ill U. W. HA l. fell' rr;MfS' "'' KUHSVHII'TIOS. ...n ii" l'""' '" '"""' '.. -i . ikt inowy ii"1 l""J '" ii'lmnr, ,'"ur iiM W !;'''''" '. f'" . ... ... If...-. ,.,!.. lie chin gni fm i hiii(i J L,,,, re " irr il for a lr Vr,,ml. mntr Jiimntimifil unlit nil anramgri SUcnfiff"-'"""- lli;lKN''l V 'IM... Slllj. Ilook wn commenced recently l.y oiisliii lioii nr buildings required In ll.o ,r,,jn'iition ofopenilioiiH, iiml by Krinlin i plunking road lending fnitii Iho wharf to the U or llio fort. Tim woiks during (ie rw inoiitliH have progressed witli irnt rnii'lily nutl I now In condition to tonul IwW i'',,,,' vf l!u"H- U m channel of tin) entrance to the lower ImV mnl lliu entire niu-lifinio nr I. . i..iiln Heel iit'prom-liiit N. V. harbor A Weekly N(!WH)iicr, devote! to the Interests of the Laboring Classes, and advocating the side of Truth in every issue.- Voi.. VII. 0 li 10 (J O N CI T Y , 0 11 K 0 ON, A P 11 1 L fi , 1 8 G 2 . No. En. A unfit : Somebody Inllicts upon tl.e I dirt-cuter, Jam,- 0. Athcrtw,, of Now I Tub Kbicsson Ikon Battkhy. The ful- j making terrible holes in her In-low the wa- reader of . Argus of March 22.1, over Hampshire and sundry other funlastx tricks lowing description of tins buttery, though ; Ime. I ho Cumocrlnria con iinow ur- i . r. : I l...,l I .loiilit. ' " . tho signature of ( dncr lipped over) not tho editor, of course two mortal columns of editorial mutter, tin; pr niisvN of which consist of a strange medley of glar ing statements nnd fulsu assumptions. I uckiiowhdgo tho truth when I ay I in ii.shiiiniil of nny person who should iitlfinpt to justify our Government, in this uge nnd ilny, in excluding certain traitor ous, innliciously licit, newsnpers from the thiil wi-ro enacted in Congress nbout those when she careened slowly, and Eimlly sunk No nppnn.-iit t-ffect wns produced on Ihc liv ill Nnrrw, voiitl fir-.t Iwvo to i-n- post oftlci-H nnd iihiiIh upon thu lliiuy pn?- i ... U...I lifllltlll hoi two itiili-n lirfurr slri- a iiinmi'" ym,, tl water. Afii-r passing tliift point tin. i-el will coniu within the ruiiK of fifty style. Then he niyn the freedom of iht, nuil h US Kt'l written before it was launched, will doubt ... .i Inn.s nnd nil in behalf of Slavery, and less be iiitcrcRtiiij? to our read' rs irom me iiL'iiinst Anti sliiverv men men who wcro'fact that she met und defeated the irori-t-lud M(;rrimucly the continuon-s firing from (Am known, mid uro now ackmwMyrJ to ' rebel steamer Merriumc ufler she m de- our batteries nnd vessel The Minnesota 1- purest and greatest stroyed in severe, but T men that ev; r lived? And then iloen your j the American wooden-walled steamers ; o tie rubel gun boats Yorktown would bu editor Knv Lliiit tho nrincii.les of ' Uumbelland and C'oncress. ! and .lumestown arrived. Tho former be- thosi! men havo made no proKress since The hull is sharp nt both end., tho bow j jnK disabled early in the afternoon, put that lime? Could John I'. Hale, Sumner. ' P'-j'1 '""J ,:"",in ! a l,oiht "." "": os,'" for. "V1":,ipr,nll(, tho M,r L'l of ei-'htv decrees, tho sides inclining at After sinking the LunibcrlanU, the .Mer I otter, and I.ovejoy be expelled from ton- -u (,-ifl)..0ll(. ((.r,.(.s to the vertical rimuc lurned her nttention to the frigate irrcss now? The uwitki-tiintf sense of the ' l;,,,. It. iu lint bottomed, nix and a hall'! Concress. and in less than an hour the lat ter surrendered. Her ollicers and marines were taken prisoners, but tl.e seamen were allowed to escape. The frigate St. Law rence arrived In re during the afternoon ! is ,ri feet liijih, 41 feet i ineh'-s wide, 1 " I j and immediately proceeded up the river, voiiutir tho rue of tlm battery nt Saudy j textc set up by your would be editor. Let nation was felt some six years since when fret in depth, built light, of 15 8 iron, 121 ii ,t Minio of llio guns ol which, with n ! us i-xmniiiu his poMtioim His iier orutiou I'.rooks, the slave pnipagniidist, was (-x- f' ct long, and 31 (eet wiih; at the top. lu..k, miiiiu h . i i . - j . ii i .