The Oregon Argus. (Oregon City [Or.]) 1855-1863, May 31, 1862, Image 1

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.1 i . A......'A..f itl 'I'href Ihttttna
T lm if ll i "l' ""r'''
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"i,. l),i ' lr,lliiiWil t' 'l "'"'
V I-rtrn rrrrii-r rf .H r ,....
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ib i.i i ii -JWi
-A Weekly NcvH)ii)cr, ddvcited to the Interests ;f the Liiliorin Glaum, and advocuting the side of Truth in every ksuc-
Vol. VI
OREfiON CITY, Oil ICG ON, MAY 3 1, 1 80 2.
No. 7.
l.cttrr Irom HlM.l.
I'i.iiiiksi'k City, May 10.
JH tO tllO lisped condition r till'
jufings )' '""y ,vy "i,nn ,n)' fiHi.-tii.-nts
sbciit corn-i t, iiltlionjili tin y may not
coincide with nomn Ill-advised hhiuhiihlie
(tuUinciiln forwarded from limo to timn ti
(C piililic jouruiils from this place, or lioiu
Interested t'orlies clsew' "re. Ileeunse u
miners happened II1VU I"'1' m n Mllli'
citnt mipi'ly (,f provision t( 'I" 'I'""
inK tlio long, cheerless winter, in no reason
it should bo published in newspapers
(,ut "nil lli"-' miners m o mil iyipiV, uiili
puli," wltL-ii it in well know n that eoinpar
aliro hlurvutioii, noil in sniuo cmmm m tinil
,tiimition, was their general condition nt
that tiinf. Itccnuso sonic spots of ground
continuing largo .piaiititiis of gl.l were
Jitfournl in llii locality l.y some (orlii
mile lYIIuws n,m" ,,,ir'.v '"st
rmmiii, is I"" 'ri,"f ,ll"t "")' other pm linn
,0 cciniiCi)' is equally rich, mid thai ev
ery uc coming lo-ro will lie f.pinHy fortu
ua'tf, ulifii the f",',s to '"'' contrary are
IxinK uVinoust ruled every tiny, Our win
t,r hin been "n f '""n I'rotiiu tnl linnl
iii iiml fjlooniy I'l iviitions, nml inuny n
mic Hill rillit'l " i( N Vrlir 1,1 r"""' w'1'1
tho iiiiiI nnt'iiviiililc lii'liu's. Tor iiioiiIIik
e wito tiriintHy rut oil' from intcri-miiM'
mill the riviliwil orli. On nil iih imi-,
ihemiuw was from seri n to ti n fict ili-rp
ill OVtT; till' I'ulil HOt HO ihtclnu tllllt till'
mercury wrnt frfUi'iitly froen in the tulic
of the thi riiioini'tiT. To krrp the iloor
wnrn cleiir of tin hiiow as it Irll, it Iiml to
U huveU-d lip until it Ihtiiiiiu I'liilmnki'tl
higher limn the mliim thi'insrlrn. In (h--full
nl uny kiml ol wriiiilovvs, ami the iloor
lutiii' to lu Upt shut owintf to thv fni
lug CoM, lh' only lihl wim whiiti-TiTniini'
lliroii);h tho i hioiin vi, whii li in most ni-e
,. .iv If lloir Kio-tliiii.-n liners uml
tiles n not iitifiriiii nl ; nml ninny of tin'
wlii Iiml h.ii.l to toik, cvni in tin
r.ili.vl nii In r. Iiy kM-piii; up lnre firt'
ml wt it rati r tin' ttnl'T in Utiles to uli
Hh. In Hi" litter part of .J.inil.iry, 't'nrr
nv uf pro is oii tn nn to lie fli, nml
lli. re hrin no ol a supply Irom
1 llimil, s ell of the i luef nrtii h s, Hl-I'T,
ivnn-, potnlor, n ( . t . s, mi on, lied, liienii,
,Ve were not to In- IihmuI lit nny priee
Ttie Miiiplv if Hour iliil not iteoul, Imt it
rie in pr ee t s.' u ponml, ur $o0 n tilil
As this stnte of tiling- ptoresM'il, the ef
(,rl In e. one moie lih'l mnr' ilevilopul in
Ihc iliinei'iteil nml ! klvlonkiim nppiur
tie of 1 1 m people. A II tin se things tnkeli
ticelliiT Imve Ix eil ploilm live f siekliess
ml iliene of vui loiis kimls, purtieiilurly
rhruiniil sin, ilisciism of the liet, seurvy,
I rr - 1
JU. Tholollowin (Mimpies mny ninirii
iomciil' f the ptivntions nml mlF. rins
utiieh wo in i;em ral have i inliirnl. I n one
rvf ol cxtreni" prostrntion nml sit km s
llie palietit mill to Iiml not Iiml any tiling
to live on during the lnl Cvo weeks Imt
flour nml tho ten lilmlo of llm tops i.r
prucufir. AnotliiT, who meiued rnekeil
illi " puins nil over," eiiiui-inted, wnn, nml
.hnthlikn. lm hnd Iiml iioiIiIuk' to live on
ilurinn the list twn immlhs lull some llmir,
mkI wuler muili' ly ineltin now. An
ollu-r with "nlnmilv well off nl home,"
" fflt untiling Imt j'l-l kiml of weakness
ill over"; lm eonhl not K' t out ol his ral'in.
