W Ueury Clay o Rtklllon. " If any one Slatf, or any pcrlion of the people of any State, chose to place them selves in array against the Government vf the Union, I amor trying the strength of thit Government, I am for ascertaining whether we have a Government or not practicable, efficient, capable of maintaining its authority ami upholding the powers ami interests which belong to a Government. Xor, sir, am 1 to be alarmed or dissuaded from anii such course by intimations of the spilling of blood. If bloo,l h to be spitl, by irhose fault is it to be spill? Upon the supposition, 1 maintain, it trill be the fault of those trho choose to raise the stand ard of disunion, and endeavor to prostrate the Government. And, sir, when that is done, so lone as it ukases God to vivc me : ' a voice to e.rpress my sentiments, or an arm, weak and enfeebled as it may be In age, : that voice and that arm will be on the side i of my coiiutyy. for the support of the gener- i nl authority, and for the maintenance of. the Powers of the Union. Speech of Henry Clnv, Aujiist 1st, 1 SoO. 1 i ftaT Hon. Joseph A. Wright, tlio new i Senator from I ml i an a. appointed in place ! of Bright, the expelled trnitor, up to the ; breaking out of the rebellion had been nn ! ardent Democrat. The evening of Feb. ' 2i, he made a speech in thu Hull of the ! House at Indianapolis, closing with the , following concise creed: ! " 1. My faith in the strength and perpc-j tnity of this Government is in the vigorous j prosecution of the war. ' 2. No party creeds or platforms until j we have a Government. j 3. Ia one word, put down this infamous ' rebellion, let it cost what lives and what i money it may. You can'chanjrc your laws and your Constitution, but God has given you but one couutrv." In the U. S. Senate, the select committee to which was referred the ques tion of the loyalty of Ben Stark, the dirty secession dog who now holds the seat once occupied by the glorious Bakeh, has re ported that he is disloyal to the Govern raent ot the United States, having found that for many mouths prior to November last he was an ardent advocate of the rebel cause, and after the formation of the rebel constitution openly declared his admiration for it, aud his sympathy with the rebel cause. And yet the Senate, with all this evidence before them, admitted the dirty dog to a seat in their midst! UL'SLVESS CAUDS. w. c. johuj-son-, ATTOn.VKV & COl XSEI.OK AT LAW, And Solicitor in Chancery, "TTflLL promptly attend to ar.v businessnhieh , T '"; coi.imilled to his professional charge before the District and Supreme Courts Olfice over Milwaiu's tin .tore, un.nediatclvop. posite the Mam Street House. ' reg.-u City, October I, 13. JOHN R MBRIDB, 1TTnilIT COtSluoi AT l A W Lafayette, Yamhill County, Oregon. VIMLI, faithfully attend to all business en ' trusted to his professional care. J. II. JIITCIir.LI., ATTUUXEY i. C'oLXsELOi: AT LAW, And Solicitor in Chancery PORTLAXD, OREGOS. OlTice-I'rout Street, oppo,i!e Vaughn's Wharf. Vulleciiom made mid promptly r.m tted apU J. C. AI.VSW'OBTH. V.M. D1EKD0RFF. ai.suoi:Tii . nii icnoKi i , WIIOf.ESAr.K AND RETAIL I DEALERS IX GROCERIES DKY - GOODS, CLOTIILNTJ,! Loots d- Shoes, and Crockery, Ja (he new Kir.pro.,f IJrick Mi.mtrt ' OttKUOM CITV. ! t. ?nTiit.iv house, sias, a.d ohsamcstm. Shop ntarly oppviitt the Mrth'Mitt Church, ' OKE'.n.N CITV. April Ifi, (-;,!. lf r. aTj. diss, Commission Merchant, ai Dealer in California and Ocgtn Produce, No. -121 Kast strijtt, (Bctatn Clay anl Washington tree!,j SAX fltAXCISCO, WILL bo happy to transact any bluings in hn line that may he, entrusted to ( by pndlucersor merchautJi in Oregon. All busi. m-s entruste.1 t., t.,ar8.j will he promptly at leu.Je.l u.ou reawuable tcrim. July :J0, '(il-tf C J0 EL et- CO. 4 T THE L'.NION STOCK ' liLTEDlXGH. ' fcrilSltl. fl.l.MA.. i ueal in Dry Goods, Groceries, Roots, and Shoes; AIM, l HO VIS 10SS of .11 kinds; uv.t , iUu Just Itcccivcd, A L AKaiC LOT OF Dry Goods und Grot'cricx, Which will be gold low for Cash or Country Produce We would say b. the Farmers, Ileforo you so tit Pn.lluit.l l I..... f ' -.1- .11 J S ""j uowiis, can on us, at we will Uke Flour, llacon, llutter, Egifs, A.c, and (riva ... .....mugs wwua as low a cau be bought in I .ss-f les I) AN' N EN II A I,' .M &. ACKKKMAN. Oregon City, Nov. J 0, 1 IHO. Oregon City Foundry NOT WASHED AWAY!! E lake pleasure in informing the punlic that w have Too. Ilcpaircd all Damages! and jot our Foundry In running order again, an.) are ready to do work as usual. (Jive ui a call II. SMITH JJJtU.S. Oregon City, Dec. 21, 1 -G f . Dr. WJ. 11 ALL'S HALS AM C I'Ul'.S all diseases of thd LVSCS ami j thrvmt. Kor the euro of consumption, de- ! cline.iislhiiu. hrunrliilis, wtiMtitt of Hosli, night weiitx. spilling f lihwd, whooping cough, ililli. i cully of breathing, colds, coughs, intliioiiM, phlhisii'. p.iiu in the Mile, mill nil diseases of the 1 lungs, it Is tTnou:tleil ! Hull's Lung Balsam, in all can, give (hu bosl satisfaction; 1 1 tti wrought more cures siiu-e ilt introduction lli.ui any other cough iiiidiciuo ; In e uiloised by our lending- physicians in the safest Hud best remedy now before the public; j Is sate to use among children, yet pewerlul in t eases of chronic pulmonary disease; ltrings in certificate almost daily of its wonder- ' fill ernes in nil parts of the country. j There is no medicine within our knowledge that ! has ucouireil .-o treat and wide-spread popularity. ' in so short a space of lime, ns I'll. llAl.l.'Si IIAl.SAM FOR Tilt; I.I StlS. Its h.il nainic and healing properties me magical. It is highly expectorant mid tonic. It contains not a grain of opium or morphine, the narcotic aud as tringent properties which have created so much prejudice iig.iiusl similar preparations, e believe that a medicine possessing real merits will cthct cures whenever it is ne l, at home or abroad. 1'r. Hall's !,ils..m for the Lungs is no paregoric preparation, but one wh.idi, if used in Mason, will save the lives of thous ands. The iiio't distressing counh is ti t-. ti ;; t ! y relieve.) by a siuglii dose, and bioken up in u few hours' time. The ntll.cled do not lime to tako bottle after bottle before they liuil whether tins remedy will iilll.rd relief or not. Hear what Plivsioi.ius say of IV. Hall's Ital ian!. Says one: "1. wall confidence, r.-com. luetid the ItaSam as superior to any pr. p irntien." Another s : " I have used it with iinitoriu suc cess, and can confidently recommend it for all these complaints for w inch it is ottered as a ri in f.ly." Still another writes : ' 1 have n ihesiti. lion in laying thai it is a safe, convenient, and ctlicacious medicine." .Sold by all Pruggists. SANDS' SARSAPARILLA KEMKMI5KR, THIS IS THK Original tuul (ionuiuo Ait'k'lo Al'KSOW I.K1MIKII TO BE The Jictt Sarsaparilla I'.ttr Male.' rpiIIS unrivaled preparation has performed .! some of the most nsioiiishing ern es that are recorded in the history of Mi d. cine. '1'hc rapidi ty with which the patient recovers lltiiltli siimI Ml t tutli under its intluetice is surprising. K.ieh new cae ill which il is applied furnishes in the revolt a new certificate of its crtieaey and excellence; and we have only to point to the accumulated testimony of multitud-s who have evperu tved its heuelii i.il etl'cct.s,to convince tiic most incredulous of its val.ie. Uo not f irg t to ask for Sands' Sarviparilla. l'or sale by ll..loiiso fo. uiid llrn ivuroN A: ( o., S.m Kraneisco; Kick A Conis. MarysMlle; It. II. Mel oai.i vV Co., S.irr.iiiietitu; and by 1 rugg fts generally. july x'Iiik! IsUvS Ualsam of W IM i.lirrr. l,e only pure and genuine Ilalsam is, and i..r the i.i.t twenty years has been, prepared by Situ W. r'oWLK vV Co., of Huston; and their printnl name, as Will as the writien s gualure ol .. Bull: I'ppear oil the outer wrappers. As oil would aruul the spunoiis mid h ire the genuine, take no other! Wistar's IUuhm or Wii.k CiirRi:!. This ill valuable renndy is the best one extant for tlo- sal' -, sure, speeoy, anl permanent cure of r-.in'Ji, foe thrti.it. In onehit m, ath'nt, plemi.ii;, 1 pncumoni.t, croup, xchn.rpin eolith, ti'.rrtlin at the luni, pain m the lirewt or tide, und in laet etery form of thrnat, ch st, aud lui.g compi.iu.t, as ell as Cosi ki-tiox ilsi If. This lioUMhoid remedy should be in the hands of every family and . u I vidua1, as a t.no-'c appli cation of il to a si ght cnld Hill cause inminl.ire relo-f; while eases of lung stand. :ig, u' st.nite, and apparently it.curahl.