- i Another or upper hull rests on tins, with elevation, sent by recent cxperimerls , Is passable-in the ordinary spread eagle pelh d from Congress for brutally beating a , 11(..J..mli,..nrlhli((., MH sharp ends. This ineiiiuoi nir ins nun nuiniy .-Mien. .u , ; r r . . 4 1 feet 4 llieli'-x Will'', 111 s, "ill n radical snisfi that however, they expel Senators nnd ltepre-; fret long, exlending over the sides of the ! following thn example of tbo Minnesota the press does not now cv ! senlatives for assisting the rebellion, which lower hull a reel 7 inches, und over each and lioanoke, liring on the battery al Sew 1 I 101 now i. .,,'.., rend 25 feet thus serving as n protection lo 'nil's Point, but, like the rest, the shots fell Idomcv-r existed wlh us, is only assisting to perpetuate slavery, Theishort. The L'u.boat Mystic also turned RATES OK ADVERTISING: O110 Kjiiare (trolv liocn, or m, brevier mttmrt) one innerlion $ 3 CO Each iubiequnt iniertinn 1 00 linaincm card ono year 90 00 A liberal deduction will be made to ihoee w)ki dverliac by the year. 17 The number of insertion! ilioulJ Lo nU-d on the margin of nn advertmement, ollnrwine it will be pubiinhed till forbiihlen, and charged ac-cordinglj-. tW Obituary noticee will bo charged half ilia above rnlea of adrert'oin. f2J0D Prixtimo executed niib neatucia and dixpitch. Payment for Jul Printing mutt Ir tntde er. ilrlirtry f thr work. Sblmno Them Olt. Some of the St. Louis seceshers refuse to pay the tax that Oen. Ilnlleck imposed upon them for the support of loyal women and children, who had been driven from their homes by the rebels. Accordingly the provost marshul has 15 advertisements in tho papers of that city, otT'-ring to sell property he Iihs seized to'pny this tax. Tho seceshers threatened to 'spot' those who purchased at the sale, and have waxed wrothy over ft, but bavo been rather cooled down. One man whoso property wns seized obtained nn injunction to prevent the sale, and Oen. Ilnlleck ur rested nnd imprisoned oil the pnrties con cerned therewith lawyer, judge, and con stable and ordered the party at whose instance it was made, to leave tho State immediately and never to set foot in it again. No other injunctions were served. uf,l0 anus of roils lU-l.nminl ami itnmil-; im. ..imMii.s sehiom cv-r existed w.ll. us, is on.y assis.uig .0 perpe.uaie s,u-rj, aiiu , - - The short. Tl.e iru.iboat Mystic ton, in the first stage of Us progress, and ' Mich arc the checks and restraints which ( Ji.-iiotisly deliberate upon the propriety of. si(1(,iil0r 1(J in urc cnmposed of an up, but at sundown the Roanoke, Mystic nit nJvaniTS, the number of guns im-rcii-' public opinion has placed over it." " And expelling such as Powell, Stark, Ac, who i1I1(,r emn 0- j,.IMIi wa nf white oak iiOJu'id St. Lawreneo returned. The confl.ct . til the lleet will receive the concentr... ' vet ii. a practical sense we may sav we have only iNrM in favor of the rebellion ' inches thick, the whole covered with iron j between the Minnesota ami rebel pnnboats .u"mi i: ; .. .. I , .... ., ,,. -.. ,1P 11 inrhes iii ihii-kiiess. When in ! cent nued without apparent effect till durk. .,afiroollwol,..u.lre,l , ilteen guns ,ways enjoy,,, s miiesi tieneiits." ni.u mc ,.,,,,. . - - im-1 At midnight the Congress was burned by Now I submit whether the nvertc o( the there lias lierii no chaiigc 1 of publii: si-nti- II and Viiild it H'''0 without being (lis:l blril it Iiiih slitl to eni-oiliitrr the batteries above statrmelit is not the naked truth, , mi nt oil this subject, lias there? We f (loti-rnnr's IsUml, and Ft. uod on ltiilltK-'i Mmi-i. Tin: III'-1' American vissilstra- iini in foreign ports only, are r.-gisten d nu rsed, and the upper one is sunk 'A I'ctt ' the rebels "What A11.3 JEssiaox and Montook fry?" Col. Jennison, Kansas 1st Caval ry, is o small ninn, delicate constitution; a physieion. His residence originally was Livingston comity N. Y. When the bor der ruffian horde went into Kunsas to elect the first Territorial Legislature, they pass ed 1 1 is house. Jennison'a wife and only child attracted by the cavalcade, went to During the evening, the iron Hip door, and while stnnding there, were . . ... 