jVotico of PUnolutlon. MlllR lir"'"l .1 . '-1 "',' Fl " a I Iinil f'lillaiailiL 1 llM Itllflll rl-iR lirin "I """", W,"'r U i1'1" ,lu lllb'C.',' .must b Iiuil Id thrill, uud .""'Mil of II" " wi" ,,V ,, debiaoi JA(:i,s, WOI-1-' A CO. 0(,.,o..(i-'"'-'Himl' JAC'OIIH A IIHO. Ut-.tl'liCTFFLLY Inform Ih pimple of lliia eiiyiiwl viuiliiiy llml llt'V c"iitiiino in busl amlllia wl" "Imu" k.-ioii r,a..iwi"i iii.".iHk ,r " u aM 1,1,' fur lliKWiiwn, which will liu sold ul jc ! sheriffs .v.i,:. Ilf IlKUICAM, nil execution has been directed lo me, liwortl uii'l"' til" ul of Ih circuit ',, fl,s Stale nf Oregnn 1t ill" "inly of O'kii'i'1'' '""'""'y ''''I'i iihihIii'K l"",',",' f"lhiiug ili'n r hi-il r.nl iwiuio lyniR n"' '" "' ni'n,""y ami stale, (0 ,(. eg illK Ul M"' "" ll"" f A'miiiirl s Wml' '" Nulilicajliuit No. in township 'I of '"UK" one (I) cut of llii Willnii'1'"" Meridian, one hundred rtio from I In miillitti'"' oumcr, running thane northward , almiK III" wi-lern boundary two hundred ami thirty H" I'"1"' thence i'twmdly al light angles tmr hundred ami ""'y '" 'aeill Immi'lit V (if III" claim, Ihenixi ouihwarilly along hnI lioumluiy w" huiulrril and Hnrty-livo nxia, llirnr wealitiirdly right angle one hundred ( nali lo Hi" l,ll,r hcgiiining, riinlaiiung two IiuiiKi"! end tliirl y-ll nt:r'; he llm nuinn mum , or ! ' tii;i' I r willi ull llir building, improve- j IDttnr, appurtenance, ri llmr Ho l. louring, (or III" poil"" "f inlureing deer nf furrelos iir iT "M,"K"-" """I" ',v "'' court on III" Hi It dityef March, I Nil I, in fnvor of titmgr ItiMiumii , iwl iijuii"! lull" I'- I'""1 ' ''"'"I'll" I'imI, fur I lh inn of uik iIkiiimimiI Inn liuiiilinl ml lrniy ollr nnl inli'i"! "I III'' M'" "f lwn I'T rrnl n . ninulli, li'B'lli'f "Hi' "ml"'" ilullnrn mill rinlily niiU f""1" "f " li'i' " '" li"r"ly ivfii dial liy j tiltui' f "'Tlllinll I will nil', r III" lilnivr- tlrarnlinl priiji'My for "ill" nl mirliriii lo llm h'i,'li- cat Imlilfr fnr f""li "ll Wriliirxhiy, Kiliruury Wli, I IHIW al 'Jn'rlm k r n , m Hm riiiirl-liniix' ilimr m I l, jiiii CiH . In ilify Kuiil i l ruliMii mill ('! mid fji'miiMLt JHIIS' Till M AS, ,lmi !!.', IMW. .S'lirrlirf'liikiiiiiiii Co. Notice tii i' (mutiny city m:its any nA n iniii'il ly III" I ri jih ( ' i t y l'"r 'idlniii fur llir iiiImi of furiuiui' n liln.lc KJmi.iI Th Srlii will li im,iii i mi MmiiUy, Jniiu rv 'JIlll. ' Mil"" lf"ll llllrnta All rliiMim illnn III" ililrirl will it tlimlti(l mrK, tu in rn i'riii li Tim rl.MrHTin mini lira, mi Ku liiitr, Sirllin, N ' rili ii if , Mnnlitl anil I'iiMi. I AiiiIimm no, lii"iijriiiliy, I irmnuiar, ami llm Ilia lurv "f ill" I'liilnl Slalra. 'uiiia milai.lr of llm ilialrirl Mill U ailinillni totlira" mvilfu., ir Ipiiii. al 1 ml l arriny rtlra aluily " Ilia rliurfr will Ira I IIH or ll,. riaaau-a, 'J I'd Tltr lnriar alulia will not In1 allnwril lo otij. py III' I""" 'I"" 1 i'i" rlrim iiiary. A rail-fill ri'KMl-T ill Ik 'l uf ill" all, ml anir uf arry iiipil. .Siiim will Ihi aliiiittiil fur paa 'linn half a Irrm 'I union viiial kt im ul al llir iiiiuMIk of rv. rv Irrill TiifnW, wliui it-irnila oi (iiiariliana, rirlii out f tlf iltiitri, h ill Im rliaritl Ilia aulr.iiiin frr, a.r iijiiti; lv llir iiioiia una uf llii- rily rlinrirr. Klriiiriilury 'iVil llika SNiiilrr .Vcnra, Krailara anil .Vipilcni ; M.iv.p' Aiiilmiftira; MrXally'a lcaiailiira; I'miirii'aSpriraof (iram inani, aiut W'lliaril'a llial. I'.S. A. Tra'hrni, 11 Irrill - Itrf li II ,TKII"0I, Plllli 'ml ; N . W lUllnl I . AI-Ulll, 'J.l .lrl I ; Mia. N II. ArhiHaiiN. I'riiniirv l iariiniiil Mna K l. ItiMiaaa Kill givn iiiMiunliun oo llm I'lami I'uilr, al fnriii T ariniiiaiy itir.ii. h.ia.a lliarl.x, hiii't uf His I'uy lli:ii I S. In. J. )ri-L"'ii Cil. Jan 1, I"!'