... Vises. A. linlniid wri,l' ,0 11,0 Time, Jui Salmon Hlvcr, 1 Oth hint., nlnl wij tbcru l "u tlist-oiliit upon tlio ricliiii'H of ,st fill. $,im of 1,10 cla'"1" yll'll nH 00 ouucri o day to ilio rocker. Tuck 'mini no B''1 ln, Vionnco ('i,v' ,5m;o" U BcIIinff at 'r ccl,u a I10'""'. an,l H"1"" l 120 IK1 t'1- ' . ..... ...II. l 'ir... Inn IjCWIHKIII, l' m:nn iii.ii.ii, milium jOc, bnroii SOo, Hour lfio. Price runjrti (i the Btcnincr nrrivc. MouIk ut Ilia re Uinnt.H; bonrd til a wu.k. Thou (1(j0f aiilinnlH nml proHjifctcm coiou ami f(fC daily. UwInIoii In improving. Linn y i worth $l0, mremi, t Kohiu'i nuw pill, mJ ino 'h'livcreil from Cr.iiu;' mill, Mioncil. Lot nrc fur Hitlu ut (100 loltUO. jLbout (nTi.OOO in KiM (luxt ciiina to Porllintl l"st MM,I'7 from Sulinon Kivie. gcTcral iliwippolnletl am) diMBtihfn l miner iIm cam" "lown. Miner from Powder Hirr wcrn rrtiirniiiK wnti'r loo liiyli to jirc t lio tninci fi r trlnl. About 40 nil ntniro working nl the mouth of Sjmkniio Rirfr, nuikiiiR $5 to f'.'O n ilny. ill thu ml vice from llm iiilne po to ,bor tlint it i J''t n0 'nrly for itiinin. jriiii Mr. Strong Im roimueiircd work on ilic teli'Kriipli Hint, nt Toi-llnnd. The iuli'H ro poinj; up nt thu rnto of ono biIp doy. jtt luxt nrrount tho know nt Powder Hirer uk from 8 lo 4 feet deep. A party nlioriliiiK it wny in, met another jmrly IrriliK to "hovel out Tilt duelling or hlljuh lllliilll', I oik CO nil horned lately. IM lihoill $K)0. I illnnkrl iniiiln nt Snlelii n.11 at Jit,.')!! ,! ... .ii,. ,nd m '! f I". I'nir. The llrodern k moimiiimit nt Sun i run- iiii, ill I.OIIII Moillltillll (Vnii'tery, iuetlld- nt liic utiilui', in to cost f 1 1 ,000. j Thf Sierra Nevndn Hindu tho run from I Sin Kr.ineim-n to l'lirtland, hit trip, in 70 1 Burnt md 10 ininulea ipiii kent titnr yet. j Andrew J. rate, tlio niurdrr 01 llhleli, will ho Iiiihk at Albany next Tuesday, '.'7th. M- The (1. t). of the S. of T. of Or fnn met it Holla on the 24th of April, ISfli, and called lo order by 1 Wil Kfr, 1' (J V I. Other officer preacnt, W II Dmiliar, (I Serilie; A. Shn-ve, U. Con ; ahaent. C P (Wall, O W P; II. Gammill. (J W A; K ( Unymond, (J Tj IIC Small, (J Cj SL Cihiii, U. Sen. RrirrcntHtivr aero preariil from Pacific No. 2. Pulhi No. W. Liherty No. iJH, Sw't Homo No. fl( W ('raimtoii wm ippoiafed P(l W P protein. The fill IowIiik n.inied Indie with admitted n vil ilorc Mri Mnrr Klphtlioi;iT, ol Pacific o 2. Mr. V U Teal. Mr. lliilchiiiMiii, Mn. Slireve, Mr.v Lnfollel, Mimc Koliiu mm and Clark, of Dalln No. 20; Mr. IV It Hmilinr and Mi ll Diinlmr of Liberty No ii A S KiKhlhiier and Suiiiie l Toil were introduced and initialed. Si v rrd n'Miluliiin wire ndiiled, atnoiiu; them nn iilli(iri.ni.' Jnroli Meniliiilmll, J I, floury. Win. (i ilium, and II 0 JlmiUir tu d a )) ( V Pa i'hkI of llm ninuiituiii iHk trnnun, and one tliHiikiuu; the pu'il.sher of the Seiiliiiel ami 'lie Arua fur furor. W. 11 Di Niun, (1 S. KlIOM PoITLMI TO I.KWI.iTOX II V I5lV: rae, from Porthiiid to ('iisriulea (I; Ilailrmid $1 ; Cawnilra to I)allei $1 ; ata'e fire on porlne t-.'; Pea ('lintel to WbI hila fl.S; V nllillii to I.ewUlmi, tl.'i; lulal ; l'reilit, from Portland to ,cwiton, 1 1 