The Oregon Argus. (Oregon City [Or.]) 1855-1863, April 26, 1862, Image 1

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    fllK Olll'XiON A U(J US.
r:"s' fimiscuii'Tiny.
-., ..,.. wi;f (iiniiaheil ill ''lire Dallam i7 i"'i( 'iKi'.iur.
ll'ildl f Ar iHiiiiry ' "' '""' ",'
.. It rhiilfil i) V"l
.. ... !, ill ii- '' "' ll" '""
HI -
ml i'ii it it t i'ntii
in iir tiiimtli,
c ('
n-... IhAUu twill ' '"" I! ri' I'm'" iiiimlli' -
$t ,iifii '"''""" "' '"'''."' " '"""'
. ,r (limuiiliiiiiril tmlil ii'l iiirrniir;r
, ,1,111', ''" "' """'" I'"1'1"1"'
ft'H'i-f '"'" '"'' "'V '" r
'iter I Mttni' tif uiii t'.uuntvy.
'I'lic oration I')' I'"' I'.cv, '' '' i' tipnkfii tf ill the New York journals.
Tim wi'ii1'1"1 chosen ''.v "nil"r WIS: -"Tim
objections nf mankind In wars " -
,Tl! i h'""' '.Vliop'-is nf Hi'' closing pur
lion f M'"- l" "1'111"1"'' :
Tlicro i"1 "ii iiii'i"""' existence
lluttiiii tliis tiny. f wliii Ii, though clear
lo US, (-veil ''is prophetic 11 : til
,rniiii. In '-,.,mi V'"1" l" f'"'
' win III was in li s yi'If "
It jrriiit lllllI'MII
tliiin. Cii.llmg',
occupy tl"' I"1'"1 "f I''1 '"'J'- '" I1"'-,11"'1
vcur.t "ow w m lil lini In rii in
(he hiriiiiil cycle "f iiiili' lili'. 1 1 great
li,itions litivn Imtii Stubs. I'r.n , A us
Iriu, Spain, l'ii;;l'iiii!, 1 1 uly . I'm .in those,
H ill. Will on'iipy Hie pages
of il.s lii-liil V. Hut it Ii' "!'- Ii" 'l"!.' tie
fV0 M M'i' 1 1 : t tin IV is np.'liilig III tin'
diM its lliinl I'.v nf ii'ii."ii il Lf''-
jh ,s I. Vllnptl.ClltS, III VI" .1 ." llilll. I I!
, , vi r ml unces A cycle in which iis
nations 1 mil I"' -s the I'1'-1, li"-',
.hall mil '"' ' t s' I. l 1,111
do 1 1 ii v great i'"ii i'i "I' ' t i ? i ii
I il in tin''!" j't ; ii iri ii hi s mi. I nm.r. Fr.iii.-e
r.ii;:l.ini, A 1 1 -r . . iiml I i u - - . uinl
Hill lll.ll I I' ll
'I muci n Smoi; i N; . In ii .iin r rc ml ill I Auass.7. on tMK Kxistknck ok Goli. j
recent I in i -ting of urn' of Hie French So-, Agus .i.'.'i work on fossil FisIhh is in live
h lies by Dr. Hiiiini'siiil, Im Htiiliil that i volumes, with a folio utlus containing 400 i
tlir luiliil of siiiokiii is spremliiiK so friir- pliili'S. Alioiil 1,000 rim-ou-k nre drscrili l
liillv, llml tin- luliiicro n-i)ilui'iii'' coiintricK .i'il iiml IL'iircil in the liilliiial ni.n nliii uliout
iintiiiiiiil l.l'i'
vi rr r lii s Kmui',
,1. ni.ili in, 1 1 .i 1 v 1 1 it) ,
Ilnlv iiml Sim. M, iiml II mi. (i.r.innv. u.'i'iii'V l.r'illi.r n
t,rnt"iv nf I.I'iOi'.O'HI l''i 'I'' in. I' ""'
!, ,, ., u ,Hi'i!.il.i'ii i'l ir.'i.iniii.i
.Viiiil:. iii, .M 'M!i , J-'niiilii in in. 'I' , i m In i.f tin' 'I'' n tori', nr.' i'i.'.'ii;'.v n,' I" il 'V
ujii.iro lu ll mi
i, mi mi. I
in;.r', I' l 'i
!m1i i Hurt
A Weekly Xcwsihmt, devoted to tlio Interests of tint Jiiihorin Classes, mid advocating tlio kide of Truth in every i.s.stic
Vol.. vi! oiM.'.tifrv iiitv nurcfix' a i i; I I, ix i s r, '. No. i.
v' i w v' " i " - t - -
return shots licpfinie less frcfjui'iit nml Iks
' ih.'stnictivi', tthil.t ours grew strontr mid
; more ti rnlilo.
Tlio (riiiilionts Lfx'mgtnn
One wiiuru (twelve liai, or lew, brevier meiuurej
one iimnrtion $ 3 ttl
Kut'li uline'u(.iit hiw rlinn I 00
nuHinemicarilii one year 20 00
A lilierul ileiluctioii will be mailu to lliom who
ailverlinc by t lie year.
Pft' The iltiinlwr of iiisrrtioni ulioulil m noteil
on lli" margin of fin BilveitiHPiiient, otlierwine it
will be iuli!islifd till (orbiililen, ami charged ai.
vurd.iiK'.y. tJ' Obituary no'.icea will be clinrged half the
above r.itcii nf nivi'rtinihf4.
t? J" I'liivriMi exccutfil nl;h ntalnfm aud
I'aijmrnl fur Juh Printing mini be vmlt on
drlirrrii uf llir vwk.
3)etail3 of Eastern News.
nil sniivi'ly sil ) il V tin- ili iuiilnl fur it
v ' i in Amcririi, tint i'oiiMiiniiiiin is in
rcii.-inx' mop' rnpiilly lluin tlm proiliiction.
"00 uiori) uru mi'iitioiicil. In this innt
work tin; clmplcr on I'liiNsificiition rlni-cs in
Ihiiso words: " An invisililu tliri'iid, in nil !
