The Oregon Argus. (Oregon City [Or.]) 1855-1863, May 03, 1862, Image 2

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    Kiviiiir that " owing to t !u- heavy roinfon
nii-nts tlio FoiK'rals received mi Sundu
i,rM niul Monday. 11 ml tin fatigue ot my
men, I deemed it prudent to retire, nml
not renew tlic li:ttli'." IVi'misslon was
not grunted.
Tlio Richmond DispilC.i contains a t
pram from nouuivcurd, dated Corinth
April Nth, slatimr that ho was strongly in
tl'CIU'luM. Him pi'cpariii m ucieai mo n
rals ill whatever unmoors thov ni'ght ut
tack him. Ho claims the battle of I'ilt
burg Findaig i:s a ni'isl important rein
vli torv. Ho savs ho captured (',0'iHI I'd
it ' i.r .soiici's an I t!i',l'tv six iii Cos Ot OH 11
nii'i No mot:! 'on is m.nli' oi' r.oaui'egni-i
1 t-i i iT wounded.
Waxliimrtoit, Apr.l l.Sj ivlals to t
N. w Y..rk oarers t.i that lotlors Iron
York tow a av that (5.-n. Magi'iid. r's ro
v.m for Iravn ' h s outor works, was tic
o.i i; -o t!io ro.uls wore loo ha 1 lor tho tran
imi tation of supplies, mid also to gel our
troops awav fto.n tlio Totcit o,i of iho n it
V'.l received l tho Nil IV D
piirtuient from Cairo says oar llotilhv ha
lioon within tliroo uiiariors ot a milo ol It
Pillow, nml from thonoo hud takon a po
lion two lililos above. Tho rebel gunboats.
ten in nnniher, are stationed below th
Fort. Our mortar lio.its wore m position
niul Innl opened tiro, licit, lopes oom
maud occupied the Arkansas sale ol the
Tlio President to ilav signed the blil for
tho abolition of slavery in tho Patriot ol
St. l.oms, Apr 1 1 1 t. orrespo-uloiioi
from tho Araiv of the Southwest, s!at
that the whole Confederate foree that wa
in iho late Tea Uidire battle lia.l .'one cast
down the Aikans.ts river. Ti.oy passed
throii 'h Clorksvi!!'", s;'v miles from Van
Duron, ten days ago. At that plaee
000 cavalry were sail to have tiu ti the
road north to lluutsvlllo. It was impo
bio to learn the destination nt their troops.
lint It was probably si m point on tae!s!ppi, or Ja.-k-onport, Ark.n.s.?
It is also r 'ported that tae n bol toiws at
TocUiontas have or.leis iiio:i il.e appear
atiee of the lederal loroes to r 'treat to
.Tacksomwt. l'r'c , with the M i-.-cir
i-state Guards, was 1 ft ut Van Uui-iii.
Washington, April 1 (i ib ig (' on
Mitchell w as nominated vostirdav M lior
lieir ral on the recoiiim- n l.itioa of the Seiv
retarv of War, for gallant servaas in too
oaptutv of lluatsville, iVeatur and t oon
ton Junction.
KatiMS I .tv. Ai r.l I i. A mn! Ironi
Ft. L'nion confirms tlio news of a battle ut
Apaeho Pass. Oar forces nmnb. red 1
,00. ami the I e. wins ,., in uar lo-s in
kill-il. womal 'il and iii!iu.'. is l.'iO. The
f n-my neknuw!fd.-o a I 'ss of ' 10 or F'.)
We oa: turtd fil'v-tlirco nr'som r-, an.
vo of Ul 'til f!i rs; nl-n
s'x'y three i a.-oi.s i
:. 111:11 I'l.t oa, k:,
I t--r.ui ri tier t t!i.
bum .!
vis'ons an
ilr.-d male
oa; tin'.
, 1
10 I,..
Wire too I
att :c!:cJ o ir b rery fo'i;
time ootnin.' w thin'y
but i''';e.!- ! w to
f iroi'S, nt 1 1 st U'lviees, v.
D am n 1 Spr'mr. foriy inih s s :
I'nio 1. The T x :11s foil b.ii k
Wa-hiicloa. A;.-:i ti "ii. Wool, l'or
niut, ivs tyviyti.inj
weather very fivor.ibi"
Yorktewn. h is ji'iib.
will oon b a'lle to op
til" 'ortifl' l'iiill' 'f i ie
1 and
.1 : .. iv it 1 pro
r two him
r.i. 11. u ti .c.i
1. T." T'.
I iaes. at the 1 1 t
( t .f o;,r r'iir.
K.-s. Uar
re (lie. mill' d nt
!,s s mtli of Ft
to e.!.:.'
l'i -A
ie s M
S r'l
o til., up
a- my.
.r! si;
.'0'' to ...u Y'o.'k pip- r, -t.i'.e that
mi ollieer who I '.i tiie i.r.ny b- oa; Yolk
lou n. r. p"i".s thi.t (.Jen. .M' l.'i' ii 01 in
the very ln-t of srlt. m. 1 san.-n ue of hi,
alii ity to ui'.v? ti.e r b I- oat of Yoik!.ft-n,
Y,r,' n'a. Tie' s .111 - oliie. r -ays ih.u v. h.-n
lie le't tii reb 1, i burnin.' tie ir b .r
racks, i.i c.'l ! i.e.- of pripir!!ioi to i vaeii
ftte. ( ipvcl.'u,' spec h'y to ': ilr.'vell I a k.
I.'very day ti'.-'.v barbarities I'-rp- trat' il
by the reels cur.etj I'.'hr. Th's wc k
two soJJlirs, who stray-! from tin rai.k-ne.-r
M iM.'.-a-', w, re fvi-;-J I v the pr.i I
.lido with tii- t!,ro'it- ru.
