8omoorilioKraMtliiM nro talk'uitf d K in M"y. 11,0 kl,ow "oll,i,ltf m ,,,() Un" l ickut. ' Hucli iirKni(MilH uru of coiinm Htenwl rftliwlvi-ly Tor Ilia lowest i-lnm ,'fyfCjnprif !" l"'" cm,M ,,u i,l,l,l,"n',l 1 tht Hlylo or !:. ArconliiiK to tlx, Id .trovurt. ti-tt who livo In Iioiiwh ",J,1 nut throw Ntonln. M'oml.r liow i M fellow ! M"". I' '' ,"1 ll,rlr ow i r .l.M-k, I, . v II,. n un one if tou.lrrH In llin I ,M "k Uow itl.in roiurhiv., mul never vole.l onllro PiMiiotriitin tifki't In Un life, ".".,l,mrl. pronlttveryiti-, l.l pn-Jutliii-n tiul Hfnwcrwj Iwl Win iSiivid Loifini lr CongrwH, un.) Tor llrtMiWirM noinin''. Vet every ' Dannonbaura fc Ackorman. SiriiisT J8a. f 1 1 1 1 K wiimiii nf thin apring anil eiltnfiirr'a Irudo 1 iippiom hitig, pmilon ii. in pnoiuiliuu; lu you our rani. V hur now llm clioicr.t, moat vurtcil and moat ritli.ii.ive lo k ul' Omul, ever ulli-n d lo lli penplu of Cliii-kiiiuua cuiiuly. it ii ii in receiving, hy fvi iy .Icinner, nilililinim limn Sun rnm-iai'ii, mul thoar who IiiiiiIiIii In mill, villi n I i-fy Ihuinaelt,.. lliul they ran ilu l.i lti r Willi un thin, limy can iln liy going lu I'liilliiml. to VolU lor I Tor oilier THlioll- without n iuso hu In now NEW GOODS, NEW GOODS, .voir OPESlXti AT Daiinoubaum 4t AcLorman'i, Oyiir the Mum St. Html', ...COII.i.lillg of... STAI'IiK AND FANCY Independent Candidate for State Printer, AL1IEHT G. WALLING, OK TIIK " Oregon Farmer.'' N uiiniiuueiiig my.elf n mi independent can didate Tor Hluln Printer, ut Ilia coming eleo II, I dr.ira til any lliril I untiT llin canvuM im a niiiii man, fier from ull parly leaur-a, a I'ltAC I'lCAl, PRINTER, anil mm, who. fur Ilia pant four yi'urn, linn diligently labored for wlml, in my judgment, Iiuh In un Tor Ilia li nn intrrr.l of our young Male. Ilrlii vini, n 1 iln, Unit runner, hive nn tiu- loulilnl riulil lu n vnli'ii in Ilia (iiiveriimriit Ihry luiiltl iiji anil KiiKt iiii , ii ml Moi-hanir. to perform llm lula.ra In v hu ll llii'y hum been apprenticed rather than politiciuua whoac only claim, ura aiio- rm in intrigue, I milimil my caime lo Ilia people lolin dee ded lit Ihr llallot llnx. Ilila Ut in tho country will votn hlui ... r..(, A ml why? opL.1 to th Union rly, JuUo, . e. Union nmn r!nl lo Vulu for 1,10 T'"' I ion nnniinf. Iimmuw llwy nrts o..m,d lo i rebellion, mid liocnuno the In-nrly co onnt-, ;. ul nil l"Vl i,; n,,t',lui1 1" vimlil-l,,u i ,d ,,ri .Tve lh n pntntioi, of our Stiite fl i ,1,, r.'iilli" wl,u'h lllu "'y-1 i"l,1,Tl I Hukrr Ruini il for n In tho Couiiciln of our j 'alion. Aspt .loiiNHON SoiiH! of tin) Portland pniHTK iiuiko A inly .IoKiihoii luortully woiiMfhd nt PittxhnrU hnnh"K, prin- pnt.r In llm I"""'1 of tl, rv,K'U' ', U p.ili they ri-ly on U thia: " rrovisionul (lorrruor .lohiiHon of Ky. U inortully woini.l. J ui"l pri-nm-r." Nt word in thin about A nly Johnson. Tho ili.smlch i t..r. In llin liniMIK M'hl'l (lOVITIIOr WW; 1 . . i ; linrim, blra.