The Oregon Argus. (Oregon City [Or.]) 1855-1863, April 05, 1862, Image 2

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,t any man Ufmls In Until hwnllu
American Viae shunt him nit ttc sitil '."
Crn. Pix.
l)c tDvcgcm SVrgus.
W.L.Adams, . . Editor.
oivsaoN CITY :
I'rri-iliiui of (ho fres.
"Jiititi Pint" has boon permitted, on j
the outside of today's paper, in Ins own
tvnv. to review a i tvvions article in our
paper written in the " editorial stvle."- "PI"'"" 'f i'l inter.
u. 1 1 n,imitt...i .ii;.h. I,,. k i, I is Stcncrally lino at this season of lh
presents the subject of a fr.e' press in n .vrnr- ,,,;s t;,n'1' lt little, though wo
loiirn ii'oni i gentleman rum 1 oik count v
' The weather, wo nrc ;!iul to say
promises well ul We Lave had lb
most disagreeable, gloomy winter ever
known on this coast. Since, the great
Hood in December, whieh ruined hundreds
of our citizens, there has been little else
since than n contintioil series of eohl simps,
driving snow-storms, itml eohl rain, with
occasional hail. These storms have killed
mere than half the Mock in the Willamette
Valley, ami many cattle arc still dying.
As we came up the Columbia, river last
Monday, the inljncint hill-tops on cither
i side of the river were in many places cov
j ered with snow. The air was chilly, and
we had occasional i snow squalls that win
j toned the tops of the evergreens on the
: river banks. Wednesday was indc.d a
gloomy day, the snow lulling in la rue Hakes
so thick its to give ihe whole country the
The grass,
that the grass has sprung up enough to
enable steers and young cattle to commence
thriving. Cows that are just coming in
are still perishing. The people gcneially
have done little or nothing touaid garden-
somewhat different aspect from that pre
sented by our " would be editor, and be-cans.-
we are sometimes willing to publish
unnecessarily radical views, as well as to
admit, " in the el torial stylo," articles
taking extremely conservative views of the
great question agitating the public mind. ; ,hl' ro"nJ u, w' 1 '"' 1,"v.v
In times of peace we are decidedly in favor 10 "1K'W l'r ll,i"ir st;''lv'1- Tl ' M,'i;''r
of the largest liberty of speech ami of the I"5 ,u'l!l'r ow. tll0,l.-L : t;,v
l,l'...-.ii.l .. nr.. ..! In l',.-.,r.,l ..!.. ;,,.r 'S COIII fort able Vet.
traitors to w just what they please, and ; Tin: Cor.v.w.i is Psion. -The editor of
;irV just what they please, against A bra- the t'orvallis Pnion raves and gnashes hi
I, in, T l,...,-,t n it,.. l!,.v ..I II. . .., . .- .
-""- i " "i tcciu i ko mao man at us lor caning linn
againt the Constitution, in time of war tt 'whisky-soaked editor." lie dene
tt e are in lavor oi pernruing me em tor tlmt lie is an intemperate man, and says he
of the t'orvallis I nion to print ull the so wrote to this office. We assure Mr.
venom and treason that he desires to, and M.ilono that we are above doing h m or
issue Ins vi!o, rotten sheet jtM as often as any other human being injustice knowingly
ie p. eases, ano we ioi;eve uiat every mem- ll.s treason to his
S!i-t . .M,iviii'io-iiv
.Is,- -' I' I 'm ik ii n k K t .iyhcu.
'VraMim .1 Ile-IIKK
Vuintirr- Scttm. .n II f Ml rit.
Co. t'i'i'r -I', (it iiiumr, l.i m Taii.iiii.
S,lmol Ktif'l - llniiltm' SiU'K cin.
Xiiiivim JmiM W. Ckiitiiuir.
The secretary was reipiosted to coiiiinu-
nieale (lie notion oi mo uioeuug in iitmuuui-
f.l.icUnuiiu it In it l.niti I'litluii.
This body met puisuaut to the cull made
to the I'nion men of Oregon, in the Court
House in Oregon City, on Saturday, the
'J'Jih .March, lSf.i, at 1 o'clock p.m.
lion. A. L. Lovejoy was elected tempo
rary chairman, and V. C. Johnson tempo
rary secretary.
On motion, James M. Mooiv, Septimus
Iliielat, and J. W, l.add were appoiuled
n emnmittec on credentials. After a short
absence, tiny re'urneil, reporting the fol
lowing named gentlemen as entitled to
seals in the Convention:
Oregon City Precinct I P. Thompson,
A. I., Lovejov, ,1. K. l'.iiignmu, Septimus
1 1 m int. W. V. Puck, I. P. lieals, A
lloleniub, W. P limns, Win. Picrdoru",
A. II. Steele, W. C. Johiison, W. C. Pc
nient, A Warner.
l.inn City Samuel Miller, 1 P. Temp
kms, ,1. M. Moore.
Phasaut Valley-J. W. I.inld, 1!. V.
Curry Win. Harlow, James Harlow.
Young'. W. N. Wade, P. P. Snuilins
Upper Mol dla Maxwell It niisby, Asa
Saunders, (Jeorge Ueis, p. T. T. Pislu r I
M.ilipniiu's-- Alfred Maiipiam, (leorge j "I1. "d unanimously adopted.
Co'.'iin, Jnhii M Piake. ' 1st. i''ee., it is the imperative
Spriugwator Abel M.ittoon, la wis A. July ol every loyal citizen, and friend of
I. aev. constitutional liberty, to rallv to the siip-
M.lwankie-- (!eo. Wise, U. J. MeWd- i port of our common country, its (!on rn
i i vimi ShIiiihh Ultrr,
1 V i Noi: Cirv, W. T March ", T.J.
pit. AlmiM; lleforo entiling oiillinile
i tails of matters and things as I found Ihem
here on my arrival, on I ho. last day ol last
year, n ltd as tile)' stand at dale, allow me
In give your readers n skeleh of my H ip
lug it Kepresontative, to the citizens ol from Urn rmo to nns place, wu nniur
Tillamook, and ask their conciirreiice. j day tho J 1st pec. at II o'clock p. in., I
It was also voted that Win I. Adams, . .,1 i( ,.(M,),,V u ,uiiall pack train
the delegate ... the Mi.gene City Couvoi, mhm
Hon, lie iiiiiIioiizmI to confer with the 1
eo.iiilies ol Tillamook, Cohiiubia, and ! for me to accompany him, agreed to carry
Washington, in selecting a candidalp for 1 my blankets and grub. The afternoon was
Slate Senator when the mooting adjourn-1 ,.nir n ,it,.,. f,.f)sv i-( and tlm niiow
ed. S T. Mi It k vn, l Ii u.
