x. o. o. r. ' OlIKlMN l.lllllll! No. 3 tHf t -nl lli" Miium Hull ii Mmnliiy revetting ' ""'" tt,''R' Hrnlli- ;r rl,i in it. .0.1 NtiiiiiiHiK nr iiiviirii .vv- r V ki:sti:ii. N.i. I It'll. Mco'y. ilO J. " - Multuomnh Lodfo No. 1, t M., holds Hh .luted nnmiiiiiiiuta. A,L'.li. M"""""1 """ U' Hnlnnluy yC,rm,lilt Hm.I'i.11 Mom. mm.ll;. ' i . In uiMHlntn'i'l'" r v I In nllem!. nullum m K lf i- n Mrsi.N, W. M. h,mmium.- l'"r Hi" icmuvnl mil "utn'til cur u","""r" '''".' fr'"" "" f" ,( r ihn hlim.l, r liulnl "I' llm )triti. f'j ',ll,u,,t -in. ui ioii remedy Will gci.lly rtulate fl""'''""" uf ''" """'"'" '"' nnr an, healthy ncllnii. nml without iiiiu.oa i.ni'M"'' iherrfiiiii "" l"lrl,'i"i'' "miu- Wol, .uriry ll'" l,,""' """ll,n 1110 ir-ilitii, iiio.e wri inl'"". I"1!111" '' nppelilo, Impirl .t.il K"r Iti llir yulfiii, iiikI gradually, lull linn - - - .urr!)',"11'!"1" nulTinl 1 1 I'tnmly Vnltm C.nniriille.11. ... I'liimi men uf l.niu I'ouiily are io.Uti' In llirir scvcntl iirii not', oil hnltinlay lint runt I" 1 1 I ... nf Mnll'll . I " " 1 m i"' . a m, III I d delrg.iltsli' '1'" ''"""'V "iivi nli..i, ' 'L lirbl al Albany, mi Siiliir.lny, tin- '..'.HI. ilny '(Mut-li, at II o'oh..l., A. M , lr Hit-purpose . if ,d.ll lllilelegnti-s lu represent l.ilill oulluly in Lsnw ( iil un. I" be I" 1.1 m I "gcio Cily, . i),!,, si'.J, in puisuiiuei. f llie r..M liy lliu i limn mi ii f ' i-ir-.n Kuril lirrllli'l Willi"' rlillllrll tothr filllmnllg number uf tlclrg.il.: Albany K ; ( ,.re II ; lrowiiiH"i ' I ' 'i1""'' ' ' 1 ' ! ' v""i j. tliiiiun, A; l!uv'",.'l; liiiil".(iiiii, I ; N in to', Hi Ml I ii Ui I; li.ii.kl.ii lliuin, 4 i (.Irish Clerk, U. j (, ,, II M Hi-wii. VK'n H'i- '" Ihm.t a Cum. A II.iiikiIi " I-"1. " " ltlT. WW rir.li. ' " It i W ti r t . W M.. ninth, J l lluiklmil, II A Mi'('tlii.y, J Hiirrmvn, P, A Knel.ni.l. I I''"'""". J liiii'lir, Cm ghaut, I. I! Ilonil, W M Krloh..... ( F li.iv, J W '' w " :lrHi l M lli 'l"0ii A Nirki-rwMi, J I' Tulr, J I! I'dwuII, i""il! - M M Mai k, J 1'u.irl, J H I'u'lrr, N llntnl, ' Wain-it, l M i'v. A I'm, j ll .m.lli'ii, Al'r-irr, , in Chinrr. la tUr I nu Mi ll uX lrnlu l.nunty. 'I'lli- iiMl.linl iill li.( Hi llli ll I lly, "liO all hi Uiiii il IIm- uii. . ..iiiii uf llir il, . Hi u--(t irbrll.i'il i'l i viiir.Ml rii,.i-iitiini uf war mi iU timoftliy In ll 111141. till III. l trlll'lltc I'l uin.r.l liiiil"'" -wliu in (! iii imy ,.lirf lluil ill1' In'lntl itlili- nil mirn In ,-iiin, nlirll Irbrl' i"l Hi'if ' il...ill i-l n.l.anl lit I lin cm. tiituiii'iiiHl i li i ll--i mi. I .iijl.li'.l aiiiliiiiiln-a nil I Ir'iliy rnartr.l I11W11 "I lli liiiln nthrlil - H lin III nk mull1 nf i iiunli y llioit ul mily .!rjui).rr mi. I iW.X.IimI H. fl-tl lll - ll" ! Ill f lVUl "f lll- Miflili; ttir l, lirlni li.ivrrnini"til ill lU il.r.ivnr ii,lrl-n. llil I'lliinlilillinil, rti-i-iilo ll.i" o, ami ptr-lr lli I hinn, ml lm nl" '.l'liJ In un lr ,.n n t.rlrl iih,ii i.m-Ii a li.im at lln c-uiiiiic rl..n lion,"ii'r ir in :r. l- in. i-l nl lln- K'"n- ml M if U"li'H" 'n I"" l ''I "I 'ii'' '""rl li-n i iii r,irv.illiii nil 4lii.l .) ll.r -VI. Ii "( M l" Ii. I """ -' nl I n'' I k r m.. I- r llir mi uf li'niim iini" t 'mhi Tnti'i- 7'l.i'l. III! I I" Ifln l Iii.' .I, lrl".ll1 In Hi. I'liiull Slrilr I 'uu . . III.. ill t'i:y nu Wrilue.il iv th liolll.il itr a " I II. "0 Ik k liirmlirr of C.inrr-H " Ji. 1; i;mii, .1 ll Kisrt , laMll.lSU I'llAttliriiH, Jii M inti", Ir'M'irrulir f'n ri.