- vhracter, w.ll sii ily yiildlo its wonderful curative powers ,-ind in' great a laj; jti-jii to the wall's of mi;i when at !ictd. For sale in C alif .rrii.i by flujiiigvn i Co., Henry dohnxm Co.. Charles Morr.ll. San 1'r.in- ' esco; It. II. Mcponuld kY Co, Sarr:.in.-ii:o ; Hue, Coffin sV Co, Marysville ; iiiuh iV Pans, Portland. ri gi.n. fet-'.eow 31 i 1 1 Scat and Land. I HAVE an excellent Mil. I. SEAT, ur rounded Hilli excellent TIM HER, whe h I ' would like to have improvi d. I will give snine millivright who wishes to invest in a saw mil! or , grist mill, or b th, a good chance. The lociti.ni is one of the very best for selling lumhi-r a : . vel way to the mill s.-at, no hills to pull ov- r, and handy to heavy etieiri,t. I wish al.-o to sell half a section of I.AM) near by. The pla -e is sil mil. s west of I.af.iy. L-tle, Vamhill county. W. I.. Alt VMS. Nov. 2.', f.-,9. 3.;if Yamhill House, AT LA FA Xl'.TTi:, by Hon-ii Wolfis it. it us : Per a-i i k " meal The table Is furnished as well us that of m: hot-1 in III'.- country. pinei:, STAIll.lSa. HI OSWF.ao, OHI-iaOX: A I2:ir(!ini-'H)i for Unya: ini.E UK OPENED ON MoNPAV, V SEni.MIil.U jrUl iU.s:o SPEKCEH HALL, milwackik, on i:aox. A IIOAIPE(;..SCIIOOE I OK (JlllES; W "I"5"' J " Mxnv, Sr.rrr. m Msr.s. !i, l-lll. Th'se scho'ds will he orgniiti il and conduct, d under tli subdivision of Ihe subscriber, whom any commmiiciitioiisiuay be addrews d, until tlm time of opening, aKiregou (,'ity. August i7, iKii. 'juo.mas v. scorr. Will Uy tlio ".Main Street House," Or egon City: ONE II A EE OE THE PE'EC'IIASE Mo. liey to Im paid on the first day of March neat -the lemamd-r to he paid in mm year from thai dale. If not s',1.1 by t nrMt duy of Novum, bur next, it will bo ollered fr rent. j H. W. MOSS. .'till Oie'on City, Septan, rjj 0 AollCf!. Tin: M Misvn.i.i: t:oi.i.i:ai: scitosn. Uril.E HE OI'ENEO ON MOM) A v V OCTOHEIl 7, lejlil, under the charm, of llev. I, no. ClM.nn.l!, asenbd by C, II. Mat- Ilooms can be had for student in tho Colh-oo building, if applied for 1vs.11, 1 crms In correspond with Iho liinei. Jiy ord.-r of the Eieeutive ( 'cmi. IIKMI V WAEIII'.V, M'Minville, Kepi. 7,1x1(1 -If H.c. ol II. ''. on Imii'l ' i I'. fy'HAKM AN'H. ti slice's Office, on kg ox citv, AM alwiivn on hand, and will ntlen.l lo the COl.l.ECTISt! OF ACCOISTS, I lnnviti;iip oflKvils, iMortj.fs, Least's, Montis, I Wits of Attorney, Cont i:u ts, Aw, Mid all other business committed to niv care. 0(,'iiY directly opposite the Musonic llmlding. June 111, I Mill'. ,1. I UK l'OUP. I'l.ovi: anodvm: Tooth-iu'lie Drops. Complain no moieof Aching Teeth. ' rilHUSIC Projis have been extensively used by 1. thousands n hose evperienee has proved that 1 the Anodyne will g.ve iiiimediale and pe.iuaiicnt relief alter the failure of every other remedy. It is pleasant to the taste and smell, nml u few appli cations will entirely remove the pun and sei-mess , from a decayed tooth, so that 'I may be filh-d and 1 rendend as usetiil as ever. When the pain pro. cecils from the face, or from the gums mound a tooth apparently sound, this AuoiUno w.ll give speed) relief hv I'uhhii.g a few diops on the part atl' ctt'i!. It has only to become geuei ally kutoi u to be as h ghiy uppiiMaled by the l'lihlie as it is , by I 'enl -is. Kor sale by 1 1. deussoN CO., aud 1!kihv. i'on ' 10 , San I raneiM'o ; Kick I on in, Man s. Mile; U. II. and bv Pi ii, Mi P..NU.I. isis geuer..lly. .s-aeiaineulo ; Eioniaii Dxc iiiilsam. VOHWKAK .f- ISFl.AMF.n f.'V.'N. !US HAI.SAM was used for many years in ic private practice ol a celebrated Oi-ulist , With remarkable success, for diseases of the Eye and Eyelids. I'heie ore many peru:is who would rather sutler fr.-m imiii and di-ease thnuigh hie, than cred.t or try II Ilieaev of any new discovery; all such had belter not read this, but to nil reasona ble poisons lli s preparation is recommended us a most sut'e and i ll'eclual cure for mtl. mun ition of the M)e and M)el ds, caused either by too close applieat oa to uiuiute obects, scrofulous h.ihit.cv vMirc to cold, blows, contusions, or irritation I'loni any extraneous Imly under the eyelids. It is leaiai kabbly smithing in itseflect, and has cured thou-aii'ls who woul.lothcrw.se have lost the.r sight. In cases the Eyelids are in'!. lined, or the hall of the ll)c thickly cowred with blood, it acts al most iike mage and removes Ml uppeur.inci s of intl.imuialiou alter two or thiee applications. 