HUSINKSS CAliNS. w. c. jonwsow, A I TOIl.NKV COi'NSKI.Oli AT LAW, Ah J Solicitor in Chancery, rj'U.L promptly attend to an) 'hiisiiieai.hiru I .11 ly be com nil led 10 his professional ja..i ;e heforethe Districtand Supreme Courts. e over Milwain'e tin store, iiiimoJiulel op. ,.iu- ( !io Main Street House, (tr.'.'ott City, October 1, 155!. JOHN R. M BRIDE, iltll 0 ClU'NtKLOR T LAW, l.r.ij-ctte, Yamhill County, Ortzon. "&TUA. faithfully attend to ill huaineM en V V truiteH to Ins professional oarc. J. ii. iit 111:1 1, ATTORN KY 4 C 'IN'SKUM: AT I. AW, And Solicitor in Chun fry. PORTLAND OREGON. ;i.-e 1'Vmt .Sreet. opposi.e Vaughn's Wliurf. C. '.ivMii in undo anil p-onptlv r. in lie I. f.'ipKl C. AiNS'.VOBTH. WM. DIEKDOKFF. v!suo:tTii & mrunoRrr, vVKOt.nSALK AND RET All. DSALL'KS IX GROCERIES, DUX GOODS, CLOTIILVG, Riots Shoes, and Crockery. 1 1 too new Fire-proof Brick Maimtreet okkuh.n CITV. ill ItUAV, copse, sign, and ornamental 2 ix a a 'op a a, S.4 n'y vpivite the tcthoilis! Chun h, UKKiS C1TV. April IK. 1 !.".' Ill r II O L L AND Notary Public & Conveyancer. OREGON CITY, OREGON, T7TT.T. TAKE ArKNOWLKPCMKNIS r of Deeds ami oilier instru iieni of wi .tino A, : draw up o.i irt notice, liecda. Bonds, M-.r.. ; i I'mvers h" Ailoniei Jtc Ac. IVlinihii ' M oil p.iM to th roitc.-tioii of .Iv'its an i in I . :r I ;ir onoCy to nil bumiesi r n l r iil in hi. i i " O iice in ''apt. Johnson's I'urniiiie S:oie. !,i3oUo ibe Cow chouse. M.iv 3.1,1 nil. Just Koccivod. A LARGE EOT OF Dry Goo.U and Grooer'u s, AVh cli will be sold low fur C-x; or Coantry Produce. AVo woutl say to the Karmera, Beforo veil ro i Po-tlau 1 to buy (Soods, call on us. as e i. i I ,'.9 Flour, Iiaeon, liutter, Kjr;. Ac nr l-i c , ei:!iaa;e Uoo lj as Ion us can be bou-'it in :.,rtiid I) N N E V B M' M .V AfKl'IvMAN. Orcjon City, Nor. 10, a 500. AVIIEELER WILSON'S TIS.ST rnSMHTlM FA MI L Y S c w i ii g- Machine.1- ARE ACK NO WLEDGED TO BE TAR SUPERIOR TO ALL OTHERS l. USE.' et';i- mart timjilf, an I cnpAic Dulii? kinds of work TIIAX ASY OTHER XACUIXJi : , Tba Ji.lrh It alike on b ill dca, AaJ will not Hip or I'awl CREAT REDUCTION IN PRICES: I i H. C. HAYDK.V, A:,'nt, Corner Mon' miery and iaitranieniij tn e:, UctlJ Ka.ctscj. lil I'.xo Circuit Court of the .Vtatc of Oregii f,,f I Ilia county nf Cl i -k.iiu .a. j 1'ijelia Jolnia in, co. iiila u nit, i n't ! W. Iia ii Johnson, defend mt. ) 1 'M I 1.11 ii.-iii ni l llofuiilaut: Von are I, re. i 1. .,' il itili d th it an aclion ba.'.e,-,, ,., ,.,,. 'lo lli co ii,il.iiuatil against you Inr purpn.e ' o'' 'i'. il a divorce froil llie h..:., ,,f ,,, ,, ,,,. 11 n i - st ii.' 'leiin-oii tnu sai I co npl iiu . nl an I Vii nf; sill that uiilrss you appear in ti e en cilo ion of Ilia 1 atn nf Un a; ,u f, i, Hl ,j j CL n' '.'i i" i i n is. o i the first Aloud i .' i.r l I - i i. bin tii J IV nf the co iini.-io.-.-iio-hl nf i:.. i"'it ini.. t in nf and coiri, the hill nf -,ii. I'1 nut in m:ii ; ap ilic ilion for i rl it l'nr, . nn, a.ti. i if a J r a d "I .r n f tlio ml in irriane null mid i 1. 1, ri!l lit tike.i a ouf' s-ied, u it 1 the (.ny.'r I'i 'M if grimed by I bo court. I'nii: Si. M'i.i. a, 'J. l-CI. .Iifia for :-m 1 'iiinnt. T'.rnc, ".XT V. II I (i UK I KI, II, V . 'V i Tfn.MAK lilt 'irsiiia desirous of gotting Vf,r,d work done ill w-M ! -lira mo a nail, as m? whole 'ima a r... loJ to lha ropairinff of Iliroriometar, Kever, iiiid ' ij'i ' 1 11 1 iru iiitai waii' Vi mi '.niul nf line I'iiI,.!, WATCHES, .4 a'n I '-vol y 01 h ind. ',)', V V. with wi'fhtsto ihetn. Jav.r mile to or I.r, in I repaired. Prieoato sail lha tluiea. I am ihniikful lot pas' arora.aad hot 'to ((ivesatisfaotimi In fulini'. IT Kit act Ilia old stand. tin Tel fiph Off , 1I.G0NCITY I vb V I I or I hie i'..r Dr. Wl HALL'S HALSAM CU'lil'S nil ilise.isui of tlio .J .V(.V uiiil l'or the cure of ooiiMimptioii, ile. I'lino. asiliin i, htourliilis, waiting of tlesh, ti'jjlit Kivcuts, spilling of hl. d. 'lui"l,,:' 'onglit dilli cully of hriMlU 'lie. eoliln, roughs, influenza,'. p tin in tlu' Mill', .ni l nil .liMMves of Ilie lungs, it Is I'lieqiinliHl ! It. ill' t Lung B..'.i "I, ill nil cater, gives the bet sain-bicnou; Una wrought more cities linoe it iiitroiluctioii ih in iiov other rough niciH.