-l ' l, I r ln-1 I at 1'n o-im llll nf April, IM i, In t lm M it.- u;!ierr .1 1 I A Ii 11. m r, V II Mi Kahi imi, .ll l.il ll lHnU .-, Ni n pin, 1 lir;. 11,ii.in i".i rmii. .IJ IImi. I, IM J.-.liini .Miianit, II V Il.hry. W ill ..in., Win M .lif'-r, J W .S'.lllllier, .( M itlmui, Ii lloVate, I iril Mrre. r, I, an, 11, Hi:., J i II.HHI.I, J II i Ii Ii w w .1 II ll N . lm'., ,V II l'.pitlnl.l, I'.rnj t'i k, ( oi.i l.l ', I! I .Viiiiiii,,!,., I ll .: I. r, II I'ael, nrr, John n,k, .1 Ii KllerllltlllUI, .1 I'onh, .1 l 1(4111 It. I, ,1 C W.L.I J .n 17, l-i.J. Notice. 1 "riun. lilitr.ini ul" llrit-liy lln'ifir l J Ihil I hn!l apply l Ihe iiiun'y court uf 1 1 U. Uiiiu. inii ilv, Oirgnn, ,il lln" M .y term, IM,.'. f, r I einitHMOii to le.iijn my leitem leala wrii iry. cruiilrd in Ihe entitle o! Ilohnl M.wie, Lilt o; ..i.. munly, il.--eii..-.l j r Alii I'.son. 0'r,..ll i il V. Miit ll IM.i. I'11' ' it.i. si:rru:ti:T N IlTI' li I. Iirieln- purll lll.lt Jiepll "llllg. ,inii,i.iin'i.r ..f ihe . .1 .le nf Kiehaid I'. Vil li,!;, de.e.i.e.l, l.ile nf I i.n k ri.nri ei.nnll , U. ejnn lint .M.; li'nl ll mS oiiii'. M lilt il lllrllieul, lh. lo.l M-iidaV in Apn'l " "l l""'"'"! fl" a!uili.iii..fllie Mine ! tin' - t I'""" V'" ,1..,, l ili ill mi d cuinilV I't '"I'l " ll" Jl"ll!" 01 .Lata Mart-It I .'. I" .1 AS WINS! ON, (Ink. fin a . snrnxvENT N'lllllT. lio rl'V niteii lii.il I I' II.'al.l, ..hnuii.lral 1 i,( the . .1 ,le ,. I I. .vanl San V,.iv.M.l, l.t'e ul l'l.i. kaui.1. r itii'V. Orenn, liv,i,c Til. il It a n.-i oi.ttli lor lin il 'lll' menl, the t.r.t Muii liy In April ltet ! e.....i.il-d i"i evil if inl"ii nf I In- H..inn ill the oi.url-hui.w in Orrtf..!! l ilt in Mid cuui.tj. Ilv ..tiler of Mm J" ig l'M,..e JAS. WINlUN.'lerk. Maicli Pi. I Mi'. fix a 1. siiti.imem: rOTI''K Uherrbv given thai llutl I!""!'.""- in.a .liiilor ef llm ."lale ul J 1 ""! eri.,., late itf fTa-k una" rouiily, ' 'fC"". ii"1"'!! file I hi. aenoiinla f.'f ti i .lliemeiil. ihe fm.1 Monday III Apiil ltel ta iippeinled "" lion ul Ihe a.iiiie nl Ihe rmiil Ii""' 111 ' ' "' III Md culll.ly. Hy "I'li'f of 'lie Jodlje uf no t, J..N. WINSTON, lerk. Mar.li Pi, IMil JN'ew l'errv, CLACKAMAS, acuoss Tin: ON nn: Old lCmiirranl Uoad, KFNNINtl 1SY JOSKNl YOUMJ'S TO FOSTKU'S. ) r Trnvelera call tirtiiiiira III lln' V'rY ha 't.N, li.OI'lt. elc , eln. THOMAS WATKIIIirllV To Shippers. th r. HJT.AMKK ST. CLAIH U ll N II K T W V. U N WII.L Oil EG ON CITY .0 I'OltnAND, ...milking..' Throo Trips a Wook. hATF.S OF Fit E HI ll T. pni,ip i i:1'1.'.""' Dp 11 , a 00 " " II ! '11,,-. t .Liu 1111 our Ik.hIi will tin well In mink their freight tn Ihe care of th" "'"J1" rHi,Cair, TAVI.OK A HMIIIL Oregon Cily, lien. Ul, MI. l11" Merino HiicUm. T MAVK a few Ihrie ilimrler blis'il MEUIN) J HULK I, A M IIH. w 1 c 1 1 Will actii low. -j r'c Is sis mill's ivesl i,f 1 jifayclie . , ,lu Uch-.W, Hr. O. IL A l A MS Snlo of Lot! for Delinquent Taxes. milK fnlli.wi.iK TOWN 1,0'I'S, rnliirimil hy I. Ill" City (Jnllmrlnr or ()rrKoii Clly on (Irliii 'iii"iil nml nun r. .ili iil, will lm w.l.l ,y t,n Cliy Iti'i-iinlr-r ol piil, lui iii.ini, r m miicli llmrnuf na will lm iiiTimiiry In imy llm luxi-n nnil rliiiri-i I"'" i H Hi wi'iiml Nlniiilny of Aphl iit-xl, ut llm l(.i iiid.'(lHi.(i in mini cily, llm milg In cull Ilium lint linxl Kiiui.ri'iliiig ilny. until llm niiimiiit rlmil lm mi Ilii ii-nl I,, i,n laxui utnl i:liuriis I .nl No. 1 , 7, H, in Itlnnk No. !l, iihi..