The Oregon Argus. (Oregon City [Or.]) 1855-1863, April 26, 1862, Image 2

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    raise tlio stmiilnr.l of rvvul! tin iv, nml aid
in tho fxfcii t ii;i nf Hie project ly tin I i'
a'.rnctmn of the railroad lriJrs. to pre
vent tho reinforcement of Washington by
Union troops. Tlio rrpiiNc of Jackson,
nml tint crrntioii of now IV pirtinonts, cnn-
tln', plmiiloritiL: mi. I ilc
si roving :i!l property ithin reach.
A despatch oi tin- "ili slates our
advance Ii-i.l reached I5.ipp;ili:inmvlv. Tin'
P In Is l:;u .1. stroved nil ill.' drillers over
lh.' riv.r. There wore no sioiisol the en.
,'nl tln'in that n.) vtiliuM ;i point had j my ipi...,'te, although liny are supposed
boon loll iinprotivti'.l I In s mp.ilhi.. is
nri disheartened, mi. I .ire leavim; bv scores.
Numbers hive boon nr; M.'.l in tlio attempt
to i'Siipo to I lie South.
rue. vi.t.'ky .r i-'i.txo so o.
Ca;;;o, A) r I S Tor o. ilo-patoli
from ('o n l-Vote, sivs; "Tlio i :u in v
cvarilatod Nan I No. 10 ii!l.'Ii!. It
is now oci iipi.'.l by I'. 'I. Ibiford nml I !n
liT'l) lihuus 15. cm i;t. lion r.'po iiiil
rupture nil il.o Mi' in that remain oa tho to . lay."
(ion. I'opo tills ini'i'xii,' :;lt.i. Iv .'i t!io
enemy at Tipton, to u 'o. a p'ov th.v iv
I rout nl from Mm. I No I'1 i.n.l took -.
000 prisoners mo.stly from Aika;s:s ami
Louisiana nviauvits. II- w. pt.i'
t,'et as niiiny more K fore ni- 'it. Tli 1 ivl.
ols 11. 'il lo tiio swamp in irront I'liUstormition
anil, boforo loavin,- ili.- -ink sew. -a!
if thoir transports ami The
(i.'iivii"'?, Iloatin I'.i't. ry, nioimtin,' ton
t;tl!i.s, llo.ilo.l ihnvn t'.o riv or aial w.i.t
nslioiv near Point PI. asm', hut will ho re
covered. Tlio victory was ihoivo. A
i;reat ipi.mtity of stores, supp'l. s ami an
munition have fallen into our hands A:l
tlio rolu'l lia.Miro ami suppli. s aro tak n
WVIiinuton. ' April dis
patches froik. l' l.c-ulVicr Too:..' nuti.v.iuoo
that 1" ollioors an.l lioS ui.ti u. ro t k :: o:i
Islrtlkl No. 10. I Tills is i 'M: l i,t of
ths number oaptnro.! I.y (5 i I'opo. ' -Hasty
examination of tlio w.o'.s ho.v 1 1
earthworks, TO camion, r.::i.:lii,' i i ci!.!;-e
from Si to 100 potitiih r, mi;.. .-In. s . !i
supplied with pOiv.!.'!-; ,N i .1 !.,;'.:" ipli'.tl
ty of shot . slid! an.l oil. or mmilt .r,s of
war, mnl ti ipiit.tlty of provMons.--Four
steamers all.ul liavo fallen is:!. our
(1:111.1s; (wo nth. rs, M ;;!i l:.o ii:i! ,t ..- ,.
jtut, which In.. I Ih'o:i sunk, can lo i::!v
raised, Tin; enemy upon tlio in on!.'.:: 1 up
bear to have Heil in ui at pr. 'on a:'
lor ilark on t! o n;!.t of t'io Ttli. ! n 'i;'.
in many oasos, half j r. pa:-. .1 tio!t! T . ro
nppoars to have I. mi no oo.i oor! . ! a. l.ui
bi'twoon l!i" r.'b. ! on t'.o Man I .".! t'.o-
occupviiii; tlio Tlolr w.'ks u.iv
to I'o I. II iv : 1 1 !;ir f'
I l it inionr, A'i' l i'i A ivbol foroo of
! 7 roirnioiits of infanirv, i r.ininits of
oa:i'ry. an. I o ball,, wnsllironn noros:
' tiio !i ii.paliiinii.'. k riv.r Tiicir first m
ioi i on was io out i n l ot Uonivs oolii-
ill in, I. Ti:. t p'an was to ntta. k lioary In
two ooliiinns, out nil' his n Heat, ami t'h. n
. :..,' T. oioiulifaro li.ip, to pr.-vont tho
roooii-iiiioiion of tlio .M in i-.-iis (i,ip I'.a.l
ro..l. Thoir plans u.iv fnis'ralul by
(i ii'V loin; i:.;'onno,l of tlioir intontions.
1 1 i:i.i'o!,. ,1 I; s wholo ooinniaial ilni iin;
too ni.t to Troivii-hl'iro liap, wlnro ho
pivpaiv.! tor a I'.s.ihito, ilotornnnoil rosis(.
'i'i'- I no r. I'r Is oonoin.loil not to follow
th. :;i Tlioi'oii-M'ai-,. (;:,, Mniion is on tho
15::n .Mountain, 1 I in:!, s w ot of Man-a--:is.
; is a ilioo of iroat iniiiortanoo in
y po.nt ol vlow.
Vpr.I i.- Pospatolo's an-
i ... . i . .
01. OH S
a no!!;
o.':n:n i
r's tin. lor lion. M,
tSliolby villo,
with i;ro:it
i n r i , an. i
t. ii'u.'i
' ' N, o.
n r. 00.1 . .
-t. ..:n, r V, ( .'v'j, fmol I.iiorpool
I. a- :.!.;. ed with soino arhl;t:oiiiil in
.'I tiro sk rniish at StatVonl Court
1 1 . ti S.i kh 's troops capturo.l I '
arms .'in.l tho prKtoilioo mails
V.'ik. April o -Tin' stoaiiKr At
.n 1'. it I i . v : 1 . with lion.
I t .!)' on I oar.l, has ari.u.l, w lt!i
"! .1... L-oin ,l!o to April !t.
.':!. u ,n t m, o!r .! froiii t o M is
or 1 I. r .la u. rr.iia riv.nir nts. ono
:"i I a rr.ji ot'i.or-.'. lim. WrU.t
. : ! ol ;,, :.' .! !v to s;:laiil lull-
..If im in iv n m l.-in oin l.i luv ii iliiwnlhi'
Xliuiliuu l-UiKv sliiiiH 111 ill nil Uirsi'iil I"
f.Vn. .
About this tinio lion. MiloluH's ilivision, I
of lo.OUO moil, nrrivoil on tlio opposite I
baiik, nml w cro lorrioil ovi-r ilui iii. tlio I
niiiht. ' j
Tho jriinlioats k. pt up a lioavy firing on
tlio oiioiny iluriuii tho nilit, sa tho
nil v from uttor ruin. Thrir shells sot tlio
rvbel oanips on ti ro, uinl inany deiul nbols
wore biininl.
