The Oregon Argus. (Oregon City [Or.]) 1855-1863, June 28, 1862, Image 1

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Oan mj i ia r.- (twelve liaea, or lew), brevier mMnre)
it v i. w. MtAKJ. ! sriiscitirnotf.
,, AL, Willi" furnlthrilut Tkrrx IhtUu
U A,,I (ir I"""" ' ""' (""' "' "l,""" fi
",. m "
Ihlhnwill lit rhmgnl fin ' u mmillii
fa, Mi if1 """ J"f" """'L
No ('""'' f'l"""1'"""'1' "" "' '"'"','f
Kii'. mil'""' tli"ll'" ".' "'''''''''.
"'.I, ."'" tic'iil'li" '
one iiihitIioii ji.t UU
K.'K-li HuliKi'iiriit jam r'.iuii I 00
Iliisinrm Ciinls one yenr 20 00
A libnil ileilunlioii will bo made to I hone who
uilvorlim; by the yenr.
t?" Thn iiuimIiit of insitrliun slioulj bo dated
on Ilia margin uf nil mlvrrtiseiiieut, ollierwin It
will be publmheil nil InrliiiMiiii, and charged ao
corditiply. Zy (Jliituiity notiecs will ho charged half tin
ub'ive rutea of ailvcrliaiiur.
IY Juu I'iiintixu executed wiih ncalnesa and
I'uijmnil fiir Jh I'rinlinit mutt be math on
llelirrnt of tlir vntU.
A Weekly Ncwsjimjut, duvotcd to th'i Interests (f the Lulioiin ClanseH, and advocating the .side of Truth in every issue
.:".'. Tjv - ; :
Vol. VIII.
OREGON CITY, O UK (J ON, JUNK ii K, 1 8 0 2.
No. 11.
1 i i ... ,
r ui-
.,,ii.un Hl-in nf U,e VIiwh.
.....i-ionn linvrviiim-nl on Urn lc
'i'liu following firculur lettcr-oiiu of llio
most ilintrulIo pnpcrscvcr issued by our
gluto llcpni'tinchl-lius been addressed liy
Mr Kcwtirl to tltu Hcvcrtkl American Le
gutiuus abroad:
Wasiiiniiton, March II, 1SU2.
pm: Wt t jffi'vo Indications ol' it grow
ing iniprcsi.iou in I'huopo Mini, ttm tli-tiioti-,lri,tiuii
inudu l,y thu Spnnish, French, nml
Jlrilisli force against Mexico is likely lo
nroviiko U revolution in tlml country, which
stuill bring about thu introduction of n
,noimr,'liicul government, itml dm n . imii-
jfl1 f tl rown liy n foreign priiiee. Our
country in deeply interested in die pence of
iho worht, nml desire to preserve loyal re
littiuni us well with dm Allien un w.tli Mex
ico. 'I '"' l'f'ciitilcnl Iiiih, therefore, dincieil
IHO to submit to the purlieu interested his
tifWH on tlui new uspeel of nlV.iirs.
Tlio President Iiiim relied upon die assur
ance h'ivcii liin (Jovcrnnicnt by the Allies,
that llicy wire in piir.iiiit of no puliticiil ob
ject, but simply tlio redress of their griev
unco Ho entertuins no doiil.t of the-sin-errily
eif the Allii't; nml if his cniifideiiee
in their good disturbed, it
would Ini restored I y tlio frunk explana
tion given ly tlicm, thnl the (inveriinichts
of Spain, France, nud (iri-ut llrituin have
no intention of intervening to procure a
clungo in the constitutional form of (lov
eruuient now existing in . Mexico, or uny
polilicul cluing" which should lie in opposi
tion to tho will of the Mexican people. In
hort, he IiiH cilllic to believe that the Al
lim nro iiiiuniiiHiuo ia declaring that revn
lllliou proposed to Mexico is solely prompt
ed li.V cel llllll Mexican citieil. M ho lire
now ia Ivnopc
NeVeUheles., the Prevd lit re.'nr-N i! IH
Ilik duly to rxpi'i lo the nlli. s, in all k'lwl
lies and candor, dial a liio;iulv,:cul ;'Oi
rriniM i.t i -laid. I in M xn-.i, in tin pr. -.-dice
of hue. en II Is iltid tilliC'-s. o. i 1 1 ; i . J. i'. and the so,! id Me-i.i, li is no
priiiaise ol s -eui ity or p -riunm-i.e ; in l'i"
jivoiid pl.iee, lie' II. -I dul 'V of Mch u
tl Dili r-1 V W nil I I"1 iv.'iauci d it I1''' tl-n'tie
were av-la-d lo a per-mi al en to M -X'co;
that in llt' c. re un . -i I a i iei 1'f l.i i . n i-rn
lini: t ttould in-: i ' i : ! v I. id un!s 'i' .i m-i
liy lluropeiii iilliaiices, wlccli, under the
ililhieliee ol the I'll si IIU.i-:U, WMlll I'C
pr.ielieally the In .,.i;i.i'i' o a p 'l III ine'it
(Miliey of iir d iuli iw iiIihii liy laoimrehi-
cal liui'Ojie, ill mice mj ui inn and
to thn si in i f ;" ruuieiit D ii' nlV
lldllpleil liV ihe A On I . h i on! I i I.t. 'l iu'-''
IlilS. ll ll Oil Ml HI' l.liOW I' ' J'' Ol
.Iciil linliils nl . lie r:
e.oi I e i.o iha.'it lii il
t ia ii,. nl Ii. r t- an I
Slltl.oil. Tim hiittlefield of Shiloli is tlui 2S'ui:Tii i:itN Skckssiosi.S'M. Tlio follow
tillo of diu Kpol whicli is to hecomo f'Uiioim , inj in nn extract from Parson IJrownlow'K
ia future ii n nit Ik us tlio hcciio of the most
(lespcruto nud bloody conflict of the civil
war of America. All tho nnny doeuiuonlH
mid paper, even to thn writtuu orders is
sued to rejjinielitH it ml ('oinjiiilituH, benr
that tide, mid il will bn (enendly uceept'jd
in tiino ns the Inn; designation.
