nttemptun; to run tin; blockade it Aiiirus In, IVe ;Nl, w-is captured, uiiil schooner hiii, I )'V, ol' Xiissrtii. laden with siitrar find molasses. Tiii' Isl i'i l Hi If was Imill nt Charleston, but sailed under the Uritish flag- Gen. McKinstry is lo be tried us soon ns th'' Auditing Committee finishes its work. Fremont's debts ulrcudy uuditcd umoiint to to nine millions. Tin) Semite Foreign Affairs Committee will soon report u bill lluyti IV. Cheevor preached to mi niidienee of 4.000 persons in the Semite Chamber at Washington, Sunday night. tien. Puller has arrived nt Washington. 'I'he F.rst K.'ciinent of Kansas Volun teers has hern sent to Lexington, Mo, to take the town from the rebels. The inovemuit from St. l.ouis down the river is active, but its destination is not ulloncd to be nibl shed. Cairo dispatches sav that as soon as troops arrive, they will be pu!ied into Kentucky and Tennessee. AM of Hurnsidc's expedition has cone foui Ft. Monroe. The destination is un known, tuit supposed to be Norfolk and NMinington. The stemisli:p Constitution, with the 1 -J ! i M line and Hay Stale K'lriments, has siild from Hostou lor Ft. Monroe., Jan Hih The Hank Com - nrssioners and Hoards of Trade from the pr i.eipal cities, nt Washington, nre st II ill eoiiMvuee. eey Chase luis no delintle jil.iu agreed upon. information desired by the Senate, denies The Chicago Tribunes speei d corrcs- cer having made contracts. He lift such pondent says; " Whatever may be. the 1 work to heads of I Vpartnicnts. motives lot the removal of Cameron, it is; (;cn. IVnv. r is to be transferred from certain Stanton, his successor, is sound on ,0 tip department of the West, in Cie slavery question. He is an iiitimsitt Vir-'inui. friend of Sumier and Chase, nnd favors ; str k;ng the rebellion in a tender spot I ' Kansas contested ease The appointment is satisfactory to Came- j terminated yesterday. Lane is entitled to r , .. ' j his seat. The vote stood '21 to 10. The " V. Tribune savs a new military I Several war vessels have just started for .1 pot has been constructed nt Key West. j Hie Calf under Commodore Farrugut. 'IV Constitution, Ft Taylor and Tortillas The Postnlliee iVpnrtment fears nn nt will lie commanded by Hen. Prelum. t,,ck on the Overland .Mail stage by Indi- The N. V. Tribune says it is tnn.ored " wlu) "loie l,wW t!""- rebellious that the Hnrnstde Expedition is to rendez- I I,rt HovI letters says the rebel loss in Tons at II itterns Inlet, ami make 1 allllico and Alii, marie its ti-M ol npi r.i- lions. It is understood Ho-moke Island is . , i, ; r .in; i i.,. i to lii a ttaeki (1 1 1 S 1 O V tort tll-d UV o- U00 ri b. Is. '.! v. Todd was inaugurated at Colum- I n,, yesterday. In his message h lao;s the vigorous prosecution of the war, and eohiMes in th" purity nnd patriotism ol 1'ividcnt Lincoln. Ail the troop, at Cain;) Douglas nre un il. r 111 il hlng orders. C.ur.o. Jan. 12th It is reportul from Fr "tleiick. M l , that the n b.l (ien .I.i. k- T .ine, date. I yester ny, says the cxp.ifi son iitt'ii ke I P.oinnev, and has been n- ' (ion va.s Within twelve miles of Culumbiis. p.i;'.e,l a lo.s o nee liuinlrcil killed and s n'y woiiiiiImI. Two hundred were taken pri-oic rs. ClIICAflo. Jan lolh P. M It is rep- n sent- G-n. .McChllatl is daily iiiiprov- , leg iron) s,c ivies'. Tin- IV -sid-tit IrN npprovi-1 of the joint r solu'i.ut CXii! Hi itory uf the Act to ill ir use th- dutii on ten, cofl'.e an ! ugnr Mi-". Myri (iaiins hs received permis sion to go to Ni w Oiliuns via I' Mo.. roe an I Norfolk. Tin- Pr-Ment S g.-l's on w II , an I l."t r-ceiv Gell -a v- ii t'.'O good an o.ti.vr. The Chicago Juiirnul lias dl-pa!elnSi Irinii Cairo, eont.iiuil g le-ws frnni Ciial'lev , tun to Jan. Sjlh, .Memphis Jan. 10th. ! Prig Kil l W ar!y had run th" bio. km!-f-'M arrived at Charleston, brii gin,' Prill li'll, bearer of di.-jutcln s facu Yum v in Ii.J.icl. ' ! Th" Van D'tn-n .ro-s has an count of a fijl.t on Jt.c 2'i;ii "g 1 : ti-f , III. I II I'i.- "N'l III I illi'. i.l.. I' "fl n ti IIOCI. ' 'i'll" filhcvhig Confedera'e Gme m's have !. d aii I r s 1 it-i w. thin a year: Maj .(Jen- ll.Vll K T.lil'g-1, resl.'u'e.l; IJrig (Je. Henry II J n k-011. of G .-org'a, ri signed; Hrj'G.ii. W F r. Hrg. (. ,, t;. !e . 11. 1 P Ho'.v. tc-ign- il; Ib'g. (i'ti. F. F Fa-iiHernv, Vir.