The Oregon Argus. (Oregon City [Or.]) 1855-1863, April 05, 1862, Image 4

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    1'or iht A: gut.
The MWiov's Sotii;.
Tt'VK " Du-,t."
) loiters! limn is flying,
What's tin' use of din-; miiin?
I.odt awiy ln.'k ua.iy look away to ti;c
"A ay up at Salmon Uiver,
Tile gold is (lii-re,
And vim can g.t it plenty, boys.
And inny-h some, in spare llurrali!
Chorus Hurrah! liuir.ih! will you yo where gold
is plenty
Hurrah! hurrah! liooJ-byc to pm-kit. emj'tj !
Fortune's there those who ask it,
Kiioujih io till a bushel basket;
Then away lnnk way 'ink away to the in tins!
V e'! shoulder pick uml blankets,
An J tl' we'll go,
An I if we are loo early, boys,
NVII pr.ispeot in (he siiuw Hurrah!
Ciaem llu ra!i, &c.
Sn'ue folks are. ufnid in risk it,
Tlii'v don't like tn eat hard bsetiil;
Hal away Imik u ay V. s, na ay to the mutes!
e'il eal haij and b.uvn, '
tA'itliu-at the pie,
Kit mien we do heme njiiu
I loll ymi we'll "live lui;li" ilutruh!
CWiu Hurrah, if-o.
Wo li.ive but i in- source of trouble,
Some of us, you know, are double,
Hut away look away look away lo the initio.;!
And some of us have stte,!ieaita
Me hate to have,
Itu: if we get our p vke.t full,
I do no: think they'll grieve Hurrah!
C .la us Hunan, .ye.
As HoNKSr r.lKMKR Two f.itiui'rs
Imviiijr n dispute nbait sumo land, nu 1U- j
tion at law was com mu ium iI to determine
it. On the dtiv (ixoil fur tho. trial n,. f ;
them callt'i
I on his opponent to inwnijuMV
linn lo the court, that
te'lt tinu'lit tfivo
own statement of the oust.
neighbor at work in the lieu
ho sail!
" Is it possible t Tint you luve
our euni today?"
forgot to
" No," saij ho, " I have not forgotten
it. but I e.tiuint woll spare the time to t;o.
Vo'.i will be there, ami I know you lire
,n:i honest man, niul will state tiie cause
fairly ami justice will be ilone."'
AiiJ so it proved; for the farmer stated
liis neighbor's claims so ch-arly, that the
cause was decided njaiiM Iiitn' and he re
turned to tell his oppoaVut tliat he had
gained the property, SucN n character is
worth more than the wealth of the Indies.
CoMtNi; OtT. line Italian's his;orv of his
Jidministrution is m arly ri-ady for the prs
It is devoted to showing that while lie was
rr.-snlent a majority of his Cabim t wire
scoundrels which is rather nn t ;1v tak.
and also to showing that lie is not n traitor,
which is more d fiioull. .V.-u'j Courier.
iu'sim:ss oa i:is.
w. c. jonwson,
ATTOitNKV ev t Ul S-i.i.oll AT LAW,
And Sv!ici!nr in t7,-:;ic, ri,
"ITT1LL promptly a'.tend lo uny hnsines. w hleh
may be com.iutted to 'his prol'-s,lna!
-oharge before the District and -'upreme (Viir's.
C'lli.-e ov, r .M.luu.i,-, i.M store. imn;ed;ali Iv op.
")site the AUiii Street Hmi-e.
Oreg -ti C My, October I, I -.-.
Liay-tle, Yamhill Count, Dr.-. m.
'll.I. faiili'u.'lv alt. ml to nil husl.. ...
trusted lo Ins i-rufrsi.iuia' .-are
J. ii. 'irn iiiii.i,,
ATTottXKY iv. tml X.-KLoi: AT LAW,
.-In S.i'iritar in'ery,
roi(THM) aminos.
O.B.-C Front S'.rect. cp;.o-i-e Vaughn's W, ,rf.
Col eeti os made ,-ind p.-o'iiplly r- in ;t- 1. '.1;, :;
it,i;.F.s.r.f; and ti.eta ;r.
b K. I LKR .v unoci:iuK..
r v t v
U'jot.i L- nn l Crnrkenj. '
t-i the in.- . Fi:e-pro.,f iirlek .M.tissriu:i:T
onr.'io.v ciT-.
1. Ml Kit IV,
Vr;.Y. ASP
S'mp ntvly ophite iht Mn'.-.Jui Chut'H.
OlinrJi-iN r'try.
p:'l Hi. l-.Vi i,f
OJM:n:ssion rrlerchaut,
Dalerin C-iUfurnin n;l Orry.n Vi'. Wt
N"- l-'l Kas!.;re. !,
(B 'w-.-n flay an I Wa-hmj on sir'ien,;
TiriM. b-j happy lo trau-i ay lu-in-ss in
T Ins line ilr-.t m iy be n,'t.v'it I 1 1 I... e.i.-e
by p.-ol i ersor m -r.-hanis m ir. g ,n. All i usi
n iitru:.-. lo his .-harta will 1.. .., ..1.. ...
ten I- I 1 1 011 r,i-,,ii ililc t.
July Ml.'l.i-tf '
II.tUM.'H I'. HOKIII'as "
Imp, ,rt-r and H-il, r in
TYPE, P H 11 S S I. s. I'niXTIM. !
...Nos. Ill and J).') Clay Mr-!....
San franciaco.
c. unr.i. ,( cn.,
iT THE UNION ST' mi;' ;LTr.tiI.,;.s
Salmi, l)ii;m;(
...He , ;n...
l)nj fho'h, Vrocrii,, Jloolf, ,iud Slw,;
l-l(( I.SIOSS of all k n b; W,
1e.1t uml O.iis
.fust Reeeivofl
A .A lint: EOT or
Iiy - (roo'N ami (I vox
''I ICS,
Which wh'l hi. so),) fp
Cash or Country Produce
u- I . .i i- ...
.. o io-ii 1 s iv in me r fir m, rs. lflf.
inn r iir ir,, ra, lie ore i,,n ,.