In;i l.i in I ronMiiiicn yciirly l.'i, 0110,000 kilo- j iii'R, runs through this iintni'lisi! diversity
Wii.s!iiiiKlon, April 8. Following is a
i nml Tiller i Sllmlll;ll7 inlilliciicrj nttivi'd hy tlm
oiT ki-iit r:i In i W"r f,;lll'rtllH,"t "I ,0 1U o'clock Inst
Great Dattlo in Tcnncasco ! !
i)R:.)i-i l, si.AKJiiricii .'
t.linliiin trtnry fur t tin Inlim'. i
A Kront Imtlle wus fuu-ht lit I itlsliiir-? tt(.; r arilH f)ll tli(! fiihl in tin; position
n , ,.,H . I I, t ........ II l-l.l,
in. shells on tlm n,l,e hordes. Tl. it niht o tho operations o he nrn.y ..t l;or-
,(r..rt pioved too mnih for the enemy, nnd , "",r0S' 1 "M" U,
' . ' . . .. ll,.. i.iii.ini'4 uniL j wi re f:iri iii v rTaniineil
t t, i:..:,... ,.,.,,..,,,1 ,,.l i.ll
i ir ii i: iiu-iv iiiu ii. hi i ii' ', ..ii.. ..ii. , , f . - .
,!,, con.lmtmi.s rested iron, tl,' work of M " M CI'Han, nnd foun.lto U Ve j
lilooil mid (nrnii''.'. Our nu n rested on
i I ... I' ..... it... 'I ... i , .... , . .. ... . , ,
n.mnies, In.vii, inrre.isi'il it fiMiitl. in ten exhil.itin- us n w.uA result the fact that '"-'. 1,1 iK ' r' """ whirl, they held nt mtrli'.!.,!!, until Ocn.
,, I ii , ,, . ... 'it in tlio couiphtc rout ot tin; reliels, who nt-; ly j urrived with his division nnd took
' '" II,,m,M"- " ,f ll,"r" w 11 l'r""r"SS 111 'lelopment, u,kt.(, H ttimui (llivl)r,,,k oll S,I11(!1V) ,,,, ri Nt!,()1,.s diviiljll
.10,0110, 10,11011 film's arn daily eonsuiii- iiiliotf in man, the. four (lasses of virte- i;t, A mil. The linttle lasted without in- f r;,.,, t:,. ,,,. hnvin" nrnved was
renewed on Monday, continuing until 4
' o'clock in tlnS iifteriioini, when the ciiemy
couiiiii'iiced to retreat, mid lied toward
l.'orintli, Miss., dirlalit iilmiil 0 miles,
pursued hy u lare (oree of our cavulry.
The slairirhter on hoth siih s is iininens'',
hut it is itnpossilile nt prciiut, in the eon- .,,,., mokt .,,1;,,. fire o;i the rdiels,
liisnl .state ol iill'iirs, toyivc precise details i Bl...,,i(.,,, ratiidlv' ns the reliels fi ll
ordered to form on tin- h it; Crittenden's
division, also of Hindi's uriny, was onh red
to his support.
On Monday niorniiig the hattle recom
menced fit dayhreuk, Kitlillltalli'Ollsly hy
N'eUon's division on the left mid Wallace's
.... .i i . v . . r.-...
i ivisioii on l ie riiini. .m.i.-'hi s nuns
mi Tin'
W.-t. in
is nl' Hie
1 ;;u(i, nun
d at the ratio nf iiien as"
dll.Tlllllihr the' ll.lV Crn.VII Ml ipre.IlT
Hillmi t!ie hf. of many ol inirs.Uir-
,.,,r,d tni'ii, Ii :',.H nl, 011 J lo ;iil,(KIII,0'.)0,
lin many Ii c i hs 'v.nii.l lliis cmi.try re to t;n on limn . n l . I . n 0 to 1 '..
Utlil? llii-s.a, t viln .vo of her Silicmii
ki.m aini, oi-. ijii.i-s a Ii rr.lmy "f
Uilit iipi in- in.!. h ' v ina 'V I"' ' I' s ill
il. r, ., 1 1., i.i en i. i . i.. r I'm' " ni, mill to
l.'n nun, oo.i.' 'Lie pn-O'.l.ty of truly
in, S ..; . uil.c iniwi-rs i nil il i ai-.t nl lli'-ni
to all the n-al Slates t.i.-rth' r nl the si
I cyi-lc ol u life .s I'T the T'
ml onlv t" he fniiiid in !' nctaiiri s in
tic woil. I, l! uii'l Aiiii-li' i liieli are
hat infants as y t, f..r I'm' new ifi 1 t'l.rl
,-vele is lint ilirth n' Hat t'..'H.',i mh.liN,
h.i v stun. I n I i i ts nl llr.' iM.i.vii lie il "I
'" ,' i '
WkIitii ll u.'.i'V Ami H i" to Ihe "l'
,.i nf lli.'.fn'nt'' ill -t'i- I'.ftli nf this Iii n
j,r,, i ny nf ii.ilniiis, if u-ie nl't' e'.li I-
ii iii Imnl'l ', hi tin r in the 'i iin'.i or nl
M lllll'-.M, il" tu'l i- still' d Wll!l illtiTi't
.... I f...l. in .1 i. l.s. .. 'V I. jl.l V V :ltH is III
M.l'l . -
.... i.. vi. i, ii r 1 1 1 1 1 : i v 1 . . u- l..r W I'
live ns a mil. I'll I--, ii s'l'ii'.-l.n :, l."t
:. I.. I.v,. In ... t .il.v -fui.V II. 1" f
1.1........ 'I'll., i. , a ill Male I I : 1 1 -. Ill -ll is
I I II ' " r
1 i,!' Mii ill i-.. -ml: i s an lu--l iii
,. I.ias I'l It iii!' "I I'"' n
!tl.h k n.irt .'...-in.' .s.r. t.. re is a in
I.. ltiMvui. And the ii'i'st.iiu to I
il,.,i,.'i iiuw mid I'V war ; is "lie nf t'..
niw priveny of the ii iti"ii of ihe future
to he mi-vi M''ully I , "I" i 11 " 1 "'
itraiihd in Ihe l.irlli l.y w.!eni I'.m "" and the ..i-(? I'. '
I; ol l.i-r de-l iiv in the Intnre, Ane r eam
,ll not I't Wii'hiiitim'- Aiie riea die.
M Cl in vs's O'.'lM-'N "i mi. " I'm
nr.Ti'.s" Mi--.i.i-. 'II"' Wa !i,ii;t'iniir
nill.iliei! of ihe Ni iV Vmk l'n-t S.IVs;
I win ye-lerdiT itifnrmnl hv one 'f 'en.