Wa-dinlon, April IT -Tie.- War I.-partnu-iit
inlviti-.'s f.,r a pri o.itioa for
the roa-tnr-'.io'i o! 0:1 or lieir-: L'ii:,boat.
laekod lien. Smilli's position and attempt
ed to onri'y his vri tis. They wore hand
somely repulsed and some prisoners wore
I a ken.
Yoiklown Ims been shelled by our gun
boats, I ut w ithout ell'oet. There lias boon
a good deal ol tiring from the Yoiklown
batteries. In the oniraijeliiont on Wednes
day, between the od Vermont ami the ene
my, :. of our men were killed and !0
Houmioii. war artillery uul great execu
tion. About 1 o'clock this niornin the
enemy in loive attempted to cross ilown in
front of our lines, with a view of cnptiiriiijr
one of our batteries. The reserve force of
our infantry opened lire on them, foroim:
them to retire. At daylight both parties
opened lire with artillery, whloh continues.
A Colonel and Lieut. Colonel, from the
rebel iirmy, came over and surrendered
themselves prisoners of war. Those two
elliecrs report that an entire Irish brigade
had inutined; and, by order of Jeff Pavis,
wore deprived of their urms and sent to the
Wellington, April I". After buriiiiig
about one hundred mid fifty hijr houses at
l.owlv's Point, our crews returued to their
sli ps loaded with blankets, iuukcts and
medicines h it by the rein Is in their ll irht.
Flu Meet proceeded to Knppahiinnook, two
miles above. On arriving, the Commodore
inded, and i:s met bv a lare concourse
of citizens ol all colors and ai;cs. A lUfi
was hostel and the people told that if il
was torn down the town would be burned.
Contrabands brought inlormation that lour
larco schooners and other obstructions had
been Mink in the narrow channel live miles
irom 1' rodrick-bni'j;, to prevent our ap
proach As far as could be learned, no
r 1. tn! soldiers were on the nook of land be
twe n the Potomac and the 15 ippuhannock,
eept a few pickets, probably composed
of Maryiandeis, to prevent the escape of
negroes. Da the li', our Hoot caotur
oil a vi s-el on board of w hich was found
tcrs from which it was ascertained that
the rebels w, re evaciiutiui; Fredrickslnii'e;,
in 1 talked of biiruiiiu' the town. Iho tint
on their return, captured two line schooners
at the mouth of Collin's creek.
lien, lliin'er's oll'k-ial n port of the cap
ture o! I t Pulaski, savs; " e captured
forty-seven Unas, fom- thousand pounds of
powder and a good supply of provisions
aslnn.'ton, Anr.l lft Pi-pateln s to
the New York papers state, it is said, on
authority of intercepted letters Irom
IVehmond, 'hat several editors of rebel
11 w -iiao rs tin vo heen liuii tor puMisliitii
tellii'iice which was contraband of war.
The 1 ro-peot of the passage of the Pa
lie P. lilroad IMI diirin0' the present srs
on. is not promising.
The following is 1111 account uf the cap
ture of I t. I iiia-ki. On the morning
the 1 Ot Ii (Jen. tiiimore d-ruiiudeil an
miooiiditional .surrender of the fort, which
rer:il. Our batteries immediately
oi..nei nr" wtiaii coni.nueii tul miii-i-i.
The ( then placed 11 battery of Par
rot; are! .lones suns w.laiN l.imu vanls ot
the Fort and eon'.meiieed liriiie; at ii'irht
Net inoriiin; at "J o'clock,
nois and 'I'M Missouri, wero taken priso
111 rs with him.
Washington, April P.ith Special to the
New York papers stale that t!en. Wright,
111 nliiiiiihumiir Jacksonville, Florida,
brought iiwiiv with him twelve hundred in-
habitntils, who were 11 1 raid to be found
there by the returnim: rebels. Several
Unionists who ventured to remain were
Cairo, April 1 iHh. A dispatch from the
Itect Hour Ft. right, dated Apr.l I'.Mh
savs, 1 lie mortar iioiniiai'ilnieut was renew
ed this r, m , vigorously at fust, but con
tililicil inure slowly. The rebels replied
with round shot Iroai ilihereiil baiteries
which fell clo-e in the mortars and 1:1111
boats. The published report that the Fort
hud surrendered is not correct. Pi sorters
slate that the number of men at Ft. Wright
is fi.OOO.
l-Yi'tliTu-kslnirir, Y:., Ttikcti!
Wasliiiigton, April I','. lien Mi-How-ell's
division inarched yesterday upon
Fredericksburg. The march was disputed
by one regiment of inlantry, one of cavalry,
and a battery of iirlillery, which were driv
en across 1 1i u lliippiihiiiniock. Our loss
was live killed and sixteen wounded. The
rebels burned the bridges over the river at
Fredericksburg Our troops have not yet
occupied the town. They have boon warn
ed by loyal cili.ons not to venture too fur,
except in foree. The large body of rebels
who occupied the place until recently have
gone 1o Yoiklown.
Washington, April '.'1 Our forces 00
cupy the liights of Falmouth, opposite and
commanding Fredericksburg. .Much valu
able information was obtained from loyal
citizens of Frederiekslnirc. Most of them
affirm that so soon we take possession of
the city, and there is no fear of the return
of rebel soldiers, a majority of the remain
ing cdv.ens will bo found loyal. Vast
amounts or gram nml other lornge are
stored in the vicinity of Fn derieksbnre:
The enemy, b -.sides destroying the bridges,
burned thn e .steamers and twenty schoon
ers, loaded with corn.
