RATES OK ADVERTISING ! One 'tmri' (twelve limi, or leiw, brcvif r mfmure) one iiiH'irtion 93 CO Kni'li mli-.P'linit inH-rtiuo I 00 litminem curds otiv yvar SO 00 A lilierul (Muctioii will Ira made to tlwM who nJvcriiHc by the year. t3T The nnmlier of innertioni nhoulil be noted on the inai'uin nf nn 'lvcrt:f ment, olIierwiMi it will lie iuli,ilicd till forbiililen, and charged ao cord, ugly. Xpfi' Obituary noticca will be clmrged half tlx nlmie nine i.f advprliiiiiig. tff J') I'rintino executed with neatiifaa and disi.ilcli. I'nymr.nt f"r Job Printing mvil It madt a lUUrn-y nf tli trnrk. WttfLO 1 A Weekly NfWNiiiicr, devoted to t 1m. Interests of the Laboring Classes, and advocating thri side of Truth in every issue Vol.. VII. O R M (J 0 N C I T Y , O K OON, F E V, II UARY 1 S, 1 H C 2. i iv i. w. i'ii.uu. ----- r K v oh' siinscmn ioN. ,. i,'.,,, . "'' 'I''" "J.' l)Mirwill to clmitrJ. for ix month V ,,irr iiirmlinmi until all arm luigf ' S'Ll'-W .'("" Mr .u(.I..W. t'ur tin Aigui. llttHltlRH. I waml' rrl mil mm miiiihit'ii eve, V' II III" " ''" 1" I . llU'l IriltlH'll I" "I' ur lt'l'VU 'i.orii"il 'iliii ti'"" gun. iwiiill"! In akira l've, Awl li Ho- 'I'!' I"1""; , , i, Ill k ll'i" wmli! " ' Va wil'l""""" 01 A a wlirii lo prrm my weary font ( Ullll. Ml ill" R WHMI, , , mil lliii.lt il'"U o luru mo I" my I ,,. not 1 1 U lumNiiliiiitf l..y U o.l.ul tins limrml ili'K" (j, Hl.iimii I" il liu'l 'y r,lllll lU IH.lWr.1 ail'ifis. ti, p-niii- iiiii- ii" " fy All ll iV wrrl llulvill" cilh wl, H mliR ' I''"" ''"IT Tlio.r we n y lil" " Jl not llnnk il ituriwtl llieir bloom Wah urli mi inim ' T,IP llieir t lull ml wrpl ji-i fuma 'wii lliti diil a.r. Tin- liumiili .'111 'ralnl 0,1 ''' An.l in III" iiiii't vili', Tli't- meetly .in lli niiiiiiilaiii t ill A nil li'f" 'I''' m(litii'gl AjhI, (I. Willi "IH-Ii li-niilV A t"1'1' 11 1 ""''I'""" ' thought i'" Hfi-'-y f"! '" "u '' ,,ivniil uil "!( I'i be I. ,1 il.uk . li.rii'nl that K'i'ilfii cluml, A rot iufl ulli'iar. Hi" kv ''l,l IIUlMMIIli; lllllllll",r M-.llcl alulll, I M.v lli" I'R'i'li l'l' "' Ali' m li k I fr : '. '""I" l'"' ''' II , mo lil' i" H I'"' '. i, i, I i ii;:- li'iiii n ; -mi .m I nir, Ami v ilirfr.l In-ib mill lluwur. W iMitHim lUan. Or.ni i I'nv, -I til V I. 11 I ii WiiiHUT Mos.v - M'iny a mm. iri h tlmiii iin'iii y Thou-mnls of mill mil !i:ii in the pocket, nnd thousands wiilmiii eu-i. ii .iii ki l, nri' ruli. A nnui Uirn Willi "1 n'liinl ri'iiMiil mi. ii poxl sl.mi.trli, n t; I IiimD. iili'l mli, mi. I il Jri ll V (.'nil I !'' 1 i rvli (imi'l litiiiiH ii r- KrlliT lli:iii H'l--r. -Ti imiM-liH, lliiin r ; innl ihTVi'K lln.t f.-!i fiir iii.d rni ry thirty In ruiv fiiiir i; . i, nir lii-lli r ill i'i Iit (in I lunik l U In -tli r III III II I llnli'il i-Muti' I" lii' i!.i' rilit kin. I nf I'nilii r innl uiiitlii r (I,,,, I l.r.T.N lllnl li.nl Im ' I 'K i N'-t imi'i'ii.' mm n ri'nUv in In nil "1 liorsi'i. IvIiiMt mi luiy ili iiiin li t' i'li, k i iin., nf In ili vil.ii ijii.iil omi'S I'"' it i" ari.'i tiling i" ""f"' r'tf,,t rrnl"'r- ..!l llf f.HMlllil'K til Sl.ll'l 'til- Tint i- nil wi'1" l'!'