The Oregon Argus. (Oregon City [Or.]) 1855-1863, May 10, 1862, Image 1

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    T1IJ5 ()lll:(U)N AJKilJS.
HI' w' ;,IA,-'
,. .,'.., ui '" furninhed l V7ii JJuUmi
the I"""' ' "" I"1"' ''"""' '
',,11 . i'i'(fJ I'"'''"' ''"'"".
'7 ).... l " "f ,A
"iV. "'" l"rh.irgrdriix month-
,,ilfii''""" i"'"' "'" " 'r" "'""'
., ,., Jkciinihii'c unlit nil niieiiiiim
'" "' "' "" l'M,,"r-
"'silil' ""'" tu","lHJ'"'r r'""'
Oiikiiun C.rv, May 1, I Mil
),; AiiurH! Tliu editor of tlio Mmtn
(nirtcrr, who wus lit tlio secessionist State
C'oiivciitioti. in "it ni till" " H" "
codling of ,,0,b'." "mlu'H lm of lllu
fullowii'K l"l!"nl!: " NVu l! " umWH
c,jrgo llmt " 11,0 K','itl,'""' I'l'i''d in
nomination for Stalo uMccrs nro secession
lit liut ( do nay tliat liny urf on It und
all MttpliM to those who believe in the te
(turn ciH-rr." And further; " From
.i.. HinI it was apparent, tliut thn name
inv i
bf Ji'il" Wnil WM l" "s"' "K " m"'u''
for tliu bnluuro of tlio tit kct, lind
lliii proriiiiii was carried out to tlio end."
Tlio cdilT makes no t ti-mpt to conceal
liii oiiiiina tlmt 'ill tli" nominees for Statu
iiUkcrs nro of tlio JcfT Davis school of poli-
lion, ami yi't lo t,ll,t "I10" CV O' ,im' 10
niiiorl Judgo Wuil whoso record, he says,
I, " untarnished." Docs the editor of III
ilounlniitftr suppose Hint Judge Wait is
Ignorant of tho reul sentiments ol Ins ns
-A Weekly Nt'VHj'iiji(T, (lcvof,(!(l to the IiilcrcsU of tlio LaWinjg; Classes, and advocating the side of Truth in every issue.
No. 4.
Vol.. VIII.
Oil ON CITY, Oil KG ON, MAY 1 0, 1 802.
One iqiuim (Iwelvg lima, or leu, brevier mfftiuro1
line insertion $3 VI)
Kmli BitliKci) ueiit inacrtion 1 00
ttminemcurila one year SO 00
A liberal deduction will bo made to thorn who
advertise, by the yenf.
t? Tlio number of innerlioni ahouM bo iiolcJ
on tbe margin of nn aih'crtitrment, otlierwinn it
will ba published till forlii.Mou, and cliurgcd ac
cordingly. f5f Obituary notices will be 6hnigctl lialf tin
above rutin nf o d ve rtii n (j.
JJ? Jul 1'KiNnsa executed with neatue and
Payment fur Job Printing mutt be nude ok
ilrlirm nf the trnrk.
Nuiiich v lrlni'luli-.
1 1 is no little mutter id surprise to wit
ness tliu pertinacity with which politicians
I'liiijj to party tiaine". And even the
Kpint pervades th masses of tho peoplo to
ion Rourcca, that tins (juiis of the National
' forces under (ion. Uiirnsidfi, wero prolia-
lily opernting on Ft. Macon, Tuesday or
j Wednesday.
Two deserters came into Yoiktown who
say tho rebel force is 100,000, who nro
lion of n ioii.t resolution l,v vunr l.onon.l.le : treat extent. Kvcii after a party name i :rr;.Tv,- ' viu.-.. rt,i consiriicinix oim near mo pruheui ones,
. y ' . . v v t u . '.A.a niiiuiJ.ii;r.ii-i'. i.. .
'the nu-runnl J.nmni liiillun'l IIi'hhuvk or
Ihr I'rmliliBl.
Tlio I'residenl sent tho following very
important message to Congress, April "lli:
l'tlhw citizen of the Si mtk uwl 1 lunar
ii lufireirntuiti'ft. I reeoinuienil lliumlop
Details of Eastern News.
Innlies which hliull ho hiihitatially us fid-, lias been used for the vilest purposes, uud
low-: l,l,.r,l,.,l t ii n ulntit fif mril'lil t lll'liil 1 1(1 1 tllllt.
Tho Maryland Legislature has nppropri-
is not there.
On Tuesday tho rebel cntno from their
IJ.-KISIUUI.C ,. ,,,. ..,,..-, . - . T .f;,. ,, ,,,.,,
or ated $7,000 ii, behalf ,J the fannln of; - ; . -
tliose who were lulled anil uisanieo, oi toe .
..i. !..,. ;,., .t ;.. ta ,llllP,. ,;iroiji nui.ii ... ...........
ii it ii... ci..i....
ft'ni'iri'i I ii v liu Hi II niillini i . i , i.
