WM. HALL'S HALSAM CxlT.lS all .lis.Mi.ni of the LlXtiS and j I throat. Tor the cure, of consumption, do- Henry Clay ou ncbeUl.in. X " If any one Stat", or any pertion of the ftople of any State, choose to place them selves tit army against me O over nine nt ot the Union, I ant fir Iryinn the strength of this Oovernmenl, I am tor ascerlaimny j fiiiif.nsilim , bronchitis, waging of llesh, night whether tec have a Govern went or not sttents, spitting of blood, wliis'i'iug cough, .luli practicable, rjicicnt, cajab!c of maintaining vuy lreal!iinp, colds, roughs, intlnciwii, its authority and upholding the pom rsaiid """""''l'-"" " '' "', im ' ...I.......... .. 7...... , . . ' . fa Kfi.i.x.i i'( fy" iu .j vorernmeni. Xor, fir, am I to he alarmed vr dissuaded J ram any suc't course by intimations of the spil.'in,, of blood. If blood i.t to be ;.'.', by whose fa nil is it to be spilt.' Upon the sii) xitinn, linaintain.il trill he the You and Diseased 7.Y 0 It KG OX, ((in be cured! Is riioqu.-lli'il ! Hill's lain iiiiVim. in all casrs, gives Ihe host satisfaction; ! I lus wrought mure cures since iu introduction th.iu any oilier cough medicine ; j Is endorsed by our leading physicians n tin' 1 fault il 1'iose tcho choose to raise the stand- I '' host remedy now before tlu public ard of disunion, the Government. ard of disunion, and endeavor to vroslrate ' ls .' "" """V1 ,l,illr ''1 I"""'''1'"' ' . ,s .... ' piwi'jt 11 e ironic iinliiion:.,. ll.u, OH. It 'It It IW( ... ; ti,. itlMUSO' itone, so l,mg as it jdeases (.ni to give me i ful ouies in all parts of t, rnnuliy. a voice to express my sentiments, or unarm, There is no nie.li.-ine within our Uu.u l.-.hxo tluit tret': m,J ei:t,el-!e-l i it man be In . ,laa iu'm"r"l s .-"''" "nd nl that voice and that arm trill be on the side of my country, for the support of the gener al unlharilii, and for the maintenance of the 1 'otrcrs of the Union. iSpcivh of de-spread pnpnlaiitv, is a very unhealthy part of this .'Imul space ol time, as 1U. IIAI.I.'S the nwfiil. v:u!.'iit. ami M'IMMIN Henry C'hiy, August 1st, 1S."0. Kn. Amirs: I send you a little piece tt ritten hy a joiinjj girl ha was deranged ou almost ev- i hum fry subject. 1 think it a little pin. Pew IKons. I see a beauteous s'ght I'pon the ivilio.v tree. The pretty dew-drops br'ght; .Mother, come and seel My very heart did leap. Their beauties to espj Mother, 'tis said they weep! 1 won.lt r wh I Mother, w hen y-iu are sa,l I'm sony all the while: These deu -drops make nic gla.1: 1 think llu v smile! nights, 'Meua ((".niinnttic.'ttt'd.i To the memory of Mrs. I,, t'arnihers Mickey, de ceased .March 'JU, l62, .Mickey l aniis, l'u. ihc is no more That friend so dearly loved, So long revered; Silent uiul told she sleeps ihe sleep That in time will not know wukin'. Her spirit meek. I'nselfu-h, ever kind. Keenly alive With bliss or woe to sympath'ze. The vale of shadows Rife has passed. Forever gone! Thus passcth human !ilV; And he it so; Yet luem'rits tad will cluster round The. home her presence cheered so long. No days of pain, -o restless, weary Await her u Fast closed the eye auj mute t!.e voice, W ith ine and h. jHf u!l joyous once. O. that on me A jam she niht have looked Her hless rig pave Hut soeh ttasnot my Father's will, And to that will I wtrp ,ij bow. Her warfare's o'er, And she the triumph' won; lier end was peace; Je:i. to her His pr. senoe cave, Ai.d 1'eath w.iltoul one terror c..n;e. Let it suffice, '1 ho m wnir:j friends to .heer. That she is uhst; I rom sorrow, Hid fn rn fin re.'eawj, M ouid v.e 1 er sp.r.t hence retail' W. C. JOHNSOW, ATTOKM; V ,t ( nC.Ni:i.Oi: AT LAW, And dicit;r in Chancery, TTT1M, promptly atteii.: to anvli,i!iesswhich I J, ,ln'1' b? ''"'"'"tK'i to 'his profes.Mo.ul char;:.-b,ior(..l,eI,,.;r,c1andSupie1et'o;,r!s. I in ';"V.rM,:Ha n'stlstor.,im:1:tdldU;vo,. .sit- the M..m Mr-ft llotl-e ' Jre.r, City, (irtl,Pri( I JOHN R M BRIDE, ATTORNEY Av c o L s K L u rt 'T L, w ! l.'iUi:'ttr, amhill f. I ..l If tt I tx lilt; 1.1 .Y(,'.V. lis bal- saiuio and healiuj piopetties are maieul. It is hiithiy eviorant and tonic. It contains not n grain of opium or morphine, the narcotic and as tiinj.'cnt properties which have created so much prejudice ifT.iinst similar preparations, e helievo that a medicine possessing real tneriis win cueei cures w ln-never it is use, . at or abroad. lr. Hall's ll,i!s;:tn for the lauis is no pa -gone preparation, but one b.clu if used in sea n. w II save Ihe lives of theus uii'ls. The u .1 distressing cough is lie.picntly relieved by a igle .!.., and biokeli up in u few hours' time. he al!l cled do not hate to lake bottle after b tie before they find w hether this remedy will uii't.! relief or not. Hear what Fhjsi. i.uis say of l'r. Hall's l!al-s-iin. Says one: , wait " coiitideuee, recom liiend the ll.ilsain as supeiior to any preparation." Another sats : " 1 have u-.