-'nia, r-sigind; Hrig G ;. It F (i'a mtt, n, k!l d; IVg. fi 11. I! rnaid I See, V.rg nia, il nt !! 1 1 II in; Prig -Gen. Thomas I'. Flour i. 'V. il i d in; l!;ig (ii i. J ihn ! Gr.iv-on. o! Kintin ky die-d; Hrig (ien Si. Gelil'g,; Cooke, COUll II 1 1 1 1 d S il H... e ; J . fl" Thotiips'in, died nt Memphis, J,,n 1 1 1 ; (,' leli .1 iek-''ti. nl New (Means, Ja'l. "ilh; Col, Siiiibriek, died at Nashville Jan. ',1th; he c oil! in iiiiltd the Texas II mger.i. W. C. IV' sloii has be.11 appointed Corn in ni' I r in Chiel of the rc-bcl Kentucky t. ooi.s nt How ling Green. ., ., , .... 1 l.ii I. 1 L'l': (Hi i.U-a Ct.ifnj Mi. f n l-u. 1 . , . . . " ii. V.; ' " ,V' T '"k " " " '"" Ii s been captured by our blockading fleet. More troops Mart'ii today from St. Louis lo join (Jen. Grant's Southern expi... (Ill 011. Lively times urc. expieted. !i uluu 11, l.'niled Statu (.'on-ill nt Ten frill'', eommi'lKl fcuieide in thut place two Weeks since. The N. V. Po-t Ftates, on good nuilor i'v, 1 hut tinn: is 11 party in .Smith Caroliiifi f r.ol' ll.le to II Settlement of tl1(. (J . fli 'IJ ! i y . CiL.ton, Jan. loth Tim Chicago Tri'i'ine'n specinl from Washington, Jm, I pli, says lb" Judiciary committm 011 the bid to I'oiifi-cal" mid emaneipate, stiiinl- four ag:illi-t. Il.i klu.'lll, chull'lllun, is lib 1 1 t. Tic Sh tnife will pins u bill to abolish l',..I.L:ng pr.vileg'-S. Tie Army Appropriation Pill reported from tii" ( 'oinui it' c 011 Ways nnd Menus, appropriates neiirly two hundred millions fir 1 1 1 y of regulars, one million for Western gunboats and for iiruiiitm nt ol fortification, over oiif; million for ordnance, eight mil 1 mis for ti rui y clothing, thirty for miiuu- f.icturiug nrms, uud for national army near ly two millions. Logan, Marshal of tho putrid of (V lumbin, by his co duct in imprisoning in. iioecnt colored people, in Washington jail, tindby insiilfing nn nibi rii of C'ongresi in refusing to let them visit tin: jail, bun enll fd down njion his hrad Indigiuition from everybody. Seiiutor Grimes yesterday in- trslueoil n bill to eer thi jnil of n'l per nlr against w horn no charge could be sustain ial The bill passed ayes, ,i;nocs, U arret Pavis, Amlv Johnson,, I. nth am, McPoiigull, Nesnnlli, nil voted with the Uepiibl.cans. l'rohiiblv the insulting note Marshal Logan sent, preventing mem bits access to the jail, helped to swell the majority for the bill. It provides niter everv session of the Grand jury, there shall be a' general jail delivery of all persons not under indictment and held on liuiil judg incut after conviction of critno. The passport system has been abolished at St. Louis, Federal troops now hold Lexington, Mo. Rebels nre Wing taken every day in North Missouri. Col. Garfield, commanding; a brigade of l ederal ("oops in Kentucky, met the ene my, under Humphrey Marshall, two miles below I rcstonburg, lust rrutnv, Jan loth Skirmishing In van nt eight o'clock, and at one r. m , the leiiral troops engaged the eneiuv, 'J.otlO strong, posted on n lull They loucht till iiiirk, when the Federals drove the enemy from their position Mar shall carried oil a nuioritv ot the dead ami all the wounded. Next morning twenty seven dead rebels were found On the field The eueniv's dead cannot be less than six tv. We have taken twenty-five prisoners, t"ii horses and a uuiintitv of stores. Our 1 Ios is two k.ll.-d and tw. ntytive woun.le.l. j The enemy burnt most of their stores, and j lied precipitately. Jan. lti S.v'y Cameron, in nnswer to th,. nfl'air on Cooper's Kivir, oil the 1st of Jan., was 'J00 killed and woimdiil. ,., , , , ... . , liov. d I'lilue, Ol .M s-ouri, has appoint ' ' . . ed lion t ilon, I resilient ol the Mate ; Convention, to liil one of the vacancies in the I'. S. S-n.ite. The expedition from Cairo into Seees s'ondom, under (Jen. Grunt, is moving rap idly towards Columbus via Miyli, Id Ky, intending to attack by a flank movi un-nt News nf u Lntlle may Le i.xputid to morrow. ' special despatch to the Chicago The Times dpitch says the Committee on the Conduct of the War has resolved to adi'i--tin' iniilli d:a!e of u lull to punish u itli death unv peroii u ho commis lV:i'i. I- upon the Government, wlii'inw a n. 1. 