'i'ho tide nrises from the preseuco on the
speech, delivered ut tho Academy of Music,
New York, May KJth:
If I owed a debt to bo discharged to
tho most revolting and ( od-forsuki'ii wretch
(hat could bo culled from tho ranks uf hu
man Miciely, and I wauled lo pay thut
debt ami )r,'t rid of it, I would make a ten
der to bin iSiitunie Majesty of twelve North-
rn men nympallii,iii(f with Secession.
in i " i -i . i
buldelii Id, in close proximity to the point MircinetmoiiH u.piaiise. j .o or nern
, ... ,. , . , . . I man oiil'IiI to bo tolcruted m wulkiii''
of tlio ht'st iittaek, of a little church of uti-i,, i i i .1., ..-,7
' i(i I'mad way who has uny sympathy with
preteiidini; appearance mid cousiili rablo . Secession. Cheers .1 They should eillu-r
antiquity. It was tbu placo of worship, bo for or uj; the mill dam, nud I would
u heiii the few iuhabilaiils of the Kurroiiiid
iii;,' country iisseiubled to hear the Gospel
make Un. in show their liuiuls. Applaiise.j
Why, (,'eiitk'ineli, after tin: Imttlo of Mau-
nv.iw liiihi-il ll.l'iillirh line tlill'll fill
'M ul"' 11 is 10 ''"I"'1'' tol",t';rfurloil-l., ollieers and privates, Koii,K' down
y precept and example, their uioiuis ami .into Ib.xlc, exulting, mid bronchi with
Oil Iho hitter head, however, ; tbciu divers what tliey caln in aukee heads
mlil ics,
tin ro is strong doubt, us the Southern
liureli has lou been fiiieinosl in uphold
ing what is called houtherii rij-ldH. lh! 0f (l0 wim;0w, and say, ' A (I d Vunkce
Mcthodiit cliureli, especially, has been head!' This is the spirit of Recession the
ramiiuiit on this score, nud has done ns 1 spirit of I bo vile untutored novates ol hell
much injury ns jomo (Iciioiiiiuations which
ivo made themselves intensely abolition
ul tho .North. To this little church, there
is 11 history attached. It was built about
fifty years iijjo by 11 French Huguenot,
who, lii-inn uu enthusiast,
nu iinchorile, left his liuum
folllnl 111 tlio wilt criicss ol Lower liliues
1 1 . 1 ii - 1 r . e. : 1 i. .. . i :.. il.n .I...I .m. .... . .
eo a couiinuuilV of bis sect, whose inllil-1 1110 H-uerouees iroiu uieir loyiiuj-, j .siruciuie is pui in oiuuu.i, u.c niiuin ..u...- Uen. llalleck IS reporteU us snying in
. ... .' I ,1 i;;. J and whoso reservation extends along the . ber of K'lns will bear 011 the object every substance that he "considers tho military
111c ni "inn 111 inin. "i 1 , . 1
of tho New World, nud. in .1 measure, do- "m' . ."' " """"" l"u 1 ' " " 'yr "v. " " -
,, , 1 1, I SI ) UOUU HIT II IOII .MW .O'-XIIO. iOlllll Ol one I1I11IOI 111 linn UU! m uiiiiii.i., u.
fv Us iirocintor. lie lived in hohlude, 1 " 1 , ,
. , , - , , , ,, of Ihe Cbirokivs, uro the r-.v rvalions of one Pjiirih the speed of a man ou im or
es nimble chill i II bein Ins liouie, mid liie ; '
... . (.1- 1 . tin-Ci'i.-i Ks aiel .vei!:.noi'S, that oi lie; ui- i.tiiiiirv waia.
Ule lit hl iii'oini 1 111: un inii ui n --i n
mi, I In- 11. 1
1 i:.-iei!.i;,
the entire heads ol L 111011 troops, some
of them with lon' beards, and they would
take lliein by the hair und shake them out
Kl.VOI.VINU Usti-.U AND I HON I'oKT.-f. Tun Wav Tiiky Go. The 'f;wliury
Thc riiiladelphiii Sunday Transcript ofip'Tt Herald reminds us ofl'aets calculated
April SUth Bays: There ha. boon on cxhi-1 10 diI,ni,.,1ih ii'tlividtml cotiBccp.oiico. A tiio
1 3 I Hand millions of people, avcnijfiiig only tho
bition for several days m tho J rcasury j 0f?0 of tjirly yeurSf rcfjuircs 91,000 to die
building, Washington, one of the most re- j every day, or one in every second ol time,
murkable works of inventive genius which and as many to bo born to keep the number
has ever come under our observation. It : f-'00'1- lllllf u thos l''PPr before
,. , , . . the seventeentli year, or behue thev come
is mm teen yenrs unco limbcys revolving! niutiri,y) M Iflhe ljIo,soms 0- ft Uw
steel or iron butteries were invented, models I w;n -u WOrthless to the ground; but six in
iiiude, and all the detuils laid beforo our j a hundred live to be sixty years old; but
(Joverntnent, und it is eight years since 1 i &0 reaches eighty, uuJ but one, in
they were communicated to the I- mich j I00. 0,,cJllM25t: .