Official dispatches say (ion. lt.ii.ks' par
ty arrived nt Sparta, Hockii' county,
n , yesterday, driving the enemy from a
hi!! in the vicinity with artillery and caval
ry charges. Six thousand of Jackson's
troops pissed through town and ciie.iiiijicd
a short distance beyond the night beloro.
It is currently reported that J.nk-on will
be largely reinforced between lure ami
On a march bitweui New Maiket and
Sparta a ho ly of our advance cavalry came
upon twosiiiads of Ashley's cavalry, drawn
up 111 line of battle. I ho latter snd P lily
broke r.iiiks mid bis artillery opened on us.
Our cavalry, in line of buttle, wait, d fur
the artillery, wjch arrived and seiitti rnl
tho rebels." On the night of III-17th. Ash
ler's forces reached New Maiket At 7
o'clock tie xt morning, an attack was com
menced hv I! inks, who had occupied the
town dtirii'ir the nijit. A-hbv mt lire In
h s catiip mid reli-eiilid in L'l'.at lin.sti
U nny man nlli-mvls l linnl ilownlUi'
Ami' He Ml VI 11 11, htiiiiil hi in Ui" M' l'1
- f.Vii. i.r.
CTIjc (Drcgon CUgiiG.
W. L. Adams,
S ATI' IIP AY. MAY It, lMi'2
ntuu NiimlBivUHK.
I'urCiiiiiiiss .1 I; M'lliiniK, of Yiiiiilnll.
lo'Vei iiiir A (' ( Ilium, nt' Miiltiiniii.ili.
Si'i' uf Siaii, N i;. ,M v, of .liieks.iii.
Sluli. TtiiiiiiiMer-V.. N. Ciiiik "I Miir .ui.
Si a.-I'r iiler - II ( Juiinui. uf Minion
Juilije nl llli .Imlieml llmnel -K l. Smii ii cn
I'nw. . Uorm-y I1I1 ,1ml. 1'int - Vi. t' .lniisanN.
i.-;ii(-r iiuiii-1 I'. A, (.Via mn,
KlMHIIV, JiMIM l'. Ukum.
County Jutlgf Ski'iihi'm
(V 'ni.'i 'r . - W u, Sun M. Mli.l.m
C.i. ('Ink -.Jaiiiin ismiiv
Slirt tjl v. l To 11 mi
('11 7'llM.lllllT TlllHI l I'llKUAM.
Axrsr -K. . Siiniir.
.VeA.iii Xhii-i ttttriiilrut N. V. KiMnia..
.Vio i'i-V'I l''.T.T. I'ii-iiih.
M.iw r 1.1.
j children mi this roast, vol Floyd doesn't
think ho violated his oath or did anything
I dishoiinrablo ni'ilhor does Wail. lie
! may suv ho doesn'l exactly approve of the
coiiim' of the rebels, just to ct 11 few voles,
but who ever knew a whoso
' word or even his out Ii was lo be Irusled.
I John F. Miller, the secession caudidute
I for (lovernor, is from Missouri, and would
now bo in Price's army if ho had stayed
there, lie is 11 ivprcsoiilalivo of the ' one
ni;:ger iir.'Miii'riiey ' that lloul Lslics iu I he
bolder slave Stales ti suit of middle class
bet neon Iho 'hog pluck iiiislocrubi' or poor
whiles, nml the big nigger nabobs who own
as high 11s live or leu lingers 111 id keep a
carriage. Tim one nigger nu n usually in
vest all their menus in uu old ilieiiuiatic
wench or broken bucked lllall thai can be
bought cheap, just In keep up appeiiraui'os
The old black cripple is looked upon as a
sort of diploma lo show lluil the ow ner has
graduated from the freshman class of hog-
; pluck nri.stocrats, and taken rank among
1 the one nigger aspirants In iho still higher
j society of the lite or ten niggi-r leu doms.
These ime iiigger nu n ate geiurnlly sup
j plied w ith Hours in their houses, and some
j limes have 11 pane or two of glass putlicd
j into a hole with mud lor a window, while
I their poorer neighbors are denied these
i luxuries In nsei laluc linni thn ' sunil
The political blacklegs who conreiied nt . ,, , . , , . . ,
1 . .hiller' or lio iiliuk niislocracv to the
position of nigger owners, iln-se "rising
families" carry along with them nil (he
nigger haired mid intense pro sbivery fool
ing that brloug in the tiuwitsheil Mibstra
turn of the mud sill kooirly ' he fnct in,
iu nil rebeldom, the piMin r, more ignorant,
and dirty a man is, the more lie linles nig
gers mid loves slavery, mid the more does
he despite Northern enterprise, Northern
intelligence, and Northern ' Yankeci,' and
till Invert .lift Mnlw mi. I ll r., .1., u..t. 1
aw ling political compound that lias been I ... , . . 1 '
. . rebellion w :th an intensity that the hum red-
i nigger men are strangers lo Tim only I
I dillereiiee belween Milhr ami Wlulnker,
; who are both from Missouri, is, t hut Whit
ukor hud ' nary nigg. r,' but d pi aided 011
1 his fiddle to introduce him into the one-
IliggiT class society ut 'hoe (low n' gather
III.', while Mill, r limla II passpnit that
Cornwall rails u 'jut ilnnnum ' In (hi,
resH i l M1II1 r Is a peg ulnar Jo f. iue, n lio
''"lO I'loposo tn laltu tltl ynkTIfV
Itii ,.. A .) m UiunL
1. . 1
,,, ,n 'l'h.llg,
of honor niul tlutlr
m.,.,.1 or Alisirlll upon thnn 1 ... .
for a free govern, 1 ,U,II
IlliV'ltl lltill.-.t n 1 r
' ' ,u " "'7 ""'0 at 11.
