. . 1 . KATKS Ol'1 AUVKHTISINfJ: One uaro (twelve lion, or leas, brevier mensaroi one inaerlion $ 3 00 ICac-li auliseient iam-rliun 1 00 CusineHacarda one year SO 00 A liberal deduction will bo loa.lo to I hone who advertise by the year. t?'" The iillinber of inaerlioni should bo listed on the margin of nn advertisement, otherwise it will be publadicd till forbidden, and charged ac cordingly. tfSJf" Obituary notices will be charged half the ubuve rut. "f advertising. t'"JoB I'iuntisu executed with nealnesa and dispatch. I'nijmriit ftir Jub Printing must le ori drlirmi nf llir vurk. OllKdON AlKiUS. Til K in i. Ol' SUIISCIUI'TION. ,,111., fui niilinl l '" lilliii ZZ f r "'"' ;. , I" " ., iii 11 111 l,t rhma'd if '"' I" 'If' ;"- ' "' 0"'r- l)Mn will I" r'"f'' l"r "x Juiiiiiliniiril until nil Mi-Mlr j" "' "" "f "" I'"'''"'"' - A Wci-kly N(:VHiajMT, (Ii-voIim! to the Interests of tlx; Laboring Classes, and Jul vocatiny the side of Truth in every issue.- Vol., VII. OREGON CITY, 0 UK (JON, A P It I L 12, 1 80 2. No. III rt'" vram Mm ttlirr. s, y. I'itv, W. T Miin-li 7, 'HI lnlll'O will. I I'd llltillllltiotl ('(III- . . .1 X.I....I uiirni iii iy l"s'' 1 " 1 M.-'j-c. Vo nro ,,w st t'omphlcly I'l"1'- Jul hv tli" illtrr Wl',,1l"'1' 'lllH sot.to III'' hiiow being lit present from pull lo It'" ',','t ''" 1 . ,ml w"" hicali . ii :. u-ihl to be tnoro lliiui twice that Wii.vr Mis-iorni Has Il.m:. TIki ro t port erf Adjutant Ucncrul Harding to (Jov, i.ti iti- i ... .i.moi i o. .v.iKsomi, pmccs nun M,llc. in Wu , tml t10 A rmy of t)l0 Ullioll coll. 0f America that their chief leader is a mm. llll.llirillllll llMUllllll IIU fit n 111I...H ..r J ' l ' ' ''. IIUHI'll I 1l IIII.-II The Army of llir 1 lim. liy lliu report of tlio Secretary of War, The Man for the Hour. It in certainly gratifying to the people' she Iiiih supplied for the war, On the !2d Hint)) of (500,5(71 men. Hero is o force of tried integrity, ami spotless character, i.OiiU nir.ill.-il themselves that day, - lut1) ft1(, nM,,ui()UH , , , ov,rl(jm ,,, (lll(J d.-durefl his views on the great prinei in the rom-sc of a r.ii'lmuht I .'00 men . . I -;.,.,. ! ,. r,r,u : , !,. world -larger than that witli which Ai.kx- pics and politics of Iho country, t i. re were ., : I .....,! "'. i ' . . ... . i .. ..-..i.i ..... A'. . i.: ... ,,.j,tli, nnil H't """"'"fi k .t rt , Inward the ipintn (.r rcniin -iits which aniikii eo.i.picrcd the earth-live tunes as ( many w no coiim nui uism ilh luit liillu intermission night and l.iy. ( tlic MiiIh whs to furnish. Ivirly in May large ns any that C.i:s.iu ever fought with , Hons, and consider his pot of April, in answer to tliu lWulcnt'ii pine-1 which, next to that or Russia, is the larg-; ns far as li is past cureer and present cvi- i i:.... i .. . t . 1 ..... ... ii .ii i. . r J ....... :n . . ... i ii 1 1 1 m 1 1 1 hi , mi' .t.Miiiii at ni, i.oiiis was vni iii inu worm, n is n lorco Biroiig in iil jinrjiosea win liiuu.u j ivjiiii. thrown open for llm reception of troops, 1 enough, in the hands of a ureal, iinsmnui-1 When he ascended the Chicago platform I .1 nm. ...II... I il... .i .. .i .. . n nil HII'l w,"1'" t in mi' i lit ami Mill distrust Ins assevcra- cv livpocritical Wliili' I wTile, 't is uei'.'ssary lo i.t.p my : peinns was oouiiucii in ennu u reserve , ,H .rreat career of victories tini.li Ui'siittc tliu honesty uml msiiiiiiicfis imn a; l " ... . .. I . I : : . .. . .. n t....i i " (. . . lire, that il may not turn , I . " " "" " "''. .i.,... v . , .... ,i, i,.,,;,-,,!!,.,! ,.,t of his Iriends. enemies, uml a long creater of armies, ever commanded. : I rvvious lire c( rt fied to, there were his nn- j And yet, it has not lieeu called forth l.y lagonists wlio, nccoiding to their creeds was ruiM.I in St. Louis, mid at l. asl four an A i.kx ini:it a (.'.i s in or a N.ii'Oi.cnv uml plans denounced him, .UCstioiiiug his lil'.l.sniys Col. Harding, w. re (Jrnnuiis lint has soruiiL' iulo ranks at the full of the ' uprightness and even d. nying his al.ilily ; unainl.ilious Western lawyer, who lor the to preside over Hie nation. Contrary to time, is Chief Mxecutivc of the country. l''-'ir hopes mid endeavors, Abraliain Liu It is not inspired l.y the dazzling dreum of coin was elected President, mid that, too, glory that animated the armies of N.iro- ' y " unprceedentcd vote. At this result, j i.noxj it is not hlmdly mlhereiit to the lor-' the slave olignrchi-ts, North and South, j i........ ..r .. I.. ;.r,..,,w:i.i,. i,.,nl,.r it iv 'sent un u howl of disai'iiointincnt. The St l.nuis niesi uts al. Iho preiri.t dav not iiiiDelled l.v the thirst of eoiwiuest. 1 1 ' eleclion of ici n liinn was thought impos-: the irpi.t nl a i'iiiii'iI city, di nl of the . V. Jour. in ... i ill. Ilik'!'1"1' " ' .' ... I l,v Ihe 1st .ilMill.e the whiilr furei. ,.f I In , ;,. I hialin HIV oelllllilii lliermoiiieli r i . . . . . to lit- ' ' ' , stale uii.h r tlm ( oiiiniand of lien. Lynn friend, l miou i : n was ic. i , .., h(,r .,.() wlllu (, lis to a so that It is i .. -il. il... t nt ii (i'iii'Iiii' imIii A I l",vt.' I'een keeiing a nn ti n ud journal since Jan. 1st. I leel ttiis uiul tin! more so as 1 can- However, n'k'lt l, very nine! nt supply inph'ft' at pr nl To this as n.ldi d a lurtli. r nunilier of ti I miii l 'J.IIIIO of the home guard-., who were placi d ii. charge of the lines of cnmuiuuicil liuii. All these w.ru three inonihs' nn-ii. i .i . .i u r 'n... .:. ii. i...h ..I i'. .inn IlinV ri'UUlIK (lllll Hit' lliei. l.l Hill tll'.i-.l I "' '. lll'-mns nu n iiiiiiini I u'miiiv .i,'iww the severest vreath.-r """ ""' voiunieers inr me war, lire aooiii I.IIIMI. i.iii,. t,,he .hiring Sv.'M) pei"iis hml 'I'1'1' ft'1'1 'i'o.i'ii, mid Wi' lie I nn holy rcporls lnu- lately r.-a.-h- ij? Iieell fini ll In dentil, I.I i.lnf ikIsihis liavin 1 oini-on tluir wiiy from Wall.i Walla die Ihill.s, and others on Cuiu is prairie he liic.ll I,. i-l"U mid this pt.iee. Sto. k nl , kilnls lH't of Iho Casi iuli s, has Im-. ii s,.,t away hv tin' thoii'.ind, nd ..11 kii.il- f, "iiiii!nii.il lalior hiivo l.i-i'ii uin -tid 'null all "pi" n f.i ni-i-x, there nil he no ,r.'li!..Me mining lu re till May. The hit !d in-; of log hil's will how. li r lie pii-h. il nil ilh in-tiiity, as tin' w.-.tile r will prrinil. Tin- lugs are tut luor-! than a III ! nil', elul .ii.ral l;e n make a liiisin.-s.s nl . ilitnig and lln a Ii in!. eg lla in in on hand sli 'lv Tin' oik is I'.i'l, I. nl to Uf hue without i." lliir itntk nr Ul'iin y. is a st.ll haul' r pi.'li Inu ,M nn is ii rr .-oining ill ihnly, wi:h savs that the ilesohiliou ih. re can hardly ; jin,r.' in iiiij miii iiiijii in.-., m iiii; tin. .si ui i iiiiiji.v.si . ii - r i A eorrespou- is u r,,d C, 1 1 i o i in 1 (Junrd made up hy iljU, hut not that it was no longer nueer-; of ,'i"-rj,',; voluntary u.lisln.enls from the l'cople, siih- ; tain, hut u lived fact, tlu-y were apparent-j stuiuhliug r . . .1 -11-11 I .1. V...T I U" l-j.c. .1 L-i.i I til fhl-ll.l' 111. .11-1. IV i , .a ;.. il eel 10 in.) rules iiii.i (low u nv me .Miiioiiai - . ni' i i . 1 1 u 1 1 1 1 , -mi ii ii in'- iiiniuiiiiiii - . , ,. iii . : f , that linn, r,0, to "0,(1110 inhali- Congress, mid animated solely l.y a desire ,1'Wki m Ins way as poss.ole; knowing,; iiants are Mippns.d lo hale h it Ihe city, (0 defend their Government, ami rmr'ntain however, that sterling integr; ly would sur-j uing whole rows of .slons uml dwellings i,. inti-urilv of llio Union n"uiit the as- mount all oli.stiiclcs, they louiiil llieir en- :r r hl.lliki I., k. It In, k Many s! unlit Cninpal. I.llili.' laki II ill i in-, e nil lie II iv ii.aik" "-I il-s-appninl- . I V W .lhn.it lllnd-, nnd I nmlasl:.- r. pot is and liirriid in lllipr. paii d, ic. ting luiiii' ni te I iii'-nt, nii'l lo . ' U'-ie i ini'i .uing hills aloiovl Inn !nl in lln--im . il . iln . ny . nniig;. nil' I l.i'ttt. . i.T..ia or 1".!,':.. h"lM- Inn- and i IV l.llle . ilh I la. it nr (link nil I, mill, Hil l ll-al l.llli-iii-irniiiii.lv high. I was gl.cl to n.t'.'t Willi Jll'.' While, wlm in ru id n l.-w dl.J s :lg'l, n k.i.hI h ,-allh lie is pnilin r Willi Mr J tT rs nf Aioiii, and lh. v till me tfnir , rii-pi i ts me Very gnn-l Inr the si iiMin 'I'll, v are I w i un. I un ii, an, I in emeu, on ml'i lln ir fin lid", I shimhl feel gral.li' d at I' i r prn-pi r.ty I'l.iri 11" '- CilV l.oiv .iinsisln nf four h! hVi s lline allium, mid a ininilii-r nf iniii'-i'scali n Malli rul l. nn . I, all I'liilt nf l"g, niul all w, II i.ntiliili.l The oilers I.. ing put up, nr.