The Oregon Argus. (Oregon City [Or.]) 1855-1863, June 21, 1862, Image 1

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    Y. W. CUAIU.
TKiiawo' s vim: u iv Tins.
n. ''?''"' "' V'r" """""
r .l, m,i it wit lil i 'iMff, four
' ru"'"' " """"A'
Tim ioUtr wt' bdthiiifxlnfix month
1 ., mutr Jinrnitinuid until all urrruiuifri
"r' '""""y'"fC'l"''
Ono uaru (twolvo HiR-i, of Mm, Crovier mninre)
one uiaertion &
Kiicl. ul)MiUnt hacrtiou ' W
lianineim card one year SO 00'
A liberal deduction will 1)0 mods 10 ihoee who'
advertise by the year.
rVT the iiumher of inwrtibni iliould be nettd
on the margin of nn a.lvertitement, otherwU it
will l pablialicd till forbidden, and Charged aoy
PZT OMtaary noli ecu will be charged hair tut
-A Weekly Newspaper, devoted to the Interests of the Laboring Classes, and advocating the Hide ot Irutu i everyissnc.- whb Mtum
"V- -I i v I Payment fur Jub Printing mutt be mailt Or,
Vor,. VIII.
ilrlirrry of thr. work.
Tiik l'lumi'KCT in Ki.uoi'K. Ah tho
American question draws near its solution,
thu Kuropcuii nutions spin begin to ex
liiliit evidences of unlmutioti. Tho revolu
tion lino only licc.i stilled; it i nut quelled,
nor lias Garibaldi for ono moment lout
night of that grand object to which liu
pledged himself on liiH return to his unlive
land; namely, tho redemption of tho na
tions from the tliruldotn of absolute moti
nrehy, and tho establishment of a Constitu-
lioiml system of government in every part
of Europe heretofore subject:! to onto
rrutic sway. In his recent speech l)efore
tho (lenernl Assembly of I -pti tus from till
tho Italian cities, in tho Puguunini theatre
i.e r Hitf-i.t,ndeinoitu. I 1'ahhon Uiiow.m.ow. A correspondent
Only in May, 1800, Mr. Toombs, of 0f tho N. Y. JItruld, who rodo in tho cars
Georgia, delivered a speech in tho United with parson Browt.low to Philadelphia,
States Senate in which ho manifested a thus speaks of sorrro fucts which he gath-
high respect for tho supremacy of luw and t,red in conversation with the old patriot:
Tho old gentleman, now J7 years of ogc,
bears abundunt evidences of the physicul
tho authority of Wo com
mend what ho Buys to himself nud tho re
bellious people who support ft confederacy
established upon tho ruins of laws and con
stitutions. Wo have rarely met a case in
which ono could more forcibly Kay " out or
thiuo own mouth will 1 condemn thee, thou
wicked servant!" Wo quote.
" We tulk loosely of this being a Govern
ment of opinion: wo talk loosely of sover
eignty in the pnople. This is very well in
snmo places in Fourth of July orations, inli;cat;V)) 0f wt.UP IU1(1 truVcl, figured silk
Coin's. After "urroiitlor of thu forts at
ySw Madrid, wo (Col. Bissell' engineer
pglueiit) were engaged four days un
nikiig iim cml,KlnK lu:rivH. wtttWish
J. cw works, and other engineering mat-
ten. 'l'1,cn w0 wer0 8""t 0Vi'r ,,y 0;"'
fopo to Kscerlain whether It was not prac
ticable to establish batteries opposite Is-
Uml N 10' " 10 m'11",,u ll" 'r wol''
on tho Kontm-ky short-. Wo spent three
tlnyi in Hi Hwauips, In cunoes with negroes
, gui'h'", f01""' ,1,u l,rj''ct itt.pnt--tio-blc.
Col. ltissell, however, slated that ho
cohM, '7 ,U"'J l",",r' (?L'1 ,,'"l","mU 1,1,11
llat boals lhroiili tho woimU and bayous,
nud" bv that "rons land our forces nearly
p,rsite N-w Madrid, and tako all the
rucniv's orks in tho rear. (leu. I'opo
i.i,n . ,r Wm.V. and he sent to l"u - - j- ,mt sovereignty made tl.eir Mute govern-1 ,own 0Vl.r
hu ..... ii 1 1 lint the cmaucitiatiou of thu continent as ,,.i0 ml mmli! this (joverumcnt. onil :! n 1....1....1 r..n-i.i,r. Um V.
fr lour steamooa.s, x nu.s, unu - . . , r(lfw.t . . .. . .. 1 .. .. V ..7,.i -
woods .Metnouisi prencuer, w jiren-.n-uu
harangue, but would, on compulsion, coin
Tub Tkiiiiiiii.k Weatox.
of the I'arrott Kun, at the
The exploits
siege of Fort
Details of ISast'evn tiitrifi
ut Griioa, Garibaldi, who bus been elected ' when men sometimes talk as though it were , t likewise anticiuc anil dark gray pan
. ... .I . t... - ..1 I... f..1bit.r m.nan SiiP . ' . 1 i . I I .. ....