-.t it with unilorin suc ress, and can confidently recommend it for all those complaints for wh ch it is oil'ered as a rem edy." St. II another writes : " I have no hesita lion in savin,-that it is a safe, convenient, and cllieacious ined cine." cVold by all I'rug-ists. All Honest Appeal lo All with 15;kI or Failinj; Health. VKK you langtiid. inanimate, restless, nppetitc Mor, dii'estion bad, und TAINS IN 1 10 I.IMIIS, ItODY, ItAl lv.aud 1IKAD! Header, inueli of this is caused from COI.Il caught un wittingly, or, in seven cases out of ten, sluggish ness t ihe liver and blood, and want of ualuiiil perspiration, indiscretion in the use of food and drink, or from a dryness iu the atmosphere which ile many ol I MIA I lls that occur here must be attributed to tins. Now, reader, 1 hate made this uiv study for many tears, and I do assure vou that uiv lU. W II t. Illi'S lNVIliOKAI'INt; I'OUH'l.VI. will euro lh.se onuses it will insure animation of the I.IVIIK, 111.0011, and liKAINS it strengthen! the nerves, and gives to the sullorer a lightness of spirits, n mental and bodily fe, hug of stien.'lli, that is delightful. The many repeolah!o persons who have been heuelited hy and ceilili.'d to its exiraordiuary .piahllcs in curing any of the fol lotting disea.-es, must satisfy all hut the seif-Wise and ignorant sceptic J dyspepsia, or imliestion; loss of muscular or bodily streiitli ami mental eueru'v; Iever, Aiie, SANDS' SARSAPARILLA, KK.Mn.Miini:, this is Tin: Original an.l (u'liuine A. SNOW I M .;i ) TO UK 1 he Jcst Sarso i.u iu'a I'. Vitiele! en- .aae: iinrivale l nr. lur.itiou has nerfurni,..) some of the in 'st astoui-h cm es that nr.. recorded iii the history of .M.d cine. The rapidi ty with which Ihe patent r. covers III tlllll aill Mn II Hill under its inlluenco isuip:is,'ug. Haeh u-tv case ill which it is a; pl.- I fern s!ie in the i.nlt a new eertitieate of !ts e.i'a-.u y and ex eliencr; and we hat e only t.. point to tat acea::i!.l.i!e.l te.-t :nouv of inultitud, s w ho hate c,.er,. reed its beneficial etlcets.to convince the mo-t mete lulnusof its value. I'o not f.rg. t to ask tor Sands' S.i:sij.;,r.!!.i. lli' l'r sale by II .Ioiinsos A C'o an I Hnn l..r,,N ( ., S.,n l iaiiJsco: Kin: t'.nv. Marvstille: II. II. M ioti.n ,V Co.. Saeran. iro: and by I .rnggists generally. ja y -.' m;i tstarN UaUam or I ttei r. n,P only pure aial genuine Ita'sam is. and o.rthe last twenty years has been, prepared bv Strn W. 1-owi.K At. Co., uf I'muiuii; and their piinl.d name, as w.li as the w ritten s jiiatme of ,. Hurt', tip;., ar on the outer ra ..!.:. As w.iui.i uro:.; tne sju;i i:s uud fine the tukr no v!!irr: Wistar's IliLsttioK Wti.u CiiKRiiv. This in valuable rem, dy is the host one extant for the saf , sure, sjiee.iy, and p-r:naiie::t ,air,. of rtu:h. evlils, tmr thru-it, lir-ue-'iin-t, ,ii', Hi, j,., , ,.,Vl piirnmoiiiii, rrunp, ir 'o. mtmh, t.'. r,iig t Ike lung. I'-iin in t ':r Liru.it nr ruir, and in la, t every form of throat, ch. t, and lung complaint, as w e!I as C'ovst xiitii n its. f. Thts household remedy sloni'd be ii, th. hands oi every lain ty an, u l.tiauat. as a t nie! tation of it t., a s! glit cold im.'I i- u. nut Hie!'; while . a.-.-s of Jong iaiid,:i-, .,! and ap; aieiilly i:i u r.-i !!.- . h,.ia. ter, tv II or ehills; rheutntttie, netiralie or other pains ; depletion ami weakness (t' the nat ural ttinetions, I 1 I 1 i t " from ilisoaso, tlUsi p;ititn, too nuu'Ii tl o e tori n ir, ilebiiuehery, ami OTIllllt v.ic$i:s. Iu case of excitement fiom constant INTK.Ml'llKANCi:, nu.l where Mil.llill .M TKI'Ml.NS t ou "iiuuie. 1 has occurred, I have seen it change the su.lerot ill h.xlf mi hour from the ui 'st hornlde stale to c.diuiiess and placid. ty. It can. in I, cd, be -. a sc.euliously ret'emineiid.