The Oregon Argus. (Oregon City [Or.]) 1855-1863, March 29, 1862, Image 1

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    IIV ! W. i tlMU.
rr.tot !' s'Viiscmi-rioy.
rk Ait'" ''"" "' 'I'1""1 IMlmi
.,r,',,.... if ridi
H'krn M" ""' "' rout
n II wlH fM'K"' '""' '" ' '"""'.
P.C ' ' ""' ' V" '
,r, lll,ir will ltrriigrtl farnrmunthi
J ,ubmiptii rrrninl pn a tru .-iiW.
aW' """ '"""'y f
UsloN Skstimknt is (hamuiA A Imly
recently escaped fnim (Ji-orin, given an in
Icrf.ttins Miiti'ini'iil of tlio Union sentiment
III tliul Slate. Kliu Hy licit In Houston
County. w'iuri! r,'N',lM' " majority of
(,c people nr strongly for llin Union, mid
(Wiilt with t'"1 Kri',,l,,t miit;ty a deliver
unco from l'11' r"' ,,l,r,w1 .l-n.
'iVy '1 l'Mll''ss m"'r "pinion openly,
Imt seri 't meeting nrr In M for cousultti
lion tin1 Impcs mid eourngi! of those cum
(yfiud being thus maintained. n oni of
(lie riling' of 1 loiistim Coiinly the Union
feeling i nlmost universal, tm I ipies nrc
I'OiDitiinlly 011 l'10 "'''r,p rendering imy open
iloclnrnlioh Itnj (O-ositilo. Tlir lady in ipirs
lion wiii I j 1 in order to pi t avvny, in
vbluin n I'lvi from Alexander II. Steven,
which nho ili'l by making n pilgrimage to
Kii'limond. She was entrusted I y it Imly
In (icnrgiu nidi a mum of money for u nl
Ctivc ill No Jersey, uliirli, bring in Con-
fnli-rutc linles, eni exchanged in Rieh
round for demand miles, which she says
nrc there Id be had in plenty.
I'm If Al 'm.K14UI.i.i Suine of llie
coititnouesi ol our garden vegetable fruits
otnl flow rs, were uriginully brought fiom
ri'lliolc countries, Rice, fr example, is n
unlive of 1 " 1 1 1 i i J i .i . lain kw In at was
draught from A 'in. Wati-roress mine from
I he island of ('rite; cinil.llimrr from Cy.
iru; i.pnragin fnun Asia; Imrsc radish
fiom China; n Fry fi nl!) Flan hrs; cabbage
flull! II. mil J beans from (it. ice; pens
from Spain; therhhr from 1 t r i n ; :i J ! s
fimn Syria; cherries from I Inly, pc.iol.t s
from I'iTmii. Not only were these ninl
m.iiiy other fi nils iiml vegi bibles lir.Mighl
Iriuu far countries, Imt it Inn only I ei n
Miice tilt." lonl tri I, tli or fiftn-nlli ciOluiy
tlint tin y Iniw InMi -tn-r .i I ty ilfl'ui i on r
thee.irtli Tlirrv l.uiniri il yun ii'n die
the IinI of vctfi lulili ninl fin Is in fountiim
ihi" in lliilmiil mi l I'r.iiiee lint inelii'le
Minrr tli.ui n lli nl i.f iIiiim' imiv liiiinliiir In
te-y rot'iij.'1-r. Hull llii! iol.ilo W is
H'nn i ly liiuHii us mi in tit le of Inn I u Lite
II I 'JO, e;llnT in Uiil ili'l or I it Anuri
r.m roKmii s.
Ihii:im; 'iiw".- lini ng tin- Iiml
fiujllit linttle i if I'l'iitc'ii'lim, in ll.e K vn
lution, two lirollii r fnii-l.t side In' side,
pmteeteil liy tlie trunk of u fallen tne.-.
'I'lie olili st wiihii in. in of r.iyir, l.ut tlie
iitleT ttim imt. II nun's nllns Were
in niiiliii'll pii k i MiT nil tlie A mi rii .!!;, W In n
I'm- cMi'sl lirotln r (.-nl Kii,'l,t of one of li t in,
a i ii I liikui Inn anil, lifteil lii liis lienll
ninl o;ee in jir.iyi r, nyiii', " l.nrd, Imve I nili.iii'.s Mini!" 'liie ollnr
lift t In r nt it slnit nt nnolln r In linn nt tin'
Mine niniui til, iiikI ii h Ills Ii ill elili Ti il llie
liuli.'in' lieml, lie Int off n C.irtrii1r'e to n:e
n; iiu, ninl i.iiil, "Tlnri's unotlii r I mli in
(jono to (lie ili v il!"
Ci Tlie of il liili liu reiiiiti'e Hi III
in l.uiiilnn, wr.tis lo nil i iinlly n '- etalile
lioii'r in lloslon: ' I,it me say oiui woril
hImiiiI lieviiiMrs. We ilo lint littaeli
tit Hi -1 1 iinjiort.ince to tlie N. Y. lit mid,
lu! your couiilryiiieii iln nllneli too mm Ii
tu mir piiperi. Tlie I.onilnn 7'imm is nolle
in more than nil nsxoeiiition of ilerer lin n
lin write for t ffeel, ninl w Iiom' olijei t is In
ell llnir puper. It I ty no menus Hlels
llie iiuliomil feeliiii;, tlinuli it umy mnnv
limn inll.ii'ui'O lU oiiiiinns ol individuals
The Duily Sru , ninl tin l'. ounmist nro
iniirli more trustnl for Imui sly of mrioe,
ml iililinuijli tf jinilly I'ritisli, nrc never
N'oiii k Wonns.-Tho follow iujr liolile
onln (miyn a Miissiieliuselti paper,) were
oken liy a private of the. -t t Ii Alniiu: llftf
inieiit, wlio wiih wouuileil ninl Inken prison
" at Hull Hun. und lum .since (lied in n
Hiilimnnil prison. Tlie oeension of llieir
HUeriinee win tho Inst lueelin lil t ween
liiia ami his fntlier. on llm I'vo of the for-
wrr'i (lepiirlure for llie Kent of wnr. Sulil
lie young noldier, "Futlu r, whatever inny
happen lo me. diml retinmcli yourielf lor
rouMiitinr to my enlistment. You Imve
uniie riirlit in ethn( me k( '"f '"X ' 1,1,11
try tnlli. nnd I mint co. I will never re
(turn to you In disnioc. I will tt k lo
line IIuk of my Country ux lou u mere
. ihreil (if it left, mill lien Ihe llii(r In (One
II J coutniul for tin? (rroiiinl on wlnrii n
'ilooil, ninl for tlm polti which Imru il."