At 7p in , liriiii (ji'iiorally rousoil, nml
at nii.liiiclit iho rolii ls ntti iiipt.'il lo plant
batteries within "HO of tho sii-o
i;uns, but Wore ilrivon away by gunboats
mill sieo trims, Mipp.utoil by thive rej:i
mollis of (ion. Mitohell's ilivision.
(bir iufoi uiiint persists in stitiiatine; our
lovs on Suuilny nl ii.OHO kille.l nn.l ,"i,000
W'ounile.l. Pilling lh.' niojit the rebels
wero reiiiforoeil by I'rioo m il Van Porn,
from Arkansas, with a very laiY,o foroo
(i. n Walliioo Oiiin.' to our aiil I i 1 11 1 1 v-
t lie in' ii h : . with four regiments inul a balto-
rv of nrtillerv, an.l in tlio iiiorinmr attaekeil '
tho l.'lt w'm ol the elii iny. Tlioy went
into the fiirht in ilouhlo ipiiek time, shout- i
imr, nun iiui i.rniUe i'iontion. iv ten I
oelix k tlii v liail ilr.vcii tlio iclvls liaek two
miles, where the l.ittir were roinforeeil,
mil our I'oroi s were eoiiii.elh il to fall back " o lovo mill pi lor iiianitniiiin the
Other ihvi.-ions of liiiell's annv now up. (ioveruiiient when oonstilutinnally ailmin
i.'i'i- .1. an.! at oiioo bieame fully eii..':ii:eil. islereil -nr r IN No ol lll li w , ! !"--I'orl
'or two hours all the ihstruotive eb inents .li'filisrr.
W. L. Adams, Editor.
SATl ltPAV, AI'KIL 'Jii, IM'.J.
nlmi Mali- Hi I.. I.
l-'or Cint;i ..s J It M Ton in. , ef Yiiiuliill.
(ievri ntir A (' I Ilium, nl Miilin.iiii.ili.
See i.f Mull S V.. .M tv, i.l' J.i. -k-m.
Siuii. Tn'iiiiii r -- I). N. Ciii.K r' .M hi on.
Sl.ili I'rnili'i 1 1 . 1 o'Ktii.s. ..f .Mili um.
Jiiilm' i'i lib I) Hinel-II. ). Sam ii i k
I'nw All.uni'v till Jail I'iM W. I' J..H.SM..S.
f earth seeinei
tlie fit
stru,'i;liii'j lor masiei v mi
:i'iiniiiuir of I In A.Iverliser is
lie fatal liel.l. A t lust the Southern Chiv- ,,,,,,,1 k j, , s ..;,,, i)lt.s A
Irv was oomi'i lleil to vieM to Nortliein .... ,
, ',, ,. ' ilbti'iato iis, who ooiitent.t IiiiiimII bv shin-
tie i n. in v
bri.k" uinl lie. I, mnl wore
iiiunberin III,-
i:.:i-;o. in
en: ! a.' i ;V
.".''! h I'eiiii
ilu'v oa II;
li worn .1.
.'. tl.o iv!
i lo :',.i',
a.issiys: A
near North
11. 'Oi I'll. .1 III
.on. '-t an entire oompai.y of the
I I', iniii. w i.ii ii w as ou pli ki I
i.n.l - w i re k ll. .1.
iirMiei! bv lim li's o.ivalrv
The rebel troops w. ro mostly from Ten
m'O, Texas, an. I l.ouisimia, with muho
oreians ami A lab.iinimis. Thev foil 'lit
!,!;. tL'.-r-i.
Our informant says ho oouhl ri.lo tlirouli
the bat lie li. hi w here our troops w ere post
nl, bill the ileiul ware so tliiel. in the i lie
inv's lines that it was iiniiuiblo t ) do it
infill Ins natural sphere - fenline; hoes,
mnl railiirej " ne;in I.inkin's wm"- may be
oxeuseil for veiitilaliiie; his treason in ihe
);roe: hops or by tlio way siiie, but whin
he mounts the tripiul ns mi iwponu.h i' of
the Coiistilntion, ho init,ik.s his w. 1 1 1 1 1 1 r
The Ailvertisi r mail bus u ri.'ht to inter
i in- iiiii' nr iMiiKtiuiii I auianm.
Tho battle of Pittsburg lauuliio-:, Ten
liessi o, oil tho bill mnl "ill Inst , was one of
(ho most tuiiinuiiuiry eonlesN (if llioileln
ti s, uinl Iho bliioilii i'i battlo cu r loiijhi
on Iho Allierioiili ooiitineiit. While il is a
oriishiiie; blow lo I'elii ll'Oil whlell it enli
har.lly r. oovi r IViun, Iho I lau iy I'vineeil
bv t lir rebels, uinl tho ilo.U'.'nl sllllelil.i s
illl W hiell iheV ilispllleil the liel.l, have
won for them u inensuiv of I'i -pi el that
miiiuie; lir.ive men is nlmns m ooi.lo.l Mo
liel'oism thoie exliihiteil in il bail iiiiim'.
A traitor li;;htiir,' ii)jiiiust Ins nun eoiinliy
is UOlilrj. ol of iilleetiiili 01' iiihllil'iil oil, but
ik coHiir.lly traitor bkn I''loy., Wise,
lira;.';.', Cheiilhmn, mnl l.nne, tire objeels
of uiriitt. r.ilile I. n 1 1 1 i 1 1 ir Tlie inilv thini:
lo niliiiiro on the rebel shin in balthi is
bnveiy. l-'nr tlio honor of Iho Anlo
Saxon raeo mnl the ore. Ill of AineriiMii
prow ess, w o ilon'l like Id see ton muell ol
!ie while feather, even union;,' Ihe rebels
War is u terrible oiihiuiiiy, mnl ln.--.ili'
lilllll'ill slilleil.'i' is to lie m r ou Iv ilepre
oaleil by philanthropists mi. I ( 'hi isl uuis,
but thi n, if we iiiiim war, we i annul
serew up our feehntis to Hivhim; il u b!om
less iitio. Vi'e pli I. r lihlm In I ui.uin'i,
uinl so does i n r boily else, eei pl tol l.s
If the horrors of war are In .le as mi
limnr A urn r FAon.-'i'lin
ion mnl
'"""TMIMI Whiol,
Illllv..- .
'"''" vi-iiUMutln th, u.., , 1 Tn"y
'b'i lill. illi wo in. I L . . . '
"""" iiiiim f .1
M-H..r..M..r m,y .t.liM, "
U"MV'SM"-V "I'KUieo l,i,, "
"'-'K ,,, ;;;:;
l",l''N1M;l:',l,"u,v,"f"" i m,,
,nmv"11 ' Z
:",;r,v r.iuirou,, ,.,ty ,!tl,i u,m, '
In Ih't'liin so mi. h enlv I ;.. . '
iorwhioh Iho sapient .alitor of t - , '
is "" rx ix'n'Nvonot I,,,,,,,,,,'';;
.APII-S llee,-,,. llf t.(ll,(liil f
ln;'ll1,sw, iM ...iuJ
Natural h ,t may ,,,, i tl.o li.,,,,
of oreal I llion i ietorie ll.,.l
. I""'" MTM.
M""IS S ' ''OK.,i. ml H.