'f honor and ,lutleN,oposleri.y(, 77"
pron.U. s xvitl. rebels nr,,,, c,
11 M
Wail's mind
I,.. 1..- .
m i ' s'nircq
a ihintr were 1,.,-. II. I.. 1
' " i-.-niwii-, iiutu Iiovi.i.
lliesn lol'ly selilii 1, il ,,
. o vvouu, .tiuv, 01, U.y jmo
of Ireiison. with a w hit.. 11 '"I1
I lie Sri i-sslw l'.mi ml ln.
Corvnllis on the loth lilt., have nominated
a Stale ticket lluit ought to suit the ene
mies of a free government everywhere. It
is just siioh a tii ki t as the lleeing rebels
would have paused on the road lo Corinth
long enough to give one shout for. It is
as good a representative of the great 11 11
tagoni.iiis to human progress, human lib
erty, and free government, 11s could have
been Selected. petrogrossion, secession,
cowardice, nml disloyally uiiiko up the
1,11,1 1'la.ik nli.,-1 f .,... H ,7"
,,mlli" ''"" t J. IT I.,vi rtl!t tolm, , r
10 " ''i'" ""l wn term, , r"
"V"'"1,1 Imocoil"
ami vole money out of tl, ,r, h M'
r'1 r,,f tUl .r,ie I!
lor every nigger that u,d m ' W
.he rebels, ,,,,, liri erv(inKWar,;;:i
nhsolving all (he rebels rrV,gMiliW
to !- !'" 'leumcralie '
I liarle.sion and uominiilu Puvig y
cry for the I wo highest dlllcc, i ,1C J(
think, (his m a line r-Miimitt; f tho
ciipalnlitiis. His j,i ,)ki 1ui J"'
kaow bin, ,0 be. We k,,w l)im U,
than In, !'" sl,ims,irilHKU,,tirsio
his linn. I on his breast und ,, before ki
liod we l.avoov,r.'ol,,(J ,,, fc "
I" ti-haM. if.-htio('0lll.r,Ml;wuiil
have no n.oremllueneontV,U,n,
n--" i.iun
a wooden block dressed
"H ptltii oat
got up lo shove into the gnawing stomach
of the jaded beast that JlT Paws. sits
astride of, which yet carries the brand thai
John Wesley burned into its haunches
" si M or Al l. Ml.l Alsii s" The old brand
that Wesley stuck to llie unilual is still to
be soeli without shnviiie; the hllir off, though
the Corvallis golitleiueii have tried lo efface
il by putting a ' !' over it, which is taken ,
by such men us Miller to slnml for I'.nis, j
o pii-un r-
The Ni w Orleans Corresi. undent
atld, lining what bo never did befurj
inu' evi ry hridgi' to delay pursuit.
11 11 nail 11 i.f . , , .,
- " l.-nvin .1 ai nit e' hoe VPs mi I ie r i-oniii o sjiaiifa I' v.111. iisi...u( in.- liana
eoi'im iial r, woo ileciare.l that it was nil-
-;i,l- 10 no;,i on; any longer, as 01 . ,,.,. ..,, I....L
g-nis w, r? irsroouiikd. e captured ,'.,.,, ,,, ,i. vr ! 1. .itn.ei.t that .
IsL'ienrsh took- lil. e.. In-t w . !i his Ui1viihei
1.' 'lie ; ,, I ,. i f,,,.,, ,,i i!, I. ,.;,!,, n,...,.o il,,.
eliin.m.t lis-n!ch, (lie !-. .i. i:..r'. ,.r ii... o.., i.i, ii, ,,1 .!....
01 s if that city, savs forls J u kou ,"lr ,i. ..1...1. 1...;,.,, ., ,ijn in..w,rs.i.
bridges neross the r.v.r. They did not
sin eecil.
i l t. I'uillip are urine! with one hiiu
r 1 an 1 seventy guns, nio-tly twenty-e glit
in 1 I'fs, r;tl 'd. The navigation of the
s;,.i-'n . r'l -'Dili .I.ei-v!',;e.r mr.t
ver is i.e. 1 ry a dam across the river. ;.. r... 1 ,.r .. n...... , .. ' , ,1.,., 1 ..a.
., -, - , 1 111 ie.ui 111 ie. in vi in 11 "hi 111.11 uiiih
a mil'.e ihe forts No IU.1I4 on , ,. ,,,.,, Wll, ,t, . ,.,, s ,r;m,
int. coal, lor,-,- this dam in loss than two ;,., r r l;lt . ,11V.,!. v of the
ours, tii.e 1:1 tins time I tie L'niis Irom the ,..;,i.; ..:..e, ...a.., .. 1 1,...
orts W(,ni l destroy thctn. lietwei-n the
in and New Orleans there is a constant
ti r
liwn. picr'ers believe tint Jiiekson
means lorro's lln.' I!lue l.iilge and r -aeh
iii eo.-ion i; enrtn works. At the Plain ot ; 1 in 1 1 .. 1... ;.. 1 . ... ...
, . , , , , , if hi 'ion 1 no , inn. is 1. an uu innaiiis lu
ll, mi't'e are redoubt, armeil w-.tli rilled ....... 1 t. n ..1,
Ft. M icm is coiupli tely inresteil. It
has In en iiieertaiiu d that the rebel Mii iily
vm.iar :u plan 10 tin- r.r.e--o:i iiiittirv, for
tervi.'e 0:1 tho M's:..ippi a , : ; (J.lf
Ltile.igo, Apr;, l-'.!i. A ron'e-eiii.;.iiit
of the Cincinnati Cvn-itrrrl-i! writiic frui.