Tliis iiilelli(;i lit. onee rolniil limn, had liv' d
(lorinif the lust nfteen dnyt m four pounds
of ftniir nml th iomT rind of tin1 hmk tak
en off thu pine trei', nml melted kihiw wn
trr. (In on nrirriiooii, us 1 was pus in;
one of our More, 1 i voimg man, with
tnmcinted fromo nml nhnstly coiiuteiuiiier-,
jiiikiiig lip soinelliin olT n pih) of snow
ml ruling It with prenl relish, tin Mep
ping up to him, 1 found tlmt in n fiimishin
condition ho hnd i hnnced to come on n spot
or bank of miow on whii li kohio kiteheu
lop contuiniiiK n fw M l",n,, ,iml
lately hoen thrown out from nil ndjoininj?
lianty, nml Uickc 1i w as pickii'K up nml
leourin( with urent nvidily. 1 (jnvo him
fivv dollnrn, which he ontrerly Imt lliniikfnl
1j cliileheil, went to n Mon1, nml pid it nil
fur two and a linlf pounds of Hour! H
u i lrnii(cr, without friemN, nml wonted
toimcro dkeleton liV wnnt nmldestilulioii.
Ho U now cmiiloycd In pm-kinn nierchnn-
diie on hix Imck from iiu; ,M omn um 1 1
and i few diiyn sinco ho pnt kul ft hitmli cd
l-oiimlii of Imcoii on liiit buck from there
into town-moro tlmn fifteen mile nml
Over i roinrh trnil. no ilny n man called
M tho cnliiu wno I May, nml in Milidne.l
toMMskcd. "Wlmtclianeo enn ft Ml"
W of uetlinir Hint cow' liend lyin "
tin rood" which lin iwlil " niiKht to
cook when n fellow' himury nml hnt "
tiling to cut." Ho not It willingly. U I""1
txtiti lyiiiir thoro over four tnmilim, l'l
not of tho time covered with mm. ,n0
month ii(o 1 wiih visiting ft nick 'n"i m
mnm enmo In to dinner, linvinjr. 1'cc"
Iwt nil forenoon llirowln off cluhl fee
deep of miow from n pnrt of their cluim
"lolrrtonuikoi-iul.." Their tlminr
kitd of n nupily f I"-'1'"1 l,ml w"""
"" colTeo, without Minor, or nny "
luted instuneeH, out of hundreds that iniejit ISaiiuaiiitikh or Tin: Kkih'.i.o. If thcl A Kkittatiox Aciiikvkii McCMInn's Pctail3 of Baatcrn Wowg.
lm ipioteil, mny serve in n ineasiiiu to con- tunics could no fur forget their iniinhood us nnmo is iilrcndy n household word m tliC: (j,lir0i ji,,y l.ltli. Desorters who Imve
vey to thu iiiiiuls of your renders some to turn the skulls of thuir fallen foes into mouths of tho patriotic, but Ins merits will arrived at the licet o the Mississippi rep
Kliiiimcriii,'s of our incliinelioly eomliliou drinking cups, we nru not surprised that
luring the ehecrless mid (loomy period of tho women should bceonio so far nictiimor-
moutlis in which we were locked in from iihoscd us to desire human sculps to tiianii-
llui world.
1 ut the Kixisou
not have been duly weighed mid his proper resent the rebels busily cned in repair-
... . i: ,;i ,, i. i, ius l ie uui uirex mimiii icii utiiin me im-
posilio i nswned um until tlio close ot tlio,' n . .
1 , , , ., .. vn ciwa''ement of Saturday hist, (tho 10.)
wnr. lhcn, Ins Rnileiiil Icilow,... , , j -j , , , b
fnctiiro into Khoiipini' purses. I!ut there is .will cnltnly nml dispnssioiintely review Ins KUIIk. as lit fust reported.
worn round, nml theVill another well uuthcnticatcil instance! of' services mid nssi-'tl to him that meed of' l'rom Pittsburg Landing wc have lioth
which until the occupation ol that place by
tho Federals, was used in casting shot nml
shell and rilled cannon for the rebels, linn
been put in operation nguin by mechanics'
for the national service.
Secretaries Seward nnd Welles, willr
Attorney Gen. Hates, went to Fortress
Monroe on the loth.
Orders huve been issued tiy Gen. Woof
prohibiting the distribution of newspaper
in Norfolk.
Orders prohibiting the transportation of
supplies of merchandise of nny kind, nml
also prohibiting officers, soldiers or citizen
visitin(r the city, except on business coie
nccted with the "troops of the department,
have been issued.
St. Louis, 10. The Herald pitlilishc
nn article from tho Charleston Courier,
admitting the hopelessness of the rebel
.......n n.wl tw.L-tknti'l..lrimr llinf tlte inisfnr-
A dispatch received here frwi Monterey, , ' ,Ww. ,... (.Men t10 rebel Stales
1 n i j :T..iin vnsterdav. states that n reconnoiter-I . ; i l;, !:;, :q ,iw
'ri..,i. iiii.1 J,a " vim tini Iim bite for la ecK Cll Ogl.CU IIIIU BS IJT III r llie I1IOM i- .. .. uic mil mwiu imm " "-"1- --
llien, s.iul slie, jouniotoo lau, lor, n J ty ln(1 a Kkirimh with the rebel ;,,,. ,i, ,!lllirtl,rn nf (ion. Curtis' urm
t ..,........... .,ii,i titin ni tin fur tr. nit 'in , . ' .... ...i i n i -'i -- - -
ong c.M led relief has come, nUhum-h 1 sacrileLMoiis outriiK which will furnish' credit which is his due. A inero cursory ; "'ff " n posmve cnoiaucr. uur iiriny is
, . ' , , , . . . i i .1 ' aUVBIlCllllf SlUtt l y unil uuimiMiiiiiM , iuiiim'
put hers have not yet been nbhi to get their food for gloomy relh-ction. When the survey of the field over which the nnny advances are mnde. All Gen. Hal
Iruuis nearer than lil'leen to tell miles of comrades of soinu of tho (alien officers or operations have extemled, sumees to snow
tow n. Over the l.alanee of lln- trail the ' the Rhode Island Brigade were recently ut Hint nono but n gigantic intellect nnd n
. .... - ... 1 ......