-hri) anil uublfjclinl Hiiinliil, Of tlte ll,!IIH ri'lH'l gmilini""' -Ji ' nlti.ii .wiw iiihtitnlrd nt KnMiilvillf, nnd j TMK UTr.,r ith-m ur ... i . I nt Itiiu'linif irri'PII linil IIH lOiiuiiuiii i i un , , . ... . i .. ....... .r. of it elated will, the S.Ik IiuMMOtS, C 1 O II k H, Will wis, : , r,,r the full of I),m,.U-l)r. mul Silk Maut.-ls, an.l u lai-c Jolii.M.1. of l'u.lu.-uh, won thu 1'rovisionul (limTtmr, nml held n nnnmiind in the rib- il army newest styles of aiVaiaaa' DKKSS GOODS, Ht t.lt AH j Kaney lVijilins, I'mn'es, DelcPH, fiLMira.1 ilrlnui. nil mul linlf "l r reiirlnnirmw, : I irni li luwim, ttnlhnnliiiai. Iinr.-.l ami plain Miirii!l. Smiui ami I iron-t iiiiikIiii, a link'" ' wirlinrni .if I ffiirh mi. I Aiinriciin raliroa, brown Wlnit lu.s liiroiiit' of our dnir lin-th rc of thu M. 11. t'hurrh South? Th' irrrirrMlili- r.-liionisli who '' H ,Im ,iv from T.'Mw lo conv. rl u lo J. IT In tiiixn. Thry nnir lo have ?rovn all it once Hlmi'U'-ly I'i'i't fin.f . .,,.1 i:. n JnhiiMoH'ii tut arhcinn of loriniliK' ' IV.fiV llrpul'lif, linn fuih d thniiiuli h .rmI.l n. tion -f ('"I Siiumrr. bii.I Hie loy nltr of thr j.. oj.hv rrol.Hl.ly ih.ylhoulit it ..ul.l not ...y, wliru th. ro wh no liopr s,.n,ii n anil rith. r on th' ri(lit or h II n.l in J.iH iih'a n. v. r to l.e formrd kin iissm t nielit of hi raw k'ooils, en.lirniileiies, eol lars, sleeves, &w. DKAYAGE. T. CIIARMAN. At WARNKR. F.CIIARMAN. Obarman, Warner 4c Co., GENEItA I. COMMISSION MERCHANTS WIIOl.EiAl.r It RETAIL Ica'.i'ra In Iry Ciooila, Clothing, Hardware, Crockery. Ulauwure, llooli, Shoe), I'ainli, Oih, tc, (u ll.nir nre-iroof Brick Main iTRi-.r.t, ORBIiONCITY, ORE00S. ,..K. Clinrnniii, liavini; uniliil hit... HAKEHY, CONFECTIONERY, AND FAMILY (JltOCKKY STORK lo llin ratablialimi'lit of Clinrrnaiii i Warnur, llio lirni will now carry on buaim-aa in ull Ilia nli'.Te. ni,.iiti.Mii.il liranclieii, in llii" city, hotit by itriel altHiilion lubiwini-M lo inarll Hie coimiiutu iar uftli.ir.l.1 .alro.i, and ni mnny w onea u cliooae to coma forwanl. No paina will be iara,l lo ive aalmfaction lo ull our cuatomen. OROVEit & B ak ER'sl AINSWORTH & DIERDORFF. NOISELESS SEWINO MACHINES, FOR FAMILY USE WW. COMIIINATION OF TF.AMINO . in nml around Ori'ifuii ('iiy, of IIatow, FaAXP.a. 4, I.ankv. Iliia day by muliial cunwiit ci-aiu ii, nml wa Ilia uwleri.iiiiKil auk a continuation or Ilia p.ilfouu(iu of our old ciihIoiiiith, an'l of in iimny iifW on aa limy el.i-r ua lliair iiraying. Ilumtiiw uill In ut alltinii.il in ( biipiiiuIi, to ra. crive onli-ra f.,r drnyinrj, ami Fniir in Ori-gon City. Wo will Im na prompt to ulti nil lo our cu. loinnra aa cirnuiiiaiann.-a will admit, ilny or n i;ht, rain oral.ine. JOSKl'll 1IAK.ST0W, .1. M. Hi AZr.K. f)rciiii City, 1. "'3 NI ) Country innrclinuta who are h p- Ja I'iim lf"oiU to Ori-L""' C'ily lo ba liaiil.