- nf u I" Iter .pi alily The I'll ld:ng lai, have nil In en l-k. n up r ei.rh il, and filliid ill. So. lie lire fur sal.' Ill fl "III loo , ji.Mlll, hill lil'i't of lh' in are il.t li.tcd In Ih'IuiiIi on ly the owner them-'lf's The ll. in.-. 10 hy Till f. . I The town s le is ill . In. s. n, h.-ing on gently rolling gmnml uml i-.-i.lr.il in the diggings tlur ft'ir. s re nl pr. . lit tint (KHiily Mipph.d with liiir.haii.l .'', hut pr.nisii.us are seaicist of nil I'lniir only n few 'in ks on hand, mid that n .I'.lhir pound. No Laenn no Vain no riee no npph s no eolT'-c no liiitter -aml Oh! Mmili.'r iln tu no mi ar This is worse than nil the r-t. l'Ul l.r nr ..nl ilni a I lint p lint seen sine.' 1 wilhmil an neeiilialil. I his is II il" even oil the principal strecK 11 is slated as a fact thai elegant stores which I it year r.-nled ,.r S I H ill n r milium, now lease at the lale nl per ni'vith, un. I a I .rge pro pni liim of cil.'i-ns lire alile to pay nothing at all Aeliiily is only d'-' rvalile in llie inoveini nl of troops mid military prepara tion.. What is nnr civil war i.li'iul? May wall l,e a-hf'l hv the people and as Well answered that it is nl unit lie' right nf pr.ip.rly in slavi s, h-Id l-v nn nri-toeiacy, who lo'iu oiilv al mil u I dri dth pari ol lln- popula tion III h. half of 4'iis ur -lO'Tal e class and its properly the war was liegiin, and it is protracted at nn cxpeiis. of two millions nf dull ars d uly, lieeaiise the I'.-op!.' cannot make up lle ir minds to interfere with the In i iihar I'l'n ih c-s of this fractional nrisloe- r.icv, imlwilhst . Hiding tiny are almost in arms to on ill.row the repulil e. smilts of a wanton niul haughty revolt. 'deavors fruitless, and the .Southern The Oilier World. It lien around v like a cloud A world wo do not w-c ; Y.-l llie w'i.'i-t cluiing of an eye May bring us lli.-ro to be. lis genllo bn cii fan oar check ; Ami. I our worldly curs, In. penile voicea wliisx-r love, An I mingle wilh our nr.iy.-rs. Swi-et liearU nrouail us thrnli and beat, .Sweet helping IiuiiiIh are stirred, And iu!i (aU- llio veil b- lwern Willi brialliingi almost heard. Tin- a'l. nee aw-fal, sweet, mi l culm They lu.vc- 110 mw. r to break ; l or inoilul worila are not lor thnn To utlar ur i.irilie. Ho lliin. an Bofl, to nvi-cl, thy gli'Ie So near lo preM lliey Kneiii They aeeui to lull u In nnr I. !, And melt ialu our dl.aia. And in the hash of real tliey br n 'Tia e.wy now to see, Ilmv Imiiiy and how w t-t u pJsa The hour of death may be. To close the eye, and clea j the ear, Viuiied in u Irance nf blira, And gently drawn in loving arms, To awaiii I'i ll.nl from thia: S'-nrei- knowing if we wake ur le;i Seuree asking where we are, To feel all oiil kink uwny, All sorrow and ull euro. Sweet souls around lis ! w ttel. m at.ll, I'reaa nearer t" our a.de, Iain our ihougliin, int.i ua.' prayers, Will, gentle helping- glide. Lei di-i.ll. beiween us be at naught, A dric I and bani-hed stream : Your joy be inu r. nliiy. Our anil-ring life the Urcaui. Late Eastern News. TWO M01U-; U.MO.X VICTOUIKS! l-'miiTixo os the Missrssiri-i! The (iliO.OOO soldiers are not devoted 'of the extremists at once l.egun Ihe disinte-; ;,,,; ,,r .Y. Y.l.Mprndcnt to llio fortunes of Mr. Lincoln, nor the support of the parly that placed him in power; for, were the war i-nded lo tnorrow, they would nturil pcaceuhly to their homes, and, tit the next election, might vote ngainsl Mr. Lincoln's parly, mid place another man in the posiliou he how occu pies, lint they lire devoted lo their conn- UoOli Fuit Selti'LI-K (jell. Schofpf np iration of the nation. This attempt ntj once called into exercise the most energetic ; and masterly talents' it was now to he ! pears to lie lis much ut home in the cur,c:- communication with the town. 1 whether Ahraham Lincoln was oy business, ns m ng .ting o.u ao ,,. ,,,, trall ol curs n, ti.e rear, Uai.tisiokk, March 18. From Sergeant Major Johnson, of the 23d Massachusetts, who arrived on the Commodore, we gather the following: The troops under Gen. ! Ilurnside landed on Thursday evening near i the mouth of Swan Creek, ii miles below Newliern. Owing to a dense fog naval j vessels did not participate in the light, I which commenced