The Oregon Argus. (Oregon City [Or.]) 1855-1863, June 07, 1862, Image 1

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7v ! W. -'KAIi.
tVrms oi' sviisvun-nos.
.i iLuimlU" foi-'i1'"1 Three IMIm,
r A' '' " ""' "' ",,l"",r' ","r
,, . ., rA'i'f.'"' '" " ""'"'.
"r herbirurdfuriix '"""'-
J,ll,nilli""''rrrivr'1 '" "
V it;rr diiruittinned until nil in rem (r
"i,, ''"' """''"'" ""''''"'"'
iivmV lii'rrriitt.
Ono sqiiaru (twelve linca, or lew, brevier mrnxure)
one iiim.rlifjn 00
Kuch aulse(iient i.'iwrtion 1 (10
J!uinecur(Jii one year 20
A liliernl ilujiiclion will Lo made to tliora wbu
mlvertiiio by the year.
A Weekly Kcwhj in tor, devoted to tin; Interests of tlte Luboring CIjishch, nnd advocating the Bide of Truth iu every issue
Vol.. VIII. OII JO (J ON CITY, Oil EG ON, JUNE 1, 1 8 02. No. 8.
HUiT MUtUiy lii nliu.
There him Krow" "l"m "n,l wu
upon tlio puljlii!, "V f'-'ul'"K f ouictliiug '
c'llliir i" soldiership nf General Nigel.
Othcw niny r'iilly unite KK'ul pi'i'l' i"'"
witl, undaunted '"'"" K. I'1"''1-'1 ",'lr
session Willi tl"t linpeluous rr, by
jriiii-h i meant thu keen, swift impulse r
0,0 arrow fi'um 1,(nv' A f,;W
filial him in lh written knowledge of Ms
,rt ami very fuw mny cumliiiic Ink iiit-k-ncs's
of cotu''ptiiii and fertility of resource
with hi readiness nn J fitness of adaptation.
Hut beyond " l'"'s() '''I.'1' Ili"lit','!t I1"
sci.iih lo tiliow u twofold iiml strong pe
culiarity. First, cudi military movement
j, ,0 thoroughly professional us to lill thu
,ost Instructed soldier. Next rare com
biiiutiou! -these finished, professional hikvc
niciitn lcuvo with lit I''" haling "f i""1"'-
thing nwri! a something neither to t.c
Might nor learned - n something hi you
Jjnow what when', nnd Ml you know not
)(v that high, lucommunicublo n'lTt,
prized, lik" tli" diun.uncd, even l.ioru fur
in ruritv tliim for its splendor, mid which
men call genius. Of that peculiar gift In;
hear three peculiar tokens. One is the
faculty of doing thing nl l,u,,,i "'.v
perltft i themselves nnd effectivo of their
aim, but baflling ftll anticipation. Per
Imps, Indeed, the n-'mrri- in wliirh In) in
,o versatile nnd various tire tints cornet
and suece-fid in l1"''1, fil'i'l application
precisely b.riiiisn l!,cy cannot be f ucsccn
Tliev limy bi) deadly, Ike the lightning, be
raihe tlieir bnini lier only enn tell where
tli.y will fill. The second in thut the tin
looked fur results lire effected by 110 Clca
(ion of pnwer or inalerial imkiiowii before
'JVy nre wron-ht by th old ruh s ol m t
nn.l implements .(faction mi.I l.nly n j j Iu il
in new ways mid fich iMiubiu .itious. The
third i tlm th'iriii of im iitiO.ility that
Iwo fold poiver which, fro n bin an i IT' cl,
bcromes lib.) n mii e, mid pni lue s .m.l
nlains ilt. If. Of this e h ill pivo i
iriti-d iii't nice. 1'- it let in Lot bo ihon-hl
i ir.ia,:nnt. Wohhill not ml up this he
Mic leader as a liert' N.ip 'ho'i - that mile
lirv marvi I wlio n, in the art of war, we
l.. t'i have bein the ono milt; biith ol
t in,-, wiiliont prteursor mid without me-
!. it many titlien li ne l..i I a e
s n:in lar HI kinil, IM"i;:n
nlld I. . lu e have ntlaini'd to
Of Mich,
could with !(iuil facility bo the thcr for
thu leap! Thin defense Hiicnts truly won
derful beyond nil wonder.
1 1 in glorious hluiro in tho action of thu
next two dayn wo piiHH over, except to note
ono striking fact. Thu iinny, us well they
illicit, looked on him as their Khield nnd
deemed defeat with him impOHsible. The
cuiTcKpoiiilonU nhiifed in thu sumo feeling
nmi iiticoiisciously belruy it in their reports.