-d lo llir coiinlry, will do wi ll lo Bildrraa to our cuia, ua wa will i:liar(; iioihiiiK for lorii(!e any ranaonulile li-nifili of tuna all charge ia tin- rurta;n to tlm plm a of aloraua, ur from our pluca of atoni;a lu Ilia bunt for hlnpimmt II. at r FOR SALE. lloinestcHtls and Valualili; Real Estate. llutluln! !. rrum o to ,iio V.acb'.l Notice-Settle Up! . nr...... ... AM, Ihom OWIIIl! IvIIAHMAW Ob V. CiiarmaN. will plauaa come forwanl and inako aaltlemi-nt of tln-ir liidrbtadna, witboul drlny, o that you can all cominouce ueaimawi.n Ilia now linn ul Charman, Warner A Co. All our dcblora will ate tlie nt-ceaaily uf atlend inu la tliia call imiwdiiit'ly. CIIARMAN, W A UN LP. Sc CO. Oranoii City, Aug. 21, IHfil. I.a.l ...AUn,.. .1 Large. Assortment of and el.ililien's Shoes, (J loves, k'nl aii-l ealf (iaiters, Liulies liead tlresses, ooi-setx, etc. les Gents' moots iind Furnishing Goods, Shoes, Hats ami Cnif, Also, 5ll Vara Loin ami F.ntire liliAi of Jlaintifut Garden Land! I in llio city nii.l county of S A N F K A X C I S C 0, ON tlidi.MM.rtlirSau.Juaa Railroad, at Ilia WKST-KND lKI'OT. Tholillr ii nl.w.lulrly I'KUFKC'I', bailie a Span mil (iranl, linally confirmed and patented by the I'nilril Stiili-a. 'l'l.e Slliiflrr Hill rraM eta lliia Tillo, '1'lie City Aulliorilua rrprcl il, Tlie llmtrict I nulla aim yiiirrmr Court uf tlie I'mU.l Siatea leaaK-t it. Ili-aioYa, the Title h' been forever iuiettd hij a Final Jkcree and Judgment against the. City! thai llirre ia not avrn a cloud or aliailow upon it. Wliorv.'t pur-liama one of llieau Iota will UU) a lot a n l iml a lawau'.t. . v V ,,rl,..M ii.iiI.ii.id. corm-r 01 t ,r,,.irrv am. Mrri'ltai.t alrr.-ia, .an IllllVi lllll'i'l Notice. THE OREGON CITY SEMINARY HAS bwn rentrd by tlie Oret-oa City Cor poration, for llie purpow of forming a Gra.lo 8ilio.il. . ri.. i.rw.l u ill ! oiiennl on Monday, Janu ..... iir.i. i,t .iHiuirlinriita. All cliildren wiil.ni the diatrict will be admilti d rr.r., to in aratxTioN in Tiir r.i.r.MKNTAav aaANciiKa, v.i lt. n.linK,SprllinS, Writing. Mental and Practical Arilliimtic,ioirrnphy,oramiiiar, and llie Iln- lory of the United Statea. i....ii. ..ii,l...f the diatncl will be admitted . ... .. ...iviUifi a. Mr lerm. at U For every extra atudy " the charge will bo I W ..... im " " " 2 00 l-or im: v., ..... .l . The higher alu.liea will mn ur auoww. AND Manufacturing Purposes, ruicEs U-.J,:,,,.!...,. Ai.nl 22 - llw rrraiuvnl K lit a lii.-aiiK to Hie M-iini jrn..-.....j ro,..-..rniiillhrr.-l ol vx S.yy ,,t tl. ii.si.iiMv of IVr ItwlliT I l I rr.M.l.ut av.ra ll..M.rr. it of Holler to be, ,!, done nmh r liia iiirhority, nnd n.m IN .1 Slulf lirn'-a IV jil'ltfii'd i'. r,iiro, Apr I -The nri from I I W t i?l.t is uoiinp"rtiiiit Tho hmiiliiird m,..t ..mtiiini-. Tin- rrlu ls have rut the , ,-tt on lh" Ark.iiiMii !horf oi.oMti' the (,.it A nuiiiWi r of fin.' fiirint nn- now rot , ri-d ith wnl' r for nnh-i iirotiud The r.n i.l. i.tn nrr" ri'.itly en;H'r..ter ut llm out ra'i'. I,rr- An liitfredunt n-'d romatn-i- ami poetry I!,, ...