J. W. (! u;r, See')'.
from to I! feel deep. Our intended camp
ing place the only house on the road,
was 1 1 miles off, the Irad was very narrow
mid tho'Miow piled high and deep on either
side, Night soon Ii owned down upon us,
l.inn I'.uiinty ntun ('.nntrnUnn.
The I, inn County I 'nion Convention
met agreeably to notice, at Albany on
,'.).... tl!...'l, ''Oil, ,,,! Ill I I , V
calling'.iosepl, Hamilton to lhe"chair, S t '.!i".v. niul bitteily cold. We ar
Church Sec , A. 11. Osborne Assistant I rived at our destination however, a little
See. ! after It) u'eloek, having enjoyed a thousand
A committee on resolutions consisting ofj or Sll ,ertv Imnblos into the snow on ci
t apt .lolin Mmtli, l. liugs, u n
n. . w fl'l
ukj- nine cnli in in. ,l....i.. . .
. . , III 1 1.., it
",llsl" "f 'K'f Hie K,,1I(U t
''' l'"'"in I (laziaiuLr'4-
1 -l-ffh of Mr. .lolu V ",''or-
III IIIC Kelllne.v It .. 'II
Wlllell III) said
P.ib. r. Pr. S A. Smith, J. P. It.u ken-
slow, were appointed, who presented the
following, whieh wore separately taken
tier of the Administration is fu-t as liberal
adopted coniitry-
. . . . . , i I,,, ,
crime oi a mili.l Hoc Mi r aim lil.icKer Inn
as tve are but we are nor in favor of re- ' tliau ilrm.kennos-is certainly t noiigh for
quiring the loyal members of the Govern- him to answer for, without being chai
le.eut to furnish conveyance to carrv these
dirty organs into evtry section of the coun
try traversed by mail routes. We ra it
ngrt-e to carrying their pro luctions thirty
mill's fro n the offices of publication, free,
any more than we can agree to give free
passiges ill our mail co iches to the editors,
'ruv:ded they wai.t to go a similar dis
tance to make treasonable stump spceclu s.
After this war is over, uml liie Ooviru
mout is safe, we are in fat'i-r ol permitting
the publication and transmission tl.riMiLh
the mails of any uml ail notions regarding
the policy of the Uoveruimiit, and euti its
merits a priv.lcge which noi.e of tiie
State now in rebellion has ever accorded .
to us but v.iiih' our fathers, brmlit rs, and
sons are pouring out their blood :kc water
in a with relnl savages who scalp
our dead and murder our wom.deil, we are
not willing that the Irp hrg spii s of t!ie-e
rebels- ,sia be permitted to eneourag" ntnl
tr et' rs i I.r- ugh their
v do it at their ov
Strengthen '.is
presses, n:i!'.;-:
fcKCKiiiox I.ire.u.uiiiK Ti.e C
Union, a sheet which u-ilallv divi
in the foul pool of treason, and, u,;.a u:iy sneei we i,u'. vet seitl,
rag s and troths u...rc than uitd, in its last
i.-.-ue, under impression tlmt its time is
short, atid licit it is necessary to get all the
tilth off iN stoma;!! it can before i
dena-d mail privih gi s-. JM 0n arU.V
VoICll 10 IP, It IIs UlI fl.l-s.C IXJ'T'-.-IOIIS
Bi "nose rag." " -r-goosc,'' "nigger
no.s.; rag," " n'gg'r I r reli elout," "Parson
vu!lis ;
deeper ,
Willi uiierrations o wliuh he can truly
plellll not gllll'V. e have liefer ei II the
h tti r ri fert ed to by the Corv.i!l:s Pnion
as it must have miscarried in tic mail- lut
we lake this opportunity to state to our
readers that Mr. Malum- deni, s iter hav
ing been an inteiiipen.te man. We have
always heard and In-lit vtd t!ic contrary,
and it sveins even now ns something teiv
strange to run against a Um.i-raU seee.-h.
in?" We h ue convi ised with many ol
the most t i.terpri.-ing immigrants that are
now coming from California in vast nmii
l or-', and we find that n general st ntiue nt
preva !s that mil -Ii of the capital, enter
prise, and Lone mid sinew of Cal.furiii.i is
being ermat,ently transferred t') this s. c
tion of country. Millwrights, inechaiii.'s,
hniibernieii, artisans, merchants, and land
sp'ciiiators are d. reeling their ut tt lit inn
h toward, an tye to making pi
t locations.
liams, .1 . : 1 1 1 I. Kirns.
l.owi r lohilli - J S. Vinson, CO.
Iioynton, M. Pattcr.snn.
Hoik Crotk - ,Kis. T. Voting, James In
Tualatin -Henry V. Hayes.
Il'iinr Cretk T. W. Mav, Joseph T.
The temporary officers of the Conven
tion were contained pt riinim ntly in their
Voted that all select ions of delegates to
State Convention and candidates lor coun
ty officer, ho made by ballot; uml Septi
mus Huelat and James Harlow were ap
point! d tellers.
Pi legates were elected to the State Un
ion Convention ns follows: A. I.. Lovejoy,
W. C. .Johnson, W. C .Dement, Maxwell
nn at and II ig under all circumstances and
under et cry administration regardless of
party polities.