H ...i ... 1 ... 1 1 ., ' s -
.1 1 .tun n, u'i) . moos, rim on , H
; i'ta F. 1 ir, I! 1 -on, liuft-r, Ac.
a ' 'io 1, ;'i (JooJs as lo- us tun ha bou-'lit in
HNI.IUL'M ii. AC'ivKJ.MA.V, 1
Or-g.iudily , .Voir. l), -.;(). j
li'-x I
h -
Onoii City Vnmury
W,; ,,,ke Vr in iiif.trini,,,, , ,,uij,jic ,M
it liiai wu nuve 1
li'-paircil nil Dauiargrosj J
, nl n ! fiur l-'iiuii lry in running order iiga 11, 111,
,.re ma ly tu du work as usual. Ouo ,H a 1 all,
It. SMITH it linos
iliegan City, ln, VI, I Hi; I.
! fH
Al'Kl'.S uM divas, s o:' I lie .(".Yr.W and
V. ' 1 1 1 I'm the euro of consumption, de
cline, aMlmi.i, h-oiieliilis, wasting of tlesh, unlit
sw eats, spiUni of blood, wlioopi,. eolith, dilii
cully of bti-aliiiiij;, colds, couejis, iiillnen a,
plttfii.-Mc.p.iiitiu llioside, and all diseases uf the
liiiioi, ii
Is rikU:ili'il !
Ildll't Line li.iU.rn, in all cases, gives the
hot saiisfuction;
II is wuiti,-ht uioro cures siuco its introduclioii
ill in any oilier rough medicine ;
Is endorsed by our leading physicians an the
safest and lust remedy now before the public;
Is sale to use among t lni Iron, yet pnivoil'iil in
cases of eliroiiie pulmonary d se.i.-e;
lir lugs in oertilieales almost daily uf ils aoudcr
ful cuies in ail pails of the country.
There is no nicduiiie within our kii.w!ed::o that
has nviptiroil surreal and wide-spread popularity,
in so short a spa. e of lime, as III! Ilvt.l's
iiaesam yon rin: i.vsu-s. i- i..,i. j
sauiii" and healing proivnics are magical. Il is :
highly evpctoi-ant and tonic. Il contains not a
grain of op iiin or morphine, tho narcotic and as- I
tiingent properties lii,-t have ere. tle.l so much !
prejudice ag linst similar prcpara iuin, j
e believo that a medicine possession rial
merits will i-licet cares whenever it is use. I, a! ,
home or aSioal. 1'r. Hall's for the i
I, nags is no paregoric piv-ar.i!i.-n. hut cue m Ii ,-Ii, '
it used in, w.ll save Ihe lit rs of iluai--an
Is. 'l'lu- ino-1 ihs.ress ug cough ; iteipaoiilly
n-lieve 1 by a single dose, and broken up iu u few 1
hours' time. 'I lie all! de l do not li.ue to take j
bottle after botile before they find whether this '
remedy will ail'cl reile:' or not. ;
liear what I'll t. i ' lis say uf IV. Hall's Hal- ;
sain. Says one: "I, ,:h confidence, r.-ivm-
nieiid the II .Isain as superi or lo nn pr pua! .-n." ,
Another s.ivs : 1 have used it W illi uiii'onn sue j
c.-ss, and can couliiientK reconuti- nd i: fir all 1
tie so com plaints l.-r w h ell il i
e iy." Si II mi ehcr writes : '
tion in say mr it is a sat'
clli acious ine.l cine."
Vo.,1 by all 1 ruccisn.
a rem-
i beslt.i
etil, and
I. tve
ki-:mi:m!'.i:i5, this is Tin:
Original and (u'liuine Artiele!
AC.NNOW l.Klnit:i
.! y.j.-.v.f i.ii-',7.
."r, ' .V-i-A
PHH iinevale l lir, n.-iratioti has i-eriVruicI
some of ihe in.'si as:oiii-!i;i:i- e ires :bat ale
leeord. d ill the hlslcry of M. d cme. The ripidi
ly W illi which Ihe pat en; i envois
I! illtli aiKl Mri n til
s UI pi islli.'
I f.-ru,.-!.es
lie u-v and
l the
-u'l a
In w leeli i; is a- p.
e It tii-ale el' its
ll.'.v e . nly o pa lit
. e .e
to the necirmil.ced tes! nio-iv
inn :i;ad who hive eyi-erti.-el as I enei'i.-i.l
el'i . Is, to eo: i vi noi-' lie in -s i nerc'l iilons 01 i's i ale.
l)o u I f rg t to ask for is' ,-sai s ,par.i,.i
If." lor sale by II. .Ioiiso ' i,,, 1 lln,.
lNi;i-.. In, S.u lian i-i-o; llni: I'univ,
.M.iryMele; I!, II. M I . u.i C'o , S i.-r. meu,
and by I irii-- sis g.-i,er.,llv.
ju'y ei
Isiai's r N ll.l t.hi-tvy.-- T;.
only pure and genuine llal-nu is, and ii ihe last
tw-nly y e irs has been, prepared l.v ."iiii W.
F. wi.k Co.. of IliKiun ; and their punti-l
n line. a iv, I! as the wMleu s ..-naliii e of ,.
I'ni.v. :,p ., ar on the ouier w ra -pers. As nu
n.uild u r,;.. lie- spurious end A-n-e Ihe -.'eiimne,
F I 'llfUKV. Tills in-
y s ;he hcsl .in,- e-.tant ',,r ,,. ..n,
and ii.-riii.ineiit ,-iue of r.f'S.i.
(u'l.', S'lf l.'ir.i!, hr.tur'iltt.t, fj.-.'j.-oi, iVim-;,
t fi:.:ntr..:, ei-li;-, ,;,i:ig eong., 6,Vii.-g at
lkr .'.. i ii.t u, I ",e l.ri isi or .-, and in 1. 1
e-. ery f-.riri u:' lino.;, , h si, and iun,-c.aiiplamt,
a- w ell a I'oNsi nn io its, If".
Tie h' hoi I remedy s'.miM be in ih, haii-ls
of eiery fiin ly an 1 in ieai, as a i m..',- e,-i'j.
eat. Oil ut a l-i a sl'glil enlij ii ;J Mlllle-il a
r-nel ; Win.e ea-,'S of long stand.,;.',,
ii .il a;i ar.-nl'y it.i-urabl.- . i..r... :er, w II su . iv
yi. id tails , mi! d: e.iri-ive p.. we,-. ,.,
g.i -it a inp: ilwii lo th.- wanis 0I in.ri when .if-
.! C!e,l.