-.l lo ull sud'enug, und I the propri. tor regrets deeply that it is uece-ss,,ry I thus to adt, rtise it, m o.'.t.rthat its uo-rits may be j known. .V.ild highly coiiei'nt: at. il. 1'i.ce re j dueed to jil, li.o for Si'i large ipiart Isittles. !.! Iiy evt rv l esp, . tattle .li uggist. The K,t. Kidieit Schuyl, r, of I'elalunu, says : " For yeais, both lux -ell and brother have suf fered mi fio'ii dyspepsia, weakness of and sour sloin ie!i, in.Jlg, shoii, all I tlaluietu-e, that I fe at t lues tva-. a burtleu. c bate iwd ticr Cordial ,.Pr. eb'.e r's I at ig-T itng S.ingnitier fonrdats, alnl feel belt- r to iu tt e h.tte tor t afs t KNi: ,V IIKIl.ll . and l;i.il(iTi'N CO., I 'ruggists, t. in 1 ruin is, o, Agents, no.'v PURIFY U BLOOD, MOFFAT'S notable Life Pill fl tllK high und envied cel. hrity which these pre .1 eniineiil Medicines lmv ncpiiri'il for their iiivmiiilil. etlicaoy in ull the diseases which they profess lo cure, hiis rendered the usual pi nclieo of pulling not only unnecessary, 1ml unworthy nf them. They are known hy their Irtiitsj their good works testily' lor thoin.uud they Ihrivo not hy the faith of the credulous. In all cases of nsllim i, ncute and chronic rheu matism, alK ctions of Iho Madder ami kidneys, bilious feveis ami liter complaints, ill the south und west, where these diseases prevail, they will he found iiivnliiuhlc. Haulers, burners, und oth ers, who once nso ihesn Medicines, will never uf crtvard he without them. W4ii'lit.-No person with this distressing tliseaso should delay lisiiit? these me.liciiies iiuuie ihately. F.I options nl the skin, erysipelas, thilii leuey, fever nu.l ague lot this scourge of the tt ester n country, the-0 medicines w ill be found n safe, spee.lv, and certain remedy. Other medi cines h ave Ihe system subject to a return of the tliseaso a cine by Ihesn medicines is pcruuiueiil. Thy tiikm, ntt st rtsmtn, ami k ci nr.n, MciTiu titl lisee.Xpver fails to era,licato eulirely all I lit ollecls of .Mercury iiiliuilely sismer than the mast powerful preparalion of Sarsaparilla. Aii'A literal, A'erraiiJ Prlntilu, iVriemit ciimiiliiiiitit nf all knot', Oignme AJrrtmns, I'lilintiilmn nf the lltarl, I'ainltr $ rhnlir. Vile. The original proprietor of these medi cines tt us cured of Piles of X't yeais1 standing by the use of these l.ife Medicines iil.nn. Worm of ull kinds lire etlcelitallv expelled hy these med icines. I', ileitis w ill do well lo administer them tt heiiever their exist, nee is suspected. Itelief will be certain. The I. iff I'l.'limitl I'h.rnix Itiltnt I'urify the hloo.l,aud thus remote alt disease from lh system. Asiiiglelri.il w ll place, ihe l.ll'E VII.I.S and riltll.MX IHTTHKS heyond the reach of competition in the estimation of every pali, lit. 11 ' I'repared by in;, w ii.i.iam it moi fat, Xla III oiiiiray, coi . U'mA ., Acir Vault ,1. FI.II.MI.Nt;, Agent, Hit '... Ojhce, il y 1'' egoii Ciy. s a imm:k v. AND HARNESS MAKING-, OIIK'GOX CITY. Important to Housekeepers ! Xo t'amitti oni;ht to he Without MKYKK'S t i k a r , o r s Vrrniin Dcslrovcr. Ha! ha! ha! h..!Ii.,! Im! ie , ap,..l-Il'-ttolte stin.it,-, sir.lt p'twe.-s ,,n, it., it mati tt lu-ii at'. XI. Id to its uiindeilul eura'it, great adaptation to th.- wants t! etc, I. ler a!o in I'al.f ,:.ia by Ilcl ngt n Si Co., Henry .l.dinso.i i ( , ;rr s.in I'rai,. csco; II II. M.-Iiul.l .'. i'o, r... r..ni-i.i. : llne.C:!':!! l.o.. M.r, st .ii,- ; Mtli:, J),,u,, l'-rlland. Or, goii f.-l-,etv ISS Sl'SAN f. Ml I'll, y,,i,r face aid skin. k as s a. and p inplt'd, fe, ki, d, sunlc.iriit, tanned, ss.'l.-s-ran h", I Uildelst.ai I all such defects are cured, elope, when w.i-',.,! with ,H (MIS' t il I.M If I. SO.l'. Your troth, y, nr I, re ith, you'll i.i ,,. j puts, hy Infant's famous Ml. ' 1 KII'I'II Id It 1 1 w lute as ihe dr. veil siio.t are mail -. th h t el- I T I . , I I . " ..ill ir, 0. 11,11 K, tie. in. , ; ;,,, n Mill IMiro, et X',.r hie, -, tOt;o!, ri.itii.l. loo I., rl. I n de.t'li ; an.l that r. I h.i.r, though n w as ci.r.e as any in me or ta I of loirs.-, itkv and dark 'tWDIil ! be III id t I live, hy Janes Coral II I r lie- -loraine ; all ,! .mlnifl", scurf tt mil 1 l removed the hatr sto p'd lull.ng ami iiiipn-v, .1 ; and reader, l!,Us do tie. Ihe Hi a r'en -Id, reason- low, an 1 i 'lllllt'l. Orr-'nn Y.'iTllA. fallbfo'l,- I . WW . . 