The Oregon Argus. (Oregon City [Or.]) 1855-1863, March 15, 1862, Image 1

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iiv i. w. ruiKj,
TKM.v ' svnsvitirriox.
flit Ailt" f'" '" .'"''"' 7'Arr IhiUiun
r annum, IJ "
)'hrn iiiiifii mil (. mlvunrr, I'tiur
I) linn ''""Xr'l ' '" ' '""""(.
y,rt P'lU'i" "' " " ' .V"" '
jVu )uni '.'" tir rlfii urtl fni nix mnnlh
flu lulmriipli""' ifcriml Jm a Irm prriml.
fin iMfrr ihmiinlinuril until nil anratni'm
,,,tnii, !'"''' uflhrimltliihrr.
SihrI' C"liir'lu'rnhj J"'' rritt.
I'ur Iht Aigut.
i' Atlrtl.-,
" """" in htr Allium.)
Manlm will, lli" miuny hair,
Ami I'lirmfiil rye.
Hrral llioil liimiilil Iml Ih fuir
li,li'iin'iilli III'' Uy I
Or, il clmi'lt. r niMilirn him
llnvrr in ill w,'l,
fuiiiri' Itm.." In kIiikIhw yen
Ami roy tour mil
Jl.iiilfii, their' it linl" lliiii
(iniwinK I'll""' 1,1 '"iillii
in 1 1-1 V Itinin. mul kliuwrm of "pllli,;
.Nnll.llll. il ul h fill,
Hill III" lilll lllMK MIMIIH'' mill
Hriiii In" 1,1 ili'tlli i
V'llO .....I'll il l IIU'I'UII'
rin ii in wild ui'A.
Ill ini-i' iil V, irr 1 1 nil
''u nil 1 1 I hive,
Till 11 i'MiiiiIiIih itilii iliml,
Wii li'i'i nlii'Vi',
V'niti llit latl'ii UriiMirm I.elo
Tn Ihu lliiii( i.iim'i ii ;
I'mlll. uliru UJlll'll'll .ti.i.t hy lejts,
ill" I""". i "' n.
j i , im;-;.
ih Ai
'1 in- Vr.
In ijitVl ruf, nil d.iiior R. -tiiiiii,
,r .u!h 11 ..!(. 1.111. i' 1 a 11 ,
Kuiiwil lo iht" run .' n l' .. u .11 nui!,',
A ul.'l Im Siiinii'i'i. f .1 ili .1: : !
TIip S...I ill. t"l knKlril ler i.f lit-II,
Vi:l. 1 "Ii"1 mi I ll't'i. ":! II.
An I lli"iii.'li fur M . I.e., In .Ii, 111 !!,
Il'iu".! fiu.Ni ! I.'i' .iini'.'r ' I. .I'm!
'I'lirv lli.'ti'lil ( l -'I lli" I 11 "ii itin n
I hit r.illi"ia I I "'ll I" fni'll ! II '
I.'tlt 111'. I""H iHMVV.'l. tl, Willi il 11 .'. II,
I' nil ne i'l n nt 'In' b .1 1. !
'I'liry llJ.I lilt' ' I'll.,' I. Ill Wn ill." '','
Mnkr li.'.i..", mul Ii I llm li.tii'ii.. Ii-.'l
'l lir i. ii.Ii! f.irr" (.! Ii 11" lui'li' i'i .'I,
Will) t:'ll( In tilV.- ill'" I II I'M.
Siic'i' in" rruw ii i.ur t i.iniln m n,
.Sm.II Hill ill.ll ITM" !: I.l.l." til illil",
Ami t'..t'i", hi. It hII iu ili ,1.1 mil rl,.inn,
II. ';t'iiri attt ten Intlii'il.
Tl.i. "In'l inir iiiil.ini ;r 1 I Iht Ii.imIi,
"I I.f .n li" mi l wi'.i.lrr f ..Il I. MI.I-,
Ami .if irr tuny O il er l..i:..l.
1.1 tlr.:i..y I . i ; . r) .
'.M.iJ , I. .Irlfll J II I .
A N.'l l.l' U.'V We have I id the
pi. . 'I'. ire, Mtvi the I .!; - v . 1 1 .mi 1 i.i i -iTnini
a ltd (iiini Mr (i.'oreS Siv
n'i", of M.!l. rilnirL', mid' I" i-! n 1 . : .1 f n : n
of 't cilliur ri" t l." .".lilies that as he
was reading the Jourunl In fiire h'". family
in tin." even:.!;', n lien he c line to an alia I"
ri fi irin to tin' di stilnt mi cf si'ine of our
Kt'iiliii kv Mildit rs on tin' I. lie of llie Nash
.ll'. K i.lro ul, hit I. tile liny, at. nut s
years old, said: " Matin r, send my I1l.1l.l1i t
to the poor Mtldiirs; I Mill do Hilli.n.t il.''
It. fore he went to h rp, (his darlii.;' Ley
- tilt! fut.irt fulher of II Inn' of patriots
ia h:s l.ltlo prayers aki d to Mrs tin"
Mildiel'S. "till ye of I. lilt" f.litli" ill the
preat ainl holy ca. im: of out country, win
. I r I I I .....
fieri, warm iiihi iifi mho mihhi v, aiei vi
are''ard iii your j;ifis to our inntecr-.
(iiink of the nolilt! Hiiiril whii'li animal. 'd
tun heart of that little I my, and " pi ye
inl t.i hkewSe." Our dear you. i Int i.d
he di li.'l.teil to kimW tint his huiu'ile
rift, I ke the witlort'.s l.lite r ror.. i oil the
rviThisliii pne of In avt n' rty -lrr, has
Waited for i Irt distil. ation, and w e join ttli
Lilll ill his firvellt petition, "May (lud
tics the soldier."
Mn.irinv Muni.. A New Voik ronv
pniait'iit of the .S'lirn.H.'ii'i) I uimi writ's:
"Tiny say t'lllt nil thelalV't r hoys in
(ho pilhhi" st hiinls of this Stale are, hriiee
(orih, to he ilrdli d as Mildit-rs i viy day,
dy ay ofr.errise. ' 11 mice's Tactics' Is
to hcciimu 11 M'hool hook, ami ' teaching I fit
Joun ii t ti how to shoot,' is to I"! 1.0 I'm
(!(T 1111 I'xprcssioti 11. el aphor c.l of tin
M'hoohunsti r, lint II Very literal one. We
are nitin; to raise up 11 million of juvenile
vohii. leers The manual ol inns is to I.i"
MiidirJ with the j-iaininnr. Itye and hye
C shall have n iml.lary people indeed
Tlicli talk of llie complcst of our people ly
fori"i(!n power!'