W" When (Ion. n prisoner nt
Albany, be dined willi nn Irishnmn. 1!
ore entering upnn the wine, llm dun. ro-
marked lo llin host lluit olter ilrinkintr
npt to nliiiso Irishinen, for whii-h hi)
Hd liia host would rxcun lilm in ml-
Taiiro. "JJy my soul (Icnernl, I will ilo
lmt,M(mid his host, "If you will o.xenwi
'filiiijf fnulL which' I Imve myself.. Ills
whentiver I lienr a inuu nlnisinn onld
Ireland, I Imvo ft mid limit of crnckina his
Konco wilh my Hhilhilyl" Tho dencrul
" very civil dmiiijt tho whole evening.
Two litdo hoy nut liHleninir rnnerly
nile ihoir crmulmother was telling them
nn Hiblo morv of Ulilnli Lolnir un to lien
" In a whirlwind, willi n chnrint mid
norsen of flro, whim lit tin Wllllo Inlerrupled
v Willi:
" d, Hntiimy, wouldn't you Iihto vrn
A Vo.-kly NwHm.r, l;vot; U t. InU-ivA of tho LaWing Cl.wii.s, und advocating tin;
Vor" VH- OltKdON CITY, 0 UK (J OX, MA IIC II 20, 1802.
Ill" 1 lit Ul t I nn Mrnty.
TIlO llttlll'k WIIH lll'jrii,, t m,mi t(1 firsl
Kim lit i ll from llm Federal lleet Just ufter
iwelvu o'clock. Only four of llm kuiiU.Is
wero enquired llm Cineinuuti, nK hhip,
llie Usscx, llm Ciirouileli't, mid St. Louis,
these moving up inward lliu Foil ulueiist
the (.'oiicsIoimi TvIlT mill I,i xinliin re.
. . i..w .i ...nn, .luiwilliiueusyliail Il,elt!iveu lo slack vnttm, so os just to prevent ence with Com. Foote, wl,o l ifnnned I The li.brl, prh, S.mllumrd-Navnl
ril. r or llm i.ppronch whs, the I.ssex on Urn bonis hum drifiin down the curn iit. , the (Jeneri.l Hint it was impossiWe for him p,,tmtnt-(;r'rut Y.rtonin Arkanw
lie rlit; next to her the Ciueilillliti; then ( The lillli- then ilierea'.ed to n terrMie rate ; to umke nuotln r n'laek w ill; his I ion ts for JSullh in A'eie Mcricn ir. fft
Urn Sl( Uouis, nnd thu I'liiondehl on the on liolh sides, the meiny pniiriiij; '.',2 mid several days nt least. Notwill.stitudin ' -L.-1.'.L'
h Tl. This llisnositioil of llm hunts, rum. i Ii I'liiitiiiilers inln i. n'r ium L u iili ,.,,.. i ..1. I,,!', i.t ii... ..." ! ti.. ti..,i. T1.1....1.., i.i. i .11 ,
tilllil to prevent llm exposure of the broad
side of any of the bouts to llm eni inv's
L!uus. 1 1 ni mere in
en such rxoo-uie it
is easy to iniJL'iuo the destruction and
iMlestruetion and nrole1
mile liillure winch wouhl Imve oceurrei
al, for
nn- noais lire exinmny viniieranie in Uieir,
lifter purls. '
This order of npproiieh having been ns-1
sunieil nt Him l.e;iniiiiig, was preset veil
throughoui the eiigiigeiuent, the lire open-
ing nt the distance o! one mile, nnd coiitin-!
gn at i ff el until the surrender, !
e lh et was not umre than (KM) '
Varus oil lien. I ilgliiuiiu, the rebel coin-
in. mill r, up. i' Ins rupture promptly teslilied
to the splendid milliner in whieh tlientlin k
Wasc Illcted. When llglilinin desired
know the terms of the MilTitnb r, the
rim.mnihire rridii'd " An u inhlioniil
ui r. liili r," mid so it Was neei ptul.
I'm i ivi r Mi i ri si; At n limiting or
e Union men of I.OiVir Molalhl plicilict
Id March '11, fXl, Ihe following per
sons Wi re clioseli ns ill legates to tlie I mile
ly ( 'onvi ntion, namely, .1, S. Yiiis.m, (.'. O
ll.iyiilon, und M. l'liller.-on. The dele-
g.itis Were uislincteil lo Use ill. .r liillucnee
to M i llie the nomination of . I. S. Vinson as
... ., . ..
ounly in the Legislalure. M. I'att. ison
W as il. clareil llie cho ce Ol the lle i !nf
hcriir, nnd I', dleiison for County Coin. .
. . .