- ! "'" iI.iiii - lin i iiiiiur.illy klinl, iiilii n!. ,'i,, rful, liiij" f'll, ninl lni Imn a lliivor of I 111,, I fllll ill ll'i llilll.niliii'l. TI"' llnfil- lt lliin' til pi t nlnll' ttilli ill tliit lil' 11 ,t i ii-. I. I It..... . nil r. rt I tii, i in-ii ni"'" lin,' nml i iniiil.iii'ii'; li-'.low- m i .i ii inn .1, c.iii iitmirn- ii nnui " il f.irttird on tin' iii.'lc Tln ir fvit mnv int I ii.p, ImiI ttic'r ll.mi.ililH i!o, Tin J 'Tli M-V hp I.Ui: 'llic fulldwiiiu' ruin finiii tli" "'i(T-i (if Pi-. Wist lire I'.rmMi liiL'i'lli r iis L'l iii r.il Wiiy-limiM ll. iii.irnul ..f I f-: " Xi'ViT mlti'lll t!i n.", or li.it nili-rs m iy rst"cin m mh-Ii. 1,-nM-vi r nli-uiil l!i y limy 'n'iir to V"i Ni l, r r -M'i.l n Miin)sn injury lill you lit,. lil tt nml IHO'ivm (if tllC llilllliT of it AKvmvh iiihii tin' p"il of nit ulis- nl r mi hIiu is n ii'iircil in -oiinny, ) fnr u litilli nti'l iMti i- ly ill ull.iw. '' tliii.k nr-c nf niKitlii r ni niriiiiiil "f lii" il'IT riii' i'Ii ynii mi i'ililiiMl nr rcliK'"us niiircH. Ncvi r (l.snito "iili n mun imuv tli.ui M viuly yciirt of nc, or with u tlill.iilht. l,l lint ii'st so ii t" f.il.iiL's nf niinllii r. SiiV iilwiiyi ui ii.is.,!ii of yourself nml tliiw mur tu yon. Ni vrr ronrt iIib fnvnr of Hi" rich, l.y ll.iticriii ritluT llieir vuniiii or tlnir Mi-en. Sicnl willi i'iiliini',"',"l l,lii r.ill,i.i .tfi...iullv in ciiOlllllstlllH'I'k Which ttnil to irrilute." Omiiis of niMimn.8 Tim dwpilcsl, llic must iiiii(iii iilTiclion, i oCli'it li'" lif tin- sliuhi'st lircuth of iiiikiiiilni M, iih lite ililicnti' riiijiH nml ti-iulrilii of llw vine nre HL'itnt.d Iy llii fu'iilfsl nir ih'it luW" in lu.'iiincr. An iiiikiml word Irom ono he lur.d ni:n ilriiwn l.hmil from mimy hi'iirl wlii'h won! I il.'fy the hnttlu r ,,n,r,,(1' or tliu k,v,.iii..t via of viiulictive imlirc Xiiy. tlic wlniiic. (he ulooni ol Ihr If0 iiiiliur nml ili nr, nu nki'in. uricf I1"1" Ti.f r (i... i;ni iK.nna uliicli. ihouu'h tnin of u roiinlur funii limy l,l,'ir tlimnjrli llii'in witlmul fcrliuK ill'"'1'- rx trciin lv iiii-iiiniiiiiili' ni TMiim of i moro rc fim-.l turn in Ihuir Ioiirni'V llirouh life, mm iimku I ho li nvi-liiiu ii ksouio nml iiiiilniiiiiMl Salt Imkk.-TIui l .t- tit f'""' liovo tiiitui il plncn woiihl nc'iil I" illil!"lu Hint rvcrylhiu wuh giC y- Tli Lcuislnturo Inid ii-M-mlih-il orK,,n li'il, nml Uov.DnwHOn hml ddmTrd P'ltriotii! iiicin(fc, whirli npionrcd lo ph'ii Hid wli.ilo M- rmuii pioplo. A convcimon of d"li!unie from wti'li connly I" Hu Trrri- try. to fi.rui u Htnlo Coimtitiitloit, i l tonviuic on thu 'Jlllh ult. Utah will , iwlinili o Into tlm Union ilurin lh prr ut wwinii of tlm Unili'd Hititia CoiiKn'M 6T Tim Cliiiiumi