early on Friday morii i ing. Our troops a lvanci d along the coun j try .road running parallel with the Ncusc ' river, divided into three brigades, under ; command of Ger.s. Reno, Foster and Parks. ' The (iiomy gradually fell back from their position, deserting their gnus, until wc reached the line of the inrth work extend ing across the roads from the river lo the swamps on the west, for the distance of about two miles. Their works were very strong, and were located two miles south of Ntwbcrn. In front of the works, the rebels had felled Inrgc trees, forming al most mi impenetrable abattis; at this point the retreating rebels were rallied, and made ! for a while a desperate stand. Our men fought bravely until ammunition failed, when the orJir to charge bayonets was given. The woods were finally taken nt the point of the bayonet, the ineiny scat tering like frightened sheep, leaving behind them the burnt bridges which form the s thev fit rri.nl proved whether Abraham Lm.olu was . neighborhood of rr ,:.., 1 1 ,1 womi'led. Their loss the m,m he had been heralded to be. i j ()lll,lin nfll.r ,(. Wild cat light, he found j ,mlst ,ave been severe. Our loss is csti At the inception of the rebellion he that ollicoll' r had been levying on the j ,ulltL.j ut yo killed and 400 wounded and knew not where to look for svmpalhy. i Union n.cu for provisions forage transpor- missing. Wc captured a number of pris IIU nilvisers wer tnaiiv. uml of divers ' tation Ac , and ha 1 paid them in Confedcr-. oll(.r.s mnong them Col. Avery, who curbed at.i bonds. Imitating an example which ; ,;s soldiers as cowards. The rebels at- lit so unexceptionable-, i tempted to bum the town, but were prc- I I 1 ..... ... ...i.- ; I....I many, .. ; .1 1 1.:.- I.... . l" try, and reeognie the right of Mr. Lincoln opinions; ...u. c .,.,. n, , s(.Ci ssioiss i.. ..,.ti il r.nl. f..p !u i.r..t.'1-tinn niul ' vxitol ot the North whose previous oppo- (. Sehoenf comnunced levying on the ; v,-iit.d bv the cit'.-ns. who extinguished r n it,,,,, iinvn ninn f. ,.t h s.tioii gave lit tu no encouragement nor aid. secessionists for similar supplies. M.-an- the flames. None of our generals or staff l.-ii.e. . i ins (an, nn nine mini, mi in, r i it.. T-;,. , ,1 ...... t.,. i :'i..,i nr .,i,.,i iv. .1 ....t- ...r ., .1,. nf in s IfllV III- , S nCL O IS I lie " usmii-ii. l i.,v s, nilLCIS ll.ivc i'l.v.il M.i..u ui vu,.,.v ... .. Ihe nil . . . . . I .1 .1111 ami at li s or.n-r, wnen tne war suaii ime - ,.,; t.x,-ha..e oTicc for their ..:1t,-,ll catmou. The li-ht terminated been ended, they will r-tiro to their ho s 'he determination ami uaring re.p ...... if n1(.. y of -leaving the gnrgeom: and terrible army Thus surrounded by such unfavorable cir- tilkill;r ,u. ('ol,fni,.raic bonds at par, and : (hp rebels, they threw away everything . of the Cuiou n thin" of the past, vet wilh cnm.-taiiccs, mid eagerly watched by fault- supplying the I'mon men with good Ohio yt:w YonK, .March 19. Further details . r. i',-i,'j,ir i, 'finders nnd foes, he at oi.ee, by his tone mid In. liana money in its stead. Then as rrom Newborn have been received. Com. its component materials disti.hul.,1 through . UmUl uresented their bills, he at : i;owaI1 ,is in command of the fleet. On the land, r.-ady to cryst-ilize ngiiii into it """ I ' ' 0u.-e paid theni all ofl', nnd witii the utmost , s;,i,Hh,v he had sunken vessels, tcrpi does, ... -. . i. ...f... laeiinisiii. mi. mauiiesie.i niui iiihiiiuh-n. ,. . ... ... nn..... -i;.i..'. . ., i i i :.. concrele mass, ni me ursi nppioui u ui nn- - politeness, ui iiien c.ii.e.ie. nuj ui,,,, . nnii oilier reoei oo.siuicuuua .u uiviwuk-, ..:,. . ;, d ui'M-r Wi,s ,lo,,,u'J pffviously, but has nut kiQW l,lm.,i, t i(J tnankful, for this ar- jUt ,e surmounted all with slight damage , . . . j . ... . been since. These circumstances demanded raiigcmetit, but that was not his fault. to his v.ss.ls. 2 brigs, 3 larks and 13 '"' ' n .vn.ir wo,,,.,,,. ,e u...i. ... ,- ----- ,,,, er esira.,.. ....-....- t;mi, t() omil RUI8 j.ropcT Tor an ad- , , ,tlC smitc V,SSI , . ,,,,1. This ihe fanulv phv-ieian, but alter all. n.bng to that the clot.nng sent to our prisoners at wm lo fwl t!ie wm.r weight of the one, ; y.)W-w, nuy, to supply them with trained wos yi.ltun.,y n'ternooa. On Sunday int'M'K. 