... ' . ... .... ... : renders the uuino not only a syuony
IMI.tllt III I'll Mltlll'll I II VI V I 1 1 lllltl Sktlllll Ul.ll'll J i J
limy ndopt gradual nbolislnneut of ulavery, l'1" w"1''1 01 l'"t'l torrnption uuii i M,1SSI11.111S,.US t(.gi,m;iit, in its march ;
giving to kinli Statu peeuniary uid to be j biisencss, Imt u stench in tlio ol all , through Jlaltiinore about n year since.
ii -eil by such Statu in its discretion, to lovers of L'ood uovei umeut slill. the party I A ntiuibi r of refugees from Norfolk nr-
port mat tue iirr
Our loss was two killed and ono ruortully
A hkirniish took place on Wednesday,
. i- .1 : : il- . . ! i i . .1 1 I. tliu. ni-
,'"Mm) ,ur n coiim-.i, muc S u d.m llmt w ray urmml d riven nero lo ony, u..u n-j-w.v - - '"I . i( ..j,,, )(.t,VH.,, ,in ndvanen of our
am. private, produced by such c go ol vo(Hr,s Il0wmr bIM,ios y be the 1 c-7 !' 0
If tliu proposition contained in the reso-! principles il represents, jus an monnrous ,t ,vns exi)f:clea that she would be out in
I ii t ii til does not ineil the approval of Con-1 worship of name instead of principle, and n few days.
ress and tho country, tin to is tho end; im evil, tho i fleets ol which aro now being I Four gunboats have been launched t
but if it does couiinuiul such approval, 1 Lvneiii n.-eil bv the nation Norfolk, and lour moro nro coiisiiuiuug,
Saturday, tl.o 19th. The rebel arniy is re
ported greutly demoralized by tho Union'
victories, news of which the rebel authori
ties in vuin endeavored to suppress. Tim
principal event yesterday, tho 2-1 th, world
mentioniog, was the shelling of Yorktown
by our gunboats who wero Dioved from the
mouth ot Wavcrly Creek during the morn
ing, and opened a well directed fire on thrf
works, which was promptly nnswered by
the rebels. The bouts then fell back three
miles from Yorktown and again opened
fire, the shells exploding within tho ene
my's works, but obtaining no response.
A few sh'.lls were fired during tho day
alotiK the whole line, to keep the rebels
No ono
from strengthening Iheir works.
detachment of rebel cavalry. After fight- j was injured on tho Union Ride.
deem it of iiupiirlaiico that tho States and
people iiiimi'diulely interested should bo lit
; sotno of them to be plated.
Democracy once luul a potent, inuucnce, i ,,...,,...,..., ri.ll(ir.j to linvo oc- distinctly notified ol the fact, so that , t"o principles it representeu were iiv mg, ' ,.lir,,., i.hovo Flizabeih City was between
they may begin to consider whether to ac-. important ami just principles; under llieir ,r,00 Uuon troops nnu llic .jh weorg.u njf-
. . .i n-i -
mg nit hour, botn mrties renreu. i no
loss was not larje. A Union man from
West Tennessee says the woods tire full of
Union men, fleeing from the provisions of
the Conscription net.
The Mississippi is very high.
At the battle of Apache Canon, New
Mexico, wo crippled the enemy more than
The new gunboat Tort Royal, was put
into commission this afternoon. The iictf
iron clad vessel Galena, has reached Ft.
Monroe, and is considered as formidable
as the Monitor.
Tho st(nmcr Knngaroo for Liverpool,
carried out $57,000 in specie.
The Navy Department have received
cepl or reject it. 1 he e.lerul (iovt i n- oi.un.tious tho nation nourished, grew mioiit. 1 lie. rebels lost u hiw u aim we nl r,rst gll )S They had over 100 j official dispatches from Com. Foote, eon
. v . ... i . i n 1 1... .. - pn. nl- ,,r tl.n
mcnt would mid us nigiicsi n.ieresi m u ii Ktroll( am p-ospered, until tho name was
U IIII IISII.V US OIK' Ul IIIU lll'ni I llll-IMIV UH Illlf
wounded. They wero pocny linnet
. . i. i'il nml ran on oe IL' Ultai Ken. ... ' . . -r. . i . . . .i ...i- a m i .....
i i .. 'r-ri " . . ... , .. , i o uniini ei and we nave 21 o ncers nnu o bruiL'es on me .ueuipins nnu cubi resign f ti. used us u gmse ioi idi ujiuuu, nun u 1'h, re are hut ew trois nt Kicnmoim - ,,. . i .,.., n i- tw
killed, including six oflirers and more than firming previous reports of the destruction
2"0 wounded, and we have 21 officers nud . of bridges on the Memphis and Charleston'
K-2 nrivates nrisoners at Ft. Union. The 1 railroad, over Rear Creek, cxicuted by
enemy lias fallen back to Santa Fe. Col. , Gen. Grant's order.
! Ciuiby is 50 tn'les south, gcttini; ready to : Tnc Chamber of Commerce Ims adopted
" drive ihctn out. a memorial to Congress, proposing to raise
Sufficient troop, to amply defend and j the sum of $200,000,000 by taxation as
follows, trom sans, goous, morcnanuize,
.. . i . if . .. i :. ' ..i....'..-.v,.ii.ih
,lW,.rson ...i in km. ' , , lisii,, insurrection entertain the hope ' for treason; until under the protection ol of Norfolk; mostly all have gone to York-
l"al """ 1 ' " (hut this (ioveriiuieiit will bo forced to its mime cotispirutors plotted the overthrow , town.