(iovenimeiil. The present model wus fin-j IVom the various mines of Great Uri-
kl,i.,l in Deeemlier lavt and is of itself 11 1 tniii a total uliliual tiroduet of over $207,-
Il iif.,1 1 ,l,.innwti-tii-n evhiliition of, 000,000 is obtained. Home of the coal
. ', , 1 .1 1P I mini's arc sunk to an enormous depth one
the mmim r that harbor and other defen- ut IIt.k(.Iin,,t, ,, two tl.ousa.,,1 five
sive positions must, before long, be forlifi- hundred and four feet deep. A copper
ed, and Ihiii rendered impassible to uny TrcKuvcnn is 2, ISO feet deep. Many other
lbrci":i foe j t'" u,l(' copper mines uro approaching these
Tho vertical tides are pierced for s!xlv ll'ptljs; "nder the Atlantic waves in
, 1 . 1 IJotallack, Levant, and other niims man is
guns of any desirable calibre, ond ranKe of pnrsuil)j, i,is underground labors daily at
iot or shell arranged in three tiers, und half a miic from shore.
presenting tho guns to the object singly;
and bo who apologizes for them is no
better than he who is the perpetrutur of
the crime. Cheirs.
If, while examitiing under the micro
scope a drop of water containing in fusoria,
you introduce a grain of suit, the effect will
that is, but one " port" in line of sight ut
a time. The whole superstructure, which
is to be above ground, is tuudo to turn on j ,(. instantaneous death to theso creatures,
its vertical axis by a concealed steam pow- II it be true, ns some assert, that the mat
. x-.... -r l. .,, ii,. i,,,,,,!! i.,c,. m,;,.n ...i,;,.!, 1 ler which ns lormeu on uie teeui u 111c re-
A .1 .11 i I.IIHH'IIII . V.WIIUIL01 Il llliUr-1.9 1 U I , .HIT UIII.I. liuuuiiu uvyiai. viiqU., ......... , .
, ... , . . , , , 1 . 11 ceptnele of animalcules, and that these nre
a new territory for the Indians, to be call- engine is also lo force hot or cold air ..' , u , nrodncin-r carious toed.
nmj K.nm.thiiijj 0f td I.anniwa, to be set aside for the ludi- through the casemates for tlio bcuofil ofip a moistened brush in suit, bikI you hnve
, 1 ,.i,iJaus alone. The land is now in militnry the garrison. The guns occupy garrisons at onco the cheapest and most preservative
O mm hOUjilii 10 1 ( ..... I .. e t ii. ....... 1. .
possession of the Confederutes, they !iuviii
of cipiul height, in three tiers. When the , of tooth powders.
kill, Ecienec, and penetration of (i,-n. Mc-
( Ii us .-ecoud to that ol no loan livm
that whatever had been done in the West
1 :!;.! i !-i where, was but tin: eal'vilig out of
G' n. MeClellaii's L'rent plan of the 'ar
nee. Willi a jr.uiary filled with corn,
:i, lie i',iii,li la n lloor of his cliureli lor
. be I, he W in eou'.i lit to 1 Vc II Wonder to
. . I ..( I....
i.s pfli i.iiiniis, a m inoip m.uii n nn
nmlillv, et, 1:1 truth, II sieolel .Maliouiei.
1 . 1 . . . t . 1. . r.. ....... I ..
Ill Mil l ailin ii'lllS )l Hie iiihih:. in
;s w.iy lie '1 11 li' ) aii, npaii. niu( . .
, 1 . 0 1. ...I 1,. chili.
iO Win i, nn, 1 10 1111 11 1 i- nu un 1.1 u mi 1 1 . . , ... ,, .,
. . . . . I Ninth, and Alkalosis Oil the sout!
IIS SVIII iillllH s 1 11 I" Him- im- ii- ii -iv
I:.,, i-iv'.-i
. . 1 - 1 . 1 . r ..r . - . . . . .
1 I l' (III I II, S 111 SI yiy 111 IlllTIUIIIIIII
ti-r b.-iii" cii'.ii'.::r.itivrlv hiiiail. Keservu-1 The I'iiici r in commnnd tulus his position that the general idea of each and every of
Cons of the t'lioetaws, l.'l,iek..,aws, Hti.1 ' in the top ol the iron castle, whi r,', under , ''' nements was liie Irmt 0! Ins lore
... .1 .1 1 1 .1 1 ii . .,,r ,. , ;, . !,1ght und knowli !-re uf war und its nppl;
UM,;u.s ai upon u.e M.iiuie,,. on,...', - u.e ..pp . u , v a .,..1 v,.......0 ; M.C1. lhm bad I'lill-li-hew II the
The entil e 1 .11 .tmy, w hieli is oYmtiIriI ut , lhrong!i w!,;cli tuo light enters, anu p'.'imun , w10,. w-0rk and only left the finishing tou-tin-
I,:iii-,1 ulVe'c i.. beaulifiilly divi -r.-ilied liiiii to see out thi'oug'.i a tele. enpe or the- t.,. . tr, the deparltnetit nud d'.vi.-ii.ii coin
n. .d firtile, coiitaii.s sixty-eight thousand o lolit", which instrument U lixed in n poii-; maiiders."
or nu area superior to tuai ui ir- i;u:i tm 11 tuu.ii iinu ii.kiuhh, u.'.h mui"
-While tho Trinec of Wi
was at
ins nle
tile iipiiiiniis ii'ni pi
C lll sin .el V I I" I '
in this 111. liter tic 1
thn rvniji it! ,1 s !! mil' coi.i.'rv
the side id t'e' nil.' T A in I i'.