M. That wo will not knowingly support
any man, for any office whatever, who is
not uiaii.iblii illy for the Co"St.tulion ami
enforcing tho laws of the United Statts
under all circmiistauct s ami ut all hazards
ad. That wo are opposed to making any
tit alv w ilh those in I' In II, on against tin'
tiovt rnmciit on any other terms than an
nneoiiihl ional submission, on their part to
the Constitution and laws of our common
llli. Th it wo approve of the test oath
required by our (iovci'niucut before grant
ing ant' homily to ni.y pe.-vri, believing as
we tlo that every loyal citizen will gladly
avail himself of ihe priviltge of swuir ng
ale gi.iucf to his country.
oth Thai we approte of tho course of
i ..... ........... i :.. . i. . i i
I . . , , .,, , . . , , , I fin ii'' it ut in si i - tug 1 1 oin t of inn . I
l.anisl.y, .lolin I kerns, N-ittiiuus in at. ! i i i- i ( , , it
I the il sloval iniru'ils of Oregon, l"-t .ii
I'll,. I.,t!.,,i ,,.t i . L ..i r... i' iv... .. ' i. .
r. '"o li'l 1.1IIIIIII OllllAls ; Ult. ( , ,' ;,! lllinTtt f ( HI CH.'l . f II
was then s. ), cted:
lfjrrirnlat,ir.iV. A. I'.il.liRi., J
litMsm, J. i . 1 Kfiis
I iik Puny. I hi; Paeiiic. brought up
from S.oi PraueiM-o to Portland la-t Mon
day a steam engine for the n'ltvav tra.k
at th" Cas.-a.hs. The engine was bit It in
Sua piancl-co, and is built for power, and
not lor -pi ul There nre two .vimhir engine-
b-'hiinl, which wiil soon l.o brought
up for the track bet wen the I.d!r; uml
D'-ehii!ts, w liich are i, ut ns owtifiil i,
tin; " Pony,' but which are cJonl.itcd f. r
much greater speed.
50K A hum, niKM We le
Ilohbins, (,f Portlal.iJ, has t
ertrsas Vss.-ivi r. or our v
Billy," "white ngger," Ac, A-. Of course man. hll,am A hemethv M Mr .11,.
c-U'il the po ir.h base! edi'or of that sheet ' erm-thy is a graduate ol A: Scienlifu
ihlf.l.'l l-Vn, il t'. Id t.i-l . ( .. I III.. . . ? ' I t t. f
" 'r " '" "'t'-'it en .i itiei i 't panriKii oi l ale Loie'j ami imtiieii,-
with him by n plying in I k; kind. The , atelv after h-avirg th. Institution was
rp'-eimens of l.t.-riitiir; we give' ..-lect-d a im inl,. r of the Am-rieau A
Tolling ami ! -gii-tmg in th.-y are to tev eiati.m for the Adtan.;, nnnt of Seieiiee.-
peetai.le p "oplc-nre in good k'. ping with Hi, H-i- nUle know h-.Ig.; and Im-ine,, i,,teg.
ail Urn price:) !., u.:a:,'jA by the Cor- ' rity are nich us to cotumei.d him to ll,.
yallis Union, ami v rv..- to show to hat a ' i-onfrl.-fi.."' ol ull no 'ding the s-rviti s of an
J' ptn of ljt.s'jt:..d infamy tr iiTjii can sink ass;,Vir.
u man. e havu i,o doubt but that the
;ditor must blu-h in h.s s ,l,er lu'jments to
look over his own paper, if indeed u ..eces-tioni-.t
can blu-h. at any a I of v. II. to, v
p.i..l-il 10
( 'uu ili 7'itgr - m-i in i Hi en r
( ii Cum'm- t M II, M W, .-till ( I. Mil.) I H
C. it' .1,111 t MuV.
.s,,ffu ... V. p,i s,
u 1 iri."cui,i n. i ii ik Our. .its:
.!..-i,u -- K. V. Mi.'it r.
S,lii .Siif . r:-tri!riit . llisnu.l.
Suirri,;,, - i:. T. T 1'i-iitn.
Win ri mj (in, it was
It--"l' t-il. That the tl' legitioii from ties
county In ihe State Convention I,..- author
ize d, it anv vacant-its occur in their mm,.
it r, to 111! ihe s.nne with any ii::en of
this county who may he present; nui ,( no
one In' pri si'i l. t inn Ihe rein:, ion, , ,1,1...
ibs to cast the six votes to which th s
unity is eiilitlnl.
James Winston, Joseph D. Locey W.
W. lhitk, A 11 Stt t le, ami p p TIioiihi-
m, mi motion, were appoint.,! County
Commit tt e.
VTiie Union pap, rs of t,.: Stute w. re re-
mil, and .iie,.Mfir,-'llr. urn aiiii'itg
.vwn.i.'a! ihe (ivt rthro.v of our (iov, rnmenl, uml
j the n cognition ol the Southern Confeder
lilh That we fully appreciate and nn
prote of the united and untiring effort
in.nle by our Uepresentntivi s in I tit- elec
tion of Iv l I'.iktraiiilJ W Ni -until,
to the U. S. S li.itt , mid t-p'ti.,ll, .lo llr
comm. ml ami approve the puti ol e moliti s
that linliiceil the lion I.llller liikllis to
record li s, the casting vote which st cured
In Oiegoii ait able and loyal rcprcs, nt.,Loii
in the S- in.te. The Mlow ing uaim i gin
t'eUI' ll. Were lli.llillll'i-lv I Ii ctetl l!' h gntc
1 iher shlo of Ihe trail since nighl sol in on
us Tin' cold piii'iiii'.r night wind had
1 cliilti'il us through. We were much la-
; t'giied, mid one of our men had lis feci
badlv lio.i'li, but in the liu ndly hospitably
of our host and hostess - Mr. uml Mi s
Ponjnh', rn'.-nlly IVom l'retich Prairie, we
1 were mitilc to lorgi-t ill ii measure the hard
ships of I lie ot cuing Here w o lairied till
.Mniiilav, stalling at V, in Ihe morning
llniscs wi re not to be obtained at any
price, mi we had lo lake il again on lout
Snow bail been hilling fist during the night
and was still falling, uml the wind limiting
il in our laces, in i, Ii- it difficult lor ns lo
keep tiie trail. I lie day clean i up iioout
in inn but tiie snow was tlci p and so.t
that tnivcH.iig through il in Ihe w.,k" of
a pa k Irani would scaii'i ly be consiih red
II 'ph llslire t telll -ioll ' little belol'e Mill
down cuiiiped on the lioilh side of Lo
l.o Cli ' k T"C coiintiy nn r w hit h we
p ,.,i ,1, is h i 1 1 ami co u i' d with p ie- Inn
her, I II ii il Inn a in !" or so ( lh.' ei .ik,
nhi-lltlie liuibti' lietonie-i sca'tel il, utnl
: If I in I is a continuous de-cnl, down to
I lit- W , iter's edge To l.if llow II lor the
firs I t uie o.i the warm 'sub' of a snow hui k j
and i njoy the ri s! ami ii p"-e i I s, , , ,'u j
ring ii Ireeing i,i -l,t, niter u fit gni i ; j
linn cli on loot, d d not ,t j j i. ar to p.,ss.s.