nro a ipinT ionp1 to ( h inniki't. A Ki'iill.'iuiin t tiinloij Witi Hint it iiuiirhlior of hin lm J'i ' Th fnur of u Hnuiu. i j n-r in 'I t in tr r-ulT-i n t-rest once inure to mll It in H ri'iiKdilnlili' cHtiimilii Unit llic rn-1 itx pli ii to ri'HHim, tin1 wni niiiL'S nf llic foun lii llinn Iiiin (liuiiuiKlii'il tlm kIiivc populntioii try'n fn t Iktm nml tlm ri'tiionstruiiiTii of liniu of M ifSDtiri frniii ninety llioimuuil to nt kiml. All tlii'i will nt Inst lie liccilcil, must lil'iy I ) i o 1 1 x 1 1 i 1 . At Iniist I wi-nly fivi. innl iiiiiIkI A ni.-iiiM rcili'i'ini'd from tlm tlniiiiiitnl hIhvch Iiuvii licen reiiiovi'il Snulli, ;wic fuc tu Ikt pence utid grentlimAV. innl lirteeil tlinllsiiml is n inoili mli! Iiuniln r i Luam Democrat, In npply tu llmsn who luive csiMpi'il frniii Kervituile, In VirKiniit the (li crense inusl CoMi'iioMidK. We oefiisiniiiilly hear lie fnr renli r. WiHlern Viryinin, en i'led wine timid or disloynl persons limtiiin; nt into n ilislini't Shite, Herinii-ly eiiiiteinpliileii'cdnipioinisc, thnt old, ohsolctc piinncca.for lliif iniliiitimi of n Kysleni or Krmliml ein.in- J ,H) (,s l.), n ,.t ,M( 1()ly poiti(. We eipiilioii. Sin vcrv in fniliiiif Inim Miry- ,, . , , .. , .. , ,' i i. . i iii 1 won i reTer kikjIi to llie folluwinif (InNcrip- Intnl. Miiliiiuili'H of lilni'ks urn iiiovini n ' mint hwiird from Kenlin ky, I erowiU nre ; li,m "r ciiiiipriiiui.se, tnk. ii from n sermon I'srnpiiuf nnrtliwiird !) n it I'nrdcr Siute ( luti-ly piildislii'd hy tliu Kev. K. A. Cum- must iiievitnlily MifTi-r iuimeiise loss lo ilm titers; very interest for winch imison lo n free j .,.' ,,,,,,,;. wi,, nrln(i tr;torK t0 v"" " ""i"i.r- " "' '"' .mil In ... ,i, ,.r.., I w l Unit, il Ii Hw 1 . What will or tiik Effkcts of thu j t. Ti-r tlmt ever diHruced inunliooil. Would War om AonitfLTiiiK? An, however, we yon helieve it, I met the very mini who were compelled to differ with some of our owed me tlm immensely -desired dollur, nod conluiiipnruries in rejjurd to the effects of , befor.! Im euine in h.iiliii distniice, he be thn wnr helorn it commeiiced, no now we (fan to feel Tor his pocket-honk, uud with differ with them in nvnrd to the future. npolo'ies for his remissness, ho bunded Ibe We ure inelined to think thnt so far ns f.ir-, iimoimt! And wlmt do you think I did? huts arc concerned, the i fleet of the wnr, if it continues fur any length of time, it will be better limn our present lenrs. Wnr to ns is n ni'W thin. We nrt not used to it. Why, l.ke iiinny u I don't know wliut lii-fore, I mnili! out ns if it w is of no Fort of consequence; thnt any other time would Details of Eastern Newt. Ciiicaoo, Juii. 10. An attempt wan mnde to blow up the M.iusion House at Alexiindrin, on Wednesdny iiiltt, but the a i tempt wns discovered in time to prevent nreidi lit. The hotel is used as a hospital, und contains 700 pntiints. The