'I In re is j numerous el.iss of persons I li.it are eeu li.ii I) exposi d to aeeiileiits or d..- uses that weaken and 1'iil.iine the Eyes, and perhaps destroy the sil.t, who, friiiu the nature ol the r emp'o) ments, are eoni elle.l towoik in a cloud ol'diit and grit. Sn. h h.Hi!d never bo w .Ihout this H A I.S A M. Hoi. 'ember, ''See.ug is lleheying." I'r.ce .'o cent- .r j ir. Preiarcd and sold by A I!. A P SVXPS, Prilggi-ls, I I'ul-.nll s:re, Xew Vork. E' r sale by 1 1 .loii-o A Ci. an.! Ki ins., rov iV I'... Sin I r.itie s. i; En!: A Coiyin, Maiisiilie; I!. II. M P..MIH A Co, Sacramento; and by Prug :: . u-r:illy. .Inly '.'I -mi! si.mii.ka.mi:i: 11 A VE TURXllU OCT b d o a b n : - EIT THE Eagle Boot & Shoe Store " is so ill sunt;: II i:i:i: vdc c.w i end the sii i e that will stand the tare and wear. It tiros- piets well, f.,r I raise the rol ,r ev, ry pan, und if tlf- tunes were ..nly a i;il broker, I lli.nk that it would piy very Well; and if oa don't believe it, j.i; r.no- and h i) a p nr of In )0 IS, after Juu try tlo in on, fur I little .Inst ItirciMil A M;V ASSOIIT.MKXT OF BOOTS AND SHOES, o r Thf I.:;ti'-t .Stl.' ;unl I'a-liiuii, ieiits' line serei Erero.h calf hoots, also H ggsi calf I. (.i.ls and sh... . ..f nil sorts and n?e ; l.niirs' k .1, iii..ro'-co, i n ,ii.- and cloth gaiters, suli ela- tie Ci.i.Te-s.i, ,1 g,,,. rs, misses' waiters and shoes of eiery kind, roar. and tine ; hots' shoes of ev- ry kind that is nieuti.ned in my rhyme; i hd-.Ir.-u's ra. f and i-up.ef ti . slues; iadies ursl hililren's HOSE of all siei, whi'e, brown, and fun); .M.ll.-re M'nter-Piuof EI.ACKI.N'i i, J. S. Ma-. Hi's Klai.king ; Mkm nialwr's I'l inline;,, awls, I, iminers, tlir. ad, nm, m,,:,, An, .in. s. ink fu! fur pas! patronage, respecifully '...iil'iiuaio e of patrmia je from mvolil i ns- sh'.' l.Ct t'.iiiers and 11)' lo-iv ones lis fhis. w tif r'.ilue. l.a.t.e an I (."-n'l. men. gnu me a call, ynin.' mid )oiin. mo ii. d, great and small, brave and b'.ld, fur I w II be n lily niclliuppy It, w.nt on )u.il, and in ,;,rtic u .ir u,e laui. ; i i, un to see them coniu to pay hit H i-n. l.i'liieriiuer lle place j Tiro Dimrt I'.uhI of llrown ilhnthrr, .'lain Mrccl, . . On iron MM Eu li.'s and gentleman, I assure ion Unit I can i.. . . i i . J r.-u .,u irms .nm si as cheap a. liny douse iw n, or a littl.i cheaper for cash ih.wn. .Small ir.,lits and ipnck sale, that is the Inlk that I. Il" 'llr- !myl J. Mof'. ;y. I AOtiee. UlSSill.VTlOX OF COI'AltTSF.ItSIIII 'IMIE linn of Allan, M. Kiiihiy k Co., hereto I. f'r carrying on business under that title nl Or. gi.ii C,iy, rimmpiieg, and Eoaer .Ncoltsburg, I mp'iua, is hereby dissolve by mutual consent i " ' io sain iirm, or Having claim. Iip'll them, lire hereby requested In send in t Ii. ir ne..i,is or liiiiKe payui. nt of lh- same i, c,rn. i. Allan or Archibald McKiiilav tit ChamiM.eir ... A ........ 1 1. .11 . . . I. ... 1 K .,. inMiMiioH in irregon l.ily.wlio a re mi itiorii-u to si Itle all aeeuiints coiiiiei l.il with the sum nrm. A I.I. A N, M, KINEA V A. Co. Champosg, Deo. .'II, I r;,! 4 J f. PAINTER 1 CO., U Practical Pi inters, am Jte.tlers in iVcssi-H, I'riiitiii'' aMutcpiiik Ink, Paper, Cards, ij-e., SI Clay rjtin. l, ahote Snnsome, Han Eraiicis.-o. J 'Office filled out with dispatch i.s.i'iiNrr.a I V. I'AISICK T.r. tMlr. .Justice! .Justice! I.O Alii, i hound to he the licit President hssheeii iipiiomti'ij iliislicn of tho Peace for Or ei'on f-'ily pri ciiict, in order in prevent a colhipsa ol the I ' nmii. All ollieial liusiue.a enlriisled to hi'cnre will he iironiplly n(tciid'd to. Olhcn nl llepiihlifiin head iiarlers, lirsl door north of A. Il'.lhri.'