-iuc ; Is iMiiloi-x'il by our lending physicians aa the safest ami Imt toinoly ti,.w bclaro the public; l sii'e lo une umontj oln! Iron, yet powerful in crimes o!' ehr iiie puliii.'iiun ilseiM't lit n- in ceriili, .ii.ii.tlui.wi ii,i ly of ituwmiiler fill em e in til pints ol tin- I'oiinli y. There i no uio iu hie n Iiliin our knowle.lce tlint !l;i ii 'iirril ii ,.n,l H .i,' popuLiilty, ilinstioit ii i:ii(,.f lin e, us PIJ II v,.'S (.I A.v.l U FOR THll U'XGS. Its h it miinie ;ii. lienhn piiip,'i Mrs aie iiinii !. Il in lu.'liiy eie,'ioiiint niul tnui,'. It I'liiH iiin not it grain ol opii'n or ioor,.li no, tlio iiiimhic .ml as tiinoeni propenies ohiih have create. I no link II preju lire n,insi simiiur pi iparnnoiis, V e hi' iev iliii a ineihoine po.se8.intj rout merits will olj.-ct cues w'tenevcr it is use. I, at hoiil' or Pr. Ilnll's for I lie Luiios i . p iroforie pr.'pur.itioii, hut on wli oh, it ueil in n. i.ti. w II ajvc t'ie lives of tlioos Bills. I'll inn. i il.s:re. up O'O'li i Heijiii i.tly U'hevel by a single .'use, mi I broken up in a f. w hours' tun,.. 'I h atll eie.l d not liaie to t.ik. bottle aft, r hoitle lo't'or,- they liiot liether tins n medy will atl'ml relief or not. lie.irw'mt riiKioi. n. say of Mr. Hall's Hal Mill. Says one: "I, ,:b. o ili.lenoe, renin niei.d the H ilmni ns sitprrior to mn pr pirat on." Auollirr ms: " I have u.e.l it niih uni ormKUC e,ss. and can coniiileinK reeoinnien I it for ali tli.'Si' co:i pl.ii'.ls t.-r Ii eh il is o.Vei eil as a ri in. ely." S; !l mi 'ther ii:rs ; hive niheivti n. mi in s.imii,- ill it it is ,i .,lo, coiiveoieul, ttiid i a.'ious me,i cme." en U "V .III I MIUOISH. Konttit. Kvo : UnUvn'?""1"''' FOR WEAK 1M-I.AUEP EYES lll-i IiI,n. as u.e I for in inv M.iisin li. e ot a e-li lo iiie.l t imi isi , v, f-'l' di.-ea.M's ol llic I've w ih rein o .mil I. Veil 1 1 1 1 e ii Mlll'l'l' fll rr. .1 I or ir s irli 1. 1 ! I b.e pe-i ror. n:lli f Ill'tlV per-o:is VV.fl woo; I iiil:.-r tll.lll I on Mid di.ea.e tlirot;. Ii '. I lie I'ilit' i, i f .oil II. IV .1 .. ve i I ; oil ! i'i i.ot rr id Ho., b.i to a. I ri-.iou.i- !. ! p'-'p o alloll I!. 1,-ci'llllneil.ird na I.I ' tit i ore f..r ln:l nino il.o.i .l'!s, rai, d cm iter !v lo-, vo-o ore iji-rti., mt..i.i:oii. b .bit. e b.-ii-, c'.inta. on., ,r in.l.i:i.'n ii"..i.s in, le r tlieiit' iil !y ...iill.n u in i ot. .in 1 h . . i bo i..ti!.l o'lirrn Ii.ui li-st o! tl.e I. i an. I L' IO .11.1 tru ii It is I'M cure I t! ai .la. I: tV- I'y- I.l-. ir in 1 i uu. or ,,x til t ii J riV'rt. With tt'tun!, U art in ' ji :( ,-fin . " ..Il .ir in . it l- mo-t i c in . i t! .i in 1 1 1 ,t ' ,i 1 In iv i- i mi-! tli-'M-. oik (t,t. t-t p-rioi,- a r C. ' 1 . i(f. ttt r .... 1 1 nl ' ,i n I'.y-. uo t ft'ili liK .!r'ri'V ,1m Hlf lilhr..,, (In r ' t)i llirir- Hntk 'II It .'Ki I I 0 ll l'l -I I I '"1 .tin.' ; it . u hn, !i mm ,) t' ! n b -i. ,n. - He...,' : j I'rcc ..). I're, .I'r I I 1'n J,' .-s, 1 "m ( ! .V ('.: i . I ii. il M, : Hn-...... b. h Hi jot ;ai..-am nj i- r !ii'vin0'." I ir 'Id be A I!. .V P S Ni)S. nil s're-f, Ne.i t or. iivn.o .V I'o. !,, Ur.i.iMin.s 01.'- ,' an I - "I Ki,! V II . I. o: lln r I 'orri s. a .i ii e. .V I'll , J-.iCI ailleiphi , ,,n t.i .l..!v ;i..n ' SANDS' S A R S A P A R I L L A, i;i:i:i;:Ki;. v $ riii-; ; :;u; iia! i.vA (ii-rjulno Articl:! a ?:Ni'Wi.ri,Tii to r.r r'J U-' S i"ii i ti'i" i Ilea- Mth ! tt.irvi'e.I pr. partition Ins pert'.rnir I J. -0111 nil.' .- ,1" in -s' j. .,in-h 1 o c 1 " thai n: e teitnr. I, 1! 1. 'in' h ! 01 v nf M, d owe. Tl.e r..p.,ii-(-. with ii l':e p. it e:,; r, ci.v.-ra l!i allh ti ml Mn null lltl-ler .:s iit'ijeiio,. . ...rp, :.ttZ l'..rt new i-n.e t 1 w !i-.-li r 1. a ! f ;M .'.e. 01 ttie re-nl- a new . ert ,'i ale 11' . r'.e.,-y aii'l r el . c.-; an I W. l-l.e.-lii. t-.pnnt t' tin.- arriliuio.i'e I li-t.iini'.l ' "i i' i: ol - ii !i 1 Ii ve M,,'t , n. e I l-en-ti.-i ,. '.-. '..t,-r-i I 1 - tn in i-l ilirre l.ilo ii.f is lai.;.'. U- 11 -t f .r, t to ..' o. .1 1. 1. .s..ii,j,.,, i; , til" ror a. l.y II Co mil !n 'n.. 1. .V t o . 11 l-'iun i-co ; :ii r. v ' 'ni i i W .ri-ulV; II II M 1 1.' 11.11 A. Co., .-.icr iiieii n. 1 11 Joy lr ;.'-' era ,. j.ily -Jim I I'or Sale on Time. r wii.r. i;;.i, i. "i 1 t c. , i, aitj..Vv. 1 sel joy !., .'.., ' (IK I N. - It I : . b-i-io- I Vi;., n ..k- ..1 HIUK ll-..', a f ftlAS nt. l' ; r.-inr; '"'.k. !