1 r is I ii u ly injured from the self tig of unviuuit provisions; ni.u to puni-li ii.tli un prl-onuient and confiscation of proper ty all contractors uh may defraud ti c (ioi ci nmei.t in the ij lality of goods . or si ri ic. s retch r- d. .News ii-oni ll. I.:;, m ot .1 in. 2 I, ..y that rebel;. rn of I'i n-aciihi It a V hg r. peatediy lir. d en small ti !, I . k 0iMti.1l fir" on th.' r.h-l stmim r Tim. hie'i was I miling si or, s at tin- Nai V Var oli th" It. The rebel lui't. ries re-piee'e nnd tiie firing cont n (it- I till evening I' ck cu' last si .ji .. t (ire to Wiirr.ugtun. Tm conlfigration tout nin-1 nil nigl.t T! pine was si II burning on evenitig of the 21. The lire w .- -en tu ,,t The I. rig .iii!,iiii .'.I;.-, ju t nrrlv tit N. V., reports the Hriti-h sh j, (,";., , . .'.1.1 . -. i, . .... f.)-.w:i:i in" irillor- M i-oli ti lul in. "-"I''. U'l.l..', UV .-. Wl'll.r, If. I IIHIIi.l I .. r. I ..rr,.,.l .. , , l. ...... I . I. I , (1.1 1 1 1 r 'I. 1 Ion Jtli, mil .i.!.i lor M I Iioiii.h Jm lllth, where the rebels Would take Jussag for Fuji ind H- ruiud i pap r my Ann r lea sl.owirl g..o. -- 111 yield ng to L'n laud's (nod. r it" lb lU Hill. Jm. I Cameron was Yesterday con finned in M.ui.-Ur In P.u-s.u, by u vote of -Jl to 1 I. A despatch has been received from ,M,n l-ter Adams, iiniioiiiieiug thnt the pr.vntei Suui'ir, i.ft. r liiving burii'd thr.e Aue rl can veels, ha 1 taken refuge, ut Cud 7. Spain. II -xi ii.ti-r, th" baggige fif every per-on leaving St. X.nw.i will tie in-peePd ijen. Mgei mis Mnrteij with nti nnnv from I'.niln to somir Western , 1 miri. Tin1 gii'diDnts I.i liuijtnn ntid ('anmlnnii (tigagid the ril.el biitiiriis ut Ft. H'tny lip the I . iinci.ri: Kiver, Yi'li rdav Tie ri le Is l Yiicuated, and the Federal troops ... .. .. ... . ' llllder (jell. Smith occupied the lilaee. 'Ih I11" (hailing over ti; Kurt. l in: i oriilicalion inn pniceii. it pro vides for the rep iir mnl ktrengthing of lor tilKMtions on the frontier. Jan. 20 - The State Ilfpiirtiwnt has received notiee from tin; ( Joveriiinint of Pru--i;i nnd lius-in touching the Trent quest 1011. Tim twelve inontli soldiers in tho rebel service will return Iioiiiu when their time j expires. I John 15 Hender-on, DoiighiH DeiMrrnt, nnd a l!rigiuher-(i:iieral in the Slate Sir 1 vice of Missouri, Inn been nppointed U. S I S iiiilor ti, fill 'I'riisfi ii I'.ilL'. .....1 Gi n. Jim I,nii(! is cxpieteil to nrrive in (JuiMgo to inorrow inghi. IP (.fiilT ofli eers luive been seh cteil inn npproved bv (Jell. MeClelhin. 'J'hiy urn nil trim of Milieu hcIiooI or polities. 'Hut (ieneral proeepij nt once to orguni.e his i xpedilion. Col. Hruekett's cavalry, 4, :!')( men, learf thin city to morrow lo join tho expedition ut Leavenworth. The Navy Dcpfirtinont hn received n ile-pnlcli from Omi, (JI110.011, of the V H Steiilner M. T. Detiisou, datnj off Wil inington, N. (' , staling that lie luid Inirned tho light ship, which the ri le Is liml ned ns n beaeou for guiding their vessels in nnd out of the harbor, nnd for securing our vs- fjeu. Hindi is reported rendy lo mlvunce from Green Uiver. All tlio regulurs Imve - .idy bneti tlirown forwnr'I. Ciissioiis M. Clay was yeslcrday con liruu d as Major (, mid Aimer Poiibleday as lirigndier (iiiu ral. Fx President Tyler died nt Hiehinond, Friday night, after a brief illness. A despatch dated Wilmington, ISlh Jan., says that i!4 Federal steamers and It! sad vessels were inside and 7 large steamers outside of Hatteras. More were expected at Pamlico Sound. The Philadelphia Imuirtr has n des patch from the Norfolk JUiy Hook of the ISlh of Jan., 11s follows: A despatch to prominent merchants of Wilmington, N. C, says that a large licet is anchored oil' Cape Fear Uiver, nnd 11 demonstration on Wilmington is hourly expected. It is reported ot Ft. Warren that 15 o iinoke Island has been taken possession ol by Cien. Hurnside's expedition. A forward movement of 11 formidable character has been commenced from Holla Mo., the terminus of the southwestern branch of the Pacific Hailroad. Several brigades left there six days ago. The re mainder of the troops under lien. Sturgis, left yesterday. (Jen. Sigel is to command the expedition. His resignation has b"cn withdrawn, 11ml the President will proba bly appoint him Major General. Jan. 2;!. (ien. Jim Line delivered 11 speech last night at the Treiuout House in Chicago to un immense tiudiciici). He said