Hav niiiaii, Ten 1
mi.!' r il At-; ! tla: 10:h,
says of the hattl" of Pit'-hui'.' ..mding, or
m jiroptr.y termed, .-5'.. la's, tlut nl(. (.
federal -s had one Imudr -d an J sixty-three
regimi'iits on the fodJ, a!:l,otigh thi.s'o w. re
not ail full. Nearly every account agrees
in placing thr-ir fonts ut not 1 -vs than
ninety thousand ni n.
Washington, April I sill (Jen Shii.-hi-divibiot'i
occupied .Mou t Ja. k-on yester
day inorn n.'. At k-vcu o'clock the em my
appeared in force in I'roi.t of Pud's' II. I!.
'I'h'-y res'ste I our alv ir e with em.rgv, in
or ler to i.lit.i 1 t ine t burn the hii.ig s,
locom' tives and c rs which would nccui,u
late at the terminus of the r lilroad. Our
inovttn-nfs iv. r si rapid th.t we w. re
1 1.. . .' 1 1 .
uun; i-j save llie ori'Jges I'.vo locomotives
find scvral cars. Many ri-on'rs huv
bei n taken, arc . Severn! horjej w re car
lien. Lanks b h graphs to the peimrt
I f. V- ... 111. ., . ., 1 .
nr. in 11 oui .si; .i 11,;. 1 iiiai 11, at iilace
was oceupie 1 by our forces- a-t ni 'ht
'i'i.-. 11 1 ,, . " . .
ihui'j urn ij.-'..i uri lo-ry f-niriii: -inh-'
but iio lo- j on our h'.il-.
A coiTi spomldit of the Palt. more Amrr-
ican fnj n ot intervals las', night nml this
morning heavy c; mi umiling wns henrd in
Hie d.rccttoii of lo kto'A-u. I'or'y di- ir
ters w.iOC'iiiie into our lie report that
Jell jj.iv.s i.ii ij niTiVe I nt H o rebel ciiinii
ii. 1 . 1.1 .1 . .
inn 11 vv.ih iiiiii't-hxmi ma; ii'1 wonli ink
I'ommuti I in the iipjiroaohing baltl". They
repr. i-f'iii unit tiie 1 ii'-inv are 111 ereiit inrec
Work i- nii;iy progressing throughout the
p' iiiiisij a and reinforcements are r.-on-iunt
ly arriv ng bom Norfolk, I''r"driiksl,iirg,
nml North Ciitcl.ini. Tim rebel (iencmls
openly deehin; their inlenlioiH to Innke
the.r great bittl ' of the war there, nml (lie
Mrongist ciiivii'tiiiti n (;xpresi;rl that they
iii ir.erp'cver im; i iiierni foreci nml
drive them from the Peninsula. Constant
(kirniisliing is carried on by the nlb-iimn.
Oofiisioiuil shot and i-hell nn thrown
Thero was heavy skirmishing thi.s morning
beyond Warwick Court llou e. An at-
tack was made by Ihe enemy in force
They were repulsed, nfler 11 br'.-k, artillery
duel. The lm of tho enemy is thought to
bo heavy. We h a dozen killed nml
A di"jmtch from McCh ll ,n' In-ndipnir-lers
nay thut ii"tir iii'dniht (lie winy nt-!
union. W'licli li 1 v; Oeeii .nin, etl'-ctive at
range of five miles In I'ts. Jackson on I
t Piiil' p are thre- thuusnnd men. n great
portion of them r.pi-rieiicid artilb-rviii n
me! gunners who have si-rved in the iiiitt.
11 New Orleans th. re are thirtv-lwo thou-
id iii'antrv, nml as manr more are iiunr
i.-rcd in the neighborhood.
l' MoxnoE, April 1 7ih. IJ.-r-dan's
sharpshooters are spreading terror
nmoiig the gunners of the enemy. The
rebels have made several sortie with in
fantry lo di-l idged or capture our rifle men,
hut have been driven back with heavy loss.
Arrangements for the linnl siege are mini
to be going on satisfactorily. Th'-rc ivns
lorne hri.ig this rnorti'iig by the rebel but
teries to the left of Vorktown; no damage
was done. Lxtemsve smoke has been ri
ing all 'lay from Newport News, lending
to toe behove that preparations arc making
to evacuate it.
S'.-c'y Stanton denounces tho rumor that
tmrcisn inisiitiderstandinir between him
and the Pr s'deiit, as utterly without foun
dation 111 truth.
Theodore I'Vlinirlnmcii died at his resi
dence iu Trenton, N. J., on Thursday last
Chicago, S The Mississippi fleet i
now at I t. right, formerly called Ft
I illow, nine miles, nliore Mi'uirihis, two
miles nimve 1' t Itundolpli. hat is now
I'l. Pillow is just above Memphis.
Philadelphia l.V Kx .See-'y Cmeron was
iiit -sIoiI licre to-day, 011 romplmnt of Pierc
Puller, for alleged illegal detainer, ot Ft
Lafayette. Cameron's intention was In
birt for f i 11 - - In at any early day. Thi"
air' ct will mn t. rially interfero with hi ar
rangements. He will not leave until the
questions is disposed of.
Cairo, 1'J Centlemeii from Pittsburg
Funding report that (Jen. .Sheruiim moved
hii division on Wednesday, two miles fur
ther into the interior, nnd after a khnrp
Kirmi-n, in winch tho cnemv wero defeat.
'.d, with a loss of fifty or sixty killed and
n m nny wounded, ho succeeded in main
laming his position. Information from
( ormiii to the loth. nvs the rebel eon
r the 1,1.1 tie of Sunday, tho fith, one of
iimpiahd br.lhaiicy. It i, producing
wonuerliil enet on the pcoiile. Itcinforco-
mciitr! were pouring in 011 lieaureirnrd nt
mi uiifxiinij.Ifi rule. lie bus now lor).
im-i!. II s romimind is fortifvimr Cor.