Whenever nnd wherever present, he, fill
Tim Xkw IttoN-Ct.Ai) Stkamijis. WejTttK riiKHtuKNT's ritoct.AMATioN. ffoX" Thu following is the message of the
are greatly pleased to learn Hint the two ington, May 20. The President lo-duy is-j President Approving the bill ubolishing sh
iron elud Kteiiiuers-tho gunbout " Alyritiu"isueil this proclamation: very in tho District of Columbia:
nnd ft lirsl-tlnM frigate, the ono in course Whereas, there niipears iu public prints! " J-'ellow citi.ens of the Semite and of
of construction at New York, the other ut! what purports to be a proclamation of the House of Representatives
ucneral Hunter, aim the riuiio is eniuieu ah Act tor inc reieas
ueurly thiity eight, nnd twelve mid a half
feet depth of hold. Kho will druw cloven
feel of water. Over the spur dock is a see
the foreground. On the anxious Friday ond deck inclosed by sides curving inward,
night, others nrc spoken of generally whul uud plated with half inch iron, so that the
.r did nnd how he looked is detailed us whole presents nn appearance very lunch
e SMir
iiiiis more it
not in ih'iMci'
(.tirpi Miig po i r of eiiininainl
c ' licw, is Sigi-l.
t Inc of the m v. r.'-l tests
inouienlous. Saturday morning, long be
fore the battle, thu day being thought very
doubtful, ths best among tho writer fny,
" it all depended on Sigel." Why? The
whole tinny was there, with its officers.
Wu have not the least Idea thut his ab
sence would have lost u.i tho day". Tho of
ficers w ere id! brnvo, mid .some, especially
lien. Curtis, of very high ability. l!ut
like that of Com. Poole's cralt. Pxcept-
Tho Act
i M..:-.- I,. ....... I lT....ii,H I .a inifift iomiIi ii ' All Act for tlm rinutn nf fnrlniii
hihidelphia-aro neatly ready for service. J . ' . ,:,.,,. I .,,,sos t0 K,rvi, or ,..,.. : ,u i)k.
The length or the "Mystic" is about two18limjjB? ' j trict of Columbia,' has this day been np-
hundred feet over nil, with 11 brendth of! Therefore, I, Abraham Lincoln, pro- proved and signed.
claim and declare that the (jovernment of I have never doubled tlio constitutional
the United States had 110 knowledge or authority ol Congress to abolish shivery
belief of thu intention on the purl of Uun-iiii this District, and I have ever desired to
ler to issue such proclamation; further nei-'sec the National Capital freed from the hi
ther Gen. Hunter nor ony other coininaii-'nitiitioii in some satisfactory way. Hence
der has been authorized to make proclaim-Uhero has never been in my mind any ques
tions declaring slaves free; anil the prochi-! tion upou the subject except the one of cx
nuition now in question is altogether void pedicticy, arising in view of all the cireum
m fr m rra.N'ij kiwli dii lariitioii. The .stances. If there be matters within and
ing the upper deck, the vessel has the up- '.,.(.si(i(.nl furllt.r mi(.s known that wheth- j about this Act which might have takeu a
pciivance of an ordinary gunboat. 1 he 'cr it is competent for him, as Commander- or shape more satisfactory to my
prow is hluirpnnd narrow, mid can do ser-j in-Chief ol the Army and Navy, to declure judgment, I do not attempt to specify them.
1 -i 11. slaves of nnv State five and whether nt I mil gratilied that the two principles of
vice by running down wooden bonis. siaus 01 a.iy oi.ui. n-., mm ., h 1 .1
,,, . , , ,. , , . ,, . any time it shall become necessary or in-, compensation and colonization arc botu
PleveiH.ich coluinbmds and shell guns will j, ujj,,,, , lll0 lmiill,t,ltlMce 0( t,c (Jov- recognized and. practically applied in the
Im used. eminent to exercise such supposed power, ; Act.
The Philadelphia steam frigate will be nro questions reserved to himself, and which j " In the matter of compensation, it is
or 1! ODD tons burden, will draw firtecti feet, he cannot feel justified in leaving to the , provided that claims may bo presented
this iiueone.ous turning to Sigel proves j of water, will bo J.,0 feet long, sixty reel i .Hly urj?M tl(J pcoj,lo cf the slave Act, but not therealter, nnd there ii no
both thu magnetism of the mail nnd that jbcum, twenty live fuel hold; will have three ytll(.s 't0 gjvo fniurjrcj consideration to saving for minors, fetiimcs coverts, insane
he bears the prestige of invincibility. Prom , decks, will carry several deck pivot K'll,s. j the compensation emancipation resolution j or absent persons. I presume this is nn
all this we feel that (icn. Sigel inspires all 'ami sixteen additional guns of eleven inch
his soldierly qualities, nnd his professional j bore. Shu will, therefore, be not only the
perfectson hi acquirement and performance, j largest iron clad vessel in course of con
with that mysterious something which is jslruetion, but one of the largest vessels iu
not acquired, but given. I'ornry' Press. . lliu American tmvy. Under no circum
- ; - ; 'stances can a shot strike the hull of the
- ivr.MIni..iv--r.uia.-q,ihe . .,!, r(lllV,v ,,,,,, the
l,;i. I,, it,,. I ',,rl nmi r t- ' i-.iik. .
cript 11 sketch of his experienco ns 11 jury-, nitcrior part, und the balls o( 1111 ad
mail. The fust eni-es ha was called to try l versnry will glanct) harmlessly from her ob-
w. re capital out s, tlie criiiutinls laiiig a i,M urinor.! t!ie slup have
lugger r.spte ively. , of t, j ,ri.(.s froln tlrc0 fl.a
ubovo the haul lines, nnd she will be armed : lion the Sierra News, says:
(i. mi hi an I a
1 II. v vnti furiueil any upiuiou for or
it.,'., it... .rihn.ii Tk' kii ill lll. illil,',.