Wuit is chiiuii'd to be, ran suiter Ida mime I .... ,. ...i
iinli'tii luli'itrn (if hoinr I , ., .. , .... c At Memphis, the (lucstion of burniii
' , , I nn"" " "n" I - - .. HI lllU lJUe.llllieill, uini iiiiiuum aiiMjpiu . . -.. , ('.,,,,. ,1
( be used in connect,.,,, with soch an as-1 rl r region. d that . , , , f . . . s,.r- ,s of tho city was st:ll l,,.,,,g disc u.-d. Cot o ,
M-ulioaofsy....athi.ers will, trea-.o,,- ; the slave Stales North of such purls will , . ..,,, ';.,, ,. ;, "!'K,C0' "'. """ " , V n to ' "-"I" '' Overland Mail Route are on I
"MU ; 1 I.i mm... f,.;. ... r,.-- i. iiivi. years of inisumnagenient, misrule, and i-, ininciise in es on the- Levee, ready to i
Te Ja.l, h.nrs, as he K w,l support . "'--J- ' m ,(oW ,,,,11,, torn,1)ti(m ul,a robbery, Democra-! be fired on the appearance ,
Mihanduii 01 iiiiMiuii.....,..aon ..ui. ,,, w Southern secliou. I cylms become oinisnonier.o representative Heel above lie cm) ! for the safety of the mail and telegraph.
..1 . I. . 1 1 . ... . r . ... 1 t . . 1 1 .... i !... M . 1 1.1. ..11 w -flivihinn 1 I- iwlern l lias , .
,., iilwil!iia g uieir sei.vsi.,,1 m o ilrpi'ive llietii ol Ill's hope siioMiiuiiui-1 ......... fr .JU ,.Viill V mid treason. The V -y
II.' .1- 1 ly ends the rebellion, ami the uiitia .on ; forc (.1le , h(.m, u,irig the last " . K. .' 'r"Tnn .! 1 f 1 M em iliis ami W!ird h? ? l":)'1 " i cents y1elding ?oll,00U, ) .U; iwn-
eiiMiieipntion completely deprives iinin 01 , , - ; the stations on the mail route are luliy pro-; tv-live cenis tax on wni.-sy, yiciuu.g f.j,-
'11 .1 . ii 'I'l... UliMiauicd Di lliocralic Adlllitilsll ,it,on. - ( l.ston Railroad. . .. . 1 nnn nnn. . llminr. lU-o mr
. - . . .1 . 1 . 1 us ii) 11 1 1 ne isuin s iii.iiiiinin ii. '- , . - . . . .. tr 1 iceien. . uuu.vvu, vu .n..-. w ....
cunty convention "' 111 I'"" x , is , tl;il ,H. states li.'.cn.tiiig ' lis leaders ll.c name to all coming W a-liington, -.Ml.-ln tnc itouse, , of tIlC Confiscation bill, ; gallon, yielding $3,000,000; and a direct
f,w wi'iKi Mini', l.v.ry one n i"'i'"' " , ......... (),., v,.rv , if ,;i ,,11, initiate ,:,,. lin such men as llmd, Jell Da-iiH- loi.innu.e ....,... - - - ., ; r ,10s(. hoi,;,,,, onice in tho civil, (ax on personal property or 1 z.uuu.uoi).
lilies, of which ho is well advised.
livi red tt brace of speeches to the secc-iou
" j in immense piles on ,110 i.occ ,. ' ,,. , , .. f ,(.d ,,iffil.ul.
ol tnc leuirui,. t
111111 tin. iu m' 1 i "t- 11 v j ''
the safetv of the mail and telegraph.
The See'y of War has ordered troops to yielding $24,000,000; excise on tobacco,
and other property, at wholesale or retail,
one per cent, yielding $115,000,000: from
the tax on cotton, two cents per poui.d-
th the character of that convention, ; , tu:l ltM ,.1 1 ; but that v. Into tin
not In
l,.,m.i tlmt il uns cii,n,iicd ol Ihe 1110,1 ' enuiillv iiiade to all, the iiioie no
: 1 il.i. 1. 1, le I bv Ml' h initiation, liiaki! il IIIOIV
11 irn M-i-essinii rti ii 1 .. i' 11 '-' j -
(mid if thero lire no ss nnists ill tins
miiiity, tln re arc none 111 South l aniliiia), i)v (j ,.llf,.,,Ta.y. I nay ini'.iallnn,
and .la.lge Wuit was tin re giving ''is up ; ,..,., i my judgment, Kiudila! and
. .1 'i'l t I ' ..,.1.1, .. 1 iiiiiiiein:it;iill is In tti r for all.
i.r.n ,ng Villi '' l. men nr. nn.. " i ,
1 , . ,v . 1 it.. the un re liieini ui or pi e ury vn w, any
, o,,at,..,. for county oil, , r, and j if( . ,,,,.v ,,... tables
tiinv,ilativis tnni win. are iimuvuI s),n- tr. n-urv reports In fi re him, can rcaili- with the reb, llioii. I) d 'tier ; y M,(, (,r i,',,, .mv v. ry soon the cur-
l.i.u.uiees for r.-pr .'illative has bun heard ' e. of ths war Would pnr-
, s,y that lie is ,.r...,.l of the ., .uie ... j ..,:,-. r.jir val,,itio.,,.,ll the mm ... any
r.1,.1." nil. -n. Hut "lliry b,li, veii. t!.,- , " :'i;lR,v;,;ll ,)ie ,,nrl of the
ihl of sieiviiiu; nil of th 'in are knoiv 11 . (. , ;llV, ,... ,t .,.s up no claim of 11
to .v.ii-i.r.i with .LIT IV.vs and l.;s li..i !v F-'d.ral tint Ii. .r.iy. to iiiterfi re
l.,r.M.l...r...: .f m v ote, U lb. ck- I w ith sl,,V, ry vv:.!,,,, Stale limit, reh,
, , , , . .,s it die" the ab... ittf con. nil of the sub-
bridge. 1 of the, i vit be, .1 (. im, U) tlil. s, am, it, ,,,.