I'.-r si!-- in f'allf.iiii: i by II-.i.ii- n A fo,
H-liry Johnson A ( o.. Vor: ii. San I'.-au.
esr; 5 . ,: 1 1, ..,;,) ,v ( 0t Saerm.ii,i;
P.i-e. f ,.t!i.i A fo., .Mary sinl.-; .-mr.h 1 1,,
V -rliaiiil. I Ir gon fel--,ei,w'
3Ii!l Srat and I, aim!.
rHAVK an eir-iient Mil l, KT, mr-r-.ii.ol.
-i wnii ev.-.-ili-ni 1 I i j!i:, hi, h I
Wmi'il like 10 have unpMVi d. I 1 i.l ,-ive sunn.
Illlliw T.ght Who Wishes ,0 lliv. t ill ,1 s.l.V M.f ii! I
g.-i-t ii.ill.ur b .1I1, a L"i-dehi'i,-. Th- lociiuui
i on.- of I lie very l.rt for selling luui'i-r - 1
I, vel way to the i.-nil seal, m hiiis in . ill 0v.-r,
atnl I, it, Il ., n avi selil,i.eiit.s.
I Wish uis.i t sill half a seoium if F,NI by. 'I he pl.n-e is six mil, s w-sl ,,f . ,f.,.. .
1 lie. .-iinlull count v.
v. i.. ad; Ms.
nV. CI. I ,,.,3. ,
Yamtill lln i sr.
l) .tjnis Wolfe.
i'-r r.f . k...
" rne-il ...
Til- tabl.
h't, i HI III
j IIII-1.1
is fun :,
ouiili v.
I is 11, il
lloit ,,f
o.s irxo, Hiirnns :
A Unariliiu'.s, iHM) jir ;j.
V SIII'li.MHIIIt i.m, -,.
a 1; Ai;ii.i;.M'nooi,
I "I! (Jlllf.S:
A .11 l.e o..e ,,. J ,,
I'O', Sitri.Mti.rii ) -i;i.
" -lio,iw II bo org hi.,, I niul noiiihip;, I
under th, ,.,, ,:,. Kni,s,.h.r, ivi,m
,"ii ' .111, nun i.- ,lii,s may be a, i ,1, ,,i,li lb-
tlire i f l,ti-nin r, 1,1 Orr -O'l I 'f v.
Au-iis! 17, I -111. VllO'.IAS K M'OJT.
Will liny (lie '-J;,!,,
Si rent IIouso," (r-
.'; HAM
of Tin; j (.i:i;fi ...
liey 10 r- I,., , ,, 1 . ;,., ,!., ,
I 'hi lb- lirsi iluv i.f Mioi.i,
I tlUliilllil-r I.,
be ,1 .a! in lii., i'..u. r
If lint t'dd bv the r, ,1,.,. .. V
r i.eM, it w : be ollt-r-d i',,r r-nt. ' j
. . , H. V. .MOSS. I
Or - .", 11 I it y, S, p n-,, '
Aolicc. ;
1 ii -.I, . 11 1 -11 ... . .
i:m ophmio
'iii.ii 1 , 1 si, i, nuuer ti,e nlnir.o. of
'-'. IHMfl.l It, lls.lsb d ,y (;, ,I A-r-
, , . , , , ,
l.fitirns -ail be hail for slml-ip. i () C;,.
bllllflll.g. if 1,11 , i.e. I for s.s.n.
Toms to (j,irie.pi).. with Ilia Ilni'js.
11) on, r ul Ih- r.n-rtutjvn ( o 11
M M nv.lle, Nspl. 7, wfi.ff II.T.
KliKS-iilw ays 'ill bund
l K CH Mt.M.W h.
.Fustice's GPJfhu!,
ok eg ox cirr
AM always on baud, anlwitl attend tu the
coLLr.crtsa () .u roi wrs,
Iraviii!?uj of DootN, .Mortgr.jji'st,
Loasi's, Doiiils, lVucrs vf
Attorney, (.'ontraets, A-e.,
and all oilier business coiiiiuilled lo my cue,
0.'ier iiirc.'v opnsilt tht Mjn-mif lliiiltlim:
1 iino Hi, lMiii', ,. n. l l(l'iK).
Tootl.-sirJie Drops.
Com ;i,i in no .or? of' Aching 7V(7-'i
ri 111 INK
L tboiisai
Props have been extensivelv used by w liose e.vpeiii'iieo lias proved that
the Anodyne will g ye iinuie liale and piviiiani-ut
nl ef alU-rlho failure of even oilier remedy. It
is p'easaut to the taste and smell, and a lew appli
cations will i-iicrely reinove the pun mid soreiies.s
I'loiu a decayed looib. m. ih u it may be filled and
icii'icrcdns iiscuil as ever. When the pain pto
cceds I'leiuthe fiee, or from Ihe gums around a
tooth apparently sound, this Anodyne wdl give
s" edy relief by rnblung a few- drops on the pan
alii cted. Il has only lo beeoiue geuerary know n
lo be as highly appreciated by the Public a it is
by I 'en! sis.
I'orsale by II .Johnson in. hi, ami 1'.i:iiimi'on
A io , San I'l.uiciseo; Hick t'lirnv, Marys
idle; U. II. le),,Mi i co., Saciniuento ;
..a I by Vi ucis:s gciicr.iily. j.'t
I'oit nr.. in .j- iMUMi-o r.Yi:s.
!1IS !, SAM as used lor inaiiv years in
the private practice ol a c.-Ubialed Oculist,
' w ih rem nk, .ble saeciss, for diseases of the l-lye
: and,
Tbeie aie miiiy ir.ons who would rather
si, I1,,-;- fr. iiii pain and disease ihtough life, than
; cr.d.l or try the I'llieaey i.fanv ti w il.seovery; all
sin h bad better nol read llii., but to all reasona
ble peisons th s pit-pat alien is icciMiiincudf d usu
Mnol sale iitid iil'ectual cure f..r mllauiiuatioii
, of the l-lye and My. I .Is, caused either by loo close
ajii'licata.u lo miiuiteobiccts, scrol'tiloiis li ilnt.ex
p.siae lo col.l, blows, coiitu-iuns, or imtatinu
finii any cMraiienus Imdy under lliecyeiiiU.
it is iciiiai si-othing ill ils elleel, and llns
cured ilneisaiids who woui l otherwise have losl
the i sight.