I11H1, building iu Ireneliments nml diiL'imr
rille pit. The rebels entertain no iloubt
of Mieeess next time, if mi encounter be
provoked. iJeserlers from JSMiiuretfiiriJ's
army rumn into .Savaniiiili, on Wednesday
hist. 'J'liey report thn nrrival of (ien.
rice on the haliirday before, with fiO 000
inen. Pushrod Johnson died on Sunday
hiisht, from wound received in the batiln
Tin re was no foundation for the report of
den. FrciitisV iscnpe. The greater part
of the fcth JJtlmnd I Ith lown, OOlh llli-
01 jirovisioiis m snort. ! atiai K w ill lie
made on the fort, but it is ititen h d lo
starve tL rn out. A slight expectation
still prevailed Pint the r-bel might attack
New bi rn. Fort licalions were being built
fur it prot'Ctiou. The rebel claim thut
Ft. Macon is rr ivi-.rmeil for six inoi.ths
and lias three thou-iind eff'Ctive men
1,-nro, Apr I I 1. I.iun, I- onte . legrnplis
una r date of 1 1 1 Ii, from the th et that mor
tars opemd fire that day nml soon ch ain
the rvirofoll vessels Shells fell into the
n !j I caintis. TI.eir works are vrrv strong
and extensive.
St. Fouls, April lfiih.-O-n. Curtis' nr
my bus returned lo M.-mri, nnd is rn
Cimpi-d fortv-five mih-s ou'.h of .Springfield
New York, Aril L'tith The utenimr
Vi.Afi , fr. m I t. Pickens, hm nr
rlveil. Negroes were coiotuiitly arriving
Irom I Vrisncohi. I he li bels had not t-vui
..... . . -
limed Hie town luu wero Uioving guns
away. The town was under martial law
Fargo fires were seen nightly, indicating
that the rebel were destroying their prop
erty The rebel commander had issui-d s
pro lain ili' 11 that l.u would hui g all idle
people after the fid of April
1 Im steamer I rail, from Newborn hns
nrrivul A sortie was made 011 the 12th
from Ft. Macon by a detachment of one
hundred nud fifty rebels. Our nickels were
driven in. After a short engagement, ihe
robe! wero driven back to the fort. Two
ofonr men with wounded
N'-w lmk, Aptil 21 -t The city of
Ap.iluchieoln, Florida, ha been successful.
ly occupied by our Iroops. The capture
was effected by two guiibonN, 011 the .'Id.
with bit In oppo-ition. A ftw shell djK.
pered the rebel foeee. The remaining por
tion or the population were found lo be iu
a starving condition. The blockudo had
cut fifT supplies from the seiiboard, and the
resources from tho interior were not suffi.
ii nt to maintain the ordinary mm forts of
Chicago, Apt il 21st. Gov. Ilnrrey of
Wisconsin was drowned at isiivaniitili, on
the I enne-see river 011 Saturday niirht,
He wns Ihere looking after Ihe welfuro of
the wound' d Wisconsin Iroops.
Kt Louis, lot Ii . A f.'airo dispatch soys
a skirmish look dace at Siminniili on Wed
tiesday, between a deliiclimeiit of our env
airy find a strong rebel picket. The hitter
had Ml killed f!5 wounded.
Ibiliimorc, April 21. .Since Fredericks
burg wns taken by tho Federals, Virginia
bank nobs are selliii'r lure for liflv cenis
on llie dollar. Kpecin in Virginia is now
in "'i ikt cm premium
men will have diUerciit opinions. It is thu
groat misfortune of this age that men are
not educated up to the position of being
able to read human character. To this
defect Is really lo be traced llie major part
of the tiils .society has suffered, Lssuff. ring,
and will suffer, from Ihe iuipos, lions of
corrupt priests nu.1 debused demagogues
If the in the rebel State, had been
iible to understand the p al character, ob
jects, and purposes of I'.ivis, Yuiicev,
Toombs, M.ison, and W'igfall, they would
have sootier hmi$ tho,n villuir.. than per
liiitti .1 thi 111 to 1 r.-cipilati! the South into
a rebellion ngiiiiisl a government Unit had
never inflicted 11 grievance upon them n
rebellion which, instead of In Hiring their
condition, is likely to pruve their utter ruirt 1
The musses viewed them as patriots im
brii'd with n love for Southern right, and
therefore followed lln 111 to destruction, in
stead of Muling Iheni nright 111 political
assassins, bloated aristocrats, and infamous ,
demagogues, who were willing to w.ide1
knee deep to position of profit and power ,
through the blood of their brethren, nml '.
nini iiigiu cup. ir Oregon ihuuUjj
In rscll' by si ndiiig such man t0 Wosl,;,,,..
ton, it would mi prejudice our iulcri-.ta itr
Ihe (lovermneni ihul tlii jr would U lm.