Not pnrtieular ngin the .lariniii,' says I, j with a sharp iron bowspi-il, to strike or
'but I hale niters as n general principle, 1 pierce preparatory to boarding or sinking,
and shall go for h inging this hero old 1 tr ru,l,cr will 11I.-0 by protected, and her
whit- wimi.d rus, he killnl .Mr. j wi ,uc(,a ullll,.r tllu
I'm. 1.1 r or not,' av I. , . . . , . 1 , t . .1 .
. , , know t'l.e nature of nn oath?' Ue curved and plated bulw ark,, so that
the clink me. 'the crew can lie sheltered us under nil 1111-
'1 or 1 r,' -.iys I, 'I've twd enough of i,regnablo roof.
1111 to swear wtieii 1 wus ouiy j;ut, vt!lScls ,irc 1, tt d with powerful en-
or the Cth March, nnd says the proposul omission by mere oversight, ni.d I rccom
makes common cause of a common subject. mend that it be supplied by an amendatory
The changes it contemplates would come 'or supplemental Act,
gently as the dews of heaven, not render
in.' or working any harm. lie concludes
that so much good has not been done by
one effort in all past time ns in Cod's Prov
idence it is now your privilege to do. May
the vast future not have to lament thut
you neglected it.
YllAT Dksthoyku tub Dkmoihatic
VS" The unrulier or insnrtion alioul.l l noted
on the margin of na a.lvertmrn.ent, otherwise it
will be .uliliiilic- till forliMclen, and charged ac
cordingly. Vii Obituary notice" will be charged half the
above mice of advertising.
t35 J"0 1'niNTisu executed with neattiewi and
Payment far Job Printing mult be made or,
tlrlirerif nf the irnrle.
Details of Eastern News.
The friends of Senator Simmons' tax bill
are confident that it will bo adopted. The
section relating to the tnx on incomes pro
vides that the re shall bo levied annually
upon the income of every person residing
in the United States, from whatever source
derived, between $000 and $0,000, n tns
ol 3 per cent.; from $(1,000 lo $ti0,00O, u
tax of 5 per cent.; on incomes from prop
erty of citizens of the United States resid
ing abrood, exceeding $0,000, a tax of 1 J
per cent.; incomes of religious nnd literary
societies arc subject to the same tax as
those of individuals, except in casts of so
cieties whose income is devoted to the cir
culation of the Holy Scriptures, or reli
gious tracts', or which support religious
missions. So much income, however, ns is
derived from the interest on the securities
of tho United States shall bo tnxed per
There is very high authority for the opin
ion that the Ptigitive Slave Law does not
extend to the District of Columbia. A
member of the Cabinet nnd Senators, whose
legal knowledge is of the first order, agrco
in this.
The War Department hos called for no
definite number of troops, but reopened re
cruiting stations lately closed. Some new
regiments will be raised for special pur
poses. The main object is to obtain a re
serve to fill existing regiments.
Prompt r sponses have been received
from most of the Governors of the New
England States, calling for additional regi
ments to meet the demands of tho War
James Dixon was to-day re-elected U.S.
Senator from Connecticut.
The condition of affairs at Petersburg,
Amt.uuM Lincoln1.
Washington, April 10, 1HG2.
The Lyons ok Connecticit. Some in
teresting facts huve recently come out con
cerning the number of persons related to
the lamented lien. Lyon, nnd bearing his
iinmn wlm nri now in the nrmv the nnin-
bcr being thirty, descendants of P.piiroim j Vn-- 0,1(1 in ,lie surroundm country is
l..rv ,v riMrncsiA -Under this can- 'v"i 01, a mwyer oy proiess- ' ---1:-V 7.7
Igines uud ureathipted for rapid inovcmeiits.
TlIK PnotlTION IN N.WAl. WAItr.lRE.-
We confess that .Mr. Stevens' plan of avoid
ing the exposure eif gun creivs, by placing
the huge guns of his iron mon.-lcr on the
1 xpnsed mail protected deck, to be w aked
nf general-hip
ii the coielucl of 11 retreat. And, indeed,
. . .... .. ... .1... r
to nt rt! slowly, regmauy, won uie i.i..