-)-. l,"i I n; li-ir-,-, fniiii- ij ulei..,'., ,V ' W. I.. .).M-i. I.i'. j' ! . !', n, ici. CM, KESTER, it (I e r I a u v r ATT')lT,i i.,f., I Illl I I ' nit-. -nn Ibe peop.e of riiej-oirih t'. Ilial Ii- m l k' Ii a siiioilv ,,f IV-lll.'l'li' V lllllll-. ot II MZ.-s, 4.11 c-tii-Taiitiy on haii'l. Ifl Hi.! ,'l.f k'-ep n U D BO ,i DC M DCa " ill b pr. I , till, lol In , ,.c,.. i..iry Iiusni'a ij lilni-r-ils i-.,ni.e,-;ed u ol, I,,. I,,.,. 'loi n'r lli.' Sr'iniinri. i us! nin In. in the ..iniiitiv is resi.r.'tful'i i ll. .1 Jon. -.'.I e' ). i.n I PAINTEK h CO . PJ. P. I'nrlfiil I'rmtm. and I le ,lef. In MTyp'-, iV.-.-s.w, iVintin- 'ir w . i Ian, Paif r, fault, ,-c, IJ.. - a 1'iHTrti .'I U. y ."-itre. I, ubo-e rin.sonie, I him. ii ."-an Kranc .-n l- riliri s) Offi fntcl i,n w.tli .li-pa ch. ASTHMA. K..r th.. I.N-.I AM' (t . I.H K mill I'l'liM m:t UK of th s,.. .Inj complaint uto ERONCIIIAL CIGARETTES, Made i,) en si:vinri! s ro., ..,ii,. wav, M;V VOIIK. ''I, rleifl aenl fr.M t.u nnl 1 I'll.-, il p"f dozen boxes, fie. ,v Kp e. ' . ' "J l"'i -J." IUI! S I,K AT A I.I. il(l'(;r I-T.S Oiici' MT A(;AIN Mori!, mini; into TIIK LIVERY BU3INE33, w il k" 11 lior-e. 1 er werl, al.,.. ..M fid .. So .. 7.1 ni"le lerd oiolil . . , . , , 1 .-r d iv f-.r .11 Mb- h i,.. , , I 1 0 I boa, prirea will b cli irg d till f.irtlii r notice is u'lVrn. I htiv. nf. w MHKM.f'Of,TM,andrM,r,ir.H of my 0 vn ru'ftiiij'. that I would ciclmiu'e Inr oi. 'rpr.,p.-ity. H w MH ii- .ii,,, f'i'),A.i;..i 17, lel. 3 n WILLAMETTE on kg os crry. II. M UISII.VI.I.. J. II. M.I.UIK. .11 AKS1I AM. .V .TlOOIIi:, UAVINt! purchased the entire, mock, tools, mill pitlteins of the H'i.i"id(r run HiniU, niul mlileil to It'llie r own stock, are wur- ranh d in .iyiii? that they have the I ,,.f7, Toiro A.'D rATTERXS For tlnlntf iiiarliliio uorli of all kimh) IX THK STATU, and arc prepared lo do ntiy work in their lino at TIIK SlIOUTKST NOTIl'KI Tliey have alao fm ililiea for making 0C3 M 3- W Of Xrou or Brass, ATA FHW IKJl'US' NOTICE. Sttvim Kngiiu's aiul HoiliTs luiilt ti onliT, niul Wnrnr.itoil. llr.'ersml'Cile.l for Saw-Mills, l!, Ueup. l is, I Initio is. Ilorse I'ow.'is, Shalt lit;, I'ulleys, II. on erv, (ie.iiiu,', Korea I'iiiiim, and everylluiiu il (lie M.u'lui erl line. In 'ii Nimteri. made In order, of any lite or ityle ii'm In, n K oiOs lor Itu.ldnijja. K. pa mi.' done with liealiii sa anil dispatch. r.ern iii.ikui!.' in all i: various forms, and BlacUsmithingof all kinds Neatly done ut the i sli .p. 1J" ll A.n r (i J.' "I of Patttrnifar rtpir in Rt ipmuiid Tknthti: .tl Wheat w ll he taken at llie lujliesl ri-h price ile'iveied m Ciiiieuialii for any iincliine ork or rep ins llihe.l c.isll p'ive p.u.l lor ol.l inm, Innss.iopp r, c. .May II, IMil-y. on kg os cirr. AM alii' i on band an I wll atton I lo tin ( ()..;c77A(; OF ACVVVXTS, I 1 i':nvintr up nt' Pfi'tN, Mitrtjj.'.irt's, Lt'iist's, lioiiils, l'owii's of Attt'i'iu'V, ('niiti'ju'ts, A'c, ,1'nl a! ' otii. r bii-ini'i i-oniinilied lo inv e.ire. f 'irr ,!ur -tit; ttposilr Ihf Mm our ttinltlinf .lime lb. l.-l.n. ,1. Ii. Ill KKUKH. ci.oyi: anodym: Toolh I V a cm? urons. MIIKM'.' IVnfW lllt hrfll I'ttrll-IVflv L lit .' m.Iiiim ft rti'iM t ifnvi 1 ilia' Hi An it wll if v mi nt" Hi it) ir.iii.iiit nl "In iii rr i hr UiUr- ut i v ry u ltpf rr!in.jy. Il i I'Viivm: 1m th.' iif ,iihI miii"!', ! ml a If iil; i i ). v ill nt j rl v i rin -v f the i i'i mid win nr I' ' in u (jT.if.l i..!li. . th .t t ini lf ti'l. .1 mid : mh tr .1 n-r nl v rt W . ii ilit im. pro-,'',!- 0-mill- fir, or I'i on Hit jjmhi .1 t. )i h 1 . r 1 1 ' v fi iti . ilit- n tii w II g r f !. iri.i h riih'niijf a ill ( on tlir .irt ' .ill I'tfif It li iinily i. fC'Hitr L','i,i al'y kniirt 11 0I1, u h upprcv lalt d by llio lubiic u it m ' Ly I in.! I'.r -ll' 1V !l .l'illn to, :lii !trilliTo i X en , :vui I f.ui i-'-u ; Kick A furris, .Metr . tl . l' A co . actiiirittt ; ul Kv Hi ii '.'! i; 1 nrf si.milka.mj:i; ii a vi-: runs ed out EH .It OB IXJ- - ! mr the Eagle Boot & Shoo Store" is no niMni u: II' KI'.K VoU CAN KIND TIIK STL'KK lliat w 1I1 imi,l the tare and wear. It pros- l .1. 11 ell. tor I rai-e the col,.r evi ry, and if 'In- nines were ..nly a little hr aker, I ihrnk that it iv.i.i d pit verv w, il; and if y.iu ilnu't believe it, J ul com - .ni l buy apnl ol IJ. Ill l.S, afur )uu ni :b. in on. f .r I Jl;n r Iilsl ItiTl-lt ctl a m;w of BOOTS AND SHOES, o r I'ln; I,:iti'-t Stvlu ;iu 1 Kasliioii. 