.-.'. 31(Till() HlK'IvS. Ill VK a frw llir.riiimrlrr IiWhI MKIIIMI III I K I. WIIIS, wlnrli I will aril low. My lil.irr la ! Mill. -a tlrat of Llf.llrllr ll. II ADAMS. IH-r 'ill, I Mi . i l,l, llir iiiilrlilrd In ill" luiilrrm'llril nrr lirruli) n iirlril lo nmkr tlli'llirnl uf lllnr arviiuutu lay llm ll uf Jnii , HI '.' In rim lliry nir uai .imir. liy lliut liinr, I may plucr llir aamv hi an iiin.'rr'a liamla fui rollMlimi A. II STKKI.K. I)iirnii City, Dre. II, Irfll. IVotico to Tax-payrrs. fp X -1" AVI'.ltS who ro ilrliiuiiinl fur llm I yr.ir I si; , r ill nl III Slu-nlPa ullii' and rtilr iiiiin..lialrlv, if lliry would aal nxla. Ilia i iM-rlrd lli.it a largo it Iirr of riiia willl-air Una niiiiuly rally III llir apring fur III una., wlnrli rrinlrra iniiiiiiliai Mvmnil a nn a mi. JOHN TIUM AS, Ja. I, 1 1li?. .Vlirnff f'larkamiui Cn. 1ST OK I.K'ITKIW riiiniiiiiit in Hi" I'i J nirirr al Orrjon I lly, OrrKmi, on lli l.'illi ul IVIiriml), Mi.'. Ill ll.iikrll, Jumm (TiamlH ra, .1 F (.'amron, llamrl Fonl.S I'liillilaml, .lolm linnUn, laai' li.ivr, Juliii II.iiiiiIiuii, lii-orif" W lliiinukrr, I'a v d II .lark.ni, A V Lull, .Inmra Milkr, Mra Ma ry I, Millrr 'J, Jacob Itulilmia. HIV Sliarrwk, II Whrl.r J Ft .ihi, I. M. ViolUl'a l.lfa PIU. T li liijlli aii.laniird crltlmly ttliirh llm pr-iniliriil inrdirinr lioa ad vii.rnl for ila nitnrinlil" i llirm y in "II Hi" iluwnx wlnrli il prim"" I" cmr, liaa reudrrrd 111" uaunl pratii " of uatrulitlinu" piilVnig nnl only uuinrra wry Imt unwiirtliy of llirm. lliry nr) known liy llmir ftuiUi lln ir gixxl woika l. nfy for llirm, imil lhy lliriv mil by III" fnilli of tin orrdulmia. In all r.iai a of rualivrnraa, ilyarpi, Inlioiia olid lim iflri liniia, plra, rlinuninlMl, frvnr mid agua, obalimil lirad ai'lh-a, and all (rnrral ilrruns mriilaof lirallh, lli"" Pill li Miviiriiihly provrd a rriuiin uuil airily rrmrdy. A unifl trial will placKllia Ufa IMI" bryninl III" rcarlioVconiHililion in Ilia raliuialiuii of i vrry palirnl. Dr. Moir.it 'a I'li.i nii Hillrra will l fminil npial Ijr i ITn'ui'ioin in nllca of iinrvmiaili bilily, ily "ii, liimlni'li", III" airkn" inridrnl In frmalra in drln ai,. ultli, mid fVry kind of wonknraa of lli" iliraliri urn ana. Fur "l" lay Dr. W. II MOFFAT, 3S: llmadway, Nw Vork, nud by Midiniia Dinlrra nnd DruffilaU ("nrrully llimiilimil llii'i'ounlry. V- HUTIIMt" ,'or INKTANT HK ilO 1 IliMili MF.F nml PKIIMANKNT f'UKK uf tliiarliatrvmitiK ciniiplail t BRONCniAL CIGARETTES, M.,l. by C. . HKVMOlIll ''. 5H wny, MiW VOltK. IW,H,M) NrlH ant fnn by ioal,-l3 ""rduiru bira, fwu by t'.Kfirm. Foil HAI.K AT AM. lWUiilST8' Onco Moro. J IIAVF. A0AIN tiONK INTO TIIK LIVERY BUSINESS, ml will krrp linraaa per W""k t W l--r Miittlm fmi a'' n.nl,lil Km Inm pr day fur anddlo Inirnoa I Tin pricra will b cliiirji'il llll furllirf notion It Kin n. I Imrunfi w MAUKH, f'Ol.TH.iinil FII.I.IF.H f my imii rnininu, llmt I aoiiIiI i.rlmiif furnllf T.rnp.riy. H. W. MOSS. )riKiiiiC'lly,AiiKinill7, Ihfil. 