('oininiindfr inl'liief of the National Guard,
was not
oily to mar sound by talking sense
. ' . . i .. ' i o i . . ..r . i.
The Kev West correspondent of the Ex-
Puluski, ore but the prelude of what can r, finys t!ie frigate Potomac hag arrived1
und will be done wilh that tremendous froin Vera Cruz, with information of the'
weapon. Tho guns, which from their po- complete defeat of the Frcuch, and their'
sitiou on UigTybee Islui.d, over a mile retreat to Vera Cruz,
from the Fort, were uble to drive cast iron gun Francisco; Jafio !Hli. A privots
bolts throiiL'h the stone wall us if it had t,.tic tMm Aconulco: dated' May 20th,
,k ciuuiui v. rr . . I ..i.:.... . ... . i a -
and mental anguish which he has endured, uecn a ciiecse, wi i0i.....K u- soys me r renen nave oeen rq
For three months he expected daily to be 'pounders, having only tho same ea libra as on( limBi on May Tth, at fuebla. They
taken out und hutm During a purt of, the old mnc-ineh smooth-bore, lho one attacked a fortified hill, which' overlooked
.,..,:... I. c.,rr.,riiwr wiili tviilnu ft;. ! hundred pounder, to tho production of the town, and lost l'.OOO' killed,- wounded
iua miiiw mo . "-b -.i ..: ... f ,. U'r !!.. nu Uk ftnfr
WI1ILII IUU luauuiwa v. ii.w "V" v... nn,j IQIIDr, 1 IIITJT UllUUKl.'U mm vtvvv
Foundry have lately been directed, is a lnPrli the Mexicans had 1'6,000. This is a
piece of vastly greater destructive powers, vcrv corrCct account from private iuforma-"
as the rebels will find out when they hear tj01l
from it. When the first specimen of this Memphis papers of tho 2d, contain Rich-
weapon was turned out, a short litno ogo, moll(j divpatches to the 1st, which says:
there was a greut deal of theoretical doubt 'p,e carnage in the battle of Saturday and
of its successful operation, but experiments Siiiuluy was dreadful. The Yankees two'
which were carefully made at tho lounury, t0 ti,e rebels one. Gen. Hatton, of Tea-'
ver mid believed that his liriSOIl keeper, a
man whom he had denounced us a forger,
intended to poison him. His weight wus
reduced in three months from one hundred
and seventy Eve to one hundred and thirty
pounds, lie wore au old-fashioned, rusty
int. bound Willi crane, a oiacs cioiii com.
tuloous,tlnuwerenolo fashionably cut
" "-"ii -r- - . , , i - . i j
i. Ill, ll l,l v M ..iv.... .......... , - , r l- It i irwui, .uui - -- -
1 1,.. ....... .In 1,1 i In. Ki.vlTill Stlltt.'B 01 tlll.H L II- I . . .1 . . .....I I.,,.,.. lvlnr,.
,1 in so many words that Ins o.0ect , , thu fX(.rds0 of K - - T " , I ..romnUy took tho hint, and has enough yBllkee. fo,,,,lt welV.'
lot tho regeneration of Italy nlom-, , ,. , , , , i. ,i.r stut Govern- .,..,.. ,,. i,i,.i ......b. I Parrott one hundred pounders in the right Minister Morris has notified
such guiis as could bo spared. They sent
! . If. Terry, John I no,
tho stoutuers
6'iinur and J-.'mmu, wilh t!io barges,
. . I I I...r .i ami one eli'lit inch i lam11
, .. , f. . ..... ,uL n ,......ler. Tools I'il"1" f '"''' l"l'ci,y for
CWUni'iiH" t - .r..n.