We ln l-1 lint Ii" liinli I' liui I 111 pli 1 ! 1 ' 1 1 1 1 1'
ln di. u.'i'.i- "ii li.c e rn' 1 - iif 1 vi-i.u w h:eli
ttl.l l-IHU', bi'dl III A Cii re 1 mid. !-'ii!npe,
from tin' n'eps l;ii II ee,' 1 nil- liipl.tli-il It
M eaiin.'h I" that. In ll 1 up men '! tie'
1'le.iii' ii', lae em iiu"kiI 111: i'l the Allied
ran ( .' i 1 1 . 1 1: i Irmi Ihe coi.trul ol Ivin-pe,
b s heeii the principal 1 l1.1r.1eV1 "t c of tin
p;ot hull ci nliii y. ll is not d.le that
.. ,... .Im 1. in 01 the iiii i-ile iliiiilioii can
Slleei'i'.i III the i.;0 Wlll ll illlllled ati I V In'
low. Ibis I" r o.l, ud wiule the pupnl ilm
..I I in. r i- 1 im rcii- s so r.ll'idlV. wh.lo lis
riMMiirei s dew l..p i-l til" si'.lie pr.ipurlion
und while m-uh-IV fornii l!-' ll ilii.lormly in'
r.n.liie' tu lint lit iiieiol' s of the American
111 nui. r.itie (Inlel'iiliiei t.
It is tniiicocsMiry to imbciito to the allies
I...,., !,,,..r..l,al,l.i il is that the mil ions of
Kiirmie would liceept cheerl'illly ll policy
fuvwulile to u hiinilar counter-revolution
thus ineoiiiuilible with their own proper
interests. Nor is It m ri-wiry to poini am
Hint leilwilhslalidiliL' the care of the allies
timvoiil iiidili '. I.V un mis of iheir land and
t I n illtlTllill D VdllltUMlH l)f
I1HII lllllJ I'll' (
Mexico, the result would be Iioiiu the less
due lo thn urescnce of their lorees in ine
couiitrv. however iblb rent tint object they
nv linio unloosed: fur without their pres
Clice it nniv lie iMiisider d as ceitain that
well revolutions wonhl prolmMy not have
been utteinptcil or even coiiceiveil.
The Senate of the I'niled Slates has cer
tainly l;Ot liceordeil its oflieinl Mlliclioil to
lliu precise nieusiii'i s prnposed by dm I'res
idiiil to lend our iik to die actual Mexican
(Joverniii 'iit. iu oilier thai the latter might,
with the approbation ol tho Allies, extri
cnto itself from its present I'lubnrrnssmcnR
Hut thin Is strictly n (uestiou of internal
odininihtrution. There could be no greater
trror than to co in this disagree nl a di
tergoneo of opinion iu our (lovernmeiil, or
in tho American people, in regard to their
cordial wishes for the safely, wellarc, and
nubility ol the Ki'publicun (loverniuciit in
tlmt country.
1 uin your obedient servant,
Wu. H. Si wAiin.
Von -i.aTi S-HinvTuvn lifM it. tiik
Onm Mi.-Tlio hill piohibitinu' ' l'rMl"
anil degrading pnu'li-'u of poly'nniy m
Utah has passed thu l.'niteil Stales Sci.'t',i
only two Senators-Latham and Mcllnti-Kttll-vntliig
iiguiust il. Tho I'm d
tho l.x press -gods! what UU uuuin-i
ilefuiul their neg'allvo votes on high Popu
lar Sovereignly grouu.U-tho right T dm
iK'nploof il,.. Territories t i-gnhit.! tin ir
own " dome'itic insliliilion i," nml nil
Kirtor ftulV. This is certainly "i""1"'
l'opuh.r Sovereignly Into tlm gronnd o
in 11 coarse but happv expression. II"'
Uiiiibiciin doctrine, of CongrciH having
tho I'oiistiliilioiiul uow.r to reguhito the at
Wis of the Territories, may be considered
open to dwiivdnii; but thn Idea of ndinit
ting lo ho a legiliniato "ihuntslie Institu
tion" ucii, loin which viilileKliiilnre, low-
nu it... .1 1 1 ,.r I iinil v mid ileuies
inii nl u III III I 1 1 -'i 1
I'tuiKtitv lii woiiiun. is nion a-oiiH XUy,
lirii-j,.., 1, .!;,, iu 1. .it in bad us Imlvgoinv
yet If n hand of horso thieves should cslab themselves iinvwhero In the Territories,
ml .... i.ii..' u ueiiariitii I'.miumuity,
-'U Ml IMIII.ll fill 'l . j . - i .
tiny would bu Just in much entitled to
rhi'iui I ,iiu r.,ii llu ir iloineslii! ImdllU-
........ Him j i.-i ,
lions in the .Moninue., - MinnnUi- lf'
Ml I .1. II
ik w oiiian,
ow 11 In In:
I live. lie
fid Intii"!
f.iiin I W' !
a baud'
and h:s high intentions went
e tin- sliMiig r inclinations of nn
bide church became 11 it unlaw
i.liie,' mid one iiiiirniii'' he was
' ' i.iii.ti.ii,
I.'. . I I'm. l-l.-t-lll III I
I'lurdcr blood was
It lies between Kansas on the by die hand of the commander turning a , J,.l,ro,i and his suite obtaiiied
sl'tjit wliecl on its vcrlical axis, iiid"pen- siim to visit the cave of Maq lielah, Aura
,i.,'i , r H iiiiim nf thn instil' bv the! ham's burial place. Tiny are the first
lltlll Jt llly v-in ,, . . I
motion of the steam engine. The result i
bisects it wot ward lioni the
Mississippi to the centre of the Territory,
t'hri.-tiau.s w!io have bicn allowed to en
ter it since the (.'ru-'ades, luui'v .seven linn-
111 ics
whence its direction is from the northwest, that the operator, hav,ng iletiriiimeil I
Tie Verdigris and its nliliients water the the imetomctcr ol die tlnoilohte tne u s-; t'ltn is ki't m tlio most lieaiitilul order,
Territory in itn northern mid northeastern tuuee of the object to bo hit outside the . mil nothing could be more satisfactory
1,1 this beulltilii'
re 'ion nre die most civiliz
1 1 1 ,.t.
