo in vii-ir. uml whu li I e.iuiiol feel ju-l iti .1 i If.ivin.r lo Ihu ih ei-ion ol em uuih rs in i... r.. l.l 'l'l.i c nre lolnliv ilifl'i rent ioii h tioiiH from those ol pol.ee. n e.ul.itious in ur-niii-H uml e.mips (In thu I'.th iluy of M-irrh lat, 1y n dpi ciul message, 1 reeotlinieiiil. il to ColieTes. tliu iiiloplioil of a joint resolution, lo lie mili-.tiiii!mlly a lullow : " ,', iic, Thai llif I'nileil Slates on-lit to eo operate ilh nny Stale w liieh ln.iv mlopt tt (1.11I111I niioli-liuii nl of Slave-y, j;niiil nut to .,eh Male in ils ilisenlion lo coinpeiii.itc f"" th" ilieoim mi Iiees, puMic uml private, proilueeil ly Mich chaiij-i! of Mstelll." ' The resolution in tin luunnrvr iil ove liloteil was niloplnl I V lnrjjf iiiajor;tiei in lioth l.rnliehes ol Coii-re-x, nml now clamls mi nillheiitlf, ile!iinte, riml soh-mu pM o sal n( Ihf n itiou to The Slnt. s uml people most iliiuieili ilely inter, stf I in llif Mil.jeet llialler. To thu'peoplo of tllfW Stales I now enniesily uppe.il. I 'lo not nrsni 1 1.1-s.eeli you' to Ulakf ihf lir-lllenls lor yourselves. You Oililiot, if you woiihl, he Mil.il to the oilins of tin tune. I X of You n mini nml rnl.irife.l eonsiiler.ilion ol ihf in, runink', if 't " '.v r"r ui'00 l"r rumil nml piirlisan pohlieri ill Iliakeil eomilHill i-niise lor n ; upon laimo IU.iiki. Dr.VKl.ni'HKNTK to tub lii i.i, 'oiii! iii inlilitiou h'J nearly covered with the Hun Ai kaiii. A conesiminleiit uf tlm N. (-niliigiilerv donu hv tlio woinun of tho V. Post, ill Yoiktown fell in, union-' thu Vomi-m. Thin inveiitioii ul.so nets itH face rebel ollieers caitiiri.-d in the pursuit, with Otipt. W. (J t'ouiier, of Natelie,, Miss., tik'aiiisl tlio Kewiiif; mncliini', us ncurly tvery pin t of it must bu huiidwork. It was pur- (,Ie IT Davi.s Legion of ('uvulry,) in whom 1 posely ho dehi'iied lo prevent mi iminense lie reeoni.i.'d uu old idiisx-mntu nt Yule, I nuinher of seniuslresses buinjj maidenly uml whoso hospitality liu had enjoyed in thrown out of work by the increased de Mibseiiient yciirs. In thu coiiverKulioii iniiiul for iinieliiuc kcw in;,', w liieh is not yet which ensiieil is the following interehtine; enpuhle of i llectiu liem-stitcli or embroid- x position of certain hitherto unexplained i cry. The Kuiprisn'H new pettieout is thus circumstances connected with the buttle of, calculated to be nt tlio sumo turns ft very Hull Iliiu, or MiiniiHsas: exclusive institution, uml one tlmt will give ('urmiiumtlrut Why was the oflicial re- us much employment to tlio poor needle- porl of tho biitiln of Mamissas no lonji ( women mm tliu tiw ntrvettt und boule vards withheld from the pulilu: liy your generals.' i June 'li. Thu Worlds dispatch says " importunt rumors have been circulating to day, to the effect that Secretury Stunton ! is iibout to relimpiisli the charge of the Wur Department; Ueu. lianks will take ,." . . , the place vaciited. DctlEa-StCrn-?-CWS' I Washinsftou, Juno 23d.-Tl.o Tax Bill Naval llultle on Ike MixiiwpiiilleM passed the House to-day the Senate unun Flcrt amiihilulcd-Memphi, Surrender j "mo-isly-tlie House by only l l rm.jority . ' J mm lhc raeiliu Hailroud Dill wry mctUij-iiiihUng at tli'ii li'xlim passed the House to-day by 10-1 to 31 mid Jliitllc.i in Virginia on Haul;' c now only uwuils the sinnuturu of the Tresi The Tux Hill and the Varilk' ' lailroad'uktil. Advices are received by the War Hill iiaxndtfC Department dated Corinth, June 2iid, nnd from McC'lelhiii's nrmy dated June2:jd V..il.i.i. rf ! .ni ...pi .. in... Iim I rn .1 ti .ir.t.l in The Rrlitl V ki-t AnnihiUilid, ,.".,,.. Cairn, June 8th. The packet IMiittu ( J,,,,,. 25th. A dispatch from McClel Vulley iiriived this iiiornin;' direct from j a.s iH.mijjuartcrs says: " l-'rom move Memphis. Our llotilbi, cfnsistiti of live ! K.lg 0f w WVMy I,,st niht, nnd from in gunboats uud eight rams, left Koi t Wright ! frtrmatiai, received from contrabands, uu . i V.I....I, .... TLmj,!,... i..i.p..i,.. 