liKAUKWMKD l'-UANTIU. llallvck Iiiih coiivortuil Ihc ovucuution ol rorhilli li't" n)K"l,,r W"turl,)" r,,,lt- TIU rn v ol forliilliiuiis, liko most of Ihu oIIht bol nrmlt'M, liml m olliui' nu'iins of Inum lortiitloii tliim Hid rnilroml in thu mnr uf furdi'il. TIiIh llullfik'ii tiivulry niia'uuilril . ctlin nt lloniit'villii, tit tliu kiiiiio limo Istroyini? l",Ku " li"' of rolling lirk OuniTiil l'oi who Iiiih a ncniiii j , lllIK till) ri'bt'lH, WIIH tlll'll Bl'llt In Lrsuit, ftt tli I'1'1"1 "r 11,0 lal" "'"7 r !io MifuM'l'1 r"r,Jf ,,m,sl""1 Mroutj.-. Sumo ll1"1"11""' I'ritiom'rn ""'I lilt''H tliOUMimlNtiiml ufimiiNiiru llm rwmllH of his rui'iil 11,1,1 "killful oirntiniiH. Tliu in mimltT of MunurrK'nnl'H iirmy Iiiih unit ItrcJ iu ull tliiwtioim, throwing nwny Uiir grins nml imilruvorinx to DM-niio uh k'st ,y can. Tliu U-U'i;rnili reports tlmt wlmii IJunim-KiirJ livnnl uf llm cutting 'f tho rnilroml hu " lii'omnu frantic," uml ruin ed llio cry of tliu imnic Mricki-n Kruiit'li nl Waterloo: Snuve qui jitutf Ami Iiin Ji'inoruliMiI tiien Kccm to Imvu olieywl HiIh lust oniiT willi wontltirliil iilm riiy. Tliim luimU of tlio CorintliiiiiiH nro ulnilinu through tlio wIIiIh of Mi.siiiji on foot, dcpcmlfiit ujioii tliu propln for tliu iiiciiiih of iiwluiiili'lf M ' 1 "my 1,0 r"ir,y luTi-rrtnl tlml IIioho who cnn ot to their limnc will o thither wild nil possililu kiimhI, uml cur ry willi tlii'in wild title ol tlirir ilictl-i of iJrsiiritto vulor liow 1 1 n y whipped I, in coin's liiri'liii'H nl Sliiltih, lint how tliu liiru liiiKH ufori'Kiiiil, l)eiii(? ruinforueil to tliu tw trilt of It Imlf inillioii if men, nro moving down upon devoted Miwiiskippi, with Unl ink nt their lieml, prepnred to Imrn, hlny. miij mid di'Mihtte like a horilo of shvuch U ihey nrc Sue. I'nitm. ADDITION A I, M:VS Viiliinton, Jonu iM. -lloiiliny, ex Mi'inlicr of ConKiesH from New (Irlciiiis, visited ll',! House to ilny, uml wits received with much wiirinth ly tliu tncniln-rH. Front Teiiliesiee we lenrn thul the steady ,1,-vilopllient of thu I'liion fceliti;' In thul Statu i cheeriuj,'. tlovernor Neil S llrown, a prominent relic I uml iiietnher of the Military Hoard, nddrexxed n Union meeting at I'olninliiu u few iliijs Hinco, nnd kaiJ thn rebellion was phived out, Teimi -m'u wan ht to the Confederacy, and nil the people, oulit to (jo fur the I'liion. The bill nvoijui.inK Hayli and I.ibeiin piivsul ihu llou-u ycstcrdity M to 117. Tlio bill fr thu piiiiihhinnil of polyinniy iniices n penally of livu hundred il'dbir.i uml iuii.ritoiiimMil for not Ivs than live wars. Nudiville, J iiiih Itli. A train from Co lumbia brought thin evening I ,'-00 I'eilernl privimiH of tien. 1'i- ntix division, taken ut the Imtllu of I'lttsbiir,' l.rutilimr. TIh'.v wero paroled in cmiHeipn iu-o of tho rebels bi iii' tumble to feed tli'in, Tin y report them in univcnal discontent union;; tin; reb el soldier, who urn iuihnis to pu home l'our hiuidred inure prioi'rn will arrive to-morrow. Thu f"-'cli of ev -(lovernor I'.rown ut Coliinibiu is cm rtin' u powellill inllm nee on hundreds who liuvu been led into Si-cession. The lioiiibiirdinent of l'ort Wright was n-.