heard to iy no,'!. I in di ai'i ii'v.d i f t'.at ' ;min,.,i;lll.v inI,.r.ti .1 It is pn-poM-d
iircb traito.'s pies t coins..-. .In l.-e Wait s n n;lt;, r ,',f j,.-rl . t !y Irt e choice with
. 11. 11 1 .1 I...1.. 1. .1 l,.i.:i"i lust lb'-
.l....l.,r.,l II.,- n' w..r sniil l- beheVid ' c n.ber. I thought lit to sny:
. . . .
thi-sniithi rn ri In Is were liui.csl, but
liny WHO Uec.iViil,' liny ll.ollglil in s ; . ,y
war was wag-d for "beauty and booty;" j 1 i,,,,,,. ,.,,1
I... .ti l ..,. I. .-In vi- thai 11 ufiimitu of the ' i-t..iilile ineaiis to th end
in tolerating j lis leaders the name to all coming i Wadiinglon, April 23d. In the House, ! - of
all, initiate ,;. Wh, seh men as Floyd, .1,11' Da-; the Committee o,. Military A fl ma, e a . . - iol(,. t
"!; vis, To,..,,.,, Slid, II, Vancey, Wigfall, and ZlrZXJZ ol 1 ' f --a.servi.
...1'.... . ..r,..,... ncj nir.inil1 - -.... - - - - - - ..1
. -ii .,1 1 li.iiin.-i' u'l' 11 tiii in. 111 111 1 .( us luiiiur i,ntn 1 ir um v i 1 i.r i m ii im.iv . . r t i 1 f i 1 r... t..nn it is einiai
the more smith, rn Unit, in tiocveiii, w in ' -. ...,.. - , ,r ol thn Juris .JacKsou anil ci. , and ueiuinng nn lusenea ut.. it..ti.
the form, r ev. r join tin-1 .tier in llu-ir pro- exponents, it is time that honest men, and armed ships. Among the or-. Orleans coinmcuced on '. thut hundreds nro now hiding themselves
Hi. .... in i j .... 1 . i ' I l ... . .. il,. ',,,,,,,, il. .n tc tin, I I 1 . ., .... r . .i.i...-. ....
especially loval men, should discard a i.n;iie TV,,,,,,- the 10th. m the mountains iron .im.ov a i";
I I f.ip lie iinmi'illute luloiillill. OI niniuail, ., ... , tr r, ..i.i.... J n.-i;, su.ilmii nn nnnnrtn.iit v
I to such base purposes. Ope.r 7,. e,,r,. the rxclusiou from" our'. 1 . .... ! .', T.,a I ? ZX n 'LT ;
.Urilieill JVIUiJUllIll HIIU IU 31.1.1. VU .,wit.viw w.
completely nt the , umn.
and says that Ins j I'ortior.s 01 Asnny s cavatry arc sioui-
.1.1 ... .1.. t il. -t.l. n t.t n.ntll,tiv!l,C Unfit
. npj.i.i.r tirwiTinn i ctifii ii nr i n run iumi u u i ijul 1 amio n nv iiiviiiuiuj
Coast; a first class ii.iH..ry ciuin m i . r,ilirurt,.m(,ts ollj lllt.nns 0f re- i Hard-burg, watching onr movements, and
nuii, "ii inn In t iverii .Missouri and feau ,, ... . ,, ... , . ... i .... ..t,.,, cnmiw.i tl,,.;r .l,.s,.r.
,e!,o, thougl. they may not openly and Hi-; j.-r!im.isc0i nn,l the construction and per- uJe j ,rs Tlie maill M, 0f t,e army is be-"
n cilv do act or dnd, tet indirectly further muneiit maintenance of the tinny and navy ; " Kiippahamiock Ims lievrd to have gone with Jackson.
rebel i-aii-e, claim to be pure Demo in sullicietit numbers to command r.-spcci i c (lim, u; rtk., 1,00, St. Louis, April 26 A special dispatch
m h Democracy! Tiu- at Home and nuro; 0. Our forces nt Yoiktown have greatly ; to the St. Louis Umotrat irom Ciro.
w asiiingion, ,Ap, -1. me 01 tl,e advantn"c of theenimv. Our sharp-! states that passengers who nrr.vcu nurd
M.litary CnmnnlKc have passed upon sev-, kw()U,! aK ft ,crror ,0 Generals. 1 that dav from Pittsburg Lnndii g, report
iral uomiir.tioiis. Among tlioso reported, 0 Mom,.1'v Air; 21, there was firing 1 that an engagement took place on Thurs
for confirmation was Gou. femelds as .Major . ,((lwcn 1wov;.,K. r. f?i"'-iits inside of the ; dny. between the advance guurds of iho
lieu, r .l. I roljt,i wor;S nl Yorktown, which was con-! National and ReLil armies, and tho latter
Mr. Maynard returned from Tennessee, . tiimd ft ,(,nfJ ti,c 0lir forcts couj Uis. WtTC jrivc bsck towards Corinth. Gen.
took his seat to-day, and declared lumselt o(r lhc daj UIld 1 Halleck was pushing his whole army for-
v. r . . r ,iP! ni.iTwi-ntniii net ; . ' . . . J . . . . . .1..