eck s inovenicnis nre prtuieuivu n ion vuu
supposition that the enemy uro in large
One iiaro (twelve linin, or lea, brctier fnenur
one nmertion 9''
Kuch tubieuent inwrtiun..... I Un
lilmineMCiinJionc yenr 20 00
A liberal deduction will be tnarl to thoee who
ndverliM.- by the year.
The irumlier of imertioni elioliM bo neU-J
on Hie inargin of nn advertisement, Olherwme it
will be I'lililiKlicd (ill rorbiddea, and eliarged ac
tordinnly. Obituary notion rtill be eliarged half lb
nbine rain uf advertising.
37" J"B 1'aisTiMi executed with neatnem ani
I'aijmrnl fur Jul I'rinling mini be mailt sr.
ilrlirmi nf Ihr wnr.
" ' ' . i . - ' -n .1" . i ...
goods Imve to be packed on men's bucks, 1 i !uu to secure the bodies of tho latter, mind well stored With military knowledge, ; torco and mar. tney win muhe a mii.iu ui
for w hieh 40 cmis a pound n.e paid. This 1 they commenced dicing at n point w hero could have successfully coped with the dif-1 '"'l"".- ?
keeps up I he prices, but the disti omul it was known they had been buried, when ficultics of a position so arduous ns lllnt 01 1 is foniiej )y Jjeiiuregard, with the
- . .... I . . .... Li i ... i !.. i.:. .r '.. c I....1 : ' .. b. . jm , ... . i .i
liiiilncss of tin-trail ninlic it a formidable n negro girl accosted them ntxl nskeil tlicm ii"' i.oniiuainicr-m-iiiei. u-.-n. otuLt ...... cvMoitt intention ot lulling duck mere u
hlliness for men to ii.r.i-i. in nl nil To. ' if tl.v l..oLi...f for Colonel KI.M'iim's long since noted tlio capaiiililies ol me ns- beaten at Lorintli.
dav's prices-Hour Si.Vl n hundreil. coffee bod v. Thev replied in tho affirmative. . hero, nml only n lew Unys since, ucu
$1 to $l,-'."i a pound; bacon, beans, sugar, '" The
onions, nnd potatoes, about the same; but- tho (
ler Ml, lard $1, a pound; n scant supply ! ninny
... v., ... i j.... .......I., ......m, n..),..., men, ,,, ,, y, , " - ,-ty Had asKirmisn wuu me reoei ;n,.0 the dei
onions, nnd potatoes, about the same; but- tho (ieorgia regiment dug him up a good eompciuii nnu - ' 1 pickets on the right wing pn I he Htli kill- f Southwest Missouri, the rebels itl
iV weeks a-'o to procure his bones Tor leaders, den. llallcck is liunseii no mean ni wounding 5 and capturing o. Uur N-0.tlwwU.rn Arkansas have become em'
n I i . . lit i . fin. i t ..M.!.. i.,.ir a ' ... . .
of poor beef, black us F.rebns. per lb. ' troi.hies!" It turned out afterwards that authority, and is r.gir.leu l.y msown most, loss was .'. u c puny wu.a u,i , ., 1)oIllelu,( ,0 rcllCw tlie.r
llnt tl,u current nrices will neeessnrilv lluc- ilie irl wuh mutiikeii in ihc Dcrson. but ' enthusiastic ndinirers, even now, as thcj
the I rail becomes lit fur trains to come iii. ' Ma jor llalloii, not of Col. S locum
.i 'I. .1... I, !, ft inrt n nl I . . . i ..-11.
iiK ihc i Ul 1,11 i .ji y" vuv oi.iv w. ttm 0j ri.4.(.,t iiaU1, irom lhssviiiv. buuu
.1 . i . i I ....... t I . i . .i mi -
, . .i n . . I n rfiUL eiumuuniuuiMB. ii. mi nitonb b-i miir v rrtirrirn. luc
lui.tewilhthehlnl.iof the weather, until not in the fact, lor Um body was that of leading man m tlio service, icsi n.ouiU1.v (j(,n j,ult.L.k niovcs lis ralnp 4 mIrt K" , , ' wa "not stllled buttheyhave
The of n nature which involve the protessiouai . f(.om ujn t0 UC front u s cmM(.ut of
Texans and
Ark., nre
issonri, nnd also
border nro
Srune parts of the ground have become monsters had burned the body for the pur-' judgment of the critic are never given mi- jCTe,i that an eiiga3emetit will come off n. t0 ,,f,ml the place,
ch ar of snow, but in other , nrts. nml those ' nose staled, hut finding (he bones consume ' less they are deserved, nnd the nr.ny's fa- next week. It is reported that 2,000 '
P r. is s,i!l f, three lojL the , and tl,; stench iutolerub,, vorite may therefore coSi K SrenJr' to march iilto Mislon
four feet. Huring the last seven duys the ,ey had thrown dirt on the fire to cxtin-,-'d for a prominent luetic in inc lempie oi , vrn (iMjt ,miI rctIlrnej t,e ha't rQy?nn ,)im(3 B nloll, t,0
weather has been stormy; Imil, ruin, snow, ,.nU, it The commission of the foul nctno. tew leaders have set out under rivcr ,Q Xcw Orleans. The Appeal tie-1 oomiDittii ig depredations
and sleet huve succeeded each oilier, occa-: was fully
si..uiil:y iieeouipanied with thunder and number
A woman
I lie commission Ol me lotn uei ; - -- . rive, m -; v. .v....... ...