-iiin com need nil the morning of thu lid, and ami continneil all ilny. A imi'lv nf ion rrilliiH cunio down from 1 Ink "in n (Ky ), and nve tlieinsilvei lip, nnd Miid tlu'y were tired of herring JelT I u vis, ntul iini'iin to nturn allegiance Id thu Federal Uoverunient. After thn evui iiiilion of Corinth, sevcrnl regiments from Mississippi disbanded and went home Vicksliur' it not yet in our possession. A im elini; of the eiti.ens of Memphis was held, which resolved Hint tho city should never bo mirrriidcrc J. Thin mentis unless it Federal I"1"'''' Imuld nppoar (Jen. Wool now coininiindH nt r.alli more, uml (ieli li nt Ft Monroe. providence, It. 1., Mny .".). -(iovrrnor Sprnue win dieted I'nited Stales Sena tor, yistcidiiy, by n nmjonty ol SI. Wo lenrn Hint u letter Iiiih been re ceived In this pliice from Me.ul. Apperson, of thu coiiipnny of voluutiiers from HiIh county, (nntf f!ttNt 0f thu inoiintiiiiiH,) which Ktntea thul two of Ihu imiinbeM of tho com puny had n dillieulty, In which odu, Chirk. wiih shot in tho iihoulder by thu other, Hob Iiihoii. Thu hitter lied to tho mountains, but wiih pursued, mid on IiIh resisting lie wiih Mini twieu buforo ho wiih enptured, onu of tho hIioIh killin;; hin horso. It is thought UobiusoN cniiuot survive, PiirrriiKH. To thosi) wishing likeiu.'sse of tlieiiiselveH or friends, wu would wiy thul Mr. Joseph Ibichlel will liu In town next Momliiy, and will take pictured In tho la test nud best stylo, llo will remain hero one week, mid no longer, ltoonm over MilwulnY Btfr Thu Viimhill broko a shaft on Thurdiiy, coining from Dayton. To Loan on ijmxl socurity. ply ut this olllcu. iiiuii Ap- OISS: In ('liiekuiunii r onil y, Muy .'III, IP''-, l')lin M Allryti, eoinuirt ef llenry Allot n, c'il IH yciim. .SertlliXI (ill tlio fH-euNiull nl lie)' lleiltll at Inn I -luck lllll.ia l'.llilil ('lillK'll III I I u'eliu-k l.oril'n iluy, Jiiun '.".Mi IfC-i.liy Key. Mr. Hull. Danncnbaum Si Ackorman. Sprin ip MIIC M imaiuf lliia iriii' mill uiiiiiir tl utle iiimiio.i. Iimu, mriliui u ill in-M-nl'ii;r lu yu iiiir o limn unw lliu I'linu c-nl, mini viirn mi. I lint enlKiixiva utiH-k u( tiuciU rvrr i ll'.-n il In llic x nhlu nl Cliiekuiiiiii cniilily. Wo ion ri-.-i ivimi;, In vi iy ulninnrr, mltliliuii In nnr lwk. fmin .".in Krniieiwii, nn.l ih.w ulm n ill Inko tlio Irniililo In mil, can nti-fv lliouiselv Unit tlicy rnn ilu li. ller Willi liu lliau lliey ruu tlu liy C'iiiii' In 1 oi lliiihl. lluckcyti Mum: ''tinnci'n, liny tlio best iiiacliino ! 77 A' nUCKEl) Huh proiu il itself lu he the I HOST MOW I'.lt i. KICAPICK COMIilNKI), Yel bmufjit into use. 'V linn llm fDl'owin uilnilil:ii: over 0!liiT Mueliiiiiii: Ilium Iwn ilriviii wlmel which I'iiihI Hi" whole weiuht of I liu inline, Kii'iiiiiL', iliiicr uml Itiilu-r. Il lnei a iluiilil.'-hineil lin-i-r lmr lii-lnnimi;.; exelimivoly l llm .Muivur, liieh (-"IiI'iiiiih In nil v.iriei en ol' mnTune uml can in e.-isily ruiMiil lu iium ol.,trili:liinm. Il hua IM (mi; cmiiin iu the ililyinir wlieelnj it in entirely 0 fiinn sn'.ii ilrnll Ihu uiuuglil in li((liter tlisa 1 i tun y llnH illir. As u l!l').ri;l(, it loin nil tlm u J vanillin of iu Mwi-r. 'I'lio Ui'i'il is iilUichi-il with n llixihln juiiil, wliii li ulliiWH il to follow nil thn lieiV. MM-lllH nl the rliilloriii mi iiimveil roillnl. I lie l lallornl remlily niljiiHteil lu iiuy reiiinri il hciL'ht nl cut. Thu weioht u( linker in diroetly ovur tho njlu of llm iiiueliiiin, insteuil uf hoiii eurrieil on thn plat- form where It uihls "iciitly lu Ihu nlu ilrnll. It inn many other uunrnvimmiitH nvi-r the oiu myie Mnwera ami lieiijirni. Wo have nlwi tho d li brakd Improvtd ICSTKULY MOW Kit AND KHAl'lill) 'lie Kentucky llupvcstcp, (n viiMiliinrd rener uuil uiuwur;) "lie Kflcliiim jMowcr llt'nicp; ALSO 'I'llO Swi'('lst;tkcH TllPJU'llCP, Miiniiriielnri'il hy ('. Aallimni iV l ., I uiitun, Ohiu, whieli wo Kimrniilro iniirior lu any Ihriu-li- r iu tliu iiuuki'l. Ilhu, n lull nworliru-iil of Aericulliinil lniile- iimnlK. ! in iin'11', hivii iin n enii, in- nemi lor cir cular... IIAWI.KV .t CM., Cunier of Ciiliiuriii.i uuil llallery strreln, Sun l-'r.