1 i;.'iii' 'e. I'renrli Ca'f l. ol -, re-Jeil ...ill not. an I eh-., h t.f all .oris ind .ties ; ,.niee' I. -I, lii'.i.a-eo, , n nuel 4111I r liil Ii ifailers, iiik elas I 11. ( '..a re. In 1 1 y.nii i". ioi.e' yait. r. airl ! "f, km I. and line ; bo) a' slows of ev ' ri kind tint is ipi.-ut 1-11 .1 in my rhyme; i.hil. inns eatf and i-..p,.er t.a . alos a ; lalies mil 1 .'u s llil.K ol ad in-.. kIhi,', brown, and ' fa or i : .M Her Water -IW III.Alhl.M;, J. S. M aval's lil ji kini; ; MKM'iiitikrr'a riinlhi, I 1'e's, aala, haiiimera, thread, Mi, nails, and ' .1. U in v. a Thankful for past patrnunite, r. p'elfnlly ,,. I en a .-.nlniiijii. e ,1 patroiiar front my nld cua Imui ra and ,.a in. my low ouea as nlne to cone. I.adie. an I ki nil. men, jfivr inn a call, Jouin and ,.ld. i;reai and small, brave and bo'rl, lor I w ll bo reail) ..nil happy lo wa.t 011 jouiill. and 111 panic u'ur 1I01 I.11I1. a i I bko lo sr.. iheui coinu lo pay mn 11 Ileoo riihrr llio i,lar j Tiro lino f llntl of Hi turn ij- lliolhrr, lltihi slri'i l, . . Ori'Uun II. l a lies and i iilleinau, I assiira you that I Ran j ell you hnnli.iii.l l,,e. as cheap us ant house in , i. 11, or .1 bide cheajwr f-.r ca-li down, ivniil. 1 pr..t;t. and rpni.k sa'e. that is lliei talk that I. lis II'" l 'l. lh)l') J. .AlKtJ.N ; V. iXotici;. DISSOLUTION OF COPARTNERSHIP ' 'II r. linn nl Allan, A. hinlay ,V Co., herein J Ion- ram IIIL' oil 1,11. no-., miller lille at lrej.,11 City, (.liauipie-.., and Knurr Mcnlisliuru;. ' '"P'l1 hereby (i,M,ee by mulilal colle,l Ab pari r 111 lebli d In sin. I linn, or having r! 1. "I1 be,,,, are b. r. by re. pie. led in aeud ill llinr a. c.iiiulsoi make payim nl nf 1 In- amu" lo lien. T. Allun or Arrlnhalil Al. Kiolav al Cliampoe,', ..r Amory llolbionk al )i..(m. I '.ly. aho are an Ibnri.-d In si lib- nil a. . 11u1.l1 cm, nr, -1, i wilh lbs aa.d lion. A 1,1, AN, Uckl.M.Ay icCo. I 'bampne. lie . .1 1 , e,Vl 4lf. .liistico! .Jiislici.! OKI) Al!K is bound lo be Ibe n. Jt I'ra.ol.-nt of llie I'nilml Stales, and W.P. HERNS Inn b, en ai,..inli'd ,nsl ce r tliei I'rnne for I Ir eyn I' d pru jiict, in order In prevent a collapse "I ibe I'liinn All 1, Ml.. u.l I.,,. ........ i,...i., i 1,1 In. care will be nroinpll) nlten IcI lo. Olbcenv l pubi i.'hii liead pnirieia, first door norili "f A. II'e In ollirc, win re Im will ha foil ml wb. 11 uol einployi'il in I, titer business al Ins Wagon Shop, our diioraniilb ol I br I'osl (IH'icr, where he would be Kirn I lo do justice y,,,, , wa(;iiiia, or supply Jfnii with new lines, ns (food as Ibe besi, and as '.lieap ns Ih, clieuM s(. Cath takrn In rrrhangr hrvotk. IV, f. III'IINS "'reon C?y, A'te 1 1 . 1 Mr J PURIFY JJIE BLOOD, MOFFAT'S Vent table !! ft PM riAMK bilfli and envied eel.brily wliieli llieaepre J eminent Medicines have acquired lor their invariable elHeaev in all tlio diseases winch IlieV profess to cure, has rendered the usual practice of .ulliiif not only uiineemawry, but uuivorlby of them. They are known bv ibeir IViiiHi their uiaul works leslify' lor lli. in.aud tliey thriv. not by the fuitli of the 'credulous. In nil cases of asthma, acute and cliron c then matisin, all'. clions of Ilia and kidney", bilious fevers and liver conlplainta.-lu lha anul i and west, where these diseases prevail, they w.ll be found invaluable. Planters, larmera. mid olh ors, who once use th. ae Medicims, will never af envards he wilbiMit them. l)pepata."o emii with this dislreaainu diseusi' should ilelay iiaina these medic nea iniiiie dinialy. Kiuplionaiif the akin, erisip. Ins, llutu lem y, fever and aitue loi this acouiij "f the ct'eru .ounlry, the.a medicines will be found a safe, speedy, and certain remedy. Other niedc c nes l. ave'thesvsiem suhj. et to a return ol the disease a cur b theaa medicines is h iniuneut. Tar Tin-u ait s.Tisitaii. ani "K I'canu. MrrcurUt Olaeaaea. Ncver fails lo eradicate enhrely all the effects of Men-ury inliuitely soom r than llie moM powerful prepural on ol rsars.ipar II I. An' A'ie..i(. Aerroiis Drbility. Nnrtul combine of all ktml; Orftie Aft tiom, ',WiiMiinn nf ' Hr t, I'.tinlrr't cMic tlea.Tli.