I for the rcL' nici.t carries goMT..,..em, .7 .c.m..-....H
UMJ "' "i C
well. Long era lius, n is inguiy pmoaoic,
Kiirojiu would huvo been deep in the throes
of a civil war, had it not been for the ca
lamity which promised for a timo to mini-
everything from tho heaviest ropes and
acre! down to fine steel drill for unspik-
ing gui'-
Our mute is about twclvo miles long, of
which two miles were through timber, and
Hie remaining ten through narrow, crooked
bayou, grown up full of brush and imall
troes. We have cut our way right through,
the track being fifty feet wide, in which
thirty are required for the hulls of th"
boats. Tim timber is cut four feet below
the MirU-o of the wstcr. In one short
trclch wo cut seventy five trees thus deep,
nut one Icn than two feet through. Tho
machines were rigged from rafts and our
lowest Hats, and worked each by about
twenty men. 1 n the first place, three largo
hunches wuiit uheud to cut out and pusli
out of thu track the uudcrl.rii-h ami drift
wood, thru three rafts followed, on which
were the men w ho cut dow u and cut off the
trim; theu the saws, then two largo barges,
then out) of the steamboat. Very large
lines were provided to run from the cap
elan of tho aliamUiats, and hauled out by
match blocks what iho men could not han
dle. Then followed tho rest ol tho licet,
meu iM-ing engaged all tho timo converting
the IWboatH into (loafing butteries. From
the river to tho levee the distance is about
500 leel: hero the water was shallow, and
the route full of stumps; it took ono whole
day to pas this then the cut in the levee.
Hero thu fall was over two feet, and the
ruhofwotcr was tremendous, lhe tar
get boat was dropped through; with live
lines out ul.ead. Theu a cornfield, over
flowed from a cut in the levco. Hero was
something of a channel cut by the sw ift wa
ter, and we got along nearly a quarter of a
mi!,, to the woods; here was tho labor-
two straight and long miles to the iicami
puiul in tho buvou. Then it took eight
days to K't ll'r0,,,, Tl,c" W'U"!'
liayou, Fast llayou, then St. John's
lluyou, which empties iuto tho Mississippi
at New Madrid.
II you bavo Dover seen a Southern
swamp, you have no Idea how thick it is;
a New York elm swamp docs not begin
It sometimes look twenty men a whole clay
to get out a half sunken tree across tho
bsvou. Such a place u that kept us all
U-k. md none of the rafts or HmU could
get by, ami all bad to wait. The water
nfler wo got Into tho woods was about six
feet deep, with a gentle current setting
i. i.. i.',. a llnvou tho
across the ieninsum.
current was tremendous, and the boats had
to In checked down with heavy head liner
Hero wo found some obstructions caused
i.i.:r. i ...iiiinrr n(T one or two
ojr uriil-ncupn, uui v n -
logs would start all down tho current.
Art engraving of thfi saw used in culling
off tho slump is Ihen given, and tho wri
ter adds, by way ol description:
At each end of tho saw n rope thirty
feet in Icntrth Ii fattened and carried to
tests upon which men aro stationed. Tco
men man and work each ropo.
When tho aw rum right wt have cut
off a Hump two feet In diameter In fourteen
mibutes Often it ninched and run crook-
ed. then . ffnmr would be two or three
hours on ono of tho somo tin. If t1,cr0
hnnnmiml In tin nnv brusll Ulldor tllO water
It ..i,i.t ...!. ia i hi. labor: It all had to
be fished up and got out of tho way. J"
rn Correipondtnct.
lflm.i.i,n. iwn MrniiVicAt. Cot.
i i. in i.... i.nn i-mwirtrd in Benato, jv inn unn iiuv.. .. i - .
.i,,.!.. i ....i. KiniA iKnt will accept mo
""tlllblUty VV Vlll-li 1 -
ofJcr under tho conditions attached,
Ann .1.- ....I.IU ilnliiaill for OUl'U
u acre oi vim m .
Senator or RctH-cBciitutlvo sho may lo eu
tilled to in (VinrrreNS. Tho fund Uiu rais;
...i..i,i;y,Mient and support
coUrirt for inoclmniei and Bgrlcnllurists
1 r....u...i.-Tho lloodgnl
of China appear to have opened anew tins
K...I,... .i.i... lately arrived
t Ban Francisco tram Hong Kong, bring
"K About ono thousand relesllaU. "7
stand the press of $2 f0 ud M P'J"
noiith, let them como-tlity will
dtcai tho State debt,
its first century bad expired, the first ex
periment on record of un attempt to bind
together under ono harmonious governmen
tal system, a collection of Slates embraced
within ull tho principal degree of latitude,
Iniliixt iIipih with tmwers to protect the
rights of each and every citizen n;;uinst ull
assaulU, from whutever quarter they may
conic, cither from without or within, even
from tho people themselves.
