f0mki 'I? llio coi.rK.:ofllm.UTnn.l rl-nr. U ntinotimli.K tho t.c.t.cy or Urn Ailinml Lion mi lliiif'iitliirl. of tliu war. Hen. Llmin will """neeil liiiiitt-r. Ill Mutm! ho fortiH-r woulil lmi niffi In"'" rcnipliir- J Stunt t 'i', ii'i'l ri' t'Nliililihhnl fcdi imI iui jlU'riiy iii C'linrli'itt"". II' Iliinli'i-liuil til loivi'il Iii"1' 'I'lio 1 1 ortililV ilisiiitrli pnyn tlio IVcsl- ,1(.t lilt" (ll '-'illl'll tO 't lil'ty lli'Mli'lllil v0ull(.(.rn tn liH tli'1 tM" wliiiih Imvu lici n lliiniicil out ly wotimls ii ml Mrkmvs, nml to form rrm'rvu uihIit dull fur I lie Inline, wliicli H'1')' 'l0 ru'"'y "l 11 t'l',''IS'VU """''I'"!'. ('iiiro, 2 J . N iiilililioinil news fioui ihc fleet. J'rNrrtorn from I ho reliel c'iunt, Im left W,,''( '",v0 ,"'I'V('1' 'll'n'' 'l'l"'.V report 1 1 1 t llcuiirriinl I mi 1 n liumlicil mul thirl)' llimiswnl iim'ii. Tin y were, snll'i.r. (-n-iilly from Mi'ltncst. Ih'srrtrrs Klulo tliul -'n i-rniiiV Heel rl Vii khlnit'i on Siilimlny luhl, ilestineil for .M pl'l" AivoiiiiIh from Mi'CIi'IIhm'm iirmy slate tlmt (li'. Sumner Iuih lii'"il n licv cil from nrtivit Mtvirc in n ns- ii'ti'o of hi rd'nsnl to riiiiforn lleiiit.eliiiun nl 'Im linlilo dl Villiimi.'.lMirjf. N Intiuknt A wurlliy win of Kiin Is nuproiirlii'il I')' 11 nol'l'' M'ioii i if line of t In 1'. I'". V.'h, win ii tin' MluuiiiK I'tmvi iMition nisiiril: .Nulil I'MAN " Voil'vc nlwiiyi In i n II ilfinwr.il, Mike" M ikk. " Niter ii wor.l tliil )(. n'i,k llmuT limn tlmt!" X "Yiil will vole, tlii'ii, for Mill, rami V'uit, nml llo' Imlniii'r of nut' tiekel " j "Vr'r u roiur I Im r, slmrr! Miller l it 8ir(""'ioll H ImI, I'm luM, iiihI nil Win I 1 a i'ii'i:';-"'', if y r own mrty ilnu'i lir on liim." , Su rjii '(. j " S.'Ci smiiii, Mill? Miller ii MaWon ri'li.l! Why, Ml..', tlicri! an' no mti s'.iuiiUis in ttiis ripimiry, ui 1,11st I never met olliv I Want you In point nut to me n m ri'.-si(ini, if yon can; I mint l ' lorn." l.nukiiii .Y"W.7y in I In- tijt until he wii,n " I'. 'linl, 'i r a ijiiiiic in. hi, itny Im. I'm lili-l if 1 know wlnit tn imiKi liv Vi'. at all. Il.iv'iit yn s. en yi Tm If in tilt' (.'lass f"r I""1' Vi'iir? .I nil r '''"; the im'.r chio lor n inniiitut, he e i ,7iMi v Holy mollii r f.rjri vi im fur a-kin yr! O. ll! lllittlllT, look lit llilll jlt! SliillV, In' hi vt-r lias seen liiin-i If IIi h ninny n lime month niic! Out npiui ).. fur ii ilirly 1lnr'rti ! Wiml.l vi z Im nfii r sulm iiii; im lamest iliuiinirr.il to vote lur y.T tnnr thrriiiL' vioti rrlirN? Ver u jmi ly man, now, nri'ii'l ye? Hanging is too .iml fur nil uv yi .!" Tim Hilt lii'i'iiiim fry ininli t-nriijrl. Imt finnlly wiili. Iri'w wiili.iiit hlni.itiii M.k.'V hrn.1 nff nr rullioi; Iui lliloat. 1 1 lias K'lii-i- naiil lli. I mill i I ri-l.man sliall cvi r talk t.i It 1 1 ii in lli' I.!..' iiiamii r ii';ru - lliat ln w a oii.'i' a kni'W ii.'llini,' - - lliat lii prin-iipl-n i ir k'l.in n.illi n.' Vi l, liii'l vi hi rr linil nf III" Smlli II.' .-iilliil on Iii- Cr' nlur In .1 - ii In-In in t if I..' i vrr tliil li.'lit lip nnlil Ii,.' i . ful -i,.'l.i is Well' put in lln ir plnpi r I I ir. ; t ' . Ill' '-.t i'f I'iriii, l.r K.ii.l, .r. h.'t i." jmhiI "I us liM-fnl lis lln- iiiir.'. r, mi I il ti it im, t If y lniul.l It in 1 I'ii ir pr.i.K r . v, I ; Ii.. y "nnlil l. ai'.i M'liii' liH h"l III Ii.!,.' II. IS ll .III IImIIImU'S iiiiioi ' ;'. !' III n - St.i'.i Mil In. vs lhi mul; I.. p.Ml.iyi' nil ll.r l:ur lit I la' ('a In' I' 'tn I is llll'l to In' Ii n s It Postscript. Tim hIhkm nirivi'd Insl iiricriioon, hut I'l'milil no iiiiwh nf linpnrtiiiico. Tlio fol lowing in im nlistrai't: M.v 211, 1KC2. inn lliry cuii ilo Dannoubaum & Ackerman. SpriH!" 