-v.l, ..ii tli.i i" I'" I .lln.lv. inl'i'd "C I" iri..ai.. eudie litnr lit town, ..II .Irl'.irr niirrr.liiig l-"n- 'I" l'"'""''"1 .. Sun lav. at ll.r '-""'B ",' "'V V"' ...J.h... Ir uofll. Hi f M")' will Ukr,..., .. rviiing u. uYWk.,l.,. lh lin.lll h, in tbr till" rli""h Public Spcaklnj. The I n oil ramlidatra Im U.r UgaJalu". ... ll.r..,..,.ll I-"!''""1"" l ii.e, and pi CAHl'KTING, AMI C U A' (.' A' F. 1 M A T T I X G ; e., iVc., A:c. Tngi-llirr willl til" I.!U irit iiinl l'it select etl stoelv o M STOM maim; Cloth itifj, , ... .... .Lm..i.i.ni nv tho tune oua .u n.c oroi.i. A careful regialer will ba kpt of tho attend uce of every pupil. None will bo admitted for la than half a term. Tuition mul tie paid at the middle of every term. ,. , ., 1'upila, whoae parenla or guardiam, riando out uf the dinlincl, will be ehurg. d the entrance fee, ai-cirding to the proi ia ona of tho city charier. Elrmrntary Text Hook. - Sander. Aerie., Reader, and Spellrr. ; Davie. ' Aml.mrt.ee; M-V.llv'. CeOL'ranhir.; Pini.ro aberie.of Cram- man, and Willard'. iliat. t . &. A. Teachere, I at term llev. Ii. II. Atkinon, Principal j N. W Kanoall, Ailant, 2d ilfp'l . v It AraisiN. Primary Department Mua- K. Koor-Re will give intrucliuu on the Piiiuo Forte, at formvr erminary l"ic''"- Foanr.a Darclav, Sup't of the City Dirtriel School. Oregon City, Jan. ., 1''-'. From 00, upward! Over 50,000 in Use ! Franc ia- S. ISIIOW.V JAS. I'ONXKIl'S iJONS' U. S. Tyw. Foundery, W M. F.l I.KNKU kiON'' Agrnta, .o. AIM .uiia.mie l Sas Francisco. IX FRY arlielr nrrroarv for enmplrte Nrwa 1i or Job Priming Olliee fiiminlird at the low- rl i.rirea. , , AU.,a-. nl. for Taylor a, Coidon a, Drgrnrre, Nrwbury'a, I'ollrr a, and llawk.V Prewea. Notice. . i i In.Ul.ird lo the niiileraignrd are A hereby reniwtrd to make a. lllenieul of their Z.Z. 1., , .1.. (at of Jan.. 1MP2. In caae they are not .iarr.l by that time, 1 may place the aa.ne in an uflicera lianda fol colleco.nr g.gpj Oregon City, Uc. 1 1, lClj Notice to Tax-payers. mAX-PAYEKS who are drlimiitnt for llie L yeut isnl. will call at llie nneriu . o.."--.rule immediately, if thry would aave cojta. It ia ex.Hictrd thai a large nmui-e. r will Imve lh . county early in the .pong fur llie mine, which render. im.iHrliatr piwnt a necea- . .1 I i'-"""l Jan.lS.lSoi Sheriff ClackamM Co. To Miners i TTTE DFU TO SSURE THE PLIlLIC that llie well-known repulaliou of these Machine, for RELIABILITY Will be fully auatalnrd, and iu our rapidly inertia- .. . ... r.;l.f.lle ..Tr. j mg uusineai llie aaiue com i... v ciwd iii every department of their manufacture. it'BV MACHINE SOLD BY VS IS WARRANTED IN tv 'J. Kharci, i . and a . . ...... r.....rh rl.ill. pout. : ernla' fine I irl.l. .II)"- " .ilk mud, ami I la.rinun r I - .V HijU of nrsiNKss srirs. silk v i:i.v i. r k I'ASIMKKK VFS'lV; . it- . . , i.'