Wo liku this surest ion. Military drill
itfcrhools would not only make our Imys
liculthy, ivo n ejood development to their
limlm und liodir.s; Iml would, lis ft nerr-ssi-ty,
invi(,'orato thu lirain, muko the h".vs
tetter nrhohirs, and raise up 11 rhiss of men
who would readily iniiku koimI soldieis
We uliouhl like to Her the lur'e hoys of our
imhlic nehool in handsome, cheap uniforms,
uiiiler(joiii(f a h:ilf hour's drill every two
dnys Orrgitn Farmer.
6rTliii (orKious t'atlirc .leal in llie Ih the largest Kliiictui" on
the American Continent. It ii. '' I''"'1
lonif, 4'J() wide, and capalihi of holdiiik'
110,0110 persons. Tim hi'li Hf. ''"iN,,1
from ihu lloor on an clcvntrd plail'orin, ex
1'ihiln n profusion of camlh slicks, crosses,
ml other ort.a tits ol solid Kohl mid sil
Mr, (lucked in jewels rsliinalc lit the value
'inorii than jf.',.rill0,l)0l); ami H I'l1"'
I'lirtdof thu church are 11 pel feet wilderness
of cohimim, HtiitiieH, shrinrw, fonts, itc.--.'Vuiu'ur,
Clohk. Tito New Oileiiim lhiikade
to Im a tolrralily closu all'air. It i"
lioitrly nix mouths Kiurn 11 vessel from
fureign connlry rntrrril that port.
Olio million, fivo liundrnl ami luthly six
"'Olisnilij licwspflpcrs wrro recrivril lit the
"'i Francisco Post-ollini ilurinn llm t
ycr, and ro,Jl'i0 weru sent from Ihu of
Geo. CJcu. McClrlhin iinyn thu poorest ronl
'""Mid In tha uriny of tint Potomac are mi
Potior lo any of thu volunteer reginienlii in
ll'0 llexicun war.
John Slldull owiih 25,000 nrrm of Inml
'0 Miiiiicsotn. which will probidily lie con-rwolctl,
-A VVVitkly Kws,m,,,r, devoid U, ll,,, Inf,,,,ts of tl.o JaWing Classes, ni... advocating tl,
V'"- Vl1- OUK(U)N (MTV, 01iJin"oN,"Tl A U Cu' "
,l.iiul a lriiitii'i'yt
Win ll Urn lull! (Jen. K. J). l;aitr
v '1"' "'"uiw in v iiinilimci; in Mil!
.... . . tl e II I
hole, Im wiih iissiiiliM) us n fimizmr liy vmy t.iu i;oiii-hi) of cvciiIk,
Mr. V.'imhli!, or Nnrlh Caroliim a furious i!"' ' n,vor',t.'!"' '"' kmhr r tl,i
' ti-. iwow u i .J i;;,;
...t,;,.i. i i . . ,i ,. . . . , ,
I. In. ii.ii.Iu at the ti.un, in wh:l, ho
.ins to huvo fori' shiulowiMl iho present
iinliappy rotilllct in whirh ihu country
as well as his ow ,,v ileatl, in
his e , ' , "
Ii ren,c ol Ins connlry ami her ( ...isl.1,,1,.)..
and her I-'l-ivf. Tim cxirnct will li read
uiil.i..i..r..ji l.v r i.:. i
; "'"' uii'i
.. ... ... ..
" I lieu leave to ti'i.iil.le hn
M.ure.H t -ours., ol tl... ,1,-l.ale
sremsi M.mewhal ..ithoiii
....I m.. I, h'.l..v r of
s.,,,,1 ;,. .her , y . J , , J,,
..... . '"'V . 1 I 1,111111
in 't I"; riii.ii i..
Iioiii lnv I. r or i. rn
iioiii ihj onipir 01 no-
pi 1. iy 1 no nui wd
tl In. ... 1 1. . .1 .....
in a., i.ein iiiii ii mi nun. Me as mt -1
I ' have to do with (.'ahfi.rii'a
ill' 'i I oul.l to he o'lli.d I.i the pu
ll, aim fur iliu'iii:'yiii; in ', hy com ictine;
lnv name hu' a inoiuei.l n.tii Mirii aciiilio.
Vel'iV II It till 111 ... f 1 Is'li lie r niiis
li . I to have lis p'.-:lion stiidioiidy luis
1 1 j.n si nt. I; 1. ml I appeal lo the cindm"
ol ih'1 ?."iitli', wilt, whom my iis-oeia-t
'mis iiav:" 1 1 -1 11 1 to Im n ar 'i-ahl ', if tint
ni'-.i !ly, lo !i.'..i-.n iii" w-!;".! 1 1 1 y une in!'
up In 1 1 ! !i- r Ad on, have to do Willi t'lr
inliiiissliin of ( .i I . f : ni'i into this I'liion.
V li' ile r tl.ev -it li'Mii ( .' r.-al
1 or
iinv u In I t
il can
Iml Iitl.e .1 R.-r-
e f. I 1 r .is tills lll"s
Hut v ii.'.' I acl,iio Ii 1
Is concern .1.
the pare and
uni'ii.tiiiuil'v w.lh which in V colleau-il""
1 II illis) I a
f..r ui", I thsire to
s.iv, iil-ii, f.r iiivs.-lf, if nnv u"'ii!l'i!iaii on
: III s liner, (l.rt i'!lv or iinl l'i rlly, tueiil.s lo
I impute tn me Ihal In my lii st lircath
i ia .V hale hi i ll dl iHliiu it forcii'll I ilitl.