III. ss, our l.nVWire nl-n inslruiieiL to
le.ivoi In sceiile the ihclinu ol S. A
Moiil.iiid ns delegate In the State Ciinvcn-
The fu!!ou ing rcM.ii.liniis wire iinuiii-
nmusiv ixiiii ti ! :
He-nlvi d, Tli it, as i il'ri s of ihe young-1
I nl the s s 1 1 I hi a ,i ! ol M.ihs'. while We
lave liei n umre r I'line In. ill II, e null! iliale
si eiie i, I e.vil war, we nave never lieell
wauling ill earliest svinpilliV fur the linV-
. . i i
iniii. nl of our lull latliers, mid Unit we
liillilvbiln vethit Ihe i.erpelirlV of our
1 iiisiitiitions depends upon the linn
nipioil of the Adiicu, steal, on by the loyal
,t . lis ol llie i ii'.iiilry. A ml fill lln riuore,
l. sol vi al, That vve pledge ourst-lves lo
iippull ill llie iipprieielnie ilu'linn no
m ill vviin is mi! ui ii i .in v o.' . i , v iniavoroi
'pulling the Ailinuusirut nn in i verv le-
galill'ill In ininri jv ihr ri'.i''iiOi inn re I
Urr Ihr rntmUtittiPii'tl niillmi ill In rren
,'.,.. ,.-,,.,,,-tni.
mot on, the Sicntaty VV :,s l'i ipl. still
lii ftirnih the ( V, I'.m .1 '..,'iit w ith a copy of
the prneieditig.-ol this muting for i.ublica-
lion. Ihe meeting 1 1 it-It aluineil.
.1 S Vivsiin, Ch'n
S. A. .Mm: 1 1 .',:. S-e'v.
Will Srvru. The ndvanta,:. s with
which the cnliMiirators in the present re-
bi llion commenced the war and ihe ctiibar
rasstneiits and delays i.f tlie tiiivi-riinieiit in
gettiti" nadv to ini't l In ni , ate will sit
foilh in nn i Mr. nt liotii mi iiliicle in
ast iiiiinbcr of llu' .li'miic .iiini'i .':
An invasion nnd a emtspirncy may
Wiivs lie expeclcil I
I ..I list,
""" '" C" M" ' ' '"T1.T
,Mi "'in i ii ii iii ii;; ni:iii.iuiiin "i"
.... I . .1 .1 ..!. .1..... I.... .. n
I nev u vv iiv s ii iv e ur iinnu in. i 11,1.1,1.
... -.i nn ..i
iinm.i ni'.' ease to st.irl w.tii
- .-
oceii iireiiirnig lusi ns mi innn n; 1.... '
been preparing lor his nggressivo move
,en, They expect to find, nnd common
, do fun llieir victims half ready, if at nil
. 1 . . 1 .1 1 .. .i;.,l
lorew iirneii, 11 imi iu iuhu un in nv .n....
viiiitnge. If conspirators mid invaders do
not strike heavy blows al once, their imukc
is desperate; if ihey do it proves very little
.1 . ? 1 1 1 ... 1 it .. 1, .1.1
vantage. If conspirators nnd .i.v.i.icrs oo
. . . ... i
because Unit is ll.u t .hey expect .0 do.
It is very easy to run i. a score .eluin
the door of a tavern; credit is good mid
ClIlllK IS CIICIip. lllll lliesi: inuu iiiinni
Imvo to bu crossed out by and by, nnd ine
uicKcts wrong sine . ....
..cgmmngrctu i;-"";
mid dangerous, .Mirst; hen t on
miiniiy lire surprise.., .. is ,, " ' " r ;
,ko the goo,) ,.eoph. In ... con-'h when
they seo Dick Turpiim pisio. iniusk n. ...
tho windoH',
jisir The details Of llm taking 01 l.o -
uoiikn Ishiiul published on thu IIMh of Feb
uipletelv dissipiite ihe highly colored re-
' . ., . . .. ..r .1...;.. .I...,.,,r.
porlH iiiinio ny um reoe.s, .'i una. ..p .
u.ei.,,,,,1 n 1 fit.i.. '
their iiosilioii, mid clearly show thai
finding iheinselvcH in liniiiediino presen..-
, . .
of our land force on the Island, Uiey nrsi
attenipted to innko their esca.e, l.ut dis
covering Unit nil in s lll,'l'l'"r wtM' lut
off, Ihey surrendered nt discretion.
On UiT 2TTl7Tr .imi., tlio President
d Treasurer of thu United Slntea Sanita
ry enminiNsion at Washington ncknowl
' ...... if..ii.iil Siiilci Treas-
.'. ,1,.. receinl of a Unilil State Treas-
ry nolo for l,O00, forwarded by th" U'V.
T Starr Ki.-K. of Sun Fninc.- 1
(l,111011(.rnfcerlai..Hdn"i" Amencuns In
Victor!,., Vmicoiiver'n Ishmd, lo bo devo
tal ,othoprccrvutio,.ofthlivc of e
luuloi rri, mid to tho cowr - .
mends itself nl oneii ns mi udiniralile Klmke : ell'ect, und our uinii rs hcmliug H inch shell pulse our troops Inul met wilh in the morn
or Commodore Foole's uiuloulileil naval jiinl I'.l poiiiul nlln hulls with emit .kill. ing, den. (Jrant saw Hint Mime immediate
tteiiiiis. The object was to lirinjf lo hear ; This terrible lire lifted uboiit t) iiiiuiili s, , netinu on our p:,rt wns ncci . iry to retrieve
the lust eons of the lleet. und nl Llm mine when fi I iioiiml Imtl utunL- tl.n llll, r. 1 llm ilm- TI.. i, i.e.,, iV .,, ,,A. ... t.. I.;
Tlii'. lluuic nl I nn iionMsan. . j to stem the lide. These two Imtierits out
The folluwing is n full nnd meciiiel mil'-1 did themselves. (J rape, cuiiisti r, und
rntivc ol llm L'lorious victnrv iruined jsdirapiu.'ll, mid ii coiitinuoiis iniinketry fire
Ft. Donelson on Saturday, Feb. l.'i:
Wo kept iidvaneiiig slowly nnd t teudily
Itooilt llll III! hour. M ien llie Midi r unu
I ".. ...... ... ..nn li
ropes of the CUII-boat 'Louisville ' remler. !