In eases the My. lids are in lained. or the bail of
the llye thickly c.iere. I wilh lilood, il acta al-ino-t
;.ke inng.e tun rcniovis all appi uraiices of on after two or three applnulions,
'I ii- re i. a n u : m-i oii class el persons thai are ecii-
b.a I et d to a. eiileiits or d.s. uses that wcak.-u
and iiitlame the llye.., an i pelhaps destroy the
si!.t, who, ,ro .i the i. attire. .1 the r eu.p'oy ineuis,
are cuuli ell, ,1 towmk ill a cloud of dust and grit.
Su. h ,1 litnef be w Ihnill this lA I.SAM.
Ilei.lenitier, ' Sc. ,llg is lit llevillg."
1'r ee '.'." cent- p.-r nr.
l';.-;atel an I s. l.i by A. I!. A D. SANDS,
Jlrugg.sis, Imi I'iiIiou Miest, .New York.
l-'.-i si'e by .!..iis.i A Co. and Umuv.i ro
V '. s in I rani-i u: Kii r ConiN, Man-Mil.-,
15. II. l.-Iioiiii A l'i, S.icraiiieiilo; au.l hi
l'rng.-ists g, m-rally . ,1 uly '.' I -in:!
U A iv; TCH.Xi:!) OCT
.tk ea t ; ta si b;
hi t Tin;
Eagle Boot & Shoo Store'
.v Ao in Minn: j
I.KP. Yi(' CAN I INK Till: Sil l F !
th it w.ll stand th- tan- ami wear. It i.m.-
p- , ;s well, for I ra'- 'I,-- eel ,r ev.-ry pan, ami ,f '
lb- limes w.-re i.nly a I, tile hi.sker,' I ih.nk that 1
it woulil pay n-ii w.-.l; and if y I., n't believe
it. J i-t en. in- nn I buy a of HOOTS, after toil '
ti y tin ;n on.
tin ;n on. I ,
I lliiir .In. Itci'i-ivcil
,at-t ,Stvli ami IVliiiiii.
1 1, t
'th ealf hnols, also pe-'osij
I' ! .:n I sins ,
I, iii.,r'i'-e 1, 1 n on
fi.n.r- . ,. , I e
e .-r y km I ,
.! ail sorts and sirs ; l,a, lies'
ami r lnlh gaiter. , snk elas
rs, miss, .'gait, rs an I h,.,es
.' line ; li , . sloii-s - f
ol Hint is in, -nil in I In my rl.ym-; (.-hi.
e-ilf and -, ,;i, r to, d s!,' s ; i nln-s mi I
II I l!t'-.F bt III SI7.-S, while, blow II. ami
M ll-r's Water-Proof I: I. I I, I i :
,lr' n's
-illl Ir-
f.iu". ;
J. s. .M.i-iiii'd 1.1 ir sing ;
I'. gs, a.iis, I, it rj : nu r-,, li,
sin --k II. Vi s.
ia,l, sn, iimls, and
I for p.e.t patronage, r, fi-i-ifui-y so.
.."it a i:,.lililii,,n,ee nl i.itriui...' fmiii ,nv ,,!, e,.
I' iner-ami .-.sirinny m w ones as rh,i. s- ,, i;,w.,-. and g-,,,. mi-n, -nc ,,, ,.l, y,nnj nml
1 ',1. great an I -mall, (!i,Ve ami hli, r wj ,
r-aif. ami happy lo w-.m 011 you all, and in panic
nlar the .; I hke t J-r,i come t ,,)-in-
a visit. K-ini ml,, i' Up. p ,
TVe ;,,' ;,,.- ,. ;,,,,
'I;ii;i slrci f, . . On ttoii ( il , .
1..1111-1 an,! t'.-iiti, m 111, I ,-,.sre , 011 that I e.111
nl i Icots and ,,-,e, s rheap a's .-my house in
town, or a I, lib,, fV-,- ,., , s,,,,,
profits and ,p,,,.-k sal-, l!,.it i, il,. lalk H.i 1. IU
il.e I. lie.
,'niyl!) .1. .MnOMlY.
1 iNoticc.
1 lUSSOU rtOS Oh- COI'AltTSEliSllfP
rin:i: f .i!a,l,M,.Ki,ll)(y tSi ,:.,,.,..
I. ..,r-...,rry,ng ,, I,,,.;,, ,.r (, a
' " ' 1 1'"", mi -I l...',sb,g
U.p.p,a, is l..,v ,nB,,e,. ,y (l,, ,.,,.,;
' " ' " '"' 1,1 "id linn, or having e.i
upon ll.-iu, are I by r-pi.-si-, lo ,e, , ,,
;-'t.-iiuis or rnali- M)I, ,,t . .,. , (Ji.(j
l..l... nr ArehihahlMeK.nh,, , f;,Illm
r Ai.iory Holbiook at Oregtm C,(w,o H,ea,7.
thnrizeil lo I. I, aee,,,,,,!, r,)m,e,., ,1 Wll( ,
vi.l.X.M, .Mi-KIM.A
V. ( 0.
1 llllllljioe;', I)..,.. ;j I I e
.' !1 I'rntlmiW,.,,!,. ...
si' tj '.
I'ealers in
hi"; 'Vcsscm iVintiri-'
""'Il 1 L I n
lull, I'uiir, Cnrilt, tj-c,
.11 (Hay Sir... I ; iibfite Kiiiiwiine
San I' lnumset).
I I ( till -i s filled out with ,is,i,-,
.Justice! .Iiislic(i!
l,l) Al',1-! is luiiiud to ho ihe nil Pi usiib nl
' ' ' "I Hi") 1, 11 1 Stales, mid W.I'. IIHUSS
huab' -ii ii,p.,i,iie, ,M,i,rH f tl,,, .,,,1(, fr0r.
