Henry t iny on RclicUUiu. " If any one State, or any pertlon of the people of any State, choose to place them selves in array against the Government of the Union, I am for trying the strength of this Government, I am for ascertaining whether tee have a Government or not practicab'e, efficient, capable of maintaining its authority ami upholding the powers ami interests trhich In long to a Government Nor, sir, am I to he alarmed or dissuaded from ar.y such course by intimations the spilling of blood. If blo.l U to be spill, by u 'me fault is it to be spill.' Upon the supposiiion, 1 maintain, it tcill be the fault of those who choose to raise the stand ard of disanion, and endeavor to prostrate the Govt rn And, sir, when that is done, so long as it pleases Ge l to give me ! (i iv:y to express mu scntimcnls, or an arm, weak and en feebled as it may be by age, i that voice and thai arm trill be on the side of mi country, for the support o f the gener-1 al authority, and tor t ie maintenance ot the Powers of the Union. Speech of Henry Clay. August 1st, 1S."0. GOSSAMEK COiTOX TllKKAD. III tllC HOW museum in t!m Royal Gardens at Kew, ne.'.r I.omlun, there is n specimen of cotton, MO hanks weighing only a pound (spun so line;) they measure more than 500,000 yards, or ioO miles in length. Mucins are mule in lmli.. of so line ntu! delieatea text ure as to be termed " Woveu air." Dr. Wl HALL'S BALSAM -OVUKS throat. all diseases of (tie LVXOS nml For the cure nf consumption, de cline, iislhnia, bronchitis, wasting of llesh, night sweats, spilling ol' Mood, whooping cough, dilli oully of breathing, colds, roughs, intliiemn, phthisic, pain in tin' side, and nil discuses of I ho lungs, it Is I'notiualoil ! Hill's Lung Haifa in, iu all cases, gives the best n;itif;n-lion; Has wrought more cures sinoo its introduction III. in any other rough mcdieinc ; Is endorsed by our leading physicians as tho I Kites! anil ties! remedy now lielore the puhlie; Is safe to use among children, yel peiverful in cases of chronic pulmonary disease; firings in certificates almost daily of its wonder ful cures in all putts of the country, There is no medicine i iihiu our knowledge that has acquired so great nnd Wide-spread popularity, in no short a space of lime, as 1. II VI.I.'S ISA I.SAM IVIi THE lAXUS. Its bal samic and healing properties are magical, ll is highly evioraui and tonic. It contains not a gram of opium or morphine, the uaroolie and as tringent properties which have created so much prejudice against similar preparations. We believe that a medicine possessing real merits will etlect cures whenever it is used, at home or abroad. Ir. Hall's Halsaui for the l.ungs is no paregoric preparation, but cue which, if used in season, tvdl save the lives of thous ands. The most distressing cough is frequently relieved by a single dose, and broken up iu u few hours' lime. The ulH.eted do not hate to take bottle after betlle before they find whether this remedy will tit relief or not. Hear what Physicians say of Dr. Hail's l!at sam. Says one: "I, villi confidence, rccoin- Sick and Diseased AY OUHGON, You (in be cured! An Honest Appeal to All with Haul or Kjuliiii; Health. 4 UK J V pom Louisiana lins never been regarded ns m'iiiui on siTCS:oil, liaTltli; polled U lliaion- I menu me Uaisam as superior to any pr. pirat:on. tv nsainst it nt her last opportunitv It is : Another m: " I have used it with miuorm sue reported that there are four parishes (conn-' T"' Bml c,V""l;"y recommend it for all tl.'-l i iW C,t, i . V r those complaints lor which il is oliered as a rem- two. m that Mate that have not yet fur-, iy. un ....other w,iu-: I have , e.itv UlSllCU n soldier. lion in saving that it is a safe, convenient, and x- i n . , cilieacinus medicine. ' , rfo'k. va-. pal" nmionnco that avm i,v all Druggists. uen. nova nrnvcu nt his resilience, Alnir- SANDS' SARSAPARILLA, K KM K.Mr. ICR, THIS s Till: Original ami (lenuine Article! tcKNVwi ri'iirn to im 1'he Best Sarwtparil'a F.vti- Made non, nnd will take a short respite from the arduous duties of the field. lie needs breath after running; so fast. The number of sheep in California is estimated at 2,000,000, and the average omoiint of fleece on each at three pounds, pvimr an animal wool crop of 6,000 000 pounds, with a rapidly