JO per ton. WuriiK Aim im n Txnhi7 We noticed i imiiiHf r of liidi lust t veiling on the ali.irf, deatinrd to he (hipped liy thcktcom tf to S.ili Krancivco. Timet. Mr The Onward hrokn a crank, on her trip up Thnrnloy week, when just below Sii Inn; the after cylinder head wnlove out it the Mint time, without dniiitf any oilier dniiirc. Mr Several roiiipatiii- of the Oregon Citilry Kepiinenl, from tho South, panned through town lant Thurmlay and are now rninied on the l'air (i round. They ex pect to remain about a weik. BrirnNiiKD The Vnncouver Telepraph, uprightly pnper under the edilurinl chnrpc of U. K. Hii Ki, K' , bo piven up tho gliMt. Cnme financial difliniltic. Han Kia im .i, Aptil Nili, t-0.'. Mii. ItrninuTuN A Co; I laka plratara ill informing you llial I hava Wia uiiik join rirallanl Vaaal I'owdara for anmo I'm., and tinhiHlalingly ironnunr tlitm una lailta" by any almilar irearatiin that I hiva 'rd. Kwy lioarkeMr may rely iin id llitl hn uanl aceordiUK la diri cliom lin y liarer hil la produra lliat nioal di-.irable of all article, f food, fiwif, aierrl, and nvliHioMt arfaJ "iri mn a irufd bow atirior lliey lie lo ill hfn, could on no aeeounl b wiihmil tliani. I)I7iii.1 Maa. N. Mii.i rnblio poaklni'. Tin t'uion eandidatra fur tba Ixfulalura, in th county, will addreaa lhairot il ilia followinK "m and nlaora, to wil: JlfkCraik. Monday, Sftlh, arlioollinuaa; M'lwaukla.Tuewlay, 37lb.at Knam'a alora; "niCnfk, Kriday, 3mh, il placa of roiinif. V0 Tim of aMiliiii(, I m. MAB.&XBD! laUoaeliy on lb IHib In.t , by Itny. Mr. r,ll. Mr. Uuia Prumw Ui Mm Paulino lf. A Good Sawyer WANJED, TIIK HHIIHCKIIIKK wiabea lo m.ly cainuelaul (xnoii lo tika rbirg of tin Tualatin JIM 'l aMll.KH WIWTOK OltKiiON CITY. (JmiJ w..u ... i i. ...... ..i will ha - ".gr IIU t'llllHIII III VIIIMV tliw... I1". Apply InCaiit.CiKOltU It A. PKAHK, J'hi" Kiprnai," or lo lb Mndaraigna.1 it l.inM inr. ' JAM M. MOOIIK. N. U A llrh,lni ifiiiiy. I hv li" 1.1... . . . " .i -Tin ona ol iimau Iminlirra. l. m- iy 17, i ww. cir TSUioIdUod of Oopnrtnorihlp. "K firni of i'. IIOKI. V CO. I llm ly , lliwiilvail hv iinilii.il linn will of narlnera. 't. Cailniljjbi will alii nil In our buaiiiiwa In tirt, TIIK V H r.n Viv iimi itir, ""iica. (I. IIOKI., UTIIUsKolUi ''"a, May i a, Ftklllt Murakla. The nominees of the Stuto Union Con vention will ddrrs tho citizen of Oregon Nilvcrton 2fl Aurora Oregon City I'ortlniid M 2o The Dulles ii 3 j HNtn' 8iuArAiiii.u For llie removal id periiianiiil cur of all d, wanes urising frum eu im pure slate of Hi. 1,1,10,1, or habit of lliu system. i'i.i. . i .... . ... ' mi I'iniiRim nun rmnaclmia rrini dy will gently timulatu tliu fundi, ms of llie stomach ntid bowel lo ri ifiilnr mid lieullhy action, mil without nausea or I'liryiiij therefrom till deleterious accumu- lalioui, purify Ilia btuod, equalize Ilio circulation, " perspiration, liiiirv the npj-elito, Imparl (one (ml vif'r lo Ilio system, and gradually, but surely, extirpate tin diaeasa. iul7ml Multnomah Lodre Wo. 1. A K. tk A. M., hold, its elated eommuulca YVIioua in Mumuic Mull, on ihe Hatnrday I prrcoiliitir Ilia I-ull Moon in each mouth. Brethren in good standing nri' invited tu