S'jnnte Committee on the Judiciary h-ive reported nfrninst expelling Jesse D. Uriiiht, liy u vote of six to one. Tito prospect of nn immediate advance of our iirmy from Cniro, bus caused much liiit-i. ilitni. ns u-t-ll in fuel, il it hull nevi-r V.. ln nut ,,,,,l..t,,.wl itc i.ir.i.t f!n tn been im'i . it wits of no moment wliutever: ' r I-uchmd ami tnlk to the common people, un-l no dor on the Mn-e eonhl hnvc i-x-1 '"fp,"!;!" fil"rtCa frm tind they will i-nmphiiii of 'poor times,' iiud'ceeiliil the iininlt.ible iiidifl". rence with I ''"'P 011 .oai a Ji.s ir uy. sotnn o,m will be sure to remark, "If we j which I put out my hand to receive the The (-ri-.t expedition from Cairo is ready , ,,, ,,, '... i .,.,! ,i. I to Hurt. All the fohliers u.,d wioi.s si on iii live n wi r i nes wouni oe oeucr. , i- " v" i h:ive eiulmrk' d on the steamers, which will of Slnles, from IMiiwnri- to MiMouri, M.i- (. ,r.;M. u nut disiinioii or secession Point to n fnnner thnt has pot rich, nnd didn t I clutch thnt pnper ilollnrl onln l 1 ,.uv,. s soon ns the fn clears tip. The .. iy mis iMiiii-M-M 'i in i i nun .-.si. ii.- u Hl (..s (, (() S(.V,r ,(, v;lllll.sjt uy i (). p.piy ije that wns ill wnr tunes." , nei l li now n iu n mi mih-i (u i.i'i-ni ium i win nsi-'-im uiu leninwca iviver, uuv tin. sev.r.-st hhock in its history. The! l(vkH fr ;llt wltnt n p-uccl Coii.-I A,, Kn.ilisl, fnrmer once told u that when bctier,' I v a Imkir's doze.,? Didn't I , its rmnl dest Hon is unknown. A hirpo price of II... slave ,s m-rely , d, , is(! ll)1t olw. ; irll li)t W0,lM ; , I ,lk(, ,,,', ,., nh(1 vow wM r,ijf;ous. i body of cvnlry will stnrt t tlm snmc time V ihslrtets Ih-pr ry Ms ,mt ih,.,f jlll0 ,, tallest possible bulk, ' a yotin innn lie wns o.K,n.t. ft! . . , , , Iron, H.nlM'.m.t nnd p through Ken- bnii.ee. In others it is still wors n li-r-,, Ml,ill(.y ,.r,M. thrm.l of the , nwi " f1-11'"'1 wll W"R reliirtuiijjf from Iy th"t I ncu-r wouhJ ptc u nolt in Hand , u willjoi ,ll(J muil Lody 0j ror. John Itundolph predicted that ' .S.iiitl.i rn tiionvi.-r. It is Hint vile benst. town beckoned him, nml when he (rot with- u"iin the loic.-st day I I.vhI? Nor have lh(, Jrillv. time would foun. when, instead of slaves , ri;ililll!(l,. f South Carolina ' in nenrin distance, mll-d out " Napoleon ! I yet. D:lt every tiuie I think of it there j Cl)) S,m Co!t (he revolver-pistol man, " ,: , (toryistn, (01 nevotuiioiiury nines.; ! has esciiiii-d from Klbn." Notion? could , ' a suikiiik bihiiii my iios-i.n, mm m. (1jt.,j Ht Hiirtlor.l, Conn., lo-iluy, at V ocllf, ufinhl In. rniiiiiiiip iiu'hv Irntn llii-ir sliiVca . n . i .1. . 1 i-. I 1 n . ..... ; wnitni lenr iiowii uie onus nun oinp'-s, Iii certain iiistaiices the prophecy hits been um,,p .,, wor,,i) this d iy. nnd run verified, nml tlm prevalent and Kfowinu' : nj) in ,Pjr Mfil, ,). lllU.,j Sym, f m.. fenr is, Hint these inliitices will be indi li-! , ,,nd oiionioti. It is the evil L'enius 11. 