iii the steering nppai'ulus liinn.'in:i''eable. 1
About Ihe nnne time shot . ot. e. ,1 ,.l ,
llm Windows of the nilot I .eoNI,,. ('.. !
roiideh l,' mortally wounding: the pilot, '
v in. i union, llon utter this n poinu
ball nuiclriited the nihil house of the 'SI
Louis,' mortally wounding one ol Ihe pi-
lots, 1'. A.Kiley, injuring two other pi-
lots, nnd slightly wounding Flag Oilieir
Flint''. In addition to this damage, the
shot Mrm k the w heel ol the 'St. Louis,' so 1
ns' iiinti ii, illy to nfliet its winking, nnd for
n short tune the ves-el was iniiiiaiiiigeable.
Ihe ( oiniuinlore, wouniled though. In- was, i
jumped up, und
the wheel nit.
eil lo right In r, but Inilinl It unpu--ible to
mining)! her. The relieving tackle was
then tied, but i.-'iiihl not be sucei s-fuliy
, worked. Thus three of our vessels were
V iicrid' tils that do not Ii ptien i
twice in ti hundred turn s.
The t ii -ti on board of nil of tin 111 W ere
unwilling lo give up the light, us the enemy
had been ilrivn from Ihe Inner bati.ry,
ai d their lire had shu keiu d perceptibly
To I. main nn.l light in :-it 1 1 a current with
riihlihs boils would, ll.e Commodore
knew, be wor-e limn loliv: so he relit lalit-
Iv or.l. r. i Il slow r. tir.iey.
then stnppi d all th' ir engilli s,
Our vis-ils
lllld floaled
sluwlv frnm llieir liositio'i Tin v had b. en
w itliin L'Oil yards of the foil. The enemy
soon saw Ihe coinlilion ol our Heel an. I
redoubled his file. I forgot to state that
one of the "litis of the 'Caliil.ili h t' burst
, . .. . ,. . ,
during llie iieiion, miu linn me i nisi nrg
rcciived two balls below watrr ill il k, caus
ing In r to leak rapidly. We repl.edvu ll
lii our rc inv igniati d loe, mi I lired thu last
shot. ,
oi i'ii.vTio'.'s nv
Tlie following is an necount of the la-t 1
day's fight: .
S.iturdiy, which was uisliued to witnes. '
the grand lieiuiueineiit of llie tragedies
which hud w scene about Ft. I'.uielsOii,
was cold, damp, utul checrl 'ss. Our troops',
however, had but little lime to cogitate,
litem the Weiilhi r. or atiV other Mlbiecl. ere i
tin v were call'.d upon to attend to more i
,, r, .... i ..', . ii , 1
serious natters 1 ,e cm nv il' I e i
nightlia.lti.iiisfit of th' ir bat-
tenes t i port ions oT Hi. ,r vvotks within a
few him lied fed of which oar right wing
was resting Upmi I' e first coming dawn Ixitl. ri- w,i,l,l,,,K. miil.iil fin four II-
.. . i' . . . i . no i
lino. s rcL'ime its. ii uibii . ig about ...DUO
, .. . , . i i i ,i i
111' II, II I IIC I s 1 ' I . . ' I ' - ' ' I , l.'. II.. . Ill' .HI
,-,.,.. Siinul! itientisly' willi the opening
f i. mlll., , f,,,'Vl. of about 12,(l!'0
infantry und ft reg, inept or cavalry was
hurled ngainst the brigade, wilh n vigor
, i i i .. . i . . i . . i i.i.....
iv hull, made ugailist lisssleaily illul ilisi'l
plimil troops, must suit Iv have restilled in
tin ir entire demolition Sudden und
exuecti'd ns was this sallv on tin
' Ihe enemy, it did not Iiml the gallant llli-,
.. .. - .1 ... ...... I !..... i
" 1 , . , ,c.:
: 1 hi. n in k u ik um i' in ni i is ii r.'? -
m,,n,s w poun d in upon the little band
fmm ll0 ,. t tin n three different directions
Fverv regiment found its, If opposed to
. . ..i.e...
(. null', nun, III 111,111. .us..-, iw v
four d.fl'erent regiments. Uiidistnayed,
however, bv the greatly superior force of
. . . i i ..i .......
; " ' . r i . . .
the enemy, ..mi unsuppor.i u n ...... ....
"!"K: "l "'"'..rtillery, thebr.gad.! not only im-i.i im-ir
. ,, . . i . i '.. . ....i. i. ..i.i .i...; -
I'"! "I"."! 'o occasions ,, ctually .Imve
iif fYlH'IS nit IV IIUO Ult'll inn riniiiiirui
' . . . . ' . . ..... .1.
,iii nn v to he M'essed UacK ngi 1 io llieir
" 1 ' " " "- ,
I . ..I .. t I.i.t,ll.,V.I
IM lilt I ('.is. I (llll, null. .. i'i-i r '
i pellilei
evci v round of uinuumitiou,
.1. ..
. . . . j
ad lo full buck, hd give pliu'c to he ml-
J Vlin,in, , Wallace's brig -
,!,, ..( lir 1 ,.,., ,,, one Indiana l.egi-
' .