.k's law ollicf., wlicrn he will ha found win II ll'.l employed ill heller business nl hie Wugon Shop, one door s..ulh of ,e Post Ollic, where Im would be glad to do justice lo your old wagon, or supply you with no Mr own, a good ns Ihe best, nud as cheap n the cheapest, CA taken in erchanje firtroik. W. P. iiritNS. Oe-on fc'ily, Aug. II, (ji;j. PURIFY JTJHE BLOOD. MOFFAT'S Vegetable Life '7s Ml E high and envied celebrity which these pre eminent Medicines Have ueipiireii ior uieir invariable ellieac) in nil the ibsiMsen wlncli IlieV profess to cure, bus rendered the usual pi neticc of pulling not only unnecessary, but unworthy ol them. Thev lire known by liu ir liiul; their good works testify' lor tin m, and they thrive not by the faith of the credulous. Ill nil cases of asthma, ncuto and chron c ilteii matisni, nth ctious of the bladder und kidneys, bilious feiers and liwr coinplaiuts,- in the smith and west, where these diseases picwiil, they will be found invaluable. Planters, limners, mid oth ers, who onco use these Medicines, will ueier l erw ards he without lll. in. ll)sm'i-la.--o persoil with 4his distressing disease should delay using these medicines iiiiine dialely. Eruplions of the skin, erjsipi las, llalu leney, finer and ague I'm this scourge of the western country, these medicines will be found u safe, speedy, and certain remedy. Oilier medi cines leave the system subject In a return of the disease a cure by these medicines is periiiniiont. TllV TIII.M. UK SI riSI IKH, AMI IIKI I IIKII. Mercurial llseaM's, -Never fails to eradicate enliiely all Hie ult'ecls of .Mercury inliiiilely sooner than the most powerful prepaialiou ol Sais,ioirilla. Sight Sterols, Set rout Oelniity, Srrvoun coini Uiint of oil kinds, Oi game All'rrtious, ',lpi.:loll of the llr.nt, I'oiiiter'l chnlic. t'ttf. The original proprietor of lliesn ine.li. clues was cured of dies of II. i years' standing by the use of these Life Medicines uloiie. oi'iMs of all kinds aie elleclually eypelled by these med icines. I'.iieuts w ill do well to administer Iheui henever their evisti uee is suspected. Kolief w ill be certain. x The Life 1'ills and I'h.rnix lliltrii Piir.lv the blood, and thus remove all disease from the system. A single trnil w .ll pines the 1. 1 I F I'll. l.s mid I'lhFS IX II ITT Kits bey .Hid the reach of competition in the estimation i f every patient. Il T Prepared by UK. Ml I. El AM II. MOI'TAT, M.'l.'i (r n.iiirni, car. Woithtt., ,'i-ir Vuik. .1. EI.E.MIMi, Agent, ii. M Font OjHre. ;l y Oregon Ciry. Iliioit;iilt to lloiisckt't'pcrs ! Xo Familu ought to be Without MKYKU'S .W It A C C I. O C A' Vermin Dcstrovcr. I T vm i..-trtr(! ivi-rv w p u of Wruuii 1 1 j 1 1 - 1 1 1 1 pri Mii.irii wh.Tc it It h rrii ihmI, iiihI ytovt (1 Xo llir rulirn itati'l.ii tH'ii It ir linrai tlwl il i thi mil (lini n rtllul t roiiiti(( tlinruuh fit Ulll.tir XH. HEAD TIIZ3! nice nt Hie I , H. al Inspii-tor of lro xtslonsamt t.lnlhiui;, Nnv V itu, N. V , July J1. l-s.-,-. This is te certify that .l.ss pit Meyer, Practical Cle m st, Ims, by the use of his preparation., driv en all the rats fr.'iu t ioveiniiieui Store ,o. b' of th.s tii.peclii.il, whieh was u.tested Willi those de stru. iive ainuials; iiiid ih.it I witnessed an . i Iraoidiiiary destructi.'ii uf c.Kkroaehes, by Mr. Meyer; although, when he applied Ins rsmder als. nt the.r places of result, only a few were seen, soon after, iii less limn litter o in. nut. , the llis.r ol the room was literally cori red with Iheui, sviine already dead, others dying, and I fe-1 assured that by a tew applications of Ins f'heuu. al Powder, win. h is ei rtaiul) ery elli. aci..us, Mr. Meier w ould enl. i . ly rid a Ionise ol the- i.himvieus in- se.ts. Jl) p. I.IHSON, Impectnr vf Frtftu o.t und Clothing. Sole Agents, A. II SWPS A fil, Whole- sal. ton Sa: Pru.-g st, 1 1 Wilhain strei t, corner of l ul New i..ik. 1'ors.ilr hv II .l..ns.s .V , ,i . Prune so.!, and by Prug' ts general1)-. I viii;i;i.i;u tt viio.'s riKST ritXMIUM 1'A Mil. V sS (! v i n p 31acliinrs, A IIP. AC K SOW I.F.DUF.V TO nt: FAR SUPERIOR TO ALL OTHERS IX USE! lleing more simple, und capable, of Doiii" mure kind- of woi lc Til AX AX V OTHER MAHIXE! The stitrli ia alike en leith sides, And will not Kip op Ravel ! a HEAT IIF.UVCTIOX IX PRICKS! II. (,'. HAYIlliX, Ayent, Corner Monlgoinery anil .SV'raiiiento streeia, CM. KESTER. Under laker, - ' W)1 ''" ",f"rm "l0 'ople of Orrgon f,'ity T 1 and vicinity thnl he will keep a supply of Jti'uIy-niiKli! Collins, of all Hizcs, coii.slniil.ly on linn, I, I'e will also keep a U p. BU ami will he prepared to lilt. 