( tn Mm. Ilninli'il fin IH.V.I, h',l) " " 1,7, H, in llloi k No. II, iiiwh, i Mm. II.mi.Ii J fur IHIiil, II .1 " '' I, 7, H, in lllw-k No. II, uwimml In ' Mm. lloiili'il fur I "iii I, 4,r,i) " " ,'i, (1, In llliirk H.i, mwcuoil i;.l. Cnll inl for IHI.I, ljii.75 " " I, Ii, in lllin.k No. I'J, Ci.unty mlil iimi, rKril In I'lnnklili Culilwrll fur Hli,(l,:i() " " l.'J.iu I Mim.U M,i:ininly uilililiun, ninwril In .Inlin Cl.iivi r fur I Mi; , ti,:i " " I, Ii, liliM k Nu. yi), or.,r. to (Jbii.WiiI. linn, fur I Mil, $,MI " 11 I, V, ll. i, ill lil.H'k No. i:i,roiinly ml-liliim, nvnrt In AliniT (Jiiincn fur I Mil , IJlll.lill " :i, ., .'1,11,111 blin k Nn. ,11, loniiiy it.l.li. linn, M'il In Aliin-r Iilun.." fur I Mill, !(l,lil) " I,',1, 111 lil'kli, ! I,'.', in lil'kj, 11.. w.., in J.i. J.-ll. 1. f..r IKIil, SCI.ir. .'I, I, .'1, Ii, in lilm k Nn.-.'IM, i-iinnly mlililinn, nr.M mi. ivn.i .it iHiii.40,1., j " '1, (i, 7, H, in lilm k .Nu. 3, nniinlv 11.l1l1in.11, Oiwr-i.r.1 In J N. rii"M":iltli.t Hlil, frO.T.I " H, in IiIih k No. 'Hi, iwwil In lliu In'ii.nf Hi'U..I.Tili'i:'il) Inr IHIiil ,V " .'I. hl'k IH, nml I, 'J, hl'k U.'i, cniiniy iwl.li- linn, iim-. nl in Win Slcvrn. fur l"lil jill,".i I ill. AM.K'BI'11 AH MOM HI'Mtlt NT. I...I No. (i, llli.. k Nn. IH, 0,7.1 ' " I, " " I I. ,75 " ' '., " " l.'l, ,7.'i " " 7, " " 111, ,7.-i I-..I.N.I :i.in llUk Nu. Vi, fcii.l '.lm eh jn,.'i7 " " I .r,3.-,.'..i;.7,M " K, rjl'M.'i " I, '.'(I ' " i.'j,:i,i,:.,ii.7,K " hi, " 1 :iii " " i,'j,:i.i,.i,ii,7,N in;. 4m,:w " :i,oi " ,'J,3,'l,:.,li,7,H " " 111'.', S'l.lll " l.-'i'i " " 1 "j,n.i,.ri,ii,7 " 1:11, 15111, 1'. ' 1 .n.'i i,'i,.i,i,:i,ii,i,ii " i.vi, 1, -in n.-i, " i7n, so;im ,71: " " 5, " " -i-t, ,10 " " :, " " 17, ,Tj :, , " " is, tji),7.i " 1, so " " ".', " " 71, r'H "i, " 70, ,:ih ;., " " 7!l. " " 'J, 7, ' " '.II, S"''ls " .1'' J 1:. Jll Itlultll, Clfy Hrciilltrr. Mnr.li I, I "Iii. Iw Sick and Diseased , .V OllKdOX, Ytm run be ed ! cm An lltilll't I t.ul or AiH'iil to All with Failing llraltli. Vl!l'. yuu Ui.kuiI lliaiiiinale, re-lle-e, n, rl.lo lir, il.f-iiim h.l. ami PAIN IN lili-. I.I t Its, IIOUVJI.U K.an.l IIKAhf Header. 111. n il ..I tin. ncaimd fi.'iii t'OI l eanthl nn- II 11 :U . . in M t' eit.e nut nf ten, hi(;.'ili- of ihe liter ami V'"d. mid w.iitl of iiuinral p, r.iriiti'"i. in-li-i I'litm in Dm n f""' ' ! dr. ok, or (nun a diym in ihe nlin .hrr.' - which 1, n ten uiih.'iilih'v pill of lh . rlnimle -in.iny of. the attltil, vo'eiil, and ..""lilUKN' HKATIIS Ihnl I'l i ul hrrr lll.l.l ho lllll ihlllrd 1.1 lh:. No , i rrnilrf. I hnte llin.lrtlil. HIV flil lt lot Inany t earn. , j nu I I il" a-ii-e M.u that my I'l!- W lilllilili'S ' N Hil'ltA liNlJ t'()i:lIAI. will cure ilt. w . ' ratwa-it ill iii'iue niiitiiilinn of ihe l.l I.P., ! lll.nOK, nu.l IIIIAlNS-il Hti.ugilieiH Ihe i 11. rv. ., an I uive In ttte euirrrer a lifhlu. nf 1 I .pint., a menial 'l f" l'J UeiWlli, 1 ! lint 1. d- I glilful Tim many re-peet.h'e pernn ; i wlm have l.reu I.. 11. tiifl h and ctlilied lo il j ! rxi'tti.r.limi" ipi.thl.ea 111 runnu any nl Hie nil I nin ,!i-:i'-e., m.i-1 lately all b it the e',f w..e. and ignorant "eriti." j Dyifi-ia, or inli,L,ri'stit)ir, loss of I intiM'iilaror liiitlilvsti'eii.i,rtli ami 'n 4 mriital eiui'iry; rover, aw, ui'fliills; rlii'Uinatie, ueiiralie .r utlni nains ; depletion and weakiii'ssiif the nat ur.it funetioiis, deltility fluin disease, dis-i-imtion, ton inueh d o e t ii r i 11 lt, I delianehery, and ! OTHER FUSES. In ra of 1 xeitrinenl fiotil cntutaltt INTKM li'.UANir., and n here HKI-IKII'M TUI'.MrNS I a-.