M(,S 1
j j ,.ri, j,, KM tin, l,fttlle continued w ith
( rloulili-tl vigor, now one side and now the
' ()tu,r v;n p wnVi Our troops fought ith''
i . . . .tii.-.i. 1
' ... .....
l,r,. Kai Wfls tlie bnlllo continued Willi
' j,,,. ,,,,,,, of V1,tl.ras nnil .he despera-
,io) , ,,vik ,,c thickest of the fight
lir r.ini. nts coolly performed maneuver
i WlllCll rst Oil 111 HIS incurs puilli'inisiri in.
1 ,c.ics pom.,,. ,s nn -
le on the l.allle - liild. - -
" Tli ,mr,i .".''1 ,1.' p!
,osj.0 i0 be miu
it. a lores.. 1.1. 1. .... ?
; ours ...igaged but w hut I, '
triple .is nuu.ors. . ,t ...v .....
, for five hours-novv gaining it
miti pm, 1
I retire, Fi
' nnd WlUIIII
! . : (.mmud coolly look their place,
( t.m,timii'(l the light, nnd scores of coin-
puny olln'cm were m..o. . .-
1 1;,,., mi ill. i'n men nnd Ml Willi llll -
.ii... 1. iK . J,i
Vll(llllisH.,l. WI ll.e hist car-
1 . .
ri(, (,,.,. ,.Xpenili'il, mid
given lo retiro for other regiments to take
their place, soldiers, grim wuu huim
powder, would angrily iiupnri) lor whai,
nml beg I" i'l"'1'" 10 "" ''
l was not In the power of men
;,! Unit ours did.
occ.ip.i.H I . ' ,
v in well lo such raking firo in thu enemy
. , ... ...i.iil,,ro.ind.1
SUOJI'CICU Hlf lit I". '" , 7 , .
nguinst tho overwhelming f"ri'" wl,"'l, ll,t'
rebels continued to push nguinst them.
Oglcshy's, Wnlhice's, nnd MfArthiir's
ItrlgndcH were iioecsiirily obliged lo retire.
A portion of Schwartz's ami .McAllister's
batteries hud I n lost and fiii''il. ''
lost nguiii, und it was not until the advanc
ing enemy had r. hod Criil'1'n Fngudc,
ami Tiiyh.r'n and Wilhird'n hultcrics could
be brought Into ndlon, that we were abn
he w note, 1 ny . K l .. t s disable! nnd Ihe enemy iu posses- ,, ,;,,.,, ri,I)(.rtv ,inu.nIi ,() r,lml
eld olhcers were lioine, ki nn . r r,1.,,i ,1... ,:. ,,. .. ...' 1
led. from the field, their .' ' Z :,, ' i "'
from llm Jsl Xelii'Ufkn. 48lh nnd jfilh
Ohio, proved loo iniieh for llm foe, nnd they
nt last Inul to fall Imi k. J!y this fine il
was noon. (Jen. (i runt hud just returned
frnni lln hihilimr u In, I. ml i, f,.i-.
..ii., .... .... iiii tin i.i ..ii.i. hi i.ii. rtiLiu I i;- i
(ieneriils of Division "in nrei'mrp (or an i,n. I
inedinle nnd L'eneriil nttiiek uloii'' Ihe entire
line. l:e,i,,.ei,ls ll.,,t ll minV re.l ,,,, i
the morni,,- were Cn !
Wallace was "iveii a division coinposi
I Ivvu ri''imeiits of his own brigade, the fcth
.Missouri nnd llth Iinliniiii, mid several
olln r regiments whose loses in the netioi:.--1
ol the morning had been but (light, mid to
him was (riven the job of charing the
ground we Imd lo-t in the u.orii'iig, while j
(Jen. Smith, toiiiiiiainiing the left, was or-1
'h n d to stmin t lit; works under which his '
ilivis nn was ly.iig.
(en. Mmtli H cm
iiticullv ft righting ;
nipt-,111:01, nnd the events of the morning hail
lint I. inleil lo lessen in the least hi- piignae
ity. When he received the long-ileirel
orders for an n-.-ault ol the. enemy's vv.nks,
his i v. s glistened with lire. His arrange-
tni'iiis were conijileteil by t'.ifee (A: link,
ami his coiiiiiiu was in tnol on foon n : t r.
Tiie force under his rotnuiaiul was ns fol
lows: Col. Cook's I'.i'igade, 7th and oOth
llliimis, 1 and Uiili .Missouri, und '.',2i
Iiiili.uia, nle.l Ci.l. Lai. man's Ilrigad''. "Jd
Iowa, 7tli Iowa, I lili Iowa, L'.'ith ninl .Milh
Iiiihana. Unihr cover of Cnpl. Stone's
Missouri buttery, this force began the ns-
saiilt. It was a furtnidable iiinh r'.aking,
vvh.i .i, n less brave and skillful com-
tuaaihr than tleti Smith, m'ght have
provi'.l a il js' !a:!itre. ihe ,;:is at
tiii.s point tire nteong the most pr. eipitous
of nil those on which the em my were post
ed. S.l cliiig the 21 and "lh Iowa und
Indiana lor tiie stunning parly, (ieti.