1. ly mnllipln-d. Yt hnlever oilier Itorrors .1.,., .,.,,,,1,1 1 tl ... r iven wites of (I cxc-t-d his delight. Ho K-op-.l, sho.iled, nlmsemeut ut Uie rcn.-mDMiice ti.ai 1 wns , (Jt,n g ., ins jrH romploins threw up his hut, and sturted nt a " dot.b-! idl full of poor, w.-nk huin.111 imture, in , o(- j troatineut from Gon. Ilnlhrk. Ic quick" to curry the joyful news to oth-1 thnt ' I m.-ido b.-l cVI didn't cure about n j R.iymomli of ti,e y, y. Times, era Nnnoleon nt hirL'e meant war. and that contemptible dollar." .,, i,,.,.,, ,'iirtt.J Soeuker ol the N. Y. piiny or follow the war, it is tru-l-d 1(),isln Sj,r,.M, 0v.-r ihis land devoted by 1 ()(,ftlt (li , iri(.(.s ni r,)0,i t;.n,5 for fiir. Header, there are mnltitud. s of similar ! State Awmbly. ,l, those f .ertile rcbill.ot, will not be , ,,,, ,, ()f (mr M ,0 fr,,;d, nnd .0 ; 1 und()11)t(,ll a sl)0rt. ens,, ,..ki, r-lcc in New Yoik and othi-r Jan. 1 1 A Committee of the K. V. I"" ' '" (;,,il ('uiiinroiii si- is (in v vn ei lor now ; ' J .... . 1 .. 1 1 ....... I 1 -1 t ... .1. . ...... i w... - tl,,.,.- - n. I,m. tvratinv for its own ' iliH-l policy-war in the end results in lave fines nt... towns every .1,.. i u.-.j ; l3a ,ks Was ...wre ... .ui ni..iR . ,.u,, l.y those wliii lout t) rutin) lor ii' 3 . ! ,.', ,., i.P i l,-s,,.,i., r or ni-i"i.7;i.e , nnd Means yestenlnv, and proposed a new sake, or ivl,o,e desire for the spoils of ofT.i-e ; ,r,,,t loss to community; but while ,t ,s ,n. m. " 1 hp to . "' :" i Svsm. nroiiihn, fn'r H.i..!.,o,...me..t of a in mve 1 ii- i.fiiif-si v 10 renin n lie 1 ' .. 1 . . - Ih Smith Carolina, win-re the slave pip lllulioii is densest, tin- laltdiuuT of Hie l'.'d 1 ral forces has relieved thousands of ll.eui from th control of their masters. !otli in lint Stale nnd North ('iirnlin i, il is jn)() t ),,.-,. ,it r,s woiiib to feed Upon her is such that, I ke the brood of Milton's j ir0:rrt,ss it m ikes uior icy abundant, and in-, wo"' I'.,, ,r,l .,r I'vehemier tn i-n.isist of fivfl li.-ml at tin- Kit's orii.-II. tln-y wjHil.l '-',cr(..1.(.s !!. .,ri(.e of coiiiinyititi(--s und the subscription the instant he lays down this ; , ' ,nii;,)m.ls t0 )(. .wn.ointed l.y tho .......I.... .il....'.. ...... ,,l. (.. f..n, lli.iill lier 1 I ... ... I I ' , .... . fullv sin. wit that the l.iiiiibni. ii will not lii'l.l for tln ir owners, but will lake the first (iiiurtiitiiv ;o leu ve 1111 I labor ir.'itinst bowi Thk S:.A r. Tii ale The nmiicrous ar rests of slavers, m isters, merchants and semnen during tli.- past veur or two have profits of producer'. j li:ll" f " . "'""' " ''riry rl'IMJ" ""u . l'r- sal.-nt, one ol wt.om si.ouui oe appoint- 1.. ! 1 1 r. .1. ! has the imiomt in his nocket. or at borne. I i d United States Treasurer nt New York, . ... ll 1 1 1 lit lUijili I v v unit: nu m r v niv - , . . . . . Fact am. Not 1-avcv.