111 nnoi i .1 j.- "' - - ... .,-,,,,, ,,. t u 1, nn.. ,t to nave been a wti-.i vigorously.
mutiny nnd the men-ures to .mill it. Chicago, April 27 A dispatch from
icrnloncs . , , fi, " v.rL n.l i A nn rnmin inio our line nt rittijur2
,v' f mi L n L .in ;t I iH'inixu uiv x ui , innii av n -
ice of the nkls, is j Since Jackson (rebel) has retired rrom
this vallev. large iiumlxrs of refugees and
.bil authnritv, the bom- desirters are daily coming into our lines
... .... . . i f. .i.i
prostituted to such base purposes. U,,eu H.nli8 ,0 s,enre the exclusion from our : fe j;'' .t h,
secessionists and traitors claim that tliey ( liir.ors of iron i.1icatlieiUl.ip-5 the erection , '(p, are C(
lire the Simon-pure Democracy; tho.-e who f fort- on Lakes Ontario and Fr;e; con-, (Jon M itclic II, ,
se. ptlvoppn-e the (iovirnmmt, and in ' strnrtions for thc protection of the acho ' t poilinll is ftHl ,
their hearts' pi.iy for the succcsi of the re-
lh! rebel call-e,
cr.its. Out upon
count I y came mar being datum d by such'
D. luocr ic) ! Il is time for a change, and
ii change there will bo. Party nanus are
i fi'eclually " played out." It is only I'm',
'politicians and oflice-seekers who contend.
.i . um,! .e iir, -i rvi-i
nnn , i . t
. ,.1.1., iini-t lie ellil.loveil
hi this 1 . , ,, ,, I, ! rai. lv
I'he I nn m
n iM heiii-i- nil .nili-pci
p.oph' of the north w.-re wugmg
; oi lit 1 1, .i i ; .
. , - 1 1 1, in
' .'.-aeknow e.L'llient ot the l.alli.lial nuiuo.i-
I . . . .. . ......
tv win. 1,1 n uder in.! war ... - s.-.u.. ,
l',,r names. The scccsh D.inoci'.icy r,
rnig'uig the changes with the old party war, several other P.ordir State lueiiibirs will
. . .i ...... a . r ' ....
1 -aid this cry, in order to save ine.r roueu s ..u... sup)iou one.
v,.r i. w1 .1... ,i,.l ,.f .b'.trin tioii. Fi-hv Dole'-! Tin: Scat
I. ii'ii- il with tlmt r noitcd to the llou
Committee on
. . ... . I . . I I. f.,.,i,rr ,1 1: ----- .).-.. n.t . ... 1. .......... .1
. . . ... :...):.. . . ., ... ... -.- , .US lisirueieu us i-.- i-...-...i. o ,. . i-.s t n in n I 1 .am iliff. I IV OS-eri U131 ueiiu.tu.u
1 I. ...Ii'- lit lie III! linn-- 1.... ...,,, iwr,t c uilllli. l 1 lit V U .Mill i t . .1 i 11 III ii it Ii-.!-. it.vt. h, . ... -
for the sake of tho "loaves ""d : 0-i;iini.iu; the Territory of Arizona. One
front across tho whole stretch ol country, has withdrawn ft Considerable portion oi
il must contribute materially to the
1 fid.. ," if tiny could do so with the least , -, t tioii extends the Wilmot Proviso over , 0r , j,osition.
' beauty and iiooty no spo-t.- uon n i fliow oi consi-iency, um. no. inen iit.ii v.. . . - i viiir gm, boats nave cuecieu u pussii-;-.-
"Lmh.iIi.'s war," Abolition war:" , ,f l()ttl.V(.r r,.M.ta,,,',' coutinu.s. the , ,MU drabbled in secession filth. ...u'r", I i. 1 of over the Muscle Shoals nt I-lorence, Ala,
I .i...... l-,t X t..r not ' i n. ti.iue. and it is impossi- -n,.. , ,.., rn :.iti.,- for a Union of "lu. " 1 ' 7 , . . r gone as far as Decatur, aim witiu a ijuau
in. n i- on.- ....... -. ,.,.. "" ' " i .Noil i I aronna lor ine sunuiuu . - , . . stor.
oie word l the threats and U of, ble to fo, ---J ' , . all .he U eh, such as was WlVet. ",,, 2mSr7lincotcan,
,.;.,,;.. Wl.ingtou and Philad. I- '"' " ' ''. .V; or ' cd in Ul.odo I-land and other of the Fast- An oflic. r of the nrmj. who arrived in ga KrilMcij!C0 to shanghae was
. ... .. .. -'I'" as ...a. - ." '"".' ...... i i. n ..m-,-1,-,1 in ! town to-i.ig it from arreiiton juncuo,., . ,(, i
,,t nn., word about thc Im-ts of rebel : come. Thc prop-itae, now niad,' s nn mm -li;it(il a r,!oll CllllT,llll0 wilhout , of (;onlllllsviIo. i " 1 . " 1 7" " . the M
ipin which infest our country i v. ry where:
he shed hitter tears over the denial of the
mails to c.rli.ii. of "our newspaper-," but
hud no word of disapproval of the traitor
ims c.lin.ents which i lho-e
lliects and rendered then, a liui-alliT; III'
..poke i'iicour..gingly In the " P.ieckiu. idge
d, niocrncy," but dated not utter oni' word
in (iiiuhiuunlii.ii of their leader, who is
now a general in the rebel army. The ed
itur of the MiunUiinnr, ill speaking ol
Lincoln's Administration, says, thnl "ho
Us ha.', the n.-rvo to successfully throttle
armed rebellion;" Jndgo Wait denounces
every act of that adniiiii.slrution, and in his
eceli predicted that it would soon become
" itencli ill tho nostrils or tl.o people."