'I'l.i u : . .i.i- . -, - , I ,i ..I, l in, iu uuurn .ii .... n ; c-ie'.i'Tiiiein was cxiii-Lieu uils iiiuiiiiiil'. I'f " ur I r o il III' I Ii itUe Your ol i in W,t'i,!ly 1,0 ,0 "'kU l''"'C i"" 1 110 ol'h,r,ldio" ul"' n": linrnl two ",iks Thu troops were all under arms at daylight, , ,ii ,i. . inn in eiy ii ter ijt.y hood luis pnssei nwuy, : ubuve .Mempiiis in eigni o eiin u mo Mime nn.l iii.u'oiimi'f- ri-iuirU hail e 1'i-iit V I'Vnir- i J J I J' v , ' I ' . J .n ... . i.!....i. ,. i... .1... !. :.:. .:.... I . r ... 1 i.vi.i.iii i .1 .....i. ..r i. h , !..., vi-L ii n uu it' in.: 1 1 it ii l il vi! ul uic i ---v 'I'llllt'll Hie hlieiitii iii i-iii in - i unit tJ " ,K- ! ,1.. I ll,.. I.I........ I it pi. ( tmnrr ll incipaiiy oeeiiuse lieu- erals Johnston nnd IScnuregiird did not (ioiMi with tii v. (Jnti.s. Tho cntrnnec buttle 1 1 was not the policy of our com- their henrda nn; presentable. I lis a; A reconnoisaiicu was niiido ami I... ...w.m.i-'u ll.... i ilisi-nvi-ri'il Iviip ni-ur the pnnt ',,, "'J ...... .j ... ..;.. lli.-t...-tl.nl.I.r l.t llu.ir (Ir.'f. nifivi il uuiuders to d m:!osu the true Mn ngth id our lriu uitln-r nt n tender or tough nge. For j.'., lh(. ri.r At ,i,iyi.,t tlu-y were force, us our nrmy of the l'otomac was de-, n) ov, ,. ,, ,0 ,0 (l (Jl)ori knmv. i . jn ,ill0 0, lmUe 0ur signed us uu iirmv of mi-naco merely, ami i . .,.., , -, ii ,u ; ,i, ,,i;ml. wi.i.'beil nnehor ,,,'t of ii.taek. the desi,,, or onr I-resi- ; "-' " '' '"" '" . ' , ' , " 1 tow , ; ,1, nt was not to ntlaek Washington, but to ' oml knock or ring, will, nn absolute cer- g Jo '''rJ .! Nocoiitiiiimllylhrealei.it that you would ; t,,ii,iy tlmt ii, two minutes all ryes i" ! 0(1,p rue ,y tt rebel boat fell near the be obliged to hold u largo nrmy m tho vi-. liU) js sl.V(,r(, u.st 0r cmTagei To i,-,.(T(.ra pmlJOat Cairo, which immediately cinily to protect the city thus obliging you , , f( , . , , k R t(jip o(-, j. d wilh a Ur0,(lsi(lu. The ,.n;;il!;,ment to wniulraw your troops iron, o.ne, pom.s ; (.nil Tl(J I 1 if uf iittaik nt the South ur West, or pre rain Monarch struck tlio rebel boat Ucunregurd venting you from reinforcing those points . mid bit down and dispose of his hands with- j .j. t.ulli(, ,,or ,ttry j twonnd A giiin, Ihu Imlllu wns so nearly won Ilial t put tin tin in into his pockets, is an ' L.uusill(, ,',.r to lill nml sink. The rebel tlm oflicial report of il nt mi euily day ll(.,j(.v,,lm.t ofwhicli few boys can boust. ! ruln iJttlc Hebel inutlo u dash ut the . Mou would have given your troops more encour ' , The latter, however, succeeded in "form-Why did Mr. Davis reject tho leu yards of tape will, one of Hi nolicv of (Jen. r-caurcgard in regard to the cut it short at each eml, he in; ul tempt lo take posse.vsion of Washington.' t-iiiiice to spend u pleasant evmicg, ( iiimr Itecaiiso wo could mil have (a . imslif t!m, ,L, (rius ' k wlii('l) struck the rebel bout lien. (,.,.. of ti, titv consetiuent upon the Con- i. Id the capital, so long ns you nan uir I.ovcll. rendering her iliimunagenble. I in- i-,..i,.r:,t,. 1,,-s nml the exhaustion of their he "iris and letting out of the way of the blow intended comit MyS tie yMc lasted nil day wi n ' . i for her, struck the rebel boat (Jen. 1'rice, i lt.avy loss on loll sili-.s. The Cliarlestt ay fiann n , . K.r na.t. um nwkiiig it nc- L!llK.rs f,.ari.,i t,e ,mc would be renewi vriiii L', but ; t..,,... i ,.i, her nsbore. win ncc she sent ! .i . i .1,... . r..sv..l f,.nn fur tlm vv.vi' " J -v- I nil ll .u ..i'ii.