'lid lo all the iieiji iwiiy hllslliess of fnnnriils euniMieli.,1 u.ll. I... II,... Shop near llie Seminary. Custom from Ihe i.'oiiiilrv i rni,e, ir.illi AND HARNESS MAKING, OIIEGOX CITV. JAM now carrying on n Saddler's and Har ness maker's shop ill this elt), and Imvo coil slant!)' on baud the best of IJcinly-iiimli' liariu'ssiidillfH, liri tllfs, lialtfi's, iiiiirtiii.'il-s, and eveiylhing ill my line. I inn ul"i' lead)' to make to older niiwhiug in my line thai may he called for, on a short notice. My inollo is, Make a good nilicle, mid sell il cheup. 1 solicit patlou age nt home aud from iihio.nl. My establishment is neiuly opposite Chnriiiall A' W in iter's Old Stand on Mam street. J. II. SCIIHAM. April I H.V.I. 'aliialK' I'rojH'iiy For Sulo. 77 : en A M ro i:a no fit mill. '1 MIIS Mill., situated about linen fourths of a mile lioiiiChninpoeg in the midst of Hie gieat graill growing collllll V III I'legou, is iiuen-n ior sale. Pining high water in wi r, flour, Ac., can be shipped direct from the Mill. Attached to the mill is a granary for r mug nml storing w heal, u dwelling-house and gulden for the use of the prison III chillge. lilil wllillo plopeily elll'.l 'lees iibonl t IV K i Itl's. The ill -ichinei y ot the in II is of Very superior ipiahty, having I II impelled from Iom Ii. ler, N. V. There tire two tun" of the lost I'teiich Huns, ami un etra patent mil of smaller Huns fer choppid feed, Ac. 'lite frnuio-wurk, tor strcnglh, Ac., c.inuol be stir paved in t 'logon, mid the mill ill all respects is the In si m the M ile, Eur I ailicu'ars, apphi iilioii should be ma le to l, EO. T. A LEAN, I ... A. M, KIM. AY. 'h or to A Ml 'II V IIOI.liKOOK', l'hauis.eg, Jan 10, ISfal llif Oirgon Cily. Sa it t tsi Sa r. a pa rill a, Fur Purifying tho Blmid, ami lull Tin; rt'KK of Scrufiila, Mori'iiriiil Ihscitses, liliciiiiiiitisin, I'litniieiiiis l'.ruitios, Slul.rH.rrt ulcers, l.iwr t' ( i I it 1 1 t a I Iv'spc iiii, llruiicliitis, Sail K 1 1 1-u 1 1 1 , l.tniiliitgii, Wliilii Swell, itiy, 1 1 1 1 Disease, I'.iilitti.'i'tiii'iit uf iho 1 ItMi nt mill Juints, rover Sores, I'ciimlo ('mil .,iints, V.ryi ';xl;ni, I.OSS III' A (ipotltc, 11 III ', Illl.-H, (iciieral Del-il-ity, iVc, li e. ' Il ha. long been a iii .nl important desiilrniliuii III ihe pr.i. I. CO of llledietlle, to ohlo.n a reined) sun lr to I lis. n.l a. i.lmgly w i timl il resmled toalui.-s( un ! fstilly in all II10.0 tormenting ih.- ..... ..I II.. .L... Ir I.. I I I. ...... .. .....I .... juiioiis in inn loiiiii 1 1 i. atonic, n p i ie in , a ini (liilhc Idllt. It until ti it, tlm i m I'U 1 1 1 1 1 1 It . 1 1 1 1 J v II li n tlr i i rh'N, uiiil tlh' " tl, ainl til it lUtrr r - tthii li an uiilniiifll III' rr- mitt uf rnuft; tlill tMil kiuJ' f tnili i in-, ii i- r ir- rinl mi ul (lie n.utio 1 tii llir"ii!i tli. iiiii n 1 it ii tad' y l 1 11 m I'M-: I mc li il urnt. t 'ir il nirril ii thit il iiUM-tii mi I 11 tttt ii.i the it livr ir 1 nr 'i!e nl di.i n-q ilsflf, uiiil u tini (Imt im (Mine, tlio ry iii'l-'in tufufwjrity i!'';j,.tr T(n tn pnlily Willi win. Ii the i it ir nl ft-rot im tir,!lh will Atreutll Ufuh'f til in lriie lltfltl. urn in ullt Jif lull j hEMARKADLE CURE. .tH I'm hrjt.iu IV r , ) VxuU II, .1.. 1. S M"l. A . 11. , I SlNPi. Nrw ...k: l.eli- ll niPti, In the rut'; of Is J, w I 1 Ir mi uur a ft Mill linl.tUU t I ! r ji'-H e, Kin r'il "t t" W. eiei i U rte!!i!i MU.l n rl" U llii ill llir Ires ttli.i'll tiny lV i!t ri w Wire, tmlil hm vn nm. tfiH mill lT4llf no jilit,l II it lie '! ill If t w.iik. uimI rt h.i I ( i-.1 f : Inn) ii'i'iil inn nu in f.llil 11 fr.ifhr.l A lit t llie .'l- of I l.-luurr, riMiipleli'ly tt. in wilt hy l.itu'un. '. lhi liuir, lie W.ii rethl. f, tii It JTft ''l aknt. t'HI llefe P Wfjr t imMr 1 tn riiitMilt r, .iit ui Ah ' !in lionesitly cmilrwrii Ur mil I it i ulfi lull l, al- tll"M( ir roilli! iJiVi' III III Mir.jn-iue tli it W iMI.d ire the j . It III ill n r mh riiif tWni,' liitut In; ilne, t. tlritll tt.ii MI'-l .1 iMe. !iiu r. uu- iti ml nl ti try )uur S.ir tiir.lii, I f ur. , ,4 . tlf. Alter t.ikio n.ntie, e DM ttnl Wnf.t1; hut (KTii Vrfill Wilh It, t n(it.iit,i'. .'i uii.t Imttle, 1 w ln h eemn tit ;,'ri)l' with the iie,ie, mil 1 rnur. . iiiiitk'il iiiijMiivnieiit : t!.e hmi'I! njj mid itiii mi llie h' Wrir rr tt u ril, lift Aiirti'e nu. ! tifovi ii, tt nil tun ' nlnf he.,11 Id ri turn. Thii rn (tuifii.