Smith i! Ilecte.l the iiia.ti portion of It s di
vision lo the right, ninl having sueeeeded
ill engaging the ntt-nlinn ol iheeniinvnt
this point, himself headed the storming par-
ly and mivaiicd ii on the wutks from his,
extreme I. ft. It was a ino,t niag.nfic. t.t
sight. L by the per.u t .-tort;, of
bullets winch r.i.lli'il nhniil htm, the (ielier-:
al, on hots ha. k, and w ith his hat on the '
point of his ,vvi,rd, pr. cled his troops nnd
inspired them with a furor there was ,10
'landitig ngaiiisl.
steadily, with unbroken line, the gallant
"" , ",'"
1' ir. lt;i ii linn c .s er ( a me p on ig
. ' r
tl.r.ii,,, i 1 ,i.'r r-,t,L I, lit i.i.l n si, ..I ti ne
find in return. Closing up ll.e ranks, ,,d
I i... ,i. r......!..., !.. ..r .!...:-
ii ii i it, ,i i , I i -i mi i . ,i ii, j.n- ui in' ii
lead r, ihev pressed steadilv on. The works
gained, one tremendous volley was poured
l .... I . .. . . l. . .1 . .i., sail, ao eiicncu vi iiuu-i, miu n as mui iiili
luivonel . n cliiirgo w as niail .' on !ln ;r raiiks . . ,. ,,
wlilch there was no withstanding, and they l'" ,J i?nlll,lk'
II-din confusion ovir the hills. Captain Foi:ti:fss Moxrior, March!'. The reb
Simie'.s li.'.lteiv, which, in the meantime, e .steamer Mtrii.n:c, plated with iron, nnd
had been lining great execution in the rebel
ranks, was pt.iuijiily tiiivatii id to the post'-
lion gaiiud, an I in-t.iiilly support! d l y the
remainder of Ihe divi.-ion, the point was
secured against nt v force w hich the enciuv
. i . i ' . .. '
eoiilil oriiig io near against it.
!u tiie ineaiitiine, (!eii. Wallnce hail
c.ui'pli !. d his l.retiaralioii
1 1
for an ntta.'k
on the e lemy, occupy ,ng a position they
lui.l lak. ii fiom us in the morning, some
tvvo miles and a hall to the right. .List as
i- i i . : .
im sM iigi r iirnvi il w ith j.n ini iniiiigs tn ii
(en. Smith was- inside of the enlii iich-
..... . . I . I 1 F
.......... .i.
I incuts. U ith a chin ittai resoumieii lar
. , , . , .. , . ,.
,,,,, ,,.,, ,..., ml.,in,,.,
'ni neiir. me .n
. (() pncotii(T (hrv
; , , . . , .
These two regiments
, , . .... ... . ,. .,
fiiitu their suii. i ioritv in dr. II and lighting
It'll J inui.inni,, a in. t. w i s . . t . -i
. '
have been considered crack
' I ....I.t.. .I! I .1 1 ..I I
corps anil lliosi ihmm uiu ine ninii'iii
. . ... -, ,
, ; 1 ,l.T nml WI, I
i , .
ul w tli ii
shoiu, 01 iiseii ii'ir.iie euoiigu
h to nopal
1 ine r iocs. L-av e iiieiii ine lonl mcci.iiiiii
I.i r. .1 1.. ...II .....! ...:.l. ..
, . ,
' ' '
1 . ,
t u. iiurn u
, ... ..." ... . . .,..,,.-,,
" -
round shot, grape nnd caii'stcr
Z Z Z' ' -
' ,' ; ,.,.,:,
(k ,( N(,prikt i;;,), MisMmri, nud othe'r
, l)f 0,1,. T,.iv,r(, nn.l CrartVn. Tics is one ol the rcoci
ilir.(i i, mlviuu-o wns M1.1.I0, until Many prisoners were taken.
' bv dusk the grou'tu! which had been m. hot-, , ,Il)1)k,,r ri,or fmn j-.mia's F.r-
, conl. st, ,1 in the morning was ours -
Again the rebels were compel d lo seek
,.e protection of their -thworks.
- ff , ()f , S(1 M1,,,ss,,, on IC n.,v
! sis lmn lu.fon. with
5 , .... . . , ,, i...m,j
,,",1, t u,t .u.v iJ,,',! ,aincd .1 foot-
)oM .( ,,(, (,M, ,11V'S iv- nu-n l nnd suv -
1 , .1 .1 ... A . . t ..... .:. .,i:,,j
age 111 1111! uiougiii ok li.e .......j r '"
'?..,, , J.,I,ir..i fl, ' .: !,,...
rn 1 huh 111 -
Mj it ,Jlt (;rilIlt(
m f-sU ,MmyM), .), nn op-
l)S1)lim,d the final blow (ill
1 () . w)1t t(lat (iliy brought
1 (irth, nnd how I
Ihe rebeN, worn out nnd
: , m 1: . :, ,,;., .
d:'T ".7 " ' T. " I V . .. ..V.
coiu'lllileil 10 give U llieir riionuiiiin. 1...11
1 . ,
tit. nciitd it: linU' U I'll LltiUVII
"""" ' " "
A T,;s,-.C,b Lyon, lately, in
overhauling mailers nt Ihe Arlington
House. Virginia, found n wt of the Martha
Wiishington eliiiin, presented lo Mrs.
Washington by lien. Lafayette and ll.o
. 3 ; , ...
French on.cers. '.iimwu. '""ooKe,, pm,
by nntiiiniirhiimjiii 11 prieel.'M Ireusiire.
-Voihlnu" Is w ImiilTo do ntTnotliinLV
huV: of Trutli in every issue
No. 50.
Details of Eastern News.
.--- . .iu iiiii um ..vim
iii;r!i:.i.H). oaspixo
-The recent
defeats have
,:"US, (I 0 Prcilt. P,,nlc 1,1 F.IC'limOlid.
insr traitors exhibit thegrentest trepidution.
:'""" M- l"m nm n7mMTpw.onnM
i i . i. ..... i ... . ... .i . . . .
.W'!,,U'' chnracti-r. on-position have been
.'imprisoned for manifesting Union wnti-
0 ol r. i i i.... i .1....I i
mciits. Marlinl luvv hns been declared at
lliehniond and for ten miles nround
Savai,nah is well fortified I'D, 000 rebel
troops supposed to he there. 1 I. Fu!:"ki
i Mirroutuled by Union troops.