M.-CI. Han's lie 4 iiitininltf friend tint Ii1
iirovn limit heiil lily the l'n .ili Ill's
IIUIii'iniliou Tiicl:linnliiill. nnd thai i0
llM lin i fcry miii ll llii-illi'l' r-lo'i'l I'.V the
Country generally ns to Ins vu wt mi the
iliviry iiie.aiti, tin il ii"' t't ir'f w'l!l
tlimnr. This frcml nsa-rls thattieu Me
Cklliiii la-hev. t that Ihe cnimtry will sir
liolostin n-iiee till n1.v. ry is di -tr"i 'l,
lnj thai hi! is lint ll pro shod V tin", m
Wtne iHTsiim havf ftal'd ll f'i"'"'r
hiJuf him, Unit iin n M.hli'r Ii" ,inn
nHul of hid sp,. eh mi nil x'lfli inatter,
W that lie has ilitelnleil that no nllii er of
tlio roluiiini! Army slnill r.-lnrn it ruiliv
Jl. Illil thill th fi'W isi.laleil casei I.ii'h
LlVn fii-fiirrnil Imvn litl( U.I.I liit ilionfhMt-
liflltnn Tin. I In fir.Ii-r.H I llm nrrest of
""""II, t llllfc M" "I'l'
Oi-n sIi. mi. I. n u. II Lmiwii fai l, nii'l it i"
further Liiurtii tlinl when In iitteiilioii lint
Iwtl ri'iienti-dly culh'.l In tlm f"' t f"
H'li(! lnve wi re in the campHof ihe
Wliminl Irnni.s ncross III" river. In' Im" f"
..t. i . . . i r il... .it-mi'
1'iitl Hint lliu cniilinnliiier in m" ;
wnW nut M'o;:nisi nny person in t,i"vr
An Omioxor Ur.. MVi.-i-i.".-TIm!
M-mphi, Aviihin. ln'cf I'd.. '.'.''tit " uU
wm of den. MclTi'llun:
Th linliciilioim mini In I"1 l'"'1 U ihoviiiirf liimself "
U COIIllnliiiliiilil llilll III llilll) till l"'rt , r
liM"i..l hv f. - the fkillfill inaiiiieinelil
uf Vu.Ht uriny. It UnsilesM tn ileludi' or
Wat iMirvlvin, Wf Iiiivii ii powerful rm--
lllu Iiml. uriiil In niimlil'ri. with ,, ,,rl
ll liliivu llilll I'XIierielieeil collllllilll'I'T''.
'Clclhiii hus lici'ii purilyin tin' -tiiiiiitn.I
oimiiiii,i,,h ''ik "'i'l I" ''I"'"'"1
HI How he ban n w i l niuinmtc.l couinini"
"Kllilicn well illilleil, InilVll ninl ?ilH".
fcrlli alli U tlm iinly nn i. r v-tm 1.1U
"TTrtiiti itliniit eh if.ii I' f
Iii lleiituaik, the nvcriijje iiiiiiual con-, hrates presenting the inteiinediate steps, ' lermission dm inj- the cnlire day, mid was
Miaipliiiu is two k.higraiuiiieH for each per- and the iuvcrl'-tiratrs the constant uccessn- in llnllaiid the consumption ry iieeoiiipaiiiiueiil. lave we not here the
throughout the world wus i!.V!,OO0,O00 ' manifestation of n mind ns powi rful ns pro
kiln;;iaunnes, oriieaily iiiiii! ouiiees lor . lific? the nets of nn intelligence ns mhliine
tn-h individual. If tolinivo contains or ns providei.t? the luniks of fgoo'luess ns in-
an nvini'-e tliree in r cent, of meoliiic. (here tnu mom pai panie demon-
. ... ' . . r 1 I
me miiiuiiliv i niiMiuieil i.iiOOOOO kilo- sirailon oi inn i .MSiencc oi ii n-rsonai uoo,
i Liiiiin s nl that unison, of which il few author of nil things, ruler of the- universe, ,.(l,.l i forciie' our h-ft. wiie.'. so as to .'1...1.. i;.. 1 1 ....... . in ti ll n il I. Iit
' . lin: 1. 1 1 " 1 1. 1 , 1 1 , iui'i .....i
Ii-.ips iii u c'liiciiilriiteil slate cailse dealli. "I'd dispenser of all good.' I Ins, ut h-a.-t, occupy two thirds ol the In M, im.l wire rl, ,.f,rt on the cneiny. Oi lis. Met. ler-
A II ni'iie I. ah Many tales are lold
of individual cases of In rnistn 11111011" niir
trnn'is at the t.-fritile hatlle of Fori )otnI-
111; lull e have heard of no gn liter hero
ry, ncting ns skirmishers. Nothing of in
terest omiirid, until their nrrivul nt nig
P. .!!...! h l...r. llm r,,,. r ri.l I i.i.'L'i id tvrrii
1. ,u'. tlm k...,t ..I .. . . i , r 1 ,,. 1 l.i- oiirl nn. til ins ri'i-eiveil lie Iin owl w' ins- ...1 .:..i. r , 1 .1 , .,rr .1 ,. 1. in i' " . . '. ------
of troops l,-,.i,i Stiite 'to State, has' 1,-in patch. hid. confinns the n'hovc: , Kt,mvll ,l,.f,t now lo he the dial!:-1 ""' 1 ""l.'s l're 'V" ' '?" J'iul t,,l he imlilic interest. "St. I.onis, April .-. (i-rge-,,,' t(1 .,(.:r ,.,,. the r,h,l Cm-rals hours cinstnict,,, a liudgo 1 uli
1..11 I ,.,,1 ,-...l 1 L,..r,.... ,, ' , . ' ... . ..' -.:..!.. r . ,i....-;,-.' l.iiHl.. .11, , .... . ., ..,'.' .!.,, ... liecn ciestmycd. 1 nc reoeis rcircaiiu ue
I'"' 1 n ..... ..., . iino is now ineriiore, very proper, y pro- "ntui, 1 . .1. . . . .n..-..- Kin ureeii meir liuces 10 ri-u.nii u'su.n.-!