Imlians and it is to lie honed, imt- uun, :it:U nil liting loaileu, lie scus uie tiisiu.
: dreil years ngo. Dr. Stanley says evrry-
..I .....I .,;e,. ,.,i,tie teluMMi hs to each iT'iiuier the angle thon the state 111 whicli tne ton.os lire pre-
1 ... , , , . ,i- ' s'Tved. Abr.ihuui, Ismie, .losi pli, Sarah,
,,-d of thcW.S- oflheehval.o.. or i.,press:on to set , j..,, aa Lt.a, nre buried there.
tiru liitlnins,
1 I I .... I lit- 1 111,1. Hileh , .... . 1 .. I .. .
u """ rnu-"' ' " ' wiiVtiindii," protnt sictiomd d laci.ilies. in revoiulioi, by s.gnul to the engineer, aim ! .en. aiu sun sui ng m .... ,a,r.m-
. l' ..11. i.iL-,r, 4 lliu " r I ...... .1 .iu i! mi -li f... 1.:.. in lui.U- is sin. 111 inn- Iik
ciiiie M" e'l.iy. im 1.111-1 ...v 1 1 !,.. lulls into, tie same vvl'licul ......... ... ............ .....
, . , ,, ,. , ha liny IllilV u;illll.ueiv me .-- o - time lit I'iii . il l . J
...,i..i..r... .', , 1 nil, ,,u ul the bond , ' .... ., .1 111.. .1 .. ,1 1 it.. 1 ; loin. 111 1.1 .a"i iu, u ...... I .1. .. . . " I. ...... .
1. i.t u lii-ri. lie It'll 0
I ' .1... ... r .111 I ,, li i'i
v.i iiu; t a ,1 1 .. .1. . v. ....
w.imicu 11 ,
Tin- Naval f-nBi-.i-mpnt lii-low N. Or Ira lis.
We give below full particulars attending.
the passage of our fleet up to New Orleans,
after passing Forts Jackson and St. l'hilip,
At3 o'clock 011 the morning of April 24.
the fleet consisting of eighteen, jn
throo divisions, under command of Flag-
O lliccr I). 0. i'urragut, wus 011 its wny tof
New Orleans.
At a (ituirtcr of four o'clock tho cncmV
nt Fort St. l'hilip opened tho bull. Full
peed was now given to tho vessels in tha
udvutice, und the mortar bonts replied to
the shot and shell of the fort with great
i' fleet. The firing on both sides was kept
. ...-.I. .1 . . . . . -.. . . . 1
up Willi uie greuust vigor. I'oriJuekSOtl
soon joined in the light, and the engo"
uicnt them becunie general. Uroudside af
ter broadside was poured into the forts by
the licet with the utmost rapidity, nud both
Unionists and rebels participated in tho
work of death with nn alacrity and deter
mination never surpassed. It was truly a
buttle of giants. The contest niomcnturi-1
ly became more ami more exciting.
A new and formidable opponent now came
forwnrd upon the scene, to drive the Fed
eral squadron back to its former position.
The gunboats and floating battery Louisi
ana, built for the protection of the city.
joined in the engagement. Shot and shell
from their iron sides soon Hew swift around
the licet, and in many instances with fatal
cfl'ect. A perfect sheet ol flume, occasion
ally concealed by the smoke, played from
tho sides of the vessels, while the leaden
messengers of death sped npou their er
rands with die velocity of lightning. To
add to the horrors of the occasion, Crc
rafts were dispatched by tho enemy in the
direction of our fleet, and the very heavens
soon berame objured by the heavy suioko
rising from their hulks.
As onr squadron approached the rebel
steamers it was observed that numbers of
sharp shooters lined the rigging of their
vossils nml crowded their decks. Their
lire was t-rribly 1 Ifective. Hut our gun
ners in most ii.stnncis took very accurate-
nitn nt tiicso uauves 01 tne coumwesi, ana
speedily taught tbrm that a cannon is or
dinarily fur superior to a musket in naval
Rebel steamers, crowded with troops,
occasionallv rime within dope range of our
cannon. Then onr pieces, carefully handled
nml, iu some instaticis loaded to the mnrzlc,
discharged a perfect fro of hell at their
sides. Von could then behold these defender-
of the Mississippi stagger and reel
beneath the !iock, and finally careen and
co down us if sucked in by a tnael-storni.
No h ss than half a dozen were ingulphed
in the turbid wat- rs of the Mississippi by
the trrrible lire of the Varum.
While these stirring events were trans
pirintr. and the pates of l.eli itself seinied
open, so rapid nud constant were the (lis-
t.lill Which IU llh 'd ti"'
. . I ..I
III Mlper-l.i..'l., ' ''ii
nt. ulel tin
. 1 :.. I...'iuv
ciiiiii) liie : ! n; wiii -'l'i'. .'
was linked with blood and violence, and it
unve kt o.ik 11 in. in 111111' ut. of carnage, the
center of a great c nu t. ry, where lie burie
in .irlv si veil thoiMilid men.
On Wednesday
on the ser.i s of vieto
he said: " IVd I net tell
an, ll.dieek. Hancock,
turn, us it: and others that heniimd,, wire tha men!
I lii -c arc glorious nu n, iiial w 1,1 reUcci
honor and credit on their louutry."