iucrtasin" tende'nev. i I U"M prip.uation has performed ' ' ' 1 iiiiuiuij. j Mln( ol Ihe m.wt a:uiii.li:nj cures that ar Poor old drunken, rebellious John 1 r,''or'l""' ihf hiiory oi 'MuUine. The r.ij.idi r.ell, has recently been writititr letters to , ,y w"'1 nhwh T'cmtrs New Orleans 'newspapers, 'prophecving ' Hi'itUli ami Mr. tisili speedv triumphs for Southern arm " i it influence issurpii,.:nij. Lath new ea-e in which it is ai'Olie I furnishes in tlit It ,.... .nt it'&c is easy nnu mv bunion is you languid, inanimate, restless, appetite poor, digestion hud, mid PAIN'S IN i'HK I.IMUS. ISODY, KAl'K.'nu.l IIKAIW Header, much of this is caused fiom C'OI.D caught un willingly, or, iu seven eases out of ten, sluggish uessof ihe liier and blood, and want of natural perspiration, indiscretion in III" use of food and drink, or from a dryness in ihe atmosphere which is a verv iiuheallhv part of Ihis'eliiiuile inaiiv of the aw'iul, v.o'eat, ami Si DDKN DKATIIS that occur here must bo attributed to this. Now, reader, I have made this my study for many years, an I I do assure vou that mv Dl!. W I'. 1111 KU'S invk;oi:ati.N(; iui;i m a t. win cum iii.e causes it will insure animation of the 1. IV Kit, HI.OOD, nnd ltKINS-it stii'iiglhens the nerves, and gives to the sulleiei' a lightness of spirits, a menial and bodily feeling of slienglh, thai is delightful. The many repecl.ih!e persnus wliu have been beuelited hv and certified toils i extra 'r.'.inarv qualities in curing any of the fol lowing diseases, must satisfy all but the self-wise and ignorant sceptic Hysprpsia, or indigestion; loss of th and Ane, or chills; rheumatic, neuralgic or other paiiw ; depletion and weakness of the nat ural functions, debility from disease, dissi pation, too much d o e tori n ir, debauchery, and other CAiar.s. Iu case of excitement from constant IMTiMri'K.VN'Ci:, muscular or bodily strem mental energy; Fever, PURIFY THE BLOOD. MOFFAT'S snsf.fititnir) n nnd nher Dl.I.liUl'M TUKMKNS cerlitieale n Us ellieaey and exeel!e::c : and vc I have only to point to the accumulated testimony , of inukm:d. s who have expervnoed iis lirnefici.il etl'ects.tii coaviueetiie most incredulous of its value. Do Hot f.rg. t to ask fur Sands' S.irs ipardls. If!" For sale by ll..louso , c'o and IW.u im.iox & ( o S hi I'la.i. isco; lju i: t'on . l ;n... p ir i .i .... tvill !.. ,e...:-;i ...u .. i.o.,r.acri.mei.!o; "v iu uuu nuai n viiliatl VOU atiUuy I rugjts generally. lu'v'.'lm.i are even in the estimation of a friend. " " ' - ' - i giit, ns the yotitiir fellow said when his 1 Kirl was sittinjr in his lap with her arm! around his neck. If you wish to learn nil vonr defects. quarrel with your liest friend, nnd vou llar's Ualsam of tlA l.lu-ny. ,e only pure and genuine llals.im is, in. I n.rilie la( twenty years has been, prepared by S, r;i W. hoWLE & Co., of llos.on: und their pruiled I name, as well as the WMieii s ,-:ialure of j Hulls, appuir on Ihe outer u raepor. As you I would ariiii th spurious cud k ivr hr .-eiiume. take no other! Wistar's r.it.siy or Wild C'liranr. This in valuable remedy is ihe best cue i Uant f..r the safe. . , , -j...,,, u,t I n'.ifin I eur oi rniri';!. -v laiic nas iincilli'il a m.'tchinelor ""' Ihro.i'. I.mnrh.ht, Wi. ..n.t, extracting the lie from ntiack advortice. ' rontmomu, mini; ir hiwrinj r:i,?li. L!r, ,!,,?' ill Ri-stv Flat Irons rerhnps every one does tiot know that beeswax rubbed on when moderately heated, and the iron smartly rubbed on a woolen cloth, will re- move ru.-t etitirelv. A little boy beiiiif asked in Sund.iv school " what is the chief end of man:'" an swercl " the end what's cot the hear! nn " li.'