Iv proven by the testimony orn'sm:" fuvorable auspices, or with similar op- t.ttrcs the only terms on which the South
' , L-.,. ,i.(l f.,.1.1 1 portnnitics for the oUaimnciit of personnl ! can accept peace is a recognition of its in-
of women residing near Hit iitid. I ,., . 1 dependence, not only of nil the cotton
,a who had nursed our sick and distinction, and "Mac "has been u-ry , J ,,t tllC )0r,,r states whose
I would very iiiueli wish to give vour wounded at Sudh-y Church, testified that ot nm repuiauou, noi H.....i...b ; .!P01,k. d,8il.e nllinnee with the Confederacy.
.. .....:..:t. ii. ,n f.iitn.oH ' 1 . i ... T...I.. -.I.-.
il.n nfT. r llie mosi inviiu iii'Menn ui, iv. u-i iuiimu A ile-paleli iroill i.iilie ioci . ays unit
mi, wiioii, uii.oi, ii.i 1 , . , r ii.... f..,;
readers a satisfuetory account of the mining' she herself hud witnessed the
interests, nnd of the pro-peels of men com- and had expostulated
ing hero to better their condition. Rut the ed that the dend should I
i i i . l ii' 'upon until every strategic resource called . ih( Federal force under Gen. Curtis had
I 7 I M cr b, I ' f- hy the occasion had been exhausted.- con n, .1 its m-rd. upon the Capital of
mid bo held sacred, but J p.. J Arkansas. Gen. Steele was marching on
Rr.A Riwk Rattle How ir was Wotf
and nv Whom. We take the following
from the Weekly Altai
The recent arrivals of parties direct from
Gen. Curtis' command, in Southwest Mis
souri, have thrown considerable light on
the battle of Pea Ridge. It is a lamenta
ble fict, in which all comers concur, that
excepting a few hundred butternut prison-
ing liero to lieltertlieii-coiiililion. but Hie t.( Unit the Ueoil slioulil no ntiu sncrcii, oui j - ! Arkansas Gen Steele was
J..... ,,..,1. ; ..I.,,..- o,iYi ' t..,l l l ,- .l ll... nml- lllltl- '"' l,IS 0W" li"lc",rr (,ri,tt n , :,, " i,ino from!
till ui iintivj a, ii 1 1 m iiwi uiiih.ipiiiiivii in IIIU nil 'fi tn'v n' ' " . . ? i mi: nauiv. pi" - I ' Mil 111 lw H- " iim nut v.. - (
... : i.. i... 1 ..n ..i , .....t,.cc J. l..l Bnv.,l a nr.itive " ainicouda aroinel tlio strong The same miner, (the Appeal) contains l,nre nothimr substantial to show
Ml 1 1 Mjm V IM V w HIIIB lllll'l " -Miui'i III. m V UllT Hit l lltl f " I i n.t , - I , . . . . .... - , , . , , , , ' "I " v " ,
,1 J,r .'.- Alii,,,,.,!, u .. r I.;, n,l ..reserved it for lis ' holds of Secession, by the gradual thtcn- onkltl, .lespatehes frmn I)es:vrc, Ark., and f(,r lh,t vidorv. c captured can--
.t.r.,.,., M"r n.. OI r. V ' ;,
sinlo fuel tint y hmmcii t be n rorrt'ct in- frinuls, wlo hIiq wuh coiuiuuut sonic
i. - ...I .1... t i iti.f i.i n....n,.t T1i irinii1u vn rnmniiltml
W A IU 11 IM I 111 I. Ulll 1 11 1111. It lllifc ill. lli. 1 - H Ulilll II i " hi nv - - - . .,..l.. ..mi l. i. ,l:,i rn.hiiexs to il,;. fiendish net beloiiL'ed to the Twenty-1 woul, lmvc bw;n UIMV-lrol,s 101 . 7 . I A destiatcli from Washington states that i niiimimition a:ul old cutis captured nro
' ' I " i " I I If I ... 4- ......... 1 nnncn III tl'llli.ll llD ' . i . e .1 1 I . I . . . t .
r.i.1. I.,... ..enen.1 eoLelnsl,,,.. oi, the e-round .irst. Oeor,ria rcL-iinent: but outrages npon "l lu " " , matters ii. tne depnnmeni o. .no unppn- wortliles to us. though 01 vn i.c 10 ne eue-
n - o n . ...,..! 1-l.n fiviwti. two nf II... ll. 11)11 1. ....... ,!. ri.nitini n. will... rrl:l I tl f elieniV S I Tl a... f...iluri1 In I IN ..IISIIIPSS IS.