attend. I), r. THOMPSON, W. M. Tumi. Wvuant, Hee'y. IW Tli iif t regular miollng will be held on Saturday rveninjf , ,)mia H. x. o. o. r. V I ri'i r . I'.nuim l .11 III, I! io. J menu nl Ilia Mniwuic Hall on Monday vniunir Dl' fi.i.li WH..L. l(.il.. .l I N ran in voimI utmhlinir ara invilcil lontiand. C. M. Ki;s' Kit, J. T. Arncaaoi, liea. Sao'y. 30 Danncnbaum & Ackorman. Spring, 1S(2. fpilK uum.nof llii. .,.riiK and ui.unar'a trad. J. niuaa,'hins, unrdon u in irni.itinK ' you ",,r W'n liavc now Ilia chowMt, uia.1 varird ,"' ;i'k of iu.la avar olTntd to r oi'lo f t-liickaiina Cnuiily. w, , iyrmnti by np ,jJ1(i0M, l0 , .l0ck, rnmi ku Kraihiiaca. mid iIiom who ill lakn III. lioulda In C.1II, call niliufy llismielvra "'y 'I" I1' "'' " ilh u Itian tliay can do h C""'l0 NEW GOODS, NEW GOODS, .VOIP 0PEX1XU AT Bannonbaum V Ackcrman'i,' Oppoulf lit Main St. Home, ...eaaaiiliuK of... STAPLE AND FANCY D r ?- Goods, the newest iyes of DKESS GOODS, 81(11 A l'aiicv IVjiliiiH, l'lireges, Debeges, figured drlaiii, nil nn,l half wuol French merinoa, t'lmrli Uwna, brillianliaea. lidureil and plain M.raaille., Su iaa and j icanel muilin. a larga a anrlmanl of Frrneh and American calicoa, brown liariu, bWbrd and unblrucbed iniulin, TIIK HIHT ITII.ll Of Silk Honnet.x, CI oaks, Shawls, and Silk Mantels, nml a large assort ment of ntraw goods, embroiileries, col lain, Nleeves, itc. ...Aln,... .1 l.argt Auortinent of Indies' and cliildren'n Shoes, (iloves, kid and calf Gaiters, Lidies' head dresses, corsets, etc. Gents' Furnishing Goods, Hoots and Shoes, t Hats and Caps, CAHPETING, AND CHECKED MATTING; C.KOCKllIUS! &,:., itc, itc. Togelber w ith llie Lirgest and lx'st selected stock of ITSTOM-MADK Cloth i ng, .. ncu aa... denla' aupaifiiio French clolh coati i Renla' fine ilk mlil, md llarriaan'ieaaimere piuli, and a JVi lfyf of ncsisKss SUITS. SII.K VKLVKT A CASIMKRK VKSTS; Jtoys Clothing, V. ml fill A limiw lilnck doeskin J'iAllll J - pants, Davis and Jones' Hhirts, -.1 1 ...!i1.f.n nnllnva ftr. Willi lllHl wii.... rtT Hemembei Ilia alora of DANNENBAUM ACKF.ltMANi wbaia you will And lb lUl INI) BKSTSHLKCTED STOCK OF GOODS Kver brotiglit to this place, which will be mM b.wer tlian can be tntrchased in l'orlhind 1 1 AllwhnwU .omodarilipnr'"11 '"f.rf.rtora. w. willemleirort. '"''''tAl'MACKRllMAIf. Oiejnn City. Apiil I'll lMf,'J Buckeye Mower Fanners, buy the best machine ! THK BUCKEYE Jfui prated Utclflo he the JIKST MOWEK 4. niCAI'lilt COMBINKD, Yet brought into uie. IT baa lbs following idtrantafna over oilier Alacbiueai It luia two driving whutla which upporl the whole weight of tba frumn, gearing, drivar and linker. It haa a doublu-hinged fiiiKr bar belonging picluaively to llie lluokeyo Mower, wbieb coiil'orrna lo all varieiiea of aurfaco and can bo eaailv rained lo ohm oh.ir lirlililia II liaa n.. 0"g gearing in Ilia driving wheiila; it ia entirely free from aide draft llie draught ia lighter lliau ordinary plowing. AaallKAI'kll il l,. .11 il.. .J... .r Ilia Mowi-r. The Heed ia attached with a flexible joint, which allowo it lo fuljew all the moveineula of Ihe I'lal form on uneven ground. Tba Platform la readily oiljualed to any required height of cut. The