-or uinal pr"prielnr af these inedi vines was cured of l' les of .1 . years' bv the us.' of these I, fe Medicines al aie. W ' " of all kinda arceir.cluall.l eipellid by thesa Hied- icin.s. I'nreiiia will do well lo adim er them whaneier their mati II. aiasiisp. tfted. Kelicf will be certain. Tkt l.ifr I'iUial I'ktnix llttttrt Cur ly the blood, and thus rcium all di.ea' from lbs .i.iem. A amnio Irial r II id-n-e llie LIFE I'll.l.S n ol I'lUKNIX HITTERS hrioud the reach iil ionipel lion in the otuuut on i f every pain nl JT Prepared by Dlt W I I.I.I A M It MOKF T, J.'l.'i Hioiiiieuy. cor. H'vifasf., .Vrie Vuri .1. Kl. K.MING, Aiicnl, ' I'wl OjHc, 3 y Oinjun t'tiy. i'ac ijir I j h i rem itij , 'unit (iVot'C, lI'iai'iioiM Cn, Urrijun. Iiov. S. 11. MaKMI. A. M., I'nsi'latl. li. v. II I. yuan, A..M , I'rof. .VuAcm.iiV.. - pi IK roll 11 itr pttr, .-on-iil 11; or out ti Tin of 1 iiiiir iiioiiIIik, h i.l ruin. nrure on 0i liml r.lnrn n f o riu!nr. Il m Ihr (.-,ik'ii .. lu liil'lnli"ii lo n ill iili jinil r 'lilf c-dlnjt.ilr p.lnt muni Tlirrr ii m l.iloary tif IUUU vtilunm Tur llu hp Ul I III MlulrtllN. .l cant" f"T ifiii -MiH to riilli gr tnol litr a kiioMrlrili ul th i ihiiimjii K.oi;Ii-Ii lirii lir, niul It.ive nlinlif.l llir nidi nt I ni-jua'p o Ur in I.NVf t rad rtitHi ol (. rnr ami t nit.l tin dr. fk Ur.ulrr. Tliriu.tiou ( i ft l '2 Mr .ininim. Sliilrii'i h 1 1 1 1 1 1 for cult, p. nn well nnotln't hnii lo ('iifnut' rollr-jititp MU'I r hiiIhiuI r ii-li-rinj; ii'tmi I In rull.- cimrM, Hill Un umlrr llu-iii-lrn. Hun nt llid fiillrki lr lipm. Tlh- fn'l Irr o I'M I Mtrka in t Ii priir.itory ilrpurtin nt counii' iHra uu llif M Wrdupatl.i) of Si-itt uilipr. Tuition, $S jirr Irr m. Tl'ALATiy ACADEMY. Tuilitiin Ac;icliin, for tin rni ii )rr, wll I umlrr i hi ihrrrt mi mid tmiructiuii nl Ihrl'wr lVe I'rufrwir, Hilli nit Ii riM Kiaini nittriii I.'it lli iihiv ImU iir.'i wnty lo curry it luraird tfli eictilly od iicri'inhilly . Tin f.ill Ir fin w II ioiitm nri on Vfdiira.Ia , Srjit I'J, to COiihiuit rlrvrii Hrri.4 I't in.. I Tmiimmmi li, t 'i. Iniflir, 5H. A itmll mldihomtl clmrjtf will lir Mi.d lor furl, At'. lii-irnrt oti in I'mnl'iii; nrit, to uti'li trmyv it. N It Till N'll"if ".IP and lliP Collr jjinlr fur- p.iral"ry drp trim iit wdl ntniinrnf-' on Wi cln. daiy, ihf 3 I nt nf Orloliff t I Im rimiiiiiiriiiirtil ol ilir Ul liiif of tin tdfin.i l trrin. at In. Ii tun 'ir ii fTtrClrd, Klill i oiiim tclit - iiohuil tprliir-i from llie I.4-1, lo l.p rra ly to lak h U r n lh I iilii uIkmi . I'fof l. man, wiln tin aMiliirf of Mt( K A MM", will r.ury fnrwnrd llm m d-ni (Jp. nir'iiirnl till dm rrtnru of l'rc. Mar "It. S. pi I, iMjtl. .Mif ImjHirtant to HuiMrk(rHMas ! iYo Familif ought to he Without M KVKK'S M I It AC V I. O V S Vermin i)clrov(,r. I T has destroved a. ry dew i n of Vermin 1 inlr.tiotr pri-oilM-a where it b a eeu u.eil, and pr.'V. d lo the nit re aali-fa.-lu.n 1 ir. b-i.rr. lb .1 it n Ibe nue llinip; in rd. ul to promota lliormili cl. anl.iira. HEAD TXZZSI (intra of llie I , M. avt la.pri-ior of I'ro vtloa a ail ( Imatau. Nv Yaaii, N. V .Jul) 'Jii, h.H Tins is lo 1 ert, ly that .1.. ph Me)er, I'i a. in al Cln 111 st. has, by lha liar of Ins pr. par.1ln.11., driv en all tin-mis Irwn .overiiineni Mora Nn b ol tin" iish-cii..i, wbn Ii Has nib-, ir, Wll, MI. ,... Inn live uu mala; and that I witinMed an 1 traor.lniary ileslrucli.'ii of em kroarbes, by Mr .Meyer; although, nben he applied hia e.ader nle. ill their plarra nf rewirt, mil) 11 few Mere arm, soon alter, ill lea. than fill, en 111 nubs, Ibe lo.,r ol lha room wa lllerally cnv. red Willi them, anme alr.-inly dead, i.lheia dymif, ail I I fe. I asaun il that by a few iipplicatiotia ,,f Ins f'h. un, al Tow ler, (wlii. h is I'.-rlainly very elfi. iicioii.,1 Mr. Me)er would enlin ly rid a lo.u.e ol ihe. ,ln.,aii.iia in a.' la. JM), II lilllMtN, linirrtar of Piurinuiii anil Clothing Sola Aijeiiia, A. II M.VS A Til, Whole anlr )rotir ala, 1 1 Willi no si re. t. corner of I nl livi, New fork Korsale by II. .Iniiss ia A to , Man Kraucia. 11. an-l by llriiKiais u'eneral y. SH Mill Sc;il and Land. IIIAVKnn eicellrul M 1 1,1, SK 4 T, sur. roiliiib d with eirrlleul IIMIIKK. wbndi I would bkn to have iinprov. d I will uiva aouie iinllwrigbl who wishes in 111 v. si in n saw mill or If'el mill, or b ,lb, a umut r;h m, a. ''he location 1. our of ibe very heal for selling lumber n level way In Ibe mill ., ,, , tv and bandy to Inavy srlilemeuls. I wish alao In s. II half .erlnill nf KAMI near by. 'I he plane is six mil, a west of Kufay. rile, Vaiiihill to 11 11 1 y . W. K. ADAMS. Nov. 3,1, I S'.O. ;i.,f Yamhill Iiounrn AT LAFAYETTE, lf larrla tiVoll.. Tr.aMi: I'er week., " meal . 