11' ... 4 III. v...-v..v v. . l..lll . l,il. ..r.... . ..- - J I HIV, 1IIV Ul... Htt.uiv l -
Ijjj noun ui ci ivmii'ii, " '-s o'"" a lOlllClill oes;iau ne.s ii.iui i.u.s...., " nr llial VICIory. u cnpiioeu "
i v! in" of whose folds he proceeded to crush savs that the Federals had taken Augusta, 0n uud'us of a Terv inferior imlity,
. i tho hissin" l.vdra of rebellion. To fail 1 inJackson county, and taken possession of while the rebels, carried off three brass ri
i ,,'i i' r . ,Ma n,.lv tn ! nil t'' C"1'011 tllc neighborhood. ,flis fro.n The few rounds of relv
of a few nm-xplorid data lhat there the dca. were not cot.r.neJ to thai corps, - - s.M.ak, up0n thin pi-kcts a. -e stationed five nrles beyond ,iic ceniy's train of twohnndr-.-d wag-
In. i'i I... ..ii li.r.n i.iiioi.ities nf colli taken nlni.n for t iers were numerous t'VI-i'l ' I i. i: I. I.... C.! rnpniim'cuie. i ..n .1...;. ...,ill..rt- ivnrn mil'
out of these diggings, is true; that there ' deuces nil over the field that a hellish re-1
nre several claims which have produced vengc was wreaked upon our dead by all
enormi usly, nml inuny othcis that arc still the rebel troops. Our fallen soldiers were
1 II.. ! .. .tl.. ...1 '.I tl.... .... I.f..ttw mtil lilirioil fili'O
1 men Vame h',e fast fail poor and I downward. This mark of indignity was' J Llto
, , , ., . , ... J . , ,i. ,.. r r,,; man has not? but all their machinations
penniless nave uecouie .11 11, nun 111. iiiy iiiwie universal ueieei mv v. .......
Ill I'lllUl.l, .'.VIl'VIV, " I --. .. , . .
.ti.rl l.,l,.r uhom the venerable1 Fredrieksburg. Cavalry reco:mo:sances ()ll nii u their artillery were within oi.f
one youthful lender whom ru 'lc , ,rftl, ,0 tl,e bL.i(.f tIiat tll,ir milill body has w,en tho rebels were routed, if the
Lic11teuant Gcner.1l of our nrnucs had " j fVtllon back. Several residents of Fred- ct;,ry ,ali been judiciously followed up.
arc I kely lo becoum so by mining in these soldiers were examined,
diggings, 11 10 nil incontrovertible facts; but j A ski Kssios Tliol-llV
ignnted ns the fittest person npou whuiu et-kslmrjr Iinvo heen urrestcil for treason gevi.ral oGicerj acquainted Gen. Curtis
his mantle could full. Of course, McCId- i nnd s-nt to Washington for confinement. w i 1 1 the condition of affairs, nnd told hint
Clrcgo, May lo. New lork advice, ,ut a pursuit for ten miles, uv cav
pcr steniiier Catawba, stat) that Gen. Hun- nrVi would capture the train and artillery,
inn li..u iaiiml a nroptiimtitioii frceim? the t.-. una ilime fur twelve hours. ' .
have failed lo injure him in the esteem ! s,im in njs Department. He was or.'an- when the true history of the Pea Ridge
the Government or the people, nnd ho is; ,.,; a n0,,ro brigade nnd had d reeled of- )alliL. js written, it will be found thutUeu.
.1.,. i.1.,1 nnnv whieli lie is fir-or to train tlio contrabands in tlie use of r.iriis d snaired of the result the evening
it does not by nny means follow that nil the ( T,l(, f0wing is a copy of a letter found j ' 3 (,ft.mcllls nt usl ftv arms. before tho decisive engagement, nnd that
mining claims herd are paying richly, or' v M so,ior eaptnred at Rowling I , ? , " ; 1 i vi.-tnrv S A dispatch from Washington of Weil- lls conversation and casual remarks all be-
,,,1, . siiffi, imt r- ,',-ou for the epi-l ,, it was the ring so particular, l-tc-d-y rapid strides louctcy.- that McCMlantec- lrayed rcai:,K,s to surrem -to e
... . , ,, l,r,,n- " , , , -, l Hcrull S,- Mirror. .rrnphed the War Department, that Com- ccmv. Several persons, who were 111 hi
l nd labor, when too Sv,k,.ll()r u d! rates tho ehivalr.c spirit . . nm,U-r Rcrs. with the gunboats on the tellt that evening, testify that all the drift
w, II known. Neither need it be inferred n(1 ,1C scmr,l,ip nf tho masses wliocom- Paiisos Riiowm.ow thk Mktiioi.IsT , jr11jon on t1( rurrci,t of his talk left that inferenco
ibat beeause n rich gold bearing spot has : sn.fs,;011 f,,W. The letter and j 1'kka. iih.s. The Cincinnati Commercial u nml imttnrio, 0f ten guns each 0I, their minds. There is no question that
been discovered iii miy eonulry st.fficici.t to1 ', were sent us bv a member of a CiiJof April 1st, in speaking of Parson Drown- Were dise-overed on the south side of the thc teuc was a doubtful otic-success hnttg-
'"n . t . . .:iA i1,a miMit 1 nr nrvvipk -t .. 1,.- i1....n.l . Imt l.i.n I nrilS WllS
!, the condition of fill,, hun red , u ZX fMi risk .