-- . ' and everything in readiness, but after slight demonstration by the rebels who found themselves promptly met at every point, they returned to their old position. New York, June SWd. Gen. Ilutler was serenaded at the St. Charles Hotel, New Orleans, on the 14th inst. and made 11 speech, in which he declared his feelings friendly to the South, but nt the same time he was resolved, ns a matter of duty to car ry out the luws of the United States under all circumstances. The speech was well re ceived. The rebel lieu. Lovell has gone to Yickshurg. Foutiiesj MositoE, .June 23d. The steamer from City I'oiiit, !i"t night, brought Ilichtiiond paiiers with an account of the fight at Charleston on tho 16th. Tho ac- itli ston renewed pulsion of th,. lolou.i... I "''. ,,f l,r.-,ki,i.r,, The dear iris don ' ""-(liutcly Vt, '-he I.ovcll was rundown; l--r0,n (1C. lir,!clo we judge the rob- P'.li. y of (ie... Ileauregnrd and ot he of lust, the I ri.iking up. Hit du . t rls Ho. lhe W(.st tp our leaders to capture thai city und bbe-, their hoods nnd mit on their shawls, n,,t ; a hromlsi-lu from tl..: Ueiitoii took ifTt-ct in isiaml ,y the Federal gunboats. If this rate .Maryland. , look so saucy uml mischievous, so iinimpres-1 sljoj f !; JifT Thompson, scttirg her Mnos;.t'ion jiroves true, the citv must soon un ri - m-.i,..,.. :; isilile nnd independent, ns il they dull, t on lire. Mio burned 10 mo waters euge. au ro,...hi the n.o.t galh.iiily , ' wi,, u1xyUttU t0go home with them. The,. I The remainder of tho rebel fleet returned pi,,,,,,.,,,, ,0 the Augusta papers (rout Connrr- lhe I Itli l.rookhii l.-g, nml :, , ,. , ,,- , ;r, down the river, pursued by our boats. 1 lie cimrloton lClh say: A severe battle took (ir llin'su.i.l Kick, tl's batteries fouglil by eo.nes the pmcu; goes to the prett.est girl iw q( gnu-1 .m,Q morning on James I.dand u few r.ir the uio-t gallaiilly. This is the opinion j die room, nnd Lis tongue clinging to the vj, jL.i, ijet. ul,aiiiluneil by their j m:i,.s froln t,n city. Five regiments of of nil of our oflicers. roof of his. mouth, oml crooking out his el- ,-r,-vs. C'apt. .Montgomery, the ivbel flag j ..,l.r.,!! uttacked the batteries ut Seccs- frr..i-Yhal errors do your onieers stnuiuiers out tho vords. "Shall I oflicer, nnd most of the officers nnd men es- i s;0vic. Tho Confederates numbering think we i mntted at this i.aitie , . , , fin,.rs eaped. The Federal rain Lnncutcr wns . 150 ri.mscd the enemy with great slaugh caused us to lose lue nny . i Ciiiniir If voil had (ought the natiie 10 ins arm, nun tney mK nomr, i-hiujj us Thurs.lnv und Friday, you would have won nttUr,l os two goslings. As soon us she ; i rums was strH1.jj in the breast by u splin-; (.tu(rj ;jo tirisoners. Ours is estimated nt 0f ti.c vav. Deimrtmeiit entered into a it. Tlm di lay at I'.lacklmrii's l ord was jN w i,,i,, lt.r door, he struts hoiue, and re-, ter and stunned but soon recovered. Tins rrom to 100. The attack was soon to I contract lately with Knap, of Fort Tilt f.tal to yon. ou muile a -;reai mu nary w w ho only eilsu:1ity 0n our siUe. uur be rpm,w,.d. Ir0n Works, Pittsburg, for a monster can- ... ...... f nrms were manuia liy siiarpsuooters no l!,-,,uregard. You fought the Imttle nv ''1' '; ; d (.Xl.cuti,m i picking off the enc- .lightly disabled during the engagement. tcr 'i'i,e ,.,R.my fought bravely but wire ,l Klliott who coiniuaimed the 1' eibT-1 Ii,.r..ni(.,l tlirir loss is believed to be 400 in- EfsCT Kx-I'resident Buchanan, it is sta ted by the Washington correspondent of tho Philadelphia Press, was recently visited by two ladiis, and u conversation in regard to tho war was hud. Iu the course ol tho conversation the battle of Fort Donelson was alluded to, when he paid: "Ladies, yon must not suppose that this victory will end the wur: there will be much severe fighting yet, and should our Northern soldiers nt tempt to go South ns the warm weather npprouches, they will be swept off like