(.timbW set toward mi i.veiwhelming foe;
covering the Ibgbt "1 ;"! V;1" w'"1'
good -d the rear; limiting. tail
ing back, list fl'eclncly on the ii,haiice;
iallicling, perhaps, nwiv harm than is re
civ.d; handling troops us easily ns on the
drill ground; iu fine, ballling n host too
Ihidud with triiiuiph to bo sellable of fear;
l,u tik.s the higlit'4 abilities at oncn id
gi n-nil nnd commander -ol him who has
the nkill lo plan and the iqwll to rule
This Sigel h;H twice tlone, nnd ngaiust
odds n.Mom encountered. Tlx- lirt, l is
nn-terly retreat last Summer dom Car
"Wbrn Ihr IV r.-e fl.r liting " l'"'kt "'" '
U f.uiiiliar to thn public, ns is nbo
11,1. n.l,,,iri;,.n il drew lorth. nnd which
time ha only (.Iretv'thcncd with the
thoughtful. Tho next nnd still 11:010 won-ih-rfid
exploit, in saving the train nnd his
own little coniinaml Mftr P.ciitonville, on
the day before the great rmillic nt Pea
lli.lgo, Ims nlso been spread before the pub
lie, nnd if not, wc linvo 'puce Ihto '"it f'T
it valient points.
(icn. Curtis, having enr'y thnt morning
f.mtid it nee.lfiil to retire eight niih s fr-Mii
there, left Sigel with a regiment to guard
.the renr of tho movctiiet't nnd the train.-
An always, he linn chosen the most impor
tant post and perilous position, reeling mw
Mlf equal to all eincrgcuci. Knowing
tho train to be our nrmics all -in -nil iu thnt
wild region, ami, as Mich, the ndviiueing
Too would dash eagerly nt It, lie Kent it
ahead with two hundred of liin ",
lo moved on bchinil to watedi tho foo. 'i
they rush, thrcii thousnnd troii(?. hlf
fnnlry, half liorseinen, against his nix hun
dred, nil on f.iotl Cool ns tint morning, ho
1repnres their greeting. They charge, nnd
recoil beroro his sternly front. A gnln tli'7
linrgo nnd fairly Inclose lihn; hn mows his
way through them, leaving bloody nwulhcs.
Tliey envelope liitn nguin, nnd dasli l
ll point; at all point ho holds thetn oil",
or rolls them back. Here, there, every-
liero ho enp with glcnmiiig Kwonl, flgilo
BUil dendlv ns tt leoi.nrd. And thus, f.T
inmiy hours, hi umiiimiwh, Hhiflii'B w'1'1
tlio ihifiing cause, fornilnif, reformltiu;, nmi
H, I'lmrging, repolling, ho Hk1'1" l'1 ,w"
'jotkwnril. lill toward night succor '""-i
ml, left frco nt IiihI, Iio reaches tlm '""'P
hero to be greeted with one wild Iiiir..iii -
ho days idler, by tho way, when ho pur
'I'd fur twelve mile their llyinn Ii""1 1,1
over twenty thousand men, they f"""1' ,,,Hl
em 1 1
' That'll do,' says the dark. ' You kin
i;o to hum,' says he, ' you won't be wanted
in this ere case,' says I he chirk, sav he.
What!' savs I, 'ain't I to try this nigger
at nl!?'
'No,' n'i the chirk. I 'til a j, w n uiaii,' snys I, 'and you
can't haie.' the iiigg'-r unices I've sot on
him,' s.iys I .
'IVs' on,' says ihe dink, speaking rather
cr.i'. 1 mii.Jes of guns sliot away, l.ut tlio ex
'Put,' sny I, 'you, mister, you tloti I f.tiuki in that tin -i" guns arc to be cover
in. an as ymi "', I'm n regular jt wryiuan, I j ,.,nor, applied directly to them,
von know. Di iwiil nout of thu box by L11s fM rll n a solid iron backing to the
ll.e M' In k man,' savs I . 'I've oilers had u ,irmm- insteMtl of 11 wooden one, relieves
hat, ki ring to hang n nigger, nnd now, . The grand Icatuiv of Mr.
when a nn rcifid eb-pclisalory seems to have1 v;((,VLns. ;s t,;s. ,lui ing the armor
provided one for me, von say 1 shan't sit ' .,,, (,u ,,mt instead of nround tlmii,
on; ar this yimr free institutions.' Is SllVt.H nine-tenths id the weight nnd cost of
this the iiim teentli century? And is this , ,(, nriMori sirc tie: space occupied by it is
our bi.a-t. d' lu re foui. body hollered ; ; (inl roptvlioii reduced.
Mleiioe ill court.' This savs nothing nbnnt covering the
1 didn't finish the 1 . ,..., , ,,( i,riuts of iIkm; t. rril'le
War. These i,re all in the Connecticut
"Intense Southemism ill a rrec State, : rp.rimeiits. nnd mnnv of them from the
killed tho Democratic party, first dividing s.10 c.0nty.
then destroying. The leadership of U win 1 A young' nephew of Gen. Lyon, a boy
the old scoundrel is now ut Kicomoiid ! fl f tt--11 years obi, named Arthur, enlisted in
of Potts, who is intensely and exclusiecly I t1L, 'n,th Coniieeticut Peginient imiGcdi
Yirginian nil through his diminutive uuuto-!atcy artir ti,e (ienerul's remains were
my, and of a dozen others who affected to , tnken homo and baried in his native town,
despise everybody nnd everything out of Arthur was ut selioul, which ho left next
Ihe South, aided by miniature imitators in , aftrrr the burial, to join the regiment,
all tho interior county towns, has nt length's-,..;,,;, ,e l,.,,! nQ 0f lenvinff his school
aroused free State pride uud indiimtion. ! to'fiht until he saw his Undo -Nathaniel
ion, and a Lieutenant iu the Revolutionary ploroWc. Tlic condition of the fullering
people seems iuiiiom oeyonu euuurance.