1'.-.. ' .!. V,n ll.n ...n'.ni.s "Tl.nt'o in the cu-toni house, while 1 1 n engaged in (In- coasting truth-, bilecii port in our own country, ore enrolled. It is illegal for 1 ri-jji.tereil vmsi I lo t-ngiigi-in tho const big truth', without surrendering her ci-rtifl-die uf registry, and being enrolled, stl vice HMi, one in the coasting trade inii-t Mir MuliT In-r ci rtififiiti' of enrollment ami be n-i ti reil, in order to inter into comim-rcr mill foreign ports. The dtff reneo In twren n-giti ring ami enrolling i, that lite nr "' . I . " .. . . . .1 u .1.- -..! eTI,.i'. ..1... 1 ; I.. 1 ...a 11 .five w n. 1 11I i; - Mill or. I'.riCsSO l S new sienm noil PUOl ili-au uy me ruuimis. i.nuv i) 1 c en. ieinin uin - 1- , . ........ mid wn tht Mrmmt ihrlf. He says in a ' truly did Mr. S.-ward say, in his Rochester ' t,.r. I buttery, arrived litre, ami proccetieu 10 uus ueuui.o.., uo .,. .. rM sense- lb,,, i, inMri.t (,ri,.c L. inP-eh (1 t k), that he coidd recoiled ! The battery will Uk-ii draw 10 frtt oft,,ke part in the actuin nmenl. Mo, JTO" S' ' . . 'M... ..i..hf.H u' niw.n rk tli in 11 1IIMI n II ilU i II w flViiv u-iM- , LirHiunniiii, uii,'J .ut.- theory, we have no freedom of the pr. ss; the time when you could hardly hud as ' '- ' '"- " ; ; 1 , . , ! , . v,.....,Qrt v..8. Durinc ! irvman. nnd a irrudiiotc of Oberlin. When ' " .... . .. 1 !K in n sum in 1 in: iiui iv u-i. wn t . . . j yel practically-thai is, in nrry J,,, prn. jinany v,lcn in the whole State or New j ( ,,e.r nll. untl is bomb-; the night only nn occasional gun was fired, lice, we have; that the chirks and re- i York as then, lS.'.S, were the members ol ; r()nf Th rc w ill be no' railing or bill- i This mon.fng the conflict was renewed, tho t.order radians in one of their raids, reached Montgomery's borne, they took ktruiiiN ..f public opinion prevent our hav- Cong-ess -rath rrprtttitliug M.ViO inhab. ; rk of any kind above the (leek The in-. until tl.e presence ( ing radically, that ,s, theor.tie.llv. n frcc!.M.W.-l.o were each one of them ,,,, to 1 clination oftl, lower hull is tlll I . . . . . . 1 1 ji ' III S HK M hill imt--' ""I" ' ' ..." . . . . the 11M staiitlitrd 01 j. K. 1. Hidings, .j ; (i.t v f. v.-' fc-i t of water, mid then long shot range, without perceptible effect most brutal indignity in the presence 01 Adams, Ac, Ac, who wcro only copies ol.str;kp bi ..j;;, -r()n snrfilTO ul ongle ' on either side. The Monitor finally sue-1 husband. "And that's what nils Mont Wnshiiiuti.i.. Lafayette Matron, Adams, ..r u'm, deirrci s. It therefore ubso-'ceeded in forcing a large hole in Ihe port ; goinery." ht as to give 11 sitle ot the .Mcrrimuc, iieu nun n- n . ,..,, f The in- until the presence of the Monitor became liim prisoner, tied him to a tree, ana bring. rrillKiC, w uer. im-y en- 1 ni ouv 111s w 11c un vuiiuuicu "or two or three hours at td Indy nnu subjected to tt.e lust, ana pi VM- while In) dot s not intimate that any thing prevents our hnving a free press on all occasions in practice. Our own observa tion and all history prove tho direct con trary. In llnoiv, radically, cwry man, wom.ui, and child is at bb. riy lo establish ' mi nt. What is the legislation r t!iu ;ir,.,.t ciilltirc urc wurkcd, consists of tor, was injured, but not dangerously it is ' any where within Ihe United States a free North, which shows the masses there urc , niiml,.r ou r,.ft internal tlinmeter, 9 feet supposed. i press, for publishing his or their own ! now less in f.,vor of the dls.inctive tenets l.igh. composed of 8 consecutive rir.g.s, each During the acton a, t!ieirOie0t ! ho,, l. clita, : or imnressions. r'ol that party (the old abolition, 1 suppose) one inc., ihi-k, Ml firmly bolted " 1. . x i-.-'r i .i ... 1 lu.Prt urn 1111 iiiri ..iiiiLtii liii: .11 1 iiuwita. v"im n 1 .U .-re k' pt in s- paiatc l,.k. nml s-i u- ( f nhy .,, H Ul, ()titT jn j..,,. four of Qf ,hc m.w Witl. to .1.. w w Inch vess, I, sud to ports, ! j,.,,,,,,., UJ,0, av ,, ,,,, M1,,j, c j Again, he says tl.e ill inform, d " nio.liTn ; uJm.T s Q iri,.cllt n ,ine jitit j tl.e oistnnce of the Spaulding, the Mimic l nr.' engiiged in coin-1 ,.,,..,.. ,,., 1;,,, .,,. 