I '-ami f My pn 1 inrtl, in order lo prevent nollnino
! of tbn Cm,,!,. All olliftuil husluess flilrnsled 0
lii mini will I promplly iii,.,IH , Ollien ,,1
:-puhli.:aii liead,Mrles, irt door north of A.
Il ,lbr.,,k s law olli-tf), when, he will ha found
whoi not rM,,,y, hen,,, ijiisiu-ss nl his
Wagon Shop,
on- door iioiilli of tho Post (line',, where his would
he Kind to do jilstlrtn to jour obi wiik'iiis, orsiipp'y
you wilh 111 wones, iisgo' na I he h-si, ,,, a,
'theap as Hi,, chenji'nl, Cunli Inl.rn In tn lmiwr.
Or irirlr W. P. IH'ltNS.
Oreoii r;i-j, Aug II I Mr, I.
( u n i f y tjie blood.
i a.
table L ie Pith
Mil iiVb'j
f ,1IK high and envic
ebbrily which these pre-
einineiit Medicines Have aeipilreil lor ineir
invarliible ellicacy ill all the lb senses which Ihey
proles to cure, has rendered lint usual priiclico uf
pulling not only unnecessary, hut unworthy nl
them. They are known by their friiit
works testify' lor llicui, and ihey llirive nut by ihe
failli of the credulous.
Ill nil cases of uthin I, unite and cliron c ib.-u-inalisin,
all", ctious of Ihe bladder and kidneys,
bilious fevers and Iner comphiints, in the s.uilli
and weal, where these diseases prevail, Ihey will
be found iuialil.iblc. Planlers, larmcra, nil I olh
eis, who once uselh. se Mediciuis, will inner ill
crwards be wiihoul (belli.
I))speisli..-So person with Ibis distressing
diseusc should delay usiiiif these uicilic.iles imme
diately. I'lruplioiisof tb skill, erysipelas, tlalu
leney, feier and ague--l'oi tins scourge of Ihe
neslern country, these inedii'ines will be loiinil a
safe, speedy, and certain remedy. Oilier medi
cines have lliesysleui subject l.i a letiiiu uf the
d. sense a cure by Ihese medicines is ieliilanenl,
ttcvcui'tul llthi,rtHi's,,over fails to eru liente
entirely all Ihe cll'ecis of Mercury inliiiltely sooner
lb. in ihe most powerful prep.iial.ou of Sarsaparilla.
.VigAf Xieeuf.s, AViroirt h-i.'iiy. AVm-mus
cion..'.iia o nil kuiU.t, Oig-inic .lyecitHM,
'opiillion nl' thr r.ll , 'illlifer's thnlit.
t'lles." he original propr.elor ul these me.Ii
eineswus cured of Piles of it.'i yeara' standing by
the use of ihese l.-l'e Medicines alone. XV m ills
of all kinds are ell! dually expelled by these nie.l .
leiii.s. i'ureut.s w ill do well lo administer them
w heneier their evisit uco ,.s suspected. Kelief will
be ceilinn.
Thr Life ViUmnd Vh.mix llitt.-u
Purify the blood, ami thus remove all disease fioin
the system, A single trial w II place ilia l.ll'E
I'll.l.S and I' II (IIS IX IIITTi:iS beyond
the reach of coinpetiluiu in the estimation i f every
patu HI. .1 " Prepared by
HI! W II.1.IA.M It. Mi IFF T.
,1H."i 111 tHttttrntj, car. U'eiM A'eie 1'tiri
,1. FI.I1.MIM;, Agent, ur Iht t'ott OJU t.
Il y th ;,.iii flfy.
I mpti't :mt to lloiisfki't'iicr-
Xo Family ought In be Without
.w .4 c v i. o r s
ennin Destroyer.
II Ii;in tie Ktro it p ry ilr t II Ol iTtutii
inht-tni p-vinlM' lnrr it I' h ru uril, niitl
' pfuvnl to tin r ut. i Mltit'.irtiuit I iti Ii i-rm ill it
it im Ihr nm tiling turduil tn JTomulo tltor.u.;!i
I fit u nl ti r
, tlfllcf of lite t , s, Vila! lnu-i'lnr uf I'm-
tstonsautt t.liitlitux.
Nam V isn, N. Y , July .M, !...
This is lo eeri ly Una ,I.h ph Meyer, Practical
I flu in st, lias, bv the use of bis ,r p.iralious, ilriv
. eu all the rats I ioi en intent Stun. .i. Ii ul
th s ln-pecli..i, whiib was mfi'sie I Mull II dc- an inais; and that I w.tnissrd 41, c-
Iranliliuary desl ruali.iii of ris krouebes, by Mr.
j Meyer; aliluaigh, when h" applied Ins p.wder
; iilsiut their places nf rrsi.i only a few were seen,
soon alter, 11, less than tin, eu in mill s, Ihe is,r ol
' Ihe room was blerally eov. red with tbeni, .nne
already dead, others dying, and I fn-l usj.ur. d ibat
by a few applications of bis Ch. mical Powder,
winch is e. rtamlv very elficuciinia,) Mr. .Meier
I wintld eutinly ml a li.uie of the.,., ubiiotieus ill
I seels. J(). l, dllisilN,
j Insjirrtur nf I'riirumiti niul ( VnAing
Sole Agents, A. II S N'S iV fl, Whole.
sal.- Iirucg.ts. Ill Won mi iri-. I, enrner of I ul.
Inn, New York. I'orsale by II. .linos in A 10 ,
S.ia I raii'-is
l I Uy I ruj; ;mti j;i:irr .il'y. ;ts
S (! w i 11 3Iacliiiic,
Alti: . 1 1 7i SO WE ED C El) TO HE
if luore siiiijilrl and rnfiullf. of
J'oiii' inoro kimls of work
Tin in ahlm on loth a h-a,
Ami will not or Kavtl
H. C. HAYDK.V, A,,n,l.
Cm ner Alonlgomery uml A'aerameino u,.,.a,
Oi l 111
SN I'iism isi o.
Under I alter,
WOI',l) inform tho paopla of Omgon CJity
uml vicinity that ha will keep a supply iif
lt"!uly-!inul(! Collins, of nil hum,
constantly on IiuihI.
llu will nlsii keep a
Jind will he preparotl lo iillend H ln ,.r,,By
business nf fuiiernls oiinartlei wilh his lino,
nnnp nrnr IM Srnilliall.
tir Custom from the vmniirv la su..if..n..