I 'cause 11, v cv. s Ii... I i.:.eiii. hi the
le.-lil ..I
lllill'l, II'
II..!,.. II.
and Ih"
inn. 1 in r
llll, I'. . III.;
I.u 1.1 III
and liv
skv, Ih it
I nui nut 111
s, mi l illtell
uf ii 1 V childhood,
iiilce, as ih" liu't! who
sivs what is I1.1.11 the
n. it'll, and net, mid
! 'laf. s ii'ipiun me, he
! lie "ini.i.i": untrue ia
deed - til il V. hu h is llllclly and ( ntu'ely
11:1 1 rtn Sir I hair ori'Ved it. ii'' mv col
h a.Mi," I. it; I hard my i'.om.iii
In the h.illl" 011 ih" N"i thwi sii-ru fionluT
in id v vn'itli. mid on llie S'l'lthwi -t'Tti
I' iu my 1n.1t. heed. I have earned
s.itni 1, it of the jiond w ill of my rouutry.
In Ih" c ui: e. I. ol mv Slate 11 n liol of
l.-ii coiisccilivf years, an I in Iht s. rvir.-
here, i.u .i!m tils have conli'l. d iii ley
dcviitin.i to thcr int. r -ts und my nttacli- In Ihe r.i'nn. I have only lo say if
Ih" lime shonhl cieii" when I ii-unam simu'il
rule ll.e limir, mul ilii"ori is 10 reiu'ti 'i-
. . . ...
until" 1 shtll he rre;.iifl lo imet all an- 1 ports the Ih fts of those nations would he fact is worth the attention of the tail o, .
I ' .... .11.1',, 1 1 .1 c I . ...... ... Louisville, 1' cl) .0. lactl. li'.l'.'ll l"'.l
l.on -n, w .lh luiii-a in rci. to do lultle iir.h nd to open said ports liy the nppli-; that parly in California and trefoil, which K,rL. Sl.v,.ri (i.lvs .r0 m ,,,.0(.. in tlie
in every land in d f"ir" of Ih- Con.tituli.n. c.itiou of fore." if nec, s.,,ry. This c.lcuhi. ,.(.rc,'of) rt. fwed tl.c lead of these d:,ccii0 .'.f N'a'shville 11 s staff' leave t'o
"f "'-V ' V"1",'V1 : MVl,n' '" J;"" hu-i '"'en exploded hv experience.- . ..monii , fo. lllL. ,:,,e 0 dosli.
port, lo Ih" !a-t eire. inly, ic'.iinst D.s-'.Thc eotto-. ports arc l.lork.iiJnl, an.l , ..... .:
unionists and all it . enemies, whether of , hind an.l France maiiif. st mi intent ion ot i A SnaniiN' or Hhiki. I'lilVAi.r.v! i ac-rt-d thut tn-nv (.flue ncrofs
the S.niih or the N'.rtli - to meet llictti ; intci fi t i n- lo op' 11 theiti. T. ilo so would ; y ..,,,.r fr,m, urw.,,. Town, hrollicr-iti-' .,ivn V,. ti'iu- Jiuce from (liv.n River
cv.-rvwli. re, at nil times, with speech or he an act of war m;uin.-t the Cover tini' iit ;i;v A . (i,,l,s. , UUA tin ulliet-r conn-rv Lv the rvhcls to aid in fort.fvin-'
Inn i, with word or Llmv. until thought or ; of the I " 1 1 - d Stales. Ilist.-ml ol opeiunj; ; , N y i:,--ii,i, ut, slatioaed near N'n.i.'v die' took ndvaiita-.- of the lianic
L, i i-shall Le miiie no lon.." r" Snillli.-rii ports III." Fii-hsh C'.v. tmu.'iit is v.-,, uUyn w(. ,.ril ,1,.,, e was ; in- ' ,'1L.ri. ,v ',a.;n f pu 1 1, i,ry mid and hoin-silv li.slie fulfilled his cnereticil'y cna";.d in opciiiu ' new ' M, ,y rcl .1 spits, nail that within two j, ,...,., tid are tnakln tli: ir w ,v hack
liriiiiiit cv
country the Ire-
..r,. ...til,.!'- hi'..' I.. I the line Altlcr-
I .
iean turn and
"1 llie traitor eini"
blc, who dared to iniptuu lite loyalty of
our i;alhii.t liak' r
A traitor, a rebel,
(o.l'.pit alnr, 11
llsiitiiouist, a inuidercr,
,, . , , , .
whom 'lucre Mutiny lo call odor,.-..;
ivr (,r,.-r.
'I'm n II vrn n or Fur.1.1 1:1. k rows. We
hive the offc-i'd report of tin. battle, ft'iht
in Missouri on the I'M of Oct., IM'.I, be
lore 111. The 'J llh lntliami, Col. llovcy,
mid thr 1st liidinmi cavalry, Col. Faker,
li 'iircd in the cti'ML'emelit. It was iu tl
battle that two of Indiana's noblesl sous
M.i i'.v-Iii m.,1 Cant 1 1 minium fill
Muj (.milt ami (apt. Il.tli.nan 1. 1.
Tho route of the enemy was complete.
Their force under llie rebel vominiiiult-r
Thompson, was iiboul four thousand im 11.
Their loss was very r. at. One hundred
. ,.,'. , .,.,,. I,,,..:,.,! 1,..
iiini if V eiiiht 0 tin 11 tleinl were inn iru nj
our troops, and many other bodies alter-
ward found. There, were taken 011 llm
. . . .. . 1 :
, 11 .. ..i.t.. .ri..i....rj 1 mr iiism h is s .
"V I
killed and sixlv omiild. Cols, llovcy
and llaker .al tieularly ihstinjtllishcil litem-
selves in this battle.
. .. I
... .... . .... .1... f...i f.I.'n
I iik ..iim "" 1 ,
larni lv
iimi uf nnv (ol'Ml'T V'lir. 1
rAi n ' " " j
Th.. 11111011..I of forriiiii roin mul bull
llion, ill ;,
. .... . . .1 ...a (.-.... ....lie
Is also I..WT than ever before. Ihe pnl'" ,
received is 1 1 n.ttio.ooj i ih
l,r.:M,lH', .r.7 Iml ileiliieling irom ...a.