"While we speak of government of
consent, thu philosophical enquirer into our
system will seo behind the even-balanced
scales of justice thu gleaming sword. It
represents the power ol the people; it rep
resents tho majesty of tho laws. If you
acquiesce in the just administration ol right
ful laws, you can cull it a government of
nmu.nt if vou nlense oppose the exercise
the Stato'
places to produce tho right effect at the Department that the Turkish Government
rl.-lit time. Mr. l'urrott has made iinnor- ilns ic.suej mi order refusing Confederate'
1 1, ,i,l ImtirnTf.tneiitH in the CUn lllltl the mis- ,,r;-,ili,i,ra nilinission to nnv of the Dorts of
sile since his first invention, the nature of t,Q Ottoman Empire, in accordance with
which it would not be proper to speak of tl0 treutv of Paris, signed1 in 185C.
in this connection. It would be equally Corinth, June 5tb. Gen. ilalleck mot-ill-timed
to give the wonderful results of c(j ,i8 headquarters to this place to-doy. '
certain experiments recently mouo ny inc xho cuemy are reported to oo bu.uuu
wa" stronz between Uuldwin anu uuoiona.
v .1 f ... in tni.nwinn TriLfir the exile not ong, pernnp.s lor uiu re .euuon m At st acconnts rope s auvanco was iui.
r loyd Gen. Jo. Johnston 1. igg, me ex it ... . rnn(ler Kata in ... nf T.n, Mtio'creek. The en-my'-
promise upon a fight, and might even rise
to the dignity ol a rougii anu imuuie puna
at arms with dirks or bowie-knives.
Ho was torn in 1805, in Abingdon, Vn.,
i i . . ..... .K..,l T.a ilm l-iiimd tntrn
WU re us pareioe uieu . T,c scielltific world n,U,t
and in me same year, wero uum uun . . . nf
... . r. . i ', .! . ... M'..:.... it., -vii.. not oinr. perhaps for too repetition oi
from Knoxville ,-7Z Vt U thee experiment ou a grander scale in si(Iu of T,ellty Mi Creek
irum Jtli"Avmi, unu n. ..;. Tim nrwl ct nil U hot a HnnM nw1 wan am I m tnnl
with interests apparently as opposing n ' of jU tj p0Wcrs and duties, ond thot
the poles. While tho contest raged with I Kenlnin 8WOrd settles the question hero as
equal promise to both the contending sec- j well as nt St. Petersburg!), and it ought to
lions, tho le,ions of liberty abroad were do it. You may lake the most ar.
fain to stack their arms and look ou in si
lence. Hut tho war in America having
been carried at lust to that stago which en-
coffer. He was oppreniiced to a carp0"'
l.l, t hit Government to assure itself of
tictory, tho volcano again begins to throb
with internal fires, und an eruption must
shortly follow. The secret agents of the
revolution are In every important city nnd
province of Kurope; their associates meet
in conclave in every capital, and their pub
lications are read in every modem tongue
transhileublu by tho types. Tho lute pub
ii .i;.ini-l.i,iv at Koine mav be taken ns
i nf nroiinrtv and tho most ineonsidera
bio article into any State of the Union, un
der a State Constitution, and whenever ne
cessary the public power protects it. Hring
.n nriinn of trover for a borso in Oregon
his value is immaterial let your ngni
be established by the humble judicial ollicer
having cognizance of that cause in that dis
tant State, and you can be protected in
that right by tho whole power of the con
federacy. If the officer who seeks to exe
cute process in order to put you in posses
sion of your own is rrsitcd by illegal vio
lence, he enn coll upon the sheriff (or the
power of the county to aid him in the exe-
en ion o us uinv. n "--
,i,'i..,l nt a V rir n a rau one, u.ui, mw K.cav a. u .
school with the proceeds of three houses
which ho built for wealthy gentlemen, lie
has eight children, five of whom are girls,
and two of his uovs set type in uio omce
nfii.o k'nnvv!lln Wliii?. His wife wus a
Jo. Jul
military man in tho rebel States, and suys
tlmt y.i.Ilii'olTcr never lied, cheuted, or did
a mean thing, excepting the joining of the
Ho thinks, however, that
'iillicoffi r"s reduced fortunes had driven i
him to desperation, ond he boied to re
trieve himself when tne eonicuerucy snouiu
ln ..inlilislieil. Flovd. he savs. wus always
nvinptoms of tho coming storm
tho I'ojic is liko to lose his crown.
Hir Our Goveriimenl refuse to allow
such newspapers as aro ociily in favor of
the rebellion to have a place in the mails.
This is right. Common sense approves it.
Hut treason is cunning. It is fertile in
... f I......1 ei.,li.i tl.nrA nr.
t'etlicuis. ill uiu iu;" -
manuL'crs of newspapers, who, deeply sym
pathizing wilh tho rebellion, or cherishing
u deep anxiety to make money by ostensi
ble sympathy with it, aro wory and pru
dent enough not to declare outright in fa
vor of it, and at thu sumo time are doing
whatever they daro in the way of promot
ing it. They are evidently informing tho
wotk of the Knights of tho Goldeu Circle.