sheep. Ladies, you know that the South ern pcoplu have long anticipated this strug gle, nnd have long been preparing for it ; they can nevir be conquered." In reply one of the ladies very pertinently told the cx-l'roiilciit thai during his administration the Southern people had been allowed to do ns they pleased with tho powers that controlled the Government; but notwith standing this, il was their opinion that they would be conquered and madu to return to the support ol the Constitution. CSrThe dependence of Great Britain on the United States, for food, can be best shown by n few statistical fact?. During the year I SOI the enormous quantity of H,322,oH9 quarters of wheat actually 8,020,5i:j,410,lbs, as the British quarter contains 8 bushels, or 4S0 lbs. nnd 0,243,- 8!)7 cwt. of meal und flour, were imported into thu United Kingdom. During that year, tho United Stutes supplied upward of 2 millions of quarters of wheat, nnd 3 Miotic of cwl. of meal and flour. The whole cost of these importations was about $100,000,000 for wheat, and $30, 0UO.O00 for meal and flour. The share of the United Stutes in these vast sums wu at least $30,000,000. The authenticity of these figures cannot be questioned, for they ere taken from Parliamentary returns, re cently published in England. fcsrThe Uichinond Examiner of the 22J ult. denounces the rebel Secretary of wur for deceiving the Southern people by asser ting thai a great victory was guined over the National forces in tho two days fight at Pittsburg Landing. The editor states that "all the evidence collected ou the sub ject pots to show that the Confederates icere badly defeated;" and, ns nn evidence of the fact, he quotes Beauregard's own let ter to General Grant, the day ufter the battle, a.king the latter, who was in pos session of the field, for perm'ssiou to bury his (Beauregard's) dead. Monster Gf.v. The Ordnance Bureau Tho llichmond Dispatch says, it can he .... wj,i, a caliber of twenty inehes.throw- 7 ....... , , I ' . - . no longer ilenied that JaeKson nas ueca ;,, a jan weighing one thousand pounds, heavily reinforced lutely. Tho l'cileral I a sufTicttit cliai jre of powder ofsupe- . .... ..i. ....... in., in. ..I..-. .i- .... error III ui.ouig .ioiium.h. ,, .. - , ... e I.:, i.. i . ........ I. ... ....... I......... ...., i.n ti-.L-f-d ill ... i .... i I I... :.. ,.. ll.... rv.Mini iits win f we ion :u ii nt "in -1 , iiumei nun uu uiiu ...... ... -',.., .riiiiners. l io reuei loss in miu-u nnd divisions There were many times be-1 ,lIoruin nnd finds the door of life oiwii lo ' wouinlcJ uml inibtiiiii; bi licuvy, but is not j rorccs must eilluT combiuc or fall Lack rjor (,uai;tv, it is thuti!it thut a range of fore I oVI.ii k in the afternoon ot that tiny , . lm lt, i,s Hm.ail(, for breakfast, vet ascertained. j across the Potomac. nearly eight miles enn be obtained fur this in which you iiiighl have won lhe battle if I ' . ' fter the return of our boats from the i Vest. rday the rebels opened firo upo'.i terrible projectile. The gun is lo be of the von hud 'vigorously attacked our centre, I , ., to hear Fourth of duly ora-1 nurM,it (;, Davis sent s note to the May-i Hot,kers advance with shell, but with no paldgivn pattern, and constructed ou the 'since the i i utre ol our line ol battle had rs ,ii .ii.niii in llond iui-iiii'v wlmt ; or 0f loniphis ili-muiiiliii-; tla surroiultr of serious damage. Gen. Hooker answered i0jinnn principle. The snnio establish- become vi iv weak I V reason of the con- tlu- people of the United Stales were capn -J The Mayor replied that the force rrolu 0f om- powerful batteries throwing u)C,t bas un order for fifty Dahlgren guns- tiniiid r. iiilorceinents l.en. .lonnsum i iimng. l. at our peop.e, niuiiii uu-1 0r circmtancej placed inc city in m v'-'-, heavv slull wUie'.i were seen to ourai aiuuns 0f iftceu inches bore. ..i i: .. .i ,.. ..,..1 i., ilu- 1,-lt w mil wns so ,t ..... ...out is havp. in the raimlilv lilul L;. l ,1j innt ivns iinniei lately sent : ,i... r..l.tw """ ' .. . . .