Hiialtended lo while hu nun th
shouldn't M-ovcr from the main f,ir Jftn '
Tho fact is. if the ll.icl.a..ui,udii,i,l;tllu(1
wns in full blast, Wait is nut ,, ,0
.end lo Cocgrcss-Dolf ,, twilJ
ibstuncc him Ly far in cxeeuting
tf the r.-,tof tho M-nssion liclrtrfln,!
posing the tail, w hat wo Imvo mid 0
ler mn I Wail is good deal of it d(.j,licLI
lo Uu ni Tiny urc srm.fl f,b, with little
I. cms, ncipiin-d abilities, wih no ji.trj.
otisin. We can luinlij M (. m,j fa
have passu; our the claiim of well men
as Johnny Hounds, Uen MeCmrr, Dulf
llmiiiiih, T ' Smith, J,it.- limhrir, Jr.,
Andy Shu. k, nud Hob Kinney, iialcliown
Weaker moll, Unless it be ,fy r,
hold'iig buck llimo " ur horxi for tl.e
I'niled SlntMi Semite ,
Tiik Pin. 1 is Vamiiii i.. Ywm 1
tru-inl who was present nt l,frtlt ln
Thur-d iy wei k, wu burn thut th rnult
was most .ainU-tory Jj.l,., Wail Muff
in nu hour's harangue boul mlitiowiti
and the Criltendi 11 Coiiiproiiilne, nnd ukrii
Ins Inue up looked out hu :ii lo
ee w ho wis nu rho umumer'l Ls-lich,
he vfas utterly diMippoinled v J it
siieoeeil in ruijiug a miiglo i l.ctT from lii
rebel fru nils, nnd only three or four limn
was (In re o light slumping of their fr. t.
Tln n come onr gallant young emid.ilitt
for Congress, who made a must Imppj tf
hut Clu-ir alter cheer Irom thu Finns
lie 11 made the walls of the line rnurt Iiihm
rmg again as M Tonic nss,hd mi diffiv)
hhed piis.tiou after position of lim roaiffl-
Fane as tin- tl. Mud , ,1 ,,. ( ,r ,.,,,.- 1,.. , it'T, 'id fiuully l.oed that Vil IU
sleep on m.1 h.d, i.r i'... t ..... ' f'thing but 11 unken .il'isnuliiticTU lis)-
I.. 1 U lr,.n. .. 1.. ... .1 1 !
. . , t I. . , 1 . ..ill ic lliei 1111)1' III -
by such lis ait for ' Ih-inocrnl,' and by . .
,, . ,1 . 1 . r 1 .1 1 ther mgg. rs imr slnrls In t.,-rv other
the w hole gang on Ihe tn ket for A.'M. . '
. , 1 respect be is exactly ,ke Fain-- the r
v. mi.- . .ii. .11. 1. in s im mi-si . t'ssion iiinei
principles being M,l. r ihinki
the sun of 1 mpire rises in one m l of f o,
and sets in 1 Im- ..(In r I., I ju,i- lke
sUiilT, and .M.IIer c.iliiiot help siioii ng
Notwilhslaadnig all this, M,;, r ,y fr
the best imi'ii 011 I I.r In k. t IK- i, u J lii.ll,
outspoken 1111111, who .scorns to bide and .e
out of Ins ' Southern M uiputhy " Mi!lT,
w bile .storming the f,.rt n vs of human ,M r
ty, would pri h r to walk iii ou r il. in, I -he I
waiNu-id baitend gad s, with biimi. r liv
ing; wil l- Wait would pi for lo "climb
up Mime other way," r ,.f., tlirlls, u, with Iho rag of If:,,,,,, j, iim (
to his coat tad MAU ( is il. s. of
son, p cred t for haling climb, , p p, t.
position of the one nig-i r,,, racy, w Inle
Wiiil hits sunk down lo . 0,l H.iu..
as Mnly 11 tool for sin h inen 11s M,, r nnd 1
1 0111 its, who .1,11' ll n,, j, M,
" running ngin ., ?(;",(, IP . ".j,,,,
mycraiic iioinniee for iVulip, " nd Fin
coin as Ihe " iiherhshiin nimhibile " M,
h r having be n rals. ,1 in the South, und
proniimy mnklul l.y a iiij-g r" is to be
abet treason and disgrace Oregon a man
who, inslead of a sent in Congress, would
I...:. 1 1 . . .
ou.jii no a iif.iioi sin over no. uniiiinr i
ruins of the only free eover.i.n...,t in th ei k",""w'1"" ' "" U" )'milliiiii.
world It was their inability t read char- ' 1 'r' r' '" """' ' is m,t at l.-nst
iicterlhalin, cdmcn of mulo.ibled pa ! 1 '" ""o'terahl,. loiilhin.' n,,,
iriot su, to persist veer after v. nr i , , si oru which Inniorahle uu 11 f., fr ,,
ing Jo Fat,,.. t Washington to ui.I uu.l ''"luting, w bite - liver. d
.s.iun.r,, iiposiaie, who, ,m,g I,,.,.,, ,r(
in New Kughiiiil, fed on rye mii.sli and rod-
r. 1. ... 1 .... .
have ...ore appropriately occupied a place ' ", '' "" T"umi """,T ,I,B "'' "f !'
in I'ortland among his beltc, who are now 1 '''"'r ' M',",ul c MU- ''
wearing tt ball and chain to the I,- It I Kr"H'' "'' mlnre i"r"r. U,rnJ l""'
was the same ignorance that put Fiddling "''" '"I" ' 1 "''' '.
Wl.itaker .,, the (lover.ior's seat and en-1!" ' ' "'n1' d,""l""li"' '"hing. ami
' it ii.'i tk : 11. I . .
..bled him to send a sim.ll beer secession fop ! 'r"" " ' ' k " ' ""' "ml ,,u'"
who looks will, coiiu-tupt on laboring men j ." " ", "f n M ' ""'l'"- !. have
to the United States Semite, to act a "', "' ''""l"" nt " M,," of ur.
in uiiht 10 1 i-iisii mn iiemoeriicy nnd ii.1111-
gur,ile mi the Aiiiericiin conlineiil a sluve-
irceding ili-ipolisui.