3m D. I HTKPIIKNSO.V, D UNIT ST, linn frniovril bin ""'1111 lu Hi Nnnmurnr Ihr An!' firfi wli' i" li l (iri-purril l il'i nil wmk in hi" linn. UKOVKK fc BAKER'S NOISELESS SEWING MACHINES. FOR FAMILY USK AND Maiiiifiicliiring riiiri:s From ()(), upward ! Over 50,000 in Ueo ! fv. nr. to ssntic tiik rnti.u: thai lh wdl-knowu rrpulaliou of Ihraa .MaL'lunia fur RELIABILITY Will lia fully auatamail, ami in oar rapidly innrrna tug liuamrai lli aams car will ! faithfully rtrr i iard in etrry ilrpartmcnt of Ibair manut'ariura. EVEKY MtrillSE .VO.D IIY IS IS WANNAM ED l. EVERY N EXPECT. Tlir publio allrnlion iarrartfiilly rMurf(rd tu I lie lulluwiuK I'roiii HK-faroviT Itiikrr .SeuiiiK .UiK-hliie Couiimii. l li public, ill Ibnr aagurutaa lu aupply tlirm lvra Willi Si MiiiK .Miirliima makui lliaOKO- l.lt .V II A K Kit Hit. li, inuat not furfl tu pur cliaae Ihrni of tli p irtira wboalutii' ar uuthurirrd In aril tin mi. All inarliiura aawinK fruni two apinla, and in wlnrli on nrrdlu only pt iirtrut III cluili.aud liavinj a frr.l whtrli allonalli ma Irrial to b lurmd ul will, ar lnfnui;f mriila UKOVKK A II AKKU S. M. CO. A rtrd from riln llour.'Jr. All prraona ar caiiliuiid nut lo inak, dnnl in, or ur, any arwinK inacliiura wli.eh from two apoola ami nuk lli allien known aa (JKOVKU A' II A K K It alilrh. uiilrw tli "am arv piirrhnagd Iroin lli CKOVKIt A IIAkKli MiW I Mi MACHINE COM PAN V, orlluir aurnu ur li. rriiarra, and atainpad uudar 111 y uitnt of Si ptrm br lOtli, Hli. Said Company and tlirir I,icHra, alnna, nro lau-all) aiilliorii.'d, undrr liinr own palrnla, and my aul palrnl durinst Ilia titrmlrd Irrni thrrruf, lo make and aril tin kmd uf Sawing Marluu, and all ollirra ar pnocira upun my a,nd patent, and will b dealt with iccorilinKly whrr found. LLI AS UVWK, Jr. q q q q cj q AND Who prfr Ilia " Lock Ptitnli," icnllil loimr Improved Shuttle Miu-hincs, Wliiili are aacially ndnplrd l lliir rnnirriiirul, AND ir THE II EST IS VSK! JJ U. 0. 1JU0WN, Agent, MO (91) Munianmrry Hlrli I9,n3 SAtt MASCISCO Goods al Cost; For Salmon Itiecr. DANNKMIAU.VI A Af.KKItMAN re. pi clfully Milurin llm ciiiirna uf On-guii Cny nml viniiiily lliut lliry uro now olluriiiu tliuir liue luck of llrh'frifi-Wi mm CloUriny; DUKSS GOODS; . -, .c. AT SAN FRANCISCO I'ltlCKS!! Thuai) who want bar'iaiira will do well lo cull aoou. Notice All thine Inilrbtid lu ua will plmao romn for ward and arttle lii-lur thu l.'lli uf Junimry, and m cil, ua an uirirrr will crrliiinly wait on thrm nllrr llmt dl; mid Ihom- liHVinf bill fig.iiual ua nillprraenl llirm for pnytnriit. I)Ani:niiai:.i a ackkhmax. Oii'K"ii City, l)e. 14, I8fil. Dannenbaum & Ackcrman 11 A VK JUST RECEIVED A LAltOK STOCK OF Fall and W inter G O O D S . .cuiiMfttirig (if. . N o w S t y 1 c s o f DRMSS GOODS, Cloaks, S li a wis, Holies, etc., For I he JVinltr. ...Aljm,... The Finest Assortment of V o o 1 (; n Goods Ever brought to this jilace. NEW GOODS, NEW GOODS, 0l' 01'EXLW AT Dannenbaum tit. Ackorman'i, r)ioir (Ac .Vm'n Si. Iluute, ...couaiatiu of... STAriJC AND FANCY I) r y -Goods, the newest styles of DRKSS GOODS, seen as Fjinev I'ojilins, Barepes Delains, lioth ihiin nml fiirureil, woolen floods of every descrijitioii, Solfcrino Shawl.s, Tin utmt rrrt.n or Hieh Silk Mantels and silk ISon ni'ts, and u latye iLssortmeiit of .Millinery straw goods, embroid