-i.ried. I have eeen il eh.l..-e Hie .ulTerer i hall ...1 hmir fl.'i'l tl'" I'""1'" """ '" raltune- and plae.dity It can, united, be cm-B.,i'iiliou-lv rei...inineit.led tn all aullenng. au.l ,hr p,opi..'lr reureU deeply ll.at it i. nereiry l,. tn adv. nlv- il, in ntd. r dial iln iiier.l. may be known. .Void l.ildy rniieeiilialf'l i-eo re-,1,,,-e.l lo.l, Ittolor iSCt-laig' 'I"'''! I'""!"- .Sold bv eveiv 1 r-p, viable tliiiKgit- The K. v. lUln rl Sclitijler, of PeUliinin. " r learn, Ix.tli myelf and hr.ilher have aur frr.deo fiont tltpep.a, weaklier nf and mii.r ,1 ti h.i gc.l ..n l ll.tl.il-l.ei;, thai hie ,;,, , n a. . bindeii. W. Lav. u.ed yn.tl Lonlml (Or. Wehbei'i Iuvi(i'ruliii; ftanguniei, luiir.. ..- 1 "!'.., inei lii'll'i 11 """ ' ,..,,.,.,iv " l HANK & llltHill AM Hl.l'lM.ION A ('., lriiggii, 'l,.!!!. i-. lla! lm! ha! ho! he! he! he! MISS Sl'SAN SMITH, ymitfaea and akin, Iho.igh yellow, cutr-e, and dark ". "'' liimpled, fie. klc.1, aii..b..i..l, Inimril. apolle- u Le.'l under.. l-ll TIVmTmT ' eln .e, when w.-lied will. JON If UIKMIt Al. HOW. Your tee.lt, ynur hreal h. " ' ,.e. Iiyb.lt .fanmuaSOAP 1 hh J H while a. llm dnv now are b". Ili-igh j al- luw, t.t..red, dark, decayed , and 'f"J ' and .wect ymil l.rea.li, lUl l'"1'"1' f,.,ul " , .dea.hi and llmt red hair, Ui-wgli ' me a. any ...e ur .ad rf I...B--. lky - - ',n..ld bo made t live, by J-- J"l .lorntiv.'. all d Ir.ilV. '..rf ! ' '"'V'' ,7 ,,e l,ir..op.'d falling nml 1 T Vl .hu.,gl.we.l..,.do , lh. ' a!,m" better than we a.l.erli.t, ami am all auld, reaatill- able, al every drill? "lure in 'eir'm IIUKillAM, Druggisls, iieuta, 1 11 .1. i' v .Van Kriiiii'i"ei. imvjy NoUcoofDlMoluUon. fill IK 1 ilstJiiiis, " ' ", " - - mluU..,, Oregon CiiyiJuii' "Ht HI;'J" jacohs a. line .1.NIM'(TI'TLLY Infiirm H' ople of Ihis lies.nl ill "I'1 , ! ' t hand 11 large ami iu. '' .al , , 1. ...11 1... .ulil at nrices ...itiil.l.i fr ll.,n,V W ' .. I Uisnillheliiiiin. ti.vi'llieiil " piiAcKEits-..iyn..biAintAN.s. (Joods ul Cost; Vor Salmon Hirer. 1 liie 1 1 ul I v ml.. nil llm rilifli. of (Irrirnn ('ilv uinl vimiiily llmt limy urn now oIliTing llioir lino lock uf Clollnny; DHKSS GOODS; a.- a. Jl.'-4I AT KAN IHANflSCO I'lMCKS!! Tliwr who wuiil lnir.(iiiii. will tin wull lo cull mum. , Notice 1 All iImjhc iniltihli il lo iih w ill jilrHKn conm fnr I Hani anil mitlla ln-loir lln. 1,'ilh of January, ami mm cnnln, lm an ollii:rr will ci-rlninly wait on llii-in nlli-r Ihnl ilaln nml llio.i- huvini; hill, nv linst iih wili,rp,VJ.,!V.v,M,,!')',',TM! - I . NN l!A I'M ,V AC'KKKMAX. Oii-Kon f.'ily, Hue. 14, I Mil. Danncnbaum t Ackcrman .I I'A' J(ST UK ('III VED A I, A I'U V. STOCK ()!' I 'nil and o XV i 11 t ! r s I) ,.poiiHiii:iiijj of... N c w Styles of DKKSS GOODS, "'lks.sl 1 a v 1 s , iii 1 ii illl'S. ("(( For the Winter. Tlic Kinit Assortment uf V ( ) 1 (5 11 ( O O d to this jilaee. r.ver I iron rltt NEW GOODS, NEW GOODS, .voir or i:i.o' at Danncnbaum & Ackcrman's, Oy.ioir Ihe .W iin SI. Himtt, ...couairlilig of... STAH.H AM) FANCY 1) r if - (i 00 (I s, the newest styles of "DKKSS GOODS, Hl til AS 1 Kaiiev l.i.lins. r.are'M-s Delaiib 1 lioth ilain ami iiuri'd, woolen ft km Is of every description, j Sollcrino Shawls, j tiii: UTPiir rii.r or- i It'icli Silk Mantels and silk lion- iiw.i ..mil ;i lai'L'e asstirtiuetit of ! Millinery straw j'oods, cinbroid j cries, collars, sleeves, A-c. ! Gents' Furnishing Goods, Soots arul Mioes, Hats and Caps CAIU'ETING, (nf beautiful .Ijlea.) and C 11 F C A' '' 1 M -I T T 1 jY (' ' &,c, c- Together with the st niul l.icst selected stock en Jilll'lTC fl STOM MAPH Kver offered fur wile north f Sun Krancisro! Cantittina of ' ...i-rfine French clolh coals ; genu.' fine ..1 1 1 1 ,.rri.' rasim.