I I . 1 II . . . ... .. . . . . . II... I , I. I I .IP I . I 11 II I .111,11 .. I I . II .1- . I.A.IIPt, ""
nniiieii. i.ui as 10 nny eveni 11111 coiineei- mv umi"-". "" "' -1 ,- tiou, liopiug ny niiiikiuu "in nm lunnn
ed with fulure ntii l.itions, or any iut.-'ili- The rnemy renilseil, w ith :i lo-s of Il.i.llOO. ; )(; ,,f littli'. Their success once
... nee which olivioivv would lie of 110 avail U. v . At.l.rx, M ij., L h.A.
lo tin! enemy if it ti ll into his ham
mull I'llnud the press is as entirely nt
At uliout ii 011 Sunday afternoon, the reliels ),;,,.; ''in (;,.L. so,, Incatue general nlong
succeeded m lorcing our h it. wing, so as to nl, to tl. With tcr-
occuiiv two thirds of llii" Ii' Id. nnd wife ..,1 1,. ,,, ,, .1,,. mv flitis Mcf'lcr-
is what J rend in the winks of creation " , "n'1''"'!,' "'"y l'"i wai.l with n desperate 1mwy Sherman's, mid lliiilhurfs divis-
. . . degree 01 coiilni.-iiee, 111 meir cuoris in
' Tin; ash M 11.11 auy Nkws A drive our forces into the river, nt the same
mistake seems lo have ohtained place in the lime they heavily engaged our right. All
iminls of tn my that the recent order l.y the , this time, mid previous to the arrival ol nm,c (1j rt.)(.s flt points
Secrctitrv ol ar restnels newtiiit,ers froin iil' ll s division, our loree (inl not exceed ,rtiiPP u-.ia worth v of
Aai'W, ilgeil lull' tri-li 'i Ills, 11 ,.,1 J.Im ,,.r nulitni'v inli lli...i,.o of in.v snrl IIS.OOO Iliell. COiltcildill'' Ul' lilisl a force of ,., ',,1, 1,..,.r for the Illulailllteil
. . I . ... ... .1
IOI11, nllhollL'li t'-rriDiy J-lll'-n llinu me 1'ie
vious dav's liu'h'ing, still maiiitaiic-d their wnti nt Fort Dnlielsnn. Ihe resist
strong, mid the approaches diflicult. Thd
enemy was 111 force, unil the water Untle:
ries of Vorktown nml Gloucester wcrtJ
inucli increased. Tln rc was sharp firing
on the right, Imt no dainnge was done. It
si etiied plain that mortars nnd iige guns
must he Used fur nssmlliiig.
Another despatch received nt 10:30 tliii
inorniiig states ihut Vorktown must full
without n siege in two or three (liiys. Som
outer works have hcin taken.
(Jen. Wool telegraphs that Miigrudof
had ,10,000 men nt Voiktown.
On the afternoon of SJumluy, Ship Point
had hciii taken, our giiidionts shelling out
the halti'iies. All fni tined places of ifn
pnrtance, hefnre Voiktown, will he taken.
Tiie followieg is 1111 nccount from ofTicinl
dVpatclus to the Secretary of Wnr:
That portion of the nrmy of the I'liloinnd
recently couciiitratcd nt Old Point, ad
vanced on Fiidav morning in the direction
th. hi .l.ihu
vnii.i l id nl I'.ke euiititv. iiiiums. wliii Nieh is not the siniil or intent u tin- order. 00, dim reliels. fnnrn.'p of our troons. nnd the (Ircadlul
. . .' 'Ci 1 1:.. .; i.t ..f . I I ! .... W i-i(l. ( ( 1,,niiiiiiil.ip nf I his I In. 1 . ... . . 1 1 l. ft ! tl,.rf
w -us III ciiliiliiinv 1 i ol die I lliuois I'.inhlli. 1 in 1 1 n 1 11 11 11 1 1 1111 01 iin iiiu. 1 iin 11 1 01 iioniis p..... ...p., v.. (,.st rnCUOIl irouuceii in nin i"'i",'i
t:i lid. IV of llie luill If. he Was acVerelv
Wnilinli I III II11
,,ts, in point of The ri,.l,t was nssigucd to
a Ii' Iter cans Moirill s hr gnde, of Porters Division, with
., , ,1 j! 2 coiupniiies f tlie .'id Pennsylvania cuvnl-
i-l't hl'll-t
y 1
1.-' II to Hi" .vut ".1 Ml. lie I. ii tn I tlie
nr." mi 1 rv Im-T With the Wnuiidi d, and .
c.iiii-iiI.Ii d to llnetnr lillll-i il. I III eX Itlllll-
1 In-. :i-l, he I. miii. I llu- luill Inilgi .)
1 - 1 1 -r tin' sum, nnd ipi el..)' ilrawmg his
kniie e'.tr.ieti-d il. Then, remarking that
was imt niiieh hurl, said he guisi-d he
Mini, .1 ".1 luiek 11'. d gne Hit' ri i.eis nimllier
ti'iiil. I ii king up ll liiii-iii t lioui one ol
tlie sl'i.ii .he iiihaiii'i d 111 liinit ot tlie line
if h s i nmpany and liied. Tin; next in-
t int he reei iVed a luill full in the fnrehi-iid
,1 . . ... r 1 1 ..... 1
mi l illi'l'ln' 1 Ueil'l 11 "HI llie 1 1 I-1 . i-m il
. . 1 .1 1 .
are tin' young h roes w no-e lives nre so
frei lv given to the caii-e ol our mtrv.
O i'l I ll -Oil" nf the nil ions fuels re-
vi-nleil hy the pi.lilu'atiiui of custom hoiM'
Is we W,i,'t..n, Apr.l H -Midnight.- he -ronn.l there Imt oiir left, under Nelson , h l
l.hi r- War Deparlineiit has receiyed dispatches , ,ir;v,.,2 them nnd hy 1 1 o-.-U had , . rvtr,.at0(, Mt ar.
cciurining the news of the light nt itts- .,.r.(,.,l,,l , flat kin- tie ..1 and f j , ;, ,,,,,, T,;C m3;n ,)0(lv 0f oar
our skirmishers to liowuru Ln-c-K,
where they had some abandoned rnrtll
wotk-J. Shots were here fired hr the reb-
ly us In lore. '. I.ohi.1 Piiiiornil
lair-.. I.anilmg on Siiii'lay. An overwln Iin- their liattrr es
.vu.xii o l.y way ot l oiiina anil .vinti- in,, n.0 of reliels, under lieatingard, ut- nnd forced them.
..iiiilhi. we have some must imi nitant in- tucked our nrmv. nml the haltle lasted from desticrate (flort. ll-inforceiuetils
SiiiiiIiiv morning until late in tlie afternoon (Jon. ood and l nomas coming in, regi
r 1 if Mii'nihiv ri.tiltiti" in the conitilete de-' mniit Iiv ri .''.tiieiit was sent imttieiliiittly to
rested here fur the nipht, while Mor-
Thev ralli. d 0:1 the h ft.