Their whole aim manifestly is to commend
. . . it .11
themselves to rebel favor and uo reoei ser
vice. They muko every effort to render
the U. S.Governmeut odious, distorting
it acts and misrepresenting and maligning
its motives, and whatever they can
find that is calculated to encourago tho re
bellion and discourage tho Union cause.
Now, in our opinion, all such newspa
pers should bo as much excluded from the
mails as newspaper oicnly advocating the
r..l...Hion. What a traitor is not allowed
to do directly ho should not l.c allowed to
.i Indirectly. Crooked treason is no uci
i,.r tho straight article. Let the
ilov.mmentfixiucyo upon all disloyal
publications and stop lhe spread of their
v..ium Tho Government can and should,
Bl a timo liko this, decide lor itself what
nhall ond what shull not bo curnei
Disloyal publications, wenricg
mask of their disloyalty, are sought eager
ly and circulated extensively among tho
rebels, and rebel sympathisers ol Kentucky
and no doubt of other Slates. I-ot au ex
tinguisher U clapped upon tl.eiu.-w-ri'
in which 'great for that, the next call is on the Gov
ernor for the wlioio luinuu i uiu o u....
a ri-nr irnnril was on the SOUtl) Side. Still r-
will iipsst a good many notions ol invninc- By ordcrof Gen. Hallcck, tue ataie or
rability that arc uow regarded as scientific M'lsSouri, except the counties of Pemiscott,
truths. A nd the end is not yet. G uns of cw Madrid and Mississippi, will constitutor
still larger calibre are in process of con- tie Military Department of Missouri, un-
struction; which will in their turn shoot dcr command of Gen. Scofield.
Advices from Uen. turti srray in Ar
kansas say that scouting parties iu the vi-
ty ol Little Hock Lave been very soc-
- . cessful lately in breakins np rebel camps-
T .. n: . r i c -' .
Hf.maKK adlg r i.ekck. in mo omuj u nnJ nmag ,jowr guerrillas.
Secretary Perkins, of the California ool jUJ- jj0,Vt;ni commanding a detachment
Growers' Association, is to be seen the 0f iie 'r,irj iowa cavalry, on Tuesday felt
fleece of a French merino, only 16 months n a r(;1)C campi fifty mileg west of
old, belonging to Patterson, of Alameda ijlltcsv;ne scattering the rebels in all di-'
county, which, as u nea on uic uum, ..i.- rccl,0s nlui capturing mucn camp ana gnr--
K'nnwill.. 'Whi.r His wife wus a structiou; wlncli will in meir mrn snoui dcr Comr
Vm for new ideas into J-.. v Advic
ohnston, whom bethinks the best furnish a new topic to tho Lritish 1 a. .m- knMg
ihr. n.ln.1 States, and says ! . 1 . Journal of t ummcrcf. mAj 0
stabli.hed. Floyd, heay was ..ways , fife fecti ttml wci,,hs, 42J lbs. C(lllipnKe,'many0pnsoucrs and a largo
p ottmg, scheming s eal, ,g 1 but h uuiforml v,ry fill0 per- umJ ? P
rlv li Imn rnnfiiieu lumsell 10 tllie. mi;. , ., . I,,.,i,,r . . ,
latterly he has confined lumsell to tnieving ! i.uls a pound or two at tho edges being
Krntvil nlV Rrroilll!. '. . . II .1...
Sini'uturlv cnoiiL'h.
tho appointment of Fremont to the Moun
tain Department. He favors extermina
tion, and thinks the Pathfinder is radicul
i.nnmrli to suliservu his purposes, lie is
. ----- - , .
Vt Wri 'lit has been evacuated, and 18-
coarser than the rest. We ore told that up.j i,y tie federal troops; the rebel
this is tho largest single yield of such a 1,. 12 guns, some of them spiked. Thr
sheep ever sheared in the State, with the pCljt.r.,i gimboats steamed down the river.,
exception of one which weighed a pouud rr)ere is ;tte jou)t t,at our flotilla-
or two more, and was tascn irom a mm u . Kaclv$ Memphis, sjo conliuent are'
- . .. -i
iril.;. Jwml. nrove mat ennalo or unavail
able for tho execution of the law, then the
be culled on in tho mode
...r;iu..l lir iho Constitution. Then the
Liir m.v' tlm entire navy, the entire
n.iu;. r.r ili Tnited States, con be inarch
lllllltl v" - ' I
ed to those distuut shores to protect, uic
most humble claimant 111 the secure enjoy
ment of his property.