-iiK-iwio. fjf Anv of Iho iiliovn tiii-mii'iif.i uiaehiiirai vim ho .urehiiM'il uf inn ul l)ie;iiii City, where 1 villi tnke nleiimiru in showing niul I'ivin' uuy iu- uiiii.iliun iers4iiiH mny ile..iru reieiini:.' IJiein. ,liin;s i). in-. oe-.s i , Agenl f"l llawlry ii C'u. (it;oii City, Mny 17, i;i:i).Mi'PoN .f CM'si sui'KUioit Yr(!iist Powders. NEW GOODS, NEW GOODS, .voir ornxisa at D.inncubauin &. Ackcrman's, Onniiilr A- .1um Sl.lluutr, ...eoinntilU' of... STAPl.i: ANH FANCV i) r u - (J o o (I s the ncwot styles nt' DHKSS GOODS, HICII AH Fancy rni.liiiM, Kaivcs, Dd.ccs fi.Mitr.l .lelsin.nll nn.l half wool reneli inrrini-, I rriieh Inwiia, liiillisiilni'", litfiirril i"t I'1'"" l,.n,.,!l.. Sia mnl nroiml luimlin, liirt'" ............1 ..r k'r.u, Ii uml Anirricsii ml:eu, bnwn hiiriK, blenehril mid unlilMolir.l imwhii, tiik i.irrsr or Silk r.nnuclM, Cloaks, Sltawls, uml Silk Mantels, ami a larijo assortmcntol' straw 'omls, (iiiliriiiilci'ns, t'ol lars, sleeves, itc. T, CIlArtM AN, A, WAIINKB, F.CIIAnMAN. Charman, Warner &. Co., ( A 1. COMMISSION MERCHANTS WIIOI.KHAI.1! Il HP.TAII. Ijitlein in Dry GooIh, Clothing, Jarilwitrt, Crockery, (Hauware, 1'iuotb, Shoe, 1'uintti, Oih, ;., In tlmir lirii-iroof llnck Main btiikk. r, Olir.UON CITY, ORECOK. ...I'. Chiinnan, having uuiteil Ilia... II A K Eli Y, CONVKCTIONKRY, AND FAMILY OKOCKKY S'PoltK lo thu fHtubliNhiiieiil of Cliurinun Si. Warner, thu firm will now curry on liumuiiai in H lh ubov iiienlimieil bmneliuH, iu thi" city. lm.iiK by rtril attention IoIjuhuibmi lo merit the cinlinued favor of their old introii, and uh many new one o c;hoe lo r.omo forward. No puiiii will bo iared lo j(ivo iMitinfnelion lo ull our cuslomnra. Notice-Settle Up! AM, llio owing Ciiarman k Warnkii or F. Charman, will pleaso come fnrwanl and niuliu ellloineiit of their indebleiliiewi, wilhoiit delay, ho that yon cull ull coiiimeiicn clt-uliiiK" with tliu new firm of Charman. Warner & Co. All our delitom will "to the necewiity of attend in" le thin cull immediately. CIIAKMAN, WAUNKIl & CO. OreKoii C'ity, Aug. ii-l, IHCI. Notice. TIIK OHMION CITY SEMINARY HAS been rented by the Oregon City Cor poration, fur Ihc iurioite of foriniiij a Grade Sihui.l. I'l. Srhmil will be oneiied on Monday, Jaiiu- nrv i'tlli III linen dmiartiiieiiui. All children within thu district will bo admitted fiikk, to in r r.M iv TIM! l-I.KMKSTAIir BRANCIIKH, VIZ Itea.liii, Spflliii!!, Writing, Menial uml Practical Arithmetic, ;ooriiiliy,;riiiuiiinr, and tho II m lory of tho Cniteil Sutcn. PupiUoiitmdouflho dinlrict will be adiinll.-d lo these priyile'-H, per Ifim, ut .4 J 0 h'or every cxtru study " lhechure will bu 1 110 l-nrlheClasnie., " " " ", 'I'he hiliortuilies will not be uiluweu to oecu- (HlOVElt ifc IJAKEU'S NOISELESS SEWING MACHINES FOR FAMILY US K w AND Maiiufacturing Purposes, il... ii..... ilini tu the rleiinutury. A eiirel'ul reiriler will lie kept of tliu ullcnd- unceof every pupil L r AKU N l TO nweet and nutnliuiin MANIC I.KillT w Bi as. no . l-'jiiiilly ml d I" I.OAVI'S, HOT r.lSCl'IT, ' l '( 'A 117 1: A T owl oilu-r ratxn, (iiN;i;i:i;i;i: i, uu.i i-.ii.en of ail lon.u. Waipanl nl fully eiinal 1 lu- niai kel ! lo any in .U'or lllllHNiil'oN YKAST PHWOKUS, and n.Ke no .ah. r, if you would have niefunnly COOP Pl'.HAP! M.inu!'