Ihonel, ,es,erale reiuuly, is u (
l"'"V'' " ' ' IV" il l'"H been ,,rtir0'
Vet Ihe mi, I, I, e!im,kf,. uii. ,, ,v '
ol the "eliliii.e out n.,,1 .. .'
aiiuirn" it
en.'llk.lble for lllle.pee,.,I,M.,s ,ls (V
a str.Kiiij
H iis In Ili v
lee ol
t i.n it,
f ;
! r.o I.,
i ,1
pi s..;.v
Nnih lii'o.
I'!. v
i lo
i :r';ii.'i r.'
i. ;i:nl, :t
.Ve I .011 I:::
In.' in :
.: s i . i
'i nitii
i I It. r
'. .1 a'. I
. 'I V s-
...1 'not
creati il with the hi;!;, s!
iiii.l nro of ejr.-at str. i:! in! vantages, won!. I !.
bie if vb f.'i.-rh .1 bv moil ;
Cause. A eouibl'i . .1 a: 'a. ';.' !)
I i:nl foro -s was to lon e I i . i in i
ter.liv after:ioo:i or t!i s (;l -.,
the rebels s.) Iiat,'v abai.i!-!:...! their stnif.-
The value of oientn'ss.jry s ;.t ,1
No. 10 is (iv. r jil.o o i'i ., 1 i in i 1 1 of pow.l. r w:i !. I in tli :n .-a-Z
iies. 0:i tlio I-! in 1 ii 'iv !. :,', f
men Six stoinioe s e.ij t'.r-.! . r - i.;t'. 1!
I.y tiiO r be!s. li. n '..p ' e. : :n
nmoitn'i'.z lo mar 41,000 no -i, ::'! 01. I
tiio river in I'i" a "ton.i o-; I.;' M ,, y a.. !
furenooii of Tlll- l .V
Tlv Man I show's the t, ,.'! 1 it- ot o'
Our shells, hij'i tr. . s w, r e .; .i-oau. ;.; I
vrr'at exo .va'ioi.s ;a t I:. ,. ... :,. .
s!e II 1 )!o ! .1 ! in o! a !...' - f. .
l"ep. So'n; :r.i.'.-!vr- fro ; V : r-b
fitainj.iile oa'iie in t.v.l. y av I w,- t 1 - r j
s. h'.s up Tli " etV ot ; t-. 'ii i- w
than a ,h f.-.-.t In , v: II f I - t...
eoiiipiiny, a Teii'o 0 nr'.'i 0 . v
ileelare til it ti-. tie y .',.' to. a 0:1 o:;r v i
tiny was.t to ff. t
W..!.i:.-:..:i. A il! s
'he Coiivni;;. e ui; Wav. in I M 1..-.
to tie.. 1 1 :t -t- to 1! ty t..i.: il.e . - . 1 II 'a:-
of t!ic (Juvnitii-i.t a::, i'i . N '.'.'. ' 'i.l"l
:i, 1111 I i s'iai.ite 1 t1 ., .. N .t : .
ih'bt w ill !ii:i!i:.t t 1 .4 l .l'i i.. 'I'i o 1 i; f .
v.'ar w..s t.;i..-: t il- n .,.
. II. I'libi. I ro:!,. r .1 tl.o
I'l'isi.e. I.t. has arri', .1, a:, ! favor
fixation V ,'. ! i-xj.r. l r
' 1 .a 1. the l i,!-e betwe. u
I t:i 1 1 ! ..' :.: mi foroo. To- ,. nv i:o
!!. :.i :.n . it 11:1.1 il.. 11 Mirroii 1.! : .
l':e:i li" I'.' has I n il soii.e
si. i'i:. :.o .'. I I,' ro 1 , ill!v
I ! . n 1 .' S-My N, w Vo:k volante. r
! .'- 'I'.'i eij "Hi' I. w .tli ;i li I I p.
" 1 W .'.::l .-'', I -1 1 . , I . S.n no,;. h rlv. r.
I lo y u 1 r.-c.ui... iiiee w itlioiit or
.! r- ao 1 v.. re -ai r .;iinl ,j bv a up. r.or
!' I'O "r I'I' '- A ! th'.' ,.ih. ':'- (M'lip.'.l -
T;. 1 r. ; 0:.- .;u . t.
M"M'. Apr! 4 - Th.' Vai.krv f ro s
- 111 .tr.-:..-. In. I.. I at ;.!,..xi. 0:1 V, ,1
I.. - ii.V. i.'el l ilt the t- ! !, W r.s be-
l-'t. M'-'-l!.' Nitt Or! .11. s.
i 'V Al'.'V .I.'iill-O'l 1- -'l-p. li 1 r ti.O
... iVor A ! . 1 i.e n an I I Yiru ..'iiieii of N ..
v.. r i' li.-li ' to take tlie o..;h of ,,1;. ;
there. I l.e rein Is 1 n .-tll ni'. 1 our emnii !iin
1I.1v ni-ht, an.l took e .re of our siek nml apt lu i;ivo imieli weight to u philolor'u ill I .
. . .... 1 '
iTilieisin inaile In a liloekln inl who e.iiiu..t
write 11 pariiu'rapli without iiiiii.h rini; the
Kind's I'iii'.'lh, or iiiialw.e oorreetly a sin
jtlo les.-on in Ihe juvenile ruiili r. The Ail
Vellis.r says it (;ois lor " maiiilainine; Ihe
(ioveriinieiit when eonstitntioiiiilly iiibniu
istere.l, but in 110 other wnv " The liov
i rinnen; was 'eoii!liutionally ailmiit. r. il'
of 0011 I'm- by r.iiehaiuiu, wIiom- Cabinet
ror'er by the i:'n bhliois, 1111. 1 oi.l 1111. 1 irawlnl With traitors who robbeil the lieu
77th Oh o, ii-ioi op. tie.', the ti.'ht. The.o wy p,,,,,!,,,.,! ,tll. .,,,,,,.,1 v , ,. KM.
r LMiients ho lie il 11 iiiirt of Iii rniiiii's ili- . , , r .. . , . , ,
, 1 .1 , ,. into fon i.'ii p .rts of thewoih nn,
I'moii. an.l the eMivn.e r. lit. ' ' '
lloth ti:,- Ohio i-eliiiMits r,n. Ihe T T I Ii. "" '' 1 l" tl' iSm. I , i,t to make
without lir lo,' a eii'i, leaving W it. i!.oue 11 :iihl:o 1 llni I lo overthrow (ho (juveru-.
( ut relv w ithoiit supoort. II.' foiiitbt hull' mi'iit. uruviiloil . '. .0. .1 IV.-
i.b i.l but Pin kniri. Ice. f ,1,-iV, ,,
wouii'le.l. out ilestrove.l 110th in:, exin'otin
eotili.leiit'v loo ipiiire our out. re army, mnl
thiekii!.r tin battle alre.nlv won.
Oa Sui.'l iv li. n, MeCI. rnaiiils foroo
wis s.fioii:i.h'il bv 11:1 iiiuneliM' f.ireo of
r. Iii N, but he Ollt hiswav llllollltll. Ills
t r ;. behav. .1 w th thr .'ren(e-( .jallantrv
with the 1 ...p' 011 of ( l.e .'.til an.l ;'.. Ohio,
who w. re or.h r 1! lo the rear iii i!i 'raer,
h r r fn-in:.' 10 lijht.