" Tl.'m Ik vonr Government. It recog-
.,;,.. nn Mivercie-iitv. itopiilur or other sov-
in tho Territories or eisewuere,
lawful or uniawiui,
- n .... r inu nu v. uuu
anxioustosec I'remout.auo eu ...... ..-MoM(,r nierin0i ownej t)y Fhllti 15ixby & thc riTtfr mell of St. Louis that the river U
the rebels of Last Icnncssee have colleclu , The general uvcrage weight of fleeces boats nrc ndvertised to leave
their forces and tiieir f,Hfta; 3 the world over is reckoned at four pounds, t'itre for Me hiS( Yicksburffl ond 'eW
; . .. v.i..
no power, no means
ton limm eveeuted. lie believes a orlti
eru man can whip two Southerners, and
tlmt fact is ircnerally conceded in
Upon the question of slavery Ins views
have not changed, though ho thinks the
end of the war will be the end of the insti
tution. His only necro was stolen by an
Alabama regiment while he was in jail.
He savs tho Unionists in Last Tennessee
are becoming obolitionized, but deprecates
and the average weiglit ot ine iai year s 0l.i(,nn,
clip in California is estimated at six pounds in.sicn;s revocation of Gen. Hun--
oer fleece. At 42$ pound lleecc, parucu-
iut fleece. At 4 2 J poum
la?lv when laKen 110111 so young u ..ei-ji, .a
something to look ut. If worked up it
would make seven heavy woolen uiaiiKcts.
S. F. Bulletin.
strong enough or crafty enough, neither by nny nnti slavery policy 011 the part of
action or non actios lowrcncuoiiev.-.. tic (i0vermnenl as the sure mernsoi un.
i;,.n,.l r'u.l.L from the criisn or tne le
1 nui4 her allecianee. 7 A1
ter's proclamation was well received at
Port Iloyal. Gen. Hunter had organized
a brigade of contraband, and was about
to assign them to building fortifications and
iutreiichnients. A sharp engagement had taken place
with rebel batteries at Stono Inlet, and the
Uuion forces were virtually investing Hie
citv of Charleston. A letter dated Port
Iloyal, May 2. says all arrangements for
. . . . t 1 .
ihr ttinrrme vowrr tn tnii lima, mn-
king by lhe twereipn ;woe f the. States
-tho only sovereign 1110 rmiKmU-,.-
This kinn, Ihi law-gnet mo io errr.s
Stalei and has irlt rieeutea, nor u
thereby lessen, dimiui!li or impugn iiiai
Wouks ano tiik War. Wars and rev-
1 . 1 .
olution bear a great bkoncss to cacii otner.
The vounir ladies In various seminaries and
schools In Maine" and Massachusetts have
led off in repudiation of Hritish dry goods,
as their Revolutionary great graml-motners
did almost ninety years ago. At Chelsea,
Massachusetts, all tho teachers and pu-
nils iu one school have entered into mo p-
... . . 1
triotic compact, and picdgcu
observe it faithfully, and to do an mcy
can everywhere to propagate the feeling.
Should such a policy bo generally adopted
by the women in respect to everything that
wo can produce, it would go far to insure
our complete manufacturing independence
of Great Britain, and touch John Hull in
his most sensitive spot, tho pocket ncrvo,
while it would afford him no sort of excuse
for pitching into us in warliko fashion.
u i. not a tenth part 10 strong iu ..uiu..
resources as Jonathan, and we havo but
The Hr.r.oic Fuee States. Tho Tiev.
P.obert J. Ureckinridgc concludes u late
letter as follows:
-- .. niA linnet Atnr-il to feel
.. .. i.,i .i :ni.,i.i,i ..n-niuTation of the ennture of Charleston have been maae,
lliai uiu uiutiiv "M"' "I . 11" 1 .. , , ,1. :i:..
The dispatches say: Two deserters wh
renort that Gen. Jos,
ninritr of fifty thousand. forget, lor on instant, uuu . . - v j --- . -1 , . .
, , ,, ... of tu vrie states that sued tne jounsiou was c.:iuu.t --.-- .......,...,.. day ben the eroin by a Al nio ball during me law
reason of his great property imperilled, and natmn Kentucky would this day ut a ti e gro y cimmaud.
is heartily glad that tho ' Whig renegade' desolation but for I 100,000 orllr. b e U e . U
h.. iHHrn ruined by the la of hi iron nnlh, men wlio f me to Uu, .d 0 our JO 000 or O r .... the rebel
Ho relates feelingly . Ins trial. ... 'u-uuu' killed,
and states the circumstances 0 yerpow erimj ,aA a v0 material chance" ti.. firn U'iflKI'IH'll IJV L'li' 1 tuiiiv wniiukw "o- -
Knoxville jnil,
connected with the hanging of the Ilur-.ol li.o n a. on ,a - -v . a, . ttiecnemy'. position.