- .' t ' - "' - ... . ' - -. . s. . T ll- U L.l l l.,.rn en illness ol their ncnieveineiiis, uir more j.. fl,i i in imtional ting raiseu over me . K.irtress Monroe. June 'J.id. ine gun- l.itu. uiier-.s. i tun pi.iu w tliiin jusid'n tl the w ddest beast ever uttered , j.0,t ()VU.C. No deinonstrntion was made. )l0nt jacoi, ut.ji on Saturday proceeded up from the New York Post that the injuries iu their behalf. it ws even reported that it would not be I .j.llUS r;V(!. tu reconnoitre and ran aground of this gnllaut oflicer, though very severe, The ccntrast between the spirit of the ! necessary to declare martial law. nve 01l a saiidbar. The rebels soon leorueu uns arc noi r.seiy io urp. . ... j . . i ..ri ..I r s i i- n.f nt t u inn were cu nur-u. 1 .,. i,r,i,.i,t n nit , rv o tie d nieces aonn iiuure sei om. .- .. ........., .. ... , ........ ... aiL-i.ii.i . J . ."o , 1. 1 ii. ' 'r - -- J . . ... I . This proposn i-omnuHl object, casting no reproach's ii ... Il siclsiiotlhf Pharisee. The elm it contemplates would come gently as the dews ol heaven, not rending or wrecking ...ivil.lnir Will voil ii"l embrace it? So I.hs not been done bv one t ITorl iiim , f -ll i 1 1 mi nu in 111 Ull H""' i God it U now your high privilege 10 no May tho fast 'future not Imvu lo lament ilmt von have m elected il. lil'witness whereuf I have hereunto set my hand nnd ciiils. il the seal ol the United Ktnl.K Iii I ni iidived. ti i 1 1,., di nf Washim-ton this tilth d.iv of May. ill the year of our l.or.l one thousand eight hundred and sixty-two, nml ir Ihu independence id the L u:ted Mat tho eighty-sixth. By the President, Amuimu I.iveoi n. Wu. II. Skwaiiii, Secretary of Stale. tnT Tho Philadelphia Press truly snyn tlmt. for the last six months, '" vusl ries of triumphs liavo been uccninnlaliug, i.iio iitiou tho other, until tho worm re mmiids with tho brilliancy of onr vu tones nml tho military critics of other counlri. regard with uwo ami iistonishiuent he completenesK nnd rapidity of our successes. A .lumbering ifiunt ! h"' l,n'" """"j xi; and as his blows aro dealt tliii k nnd fast, to tho terror of ll.oso who goaded him to wrath, the spi'ctaclo Is us strange ns It in jiiblimo nml terrible. IJcforo om- bmnbardinent of tho forls be low Xrw Orleans began, tho commande of tho Ilrillshnud French men-of-war I) i iu tho river, expressed a desiro to visit t h cnomy, or cmirsa to nxft.nino his prcpan tlnns Ctmiuio-loro Fnrragnt readily gran d their re.,ucHt. When they re lur e , .i i i.ioi ilmt ll was of no nso for 1.1... to attempt tho capture of New Orln in thai direction; It eoM , 'me ' f Thnlinivo oldtnrrepiuo. ji t .....i I i.i inula tint nlteinpi. i won ni'i.fc ii" " - . , ,i. You may Im right, but I came hero lo Ink" , r. il.., furls nnd jtcw i;ri(innn iu pin ki try il mi.'" -Homo of tho" Houtheru pnpers chnr ii i ...ut. i...t..,r liliimeablu for mo onuiircuiuii nn" ""(, , . ...r... .Vr ii... I1..I...I- ii L S i oh. nnd rather Insinuate- Uml thu doughty H. Is a l.uinbuK -Perry i'luvMl'" iiinlor or the celo braled " f'aln Kllh r," tli.nl in Provulemo rccvnllv. niter uu Ulnu - uoine iwo h. liereely pressed by your right. It was u levch-lv contested biillle oil your hide. Volir soldiers fought gallantly, MH Uiev were not w ell coinllialiiled. ((,rr, ,Vliy did you not follow up our retreat: . , f,r-Wehail no fha t.l tne cmi delemss ..four Victory at the time, Hd! ,, sides, we were in no condition to follow up tho rclreiit. t'niNoi.iNK Uim t i:miii-Tin: F.u- ,. '.. I ...r 'l'lil' I'! Ill I tTt -S.S l lll'SS 1,1 I.KMfc S I . n I st vie ol rebel Coiil'edi r.icv and the (iovetnmc.il chalh liges the civilized world's' ntleiilion. I lie war is on mc one pun a w ar of I'hristiaiis, on the other a war of worse than barbarians. Charleston InvrslfJIltl Arcuunts. The following despatches tire from South ern papers: Charleston (S. ('.) June Sd.