eries, collars, sleeves, Arc. Gents' Furnishing Goods, Hoots and Shoes, Hats and Cajis, CARPETING, (uf beautiful atylra.) mid CilKCKF.l) MATTING; GROCERIES! &c, &c, &c. TuRrlhrr with lliu Largest mid best selected stock of (T8TOM-MADK Kvor olTi-ruil fur mI uurllmf San Franoiaco! ConiitliiiK of (irnta' aiiM-rfiii" Fri'lich cloth runt ; Rcnta' fin Ilk inimd, mid llurrie' cnaiimri' btiina auita; i-itrii llii" hi'iivy blark durakiu wnt ailk niiod, nml ll.irria caaimrr pmit" ; Lyona ailk vrlvrt vrala; Diivia A Ji'ina' "hirta, with mid without nullum, "lu., "to. r- llrmrntliri lli atom of DAN N F.N HAt'M .J-ACKF.KMAN, wliri ynu will find III" lul"t nml lli ut Mlo-lril nliH'k uf ( ioHHla ovur broufjlil In llna city, which will bo wild Iiiiwcr than can be purchased in Portland!! Oregon City, S.pi. QS, IHI',1. "i'n I'll MltA'.H V. UOIIIIIXN, luiiorU'r nnd Deah rin tvfk, p r v.hhv.m, x vnivnu Matrrlat. ISKS, CANl) STOCK, Nun. Ill ami 113 ClnySlreul San rranclsco. f')' C. 1I0EL if1 CO., A f TIIK 'UNION STOI1K' IlUII.IINt!H. Mlliciil, rrrHn, ...Drnl In... J)ry (t'iml, Grocerirt, llot, ami Shoo; A tan, PROVISIONS uf nil kliiili Wheal nml Oil T. CIIAItMA.N. A. WAHHF.lt. P. CIIA I1MAN. Charman, Warner 4l Co., V EN E HAL COMMISSION MERCHANTS WIIOLKaAl.r. It RKTAIL lcii!i-r III lry ioola, Clolhiii);, Hardware, Crwktry. GliiHHienrt, 7iioa, Short, J'ainlt, UiU, (., lutlinir lire-proof Brick Main MTKr.r.r, Olir.liON CITV, (IIIK'iO. ...F. Churumn, hviii united hia... II A K EN Y, CONEECTIONEH F, . AND FAMILY OltOCKUY BTOIIK lu the eatublialiiiivnt of Cliarman A Warner, the firm will now carry on buHinra in all the above- I intoi! i.ni...l lirunrlira. in lliia cilv. hfili:nir hv allitit I ullrnliun tobuaineaa lo inuril the Coiiliuiird faror uf their old palroiia, mid na ni.iuy nnw om?a aa chuuae to come forward. No puma w II beapured to jive autiafai tion to all our ciiatouiera. Notice Settle Up! ALL thoiMi owing Cmahiiam A Waknkr or F. Charman, will plrumi come forward and luuku awlllnin. il t of their iiidrbtedueiiH, without delHy, au lliut you can all commence dealing! with Ilia new firm of Charman, Warner A Co. All our ih btora will we thu uii.eaaily uf ut I r rid -i 1 1 L to thin call iiumedi.ilely. CIIA KM AN, WAKNEIt it CO. Oreyou City, Aug. !M, IHIil. AO'Vf;. TIM) Th'iriia IliKiik, (;harlra ll. liooik, and 1 (;. W. Itomk, the ii it of kill, and all oilier p. rrona I'oncerneil : Vou and ruch of you arc hereby noiilied tlinl Arcluui Kelly, puiinlniii uf Thulium (i. Knork, an ina;iun pernon, liunfiltd hi pelil.uu ill the county court of Uiickmuna county, Oregon, praying iil court for licrnnu lo ell nil the real enisle in ani'l Male nml county belonging to aaid T'huinaa li. Uoork. Vou ale ihi rcforc di reeled mid required lo app 'iir helurc aui.l cuurl on Momliiy, the :l.l duy of February, leTr.', at the cuurl bonne Inxiinl county, at III u'elock a. ill , of auid d;iy, to ahow cniHe, if any yen huve, why aaid lii euxe to aell aaid properly aliould nut he jninti'cl by an d court. Ily order of the courL JAS. WINSTON, Clerk. lec.!l, 1 SGI . Notice. THE M MINYIIJiE COLLEGE SCHOOL -llfll.L HE OPENED ON MONDAY. V OCTOIIEKT, IHIil, lertlm nhur-e of Iter. (ieo. C. Ciianui.kk, aiwialed by C. II. Mat- TOON. KiMiini can be had for Ktudenla in the College building, if applied for xmii. 