.? !i",r7 .LxthThatc'onid have It is conceded that oor los in killed and
tllV lllnri.'iM
I '. lu,'atitV
1. . ii.i. ' en unu in nii iiiu u iui " j
to let hi ware, severely alone 10 mnaoi...-- - - ff om,
fU-w Scott' Oimnios or
TI. enemies of flen. McClcllan must
wince under tho hearty nnd honest exprea
on of confidence which tho veteran Uen.
Roott ha. lust delivered in tl.o ikiii ...y
ally of tho young commander of our army
vrtimvn. In speaking of Ocus. Me-
Chilian and Ilalleck to I.i Irtenai ai
-i.ii. v .t flen. Scott said:
UIM.-111, 1 - ....,i
There aro two men wno can uo ur,
ed upon under all nwTe ZZ
J nmenrcnrv-I mean (Ion. McC ,1 llan
' . .. n.t t, Tiinrn anodouuiiuey
l av.crentop...ill'n to contend with;
they l avo grcni 11 t,)(j
bntMcU-' i n ,ilcll w
"7.W0 K ' . of hi. Powerful
call form an i - j
mliid-thnio -- - V-oo QuZnA
nro honest to mo core,
tray their coumry.
newspaper c' . .,1.1 that tho
..i. lip .minion " ..
surely fellow as 'umblo as Urioh Hcap.-
Thirty per cent, of In wnoio export ....
for a number or year, como nu ..
Nor will our patriotic women bo requir
ed to Impair charms by discarding British
fabrics, for, In color, texture aim
many descriptions or American ury gooor.,
... tl.n very ton of tho world's market.
niu " .t.i
Patriotism, economy and a desire to pieaee
S It I.I I Alt "
pUU IC O.M.I - - Moni(or .
jVMI.ini -
. - it 1.
mi.nt n.hl 11 mill. 11 111111 ti
victed a rebel chaplain pi 0 lie, and he was
hung over his own grave, previously uug,
in the presence of thousands of citizens.
Old Herman, C5 years of ago, was propped
np in a cart, he having fainted while sitting
on his own coffin. They strung him up
with execrations. Hrownlow was imu
l,.;iv il.ut ha would be hung, and finally
escaped sentence by conrt-murtial by n sin
do vote. Ho wus nearly murdered ot
Cumberland lion oy liuruee.
and reached Nashville a shadow of lumseir.
Ho will buy a fnst Hoo press in New
York, and go back to Knoxvillo with the
Federal army, revive the H'A, end wage
an unending war with his political enemies.
A subscription is on foot to provide him
with tho press and splendid fonts of new
type. Ho has received in uoimuuns,
.'!.... einnfl! his book will net liiin about
jf 10,000, and he could, if so disposed, re
ceive immense prices for lecture in the
Eastern cities. A speculator oucreu ......
wounded at the battle of Fair Oaks wa
much larger than was at first stated. It
will probably reach seven thousand.
Representative Odell, of New York, wha
has just returned from the battle field in
the volley of the Chickahominy, say it if
a cheering fact thut the remainder of ouf
...ri.l tl.n fata nrenurcd for it by a revolt
such as no nation ever before suppressed.
GaMbai.di is the Field. Garibaldi
has come out from his retirement at Cop-
rera, and once more entered upon the field
ol active duty. His first work appears 10 . - . of disoreauization
bo to stimulate tho Revolutionary Societies w,ic1 ccnerully happens after a great bat
into action He addressed one of these nt t!e. The Generals of McClcllan' army
Genoa a few weeks since, when he promi, Ehrongb .
ed his auditor that ho would not only .JJJ, channeli ,,J wbicb we confide, that
emancipate Italy, but even Hungary, from o Uniolists 0f Texas will soon be heard
Austrian bondage before ho ng ii.i sheathed frora It is understood that their arrange'
the sword Such a declaration, coming mcnts for restoring the State to the I oloa
from any' other source, would sound like have . been quietly . 2
to tbe
..... i. will lend himself to no such mer
J & - ... l.n..t . rnll ilinfV
AH ll l' ""
nil n. 1.11 has tho last
Ol 11.8 nrisi.ii 1111, M.m ... -
year' file of his paper to consult, ho will
complete 111s oook soon,
01 uer source, twnu ,, ..-v. - . . , ,
' ii,; 1 iv invo thrown the old flog to
the merest bravado, but Garibaldi lias mus t,)e leod of gftm 1Iofl5,ofl.
fur performed all he promised. Advice from New Mexico state that tbe
rwvlw ix Tennessee. Nash- Texan rebels are in scattered parties and
They had reach'
i.-i p...n with the nurnose of evacnat-
cotton market ot that point. Buyer arc . . Ttirri,oryi Tiie remnant of the
scourins tho country in all direction as Colorado volunteer and tho Third United
fur as tho protection or the Federal line States cavalry, were in me t.u.. j .