-The livery day of the continuance of this war j, Kmi,lts nre n.nviug up reveals hoi. iroois -i ...u r.ui.,0 0f 0nr lu.ttcriis. H' rapacity, the ferocity of the reoels.and rrcsh ircv;li.s, as the gu evidence of the treiuelidons power, vast re-1 ,.,mi,jl.l,i.c is sources, ami ncghty energies of lhe I ,,,Ul1 tft. iJfs ability to drive to tho bank nnd "pencd upon her. Nie from his present suuermgs in uetier general succeeded iu driving Hi. ni oil, imt nai uu- m uiiii mail no nas imjo-u ,v, i ii. til she was considerable injured. ' .. o nl Willl-liestor Tl. ' VI' ... inning -t " - I i ii i l -tl ' Ip.uell with his eotnuiand left Corinth for city, ts everywhere well received, and will Within I .... I...II., i-,. !,. I.1...H ,l,,il,tli. be coinnleted. .lliu iieun iiui ,i...w ! Tho Post ndds that the subscription in his Gen. honor, which has been set on foot in that f t .1 . I I. : v-.."- n'" .... .1 Mill 11 I III' '11. 1,-cil, proo.s ... ine . ;...,,. o. - f Imttcri.s. The greatest ex- " , .,. 0- ,;,,. of .,, attcr r" . . t I'liiii'ii iu hiiiiiii iii-- - Ilii'Tiiii' lias iu-t udowltM a new - . . in,.. p.tucoat which is the despair ol nea.iy an Mates. 4ll.so il. women of moderate fortune who nre The Atlanta ((.a.) I onic.ieracv quotes i CliurK ston. O C.; June -iin.-im-iv ft .,.ri.. on their l-erson, the the eoiicessioil of a Surgeon iu the ConfediT- jtifiti V landed this morning, 'J.000 strong, n.nbitiotis of bearing on thur pirsoas i , whiimed on all i. .. i ' I j,l n.,..sile the cil v. A bat- Inti st novelty that is to be found ut ; si(1(.. ,;,!.. . is to pay." Wulk down .i .. t'0uk idace and the enemy were repulsed celebrated mofni ' ot l aris. in. ."!- , t0 tl,0 counter, then, ami pay your iicaeui-,'iv,.tv men nr.' laKcn prisoiici rial Majesty is not ambitious to poj.i.l.in.i 1 the .wrvm M of the toilette. Nio Ucicm.s ; s,m,e ol the rcUel leauers are so reicugu ,vcrvtl.in.' that is con.n.ou, and lately , fnl in disposition nnd so tortuous in move nir)imnn uu : ,,,,,,1 ,,s .. inost to nduce tlie suspicion thul l,.-..,.cd of her tirewomen to mveni sonic- , . , " pn- - . . .-.vu win iniii'it .w - rs ....-. -. il.in.r iii the shnne of a in tticoat that cnuni f . . jimidUTS wus tho ! iaml nnd John Island. I... u urn bv every Imurununr. 1 ,.,ild of the snake. front ol I. en. uw on i i.Iliiiiii 1'iirniL' nt has been ul 1 ist brought v.. n.iiit,,rv oflicer iu a battle below the j the gunboats mi,, r . ;- . . ' , - ,.i. . gunboats nre in ( - ., c0 that nenr by cxprcsied in off the inva- Ominoi s. F.xperimeiits have been made ut Vt'cst Point with a new projectile inndo There . '.. e t is still heavy firing in tlio direction oi dames Island. It is rumored lhat one hundred more of the Yankees were ruptured. " Prisoners taken M' have lamled l.olll iroois on it t . ..f..itt I ,-ni I Mill. raiiroati. iit'ii. .uoruua un v s- . t! . .1 I. ..nvi'lllO I ll'l lilt itor. At a distance of f.fiv ynnla a shot I . - i i . . . c 1 I-.. IfotlRlltl IXSTANCK OFT1IK Clll lXTY OK went through a SOIIU puue oi iiro.ig.il. nun tiik PiKiiki.s. A letter from John M. Col lins, recently published in tho Cincinnati Gazette, gives the following aecotit of some nni' iiities of Southern life: On the 25th of eight inches thick, nnd knocked over a pilo of pig iron back of it. The plating ol tho Mcrrtmac is but live luetics tuicK, uiiu micii a shot would send her to the bottom. April ISO I, I wns arrested upon tho nllc- .- ... !.... 