The scarcity of provisions is so great thnt
"eoplo have n llected how absurd and hu-1 lowered into the grave. Pro
liliuting a thing it is for n free State, fur, ,t.,,t 1!C was seized with a dc
rom that 1110-
desire and pur-
and avenge his
removed from ull save emigrant influences ! pOSC t0 tlltcr ,1C nrinv
o s averv to lie coverncii oy a im.-eruuiu , j,.n, ,
I squad of Southern politicians who were too
lioxVnil'icnnt to live bv politics at home, 6-5-Tlio battle-song of the Fifty-first
friiiii below by machinery , had for us the j w10 mvc iwn Uothing better thmi New York Picciment. ns stmg by them
olijeetitin that the fire of tlio enemy iicmg! ,,orj ,-.,
maw-worms all the time they have
i: f.m.u tl.rv lennlil . . ri-i .!-.. -I. m.n....
...neie., t. i.i, -v . -V - IjeCIl liero. lUCSC Vi nuuy "', J!,,- I, ultl, tl.U versf
v -"n"-
uey nave W1(M) n,,,,roac,inn- the coast of North Car
rchs had ," . .... .
- cedily be broken, us we often see the ,lt.;p satrnps in nil the interior provinces,
mii.Jes of guns .shot away. Put the ex- .. .1. pe tiuincKS it was to get office, talk
damn Plaek llepubhcans nnel
' south.'
Abolitionists. I his miscruulo loliy, at
leiiL'th. dis''itted the peotile of California,
and in their indignation the mud godson
chivalry have been pushed over nnd broken.
If the Douglas Democracy choose to re-
link themselves to the chivalry, they will
be bko the luun in mythological story, who
was chained to a corpse which he wus
doomed to drag about forever."
Ihe court be --!' 1 didn t finish H' ! ..r,;,t utile oikii throats of terrible The Hkv. IIenky War;) l.KEcnr.n on
remark, for 11 couple nf contiiblt s hud holt lm,si....s d.nui wbieh a .-hot might be fired .,. PitrstnKxr's " Ksi aNcH'ation" Mks-
of me, and in the twinkling of n bedpost I () , ,0 c ,lt. g,,,, jf t.ft exposed. We (. .P1C jjev nenry Ward Peecht r,
was l.n-tb .1 down staits into the .street I .,,,.,. 10ever, from what the Tunes ' ' " ' ' .. . . ,
Xnw. Mr IMitor.letmen-k what nro we tll'Hl indined armor is to bo in a '".oui '',Ud L" .rK ounul-f"
.....:,. t., uben iewrvmen-lcL'al. lawful ,.' , . ell as around the sides. ! tertniucd nnd instructed his hearers last
j. H ivineii - kin be tossed ubont ill this Hl lui ihciuu..Te will bo guarJid by a
way? Talk nbnnt Canceri, .Mormons,,
piritimli-m, free love, nnd panics-what 1
1 -on -
arc t lev III t'0ilinri-oii: i,-re 11 .tiii.i- mi. 1 1 m i . ,. ...... .,.
urt 111. i 111 . ii.j 1 ,1 ... ... .. . , . , . , , nil set be did read ft IcW
lill 1. 1 .111 I. I 'l i nt.ltlHHIil ' " - . c.
i.f mi gr.'at necouiit ;
sliding plate id uruior.
Dr. Pillows
evening with n discourse having for its text
the recent message of President Lincoln re
commending tho emancipation resolutions,
On: Pi in if .Mt.N. Lev.
. t t 1.. n tiivii i.i.i 1 111 1 r .li re. 1 11 1. ei t-t.ii
I" I .... ' ... '. I, . hi. .1,. i il,. ...v.i-cn ,,f ,. 1, 1.;; inciinlt!iinc
1:111 l tor mc 10 Miy ; 1111111, .m , 1 m. "..... - worus 110111 li-.n.i.i - o
ubont preparing the way for the people
which every one forgot when ho enmo to
eniinciatc and dilute upon the real text.
1 ns In his own Uiiuitabh) way ho portmyed
mtwl ns mi enlightened jewryman 1 which he thus sketched sonic of the promt-
was tuk and c.riii d down stairs by prof.ino nent members of the (lovcruinent. e
hand- ju-t for n-M rting my right to sit 011 .piote from tho report in the Portland Iran-
' ' . ti. ..:u.... . . ....
n .,.f,r, , U hi' II SerillS If) 1111 UIU l"lliw ...I'l't.