'iw'i.vs ,..', I,".. ,ns i;,,-!,,,,,,,,,!, iin.lera ilago: iruce, mis oc.-u 10t uumj.ha w,,i, the mildness ol tin- ,rs.-s, and especially wiuiinc rigni hum monii,.,, a i,,.avv fog set in, but shortly af- sione-m. I hough several lines re.p.es.e.i .j,.,, ,,v rilu.s nn.l Kiv. i to tl.c-ir Mil- l)lI(r Ui this course was to be not .of harness. The horse is a curious, s!i ;, in- Ur h when the boats parsed np and titil lit irr 1 ii ' ( mi in- i" hv . . . .1 "ill I L-led. uml nnallv. on,, day. insult- A letter Iron. F.alt.inoie to the . ()hly , iugU sn , to the lady that she was so fond I incinliati (ni-.illc says: Uervative to the 1 nf n' negro if her husband was to die, no What is worse and more dishonorable to . .- . ollulti!its l,l she would marry one. I Ins laing a ,. i'imr,-,l.-rat. s than anything I Have ye ,,,,. s;llml;oll. i!.11,.1ilv fr Ij,,. graduallv accustomed to the sudden and ' ,,, ,,, onnosition. After leaving- phv-ieian, but alter all. tiding to that the clothing sent to our prisoners at wt,rc lo tlie w.r weight of the one, : X.M.IV, nuv, to supply them with trained wos Saturi;1y n'te i.lw'ivs introduced his s.-ees- i;;,.!,,,,,,,,,), il,.r flag o! truce, has been lot mm,)t j wilh the mildness of the , ,rsts,"and I'specially with the right ki,lJ ; nioniiiV-' a ln-'avy Toj Though several times re.pi. sied . , , , . , t, ; . r,t of harness. The horse is a curious, shy, in- ,,r v,f,Z wl.en tha ...a. I I.I., .Minnie i.. ' n nun.. .hi., un ."... --, . ... . , r. ,,.,.... fr, i -- . ae.,1 to the rebel but n ,,,-c- - ,l,,;MllV0 a"ml:u- ;"u " 1 si enced Ft. Thompson, moulding 'J Heavy .Kt lto th r.i .l,iml i ! j the stable or pasture for the strategic Pr-; Culi.n.biuJs. then Ft. Fllis, J guns, was ic loyal interest, scanned 1 j p0its ()r war, ileinainls to be handled with j tnrcd after brisk fighting. At Ft. tsof the world. Truly, an , grrat and patience, lie must bf . the onlv remaining fort, the rebels doubt she would marry one. l Ins ti.-ing a ,.. i'(d.-derat. s than nnyii.ing I nave c eUi,arr;l sinl! si,uutioll! Happilv for Lin- gradually accustomed to the sudden and maJc but Utile opposition. After leaving ;,,h. tiinre ihan she cn.dd bear she s.-,..,l mvU,mA U the furl. MtMl.-inaUle v..r.ttcd , marko,, dlnl gtf i ,is status, the glean, o , , tl0y f,rcd a large uun.l cr of limnni and --ave the man of pills and po- i,y clear .lcinoustralion-that most of the u.lu, 1 1 tin. Hist proo o. limn , , nrlns t!,e roll of drums, the fl.tu.it.ng of '.j roil) nml t urpi nt ino, in- f.ons a snund p.i.nineling. clothiug sent to them several weeks ago, and desires, many of his former political 1c te fmokPi om, thc r0.ir , t ,in,r lQ tow t,,m dow nmi burn the ... nnd irotn linn: to nine, y our viu.ii.n.n in, U,j personal Iocs came to ins iii.un smp, o( Cilllll0n t is remarkable nowever, uiai Minpa..tJ 'pitev L mu.i si I'msnso 1'itKss i T.IK oii. i. i;is m.V(.r r(.l(.1(1(1 .:,. iriMm ,,.; T. animosities, pledg-.l their ! 1,(,, tip practical war horse is thus drilled j ' T, -At the printing ho of the Apphtons, j . illf,n,,cPi ,reforc, .s that it . " ' . . ' , , . n, di-ci lined, his proliciencv in wh-eling int an(1 tn..k bu, i New Voik. is it pr,-.s mad,, cxpr. s-ly , , r,, ls aml tMTr0pria,e, " "''-"s 1(1 M ; J am, J,,,. at ,J crit:.,.l mo- the white lla" (, W.b.ler's-pellin- bonk, which prints , 1(.ir 0tt,si. .h,,,,,), sent imd-r the The lamented and mnftmmnwm Douglas nu,. :ll)l.rin,r nIld llniin.C;i- s light '" j a tnmi both sid'S al once. As tins is Hi of ihe kind in . xistelic in however, got stuck in ho.its then shelled the de- i, but our troops luiving cross- was raised. Our navy did not lose a man. ""' ...i-..,l ..riit.'i'iinii of a I air of truce. Ji is ,t t he r-xnuwlc ol reconciliation, ei ing , n,,-,. i(! ...(,.rr,, I u hout u word.. ..,:.., i.i t.i;,.ilt. c ...., II -.... - - r- ...... , . nil ' .1 , 1 lit nil!' I ilUUIIS Ull la ni si v "i . ti,. .'J mi u.osi. rs spin- I,.,.;..,, diserace to the proud ran.e ol .,,.. nli i,..d : fi-;..iiilv assuraiuo. C)tl- v.iiL.int n i.nnlt. without u surn from limn. f.,.t-.. 'i'.-n h...,I..,l 1-? miles li.lou- k is the only one rnpnring n pi.-ss s, M1 1 , , ,.rtl t l.ivuliy Tor .til timo to comc.