weixhl of linker ia directly over Hie ailu of lha machine, inMraJ of being carried on Ilia plat form where il ad, la greatly lo lha aide draft. Il baa many other improvement over lha old atyle Muwari and Krapera. We hava ulau lha Celebrated Improved KSTKRLY MOWKR AND REAPKIt; The Kentucky Harvester, (a combined reaper and mower;) The Kelchum Mower & lleaper; ALSO The Sweepstakes Thrasher, Msnufaittured by C. Aullmaii &. Co., Canton, Ohio, which we guarantee uwriur lo any lhruh er in llm market. Au, a full aaaortiiieut of Agricultural Impla mrnta. Kannera, give ua a call, or aend far cir culara. HAWI.KY Ac CO., Corner of California and Ilallery atreeta, Nan Kranciieo. tlT Any of Iba alwve mentioned machiiiea can be pure hand af Ine at Oregon City, wbern I will take pleaiuro in ahuwing and giving any in farmaliou peraoui limy desire respecting llifin. JOHN I). DKMKNT, Agent for llnwley & Co. Oregon Cily, May 17, l62. REDINUTOX CO.'S SUPEUIOrt Yeast Powders. "tlfARRANTED TO MAKE LIGHT v T aweet and uulritioue Equally adaed lo LOAVES, HOT BISCUIT, Ji UCK WllKA T and other caket, GINGEKIiUEAll, and cakea of all kimla. Warranted fully equal to any in the market ! Atk for REDINGTON Coa YKAST I'OWDEKS, and laka no other, if yau would bava uniformly GOOD UKKAD! Manufactured In.l aold at wholesale by REDINGTON CO., 409 and 411 Clay alreel, San r'ranciaon. DKAYAGE. THE COMBINATION OF TEAMING In and around Oregon City, of Bautow, FiAtia. It Lam, ihia day by mutual ennaent ccawa, aud wa Ihe underaigned oak a continuation of the patronage af our old cuatnrnera, and of aa many new one. aa may oiler ua llieir dreymg. Bantow will be al all limea in l anemah, lo re ceive ordera f,r draying. and Frmer in Oregon City. We will bo aa prompt tn attend to our cue. loniera aa cireumataiicea will ailmit, day or n ghl, ra.nor.hine. JOSEPH UAUSTOW, J. M. FRAZER. Oregon City, pril 1, 18W. in3 NT ) Country merehnnla who ara ahip o I)l ping gnoda lo Oregon City lobe hauled lo lha country, will do Well lo addreaa lo aur eara, aa we will charge nothing for atoraga any reaa,,iiable length of lime all wa charge ia (ha cartage to the place of alnrage, or from our place of aiornge lo the bat for ehipmenL H. At . FOR SALE. Homesteads and Valuable Ileal Instate. Villein l.ou from IO te 0O Kacklt Alto, 50 1'nra Lots and Entire Blocks of lieautiful Garden Land! in the cily ami county of SAN FRANCISCO, ON the line af lha San Joae Railroad, at the WEST-END DEPOT. The title ia absolutely PERFECT, baingaSpan iah Grant, finally coufirmed and patented by the United Sutra. ThaShafter Hill reaped' thia Title, The City Aulhoriliea rrieot it, The Dietrict Courlaand Supreme Court of the Vuited Slatea reapect it. Beaidea, the Title hat been forever quieted by a Final Decree and Judgment against the City! ao that there ia not even a cloud or ehadow upon it. Whoever pur"haaea one of Iheao lota will buy a lol and not a laweuit. Offi.