Tavlor nil! Hi. rlioiiM 's l.nlt.ri. s suo-
iliei nlivo lo 11 loej: 111 nee In realtor, I Iiom 1 1 , , ...
I liori'.us iiiut eoii- l in the I. ruble n ol.t.i s 1 1
1 of li.;ht lijr, tlll-l lint III l'i:inni;r , j , . , . , ,
j Tlie rebels lit the battle ol I'llt-Onir;
j I.ainl'iie; have iv.h run il muii, I l.iii,; of thiir
i I.ikI l,,,',,,r ,,l I'.iii. II..,,, , 1 1 1.,, . 1
prel the Coii-liliition lor hiniself, nml the i , , . .. .,, .... , ,, '
' . . , , , 1 I 'laiul No III, .Mill Ai r ier, nn.l .,il
seeesh luivo a rilll I.) uilopt his views if j., . , , ,, , , r ., ,, ..
, , , . ' l"Val Like the b.iltle of lln I linn, the
t.ny elioiiM', but nit, 'il.elit people uro not ; . ,', . , . , . .
I 11 i' l II . i." 11 r, .111 ,-uu. i.l v ..1 in." 1 II. it
1. mew r ihm time mnl the r. bi !-. on th -.
j nef.iMOii ili. I the ruiuiuie; We Ih.i.k lh.-
I. l. -iiipliie r-'port ol the ,, on l.-.tli s.,;,
11111-1 be eVilL'Lier.'ltl r I'' fly t ll.nlvl n. I lion
111 kllh.l, M1Ull11l.1l, 111,,! Ilij-li.', Iilloei,' I I' 1. 1
one hull, ii'. il uinl fni ty !i.iiimiim oi.iiib .t ' i. I'm
lint-., i-. 11 eieal. i- I,,.., w ,-,,,: , ,.
know ll, at I a-. in liio.h 1 11 1 .1111 s. , V , , 01 I 1 , . v , ,1 ;
' bv ve.
'''ii'V. Ti.;.
.-X,..--.-.l l.h.lnvonliieiill,.
M'""i:etni, ...
I ' "I
an 11 won nine little f.,,
1111. 1 less iouiii.m. In 1
.owner, li 'r-aim.
with tlivo
VI'"' 1 IV . '
.mlir .il;;il I ;i i t li'tliai-
if till'
'ltt-l.tii-L;- I,:i!:,lin;
T !
., I . :m
; I' i'.i,;i
-.;.' 1
I 1 ' : !:
r.- i V
1 of r..v.
! t'.o
i'i.' .A-
I. ('.:.-
li.'l ! Ill rf
.1 til 1U lil V
("i.'.s. .M ,.'.;I
I.'. i.t .iv, 11.
I '" ,.: 1!,. ;,
I. . tli.y a io.i;
.i. .j.ri.'t-.
'.-! the II
- I
,. I
that stioli n t:i' isj.. u
niake the rebel ' ' .';.'
tlifit muhl 1,0 ii'!. pt.-il
li. bel synif.athi rs .- .y
ir, I.' c utA II :.'' r . :.
liti. I cxpre-s lh.' u::n i-t e-,
ubilily t.J linhJ the pr.-.'l e
if Ijiateti their 1 . 11 - v. .ii 1
April .1 -Tl.'-T..';:. ;i
y.jfirJuy, IJ.'i a.' 1 1,-! l.i
Toe bill to pr. v. i.t p:i:,'
was r. p'.r'.i il ati I l' ' rn-.l
A re-o!nti(i v.... . ff r
thut the IIi):-,-e, v. I'll 1;.,. i :.! of t!
Senate, mljonni on tin.- ;; ! M,.; ii,
.May. Jt is t! lit tl.,- ii, bill v. ,,!'
bo taken up in the S. u .! ... I. T-mr-I .v
probabillti'. .-. nro it will j 1-1 .-a' ...i.'l.ih'.
as it -wiii.-. from th- f -; -.
April 7 Tie-ii i'" M ;.'..ry (' v
tO-(laV reporte. a bill .-,t'!,.,t;'; .; tie- I'r
iih'l t to Iratisf. r m,y j 1 j. m r t'e- u .',,!.
of tin- upproprati'm of I ,-t I'' l.rn irv fir
fiirtili'-iition-, the e.,i,.'n,, ; r,;l (,f jinn
thnl ve-,-!, of H-ir
Th': I'r.-'ih 11! lo.l.iv v.'io I th.': ;,!: t
re-iil'iliotl miMiorl'i,'.' him to n-- :u '..::;
111 unl-of troops wil.hvnt i'".'.r 1 Ij "ii'u
ry. Ti;'' Hon pi"nii,l,!e m il r, .,,!;it'i,a to
r.p-nl the T.u ir A.-f f th" hot s,
of (.'.iie.T'-s, (,fr, r- .l by '.e,rh'i , of Ii, !i
unn, was .1 by i"' '.,:.
J'jrKNlit :;, Va , ,; ill :; - It i- ..,;.i
tiiat JiiekiDli'il fore,., nr.- pi hr-'p.oiy 1 mi;,
poseil of imp;- I 11,1-11, v, !oi r. I a-il 'o
liu'ht li-aili.t I "nil- i Slal-s. Th'.-e
fl'lll! I'a-."; diel Iloekii.haiu eoni.ties h ive
lelirei) V) ,o;lits 'jet w 1 11 t'i'i-i: loiinlh s.
th' 11.
. , v.. 1
.I'-'v "I
I'-tr !ns a
h re.'a t.) t!,u I at
i I'.' h ell s ivs, tin-i-
ra'es in lh.-:r nit;,ek
I- T '. Tie-!
ih.i-'iil'll I'r'll-
i'i : I 'i e."i! l 1.1,: .:!,
1 k ai.'l f.I! bileli, , III., -..;,'.'
- . .. 11:1. . i.' our tr...ips oa the
':, 11 .." wou'-i I a v.- tu: 11. 'I our
. i eoptm-t'il 11 !a'-.'0 p..rt. on of
.-i rue ili'-' ii v. - '.!: if it hail
r tie' ..-1:1,1,0111-. Tyh r I., x-
r !l I" it the i-,!.-!!V b.o.k by lir li'
ii u. 'm tin Ir r.mi.s
hi;, is ntta, I,, , tn i'n nliss uiei
", .t .S S 'l'l, lool llO senilis
11 v ry .mail ph k. t u icl -
' tic Ilpj l'o.l.'h o Hie rebl-1-
' i i 11 jr. v-n tho-e
on t.he t'lUtitry, but it wa
N o pr-p'ir..t.'jin w 1 re m o.
e. , mv.
ii" o: -1 ol' th..- r. b. ls was t rril,!-
I'i oi a .- t..e wliole bite, from n'hl In
ir. '.' -I. ( lur I ne wa- live ml
I'.It-' -irj'. We were .!r,i.-li buck
r T..e --!:i'i.'l,ti r was iuiin, ii-.-.r..!-
em,! .j. i linn i,il i!:iy mi.
At I "'ei.ek SuihI.t afii-riioon
' i" lri.' 'i lo Pitt-bur frmii Sa
i.' 'I, I in" 11 "teal part ol
t....' r.v.r 1 , 1 1 1 .... 1 1
ill ' U
. T..