Iim. nml n'i i in 'i v , .0 l;. ; till? ri"i; i iuuwi; ' 1 m 1 - "i
to Sis:
IberrvlVnt Ret ween tho batteries, the
ie 1 l.,'.l.. I... .,n rr.nnte.1 nnd l.resistCrt BSSUl'-
.. . . . . ...I.l.llM .... ..... I llilL.ll. U.I.V.t.. I'"
rii-hing into it, nil expi cting a certainty of ,.,l was A bidletl that killed colonel Mo- j Concern, nod made a brief speech, lie i p,ml0ft jn,cstowB nnd Yorktown nnce 0f (jt.n. Sicl, Gen. Jeff C. Di. -isnnd
making ft fortune, there should not bo ninny cum of the i Is .. 1 . reiiineni. i ihk.ii , kn(,w 0lly llircc Methodist pn ncliers wno ilV Coln pvi?(.r, offere I battle, but the Gl,n Asboth, that they could ureiu mo
f the richer thls ol" 01 . . ' , were loval. Rishop Soule cond.'miieit the ' gunboats moved oil. lie siienccii one uai- eI1PII!y s hue, nnd route me cciuer eu...... ..
ring oillol II .-is you .u Ke,. ..,....,:.., .lr.. ,1., re l.eeanse terv nml rail past IHC Oilier I which WOill I, It.' CII.Cl, K.iucr imb
I II yon Will Keep il um me i .
,lm ll '
issued a proclamation, decinrin; Hint the artillery Virc, dislodged the rebels from tho
i.i..i.t,. nf iho noils of Renufnrt. Port kill nn whieli thev were posted, and tt
I . ... . . I'l '..."' - wi.'vn... . ... . " - . .. .
despatch from Washington states, nrmv. It turned o it just ns they predict-
ui Tuesday, the I.ith. the i residem e.i $,.ys two div.sions, ny iiiermu.
erievous disnpi.oiiilnieiits. Now
iM) . jciiritiir Hurl oi mv couwry up wus , , i
i.i lm .'unfile d within certain limits, which .,. -;i nblico me nnd if I never livo to ,tf would be hiitiu', old ns he is. liiel;siio
nre known by the only rich paying claims .t back sis keep it in memory of me dont , ,n,j t0 sw.ciir to support the Confederacy.
.. . I ..... i i i i,i I,' il. loose it if I live to tret back I intend to ., , . ., s0la- in churches
. ' i,,..-.. it i.lnied nnd if I never do get back ' . ., . ,. ....... ,., . ,.....,, v.... nr'.nns shall so far cease. .,!,. nf i.if.mtrv. nt the same moment.
.oiintry for miiiiy mile, ,s mid lo ,1!1V(I , ,, nllll kw it ,Ke were runic,, tor goo,., i. ..,...,...-.- : ommrrc-iniltPr(.0:lrs I X:l .1 enernvVcciitcr. and resulted itl
bave been carefully over nnd ,!ln, k;,., cel Sloi-um of the not hear Secession preachers, nor fccces-, ns ,0 ,jlit CPIltrnianil of war, nny n perfect runt. O.-n. Curtis was fearful of
on r without uny new discovers having '-j, .,.w York regiment he wus n brave sionists those who were loyal. rom tmt timn be carried on, subjec. lo the t,e result, lie thmuht the overwhelming
.i . 'mail but on tho wrong sulo A noi neniieu j0 the speaKi r, owed Ins escape to me , lnvvs 0f I'uitfil States, ro-lal arrainre- nninbers of the enemy would pannjiuumr
The iiy.-ings nre being crowded with
new ennuis, uml every day adds largely to
Abolitionist so enough About the ring. pn,tl., of )lls frh-iuls in V.
I l ..... .ii. . ll nnlinrt
..I 1 ..iinessee. mnnij .rilli Will SOOll DC rc-i'Muu- niu II nl W line v vni u.. mv....b
.'' - .. ...ii. ...
... i i i i... . l. ....... .i.i n t in 1.111'inv nuu u iiini viu
I, . ....... i ,.no . nil., in i ie ' us i ... . ..... - . - .
Tin- ri or AiiAiNsr Tin: i ukm..m , v , r.t.Uv i , nt
. . !... Ill me c-eiiui.-, "ii
ll.e.r iiuiiiber Tin-re is not mi hour in the , u .-or ,m,, time it was believed thai j political civilian leaner o. iuiih.smi., ( .p rrom ti,0 Swch Coninntte
i ... i i I. K..U nf men w ith tiros-1 ,...i:... i.n..i.. nf Tt .liimnrn was the ' iti ' it he ( Rrowidow) was kept, twelvo of ; , .' i ,i, Rarific Railroad bl
o" - an iiaiiui. v - c - - ...... ii 1 - - , , , . , . . ,r . i... .......
.,,,., ,.,s u their back nro to be seen ' . , wll(, u,llWtook to slay President their leaders would b, sacnl.ce.l. ll.s flml Ini)VOI it ,0 made the spe.Mii. order or , , t,1B ,,cers eiurne., , -"
ing I H"K l- ev-ry direction, on his journey to the capita, in wife nnd children were detained ns hostages Thiirsday. The motion was rejected by .f.. hnd not I.