-e No. 19 Nnglee'a Building, corner of Monleomery and Merehant alreela, San Francia co. 3m2 HAKVEY 8. BROWN. JAS. CONNER'S SONS' U. S. Type roundcry, wm. Faulkner son, Agenia, Ho. 803 Sumo me ( Sas Fkakcisco. I.VERY arliele neeeaaary for I complete Newi J or Job Printing Office furniahed at lha low- est pricn. , . , Alao, agenia for Taylor'a, (iordon a, Degenera, Nawbnry'a, Poller!, and llawkea' Preaaea. y3 To Miners ! TIIK STEAMER ST. CLAIK y ILL RUN BETWEEN VANCOUVKR and the CASCADES, STOrriNO AT SANDY. ...making... Throo Trips a Week. Connecting wilh CATT. ANKENNY'S BOAT above tho Caaraile. KATES OF FREIGHT. ba made on Ihe W. T. lide. Stack laken from Sandy lo ihe DiIIm H P" head lo tho Ciaeadea at f'i. W.alao hive a Urge A'COW, whiehweurt n CM of a large load of etoe. T. CI1ABMAN. A. WARNED. F. CHARM AN Charman, Warner 6l ffoif GENERAL COMMISSION MERCHANTS WIIOLtaALt 0. RKTAlk Dcalcri In Dry Good, Clothing, Hardware, Crockery, G last ware, Boots, Shots, Paints, Oils, de., In their fire-proof Brick.. ,., .Main emtrT, OREOOnt CITT, OltEGO.t. ...F. Channnn, baring united hie... BAKERY, CONFECTIONERY, AND FAMILY GROCERY STORE lo the eatubliihmciil of Charmun &. WirrfeT, llie firm will now carry on buainnm in all the above mentioned branchea, in Ihia city, hoping by alrict attention tobuainem to merit the continued favor of llieir vld palrona, and in many new onea ai chooae lo come forward. No p iina will be apnred to give eatiafaction to all our ciwtomeri. Notice Settle Up! ALL Ihoee owing Charman & W'axnki or F. CluaMAN, will pleaae cotne forward and make aetllement of their indebtedneaa, without delay, ao that you can all commence dealings with the new firm of Charman, Warner 4l Co. All our debtora will ace llie neceaaity of attend ing ta this call immediately. CHARMAN, WARNER St CO. Oregon Cily, Aug. 21, ISfil. Notice THE OREGON CITY SEMINARY nAS been rented by the Oregon City Cor poration, for ihe purpoee of forming a Grado He hoof. The School will be opened on Monday, Janu ary 27th, in three departments. All children within the dietrict will be admitted racK, to in struction IN TIIK FLr.MKftTARV BRANCHES, vit Reading, Spelling, Writing, Menial and Practical Arithmetic, Geography, Grammar, aud the His tory of the United (states. Pupila outaida of the diatrict will be admitted to these privih-gca, per lenn. at $1 00 For every ejtraetudy " Ihechurge will bo 1 On For Ihe Classics, " " " " 9 00 The higher atudiee will not bo allowed lo occu py Iba lime due to the elementary. A careful regialer will ba kepi of tba attend ance of every pupil. Nona will be admitted for leas than half a term. Tuition mini be paid at the middle of every lerm. Pupila, whose parents or guardiana, reside out of the distinct, will be charged the entrance fee, according to the provisions of the cily charter. Elementary Text Hooka Sunders' Seriea, Reader and Spellera ; Daviea' Arithmetics; McNally'a Geographiea; Pinneo'aSerieaof Gram mars, and Willard'a llial. IJ. 8. A. Teachers, let lerm Rev. G. II. Atkinkos, Principal ; N. W. Randall, Aaaiilant, 2d dep't; Mrs. N. U. Atkinson, Priinarj- Department Mine. E. G. Itooras will give instruction on the Piano Forte, al former seminary prices. Funar.e Barclay, Sup't of the City DiaUiot Srbool. Oregon City, Jan. 18, lbiV.. Notice. A LL lhoe indebted to the nndervigned are J. hereby requeeted lo make aetllement of their accounta by the 1st of Jan., 1HP2. In ease they are not