'deinocrntic leaders, who urc wilfully or ()ll!v ,lt ni.v one phice. Including the intc- sola finally got off. and was towed under . 4 " ' I .1... ,. a. niifA.1 I IIP I1HVIII Mil 'Vl-i--. "lowhasit b,,,r Why, ignorantlyinisUnding t e,r -llowers nn- "" KWto the in.imeiil Aim, r Km-, land und Abby ng""c llial necaiisc 111c sia.e,; T" ' "I . V. Z. "r.,.,. 1 ;,.! , H.VIt and mac was disabled. The Monitor proved . at I. . 1 . I.I - . ... 1 .. . II.. 1. fat I..II. r.i.ii mill I I l III I II J 111 U'lkllTII IIIIl'IV If ' ' . 1 I'l fli .....I 1 :timipil In or o k your would Im editor thinks were so v. he-1 ' ;.';,l,; wl.Vh two runs of! Lieut. Wordei, commanding the Moni- i ali denial, it is well known that a large lu. reiv The only result ,.f a ne-hd lo lime viim U register, d or riinillitl i, that tin; are nibji ct to the d s ibiliticH of for rn ships but lin y nro not denii . I the pro t itiiui of ihe I'liit- il Stat' K el.V i-olllllli lICi . 1 to ... 1 .1 1 ..1 ., r..-..,.,ri,. ;i wnm I III. I .ll-.Tl- ItlW IMMCI HIV H.'Jt'l, nililllis I.......... owaViisof ion tons Tl.e top, herself impregnable to heavy shot at clo?e .... .;..!!.... ;!- ..ri;.i- f ! oociinied little or no attention, we nre c- 1 ........ P,.,i i,i, o II ..roof flat roof, six oiiarters. Mic oeuaveu h-.ii.u.uui. v . weighing ll 1 .. is eoviTcu win. u sin 11 "'iM ..." 1 - - .. . - . , inches down the cylinder. H consists of, 0,1 her passage from V-w Wk, and al- 1 1 . . 1- I I. Lov.i'iv the Mime in Alton, Illinois, in coming mure nnlesl.tvcr) 1111.1 rauieai, . II.111 s f, urn l!v fio.s..r,.-Pr Lynch ls-'"i or .lo Smith Mormoiiisin in Illinois, in the Ivhrtic .M.ilical .lournid, tr.n'inglat Nanvoo, in 18i:l; or Csiiis M. Clay hil,snk...m.,i.s.-,v-, 1,,.p,1.,s,,n. ,m .. .., ' , , .u, . 7 ' , I U ,h. V.,r.iior i-ithoul a, tmrei.tlv hindering tr .... .1 I. ......... I u in IWII. nr 1.1.1 s;,,!. . rtiiifiwi.ii lire I Ulisu.llll. ii."nn iuv. ...-r - llP fiiui itin.'i'ii ....v. - t. - un mill nviiiii' bi hi .1 . 1 , 'i ...v. . , . , . .11 -11 .1;,.,, !..,.,, . .IT, rsoii. eslev. .. AC, tuni 01 IT 1 1 1 .1 H I 1111 1.111 ip, u 11 in. 1 i. 1 hi 1 tin ' - Y. Herald fo-ters li:iriiarism is i ne sum . 1 ne e irn; L-es 1. imi' v- " -r--- - - . . - . - ,.:i. .. 111... hlltill-s. AC. iC. . . , 1. ..i,rr ni'i'll. -T woillllliil. mill 40 IIT ISUHCTS. iUCKlllCU - i ... iron, nre ni-.i'ie 10 111 me i-i.i - ........ ...,, Passing over some thirty more linen 01 , ,,...,,.. )KW, ol-uied lor that wounded and urownen on 11 it- t umor. . . .u . ti, ;,,.if,.,v, -,. of the turret will probably reaeli lU. un me u.u- U " "H''"1' Pri-r ' l,e f-.nation of - '' -'l 1 X ' " "Ll,, ,1... wr't, r ZHn a , ,rn, on ,,o.Uon ring inserted hall, 4 are killed and three led. On is in the in the (I .its: "In H ci,v , creosote is an k.d remedy. It produces a blister, .1. . 1. fiirin. nn i-M-hnr or sc.ib. whi n the I'r.ineiseo in l.'iC; or the N .rc rcdily hcaU And I have mil r yet ll.e mjnrv secession ipnstion i I., fi.ili.n. ,. r.. tin. n-nii-i v North u diiiv iiriicciuliv it sue wouiii.i i"'vu"' -'"" : Hill.. .1 .. n .. , . ... . 1-1 f.ll . 1- .1 1 ,.. .. ..i l...rv. 1.1. I.. 1 mm. lint 1 v force from tl.e arl'clf. which are iu.i o. ..mi..i ,,rl,ose, 1 .1 . f .: ... I .1... ..ri in .STiiiiMii iii lVli . 1 k:iV WlH ll I.IIM' llllin 'in-in. in in, . i Mm I I' I I n III I' I Mill 111 I I .11" I'l '!' -i'l i hi i i I I I lini'. I have bp I. n ii hunt nnv fieuloiii of MM-cih nnd pnss, Ihcon ticallv, midst oi a sir.igy.e ior ..s ,.ms,l.. diuiiit tt r. which r. u'liir tr. atiiuiit ll'iw it wi". i" coming miiro iiniesi.iverv initi iiit.n-.i., x , mcnes iiown ine i-Miiiun. n i -r- . i nas given in , ns rcsigi assumption, if I read history, ;'if , Jf iiic-!i tlaU-li; Niito "Iroii. jrivts nccess to' bly dhniiiislntl. w"m3 """"' . "r .l '. t fn.,n'above. The ..orthoh, are Oi, rebel gun boat wa cu n U. ) Michigan recently of g'n'nw ,-ireular. and placed three P el ,ioot- un-, uic .m.u.iui . , .