.. ;... .11.11 M.hi. av. M..V r.. i " " r.MIH r,J,M..l..lla.Tb..mlay. M I. an."!') ". M..i,n'. Mill. I n-lav. V-I'll Y.i,B-..s,i.,.r.i.v. am.. I- 7'"": -wr. l:.a c,r.k.M lay. Mil.. I -' " " llr... t ft. rh. 1-T.U.V. !. . I'1"" fafTlmraf. leaking. I P I laa l a t taa ,nrt--Tlie l'"1"" hi. a nf Un ",..,!) are rnp.r.tr.l lo rt in ll.r M.l p,r,i,irl....liSalur.lay, May 3, -- 1 .eWkpni.l.rlerl d.lrgntr. I" il- . - (..,.nlolH..rl,l.l l..-."H " S,U,,Y. May 10, .1 II . n. . fr the l""l""" ""'l'"'';" a I7n,'e...y t-. k-l ... br - at " Junerlr,..!.,., K-eh "" '; j! ' J( lh. folding ...iml-r uf M t -..) '' " 7 a.u-2, M. t)....alir. 4, Franklin Hull. I. " Creak 2. CI, n llr,.. e. cm. I h'n Hew- " f0"'-. Hoys Cloliiiiff, -ivy Mack tloeskin pants, Davis ami Jones sums, with ami without collars, 'to. ' - . .... rli.lll .-U,ieiiilirlll.ealr. rfl.AM .. .' " f V. KF.KlN.l'"m,W'11 hud the lutr.t AM) HKST SF.I.F.l'TF.P STOCK OF G O O 1)S Kver lm'tight to tins wl.irh will ! aal,l Liwcr thiiu can lf l'luvhiiscd iu rortlaiul!! THE STEAMER ST. CLAIH jS: I I. I. U f N UT W E E N YAXCOl'YFR and the CASCADES, STOITIXU AT SAXDV. ...making . Three Trips a Week. ( ouurcting with CAl'T. AXKF.NXY'S BOAT ala.vc the Cnmadea. HATES OF FREIGHT. To the 1jII 90. p. raon making iheirowu xr-,.,gr.l,e..-r.Si:.. T!.e portage can nuw l,r made on the W. T. ai.lr. Stwk taken from Sumly to llie lallc at l per h. ad to the C ni.raiir oi .. . .i 1.... laroe .VCOW. which we ue i P nir" " iu caar of a large load of elock. Jtcmoval! MICHAELMENGES rilAKES Una method of informing hi. friend. i and the puul'.c geuerauy ma. ir is liKMOVED to the aland formerly kept by Mr. Miller, nearly Opposite Charman, N arucr co. whi h he ealla The Union Market, where l.e ia prepared lo keep all kind, of meat am. lo aril me a...v UKASOXABLE l'BK'ES: la, low a. the marun win anon.. I.lMdeaireto war to the people lhat I am Not Oo'msr to the Minos ! i.,.. .-ill be hrrc nil .ummrr, in apite of Cariboo or Salmon Hivrr. vvvfiKS. ,11 IV lin.'U ' " Orrgon City. Jan. 4, IStiJ. ... u i w n. WE ARE NOW u i- t "' IN TIIK Now Tire-rroof Brick, A LABOR AND WS..L-A3UK.i. GENERAL MERCHANDISE. Feeling perfectly .ecure againit fire, we willn.vr Offer Greater Inducement! than ever to the publio. We are conalantly In receip. f GOODS aelecled with the greatest rare (a. to prieea " nunlily), and re confident that our facilitiea wil enable ua to offer and tell god$ AT PORTLAND PRICES (fr.ighl.o.1), and would advia. all thoa. vl.itin thiaeity to purclia-e sood-, lo examine our atoch nnd pricca before pun huHing eUewhere. We have, and ir jual receiving, an invoice of Allen, l a Kivcr, .Merrnnac, . kk". - ., oui other choice PRINTS, alt late. tyle. Eng l,.h i: French merino., Lyonm cloth, moh. ir m other Debase , braze, wool. & mualin de lain.., black', blur, purple. & pink