.ietiiie.l nnd 'M ut h .l-K.le by III IHMiToN - CO, UK) and III Clay itiivt.t-jii 1-iionii.eo. J).IAYA(jE. OqT The m ivsIi orim ut roi lliinil, in 8 Into issue liikn ori'iis'ion lo f ive onu of Un do Sum's Orison Voltnittus wlio votnl tlio hei'isli tit ki t on ni'provinjf jnt " ll" Inn k. l.iku llio limn, or ntoro jiroM-rly ptik lug tlio thing who while cniplojcJ in one of the Nutinnul Anwiml wok uYUtUiI fill ing tho nhi'lU with gfttul-thht fellow in the k to fill the Nnlionnl Cotiiii'ils with traitor nnil rebel K)nimt!ii rent. If ho ever jel hull elmnro he will iloiibllfM bo ;roMi lo imiliito tho ex- iniiile of Arnohl. Look out for him I'liion noMier. if. yon conic on a bntllo fiehl, llml lhi thin tloes not net out Ion InsliiirlH not only by ih'sert- ln you bnl by MrikiiiK IreitiherotiH blow il llio Union lhroii"h yonr lienrln. Wo ni o not Miri.riseil thul iho nytnputlii but urniso from mieh a mnirec lo sneh nn object-In ciiml ly tlingrneefnl to bolh. rowmii Itivin Misi:.-Mr. W. F. West of Miirion t'ontity, Jnst from 1'owih r llivcr. Infortiw uh Hint theno milieu mo bo- Kinninnjto turn out will. K iik put riik'ti tlnlm (llluo CnnvoiO l ciiilit dny l'l Jicliled nenr f.iOO. The hiiow In h'" oir nl ninny nro fii?ngril In irosiectinp. It rcijuirei hurtl work, nnd a (rootl tlenl of it fo set (ho cohl. There nro nbout 60(1 men In thcRo uihiM, ami moro Kolnu; in whilo but few nro coining out. lenrii from Mr. West tlml tlilljciilty oix'tirrud oil Uni"n Flat, l'"' Kr lliv.T. on tho ''fith of May, between Jiiiiien Wuller nnil Junirn (lrim"' UrlilnL 1 1... 1.. I liiH tl'ital Ui III .bed Willi a " in II Villi HUlL'l " " knifo In tho liitnd of Wittier. (IrilVnt llvwl Jill houm nfter. Tlio 'irlie wero lylnR on tlio irrnu Inirollinr when ft dinlilltO UIOSO, " ' '. i on Homo trivial .mention, nnil Crillin I'iihnnd upon Waller m.yh'K 1,iNlml my word, when Witller turnml nmldouly nd MintdilnK ttm 1,10 "f " oftl" urt), .lun(;nl U Into thu "'iy 01 Urn .n. rniiHliiir bin dentil ns above Hlitled. Wnllerwun lo tho I'ille nil r"i"iiittrd to Jail. ""in-Oii Fridny, Mny HO, l Ai.tor.ii, dniiKhlrr, of Mr. W. h. Ad"HH-biil0 lmim:tl (,'niiinr;ii r, May. I ..'ul .1 .nr.'f ami .l.tjiirfnirnf of rpilK COMBINATION "' TKAMIM. 1 in mid Oiei.-.n City, of IUiu-ToW, t nwrn, .V I.ankv, Ibis day by mutual e.aieul e. a-i-., uu.i we the underM-ned n-k n roiit.miatiuu of the p.ilionaoe of our i.ld ru-Dinrm, and of a many new oiie an may oiler u Ihrir driiyin. lln.Mow will be at all linu- in I'anenuli, tore eeive or.len. f..r .liiijinR, '"' M'"U" Cily. We will be lis pnanpl to am on i" uu, . toiiiers n w n. onion, " V'"' I, e. JllM.l ll Ii Ai..-ii.'", .). M. PKVZKU. .Iptil 1, lM'.-j. in. Coiinliy n.errliaiitii who ure sh p .iu;' U'l" tollreL'i'ii I'ily tube hauled lo the round) . will .iow.u.u ............ oar rare, a- will ehar noll.ini; for stoti;e ,viei...m.hleUni:ih we ciiar-e , ... .". - i.. il... of storiw, or from "r ,lee ..f morage to the for ului'inenl. It. & V. Non-Resident Notice fiv i Jonathan i- stoi1 P: )f aU! 1 herein-i.olii.r.l lhat J..nie. M'!u:liatb' lav 111, .1 i.i the rir. nil colli! ol lhe Suite of Ore- Coll for l hii-kninaii county v will bo u.luiittod for lew than half a term. Tuition wiimI lr "I'd ut the middlo of eyery l nn. . , Pupil", whose pareiiu. or guardian, resi.lo enl of tbe(hhtiiict,willbo eliiird the cnlrnnee fee, necordin" to the provhVmin of lite eily charter. Kleiuentarv Text Hooka Sandi-rii' .S'erieii, Ueiiders und .S'ellen. ; Davies" Arilhiuetie ; MeNally'e OeouraphieH; Pinneo"h.Serieiiof (jruiil l.innt, unci Willard'a Hi!. l-'-S. A. Teuebern, 1st term ev. i. II. Atkixos, Piincipal; N. W. Kamhi.l, Awistaiit, 2d 'I'T'1 : Mi-. N. II. Aiuinh-.n. Primary Deliarliiient Mim". Iv O. KuiiKKn will uive instruclion on the 1'i.iuu porle, ul feme T w ury prie.n. I'.nt i. I1auci.iv, H.ip'l of Uu' t "it y Itiwiricl Sebool. Oregon City, Jan- I. I "1' -'. Justice's Office, oiiEGox cm: -r AM nlnivi on baud, and will all.-nd lo Ihe I i nU.ECTISU OF ACCOUNTS, Drawini,' uj) of I Veils, Mortgf.t'S. Lrasi's, I'.uiKls, J'owcps oi Attonioy, Contracts, itc, -ii ,.il,..p liitMiirm committed lo my care OiKrr iltrrrttu unptmile the Mnsonie ItuiUinit .1. Id.ltiGU J- K. m ui ouu. I'UICES From 00, upward! Over 50,000 in Use ! AINSWORTHDIERDORFF. EAUK NOW OPEi IN TUB Now Tiro-Proof Brick, UROB AND WEI.L-ASSOttTED STOCt Of GENERAL MERCHANDISE. reeling perfectly aocure aguiiul fire, we willnoyr Offer Greater Inducement thanevtr to the public. We ure constantly in leceipl on GOOD S elected with Ilia greatest care (a to pricea and quality), and are confident that our facilities wit enuble u to oiler and tell guodi AT PORTLAND PRICES (freight" on), and would advise ail those yisitinff this city to purchase (jooda, lo examine out ilock i.nil prieea before purehaeing elsewhere. Wo have, anil are jusi rnuemuB, .-.-.v. JJiilC aiDJD39 consiHtinuinpartof llio following arliclcCicb co, Pacific, lladley.Couenleao, Sprague, Hnlip Allen, Pull Itiver, Merriinuc, llripgs.anil uunier ou other choice PRINTS, "V''-' . -iiri-; i;t:c to mjsl'uk tiik pi:i:i.ic iV that llio well-known repuiutiou of thew MachiiKH fur RELIABILITY j . . j Pish i: French morinua, Lvoncso clotli, inonair onu other Debazo ; brazo, wool, At. iiiubIiii de laiuea, black, blue, purple, & pink ineriune, funcy plaida. inconet, book, awii, "mil muslin, ladiea emu etn, collars, lidlifn &.hkii t, .liens & bonnet Irim iiiiie'H, prenclt oi doineslic ginghama, rreneli Iuwiib fmin Ji toyac, Diue, miieu, iv . net, wool & collim jean-,, uieueueo brown sheeting from 3-4 to IU--J wiuo, uro... -blenched drilln, deniun, bickury ahirting ; hil8' marine, brown, and Irish linen, nankeen, diupur, and crash, a large lot of linen anil inrcud luce and edging, hosiery, &c. MRX'S BOYS' CLOTUIKO: Hliic, black, and brown cloth coati. ; 10 dm blk cloth vesbi, 5 do?, white and bull- Mareedleado.. velvet and Batin do.; :iu do?. Hiilinel pauta, doeskin and fancy cawimere do, :)' doi merino and cotUn uu.lershi. U-, grey, blue, Jt blaek doll, over coat., with a general aawrluicil of geuta' furuishiug ''"JOOr.V .J- SHOES. Men's, boys', ami youths' b.K,t; Indies', mists', nnd childr... . mo roeo, gout, kid, and calf Congress boots, with ot without heels; ladies' kid slippers. Groccric s : Rio and Java cITee, black and green lea, N. O Chiua, Halavia Maud, Oal. rained, and uru.h. suenr, H. H.Hton, Cab, eugar-lmuse, & golden syrup- 5 to "JOU lb sks; 100 kjs nails, assdsu- Hill's pale, chemical, - f...glish p, eoap pow ders, powder, shot, t lead; yeast powder, .alera tu., .'ream tartar, sn.okin- t chewina tobace.., "rem cum, pro, tnmatort, ttrait nnil hUrkhtr- 2 lb li"s; I"'lM'er' u'"1 ca"a: '..