.s ccarred, I have seen it change the sulVerer in half an hour from the most hurtiMe state to calmness an I plae diiy. It can, indeed, be c-.n-se entiously reeomnieii led to all suiferiug. aivl the prepru tor regrets deeply lltal it is necessary : ttitis to adv'rtee it, in ord. r th it its merits may he ; k il ."'Id highly concentrated. l'ro'e re- dared to fa, Iwn for ' hirg quart bottles 1 .Void by every iep etahle diuggist. The Kev. K 'ber! Schuyler, of retaluma, savs : I ' For years. Kali my-rlf mid brother have mf ( fend so front dvsi,-pij, weaknrsH of ami sour stuM.'h, indigestion, I llatulrii e, that bleat t mes was a burden. r have used yoor l ordial (Dr. Wrb'i. r's l:ivig 'rat iig Sa:.g'i!!iei four dais, j and feel Lett' r III m we 1, tv. le.rv.ars j I UANi: A Mill. HAM und Hill 'I.NtiTi i. , A ("', Druggists, s.in I'riin 'is, o, Ag. nls. no'.'y rpilH high and envied celebrity which these prs .1. eiiiinont Medicine huve acquired for their invariable ellieaey iu ull the diseases which Ihey profess to cure, has rendered the usual practice of pulling nut only uuiiecessaiy, but unworthy of them. They are known by li.eir fiuils; their good works testify' for lliein, and they thrive no! by the faith of the credulous. In all cases of nslhiiia, aeulii and chronic rheu matism, all'oelions of tho bladder und kidneys, bilious fevers and liter complaints. in tho south and west, w here these diseases proi ad, I bey will be found invaluable. I'laulers, fanner", mid oth ers, who once use these Medicines, will never af cru arils he without them. It sH'llla.--o person wilh this distressing disease should delay using these medicines imme diately. I'll options of the skin, erysipt las, tint il -lency, fever and ague foi this scourge of lb western country, tbe-e medicines will be found a safe, speedy, and certain remedy. Oilier medi cines h ave tho system subject to a return of the ihscnsc -a cute by these medicines is permanent. TV TIIKXI. (IK St rtSKINO, ASH SKCI'HKII. Mercurial IMm-hsck. --.Never tails to eradicate entirely all Ihe ell'eels of Mercury infinitely s.ioiier than the most powerful preparation of Sarsapanlla. Xight Sietatt, XrrroHt lleluHti, Xrrmut eii;i.iiiiM 11 all Aiin., Oigimic .l,eci(iiu, I'liliilation af the llrnrt, I'mnter't rhnlic. IMIes.The oraMlial pnqrielor of these medi cines was cured of IMes of ;l." years' standing by the use of these Life Medicines alone. N oints of all kinds ale cir.Tlually expelled by these med icines, rarenls will tin well to a.lmiuis.er lliein tt heueter their e.xist nee is suspected. Kehef will be certain. The Lift I'iltt ami i'A.nii'x fifrr. 1'ur.fy the blood, and thus remote all disease from the system. A single trial it ill pla. i. the l.ll'l'. 1'II.I.S and I'lltliXIX lllTTi:HS beumd the reach of eompeiaioii in the eslilll.il uu i f every palieiil. il T Prepared bv Dli. II.I.IA.M It. MOITAT, .13. Iniiiiieiiv, cor. H'm that., Xrw Vori. J. I'l.li.MI.Nti, Agent, nt tlii . UjHf, ;i y (heguii Vily. S A B I) L K ll Y, AND HARNESS MAKING, OllhGOX (7V)'. Important to Housekeepers Ai Famihi ought to be Without JIKY Kit'S .v in i f ' i. o r.v Vrriuiii .Destroyer. I AM now carrying on a Saddler's and Har row milker's shop In this city, anil have con stantly on hand the best of lveady-maile harness, sailtlles, lui d'les, halters, martinils, and everylhing iu my lino. 1 am also lenity to make lo older aiivlhing in my hue that may b called for, nil a short milieu. .My mollo m, .Make a good article, and ell il cheap. I sohcil palnui age at home and from abroad. My esliibh.liineiil is Hourly opnsilii t'haruiaii i: aruer' Old Stand on Main stieel. J. II. SCIIUAM. April !). 1H.VI. Valnalile Proper!' Kor Sale. ;: c .i m r o ;: a n orn mill r 1 1 1 1 S Ml 1. 1., situaled iiboul line fourths of a 1 mile froiii('hamp. g iu the midst of 111 gieat grain-growing couuli y m Oiegon, is nllered lor sale. Dm nig high water iu winter, lloiir, ,V e., can be shinned direct from the Mill. Atlached to the mill is a gi unary for receiving and staling wheal, u dwelling haue and garden for the u of Ihe person iu charge, lbs whole piopeily embrace about mi; iciii s. Th machinery of th null is of very superior quality, having been iinHirted from lioehesler, N. V. Tin re aro Iwn runs of lb lo st Trench llurrs, and an exiia pateul run of smaller Hun fir chopped feed, Ac. Tho fnune-wai k, for strength, Ac, cannot be surpassed in I Iregou, and Ihe mill ill all respect is Ihe I" -t in ihe Mate. l or particulars, application should b made lo t;i;o. T. Al.l.vx, ).., A. M.lxl.NI.AV. (' I' or to AMoliV llnl.llliiiOK, t huiiipoeg, Jan in, .iiil Hit (Jiegmi dry. Blackwood's Magazine AMI TIIK Hritish HovicwB. Great XuducomtTto Bub.crlbolf KMfrw.v AM,.:m,TIONif Ht'o i r & cjo.. Ml l I & CO., M, W v,,i,. J to publish III lulliiwii,,, I . ""'iinis ,io,hcal., vis.: " ' "mis,' . nu. nMttN i vnn ... rrv servullvi'), '. 1 IMMil nil (I'ree fhnrih). "'IV,v A. 1 U I 1 I U 1' . . ..... ...... lV , (Liberal). 