the charms ol 1 1 one Ml et t I Pmt
tie re set on t no alt. I nal . e, exeipl t'i.,1 ol
sitting lip by He lite. About 1 0. w
spd i,i I 1 1 1 1 r bhii' tin. h r a p'lie tr. e ami
went to Intl At jn-t it'io'it son,, ti'.ng or
other ill, fill us if tone III ng
eohl ami th - igr. t-.i'il" was era v. lug
IliV s;il . Pat gll' il, sll ' pV, col I .ill
' 011 uturtll7
"It was no timulo ho Hllokli,,, ,
'!'' .isiliilily ol .nllKr tu w y limit
M,,uili,r' "ir ''tfc '"
""""'H as In ,h,nK,.r , 11,(1 ''
Kelltll.kiail with four .rel,,.',',,.!,,,0 ,""
'".oisbuhcii ,,;I,iy ii,
Kelilllcklaii, ho Kt(ll ,v ., .. ' H'Jful
i this ciitcst, P., iZ7'm
i"!':,',,i""i,ti1"" "y "'!.. sillV( , '
The (la.ette mills:
"II" Was several tilins !....,',l ,
l"'" iri ,!r'',1'i'Hio.,rnnill,I0;!,1
Uasiii,1S,i.k;ms.-.A Vhw V ,
cily lady, filled with hcrnum- .i . .
lirsl class piety, wiitm ... , l' 1
school, ol the lllelblhiniH. tn,ir..i .. . .
'VMIIj V.,lJ1i(,
M-.-.-t, rl.tiriLit,. M,M,, ,ivi,llll( ' j
piiiihgedto;stcit.,: J ""
"Pev. Mr .. is giving IH ,
M-ruioiis on the l . ft. i. tit kimN t
used in bnildiug Solo,,,,,,,', T. n..
are very inten slirg, llh, . 1 . ""7
ol iM-.Mt.i:,,! ..r.I-. ...ul M-, ,.,.
'ii"' h.oks'.ii!,,,,,,,,!,, y ' ,
young lady i
.M"";" ""' 11 ;l"''l"'.V"n..i, kllil
h'unln d pn.Mol imttens for t,t. K.,Kli.-r
H e Home liimrd, are ...itj.,, .. c. .,,, f , i,), ,
. - " I patriotic girk M"',rr..n
, not
- Two tonng girl, Sl,m
"'" "v". "fi'l u lair nn iU ;!,
" ,'T" ' '-, ,"r l'""a.llU de.irf,
I " "I Ih. ir l.nsty ,,r,.,nr.'
lions, nthl'il f p. to the funil, 'f
di'ls' Aid Soc.titsof . I-:,,,, i,'
I linn In s
trjr The x. V ,.ru, j,,,!, (1(
l'u 11 "i '''-las for Jiiiianrr, fr,n
iih ih ii uppiai. , Ihe import,. ,r'(.1(aill
A l Ihe Aiinie Line ll,.
I .. . ,IVI I.
Ill I illg
hum vt c
proilncf, HioiiL'h M II I
fall. I. g Oil, uml those ,, l,,0 j,,!
j r. ,-
! ..It
j eg.
! r-jr The re-nit of tli,. .,'VV I:,ni,f,:ro
l'.!l-: One Iminlrt J (J
1 1' i t.ou is as
It'll. It i i, dot ns
I Hindi' nil i (Vol I to sloll ef the ilitnlhr.
but d.-et't i I'. ,1 to inv const, nn ti. it I
wishing in n poil of in. li d s'iow dm
p n Ur 'ili. iv li s!i a i lo ii in 1 1 r be . s.,' h .il
k.ll-lll'l il I' Us.llg file III tlollt ol Olir let p
ing up irtni' nt, in the g "ml d- sin t,f hi i g
Us fi i mi fi i t ng l.o l.o i nil, I .I.' . it,
r. se nn tiie b. h 1 1 m I . In t w i e:i t he fo. k - of
i , . . .
nmli r I .' "i"icun, A
i in ...My of I. .Oil T. I:.,,,.!,!;,..,,, .:,.
1 v
'I'll') ini'.-hJ, these p, I
ThoToiiVt-iitioi. g:tV(. three ( hn rs for '
the tit ki t, thr, e cle ers for
to the Union Stale '.intent...!., t.i be' In , ''' r' ''" 1 d.-e'.a.g-s n.lo the
.1. I'll I ',lu on V.,lii. w.l , ti.r.lOl.. tolK o. HOI' riu r. till III
vi.: II nin Sin lh, David I i hi, Win
M McCoy. James M Mil oi pii-
tting, P Ii P...i,d..ll, Job, Smith, . II in
j no-i, O. W It ciiiird-on, T A II ggs
j ( In motion, h" S'-c was r pii'-t.i to
'iiriesh i i.pi, s of the proceedings of the
; OoiiV. ntioii lo thu Uni'iii papi rs of On gtui
' f .r p'lbl.e.itioll
Jo-i in II .tun ros. Oh. lit in ..a
Oh. itch, Sec.
i" chairman. I M.ii::..v I'm mv I'muv ('.(t t rms .
three cl,i,r, for the IV,..,, ,u.. j Th- following nr.- tl,- ii...u:.,.,tins ia..- l.v
ili..... i i. I e . i ... i . . . . .
r" ior (ne iiaiior , ll 1 1. 1- j t,,e M, u County I nion (
. I il I:. i .....