7 'o an uusiut-ss en " - trusien 10 HIS -irolessioria car. 3iill Heat and Land. IIAVK an exc-ll, nt M 1 1,1, s-it th . l;-h Ictt-r tii.ni we ad,i-rtie, mi l ar- alt'e. at i-vcrv ,!ni.' s,,;e in Oregon. .Lent,, i I! N K ,v: ll!;i;f ..ui h'r.ir.cis, ,i. I'riiiv-i-ts nof.'y IT has destroyed every dea- p n of Vermin illfeslillg prellilses tt here It h S ri II Used, and proved bi ihe entile s.tti-l iciiou b ar. hasers ihal it is the one thing ti.nliull,. prouioto tliorooi cl. all! Iie.s. KBAD ZUIS! Ontce itr I lie I . s. Nax.il lnsiecl.ir I Viu x l-lous n ii A l.l.itlilnt;. Nttv Vtm, N. Y., July '-'', Is.',-,'. This is to cerlily Ih.il.l,, ph Meyer, I'ljctu-.tl Chem st, h is, by the ue of bis pr. parol. hi,, driv en all Ihe rats l'r. .in I ;.ivernmut Store No Ii of th.s la-, co-ion, winch was mlete, tt ,h lies.- ,1, slrii, t ie an mils: mil thai I u.tii,.s-e, i.n , x traoidiuary ilestru.-lioii of cs kroa.-b.-s, by Mr ale er; although, when h applied his pot.l.-r als, lit their places of resort, only a few were seen, soon litter, III lev. ttiiltl lltt. t-ll III mi I, s, Ihe lhr of the I..OIU w as hterilly eov, red with them, so u., atr, ad) dead, i.lheis ,y mg, : u (,., 1 u,,r. d lliat hy a few application, ..f Ins Ch. un.-al I'otvd ittiooii is .- riaiiut .erv t-rii aciois,i .xir, .tteter tumid rut.r. ly ri I a huse nt llo-s.- . I teais in ..ts. ,ln. 1 1. CII'.ssiiN, 'I. f- t-ll nf Vol IMI'lHt itnil Cl-itlltlft. Sole Agents, A. II SNOS C. t, Whole sal,- iin.'g.is. III Willi mi sir.-. , corner of 'ul ten, New Y.-rk. l or sale bv ,tiiiHci ,V co I iru JAM now ciiirying on a Snddlei's and liar liess maker's shop ill this city, and halo coil similly on hau.l the h. t of Ileaily-niaile harness, sadilles, lri tlles, h;ilters, inartiiiaN, nu.l everything iu my line. 1 am nl"" lemly Iu make lo order aiiythiiig iu my hue ihut mV he called for, on a shall notice. My motto is, Make a good nrliele, and sell it cheap. I solicit patron age at home u nl from ahroail. My estahlishinenl is nearly opposite Clinriiiail it Vt aiuei'a 1 1,1 Stand oil Maui slieel. J. II. SCII11AM. April !', IS.V.I. 'alualle Property For Sale. Tin: r ii a m o lui nor ii mill. MIIIIS MII.F, situated ahoul three fourths ,,fa 1 mile floul Champiieg in the midst of Ihe great grain-growing rouulry III Oregon, is oll'eied tor sale. Miiiliig high water ill winter, llaur, Ac, can lie shipped direct from the Mill. Attached In the mill is a gi unary fur receiving anil sloiiug wheal, a dwelling house nu.l guidon ,,r the me of the person in rliaige. Tliu whole, property cinbi iices ahonl l it K A IIKS. The iiiaohinciy of the mill is of very superior JJIackwood's hhm nii rti k British Hcvio.vs. Oioat InduoomtTto ub.crlbol, I'RKMIVM Ajw,:urvTl0N!) IWOTT & Cti,, mav V,.,,.. J. t puhhsh th. following load! 1 T'7 riodicals, mm h "'"" llnl, setvallvc), V ,'WI (Cn. I. I HI. I IIIMU uu H UU. MIMI MUVl-liuiV tFree Chutclil. ,l-ltv . Till. WI.SIMINHVI.n 111,.. ll.iberal) 1 ,"'-ll'.v a. ii.ut)oiM n,.Nlll. M..IM. ( irv) "UVRUU I lie irene ill Cllti. nl li ..t l.v. III , is inn mg during Ihe t'ottheom,,,,, ,.,,, m' ' '""'''tl' l"l'y ' K'onml h-lwe. nil,', 1, "Zl l.etts-ltellls, ciu.lo st.ecuh, .a ""1-' mt ' teciiia inns i n. ' " the Inline lnst.11,,,,1. n,,,. ...., .," "" of est nu.l ex. ilcuo'iit of il,,, ,,.. ,. .he. .me shall liiiYopasled-uv1 lM,m,,,,'' IVr odicals that .eatl.,,. , ;,k ' " " UiMf really Intelligible a, ,,.m,,e ' ,,!., mil eveuls, and,,, .neb, Iu add, , ,, ' U""" li.hli.he.1 literary, .cieulill,,, and Ih.J, ,; , '"" ::2:;:z:u" The teceipl of .Vlxanrn Ntirsi. ipinhly, having heeu imsuleil front l.o. b.ster, ItnlNli publishers gives .,tju,, v.i '. -. - ... tl. ..... I, . ir..i.r.til. I....M. ....... ... .1 - w tllSlfl .s . i, i iien. mi ii i .i us 'i ..... . ii iiipy eati l.uris, ami an cxira pateui run oi smaller nuns in ine uuisixu sunsariiieis uh.nu fir chopped feed, Ao. The fniine.woi k, siren. -lb, ,Ve., cannot he siirpasied iu t liegou, mid the null in all respects is ihe best in the Stale. Fur I'lirlieularn, application should be made lo l:K"; .'';s' 'vvn"ca. ,. .urn i Ah i i t) vr U AMVMIV 1 1 ' 1 .1 . K t M ) K , Clintiiirl J it tl 0, iSt'itl tf Oi-;'u Tiy. !i J- ii. ."'iithii:ll, ATTOn.VF.V Sc Col'.N'sFl.or: AT LAW, Am! Solicitor in ('hnncrrij I'OKTI.AXD, onnaos. Ofl'K-c-Frout Street, oppo-i-- a..!,,,'s WL;r. i ooectioiis rn.tdo and tiromnt! J. C. AIXSWOETII. f'in'tted. lap,; WM. UJEIiUdr.FF. AISVOTI3 V Dlliltnoid i', WHOLESALE AND rtKTAH. UEALKIIS IX GllOCEiUKS DltY - fJOODS, CLOTIIIXG, Hwls d- Shoes, and Crockery, In the new Firc-proof Uri.