Tnr l.vii'.i t'uv iv mi:
very erroneous idea is indulg
iienjile iu H l.ilioli lo tin
arce.-t citv in tl
. ,. .1 . 1 1 1 1 .. .t .. i 1. 1 : '
icr itnproyciueiil wlucli as 1.11,1 uv 11.11 i.e.nv. ( y .,.;.
coi:sid"ri 01 th nl.;- ct or target, tlio gun is 111 uiai ri,.s nt 01 ktou n
.... .. . n-i :. .....1 e... 1 I ..i-tr'l. Sliaik lie I If- I vim l!:at X'l'l ,' or l ie 1 (eaoniiu.iiii.e.t. 1 ue ....... j - , .- .. - -
iniiii, lent nrj of die hit" with that i.itcs the 1'riui'iig of each gun in i the contemplated fct'tiug aside of bear, en the obj.ct. Iu a word, there will
... t f t -r 1 I ... .. ,..ii.'iiiii'.ii ttivtuil of till' lli'UVil-St Iill't-
sivtiotis u! luii'Uor m ans Ol uimiuo, una . - j
. ... 1 -1 1 !... ' r " !... 'r .a fnf.tll
. 1 of uiviit' to each aulholilv to .!r..W U give., nl U,-c!.argc,l irem u.e largiM v i.i.h , ui k .01, .... ,, . ,,. ,,,1.-,..,
11 1 of articles of ,'sy Iron, Uov. rn- be made or ed any here t any ob-, ZT
1 nt ., gents. A svstem of cduj.itioi. or j et within rang, nud nt any point on the . lhmovmk urIv.- That
, - 1 ..1 . . .1.. . 1: ,1... .. . .. ;i.i.. 1 - V.
uroviilei fur. compass, w Minimi uie m.uum W(. , ,. Iir tIL. iMrnvrat c par' v went
dau'nr or inconvi nieiice to the pir.-ons wlio , up f0me ilmc ngo,
An epidemic that lias Pe. 11 , - -, ,.f t)lu ,.u aM ,,oint., to the nsivmlei
WiM'.I.P. A schools i.s
.1 :.. 1... ,.,.. ;
il 111 1 iii.iii . 1 v r. 1 ..1
: rn:
1,1 v 1 arc to ikcuj'V tne li.sule ol tlio w
K for the last sixt. i.i mouths ineleu n U; u.y of wul-
many coiilehnlly asserting t.uit i (). ,H, nmhen, States, an 1 Ii s been enn-
I ..union, or i'i il is b ' ipu nlly t.rmed, the ,;,,,, l (i td ot.r.s furtlu r Noi th, but ow- i Tiik Si..U';iin:it at Siiii.oii. Tlir Fills
(i ret Metropolis, is far superior both i;m.,(o ,,e .flthv loval that burg Landing correspondent of the Clucu
lint such '
. 1 r : . I . . . 1 . 1 1 .. . 1
si.o unit nuutiicr 01 iiioiioiuiiH.-'. siirrounils
... .1 . .1 ..r i
is not the case, .leililo, me eapuiu 01 ..r , wors( ,v 0.
The bund of fate
v" of a goi. l nnmv
J)i uiocrats now in rebellion, ut the end of a
rope. .1.' r,j s I'i'.Vi' .1 vi 1.
Ti c mints 0!' the Unite. Stuns have
coined since tiny coiiimeiiccd operations
... ML . . T II ..... ... H... villi. I t. , t .1 . . 1 ll . 1 .
them tht v nre Kept from its go limes, writes ns ionus m nmu ... ...v ,a ,wrM tss lliaii seveniy y.urs me iuigc
killed mid wouuiiiil nt tne uatlic O! cniioa: , iiniouiil 01 c.gni liiiuuuu iiiuiihi.s vi
. . 1 11 ..1 .... CTfl. ..( t!.A I. .1.. 1111.
. .? ... .1... I..r....,i ,., 1 " . ..... ...... .. . trt . 1- n( 1, nn Minn en tin. tne . uonars uuoiii. vuc uiiii m m .....
UK, IS, Without I'XCepiuni, uie nnb. S 11111,10111 All cviitent Uisiosiiuiu 10 oe 1 ue nm "i " --1 - - - -
lmt populous ciiy iu the world. ! ,,stn.c.ive, i.ttcnd.'d with a hallucination returns show over d W0 k. l e, of whom
nio!,,a,stho)vast ber of .,,., ;, hut the 1
000 dwellings I,000 of human, - ,1' Jt 1? I i douhtcd.y double our own number. In
wi.i.U Miinv o hu Kireeis are iimrireii ,. ,,.,!,.. ... ,mt , ,...,. ,, -: cstmia in-r mc innriiiiuj . me '.ii".' "
J I III lllllf IU IIIU OHI" ' - t
.lapuncserics in length, which is equivalent I , ()ath of nlhiance to the United ed mut be m ded to tins nmn ar, '""Mdressid a letter to the d
, ,',., two .'ll,.i,il lhi,s. 1 Stales nml iu ir.nnv 'n'i he thinks it it to over i.otW killed n tin b.Utk. MO(,,0 ttitl r,ronm.e t0
( , ,., ,,, i 1,,,, ,,i,i, 'i ..- - ' '-,;;S":v ;,, , rZli. v ; r -w
tallic currency ot the world. Of this a
mount, live hundred and twenty million dol
lars were derived Irom tho mines of the
United States.
I :(J . ia iMUstulll V W lltO Willi HIV . . . !.. .1... c .ir nmi 111 1 011 now III
"V. ... ,f,wnl ; : V . Cm. .. ,,-e l.,l,tllv the number is ns great ns
sa sofshlis. " 1 neir e.sMis mh i" ; urren, ion i.aiuji in , .- ( . 1 .,.,,1 ;vi.,..i. iluinniil I ,:'"'" 1,5 1 """"""
:'.i p.- ' ' - :; "' 1 tr.irttf& n"' sasatttt T
are hide., with rice, t, n, shicoiiI, tobmi , J J,,., tt nmemni , blcd iu tl..! gP'ul buttle of Sl.doh. A deserter, who .scaped from l'.
silk, cotton, nun tropica, i,i, ... - . .. ft of K.llll0nt ,, M.Ver..l regi- j ,rjm.s Vlry ollt ,
. . I. : 1 11ft It n nil t IliMl ' m t 1 i.. t 1 ...I u- if 11 ' ",v . . . , .