. .-, nn. i in. ii ii'ijourni'ii i,. ,
P I'
.V morning
we i ro -, il Ihe en t k w itli but lit'le iblli
cu'ty Tin- Ir i.l h .ol. ti)i mi iti.- vl.iglt
slei p ll'el rilg.'ed U..i!it.i,ll. ih.k'v our
gro'.i ii w il Ii the far. ons km-!, if f.r, t'.n
I. T "Ull- In I. s, I'ii- I .ml is ..! a, noli
but I. til.- t.n.h, r, unt I w I'.,, i ul on! two, i -1 . . . . .
Illli's in i ..' i in --eg ii t l iiil,i.iir wiii
the til. h- I Hid o'., r ii ' ili w - p i . 1 1 t . .I-.
t':i re is I ut I it!.- -mm , and d mi t!..- I.e
t y t rp ol lie .! s. . lo I . I ,t..
ami the iv in i" "'I 'tl I nlo-i ; the i el y t
the r.l. r, II1 II 1 d ii" III l' th -is .
, o v in Nn' Il 'ii,.. i, ;! . ;,) , .if
; "'" I ii' In. t in out of p.. s, n,,!,, '
t'Ji" The in l.t ity ci.uiuai,i.r lit I'uil
I Pitihs t.ii, nil Old, r foihlililing ,
; pure! us.- of nmii -1 1 1 p'i s f r,, ,,ni.
, leilh el 1
I'V ti l" I iic, t. nut., Ciiiiiinmliir,. lhiili
iilinii.of ll,.' y,mim irl il.. , fit. in 1,1, weunjj
T'Ceiiid ill the ional i ngig, ,. lit ull Sr
e-.v-1; ,i ut pei, ii iii.i, p., , (,,. ff.
I r d from ll,c ', u I. nl ury, ili.ins no
I more i mn .
nee r. l it i g c ii.'titu-
Vr. Pi . I . Cut The Stiionir " A'.
" '." I 'apt J W Cel.-.,!,, mil 1,1,1,'Ci
le ii. ,'i lo ihiv. iiiin.eihatt Iv niter orrnul cf
if II-
uu l.,t on to I
! the -t.
A L Lm i i n- Ch'n
V. (.'. J iIINSov. Sk-'v
ih m, on .v,itur,;.iy I i-t.
; S to Slute ( 'oil! ,-litloll
Cook, ;, a lides, i i; m
( a-e, W
I'. .
. S M
ores nt.
ro-'r f Irirc up w sj Ou ...,s t'n Mirui - Inal, $l,0H
near 111 ,1 i.t I. m . r. , hi, f of t! e .. r V, r it l'.,- I'lont H m..,: :, I...I- il (lO:
l.l'.: l"e; i uin
fsl V
1,1 fit, ( If,
11- I , .
ti e u ive almost mail ; up our mind
the rebels are j.os-i -k of devils,
ii'i'l i
i Tin; U.wov Coi .srr Co.svkmiov. Tl,"
i profit, lings of t!, s body will rijhl i(
aii'uhi.-r tolnmii. Tie; Coini-titi.iii, lie are
( its bii-li.e-s
thronghtout with the titmo-t Inrmoi v ;,ih
good f -cling. The fi;,-, -lj.-rs evinc. d a gmal
deal iif in'i.T' -t in the proc-iiJ I,;:-', Lut up
pear d eou-id rablv (I ibbergasti on di-
covering .o many promint-nt mi ml, en ,,f
the 'id lh UiOeralic lial'tv takiier i.,,rt in ll.
,.. 14 r i
liii. I ivt-rti-OM;-.-:! its. .Since the rout del. In ratio;. s.
. t .t , ,
o. ue; r- i.f.s nt hn., i ..,(, 1. u,,,,, of
rori Jlt-nry, t,e InMlmut v
ineatii-r, dirti- r, uml umrc d. -honest devil.
too, than we Mipo-.-i t,,. o. fitlnr of.
lies I im-If Would le.p to do the d.rtv
work of the bottomh -i pit.
unoi;,', tiie ehinilr.e cohnrts of Jiff J),ni,
seem lo l ave .i,, ii gin -railv tunl;
ktues. The fact i, patiic sn-ms
l.ri MY. f)ll Sll'ilav li.l
ictory wi; , i -i t:.., , . .
acl,ieye,lalD,m,l-o,,,u,,;li,,(,),;,,,J,,n";'7 'VJ"' " 1,0 "" '"' WX
multaneousmv.sofourMiee,,,,, nt P.m. ? ,""""'!;' ."f lh""' a "f
.'-. lemcnt. It rati k i f. ov, r i .,. ,.r...
eiiil'ius bank into Ihe liter uonhl
111 haw; bteti ilro.viied but for the c:;ertimn of
have i. ,, ... , ,, , . ,
M'i,.,1 ,1.,. r..l,..l , ., . . ..tiiii.,.1, .no. i ewr tt ii-oii 01 tin:
that was heard of lh. m tly w, re maliing 1 " 4
iwo lotiy l ine lion. .Miini,s-n, .a-hvile ! '.ni itsn. A. Holbrook, V. after
nud other points tow ard the (iulf ,, M,.x. j an nbsi'imc. of fuon.' tlnin a yar in the Al
ieo We have no iih u wln r'; tiny wiil I '""t:,i i .Slat, s, r in In d home in this city on
make a ftioid ii'-.l, if imhi-d tiny ftiind n'. j l,rl Wedm ulay-0 gri .it purl of which
nil. We are inclmed to think that if j ,;nn; In- spent in the cily of Wa-hingloii
MtC'i,i, I; ,, !!, ,, (;r,t I,,,, ,.u,., . He n it. fifm h-nllh and spirits, uml confi
do., !y lolloiti d up their retreat, the n.b. U (l' 1,1 ,llut "' " bi llion will soon I,,.- simired
would have iiniiated tin.' example of their j ""l ''' ''overiiin. nt
let i, pos-is,(d iirototypi-H in ,S
lAl-rp i n r.outi-nllnn.
l' to notice, the legal tot' rs of
t !at-op county m, t m t,t. ruri I,,,,,.