'IVrma to curreioiiil wilh the liiuaa. I!y order of the Executive Com. 1IENKY WAUUEN. M'Minville.Sept.", IMil-tf S.c. of II. T. Ilcmoval! t MICHAEL MENGES rnAKES thin melliod of informing Ilia frienda JL and the public genrrally lliut ho HAS REMOVED lo die aland lurmerly kept by Mr. Miller, nearly Ojijiosite Charman, Warner & co. wliiv h hu f.'ilU The Union Market, where lie ia prepared lo keep all kinds of meat, mid to aell thu tame al KKASOXABLK PRICKS: nt low aatlia market will afiuril. I alao deaire tn any to the people that I am Xot (Joini,' to the Mines! hut will be here all aunimer, in 'pile of Cariboo or Salmon Kiver. MICHAEL SIE.NUKS. Oregon City, Jan. 4, ISG'J. tOn Main atreet, and formerly the " Main Street Hoime,") OREGON CITY. mllF. traveling publio nr reapectfully I iovile.l to irive 111 B Call. The Orrgun Home ia the mo! )U an-eii nutly loented hotel ill I lie State, ami liaa been to arranged aa to make it ono of the moat comiuodi uua lion in the country. 77 A' TAHLE will alwaya beaupplied with the beat thai the market alliird. Uoo.l nccunimodaliona for ladir and fumiliea. rilcr: Hoard and ludging. per week $G.OO llourd, without lodging, p'' ' '' UiJ Hoard pur duy, wilh lodging l.fill Single meal "'I Night'a lodging ill J. UOEIIM, IKc. I4.ISCI. I'roprielor. Oregon City Foundry NOT WASHED AWAY!.' f E take plr.iaure in informing the public that we have Repaired all Damages ! nnd got our Foundry ia running order again, and nre ready lo do werK n uaiim. uive ua a run. H. SMITH A 1IKOS. Oregon City, Dec. 21 , ISrtl. Notice. Vl.L peruua knowing theinielves indebted to it. iiti.l..rnriiil bv hook aceounl. are hereby tiolilled In call immedialely and mnke aelllemeiit of the auine, aa nn lurilier indulgence w.u uo given. AINSWORTII A DIEUDoUFF. Oregon City, Feb. 3:1. IMiL Dr. A. H. STEELE, PHYSICIAN & SURGEON. Office at the I OREGON CITY DRVG STORE. OIIK0OX CITY DItUG Sf STOKIiJ MAIN STREET, (Opmsile the Methodist Church,) HAS CONST tNTI.Y (IN HANI) Drugs, Medicines, Patent Medi cines, Kerosene, Caniphene, IJurning Fluid, ttc, ttc, ...AT TIIK... LOWEST MARKET WIVES T. A. J. DISS, Commission Merchant, AND DtaUr in CtiUfarni nd Orrgen Prmlm-e, No. 131 East street, (Between Clay ami Washington atreels,) SAN FRANCISCO, CT TILL h" happy In Iransaet any hitins in V hla line lhal may lie enlriisteil tolilarnr by irislieersr merehan'l ill Oregon. All hnsi lie entrusted lo hla ehargu will be promptly al. Irtideil tnotl ren-nii'ilile terms. July I-tf To Shippers. THE STEAMER ST. CLAIR ix ILL P.DN II E T W E E N OREGON CITY db PORTLAND, ...making... Three Trips a Week. KATES OF FREIGHT. Down trip Up " $ 1 !,0 per Ton. 2 OU " " IT Thine wiiliing to rhip n our bout, will do w ell to mink their freight tn the cure of In ileum tr Kt. Clair. TAVLOU dc SMITH. Oregon City, Dec. 21, 1801. 3ui Sick and Diseased IN OREGON. You can be cured! An Honest Appeal to All with Had or Failing Health. VfiE you languid, inaiiimnte, rentlrna, appetite poor, digeation bad. and I'AI.VS IN TIIK I.I V! IIS, IIODY, IIACK.aud HEAD? Header, much of tlna ia caiiacd from COLD caught un wittingly, or, in aeven cawa out of ten, lug.' h nem of Ihe liver and bloiKl, and want of natural perspiration, indiacretion in the u of f'Mid nud drink, or from a dryness iu the ntmoaphere which ia n very uuheullhy part of thia cliiniite mtiiy of the awful, violent, and SUDDEN