1 ....j fi.ir.....:, urn. Ii. lit llf the that the enemy iPioui..ai . .. w..v ..... ... - - I! K. Tr nun. nml I irowil imoBUiirik uiiu IfilllVM 'T ' ' President Lincoln said iu his Inntigu ral Address, that it would be his policy to "hold, occupy, nnd possess" the forts of tho United Stutes thnt hud bceu seized by tho edeeriii- rank of CoiiiiuHnder in Chief, ever won An ad vain1 7)'ur near Harrisonburg, Va. Thevnre now in ' s0,,,u dung,'on, where the nceu.ntilatcd filth rebels. Surely the world cannot ebar?o ,W eover o, i of voars zM exislence for n,,y .ength 'Z n! ncc ,s luimmeut. ((f limc ,m ibKl This nrrcst thc Mt.m. rod'u J t t. ... . :..l.;irtnt v . ... .. . . phis Avalancho wus exceedingly jubilant tllry wit 0j,He thut n-ccnt events nro ..... It .lues not altogether supers ,. . , , ,.,.. ,.;r iiscnbes it. nnd ts more glory tiuiu .ei.. ...... .. ,,j ,llt i;mi. nio iuno...s """.over, ami nan i:ieir coui..s j ,crj su. ....- l,,'m';- i 1 i tu in the ' on in the Iml.lo of Shilol. Gen- S takes ; (nm llt.niIiiirt,r-, June Ml., j m m,ed I wouM not TrclhoTo;d"VhTr7 rebel or- peculiar virtue is that, g. t .1 up "' l,,t ; ,- k rimily ulm,ll(? tl,u world s heroes. : , v l,n Harrisoiihurg on ihel-lh. ,xu , ...... f JttT Hw huhnioiiU " u P a reou or ,,al,,t pprimr, it must be ns dear as f . .,, ns ever was ut- T1 4. t half past eight o'clock, low be writ ,,g his lett.r gan, bitterly assails the rebel ad.m.iistra- r eight ordinary ,'Uieoas, and eat.-! .' Imt of ill W- Johnson, IVov- ,,i rebels seven miles ed in that c.ly, I was compelled to ng it wi(h the responsibility of I t , ossibly be washed nnd s.nooll.ed for lsional lioVl.rller of Ke...ucky-"tho rebell- from lIlut ,,,,,,, The enemy wen; very thc CIwrmillrt perpetrated in obnlum to of A g T,u ...any lrut.es Petticoats nre a ; ion is a failure." ndvanlngcously posted in Innber, In ng 1k.1k.s,8 of me who ruled the mob.- Gou,fllincnt is rc. r u id nnd in nny case dilVt- lleauregard is a falsifier upon principle ,iad time to choose i l.eir ... J 0)C in IC morilill?i from six o clock en, of LIooJ anJ very sacred sulijict, nun in my tn ns t W0M vm f,,rmoil en inu, niHlc.msisi.a , ftt 1C i ' tn , c,..i,i e ii.. ii.,. n itiiii cull things bu submission to tho law of God, would low- i' n - , lie SIH'I..."-"""" i" A'..f.nV. that is a subject ol serious uih- , ,.llarui.u.r nH u rebel. ti.de to so many women, is pan... .,rt nfter furl, city niter city, nine Iv so. Nevertheless, ns ... !....l;.,n .l,l In' limit tlmt terrilile nore-c .....i. im mU public ils peculiarities i n tusk Uml should bo atletnpted. liencin a uuo lresM il produces an effect so charming as ... .. . . Il.n must (hitter- to l llll l"l' 'orrciii vi iv g ndjectives of which Prencl. is capao.i,. It certainly forms a grneeiiu co, ...... n . . .i... ii. .i.i -l li-io iif minin its weltivr ilalices to urn iw otli.T l..1y con.h.H iu coi.t.u t with tho sl.fl Mel burs of the '"go she carries noo... ..... I'l.U woti.lerful Fit'""- ,,,ul 1,1 m"H "" . t.. ,.t r I. il.. niiislin. so stnneesH) .iuhihou". v. - . ,,at washer women cannot Bti.iei. .i . ltHcirrun.rcrci.coiH six 7nr.i. (howil,Kt H"t. nd It is covered by nno H,,,,, of still greater eircu.n i. oW(.Klorthesollouneesisbynllneeon.sa mn frill ; the second, a lew Inches longer d,.nsiderablyvvhU:r,c.HnpU'U'!y cover o llrsli the lWrf ll--""01 " .! m on till fl""? f-n" : e.y over tho other eight, each one ' , Iv,, at tho standard of lm- battle """I"'. . . . i r..r.... 'I' .n So bS IS nn;; nt rim., j window t ,U llm. th.ir whip- , anJ cry of und lasted with greul vioieucu uoui . pmgs nnu :.eiiu niii....s to lev iv i.iw v-". i .i . i ,i... , .:i..... i it...;. ..ris.m.Ts uml unarmed men .alleil pnieg.iiaii., men with great ellccl on me coci... .. . ,1C jm i or May 1IM, Otto ot mu uiui.iuivu ....... , amo,,g them. Where E,; ,idcs is very great. . hrrs occoIllpr,hed young ladies with their heavy catio knives! 