,, rtM ,,p(Hi,s of but or barn In
"'"V1 . . , llll0l,l(,r for1
" '"'",'ml B"7"r
eoiuage, u,l .1 ggrcgate, amount n-ce
cdiH $72,110,511 01. The coinage fur,
,, year was: Gold coins, $iii).fi:i,2:n ; ;
..if, "M)(1U. UrilU- silver
fi,,,, K..I.I ,,r;' )'nl;''1 'l 0Hi J
cl,,,, IIILUOO: silver bars, $hH OOlV,
, ,.,,, ..nins, 0l,l.o0; to.,.1 coinage I
r,.',,n.brrof.i. ol nil
$H:i,f.'.i:i,7C7, M; number ..r pieces
,1 '....millions of coin, '.'H.I-M.lM.'l.
Bay- a"iicw nioihi of rilling ciniioii m
,, Invented In New York, whereby pins
of tho largest calibre inny he. rilld In six-
ty six l.lil.UleS-the power Used being ll)
,l,"osl, This iniproveineiit will,
it in said, save large hum to the Govein-nunl.
Tor Misr.-Hv III" report of .linnet '. ..'... .. ,.., M ,,.:,, ,1 lasted manv v.-ars: ihe limn pr. .-t , i;lv,.. .with S'.'O relcasrd prisoners.
iliach, nit- ' over r.'Oclllon III nil me ci'iii"' 1 , . .. . i r 1. :
11 .1. 1 ... .1 ,.r 1,1 . it. Ainu. .0 li e . ... :.. . 0 .1... c i. ...... si,.....i i.u ri i' nrcveiiru iae l-i""iii "i .1."-", sir-'C'i . .1 tier 01 (iie.ii .ii.imiiii
r ii... 'I' .' ham that .. : 1 a; ,f lime I may re- mill uNO t vciopn 101 inrnuu t,L. 1 anillialiV mill 1'irsi . uu. i.t-m
"(reiary o. u - ......... ., n . . ;..lir ,,,V sappy porliou .-f the shiiiele.. About .,, hirne proportion of them captured
ninoniit of I'lillmn rece.u m ' imie one ym, '";',., . '' ,:,.,. it s ,,..,! reroatrd, ,,, 1; .iiv i;iV. There are now no Union
,,r Mint and its bran, hrs.fttr the lisral LiiM!,.- wo . w ... , ,,,,,,',,;, llm, ,,,, ,:,,,! uuibrr,- pri,orrs re.naiiiine; in Richmond.
"r ending tho 3(llh i'f I"-'. A ' wi' ,1PV,.r (ISMli Secession, .lis- This is now pretty eencraliy Miinved, still .?.,.ph A. Wright is rr.,i,ited V . S.
MUt' .if t Hi"."."i,lim l.rmli'ii.
,. , , , .
i ronaoiy nofirl or men were over mi-
KW'-'i "I "riL'iiiimnL' H reDi'llion who mm.
...I., ii: I . .
,. , -
. lor th fatal Hl,p. Tl,(! li rst insiilio.H movu
WIIH t" '"f,'r.ill mto tha cn-cij of tha D.'iii -
is!1"'1''""'' l,iirlJ tho iloclriiin of Stuta wi-
C . ' r l,,,""n",nly- "
1 r1.'1"''"1"' 11 f"llmV'"1' ,:m"s"'
. Ihal nIic cooM miIMV ft w Vmvm or
nil .he cnld nll,.y ft law ,.f Co,,.,r.,s, or
,!in hrKoverei-n ttHiMMl.,1 !!,.
, ... , -
i w. . e i ll. .. .! i ...I n in. ii Kit'i. u .y I...... .ni..
I i
(o ii r intcrcsN or ,vr 1... ...r .....I H.,,i
.,..w..r......r.l. .,,.,1 i.i
.i,,,,;,,,,.,,,.. illt t. .-. n ,' ' , .
' , , r 1 '!" ,
: r! , r"', '" f n- .('","'",';t'',
'K'" "'n ' "' "W
to K'l'vile. and t',c i,os. n.:i is n. mi t-
. . . ii
Ihal !,., cilirn ol il Mali) ow. vM
",M. io u.e M n.i, ( ,,,t. J ,.,,
ienim'i.i aim iimi im i.-oiii hoi treason ill cjl.eyiiiu the State ntithori
lies. This is one of the corii'-r sloncs up
on V. I.ii'h is huil.ile.l the Irail rlriicl nil' uf
sect -"inn niid iii-urn ctioii. Afh r l.aiii.i;
i hi d, lo ll."lr own s'.lisf.ictio.i, Ih"
rinhl ol n Stale to nullify, or lo .send", il
In ('.Hue l.eei -'.acy lo fhir.v to llie pcoile
Ihal 111 tl. II. Ms and ri tils ll.ey won'd li
iu. 111 1, "Iy Li ii- Ii!''1, mil tln.t ina (im
tlneieiit ii.ii.po d of t'.e " taplt s,'! tliey ivnii! i h" viisily more pr s-
P'T'ins mul p'ttverhd than if (-..nn. c. il
Wlli Hi" !r
-'tiles. To stitaiii llie in-
ti i -t side of the iiruun nt, it, was s-
Mi'md fiat " ( nlloii was K:n: that
ii hunt I he cot Inn of lie Smith tha foilli-
ihilinn cl liui'.iiieiin socirtv would he 11 ; -
turned, and thai with c.i'tou tin' South
'ould lir:n;r li.e world to h'-r f-et. Tin
' '"I'1'--" 1,1 ""' .''I'.h ver.' to heroine the
fmind 1! ion of her ercalii' s.s, prore-s, and
cmin, .ctm ss I'nr eiivi ri.tai 11L 1 H! ri n 1 .--
Tl,u.," ideas were exti-lr-iv. lv 1 hlWatr.l
Lv the S.'C' ss on leaih rs, iiioiihr to per
suade the Southern people that their pres-
i iit 11 '1 I hit ui " in! r. t s ere hleinh il witii
Secession and a S'.utlieni ( 'tuifi dir.iey
couiposed oi l!.'.' " St .;.! Stat s.-'
l'.ul il Was s! ll liiees...rv to (!ctuo:i-
sl.ale to the people that the I .Vper'liie,.t of
S, ce-sloii mil III" forma I loll of a Snuli.el'n
( 'ouleih rary w ould pi .ne 11 p.aci-lul and
h ,nul. -s op. rat am . To this end the p 1-1
p is and pelloda'als of the South teemed
wild i.rsnments intended to estalilMi in the
mind of the (""inn. unity the fi.-t that a
seiiarat ion le'lv.cctl the Smitll mil t'ao
.National (it.vcrnmciit could u: if r no
circiim -I ances cud iu ho-t.liti(S. It was
assiiuied that Fmil iiid and France ,
hve cotton, an I therefore th. y would pre-
serve iiciicc or, il it were i.roKcn, mul an
. . 11 1.1 ... s." ...... ....
alleinpl maiie 10 nioe.ia.ii: inc rmn m i 11 :
!"mr, ' V ' 1 ' . . 1 .
ni ets of sure "ci III'' to ail CXlclit that Will
' .. 1 .... .1... s:
rt-.i'l'T r.iuiaun nine leno-iii 111 me a,
,,f ,s Wi,r .. r..l..-ll caiinuucs mr .