1802. flllllC SHiHoiiof Ihla Hiring and iiiiniici-' tritcle .1. iiiioiii iiii;, iwriluii iim In prxMiiiliii tu yua fiiir rani. Wii imvo nnv tlio Klioiccirt, iinwl vui ir.l mul iiiokI rxldixivo ulix-k of (hiihIm pvnr I1hi-.iI in lli opliiidti in fjrit ill I tifr (.'riMllnl Hint Hid ""' I"'"!'1" 1,1 l" Iiiiiihh county. H'lirlH w ill nut lijrln l Hi, Inn,,,,,), JUi H i 1 , w ur ";'' iviiiK, l.y v. ry .iN.nin', ml.liliom I'Vnnnito i" '"ir li:k, Irrmi San I'raii.'iwn, ini'l tlnnw wlin ". . .. I "ill 1'ikn III" Imulili' lo call, can nilify lliKiiiMtlvm , ... " , ii . "M- I'i. I Mill IIIIMIIII llllll llll'y CUII III) lll'lIlT Willi in Ilin in i. oniiiii, Our (roups vmtormtiH in nu- '0' tf""'!-: l Vilmul. ry insiaiMT. I In ri' in jrri'iil ilislrri-H in Snullii rn 'ir n'liia. Mvcry lion .r is in imiiiriiin)r nt i tc plu-pi rt of iipprnacliiii fainiiiu. Tim (lilnna in Km-IiiiioimI is licyonil (Id H'ripiinti. l''ort Wii'lit is mil iiIiiiiiiIhiiimI liy tlio ri'ln ls, us pri'vimisly rrporti'il. 1 1. Iiiih licrll iiM'iTluilinl (ruin im lillllli'll tin Miiiirc Hint iim ixjiinililuriK of tlio (lovt'imnriil it ro ins llinii onu million of diillars n ilny. 'I'lm news fri in I'liropn is rrntify!ii. It is illicit it i i n 1 1 that tin- minors of inter vi'iiiinn with Ilin iTfiilion of Kcccssionists, ami uir h it liont fiiumlalimi. Tin: l.n.ss ,u I'lnsm mi Iiamuno. Tin) j fiilloMin' am tlio ollii'ial liiiri'H of our loss al llm lilnnily linltlu nl rillsliiir I.aiiilin . on tin. r.ili nnil Ttli April: Killed, l,":if; 1 woninliil, 7 . J ; inissiii;.', !!,!l."iS. Aliout, lull uf ilin wnnmlril havi' hinci! died. (im. SlnTiiiai's divi.siun hi IT. red most in klllril, ihc inimliiT In in i:;7. lluilliiit's riinns m t, with ol.'i killed. Of rrcntiss' ilivisiilll, I, Mill nil) llilsnin; of U'lllllll'f'H iliviinii, I, I till nrr missing, lliiillint's di vision IiihI I, -I'll) wouiidnl; I'r. Iiliss'n I l)ll; M.CI.rnand'H l,4.')l) Wnllmi-'s l.Ooi. ( tin Imiiiil parlies report Vl,."(0 to !l,000 il.'inl ri lii K found on the I'n Id. NEW GOODS, NEW GOODS, .VOir Ol'EXIXU AT Dannonbaum dt Ackcrman's, Oppttiilr thr Main St. Ilumr, ...('Oiinitliii uf... STAI'LK AND I'ANCV S) r 1 - fir oo (Is, tlio newest styles of DKMSS GOODS, HITII AS Fiincy I'l'iiliiiH, I'yrees, Delieois, lilfarcl ili lniii, nil mul half wixil French int-riiiim, I t. 'lull Inuim, hrilliniitiutsH. linreil uml pi. ml Mursnllra, Sisn uu.l j I'un.'l iinmlui, a Urue im hurliiMMil of I'r.'ii.'li tiii'l Ami-riciiii cn!iciM, liinwn lini'iis, li rin llril unci nnlilriiclii'.l liiimlin, TIIK I.ATKKT HTVI.K OK JSur.kcyc Jllowcr. Farmers, Imy the liest machine ! TUN HUCKEYR Jim proved itself to he, the 1!KST MOWKIt &, ItKAPKK COMI5INK1), Yet brought into use. "IT linn llm following mlvuntngiai over oilier 1 Miieliiiiio : It liim two ilriving wliects wliicli npp'irl llm whole w. i!;hl of llm frunic, K'-aring, (tiivcr uil'l I'aker. It tins a l'ii!li'-liini;uil fiaur bar hluiiiii! -xchilvly lo llm lluckcyu Mower, wliieh ciiiilorm to all vnri.'l es of auijucv mid can he fawly raked to puss olinlrnctioiiH. It lia Im 0ig RonHiig in Ihe driving wheel).; it ii entirely fn e lioin m.le ilrnlt Ihe drdii;lil in lighter limn ordinary plowinj;. As KKA l'1-.lt. it Inn all llm ailvniila of the .Mnw.T 'I'lio K.'fil in iitianlied with n llenihle joint, which ullowa it to l'n!low nil the inovi menla of Ihu I'lalloi tii on mievi a uroinid. The I'lalfurm iu readily mljiiHled to any n .pii red lirijjlil of cat. The weight of linker in directly over tlio axlu of the niacliine, iiiHlead of lieinj; earried on tlie plat form where it uJ. U (ji eally to the hi.le draft. It hail inuay other iiiiprovemeiilK ov.