ceiisry enterprise, a; . Kepv , . f(rl,ier Cral? The volunteers are oi.uanuea ex-
of his pr.onlr, anu ."- - ", 1. .7" " H ,it f ..racti- cept Kit Carson', reg.menv
1110 piumcis n." "o "" 1 " Washington, JUI.O 1. COIOnCI ueorgn
cul sense, and are quick to trado. Good , al prcgcDt commandaut at New
. . .. ... 1 ''.1 '.' .' .....J ci:i.M rinw.
middling readily brings sixteen ami sctt-u- Qrt.nua, lias been eppomicu .umw. v.-
rents in SPCCI0 or O. A rcusnrjf crnor 01 i.uuis.uuu
... I
.in r. rennrt mat briskness ill the com,, eteiy uen. ru..
nnv - I o--
10- The editor of the N. Y. ledger
wrote to Gen. lix to inquire n to tho ori
gin of tho famous order, " If any man at
tempt to haul down mo American iw.
""7 : .l shoot hi... on tho .nl, tin order having
tho young men w .0 ore , u w to llic t,t
..... ...u,1 pnnrtir In making
wrain ngaiiisi. i."h -
this movement " take" among our you,
women. If tho ldie of the North would
make it fashionable to dlspenso with Knfr
y, goods, and use Iu their place American
manufactures, they cou.u oo m-m.
bio the menacing roar of the TJr.tia 1 lion
than a dozen liuo of battle. hip, mawir
men of the North could by the mere en-prlco-or
rather a patriotic and sens.b e
' .i...l,,of fashion, cost F.ngland a trado
worth at least ten millions of dollar a
rear nnd benefit our own country to just
J' .1- n T.,t the
that amount, win wrj uu ... - - -patriotic
example set by Maine and Mas
UusctU be followed by the Iodic of .11
t,he loyal
tilo brain of Secretary Stautou. Id reply
to tho Inquiry, Gcu. Dix write os follow:
Vmt will Ond tho original ' Shuot him-
tho house of my son,
Uev. Mr. Dix, 42 Charlton street, framed
...,1 i.n..rli.r? In his narlor. N'hen I cove
.1.. ..i-r. 1 nn itlca that such on itn-
nortalico would have been given to it but
when 1 found it making 0 stir, I Inclosed
tho original to my son. No man suggested
a word or saw it until after ll was written.
Somo months ago it was attributed to Mr.
Holt now, I understand from you, toMr-
Stanton, by the Ledger.'
jbj- Tho exports from California during
the month of April last, were to tho value
of $18M13, exclusive of gold shipment
teen cems m ni.-i.. - - ' . v. v-.v .
. , ,1 ...,iu.BUn ... I Knci'ln 10 1110 .tew iv,. r.,.v.. j .
otes, aimiwcmy-iu..u t. , .... " ..., .,..,..1 tb. Senate o
mi i. ... 1 uiu tu. un y .
current Tennesseo paper, mere is .a that the House will
holding back on tho parlor tho planter. hmray ij0 ttb0 to recognize iU own off-
rBOurr.-On tho 28th ult., Adjutant lnn- jg lhat tBer, j,
Gcu. Thomn. telegraphed to Hrigham lnit one ,m,rubcr of the Cabinet opposed to
Young to raise, and equip, a company of t10 president' policy of emancipation with
cavalry for the protection of the overland m
mail. It was ordered out for ninety days J; n,j(.ctcd ,,y the Senate 11 to 23.
and In twenty four hours from tho time old T)B bil) )i)Rit0(1 with 01y one nPf,tiT8 TOte..
Hrigham received tho dispatch, niuety-fivo Captain SchullX nrrlved yesterday froaj,
men were enrolled, In tho saddle, and ready with , th. . If-tyfa; E'
1 .1..... SlOII Ol IIIBBIUTO Hl"l ,B"" "J
to proceed tod. Rmiru-ation, hnvimr been exchanged, the,.
Gntn. It appears that
the law.
the entrance to tho Devil' Gale is pared Moilt Jackson, ( ..) June thj Frth rrnl.l Discoveries of great richness n.ont's hea.hpinrtcr are bcre. urWier,
with gold, y.scourics b t f JttckM)n j, impossible Jo4j,
have lately been In thi d s r et , (o the RI)dJeD rht in tba Bhenatn
Nevada Territory, gold being visible to tho A po,,oon bridgf, replacing th.
naked eyo in nearly tho wholo of the quartz. Me burned by the robels, bclnjj com.
Thorompany the pu-tetl. part of FremoiU' forces crossed th
name of CI Dorado. mer thi. morning.