-i ( j( fl lll0lm,Mti i.i,10(,ln ' he wheels, mlvai ,. rapid, mid ot, which n siurle book i-he- (i r Ko(vf) salt, or tea sent to ' - miraculous n.p.iii.edwiihoutinl.rrnpl.i.n from .Ian. ,,., Wlls ;,v,r s,, ,y the prisoners.- , found himself cab led to work to Ull. ; , in to 1- ale of Wcbsti-r'.s .speller is nivalin's, and retreats, with al- t.tt,t.rUi ju-no's Drigado in advance. ous rapiunj at inms iu.n-1 jost 0f tl(l tr0(,pS wcrc so anxious to laud ur M-e.. ' I-' " .,.: , i ,.,r peiiing rniers uim g.iiii.L-..s w -i" " . ,at nci,r!v every regmi.-n: jumpeu iuio inu Thev were, in a word, treated i.ruiaiiy, ns advantage, mm u...., v.. : k(.P., Hu-ir sents, or to avoid lus n0'iiiin"0' an, aded ashore. The whole di- inorc than a million per niiiinni, nnd morn j. V(,rv' fl,p,.rat.e indiciitcs. I con- 1 cilt.,.rc,l ,y fri, nils I..... I sn'il than liter.' are people in the .l'lliled fslilli'l. N. V. .l.'Ci'nM. Berlin 1 1 .-.. Nr Wavs Or I'n. sniviv.: Tin: I'mon I. How not to do il -Sc. ni ing to oppose ihe r.-b.llion, y. t prepiiring f.,r its lim.l r.co-.'iiiliou and legiliu.ulion. ' ow to do it and yd not do it -rutting down the rebellion, but perseve ring ami supporting um! perpetuating its versed wiih over a hundred of them thev all tell the Mime slory and i like evolutions. i . ; .. I . . . . 1 -- vision was nsiioro in ic.s mini mo uuu,.. - ."' T.'.," f .,.. ; After marching two hours they found tho ...... ..r .... i,i.,.,rv i,(r..r,1s no narallcl. ! ? um.:,'.hM-! """'":..""." ; .Icsertcd rebel tamp f.r.s burning nn.l ii( s ui !"- iitovvii --- , .... .... r.. . iik it fu. v orti iwit sill lrritir. Now coinuieiice.l thedi-phiy of his great- not superior,1 " ;'..., 'n...,. ...... S,.,,. in C,Nr,NN.a,.-The Ci, It was. indeed, a magnificent spec.ac- : , ,0son.e that go the round, I j oc 2.ih J(.tl ,M.lss.K.cl,Si ei.gagcd a i i -.,.1 mil w . i i.:.... ii .M ,i.,i clmwli Commercial, Si.vs: It is a fact Very , KelV.ug O.I un.ni.o.euc.-, ...... , , goon . rr man, shortly after he ciinic to this coun-1 in " - . . i . . . i.i r ...... . -"' '" .--........., s little known, that this distinguished mi.it, . the many prayers o .he c e o , jf ot . ,0-gun battery o t o re c s on II ICrC lit VOr VCl lllicu in u" himiw., - i . , shO.ViTaJUU.m-. vum..: i hhuo.ivi I ..... fititiJi u'.ilL'il nn l . i i . . . i . the left. hell on them; I. ft lln. I'.i.n nnr Mi'-ar (or four Week" ......... n TI ... I . . I I .ii. inr in 111 :i I Lit Mild 1 "w ' " ' eaUs.v . it l,i.i dollars nr pound. Candles nr.- j j ,)W to do it soflly and sweetly tilling nt three dollars a pound Nails tlic la-t mil at three dollars . saw ufi.ro .U.irl. r of lean beef n few days since which itiiin carried in on his ba.k f.oni the foot nf Ihe inomilain, nn.l was selling it at a i!'ill..r a pound. No tinware on liaml, cx- F.y pressure, negotiation, mid compromise, without lighting or hui ting anybody. j IV. llow to (l it in deild earnest, . .1 I IC... ..111. dr.. . .. .....I 1 Crushing out tnc r. in ni.ni, m. me, " nnd h.u.p. Cainpai II il . yon D ivs - ll'ih'.von days arc oil- rt.,rn ken of, but what do llie)' mean, ami : r(,min0( )llt i ..m. . ..i ni-... , " """ . . ... ,i r ifnw miisKeirv ro iiainrv inc trv, worked at nn iron foundry ...lH.sr.lv. any natum. i- my - , , SwfC,mpol inn? hc kPpt long : t.mo ii.y ! , , is- 21stjhssa. w l'i. re he was paid the nmuum,, sun, lo devotion, and ho became the ...an of the ; ,,.,,,1,, ,,,,,,,, in s lfl. md seldom . Vo.k. 5I?t lVnn l- nfi-.n week for his service. Thc Mcxi- hour. r...lniibtedly the (-l.ct.oi. of I.'..- i)ti,.ig them on (he ta .le ; , v j ,y rc,im(MI,s t,,. mol,tl. after he ohtained work nt thus loun- ... that doitr uc, u , children's dresses wear longer by lctt.ng , J Fi -,.,, , ,,or0 tl.c brilllt of ,0 . . .,,,..1 (leo 'ronnlrv. In luscvery iiiotcimni, s.nu , , . . , '"V " .':,.,. ...... ball e. 1110 -tui .iassut.i.i3 us iw-i iiiui- i llriukc lllii'ni.r I....L nr.t nl lull ll.Ollt liril CS - sIlOV ........ H , tin f iling ill $:il, nn.l lii.lifl. renl ones $-.'.'i, mipunv i ....... . . l.n ...ifi irnll-.n.I I II .'nil I- i If. ...I. ..I.m.l.l l.n ci.Toil iimi'll nl .1 nil. ...... ...... I il v : Maj. ftevenson mm L.eui. iiorion I w:ero wotindcl, nml I.ieiit.