tiuit the war had been carried on thus far by Conservatives, according to the their notions; for the next eight months to Had icals were going to manage it. This had b. en ugrcid 011 at Washington. In the Senate, yesterday, 11 bill was re ported, authorizing the President to seize nil railroads and telegraph lines essential to the public service. Garrett Pavis, Senator from Kentucky, made a speech against Bright. Height will be expelled. Wilson, lately appointed Senator from M ssouri, and Stalk, of Oregon, have poor prospects of being admitted to seals. Judge Swain, ol Ohio, has been appoint ed to t lie Supreme Pencil, in place of lute John McLean. Sec'y Stanton had an interview in the Senate Committee rooms this morning, with the M .lit ary Committees of both lions, s. Ail 1 ti members were present The Sec'y gue his views freely 011 his plan of conduct of the war, and expressed a desire lor the co operation of 'he ( one linttee. II" stated that a lull list uf the contracts ma le by or for the War P. part mi nt since the comiueiiceiiii nt of the War, w. th the nume of every contractor or pur chaser, should be ma. ie before the l -l nf Feb. A Fortress Monroe despatch says the Norfolk ''" li'O'k of Weilni s, iy has 111 wi from Goldsboro, of the Utli, announcing that 100 V' -si Is of I lurii-i'li-'s expedition are iiis de of Pamhco Sound, and 'Jo steniii- rs outs il" No attack had been made, Inn the women and children were leaving New tu rn, where a light is expected to lake place. I lie people o .MirlulK ami liolils l.oro were much excited. A ppi ar lin es indicate licit Mc('l-ll in s p' III of operations is s. mi '-thing ns fni liia s; A pil.'l ol 1 11 r i s in Kentucky shall ml- v nice into I . nie-ss. e, th" p in nnd. r with t ais.. at Cairo w II op. r. ite Howl ing Green, fee 1 g the C0nfeder.1t' s to uo union th ir pi--i ion; iln ir p-treat w II be 1 ut off, and their coml ti"li w.ll be pre carious. M. nuwl.ile, the M s.issippifiiti liiwlil proc.ed iipon its ni'ssain. If the Hums .e r xp. d.t.on h.ill obtain po-'si-sshin of the North Carolin 1 railroads the ri lu l-' conneetlou belweeii Virg'lli I and the col '0:1 St.i'es wil I e cut 1. IT The iiruiv nt M iiias.n is thus i-olate I, inn-t I'-uvc its in tr. 11. h'U' I't-e th'T to iitt :ck (i'-n McChl 1 1:1, or r tn ;:t. Jsu 2 1 The 1 .1-iasi'iifitions of I'ed'Til troop, by lull, leg rebels in North western M s-onri, his induced Col. Pghr, conimuii'ling nt Le.V ngtou, to sei.e nnd imprison 11 tiii'nbi r of Wcii'thy seeeHs,onisl as hostages Tle-y nre to be nhot ill the proportion of live lo one for tu ry Fed' ral soldier murdered. In Coiigr.", today, the only not'eenUe f-nture wis an ntteiup'. to prevent Wil-on. tin' new Senator from MI--oiiri, from Ink ing his vail. Hiving expliiii-d certain sii-picious cireiiui-laiiees he Was hwortl ill'Juth Sec'y Sliilitoii has appointed P. simp Aims, nnd Hon. Hamilton 1'i-h, Commissioners to ( Vumiii" into the condi tion of the prisoners held by the rebel. Col. Ileyiiolds, Government ngent nt P-trt Koyil, reports having serureo 0(10,0110 worth of cotton, nnd that some .'I, 000 negroes, who were engaged in gnlher ing the staple, nn: orderly and industrious Thi can' of I!-ight was taken up. Sen a I or Latham kpoke nt length in his favor Vr-eN continue to pan up the Potomac. deipitc the rebel blockade. A resolution was inlrodueeil in the Leg islatiire of Md , todny, inking Kennedy mid I'enrec to resign their scuts in the F. S Semite. The Itiehmoml Itisintch ny it lins reli able iiulhorily in htatintr Hint Henuregiird taken commiiud nt Columbus', Ky , nnd that (Jen (J. W. Smith nuereiiN him lit Maiiti-tum, The Federal fleet lias taken pomiekion of Cedar Key, on Ihn coast of Florida, in lhe Gulf, nnd nl-o took a rein I schooner, Willi u valuable cargo. Jav. .'SO. - Official di-patclics from Com modore (joldborough, of the 2'ilh, Mute Hint IT liiivul Vessels were then ill the Sound. (Jen !iirnid" was pretniiug lo move 111 roiieeri. W illi lie eel. ' lie ('0111 1. -.. .1 . . . iiiooore -11 vn 111111 any neeiueii approach m this (pmrter by rebels, with nil the force lin y ciui muster, would cirlninly result in their speedy cnpiuro. Gen Iluniir'n iiroclnnintion in reference to Jim Lmiic'h famous expeditinn, meets the approval of niililury men . Wnhiiiirton .Neither I lie Premdelit nor (Jen. MeClelhin ver niilhorieil Lnno lo cotnininid such un expedition, N. V., Jim 31 Fricon's fninoiis float' iii! linllery was launched yesterday, nnd .Ill lj ' win no remiy mr service In r week. Itelensnl prisoner from Hiehinond rnn. linn tho ilepiirturc of lleniiregnnl with .1 000 troopn Tor keniiii ky, nnd say lUt eff Puvis will tuke rnintnninl In tier-fin ril M Uii'iii TnegreatiM consternation prevailed at Norfolk and 15 chuiond in regard to Hum sale's expedition. In expectation of the success of Hum side's expedition, nnd the opening of two Congressional districts, M N. Taylor, the Provisional Gov of N. C , has culled an election, Fell U'J.I, to ralily or reject the ordinances of the Convention of the I'.Mh Nov ; also to elect two members of Con gress. WAsniMirov, Jan. ill The House Connuittco oil Territories has under consid eration a bill to regulate nnd govern rebell lions States ns Territories. Fkh. 2 -Notwithstanding the hum of some foreign journals 011 the stone block ade, n despatch received at the Slate le parlincnt says that there is 11 complete res (oration of good feeling in Fnnhuid, France and the oilier conlineiilal Slabs. Fkh. I Private liters from Itishop Hughes and Thurlow Weed to Sec. Seward give very hopeful views of our relations w ilh Fnglaiid and France. The Plight ease was taken up, and Sum ner made 11 long speech advocating tlio ex pulsion. Sr. Loiis, Feb. fi. Gen. llalleik lias 11 greed upon a system for (he exchange of prisoners with Price, but Gen. II excludes from its provisions all persons chalged w ith violation of the laws of war, such as spies, bridge burners, marauders, etc , who will be held on trial. Washington, Feb f Fortress Monroe will he strengthened by heavy enlunibiHds and Pahlgrerns, so ns to be prepared for any emergency. Gen. Stone has not been removed, nor arrested, us alleged. (ien. Scott wi'l soon leave for Key West, where he will spend the remainder of the winter mid spring for (ho bciulit of his health. Gen Pcurer has been confirmed Gcner nl ol Pivisiouin the army of the Potomac. O.UliO, Feb 0 Advices from the expe dition which went up (he Cumberland Hiv er say that our forces are now w th 11 lour miles of Ft. Henry. Our troops will be landed to-day, and 11 lntlle is 1 xpeeled The enemy are about I. . 000 strong Battle, at Somerset, Ky., and Federal Victory. G FN y.OLI.ICOlTliP. K I Ll.liP! The battle at Snimr-el, Ky.oceuired SundaV evening, J.ui I'.Mh. The rein Is were repulsed and hotly pur-in d by G. 11 Thomas lo their 1 nc iiupuieiit at Mills' Spr n.-s, (wenly six inifs from Thoiiius' po sit on. where they cros. , th.. Cumin Hand ( lur forces follow ed Up close to I he 1 in m v' iiitr. liehuieiits 011 the ninth hunk of th" r V- er, nnd laid Hi front of them nil night, ex I peeling to storm tin in in the luo.-nuig, but ill the inght the enemy lllinageil logo across the r.ver III lurges mnl I Is Tin v l.-lt i-verMh'iig behind, ihciinl ng nrlillerv. ' 11 ti 1 111 11 . i ' 11 : 1 , hoisis, d nls, ( nniri. rui isi. 1 s couuui-s ny, uud lie d cul The I . 1 . 1 .1 1 I (riiops Link poises, nn of the eie in'i lie I tr.'ils e n'y Monday inon.ii g On ill, II., tile field, ilttiT Hie rebels , , hundred dead and wounded lu re p eseil up. and among tin in G u. nll.ei.ffi r and Hiiie I'i vtoii, Jr Gen ollienff r was fnii'id innitilly woneleil, in n w igon, (lur lo-s is not ih finitely know n, ihou.-'i eoiisii. r ib!e The Tenth Indiaini Inid s, v- i 1 1 1 v kdleil am! woiiiided. The enlu e r. b ! e .i Was 'JT'l Kelitiliky llln Cuinberlaiid (i ip is now open f.T our I troop, to march into Ha l Ti-nin.-. e T'n' j I", d. nil nriny in Southeastern Kmluiky, hllV" lll't Willi signal success, which ll'llil h is created joy I hro ighout this count i y - - e can now lei I ns n the w ar w ire In iiig w aged ill funics! Further particulars of the victory ut Soiiiitsi I so fir ns learned nre us follow : (i. ii Thomas hid been lor some wneks in soutlicasti ru Kentucky with his il vision, composed of nboiit H 000 men. (If this force (i n. Schoeff'H brigade was thirty miles from ( n Thomas' hendiU irt.