mrr.noa, f imb jaconet, book, awiaa, & mull imialin, ladi( eirib iet. coil.ra, hdkf. fcakirl.. drea. & bonnet Irujl minga, French & do.ne-fc tto"' lawn, from U'J loSSs.Uw, mixed, & 15 net. woor& cotton ran-, cottonade, bleached ana brown. heeling from 3-4 to 0-4 wide, - bleached drill., denim., hickory .hirlmg i S.l mar ne.hrowu, anu iri.n n..", - . - ,d cr.al.,-1 large lo. of linen and thread lace. and edging, hosiery, o;e. ;VE.VSJJOrS' CLOT HI & O : Wae, black, nnd browocloth coau. , U . dot blfc cloth vcata, 5 dux wm e an. '"".TlZAii velvet and aatin do. JU uoi .. r :,:. ind fancy e.-imera do, 30 dox merino and eotto under:.,ir..,gr.y,blue,'t black elo.h over c U with a general uasortmeai o. ..v. . . Bi-c . elrnP.CMen.. boV, ni yo bijlKdie.-, mHa-e.1. and children". j mj rocco. goat, kid, and calf Congr.a. boo... with fc without heelaj lad.ei Kia .npr.. Groceries: llio and Java coffee, bbek and green tea, N. O China, llatavi. l.laud, Ca!. refined, and era.!.. . gar, K. BoaWD. C.I., .ugar-hou, a golden ayr-u- .alt. 5 to 9U0 Ibaka; 100 kga nail., Msdaiiea. ,P,n. ale, chemical. t Engli.h ap. i n., oowder. .hot, k lead; yeaat powder .ler. ,a.Vr,.un.r1.ki.ach. ririi. in 2 lb tin.; .pice, P"P;. ni ca8""' P"1 Erie v. ;accaroni, vermiceUi, corn -dm. d..-wa.u,., Ilrax nuUi. rat , .. C , ' dried fruil; maCKerei, in ' -. liiieaamrtmeniot CROCKERY 4 TABLE CUTLERY i 20 crate, awortid ware, 40 dux ateel pick., 0 ' Dutch Udla hoea. hite Lead, 0il,and Windou Ulats; with .variety of other article, unally k'P; i r W e will pay ca.i. i i.. -- bnuer, ea. alid almost everythmg the fanner halloaed. Oregon City, ApnllC, l&ul- SANDS' SARSAP AKILLA . The Original and Genuine Artick. Eudowed by the Medical Faculty a, being the BEST and PUREST FAtracl of Sarsaparltla made. S.VN'PS' SARSAPAHILLA Purifies the Blood. Tin publio attention ii reiKCtfully remic.led to the following From lh Cirovt-r &. IliiUcr Sc i8 .midline loiiiiuui). The public, in their eagernew to aupply ihrm- Irra with Sew nir Mucliiue. maKiiih- me u ... . .. llAk'KU nib-h. must not forertlopur- ilm of ilia Darlie. who alone are nuthorixed . n ,l,m. All marl.inra arwing from two .pool., and in which one ee.lle only penetratea the clolh, and having a feed which allowa llie ma terial t be turned at will, are intrin.'rmrii.a. lii;U Ml xj.-tnr.ii - A Card Irom Ella llowr, Jr. in r rautioned not to make, deal in, I . from two Loll and make llie Hitch known oi OROVEU i . .i I. u. ..m lim itnrrhitt"tl ron the CROVKll & UAKEIl SEW IM. MACHINE COMPANY, or their agrnii or ... enwe., and .tamped under my patent of Septem- MAXLUXBDI 'lu .hi.e.iunty.Ap.iiai.l. ' TZ af.1,.1,,,.1.'. U.hrr. I.mwI. .. .. .. ...I l',. .... li'll. to T , llregoil iiiv.li". '. -- Ca. I'liataviHA Hi'iiTT. Nlalnmaii and On gouiall plr." C'l'V x. o. o. r. -...... of each we.k. Irell. lan.le.nl. C. M. kl'.Sir.ll, i rid on It. Arraaa..., Urn. Hen y Mallnamah LodlO NO. 1, Ar,,li..g Hi. Full M.K..I III mp " II...I..... ... ...7-1 .i.u.lniir r v.lrd I nt run. ), f. THOMPSON. " Tnito. WtiiANT, Hrc'y. tlT The nail rrgulitl nvwilinil U 1 Haluril.y evemiig, May 17' d.