- l. ,h. on'. ;'"'
,Viiih l'"'' f' Alierntlhy if- Cti.'t,
I ODD KOI I.MS Ii ri'l'.D HP wilh , .
II fl.KAN and comfuilnble IIFDS, ...
for Ihe especial ticcoiuliliiiliitiuil uf tlieJ,jLH.
traveling publiu.
Our OININO II M.I. Is Ihe hnml in Oitgnn,
our fare good, mid clinigeH reasonable.
Single meals, oyster suppers, and uppers for
parties got upon short liolice, iullia neatest mull
iter. r it i e k s :
Hoard per week, without bulging, $ tMI
" hy the duy, mid lodging, I
Single meals,
Night's In li'ing,
Oel.'.' J, I Soil.
l-:.D. KF.I.I.Y.Pr.ipiieior.
1AM now cam ing on a Saddler's and 1 1 ur
ness milker's shop in this city , niul ttnvo con
slaiitly on ban. I the besi of
IvYmly-iiiiiili' liaiiu'ss, s.'iiltlli's,
1 1 1 1 14 in tt'lN. Iil:trllll":isi
and everylhing ill my line. I mil also ready lo
make to order anything in my line that limy be
called lor, on a sborl notice. My nmllu is, Make
a good arlicle, and sell it cheap. I solicit puliou
age at home ami fioin nbinid.
,M v eslali'inloio-nl la ueaily nppi:e ('baimaii
A W aiuer's Old Sland on .Main street.
J. II. Sf III! AM.
Apni a, is.'.:.
Vnliiulilf ri't'pftt)' For Sale.
77;; c ; .1 .u ; o t:n norit mill
MILS M l. situated ul I three fouilli of a
ram-grow ing couiiti y 111 Oiegou, is tillered lor
sale. Pin ing high w ater in winter, ll-uir, Ac,
can be shipped ihieel I'm, 11 Ihe Mill. A II a. In il
to Ihe mill is a granary for receiving ami tuning
wheat, a dwelling house and g.lideii .r the use
uf Ihe person ,1, chaige. I Imi whole property
cin'ii .ices a' I I'll k n srs.
The michiuety of the 111 II is of r rv superior
quality, having been ilusirleil fiuill li-i In.lrr,
N. Y. are lno inns of Ihe best l i.-nch
Ituris, it 1 1 1 1 an 1 tr.i patent run of smaller Ituiis
ler ebopped t'eeil, iVc. ri,o flame w.irk, tm
trculh, Ac, r.,111,,,1 be surpassed ill I Ireg ul, and
Ihe mill 111 all resp, el. is the bi .1 III Ihe .Male,
l or 1 aitieti'ars, iipplieaiioii should be ma In in
(.l.t P AI.I.YN. (r
.. it, n 1 i.. 1 ,
or to A Mi Ml Y llol.llb'OOK,
f bamp,eg, Jul, 10, s,,,l lif (begon fiy
SV ds Sa rsaparilla,
Fur Purifying tho Bln-d,
AMI lull TIIK l l'lti: III'
Scrofula, llisenses, Ulieiiina'.is 11,
Ciittiiieniis I'.i upli .s, Stub litini u !i.--r -,
I.iver i',iiii,!,niit, lvspetiii, Hi. 1111 Kit 1
Sail lilit'iiin, Liinili.igii, Wind. Sivell.
ills, Hip lsete, lililalgi-lllelit nf
the I'niiti s and J. lints, l ever
Su res, I'iiiijIo I 1111.
,l,iiti!, l',r siprlas,
l.oss nf A . ..-1 11
I'iiiij,!,-.. It,.s,
C lieral I i,.,i.
ity. sV. .,
It has long heel, s III isl lllip'rt.tlll desideratum
iu the prin lice of meihe,,,-, to 1, his, 11 a r eilir-ly
1 111 . lit r to I na, and i-i-riiiig'y si liml a le.rled
In aim uu v 1. .I'y in a'l lie...- i.iruiriiiing d -
f the .km .0 try nig In the pal u-in-j. and ul-
I torn, oa to ihe b- dtb II is a t,,u,,-, sjt n-nl, and
j llisilifrelalit. Il sets hiulllltaiirou.,'y np.iii Ihi.
r . a 11 11, Ilia 1 rat , 1.11 ins, and tin. ami 1 1 , and
tbu. thlre proeew-s. Mhif ll are o.-ihnan!) the ri
suit of rilKIK lli.'l'.-renl kind, nf lllrih. me, are 1-ir.
r ed on at th- same 1,1110 through lb- iiislruun u.
luhiy of Tins i.n r-iiip lial agent. Its ,-ri-,,t
iii-ril is that it mreia and until n!i it Ut n lii
piilie p e ul dm a.e H.ell, and when lbu g'uie,
Ihe lyiupl.iins I1eerw1.11 ily il.ssppe.r. Tile la
p dily w.tli il l,,, h the pill, nl roeiivera lira ll. and
alreuglll un let Ih.a Iltp e inlln, nee ia .in pt,..n
Cut 't, I 'ri g-ill e , ) ' ll.l-.l. i,
M-..ts A. H. A l Sisoa. New Y .rk. t.ei, ,
ll-meii,-- In the spling ,,f I s..,'l, w bile 00 0,1 f w at
Iroiii 1 11, 1 ana In lln. p in-e, our eld si li was!
S leil With II swelling and srveie p nil. ill ,r leg. .
who I, .lay by day gn w- wnrse, mini bis leg. eon.