. The mlo aim of tl.n present administration,
liiico Its inauguration, Ims been to crush
out rebellion ami establish the supremacy
of tho Constitution and laws of tl.o land;
biiJ this Vnion Iwiiifi, fmlriulie Judge ,1c-
Kends from tl.o bench nud denounces it as
" itoiicl. in tho nostrils of the people,"
Neither the cdilor of tho Mutmlninftr, nor
Ml nnmineo for representative lo Congress,
ill bo able to couviiico Union men that
Judge Wait in ono whit less n secessionist
than hit associntes on the ticket, or not ns
uYciiU In the fillhr Pool of treason os any
of then. '
Ik Tim Waaliimrton ci.rre.spondclit of
the Kpringfield Retmblicnii makes thn fol
lowing Interi'Htina; statement in reference
Mien. of tho ci.n.,aigu:
" How fur Gen. McCI-'lhin is the nutlmr
of tho reiicriil nl.... ol tlio canipaigu-
fur lm inuv I m i-r.-iliiitil with what has been
done nt the South nud West-is niiotlu r
matter of hot dispute, Some deny mm
"j right of nulhorhhip-others grant th"
fullest credit, will not nlloiv that a
initio Kilut bus been gained that '"" 1,1,1
in his progrnminn. Here, l.owcvi r, I Imvo
hit of Interesting t.'Htimoiiy. Thu sub
Jrt wns under discussion nt n dinner where
Uen. Hunks wns prcHi-nt, nud he, wl"'. ''y
th way, stands by (1c. McClellnii most
loyally, ipiintly renmikml that whil I"
ultati.m with (Irn. M. Chllun, Inst No
ciiiImt or December, tl.o latter incidental
ly took down a limp, .mil pointed out
lilm upon it every moveiiii'iil that hasHinco
Wn itiiulo by our armies; nnd, as t" M'11'
as, mid thut wo ihoiihl cither drive th
'rhels from It In u .uccessful batli'', r t'u'jr
uld evucimle It of their own uccorJ."
. ... r l .. ..iintiiv in 1 . i ii ....i.. i : i ti lm nt imp .1
d, -unction 01 pant, mm : - i,,'t. . I'.vvau t, ii'oe. . i- "',; foroo near Millor.l, tlnrtv miles on me
of ir.' thc State has made its county iiominatums cro-smg ol the vn re mo ;rair0i (0 nicl.moml
... 1 1....... .1 .,,
11 , r 01. iv 1 i" " "
IT in'.'t'on-k whether th" p cuniary con-
-t . . ... I u ,.11 I.I not be
V..L! il. Stales private persons 0n the simple Union platform. Our
r.,,,,1 than are the institutions and ' tit-ii;Mors have discarded party names,
,,r,,eilv in il, in the present state id ' n,i
j;rV While it is tr.ielhat lh,! ailoption
.'.If AAA
Ore-1 bridge was burnt, witu ...uuu men.
r. V. Smith 1 rebel I is at uon.
VI v '- v- . - v 1
Notwithstanding tho
McDowell's movements, the rebels knew
taken to principles. Wisdom will
on-ville, strongly entrenched, with 30,000 nml "r.-trcati-tl from Fredericksburg
three davs before his arrival
I .1 ! f I,.. Stlttln trt (.11 ..... l....l., r.,l,,,n IJ ITOSSIIIL' OVIT : .. . -II ...
. . ii i , , It. ; line., niu 1 1 ' . i - r- i ....--,. y - . j ne .T-aillunv l. oiiiiin-iuii ti in
II. . !.. tt ,
... . I ...
riilivi'Ihrnrwdhmii-clfa practical 1 do hkewiso
- ... ........ I... I III I P IllllMTi I . . ...
tneii-ure. ll is nil " -, ,.i.v,v,' " This now famous of the co limit i :i,UUU men.
lt , lead to important prai- Pitts,,, ,,. Lam-.m-- Ihisnow is . (V(,M)
lical re-iilts. In full view ol my greai n- ; IS , landing on ine icuucss,,- ( foroc , frJ1t of .Manassas
poi.-ibibty to my t.od and .o ...v ..n,.,.. t . .( j j.,;,, eomty . 'leiinessee, ami is souin t0 mnUH the ri,bcl army.
earnestly beg m" niu - h f s V1U1I1U, im nortli of llatnbtirg
1 lli 1,'eonle 10 till' subject.
" I 1 . .. I .,.! v
j llll.ll, All I'l
!.,:r. F. TllAIN OS' I.IK lUlUKIIIoX.
.... . 1.. i:.... v,...L,.i." not lomr since
iiiisrca. . i , it,,,,,.,.,,.,, 110r more
. . I - i..i ,.,i imr mi ..iiiri i in linn, ft n.
,d an I'.ngns'. "" . I .... i t ,.
ke thus of the maimer ... ,m,.s souin ol r-avanua. v.unii.n
lied '. li!i ! from the Shenandoah alley to mmi- f': ! ,ii;,tcli the steatn-lrp Daniel Webster to
. .,t ... ll... I. .... n.-.k .... i.iu Luiiii ...... . i i. a......
ooo men iu mt; " - r j, t. .Monroe, 10 Serve as a lnauiK ii.-'i-
tal. She is to carry n large supply ol hos
pital stores, medicines, g nud ice,
with a corps of surgeons, nnrsis, nnd hospi
tal dresses.
D is reported here, that tho rebels nt
Norlolk, fearing an attack upon tho city,
have obstructed the channel of the J'.u.a
V.l,;.rtnn 2L At thcRepub-
places of some little note on ine liver, "lul j lieren caucus last night there were ol) uictn
intho countv. Pittsburg Landing j ..resent. A general debate ensued on
cannot be more than two or three miles
than ten
..Hairs, llospol
... .i
.he rebellion is being crushed: i.,g lies between Savanna and Pittsburg.