P,.v,.nv Tohn.-nn was in il iv plnete.1 to
,ie s; ' ,s;,.Ilutc ,v I.i-V.shitut'e of
iar v';lIi "
A rebel vessel has
been taken, with
LM(,(' bales of eotlou.
Andy Johnson hns left for Teiinevep to
call a Convention tin re.
Uut.ker Hill, Va., near Winehesti-r, was
occupied by our forces on the oth, ns one
of the extreme ou'pots on the west.
The Speaker, on the fith, laid befofft the
IIous.j n unssago from the 1'resid' iit, sug
gesting the pitfsnge of a joint resolution
providing tor co-operating with nnv
Slate for the abolition of slavery, with pe-
euniary eoinpcnsutioii. Tlie President pro-
poses this ns nn initiative step, predicating
iniiiortant practical results therefrom. It
was referred
to the Cun,m'ltcc of the
A'l the troops from Tennessee, South
Carolina, Louisiana, and X. Carolina have
been sent home from the Potomac.
! At Corinth, Mississippi, the enemy has
lii, 000 troops; nt Henderson's Station, 9
mih s from the Tennessee Hirer, 12,000;
at the next post, 10,000. The enemy
fortifying ut Chickasaw, Alabama,
At ,.j,.ctioll K.j in McKay cotliitv,
Southern Tennessee, the Union candidate
ri.,vivt.,i OQO majorirv in a vote of IsOO.
('- 1''- 1Iil,(' is eoi.firmeil Sup't of Indian
A n"'i rs '" T- nl"' V- l- hattuck I.
S. Attorney for Oregon,
In the Semite, bill for the confi-cation
; ;,,i cultivation of cotton lamls pncd, it
Great excitement exists in Xorfolk. The
!'"''-'nrc vanning with officers from the
' t till Males.
The pirplo have decided on
the destruction of the in case of nn at-
tack. A strong force is concentrating nt
SuflVlk to check r.nrnside, who, it was
- i i.i i... i ...a :..
with nothing iu sight above her bulwarks
hut the sineke stai k nnd (lag, came down
yesterday. She engaged the Cuiu'tldii'l
irignte, making terrible Jiolrs in her water
1'iics. The i'ttvlahtnJ cotitinued firing
.1 I - - 1 ... - I 1. 'I'l...
utii.i sac eaiceiieu otcr nun suiik. inu
Mrrimoc was lired upon by our batteries
without apparent rllict. The Minntsola
got aground und could ullord lull little as-
slstatice. The Mi rrimar turned her nttcn-
tion to the ('on?rt, nnd in an hour after
i 1 .... i Tl... n:.....J , ,1 ..,,,.;.,c
. .. .i
w ere taken prisoners mo seamen escapeu.
The U. S. frigate St. Latrruu-t proceeded
. t . . I. .1... I...
up I ne river, a conuii'i iook piace oe
, , , , , , ., ,lll!l(Uts. At
' m;,i,1;1At ihe ( ',, was burned bv the
In the morning llie iron clad steamer
... ir in... I
Monitor, rngngi d the M'rriwm-, nnd liinil-
initor, engaged the M'rriwin-, nnd final
Iv forced n hole iu the port side of the hit
. . ...! ..I.......I I, V.flt Tl.n
u r, I. llll icuiiiiiu in .luin.iB. ne i'iiii..-
lv.i f if.. hoarl tlio
ISO were killed or drowned, i he .ioi- proved herself impregnable to heavy
I. ... :.. ..I
si in i i e nsi: t u.u u is.
'. , , , .,
i nn i ri 'v 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 mi nriii'rrn ii t a v i
' lu, iv.tonii.i- to Iu- tlivitl.-.l into live 007
-''- "" T
Mcl kiian, imj, i..u,ks.
lOlh Col. deary bus taken Leesburg,
r, ,,, 'v', i,.,,,..:... i front of
his ;m,s were nbundoncd gnus spiked,
This virtu.illv opens the rotonmc. and
1 , . , M M ,wo 0.;loi.k
,1V ,'np;r,, rls began burning their letils
I nformntioti from Memphis snv the eiti-
'-11s were greatly nhirincd, relying on Ft.
, r.llovv lor ucicnse, wiiii 0111 icw iroops.
. .
The Meinpl.m Legislature iiml Fcnitercd,
Gov. Harris was llyiiip from 0110 point
,lo nnotlu r, with little prospect of succeed
1 m ins vuoris 10 me peopie w ...
1 !V. r.t0'-. '"J!" . "tt C , n
oil Miircl. lsl the lleel leii rori i.oyi.. mr
llriinswick, On., the enemy flying nt Ihe
iiiinroncli of our ir.inboot.1 Our forces took
.---.l ;-!;':J(,!;
L. . . , collll(i whi,.), i Dm entrance
, lVriinn.liiiii. nnd took possession of Ft,
Clinch. Twclvo largo giinn fell Into our
, hands, nnd also 1S8 rilled cannon e
'also took a rebel sleamer mid loaded wag-
rns of (umi11i,i()1 ,,.,, 1,V(1(,rH, fmn
jnn(1,r 0(,n vr(fit londed nnd gjirrisoncd
'the forts and earthworks, taking poweision
One fnare (twelva linei, or lM, brevier fncMura)
one iimerlion 3 1)0
Kuch luliaeijuent inacrtinn 1 0U
busini-M ciir.ln one year SO 00
A lihernl ili-'luclion will be made to tboMWbo
inlvertrsu by the year.
3$" The aiiinber of ioserlloni tliould b noted
on tho innrgin of nn advertiwment, olherwiie it
will lie iJiibliilird till forliiJ.len, and charged ao-
Obituary lioticon will be chnrged half the
uliove rnti-a of anverliiiing.
t'J.iB l'liisriNo executfd with neatnen and
I'aijmrnt fur Jul) Printing muit It madt r.