.e .i...i-. 1 lii. t iii inv snered rresi.lciit Lincoln he
l) M IV HI IV n,"n, J - . , , , , , t
. . .. . e ... r.t ... i.,.t. .!.. . . . - .... ... :.. il... liK nrv lit
ii rson the hull Stale itsell was, iiggeraiivc-; simple, luiiiiiin, non, uun.nei.i, , ui:8 message as n pomi. m ui -v -
' 1 r llmr ' li.nw Inmost mil l ee iitis. .1.11 1.M111 1111,1 ., ,i, ,. r , ,n , ..liincioailOII
- r ii.u cotiuii 1 ; i'i j -M w 1
ly -peaking, kicked down stairs
I" liniii r ' ' ' 1 - 11 ; tuv v wuim j j
w in Ihe hind, I'll have this case brought , not n more iinbcudiiig will and I 11111 .s". I ,roc,,mation of President Lincolu a year
Jr . , ,,. ev,,i M.,, 'ZkZL,, n y. W. f
'' W;tll( r be is to be the next President or ; history of slavery, and of slavery ugitntion
"S.iy, rebels, will you inecl im,
Say, relh In, will you greet in,
Say, rrlwls, will you beat u,
Uii Noith Cur.iliaa fh,.rc?
In the nuiiie of God we'll meet von,
With ihe tword of liod we II greet you,
lly the cniccf (Jo.l we'll beat you,
t'a North Carolina fbort-;
Sini.'iiiff, (.lory, leille'uj ill,
Sniui. til. .ry, hallelujah,
Siiil""!.'. lllory, hallelujah,
' To Hod fur. ver more'."
liiii Thini;. The Oregon papers tell of
men making five hundred thousand dollars
per day up nt Salmon. With about the
-ame approximation to truth, we might say
that there are miners in this county who
arc milking twenty-five million dollurs per
day, and don't make much fuss about it
either. It was discovered, one day last
week, that Shasta Putte is one solid mass
or g )id, with tho exception of nbcut four
feet or snow nnd rubbish on tho surface.
The gold is eighty-nine carats fine, nnd or
a deep grcc n color. Occasionally veins or
first water diamond are found, raging in
size from a two bushel basket up to a com
mon hay-stack. To work these mines, no
tools nro required except a box of matches
with which to build n lire to melt off the
snow. The only difficulty is, that for the
Inst milo before rcachi.ig the gold region
every step you tukc in the direction of the
gold, you 'slip two, nnd sometimes three,
backwards. This slight obstacle, how
ever, it is expected will be removed ns soon
.... . whetht r be is to lie tho next, l ivsiiicni im : History 01 sumrj , mm v. j --n 1,1 .1 0 let T pokes his heael ubove
,-Prof. Agas,i.saysi.ioi.oorhispa-!m)t;ns,,,,(;lllimled, as he is long bodied j , l0 ni.c,nplinnt iit or its circle, and its 's lie lerra u c
pers, "llniu-t not discourage us, that the man, looking on nil sides m" a 51,1;"t'0,,-"" i liaviitjy now rvtumaMl Co the point whence (o W)Vthinp t0 ont 0r
process is a elow ami laborious ono, nnd j P.ovidcucc never Kn e u a a ter in j it stttl.tCll nt ,l,c time of trauiinR tho Con- j (,rik l0 t,H,se niit ns a large mountain
,, result of one lifetime nflcr nil, very ""JJ ' t Jove like' stitution-the declaration by Government Lar by hns been found to bo of
small. It might seem invidious, were I to ' large judgment, com- t,,t it is an evil to be suppressed or put . re, s lime eggs am , w d.
show hero how small is the sum total ne ; prehensivo mind, honest purposes-po.-sii.iv 1 n,icei,0 alluded to some of tho reinaiKa-
conq.lish.,1 even by the great except a little too .....bilious ns t u-sr was, tint
' wlm,. nam., ure known throughout h.-rruptd e. Stanton, S. .r of a.
' it IV Oil ll I III) VOII KOOll 1" eri . -, .. . ,. f ..
.1 :.;i;,.t i...rl.l Put 1 mnv nt least, ... , .. ,..,t, ,,.i,int man. I V nwricn enirntrcd m inc same won 01 u
int. . 1 ,. " - iL.t n i' :i 1 a 1 ii ii ... .-..', k ., n
total no ; pn,,cnsivo mind, honest purposcs-po-sii.iy 1
excciitiounl a little too ambitions, ns t u-snr was l.ut ini.ill(,R.cs 0f ,,e ,iny. First among
1:1.1.. tsMi'ivturv of III. I ...... 1 e. ....
il.. looks theso ho noticed despotic Uussia aim net.
be permitted to speak of my own elTorts, (((. fwr,Vi nm every Inch a man. ! tiding freedom, and next tho league be
am! to sum 111. iu Ihe fewest words tho ro-' avmrttl .Mct'l'cllai. was described nt length lww Vtnf,mt yriWC0 nd Spain to dc-
-It f J life'- 0. k h." .'cvotc,, m as ci i n. Z D uf Intel T. ,1 " Z,
left (C nil ol ll, lor we 1 IIIIRI-1--. I" , -If, I,
1 . ,, ,. .... 1 1 I . ..ei .... .,.,. u,,i iinnn ll 0 e 11-11
llfiull, Uliall.'l'leiliy (Ugllllieti mi:u eel Willi out "'"is ''" 1- -
ll Hill
hole Kb to the Mudy of Nalure, ami yet ; nrm. nro t tl) m.,.t. In remarking upon these 0 tone -
..1.. .....1 n mnv evi.ress all that 1 1 .... i......i .,nir..,.i..,llv diernilied nrd ! ml with burning sarcasm upon 1110 mm.-.i
UIU nvuis ... v j 1 111 ill-...!,, ,' -w . .1 .