-.v U....7.... ..A.- For tin" rrmmnl and par i.nl nu.r. ..fall .i'nra nri.i" laifaal... of the I.I.n.1, ..r f Hi.' )"' Tl,,.pl.a.H.l and rflle.eiim. rrnu dy will K-n' y Mimulil. llie fuue'luii. f '"' lon gularand lirnllhy anli'-n. "d wi""'"1 "' -purging pel tharerrmo all drlel.-ii' .'.'iiHW Uu,,.,pMly lh. blood, e.,l' . rl.. n '.l"'. Irnm. a,r..;r.lio.i, Impiuv. lh. "H"' l-HM. and vigor loth...).lrui..ind grmlually. "'irly.nlitiMU. Ilif d ara-e. aul nn Allwhowi.1. h'H dn ".'rr::";.: favor.. Oregon City. April W, M'- ""rrotico. ward and -lll I're ' . ,, rr3.;-..vi...u,iug t- "'''IannenVafm" ackeuman. Oregon (My. I" 'l,l . .M'PllVl T V ' lh- INSTANT KK ASHIMA. I.IF.Fand PKUMANEM t'ltllE i-f Ihia .li.lrr.mg eu.i.pluint u. . . immPQ BRONCHIAL CXOA1U.A-. M.l.bvC II. HKYMOt'llfc CU. 4.B l.ruau- Made ny -. " " v. .ilk' ...... . .MI.hVkmi - l,y I10"1'-13 New Ferry, AC'ltOSS TIIK CLACKAMAS, ON TIIK Old Kmiraiit Road, iiVNMNd IV vMUXtrS T() FOSTFim JUM'.I , a. ..Wrlrr. ran , ... ho K-y. BA I ON. l '-,"',l'..oM WATEUIU UY Toyc. Toys. ' ...... V.uiMHTMArl ...,;.. v mi i . MHI" l rroe." " -- w.u.. nr Ti. onln tinn. it .: .1 ........ II I. .r tv ....--v M II-. 111...'" . . k.. i .1....1 Id. ....... tal coiiaein. "-- I-"""' " ,, Ik, l..'.,U& will be ciiliuu. il a. Ilia "'"" . IU... All . eo"' V" ,,,J ''-''''''''''miIco. Oregon Cily. Jan. SSJSIiJ. J ACOI1S Jt 11RO. UFSPFCTFl l.l.Y inform the people of lliji .iiiy nnd vicinity lliu. H.'V eontmue in b.iai ne.,.l !l.rol.l..ni. and will ly. M hand n huge '' nM 01 Mji. as m ex 9 U9 .nitable far lhr.aK.n. which will be .old at prie lo ami llie Inn'. - t() Main aire... and formerly ,h. Main Street beMO.h,. W Ift. ' . ..... ..h...i.l ..n.ler ihrir own Patenta, and liivc them a cull. OREGON CITY. riMIE traveling publio are re.pectfully a? J iuvi.ei. lo give nir . v.... , . Il; . . 1 1 a I he moat plea- ...r: h. a.h.U. i h be- - . raneed a. lo make il one of lh. moat cominou.. oua hoiiura ill the country. . . . THE TABLE will alway. be wpplied will. the br. lhat the markei anon... Hood aceoni.n.Hl..lion. for ladie. and fam.lin. raicai: Hoard and lodging-Pr week...-. Hoard, wilhoiil lodging. H-r week ' Hoard per day, wilh li.lgms j Single meal Proprietor. legally authoriied, under ihrir own patent., and ...I .......I rf.iri.if the rxtrndr.l Irrm therrof, to make and .ell thw kind of Sewing Machine, ami all other. ar p racie. upon .n . and will be dealt with cwnl'ne'y f'I'und- S.SP3' SAUS.M'AIULLA Cures Scrofula. SAX US' SAUSAl'AitU.LA Cures SiuUiorn Ulcer. dAXUS SARSAPAUILLA Curca Culaiifous Eruptions. S VXDS' SARSAPAUILLA Cure Strumous Complaints. SAX1S' S A U S A P A U I L L A Cures Meicurinl Diseases. SAXDS' SAUS.rARILLA Never Fails! SANDS' SARSAPAUILLA M.v be aafrly Ukm at all limr.