Yes Mr. Chairman, it is nil up will, the 1 s;,vaniiiih is on tho cast or right bank
. ' '. . .. .r. ... .....1 ...... .i-inliiiiw of i ...... i : it...
Soul. I Have Oliei. iiii.i .."t.. - --i r .. . y nio HUU.DU.u is on i"t: "t,.--., .., .
I.ers . s' ,.t.. - - - ...... - .
.1 ,.,,R,-niio., bills, and the sense of the beth river, with vessels which will be sunk
caucus seemed to be it, favor of discrimimv 0n the approach of our gunbouts.
tin" ni'iiinst the lenders. In the couliscn-j lWible information places Gen. Leo in
lion of nil kinds id property, it was iitmni-; command of the rebels at l oiktovvn, as
mously agreed to refer nil the pending bills Gen. Johnston did not remain. All the
in the House to a select committee. rebel stores, ammunition, etc. have been
In the House the decision wns announce" removed, tnrcc nines iu um . m - .,.A,iinil or c t iniiK, nnu um t'"
.7231 , IVSci: used in this case, includes, we think
;" lh,J the rattle of nlh s deals death ' i,lMlks( but it was on tl.o west ban
b"11' I number of bidders were present. The pro- killed and wounded in the recent affair at
.. , II llltl" I . ..I. - . ata-tl i rQAnrt liAirKAet
11. i tl.Hi nil I'ViTV f(i I It'
11 111 Ul MI III t" v J . . ,, X
Such is now the Federal pohcy. M
belter analogy can be found than lmt o
t,lli.stih. prisoner who was placed H an
.,' ...tapaJtment, with light, and frml,
d Ih.w'rs. His punishin-nt m-cme, a
luxury, till ono,l,.ylmlim-K,,,'',l1,lttl '
,p, .portions of tho apartment, were the
,!, ,h room had h'-m'd
, ho louM, nnd sure enough her.
wn, clinngc Wh-ro is tin. ;mdc.;ful
I n y? Till" it1 .l"il'l- '-'""'"K
. m.U .lav l.o noticed the
bank that i IH)sns for tlu Piicifie const wero much
. , I i
,,o battle took place. Our forces ! ; liipltor tl.mi rorim-rij
inn 1 1 a .'i. j. -
The Scnato
attacked near to
r . ii "v
Imnk. Trom llumimrs nini 1,0111 . aml nu nmriuluunt liuiitin thc coniisrution
i iiii-pii is n roiintv roml . rt m.m- 1ml. lniir oliiccs umitT mo rcuei
tMJiiij; iiMiMtr, j
i .i. .i.i.. j. i
crossed at tins landing, am. prom,..,, ... ... ' , , ... x.y by a vote of 'i'l
Cntmps nlso, and were attacked near to , J t.ollfisca,ioll bill' was considered,
to persons holding offices under the re
I u-ns iidoiited by 27 to 1 1.
McDougnl and Lnthnm voted for the
bill recognizing Uuyti nud Liberia.
The House by n vote of l to 31, refer
ivd nil confiscation, uud cmniicipalion bills
to Fariuington, iu Tishniningo county, Mis
sissippi, tho distance between the two being
not twenty miles, and Fariuington "car
tho Memphis nnd Charleston railroad, on
which is Corinth; and in a direct line l a.'-. ,0 committee.
I apt. t titling oi niiiii-iut!"
yesterday. On live 17th, Gen. Reno Ml
'Newbcrn, and proceeded to Roanoko Is-
1 . I lA 11 l .......
lie Took Z,tm iuuii
dow, but co lutuii " , .'....,, whrro Rcaurcgard i ..,, liro..(..-li.l to Iiliabcll. City, where
nt was still a .lean.- " " i,.i i, dis.anlLtcomr rebel force were reported to have
was game ,ng .. . - - ,
Iron, Pittsburg Miiuiiug ,
l' is within three and a half miles of
Closer and closer , . , ., ,..,.... , ,.i,tv road
" . I'..i.,Mi U'llllll I 1111 llllllll ui
......t;,.ti nf thn units.
rmiiHH . f,llt. - . v-iMiM", ' . hrrn. am trocmini
.,, s hutting . u , m,,r flVl! mlU, ( M ,fl
dow. but .'ohiind was sun. i , ... Mississll,pi. whrro Rcaurcgard i nml ' ,,, to Iiliabc.
. . i iii.iiinr
..-..led All Hell to-liny, a.." '
, over! Th" ...nn was pressed to death
gi'.ii) it " ' i.,.tttilitii. tho camp is
in n v
, battalii'ii ''J
.,,, liaiiauoi. - .,
lu'ingM.rroun. - d(1l,,.
tiring the star .' plr
r,he;.ldi,dhhitoll o.
trumps I
ours remain- .
i i , from tho bnttlolichl f
wero relnls.
1 il .1.r.....n iv nil Ilini1i
I... Mil Sll ll'l ilV. I ID 1UHU1IIU nii.i
twenty five miles, m. to tins pi,no " j . ( j,p rebels, and tho enemy's artillery
the defented and Hying host belnumg tueiu-1
opened as soon ns our troops made their
. . , l... 1.-...I .1 .,tl-..ll'l- I I -t ... I.........1 n.i.1 111
selves lioliy pursuen ij i ' j-
j. There is no truth hi tho report that
tho war expenses nro now $:i,0U0,HOO daily.
They will not rend. $'J,000,000, and are
as largo as they will be, as they i.M in
creasing now Instend of Increasing. Such
statements only tend to injure good credit.