- it shivery ,ieek. The guns will move on slides made ; her speed. of all vii-' forged iron, extending ncro-t the liimt: The latest est.matc ol the number killed U,c carriages aKo ctmi.l of wnugh. on t e Co,,f ess ,so ,- 5 number of recruits ore levying in Franco for the United States. The old Gariboldi an officers and volunteers, are all being or ganized for a speedy departure, and oro only wniling for the orders of their chief to embark. This chief is a well known and gallant French officer, who after defend ing the barricades of the Republic in Par is, fought the battles of the Empire in tho Crimea, lie took service with Garibaldi, ami is now in that of Yictor Emmanuel, has given in his resignation, and was hour .1 tl .. I...I.. ...... ... r c tilth Mir o iniieli truly snvs, "Our (invernnient w",m!"" ;l" '. . . I i. .... 1 principal 1 1 it.. !.i ii.... n . u-,il,,,ni ni,t-' fie.iliini o sii.-et h nn. unss. Iheoriticallv. Iumm oi n .n,g,c .i;,,,,r rre t in "".is ..i... . r--. ; . . . .... , ,, ,. :,.,,. ;,:,,. ' , ... i,r. 1 lluse r.nlii aiiv, uiuliilooK ,0 cany ii oui tiiiii- ; . t .i ... ... it. . . It is nnw conera V I'C- lull Liii. t.ii ni i i- ii-.-i . ...nil. ... ... r. - . . : . ttngn in Uni-e is culled, cn ovitc w ill afford no n r tin-, ami thi n suppuration shoul-l be f.i. tonilby i niolliiiit npplMMl m,s, mch as i..ltic. v fonielitatKin-, A idl the core is Iwniged, when the ,lh T r.ipidly heals mil r iimph' iipplicntioiis." " What' tiik Tim,!"- K- nd.-r, did you ,Trr, alter asking this m-Mion, notice the iMT.t. l .lil.i in which il would be III. ii-ri-il n.-cor,liii ' ns tin' n-roii intrrrn.1 ! iiroi- hid n gohl wnlch r n silver watch?-- j r,.M,H. It Ii a r.,rc i linm-n to learn a n snii ,.- ...i i j imliire I n III.' ,ii' Cllsi". VOIir ir.eil.l oiul in .'"",', "iss. l s'. I able. .... . . i . r - . i ' linn wliy not s.iy, inai mr un tl.e main fVt-(iM.i- .'ir (lorrmmftil m ill hall way i ti tin the facts I'm irrtt '""' - 111,1 1 ''r. is not lor it is against it . . ... .... i.n... i i i- -.... i. jmt t. tvei -ht is siistam.d ! Hie .Minnrsoiii o eiu it...ii. f"l,v . vertical shaft ten inches in '.led. On the Dragoon, which received n a cup supported isl.ol ,n ... r ,.o icr o e.e Won)cs ncceS5ar for iiuman bei.g, t0 ap. Kc receive., unit iu vu, "u - , pronra mm, iney are uuvutu au us w iwii- in was couvicted la . . . . . t i gan recently oi a muraer marseu uy very atrocious circumstances. In accor dance with the law ol the State, he was token to the State Prison, there to endure solitary confinement for life. From tfie time lie enters his cell a grave for the liv ing ninn he will ntver see a human faeo again. His meals are conveyed to him through nn opeuing in his cell, and when it ; m to 1 nnk 'lieved thnt the Merrimnc is seriously turret .shaft. ly im ,. I, i tiiitlitihiL'ists ih t' ruiine. Put if i 'it'ij ut tli'iif fii.'t, tVti' l.ascinc to a, ns n c.itaii. tiny ft.iliid that Vr.',, then- was no .-ry rc.,s..:i . . .! I .1 I ... ...' .Il-S.ll i.i ,r. I, ..I t ir nn si I ii i iii) l ie li. l is . lis un i ii'i nn in i" I-" , i ... ... .... i :. :. .......... I... ... ..... I...- .1 i ..ifiinsi II .11 I S ... ... . - .,r I, .(iirv Miniiort vour c. itoi s position.' , "' ' '" " "s nnd liiterinriliau' gearing, t..... . " !i..n- ii, .i,ii hint to have every man for it , ,i. ,!,! ,.ilii,,l,r eiiL-ine. the turret w I tin nk nor. j i . . . ' .. r . i..... tl.e Hands ol U.e gov- turned, i.n.i me gnus y ; -v - - . - ,i,r,,P I...IU from ItClill nun int.- i ...... .1 r. 1 t,.it in . irrei I, .nil. . 'in "i ." . . ... r r ,, ..... - . it :..i. r..... nrini- ii'ii ki uir uiiiu. mi ii.