-ri. business suits; kl k UllAeii, ii""' " .,, 1 . . 1. I.I....U ,l,..Lin iuiiIh: silk mixed, I'xira mi" tteii'j - . iP. . , it....;. ....Mimrrii Hauls 1 I'VUiis sua velvet 1,1,11 1 1. ,. lln ' " - ... vrsls; Davis A .lunea' shirts, collars, olo., etc. wilh und withoiil nf DANNEN'HAI'M r3rUeiii,'1,",,l'""'1"r" .l-ACIiEUMAN. where you will liml llie alcl and Inst amtvled !. on. 0011. this city, which will bo sold Lower than can la' luiivliiisnl in l'orthind! 1 O.egon Cily, Sept. 2S, IHfiL P ICI'IMIM ( I'or lh INSTANT Kl'; AS 1 IIMA ... Kr.n.1 PKUMASKNT Cl'UK f this distressing coiiiplatut e BRONCHIAL CIGARETTES, M,lehyC.II.H.CYM0lMl.V('0,'.:.Sllr,..l. way, NhW MMOl. Plit'0,l.rillperl"M ""'1 f"'" l' l,0'--13 per dwell boxes, fine by Express. ' KOIl SALIC AT ALL lUUG(5ISTS' r. IK. M. IH' I PENT A I, 8 V RUB ON, .., r. .11 muirnllnii belonging 10 w I"""" " . . . ' ..A .tvle. hi prolessioil, III inn iii""' "I'l" " imtderalf, lo.iiil Ui "" K-oiiis ZZ L'VVSM.EM. d'-'l Prices mull I'moii littildirig, T. CIIARMAM. A.WAIINEB. F.CIIARMAN. Channan, Warner & Co., (lENF.lt AL COMMISSION MERCHANTS Wll.ll.r.BAI.K U RETAIL I :il III Iry iool, Clothing, Hardware, Crockery, Glamcare, llnulb, lihoex, 1'ainU, Oils, tr., Intlii'ir flra-pruofllrivk Main btrkkt, oiieiidX CITY, (illRfifiN. ...I-'. Cliariiimi, linvinrf uniu-il lili... IIAKIiHY, CONFECTIONERY, AND J'AMIIiY filtOCF.Uy KTOKK In llm pliililihiin iil "f Cliariiian . Wiirnnr, lln; linn will now carry cm biwiiicm i " III" ubnve-iin-iitionc-il hrnnclieii, in thin cily, ln. iij hy uliicl ulli'iilion Inhniiiii'iiii lo irmrit tho cniilinued fator uf Ihuir old imlrniiH, anil iih many nw oni" an choimo lo comu forwanl. .No innn w II lie -Jiarml In ijiio mitisfni lion tn all our cinloiimrn. iotic Setllo Up! A' Mi! owiii( OiAiiMAN it Wr.l or K. Ciiaiihan, will Ihhhi conm l.irwanl nnu iii.iku H'llltuii iit of llirir inili-lili'ilni-wi, wiiiinm ili-lny, mi llnit you call all eoiunii'iicn ilralinH with I he new linn of Charmau, Waracr &. Co. All our oYhlnni will we the m .rcintily of intend- in7 lo thin call iiniiiiiiii ilcly. ciiau.man, WAi:Ni:r. & co. (irni;nu (aly, Aug. iii, lulil- Notice. THE OREdOS CITY SEMINARY I I "ir lin n ri'iil. il hy the OreyoM (,'ily Cor- .ir.iliuii, for 1 1 iiiiriioio 01 mniiing u t.raue Si-liool. T'lm .Schoil will b.' oji 1 on Monday, Janu ary i!7lh, in llif" 'li'l'-irtiii"!!'"- All niiiinreii willnii Ihn dwlrict will ho admitted hu:k, to i- Hini l TlOX IS TUB KI.KMKNTAIIV ItK ANCIIKH, VIX Id a.liiif.', Sii'llin, Writing. Mmitalaiid I'raclnral Arilhin. lic,lii'iiaih)', (rainttiar, uuu lliu llm lurv of the I'nilcl Stale". runilii uulMilanf the dwlrict will Le adinitlt-il tollirw." iirivilem, wr lerin. hi uu 1' ur every clralu.ly " llietliurjje wmiio 1 iw Kur III.' ( las.w-11, T'lm higher HlinlirH will not lie allowed to oecu. .,u it... lium dun to llir elemi-ntary. A carefiil rrgintcr will lie kcpl of tho alti-nd-am e uf every pupil. Voiii" will ho a.liuitle.l for lew inn half a term. Tuition mm lr I'aid at the middle of every term. l'upiK whose nri'iiui or guardian, rcn.le out of tin-(l:linct, will he chariri'd the eiilrun..e fee, a.cirdiiii' lo the proviii nn of lliv cily charier. Illi'inenhirv T.xl H'X'li" Sunder' .Verie, Ki-uihTi. and .ller; Oavies' Arilhmeticii ; McNuIIv'h (ii'Oiiiphieii', I'mneo'iiSeiieaof Urain inani. utnl Wil'.ar.l' llil. I'.