-rs ; Col Morri-oii's Indiana brigad" was twi n tv miles distant Hut learning from u ines. heie.rer th t ZoU'coffcr contemplated nn nt lack, Morrison III arched nil the di-tance Saturday night through rain uud sleet, and arrived nt Thomas' heiidipiurti rs three hours befire the buttle romuieiicid I men, though tired nnd hungry, plunged into battle nnd fought I ke tigers Gen Sehoi ff' brigade did not arrive until after Ih" eii' iny had Ih-d. Among the H.ngi. inelits nio-t netively engaged in the light wire Ihn Ninth and Tenth Indiana, Nin lb Ohio, Second Muicsnhi, Fourth rind Tenth Kentucky ll"i Kiglileenlh l.fglilun The battle raged with greiil i iu-rgy for nearly three hours, when Zollicoff.-r and Peyton being killed, nnd our artillery pouring such vo.ievH 01 iieiitn into ineir ranks, tlie rni my (I' d ill great couhisniu. I!. fore the General fell theiliemy fought desperately, os Hie number killed in our ranks will ten tify (Jen. Thomas continued to pur-iir mil II niglil. sel III. I Mr lores lolloweil the rebels, who rail before tin III in the wildest confusion hke n flock of frightened sheep, close up to their iutrenchmeiils on the north bank ol the river. In (ront of these they hod nil night expecting to Mono hem in Ihe morning; but with tin- aid of bonis mid hiirgen, the ciieiny iii'imiged lo get iicroH Ihe river before iliiyhght, Tiny left be hind tin in nil their artillery, nuiumuitlon horseii, tents', nnd I'ighty wngon loads (unrterinaster , ( omuiissiiry uud inedieal sloren, which fell into our hands. Our troops hud possession of their intrench iiienls inrly Moinlay morning. Alter reaching the opposite side nf the river, the rebels di per-cil in nil ilireelimm So far nn ncrtaiiied the rebel Ion j fl'iO killed nnd wounded; our hes .',() kill ed ami wounded, ollieoffer's forco was 10,000. Kn A linns: As I handed you nn imper fect co;ir of Ihe Ordinance jraMing the rijht of way for n railroad throni-li the eily, (which you publi-hed last week,) Hie nving i liiis(. of which was Incorrecl, pi, nse Ihn rnclwil ns the one passed by the Council. Yours, Ac,, . J. IJ. Hi iikoiiii, Hecordir, See uiiotlier coliiinn for tint ordinance, 1 W Tho L'nhi lust week liro.iglit down sixty four (out of freilil-iienrly ('iiiiiii. wlm' Ire Clin'on used to eflrrr ..If ny lt'wti i"nUii mi-Hinll i lii it. sliinil III ill uullirsiint PI -t.'m. W. Ii. Adnmn, Editor. onnaow city: SATC PDA V, FFIinrAHV l b ISifJ. lm Uiiiiiiin l ininly nlon I omi iUliiu. Tilt' I'llliill lllell nl' I'liiekitlllilK enmity wllil Invii llunr eeiuilij - w In' nf" n'i.ii'il lo llm ihn inmn' erniriil nl mil- t'niini lur 11 ny cnii 1011I li'"il liny li'ium; lie lielieve in uiai iiig uniieil i. Mlinn hy Inoe ut unn 1111.I wlm me w.llmg In li'siinil In I tin cull mule lur 11 l'n on Muln Cull Irlllioll, me l'iitlinleil to llli'el ill lllell neini l ii- mm ! ut Ihn uiinl .hiei-i.f mliuu, nl one u i-Iim k , ipusleil to meet jn (j,..r, 11 "' ft .111 Ihe '.' '.I il.iy ef .M.ncli, IMc.', Hint j pelegntes, ut CorViii, '( U""'1" 011 4 rli-el il. l'ituleii la 11 I'lieai ('.ninly I'miv. 11I1.01 In 2 o'clock I' M , on TiicimIii il 'iT""' " uii'I ut llin llllill l.hierm.f Viitilijt, nt utle u'l-liH'k Iin In lil ill Hie V i.nti iiiiiin 111 wrig..n 1 uy nn j .i 1 -u., ior I lias lilirnnmi (f . 01 Suiuolay llm '.".nli .Uy ef Mui.-li, IMc.', i'.r ilm , Slate and Congre.Muini T,,.!')?1'"""'! nl' pleeling 111 .leli-Liulo In llin t'n on Sllpporled lit the ensiiini' J,. ' ' '. Siuip ( niitnilioii i lie In Id ul lhiriip Cay mi llm llliil.v i,( A mil. IM.J. un.l Ima.a.lina sill II . ... , - -1 iillirr lm i)Mi n I lii roiivriiiiuii nmy ilrciu nu r. 'I'hr iri.'in.'U aii i nlillitl, iimiii (Iii lm uf llio iopulur VulP, lu () li'tl'itr n lultcUi: lily l.'t, Mil w itukip it, Vmin'a lliitiliiii 1 Sj iitjt w ntii 'J; liH K 'ni k 'J, Hrnvrr 'iprk 'J; C tpr MoKilU I; r MuUHn ;i, .Mm iii4Mt l l.inn ("iiy ('urn Tualatin I; IMriiol Val try J I rt mi I'ltinil limn (ml to I'p irrrut at In tr Cilict IhPrllll. Si rrun I Ii, W ( Jt.HN N, . ( lit ruts, 4 HiHi.utv, thmtn t atic Co Cuiu. u I', Id m.hh, I . Cmiu, li' fttihli tin t 'a Com. I! Mi!tt ll. W (. t'rlld'tll, M. Ii.nti-I., J I) I wry, J N., C SwM.ll, ,1 W 1,1,11-, AM, nil, (' ) II I A I'.el.o.l, II I' l'li..n,-.n, II. W. Kill,. K T I' l .h.r, I lit. 11 U, I t 11. il.-., l I II Vr, in l .ti.,fir, II I) ll i.. 'tie's ( hamuli, W Sl.ulii rjllirr. A M ot . . llm k, A U.oiirr, .I.ii ni.liei, 111,, k A I. L.v.J.v VV T. MuiU k, Aim. 