-lev inaecaroni, vermicelli, corn march, aim oii.UwulimlH, P.riuil nuts, raisins, Chili caches, dried frail; n.aekeu I, iu Mr t lilt bbls; surdoies. A liueatiurtnieulof CliOCKF.llY i TABLE CUTLERY: 21) eratea a -sort.-d ware, -Ii) doi bleel picks. i) Duteh fc UOla noes. J 17;'.' Lead, OH, and Window dim; . . .. , II.. L..l with avarieivi.r utn. r arm ies un....iy H i- We will pay e.iH for wheal, Hour, bneon, butter, rL"4, uml almost eyi-ryUiing the rartiiof has lo sell. Or.-gnii City, April 10, i&ui. Will be fully sustained, and in our rapidly inereas- iug busiaess the same care will be faithfully exer- ised iu every department of their manufacture. Olefin Cily, N. 15. si lot's I II 1 ii hs n iil ciuiitri-ii s (iluvts, ki.l iiinl i'alf(!:ut'Ps, Lailirs lica.l ili'i'ssts, coiscts, I'll'. Gents' Furnishing Goods, I'm its ami Shoes, Hats ami Cap, CARPETING, i i.i. p- AND C U E (' A' : ' M A T lM. ; 'C, Si?:, Tngell." Willi III" i . 1 i . .1. .,(' LaP'i'st ami best seliTicti soh k i-t CPSTOM MA01C Ins bill in chanreiy . i i ... .Mr In, ill ":.. nl you, in w nun n 1 ... I... i. .. ... I ,1.. .!-. It.'. I .111 you tlir sum ol llir.e iiu.ioieu .." ' ; . .. , ... , i I i,... ,...i ul iw-.-ntv ikt lec. 1 1, isi.l. mrs en;iiij . i - rent, a vnrs.nee.'llst ,s "TT1'!"',, '" llie trims of your promiK.H note wh.. h he hoUs; nud also In f.'.reeliw .1 in..Hgag ill" "a"1' half and Iho iiuliu.le.l half uf Ihe no, ill ball of your donation claim iu aid Cln. kuinas county, whieh wasu.ven by you to secure the nboie note. Now tinl.M you nps"i.r iu si.d court on tlie hrst Monday of Septeu.lier, 1MW. and answer the said hill ofroinplniiit, the same will bo taken as eon f, wd and the prayer thereof w ill be granted by in. . , , . -i Willi. my baud nnd Ihe seal ol imiu eo.m l.s..,lliiedllie'.'itli.ti.yl .May, ir-n.. 1 1 J.S. WINSTON, Clrtk. it- f -Minn ntntinl s rsu e.ior. - tl .V-. ,,wi,"', ,- , J AS. CONNKU'S SONS' U. S. fVw. Fouiidcry, WM. l-AlT.KNKK V SDN, AgenK, a. SIM J.-Ill0llie S.tN I'ltlSClrtlO I..,- I IV r.ltv aiiiele necessary .or a i-"ii'" 'r - 1 or Job Priming OlVieo l.imislie.l ul Iho low est prii'i s. .,.! AI,gi'UI iniio... " - . . I I....... ..V I'nlH... 1 vtt .on roller s, aim .... i KOIIA'IK MTIC:l-: XTOTIl'Ki hrrrliy given thai lellen. of ad il. ilo MitV Hull, IM'V, have been granted by the Cmiuly I ourt oft lack- i(lf 3 county lo Ihe ui rs giird on the estate n J. H. Chiles, deceasr.l, luio 01 m.u v ) Kihi Main BlreM, an J formerly ihc " M.Vin Strret OREGON CITY, mllK Iraveling public are respectfully X- .1. inviled I" give 1110 a cull. Tl. Dr. rTon House is the most pl as- hotel ill the Stale, and has been so arraused as to make it one of the most coinmodi- ..... t...L..u in the eoUl.trV. 77 K TA1M.E will always be supplied will. the best that the market alfords. liood accomin.Kbitioiis forludies and families. PRICKS. Inv.rd and lodiriiiL'. per week $fi.OO Hoard, willioul lodging, js r week.. Hoard per day, with lodging (.ingle meal Night s bulging EVERY MACHINE SOLO II Y I'S IS WARRANTED IN EVERY RESI'ECT. The public altentiou is rcsl-cctfully requested to tho following ..nil I. ill .:.o 50 J. HOKUM, Proprietor. A of ice. CI o Ih in 9, ...HU'll AS... .,. clutl, coat. . gels' ln,e a, lier re.iW, JJ-,, fisT'.ca.i.nert. pant., nd a of tin. noUco. IIIuim Juno li lr"1' 1 . . : 1 . nr. 1 riiiUi' .led t rr,,.,,ule.;.eu u s . . .nuke linlii.ilinio p.)