" .-. I
C'ltiiiuucs for two
years. This w.iiild be 11 ronsiiiii ..tioiMicycr
ureain... 1 71".'
retl'l llltlllll WOII 1 III! II Hist ami liOlV
I. iv.K I'nithiT nr oiei that l ie 1 eih la
1 . -
(jovcrntuent would never dare atlempt co-
U - r. iou against P bellim. while .1 R.-publi-
(an FrcsM -tit was iu power; tliat the lb:-;
,1N.rn,.v r tho .North wmiM i.v.t permit !
it, liJcuis huvi! shown that the Admin-
r . . .. . ........ . J 11
islration did d.ire to disclu.rt! lis duly to 7'h, l,is cl, etion b, eo!iiui' U:ioh ii iii I liar- went down to 1 oiiimniis u-si. imn, nun
the lialioil by cna-in with all Us powers ,son, th" Federal ollicers there rescind was met by 11 rebel (hie; of truce. A con
in ll.e wotk 'of Mipptessing rebellion and their places, preparatory to the sccission of stilt.ition look place which lasted two hours,
cxeeiitiii',' Ihe laws, ami that it has be. 11
snsl,.ine,rin this holy duty by ihu unit, d
; power ol the people ot Ihe loyal Males
; iil.out reference lo old parly division.
T)11 p,,11(,(.r;lts pf ,h(, N0.,h arc, il pos-;
M m .L.termiacd in ,
, ,iM.;r ( iv.n ts to crush rebellion than the
;, publicans. Tin y rally !o thu aid of the
National Government, and do not Mop to
'carp i.bout Ihe politics of the man the
1 .. . , .,
ic ople have couslitnlioiiiillv elerleil I rr.-.-,
jJ Ti,v tlla. (,,r mnint tiii.ln the Con- i
s,,!!,,,, .md cforcin : the laws, even to in-
.. . 1... ',.. I.. .1,,.
n. in, i it. n.'riii v it'ii. ." "s
. ... , . I...
Northern 1 .-
calciil anon 01 1110 1 110m .
.. . . . 1 1..
,,,;,k" .hvcivi d
The'yiiri. in l in their Irailorons Caret r by '
.. . v I .... ...... ,.r..
le.l .M-ri.i, . . p..'-;
... 1 . . 1. ...ii'ii fiir 11 Smit liri'it Cmifnl.
11 II .tilt. Mini 11 ii rti , 1
,n.y' will have run their nice. Peaceful
Secession w ill never niraiu lie pr -ached by
, , s in the U u; the doctrine that Cot-,
' ' " " ' V , ' ,,. ,Ml,,h.,: .1,,-
.1. 1 ... 1
or). ,hl,r our (i.n'er.imei.t p.. ,.;
1.1. ii'
(.nsi,tlii, power lo coerce in." pc
of (l ,,,,, will never inore be heard. The
cigaiitic exertions to down this rebell-
ve however selllcl that (piestion.
J - , r ,
. ,,,.,. i(.trillI. rr.-.v..i....l n
, ... . . liovcriimcni nine. 1 ; . .. - - 1 ,
,lirily llniVcrs,.l In the I'm nl Miles, wnue -
t, ratal theory .r the Inilep.ndeiit sovcr- I he plant il 1 "IS u 11 1. t'f' rr " '
.1 ftt.o SL.t-s, will hi'lrft tl...,...) v,l I""'I.'P f " " '
j ) ,L,vw,,, lV,m. of , ami (-h other ,.l. h.
r"''""""2J. . .. .. t(1s y mphatic de -eiirr aUo J
v..Tlvlri.-8 oKT.iHSou.itiis.-In mo.o m,,rk,.,l drurce, if ... hniuistcrc.l fo
Hen thic-.innrtcrs of the regiments, na-
t: ; .1
can. Niue-leiilhs lire citi.em'. i
ami age of Ihe privates is over -1 ycai.t.-
. . 1
Thicc-foui ths urn single men.
M'luValy Ih it guard lo virtue.
I i,, r.. ti
J Mdii I, aw. I he Ariiim conns ft imra-
' trmnh from un article which mmcarcd us
...... I -
le. hirm in l),r,,; .:..
i '-"f"'iiiiil PKKlt illijl HIIU,
in which n fcroneu was inmlu to the trca-
;m.i,.I,0 pnpnrs putiti.licd nt C'orvullis,
" iiini il woiiiii in.' no lanm o 10
tha imtrioti.m of tin; ,oi,lo of ll.osa uUrv,
' if ihoy would slay tin; working of those
lilc , slroyiiir cancers in llicir mirlst," Ac.
1 1 w proper for lu to in ex,!i,nat:on,
; 't "i1'1--' i n'-stioM wan filter.
il.,, ,iinril ....I I
, the ndi.o lyl-, himI hni.rli'il us
r :. .T.. .... ... ...
" '7 " ""'I
.1.. .i :. -.. .
" .
ii.-iuiv ii uiim-uii'ii n u n.s r.uin. III
I u'. ........ .. . . .. ...
i. 11 'ii.appioin cmireiy oi urn pnm.ions ; Martlllsllir u. few days muc-, ho ,1c-
la.:;-. ,n il,., (piot.u.oa. We an,, i.-nnt t ,,! in ft spe, cli that it was n,(,,s for
"' '; "II : H IP'opor'.hcSontlMo' contend any loi.jr-r, that the
.I'-ty oftl,. ,ovct to r.-f., !.e uso .,... Confederacy could not faml, ,:.d
of I ... K. i.i n n...l. .. r.,.rJ .....1 !.!... -. .. ... . ... ' ,
.. .-.-
il wi C) w here there is anv i,i,i,r..i..Kir)ti
that tl.ev tinv I)..- 11 1 ! tl rinil -t to the Iml, he
..enc... i to 11..I know that anvl hirer
..... ... 1 .-11 ..I,, !.,. ln: m,h ui, u,
l.....l,.. .... 1 1 .: . .... .1 :..