Ilai lr.l. ami b-i-am- o painful l! at be e.nibl in I
walk, and w had In eairy In, 11 ab..,ii i.k- an in- 1
fail! Uereiehel Alhauv oil the. 'Id ill O. !,M-r, 1
i-niupli-l, ly w, ru ,,nt by laltfiie. P.y lb., n , 't
be wa. reilin e, 1,, a p-rfn-l sk-'. Inn. Il-i- ,
w.-ie i-i,,,l,lr, to r nil a physician Hr. Ilili... t
w ho 1 nnl..,, ,, ,n )-, ml I ie-1 1 uu. bun. al
I' lib II- eniihl ,,,e h.m ine.hcna II, ,1 u until le. '
beie ihe pmu. I ll I h a e .ige. y soiil-l lung run ,1
be il me, ,.r ie ill, was III, Vital, le. Ilemg le. ,,,. '
n aide, I lo try jour Saisap u.lin, pro. ore. I a , ,. '
lie. After taking Biime, he apjie.ilril worst ; bill '
psrs-vrring with il, I obtained a seeonl hofle,
wbi. to gruppl- will, the doe iso, mi l !
i aused a i.i.nk-.l iiiipr.iveiiipni : the w.-llu,g and i
pan, iu Ihe legs were ri d iee,, In. iipp-ip,. .
proved, ami Ins , ,il,,r began lo r. linn Phis en. I
i-tiuraged, I pur ha-, il a Ihinl bottle ( wh,,. uk- I
ing it the a velling. in b,s legs brke, niul , j
pieces of hniie one i ighlli ol nu in, I, long en,n !
out, uflt r which In. legs .tin ghb ned ami li.-n It-it
lip. Illl is now pelfeclly r. c..veei I, is III, up. !
pearaii. e ol b -iiig a cnpple, and can p, if.,,,,, !
most kinds of poiumiu, ,ls,r, as ill our iimgM,.,,,
tall rteilify. Yours, re.pecir,.!ly, J
f AI.I'lt IIAVI.1
I lepareil and sohl by .1
; I- II VI Vl V
Wl,e,h. I),,,,..:,,.. Ill ) l ui,....'.
l 1 1 1 1 il III , .Mill' nil;
nolitabo hy II. JOHNSON A Co., .Van ,,.
tori; PICK . fill N, ,WM.,,r; II II
Mi l)ON'.l,i le Co., ,v,(r, ,. ,! Iiy
Hru'ifisis ireiieniily.
I's. h'l'KKI.I-:, A Kent, 0,e Ctlu. jl ,.'l
'oirs and
lYagoim !
J.lncksniilliinrj; (,f n Kimls ,,,o
to onli-r.
I iw.l.r always nn blind ST EE I, I'l.OlYS,
I min i mil, il Intrnur mid , , .,,i .,L .'
with WAl;0,S. ran nit.... i.- t. i ... .....
hop, op,, MeKmlay's, ,e,y , ,MM) ..,,;
hor-es, ,,r , anylluiiK In II a f ,v busl,;, ,,,
' "." 1,11,1 J, W. liKWIS
.1. "' ' I Ilf
vast. smut.
I' li 0 W S !
flMIK uiidersiKn'cl , ,liV ,
steee'eIows "f ,":sr rAsT-
Vrlvm to Milt Hi.-, TIiim ..
" hnva matin ii,.,i,..i..i i
w i" r i,i.j,: rr.."",M''
hnva ever ll.-d. W. ,....,,.... . '
-Iva inaniibmlory,,, n, Inland . o lie, :;:::;;;
mplilly hirniiHsiiitf 1 1 ""'
-,..,. i i,i nv u( Pv.flifl
,;,;;!;,;rC;:" -r y;,V;!,j;?:
n iiKMnH,',:HVNf:A,,H0-v-
niaekwoods MagilZnc
UriliKh HcviewH.
Oioat luduccmTto ub.crib,!,
I H( 'O'I'T . co N1CW Ydlir
I i. to publ,.l, (ha fnl0wK U.,,"K.;t,1UU,UV-
riudimils, vir.i H ""lull '
I. Hit, l.MMN tMHTWl,v,
servalive) ' (Colli
i. nu. i.mnviui in-vn xv ,
ft. HI.(.K()OUH
MMiMlM, .To.)).
The present ,,0 f y
' '""U" " l'"l'heallo,i. Iiliusiiailvh,,"?''
lug dining Ihe forth,,.,,,,,,,,, yr. . ' l''r
eunv a middle eruuiul bs,i.... i .' ""Inc.
Iiews-ltems, elude apeeulationa. allt a' m"
of lbs daily .loiirnal. , ,i. , """ '
Ihe fiitnte historian, wntlei, after lbs
e.laude,e,l.-..,eu,uf lhtl ,, Hilll,., ..f";
the lime shall huvu passed away.
Pei.o.beals tbitl t.s.l.,. i a : " .""'
really ,,el,ig,b, and ,e. "
evi-nis, and as such, l it addim,,, (inf ' """"
lahltshe.l ine.aiy, .ceniif,,., , , ; . ".
n;,;;,;." 1 w
The receipt uf ilam-. Hhtsu fron ., publislieis gives sildili,,,,,! f,,lt , , '"
l'epril" iiiuel, na they can now (, iie"l
Hi Ihe, I. of subscribers abnui ,
ordinal e.liin.iia, "
TIIH MS. (ItiguUhle,,)
l'e Sllll,
I'm any one of llisfmir tievirwi
I'm an) two of the fun Prvisw,,."'.
I 'nl any Ibree of lln tour Hevirwa
I'or ull lour oflbe lleviewa
I'nr 1 1 I.l. -kit isnl's Ma,', Kins
-'or lllaikwood uml on., Iteneur
I'or ltlaikwt-,,1 and two K-virwa
I-,. I lila. kwiHi l nml llit re Krii-m,.,
I'or I'.la. kw. .nd ami ih,. i,i,r Ken, ,
.1 1)9
S U(f
7 DO
b Oil
3 00
a Oil
7 00'
9 0l
10 Ov
The P. sror la any part f fu,(,j 8u
w.ll be but lmi)-turt.rm,, ys.i "r
" lli.u kis..l," and but iuuilrra ('.cut! , "
for eat'h of the llmiewa.
At lbs alio.e pi lees the prtlodieala will h, (,.
lushed lol iMtl.
sn as A
rrcnvluiu to Now Btibicribori,
Ihe Nos. of the sain.. 'i l,t-, rl. h;,J) ,,1
lui, ii.l. ed i ninp eie, iriA iul uiliiiuiialfitai,,
I' ihe mine epbrm. ral .Maguinrs of ,,
ilav,lh. e Pen sin al. b l.llb-,y Bjj,, f,,i
it lull tear of the .No., f-r ;.;i. ... I, t i.j
nearly as t a I on b Is as lor I M.l
Sub.i-i ibrr. wishing also the ,Noa. fur t H ' 0 II
be.uppl.ed al lbs lull,, Ug KttSI.HKI.1 tu 'TU
Splendid OUVrs
For 1859, 'CO, nnd '61 together.