. - , 1 ... .1.. . nrmv
ciV.S l.irwurn 111 unoim 1 , . , , , ,.,i...r,.ri,L
from ' r I'i.niii- iiiii.nii.tu .v ui...w,a',ni, v
nun s iron; 1 nsmown.
leingelicc. Mliiony morning uin i i ne in me. .......1....... ,,cs. 0011 ann 1 i...i.m.s i" r 1 n .,-(.l,i, k on Satun aV moriiillv'. the
The Allies are to make a new loan of ' M'"(J:y. in the complete -de. mint hy reg.inent was st'!1 l,ZTnc to ' "s in k
. ,, , feut of th" rebels, with heavv loss on both ,,. l;,i,ll, who had ngnin cotii'mtiCid to t! rm-mv's works at
X-.:,1,,.00,Mo Mi, cuablehcr to ,,. ,,,,. w ,,!, two divishms of (lrivi, t! ,y in turn. f 1 UlU'. flUl Si S.' jS'w
piy olT her old debts. ,j, r,y, arrived during the light, 1 hail , About ?, 0 clock in the nfti n.onn, t.. n. ; ( pin'm's. and the 3d and 4th
The Allies mi' to form n Provisional it not 1.1 111 lor this, the day iii'ni nare (j rant mile 10 the leu, mm iiimnu ". ,uni m :,U Mavsiichusetts bat-
(Ji.vernment, to eml'ire f..r live vears, uu- r.-Mlll.N d.sastron-iy 10 me rcuerai cause. : M,eN m.II wnwring, sem a
tlur lines were driven in nv me niiuch, nui ouiiv guard 10 neaii 011 cui-n.
der their sujiervisioii.
Nobody to have a right lo vote on the
organization of the Provisional Govern
tnetit except citizens who have property of
resulted d.sastroii-lv to the I-eilerai cause. r,.)rN. still wuvering, sent a pori . ., . - . . ,., .,,; mis:,;,, renlth,!? to
I nt 11 ri . . . . . r .. .;... ),. .!,..
, ill- , .1 i ... Hie SUUIC 110. Ill until . nun uiv .-ii'.v "iiv
us our reserves were brought forward, the ,ents were the,, ordered to charge across U T)(, tnmi0llll(in. con.
Inst ground was rapidly regained. ; the lield. (ieii. Grant himse.f h ading with . U jlt,.rm;s,ion nn(if
The r.illowing is the 'ronuiMieu so .., u,,.. -" " - ; dalk. AiM),lt 40O sliots w-rc fired by both
tables is, tint tin re wen- imi orti d into ii value of f .' 00li.
dm cnunliy la. t year nOsi.tiiH) pounds oF The P.ritisli or Frencli nre lo occupy tlie
ni.ii:ii in ims m mv 11 is csuiiiiiii 0, purts ol .M i.iit.ait, rMiu lilas nnd Acapuico',
tiiiin n h able data, t'n it ii"l more than cue- i , llssi,t j,, foll.-ction of duties; nml to
, nth U u-i-d for liiediciinil purposes. The .,,),.,. iturrisotis wherever thev mav be
ubit of eating opium is known lo lie
'.ri'ii lin ' raiiidlv 11111011.' law v. rs, I'.octors, ' ;a i 1,0 ..I, ,.1, , (or five vears undir the tiss's bngad
lerviii.-n, and hl.r.ny ineii, nnd ecorinnns 'rvi,inid (Jovcrnmetit.
LI,iCH"0, .April ' --ine liuio,iig is ine-. , P1i ,;,
, . ... ;, 1 ,.r 1, t w 1 c canuoii-oaiis . 11-iinni'r "'""
only nccount yet received of the battle nt ; fl
1 it.sburg Landing: j wllit.h wfls ,,canl )0ve the roar of battle,
1 hn-e hundred ol the -Joth M.ssoiitl un- ,,,, r .,,. , fm,
p.- 1 ,!,Upl,.;1..eJinilt!'eubt'!.sfl.d in dismay, ns from u
Hl VH.ll. 1 I V II Hi-
r I.e... I reiitiss commenced the eiigage- nvalanotl0( nmJ 'did r.nt make
,,,t by attacking the advance guard of ' . - . .
ie rebe s, w 1 ell was .supposed to be mere- 1,1 ,,l,u r ml'"' ;V ' " . ..
1 1 , r.i ... -ri,,. t, ;,, 1 who e rebel arinv followed liitull 10
the Pickets of the enetiiv. 1 he rebch in . . - , . , , ,,.,
. . . .. i, ..... .... ..i..'.. i... .. 1 oriutn. wiiii our cainiM in n.'i 1 ".."
lieeileil or orileriM iiv me 1 resnieiii n 110 0rce iliiuiediauiv advnneeu on i.ieii. 1 nn- . . .u ;. ,i ,.,.t tunim
tiss's brigade, which was Rationed on the "' ""'.' , ' C lllte.
. " 11 r. . .. tt .. ..r1 It is impossible to estimate wlial iiiiiil
1, It wing, puring volley nftcr wdh -y of,
...iiAolei. HI,1 r-.l.l Miif HHP l'fl!lll Willi"'1 1 1
llll-l ll 1, lllHI n I
parties during the nny. llie loss 011 our
side was- 3 killed m.d .') wounded. The
position of the rebels is 11 stroii? one. From
present nppenrnrees their fortifications ex
tend two miles in I rgtb, nnd mount heavy
cuns. The ground in front of their works
is low and swampy.
WVliington. April S Arrangements
are fully completed for the rapid construc
tion, bv Fricson, of six boats siniilitr to
... .. . . . .. rw.
cvt, that it Un l:.rtrf umont.t. Tin ir wliulo tin Ji.vntor, imt ol lurrt r si7A iron
i ; 1 ii' n me in' n " uu .. 1 1. 11 n. r.,H..n.. i.