squared by that time, I may place Ihe same in an officer's haudi foi collection. A. II. STEELE. Oregon Cily, Dec.M.ISCI. Notice to Tax-payers. rnAX-PAYERS who aro delinquent for the JL Tear 1861, will call at the Sheriff's office and settle immediately, if they would save coats. It ia expected Hint a large number or persona will leave Ihia county early in the spring far the mines, which lenders immediate payment a neces sity. JUIliv 1I1U.YIA8, Jan. IS, 18fi2. Sheritt C lackamas te. (On Main street, and formerly the " Main Street Home,") OREGON CITY. THE traveling publio are respectfully invited lo give me a call. The Oregon Houee ia the most pleas antly located hotel in the Slate, and haa been so arranged aa to make it one ol llie moat commoui oua houara in the country. THE TABLE will always be supplied with the best thai the market atforda. Good accommodations for ladiea and families. rkicis: Board and lodging, per weak. $6 00 Board, without lodging, per week 5.00 Board per day, wilh lodging 1..10 Single meal !Q Night 'e lodging 50 J. BUF.IIM, Pec. 14.1SC1. Proprietor. Notice. 1 LL persons knowing Ihemaelves wdahted to J. the undersigned by book account, are hereby notified to call immediately and make settlement of lha eamc, aa no further indulgence will be given. AI.9V uui il & uituuunrr, Oregon Cily, Feb. 23, 1161. Notice 73 HEREBY G1K.N lo all concerned, that unleia tho lots of land hereinafter described. which were sold for taiea on the 1 2th of Septem ber, 1S59, in Clackamas county, ara redeemed on or before the expiration of fix months from Ihe dale of this nelliee, by the payment of the amount for which they were aold, and interest and charg- ea, all of which appear in trie loiiowing seneauie, Ihe same will be finally conveyed to the respective purchasers thereof: LOTS IN OIIEGOX CITY. Lot. Block. Am't told for. Int. Charges. Total eta. Cls. eta. 8,cls 5 AS fll 38 76 1,78 5 71 70 41 76 1,88 3 76 f6 34 76 1,66 3 7 56 34 76 1,66 4 76 56 34 76 1,66 7 79 85 33 76 1,64 8 79 55 33 26 1,14 9 H2 64 38 76 1,78 g 82 64 3S 76 1,78 lof3 8S 53 33 76 1,64 4 8.. 51 76 2.12 1 S8 48 29 "6 1,53 3 88 48 39 26 1,03 3 88 48 29 26 1,03 4 88 48 29 26 1,03 5 88 48 29 2U 1,03 6 88 48 29 26 1,03 7 88 48 29 26 1,03 8 88 48 39 26 1,03 I.0T3 IN 1.1 SN CITV. 4 1 82 49 76 9,07 5 1 89 4 7(1 9,0t 7 82 49 76 9,07 9 1 82 49 76 9,07 3 4 100 60 76 9,30 o S 66 40 76 1,82 9$ 66 40 76 1,82 3 6 60 36 76 1,66 78 CO 36 76 1,66 10 8 60 36 76 1,66 8 8 46 28 76 1,90 4 JI 59 81 76 1,59 5 it 52 31 98 l.M A j 62 31 96 1,09 o ia 50 30 78 1,56 11 jo 50 30 76 1,56 0 13 50 30 76 1,56 1 13 58 35 76 1,69 4 4 .'.0 30 76 1,56 5 4 AO 30 76 1,56 6 11 50 30 76 1,56 7 4 50 30 76 1,56 8 M 50 30 76 1,56 9 14 60 30 76 fit 1 19 89 63 76 9,18 8 19 89 63 76 9,18 All of said rote were ieeeeed aa non-resident. JAN. WINSTON, County Clerk. Oregon City, Miy 10, 1869. 