1,1 M i X .IM. eiory). ' "'MM Utiu 'I'll prisenl eiltieul ,t will lenilrr III lllg dllllllg of I'airnn... m. "- l;hhe.,i, ,, nn.,,,,11 I "" 'on loriueoliiiuir - cupy n middle gnuiud brlwrenil,, l,,, ' new items, rrmle si,eenii. ..., "IIit of lb dally .lomiial. ,l , ',. .", ),n ""'ir ,i. i - . ' I '" nun ,. . ... H, Ihe fiilui historian, unite, nllt.r i II r mi r. or, , H, ,,, inn sunn liar ioiu, ..... ,. , ur ...i .. .1- .i. V V ' i "nr initr. r""ue .. i. i I'etiod cals I hal traders must , ley in... I,,,l,,n and ,el,, 7 events, an I as such, in addition to u,rr . ., lablished lileiary, .ccnlili,,, ami lh.l,.,P., , " nelsr. w in no I 'r'rlinr , " I "" rOIISIilctal : renilin,; iiuIi'i.i 'I'll leeeipl of ilane HIism. "1 of tin' from il.- m n. . . , 'H Hi it iti iMihhh r imv llepr,nls,laueh a, Ihey rilll T ' , III Ihe hail. I. of sulsseribei. olsmi 1 '""f ,.r,K,l,l '" H,r tdii.us, (.. tuU, v.ffK) r l orany on of th four l!i,vj,.w, I'm any two of the f..ur l!u,wi "" l orum three of Ihe f,,ur ;v,rlv, ' l or all leur olllm 1,'rtien I'or III o kiti)' Mai-anii. . l or Ilia. kwis.H and one IU rsaiHi rxirtiannritui, iua.k,-..i .n.i iwi;,tw,. "IT. Ilalhalha! h..! !...: h-.; ho! he! he ments. ia;sLi:s.s caU) W. C. JOHTiSOW, atto::m:v a cui nski.ui: at law, And Solicitor in ChancTi, "VVflLL promptly attend to anv hcines which may be commilled lo ins professional e arg-b. fore the D.str.ci and Supreme fonrt, Ot.n -v. r Mdwaii,', t.n store, unnudat. lyop posit the Main Street House. Oreg .ii City, October I, 1.'3. JOHN WBRIDE, iTTORMT AND CntiXIUOl ir Ltvi L-ifayttf, Yamh.lt County, OrtM. "lriM, faithfully attend to all business,, w ' trusted lo his professional car. J. ii. .'UTi'iiniM,, ATTOR.NEV .t C'OL'.VSLI.or. AT LAW, Ami Solicitor in Cliunfrij I'ORTL.iXD ORIMOX. OffiVe-Kront S-.re!, opj.o-ite -augh'. Wharf, i Cul!..ii,.nt mad..- promptly nnittsd. ;a,,. ! Hit (ii"g.. pain in Me lirtn.it nr tulr, and in fact ' etery f rm of lhr.t;it, dust, and hu g complaint, as well as Coxsrurnni itself. 1 This household rem.!- should he iu ihe hands of every f..mi!y an 1 Iu d.ti.Iu i', as a t.melc ap;ii. cat on of it to a slight cold tu.'i c.iuse i,iim.-c!i.x! rrl;e;'; while e:ies of .in 'luid rg, nhst.nat.-. and apparently incurable eln.ra 'ter, w II si,;. ly yiild to its ttoaderi'i.1 eur.i'ive pjttrrs ami it' tided. For fa'e In ',(. mil by Henry Johnson A Co., Ch.irle c 'iu ; I! II. Mel loiuid .V . mp I- ISS M .SMITH, thnnli e'io-.v, p are, i led, fieekh d, sunburnt, I I mi lerstaa I all su. h y.oir face and sl.iu, u 1 dar k as s u. and innrd, srsitleH can de'eets are cured. Hi. e. t'. ffin Co , Martsv.lie l'"rtland, I r go,,. !:.d.g:.n A Co, Vorr ll. San Fraa- ' O . S.ier.iliieolo . Mill!l . I'l.H, fe-ere.r J.C.AI.-.'STOmH. VM.LIKIiDOBrF. -isuoiiTii a iii:iti)onrr, WHOLESALK AND KCTAII. DEALERS AY CROGKlUES DUY - GOODS, CLOTHING, Pjo(jU b Shoes, and Crockery, I the new Fire-proof IJriek MmsTRr.tT OKK'jO.N CITV. C .fll'ItuTlV IIOLSE, SHJX, AXD OfiXAVl-XTiL Sh ,p ntnrly oppmit, thu Mrthhilmt Church, ORF.'i.lM CITV. April 111. I-.,!) ,,f r. A. J. DISS, ! Commission Merchant, AND Dralrr in Cali'irniu and Oregon Produce No. -121 Lat stre.-t, l !! t;.i.n Clay and Wahingion streets,) SM.V I R A XC ISCO, AV7"'!'1' !": '"1',y ,0 ,r,",'"l"t y business in Ins hu-; that iiny he enlrn.'e.l i c,ir() l) pro ln.ror mer -hants in ')rgan. All husi. ii -..trusted to his . hargo will I, promptly at lendii l u,,n reaso,,,,!,; i, tm,, jy 7,1. 3 1 i 1 i Seat ami fjand. IIIAVK an evcell.nt MILL SK.4T, sur round, d wild excellent 1 1 Ill'.ll, whieh I would like to have improved. I will giv some 111. iltt r.ght who wi.-!,c to inv. st in a saw null or grist mill, or b .th, a go del, it. . The loc.it:ni, ,s one of Ihe very l.,t for selling iumh-r a Ii-vl way lo the null a .,t, no hilln to pull over, and ha,.dy to heavy iet:le,:,ei,ts. I wish also to i. il loilf a section of LAND near by. 'Ihe place U .x in.l. s west of Lnl.,;.. etle, V.'.mhiil count', . W. L. AD MS. Nov. a.'i, (;.( Yam full J fou nr, AT I. A FAX KIT II, I))- 71 orris U olfo. ItHMs: 1'er w.-i k j " meal The table is furnished as Mill ' hotel in id,., country. ! junel.