A. F. Wuil, the secession ciimlidiito lor
I'.iclllllOIld lililHT say. McCh-lhiii is wniP
ing for Iron clad gunboats to take Itieh.
mond by I lie wny of James Hiver. Thev
call lor obstruction lo bo ul once sunken
os the only menus ol prevention,
spy for rebels, nud cripple the interests of j
Oregon by fraternizing with such creatures
as Vulliiiidighaii.. It is now proposed to
appeal to this stolid ignorance lo elect thu
secession ticket in this Stale ns a ' demo
cratic' ticket, when such men 11 s Dickinson,
Holt, Kendall, Sliinloii, Under, nml three-
fourths of the Northern democracy rend
them as we do, and denounce them as the
Tiemies of the Coveriiment. There is just
as much democracy in theso candidates ns
there is in Yancey and Floyd (larrison,
ami no moru-yet a few fools will probably
vote for Miller and Wait thut would not
vote for Jo Fai.o or Harrison. Fvery in
telligent man knows thai the political prin-
iples of 1 aiieey, Imo, Wait, and Miller
are the same. They will nil swear they
ant ilomoerniM, nnd F'nion democrats loo;
so will Jo Faiiu and Davis. What they
mean by a democrat, is one who is in favor
of the slave power ruling the Covermuent,
nnd they nre in favor of the Union, pro
vided Northern irten will lay down i,0jr
arms and 'compromise' the rebel nrmy into
Washington, nml Davis or I'.reckinridge
and Iiiine into the While House. Floyd
took a solemn oath to support thn Consti
tution; under that oalh ho robbed the
Treasury, stole the arms am! nmuiiiuilion
from llie Northern nrsennls, sent them nil
through thn rebel States, ami shipped
70,000 stand of drum to California to Im
used In seceding Oregon and California,
nml murdering Union men, women, ni:d
Congress, was put 01, thn ticket, not U
cais0 they (nought him of nny particular
account, but because he voted for Douglas,
and might therefore gull u few loyal demo
crals into his support. While Wait voted
for Douglas, he syinpiithi.ed with lircek
ami Fane nnd really wanted i,(.,,i elected.
He voted for Douglas beeuuso he finally
concluded, nfler much painful study 0f the
doings of Iho ClmrloHton Convention, Unit
Douglas was ihe " regular nominee." U
gave a cold support lo Douglas- barely
voted for hint- hut, l,y his gabble, druvo
everybody ho could into tl, lri.t ,
Fane camp. Nois- (, IKi 0UHI,()j,)UH
nml blind piirtisiin wo ever knew. Intel
lect nnd noble sympathies never hud any
thing to do In determining his choice of
political principles. The only (pieslion hu
ever asks, in, Whcro is the democrat!.)
parly, nml what Is lln creedH What little
brains hu him (ami ho Is a weak man) are
never exerclHcd in politics any further than
to answer for Limself Hicmi (wo (piestious,
If the (Jarrisoiiiiui abolilioniHls wouM (ukc
tho nnwr und i.t control of (ho "regular
(lemorrnlii! orgniiiiitioii," he would support
it, nml swallow amalgamation n idi jnst as
much gusto ns he now swallows the rebell
ion coated over with " pence democracy"
varnish. Let tlio " democratic: j.arly" ,c-
htioiiist himself, and Ihul he ni iirk.i((
fur tl.e rcbi-U imiw, whir were doing more
lo shivery in one month tlnn AU and his pnity could 1I0 m forty
viiirs. Wuit was comiili-ielf iiJ op. 10J
when, in r. ply to the ipiestion m lobu
he would gi t In rrmiprofteM ilu SuOtli,
he said hu would lend il ul Ike ynnlnj '
imjuml, (he audience laughed in ki frt
Mr (iil'lis, (he Fiiinu mmUUto tot
(lotirnor, follow nl with 011 nirnril n.J
iloipient nj'pi .d, showing llml llirn trt
but two parlies, one for (he Union inijod
ngiiiiisl ; that in the prem'iil ciiiip.ii;ii th
cry of " dcmoe.-iicy" was but the ili'P'i
of traitors, who sought to rmWri ll
(inrerillrlfl.t. Mr (iibbs no fniiifll
und loudly chrerril, while ol one tinw '
cral persons were olisi rved in teori.
Mr (Jreer the rebel cuinli.Jolf for Trr
iirer, look (he stand anil niiipliiil I1'4'
the .SluiPniiiiin hud lied on liim in ,""
that he "never rust a Democratic f D
his life." He finally succeeded in contact
ing tho paper of niisrriirewiitl'oni
sliowiiig that when he was ileclid to
Fegislulnre of Missouri as W'1
meanly bclniyed his trust by "nr
David IF Alchismi, of Kansas imlorirlj,
for !'. S. Semilor.
We uuderslaml that iiuilo mmilKf of
Indies young and old, i.ll for tin l','on'
wero present, and cheered our rinu,iill
III moro ways than one. Wo luf lM '
dies will continue to jfivu their fslr counte
nance as well as their loving Ic-rt oJ
lo good l'nion men.
Yamhill wil
Union liokel.
i;i vu two lo on
for ll"
What Ficl-The secessi.ui o't'nl
Corvallii representu Thadileus Slrea, I"
Congress, as saying that " tho p"l,lic
nl this mou t amount to th" nrtoul
sum of One Million Two HiiiuM Mill'0"1
of dollurs!" Of courso, this l I''- 8"'
reus In liicnpahln of making nirli 1'lu"llJr
ns this lying secession aympnthiw' I1"''"
Ins month 0,,y think of It -one I''"'0"
Iwo hundred millions of (lollnrsl W"7
nllowliiK our war expense lo bo
tired million a year (.mil tli' nr "l
higher), at that rale, It would ',ko
WW tirtri lo reach hillwn. H
llliteralo lilockhead of the rrtln(l Ad
liser couhl hardly be jj"1'1 of '