-r the old iityle Mowerii and Itnipvre. Wu have nlwj the Cvli'hraltd Improved IXIKItl.Y MOWKft AM) KEAI'KR; The Kentucky IIurvoMter, (u ciiniliiiird reaper mid ninwer:) Tlie Ketch inn .Mower & lteaper; ALSO The Swcejistaken Thraslier, Miiiiiifueliire.l hy ('. Aalliii'iii Si. Co., ('anion, Ohio, winch we goal anlr-e iiiieri.ir to any tliriu.li er in Ihe market. Jli-o, a fall iiMHortiiicitt of Aricaltnral Imple ment, rauiierii, five tut a call, or Aen.l for cir ciilam. IIAWI.KV ,V- CO., Conier of Calilarnia and Mall. ry lreet, San I'r.iarisco. VkjT Any of the nlmve menli.aie.t riiacliiiies cun he purrliuM'.l of inn ut Oregon City, where I will dike pleuiaire. in r-hnu iti(f and giving any lll furmalioa p. rsoini may d.-irc repe:liii'.' them. .MJII.N 1). DIVllW 1. Ajenl for Ilawley ii Co. Oretfaa City, May IT, Ir-IJJ. t$ .lii;,'i' llnnly WaH impeiielied liy the Sennle of Cahfortiia on the llth inst., nil. r ii triul nf two wei k", nml was remov ed Iroin the olVn e of I listrict Jiidc, for lianii', " in violation of his oath of ofliec mid ilu'y as n Jndi', pnlilirly used si'dilious nml Ireiisoimlilc I'liiun.' nninst the Nil tioinl (ioveriimeiit, llnitl.y nidiiiK nml nlntlin nml pvinrj foiiifoit to the I'liclnies lilies' Jini Silk I ioiiiict", Clou k h, Shawls, ami Silk Mantel, ami a large assortment f xtraw jroods, (iiiliniideries, col lars, sleeves, Arc. 1 1 1 -is - Tlie 'V" i i 1'iii.sii in tint; n r-iilw.iy 'a-h:ni;l"ii sn!'' of tlie i-iiilrH lias In en eotiitii' ti.'i . Ill . of tlio Constitution nml (iovrrinnetit," P TiiANKsiiiviMi. Tim President's Proc lamation, recoiniiii'iid;n tin- Aineiicnii peo- j.li' to olisi rvti n day of Thiink'ivitij' for ihe lirihtetiiiie; iippt ar itii'e of our Nation al iill'airs, has liedl received, mid mnny l mini unused to rpre..iiiiis of devotion will whisper in his heart Thank liod for the j l'nion virtories whirh " ve us prolii't't of i iiiiiornlile nml cinluriii pence. .Mr. I tkinsim will condui t sTvicc on SuMmth , .1 I.in-;e Assortment of cli'ildi'iii's Shoes, i loves, kid and calf Gaiters, Ladies' head dresses, corsets, etc. . . r ii !.:..,. i.lh H'lHI' ri'lTHHf I" III'' "'l"l" to l.e f nir liiili s ill iii Aiit'ii t A until, i' l.ir.i'il'.t'v ", ini'ile ill S ill I'fit 1 1 riseii, f"r the S N Coii'paliV, to lie IIM-.I on one of their 1 '"liniiliiu pnrlnis, was liit'iilit up l ist we. k l v tl.e ,iiiuithio Thi' .Ion -ilium last Irp iiui'le the run to piiiiliii.l iii t'.'.t hours mi l 10 minutes ijiiirkest t mi' yi t Mij Alvord, Paymi-t'T I. S Army, f.T 1 Ik last si veil years (.lalinlieil lit nil rnuver, has lin n nppoiiitnl lr y ulii r tine ir.il ol N'olunlei is SiV copies of President I lieolli's liki ll"s, oeii in s lk, in Sw .l' ilaiiil, were ru-riv-nl in San I'rniieiseii Intdy .1 iir Terry, the tnnr h rer of Prod' ri k, ii mi i. to In' on I'ow 'h r Piivi-r. Thleo more conviets I'si apid from the Piiiilenlinry this Week A l oiiviel fnnii Cons roiinly whs t iki ll In Ionian I on Wi dnes.l.iy, Mlilennd to time tears ill the peli telilinry for nil lis Mint with lulu. I lo kill. O it I-' -Tlm H W. (ir.ind I.odu'o of Opyoti wai lield in AHiany on May '21, , t',y The follow in named tvero electetl (ni 'in lor (he i miiinc; year: A.(l. Hovey. i of Cormilis, (Ir.iml Master; S. Kllswortli, i of Iji'.'etii' (My. I leputy (i rand Master; 1 .1 llouthit, of Alliany. (irimd Wnrdeii; . C N.Titry, of Salem, (Iraml Setretnry; , Thomas Cmii man, of (In City, (iruud -Trrasurrr; II A Cumiiii-linii), of Allitiny, 1 (iiand pepreseiitatite. ito Ct.to Vissii.s ok Vi'aii. Tim Coiled States (Jovirnmeul is now buildinc; , fotty e''ht iron elad Iritiates, nun, Imtte- r'n s ami ejuiilmals, lit n total cost of over : $.'0,(111(1,1100 When 111 y are till linislied, ; ill" Culled States will pOs.se.sStllClllO.it', fonnid ilile naval foree in Ihc world. ' ttiT The military distlirt of I'lnh will ' In- under I'oiiiinaud of I ol. Connor, m llepnieiit Cnhfornin Voluutoers licml- j limrwn JvoTTake City ter Smith, who nets ns iiltoniey for Wail in this ranvass, says that tiny one who tiilJ.s of ' compromise' now is n fool, i ; !. v. Mr. I'. n' " Kill prraeli in the M. K, . i . . .,. i l linii h in Hi nl V "ii I" morrow (.