Jrlirfri of thf trtnk.
of tho city. This lutter has beer, one of
the most useful porls to the rebels.
In the House, Conkling asked leave to
offer u resolution w hich is identical with
that sent by the President to Congress n
few day-: since, relating to the furnishing of
nid to such Stales as should adopt meas
ures for the gradual abolition of slavery.
The rules were suspended for the purpose,
S8 nyes to 3o noes. A motion to post
pone consideration was discussed, and with
out taking action on the question, the
House adjourned.
The Hon'n bill, providing a new article
of war, that no officer or soldier shall bb
employed in returning fugitive slaves,
passed the Senate by 2J to 9. Any officer
found guilty by court-martial of violation
of this urticlc, lo be dismissed the service.
A party is suid lo be secretly organized
iu Memphis to give full adhesion to the
Federal Government.
Great excitement exists in the disaffect
ed parts of Texas, owing to the announced
expedition of Gen. Lune from the land side
nnd Commodore I'cndergrast from the sen.
The Union sentiment in Xcw Orleans is
on the increase. It is thought a stand will
not be made there.
Ft. Pulaski has been entirely cut off
from all communication with Savannah,
nnd Coin. Dupont has completely surround
ed that work with the intention of starving
its garrison into submission, or holding
them on short allowance whilst Gen. Sher
man is making his arrangements on Tybte
Gen. Drjgg has left Pensacola and gone
to Norfolk, which place is in imminent
danger and closely pressed by the division
under Gen. liurnside.
A battle took place at Paris, Ttnn., be
tween n large party of rebels and a small
federal force. Federal loss 4, rebel 100.
A cavalry force, sent from Lebanon,
Mo., yesterday uttucked a guerrilla party,
killing 13, wounding 5, and capturing 20,
among them 13rig. Gen. K. Campbell.
Mahcii 14. In the Senate Hale intro
duced a bill which authorized the building
of iron-clad rams and steam gunboats; also
to complete Stevens' Battery. The bill
appropriates $1,000,000 for the rams,
$13,000,000 for gunboats, and $1,100,000
for the completion of Stevens' Batterv.
The bill was referred.
Tiie case of Powell of Ky. was taken np.
He spoke nt length in his own defense.
He was followed bv Wilkinson, Trumbull,
and Ten F.yck. The vote was then taken.
Ilr.-:o!ut on of expulsion rejected ayes II,
r.oes 28.
The Senate has confirmed McDowell
Major General of Volunteers.
The rebels evacuated Xew Madrid on
the night of the loth, leaving a quantity
of guns, oiumunition, tents, and stores,
Inch they were nimble to carry away.
Some firing took place between their gnus
and our siege battery, in which our loss
was id killed and wounded. The loss of
the enemy was not ascertained.
Official reports of the evacuation of New
Madrid say the skirmishing lasted several
days. A 'number of nttempts were made
by' the rebel gunboats to dislodge our bat
teries on Point Pleasant. The rebels left
an immense quantity of military stores.
This was the Inst stronghold of the enemy
in Missouri. No rebel flag now flying in
that State.
Late dispatches show the victory at
New Madrid to be greater than was sup
posed. At least a million dollars' worth
of military property was tnken. The offi
cers left their baggage, the supper on the
tables, and their dead unbnried.
r.nir.L n.'.our rnoji maxassas. 1 L Col. Averell, with a large
force of cavalry, entered Manassas last
night. Thu intelligence gathered from ll.o
neighborhood tends to show that the whole
reln.1 nrniy has retired southward. The
01 ly eligible point nt w Inch they can with
iiny propriety attempt to make a stand, is
near the junction ol tho Frederick and the
Potomac Willi tlie l enirai irgiiuo iviiu
road, 20 miles north of Richmond. At this
mint the country is much broken aim suit
td for defense. It is evident that tneir
nrniy is completely demoralized and unfit
for service. Struggling parlies left behind
seemed glud to be taken. Tho forts are
all abandoned, but log hut sufficient to ac
commodate DdTOOO men remuin; also an
itmneiise number of tents nnd log huts are
strewn nil along the way between Center-
ville and Manassns. Heaps of dead horses
cover the fields.
It is scid ihe stone bridge across Isull
Run hns been blown up; nlso the bridge
across Cub River, between Ccntervillo 011U
Manassas. rything nt tho hitter place
indicates a prcetpituto llight ol tne reueis.
Some caissons were found, oui no guns.
Piles of bullets mid cartridge! With an im
mense fttimitity of stores were left hetnnil.
1 .1.. .llunnvnrofl
At Olio pinco mo rinvi"" .......... s.s..
UOO.OOO bushels of corn, which had been
fired, still smoldering. ....
People ill the vicliniy su mm ul'luru
the evacuation 100,000 men wero at Ma-
Large numbers of contrabands bavo
come to our lines, which now extend be
yond MnnnssM Junction, nnd nre still com
ing iu droves.
Cei.terville, one of tin strongholds of tho
r..b..N ureseiits a sceno of desolntion not
often witnessed. They commenced evacu
ating tho place on Saturday, tne Bin, nnu
cntiliuned until Sunday night. They then
blew up tho bridges, tore lip tho railroad
trnek, burned their touts, provisions, nnd
forage; In fact, destroyed everything they
could not remove. Most of the cannon
hnvo leen taken away; Ihoso remaining
arc of inferior qunlity. Tho fortification
nro of formidable strength, covering the
hillsnVnr Centervltlo, and som two or
threo miles behind each other. The fortifi
cations at Mouossas seem to be the some
"No, not If f hud (he UrJ m rfrrr!"
.1 wauiiiM in thfl 0"hi "