'Ail. .-b.'ll
: a. '.:.
I .-. .. t ; ! ,
::i, H'. v.l
m.'l i'i,',:
I. I tr, I ,,
r- ."- I:
'.' .I'I M
e il tl,,
an lionr,
Tiylor c.iiiti'. 11.. I ihe fulil splciniiiili'
' !. il by III no's r. Lliineiils, u:il, his
snppert was ontll , on i.olli si.!, s ho ret"' at. .1 tliloiuh II elos-lire with t hi'
lo.siifoii,. hob, I nml 17 ueii'iileil He
n'-.i h.-t 17 h ir-i's. M. antiine Wut, r-ho::-.'
'o, k a -0 nn.l pos ti"li with los three
r nroioti' '.'m:;. sit mtei bv Iho i.l brl'
a.!.' of .M.-C!. r:: nel's ri.ioiu' Paring the
fr.r.'iro.ei. ti.. v we".' romp.!!, I lo r.tire
t! r rii'.-h tlo 'r own . iirninpuii tit, with 11
! ..vv I.ks, iii'o t1 os, mil- wo.mI where tlnv
lot lie I a rii'i I III" of battle. AiiiiiI-
i n w is noi'lo, ri -u!t ii jr, uft. r a most tenths of ihe Northern ih inooraev
sii'-h!h. Is ns tho-o ' I l'...."l no.
whore Ihe io-s Was Ml(li I "i.t i. .' I IHUI'I, mi. I lit at I Lien 1 1 .I. .if,
win I'e I'r .1. II. k tlie 'ileal . s t i;l ti.e lor
III. I Jibu-I- I J Toil ,,: ,,f I S.I'Mll, ,,! , i,
tin- hiit. r 1 7 1 i'o out of :: mi 11 i ;
rope, the I. r,il.i. 1 tl 111 I-.- nt I'.tr-l m- I
I.aiiillii will rno Ihe i - 1 t inl , '
I or,,", , !
r ii'io
a rin v
i '. 1 -, :
ti. iu t'J
nml ihi ro 11, tp i.e1.
.Jack -Oil's 'it!' II pt j 1
A II (pilot iii this corps: 'Vipl mi i,ir:i.
"loiiiil shot ut lotijf ran'C, at A-libyV rjv
1. irv.
Tlie troops nr'. in ;."jm'I ''jii litl'111
iiiiXii iis lo iofvaiiec. ''I 011 I .rou.'li lh' cauipv. r; ii. IScijj,
li ui. S',11 M omiiIii.ii' S In iiiipiovc. " be l.illi 'I mnl ,J,n ('. IJn.-ekinri'l;!"
Apr, I 4 --The enemy yert. r.l iy iil'empl- ' " r.-"i:'r hut this is n n 1 lin I !.
1 'I lo ictupl li'. opera', 011 of our brel."
bulhl. is; we .-h. ll. 'l lh. in 1 (T. Th" i"..i
f.'iit. to,,, air Willi their
''o' . I .11 pii'' 'I our in. 11 w ho h oi
b ' il 'b". '!l b 0 1, i.'lllin t'." (lav, III 'I the
ti'le i :V. r !,::.:. I . -,,t'Vi- l,.!y of
Ibl'-ll rr;.-i . el.;.. , Sii,iy OVeilill'T Ullll
I. . I.t 'ii !". m Ir.uiports.
S !''! i.V I '.ht, (i.-ll. J..-W U'allaee, (,'OIH'- 1. 1'. 'I.n.', mriu'l w ith I :M)iii men.
,' li ti, - r- Iii!m."oi meld the li.-ht Has 'e
l.eUI.I .Mmi. ,'..V ll,f,'liii;-. U r.lj'".l lllllt'.'.-t
li'iiu '.' 11 11 t !l j, in , bv whi' h titii
' '' ' .'' ! '1, 10.') ,l I, fl'MIII ; ,
h."l . t'.-i . 1 the riv. r nl Pitt bin-'.'.
A': bi t '.ieei, 1 1 m lburt's ami J'l'en
! - - 'I. . ,-.(,' ,s f-a.i to liiiv; been i:nni.
I !"!' ! fi.l 'I wit!, .I' U'I I'-l.'-ls. The r t, I
prl-n, r- -ny llo y had r,ph rs lo kill s
in 11, vo! ,(;; rs 11s iio--ibc. Tin-ir
oil,'-, r- ...u.'ht in rJi-jf ,jf,(. . in uniform,
which c.1,.,,1 t ).. ir ('in jf di-tiii'.'iii.hi'.l ami
o 111 :t v of th. Ill kille.l.
C.iiii. A j nl 10 A man who nrr'vei
h' T" to (.,y . ,y, the r. l' i- ll'lliliteil II f
i'i M.,r.." "'ir troops j (, i,..t t( k
'I lo ir h ail 00 brims not only carri' il the
nr- ami -t: p.s, butnl o wore the uniform
'I I'"'!' ral 1. Ihe, r-, II lo I l-ohb'ers. (Jen A
I. !.. ... 1 1 ,, . ..
' """' I 1.1 CIi;i!l,IV K, It'll. I'll'sMIIS
m bis bo !y mnl l.i-n rl the fact eoiiiin'-lit-
it t'Tin iie.l T's -taiiee, m tht.' reliels liein1.'
.'ri.vti l.aok tioo ijh our eiieaiupineiit, an.)
ir. t l t!o v m' t stroi ',' r"inf..r .iic nt-i The
'':i':,U"l,:i':i of our trnops riv'ttyj- out. mi
otic r lir il" t-.ofc tbi'ir I '1 !. I li. se,
I'e in It, 1 11 lirivo.i bin k by the rebels,
to within a In. !l in !e if the riv. r. Our
nboat then . en. .1 a lire, throw in.' shell
nv. t t'.'- heiois of car troop-', ami .- vt-ri njf
tic T' Uii-1 with r. I. Is .iain.
Company A Ch'.'ii.'') I.iht Arti!!. ry,
u us -o , v. r ly liaiiillei! 011 the (ir-t i!ny.
,'iii.t if er.::'r o:,!y I iIiil' tl.r. c ."ii.s int.)
the fi. !. on Mo-i'lay. Willi thoo boWeV
it, llo y s:ii eeeib il in roinpl' lely ! !t-ii-iiijr
a r. I.. I butt, ry of iww-, but v ere nun-
p. lie..! to l' ave one on ine In til, 111 roiii
ion I;. .' of 11 la. k of hnisi s In l.riiiif il o(T.
Ta h'r's b .tti ry haviii'.' taken ll seeoinl
0-:t'.,n, Opeiicil oil the re b' I balli-riis h()l)
var.'.s ol-tat.t. A splemliil artillery duel
now took phi..'.', p -'iillinu' iu sileiiciii'.' the
r. b. I batt. iv, ri'i'.i'.'.'.l, nml blotting lip
lie ir e:i'. -mis. Taylor's blit'ery was tin U
.oil' r. 'l lo tin- p "orie. puriii1.' the after
no, .11 s, v. ral Mi--:--'! pi r'i.'iuieiils which Saturil.y ii'j'Ii', wire brou-'lit info
Ihe fii I at iloub!.' (j'P'lv, mm! were utmost
IIS -M'I ililv repul-e'l.