" . .. . .1 I. . " ..... . .M .!!:... ... - ,.f . . 1. 1... I -...1 ...... Ii-.:lr,l it ttlt l
1 . 1 .... 1 .... , ,mh iiiiil 11 eru is 11 r.....i. 11,11,1 111 res 10 s nn in. mi ' ,,, im.t 01 . ? 1 11. mm i.,i..."
linvo uoue. mnv 1 n, 1 -. ,,,-,,v "
i.. iiaen,, (ho succession ol , success nliottl mm, sometuiug 01 "" " , .1 Wnrm hearted generosit
1 1 " I . .. .... ..'.i....,:.. I.nsn heiivv litliler jaw 110
fishes iu geologicnl time. ant. m 1 . n , ..
stages of their growth In the pgtf-llml i , . ,0 t tliiiips n true product
all." of Atnericn, eontbiniug ull the best products
!f young America; ou p'i,e
h:s. A. S..loiiNsTON.-lher0(1t iH p,ill;, r,,.,(y t0 do ihe thing nnd
,gcr a shndow or doubt ns to' ,vij yol wi the great victory and deliver
or which is a fair articlo of gin, nnd the
other good nverago whisky. i rdt in.
Tho magi-
Di atii OK
r,.r. I in IIO lllllL'i
Ihe death of this nblo but erring rebel ol
steamer liriiiirH full orcoimlst
of his death, nmi tho ninniior of It. .KIT 1C olncr (,,v, a fellow commenced el u
-oto tho rebel Congress, in(? for Jen Jmv.s, in , 7- ,
killed nt tho hrl "'" r .." Z
I'.vctl urines coniii nwi - o
us from nil our troubles.
Tine Do.;s Pai.k at Vw In Xevwlu.
t.iiii.l.i nnd scverilv or the action ut Pen
Hideo is shown by the official returns or
T . ...... i-.t ....1
the killeil nnU woumietion me i-cucmi sm,
which lien. Curtis places nt 1,400. it
must have been a picturesque combat, ami
is well described in the World. Sigel, and
his Uertnans, behaved nobly, nnd saved
ii. im"-. trniti and rearguard by deter-
tho wnrm henrted generosity of the lutssinn mi,.j ,nrd fightinir, ngn.nst wii.clt 1110
,. . ...i m. r (,. Mi i'oii nvnsion nc 1 Tcmiiis mm imiuins, nmi tm pm",
'., .. 1 ,.' . t',l,n throne of the bowio knives nnd scalping knives, could not
I'lO'O 1 1 1 , " 1 utond. Their batteries run sliort ol nminu
nlrcndv ncoursed house of llupsiuirg mnsii , . . Ioi,jt,1.;1
needs bo strongly built to wilhstaiid the, 80'of u,ini ;,.. McCullo.di, as well
...ves of American liberty when once me Mdntosh, nccelerateu lieiiuiong roiiiuu-
rebellion Is cared for.
Davis, In a;
niiiioiiiiccs thnt he wns
of his troops, in tho Sunday tl!o nt Pitts
burg Lnntling, hy n "'I''"'" ',,skct lm";
which struck him In tho groin and severed
the main artery, rii.t UJ 10
denth nltno-t II is n-nmlM
w,re sent down to New Orleaim to nwalt
the order of his frlmihi.
,,,-u of tho ruciiic '"" -
011s nonsense.
erTho negro" boys nbotit A t.nnpolis( arduous tn.-k.
have caught the " Army iiyu n n .1
.l,.hii Prown's "Ulory 1 1 ulltliijuli' .
. . . !.... t.iL-u 1,1 tlm inessaiTC
nilit llalllts 111 Kajit'B i r.-
to rorget all difference- nud disagreements
ol every kind, and givo i.udividcd support
to tho Government; to strengthen Presi
1 ... 1 i,,i.iIii In- word and lV deed in his
lll'llfc III... v j
1.. ,.,.B..lsi..,i belih.r Prico and Van Dorn. Tho Indians
'ii ."- 1 7 .
rcei.toi. . ...... , RavnLrcs scalping Uentl nnu
- ..... . i . nt n m inni 11 rii in . -
liebl It t 1,0 lllu ' 1 J ttoumled. KnMfr Cone
Lowbn Times.
A Patiuotio NosAOENAntAN. Mrs,
Nelly Appleguto (fam'diiiuly known ns
Aunt M'liy Appiegaio), living . n-
ner imrt ol I iu CUV. WHO. uurmir um
Tho concluding exercise olutiomiry war, knit socks und tnndo ban
""' . .. . ..1 : (
. I i.... I.. ........ ,....iir,i nil of I 10 CX illisioii "i
! 11 i.n. iriinn .. iv. 1.1 1. 11 . . . ..
present session m e.y .... . n J( ,n ,,., ,
t.m...d. thu House, nnd hns only 10 run .