. 1 , , ... ......... ItiT F.ev. Andrew tiiven t, . rutin rs, re- grape, ea.i:M.r, ami sue,,, vu .0,.-, , , -
,,, ni a,. "V"1."' .,"i(,,lllv(wul loTuiks Island, has been r..nne.l into lu.i.. nturned the Hie vigor-, (t(m. pri0;i,rs ? inches thick. To .uard rgninst ..ll pos
mi',.s in t'ie siio.eis mni grin-erics inai in-. ' . . ... ... . ,. .. mNv. nnd ' the wc were preparui , ,., ..,t;,.,t. kn,l,. .n.,tiii..en.'ies the cnsitiL' of llie tow
1 appointed to a similar position nl Martin- (() U'm , ,,. ,,,,,,1 their
f,-,t every city an. I v.ll.i in the country
T 1 I'm 1 sr ll 'ii-i:s Kii kim; A sub
scriber of 111" Ciiau'r ; (i'i"i'em el, being
p i - d of U l.nrv th .I would kick every-: ,u 1MS rendered valuable service lo
ll. ii,- tn pieces ii. the st .lilc that he could t,,, (j ,n iiiiincnt, mid will do so ngaiu. -
r-1. h. and h iving Ion id a n i lv I'T ll, T. ",ii llnniblunn of iishuiL'ton ,,. rrd, I,. . IT, ct mid deterinincd spirit I'V 01
. .11. r ir. Ii... 11, mv Ihiiim such n fetter- ,1.:. t .....'.-ii.. ...,.l l.,i,,r K, r,.vi. infantre mid artilli I'V nlolii the W hole Ll:C
' - .' '"r. .' ' I ins , 'III 1 e .'I nil 1 1 1 I uu.. .
dene. ) says: " A better iipjioiiitinciit n
not have been made, nor one more nc
ihsn ved. The presence of tiie private
s; I... I,, il.,,! .'i iiilers it n not .villi t, rrible slaiiL'hti r. soon rallied nnd
nl hundred, union.' them (ieii. ! ers ol the new vcs-els is to lie 11 inches
. . . ...
in.', w I; pi'.n.', Initigiiig caaiiis mm
f,.r hail lo kiik iigaiiist, ic ,) sends the
- nn In tlinl journal, ll is simply fasten
in; 11 short trace chain, about two feet
jeig, bv a strap, to i nch hind foot, nnd let
him do his own wh pping.
j..;- A Stnrv with a mural is lold by
tic Frnnktnrt Cctninoiavcaltli. Old (iov.
Shelby, win n in pursuit of Gen. Proctor,
w as ad. Ir. ss, d by 1111 aid with the remark
th it it was a tvn bid iuy. It w is rain
ing nt th" linn a cohl wind blowing from
the lakes, nnd li"'
ni . . ..r i- .'.... ..1 ' 1 tit. . . .. .i.e. . . . ..r v.-l. -
nine. 1 ne siaic ui .nr. 1. 11. nun-is iii iuin naviest ire 011 llie leli nnii ccnier ui ,iiu-, ,- . ...'. 1 ,. ,l..,. ,1 - .1-
, , , , ..... .i . , . t- 1 I rent iss. who is iiimi mmm-u """"""' 1 n..i..
forbids his return to pastoral labors, and man s division, nnd drove our men lank ., ,'. inrhides the ! ..,-. , , r,t.Pl-
.... . r,. , .1,. ;r .'...'ii..- MiiiLMii.' nt. fresh forces I he killed 011 tlie no. I siul 1111 uni' s A W as ung on corrispomlcnt ot the Cal-
necsitales his reilidence in a warn, regain, f '''I"-, ''""-'"r"' " ' ' ' ' rotntnaiiiler-in-chief. A. Sidnry Johnston, ,. . ,,, ,, . m' ., nrc .,;
7 1 ! J .. , r con man of "n ! L" -ns struck by a eannon-bal on Sun-, ; ' ' f,iv;,r of llamii ,8 SoutlCrll
( m l " 1 fi e was Umie I """ T""e 'f n ''T' " ,,,,S " ' forts with black soldiers, in order to Shvo
, , ' ,, f " Z "1 lv . ! '" ns ,,l, f:,rt " e'? '-v rV',ni1 : from the sou.hen. climate white soldiers.
terrible.aT, it 011. ... v ( r , 0flicm taken. It is forth. , V.M . mmn f.,llmI;l,;nnV1)r .taiemcnt.
I;;;;, r'";:pr
, s div.sion was throw,, for wan. to m VWMM Inforni.H.,.n had been recotrrd af Xrw-
1 support the center, when a desperate con-; ( ,llt it hern. Unit the rebels had eonoentrntid a
lUu ll-et euMied. '1 he rebels being driven hack ;w , ;tatc ,lfi ,:,. considerable nrmy, variously estimated t
Among them nre Gen. Lew allace, iro.n .0 uuo 10 w.w;, ..... n.ui u..
n ... i - a I. H mi,,!.. iiii'luirn nf an iViril
VtilS IU Hf Iil'll 11 'VII .17" 11 ill 11
is 1111
..ft,,.. s;i,;n.i- nml up ... ,.h,.l to drove Inn k our men ... turn irom .'ouom , ..... . i...i,....i;ors
' I-" I ...... 1 .11 ..nil, I nti 110 H'l. 1 in. v.... .' ,. l'i... I.-. ......... ...nt- nr.l! ., tn nn r
know ihnt this res sibihiy is give, to . -what tl.e r-:-lt kiW; M,,j. Goild,, or . .c ot , 2; ,: ;V r iW,
1 j - 1 r .i.ll 1 .vttriti niiiii1 i 1 1 iiM . iinui. 1 "
. . . - 1, I III. .'l, v - -
Mr. Ciiiuliiers, whose experience in con- 'v011j(n
I Col
II.-v. Ol. I Mil ;ni, hi 1111; . ... - .. (
Kvle. of the 41st 1ml., CI. Davis, of with conhdeneo f e spirits of onr fold-
The result of the battle
. expect, is not ques,
i.dcrstooil that Gen.
... .A
,ot H.rniiirli the F.urnsidc believed that the rebels would
.1 ....1. .11 .. ..-mm ... 11 en i rs nre exceiiei'i.
our hft with np- mJ' ... i.,r;lf.... which thev evidently expect, is not ques,
vu:: . r.r i:,ve 5i,.wrt. ; ti....i. n mt g.
1 l.ieis, nil- "ii . -
I . I .1 . .1. Il.n
sular innltelN. untiring cnergv, prudence, The rebels exhibited renin kaliie genet-.