No vessels are now running tho blockade,
except u few diminutive oyster p.ingicsnnd
:1 shallot.-UWi ':'"' (urrnpon-
woo.) sua, in t
Jail Phil, lit'iuirrr
appearance. I'ur truops io.m .
onco charged on the enemy, who ran nt the
a,., r,.-,. Wo iinniediittelv took possession
of the town, and after rciimiuing an hour
returned to the main body. Our forces
had threo boat howitzers. Tho force of
the rebels consisted of n Georgia regiment
1,000 men, nnd 100 more, a portion or
Wise's legion, with batteries of artillery.
Tho enemv wore totally routed, with a oss
of about (10 men, Our loss wus 12 killed,
and -IS wounded. ,
Information Iiiij kcu received from IU-
Lee's Mills. A gang ol 3,uuu negroes
who wero at work on tho dam hud a dozen
L-',ll,.il nml were stampeded by our shells,
so that they had to bo forcid buck with
Cairo April 2tb A reconnoismcc in
(orco was tnado from Pittsburg Landing
on Thursday, the 1'llh. Nino miles out a
r,.i.,.l ..inn.. 'was surprised, nml 27 prisoners
taken. Thev advanced within (5 miles of
Corinth, and remained four hours. No en
emy was seen.
Sluj. Gen, C F. Smith died nt Savan
nah yesterday afternoon, of dysentery.
A gentleman who was ot Memphis a
few dnvs ago, saw and conversed with scv
e, nl of Price's nrmy, with whom ho was
.... i ..I'l.
aruiininted. Tlio whole rebel lorce, wniiu
i ... . . . i .........
accounts recently piaci'ii ni ..uinsui.i.i..,
Arkansas has arrived at Memphis.
In consequence of n wound received
b Pom Vimtit nt Ft. Dotielson, ho Ims
asked to bo relieved Iran tho command of
a western licet. Tho Department, noi w i
li.,,r to lose his valuable services has order
ed Cunt. Chas. H. Davis to report
1 . I 1.. .........n.1,1 t.t.
to the squadron ns sreonu ... ii.ih.i.'...",
......!.. i..n r.munitilim! from much of the
i.,ninrf tho Commodore from much ol
physical labor of his responsible position.
Tho Herald's correspondent nt Freder
icksburg, states that Gen. McDowell's force
,fl occupied that city, his headquarters
being nt tho house of Air. Lney, on nid to
tho rebel Gen. Smith.
The flotilla reached Frcdcrkkibtirg on
his forces from Corinth for the defence of
Memphis. The report is donbte3.
FoitTRfiss MoxnoE, April 27. The Pe
tersburg (Va.) Express of Saturday (2Cth
April) contains the following dispatch:
" Mobile, April 25. The enemy passed
Ft. Jackson ot 4 o'clock yesterday morn
ing. When the news reached New Or-
eiins the wus boundless. .Mar-
tiol law wns put in full force. Business was-
suspended. All the cotton nnd the Steam
boats, except those r.c'essnry for the tr'aus
portalion of ammunition nnd corn, wer
desttoved. At 1 o'clock tho operator
secrecv of Gen. ! bade good bye by telegraph, saying that
the enemy nnu apieari-u uiiu.k .
The Richmond Eiamintr of the 2Gtl.
hits the same news.
Washington, April 28. The Houio
ndnpted o resolution that the Judiciary
Committee inquire into the expediency of
punishing contractors guilty of defrauding
the Government; the penalty to be tho
sumo ns grand larccncy.
Mr. Ashley reported back from tho
Committee on Territories a bill to prevent
the practice of polygamy, nnd to amend
certain acts of the'Territory of Utah es
tablishing the same.
Cairo, April 27. The steamer Matte
Vallcu, from Pittsburg Landing, arrived
tj-dny. Gen. Halleck is pushing forward
his force ns rapidly os tho erudition of tho
roads will permit. Ou thc 2t'tih, Gen.
McCook's division mndo a n
as far os Monterey on the rood to Corinth.
Tho rebels oppeari'd in groat numbers ;
Tho impetuosity of our forces carried
everything before them, and they instantly
put 'the rebels to flight. Our ndvotice
..... .,.. itirt
pickets ore now near eiioui. iu mu. i
locomotives' whistle nt Corinth.
Ft. Monroe, 2tUl.. Our gunbonts shell
ed tho works near Yoiktown, for on hour .
yesterday morning. One company of tho
1st Massachusetts, carried by assault on
advance work guarded by a body of reb
els said to be defended by two companies
r i..f,.t,- The nbils broke and run.
Our loss was three kilhd nnd thirteen
wounded. Wctook 21 prison, rs and de
stroyed the work.
The Sunday Mercury states, on tho mi
thority of the steamer Hoston, that lort
Jackson, six miles below, is m
our possession, nnd our pickets arc witl.m
four mih s of Savannah.
Tho Memphis Avaluncho of tho 23d.
states that on tho lllh, the Fcderata took
possession of Pocnho.itas Arkansas.
10,000 Federal troops nro ot Donlphnn
Missouri, engaged In building flat bonis on
the Currant river with which to descend'
nt.t. U nml White rivers.
Gen. Milroy's scouts, on tho 23d, at
tacked the rear guard of the enemy ten
miles east of Shenandoah Mountain, and
killed three rebels.
Conscripts nro deserting In largo num
hers, swearing Unionism, nnd returning
IIUHI". . . a. sn 1
Harrisonburg, Yo., April 27.-Our ad
vance pickets, near tlio GOrduiumlle road.