-. STAIIIJXfi. el' pe. when shed wah dl N IIS' c IILMK'AL ! ' MAI'. Voor teeth, t..iir bre.ilh, y.,11 II not dis- i j pnte, by I.ili.nl's fjnmir. ( ). I' I LK I'll KO 1 1 white us tl,e ,r veri snuw are made, thou .d, vel- 1 low, tartared, il uk, .le. ay. d ; and fra.r.tiil, pure. , j and s..eet your b..aih, tiioogb putrid, foul as rot- j jt. n death: and l!..;t r. I bar, though m as' i co..rse a a:i! 111 ihe or tad of bors.', oky uid dark ' I 'tv.oal.l he m.id- to live, by J..ies t'ral Ha r lie. I sloratlte ; all d.illdf'.ll', semf would '.e leni ve I ' , tl.e ha r'o p'd fall. eg and impr. v. . I ; and reader, j 1 t!orih we thus iH 1 '. tie, tde l.'i n.s .e e'en be't. r than we adteriise. an ! iir.alls.dd, reu.ii- ! all e, at evel V .iru' sloi 111 I lf...,,. I i J.-euts, KANK A 11111. iH.VM, Drug..,,!..! i. an r r.11,1 is. 11. Iiotgy ci.uvj: anodvm: Tootli-aclii! Drop-;. Ci,i:ipi,iin no iir it i f Aelu'liL' Til th ' deslrcned ev. ry des,.i p n of Vermin I. lleslillg premises w here It h s cell l.. I, an.l pr,.( d to Ihe entire sati.l'acii. 111 , ir. haserall. it it is the one thing iiei-itt ill to promoto thorough clt auljics.s. HEAD THI3 1 OtUop ( iter I . H. lnun Uht rf lro Naw ki, N. V ,Jul I"' J 'Dim '1 to ratify th.it .!.. jfi Mryr, 1'iarlif.il (.'In 111 it, lut, li iln ummiI Iiik ri tr.t(D'iii, ilnv til all thi' I .ill iP'Ui ( ii rruiiit'iit .iri N It o this liirtrli.i( wli.i'k kin nilr!ri v ill t!i.'' il -irij. l.vf aii iiiil; uihl tfi U ? wit'K if no v Ir.virilm.iry iir!fiitiu uf r hr.t.n-tn, hy ,Mr Mfyrr; alilioii'h, ulifti lit n7tt( U.n jt.li'r aU'iit llifir plafn of irittrl, on u frw Krw mm, o.m altrf, 111 !ri tluii li;t. rn m nut. , th !! r ul lli ro'ni wn l.iruMv vy ml u-iili thrni, ni n!r a ly ilrail, Ilir ! vm, un.l I fr. 1 nvtutt J ilul by a trw ;ij'-ln't!iuin M w On numl 1'nw Iff, lliiih i I'l-rt.nnly t r',, n.-i.nH, i Mr. .Mr uouM rot r ly n-I n li"iir m tK.- i-Nnnn i .. JNO. . t.HWON, IriMjtrrttif of I'mrtsmuM umt (lath. $M Airni'-, A. W SS CO, V,nln ..!' I-rug!, Ill till. mi niri , n:nf uf 'u!. ton, S"r f;i:i I r.iiif. rk Knf n il hv , mi l hv 1 h-t- II wiii:i:li:i: ,t wno.vs rznsT nujMiuin FA M I L V le-en i la g. as thai of any ID ,'I'III.M-. Ill op. ls-e ,.,(, ,V, ly ,,.., ,y I. I!ea:ati.!s m hiri- etrsfienr Itoa proy. , that I . th" An- .!n w 11 g , iinine li.it and pe.-uwui. ut j ! r. I .-f uttrr th" failure of i v. r, o'her reioe.fy. ft is pVa-init t,, the .tr and i.,. , and a lew 'appb , ea.i..ii wail en'. i. ly lemot the pun ami nri I : from a rf.-c.iMol !,,.',!, solhal . n. iv l fill, .1 hi.,1 ! ren ler.-.l as u.elnl u n r. le n lb pain pro ee. .! fr.,m th f.., or from lh gains around a . looth api.rei,ily sound, this Anoilwi w 11 gn j e.ly rehef hy riihb .ig a few ili'si on th part i all. clei.'. t has only I., bee.,in gei,,.r,i:j ' nunn j to be as h ghly appre, t.-t(s-tj by the I'ublig as it is by lleut'sts, Fof sale hy IL.Ioiijso A. rn., nnd I!c..iv;to A' :o , San I mie isco; Kii k ,V Corns, Marys. j till! ll. H. MeDoNtl.l. fc ,. ,SaefnmrBl0 . , ni.'. ny irrii;'.'i.:s ge,,ra!ly '(Mviuir .Machines .Inst Jtoccivcd, A LA HOP. LOT OP Dry Goods ami Growrii-s, Which will be kold low (i,r Cash or Country Troduco. '- wotil I say to the Farmers, Wore you go . .....a. oi ... miy 'iikhm, can on us, ai ae will tike Flour, IJiieou, Jiutter, Lggs, Ac, and give mi io., as low as can he bought in l'..r:ia.id. DNNi:.nu;r &. ackkkma.v. Oregon (;,ty, Nov, (), ii;0, lustico! .Inslico! Ui.i' i!.,r. is hoiin.i to be lb nexl IVe.i,),.,,! 'if the L'mM l l.-s, and If, ' HIJUXs h..s bo-,, appointed ,iCB f , Vw.t U)t ()'fm ', !' I''""r.''l, in order lo prevent collawe of lb I. ..inn. All ofl.c.al hii.n... .i ... his para w ill he ..,....,. ,, ea.,...,inrr, lirst ,,K,r tlrll of A ....,,r.,o .aw omee, win, , ,M f(ju(J when mil employed m better busineiw ul ,. ' 17 noenue.l 10. UHice lit no'ionriers, ' olliee, w )'.1 ill bel IVagon Shop, one door aonth of Hid I'ost OfhVo, where lie would h triad to do justice lo your old waonin, oraupply you with w one., as ipod as tho best, and a. '.heap ns tho clieapi.st. Vaih tnkm in nrhnnot f" vork. W. 1 UCIi.N.s. Oregon City, Auff. II, ISHL oswr.an, our.GDs : A ItoiirtliiiK-cSiool for !!): "rlI.L Hi: OI'KNLD ON MOMnV, SLI'IKMIiLII Urn, l-'JL AI.