9.1 110 !).'. The ia table is furnished aa will aa Ibat of aim hob I in Din country. joiiel.l STARLING. 10 Notice r I"IIH nndersigiieil,. jncinor of the lsl will and lealiiHieni i, lha lale lir, .lolili McleMiglilin, liikes tins iinale f warning nil prraniis n..inn-l "'iiiorin miv Way appriipnaiiug ur .li-.liuiiig ''es, or t ruin r of nnv kind, iikui Ho- "Oregon J-'ly Claiiii," without first obtaining leave. The havoc ii.,w g,.ing on must ha stopped. The uu 'lerrlgiieal julrrnla Ireaimg nil pa rsnris violating tic fr'l'iiremenls of Ihia noli" aa trespassers HANIKI, IIAIIVKV, Kmc'OI', An, 1'if y, Msich 31, r, KI'M.Y'S TEMPERANCE HOUSE, ,1uin l. ,;;''' .1 '"'' A ' !' ,'',i ( ilil'IiiON C l I V . . moil UHOM ITTTI'.D IT with i.,t CI. KAN eoiiiliirlable I'.KHS, for llie especial ai coniiin'dal on of tlie.l'-L !. Iravelini! public. . .. llur IMN1NO II AI.I. ia the.nnear in Oiei'on, our fare and choices ica-'inil'le. Sinijle meals, oyster .uppers, and auppi l a for parlieagol upon abort uolice, in the iiealeal man ner. r a I r a : Hoard per week, without IIkT. S' ' by lha day, and lodginc;, I ''' Single nieala, Nillht'a lodii'K. Oct.'."., IH..!!. E.l). KKI.I.Y.rroprielor. S A1 I liKKV, AND HARNESS -MAKING, OliL'GO.Y CUT. TAM now cam inn n a Saddler'a and liar nrsa mnker'a b"p t Ii . nil. and have con. slanlly on linii.l the b. t of Kt'jitly-inatlo lianifss siulillt's, lui il'li'M, Iwiltt-rs, limi t t ti LraN, and eveiythintt in my hoe. I inn alao ready lo make lo ..r.ler aiiMliuif in mv line Ihal univ be c .Hed for. on a abort notice. My mono is, Make a t'.axl arlicle, nod sell il cheap I aobnl painni ngo al home and II""' abronl My eslabb.hiueiil la uciiily opeaite I'liaiinan vV .niiel's DM 2laud on Muni street. J. II. M ill! VM. April 3, I ..!.' IVupfi'ty li' Salo. Til F. C II A M I'O E t) Ft OCR .W . . r 1 1 1 1 S AMI. I., .iloali.l al line r.Miilb. .fa 1 mile iroinl'liaiiipo. u 111 llo- uiol-l --I H"' il"'..l tra 11 grmni.K ciiiiiiIi v 01 iiek' .s nlbonl ..r sale I lui iiik lo Kb water 111 wmler, can be abipH..I ibre, t f' "in Ibe M il In Ibe mill is a i; for lecoiviuK 11 beat, a dw. lb ok bou.e and i;ai d.-u of the ieiou 111 i haioe Ilia win 1 III'. 'area ri.K .I'aK". The in n l 1 v "I ibe 01 II ' of v Atl i' b. il and luring I..I I l.n tl-e ill' piopi'll) , II sllllel or 1)1.(1 Ii 1 y , ItaViuK hern ittiM.Me.t limn lo. Ii.l.-r, N. V. Th. ro are I110 run. of die b l Kr Ii Hot.", and an . I p .'"nl run ol .inall. r Hon. It. r bed, A... 'Ill" flame ,.lk. I.o .tl eu Ih, iV 1'.. c.i 11 10 'I be .in pa, eil 111 I llrjj-ni a ml Ibe noil III all re. p. cl. la ibe b. .1 111 llie Male. J'or arto 11 ai.. .ip,.t.. a'001 -bouM be made lo 1.I.1) I M.I.W. I ... a. M.hiM.Vi. s'"'",r-.'. or to A 'l"i; Il.i.llli"'ii, Chauia-e. Jan III, l-l." Il'f ';,".i ' 1' V S a mis Sttrstijmril . F..r Purify i tg tho Bl ...d, AM' lull I Hi, I t ill. HI Si ri. fills, Mrll I I11. .... s. Klli'illllUtl .11 I'ui nn ii'is l',.n.ti ti-. Sin' Inn 11 nic i'., I.ivrri i.l.i nt, ), II, .'in In'i-, Sl I'luiioi, 1 .11 11 1. . --., Into Sin Ii. inj;s, 1 1 1 lli.i a.o, lailo.. iii. nl of ill.' II nil's ami I uni", I'i .rr S.iii-., I''i inalo t '.nn. .l.lllll, l'i') -l r 1 f 'p.'llir, l'iiii.t... Itil.a, (lllirr tl I li'lil I . il , A . ., itc. It has ton? Irt-ru a mt .nip .rtanl ration 10 ibe pr. 11 I re of Inrilo' ,ne, 10 i.blaio a lenieov sun lar In t ns, ami ai' .... hud it ie...i ir 1 10 aim mI uu v. r. . Ilv 111 ad lb-...- t.omeiiioi i..- ea.e. ,.f Ibe .kin o 11 I 01 a lu lb. 1 at 1 1 rni 4. an. I n. In lha b--.iltb I. 1. an. o r, ap in-i.t, tn.i di.oife. taut. Il arts .iiiin.l.i..eoii.l, in Die ilnsii II, the rial i 1 Tins, nol th ri ., and tbil.lliiee (.riM-r,.-., mIi.iIi ate o. il -, . an. i lb.- . Bull III Tllar.l ll'.lerenl Kiu.l"l 111. , nlr r .r ried .ill al III. Bam.- I ma lbrnui..b tbr ni-liolii. o. lably .f Tills iK lenielial anient. lis merit islbal it meets and il'liri,l.'i:'l llie .. .te prnir p'e ot dm a-r il-elf, .m l m b.-u i K"oe, llie rvnipt.oiis here. ..11 ilv ll'.apj.e ,r Tlie f.i p illl. nil win. h the p 1 1 lent reri.veia brail II mi J atlriilh llioler lll.a U'ple nillu. lica is .inoiiii i EMARIC ABLE CURE. l. I'lii .