-'l, iiin Im-. tj a ilnnl liotile ; w hi. iL I III..' It the .velhii hi h " lr;JN f k , 11 II I i'lin jnri'en ut In, ue i-ue rill til ail l!M'll l'"li;f Cplie 1 out, lllti f uliicli ! Irjf. it r .1 h. !) i iiihI Itr.ilnl U Kit ir limv jief(rr(ly r t'"Vere h ! nu ni- j .e,iriiin e ol Ih-mi tt rrii;ile( ami run . tftm J iimmi km U nf I'liniiiiuii Ller, nu nil our hp ijhViri i cut certify . Voiir, r.rrihi!lv, ! i'Al.KIt IHVIS I IV.m..l und ly .1 it ,y I). S WDS, VhflfN.tlii I'mifiitit, lun l'uituu iilrrrt, rnrur f i W1II111111, mk. ' S.ild alio hv II. JSO Co(.wi f'ntn. run,; ;( K MH I IV, MiiynnUt; U , I Mi;h.U) cii.( Snn,im'nlo; uml hy ! I r 11 .';; .l nilly. ih. .vn.i.u;, a ji ut, (hf'nu cti. ji inki 1 31 ore. i;i.m: in 10 BUSINESS, ii.wi: a t ; a 1 .v LIVERY THK aii'l will ke. p hor.es per wrel, at l'or sllu.li. I e, , 'J,', I liie night 7., I'.ir hire per dny for .addle huses . ml Tln se priees will he eh.ii'ed till further lioln e is gn. 11. I haven f. w MA It I'.S, (III. IS, 1, ml ' ,, P..S of my on 11 ra siii, that I would . (rh.nn.'e r.ir i.ili it pr. .p.-rt y , H. W. .Ml ISS. Oi.g.ni City, Aiii'tist 17, I Hi: I. .'1 1 11 i'otrn and Waon! C7 Iilacksinitliin of nil Kinds duiif; to Ol'llt'P. IKKI'.P always on liitml STKFL PLOWS, trnrranted to tcniir and do as good wmk ns any others in the iStnle. lean also furnish you Willi WAtJOXN. I enn always he f..uiid ut my shop, opposite Me K inlay's, ready to shoe your or do iinylhing in the hue of my hii.ine.., Call and see, J, W, I.KWI.S. Oregon llily, April Ifi, Ihill), if CAST -STEEL P l( (MV ,S ! M1IIK iiiuler.igiied urn now enirri'.'e.l In iniiuii. I fueliiring some f il,., REST CAST STEEL PLOWS ever 11, lido oil this oonsl, whirh they nre not uluiid to warruut, nml whiith Ihny urn selling at I'rli'i-e Ni( nM, 'fliiifN. fl llllVO IIMldfl llllitnriiil liiinroieiiiiiiils (111 ..or old piiileru, and those who hnvo tried imr plows Kvn llioin Ihe preferenue over liny nlher lliey have ever used. We am ciirrviuir on an esleii. sive maiiiifiiclnry, ami inlniiil to koep up wilh tlm rnpioiy lli..Hsli,( ileiiilill.l. If yon Hauls (HHIIl I'U.W. of easy . raft. and sum to seour, get mm nf lltjncnrmn'i Utile tulle I'luirt. I., it A, V. ItVNI'.AIlHON. riuleville, March Ull, I Hi, I Merino ISik;Us. JMAVI'I n few lliri;n.iiuirlnr hlood MIIKI.NO lll'CK I.A.M IIS. whieh 1 will sell low. M. pl;ieeisu iiiiI. k t f ,afiiynlle. Dvc.'JD, lljlil. ), AIM MM ', IMackwooffs MagaZinc ANII TtlK Hritish Jtfivinvs, Orcat Iuducom7nuo SulwcribeI I'KKMICM A Nl) l,:,)i(:7lm tt::i,M 4. in,::;: t. nu. i.um o vin . ... . seivatlie). "M (t'otti 1. I UI. I IIIMii Uti U. ........ "IVVIlsil till.. "t - ... (I ree Cbnrehl. "rl.'.V 1. IUI I l.iboial) t. Mli(UV0H m.ii.i.im; lMvni. The present i'iilu-,,1 .inln uf ,; will render these nuhli,,. ... 'TM "IT.ir. lug during the lril,eonng ye., " , oupy a l.nd.lle ,, ,',, , , ' killgc- new,., te,,,., crude s,,,,,, , . 1 y ntt, ",ri "''""y '"' ,lU.'pZZ the fulme Inslor.au. written i.... f" ""'Mor est nud eyoiiciiieni f , , ', '!'" "" Ihe lime shall have paed .w-.J , ,e,ll" Periodicals t reads,. , !,,. f,,. ,, " really .u.elhgihle , ,,,,, , .nl. events, and a. such, , ..l,,,,,,,,, ,,, .V " ""'! "")' """""i". ami the ' "i' acler. we urge Iheui ,, ,(, J 'Plm. rciidiug piihlin ""n oi l, I he receipt of ill " Slirrls Hrili.li piihli .gin..,!, " ""W.IU liepr.uts, iiia.iiiuch as they ,. Umf ill the hnn.ls uf subenhers sls.ul . or i-innl editions. " ""' Un l 'or any one of lbs four K, views l or any two of ilo. four Ken..'.' Per (lift' -9 ,i no l orant three uf the lour I.'.. 5 1 no I- or nil lour olibe l;.. W) l'or lllin kwis.d's Magniine. l'or Ilia, kwooil and otic Ksnew.,,.," l'or lllu. kwo,., and two l!virs,a .,.r Itla. kwood ami tbrse lten " l'or UEis kw..o. ami the lour Ileum. ' rovru.i:. . 3 (Ml i IM . 