....-.-. - - - - claims against K...I e-lnte are rr.i...sle. la pr. -hem n. required by law lu Ihe I;'WR';J Cellls' IIOH'tfillO silk mined, and Hurl Xete tlijlt nj IIUSINKSS 8U1TS, W I 1 la I I' 1 1 1 I'j IV CASIMKHK YKSTS; lions Chi It hi i:, Vvim line heavy Msu-k ilot-skin ...... l):ivis ami .Ioi' 'iit, I Hill 1. with ainl without, eollais, etc. 1... it... l,,re of I ) A N N KN II A I1 M tV .'V;.., " .ill find Iho lale-l ,1. Aiihl'.is.M.uii '" 1 AVI) IIHSTSKI.KCTKI) STOCK OK ' - . -asssT -sk -a Cn O O II & Hvi.p l,p..ut;ht to this place, which will l '"''I biwcplha" can l.(;lmvhase,l lVrtlan.l 1 ! linowi.i? llieiliK'lves indebted 10 il.. ..i.d. rsi.' bv book aceount.nre heiehy : I:..,...., ,..! nL m a..uli.iii.l.t 10 can .i.i j . , of ihe suiiie, as no further indulgence Will be R'VC"' AINSWOKTII DIEUPOUKK. Oregon City, Feb. 'Jit. . Notico IS IIKKKHY (i IN K.N to ull coneerned, Hint unless the lots of land hereinafter dem-ribed, hirli were sold for taxes on llio lSlli of Septem ber, leill, in Clackamas county, are redeemed on or before llie expiration 01 p. mom... . d ite of this nottiee, by th payment of the amount for which tl'iy were sold, and interest and charg es all of which appear ill Ihe following schedule, the siiino w ill be finally conveyed to the respective purchasers thereof: LOTS IV OltKliOS CITY. llhck. Am'l-iUj'ir. Int. Llrnrgf. low Cl.CtB 1,78 l,sS I .lif,, l.r.ti 1, bi 1.1 1 I.7H 1,78 l.CI 2,12 1..1 1,03 i,n:i 1,03 1,0.1 1, 03 1.03 1,03 From I lie Urovcr iV Halu-r Sowina 71 sir hi lie lonipiiii). The public, in their eagerness lo supply them- selves Willi Pewinir i.iaciiinea niusuiK iiio.. i t'll .i- 11AK Kit stilch. must not forget to pur chase them of the parlies who alone are authorized to sell them. All machines sewing from :wo snoot", and in which one needle only oiietra!os ihe cloth, ami bavin! a feed which allows llio ma- ,.;! Im, turned nl will, are infmiL'emcnts. CUOVKIt Si BAKKIt S. M. CO. SANDS' SARSAPAKILLA. The Original and Genuine Article. Endorsed by the Medical Faculty as being the BEST and PUREST KMrael of Sarsaoarltla niaie. SANDS' SARSATARILLA l'urifios llio Ulood. SANDS' SARSATARILLA Cures Scrofula. SANDS' SARSArARlLLA Cures Stubborn Ulcers. SANDS' SARSAPAKILLA Cures Culaiieous Eruptions. SNDS' SARSAPAKILLA Cures Strumous Complaints. SANDS' SAKSAPARILLA Cures Moicuriiil Diseases. A Card from Klius Ilowt;, Jr. All persons are cautioned not to make, deal in, . oi, niachin.-s which sew from two spools and make the stilch known as GUOv'KU II KElt stilch, unle the snms are pureliase.t . .1.. UltDVKIt tV. II A K Kit SENNTNG M C11INE COMPANY, or their agents or Ii- wnseea, and stanied uuder my vitenl of Septei i., unit, Said Company and their Licensees, alone, nro legally nuthnriietl, under their own patents, aud ... aai.l ttniMiii llie extended term thereof, to make and sell this kind of Sewing Machine, and all others are piracies upon my said patent, and will b dealt Willi acconliniriy wuerever 101111,1. tLlA HUM r., J a. SANDS' S.RSr.RlLLA Never Fail! SANDS' SARSAPAR1LLA U in a regular enu... ..- . .- - - b.i medicine they can take when arrived atth. period called "luruo nn. "iCredby.N. ll-Nns.!' ..... 