'in I ni I, I' ( .il'.'i', I.e... Aliriitetliy , i J K , Itinm.iti, The t. me has linn wli.n the lerms dc lll'K-r.icv and ih (no, rata' Were oVe, nnd I clerislicd bv Ih" il.niu iroild. 11 r of ci 1I1..1I nations l-.spicinl.y had liny be come einh an d to nil Aiucr.cau, us the 11 atchll ord, of liceni 'ii 1 -iiguk'ei ill 1I1 I11011 stratin the cap ic ly of man for silfov eruuient f tl.e li.-tirinj cine of i pub I ean institution.. I'tit tin- pr. si nt 1 Inih of the 111".! danmiilile In ri ,11 , nnd if -t'M s 1114 (lie ino.t In-. 1. 01 ,.il,i. siIiiti.s 111 the lirb of ih inoeracy, l.,i f,,ir to m d," MX b uo'ds 11 l.i.sii, nn.) ly nerd iiiind.' nil l"ii rs of free .n. ri. nn 1. 1 lin nnoii ll,. y are n steiieh 111 ll.r no-tr.l, nl 1 1 , r v ..y il c,ti.-ii AH the cnii'i inpti!.!.. j ill cul Iriil., II Inch r. siili, 1 1 m 1 !,.-1 1., nn ml.i r. inn I ef 1 1,.. j t llallislmi ( , iiieli! nn nnd the rilllll.liC I'I j Hrnl, nri.le anil I nn - f,,f the I'nsel. nrv md Vi' e pr. ,:!. m y. Were pi l " tr it. d 1111 ( .1. .- it r 1 ' 1 "' f'ls-m in in " rn y I oe 1. leliii-.1 of nil the arms of the l'n t. d St iti 1 int i St.iti intcndin' to ,ei ede, niul Ihe m r iu' of our ii 11 v to the four cornels 1, f the i.iith, iur.: d n. mi, In- itieii.iir.H And indeed in the II ime of d' lem r ac li ne been perpi lr.ile, ull llm preparatory ui' asurei. of those who nre lion in n in II. mi naiii.t our (iuii rnin nt mi l Constitution Truly .b urner n y i, p'tte ,d .( u.k. I Ii, n, reliel Irintors ami m 1 cs-iiin Mnj uth.ln pi uce un 11 I. aVi nionopol:.. d il, 11 ... The ilisiinloui-.ts ol Oiion, uiih tl.e lleak kneed nnd rotti 11 heui led eaee 101 n, are iini'iitin' the exaui'ile of ( heir f lloii s in o-h. r Stat. , by vluK to p. t contml f s;, . , , the Slate gov.inme,,, of (Ir.-g..,, by nn p. al to tin. demo, r.o-y Th- Pr..kinr.d-e ('iiitral Committei' which silt nt Corvnll s 11 wcik or llio ago, liateh. d 11 cull for 11 Slate Convention, ii,i, ', has fiv . 1 . a , , . ,. 1 p nii.ii 111 un- 1 rmiertii n ml 1 mmi nnd " ' r,,1i"" 1 10 ,y rv,rJr -''""" I...U ., r nn . I - ... ... M-y no others. In unitalioi, of their , 1 1, 1 , , .... ' ' Miiniigc, mm 11 , Ins IiiM j,.ni jij.c, 1 .1; ; 1 .1 I . " " iiimiiiioii peecii ill , c I unt il . . ', Slates Semite, m order to preserve Ihe ,. . . ' I 111011, ns he said, with Ins cmnmisHoii of 1' I ... ! I !.. .. 1 . . ""s11""! iieiii-riii 01 inn renei nriny 111 hit 11 rm i- in Iik 1 pocket, this commillee has inldresM-il ils call lo democrats nnd Cnion men who nre opposed lo the politicill policy nf the pres ent Admiiiistrntioii. I. ,. ,, . , , . ilh their use of the term democratic. we Imve no pnrticiihir ijiiarrel, bul, jn tM; naiiie of nil wn love in the past nnd hope for in the ruture ol our country, we protest niruiiisl their stealing the name o the I'liion to serve Ihe devil , , lfl AHm ny Ih mm-rut 11 Pnioii paper, when it pub-li-hes Cornwiill s poetry deiioinimiliiiif I la vis, I,ee, nnd Heiiuregnril " the j.,,ry t,( the IhikI" '( Ai d the Corvnllis (lis fw,,,1, which growls nt Ihe oilier hi ccsli organs (,r not pilhlhihillg J. ir Il.ivi,M ineHie ? - .lu-t lis llrcckiiiriitgn nnd the thieves Floyd nnd liciijiimin urn I'liion men. This cull nhows llmt the secenslonlils lire coing to make a desperate effort lo carry j llm Male. IT I hey mcceed, l,y hiding their real principles, in deceiving mioiio, voters lo curry I hem Into power, il will not be six months before wn will be represented III the reliel Congress, nnd If their vole rail y imy manner of lying bn made lo even "P .r'M.imiH- me union vine, ns in k cii- , 1 1 , , . lucky and Missouri, we nmy expect them lo disregard Ihn voice or Ihn people mid iitleinpl by rorcii of uniit lo drive ns into tho whirlpool of rebellion. 'J'liey nru sold ! 'l l!ie devil, nnd Olily hide , !( 1 Imen fei I now in liecoum nil ,1, ucsiruciiv,. when .. ..,. mj . Vlul,, re llall . . 1 lie cession on . . -I" '. I'l'liejeil W(mU c U .h.mM only w,rvt. '' ,.v,.ry ,nu, "'-.I'n Nl'"-.hl go I,,,,, the cnntcM nT' i"'"' mined to succeed, but lo . Jll,r' li-'MicketbyMn-h,,,,,,.;;"! It es n J.,,11 .1..: " ffim 1 . , '"-KU ,Miji'1 t-i l'ti;:!:!:'!:udirtf col l, mlK like Ioir IlumH,,tljir,,rue ''' liMi.'