A storm mi March li'.Uh, at J p in , tm.h r
i:;e t'ollollilig fall:
Jo-, ph M igone,
' i ii- j- i I., ..'.
; ii i r i in in , ,t 1,11-n, -. tt ill .tins.
.liiiir I Prow ii. P. Davis, I! p. Harding
Sen.itot-s, .) W.tiriniu, Win (ireeiiw I
1 P.- pr. -si-iiiatives, I It. Moonw, ,L,o .N 1 I -
'to, C A. P'Oll, .Jos. Mllgles Colllltf
i s,,i, ) ou,. , , v. r I'1 -i b s In r.
t no , ,i; o s h,, Ii i in . I it u I " I' ,
!' Ilpp.'.ir. lo be I, -hli W, s ll. i.l,
ii ii ,.' and hair h. ,li',i ... I. g
len war I-, waged agaii,,t the (Juv- .ludge, .1 ('.Peebles County CI, rk, 0
.inmei.t tod, -troy ,y force of ru,s the I A- Ld.-s. Sheriff, S.imii.'l Ileudiick
I mon which our fathers made, only two ; Trasiiier, J. II Moores.
, .'i r f t. I.,.,. ..v.l . I . i .' I
I !..-. iii'i-i: lsni) llolll. s.ivi
llm-i; w ho would destroy.
" Mi-giln.i d cili' ns. ,. eeir. d nml co 1 Lave Imiuinat nt amicliniM traitors to dr., if t. :
sword ,.g ii..- their ciumrv, are not u,re I ,.i
guilty than tl, ir I, -s maidv svmpa.h;, ! . ' ', K' ' '"',M";
who, at a ...if,, di.lai,,.,., ,',,'vil M i1L. ,,,,! I 1 r"-' Alt V, (limy; Ir.a-i, Wahlioii; As-
-ury ineii.ures of ,, f, j ,.,,. r Hj
ball:,-s the ( If It- to pr, s-rie tli" liatloi,
h. . II
and o-.i i.
I. rry. I
m.iii, l.n-
fill t. ll . II. II II, is fi g.ll ,. , l,s ,, In, I l! .-,is
mi, I sk bill fanner. These ln,l:,n leiie
S 'll.e lill" farm. In T'', III II fell,', i,1, ,,
paieiillv it I'll , I had not "in
eitle r i Ii., k, ll or gg sin, e , lune la l, l ot
lo e we sw I, o ! i lm k' in i,i .,-.'s
cluck' lis three iIoII.ih npn-ce, n
'our ihill ,i s a ihi.-n (In our nn nil nt
the I'ici t si . et, i fi,- cii'iiping, an ii ei.. nl
.t HI It 'I winch I think lioilhv ol n.N.i
f'dlouing till;, t: I'W fun, lis to ! .. ll... iniiiti- !
of ss ' n . . , i . - heart The L.-liiiis h , Imi ii
iiii.e'iiii,; lis winliig our n nv ib. '.in thi
ll. mil. t. on flop,' 'I lie i, ning wis riw
W.i-t o - The I'liiou in, ii of this co'itily
d Ihe
.-pr,-, titaliie, O Ilnmasi n; Ch i k, Pig
low: MoT. f. W 111, - .In, ,.,. (Jr.ves
who " ran viol-nily down into the w;u."
don't fi ,; ,w the nla Is are to
I'm.,,.,... 'I',.. .!.!. .. ,1 .
,.ojii,i,"i - iiu: fan; wains oil .Minn
.Street that were damaged ninl washed
away during the freshet ft winter, are-
get even with n, null's, t.y (,,,,,. . '"'i' 't i" prop.r trim, uml in a few ,l,,ys
carry out their old phm 0f " imading Cin
cimiati, Pliilade,hiii, uml other .Voilhern
t'ititH." Wo lldviMJ Jeff Pal-in to losf) 1,1,
time, Lut to " iiivudo thu North" imme
diately. far Tho Union Conventions in nil the
counties, w fur ns l.enr, from, lmv gone
tiff very ImrnoiiouHly uml atisfnetoril
the ktreet will lm in u g',od u condition ns
W The Lmid Olliei.. I., ihtn cily will
toon I;,- removeil to the lower story in tlm
Masonic LiiiMing, which Is hiii. fitted up
for the purpose,
l)ltVINo. Seo l.otico of JJar.slow ,t
, J'ra'.r in ntiothtr to.imj.
eMiel, com-t rt among the open , s,..
(Ti'I enemies of Ihe I. niiin leaves
lit -lliltlle tr, its loyal fliel ,s l,lt ( uml,.
their voice ii nl votes lo ii ni iii me t. I.c.rt
ami n-rv" th" arm of those on ivhon, il.
ph- have temnor.irilv imiio.ed thedntv
of iis pp-si rvati'iii
" Thert-rore, the imdersint'd, iio.lpoiii,
paity conteiition iibout moil, , f mimj,,
ring the (;,,ven,iii"iii, until n,,. (;(iv.,.r
m nt it-. II fhall be out o! dang, r, iniiti
in-ir i. iiow'i'iii.i-ns of Clatsoi, comiiv
... . l , . '
,'noi,i oi., j,,., ,,,. ,, putty, who are wi
ueg to mi.l,; in so laimiig Iho Adiiiinistrii
tn.n in its ifftirls lo suppress the rebellion
to ,P serve the Ciiinii , t enfoi-e,; oh -
on nee to ti.e ( tmstitiiiiou and laws to
ni", i in nni-s convention t the eoirl-lioii-,
in A storm on S,itiii-,hii' M ,i-,.t. ooil. ise. i
J - "' ", i o-
or in.' -airpo , of aiinoiiiliii! a il, li",i,i,. i
the I'nion Stale Convenlioi' and nl o to
ngri e upon a pi, ,,f foMuinj, (;,, ,.0,M1.
iy la Ki t lor Ihe dime , lection."