-saiMinio; i i II J ', le, a m . ml !' "I Ihe erniin. Gents' Puinishing Goods, J Soots and Shoes, Hats ami Cas, CAH FETING, AND C II K V A' F. l M A T T I .V G ; &-C, &c, &-C. KKIMNliTON tj- CO'S fsfrKUIUll Yeast Powders. T. CHARMAN. A. WARNER. P. CHARMAN. Charman, Warner V, Co., OIMEHALCOMyriSSlON MERCHANTS WIIOLKHAI.e, U RETAIL Ic:itfri in Iry Ciooits, Clothing, JfarJiCitre, Crocker;. Glniiwtre, Booth, Shoes, Puintu, Oil, dc, In their fire-proof lirick Main rrnitRT, OliP.OOVCITy, OREOON. ...1'". Churman, having united Ilin... BAKICKY, COSIECTIOSEUY, AND I'AMII.V (JliOCKRV HTORE to the estahlinhment of Charman & Warner, tho firm will now carry on Iiurjicm In nil the abova- meiitioned hranches, in thin city, li.p n(t ny mnci attention to business lo merit Ihe continued favor AINSWORTH& DIERDORFF. WE A II H NOW OPENING IN Til It Wow r ire -Proof Brick, A T.ARGE AND WELL-ASSORTED STOCK 9f G ESN II A L MNllCJIANDISE. Feeling perfectly secure againit fire, we rill now Offer Greater Jnducementi thanever lo the public We are conntautly in receipt GOOD S elrcd d with the grentest onre (aa to pricee and qualily), and ire confident that our fucilitiei wil enable ui to offer ami ittt gnedi AT PORTLAND PRICES tl.uir .M mifrmiM. nnil im tri.lfiV UVW OUfB &H t ' i 1 . i i i . . i i i ii .1 to come forward. Wo pftiim w.W be fjmreil reipuw on;, bhu wu.u nnm an muw ir.,.ng lo give nutibfaction lo all our cutrmcni. Notice-Settle Up! A 1,1, those owing Charman & WaRnkh or F. Charman, will please come fi.rward and lliiiko tettleinent of their indebtedness, withoal deliiy, so that you can all commciice deuliniwllh the new firm of Charman, Warner &. Co. All our debtors will w e the necessity of attend in" to this call immediately. CIIAKMAN, WAKNKIt & CO. Oregon City, Aug. !H, Ifefil. Zfotice. Till: OREGON CITY SEMINARY HAS been rented by the Oregon City Cor poration, for the purpose of forming a (irado Sehonl. The Pchol will b opened on Monday, Janu ary STtli. in three depailuienls. All children within the district will be adinitied frkk, to in- HTin't-TION IN TIIK FI.P.M KNTAH Y liSA.N(.H KS, viz Kendilig, Spellina, Writing, Mental and IWtical Arithmetic, (ieoraphy, firaminar, and the His tory nf the United States. i'apils outside of the district will be admitted tolheso privllegex, per term, at iii ' For every ejlra study " the charge will bo i 0(1 For Ihu Classies. " " " " 2 CO not be ulloived to o ca- this city to purchase goods, to examine our stocti and price! before purehasing elsewhere. We have, and are just receiving, an invoice oj consisting in part of the following articles Cuclm co, I'aeiic, lladley, Coiiestesio, Sprague, I'hilip Allen, Fall Riv.-r, Merriinne, llriggs.und numer ous other choiro I'lllNTS, all tale ttijtft Eng lish i: French merinOB, Lyoneso elol Ii, mohnir and oihe.r Debaze ; hra.e, wool, i. muslin de lainei, black, blue, purple, &. pink merinne, fancy plaids, jaconet, book, swiss, It mull muslin, ladies' ernb seis, collars, h.lkfs L skirls, dress & bonnet Iriin minirs, French Sl domestic gingliami, French lawns from li.'J to 25:, blue, mixed, ic grey li mit, wool a eollou jeans, cnitonade, bleached and brown sheeting from 3-4 to 10-4 wide, brown and bleached drills, denims, hickory shirting ; Niles marine, brown, and Irish linen, nankeen, diaper, and crash. a large lot of linen aud thread lace and edging, hosiery, oC MEX'S BOYS' CL0THIXG : Dlue, black, nnd brownclolli emts j 10 doi blk cloth vests, 5 dm white and but!' Marseilles do. velvet nil' satin do.; 30 dor satinet mnts, doeskin and fancy cassiinere do, 30 doi merino and cnttu iiii'lershirls, grey, blne,& bls. k cloth over costs, with a g.neral assortment of gents' furnishing ROOTS .t- SirOES.Men: boys', n.l youths' boots; ladies', misses', and children's mo rocco, goat, kid, and