;irgl, the most unfavorable weather and i.vbmirv, lSi'.l, and it is possible he was for his " good conduct. 11c told us wite 11 '..jj M;(V Kl0pn. Hunter's iuste.Ki 0f a surrender.
iilmost impn.ssiible condition of tho trails. 1 of), 0f piters; but it has come out on to make n
nroelanintien 's ns follows; That li e three
I ... ...... 1 ?.-....!.
States ol I orirui, riorum, ami c-...n..
Tn AKscivixii. The rjcent priclaiiiulion
i her mind to be executed, ns he
. . : 1 a in I n-viln nirfllllCT
Yet wo do not lunr of nny cluitns being ft m.fl)t ,r-m nf n man named l.yrne m shoiiM ccrinnuy spc.K um. .....v ..b
found that would pay for working din ing J Kichti.ou.l, that he was the captain of the1 1. Confederacy. ....
. it . .1 1-C I rtti I.a ..itArl-it.l 111 tllO
several ...onlhs, notwithstanding the .cai- ,,, o( rninns that was lo lake mcu,e u,c wo.m , , 'j,, the protH.,ion of the is n follows:
ous nnd evlensive prospecting that , 0f Mr. Lincoln. This Byrne used to be ( Southern Confederacy nre Methodist, Ii..p- Unit(1(, j;, it romes ft military duly "Whereas, It has pleased y
!,,,. carried on A late excitement uboi.l lloloriBUi cn.nbler of Italli.nore, nnd e.n- list, Presbyterian and Fpiscopahan prcuc.i- q ,.m mrM ,aw Thi, WM ncCord- C,0 t0 vouchsafe signal victoriei to tlio
i. . . . . i.... ... I .l,ri nfler t in I'll I its. '1 heV 1 1'inK ami swear neen iii..,
il imiii ui " r i
icw discovericK beyond iho Sulnion River, ! i(rall,a i0 RiclnuJiid
When thev be-
i a r., n l,nv which is said to' , i r i.t.,..,!.- meniorv. Ho was re- and preach on Sundays.
,,,n,e - jo, -M-,-: v . .... ... fi.rcwc.n (0 honesty,
iwo iiiousauii iii.nui.-i ..uv .i,. m-resleil in iicu imh ii.iv". .. i..'"" i
huve put over
the pockets of some ferrymen. Many of , c, of ko(,ping gnmbling hos, nnd , trull, and decency. Iho Confederacy onh
the tc comers have left in very bad hu- Lf diJoyBy to the el.ief traitor's pretend-( i,.tcd in lying, stenhng and perjury . -r
, . any others nre nh.u.t leaving, a go Wigfail testified to Floyd did tho stealing, the eominon ., , asses
inor, nun in h ...... i. i 1 .i. i..: ,l f,,..ri,.eii Sena ors from the
....., f.,r I'owiler lliver. some for I ariboo,
ohn Dav's. Oro Fino, and others have
niro wisely conclniled to return hoinc.-
U isnliltla M range that nil ino S'
, .I;...,.. ..nwl iii iho last
paying Claims m. ...s.....
nil or early in the winter, nun none mik...
Soinu of Iho claims cnnnol bo woihen
tor Heverul weeks to come, owing to their
wg Hooded over with wnter; others mat
. - I .l i.nvimr Well. Whilst
nro neing i-v n
others nro barely paying wages nml ex-
Ryrne's loyalty to tho Rebel cause, nnd the lying, nml lounecn cuaio s ,
....... :.. ...l,..-.. that Rvme was tho cap-.cotton Mutes mo jhtjui, ...
Js done on the 13tli April. Slavery ,allll nll,i naVal forces engaged in Mippress-
while still retaining their sents in tho Uni
Ud States Senate, and making ft pretonsc of the mini who wcro to kill Mr. Lin-
1.; nviiliinnn it nonenrs. he
roin, auu ..pun - , , .....!.... ... ,,, Kn. ntu till
was let CO Of course, 10 UO gumy oi oi onsen. .u ...... , - n .
sm-h nn intended crime, Is a mantle largo li o'clock, holding secret meetings send.
I, " o cover ..pull other sins against ing dispatches to their States to
? .,.... it: , law. So Wiu-full1 ..ass ordinances of secession, to se..o nr-
..... .ft !...,
has relicTeil tho lialtunoro wrsu.i uv
i .t axil I in mniln Kflllll .a i ..
ftcr A partial rcpo.u - - ., ,)r(.Yniliugninong the Koulhcrnciergy,
Th,. returns of tho cotton maiiiilaci;ircs o. . . -, ...... .he .,nst0. 0f tlc
senals. forts, etc.
Among other instances illustrating the
1...1.. .1 id,. .1 inc rv-,,""n "' " . .. ... t.. Mr. i.rowniow mho u.i
I't nses. on - - ; 1 r01inlry Wiu no moro nccunuo - (
are good, mm - " i-v
ml iiillieieiiL 10 llioru '
I HO rensin
I., nit heV nre
claims or prolitablo employment of nny
kind for H"' ",B n,, l,fl" I""'1 01 1
. tlmt mo crowding into mem. i
,;(,vo Oro Fino M 1" l"
tluiso who havo m-tp'l "")' immw ...
airings here. Rut I conni nniiun isu my
o" who has nl- ! "
,.,inl, Still no one know.