""""""": . ..1 i"r..i.i..i
tho New Miiglniiil sol.licrs. u ior n
ter nn Annapolis resident says, " tho nig
ger's nro clrnr carried nwny with-it. '
. 'fl... simdner of tho " To Peiim" in
the St. Petersburg churches on Christmas
l X -j was omitted lor the
was singing Africa by tho entire congre
diiRM for tho soldiers, is now daily and
nightly engaged In tlio snmo goon oi
for tho soldiers of tho Union. Although
;,. 1... i.;....iv first venr. sliols. mentally and
i.hysicnllv, ns sprightly as many of hull her
mm. M il V H O ODU !I U l vimwj
. I 1 In enalll
"There is not ntnong ings of tho L :mon sue is moorm i e..0....
lAMSVUit journal.
iva-Mr. Smith O'llricn, who under-
stands his country men thoroughly, states
in a public letter
the nations of tho enrth a peoplu who enter
tain toward tho Wiled States of America
so much affection ns Is felt by thelrWi."
Women should set good examples, for
the men nro ulwnys following thetn.
everything is seized for the army, and even
the soldiers have been on half rations for a
week, with no prospect of even this supply
continuing a great length of time. They
represent the rebel army, or a great por
tion of it, ns demoralized nnd dissipated to
such nn extent that they only hold together
by the most vigorous appliances of martial
law. The work of conscription, however,
is progressing. The roads to Richmond
are thronged with unarmed men, old and
young, being driven nlong under strong
armed guards. They represent that no
people in modem limes have suffered moro
than the people or Virginia are now suffer
ing. Every household is in niottrnins: nt
the prospect of approaching famine. They
sny it was announced at Petersburg on
Wednesday, that Penuregard had arrived
at Richmond. Jeff Davis and the military
authorities declared their intention to fight
to the death ut Richmond; but strong sus
picions were entertained that it was really
their purpose to abandon the city after a
short defense. A largo number of women
from Richmond had reached Petersburg.
They represent tho distress prevailing in
Richmond as beyond description. Threats
were made by the soldiers from the G ulf
States that if they had to abandon the city,
they would in ashes; fears were had
thnt these threats would bo enrried out.
The troops nt Richmond and vicinity num
ber nbotit 00,000, including unarmed and
poorly armed or recent levies, who were
being armed with pikes.
The rebels made a dash nt Gen. Ranks'
line ut Front Roval (Warren county, Va )
on Slav -21. and attempted to bum the
.. . . . . ... ..... 1- ..1
Railroad linage lately rei.uui uy inc rcu-
eral troops.
An (lection was held in leimesscc on
tho 2-21 Tor judicial officers. Tho vote in
Nashville stood: Circuit Judge, Rrien,
Union. 570; secessionist, 70d. The seces
sionists generally voted, whilo Union men
regarded the election ns invalid. Gov.
Johnsew will give no commissions to seces
sionists who may bo elected.
Tho President and Cashier of tlio ontiK
of Union linvo been arrested by order of
Gov. Johnson, for treason.
It is estimated that 1000 deserters are
nt Portsmouth and Norfolk from the force
with which the rebel Gen. linger left Nor
folk, and about the sumo number arc scat
tered through the wooels. lueir coneiiuon
is most deplorable.
Tho Minnesota will soon go to Norfolk,
nnd then tho whole fleet will linvo oban
doned Old Point and taken position at the
old naval station. Numerous wrecks, sunk
in tho harbor nnd river by the rebels nro
to be removed immediately, including the
wreck of the Mernmac.
The Slavor nf Norfolk nnd members of
tho Council still refuse to take tho oath of
allegiance, nud nil intercourse with the peo
ple of Norfolk nmi roristnouin is inerciore
stopped. Gen. Wool sent a proclamation
to tho people on tno buii, not. tying mem
thnt the matter wns entirely in their hands.
A . Bonn ns thev would neknowledgo tlie
supremacy of the Government they should
enjoy its fostering care; but while they re-
mnincd in tlieir present reociuous invu
they will bo cut off rrotu all the adviinmg.
es of trade and commerce, and will be
governed by strict mnrtiul law.
An enthusiastic Union meeting was held
nt Portsmouth on tho night of tho 22d.
Not less thnn 800 were present. The pro-,
priety of the course of tho Government In
refusing to allow provisions to cotno there
lor loyal people was criticized. The scarc
ity of provisions nnd tho necessaries or lifo
is so grent thnt tho poorest classes live al
most entirely on fish nud oysters! The se
cossionists nro nenrly nil wcnlthy, and had
laid iu a stock of provisions long since
Gen. Ruriisido lias seized nil tho Com
missioners of Edei.ton, N. C, nnd taken
them to his liendqiiartcrs at Newborn, hold
ing them ns hostages for tho snfo roturn of
tho Union pilot who wns seized by tho reb
els while on a visit to his wife. It Is said
tho rebels determined to linng mm. uen.
Rurnsidii intends that nil tho Commission
ers shull swing In enso tho rebels execute,
their threats.
I ttio fcf.tuiilUt ii Hit S tulo.
M who had been the lion while in ""J,