-O SPEKCER K ALL, MIL VA Mili, OHP.COX : A K'JAI(DINf;.SCHoJL Foil f;iI:LS: Will be ojien. Jon Mb.'ifisr, Skptkmsk ls'JI. These cho'ils will he organizer! and roi.u'iicte.l under the supeivisiori of th mha-rib. r, In whom any coirifuun cations may h ad lresm ii, until the tune of opi.,mig, al Oregon t.'ily. August I?, MM. THOMAS F. .SCOTT. I an ova! MICHAEL MENGE3 fPAKLS this method of informing hit friend X and the public ei,rn!y t Jsis t he HAS J(EMt)VEI) to the stand formerly kept by Mr, Miller, nearly Upj.o-ite Uianj.'in, V urncv co. whi. I, r. call Tin; Union MnrhvA, where he i pr. pared lo keep all kinds of ir,et, ann in sen mi. mine ( UKASO.VAKLK I'lilCKS: as low us the inarkel will n fiord. I all desire to say to ihij p. opl that I nm Xot (Joiii' (o 1 lie MUichI hut Will ho hero oil summer, i 0f ('nriLio or Siilmon Itiver. Mif.'HAi-;. .:l.(;i:8. Oregon (,'ily, Jan. 4, Isli'i, C1ltACKf;ft.'J-i.lwyon hand ' l V Oil A JIM A.N H Itoman F.vo Halsaui, ion ir;. i A' .y ix 1 1. ami: i i: i:s. rrii.tj 1. 1 i ... . . 'I'"1' I'.ii.-.i.u was u.e.i tor many ).iram I. th private practi.eof a cel. brated Ui.uli.t, w.th remarkable succ. s, for discus of Ihe Fve and Lyes. ' 'I here are m.ny persons who would rather suir.'r from pain and disease ihrough life, lliau credit or try Ihe elli.-.i. y of any lo w ijisevry; all soi'li had le-tter not read this, but to all reasona ble prson ties p.ep.ii.,tii, is reeoinmeuded as a most safe and . ibVnm! cure for iiill.inii.ialion of the Kje and Ly. I ds, caused either by loo close application to minute object, scrofulous habit, ,. posure In cold, blows, contusions, or irritation inmi any ernnoi.a hody under the eyelids" ll is reinaikabl.ly thii,g in its rIT. . , and has cured thousands who would otherwise have bait lhirighl. In fuse lh Lyi.hds nr.; inllam!), or Iho ball of in r.ye thickly covered with blood, il act al n.'jsl nke mag e ami remove, all app. emncm of i.ooimma.ioi, altr two or (lice appliealions. I In re is a numerous i In. of p,.Jln tl,t are e-cii harly p,s. d lo aeeid-ni, or il. a.e, that wenkeii and iolliiino ln Ky,, i,, ,,,, destroy th sight, who, from the nature ol their enmloi m.i.i. arn, i,, , towork in , loud of ilu.t and (-nt. S'i'li should i,y,,r he wilhoul Ibis l!A L.SAM. Ile.ir.ii.hcr, "Heeinj is li. hevil.g." I'r.ce 'ia cenls per jar. IVpore l and sold by A. II. . I). NANUS iJiuggisis, 100 Fulton stre.t, N,v y,', ' For sale by II, .onssov . (;, and IIki,h,ton k t o. Han I-rnncis. o: Co r A Coi.v M,...u.u.. II. II. Mc I, on, i. i, a, (;,( Hcr,ime,,lo;,iii. ,y Druggists (.-nr,illy. .My .,; .17; .u hxowi.r.nav.n to iu: FAR SUPERIOR TO ALL OWE IIS IS USE! Lring timre ti tuple, and capable of Doillie more kinds of work Til A N A .V V 0 Til EE M. 1 CI USE ! The srtilr-li is uhke on hah soles, Ami will not Iti j or Kuvc ! ('Ill: AT It EDICT IOX IS PMC PS! For Purifying tho Blood, am. inn 't in: t no: uf Sitruf.iln, Morrnriiil lliscases, liliciiinntisiti, ( ti tin icons l'.ruilions, SltiUmiii nli-i'rs, l.ivcr C'iiii'liinit, I't'spcpsiii, llruncliitis, Salt Ul.fllill, l.tl.llli.lj;'!, White Swi ll il.os, Hip Hiscasc, Hiilat;'',m.il (if the lenics mid J-niils, I'cvcr Soros, Ii nm lo t'l.ui. wlainls, I ",i ysipcliiH, I. 1SH uf A .loe, Pll.l.!es. Illl.S, I Ii.'.icr il I Vlii. iiy, Ac., ,'(,-. Il has long h.-eu a mi-! impi.rtaal desideratum in the pi.,, lice of loeihi me, lu oll am a l e mr.l y niielar to I us, nnd a v.i.n.g'y w i tii.d .t res.. r's. I lo aiiii'..t nil. tel.. illy .11 all lie...' lot iii'Miliiig d... eios l lh .km ll! us., lo !h' pal fiii-j, and ul I o.ioiis to the lo iltll. 1 1 i a t.'ii.e, up. 1 1. -nt, and iiiiol'ci-tat. ll net .itliuU.il.riiii.lv l.po.l Ihe sioMt. H, the crs.,1 i.atiosi, and the S'.ttrls, and thus ll.l pi...-e-s, m l.ieh am orilonir i!j llir res-lit l I II S I Y. th'Telea! kinds of Uiedn III. , ill Cif- rieil oil at th ml.' t .tie lhroa':li lh.- iil.ti urn. it lality ..f luis os: reuili..l o,.'"iit. I', 'frai llleril is lh al it lio-rts and '',.', a.' i; ' i I In- a. In pi no' p'e ol d ... a.e it.elf, au-l w lo-u I Ii il i. (o.o. the ,toip: ..o. liree.Biiey iti.sppeor The II pitllt! Willi who ll III pitlent leettv.