-S- A. Teachers, lt term Uev ;. II. Atkison, I'lincipal ; N. W Cam.ai.i., AimMant, '-'.I ilep't ; Mm. N. H- Atkivih.n. I'rim.iry Depnrlnient Mi. K ' l!'.'i'K" "i'l K've inxtrucliun on Ihe I'iano Kurle, at farm r wminary prices. KonnKS Hakcmy, Sup't nf the City Dimricl Si'lnml. Oreami City, Jan- I, 1 "''- Notice VI. I, lh-e inilfbl'd to the undfmi-iied are hereby n ipieMed lo make ..-itleinent of their nceoiiut.". by Ihe 1st of Jan., lMe. Jll caae they lire not n.iiare.l hy lliai nine, 1 urn., p.ute ni. 1 an ullicer a lun.la l"l coiii-ciiou. A. II. STEELE. Oregon City, , Dec. I I, 1SCI. Xotice to Tax-payers. ....... r.. .1.. f ty A Y I'.KS who .'ire ueiiinpii ui mi n L. year I Mi I, will call ul the Sheriffs' olTice and elile iiiiim .lialelv, ll Ihey woul.l save ctt. lli, ,x.ccled thai a large number of persons will l-avc lb s counly early in the priug for the minis, which renders immediate payment a lieoes mU. JOHN THOMAS, Jan. JS, ImVJ. Sheriff Cl.tckam;is fo. Removal! MICHAEL MENSES . . . -..I- :n...:,M.nil. riVVKV.S this mctliou 01 iniorinuiK u w 1 and llie publ'C generally that he HAS REMOVED In the stand formerly kept by Mr. Miller, nearly Opposite Charman, A arner co. wlii.'h he calls The Union 3Iarket, where he is prepared lo keep all kinds of meal, and to tell the same at UHASOXAHLK IMUCKS: ns low as the market will afford. 1 also desire In my to tin. p ople that I am Not (ioing to the Mines! hul will be hero nil .im.uier, in spile ol I .-.r.lHHi or S.ilniun Kiver. .t-v.'i-u ,1 1 1 1 1 1 .1 1 . .1.1... v Oienn Cily, Jan- t , .1 . l ... Ul..., LOn Main slreel, uml lormeriy me """I ' OREGON CITY. MMIK traveling public nrn respectfully a I invited lu give me a can. t .. 11 ;. fi.M .ihihI itl,-ns-Kfc I he uifiiuu ito'e . 1 nlly located Imlel i ihe Stale, and has been so ari u'iigi'd as lo make it one of the most emmod.. mis houses in the cminlry. THE TAIII.E will uiways be supplied mill the be.tl'llial the markel affords. liuod aci'itiimii'dalioiis fur ladies and fninilifs. -raicr.;- nonr.la.ldW.lgiiir.rrwek...". 5"" Hoard, willi..ulUgiiiir.pfr'eek ." Hoard per day, will) l.lg"V ''JJ Single meal N",l"'8"' I-HOEUM, ' ,c. I I.1SC1. ' I'roprielor. Notice. i LL persons kuMving ll.ent.elve. indchled lo A Ihe undersigned by book acoounl, are hereby ,,L.d .,callii..meilia.elynd make selllcnicn f ihe same, as 1... lurllirr iiitiu'S'-"" - , AINSWOItTII &. DIEUDOltl'F. Oregnii Cily, Feb. 'ill, ISlil- Dr. A. XI. STEELE, PHYSICIAN & SURGEON. Office nt the ORFMON CITY DREG STORE. OKKUOX I'lTY DHUG $ STORE, MAIN STREET, iOpwsiln Ihe Melhotlist Church,) HAS I OKST.1NTI.V ON HAND Drills, iModiciiies, Pntcnt Modi cine.s Koroseno, Cuniplicno, Burning Fluid, Ac, Ac, ...AT TIIK... 10 WEST MARKET Pit WES 1) I). HTKTIIF.NSON, Ttl PNTIXT. Iium rrmoVPd imp nmcp ,-- II In XJ 'where m ....... iksu ik Arirtit Otfift, WW iiinun win - ., ,, where he i, prepared to do all work m ht. lint. Git OVER & BAKEU'S NOISELESS SEVING MACHINES. FOR FAMILY USK AND Manufacturing Purposes, nucEs From 00, upward Over 50,000 in Use ! DEG TO VSSi;RE THE ri ULIC that the well-kuowa reputation of these Machinea for RELIABILITY Will be fully sustained, and ill our rapidly increas ing busiaeas the same care will be faithfully exer cised