1 IN) W .1(1 W 'h. Pi .una In any ..rt of fui,,j s I iH I"1 but 'Imeait.iuMr t.ral , ' , I " l!laekwoi..," and but Vourlrea tai , " lor earll nf the Eetiews. 1"'" Al the aboie prices lb IWdicsJ, i, . , lii.hrd lor lull. .MI t. 4 I rromlum to Now Subicrlberi, . iheNmi. of Ihe aims P, nod.cal. f My i liiini.liril i-,.ii,lrie, k ilhimt udditinnnl csiirfr I'nl ke the iiime iphriit.ral Msgaiinea ( tl,, il.l),lhe. I'rri.slieals Umm liltle ,y ,jc , a lull i ear of Ik.. N,. (.,( .,n ,,. k,'r,,..jj nearly as laluahle as (or li. Sub.ellbn. wi.hmg sImi lbs Nss. fur IsiKl,,,!) be .opphnl at the (olh.w.ug i.,.,L, U Splendid OUVrs iui uvv, vi v, iuiu Ul ICKClilCr. l'or lll.ickwis.l'. M ignuiie. ths three nun mi ! nr an V our le rv I or uiiy two lirtu H I ,ti ;!.. kvM.ii! .111 1 .nm llftii-tv, I ur 1 . ! . k v l um Ihu Ki firm I r tliirr 't ir w , . , I ur I'.l 4' I. im .iinl tlirrr Knirwi 1 nr the Inlir KrtifHe . , , I 1. 1 liurkntc- nn. I thr h ur It iirt. n 00 li Ih Il Ij m IJ IN i; wi Anyi-f thr ulHie wink w dl iot furimi.V'i In .V-ir .Vij'.j. 1 ilr 1 li.r Hit )rar l.it.'jT.i At iiiif K-it rr HfjuUit Sut irfii.u ltUtt. I hu tt Set? Sul.trt i,rr may oUmn tli ljf it.u uf tlm lull Kr eMtetnl lllai kit.d six t imrultw fi fur ;ittt W hu ll i a'.uiit the ii. f uf t lie ottju.al iryill fir Aw h.i!l if tf Im Wt'y In oiler in. i!!il'i llir nl ltiir Im n reriilrl, "Now ii the Titno to Subscribe ! j'" l.riintl hi. r it.ii:, 111 nil 1 . v U n ,!tirrt ro t'tr lutU$ f..f at 111 .ftf u ruitim ll f ill he a I. wed loart.t. Ad ii-, 1 1 1 iii M'tirr a io, Nu .'.I ...!) ..r.rM. t otk i i; 1: a t MEDICAL DISCOVERT. hi ll ll.l.'H V. IlVCT Syrup. mi SAKS f Alt ILL. a sn iVn..K-l. I I'll TtlK ( I UK UK T'(t'ul:i, S iliilitif, iiiiil Mcrcil DiM'ii.si, ( M suM'!i, fkin ili--i':fsi'S, uml nil ntlirr ilisc.isrs u liicli are r;uiiri lv nil Xmptiro itnto of tho Blood f TllI.S i:i.(Kll A I.I V Kit SVKl'P U.r IS WAKIIAM KH Jl 'P.. Hire all seiefnloo. and ulher dnew-s tlul ot ijjiimte I lino ihe st.ioo ol una. i:i:ah tii i: statu mi:nt ok sir. Mi W I I.I.I A MS, Who is l lder in llev .,r,tee llii-lin.-H'i rtmrili, r. gjrdiiig Ihe rule of his daughter, alio " to all nppe.irn s i-rippl. .1 f..r ls vr th tht WI' nl.le di..,,iMi, M Kill I LA: C'mcmriAfi, I'eU .', MJ Mi ... A. I,. Smuii.i. A' ro. Hear Sir.; I feel il my duly to mils e1 let )uii liiiow w hal )our lihsel ami jnr.',)'f has d.iue I.. I my .l.tughler, ami that hy pulihshia( it others wh, i Bull, r Willi Ihe same ilas-eM '1 know of il, and hy its use (lerita jfHat benefil My ihiughler Kha has heen sorely lllicl'd h( Ko' I I, A, ull. ii. led with great in, for snr I Ins it two y.are. She had smiir live 01 m runmof I h ers on one nf her feel, one on her lup, t'" one un her hark. They reused coiilnclsn f the liinhs so thai she i-uol.l not walk. Al II'1 lime, Il "in tlm high rernmiiif ndalinn cf yen' IIIih-kI and l.iver Syrup ill ourilig sued duet. ' Wits llidiieed lo try il. Nho l oiiiuienred uu l'i nml as the me.lieiun aided on iho hlooil, tin eoiiimeiieed heal. The liinhs are it'll1' sliaiglit she ia now gaming elreiiglli. I !''' only ued three htll, of llie medirnie, mJ 'n' ran now walk ipiile well. Voiir Klisxl !' I.'"' Syrup has donn wonder ill re.t.uiiig her li'tl1'1 Wilh Ihi'grenlesl respeol, I rrmsiii votins, 11. .MtU'ilii."' KTATKMKNT OK MX. IIOIIAfB UPHII NUM., Clt Mieeianiii y ifr i'ntliir o Ihe Pitlh'"" rhurrh. Cihtinvti, MarnliWi Ws Mrss, A. I.. Sii.,ni.i, i in. . learSir:-M. MoWilhniiis, I'H, ! in Ihe ohurrh nf which I nm peslor. I in iiiniiited wilh I hi. riri'iiiiislaiiee of lh '" his ilHiighlur, and I have im hrsilaney in that I ooiiuiiliir the mire truly wonderful' IIOKAI'K IIIIMIM'-I;I-Hi.i.m.i.'e IIi.im.ii anii l.ivraHvsur for Mlty all Iho piuioipiil lni(iisls everywhere. Ur. A. II. Sii;..,i:, Agent, Oret (( C.VAt. W. NNIll.l,, ..i.t, es.or lo Paik A H lnt Agenl, .Vim Fninniro, Kill Washing Importer an l Ornrrul Aenljori' lalnl 7l-ll lii't l'uiu'f"oah whii'li am iillereil lo IhaTraile nl Neit York price, with hut rosl f hip"" Tor Bale vi, mX ftVlK IIAI.K OK LOT NO. I IN I'M' 1. Nu, J, niljoioliiK Ihe Mnsoni" llmHwHi " this l ily, luipiiiii nl Ihe Argil OlHiO. Oi-egou City, Mnr. u ill), im.i. Toys, Ty. . Mil.Ii sl'PPl.r I'OK .'lllllTMA md,.vVe..fV-jHslfI Jltlto Ull, lOhO.