-it will r. t. U ,r. a regular periodic habit, aud i. Uie wy ,,!;,;e"i,err,f. lake when .m.rf .1 . A ''reared by A. B. I 0; -ASIW. , TZf ,n,i Kulion .1 . toruer of W ilhain, N. ; ' i'i I hv 'iwitrrx Co.. San Fr.ne.K; X t ,iA Portland; Dr. Srsan, urego. jlllllU av.--- - City. aulT TR ATTV.?IT10X V T Atl.ORH Dec. I4.IS6I. K F. LEY'S . a ai n r II A II C C TFMPtn Anbt nuuoi., Jfuin il..o'P'" " Ahernethy .J- l o. ; OUF.llON crrv. ,001) UOOMft EITPEI) I'!' wiU. , t ... .' a v a.... rollllor.i.o.D l' ,)B anriul aeeonimmlalioii of the F,.l). KEI.I.Y.Prnprirlor. Notice. ANU for traveling public Oct.'J'-t I".'.' . I'll I.I. A nml Vriil't lire. !.". '""V ClIAnMVNS 4 LI. P-raon. knowing lhrm.elvei Indabted to A ,,.....l hv b.H.k account, nro hereby dle.l.i.nuiedia.rly -lr'n. of tlie lame, a. - ..o.rnil-PII A. DIERPOnFF Orrgon City.' Feb. Sil, lC- WV. lilt ill FII I.O. fSi. .WATVH.MAHERkjM Per.,,,, drairou. of gelling tfllOll WOllK d,.nwlll.lwrlllogiv.m..ca..my: i. devole.1 to llie rrpni.... ... - - nine on.. . i...,,., 'rttK'lotu, dewelry mad. ,o order and repaired. I'tirea to .11 I l0 wil". p.V nv"rM.n.I hot.o lo give ....i-fuelnm ,. fu ..r., P a r- l.alrd ill H nl.r-tnnd. e.p.ul .1. Or- .. . .,m...iv eiTi. ir n a. . L;i ii.. v.. - - - - egn.l llmifl,' 1.1, irrnna Notlco. . . . . .... ImrMiiV itntihftl 'ihall .hall apply l'h,ek.....eou.y. Oregon, a t Ui. M.y t. nn. he of .aid eounly. A,.PBBB0N. OreSott City, M-icl. '.'3, Wi. D- A. H. STBaiaB, PHYSICIAN & SURGEON. Office at tho OREGON CITY DRL'O STORE. ouKfloN crrr DKUG il STOKE, JfxV STREET, (Oppi-eila '' M.lhiHlial Church.) IIAI CON.TAKTLV ON HAND Drills, Modicini's, ratcnt Moilt cincs, Kcroseno, Caniphcnc, Burning Flnul, Ac, Ac, ...AT Tll... LOWEST MARKET VRICES D. 1). STEPHENSON, . ..... nir.i'n to lite T"ENTl!Ti naa rrn.r.. - If Room orer Mr nK""f: Who prefer lh. " Ik Stitch," bellied loour ll.art Hum. Wat' l5riu,h.' B"- i. Ar..M..iHinta iinnrtnaivM freiually ami snreiy ' ' MuKRLVHXt HiLt.Cal., Jun. 111. 159. S i it. worat form. at... .- j--' " "v.. brat Phy eiani. i" " r J " i vvr. v v ATl'l) HI 1 1MW. ai. oi-i".. .-- j biiille, I fi'iind y-W "-ch Z 'Zi taking them, until I wua emin --- - . Uk. gre. P ;-- 1Mr.T1au.Ho.a. TllO XY ! EN A'l EO "ITrEUS.I- Ca ifoniiaby RnlmgU-n - C. enJ !i 1 1 Mo Co.. Charlra Morrill. 8n .J'jT aid. C...crameno, ."-' , Mary.villc ; Smitn M Creni, Coarl. V- Which re spMially sdapled lo their re,uiie.n.nti, AND Martin r. 'w"' on i non.rr.ident! Tcv.-wd'; Monday of May. Ml. " .7.K,lRinE. where he Is pr.pi aird tiidu allwoik tu hUlin. IT THE BEST IN USE! XJJ K. G. HKOWN, Agout, 330 (91) MwilkT-mwy SUmI, March 24, 1 J. Mul. M Compl.in.ut. l?mJ SAX FRANCISCO ClT Alt P. HOIIBI1", Importer and Pslr In an KKITlft INKS, CARD STOCK, No.. HI nd 113 Clay Ban rranciico. j QRACKERS-slM' " ciiARMA Wf; toy