-u,v' d;allirirr, , liuco ....e ..i " , I'. I,f lltP,l cms i - :iris of the spur wneii men who mi - --- . - ... iictuatnl I'V a l,y ill be Agiii", he says " publii id lluis strengthen . ... i r ...... l Inn crably as she went in to i-cwniis j mm. The following item, is copied Irom ucn. Wool's i.nieial report. ' lhcChier l.ngi A rod connect oiiiuion in the am Soulhiru Slal.V "has ttl!y forbidden r.i...ciit at l.omc am. nn.o:,.,-,or ...... "',;,,,;,,,. fi trough tho v.r-1 that vessel passed ...u .uu..,uv. ,1, disc,,,;.,,, of .he slavery ,,, stion," ye. re,,M,u and that alone is the govcrmnent U charge .The . -3, Xirtntuca 1 . . . ' ,, , . l.koptilrv 1.. Iter tlian prow, mil nowsum- .m- o ... . , ..... -- m nf Jrtf prim '"' woiiiu "e g"'"i ,,V(.r j m ,,0i t rile this here letter in , attaeli in incir pi n e, .-.i... - j ..i l ' . . . .1 l..i . .. . .-. . I i i . .1 1 l,.r 1 i I...I.. c I l.ii' k I HIS liresiiiiuiii rs'- 1 ngrrt! win, nnu nine. 111,1 ' iitoe, mosliy nun is, un . ui. " : ; ; , , ,( .,r111(. .... thai "Ihe bare sin tin but 1 may get sum liincpoiry in, as ga,c li.k,,,-.. ' ( " " " i ... i la. i nt. ..: 1 1 iii iii(.rn,ii sKi ii'ton. rih. to print ,l pubh.l," ant. slavery doc , k u i n . , is ,MMrdl, no harm is don . subskribur. will in tin.- begin , The only entrance is at tim top oi int Ill- ntiiitv. shall I agree with him turns Miind lill his back is lien. lv s,,i,ar.'ii f r " ' .'. . A-hewral like to . ever sense . i i.i i.i. i,in,-h. triiies (carrvinir witli tmm nie rigui , rilniri will unarm yo i, ant un. ing " 1 " , I s in.'- mm " .. . - .. . . ' . . . . i . . i . . . . . i ... .i .r ... '. . . i .... ..i... ..... nr -.. .. .u t. f iniiot easily lH'il"wiri-lV lI the ,-ilge ol llie l", mciii nrcul.tlr, and rcut,. unu uim w i dl feel Mini KiiriiKsiiy aoom . "', "- ,,, j,, f ,-very production, of course). ,1 prac- ril.r tt,nt i mil. ,nl timrelo r, w... e even ,,,. . ... u . . ,,, extended and c lis free principles in j j J Jf 'J1 J; ' ZSto U-ry will bo tna.le i,, front the mind mid judgment of hundreds and , hlivl ink), tlrt ,', ,v,ich won it of some large rebel battery .'''''"; ,i,'nk, furtive gluni-p at Ihe ,lil, Im-n Wrin back the nrlii h' hke lightning to ill rrreptuele; in lh other, he draws out I..4 ,leili!id, full j.W lied repealer slowly ml ili hher.itely, will, grcnt pompo.iiy and (loiirMi, and extending it a! arms length In-law, hi Iwo hands, gives you the de nr. t information, ami one of hi blandest unite in addition. .. . . i I.... I- Tt.n luuliv wnen sue pin .-..v. land's broadside on the first day of the light, injured her so badly that she could not attack the Minnesota or Roanoke n. lliongh both were ngronad. lie considers it utterly impossible that she should go to sea, as she would immediately founder in an ordinary gale. A military order dated March 111!, is nt fnllmvii' "lien. McClelhin having personally ta- .i... r...i.i at tlm hem of the nrinv oi I II V IIV l4 1 - ' real their features. -Tho Louisville Journal says: e irr liappj lo sen Hint Urn Senate of Kentucky on purg- d its.-lf l.y the expulsion Of tun iiiiliiriiini Iriiilors Dr. J. M. .John- n nf Paduoh. ami W. T. Anthony nf U Warren, Allen F.ilmondson Uihtncl. Tho tnnrmitv of Iheir collusion wilh tlm rthcli was n notorious Ihnl even Sfiiat'irs Grotcr and Chamber voted for their ex (tlaion. Now Hint the cautery hn been wtunenced, why ohmihl not enwn tWll.dl. nn, Irvnn, Jenkins, and other ntulergo an Investigation. I'minch NAi'ot r.ov.-H I plennnt to W the -thorough coitrteny shown bV IW I'rineo Nap.rleoit i American nbrontl. It wni that I ho hoipilulity how,i l '" Mlf and mrfn avlilln here wa fully niipreei- M. and ha rendered bin, a fast friend lo 1w 1'nited Stat,-, Ho could comprehrnd Mr kind ntlrt.tlonn, ami I not mthnmcl lo 'W liiniself worthy of Ihem. A Our.ATcmjNTnv.--Wero ull th Uul W Ktate an densely lulmbiUsI n Maw tliiKMt. It would Imvo a pnpiilullon of 'If'.Onil.onO, of which Tem would have M.OOO.OOfl, -A new nnd very striking llulninrnl w niQihi it. nimeiimiicn. It i composed .rn. . . . . . . .. . i "iek alpncrn, wiUi gold stripe nooui lnclie apart. Tin y nro very much nil- "rti, fii.TiT.THK (Javk. It I lielieveil Ihnl knv MllH'trn in Ihe mammoth envo In "ninny, and in other pari oi uto ch 'T. liioli if properly worked, will ruiihi 111 'fpcnilciit of Jinglnnil. ' .. I PIIIIV 101 I V llllllhS lll I'" "" , . . ! li:.:... .... ni l.'. ' Uufll.