DEATHS that occur here mint hu Attributed t this. Now, reader, I have made thia my almly for many yearn, end I do uaeure vou thai my Dl!. WEHIiEU'S INVKiOKATINtJ CORDIAL will cur thine! Crtiiaea it will inaiire aiiimalion of the I.IVKII, III.OOI), nnd HKAINS it atrengiheiw the ni-rvin, and gives to the millercr a liglitium of apirila, a menial and bodily feilinrr uf alrenjth, that ia delightful. The ninny ropecLib'e pernoua who have been benefited by nnl certified toils extraordinary qiialiliea in curing nny of the fob lowing diaeaKa, muat aatisfy all but the aelf-wlte nn I ignorant ereptic Dyspejisia, or indigestion; loss of muscular or bodily strength and mental energy; Fever, Ague, or chills; rheumatic, neuralgic or other pains ; depletion and weaKness of the nat ural functions, debility from disease, dissi pation, too much d o c t o r i n g, debauchery, and OTHER CAUSES. In caae of excitement from conitatit INTEMPERANCE, and where DELIRIUM TREMENS h.ia occurred, I hate aeen it change the aufl'rrer in half an hour from the most horrible Mate to cnlmneaa and placidity. Il can. indeed, bu con uirnliously recommended to all antlering, and the proprietor regreli deeply that it in necenmiry thua to advt rtiM it, in order that it merit muy be known. Sold highly concentrated. Vrleo re duced to $.1, iwo for gj large quart bottlea. Sold by every reapectiible druggiat. The Rev. 'Ruber! Schuyler, of Petulumn, ay: " For year, both myne'lf aud brother have Buf fered au from dyaprpaia, weakneaa of nnd aour ati.mach, indigeeiiun, nod flatulence, that I'.fe at , time waa a burdeu. We have ued your Cordial (Dr. Weblx r'a Invigorating SangL;lier) four day, I mid feel bett.-r than w e have for years. CUANE & IIRICHAM aud ItEI'lNti I OM & CO., Druggiat, San Franriavo, Agent. no'Jy Ila! ha! ha! ho! ho! ho! he! he! he! MISS SL'SAX SMITH, you.-face and skin, though yellow, coaiM, and d.nk uaa ii. and pimpled, fieckUd, sunburnt, tunned, 'liotlrss can be, 1 understand all such defecis lire cured, elope, when woahed with JONES' CHEMICAL SOAP. Your teelh, your breath. You'll out dis pute, by Lnfonl'a famous St).l' TEETH ROOT white as Uie driven auour are made, though yel low, tarbircd, dark, decayed ; nnd fragrant, pure, aud sweet your breath, though putrid, foul u rot ten death ; and that red hair, though in w as came as any mane or tad of horse, silky mid dark 'twould be made to live, by Jones C ral Ha'.r l!e aloralive ; all dandruff, scurf would be removed the hairstopp'd falling and improved i aud reader, i. i i. .i. i. .. dul j lliuugll HO llius uo fM-IIAe, ma ,o;u .it w i I better than we advertise, and ant all (old, reason i able, at every drug store in Oregon. ilgents. CUANE dc UUIUHA.M, Druggist, mi Franciaeo. novjy Will Buy the "Main Street House," Or- City: CiTOIl 0' NE HALF OF THE ITRCIIASE Mo ney lo be paid on the first day of Mnrrli , next -the remainder tn be paid in ono year from ... .: i. .. . that date. II not sol. I ny tne nrn day ul noiu I ber next, it will be ollered for rent, j S. W. MOSS. ! Oregon City, Sept. 20, 18fil. 3m OSWEGO, OREGON. A Ionr!lutt-fc'liol for lloyat "WflLL UK OPENED ON MONDAY, T StlTL.UUI'.K TII, IfOI. ALSO SPENCER HAW, MILWAVKIE, OREGON: A IIOARDINC-SCIIOOL Folt GIRLS: Will be opened uu Monday, SirTKMar. U, ISCI Tl.... ar.ltwos will Imi itrrrnnlii'd and rnndiieted under