.dge, ,,,,,1 other Pnu, , "'"S nsMl0 Hi """"''"I "nnyw,,, llmt when the war is eil..,i .', "' stored by the rMubli-l, "V UI 1 tii runctions in U,o Blul,, u "0"1 enough evidence 0 keen 'n,..,, Iw, fear of hem,,. ' 'U k ri)-Th,.foiioi,,K iH the call issued bv A l,..l,.i. .. "Ir( l terfor, he disuni , '""Sl,. s""M-Ht). " The Ih luoeracv of t, ... ipnsled to meet in (j,.,,,.,,.! ,, Jr- ft. j " cil .ens of ()regn. (u W1, I politicill liohev ,,r ll,. '"I'M ., 1 ; inn iiri'H....t . establishment f vl" f,l,"rflU liunlkl lit I Inn nt..! I the Mlpreimiey of , (' bv Ihe Fathers of ,,n - "'" us ii .. . . . ' I'V Hie I'.ilhersof 11,,, l! .1 1 ""I 'l'"l;.V iniited to pniliiino o i,, ,!, 7 0f- I """"''Onilidlnl.l. part In its proccrdilijjs." 1 The call for, lie dl., "' ,-""v'"'"" 'xul', ,0 lhoM,,o "m raior of tlieisll,yinif,uri( i " Tl.ul Is ,(k0), tnenl that the Vufou dms ,l0 : Sece,sin , recoCnie,, ull( ,,( . nn lid. dare the Norlli lo course I In v inil Imlil il. ,i ii.. . 1 ,..' ire jiist lied t rciw !ii ' "'ing to urrdr inn- I'liion iiiiiii ilenie, tl(! rixh,io and holds Unit I he li.i,, u,,,MlljM it icm. is only suu'lit l.iWd.MMj.J I'V mm I. sn. iiksrsivirenUutinm; l"',T. I Inner n.m-t.l 0JMlr, nluit they could not n.i,tm. T,,.. t,,', ""' M"'' ''"I, "l"l I'l li r I'll II Miml '""'"'"''"ll Hie pln, ,rj,.r, of le nil '"" '"'"'"' mnl it, ,1k Cini.os ('V ; Ii-' Ami The call r I',,:,., s,,,f Com. nti. ,11 reipn- l, tl.e un-rtiitjt ol l'i,lt, m. i, in pre- m l, to ,.., ( i..vtrio('ltl. ly Coiiu i, linn., but ,,, ,n Cji,rU Ir 11 hu h 1.1 ih ti inilnt lit i.aniUr f I. . hjI.-s from e.u-li .r k.- ,ke ti, phi 11 111d.11.t1d in tl.e r.,!l fr CUhlh coniiiy,,. d in 1!,,. ,r:u, i tt, 1 1 i 1.1 lie hop. d that all iht n 11 th" t ii. II r spoi, I iiiiiiiul,.itllj i.'j similar mini uii-iil. I in tin-cil f,,r Lnno (sio.'i 1 ni h pi, e n. t 1, 1, !!, ,, I Hi,. i,,.p: Without r"i;;.i. to ti.e r of mleinii, thus in-, to say tm iity mni iutntluii ity a,j;i,at 11 n j.n-M nt.,t:,iu qi ,o!.tt du d in iiiiotlnr And l ..iln, i, ti..ii I I'I'oi t un ty lo di mni, hj op-n: in the t ry 1 1 1 11 T I pn cinct, to fiU'lNtttlit ll.ll of Ihe pioplc of u ci'illily tl lir;'- II 111 iv be nil riht this tiaii , lut sr.lnc'J be carelill nb, ml ci'lnn lllili nu'irilr) it ll c bi"'iuiiin to kiiiiietlui'; vliiib til ll 111 k 1 I il III I lie lie I I'.ut if " r ni:t do in II, h t u, do as i II n si-cin" I'li'ii Ilniui.'1 Sin siossri i v hi si: T'l't"''' that wlienev.r you find s mihIi ur Mj lllale or Ii nude-- nil I1111I 0 ifc-Meint There M i ni, In l,e 11 mrt nf rln'IHf "It"1,' 1 1 ut dru W , I he pi cu s Inuulil llif llsi ' '"' 1 neoiinti rs nl (line, ( ciinrni in "W- ' 'X '""" M,)!( 1 I. el what there I, imhle . ,,,,,,,, , , ftltt lll0,, diiu I onl their f. i !! nn-l idiotic wn. and think it 11 line nrlst'K'rutir lliinfto1 11 c. ,,ionisl Tin,.. nirr.ilil tM'l'" -r- inlini.. ly i.i.irc ill.giis.iiig ll.iin out out iruitors. 'Mm ubove, from nti fM-lnui:', "' I.,-, ii 1. J . .. ,., hrrntiw 111 (Ireifon ( ily, that cniilil ImTflstip'" ,. ... . . - ,;.,.lir tfaH Tluy iiiiiift 11 n un. , Him" - , .... -ci ,'. ii Knml B be 11 sccewioiiist.' Units it- am .. , , . . r .1 ,;, .,. lm, i rnble, viilirar flunkies nf lln i11"" " ' 1 , , , ... ;, J m rt- ! lit' lieeitfnoiir Here ktliilllsH. ffllllllU BM ' J " ' r- ' , trmicn into n class of Mii idy shirk i1 could not have iriiinrd ill mr Other"?- Tim 'good siM'icly' ufur.Miii) '..I,J" receive mi) body into ils rinlc ho ,M j .1 i.i. I . tnrskiM hllll laun.e nun 11. ion. " ...... ,. ;n,w io n I liciesliililll lonilien were " f . . . 1.. il. traitors lo the (Jover nt IU'" 1 ways protected them, for llir rMr'"ri' of running about the skirls of 'I''? ! out' cod fish iiristocriiey. 1 think they urn necessinnisls, but 'f? uothinir in the world but Ha) WiM ti( low lllllikies. II ik- IfK' , ,'i'ii. ii ... 11 u' Ilisri liver 1111 "The life '" efriiiiif. I er i.r U'ushington," Sn'itnl"; 'el,. l the M. K. Chun. m I nt 7 o'clock. MAURIS'! ftllir' Ii it- A , f. M.'..i,n ,.f Ihn 111111"'' niniy. l ei. Mill, to I''" " " 11 W..Hlhet.liin I11 Men Aim H'1" DXDDl nfj". Li I. liv.K.h I". "V LnW w ..(,, of liplMs.1 fv, r, ","Hr' ',d a Juine. M .M..l. Iv'l . "H 9 "7 l.l, I..Slri.i,J...r3... M' ,t ' " , l .. ..,i dmr'"" I wife. if H. M. rum""'!"", , .Jinoinifis 1 A ., I lliy" I) K.M TIM T. i mni". ...... . , , .,- ii Ituninorn lie .i'-- (.,..,.,oe,l ("ll" " O'"1 ' "Ii""' h , III V