-Jc M.tt.x strkkt OltK'iO.N CITV. c. .iirifuTiY house, sk;s, AXI) ohxavlxtm AA-ii nmrhj oppufite the M th-nlmt Chiirrh, Olti;r;r) CITV. April IB, I .,!,. f F. A. J. DISS, Commission IVIcrchant, AND Ih'ilrr in California ami Orrjnn Produce No. -lif 1 Fast street, ' H - I. Jen Clay and Washings streets,,, V.1.V FRAXCISCO, "TTfll-L Ik happy to transact any business i ...s ,i,,.; inai nny br. erilrusted u , I'l'-iij .ersor irier-harits In firn I,.,..!- I , . . v "'I ieBs,iU(,uie l(.r nH I ll.W I-. an .-.xc-ll. nt 1 round, .1 ith e.xc.-l!. nl 'IIMIIFK, whoh I won'il hke to have improv, d. I ttill its some millwright who wishes to invest iu n saw mill or gr.sl linll,,r b ,th, a oo-ni r:h in-e. The tor itiori is on.-of the very best for selling lumber- a l.vel way to the mill s.-.-.r, in ,,;s To pull ov,-r, and handy ',i In avy seitlrnentj. i I wish a, so to t- II .alf i, section of l.A.Ml ) lie-ar hy. I he pl4-e is x mil. ito-M nf l.afav ette, V.-imhill . nunlv, W. r.. ADAMS. Nov. 2"., I--,:). ;j,;,f ) am It ill Jloitfie, AT LATA YLTTli, hy ci.ovi: anodvm: Tootli-acIi(! Drops. Cuiiijdniii w im.tei f Aching Tulh! I rp::r:--i-: nr,,, i,,.,.,, ,.,. , a. i;ioiis.in is t. i.ii-i- ep, ' me An,, Tloiiii Wo I (c. 1KR1IH ; Si! on '.'.' as that of any 10 oswicuo, onr.nos . A Itotiiilin.s IkioI for IIoi: d am pain pro Vr we. k " meal The table is fiirni.Ii, , an vn.il hotel in the country. j'lriel.', STAHLIXC It used hv in 1st. I, w i-xporieiii-e has nrm, d ibat It lieu. II 1? V.- Illlilif bale iiii.l . -,,,,. i , t - i i r ' at'er the lai.urc of , v, ty other renie.lv. It is plea-ant to tl, ta.te and sioeT, ni u few n ph j rations w i.l . nt.n-ly remote the pun mid s.ii. ness . i. . iu a u-ciim t,.', , s.. th.t ,t in iv bed relioercl lis ,,.., as ever. Win II the cecils troll! the face, nrfiolu Ihe giiln a, o,i a lo.ai, a; p reuliy sound, this An.sltiie w.ll o .... ...t ......... i... -.a t .... .- i ' . K , ruo.iing 11 lew uroniou the part all- cled. It J,,,, oniy t become geuer.il'y Kmmn lo 1- as h ghly oiprcciat. d hy Ihe I'ublic as it is ly I 'enlists. r nt sale by H .Ioiins.a ,V rn., nml ICr.mv.piM tV ro , .xn I tail' isto ; Hi. k .V. (,', til!-; II. Jl. .Mi Do.mi.i. At an I hy )ni:;ii g, nerally. WIIKKLKU S: WILSON'S rxnsT ruEMiuivi 7.1 M , Y S c w I !1 - .Mncliiucs, -OfriN. .xlarts ro., S.. rnmciiti Sl.l'illMlll.K Jm, AL.-O us r are x II i : " entrusted l, , ,., .,..n ... ." i .... . - . J"iy .fu, 'bi-tf KPXCEK HALL, M ll.W AC Kill, OUI.HOX : I A i;o A i;il.;. school, j oli (;ii:i.s: ' Will be open, , on Mommy, StmiJinitK !, IrlJI. Tin sclio-d will l,.i organ' d jibd ronrfueicl ' Under .l.e siiiieit-isioii i.t il.- ...I i. . . ... ( I in-"" itii'-r, lit Wliom ..... ..oniiiiini r auons rimy i, uu ires. ,j( Ull, ,(. tilde of np..jig, it(;;i.g,, (Jjy August 17, j,i;i. Thomas F. KCO'JT. Removal! MICHAEL MENGBS rpAhl'.S this method of iiirorming hi. friends - "uu mo puiii r; generally that hi m evhurigB Wis , 01V , wt h. ,,.. . , , , "-I-' hl'.MII hi) . u,n s.i.im rorrri-riy kept by .Mr. .Miller, nearly i l.i . II VOU WEAK .J IXll.AMlU) EYES rniiu ii i r I,.., ' i..t i,.-s,.i wax uie.l for many years in '.'I'K.'S. Just Itccc'ivcd, A LAlidE LOT Of I fry - (iooiIsj ainl (Jrot-f; AVhi'cli will Leo!J low for Cash or Country Produce We tvoul l say t (he Fani.-r,, J,.r . ,, e to I orthind to buy (ioods, call , n t ike Hour, lla. on, liutter, J-l. . ,.,l i,. J'or.laud UAN'NI an'.m:n;mi m a. Art.-i-iK.nxr 1 ()t,t.Att. i M,, w i. "r.-gor, C.v. y. it, is,;,, i " '""', lll'IIW ffi, Jiisliccf Justice! ( V'l' ,AI:': 10 '' "", ''resident W of the 1. nited , Mat..-., and IF.'. UUKSS has h,,. appoint,,, Justice of tha JVae, (r (),-. troii City pr., ir,f.i i order 'ItlieLmou AlUmcmhu,' ZZZ ..scar, will h. promptly tllell,1H l0. W. - ubhraii head ,uaer., first ,JW ,., ,t A, Holhrooka lawolhco, whe, )m w, , f . when 'lot employr.-d iu hette, business at his Tl agon hi. h he ( alls The Union 3Iark(;f, where he is pr. pared to kee,, (,;,!, f ., und to . u,,. Hlll1, , o low as th market will afford. me private i.riicti.-e of a eel, hn.ie.l .o reiii.irKaoic success, f.,r il.seases nf the Fve mid Kyelidi. ' 'I hem lire, ririny pr.oris win. wnuhl rathir "ull- r fr .ru ( ..ri n n.l (J.e.