419 & BAKER'S WOISELES3 SEWING MACHINES, fOll FAMILY VBH AND Manufacturing Purposes. TRICES From t$G0, upward ! Orer 50,000 in Use ! WE BEG TO ASSURE THE PUBLIC that the well-known reputation: of these Machines for RELIABILITY Will ba fully sustained, aud la oar rapidly increas ing business the aame care will be faithfully exer cised in every department of their manufacture. EVERY MACHINE SOLD BY VS IS WARRANTED IN EVERY RESPECT. The publio attention ia respectfully requested to ibe following From the G rover A Baker Sen lug iriftcBine vosaspaajr. The public, in their eagerness te supply them selves with Sewing Mochines making the GKO VER Jr. BAKER stitch, must not forget to nur chase them of the parlies who alone are authorized to aell them. All machinee sawing from two spools, and ia which one needle only penetrates Ihe cloth, and having a feed which allows lha ma terial tu be turned al will, are infringements. GROVER at. BAKER S. M. CO. A Card from Eliat Howe, Jr. All persona are cautioned not to make, deal in, or use, any sewing machinee which aew from two spools and make the Milch known aa GROVER St BAKER stitch, nnlesa the same are purchased (rem the GROVER Si BAKER SEWING MACHINE COMPANY, or their agents or Ii censees, and ramped under my patent of Septem ber 10th, 1846. Said Company and their Licensees, alone, are legally authorized, under their own patents, and my said patent during the extended term thereof, to make and aell thia kind of Sewing Machine, and all others are piracies upon my said patent, and will be dealt wilh accordingly wherever found. ELIA3 HOWE, Jr. Tt", ATTENTION OF TAILORS AND Who prefer the ' Look Stitch," iacalled 14 out Improved Shuttle Machines, Which in specially adapted to their requirements, UT THK BEST lit VSEIja It Q. BROWN, Agent, 330 (91) Meatoiner Street, 3m3 MiV FRANCISCO GROVER AINSWORTH& DIERDORFF WE ARK NOW OPENING IN TUB Wow Fire-Proof Briok, A LARMB AND WELL-ASSORTED STOCK OP GENERAL MERCHANDISE. - Feeling perfectly secare ageinit lire, we willaoW Offer Greater Inducements than ever . to the publio. We are constantly In rscsipt GOODS elected with the greatest care (as te prices and quality), and ire confident that our facilitiei wil enable as to oiler and tell goods AT PORTLAND PRICE3 (freights on), and would advise all those visiting thia city to purchase goods, lo examine our alec and pricea before purchasing elsewhere. Wo have, and are jnat receiving, an invoice el consisting ill pirlnf the following articles Cncba co, Pacific, Hedley, Cuneslego, .Sprague, Philip Allen, Fall Hirer, Mcffimac, Briggs.and numer ous other choice PRINTS, all late tUjltt; Eng lish i: French merinos, Lyonese clolh, mohair and other Debaze ; hruie, wool, Si. muslin de lainea, black, blue, nurnle. & nluk merinos, fancy plaida, Jaconet, book, swine, & mull muslin, ladies' cmb eels, collars, helms At skirts, dress cz bonnet trim' minge, French & domestic ginghams, French lawns from 12 to V, blue, mixed, grey sati net, wool ct cotton jeans, cottoimde, bleached and brown sheeting from 3-4 to 10-4 wido, brown and blenched drills, deliillis, hickory shirting; Silesia marine, browu, aud Irish linen, nankeen, diaptr, aud crash, a large lol of hneu aud thread laces and edging, hosiery, Ac. MEN'S a BOYS' CLOTHING : Blue, black, and blown cloth coals ; 10 dot blk clolh vests, 5 doz white and buff Marseilles do. velvet and satin do.; 30 doz satinet psnls, doeakia and fancy cawdmere 6a, 30 doz merino and cotton underahirla, grey, blue, & black cloth