Ou the ...(.i.ii.I .! iy, li'i! the batteries-
Ink' n by ihe iiieiny, Wop! r cap
lure. , ns w ell as l) of thc;r pi. ei s. One
Micloiiii butt' ry win rec.!itiiri (l by tlif!
10th Vis.'Oll-iu,
I.OiOe ll) t i" war t' e , hi b
r His In,;.- I en ili 111. 11 il.n.', I i!e in
the lebel . I. Oil . ll I.CrS ll W .11 l.ahllv f , ., I
impr. ss the "one to liv s'i rs" w t'i n.o.i' I
' . 01 reet laiiioiis ill r v'.ir l In il'ikee pr.iw r,s ;
I Yoihtown iii ',r;li, i, has pr,,!, ,i,'v t ' i
I ere t!i s if s,i M r:, II n j, !, .,r. ,. j
; ilny's iioir. h of Ki.-I ui'iinl, whore I,,- mil
, bii;; J, T p ,vls nml the n l ! e. ii p 11:1 I
I le-, ll-. is , a.-ei, liny b! o k lh. ' I.n i s ioi. '
steal nway in con! ruban I c!"t . n - Ti e .
; M He s e sli.,11 pr..b.,b!v h. ,r li oin the :
South west, w,l be tlie .,kin' ot M, mj.:,,s ;
nn.l New Oi leal s. H hell tic- ill,', ine-lit,
IIS W. han' the tiuil'pi t ill the 1, for I
treason i ale, ut iii.,v,., not i
siiooeeiie,! in taking Wasliinetoii Ci'v nml j
Ihe public nrchues, he w,.li!. halo been
p i,' il bv lli s si c. ssion rriln' us a ron- :
-in ii t .iiii I I resilient .Mr, Lincoln is, .k
1 1 en. Jackson, ii. in.iu-tiriii!' il. l.'.,i,r
mi-lit iioeor.linn' Id the Constitution na
. r.,t ,.,. I,,, ,,, ., , , J ,)t s ,,,, rMI)(l, ,v
.! If p.ivis or liis A.l v. i ii r tool. He is
also uihuiiiisteiiii the lim . rnuc nl uirih-r
tllO Colislitlltlnli IIS lllnh l'stooil bv P.l kill
sou, II"!t, K. ml. ill, I'oriu v, nn.l nine
anan, (luring tiie v,h s nml bl.u ke, u.lmlii
islrati.ui thot has ut ih-riiee, (ho historic
pa'e, H-iiiiiph , on t'i.- Constitntin,, t v,.,
mi ixt. nt tint liov Wnlk. r, u M,ss s-i,
pi.ili, eiilleil the (iov. -ri.liioiit ll ' liuunin hv,'
am. the .Now Orleans p, t,i ni,, ,, ble foul! . t ut Ihilsbii..- . .,,!,. p..i!i..
Congress lo . I, pose Inn. nml put n In w ex ' lo re, the r,-b. I all . s nr.- ,pr.--i,,' t.r .t
cciltive 111 I i, place, to save the tj.ivwn- n-irr-1 lit tl ,- I ib!e ,!l, ,- of lo on ,;,
inent Irom actual ,isintoi;r;,tioi,. l'.ileli ' bfe," mi I il. pr.v, (!, ,r . ,r,.
anan ii'liuiiiist,rn t!-(iMVeriitiient uii.b r j the il bears on lh- p ' , , Tl,
the Coiisl.tulion, not iis we umh Mn'xl i t . j aU.'Ui. lilii.'.' r.Ti of war are r, j r
not ns the Ib-piibhoitns iiu.lerstooil it, not , bv nil citi. ns-lien h niMie if,,,., ,v ,....
.. . . I - I , ' '
iis mo .xirii.ern it. iiiocrncy iiii'lTstooil il, . who are mm whinu, ' be, .
ami not as In: iimli r-ton. it bun-elf but ' w ho invnlwil us in ..r
.n iiie r. iire-eatiiiif ilisiinionists of the I p.. I. Alt-r Iho l,.,ttle ,,f
rlnrl'l ! lul ,.,:..
I ,,, , ""I-
l,Ml'' -'"i'i" or i;n',,'uiiVii,for.
v.Kin.r ,1 as rats ,lo hUU,
i mis ,i is mi, i lui h i.o, i, ,, lmr M,(
bn ii. Is men who Iwvi.
I'"1" I'n- I., ;-ii,i,ii,.., until n.ov, v.1,,,1,1,1 (
"' '' r" '" l'""'i mnl Ihe ('
l,''V'' " ll t.) lllvll.iw
"f I" '-v'"-' fr ll H'ocm j
''' "I "'.. or,.,. ,,, (J Jir
I'll!-, lis ,1'. ',.,,,. j,, lis,,, I.. I .
, , . . '- s,P w
P "r- I" sllt ff
'. '' p:'i e of .leeept i,h, ,,ff.
I.l ll: lb it I, o one nr, , r ,),,,
..-I ii.,. p ,..,.,. r wf r,.,,llioil1
in . ll , lit ,-i,i ri,i,,,,....l ..I . .
I u. iliei,
iii... !,.no .,!!. n,P ,,rT 111K1(1,(
I- I.e. ll.Ol.j.llP'lll. ns , rlllpm,
l.l'h- ii humbii.; I,, mii.niiil to imyihii, M.
e. pt as l.i ,,( n, , c.l,,. i, of retnriiiii,.
on Co- p,,t ,, :,s !, nVl, u.,,.,
. 'I the p.irl they ,!.,, I ,i ,.li n,,
now .1 h.ii'i ii hat y li.m- uU,iyilkrd.
W h.:h r t ey tt.ll chaie,.,- ,,,,, u,rt
v ''( . n "si oi si."
v. I
. ' I
V .'
li Ii on r.n.liii,', iieir, (
mi l lie. . not be mo,. ,,., ,r
W i mi nil .r, ,( u ,i :1.
"Us lis I t,., ,j,
Wt 1 I IV, - S lice lh"
In w s o! (!,,- t, r:i
South inul. i-.tooil it.
Well, lim lb pubiicain nml Iloii-Ias
Piiiioorati nil Invo.l lh,. i M, W).
ami rem raleil the c.,t,s,ti,iioiial!y appoint
l'. liullii.rilii i v. fiiucli, thut iMy Ml,
lliit'e.l ti) the ilifmnous rule ,,f J.t',
ailimnislrution till such IMI.. li .y
'Kiil'y I roictilntion:illy eliatiL,'.' it. II
tin; nrrh trmlors I rei Lii.iii!
lll-e Hie r. 1, !-
nr- ;-. 'tlio,' hij,
I Hun no
child of r. -t,- I on th.- ii n 1 1.
of fl single Vl-s j, , :,i. t 'I'I, ir !;,.! ,,, , ,
isfiel oii m .is so intense ',.,( H,, v , ,,,
haiilly r. fain from' th. Ir pulon ,,
-oilier with il. l eht, ns h, y h.nnl Ho-1 w ,
that Ihe p In Is Inol eiiim il a tielnrv
news (tint ,ir Iioii.ii , ,, .IM
I Th.' i,"
O III .1,1
' At In: i
1 II mi .1 .,
, ' : .'.I'i
II. I.l,,.. I
I lb -ini '
; ' 'a 1. 1 ..oi ..