-Col. Merritt j and 23 othci-s killed. The Third Brigade, : to"ether wilh the Second, executed the . !. . .i..,w.,i it. .I, i.., ip 1 1 1 a r . 1 1 1. 1 , L tnnvptneui. uim itiiei. I'lvniuir u Nor does an increase of rcsponsi.n.i.ies ..,, . , n-, "-'V-v,; ' . 7 , " . lulul tollunJ l!. kingfisher. Halcyon . . nm a,or dishearten lii.n, or cause linn to. " thai thev 'can never ' fi.rhi ensu.'d of tho most iK-speriitc charac- ! :i.. ... a..v. i...i.niiii lie r a nun. "i nn i w. .- ... . , mu eoinniei.. it i ----- ...... i . davs was a name given i V ' . . .' . ...i T nn.l when swerve. Cures wl.icl. woni.l nave i.epresv , . No fvM of t!tot I)rlllli ,lT , wllC!, 0 ir iroops urovo mo rcoew crineni..- tlOUS 01 rr.iiinn I,.,,,,;!,, imniir l.;n...l r.. l.w .,t ,,i iln. no ut of t he mVOI.Ot. 1 10 reb ut lie l-d I .any uieii, - , ni. u u.i.uoiin n"""'"! i , ... , in tin in j . ... . . i .. . ! ....,,,1 . .1. ..,..L. majnii m. nf thfi ruilroad Irniii nml niii .in.- f;iui,ii- iis mi s j....---. - w.. Just, and the (led from Newliern, our.iing tne uriuges, the great snp-1 koh.c buildings, nml a milliner ot wnisky C 1 . . Il.llll. 'I'l.n .1,... i,.,,t ail I turpi III 01' ininn l ivn. A iiv fiii.o iiiiu ... .. i. .. .1.. it..... hi a n I . .... .., inr iii. rpiiresciiiiuive oi ii.iu "-- ...... , .i . i . i ..i.i i in sunken oi, t.ui win.' ; ,., rcmiilXC. mil n """ "' , . . , .... rr,,lttIewoi u.ose ..,.,.... , ,!lt,ls,.v ,cyon is (he. an- . . .,,, 800M ... ni a Hi ir ninece. . . .. r l... L;,.,,iJii.r . la cvon h--- mi " ii i ci.iil niinii! in ,-n davs before, and as niiiuy ufl -. .. i ... .Lis lii'iison the lull- .i . i .l,n',,.iiliiin nrnse. ho was it....i ....ru ,.,.n.i.- iii lie cuiiin ler mush. ,"...... lm . m . .,,.,.,, .. . .......r,. stands up miner : dilious condtici, am. ei ue ...... , i,,,.!.,., he I he culmiiess ot inc "vuii.-i . , .... s lim,L. uunros, .... i i. ", - , . .....-.. ,., .i,,, , ..i . . fr...ii ' ' . . .. i ... i .. . i.n ninn "i - -- . . i. i i umii i.i i...m suit prim- ni ner o. i on " " " ' p.i-re ...... ..oar-iing, - h - , itl) , w .,,.. cos- .., ... , rffw.tlIll,ly .p.ashed tho R.c.ssiou.sts men., am. -". i it()r ( Miirc.is Cto, bef ll.nl wns killed It.sl leu wr.-ks ago. It I . ,. , , ... , . ,) hence thc phrase hat-, J I : , ' ....... xuor ...uuluctrng our nfl urs lie U . btl l..,tl,ow, however. IW, il I ryi ays, is expressive of d.y ol M 7''- re U Sigel was l, is emphatically .Mnan for .he lim-; wA'" f f,i.-,.,l Al- ,.! trnui.uilily. tible. While hire u.n, s h . , ' f.nr PrM,otl .M commit! Horaro (,r. .'...,... um ngr.-.-.....u - Kl .,Veil for his industry, intelligence mm , - nn. ' sea, and pn-laced Ins speccn Lriirhr, beef, but here, in these liim-H. .1 - , I Nin.e" ' r , !, posterity the events of the tun-, our . .... ' . . Priliw "lf il,..u.. ............. iv,. liner, not ha.lnnv (Kscmn A'J 19 , .. . , i modest ...pon........ , in hold relief n,llk at all. vou tun " nin i UIUIL..I, w . ..... .. in n 1 1 ui ir. i miii. . - i i n 'ni' i" txpri' imiiilli from nil intercourso with tho citili..'tl torl.l. It. my twi I Intend giving muiiii neiirii ri'h.livo to lh" mean of travel Wc, ami the g,ci.en.l propecl t.f the coun try, which may lm ol Interest lo tliosit in I'lidinx tu Ink., their ihniico among; us ihe Hwuing leimon. ... .'. S.-Monilny niorniiiK, Mun-li I", twitting am. fri'c.ii.(. st not expect . ... ..... . .. . .. ..... i.....l,.rv nf os i.:... I,. b n a c ercvnian.' cin n.iiiu; Knglaml hH at P' " Horn tl.c corr.,p.,.u, . ... .. . - - ? u .. i I l.. ..II (I.n lie thus exulted unli .' i in IMiihiili'lli! xpress from below Wullu W nlhi lor some ' , ,. , r.ritii v. for thn voiunieers dc-1 wliili back, hriiro wu fed nj if cut j , .Jj thern by si. kness. :l"rl,m l M liio)1() of p,,,,,,,), invested in Iho cot . ,ri,leccssors, crown.'.! '. ,' .1. .f iVkI. thnr tho Union's bailie ton -busincss-an ...crei.so o. .,, u , , I Ii h mode of figlit "K ... i.,.H i 1. 