-rs lira, ill ao-1 st leu, tl, uuler llii. 1, iple intta nee i .in pri iii. I.CMiRKADLE CURE l.isi I'.U'Sl-V, I I.e.. hi I rr , Man h II, i" M.s, i.. I'. D New V..ik: .!. tleioell,-. Ill the sprin,.' ol I s .'I , loir oil oil t a y Iioiii Indiana to tlos place, our el. I .1 bov wm. seized wall a .w eiiine, and veie p mi. in ihr- r who'l, day bt day jit w wore, u Mil lo. le-. enn- tr.ielrd, Hlld b''tlli" "it paililii! t .il l.s could It I walL, sod we li.i.l to car:v h.in n'H.iit like an in--.111 ,e.,ehr, l!iiu on ll, 1,1 ..I I I. :..,, eolnpirt. It W.'lll ..III ht' l.llo:le. tlos tour, he was le.lu. e I t. ft p.-rleet .krl Inn Here oe were rnal.lrd lo fori-olt a phts.i an 'Dr. H.il. W bo bsne.llj colite..e, Ii '..ld Hut elll h (ft. . tli Mll'h he e.ioM .' ve h.ill lordieni.' Hi il Itou.i! fe. ; bev lh pmii. Ill lh s et'.Tii y ...met 'i n ueol be d-'lie, or lh itll H US llievlalil.'. I J.-, I fee. ,n,. lis lidr.l lolrv t'aii S.ir.apanlla, I pro.-iired a l.ol -lie. Al'er t.,kin ...me, he ij.p- ll. , .1.. ; lull pereternl With 'I, I oltt I nr I .,- -oil I h-il.i, I H III. h seeniril , o,.,pe WiUl I ,,.r..., nil 1 , caiiMr.l a niiiised iluproteins-iH : ll. .writ o and pain III the l. . Were red lee. I, bo ilj.p. l.'e io. proved, and hi . olor lie- hi o r. Ii,n Tims n, cour I, I pur has. d a tlnnl ieitile ; w h.le i.k III,' ll III" .Aril Ill ll s b-'l III ,k, II id .111 pieces ol bone on l l,.l ol a., ..I' ll c .. 1 out, nlti r w In. Ii his l.-k.. ira.!,(. n. I l.ral.d Up II IS lio.t prlfciofv re.terrd ll.ia l.l np. I pe.iriiii. p in lir.njj a enp,.1, no I can p rtunu most lonls of counnoii lale.r, a. all our ne ejlilnrs call ce, ), ulir, re.pectlnl'.t , r w.i.i: D IS rreptrn! mid sold by I . .) I' .V l,W, Win .Ii .il.. Diniir .is, i,i) 1 iillr.n .tirel, coiner of ' William, N-.t t o,k Mold al.o hy II. JOHNSON ,,. V.i, i ',. ""; liU'K A. CiifUN, .l,,w.,,,. 1. n. McDonald .v in, ,,, ntlf i,y D,o.((isi if. -ii. rally. Da. M I I. Kl.i:, A, lit, 0,r'i,n Cty. Illuikwoo.1 and Ihr l!i. . For llla. kw.aid and ihe u,ir lirtnw,.' rosT.ti.i;. it imj $ .1 Ulf .. .1 lilt 1 0(7' .. H HU' 3 (in ... ti (III ... ; on .. 9 on ...lo iw The Mil ll I'.sirtoK to any hnl t wrnl t- I'irt of lh I ;,.. u,.. III... .1.....! M...I I ... .. ' " .. - "" inn, for each of the llct'irws, Al the nl.otp puce. Ill Periodicals , m.brd lor I X. I . AMI t t rrcinium to Now Subscriber, th.. N... ol lh ..urn. I'oi.-d c.il f., h.,i ..i'ii 1'U 1st f. IiiiiiiIimI t'-ifii)tr! l'll!tk' llin ItiotP , tilt I'l l totl l!n in rn! M.! m I 111,. m ft 'H'Uiiir. of U V UL'f II. i,-. " ".r. f.h.. No. I..r Is. ;,, IM4J u,, Jf; lli orlt a. t alosl.l a. I..r I si. I , Slil..eil,rl. Wi.loilk. nl.o ,n ', f, lie i,.p!,r. ut the lull., rtrsrsn i tK ,lt Splcndiil Ollrrs For 1859, 'GO, nnd 'Gl together. ihe ll.r.-c t ran, ).',, ' ' ' 4 (SI I or I o.o kwiw.1 ,t ir,u.iip I' of mi) on Key r a I or ant In .. Ue, i. w , i I ... H e ka.s.d Mil I ..,r l.'e, ew, I I or I il.il k iov.ll end tw ii ll. t res 1 I ..f tbfee liel rm , i 1'isr I'.la kw.s.-l .lore Kiri I O, III I ..ii r Ue V .r w . 1 i.r lis. !.... I mi. it,,- !, l',.,,, B till of III nlM.tr u-.il,. w l ;.,, S O'C S 1st I'.' Hit 1 1 i l 'i n 1.1 iw i; oe. til ,'rlf 'm l iiri t f(if (dp Ii . .1: a (iii,i..!,i )' .'. Is ii, v -j. Wr.'.' ,-, Su'.l. nel.os Put, I i i On ..inv o'a.i.n il,. !ri,,;,.ii ll I I I. IIS ., Arir ,V.,.', . I II. e hmr loin., M1. llQ, L,,,. , SI I ll User till l rr. fur fcv t W bo h is ul.uilt Hi, .' of Ihen, iiii,,,' w,i (f OOP I riif A. we. hill intri asi, ! b.r'y to e.'hr in. lo indue, llirllt. a llio.e M pfr.rn'r I, Now IJ tho Tutio to Subscribe! I " I ., on I HI. rs mo.', n n'l i .i s, I, ,m, ii,r, .',, I'l,h.l,,i,, ,, ,.rrt eeinn, s. .-u r in he nil.. w.-.t I., nerulv Ad lie... II ON II I Mill I' ,v CO. No ., I t.'.. j ,lr. rl. ,N M c, n i : a r MEDICAL DISCOVER,, mood M ll.l.'H iV. !iicr nit Svniji, ji iin'i Onco II AV I AtJAIN LIVERY iMorc. (;oni: into BUSINESS, Tin: S.I ,' v.l p Alill. I. A A.l STII.I.IMH, nil Tilt: 1 1 l: l: (' Scrofula, S .!iiliti,', Mirou rial I i-i .'ii", ( )M sop's, skin ilwcavs, (iinl all (.tlur ilisc.iscs uliioh an rau-nl i an Iuiptiro tato of'tlio Uloodl ill IS lll.ooi) ,V I.IVKIt SVKl'P il r IS W ALIUS I LD j 1 To er nil s. rofiiloua and u,r ,r ,i the originate from , ai oon o uui, ami wid ki p bor.es per wek at r 1 0 l orsllU'le lee.l I i,b uie.1,1 7;, l or lure per day for sa Idl ho, I nil I he., prices wdl b rliaryeil till furlln r noti. is ifiv. u LKAD 'I II IC STATI.MKNT oK MR. M. ,tl. U I I.LI A H. V ho l III. lei in Kev. lb. rare llo.lin. Hi rliurrli, r. Kal.liii Ihe cure of In