' l 1 1. i ibe
: W .: :..
j.l.. I .,
! I ' l . . i " i v
j 1 1 .i i -bur
I lb .. iis ;;,
; sil'.l o,.tr
I Si' I.l
. I tell
O: Ci,
Th- p. ,
I'lll.ll.' i.r4l,nj.
' I Ihe Sl.ile I'l.ioi, (,,.
...I'll' t..e o.t.. lis of Ori'i:
A.r,l )
" .10
" 3
" .'
" 9
" S
" !
" li
" 13
" I
" 20
" 21
" 2i
" 23
.. ,,,
" 2i
klll' .l OU the b,,e '., ,'i ., ,.,,.
'' .' iinu i .line, i: ,.,,. , ,. ,,, i,i ,. i i ,i .i . i,
I . , . ... -1M..I
'""""""l"'-t"'l, the Nort!, wnuhl have I uric to k.Ml, n through I ,lt
Mii.imll. il to tl,(, rule of villains I,
they coiihl Ini vi! ousted tin m at the ballot
box. Hut IK) soom r did Mr Lilienlii be-
i. t" was mop- flL'htin;r Over it tlillll romc coiistiliitioimlly enlilled lo niimiiilsler
alt otlnr batteries in iho fi' I l It was la- ,, f ;,v.Ti.mfiii. tl.mi thus, whohnl .,,!.,!
Pf it... ! . , .,
... ...... i, inn -ut ,,, , ,,(, f uf. ,.(lre
(en am! retaken llir.e or lour lime
seeoiiii ci'tur'.' was bv ..uurc'MP III tier
, r.iis'il a rebellimi ami iriid lo overthrow
tlie best government on cnrtli, niuiply bo-
1 ca ll so they Couldn't bold the offices. These
ivbel.1 said they hi ro for supporting the
(jovi rnment pniviib d it could bo "con,i
! loin n e, i,t;. .,., l0 W!i 0I (;(,
ih r Il.e I' .I.t u. ,. ..I ... .I .. i. ,i ..... .
t.'.s occupied by our lolvanced balteri.s T. li-l.t TZ.':"!
...... . r a .. f in- . . '
on Thiirsih.i' i.l,.... I I.i " ,;III"IH' Wt,
v. "- " '" HI" . ,,,. in il I , , ,,,
'Olllinaii'lue nil ii, vnlioiis betond
.Stony Cre. k were m h ctr I bv (h ii. U nihs
l l' lil -s bail mi iii'l.i:, rv l,!u .r',....
rnsliillittOII, Apiil K A uncial lies- cut lo l.i. cos lonl foice.i lo r,.nl.i ' .....l
pntch ty the ew Voik papers mvs that I'renii-s nml n iiiimber of men lnk"ii pris
the Mm vex of James M. ,a.',u d.rump- ;(, At 1 1 o'clock Hu-cntir" line was
in a body from Winchester, ami made iheir fi, p elv cin'ico d, bu' wi re in full rdpnt bv
way to riiiladelidiia It was currently p- I o'clock. The ciicmv lu.'l t a If hi Seliwnrl.'
ported Unit olio of; Mi.-ou'h daue,.,.n ,, ,1,,,,,, ,,,( u 0M() ,,(,.ri,,, 0n;,', III Clio. i,i. nco ofjlb , l nur Mil.lion, ,d tnketl refii re
tlm Henoiw faluliiy ami inMoiliii,"s of the j nmb-r lh- bank of ihe river, i.itcrly r.fn-iiTjr
ful" "y- . . . , . , t'i Mil. Iu fuel, tiny rmihl tiol! Tor men
fscoiitinjr porlu H of tl,.. n bel. wcro sni.J ; ami olliccr, wore in inextricable, coiiliiinu
to bp coming over our iruitiiry on tlv.tUk Our nrmv kr,.,d it,.rv (i,ril0,;7,,j
"ml I "'li Ohio.
in, wlio Ihne r. t'lim iits. In
the attack, he p ceivi il a bulh t woiiml in
the urn).
Ill lh" cniifu-ioll of retreat, fi'-ll. J'reil-
Ir-s m:iii:iL.'c, to i -cane mnl r-niiii! safi! into
I.... 1. j , I . .. , f . s r.r... . I ,11 If i.e. I .' I . , ..... .1 M .1 . f ,
win io-s is now naieii in I 10,1)01) anil """"."i, null IS niimiuis
. . . i ,. ....... .. ....
ii oi me r.-ii- M, i,,,oiii). i. p .i i,y lire, kilin,-: mnl I.ane; mid now
II,... V,.... (,.l ,, r,.... i ii... r ....:: .. '
.. i-".ii-i- in,: yvivcriiser tells us that " ,, f,
fiti'i I i"i-r- tri.pii fi ii.h. I f.i. lie. li I. .ft ... tl... ... r
-. . . . , . - , - . iiiui'i-i ii'ii' if l I I. illl III: i . . t it
field killed or woumlcd. It tv s .1," inlen. ! "' "", "' Inn ,-o,,s,i
lion of I! aiire.'apl to make mi ntnrk two "ll""l,lMy "'Immisterid, ami in no othrr
lays before, but iho extraordinary rain I "'".'" Tim scoundrel imply iniaiis ilmt
impel, i ins pricrevu. H Hie pro sluvi ry seoosion demoerulH i
Th- t'eii'ialp lp iitcoiniiienc,'! o Mmi- admiuislir tho (iov, rmnent ",.
' ." iv . our eavaiiy loil'iwcii a :. ,-r . , , ,, , , .
-hurt distance beyond the ,Kwiiio occui,i", I ! ' '!' 'f ""' "'" K" f"r J,'ff ,,I1VIN
by ou- Iroopi before iho buttle, Wire it j "'"'K l" ,M'"y it
not for lim nl,ii'i-l iui,isibh' oondilioti ofi - - -
Ihe road", the route would Imve been more ' '' llli Ui.ack I'l.Ai;. I'reiitico thinks thut
l-omi.t'l" 1,1, il U'l. ul.t.fibl ,.r,.l, ..r i ll... 1. 1.. ..I, 11.... . -.1 . , .
, ' - - " , .... ..r, V.J 1,1,1, V ,i, Ki , , lV( )(,(,( (U 0(l
Cor'i'n'i'li' ;" ",,r';,":l,Ul ''"",'H "l . ',y "", r"'"'lH "l Un 'iKl.l Mft. r
all luivo been lor a whito oi..
He think that the rebels in i,,.ir ,lHU
isoi.ed tlm most nviiilnMo inalorial lor a
wliilM fh mnl Iiiiim up ono of their Khii ts
on a ,ol,). Tlm dliirt not liavin be n
washed since tlm war boom u,.u I
illcry, rilled omuion, """ llm M"' llll,t il w " Wm-k fliiir -
I Id) CVphiiiiition is ipiilo phiiiKible, la m,y
tin: least, ospicially siuci wo heard from
tlm Hooession cmivoiiiioii nt Corvallis
where most of tlm d. l.alHi either mi
hliirtH on, or else wore micli 0.1 would miiku
(uij)ilul black llas.