-,.0 ,,iig, hfe, than 'red, I or try Ihe .-Hi a, v (,fi,y i w d..cVPry all " .eil 1,11,1 better ,,( r.,,,,1 ,1,,,, lt .. hie person, t,, prejoiralmri i rerommeiided a, a ino-t and .ir.Tiual .urn fr inll.immaliou of Ihe l-.ye and F) ,..,,, ,-au.sd either by i,,, rbjse apphcalma to liiuiule ..bjer-ls, scrofulous habit, e. siire l.i cold, Mow., ciitii.ions, or irntiiiioi, from any i .irimeoua y ll(r ,n,..,, It is feiiiarkabhly s.,olhii,g in its ell'.-cl. and has . .e. .riou.ainn win would oth. ru is., have hsil their Sight, In eases the :y,..i(, ,,. i,ll,1(IPH,Ji 0, ,),,. Q, Hi" l.yo Ih.r kly covered Willi blood, il art, ul "i" ""t:r- nii'l remove, all appear,,,,,., , f in larnmalior, r.fler f,v or lle, apph, alio,,, 1 1.' fe is a nmiierou, , ,,f , arB ..,,. haily eps, dt.,cei,ei, , ,, .n ,nl weiikci, "I" Ifilbi.m. the Fyc, ,,d ,,,11 ,r,,oy the ighl, who, from Ihn i,i,tiri,,.,r ,.,......, rerompelbd towork .11 a .-loud r,,M a, .:,' nu.l. slioul.l never he wilhoul this liAI.SAM lleinember, "Seeing is IMieviiig." i'r re 'Jit rents per jar. irepnr.,,1 ami sold hy A. Ii. rV. I). HA.VI'H .yiot'gisis, .n; I 011011 Slre, ,BW ,(i 1 or .inn i,yii. ..,i,v.s. A. C. and Ifroi.xo, 10, or ....nan i-rancsco; Mlnm,, Mary.v.llei II. .M..I)oni.i, &. c,., Hunrai.ieiifl(1, ' Drill Olut Oo.ier.llu , ' " .'my 'i-m;i aiii: At hxow i.r.ntnu) to hi: TAR SUPERIOR To all arm: i:s ix use; i' more tiinjde, and capable nf I)uiii'' more kiiuls uf work 'Hi a x a x y oTitr.n mm -nixt: Tha stitch is alike on both side AikI will not, Kip or Uavel t-ltEAT ItEDICTIOS IX V It ICES! Si 11 tf a" Sa rs a par ilia, Fur Purifying' tho Bluud, AM Knit TllK runt: UK Scr.ifiiln, Mcu-iirinl Ihscnscs, ;licuiiiutisiii, t'lilitnc.iiis, liaiiii,iis, Sitihl.oiii uli-rri, l.i v rr chiii. l.i ml, I ly Ni.'iiii, llroiicliiiis, Salt I'liiHini, l.uniliilj;.', Wliiti' S.t. ll iliejs, I F i 1 hiscnsc, I!ii!.iie;..iii,il of tint I'ltinrs and J dtits, 1'evrr S.ii'cs, -'i IIKll.l I'niiv lainls, l'.r s,i j h-I.isi, ?...st uf A I'pi'lilr, I'llllplcs, I'.ltcs, 1 -lie r rxl I l,.ii. iiy, .v.-,, ,vc. Il hashing been a 111 ..I iui.,, riant .b'.iiler.ituiii III the pr.lclo-e u lu.-da ,lle, l.i t,bt ,u II a remedy sun lai to t ns, and a, i.hngly t find ,1 es,.rle, lo almost Utl.Vers.dlv III nil ll.'ssc tormenting .Is. eases ol I be skill 1.1 tl t mg to I be pali. 10 a, and in- julinos lo ihe In altll. It Is .1 1 1 . 1 1 . . -, .ip Kent, nod 1 1 si ill.'. -1 .1 lit . It aels kl lll.lll 11 1 11-1. us! y upon (be s nt u tnl, the . r a. ri. 1 1 n x, ami th.- m.tt 1 1 s, and llills ll.lre processes, ..hu h .lie onbiiainy the lc still of I'll Hi 1: .title re ut kind. ,t luetic 10c, are c tr . rie.l 1111 ill lb,- same I ine thiotigii th,- ni.triiui, ti- talily nl this osii 1 1-1 1 1 , J 1 .1 1 a;',-iil. lis great 111'-III is 1 1 1 . 1 1 it meets uu, I 0 lltl-lit I--' lln'n. lite is 1 li" j s e .st .1,., (i.r Itself, all I XX lie n th it is gone, Ihe st Hint. .in itcctstirilv i1.ssi.im-tr The i... p .lily Willi w boh Ihe p ilient i.-cit eis lira ah .not slieugtli under till, tuple mllu.-n. e is s.itjin-iiig 1EMARIIADLE CURE. I I.IXxC"lXt,l'regti rr( I M u. h 1 1, I- .... , M.-ssIs A. I',. ,v l Sum, New ork: t tle.ueil,-. Ill Ihe. spiillg of 1 s .il, t. lole on our tl 41 floul I ml alia I. I his pace, 1,111 e'.l st I . Was sewed W lib a swelling and sevele p 1011 ill I lir- .', gs whn li day bt day gr. w w..r-e, uotil his I. gs con tracted, and beCiiuie su paihlui I! at he couid II- t XX .ills, .111,1 XX is I, 1 I l.ic.riy I, ill til l,e .. 11 in taut. a reached Alb.nn ..n Ihe .1,1 of i I, 'ooer, eoniplel, ly it,, ru out by 1,1 tie It y llos luiir, he Hits redo- e to a p-rfect skel, ,,n II, .e tie were . niil, I.-, I to .-ou, nil a phtso .iii l'r Ho,, , tt hu h'tlie-liy CM, I rated he I .-ol o t ills l.ilil, a. , lb. .ugh be 1 ouid git.' boil lord 1 .lie lh.it t. 1.1 d re bel e the p. uu III Ih i-Xi.'cii y . ,,11. t.'cn ; inn, 1 ' be done, or tb-t'b . .1 inev l,il.!i, IJ.-iog le, out. III. II lied I'l trt X "or S irs.ip ii, ,i, p: o. lire 1 11 bol -lie. Alter toltieg so-iie, he nppe fe, I ttor.e ; hot pern vrnu ; Willi it, I .iht 1 11, , I -., , ,.,r.e, W III, Il seen,,, I In pi.ippl,. tl,t, Ihe ,liei-e, i,i l -lilsed a lliaike.l llllj.rt.t.-iio iil : t',e tt,-;,' g nod paill III tile legs Here e, , ,,. nop. I prilled, 1111,1 bis color begin , f, I Oil Thus ell- ! courage,!, I pur, lus, d a th, id l.nlile ; nlol.