10(1 Kulton st., corner of N illiam, 1 V. ?; ..v WmsoTO- & Co., San Krancsec-, c .i c n.V,. I'orilaiid: Dr., Oregon tTtllllltl .- '. ' City. aul7 Lot. V, 71 7t 7 7 7'.i 7n H'- h'.' h:. H5 rS Hrt frt HH US HS c8 a 1 l I IS'l It ATOll S NO TIC E. ATOTICIC Is hereby given thai lellers ofad minislrution have been granted lo Ihe un-.t.r-iKM.r.l l.y the cmnity cour. uf ( li.ckn.iin.en.m Iv. .... thee'tule of E. Is.uis N onderi, he, ihveiw- " ....1 ,i II oersoin in- id, lule ol siii.i eoi.uiy, , , lfl..,t Mii.l olutt aro rciinrro 10 .....- Ml II II' Ml"" 1 ...iiliiii sum year from .HO''. . nine 1, . - ' .i..i.,iien of Coiinrtncriihlp. --..-.- V .... 1. .1,1. .lav rl,,,.n' . ! 1 ..., mmil uf i.nrlMt-m. wU attend ...our business In our itlsMMi. e. Haleiii, May IU, if C. IIOKI.. E. T. IIOSKOltP. Ill New Fnry, Al'UOSS T11M CLACKAMAS, Komi,1 All who wish l ""I ndei..iiiln"'""",," H n. rnr nisi in...."- ,!oinlo rric, rM will iltilcnvor In ON THE Ohl ICiniL'raiit RUN N I Nil HV IJOSHIMI YOUNG'S TO A A 7 It 3 'J H ;i 7 10 H I I.OTu 1 1 1 1 1 5 5 r, n ii H II II II I J V! I J 1.1 II II II 11 II I I 111 I!) cts. els- O". I'.l 3S 7f 70 41 "l 3t 7li Mi 3 1 70 fill 34 7rt S. 33 "6 3.1 'M I', I .18 7G lit .IS 70 .15 33 ""' H.'i M "f dH S'.l "f' .18 '-'9 86 Iff -'rt 4S U!l 2G W 99 AH 29 2tl IS VII 2ti 4S 39 2G IS t.INX CtTV. Hi 49 7rt S2 b-J 49 " rU 4'.' "t IHO I'll "J" (111 4il "'" lit! 40 Trt till 36 70 til) 3li 76 (10 3 7 .Hi 29 7(1 M 31 7G .11 26 M 31 20 f,0 30 70 .',0 3(1 76 Ml 30 76 f,S 3.-, 76 Ml 30 70 f,0 30 76 Ml 30 7 Ml 30 76 Ml 30 76 Ml 30 70 Hll f.J 7(1 89 M 76 TME .TT".iTl0l V TMI.OIW AND 2.07 2,07 2.07 2,07 2,36 I.SS 1,82 1,66 1,06 1,1'iH I, Ml 1,:.'.) 1,09 1,09 i,r,r, I ,.'6 le'.6 1,69 l,Mi I, Ml I .Mi l,.'.G le'ifl 1, r.6 2, 8 2,18 mem n r','',i'Tf''',N' j 1 M "! Al 'K EH M A N 1 ' . ' , 1.1 lul'.' Illeinill I 1IV1 A"U w, FOSTKIVS. n.v- H r Travelers ran procure III iho rVy- I ON. KI.OI I:, . .V.,.,..,1M.,Y ll''-.'1 ' 111 .1 ...i l I.. 1. -re assessed ns lion-resident. 1111 t'l rH.n, n-,- - , JA8. NVINSTON, Counly Clerk. OteBon City. May 10, I8i'.!l. wl2 "V I...... Vu are nolilied that I In- Clm kaiim. Court. Aurt iA Ei lli'TT- NVlii, prefer tho Lock Stitch," Iscalled loour Inippovctl Shuttle Machine, Winch are specially neVipted to their rcilii.ii"nts, ANI nj- THE REST IN USE! .11 11. ii. MIOWN, Agent, Dr. A. H. STBBis", PHYSICIAN & SURGEON. Office at llie 0 r ECON CITY DRVO STORE. OREGON CITY q DRUG $ STORE, MAIN STREET, (Opposite th Methodist Church,) II AS COXSTANTLV ON IUND - . ii . ...1. ht...i: 1 Dniiru jiiulicinoH, ruicni nuw oiiu1!, Kei'osoiu', viimi'iit-'.r, l,urmngFluul,ito.,&c ...AT Tim... LOWEST MARKET TRICES nir.iinEi.n. tfJ'xA X TCn-UAKER.JgJi w.s. 1 ... ,xt irnlllllff GOOD NVORK ia devototl to mo rt ... ... - anil Jewelry mad am thankful for 1iii3 3W (91) Monlijoincry Blreet, HA N I RANCISOQ lime is , u.v. .v.. - .v.i,i- .....I... . . ii.ri..oiit,t, Lever. i'u " '-"" - . .. ,.L ..... .u a ,. u.riiiieiil ni 11.10 1 alw, J;K."J. """,' Clocks, Willi weiRiiw lo order and repaire.1. .. .. .. ..,. llm limes. 1 1 nrt-a iv .... .... . . . ', favors, nnd hop. to pvesal.-ructiou miuiur.. 1 7r Located nl the ol.r.b.nd. llie ' Or .JZllvm OKEt.'ON CITY. felt 3 KELI.Y'8 TEMPERANCE HOUSE, Main sf. ,''' Gtn. AhcrtKilhf t, Ci.'s, ORRGON CITY. foVlh. es,H-clnl aecommodalion of IhaJJU. UUtm R I) KEI.I.Y.rrnutielor.