. n
The .'"i.f will ol.lii:
liis exphi nation Drnjonhin.
Tin: Oiiiiiai.taii or Asn.iu. a.
-The Oov-
eriiuicut is taktii;; cnerLM tic- s'eps to fortify
and drfeiid the e;reat h:k"s mid rivers, mul
'.!:. i in 11 maimer which will ivt.lir them .
It is there that ma.iv of the
country s firentot m'.r' s!.-
c ntre, end
there also th.'.t our soil
,y he urn t t; . i!y
irinies of Great
invaded 1 . v the shins and
Hfitain. At Matkiieiw c-peiinlly such
luipiovenieiits will l.l"-..'i'Ol.iioei:,,,lusil..lst
ri ml'T ll llie. Iiilirnllnr ol the l.ortliwe t'-r:i
IV.mtii r. A Naval I), pot mid National
AriJ,rv wi , Iir,,.,1 fr ,t;(. f.,r,.llT r0.
teelion of llie hol'der; to he lo.'siti'd l.t or
lirar I. Iiica-rti. l lie isin-.f 111 1 1;, ol ll.e in
t. :-e-t involved in-iy he inferred f:o:n the
flatt 'met. t that tlrre arc wpv:n in this
trade 1 . T. 0 Auvrican vessel, lo r.Ud Ilrit-i-h,
and l.j,()0U Aim rieaii t.j 11,000 Frit-i-'i
1!IASi "AIIoN AMI (.'oXn.-CATMN-. Tl
M'"1 ' 'ournr says: The loadist, lno-1
iiureu.ltilt.L', and iiilhiriilial mlvocitcs iu
the Uiutcd Stat' s, at id's t;me, of email-
cipaiio:., are to Le fciiiel in thai class of
, . ,. ., . 1 1 . 1.
old hue Ilomoerats w!:o 111 the lute i res-
nlei.tial caui;arj;u siipportul Ln c l.iur;i.-e.
Look nt them Fuller, Stevens, Cochrane,
Ilitkitison, nud hosts of others, are now nt
, . ' .. . . ( ' . '
.' ..... .
11 1. v .it ill i.siiiiii.iiii f.i A ll 1. 111.S
n .-
U-nrs Iroin ll.e tin.o .. in.- t.i ll.e wa-
,. ,. , ., .,.!,... ,1 s,;..rJ ,r..,l ,01, 1 i.innr
.' :
...,.,, .... ,,( (.vpcctci o rccovrr. Strn
f1rts mul robbimr miuN U 11.1t eu,ni"li
I ,
,,. (,,r,,i, p.i.tlc.iieu; l!,ey must
r. sort 10 t:,r lowest .ie, n, khowii 10 sava-
Some ol our secession lournals have
'.. ....!.. 1 .. !.;,. 1 t...l.....
11 llin t 111 'I 1 tn 111 si lining . . ' ... .11 v .... 1 n s-
, uir,P ,, ,lot ,,! .
SI1,', Mr,.,ritv!-( h.-nnu,.
.. .
c-ST Abraham Lin.-olii wa fl.vte.l Pres-
id, ut Nov. Il, I Mia. (I.i the next day the
i, Stale. . In fact, on that i!ny Sou'.h
Carolina resolved to secede.
Out! year nftcrw al'ils lo a 1l.1v, the I . r
,, bewail to ihrow shells, nt the rate of
''"ji.oo p.r hour. '' into the forts at Port
Royal, mid the first lamliiicr of lie Govern-
mcut forces was ni.ide on the soil of South
droLii.. a ple.1s.111t way of celebrntitig
the anniversary of South Carolina's iude-
' ...
Siiixci.ks I hem is a Icini near our
farm with a shingle n-oi fifty years oh ,
mul the s iiul' ("S al'liear (lll.te as hrc'l't,
- .. . .
mid :s 111 ns iroml onr r, ns hum sninie
... . . .....
f.,.,1' ,.t 1 ,,. .11.1 ot I'.e Ii r t V'lir. lien
built it Was coated w ilh a
Ill w.lsli tinted
will, oehi'c. an j billy char-.'d with plue
mul s ill US fol llli 1 till I.LTei lll'l,' color,
It-:iviiiir mi
even color lo Ihe roof, ami to
, , ,
the shinnies a
leg 11 surprising fr 'shiiess ol up-
( (i'i'iiI.
,1.111 Ni v.s nm I ost mitivks 11 u.c
1 .-. t .
. .-
Mi..ii.jr ;:; ''''j'1;; , '"m,; ;;;;VMI
. .. v '
- ', ',,.,,',,..., t l.nt.i.niil v , '"ro- S"venlect. steamers lying ai
" 1' r ' , ,' . : ! this morning, ami ft scout reports
than it has bed i . s ; . s the, de will, troops. The force is oil,
expei'iiiienls lunde by the l rnich ' ! ') , (itH) strong. There nrc five cinboiits there.
,, ( ir,cr, rrvea a vj-ry m h. t ul m nn paiue ren-
rr.urdy. nnd a r rk,l J . hijn "'lers it certain that preparations for a ,1c
short period. At the came 11110 rcginar,
if in the earlier siagrs ci puuuoi... v ,
cm sump ...... ....v n. ; ,
... I.....L- o
ct book.
rprighl nlkii'
nirc .il'.iiiif,"
shlo of Truth
in a vary issue.
No. 4S.
Bctails of Hastcrn Xfcws.
ii!., A.C., lie.
W'usliitiKton, Felj. 21. Government Iia3
released u lure nuniljer of political pris
'. Uo v'r'.'on
r " lu l",'Jr Bire wu
miKl con. ort to t ic tnenn'.