in every department of their manufacture. EVERY MACHINE SOLD BY I S IS WARRANTED IN EVERY RESl'ECT. The public attention is respectfully requested tollie following Troui iherovT X BnUcr Sewing .Uiu hiiii! Company. The public, in their eagerness to supply them selves Willi Sewing Machine, making the UKO VEK il HA K Kit stitch, must not forget to pur-cha-e litem of the parties who alone are authorized to sell thrill. AH machines sewing frum two pools, and in which one needle only penetrate. Ihe cloth, and having a feed which aliows the ma terial to be turned at will, are infringement. (JUOVKU & II A K KU S. XL CO. A Canl from Flint Hour, Jr. All persons are cautioned not to make, deal in. t.r use, any sowing machines which sow froin two pool and make Ihe stitch known as UKUVLlj iV HAKE It slitch. unless the same arc purchased i.,., 11.. oltoVKIl Jt HA K Kit SEWINU M VCIIIN K COMl'AN V. or their agent, or li censees, and stamped uuder my patent of Soptcm Iwr llltb. IS lli. Said Company and their licensees, alone, nro legally ainhoriied, un.ler their own patents, and .i. u.1,1 luiput durin-' the exlen.led term thereof, to make and sell this kind of Sewing Macliiue, 1 .,,.1 nil niters are mracies upon my niiid patent, and will be dealt wilh accordingly wherever found. luLIAS HOW r., ja. q s q 13 TtlF. ATTV.MIOI OV T.U.V AND saiiaifiXiiiU'ii'Jiiaiia Who prefer the " LockSlilch," iscalled toour Improved Shuttle Machines, j Which are specially adapted to their requirements, Kor neg feed ASfl IT THE BEST IN USE! XJ n. a. intoWN, Agout, 330 (01) Monlaomery Slreet, SAN FRANCISCO 19m3 AINSWORTH & DIERDORFFi WE AUK NOW OPENING IN Till New Tire-Proof Brick, A LAIIfiB AND WELL-ASSORTED STOCK Of GENERAL MERCHANDISE. Fueling perfectly aecure againit fire, we will now Offer Greater Iuducenicnti than tver to the public. We are con.lanlly in receipt of G OOD S selected with the greule.l care (a to pricel anJ quality), and re confident that our facilities wll enable u tooTer and fell goodi AT PORTLAND PRICES (frci.-hiHon), and would advire all thoae viaitina thi. city to pur chase (roods, to examine our aloe and micce before purchasing elsewhere. Wc have, au.l are jul receiving, an invoice ol consistingin parlor the following nrt'Cle-t.cm co, Pacific, Hadlcy,Conele2o, Spragne, FluhP Allen, Kali Kivcr. Merrimac, Hrigga.nnd inirner our; oilier choice PK1NTS, all InttMlyUm hng- liah v. I''rencli iriei inos, Lyone.e clom, mom .. oilier Oebaie ; braze, wool, fc mushn de laities, black, blue, purple, 4- pink merino., fancy plan". nconel, book, bwiss, Oc 1111111 inusim, -. 1 .. ..... 1.. j ... x. Unn.t trim- rcls, collart, li'IKia ctsairis, urmi. w...--miii'm, 1'rcnch & domestic gingham., 1-rencu lawns front 1UJ to :"., blue, mixed, A: grey ati' net, wool Ac cotlon j-au-, cotlonadc, bleached anO brown shei'ling from 3-4 lo H-4 wide, brovvn tnd bleached drills, denims, hickory sliirlmg', marine, brown, and Irish linen, nankeen, diaper, and crash,-a large lot ,, linen and thread lacea and edging, hosiery, ie. MEX'S f,- DOYS' CLOTHING: Iiluc, black, and brown cloth coats ; 10 doi blk cloth vcats, ') dor. white and bnlT Marseilles do., velvet mid satin do.; 30 do satinet pants, doeskin and fancy cassimcre do, 3d doi merino and cotton undershirts, grey, blue, & black cloth over co.U, with a general assortment of gents' furm.li.Dg e"7lOOTS It SlfOES.Unn, boys', and youths" boots; ladies', misses', and children . mo rocco, goat, kid, and calf Congress boots, with without heels; ladies' kid slipper. Groceries! P.io and Java eoflVe, black and green tea, N. O China, Hutavia Island, Ca!. refined, and crusUe sugar, E. Iloslon, Cal., sugar-house, t golden syr up- salt, 5 to 2U0 lb ska; 100 kg nails, aesdsi, Hill's pale, chemical, t Euglish ap. soap pow- rs, powder, shot, fc lean; yearn pu..., 11 . . I.