Sfnsciiinn'.s. Rishop Tiniou hu nd-
d a letter to the clergymen of his Pi-
di'linouent subscri-
i-hicli he l.rintrs Iho
orld to crorco tin'
mints, lie snvs: I
, . . 1 printers c:iiilll.s topuvmenis. in mi; 1
any of the enemy are wvun,..d. but 1 f iim('l-,hilik ,.,. , fitt!l.
olic who hopes tor eternal life, would tuke a
find a ready market in the north; and then
return freighted with corn, salt, oil, isin
glass, and various other productions of the
north, which have u inarkcl iu tho south."
The London correspoii'lcnt of tho
...miu nf ruvu rv nml Illlatill'V lUIXeil "H",. ... r.... ..f 1 III) Oflll nun en
' ... . 1 inkvo n vit iiiueei ii. v- w. -, Minio rdles, satires, shell, anu , .0llllS0 " Federal Amor
sliot, Is ncccssory 10 cin e i..
Tiik Attkuitkii UnoNsruraioN ok
I'autik.s. The recent uttenipl to recon
struct a iVtnncrutic pnrty proved nn en-
- .... 11 ........ 1 ..... I-..II T ...,l..p Slilln 111111 WITC
I.I I I I.. VrHl SIIVS 0 1U 11 1VIIII I ri! aiiine. ' .
n.iladclthni Y," fl, .Times is uiiwillinir to take the Imit. They nre gen
i!,.i,ell: " W. 11. ltussell, of thu limes, is "'"ull,l ... .i,.,:,. Pl.i:11I11. fr uro-
his first visit toU'u. " ' .nlls,icn is iitiou tho lVesidcut,
Jackson during bombiirdir.i'nt, re
ports tliat one of the thirteeti-inch shells had
fallen into a house ol considerable dimen
sions within thu fort, and that when it cx-
mid to llUVD Stilted, on
Rehirm t'lub nHor his return, that the to
lul discomfiture of tho South is ns certain
nA futc; that thu Southern soldiers remind
nHiim of Irian's rugged regiment; that
tho Federal troops uro now equal to any
j,; lliu world.
TIih war has weakened, ilisiocnieu, um.
ed the South, w hile It has leu me
, ' . . . i tVJ ,1,,,. S.O.IS Wlllllll lliu ion, Him inn "e. i
ica is In a conquering mood, an t at gf ,lie buiJi
" Canada will have lo choose w In her slio " I,. ,. rival or n slave." The Tunes will
hnvo plenty ol material for panic articles
when it C I'f"0"1 "eW!l from 0ur
Tlio proofreader on tho London
I':.,,.,, riiim t'i'i nn ei ilorial siilurv, oui uni
i in. i .. i . . -
iimiiiin mid hislice is upon
" .... : .. .... i - . .- I.
whom they are willing 10 suppon ( ,() f()rfl,u olll) ,,,,. or every lypogmpi.-
the assaults of the radical Abolition faction (inl(irr()r cT(in a UmWi ,.ttl.r, in ,.di
Hint Is tryini to ride over the Admuiislm- ;tnproHion. If he has marked nn cr
don Tho politicnl wnters hnvo not been o ,)roofi ,, compositor who net'
grently disturbed, but thu prospect at pros-1 0 comvt it .OTyj, n,0 forfeit.
STXi Ti i-W-C ..mi..,
i. '.i... the conservative dements I, i... .lestruction of their cunrndes on tin.
of the North and South, and in the ll,,,rr ! Cuml,erlimil nml Congress, says the New
Onlv nine of the Petnocrntic mem
bcrs of the New York Legislature did not
sign the recent Union Addnss, nud a part
of those were absent, and thus did not have
nu opportunity to do so.
Gen. l'opo is a nntivo of rentuckey,
mill n inn nl f!iiv. Nuthaniel ropo, of Vir-
(Tii'lu. He isnbout 40 yenin olng', mid
served with distinction In the Mexican wnr
ns a Captain, llo is a graduate ol West
Albert Pike led thonands of Indians
I. nlli.. nml then Pretended to Ul!
exhausted the Smith, while ll una i . ,,,., ,1M( ti,st it iltinn curs-1 M m l,()mi)iln,nt 0fa pub-1 h,.e,l t their scalping their vicliins.-
,)Vh North nud Northwest w ill, energies ( . both sections, placing the I , Ar.l.'mv ol Music-1 lie might ns well turn wolves loose in a
..Subdued, and resomves newly developed; . f , ,. Xrtl. in t o same cat, g;uj 1 n , of , (., J si p pasture nml nlVect ustonishment nl
... .. .1,,,,,' in nil llehU of nelton; .;, . Rel l leaders of ll,cSoth.- or. .las M .l, o. ,,10,tWr eating inuttou.
Will'-"1- ' .,i I...I..I .r i' 11 ,;,
with a imvy ""it l,,is ''sl,mlM,l(" UIU " I 1 .....
M. ft re invigoiate.l m-mi men Tho tax levy lor .ew ,
. l.v n l ie; llieirellics pios I.I....I.,
tinilivaoeii ' , , i
ll,..;r f iriueis iudiist nous am. c,."c. ... ..
,,,,,1,','dsofthous Is of their people . ready
I;,," (,vi,,.y 0d,cr Mic..l.oeof property and
person. ... .
t,-Alu rtUo I...."" "f Willi.....l."eb-.
berland, iniiile ft n.'11' ,Pll, "i " """M .
following Incident:
A letter from an ollicer in Fort Jack
. I I . I :.. i ll, I II:
IU1VT10 tax ic'y 1": '" ' J .... ......1 l,l 1. o r coininnn- son. in tne .iw uricum.