calf Congress boots, with 4v AY T-AWtANTED TO MAKE LIGHT sweet nnd nutritious EC JIC SZ m.. l'rpiullv nibipted lo LOAVES, HOT hlSLTIT, A I'L'h' 117 AM T and other cakes, (.N(;i:i:l;i:KAI), and cakes of all kinds. Warranted fully equal to any in the market ! Ask for I'.EDl.NliTON .J Co'. YEAST TOWliKUS, and lake no other, if you woulj have uniformly GOOD nilKAD! Muiiufacliired and sold at wholeKile by Itl.lll.N'tiToN - CO, 10!) and 111 Clay street, San Francisco. T Togelher w till the Lai'L't'st and Inst selected stoek of (MSToM-MADlC C I o t h i ii , O.. s?0a The hiL'lierstii.lies w pv the lime due to the elementary. A eurel.ll register will lie Kepi o, we a:., nU. - ani-e of every nuinl. None will bo a.liniltf.l for less 'ban half a term. Tuition tuf be jiuid at the middle of ev.-ry term. I'apils, whose parents or guardians, r-si.le out of the distinct, will le char-d the entrance fee, according to the provisions of the ciiy charter. Klemeiitarv Text Ilis.ks Sanders .Nei ics, Groceries: Uio and Java clK-e, black nnd green (ea, X. O China, DaluTia Island, Ca!. refined, and crush sugar, E. Hoston, Cal., sugar-house, it golden syr up! suit, 5 lo SIX) lb ska; IOiJ kgs nails, nssdsix.r Headers ae.d .Sller ; Davie.' Arithmetics; j Mill s puie , ciiem.cai, a. , "7 " ',y' McNallv's Ceoaraphies; rinnco'sSeiiofUrum- mrs. puer, mioi, . itu, ,:.., ------ msrs, and Wil-ard s Mis,. I'. S. A. Mis, cream tartar, i . cue w 1, 'I'ea.'liers lt term ijrrrnrai.,"", ."''.""I- Kcv.O. II. .tk,son. rrincipal; I ", in 2 lb tins; spice. rp;,er, and cjssn,, pearl N. W IUV..AI.L, Assistant, -' I .h p't , barley, maecaroni, vermicelli, i Mrs. . II. ATK.NS..N. IVunary Department onds, walnuts, lira.,! nuts, raisin. Cl.ili peacbe. M... V. II. kooKss will i-ive iuslruction ou the dried fruit; nuckcK-l, 111 qr i 1111 uo, "rome.. I'iano Forte, at f.irtii'.r seminar)- pric -s. Fnsr.Ks Itttici.AV. Piip't nf the City District School. Oregon Citv. Jan. Is, IMI. Notice. Ss I'stsi im ', A"il Nl'. I Mf.sus li i.iM.r.is iV t I Like p'e i-uie 111 infiiriiiing yu '"( ' have . . t, ... i.. r... .... been u.111 'ur . eiieiii t r.ll I imuri. .... - I , snl tmli'Silaling!)- piaiuee them mie- thai I liwvs" tsT It. 1''. Hanline, n 11 Is till' full"" 'f lild r to tin- Sl:ttininii, llinii r ilale, Salem, May 'j:i, Isi'.J: I Imve just I. nrtie.l tliul II mi. W.W. Vni'i. in n iiiiI.Iii' stii ei ll luli lv tnil'le ut Ilall.i, saiil ill siili-t.in.'e tlmt ll'" niliuitiis Irntnrs of (lie estate nf ('nl. P.uker Inn! fur ttar.lnl In Mr llei'lur, nml Mr. Ivvt'T linl iliii'eil iii my I111111U fur rnlli'i'lmn, imtii ngniiist lion. .I110 K Mel'.riile, K'v, n limit llm lime ol llm Seimturml eh rtion ll 1 I ... !.... I .1 I.I . ...' I lift I I 1,11V I II. 11ll.lt "IK e Ik m Hill JHM llllll I Bill 'I.I.I r..j - .., ll,.,,, ...1 1 1 . ... r - 1.. 1,, ,1... I I.I .in 11., a, 'ennui be without them. 1111 H finu ii-ii.ra iniii'i it iii iiiiv 11, u I" 1 iiuiri", a - wlni'li Mr. Mel'.riilo is. or ever win, n enr- M.it I7u.:i ty. Tlie u Imli) clmriin U UW: nml lie 1.1 h.,s ne iniiv i.ll. r lliat Mirt of ll ri Inl- Tii'nn.TlrilidCUt TATOUCO. 1. . . ; . . .1 .. - 1;.. i.iv.-niit I., ni'iilil'i l "' gtOtllV,,'.,, IS ,10 , ,.,. -" '1 -ere, otiu'l H.. ' '" ''"i1"" """INW' . ... 1 ... . 1 ii ,..url of the Slate of Ore- " . . , 1 ... 11 is uiii 01 - ' Jioijs Clothing, Kxtni line heavy Mark doeskin pants, Davis and Jones' shirts, with and without collars, etc. fX- II. niembei the store of I .X N KX I'.At'M .( Vl'KI'.r.MAN. when' toil will find the latrst and i;i:stsi:i.ixti:i stock of (i () () I) S lCver l.roii-ht to this place, tih eh will be sold ,,,!r. bv any Ir pr. pariin..n llil 1 n" , I l!ierv ll",... keeper may rrlt ll 'H . , I ,.,.-,. I ..ill I'MII In' )liu ii;i.-i l 1" ........ , jl".... I . Ih.it whi n u.e.l Bci-onliiM lu im. eiiou. no , f, I., pr.slo, e that n,o.l .le.in.ble of nil articles r f,.d, llmul, "''''. piuvrd Imw supeiiiir lliey nie n an ,.' wilh.'iil llieiu. Mss. S. MiM . ... I.i . ri,,. Ljiiiiik ri.iiuly, 1H' Juilo-it W nit .nl.li. :y " 5 H ,, ,w .ek, m new rr. Ilf lines lint know of It seiT.-snmi't In tin- (lf ,ir, i,lrid mi'l Ihirty-hvo .m.- Stilt.., nor docs. Im lielieve litem nrenny! r and eighty een-s ml inletrsl. "l 'T, Wiiil. llm nrru.it ol.l limnlmg, Ihin fA up r, .. e,.r ., 3M May ;' ''A. . :. 1 llm lerun in i"iir i - DJAYAGE. VIE ( I)MIIIN ATIO.N OK TKAMIMi in nnd nrniind OreL'.'ii City, of BarsTow, Fhauks, k I.askv, this day by mutual cuiseiit r. HH.-S. and we the iiinterMllii'.l aK coulinuulioil of the pilroniige of our n'.d customers, and of ns many new ones as nny o.l.r us ineir nruymg. Itiirstuw will lie at all times in l anemali, lore reive orders f..r drat ing, and Fr.uer in Oregon City. We will be us prompt t alleml to our ens. toniers an rireLiiislunces will admit, day or n'ght rain or ilrne. JOSKIMI It AliSTUW, .1. M. FUA.FR. Oregon City, .tpril 1, IM'-i- i3 "VT 1? Country iiierehuiits who are slep J( , j) ping g'Ksl to Ure..n City lobe huule.l to the country, will do well lo address to our eaie, n we will charge nothing for storage any reasonable b ngth of lime all we charge is the ruriai;e t" the pla. e of storage, or from our ,.l.,re ..f nr .i'e 111 Ihe b .at fur sliipmelit. It. A: V. ' FOR SALE. ' Homesteads and Valualile ItctiLllslaic. Jlscwl Yahl Lots nnd Entire Mocks of Htituliful Garden Low!.' in the city nnd county of S A N F It A N C I S C O, ON the line of the San. Ii Kailroad, at the WF.ST-F.M DKI'O'l'. The title isabwilutely I'liKFKCT, being a Span ish (iriint, finally confirmed and patented by the I'nile.l Stales. The Shafter Hill respects ibis Title, The City Author. lies respeet it, The District Courts and Supieme Court of the I'uiled Slates respect it. llesiiim, the Title ho hern forerer quieted hy a Final Jkcne and Judgment against the Vit'j! so that there is not even a cloud or shadow upon it. Whoever piir"hiis s one of theso lots will buy lot and not a lawsuit. (Illi e .No. Ill Nagiccs lliiililmg, corner 01 Montcanerv and Merchant streets. San Francis co. 111"'.' IIAUVF.V S. liUOWX. A fine assortment of CROCKERY $ TABLE C L'TLER Y : 20 erates assorted w are, 411 doz steel picks, 20 ' Dutch fc HJla hoes. White Lend, Oil, and Wiwloitj Glass; Vl.h Ihoe indebted to the undersigned n'e ' w ith a variety of other artK.-lei usually kept, hereliy reipieeted to make settlement of iheir i rp- We will pay c.tsn f., wheat, Hour, bacon, accounts by the 1st of Jan., U-Ci. In case lliey 1 ,ul,er, ei's, and a!uiot everything the farmer lire not squared by that nine, I may place the same has lo sell. ' ill an officer's bunds foi collection. i Ureg m City, April 1C, lSfil. A. II. STEKLK. , ' Orejon Citv, Dec. II, ISC I. SANDS iXotice to Tax-payers. I q v 7)q p u?TTLA rp.X-rAVEItS who nro delulouent for the ! OAllOAl xVIILXjU . .L year l.lil, will call ut the SherilPi office aud ; ... , r, . a ,- 1 settle immediately, if they would save cosis. ll is expected that a largo number of persons will leave lb s counly early in the spring for ihe mines, which renders ,mme.liate piymeni a neees Bitv. JOHN THOMAS. Jan. IS, ISiVJ. i'hcrill" Clackamas Co. Nrit, U,si:. - 'tieii's' siiM'rfine French chilli coals ; gents' fine ' silk limed, and Harrison's ravin, re pants, and a lil'SINFSS Sl'ITS. silk vi:lvi:t .v casimkhf vksts; rortland!! All who wish (.-see moderate price., please call ml eani,nei'tirsto. k. i.,.