-. tobacco. tus, cream tartar, aiiiuMu - "'"-"'., ,, " errtn corn, pro,, tomaloe; ,trau and blaekbtr- . ..mil near! rirs. ini; lb unsj spice, peppe,, ... .- barley, ma. caroni, vermicelli, corn .larch, alm onds.'waluuls, Iirasr.il nuts, raisins. Club peache.. dried fruit; mackerel, iu or Wf bblajsiirduie.. A line assortment ol CROCKERY TABLE CUTLERY, 20 crates assorted ware, 40 doz steel picks, 20 Dutch fc Hdla liofs. White Lend, Oil, and Window Glais; .. , u.. 1 . with a variety of oilier articles usuaiiy p'. Ij- We will pay cash lor wneai.nour, i butter, egi,'", and a'insl everythlog the farmex has to sell. Oregon Cily, April lb, isoi. ii T3I S Al.S Al' ARILL A . The Original and Genuine Article. Endorsed by the Medical Faculty as being the BEST and PL' REST l'.Mracl of Sarsaparllla made. SANDS' SAR3APARILLA Turifies ihe Blood. SANDS' SARSATAltlLLA Cures Scrofula. SANDS' SARSArARlLLA Cures Stubbern Ulccra.g NDS' SARSAP AUILLA Cures CutatieouB Eruptions. S A SXLS' SARSAPARILLA CuresStrtimous Complaints. SAX DS' S A li S A I A K l Ij L, A 1 Cures Motcurtal Luseases. SANDS' SARS ATARI LLA Never Kails'. SANDS' SARSAPARILLA May he safely taken at all limes-it wirf La lien a regu ir penolic nau 1. ..u . , Ust -ne'iciue they can lake when arr.ved at the pi-riod called" turn ol me. l'r.,n..l bV A. II.- I' 5.1-tl'r. """.J" .I Ful'on st , center of William, X. 1 .it,. I,v Ukoijcotom & Co., San rranc 111 I'nr .ale bv Ukoijcotom raneisoo; Dr. STCtLf, Oregon Smith & l'-tvi', Portland ; au!7 Ciiy. nvspepsla, Vever and Se, nle'U""' S,..,r Stomach. H art Hum. w ater '' . '; housness, Liver Om.plai.it. .icon,, ' Ii,,,,,,,,;,;, Change rf Clin,.... bk I-o-of Appe.,.e. ' '3 ; after Eating, Oener.u ncn.,,.., " fcelt.ally and surely cured by the 0Oh- ATKI niTll;ll. Ca.'ioriiHi r.ciocmr. MoktLlllNJ HlLI.,Cl., "1 June 18, 1S38. Having stiff, red for fifteen year, with Dyspepsia ........Inn consulted Willi the in Its worsi .or..., nn'i " . , b.'.t Physicians, and tried everylh.ng rccomrnen.ljd wilhout relief, i wa. induced io try the p X AT'KI) PiIT'TEHS, nud before I had taken on. bottle, 1 found myseir niucn oeuer, aim taking them, until I wa. entirely cured, and now enjoy as good hmlth vcr 1 d.. lu rny l.fe. riy. j u. k. .., ,. ihsm to alt ,uke great p en are .,. ; ,"".,... win are s.nnlaiiy ni.noiru. ""7, ,. . Tho OXYiiKNATED Hl lTKltS are ld in California by lte.ling.on & C.,, Henry' . ohn,n Co.. Charles Morrill, San 1 )ona &- Co-. Mvpramcni" . . r"""- ' M-irysvillc ; Smill. &. lar... Porlland.Oregon. Once 3Iore. HAVE AtiAlN CONE INTO LIVERV BUSINESS, TUB lhd will keep horses per week '"y-"";''1 $3 00 Suay 1 P Thlm. price, will be charged till further notice '" I have a few MAUE.S, COLTS, and FILLIES f my own raising, that I would 'V?"R",h' " ! 1 1 , 17 mill. 3 in Oregon ivi.y, "i 1)K. J. 1$. COLE HAS LOCATED IN Oregon CHf, and offers his services ill the practice of SUROERY, AND OBSTETRICS. Office at the " Vnited Slale Hotel," on Mam Am i Charge, reasonable. Call, attended to .1 .H hour, of ihe day or night, In country m '.hy. riepl 51, ISf.l 8,lf 35 1