-t, I Uvnii Ter , ) 1 M .nl, II. I-ti ( Mrs. Is A I',. A t) S.sns r A.ok: t.en ' lleineii. In the spring of I i -1, .1 bile iillnur 0 al fioill I oil a lla In this piine, lull cbl .t lV Wa. aeieil tt illl a BHelhni; ail I .evere p.iin. ill llie lei. w hieli ,1 ii) In il,i) K" w wnr-e, until los lea. .-,,n . trartril and became u .anilal I1 ,il be !! n I walk, and we ha.l lo bull a'1.011 like an in. la-it Wrrrarbe.l Abiov on Ibe .'Id nl 1 1. riiiii.leli ly w..n nut b) Kv tins lour, be a as reilu, rd to a H-rf.-rt -ke' Ion lie's ur were i-iial.le. t in con. nit a phsir.i,i )r ,l:' M ho hnue.lly rioife.-eil he r all I not ille lolll. al 1 Ihi.ugll be rniild ravr Inm meibi-nie 1b.1l a. 111 d re. heir the p nn. In Ib-s evi .-en. y sometlmi inti-l ' In. d'.ne, .r .le ith ivas inev, table, ll.-ni rei-.nn 1 III. inled In Irv V'Mir ar..iiiaril!a, I pi", are, I ., b-.l- ' lie. Aller t,ikl" , lie, he npjie iieil; bit per.eieilll.' Willi il, I 11I1I.1 nei a e I Inilllr,' H In. b aeeiii, d I'i irappb- with tbe di.e ie, it'll l ull-ed a lltillki-d illliiriiveiiienl ; the aivell nj, : pall. .11 the legs Were red ireil, b" uppet..,. m,. 1 proved, and bia 1 ailor bea in In r, hit 11 Thus ru- 1 murage I. pur, ha,. i a Ibnd '.ollle ; JK ' 111 II the swellings 111 Ii s legs, niul ..,o,e 1 pu ces ol bone one I'lgli'll "I an nn li l"m e.,,o out, a'b r birli his leg, aira ghl. m il anil healed up Ile 1a now prrlra-ily r r.neieil Insuiiap-, pearam a o I-iiik a cnpple, and can p rL.nn ". am is 01 r. .11111001 la s.r, us all our nr ,is r einijr, , oiiri., i espe I 1 1 II l ) , c 1 . t .1: m is Prepared and an'J by A II. .J ) SAX US, Vl,,eaalr lri. gsla, lOil I niton .lleel, c-'lller ol W'. Ilium, Naa ink Sold d.o hy II JnllN-iilN A Co . .Via Finn ruro; KICK A CO I IN, .W,,.i,,, It . Ali IMIN (, ,V CO, Nuntmrnioi ud l,y lit ii..( sis gen rally. Ia. sI KKKK, Ag. nl, Oirxan jl lin'l i'loics and Waonx! V ... 1 ' IilacksinitliiiiLr l' all K'imls ilmn-1 to oiili-r. j IKKKI iiIivii)si.ii band STEEL PLOWS, ' iriiirimlril In trout uml do ua good ui.rk ua i .... ,,.,,, nitia 1 t-M ai niHi, Inm.!, )ii wild WAGONS. I can alivava be f .tint mv Imp, npH,.ile Alt liinlay s, le.nly 1,1 ,,e ),,nr, or do all) Hi ng In tin line nf mv I Call mid are. J. W. ,.U .S, Oregon Cily, April Id, IKVl. if CAST ST EE I, V Ij ()V H ! rpilK underaigneil ore now eii(rn"e, in maun. I fm lur, no aoiun nf il. HUST I' ANT. STEEL PLOWS ever made nn Ibis coiai, wh ch Ihey ore not afraid to warrant, mid which they are selling at I'llcra i anil m. Times, M a have made minimal iinprnveiueiiis oil our nld pnlleril, on I lltre.e who linvc tiled our plows give Ihein lha pn-f.-n-io-n oiei- uny i.lln i lin y biiva en-r tii... Wa nro rairyinir on nni-ti.-ii. aiva loauill.trlory. ami iuleml to ki cp up wilh , rapidly iiicietieiug il.-iu and. If yon want a (.llllll l,OW, of eaaydmn, Hl'd sura lo aoour, ((rl oun of Rinriirmiii'i llnlr milt Plowi. V A, W KVMvAIIMlN lln'rv -l, Mar h '.;. '.(; lihickwiKid's Magazine AMI Tup. Hritish Hfvitws, Qroat Xuduccmcnts to Bnbscrll, FUHMIVV Ax7) Ui:F:T,USls IW'OTT A C(l., N:v YiMtlv . to publish 11,0 1'ull.wiMK Il-Hd-H liS! r riiidii ala, I u t aervnliv.'i ( JL. I UI. l.lHl ll UI.1V ,u. . I Wl. IVI IIIVIIIHU Kvi,,!1;'1 (Ki1-e ( biiichl. ". . iui. r.siMiHii.u nii.iU, ft. Hl..l.UoniH M.U.MM'. (Twy). The prcaent ontlt al slats of Kurnprn ,ff will render lh.' pulilienl uns unusually Im,,"" mil liming lha foilhciim iiK year. Tliay ,i"' cupy a middle uioinul b.Onruiil,, lnal ,y nmis ileina, cilid. speculalinns, and II a aau turn." l the dally iloutnal, ami the a.iul.i,lu. iJ ) llie Inline h atoriaii, written atli-r lbs lniuij.i, al mid evcileiiu'iit nf tlio Ur,-a pu,u(, ,.Vf Ibe I me shall have pue. awav. Il u ,1 I'l riod c ils thai leydi ra luiisl haik loi J teally IlilelllK'I'le ld lelnibls Ii al,y ' events, and as such, in ndilll on In thrir ,,. 1.1.1 shed llleiarv, sclrnlllii', ami lheoliitltWi in ter, we uige them upon the c-oiiai.Ur..lio ( tfcj ii.iih'i.: public. The receipt of Ailvanrr KUrrii f,cm lli h.ll piiblisliela glVra nddltioiial v, llepr nts. mas oiii-li ua Ihey nm lloa. pt(f 111 ibe lunula of Biilmeribara about II a.iai u li nl filial e 1 1 1 1. Iiai. 'I'lill 'IV UrguUr Price.) l'nr uny nut nf tin fiir l! vn i Vw .r utiv trtn l lh f"tir Krvnwi j r ( unv iiiffn in in- intir l,. v I in till Imir tifllii I. in n it '..r lll ii k iMit' Mni.'tiiii ... to .. i la) .. ) (10 .. i (10 ... 