Ikn, ay be till 1, tries, nl.hough the
! I ,sof.nanyln-..t present nro not
onedto I, very J -JJ
lmn.,nln(low,,.o Mx do iirsn da. b
tioiml hniid.-.. y
country will bo moro nccurato ",nn 11 1 ,,irsl Presbyterian Church in Knoxvillc
lormer report. They wen. set down .. ( M r pri,yi,r,mu,lill(, l0 prny that of Kofi, ns $f.;.,r.00,l'.S7. Iho , iM illk nnd the block-
returns from New F.ngli.nd ulono in 1800 n nj mm ,iItl(,r in j Mj
. . ..nn. I'.in u-nrtli.l 0-OOlls l .. . . in.)
nlllOIIIlt Of I',OOU,v"'- ...v.. n-
of tho United Slates wcro estimated nl
$:i.l Si,.ri57; but Now Fngland nlono In
lHl'iO rctmiiH tlio vntno of tho products of
Industry of nil branches In IHftO wns com-
nt f I.OIK, lOo.bin- in .r.o - , , H Sumlliy .
' . . ..a Atit m nn 1 1 1 nfn A. UD n I I I . m
IIIVIVIi.-w - - " " "
that ho would rather uso a biblo irintcd
nnd bound In hell than ono from tho North.
Also Unit Jesus Christ wns born on South
ern soil, nnd that nil his Apostles were
Southern men, except .Indus Iscnriot, who
was n Northern man. I ins wns snin open
and' law in a free country nre ol- in , nll it rin.I rebellion, nnd nt the samo
... t .. I'.nn I it ..m ..Ml II ( tt
toother incompatible, rcrsons in u- time to nven irum tin
ml Florida and South Carolina heretofore jt is recommended to the pco-
h eld as slaves,, therefore, declared for- ,,. of tic United States, that nt their next
' I ZI weekly asseiublages in tl.Cir nceustomed
Cant Rufus Saxton. of the regular army pb,,cs' f public worship, which shall occur
has been nppointed Military Governor of oftcr ,11C notice of the proclanml.on , ih.ll
. U ... ' t ii.n S. nth which in- i,.. i.,.en received, they especially ac
ids he whole district of Gen. Hunter's kno0dgc nnd render thanks unto our
Smand. He left for Port Roya, on the n,y Father , cso mab.
'it' is stated that the town of Rurning ,,,jr;i,,., consolation In behalf o those who
Spring in West county, Virginia, was ,mvc Im!CII brought into nnhct.on b)
burned on Wednesday nfter.ioon (the cusunltics and calamities of sed.t.o ami
I ) and the town of Palestine also, l.y ,ivi, wr, and that they reverent ly Imolo
J , r ll.s It Is not known how many lIie Divine guidance for our nationa con...
were killed, and several nre missing. 8cK ,0 the end that U.ey may speed y
The has been desert- HIU' in the restoration of peace ha .o,,y
cd ml is probnbly burned by this time. nml m,ity throughout our borders, n ins
Washington. 10 -Sptcial di-patehes to tcl) thc ,-st..ldisl.n.e,,t .of fn. en. Hanoi.
tho New York papers state that a few days 0IU011? u t,C countries or tho larm.
since a thousand slaves, ns irhy pr. concerted
Il ....1at L.N llintl limilPR nil I..!....,... fliifit- Bllllllll lllll'lllll V 111b kin i iiwi..--. ri.... llin ril'Mstllll lll'ili-
iiiimi n in, "..I. j - . i. itmvr. ril"i. , , .
i Prince Oeoreo county, Mary and, ami I , .. Moni(0r," is nrmed with lo tho District Of CoUl.nbln, where W coluinbiiuls, which have been
thev now nre.
" ' - ... ... I.
. .i ,,i. r. hed with 400 wrougni-iron no.,
Ti.n .,rnviin nr t ho tomesienii no. ... ... ,wi 1. 1 bur lSinoiidiis.
... , . 'I" i : i. " of Confer- bnl! nn n " " - ,-. ,.,.
grccu ....on o.v vn" vv. -i-i,re hi s were iiinii'' 7 ""rsM-r i
Ln -M nvt,..,.1e.l in nil the military or im- i ne,L , , ixmtna them ut
vnl service of tho United States, where not- . r. rf m ,
A I nnn mill flHll HP nil
nbout eighty seven per cent! The proihic
,ion of IVnnsylvanla let dowr rt.lmnl
-'S.r. 000,000. New ork, f.l'.m 000,000.
The grentest Inerenso since 1 SMI Is In ng
riculliiral Implements, Iron, ma t lupiors,
Inacl.inery.clothi...,'. cotton goods, refined
Uigur, gold produce, etc
ence nre extended to nll the military or im- i w- : nm, lh(,n ,,, iht in ut
rs, w nc ... t o( lll0 4 nn,0niiis in
urnlized or not. Settlers on tracts oi - , ,. ,otnl weight is IJ.uuo
. r , M,1 that nip.ev.-
1 i. ( . i... IrlH i n I I IIUU unit I . .
.i... ....n i..,.......n 1711.111 nl Fortress .Monroe. ' silued oy nm c1'' " .. however, none
neres bordered on Government lands can flj, . (,lsl.lron Hlot nro iinblo to break
tuko enough land to complete their sections, jjonn. irol,
enicnt with tho Merrimne,
lint in at- Iron shot wcro used
tho two mineii50 guns nl i- onress .Monroe, snnueii ny . , nowevcr. .... " , nllowcd
Htlfle of food whatever
lievo I'eW I "