-,i liraieful for -t favors, we will .n.leatorlo merit n eoiilinuan. e "Mlie icinie. .. DA.NXK.MIAIM d- AlhKKMA'- (Iregnn City, April I'-', lsC'.. The Original and Genuine Article. r.ndoi-sej by the Medical Faculty as being tl.e BEST nnd PL REST V.Mracl or SarsaparUU mae. SAXDS' SAUSArAWLLA. l'utifics tlie Ulood. SANDS' SARSAPARILLA Cures Scrofula. SAXDS' SAUSAPAUILLA Cures Siubliorn Ulcers. SAXDS' SMIS AP AttlLLA Cures Culnticous Eruptions. SXDS' SAItS APAUILLA Cures Stninmus Complnints. SAXDS' S A K S A T A II I L L A Cures Mercurial Diseases. S VXDS' S A US PAR-ILL A Never Fail! SANDS' SARSAPARILLA nil linnriirtinililii uml iMilmli l totniii'mn lug ni:!:e , ttlm li Iim thinks limy fl"' From ll,,. kulemn nml niiii liimHiimis nmn knanco Unit hf tnKi'it to llm ro-lmm, Im iioilniiUexiirlnv.lit lor siin'erily nml linmul of imrnoso: Imt Suliinlms tin 'It i i lv If.ir Im s lint in ' .... be tukm ns eon- e,oi ei;i Ullll llllll V ll"U"". t , , , . Mil ol ri'in ".no., in- - - - . . (liwilU, Ulini, tl Hill ttln. tlei lnrrHllml f,Mflnm the pnoerlnenof will be m..ted by tin 1,, II... , .u ll,,... nP,i im I'l'i'ssiotl'tt I" ,,r' llm it V. .' . Wiiii, igun. titltliiiei. . , ... I..IHTH IIINill Hie ,.,. ?!- -rlriS will. II was given ojr j nsuieil note. , .. . Nw mil. ss t mi npar m son r...... - M Iv nl September, IMIW. ami nnrr ,. bnnd ml the seal nf said court i-l'l'i-,,,;urVmN.ne,k. " . . I.. I I .. . aj..i:.:i.. wH . a. i i .i.i i . i i.imiv ii in u . i 'AiiiiiiMiimiii niiiiLiii'i- " ' " ItflT ( H Hill. 1IUU iMIUt' I Ji ' - r I .MMISM't ! . . it .l.....,t a ilistingii slii'i iiii'iii'iit r nm mt Pissolution of Copartnership. mi IK fin" f H,)K1' 'V """ d"- I diohedby innlual ooiis.nl of parln.rs.- J C.l'nriw right tv.ll attend to mir buue in ear iil.senee. R T.'llOSFOUD. erntlc mrly, litis fx.ri'Mi'il the ' " 1,11,1 tho ilemneriilin mil IV ttni llislmlllli 'l nt Clmrleslon Iii April," I H HO; nml lht it 1 'lnwiiriuhl l,iimlni(,"'ry ,a,k iTi.ii,. .,.,i., i...;.,,. in i.viti.'ii.m now', nml I'.,. , ,11-.,. ... worsolhiinl ilingirery In ntleiniil il or- Knniznlloii In Oregon nt thi" time', tlmt it I denlh lo any mini or pally I" fi'y 1,im' Klf nr Itself n.rilinst tint (loveriiiuciit in tho ironi'i'iil!mt of lliix wnr. -An lown rei'ii t Inmn r'"u i"'"".T . . . i.. i . . t.'f in tho Dil.lit. Snven.l Imvo bi m'" ' ""IT.' A ' iUwd Sawyer WANTED. Kinmi'llir.F'U ilie m nnploy mill! H,i,r"' . , , f,e I .'oinpelelil I"-'" " .'..I'lvilN CITY. l . . I ...I lelll Ii i mar- ':";";" , u " I'iasK. ,.i'l'.tptess, nrl ' . ,.,,.,:. inieiy CilV. .. .. , , ... ..,.;.,. I linve Inl i .. ..t...s. I.-.-r,i iirrn "' 'T . imill l II.TK lilt until Minll remt n run - N, , , ; .,. ,i n iMiny Hii'i"- r '" ": mi Salem, I"T l!MsM' New Ferry, ACROSS TIIK CLACKAMAS, ON TIIK Old Ktnigrnnt Hond, KISSIS" V .mi. nt YOUXO'S TO FOSTKR'S. II r Travelers can pr.-ur. nl llm Ferry. M- ASl llMA. MF.Fnnd I'KUMANKNT fllltK nf this di.tr..in complninl us. BRONCHIAL CIGARETTES, l',lee,l.'M'l'M'r'' fr" b' P""''"'13 per ,l...e.l bes, ftee by ,''M"'' PHYSICIAN & SURGEON. Offie nl llm OKEdOS CITY Vnt fi STORE. JAS. CONNKK'S SONS' U. S. Typo l)uiHlcry, WM. FAl'I.KNF.U Ai SOX, ARents, Xo. 5il Niiniiie at S.tx 1'iiAXiisio. IVF.UY nrtiele necessary for a complete News j or Job Triiiting Ollice furnished at the low. eel prices. , AIo.ni;enH for Taylor s, (.onion m Derjeners, Newbnrv's, l'mur's, nnd llawkiV I'rcseea. y2 To 31iners ! Till! STKAMKK ST. CLA1H i if I I, I. U U N U K T W EKN YAXCOUVXlt '" the CASCA H.s, sTorrixa at sandv. ,,, making. .. Thrco Trips a Week. Connecting with CAl'T. ANKKNNY'S UOAT nlwvo Iho I'niiiades. hATES 01' IREK1IIT. Vo ihn Hallos 810. ikik'hs mnkiiiB Iheirown sir liigenlheiwiso, fSI.'i. Tho portiigo can now lln. W. T. lidti. Klnek laken from Knndy lo tho lmllci al $4 per head to Ihu Cascades at rJ3. Wt nlso linve n liin;.! SVOV, which we use ill enie of s l.nge Insd of lncK. IOn Main street, and formerly the " Main Street House,") OREGON CITY. rplIE traveliue public nre respectfully I 1. I in m.