-WHg masse .MOTMk,nU,,,t,,M,, r ovor l0 10t0lim,, is, until o.hcrwh ordered, s; i,t im li nn ex en . even, ns to ml nKo. nnu wmn i .nii-- , . .. ' . , . , . , . . i,ii ,, In kiiollc.lL'in that belong to the lioverniiieni. cheeked, ulfmntcly. h,' andintens-, tain 'f , l0hll" 0 Monitor, which is the name o. , wi(.li(linr , shall stand Iner or loer , the .mly launchul on the Mil. JO Fowler and Wells are making a sensation in Ireland. In Belfast they lec tured for ten nights in succession to crowd ed houses, and their rooms were thronged constantly witl, people waiting to hsva their bumps felt out. Four secretaries were constantly employed writing down delineations of character. The Belfast pa pers have enthusiastic accounts of their per formances. They were to go from Belfast to Dublin. fcjr A report by Capt. Dupont to tho Navy Department concerning the sinking of the second stone fleet in Charleston har bor, shows that the work has been success fully accomplished. The statement that the first operation was n failure, and that vessels lave gono cosily into the harbor by the obstructed channel, ore shown to be false. The place is now effectively sealed up. relieved Irom the command of tho other of the 1 military departments. 1 1 1 further or.icrcu :, , ... ,. ..., v.,.r. ' l mil Ki.tss mine., nt mo .Aioiiui'i, """- - . 'tinit the two departments now uuuer u- oftheinstilulionolslnmjr .Vw r , , ( R,l stand luer or loer , he . , l)lllv tannchul on the Mil, ' .,,,., nml ,0- everybody knows ihe conlrnry-thi.t sue , , Me m ,.; , kommon peeple t ha I um, m) C , . ()f ()el( ,.. llo. MK right of publishing, circuiimug, re . on wnaro - ,U-fcae,l the Merrimac. ! ,rI11,ent which lies west on, nor. no . .. i . a: ..I.. ....xtt iiiiouiuiiig i itritmriii nil. liiii iii; h'" j nuti i'i"f"" " p ---- ill knnnot be deiiide that the deestruk skool tcecher who bonis around has on e.xelcnt opperchewnity tew seo life in Varyus i' Kt.itlr kanukter In menny nil- f.-reiit fruzes. i experience sum difhkulty ing, nnd uiscusmu); inm- j -i Ihoso States, would, H niuiwcu oui, ion tinned, even after coniincnce.l by Lovejoy Si. Louis, before ho went to Illinois, ere I - ....I.I atllull It Kl I tul n rv in- tin limo " wru"K,,, p '.. I ' ,tn obiecksl.un (1,k-.uc a in oil probil.ili.y to have e-pn g.-u m . . , ,v )r,vened tho .r.'ent most monstrous that w as ft ilM nnd atrocious rebellion. And tin fact, 1 1 lftl willlnill ,,.,,l no ennytlung but to bo noticed, i not lmt ouhl : j auS(.r,d all,, ,i,e.slio,,s nnd i gess t hn she encountered nnd defeated tl.e .Merrimac. , ,,, w i.e., - - 11- n, we think has been well 'j ,.d, as she w.ll prove a Monitor, teaching of M ississi,,;.!, and nt.lil otherwise hnvo barely become possible; hut it . sure lo com.', nnd tho slavcocral of km- W foresaw it of plainly n tho writing tl, wall pr-'-sontcil ilscir to ..fold llencu Iho mob Unit destroyed C. .1. Chi)'' M uml l'"l"'r 1,1 ,'l'f,Torti Kentucky- But, )'"'" W0U,M,B ' .i ,...l,ii,.i.l.lit Romn further illiistniio: iu lB.enynvo year ngo com.ncm'c.l under . . '. . it. .... ...... : will giV up beloro tlie sKoi.l vi. fin- no most nr. mutch ns even men. Well, the m.xt objickshun tlm found was thai i did not spel korrektly. now I thought tins was Ihe foolishist won ov all for I no sum ov tlm sinarlist lawyers nnd doekterz in Hie kuntry ttho konsidder It small tew pay enny nt tension, tew spellin, nnd I pre ruino to rn Unit hen our skool-coinuntty .. .i...i t in riin for the nn- seo Huh I am muhi" " - . I,n Ih wont say enny more about my L lifvkachuns. The skollar liko in.' ."i . .......i..... ..nt iwenij.i"' nnd audi likn them, nnd wo uii.ii- w IU most favorablu auspice, Ac, nnd I . m ( , (ll(Tn0 Iminensi, amount of,"1"'.". ..i. .. ...... n.. nr.. tint b bssiini, ov . . i. tin. t-.lii-l or slcrn lessons oi cxpenri.' . any others who may seek to bandy weighty argument wil'' m'r- THE Till. U. OK TIIK HATTI'UV. Foiuni- MosnoK. Mur.-h Oth.-The Confederate tcnmcr .M.rriniac' her nppearanc,' yesterday, with two gnu-boats ... ... vi.f..!fc mi l made nn nttuck on NfW- ...... V...vj nml the vessels stationed tnero. I..V..t vi ' I I ' , IT II I. or.lered, Lc commanded by Ucn. Ilnlleck. 