Cairo, April II. "00 of the wounded
from IMbburir nrrived in the Mound Cily
lio-t niu'ht. Orders Imve been fu-nt to
l.'iu'svilh) inn (;iicny(j to preparo lur
(1.000 more.
Our forces nt I.shuid No. 10 continue to
liru,(f in viilimble properly liidden
in. 'iimy rebels VeiH-rdi
batteries ol li-lil lirlilli-l'jr,
wi re ioiiiki in t. tvooihi.
tW Hon. lidwurd Htnnlev, of San
Francisco, has bee,, appointed Military
iJoverimr of North Carolina by tho J'reni.
il. til, nml linn Marled for Wiu-bliiflon in
enter upon the dutio.H of his office. Mr.
Sliinley is a native of North Carolina, nml
for many yearn wan a member of Congress
from Ilmt Hntr,
ftsT Tlio cily tlei'liou Utbn plueu Mmi
dny wo'k, My 5,
lllld LTellO'
that .slileiire.l liter lle faci , ol (he " pe,
,1, inocr.icy" ami now they tumhln'i ,t,.
had a ree-p-l to express if four linn s us
many fi-ibrd troops had I . -. -r kilhd as
there were, s.i the rebels , ,, e,iii, , the
liny Let Ihe .scouiirlr. ls H hn in.iiluraleil
Ihu war whip, rob, banish bom home, mi l
crucify ,,y nu ll, women, ami children in
Teiin, sscii and Missouri I.l tl. r. I...I
arms triumph at I.oxin-lori mid (V'ain a vic
tory at Mamrsas,- it j, rijjiit wl,
tia.tors lu re, but the moment ihe (,'oterii
lil'-nl begins lo .successfully ,., rt j((
Ihorily ami succeeds in planiinr (. v(l.M
aial Stripes over Jim soil of rein Mom, the
hmiLr dox coiinleiiances of s, eessionisi, ,,k
blacker ami dirtier than common, rrml tin y
are H. i.eil all at once with a holy horror of
Hie micrilice of blood mid tri'iisnro.''
tmr Tliu fi, ll.minjr rosoluii,.., f il,,,
Kebel Coiifrrcs.s in Mibmitic.l for ihn con
siderntiou of Iho Hiiivelinjf " comproinisu"
mid " peace" raimii H in thiN H. cli.iii:
" Jlniolunl, by Iho Coii'-resH f rl, .,.
federato StalcK of America. Tlmtil,,, ,r
of tlm (.'overnmeiit impcrailv, ly ili nin ihIh
Ilmt tlm exihliliK war bo prosecuted tmlil
the enemy shall havo been i xni lleil from
i.viu r,.,.i ,.r L..u ...:i :.. . ,
...',. ..i run w 1 1 ii iii i nen ami iiaiv
one of Ihe Confodcialo Stuti-K, and no propii'
silion of peacu shall bn considered which
ontempliricii, however remolcly, tlm p,.
iliipiish merit by l,U L'ovimuieiit of anv
portion of any of tlm Slutm of this Coiili rb
JrT There wan n liuyo ami!
L'nioii ineel'ii hi rorlluiid on Fridny iilK,t
ol'lniit week. FpeeilieH were Hindu by A.
. OibbM J. II. Mclb'ulo, M. , HhalMek
W. (1 Johnson, am! Jiido llmuillon.
Two Uriliiih nliip;i wero fminil at I
foit, In, bn tvidi ro'.iii mid liirpenliiir
- We mil nt triit, ., ii ,i . mltrrti'
m. i.t ,, llart.y llroitn, of Sail KlIM'iiro,
lib .1 hi, hi;. out ll III Lir );t nut ililo tuilJ
inn' h't, Hi Ihe suburbs ol l ily, on ll
I lie 'f l.i 1 1. ,io 1 lo the Sail Jov VllrJ-v
1 1...-.- inti-t i,j ni.,l! sums on 'i-rl frtn.
"' I Will Ilml Ilmt t In-ir iiiVi stiu, t n siifrsl Hid
b. -I th.,1 I hey could limke The title il
p. rf. cl Ib a.l advertisement in i,i)tliff
. ohlUili of In d it 's pap'T
I'oili.s, Monroe, Apnl II. - Tl.f M't
Mn, H h, , I in,, si, nv I, nml 'oikl"n, 'l'l
several u.ibo.iis mi l tics uppenr.H linlJ
l elivc-ii N, Miot .Nevis lllld SelT I'.'i"''
Tin y ii.ptur. .1 three small vroU, O"9
imply mid one 'omli ,1 w ilh onnl. A
shots lt,e lire. I fl.iiu our Vessels lli'll ll.
M' liim.ii k wild her cuisorH rciind
Cia my I hind
The p Inl pos:lloll I'tti'HlN n lh
lh nil. sub i fn ni VorkloM'i 1.) Wurni'k.
near. James liter. The foriu.iliiia ot U'l'l
m.. I Ihe peiulii.r bend enable tin lllo n''
mit 'l Hi'li tluir foriilicntions nil thf rwl
Up the pellill-llhl
( (i.-iierals nro pushing lurwd
.r. p.iiatmn for an nllnrk on tlm rmiuj, c
It is Mii, that J. (T f).il '"' l'r,K
.lohiislon are I.olli at Viilvlii J"'""'0"
in roiiuiimid 'J'. number of l'"'ro
I be less I hull (OilOllO
Ib uiifort, N has been mi'iipi"! 'T
our Hoops tiithnnl n position. I'l',llj
mi ll called i,u Maj Alh ii, nml l-nd rrd
liim ami Ms froopi the frei iloni of tlie '"
Cilieim said Ihey had lionr given ill-"1'
ailliesiiill lo the rebel (iiivi-riiiariu,
claimed lo be jjooil I'liioii men. , l,,rR,
i ibers ilnilv mum lo lii'iidiiiiarli'W, "u
lake Iho on tli of iillcgiiniro.
On iSiilurdiiv ami Sum nv ll tflinni n"-
ed over Iiom lleauforl nml took mi'MI"b
of llm bench M'lilli wei, ol I'orl M"tOI'
r,,li;,.,r ,.(T ll. r..l.l .,,,, ,,,,11, il'lllioll Will
iheir meal ruipplioiv.
1.1m i n. nln l.niitr (U."Tln V
in. ll f b in, roiinly ntr fiilril lulWlta .ri.'leli.,iiMiiliiriliiy, May Si '',
o'liliieli I' in , Ii, ileel .1. lr(!lM Mil" I'''1"""'
Ciiiiv. ill en In lie Ii-..I Nl Mimi.-M f""''
M".y ID, nl II n nr , fur li- iniriKW """l'"','
ll I'llinl, ni.mily IUiHi.1 III l ,i'"lli"l ' "''("f,.
J nan el,.,. li Kie li (irnelmil will I
llm MI.mviiik iinuilH'r i.f tMnt: nT .'
(V , ,', lr,,w,istill S, tlilrmw 3.
IViiiin .'I, l.i.lir,.'ii rt, liiiv' .1. Ibiilinjli"' K
ii. ii-s 'J. ,M :liil,r. , i Miiklin H'llW I. '"mn
f 'll'll lien r.l (' m
1 1,' 'rm (