. '
, t (,.l,,,,,gili..r.
u ., i; . ..; if
1 1" . i I K ii f p, fonii'Tiy Minister to I-ranee1, al
i in? winner ini.- war rcssri u.c i.euer lor
.1... u i. 1'l. , i. : l ... i
mi: oiMiui, i nc r i lii i.i c.i.'.i iu nj.t;
,1 i.,.nj ,.,i.;i,.m,.i, no ',f I.
v..- ..,.,.yt..r..t
1.' 1 1 .' . i.t n 1 u n.-u 1 . ....
t.u influence in some
portions ol iriuiii.
V V. IVIi. The Ueanifr VlLni'V
from Port Itoyul on t!ie 1'jih, hrin-s :!U'J
hales of cotton. All wa.-i (isiit't.
Fell, il. The House lo day d'.clii.ed
foriuallv receiviii"' liavs tulicii at Fts. I J l 11-
ry nd Doiirlson.
' Sitlalin. Mo., Fcl. lctl.. !;rin'. fJ.'ii.
I'M ward Price, son of Hen. S'urlin.' Price,
"- "'J' "V' T'
1 i ice s Man, were cupiurea near u nr. nw
,,,).,,. i,. und liroilit to this 1 luca
'l';;(.y hud live hundred n cruii.-i f.r IVit.'e
in cimrie .and had crossed t'.i- river. As
thr Fideial force was small liny were not
St. Louis. -2-1 A C'harlistoa l:-jat-!.
.ays that Sav.-mu"!', Cecrla, which has
lately lin-n placed in ft p1.!i:!l Was
tht'ii'l.t to he impri e;na!jl.'. has ju-t sur
renilefid. The accounts of victories else
where hud ere t into camp mid preat'y
d:spirit(d the troops. '',,. inking as ac
companied hy a lii'.llaiit n i'li s of military
and naval operations. Some (
('aii-eis i.rc unions the jtri.-oiiers.
Tin: Fetlcriil forces huvi clcsely invent d
(.'hail' ."..on, and it is ividti.t tliore v. ill
.soon he ai.uilur victory to r-. cur l in that
The peruiaiu lit 0'.eniujr of llatteras In
let to one cf the richest itI;V.::s of North
Carolina, is to he followed hv the. en ntinn
of a new and Letter than from
A. Savannah the same is to en-ue.
, . . ., ,. ., .
i lie Mimes ti. j 1 ti it 1. 1 licit, i-.i 1 t'.nv
nmJ IJoniifort, crc ocenpud Lv fo:ue CO,-
00O troops und seamen, wilh the necessary
coiirouiit.ints and ships of war. A new
i'Xiei!':t;on, reinforced hy s!,;;is fn-ci that
point, will shortly sad from the liu.l, !it,.l
. .
aim activity prevails.
, t ..;,. ms. Thcv say it was too late
. ... . x- 1 . '
10 IOIUIV .Mlsiivuic
1 It is
I I iS ..lllll I.Hi". it. .11. ti.V .'"... i-.e.
I..-. ..... I l,f .In r.U... r.f.s.
.1...,,..,.:,,,,,',.. r..u .! l.rh!
;.iir .n!,vi," on their r'etr, ai sciitliwnd.
)Ut t-itizeiis uUwg the road remonstrated.
(. ii.C .'O, I'd). l 1'
11. The oflii-'al
. , . . .
statement of the It-ht at 1 t. Donelson
- kli!;:'. l,'1 1 l!!Jc.I, and ljJ
m.ssiii"; on the 1-cdcral sale.
An expedition composed cf four put
boats and two mortar boats from Cairo,
result not bcim; made public,
C,.. Corcoran is to be made a
as soon as lie returns irom tue .'.nuii.
Nashville is captured.
(i n. Scott has noniii'.ute.l .Miuist'.r
to Mexico.
llispnlches from almost nil the cities nnd
proiiiinent towns of ihe North indicate that
the anniversary of Wnshiiitou's Firlhday
was very iren. rally 1 hserved.
Cumberl.nid Gup and Iln alivill are in
possession of the Federal troops.
Raltimore, Feb. il (.'ol. Wood was
present at the imiuuralion of Jeff. Pn vis
oil Saturday, ami slates 111) enthusiasm was
iiiiiiiif. sled in Richmond, hardly ft cheer
The steamer Geor;.v Wn.-ain'tcn nrrived
this cvciiiii'' nt Ft. Monroe Irom James
Senator of Indiana, in place ( I Fright.
I ('.into, Feb. '21. Troops arc congrcgat
in" here, and preparations are iin.kiii-; for
11 uiovo mi CoIihiiImH. I Im t'.itift tli'Mti-.'
'If .Iff! ll' V 1 1 1 1 S V . I i L 1 1 1 I IH 1 IMW it.W. H'l M
Vidcd movement are almost ready there
Memphis papers of the 21A just received
rcprct .he people of Tennessee feeling
.iLmy and d, .reUd about the Ft. Do..-
cbo,, miit.rr. The p.lbliraliou of all nrws
-,,..,..,...,,,, , llt,.rii.-t-.l hy milita-
iti Thcv ...knowledce the ,
enlist under the alleriii.tivo of
I . . 1 I I I. . . .1 .!
The l.ov. 01 Aliuiama cans ior a rcno
1 incut:', bv the Ith of March for three youifi
Oao sipmro (l-.vulve lines, or lew, brevier mpmuro;
one incrlion. 3 CO
H'ich lul.W'iaerit iner!ion I 0(f
l'.nii.ecar(lotii! jfnr 20 (iO
A hUrul (If.iuelion will be undo to thont who
.iilvuriii.t: hy ihoyeur.
tW The number of imcrlioM nbouM be nolej
0.1 the innrijia uf 11 11 luVrtise niei.l, otherwiw it
will be imliiithcd till forbiihlen, ami charged to
cortilriffly. nnlirfii wi be cliaiged half die '
uhuve rati nf ailve rliri...
IS," Jan 1'ristio eucutr-d with neotnen and
I'uijmrnt fur Jub Printing mutt It mailt pr.
ihlirrry nf'thf;.
or the war, and threatens to resort to
drafting if not lillcd hy that time.