1 1 is further ordered thnt the country wes of the department of the Potomac, and east of the new department of tho Missis sippi, be a new department under tho com mand of Hen. Fremont. ... iv,....'. niVuMfil renort to Gen Hal- lo-k, savs that the victory nt New Madrid ..... . ,r..'..i..r than ot first reported. 2j . ' h ..:!... 01 nml !t-l noiimler. ri- tillCC OI liriineij. - ' i . . .a : ... ..I I...I,! nrn tt mill : ; Mmc wa. first seen fro;,, the ram-1 ' f" B;.M n'rtilUry. .1. .14 of Ft. Monroe nt 10 o clock, iin . of fixed ammunition; i des. wl.eelhoues and stern, ore rover.d ,misi..ui linn ftnn'. 10 boxe of with sloping iron l'l''7V'!.!l. o,imusket and cartridge; 300 hor. and r....t now no waier inn. " ' . " i. f.,r mi nrinf (i I'i.VVV men - " . . It.. i.... inn in. it.i.. i ' , r,rn immensn in Iho discussions, either In havo spi'iu "I ti.lior and till''"1" . ,. eoiiblu lucreasi' L,,,,,,,,,,,. bin' ? Hn- I r,",of Iho ,! wheu 4l H-HhW W,,S.CX' l u n tlm Ho.,0 of 1' .r,..1 under tho I""""""" m in,. ..liililnrn. t in on, tlm niossuiua crenshun. Youmust excuse my ppetiao, for I ciiiiuol othi'rw'me cx-ress my Icclius. I lav Ilia elillilef,,. lo b" I""-' I m .,l,v,.i, lis'h " kimler fie"'""" " V ahvay. kn'. Iha nieen jel what lh " Vcwerslrcwly. Vkkkmv. Muddy-nook, Feb. listh. Hr,:i,037feet of lumber wa shipped from Ban Francisco lo Cl.lnn, during 1IMU. nbve like llm roof o. a ... use w. .. , (uli of 0 Innvs, above Iho wlT l"'o were two "'"P". ' . ,,, iiij00.000 lu value ha fiill i,,,,, , oints. resembling plows, rom ! 1 f Thp ,,fl M hur l.out'were seen two gn proj.-ct ntf f o n J ' fc offltt.r.( Wfnf,fi tUe l,r .llinticnl poithoh'K. 'II'" 1"'K 0 V'"lZ ...L. tl, dead unburied, nnd --"n i psacks, tlm tal "'.! "iV... Ti.,,r.l,.v. Our line were .!,.f weiL-h lor tho SC',,0 Ol I "um y f lesou. 14" .7 , . . ... '.li-nirn e use lo iu nt'iit, -- - l(.ti(). Steamship Roanoko being J-,;, ,10 ,,,m, 0f artillery. Tho f-ni ,1,.,!. wns taken in low by two gun bonis. , (,,,nll!.,., by the nigh ' ..... 1 - l.wn it'll budl I'l !' . . . . ..:i l'ho llrst allot was lire i k . ...... . nihrey tlulll lOliy - . . I l a . . uriunnnn wrn tho cMuiny mil nm . m n,Tn. ... , hh$t Atoniiwa ..r... .A.l.ick. V W lU'll limo l'0 .Mill- I l , . I 111 ll'l eniv w i ii .1 ..i tt itn.l.T wciirh lor Ino from tlm Irignt" Cunil.eihin. . r-ewa.i Point buttery then opened on the Minneso ta, which was passing, ami fired several guns. The Rip-Rn). replied, am tho - en gagement soon bcenmt. p-ia-rul. Arter liring two mm the Cumberland twice bv Ihe Merriinac's sharp bow nrinor, nke nlSo the colors of several Arkan-n ' ii.titiua wn cotumnnder of Z "' , nfnnnboat. Oen. Popo hns 2 ...... i,.t..,l ut Iho enemy', work, coin niaiul'nj rtrry part of the river. tuT Frank Blair has proposed to the House a bill to enforco the collection of Federal taxes, in the disloyal States. It makes the taxes in these states, a lien on ull lands in them, if not paid within sixty days after the President's proclama tion. The tillo to theso lands to vest ab solutely lu tho U. S. friT Accounts from Accomac, and Northampton counties, on ihe casttrn east ern shore of Virginia, recently occupied by the Federal troops, represent the people is happy and prosperous. Even those who had been misled or driven intosecessionism profess thcmsclvci, satisfied with tbo pro tection of Uncle Sam. SST Before the war began, there were in Missouri no les than 113,000 slave. But such havo been tho ravage of con tending armies, tho desolation ol guerilla, bnnds and local spy committee, that It i said there remuin but 35,000 slave, or a one account hn it, 10,000. tkr Mr. Holt, tho predecessor of tn present Postmaster General estimated that by telegraphic dispatche tho Government lost nniiiiiilly $1,000,000 of revenue A Gamk Thurlow Weed write from Europe, that the bluster of tho Liberal la England I only designed to checkmate the Tories, who hoped lo ride into power on the 'war- cloud.'