1 tin . t 10 ...lUM I Ur llliu d0'id mid m- Itfvirw i(( i Inr I Wan kv...., mill iwo llnirw ',.r IlLtikwinil mid Ihirn Kcviihr ' I'.ti Hi ti kwuuil mid lli tout Urn ,., i(-r.ii.i:. ' Tlit r. ri..r to unv ul of llie l'uHnl8inf, ! W lin I. nl Wit1-rinr t.rW t y r,f i i U'n d," uu-l i.ut Mttitirt Cmt'i ,ym lor ctrll til ill' I 1 1 r tt ; Al llir ' nr. tlio l'riili ill fif. in .lit J 1.. 1 Mil. AMI It 4 rrcmimn to New Bubicribtri, ' ill.- N - Ml I I If Bat (Mil r.4 hiin-alti-tl 1 ntt.fil tc it tout i(Viiianii rW I ' l.tikf t If III" I I'll III' Ittl Alalj4inii m ti Li, , it.- " I Ii uii I.- I iili b) ar. Kmc, n In ' r ir id. ,. .r f,.y, ihu) Ihi rc4Uii) lit HI 1 l It" II I i!iM H ll I li I , .SlI .T. I'.l ! II 11. 1. H l.u thr ,al lf iM.l ii hr "0.i if. I nt I lit lull-1 W II," MrRKMKI.t UtlTU Splnulid OUVrs For 185D, 'CO, and 'Cl together. K-.t III 11 I . r .10) I ... a.., k ,1 o-.r. l il-ne, 1 1,., toie . e .1 . . 1 .1 .. Keli. w Iirra iesri,iA. ' ' ' JK ' ' Sit) Ii . k ... I;:... k.. loee IN- k ..-.I and V .. al lol I w ' 1: lias I'J to II e lit! 13 I I! II w . It I I. w .....1 ... I llii re lir. ir as 'l.e I. till K 1,11 ' II 11 1. I! ... I I Ibl' lunl It. ll'. ni .-I tbr 11. ok. a II nl.n U farsal.-4 t.i .Aru- 1, s.' 1 Ait 1 1 1 ol 1 Ii s ) . 4 is Is.MI, '7.4 'W Il .t ie h it' ll.r Rrnnl.ii .Su.,i,;.i. J'i I 'o.s 11 ,nr Sul.ti ii.'.er m.iv o' Ism llis Krrii.ll .-I li.e ) our Kev el. s .11 I lost k'. d Ht I nnsrrt.llvr rs. far tUtl l I, . b.a mill tin p' 1 e nf thr sri'iasl ll (el one i , ,, r .e.b,ll u irr agt n le bk 'y t.. olTsr lack II Inr 110 i-l. as llo.e Ii. f. prf.rn'e-1, Now la tho Timo to Subicribf ! ff .eiioii..n, e n.iMt, ,a all laaii, he mada In f I lo lr 'i,t.i..4'H. I I at tl.rsa (airsi it 1-10010 .01 ran be a I- l.-afrlils, Ail lie. a. II I I A II I M tl A CO, N.i .1 1 I.. I ! nrl. Nrar York i; n 1: a t MEDICAL Dl S COVERT. HI () ll.l. H Hluoil iV. Livrr Syrup, nn Silts I 'I RILL I I.V) STILLISOi, ti ll IIIK lilt)'- I'I" Si ii'l'iil.-i, S i!iililii', and Mfrvu I)i-fa---, (). miivsi, kin tli-i'M-n-a, anil iill other , I i -.cases wli nil are caii-cil lV ail Itnpuro st.ito of' tho Sloodl THIS IM.iiOU I.I V KK SVKt'P j r h ' 1; it n 1 i;i jt To cure nil s minimis and "ilier diseurt fill iiiiuiaie In 111 tbr bi.o,.ii oa U'H' l.i.AI) TIIK si A I KMKNT OK Mil H tl. W II.KIAMS, U 1.0 IS K'del III lli'V 1 1. oa.,- llil.llB.lls t"""' r. g i'ilnig Ibe cure of Ins ibiiigblrr. l to all appe araiic. scr ''l"l f..i bf .th li'ile 1I1.. a.e, M 111 If I 1,1 ! CiM isri, F.b II, IW Alr.saa A f,. 'inni t. A C" . 1.... . li.. ,ln lawiilltM. "a I T.ll ,-,1 I irei ... U...J - . In 11 km w what )our lll.sid and baa ibme h i 111 tl.iugl.le id that b "' . .1 . it oib. 1. wh.iaull. r with h aaiua a-sse-( kiioa of it. ami by its u dernr I""'1"' a M) dauglil.-i I.I..4 has been son I) aHMIil'" M . II' ) I I I. A , nllrmled wi.ll g.ral s.W" 1I1.111 two ). ul. Mir ha.l s e lite. Hi n J I I, rr. on one of In r leal, una I"' j one 011 hn hark. They r"""UlU Ibe boil. a an that ahe could nut aalk. l lime, f 1 Ihr b (ll ii-coininrlulli" I . Illtealaii.l l.ner Syiup in ciiiuig ik h ajiafa w as nn luce. I loll) il. hhe ri.niiiirn''' "'j', uml aailio, l ie a. led on lb-' blood, W ' ro crd 10 heal. Tlio huil'i r. aiiuigbl she 1 w C C strruilll 1 ' ml) 11. ed Ibiee hot I Ire of llir IllrJia . JJ4 11 walk 'pnla well, lour llkaal uU Sirup baa done wonders in MeLTing li'" ' ' Wild th. gieal eaperl, I r.uia ayo-r. 'sTATK.MKNT uK l:I.V IIOIIA- K wB' r 1 i.k. . . ,M, fiiij Uimionaiy .' ..r ' rnrn ihuirh .,. CnnsaiTi, MrrliSJlM' AIrsnsA K. Hi'oVII.I. k IM-- , Hear Hirs:-.M. McW dlian... Kl-. in Ibe rbuirl, of wh ch I am pastor. 1 , rpiiiuitril wilh Ihr cin umslances of lli ' In. daughter, and I have m hiihw!V "I Ihal I 1 ulrr tl nr. truly w'-odeiful' lllillAi K i,u Kc.iVM.t.'a II1.0..11 am I.ivm M"f 'of " ' all ihr in 1110 pal llim.'ulsleevrrywuei'' llr A. II. SI KKI-K, fo'i'WL, (iKO, W. MNKKK. auflces-or to I'ark el "a Agent, .Von Fi,iri,ra. KM Wesl.ii.""" I, nnm Irr iki-I General Ayenl "'V IMI. Ill IIM .A rMCf I" win. h are olleied lo Ida r'V' ,., l Nno Yiiih pric: without HjlrL.- Tor nIf)f- I ,V. -I, mljoi g Hie Ala.'Mle Ihnlilll'J, llns cilv. Iliiilile ill llir Allf'l" """' III Clly. Rliifll .1". tw'0 rpn7r "ToVS. - ' ' irUiA 11 i.L siiiti.v run c iiiini"-- A fl, Nea Vea.'..u.t rec.icioa I'ee I