1 .... . miB districts in the Lincoln cannot I ii ....... I in ii.M liesinen " millions Blinu i'.". - - ... n ;,,;i; , . f .1 ..ho... o l......lrc.l II...... ! icilil of SUMr um 20 coll.... people cordially support hi..., ' " j ,, ,',l.,1.d, ,...rs sloi-piuK' llwre 0" '""'i. .. .th'ments. Of mills, Hoi-! rgo upon all, whatever thur past J inu ' . iiiuiMiiiii.ii . ... . r l in well miMuii.M.B in. , - lli,1p. 100: Old- ...iliii... ,,r feuds, to rally to mo supi""k ul thi iiffinorc to stea .', '.',0' Aii.lon.So: Stitlcybridge, ...nl I Ahrahnni Lincoln. Keep sl.oul I.T to , ,1,.,,,-mte chance ' ' . ... one of these mill, cod 1 ihlHlMrr until .he b rth-ngonics of fiecdo... il, who has a clam, u Hvo hundred lliousaiiil dol- nro over! -Muine Journal I. ui i lis wel .1, ilni irausil rhihidelphin i , (inie repuliilioii- I .on, ham, .. . ....i -i m. that ! it...... nn Laeiono ot liu'so mini io'm,u..uiuci M. iiiiiii.ru o" "' . ' . .. I n .i... laurels of fiih ldy. Yd , ','..,.'.., ' 7'. , ,7 .: than Mr. I.SS the i . , i ,, ., .,!, Vll.'l-ll ..v .... of outwitting the dev- claim upon him to bo hcrcaf- llow tlm Iiiiiiiiii. lulml Is Hlnnled ami "lwiirf.il in u growlh, by tmphiKtry, and "Wo nil, by religion sophistry, There no 1111111111 minds thai. lhon llmt uf ili)i.e great .nlijecl. wilh small though. liislead of growing Inruer, lin y grow nl i Mimller, for although no sclencn Is mi "til lilted ns religion to rnlurgn Ihought, H no rcglm. of scknicii .rcsei.ts lo us in Un" uiiiuls i.bsorbed by il such freipieiit rx ii.leii ul ii.n r.lity, Ho it l, am. so it "I'M he, Truth when wc diminish il nvcit in itsc ,y .i(nni,!,i.i j nt, . . ....... ...i .mm I nil o mj ni .- i mi mi nvermi" .i i . lint icmnis nn' i TI...I bhifk ""tPvhich tho rebt'ls raise.. . ... ii i in nroc hunt their de.cr- Hiops the carriage in ease Ins ble. lo let Ull" lm self . ... I .eR li.tiuuligeil- vr in ""''" "n".. I... r. fro... the go I'lii.n , . . . . 'II . !..!... Iillll. ...If 1 sinned to t.ltVO bt'l'll Mtolt'll bV IIOJ(l, over Ft. D.melso.i, to procimm ininalioi pri'NU'ut'ti i ...,., ,,nJ .. ,,..!.... uhi.n luuibscon.leti, ns no" ' " " , of th oi" '" mm.,. ! nbuiidiinco were u k - A pro,osilion'for the gradual emancipa tion of tlm htvt i 1'clawnro has been niadu in their legislature, providing for iis . t e 1u.t MM .in tit.it'n. . ol'j.t-l. I l'f ''"'"'? ' 1 1 ' ' ,, 1 , lta. - I l,01lltm.m., il pillaging, but were Rloppcd. eely lectured recently in I hel-1 A llm,)(l. of rn'on;sts were found in tho Mill me ic.ui j . you allow the i v ... ,. - ,... KW 1 Ullli, .iimwu iv. 1.1HI. ...in II.-.II..., in a congratulatory address lo the Iroops, MVS, that after a tedious march, dragging their howitzers by hand throuuh swamps uml thickets, lifter sleepless nightl passed In drenching rain, they nut the enemy in l,u ehnsen noliion. protected by i.troiiir rentier savs llmt since Floyd stole him- earthworks mounting heavy gur.s, and in awnv fiom Ft. Ibmclsoii. he will Imvo ; 0IU. field themselves, incy conqiicrcu. .1 .ink's lm undertakes i e diret'K that cacn regiment cngngcu shall inscribe on their banners the memora ble name Newhern. FniiTiirsa MoxnoE, March 24 Tho stcami r Chancellor IAvinntlon arrived on Saturday night. Immediately o't.-r tho tcr settled. H, mas l.Ain Human hair varies from thn loOth to the f.OOll. part of un inch i i.i..l,.,,.u 'Plm nilkworn. 's web is about the o.OOOth Part of an Inch thick. l'ho " " , ...,, ..,, genllciii'iii """ i , , V..I i.iit-v black one. 'l lu ro may "I,r,nl. . ., . i ...I..I.I.U who were biiggni i 11 I . ..rtiut nn.l sn reserved it. pany Willi tnrt't' i al muhu m r ' ut the Mime Ii""'- which will sweep tho ihiu'S from ull the border states. t-r Tho (.icstion in regard to it ninn' politicul position used to be. 1 " sound on tho goosiT iotv n suom.i s he Hound on the Mgle?" i'.. ..i.t fioiin-rnnhiciil llu'iires describing the world's population nro discredited by modern calculators, who fix the number at from 1 lsl.nOO.000 to 1,302,000,000. It In estimated that Africa lias probubly 100,000,000 inhabitants. occupation of Newliern, an cxp.dilinii to lleaiifort wot started by Urn. lliirnsido. Tho place was, however, evacuated heforo our troops nrrivtil. Ft. Macon wns blown up hy thc rebels. The steamer Noshvillo wai burned. On tho day lliirnsido took, Newliern. thero wero 1,000 rebel troopi between Ooldsboroiigh und Newliern. WiNciiF.sTKR, Vo , Marc.. 20. Official ..m. nf tlm nccnnntioii of Strnsburgsayi , 1 1 iii.i i . i ... I that Gen. Shields cncoui twed th r'dr