daiiflilrr, win, ass to nil nppearaue. s er ppl. .1 for hie mill lbs Irl ril.l ih.s, ,NCI:0 LA ; 't. istri. I'.b. :"', ."0. j .Mrsaaa. A. L. Si ot.l I. ,V (o I llear Sirs: leel i my duty to nut too, l'l i lei you know what )nur Itlool and l.it.r .tirup ha d iu for my daii;hlr, nnd thai by nililihin of my nan raising, that I would tehaan l..r ..ill er properly. N. W. .MOS.S. Oni;oi, f ,ly, August 17, I Hi; I. ;, I 'loirs and Wagons! i ; II. 0. HAVIIKX, Agent, Cnnirt Mon. joinery anil .Vacrauieiilo street, Oct 111 rtsi KasNi'isco. Omoii City Foundry SOT WASHED AWAY ft WK lake pki.uro in i,if.,riiiiii(( ,8 (U)lia that w ,av Itcimircd all )am.'i-fH ! o nnd got our Foundry in runniuj; or.lr ajfaiii, an. niersady to do work ii usual. Oiv us a call II. HMITII A. UHOH. 'Ifgui City, Die. !l, Df . CM. KESTER, Undertaker, "V7'"'''1'? 'd"rm flan ppl of Oregon (,'iiy ' '"' .t;iniiy that ha will keep ,,,,y , Ji:aiy-iiiiui. CoIIiiih, of all hv.ch, constaiil ly on liainl. Ill nill also kp a m3 v mm. m nnd will l,a prepared to uttcnl lo all Hi i,,., ,,. hu.ines of fiinefnls ,.i,nct, with his Una. Simp nmr Ihe Srminniy. IW Custom from Ilia country it rns,,o,.fw oli'jiUil. iiiicK.l.lbl.O, I I. live n f. w M V II VA. f 'i II i s ....I I'll I ipm i itolhers ttliosull'. t Willi lb same ilm.ii any " '".'O.' i I , , . . . . , in,w oi ,1, ail. I Iiy lis ll, Ilellte gri si nfsrin. My ibiui;lilr Klira has bee,, sorely llhclrrl sith HI IIOKI'LA, alien. led Willi ((reat paunfarmsr than two years. Mm had some lit or sil riuuunK I h ers on ,, of ,er feet, on on l,r hip, on mi her back. Thy caused eoiilrsnlwi f lh IiiiiIis so lhal she could not Mslk. At It" lime, from the Inijli recommeiidalion of llli.d and Liver Hyrup in coring su. h disrssri, I Was luiliiend lo Iiy il, S comuiPiirrd uusf it, and as lh in.liei'in a. le.l on Ihe hlissl, tlx coiumoiiieil lo heal. 'Iho l.uihs aro fnwt slrni((ht--sh is now Ksininjf Ul.iilli. I " only Used line hollies of t,n mrdiein, ni'l tl can now walk fpuln well, Vonr lllood iisi Hyrup has ihuio wonders iu resiil,ii( lir brllt--Willi tho greatest respect, I ri niain yrnirs, II. McWiumml HTATKMKNT or ItLV. IIOIIACK IH'BH M.I.L, Vili M 'minimi y ,J- Piiitm u Ihe W'jfl'rua rhnrrn, Cim iaavri, MareliS.I, Mi . A. L. Hi ot , 1. 1, ik rn. Dar Hir:-,M. Mc Williams, In mm" in lb rlniieh of which I am paslor. I 'piniiilcil with Iho circuiiisiaiices uf lb el" In ibmchli r, and I have no licsilanry in wi)'in( thai I consoler lh cure truly wonderful. lloUACi; llluSllNKM Hi nt n.i.'a IIi.os.it ami Lit r Hrif fof mI "1 all Iho principal Druirrisl everywhere. Dr. A. II. HTLLI.i;, Agent, Oifg" (illl). W, HNLLL, se,r.or l Dark A Hints, Aient, ,V, priinriirii, I'M) Wasliiiijtt.'li iji importer and General Aient ' I'lili iil MiMlli-lm att r 0I whieh aro oiler.! lo Ihfl'l'iadfl ill Nem I'm ,1 pure, with hill ru't of mMrM" acksmilliin of all Kinds 1,, no to order. KKKI' always on hand STPP.L PLOWS, uiarrniileil In trniir anil do as vooil work ns any others in iln, hl.ila I can also furnish you w.lli W AtiOS S. I can nlwavs b found al mv hop, imiihh.iI MeKinlay', reailv lo ho Vonr horses, or do anylhilig iu tin, line of my husioma, Call and see. J. W. Lb' WIS Orgoii 1'ily, April Ifi, IH.VI. if CAST -STEEL r L (MV S. ! rpilK uiiderij(iii are now i.,raif.l in mauii I raeliir.iiir some f , III.ST CAST ST PEL PLOWS ever mad on Una coast, which my aro not afraid In warrant, nnd which nicy ara selling a I'rli i a lo anil Hut Tlnira. Vn hat inadn irinlerial l,iiprovmeiiia on our old pallor.,, and lho who hiivn Hied our plows k.. iiinii, i no preiorciioii ninr any nlltor lhy r use,,, tt a arc carrying on ull esleu. iv miiiiiifiicli.ry, mid hileml lo keep up will, Iho rapidly l.ie.easi,, ,eiii,u, If y.n want a (iDO '!,(W, of easy draft, nml ,.r to scour, . ouo of Itynrareiin't Unit title Plmri. I.. A A. W. IIVNCAIWON. Hulevill, March, 'i'l. I HI! I Merino uchs. JIIAVH fow llire.ipinrlr l.lis MKKINO III ( K I.A.MIIH, which I will soil low. Mm place la ail miles west of Lnfayeli Iteu.'O, Sh, (i. II. AI'A.MM. Tor Salo. .. rpiIH HALF tl'' i.or mi. I in iw.'" 1 Nil 4, adjoining lh Mii-min lluikhnKi ll.ia cilv. Iiep.ir al lb Argus Oll.e- I)rg..ii (,'Hy, IMiinli .'III, I ml I. Toys, 'Voy l IUI.I, HIH'LV rt'K l llKIHTM.. nml iNi Year'a -just recitnl nt Dec. I.",. !' fll.UiMAN