1 ey acted , - very heavy nn.ong JjJ , M of, w1 dipped to with oil tho fiendi-h n.ahguity of savages. fore high heaven that they will never surren- .I..H lllll I i lien thev surrender. Ill I ( The Germans ure called phlegmatie, but certainly there is hro among tin to is so mticli smoK Pi ri. It may sometiines become necessary that tin. tree of liberty Hhallhuvoa ropo suspen ded Iron, every liranclt. What single advantage I.nvo ino reoe.s derived from tins war except, m n tiiiu of their foohsli pruio ami vino.; . n't must think they havo plenty of arms. They threw owny 10,000 ot Cor inth. . . ,. I . I. I...lipved that at least 1,UUU reueis found their " rights" t WiHuh ,(iiiMi'.'? Journal. joy Tho rebels displayed tho most rc- meu whi'ped nnd volting burbority in their nttnek on Mm- and forly threo hung, dny morning, when tliey surprisea ueu. "r . . .... .,i. ,.ri. ,i..,.,a r,.. Thru cut lhe nmiis or h J ' , . ...ii,l..fi liiivonets lu.,.iini' tlicv re hscu to inse uu ui. v. i.m. .v.-.. small n.u. lire being . . ' ' i. !!,, I 1 m . ,...,, Atu, ,. anlJi. 0, ,, , their lent, and i.i,.r s hoi were treeiy omu .7 ...fninco 10 inc oinuuv... vk...v. , - ..HI. ureal elTcct on tlm lieui; n J . nfVr'?r l.,?lL VlZ, l" 1' Zn. n, ishinS and artillery firin con-: . , from Uic lh 0f April .0 the " , nciii line. ....... i.v . I .: 1 r..,., ilmt time t U iirK. 1 compiered by tho armies 01 1110 l.mu.i The oflicers in the rebel forts swenr be 1 ' .... .ni 1. -I. (l.ir (rAniiit1 . . ,..,., ,,m.,l-r.-ll. M'"' ,.'" "" . ccan,pedo..ine.en ih . u. . ' .i..,, ,,, yj up011 her back, nnd tho right half of her head shaved, . J ' "J.'1 lll0t 0r April are half a . . 1 ...I.......1 . i;,.L..I for f" l.l... l,,.i.,ii (,. nl,,v bo renewed at nny moment. .. . ..-I. ..;, Will, 11. ,.. . , ,.'.,,. pith -Advices re- simply becnuso sho pt.rcl.nsed 0 ticket for Km (Il,ani i excess ol the imports for ,MI,i :"v ' n irtnimt state:-!r1,i ,;.n1,dwascongratulatin1? herself thnt Apr;, 1S01, r,ny attained .ields'advaneogt0 wouM won bo In a lomlof frcedo,. ,MZ:Zmoentt lllillks neauro- Mondayn.ori.ini., . . j , . . mnlii,g t ,..,.:, . wak.r lors0 i Tel.- -It is reported thnt President Lincoln has snid thnt ho would rniso 0 fresh nrmy of a million of men rather lh..n submit to r.,r,.il,lo lorcii-.i liilerventio... If ho did sny so ho only i.nllclpntcd tho universal Kcutiiiieiii or " re'T11' Uei'mblic. Koehinghaiu county, Yirginia. Tl fronllirt was ...ainlained for some lime but ol . meuim main body, when tlio ? l Is lverodrivenl-nck. Tho He .(.ntf s said to have been very severe i"w"bern N. C, nro recelvim? clinritnblt ; n(.HSCC river must bo a very dry juku to tho 1 11 n I'liiiint 1 n ... - - . . 1m1v ni 1 . ' ...1...1. were Iii such overwhelming nssistunco from our army stores. ... .,. ,lors(.( uui. mu .."n- , , ,. , 1...., ,l iinimite 11 nnu ro 1n.mlH.n1 tlmt our niivnneo nt-o .... ..... - - -; Tho loss is heavy on says Shields d . . a urn I . . . . ..... Iinlfd nntt. ruse offers or work, wl.nu 1110 mg.. vitlnn U10 lasi icw wre willinit to earn their daily bread. tre.Kiro Fort Jacksons, routed .Ueo. vnu, ilmt 1I.0 Mcrrimuc Is destroyed, jai-kson, ond como very ntor Inking Gov both sides. A prlvnlo letter ! , K , , nary il( ri.duced to one stenmer j ackson. . ....... ...1 nt. . ... ... . in,, Ihn tmr ot I ' ' 1 .destroyed a largo '"" Ho AMftei(.e, nnu .. ...j, o on tho 1st of ,..ni M.lford. Tho recent rains . . Iho population mtnrM on in. 111 oi tho brills over tlio souin . , Shetm.idoah, which jnatwi IntwRw, "J"' . ..t-.l ri'i. ...., I ru n rebel s..,.phe. nt d 0 " " " " f war. 37,282,225, on Increase -Ii 0110 of tho tsconsin reBini. " r f 3t'2804 a3 compared with the census, with the movements of Iroop; cum. nvnrv rnhtnin but ono wu killed. CSIIIIOI., . ! . Thnt shows bravo hjhlliij,'. of IS5B,