Fni'.niKhS Monroe, Feb. 24. Tho
(.Tenter portion of Fiirnalde's expedition
wiis still i.t Roanoke JslutaJ. Gen. Wil
liams' Lriade, nt Ilatlcrus, hud received
order? lo pruned there. The Iiiuldinjj
left I!oano!;o on .Saturday for Flizahetli
(,'iiy, with the prisoners taken by Gen.
Iinrijsi Jo. They were parolled for ex
Triiin; Haite, Feb. 25. There are
fi. 0(10 prisoners here among them Gen.
Cairo, Fell. S.j NashvillowasoccuDicd
ysti rday hy 10,000 troops under Gen.
Fuel, mid the I cdcral flus was flying over
the State House.
The Tciiii'sue Leri-Ialure, which nd-
joarncd oa Saturday weik, met again yes
terday. At M'tup!,!.; it is rrportril that commis
tiers had he. n iipi-oiuted to conk-r wiih
the Federal aiithoriti'-s nt Wiishimrtoii lo
arrau-.-;' term.'i for the transfer of her nlle
friince, mid that Gov. Harris had offered
to turn tho Could'. rat'j forces over to the
A petitli man v. l:o lives at Columbus,
and arrived h' ,; last nilit, represents u
;jem r;i Union sentiment in Tennessee.
The Leiji-fiture will ncijiiiescc iu the re-coinnii-ruiatioii
( a' Gov. Harris, because it
is f.-arful of raisin.' the Union sentiment.
When he h ft Columbus, there were 30,
00n Ciuie'ih'i'atc troops there.
V.'l:c:i Gov. Harris lied with the regi
tiim'.i to Men:;!, is, he burned the Statu
Library :. "! 1': trile.-.ted a larjrc amount of
etnir-vs'i.iry Hew nnd provisions amon;;
llit ci'l.'ti:-.. St or' 3 v;re closed and busi-c.t'-s
is c!;tlre!y sii-peii'Jcd. The secessionists
arc Icavitiir with th'-lr stock and negroes, -foilov.':!".'
the Cctifcd'.r.ito nrmy.
Ncv .ri, Feb. .!. Tin: Pacific rail-
re::'! mul tt h u'J'i'l'Ii bill w as reported to-
i.ay 111 t,.e Seniit..'.
Ih -'.oit, F"l. I'd. The fire of Tuesday
1. ;J. t v as th." in e.t destructive which hu.S
ever c.".":r;-..'l I.i-m. Loss, f 7,500,000.
V.'iis!iiiii:ton, Feb. 20. The telcfrrapli
lines i;i the tie! United States were tnkcu
p(i -.-e.-i'i'i 1,! by the (iovcnimetit to day.
The oi'j: r fays il! telegraph commuuica
tions in re.'ard to military operations not
cx-pres-dy nistliorv.' el by the War Depart
imnt, Govi Tiiors commanding or Gener
als ci'niiiiiitidit: armies in the field or tli?
several departments, are absolutely forbid
den. Newspapers publishing military
news, however obtained, nud not author
zed by ofl'cial authority, will be excluded
hereatter from receiving information by
telc.-raph, and from transmitting papers by
I.otii--vil!e, Feb. .'a A nlcl deserter
arrived from Mumfordsvillc today, and re
ports that the rebels intend concviitratini;
JO. (;;:;! iivn at Mtirfrees
)oro, purposing to
give batl.e there.
St. Louis, Feb. 25. Dispatches say
that Price ami McCiilIough havve been
routed at Ash Hollow, Ark. They burned
their camp and run.
New York, Feb. i. Fy the Constitu
tion we learn that the Fritish steamer Leb
anon was taken a prlz- on the Rio Grande
by the sUmp of-war Portsmouth. She had
half a earno of cotton aboard, and had
previously landed a cargo of blankets and
ordnance at Matamoras.
St. Louis, Feb. 25 Gen. Ruell entered
Nashville yesterday, und took military pos
session of the city.
Previous to the capitulation, Floyd es
caped, b'.irninj the railroad bridges over
the ('i;;:;b"rhiiid river. This wanton de
struction is strongly reprehended, even by
Gov. Harris has issued a proclamation
ordering Tenncsseeaus to lay down their
arms. Re ul.-o convened the Legislature,
White Hags are flying at Memphis, and
that city is now ready to surrender to tho
Fed. fal forces.
Washington, Feb. 2u. A bill will be
reported to audit the claims of losses of
Ii v til citi.etis iii the war.
The Mexican treaty resolutions, etc.,
were ih f. atcd in executive session of the
Senate aye;, S; no. s, 2S. This carries
the rejection of (Jen. Scott as an addition
al Minister lo Mexico.
Cairo, Feb. 25. Col. Webster arrived
to day from Claiksville, Trim. He says
that Gen. Pillow fled from Ft. Donelsou
to Clarksville, ihstroyed what property ho
could, and went up the Cumberland river.
Not a country road or bridge escaped his
vandalism. The valuable wire bridges
m ar Nashville were all burned by rdluw'8
orders. Fin. ling he could do nothing at
Nashville, Pillow destroyed all the military
stons which he could not carry off.
Gen. Nelson's brigade reached Ft. Don-cl-oti
on Sunday. It was immediately sent
forward to Nashville. Gt tl. Hindi's timely
arrival there undoubtedly saved the city
from titter .lest ruction, as Pillow could rot
have saved it from his desperadoes if the
Federal force had not been in tho vicinity.
Things nr" (piiet at Fts Henry and
poiiclson. The men nro fast recorerinj
from the effects of tho late lights.
A special dispatch from Washington
says tint the indications in tho Senate to
day clearly are in favor of tho immediate
passage of Trumbull's Confiscation bill,
with mm iidments freeing all tho slaves of
the rebrN.
New York, Feb. 20. Tho United
States Treasury Notes, nro nt 30 per. cent,
premium nt Richmond, Virginia.
Washington, Feb. 25 The lending
features of the Treasury Nolo bill which
passed yesterday are the issue and funding
of $50,000,000 of Treasury Notes, which
may ho nMileA legal tender for privato and
public dues except for payment of interest
on the public debt and duties, which are
to be pnid in coin. The $50,000,000 Pc
maud Noles issued under tho Act of July
hist, mul the $10,1100,000 under tho act
of this month, may, however, bo received
in payment of duties 011 imports. The
notes mc to bo issued for not less than
$5f, lomcitible into boml-i beuriii 6 per