over coals, with a general assortment of &ents' furnishing goads. BOOTS A SHOES Men', boyV, and youths' boot; ladies', misses', aud children's ate rocco, goat, kid, and calf Congreaa boots, wilh It without heels; ladies' kid slipper. Groceries: Rio aud Java coffee, black aud green tea, N. 0 China, Batavia Island, Ca'. refined, and cruaha sugar, E. Boston, Cal., augar-houae, a golden eyr' c ,.n;,n il.i... im l ..;l. -J.:...i lip; R.ll, f IU IU nits, I uo A3 nail", uotu Hill's pale, chemical, t English aoap, soap pow ders, powder, shot, 4 lead; yeast powder, eaJera- tii. eeenm Liirtnr ainoltinfr II. chewincr tobwc.ee. green corn, peat, tomaloc; straw and blackber ries, in 2 lb una; spice, pepper, ana cassia, peari barley, maccaroni, vermicelli, corn starch, zdm nAm walnut. ItniTil nuts, raisins. Chill oeaches. dried fruit; mackerel, in qr k hlf bblsj sardine. A line assortment oi CROCKERY $ TABLE CUTLERY : CO crales assorted ware, 40 doz steel picks, 20 Dutch a. lldla hoes. U7n7e Lead, Oil,and Windov) Glass; with a variety of other article usually kept. O" We will pay cash fur wheal, Hour, bacan, butter, eggs, aud almost everything the farmer has to sell. Oregon Cily, April 16, 18C1. SANDS' : S AESAP ARILLA . The Original and Genuine Article. EudoraeJ by the Medical Faculty as being the BEST and PUREST F,tracl of haruvarUla taiie. SANDS' SARSATAUILLA 1'urifies the UlooJ. SANDS' SARSAFAIULLA Cure Scrofula. SANDS' SARSAPARtLLA Cures Stubborn Ulcer. SANDS' 3ARSAP ARILLA Cures Cutaneous Eruptions. SANDS' SARSAPARILLA Cares Strumous Complaints. SANDS' SARSAFAIULLA Cures Mercurial Disease. SANDS' SARSAPARILLA Never Foils I SANDS' SARSAFAIULLA Mav be safely taken at all limes it will secure I La iiea a regular periodic habit, and is the rery best medicine they can take when arrived at the period called "turn of life." Atk fur Sands' Sar$a par ilia, and take lie elAcfi Prepared by A. B. At 1). SANDS, Druggist, 100 Fulton t., corner of William, N. Y. For sale bv ReniNOTON & Co., San Franoieeo; Smith tt Davis, Portland; Dr. Sricit, Oregefl Cily. ol 1 OREGON CITY DRUG S? STORE, MAIN STREET, (Opposite the Methodist Church,) HAa CONSTANTLY ON HAND Drugs, Medicines, Patent Medi cines, Kerosene, Caraphcne, Burning Fluid, fcc, fcc, ...AT Til... LOWEST MARKET PRICES x Jm aid , ' K. HIGH FIELD. . IV .1 TCH-MAKBR. Tenone desirous of gelling GOOD WORk dene will do well to give me a call, a my whole timo ia devoted to the repairing nf Chronometer, Lever, Duplex, and Horizontal Walrhoa. Aft assortment of fine English Walohe, and also JEWELRY, on hand. Clocks, wilh weight lo them. Jewelry mail te orJer and repaired. . Prieee lo mil th lime. I am thankful for naat favors, and bop lo give eatiafaction Infututo. tT Located i lb' old aland, opposite the ' Or egon House,' OREGON CITY. feh 2. KELLY'S TEMPERANCE HOUSE. Jf,u'n st.,f posits Of. AierrwMy C.', OREGON CITY. GOOD ROOM3 FITTED UP wilh w CLEAN and comfortable BEDS, ;, for Ihe especial accommodation of thil ' i traveling publio. ....... Ooi.9ii, 1859. E.D. KELLVeProprletor. D. D. BTEPllESSON, ' DENTIST, ha removed M elTie le Ihe Room svtr the Argus Offiet, where he if prepared to do all work I nUe. aeVSal-