-n .... n f-:il. The Oregon Mouse is the most pleas-ciA un'.lv located hotel in ihe Stale, aud has been so urruiize.l as to niaKe it one oi me most cumuiuui ous houses in the country. THE TAULE will ulways be supplied with Ihe lies! that the market atVords. IJooa nceonini.slations forladks and familiei. r ic t s : Hoard and lodging, per week ji "0 lt,M.,l wilboul ludiriuiT. Per week j "11 Kear.l per day, with lodging l.oO Siuc'e meal ' Nillht's lodzing a" b J. UJKHM, Di-e. M.lCI. l'roprietor. JYoticc. VI.I, persons knmviug theni'K.'lves indebted to ! the undersigned by b.Kik aceouut, nre hereby notilied lo eull immediately nnd liinke rtlleinent of the same, . , further indul-nee w.ll be j i;,nMit wllI ure to lf',"'' A1XSWOKTU .t DIKl'.DOUFF. ! I-iic. regular perio li h.b't. . d "1 Ore -on Citv. Feb. C.t. Is6l. ! be ' Xa wl,,B "" " - period called "turn of 1. to. XftltiCO i Ak fr Studs' A' ir.-imnif. ami take no other. TS IIKREHY CD KX to all couecrn.-d, that . Prepared by A. B. l SAX I ). Druggist., 1 miles. Ihe lots uf land hereinafter described, I Kin Fulton .t., corner of N nliam, .V . which were s.,1,1 fr t i.xe, on the I'Jlh of Sep.em- ! For sale hy IUn.xi.ro. & to.. San ram.ifvO, her, I N'.!l. in Claekainus counly, nre redeemed on ' Smith & Davis, I'orllun.l ; Dr. &tci, Ure?oo or befere the expiration of six monihs from Ihe ("iiy. ' dale of lies nottu e, bv tlie pat mem ui ine nmouiii ; for which lliey were sold, and interest una eliurjr. OUK0ON CITl es, all. a wlrcli upier .11 100 n..ui..,; n,uir. the Kline will be finally conveye.t tome re.-jKcu purehasers thereof: .(ITS IX OKF.IiUN 11 rt Inl. Block. Am' fold for. Int. Charges. Total , STREET. ctt. els. cts. 5t.cn Ill :tS 7 1.7r) ! (Opposite tho Methodist Church,) -11 J1 Tl! ISA v " 1,1,6 1 H AS rOSST l- '"' nio ' Dril ls, Jlrtliciiu-s, Patent MecU ! fines, Kcrosono, Campliene, 1.14 ' VI..! 1 r.- fr l.78j I.7S i ,r.i ! 2.13 I l.f'3 1.0.1 1,(K1 j I, b.1 I 1.03 1.03 1.0:l 1,03 I "imiUG t STORE, 1 .-i 71 7i! 7H 7fi 7 'J 7fl M J,.f3 K 8.1 t?S 88 88 8S 88 88 88 88 LOTS Mi .Mi .Mi sr. ft., ni 111 S5 48 18 48 48 49 48 IS 48. IS :ts 42 31 .11 .14 31 3.1 38 38 33 M 211 ! 211 S! 29 2! '.Ml 2'.l cts. 7ti 7ti 7G 7l 70 7(1 2(i 7t 7H 7(i 7(5 7( Jti 2rt 2li 2ti 9H 2li 2C Baruincj Flu'ul, Ac, Ac, ...AT Tllf.... LOWEST MARKET WIVES V. 11IC.I1FIKI.11. Till- M AKER 1.1 XX CITY. 7 ll 3 2 It :i 7 1(1 8 4 5 (5 2 11 i 1 4 3 (5 7 ft tl I a 1 1 1 1 4 A 5 G ll (1 8 ll It 11 13 12 12 13 14 11 II II 11 14 ID 19 82 82 82 82 inn Cut Illi 60 Oil GO III f.2 r.2 52 f.0 50 :.o 58. ;.o 511 .i0 AO 50 ;.o 80 811 411 4! 40 411 60 40 40 .16 :ig :iti 28 31 31 31 30 3d .10 3a 30 30 .10 30 30 .10 5.1 53 7t5 7tl 76 70 76 76 70 70 76 7(1 76 76 2(i 20 70 Vfi 76 76 70 7fl 70 76 76 70 76 76 2,07 I 2,ii7 2.07 2,n7 9,3(5 1,82 1.82 l.Gli l.liU 1,60 i,:.o 1,50 I .Oil 1,00 I.M! I, .Mi I, Mi I, till 1,56 I, .Ml 1.51! 1,56 1.50 1.56 2,18 9,18 I'er.n desirouf of Retting COO 1 1 WORK done will do well to give me a call, nj my whole tin.o is devoted to the repairing f Chronometer, Lever. Duplex, .ml I lorumilsl W atch.'. An nulment of line Kmrfi.li U atehef, and also JE WEl.RY, on hand. Cloeks, with we.gl.ui to them. J-welry mada to order and rcpsire.l. , 1'ric.t to .nil Ihe lim'i ''" for past favors, nnd hop. lo givcli.f.ction m fntur.. PVr l.ted at lb' "Id stand oppo.it. 1 1. ' Or. egon Ilou.,' OREUON CITY. fen 3. KELLY'S TEMPERANCE HOUSE, Vain st.,opiite(io- Ahnntthy d C.', OUIiOON CITY. nnil 11DOM3 FITTED UP wllh JLA. VJ CLEAN and cnmforlahle HEIW, for tho esK-ciiil aecoininodalion of tin I I Mm trnveling public p..i.i- Ucl.22, 185U. E. U. KLI.LY, rropiilor. All of said M were .ssesM.! ni.ii-rr.,uC.. JAS. WIXSTO.X. County viera. Oregon City, May lit. 1P.'.9. 4wl2 D. V. STEI'llENSON, DENTIST, L" removed lii ofTica to th 'Room orer the Argul Ofiro, where h Is pr.pred In do till " iH bi Imc M .y K, I-''- lliroil"l tho ()i Teslilllli nl