Ihe iiieiviion of the snbarrilicr, to whom any cnmmuniaitiuiis may tie auureaeeii, iiiiui ine time of oiening, at uregoii taty. August 17, lblil. THOMAS F. SC01T. Dr. It. i. UI'.I.I., DENTAL SURG EO N, WILL perfunn all operations belonging In hie profession, in Iho most approved style. Prices moderate, to suit Ihe li mm. IT Room" i Union llullding, l Stair, SALEM. u"." XnTicK I ilotiro to irive nntiiu that I will deliver u Iwluro on Iho 2'.'d of Feb. 1802; 2 ot'lock: ut the liou.w or Mr. Hob orl Artlinr. on tlio followinir siiIiIitU. rniwesof I ho present wer, Siiritii!iliin, Temiieranco, nml l nriyinm. W. W. IIaiiikr AINSWORTHj&DIERDORFFi WE ARE NOW O P E N I N O IN TIIK Now Tire-Proof Brick, A I.ARUE AND WKI.L-ASSOIITKD STOCK Ot GENERA L MERCHANDISE. Feeling p.-rfeclly secure agnlnal fire, we wilUiovt OjJ'rr Greater Inducement than tvtr lathe public. We are constantly in receipt o (HiO 1) s selected with the greatest care (aa 10 prices and nnslii v. aud are confident lhal our facilities wil enable us to oiler and tell gooili AT PORTLAND PRICES ! (freightnon), and would advise all those visiting this city to purchase gooda, lo examiueour stock and prices before purchasing elsewhere. Wc have, and arejusl receiving, an lnvo.ee ef conebitiligln partnf thefollowing artieler-Ci tl t: CO, 1 rtcltlc, lladley, LniieaieK"i l . II.... L' II li:H... Mar.i.na.. out oilier choice I KIN TO, all latftyl$l Kn(T IimIi i French merniot, Lyonfe cioniii' - III II I I'ClietO IJIIltD, noi Ill black, blue, purple, A pink meriuos, fancy plaice, iaconet, book,wii,A mull muslin, ladus emb. .. ........ L.....I I. in. seU, culiara. Inlkls otsKirie, areas '' inings, I reneh A Hoineslic gingham", fienili i r...... ioi m o'. I. lo miied. A rreV sali- net , wool & eollou jeans, cotlonade, bleached anil brown sheeting I rum J-4 lo wiu, um. bleached drill, denims, hickory shining ; Silesia marine, brown, and Irish linen, nankeen, diaper, and crash, a large lot of linen aud thread lacea and edging, hosiery, Ac. MEN'S $ BOYS' CLOTHING : niue, black, nnd brown cloth coat ; 10 dot blk cloth veats, 5 doj white and burl' Marseilles do.. An 11 iln aatillet OailtS. dokit1 vporv miu .1"" , r mid fancy casaimcre do, 3U doi merino and cottoti undcnihirls, grey, blue, ot DiacK cioin mrr co.i., willi a griieralaKsorlmeiil of geuta' furnisbiug gOOllll. .. I.....I n .i.l UO'TS if oiiuoj. Jiii"i .Lt...t. In.lia miuaea. and children' mo- yuuins oo.ji, ...... . -IX rocco, goat, kid, and calf Congress boot, Willi willitful hselsj laoies aiu supper. Groceries: Rio and Java coflee, black and green tea, X. O. China, Ilatavia Island, Ca!. refined, and crushed sugar, E. Iloston, Cal., sugar-house, t golden syr up: suit, 5 lo 2U0 Ibsks; IM) kg nails, asdaiie; II ill' pale, chemical, t Euglish soup, aoap pow ders, powder, shot, . lead; yeast powder, aalera- lus, cream tartar, smoking fc cnewinn wsim, ere tn torn, jieat, tomutor; srou and blatklitr rie, in i lb tins; spice, pepper, and caaaia, parl bai ley, niaccnroui, vermicelli, curu siareu, sun--...I- i llraiil nuU. raisina. Chili peachee, dried fruit; mackerel, in qr II hlf bbU; sardine. A tine assortment of CROCKERY i TABLE CUTLERY: 20 crates assorted ware, 40 dm sleel picks, JO Dutch Hdla hoes. irA7f Ltad, 0'd, and Window Glass; itli a variety of other articles usually kept. It f We will uav cash