Aft.-r, by electing Snmm I T
M K I'll i hii rmiiii me I Join, W. U.arluut
seer.i.iy, it na, voted that all who ,h sir,,
lo parlieipate ii, ,,. met;,,,, f(,
Ihe .rriginiil call, and Higmry their ilitentmi
,., I ll... I . l. ...
"Tl "''"n"! io .'i at
Luge...' City on the o,, (lf A(1.i(i ((N
u comlilion to nu ll parlicijiaiion,
About three fourths of ll... meeting th, u
"igne.i u,e can. ji, ting ,',. (m
c eih d lo nppoilil a ih legi,!,. ',) t. ('
venlion lo be held ,,t Liigene City t
: ii oi April-when Win. I,. Adams was
enoseii um.iiimo.isly,
Vo!e,, t nominal,. c.mly ticket for
the Jumi cleeiioti, iis it was thought lis full
meeting would not he uHscmhlcl ,
lilt" Kellsnu. ,
A commit , o ol fivfl wan nppoit.le,! ,y
Iho meeting lo iirescnr. n list ,i ,.,...:....,..'
lor tlm various count v oniec,. Tin. com
iniilen retired, ,., ill(1y r1(,r,( f
ticket for tl. .lm,,. il.-ft i . 1.T..1
Jidopled, oi. Iiyone, l.y thiuneelinLMiear
ly, us IoIIowh, to wilj
Inr Kwn,iiirf. W . (
Co JiiilqF-H.'f. M.'Kmv.
p.'sor, M. M. Clnpmaii; Corom r, Pr lb II;
I Co. C.,.,11., W V Linghl,,,, J M Crook-;'
Supt Schools, p., I; Ci, Sin veyor, ; " hn stood nr.. uml, .
L. P. O.ul.e. Cenlral Coinmiltee-Wm r.-nl d ep inter.
Logan, Olney, IttyiioliN, Mitys, CrtM.ks,
mid N. ( 'oe.
uml e .lil, the 'mm f..fl l,e lm, I rough
ami .mi l. ly Our evident latigue ,l., not
i sc.ipe Ihe t.i i n obs, rial oil of the 'io, itvs
riilinilng us w th
I In our
, two o tho ) iiuager ipiiins cai h wild a
i liild on In r bin k, taking two m.,l boat
Huddles t lit' v Henl l,i uorL vt ill, n t. II ,,, .1
The deleg.tles to the State CoiiVentiim b, lore our liiif-i s IV, re unpacked, they u,
IVom Wii-co County, nre J II. Wilbur, 'I'"' i,iw thoroughly clearnl off ou r it
Otmald, Win. L',iiii, and Jas. A. Odell. ''I""'1' "llll'l.v ""H1''" f'"" ""r whole ro.n---
. puny lo camp on during th nighl. Whil.t
V.iMini.i. - The delegatiM from Vn,,i ' I'ltgng, il, anollier more ehh rly wo
County to the Slute I'nion Convention, i Ml:l" "Ihyn huh' boy nnd gill, was
nie Messrs Joel Palmer, Sunders Condon' '"'7 H1'" ' '"' wood and .listing to stmi
lii-eyman, p.-iin, ami Dai.ielH. n lire. Having performed th,,. net, of
in, s, Hie, lul, hut m il tun. .1 '( In--
I' i, -, Legs, n,
Apphs, ', !..!,.,., :.
pod rt i tu M.iiikl r.
Pi-tiir, Sl.imlM.I M IN, $'J 09
" Couiiliy P. .n ils "S .'ill
Wh, it pi r Li'i-hi I I .V
(lit, p, r -e. In I DO
Puf.r, L'u .'.Oe
V.::. I1 2"r
II.ium Haiti
tut k' ns 1 1 r do jii
lh .ois pi r lb Or
Po'aloi per bu.l.rl M .'.0 (J
Applip.r Lrr 1,. I .
. "l i
niiiH ", nt
I...... .... s.,,, I., M .,, I. 'Ill .lul.n I ,il'l. U'-l
g i I u, ,.u III ini.ii'lii
I0. ."ii nn niul Smir mail i'r t-n.
Hn I ri I iy ilhiig. 1inl I. I"" '' r,t!'f
. 'Hi.tiiiilin ll, I ilmll I! l',r', wi. dl '
mil It s lt.4lr.. ,. il'.'l ),!
(l,"Tli IiiiimiI mil lake ,lir In it)f l
ii', lis k.
liKNlos The I'nio
tin i omentum oi ,, , , . . , . ,
...... i "' '.ei,'t tiM-if moo , iv ,or ii ii-tv 1110-
I5e Loll ( oiiii e m,n,,i. I A I! II......1 . ' . ' "'
i; , s; , . . t i,. , , im iilK, niul 1 1.-, went home to their hid
':r 1 A-. w ( , ,. ir. Ti..,t n
i. le III IV I, 'S' III 111 II IS I 1,1 , , , ,
, f V III! tt . IrS k l,,i neuu u i.Cii I.. rr..ri....l I...
j i - ........... ..... I 1 1 1' 'I 11V
Multnomah fe.uls, Mck-is. A. M. Starr,
Judge Williams, Penrne, Watkins, Shmv
Powell, OorbcU and Smith, i
iiidiini sipiuwH is timt - I!" ii no
"Tl," mii'i. huh l.r..t-ii in .lm ij ,
'I lei,, ll lurii. il n-i le, nr. tiiiilii im,, .1 "
Prom Washinglon County come prl'1"1" '""""n-'l clnhlien r t. fr.