- uk III.' It the .. el ng, 111 In e n br ..Is, and .on. I pieces nt le, ue one ughlll l Ull In. b long c 1 ne , "til. alt, r nil 11 Ii oi I.-l'i .In. !,t. u ,1 ., ,.1 1,, . .,1 lip. Ile IS loot- peilectl ;, Covered IS ll.l l.p- pearaiicenl b-.rig a rnppie, and e in p. 11, .101 most km Is of common Ule.r, as ..Il cur i,e ghV.rs cm reililv. uur., lesimctiiuly. C Vl.lili .s I'lep ired ami so'd by .1 II .1- ) .V I A . WI1..I1 -sal,. Pin "..is, M0 I ii'liui r.rl. c luel ol William, So 1 ork. .Sold al.o by II Jil!SU C.i , ,S',i ,. ft'ni ,- I: H ' i; A CH I N, Ml,,,,,, It,; fl. MrIU l.l A CH,, San illlirittii- nntl bv l'ru.'jisis generally, j 1. h I 1.1.1. 1-:, Ag. nl, M,eg,i fit,,. orijinal editions. i iun. I'm any one of the four IScviewt.,, I'or any Inn of Ihe fur lievis, I'., rant linen of th.. fnnr llevie, I'nr all lour nfihn lint ictt Foi III acktt.s..!', M.iiraitiie I or Ula. kixis.d anil 11110 lln.irtv... I 01 111, a.in.,,1 .in, I u ;,.nrw, I .,r r.la. l.w.Mid and three It,,.,,-,,,"" For Ilia, kit I'osiHii;, The I'osrtos In a wdl be hut I oar a w.i ..I . an.l lull I uuiirss. i.u.: for each uf Ihe Keticm. 1 l'u " M Iht (II (Jiilur I'liVr..! I' r tan 9 .1 IK .... s mi .... 7 no ... h ou .... i uu .... & uo 7 no I no ....10 0 .ri.,l..n,,y p ( , , , ut Ixxctux-luiir t rnt, , ' '" ..I," and but I mi..i Cat, . '"' f the Uetiews. 1r" Al Ihe nbmj. pner, lb, I'ei iu.li, ,1. w, (,f. AM. 4 rrcmlum to New abcribri c N.ss. ..f Ihe same I', , , fllf ' I..-.1 ciiipieie, iran-.ul n,l,la,aiil, I.ke Ihe lli.ue , phe,, , Mk,rl ,r U the tonus!. lull .1.. il l' . I " ti n , iiirin 1 rri'Milfii in ! ItMIi. hw ...... ti alnl tea,., , l,c So, b, l-.ll.lu.t U,,,,. Iirarit its t a. liable as lor iMil. Mob.i-iihtn wishing ,, 1B lla (, .jj be so; phed nl the loll.,,o ,.,,,, , , tos l'UM S!(MMlid OllVrs For 1959, 'GO, rind 'Cl together. M ig.iMie, t,p i e .1 Foi I l ol 1. Il title II I t. I ant I.t, 1 lletl .,... I I ol ll.ii. kt..Hl so I one llencu , ' I r l','.n k,.,.- .1 uu, I t..,i ;, rHI , ilner ;,,, , . , I ot ;!,, s tt 1t.1t ,110 ihlri. beii, t. I t.l Ihe four Ii, ,0 , . I ,.r II 11 k.i.s. I ,,,, I t,ir Ii. tint., x "X .1 Hie olio, r ,ok, 1, , ,, fur to A "ir .Nil'.t. I, tin 1 ,01 l,r teura I ;.(; ''fee )r.iri,$;i,(iO J (HI 00 h m I. IW II !' lj (10 U Oil 1: imlinl ,V'M ,.' I'., ,,;., .V,,'.l7,l,, ,, II,,.... AV,e X '.. ,,., ,,,,, he llrprmti ot Ihe ! ,,, ,,t .,. . ,,1 ;u,k...., St x X oris. ,111 itr ,tt, r M In. ti . u .ool II,. p. . s ,, ihr 11 .o.e t . n r .'isul v.iii far As I in . i f SJM 11 I e h. 'y f,r , tin ul 1 tis I b r 1 r, pie.enle l, Now 1 tho Ttino to Subicribtl t, ' I,, nii-t .a, e. 1. 1,.., ,, nil 1 rn. s. U n,iJ fi 1 si iheai. prirei sa nr. I I .nun s. Ad Ii t If I'ii ', is hi-i t ,11 can be u ,. 1. , . 1.1 M i:n No Ml. il I" ttjeiili. M HIT A CO. I ! i'r. el, Sen oli. jt I in' OlICU IIVVi: AiAIN LIVERY 3Ion. (iii.Si: INTO BUSINESS, Tin: if 1 uu v.. Shop J)l,e ror ariuth of thu Vmi Offlc.., where ), would he glad to do justice to you; old wng-.r,,, or.iiM,lv you with new one., an good a. tha best, and a, r heap lis tho cheapest. Ca,h laUn i errhanu, hrwwk. W, ', (il Orton (Iiy, Auj. II le-iil. I also desire to say to the je npla H,at I , Xot (iuin lu 1I10 Alincf,! but will be hero all summer, in spite of Cariboo or hahiion Ihver, MICHAFI, .tlF.N'fJF.s (hrumt City, Jan, ,, CUtACKFIIS-nlwny,,,,, imi, " ' m K CHAH.MAN'fs. Oregon City Voumlry XOT WASIIJI) AWASH W1C lake plrasiira in informing the public that Wo but a Kfjmiroil nil JJanmgcH mnl K d our I 'oiiudrx in running order "gain and nrannnly lo do work as usual. i:ivn m a i all 1:. km mi a. nmw, fl'sf.M C'lly, lire, :.'t i;. II. 0. IIAVDK.V Ayetil, f.'oruer Montiiiiery ami .Vacfumeni,, streets, hki FaanriMu. Oi:l 1!) and will ke p horses per week at I' or single feed , I 'lie night l or bin-per day fur saddle horses , I hese prices Will he l.h.ir;,i till fullh. r llntu e IS gltell. I hnvcafw MAI! IIS, ('III. IS. and I'll.l.ll'.S of my ottn ra,siii;i,tbal I wiiiihl nchatn,'e f..r..th 'f""l"Hy. M. W. Aluss. Oregon f.'ily, August 17, hi',. ,', PI o t rs a ad 1 1 ' i go n s ! iiiitliiii, of all Kinds iluiic t uitlcr. IK KICI" always on hand STEEL I' LOWS, trnrraiilril lo trnnr ami do as mini work as any others in lbs Hints. I ran also furnish von wild WAIiOXS. I ran nlwava be fui,,l shop, n.Mota McKiulay'a, ready to .ho y,,,,, horses, or iln nnylbing in Ihe hue of my husinesa, Call and see, J. xir iimi iu Oreg.ui City, April 1(1, I .',!