for wheat, flour, bacon, butter, eggs, aud almost everything Ihe fanner has to sell. Oregou City, April 16, led. .SANDS' SA11SAPARILLA. The Original and Genuine Article. Endorsed by the Medical Faculty as being the BEST and PUREUT t'.xlract of SarsaparWIa mad. SANDS' SARSAPAKILLA Purifies I lie Ulouil. SANDS' SARSATARILLA Cure Scrofula. SANDS' SARSAI'AUILLA Cures Stubborn Ulcers. SANDS' SARSAPAKILLA Cures Cutaneous Eruptions. SNDS' SARSAPARILLA CuresSiruinoua Coinplainls. SANDS' S A It S A r A It I L L A Cures .MeicuriHl Din ac. SANDS' SARSAPARILLA Never Kails! SANDS' SARSAPARILLA May be safely laken at all time it will seoure 10 Ladies a reirular periodic babit, aud ia the very best medicine they can take when arrived at the period called " turn of life.' Atkfor Sunilt Suriajiartll: u let n orr. I'renared by A. U. A 1). SANDS, Druggiali, lOli Fulton st , corner of William, . Y. Fur sale by Kkuisuto A Co., San rraneisco; Sm ih A Davis, PortlanJ J Dr. Stiilh, Oregon City. auli Dx.iirpsla, trever aid .ue, lleUaw Sour St.nnaeli, Heart Hum, Water Ilrnah, llll liousiirss, Liver Complaint, Acidity, Flatulency, ilniiiidice, Change cf Climate, Pics lieadnclie, Lcnsof Aptietile, Female Complaiuts, Oppression after Eating, liene ml Debility, Ac, nre rapidly, e- feclimlly mid surely cured Dy tne u. u t n AT ED HITll.KS. California Etiutnet. .MuXELtuM Hill , Cat., June ii, IS5H. I laving sulFered for fifteen years w ith Dvspciae'a in it worst form, and having cou.ulted wilh Ihe IhiH Physieimi, mid tried everything rrePinmeinlJ without relief, 1 was induced to try the OXYOiK- X A PED IHT I r.llS, nml before 1 lind tnkcu one bottle, I fotiiul myself much belter, and Continued taking th'in, until I waa entirely cured, and now enjoy as good health na ever I did In my life. I take great pleasure in rvcoiiiitu miiiig mem in an who are similarly alllieted. .Iamm LnMusiinait. The OXYOEN ATED IllTTEUS arewld in California by lledingtoii A Cn., Henry .lohnn.n A ( u.,( harle .Morrill, ttll rranoiacu; 11. n. ilc- Donald A Co., Sucrunieiilo Itice, M nin 4. Co., Marysville; Smith A Davis, PortlanJ, Oregon. w ui.r- ttatnam of V IU I.Uerry.-- The only pure mid geuuiue lialsmn ia, und mr Ih Inst twenty yean lias been, prepareu uj c-arH Fnwi.a A Co., of llostoui and their printed mine, as welt as Ihe written signature of L. Bull; npiH-ar ou Ihe outer wrapper. Aa yon would eroiJ the spurious aud Aurs the genuine, lkt ne otlirr! WisTA'e IIauam ur iLDCmaav. Thia in vultiablr remedy is ihe beat one extant for the aafi , sure, speeiiy, and permanent cure of tough; colli: 'ore throat, bronchilii, atthmn, ;irriy, pneumonia, croup, a hnnping totiqh, hlf ding at the turni: fain in the brtatl or tide, and In Im t etrry form of Ihront, clu-), and lung complaint, a well n Co.mVMrTloN Itself. This hntiM'holil remedy aliould be lit Ihe bauds of every fnniily and individual, aa a limely aipli cntiou of II In (light cold will anuM inmieilial) relief whll rasea of long standing, obstinate, ml apparently incurablo chcrarler, will sinely yield lo It wonderful curative powen and il great adaplollou to the Waula of man when in flicted. .. , For salo In Callfnrnla by r.edinglnn A to, Henry J oh neon A Co., Charles Morrill, Hap Free. ficot K. II. McDonald A Co., Sacramento 1 lllce, Coffin &Co. Maryivillet Hmilh A Iavi, lVrllmid, Oregon, MJow