.... 1 - .,.;,.. .ink- .m iii. i' bin. fur ihe -iils-hiii" nt times e!iL':i"ir.J
lino coin nui , v niiiii '" 'i j - 1 . . ,. 1 '
' paivntlv their whole force, they would slid-.
no t. ; 1 . . ...11.. .1 i;,... .ni
. 1 nn v mien a icrrnnv ..isiiiiin.i in-. i,
1 ' . . 1 iicumi oriL'iiinei, -" .. ... .. , .... ..i.:.. im-
I'lniir Fn.on Mux Sr.invt:ii to 1': atm. our center nnd rigni. rani "m , ' hrent on Suudav but remained on the ' ntt.icK nim; nmi ...nine i.'
-A Fort l,M,clso corrcspoi.deiit states m.d most deslrnctive tire .'" w 'k 1 (i.-KI .lurin- MoiuL.y. Gen. Sherman had i portnnt prennratiou for holding Ins pos.--
nml Ihrnn dasl. of. U.t the bodies of several Union men, on : V, Z.Z; '0 nttilkiv I to horses k.IIc, nmU-r ...m nn,, ocner ,
.inn mi . I'lile'iinl . ....... v....i"-u ll'l'l,.. ' , 1 I ll....,nrt I, ml lilllh-l holes ft"i x- TS ..I.......1 1,.. lies.
s'.'i I mni snow, w ill. deep mud under foot j .vm., ,.0u!d be found no wounds, were d;s-: . .1..,.., ,.VlU j St.res, nnd the breach 1 .". ... I .,:, Jn,.nn.l!r I'.iwnn North
' , - .. . n. , . llirOUiTII unil .-.oiiie-i. 1 Oillllies 111. 111 s-o - -
bad day, do you call it?" find Gov. ' ,.vercd in the Dover jail. It was suppos- i wou, be Idled immediately, the hum Hunter. 2J.1 HI., waskillcd; Cul I C'uroliiin. "J(.tl. Mnrch. He snys; The f.l-
iivis, in , ,.. .1, nn 10 i nshini'inii. v . ti'iin-iinn
1. I.!. I. Ill I1. .. 1 I .....I m'tti
11. in., 0 ('live Vi.sSCIS O.IU one liunsn,ii, ni' 1
'th lib. i no resistance, except from obstructions iri
0110 01 ,t. r;v,,r u n he nrr.veil lie loniui u.e
iliot iifT r I 1 ... ... .1 .I.,.., ,1 nml llm nmtillinitioil
1 1. ' lien, liraill s si-oiiis, in .,.i ""- uu " -
Hill it .
Shelbv, " I wish, sir, it was five times ns ,,, ml t.. ,r, t.iUr starved or ,,i.o-, desperate fiiiiiJ took W'2!''";ils,J, ' Logan, lStl. Hi'., nnd Cob Davis
Mv,,;.,,,i,,,Tr ,,,,,,,,.,, t;ttWMW-l
I would the. certain of catching I roc- , u , lxMti them. Ihe lerio Haute j i,;,,,,!,,. , ,!,,,, their chances for sin- j'' W(,Jt1M; Cll), Clll.s01,(
lor, fur I tcwUIr- mc'M.7"" irnul.h't: : J)r,,,t( without apparently having hoard the n,ss wolll i)t) cxtreinely doubtful. At . 0 " 5 r.tit scouts, head was el
, 'above parliculars, states that one ol me oVInck they nan mrceu
-jy-The rebels have tHlabbshed powder ,l,nt , .lace ; so ns to occupy fullv two thinls of our
u Virgiiii,., South Ciin-lin.., liu.rgi,, l' 1 ,k f ' " nllp, ,,,, we're li.hnng their way forward
J,,.,, -, u ml have uu .ibundanee f , id that, last mmr, lit with' desperate degree of eonlidcnce n
Ai,..,an .,, 111. 111 l))i(,n iik(,n uil C(m(im,(1 nl PoVl,r leu- ti(.r (,rt.)rU , , t!ll. nv.-r At
t.mvi er. such IIS .I IS- a "' """
. 1 f lll'Ssl
. 1 1 ..1! .. i.,.ii..r As 11 1 evidence o. 1 -
l.Oll ll'-lien ... ... I -. I . .......
,i, it mav be slated .Imt nmny nf Hi" , M Ae tU h
lime tlu-y heavily engaged our
Fed. nil soldiers wounded ni run won-is...,,
, , led llu, buckshot ouf of their merely
kin d'-cp wounds
Hi...:.. PlllsnNUi-l (.'IIIKIIIV'I IOII THU
till. Telinesseii reg.ilicnt pnssei
.1 .. ........ M.ialn
'""'i'y f"r 1 W"' ,,W . ... I iv I will take Lonisburg
to nil they could .Ir.nK ' , ,., Iliss 0r )mw
ll 1111 llll'l' 1 '" - -
... 1 .. 1 'ri.-..
c and literally starved loucum. tn.s ,h() Slim(,
a thorough invcsligatioii. right.
I r,. i. ibis t hue the rcinforeemenis w men
I . . . . 1 1. . 1 ... ;-.,.l
..... ,1... f ....ii'ii.i. I . ... ..1 .
tv- Ji1.t1.rv delays im nenuj .ii .i..v I , , nrwnrn mm nm m"'i
great loss of life, wliilo iinpetuoidy vvi:i(,(1) iA,w Wallace's division, having luketi
... . .1 ! . ..1 ... 1 1.. w.. .li-.i.!. .'onsiihitton ' i n. wi'oiil' road iro.n me cum 15 ..unnni.
will.oui ine i.ssisiuiiiu wi sacrilii 0 1,1 cm on. iis, -s -
1 .. . .:. ..: .t.if .ll ..,.,1 u lii.ii
... . .. r . ,. 1, nt .'uini' 111 inn 1 iiimiiiiiii,, .......
fro,,, the" inimitable l.xclncss o. M..n ... ;." .- (,f
1 our iirniies from the following incident. 1 , ., t,.,,sl,rts used for the
' ' ,.,;, (nn 'hum-1 When the Knghsl. and forces ,,rul:lst,r ,! Commissary stores, nnd
M1,shl.lo. ,n,ugton ( HI.) ' ' i . ( r ,r Lonisburg, in the old French I , ,,v wvn ,00 heavily hide., lo carry any
.,,. says when .he rebel prisoners of the ( I In f 1 - - , . M w r,)r(,
.,,,1, P ssee rc.ii.ient passed through 1 r, Gen, oil. , imimlu ni . . , (M 0Kls r ori.t.