- . . . . .1 1 ..... 1 .... n'll iiiiii'ii ' -" . .. . .. , . 1 ...... i ii,.1i 111, nn
1 1.. nu nn lorizei 1 nv me linn " . .. . . ..... mi-itt ...... uurrnni i r l nil l ie r ei icriu iieev in u- -1
nun eoiiii... ' , ,1,.... .tent. Aiorris, .. m , ,. . .. .. ,
.1. . t ii ' itii it ,..( t i - a. . t tit - 11 nml inn nrirn r 1 inii' tiinn iivi i
.sluturo, nn.ounls to .'.ov.V'wo, o j, . ,,, ,.. 0viT! ' iiim ..lorn. 'V fr , 'rt, M,
in 1 1 veur: nud the, m .tniender tie sliiP I lie sccouns, or 11. v. u .
two 1111111011.1 , - . ,e. , ; - - ,. i,,, .,, ,,,! 1 ,.,,ie hours
ill tne i bili'keil Ills Ihieruni iiiaeioiie y,
land hredns rapUlly ns riic, m,,,,(.,,. livmn was not coin
. . , li
New York TrUninr snys that although the l,,ti-hnl lii
a .1 tl. , . I... ttilt tm I I'm ,I1I1Im,I'!
t.,tys portion 01 u.. - .,.,. ,,,u (..,( tl,.. Morriinno rati wrrt prow , t ...,,. w , Strusburg.
I ,,.1. is Vl'lir. till! ntieK'uu "-"" , I 11.,., ,.,,. nskeil l.lelll. AliT-l - ' .
iu,u ' ' . ' . ,; i.,. Ill ngam, 111
. ... in Im llehler
upon real csnno piunni"" "
than for hoiuu years pnsl-un unexpected
-Wise, Floyiirr'ilh'w and Prico uro
the four runners of llebel defeat.
ngaiu, nml Ibichanaii tikcil Lieut. J ''r' , ,r;m, nume from being introduced in
culling him by name,
ris will you surremlir tlio ship?'1
ut I' said Morris; "sink her
" Nev-
Paris by n oody of .Alnrseiiies troops
CourMiln Is the ctigngeineitt, or siege
- .1. iii I lit nsin nit. nnd nintriiiiony
Vhnl is onlv cossip nganibl man, is, i'"T"
scnnihilnplnM woman. ts tne v.ct.'ry
ciiurires of urtiiii ry. an accident occurred
to Commodore Farratrut's flagship, the
Kartforil. which seem-d ot one time to
piMtend her destruction. A huge fireship
came down the river, and was shoved by
Ihe ram in ti e ncihborhoo.l of the ship.
The Humes in great volume arose to the
top of the rising, nnd enveloped her sides.
The fir nlso cmitrlit on the berth deck.
P.iit the fire ho-c soon placed the Hartford
cut of dai grr, nnd the ram hnuled off tin
der 1, heavy fire. At lies critical juncture
tho ship (rounded, nt.d it rcepiired lubori-1
oils e.eri;o!i to gt e ucr uuuui. um, uuw-
cviT, was nc!'iim!,i'uo.
If b.-Iorp the ri'g,ii!ciiient had nss.micu
gantic proportions, it now became u hide
us monstrosity. Like the deuioi.s ol the
lower regions, each man, ou both sides, in
furiated to the last degree, frenzied with
vciti nu iit and with murder in his heart,
put forth every exertion physical strength
would permit to annihilate his antagonist.
From the lianks nnd on tne river snot ana
ilul! rained death nnd destruction upon
lilors nnd soldiers, wooden walls and stono
ail.-. The sulphurous smoke arose in
puffs from the port holes after the flame
caused bv n discharge had played with sin
pulur beauty nrouiid the muzzle or the can
non. The reports, so constant, absolutely
nfeiicd the'ng for some tune, till
habit had inured the men to its iflVcts.
And now the n flair approached a con
clusion, mi fur as the engagement with tho
forts was concerned. Alter buttling lor
un hour nud n hulf the pnsago of the forts
was achieved, mid from thut moment tlio
downfall of New Oilcans was certain.
One moment of such a victory ns our Ral
hint sailors had achieved blotted from their
recollection for a time the memory of the
lreud encounter they had experienced.
tee-rimed w ith powder, reeking Mtn sweat,
exhausted by their severe labors, these men
experienced nn emotion ukiu to that icii uy
thu veterans under Donnparto after tbo
bloody battle or Anstcrlitz or Dorodino.
The glory of the brave, whether dead or
living, is a mantle most mcu would fain
wear. Had not onr hardy veterans on llio
Mississippi expedition a right to consmcr
themselves heroes? Hut other fields of
honor awuit them.
A i imlf-nnst fivo o'clock not less thun
eleven cuiibonts were wrapped In flames.
Our fleet salciy stenmcu up 10 mv i'ii"i-
tini) to anchor.
iti ilm (1 -lit was notyrt over. Anoth
er dVort was determined upon by tho des
perate, defeated foe. The rnm-IIollins'
r, doubtable ram mine torwnru anu ujieu.
ed fire on the Hid iimnd.
Thus the ball vni recommenced. Amr
now dose fighlii'j! beiiiino the order of tho
dav. The Mississippi started In pursuit of
the i-.nii. That vessel " lied from llio wraih
to come," but tho Mississippi steadily guill
ed upon her. Then finding further resist
ance i.M'lcss, the commander of Iho Maims-,
sns sullenly turned tho prow or his vessel ;
toward the shore, und ran her upon Iho
hunk. The crew escaped. Several
broadsides were poured Into tho ram, and
then she was boarded. Hut sho was found
to bo of no value, nnd therefore sho was
.',iiu Iho recipient of u hroad.-idn, when
she ilr'.fied down the rivor in a sintinjjr cor-