( ,r CAST. STEEL V Ii 0 W 8 ! i P. K A T MEDICAL DISCOVERr, x ll ll.t.'H Mood i. liivrr Svnijv nil v l.-s V Altll. 1. 1 l.7 STll.LIXtiX, i "it t iu: 1 1 tti: ue S,-iii'ii!,i, Sv.ii!itic, an.l MiTcu n.il I lisca-fs, ( Mil M.fti, .skin ili-ra-i-s, ainI all ulliiT ili-si'ifsi-.-j w liii.li an; cjiu-si il Iiy ail Zinptiro stato of tlto Stood. THIS l:i.(MM f I.IVCIl SYKfl' 3 is wai:i:amfi ji 'I o euro nil s -iiifiiloiii ami other iliseiusa that ungulate limn t,o sl.onn oa .i&a. CM, KESTER, Undertaker, fl'.U inform the people f firerr,,,, Ciiy "v". ''"""''"''I'Ty, ami inland In keep up with th T T mid vicniilv I... a I,, uiti L... .. . i.. . I rapidly llirrenaiiiir deiuaiul. ' n wiiiiiiiy hi ,, - - . ii yon wain a uuiin J'l,uv, 0f easy .Irafl. sura In scour, . on,, 0f Itijiirarton'i llulr. Mil', limlersiiriierl urn now mnos.l I,. ........ lariuriiiir some nf thu lli:T t'A.vi: STEEL I' LOWS ever made. U... ....,. nu n inr, ara not airant to warrant, and nl,,r, iriey urn selling at frh tn fit an 1 1 , 'lm. v t.. .si I ifinifxriBi iiitiirntv'MliiMiilai it ....a I., . --e ""! tm iru I'HI oui pnriern, ami us,a who have lne, our blows IfllN il.n... II.. . t . . " l"r"-renro ovar any other they have aver used, Vn are fmrri ini mi n i. nil i I 'hint I., .k A. V. IIVNIIAIIHON. Iliileilla, March U'J, IMil. ti a annul v r I .'..., I i, I .. it. ! . I' 11 n'i v-iiiiiui: VUIIIIIM. OI Ull HII'M. "I cnimtaiilly on IiukI, " will also keep a lUArV ItM MO. nml will he prepared b, iillcnd In all lli 1,-c, asriry business of funerals (,i,iir,, w, (,1, (1u nnni near the .Srniimirij. lars ii,..., t. .. ' ,i " mo o-iiutrv respeeifull. iilai-ai.,,, , l)f , . ,..,.. Hiliriti d. MuilHO JIllclcM. J MAVK a few Ihrra.ipiarli.r ldis.il MllltlN'O HI CK I.AMIIH, whirl, I will sell low, M. iikah tiii: mta i i:mi:xt ok m. m. Alt S I I.I.I A MS, U'l.o is lllilei in :,., o,, Hu.linrll's rkarcli, r.gaiihog the cure of his daughter, h M In all appearance, crippled f,,r liln w.lli lli HI lible d.s.aie, M KHJ ( I, A : CcrixaxTi, I'.b. ISJJ. Mr.sts. A. I, Hi on 1 1, ,V to I 'ear Nis; f..r it my duty I write ye, aai let ynu know n hat xmir lllood ami iut)f has done ft. my daiighler, an.l thai by pablitsisf il nth. rs ii ho. nil', r mill tha suiua das-ast rsT know uf il, nod hy its use dims gri nl belKtll -M daughter lllla has been sun I) allhclrd ilk St l('l ', ,, H, ,,r, wilh Bfral psili, ft th HI two ). ais. Mia had some I'll e. .nil ruaai'K I leers on one i,f I,, r fret, one on her hif, one on h. r h.n k. They caused roiitrarliof the limbs so that she could mil w silk. A I Ik' lime, from I ho high r er rniinir Inlali.a of )r lll.s.d and I. iver M)rup in ruriiig sm-h disrsrs-i, I was no luce, I to try it. Mia rmiiiiieiieeil atirif il, and as ihe medicine acted mi the blood, lbs mm commeiireil to heal. Tha limbs art irttmg.' stiaighlsha is now gnniuig strength. I only used three bottles of the medicine, ami )kt ciiii now walk ipnle well. Vour lllood ami Lim Ml nip has done wonders In n slmiiif liar klla., Willi thu grnalcat respect, I remain yii II. ,McWlUH HTTi:.Mi;,VT OK lil.V. HOKACB DL'HH' Mll.l,, Citij .Vmioniiy .J I'nitur of the I'ltlti)!"' rhuich. Cim ixxxri, .March 9il, ISiJ. Mrssaa. A. I Hum il l. a i n Hear Hirai-.M. ,Mr ilbams, Jy-., IsansU" In the rhuri h of winch I am pastor. I "n iiiainlril wilh lh rn, iim.iances of the "m his ihiughlcr, and I havn no hesitancy il T't that I ronsidnr Ihe riirr Iruly womlrrfiil- llollACi: IM'WllNKI-L. Hrom.i.'a Hum, n xnii I, it tea Htauf f' '1 all I ho principal Ormvisls everywhere. Hr. A. II, NI HI.I.K, Ajfent, Oirtnit Cilf. (illO. V. NNIil.l,, aurcessor In I'ark Wrnl, Agent, San Vntnritrii, I'M) Wasbiiijl Importer and Urnrrul Aienl for till I'uloill llll liH'e I'liiM-rdoM!. which am iillerml lo IhaTrada ul Nrin York finer, wilh lull roil of .-'' sn sa.i m vr ssniui . ... .u,ir rilflK IIAI.K !' l-OI M. I IV IIM"' 1 No. 4, mli.iiiiing the Musculo llu.ld.nXi " this city, Impure al ihe A rgus Ulli. a. Oiegmi City, rtliircll till, MI. Toys, Toyn. i i-ti.Ii Hi'i'ri.Y kok ciiiiihtM' il nml Now ffir'l-jn I 'ecciviilal iro is sil imlia West uf l.nfavelln. IH',,0, ism, tt. d,ms JUiHi V.I, I SI tl. I V K. CIIJII.M...":'