( to Gen. Amherst, ... (oi.ima.m - 0... " I , .,.,,;,, jjs.oOO, while that of the
. 1 you will allow uu,, 1 will U.KO .,..iiis..i.,k 1 , m,ny Wll() Up,vrds of (lO.olHi. Utircon
, V 1 : ivin.r in 11 rorlntjim, wiimmi mo 1 ditHiniurauiu mm , ...........
" r'" rUvn "" - ' " I will take it in His weeks without
M,.j! Page, foil. HI., killed; Gen. Grunt r(.)0Vcd. After luinlinir be proceeded tJ
uiiiniih il sli.'htlv in the nnklc; (Sen. .rt Hon,,, nnd raised the American
Smith, severely wounded; Col. P ftbody, ! The nuthor tii expressed deep of
2."ith Missouri, severely wounded; Col. Cur-1 f,vi;on f,,r the old Union and animosity td
t'i's neting Urig-Gen'. shot through the j in enemies, especially toward tlio troop
ri.-ht shouhler; Lieut. -Col. P.....oin, I nu ; f,-0n other Stntes.
... ... .ii
taj Captain MhUo oi me re...-, in......
W,w..s rccc.lly en.lurl by Uio dulf
l.l.nka.linrf hMi.i..I.'H. white ho was on a
,id,ig excursion, M-ys Hint "'t';r I0"
plenr rprise.l .hat Pierre Sonle takes
' rlwi.h .I-.' South. l nsa Doug-
,;,.,, nnd has been usknl.o uk. l.i.
,lt preen., he rt,fr ",U
Cnptain him M f' ,v Hint Hie ',,in" of Mr ,
the withdrawal m i .('"-
loss of one mni.!" d Jm did so.
Puoci.AVurios.-Olil Hthnii Allen made
the following brief proclaiimtioi. lo the re
l(.lis town of Guildford, Vermont, In
1780, during the revolution:
1' I, l-:tl.nn Allen, (looluro
that if the inhabitants of the town of Gmb
rrd do not Instantly mid peiicably unbuilt
to tlio (..institutional authorities of the
Slate of Vermont, said town shall hu ren
dered ns tlio cities ol Sodom nnd Goiimr
ra,,y ! Kta Au.ks.
llistorv tells us Hint tlio Uinunordisis
T,e lubebted..essolthoo..thto ..oi'tl.- , ,.(H.llimilti0 ...ul very sensibly
. .. .. ....... for troods. In esl.llliiti'd to,
vri -ni.
I'lii iiim'iminf, km K""" ;
niiiiMi!it to wnm),mw
i nc.iiie
of men were punic struck, and others worn
ouf l.y hard lighting. Gen. (I rant and
stiilT 'rccklesslv riding; ninong the lines Uu
ring'lhe entire dnv, niniil nn increiiiaiig
storm of bullets, grape, end shell, we-o in
citing the men to stand firm until reinforce
ments could cross the river.
In the evening, Col. Webster, Chief of
the StulT. got into position me ncaviesi
..I.'..,. r nrtillerv. pointing on the enemy's
right, whflu ii h.rge .iiunb't of batleries
nbinted tl... entiro line, from
the river's bank, on the northwest, to the
extreme, right, two miles ami n nan iiisiuuv,
A nn l.otir before dusk a general can-
,,,,, liiur was oneneil oll tho enemy along
our wholo linn, with the perpctunl crock of
musketry. For u short tune me rcons
rrplied vigovou ly nnd rITfelivele, but their
Illinois, wontided Imdly in me ncnu; inn
1 Ith HI. is the regiment that went in the
fight at Ft. Donelson with 840 men, nnd
eaineout with ID'.; dipt I Si',
dpt. Mace, 5th, dipt. CnrtT, 11th, III.,
killed. ,
Our loss is vnrionsly rstiiiinteil killed,
wounded, nnd missing-nt from 10,001) to
2(1,000; while Hint of the rebels is twice
Unit number. This, however, must be
crently exaggerated. Our force in the
Mondnv was about SO, 000.
line loss on SunditV wns heavy, enibrnc-
ing ciiinp e(iiipnge nnd 150 field guns. Hv
2 o'clock on Monday p.m. wo had retaken
our cniiip ciuipng(t nnd batteries, together
with 40 or the enemy guns,
fairo. Aiiril lb A dispntch from the
Tennessee lliver says: Tho loss of tho en
emy is much Inrger thnr. reported, me
retreat of the rebels on Monday was a
regular Hull Hun one. A Inrgo force of
cnvnlry wus in purnit. At latest ndviecs
thev hud not returned.
'Hie shnrp shooters of llie enemy did
terrible execution upon the odieers.
Gen Strong, coniniamler of this post,
is sending every boat he cm. to brinifdown
the wounded. Dispntches hnvo been sent
to tho Governors of neighboring Stntes
siid to the Siinitiiry Committee for nurses
for tho hospitals.
It is thought IJuell woul l be in potvorc
Ion of Corinih by Tun-day.
l'liis fi elinir bus caused the iibnndonmelil
of the defenses of the place, followed by
the destruction of the Confederate prnpir
tv bv the people. Tho woods nnd swamps
in tlie vicinity were represented os full or
r. f.igecs. The people ore le'ilcr in their
dciiuneiut'on ngn'nst secession, nnd prom
ise a regiment, if culhd for, to aid iri tho
restoration of tlio (lug.
Wheeling, Vn , April W-A telegram
received stales that the rebels nre retreat
Ing before our forces under den. Milrny,
who has ndvni.ceil from l-nnii aiouu... ,.
nnd now holds Camp Alleghnnv. lately
evncnntcl bv the ('onfed-rutes. 1'ho rcb
els had fallen bnck Iron) Monterey and
llnnNvillc, nnd seem lo bo aiming for a
situation where they will have railroad es
cape. The UtrahV despatch snys it hng been
ascertained Hint Hie rebel lenders ro gricv
ously disconcerted by tho change of pro
linimine, mid the disposition of tho nrmy
ol tho Poto.nnc. They hnd rnrly l.iforni
lion of the transportation of McClelhin'
onny, mipposlnir the whole Potomnc nrmy
wn to bo withdrawn from this vicinitv.
In that event they hnd nrrnnRcd fort
bold dash ngninst Washington through
Mnrylnnd. Jnrk'on's enmmnml wh to
1....1 ii.a nnii rorisi.. It wus expected thfl
'r.'bel jvtnp'thinri In llnrtsnd would