Ib.wlby, Plorence If ,.11, Ad. wV, ILm 's,'1 Ml,1'1 ,"" J1"'"'" "'ivili,.,1,
mm. 1 Willi all tlm disadvantages of their foeial
; ami moral comlilion, are wonu n- women
Tin: Woiik or Ovk Month Prom, the "!'" " t )i-y ar cupnbli. f develop.
Huh of Jiinmiry to the pith of pt briiary, I "r n '""'I ('"dl k-
ortxi.etly four wclis, the IVd-ral I 1 ".,,,.,,, s.miny
i , i , . . ,. i ,"'r iiilb.eiie,', ii. id ,'i.m, , i nin adoiu her
has I,,,,, at wotk, will. tl,0 lollottii.g gh, M.x. ,l)t f tr.M vmir r I . I r, ,
lim if I In. vi I. Hide an in. necessary iligrefs
ion, in relating ihiH 10 1 It- incident. As I
must flideiivor lo meet the chances f
ting lies Ii tier forwardeil, f, ,v,. to
clmnge my fubject Tor the present, pcihaps
lo reMiiiie it nt fome luture tiiue.
fL A. Noiuc
rious results
Victory iff Mill Springs.
Victory of Port Henry,
Victory of Itoanoke Island.
Capture of Ldenloii, Herefoid, nnd
'ili.abeth ,, (;,
Springliehl, Mo , cl. nretl of the rebel
Howling Urecn uml Hopkiiisvilln, Ky ,
evacuated ,y reliclH,
V ictory of Port Jionelson.
tilT" (Jen. Halleck has written a letter
t .. I 1 1 1 ...
'o item Jiunier. iieknow ei ir i nr th,. I.,,". n... i, i . . i ...
-r,'--n "... i ii i -sun iiriiwi oiv. ,ik, irreiirt'im ,.n n,i.
" "f hitler's troops If ii ill in the cap. 'y "f ihsio.ion nnd the Southern L'onfeder-
t.irt! of Pt. HoucIkoii. To (ien. Hunter i nrJr u,'r'v,'l ut Nm.hville,
n.oru than to any oilier mini out of thu Do'- , f .
nt-lment, (I..,,, Hull-ck Rny-, i, t1() ' "'"" J, niul ends will,
Sioxr KAiu:, Prcnile,. thinks that
tlm floiie liliM'kude, whilu "rocking in the
cradle of Iho deep," will provu u lullaby to
lh,) ciilniiierci. of the r, hi Is.
IH I' up 1. 1. I I tilts r, m nmii ' lh r-
I I'll'ie nl Oirg.tu C,l)', liru,i, on Il,f3ll
Mitt Ii, s, n
.Mm Jin I ;,.., (im W IliUr, JmiM Cll'
" ...I. Il)d,il ( I'lii.KI ( ln.l."t'i
T J, Win II CIs'TtinCi 'J,
l'M, .I'.loi ILtiri. Ml Ibltlrr. tir.1 Hfw.
It. IIC lli.,ilitti.i.,n, Win h Kill"'''.
Almi heir., .I, .hit K' I- V. Ira ,MjfiVA "''
ilij.l Mm, y, 'll m.Miill'li, Ijiwreiintdli"1'
It, l..,.l l' !., Mn Jmifl I'mllnw, MnKi
Jan.' Mi-urn, i, I'tV i-r .1 l:M'i. I'l"1""'
M,,,,i.r., J W hliMl, ( liilry Minli'lh "T
W'Tatliir. J'.lu, V ll.'.ie.-, Jeloi Tlimr"'
Hal I iiili-wiHiil, J.iin.". V.ii.lritMili. W ilium
W.IV J. M. t:IIMo I' M- n
Mill ii.MIUNA'II.iN el'' THAMINU
in met n mil nil (lli-e... ('..V. if """'
I lltr.N A I ivrr ilea ilnv l,V inllial
-. , mel H di' im.Un.ii.'iH'.l 'lt rnil iM,H"
"I Hie iiilminiii" of .in i.lil i-iiti',iii-ri '.'I "
in V urw luira in 'V i.lli f ,M) lln-.r il,tT
ll,'ii-li,i Kill l al all I, in" ill I ,ir, I"--i
mi. iir.lKin f. I ilii,)i.i, ,i.l Ki,.'" ,","B
Ci.V. Wi. will lie iii.i,l I" ,l. li.l "'r
niu,', Ha ciin.iii.Ki.p. will iliiill. ! "'
r., ii or .lour. Jllsl l'll l ll"i"H,
.1 M. Ml.Vlill
llirKiu. City, -V'l I, llit.
ain.iv iiirii' li"""r
linuli .1 In tlm
oar ruir.
nv IraKii
l . 1. Half K-l l,rg., Olj; to
i ll.n riii.nli v, Will ,l.'W.llln I""" "
n. will clnifei. l,.tilii.. f'" ,"""t'
ii.til.lp I. null, of - ll r,l,r" "
He' rnmil" In llir ,Ueit of .mrir, of f'""
I'Uei. .,f ('iiri'tg" In dm IhwI Inr iln 11
In flrriiil r,i,i',i,Ziiliill ''.
Otritnn, Way Trrm, IMiV.
Naaey llnwnol, l,rl.l.i,.i'f, )
M. (
l,.,,. I1 Ilnwiilll. Hrfl'lI'lHIll' I , ..
rV MAI! I IN V lluWAllll. 7; r,T!,,,
1 V., w.ll lake i.,.il, Naary I'";"' ""J
II, . ,li,y fll.l III lli rlr.Mil! r.m,l of W
l),rK,, , ioi-I I-r ) BM.IiHI fim-yi -" r- ,fof
imiina In n ilreir tM ii " ' " . h ,
lr.,.,.ly.,,,l,'... f I-' I'' ,,lr'"' "".'L
; I .. ll ....... i,n lut IHIIilW "" 1 ;
piiiii iirii nun w'.i ii".' . i.nn ol
' Ittk .lelia l!,i, i ,.,,
iM-CilbuoofUiethrccday.. ! '"
-.'I "i-
M.,rrli'I, PM. rul "'"