I'nr I'.l.ii kwiH.l a, lbs ihres irjn, 1n0
I'.-r any one li-v.ew i 1 j
I iu ant I a o 1 let h w s . , I I rj
I ..r P. a kw ihmI and one llevii-w , ft (mj
I or I. ai km,.. il nml two It, i.rwa ' (nl
' I nr thlre Pel ana ... 1
I'or Ills. kwiMKl nn. llnre Itriirs-a J (jrj
1 or ill. (our IteVt-Ha ,. . ' J 0th
Pel lltarkwissl and the four lii tirtta, ;ur
Any i f the bIkii. niuka ill al.o be fuinal.f
j III A rte Suhttt lliri I lor lbs Jrals s.,fi, ',17,4 'H
.1 our k tl' iht AVga.ii Suhtriiplian Viuti.
rintsM .Vrir SuUritl-n may oblain the Rr.rinl
i of the I our liev ewa Slid I'.laeka.sal
J t imseruUte rats far $31 tt
, W hit h is iboiil llu-1 '.. e of Iheongina; irarii far
one tear
i A.siesba'l n-ter Sa. ,i be likely to orTrr na k
lodilei lilriit. aa ll.ijr li , r. pre.rtitrd,
j Wow In tho Timo to Subicrlbe I
I ti" I. emi t in. ra ,1,11.1, in ; , ax . , mirla
ililtrt III Ihr I'uhli.hrll, f,.f at ll.eM (ificea St
i rnliim a, i.u ran be all-wrd
Adlie-, I I its ;i M'OI I' A CO,
,N,i .11 I...II atnrl. .New Vara
If u r. A T
I !1 1 x m I iV liivcr Svnij),
oil a
s lltSAI'.llill.l.A .l STII.I.IS0.1,
inn Tin: rt itt: tiy
. . i .
S, i i i lit if, ami M-ri-n-
l ial I irai's, ( M soif s. dkin
iliii'as'-s, niul all ntlirr
tlis.1 afs n hicli are
fail -cil lay all
Xinpiiro itato of tho Blood I
ur H w.i!i:.v.Ninii jt
rur- all s. rofnloua ami nlber ibseasii thai
rn;iii ,tp frnu, the si. nun os i.nii.
i:i:ad tiii: si ok .mi:, m.
.!: II.I.IAMS,
bo is llhl-i in v. Ilnruee llo.liin ll'l rliurrl,,,b,iK the cine of his ilanfliler, alio u
to all appraiaiirt a er.ppli ,1 f. r life Willi III ''''
nble dm a.e, M l.) ( l ,
Clri4TI, Pill J,s, ISjJ,
Mr.ass A. (, Scot, 1 1, ,v i n
Hear Sir. : f,r 1 1 n, y ihiiy o writ jou, mi
let you know Wb.l ytUf l;l..? ,,) .,r ,.p
una done f.,r my ,,,i,,ler, nil. I Ihal by ulslisli,uf
il oilms wlminir. r with the lams diansenii;
Know of II, and by Ils use ileiilf gnsl benrfil
i .. a i. .-1 . i.. .ai.. i. a a.lh
1,1.1,11-1 aa uni-i, aorciy ioiikh -
I. A, Nlteiiileil wl,K,e.,,a,l,.f..r-e
linn two It ara. Mis had aoiue live or in runninff
I b era on oris nf h-r feel, una on lirr b p, ami
mm on h-r hank. They riiiiM-d rolilrsi'lio f
Ihe liuiba so tli ojt shs could not Walk. Al lie'
lime, In, iu , , rreiillimellilali, n of )"
lllo'ul and later Syrop in nnmi; tm W ! . '
Was iinliieoil o Iry il Sia eiimiiieiinsil sHSf it,
ml aa ids ,i,e,l,.,.a s.-l-d nu Ih" llin.l, lh W"
eonimenred In heiil, Tim I, tubs are vell'M
slruilil sliei ia now lsililiif slrei,;lh. I h"
'lily used three hollies nf the, ami h
ran mm- walk quite well, Vmir lll.asl Slid I.""
Hy nip has done wonders in ri aloliHK I'" li'sllh.
W illi Ihe ((reiili si respsel, remain yours,
II. McWlll.M"-
sTTHMi:.NT or i:i.v. iioiiack urmi-
N I.I.I.,
Cilu .Hminaary if- I'tmlnr iht Vmhyliif
Clil'ISsATI, Marnli Jili I "
,M rasas. A. I HroVil.l. a ro
Hear ISirat ,M. tMitWilliama, Is in sltl'f
in Ihe rhiirch nf h liii-li I aid psaior. I sin so
'piniuli d Willi the rireiimsiaiicsa uf Ids ism
bis dsuqhli.r, snd I has no lieailanrr In ssyiuf
that I c, mauler lbs cure I, uly wniuleifnl
Hrovii.i.'s IIi.ihiii sail latrs Hnf fr ! lf
II I be priiicipnl I Iriiiirisls everywhere.
Ir. A. II. Ml KICI, K, Ak- iiI, Ihtif
OHO. W. N.NIll,!,, a,ie,-e..or to Park A Whils,
Aifeul, A'lin tinnritni, I. 'Ill Wsabiinb.n si ,
Imimrlrr nn l (tmrrul Anrnl (nf M
I'atfiif 7l((l(4'ln. I'niirr s'0Oli
which are oll'ered In Iba I
ill Nut in It part, wilh hul mil il ImportnH'
Ti..' al Im
r1lli: HALF oi l.or so. I IV lil,0(.'K
Nn. I, nilioiniiiK lh Majniiin lluil'llng, nt
Ihis city, Inipnre nl lbs Arifiis Olh.-n.
'regnii (ily, ,M an I, lilt, I Mil.
4- Fl'l.f, fHipPl.Y Ffilt CllilH'i'MA
A Slid New Vf's-.jiisl raceltrriJst
P..,. .V V. CNAIOM'
" ''.IV S,.F( I fj W(
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