-H seems to ns ; of lis ihrr(.,ls(! in mn,v. an, i.s ! wot.1,1 do this ut this juncture-ail an.oi.-.t ' J ' w'U'Kc"i ll.ei.i. The sninc restills will surely follow - W1. C(). , j,,, f,1L.tj c ilrn! V in the 1 .,.,., ,l,.,,reciti..n in vnhm. We of depression, if lint of ncomzitif? nn'ety, ., ' . fnl, ,,. .,.,.,.. .Inf,n,ll our nriny elsewhere in the (Vttout.iies. (.t ,,, nmcJ, disparage j MVC M,ff,.r,(i IU!n the derandctneiit of Im.-i-1 would be removed from u h.r-e class flifj. '(S ..ntUrz-d bv Coii-;ress, attend to I ,mi "or n,.rwro.e-s'!' dn nM.v'"ln. "Z' country, its popul.aion nnd solid Wllllt ()f confidence and nil the d.islrious, hard-wcrkin?, induct, and ; trat.sfer and payment of public debts and i-t i'. f !....!- i."...r.T;. io -,p,ri, it with Hie i,-;,,,,,,, cvill of the wn, but have not felt 0 Y nl L?.' "XSlVj II I. I....I... ..IT . ll...t " Itvlillllillli' ..f t...rr... Kil.ilu.SH f.lf I list 11 'ICC ' . I .IT . .... lull L S lllld llf lllll-'-l7..lll-S. tllut IS UttlrlV III- ! "IV"" . . . IIU.I 1 1 1 1 i II 'il II-1 .'II I-" ................ in, ui ....(...-. , Jtj,y Lt conill'T I U' CIS, CI 1,11, nils j uow ' , , ! we t ike the United States ci-nstn for 1SG0, ,,... ms .,.n l.on-uwed from the future calculable. W il l- II! "rOI..'S (I till' MIIIHI, II , . , ,, o . . , if i . . f ' ,, , ,v ., ;'i iiih.it shall wo sec? un. spent ill the present. If this state o' H rutins lit. V Were, wne Million i-M-lils.lill , . ' ' .vpcrie.iced by ll.e border Stales, nnd, t.Mly. Hint the popub.t.on of the nine-. Ulih C0,ltilMH.S( ,t cannot f.i.l lo n.ak h.le Ih-'S" have been relin taittly druu'L'cd teen Tree Slates of this Union exceeds thnt ln. ,n,.y exm-lincl)' nbuiidniit, and ronse i.ito tin-war by the Stales thai had no ' ,,f Spain, or all Prussia, or nil Tin key, 1 (1,l(,llty lo ,.s0 its value. Dut, other - wr ings," itpi.ti tlii-r.ainerhasl..ll, i. near-i )r if K,llll(.Ky ,t. ,M..-d in, that of all ,.-.., .... the nrice of commodi- i .i .. i. .1.1 . .r 1... ..I III ' IV Hie wii'iir Hi fiu "i wn: i-i. ... "i It ..r il... ; I,i,l.il...rr.ir kl tt a II H l'l I'll U III 1 1 II IIIH J . . .! ,,1,1,,. nmllict. Missniiri innl Kentucky .vcon.iiy. mm me can .s .,. . t.iutl.,. Thus, t! h, . I I.M neire. slave pro,,, riy l.y tl un- , nml .M'W orK ...otic coinnii. ..nf r-T" Ce.,t. on ?..0 per ncre, ll will pay 4 I'"' , lt ll0 uss, 1 !o ti.k-t!,etn. Some idea of , ,l,les to Government or ill purcl. deieriiiliiil liiilroad th.lil "II tin- colioil .t.,,,. (, r. or 111! 1 usciiliV, or all J- III- . .., tinn- n-itl otln-r t lines leliiir ., r.,.....rr , !., I r t ; 1 .1,. v t,i,l- The li.mr.l is ulso to issue , .ii ... .1,.:,, i - i mc i.n.i.ciiMi v li me i, nun n " .-."w..i- , - -- - S.etes tuuelh.r, vet thisc l.-.ie ' uctu ,.!li . ii-, , NnV:ly. .,c ..rice of 1 1 should advance ex-.. .,,.. .,,. 1(m i.iiO iic-roc nro : in exch.qi.er bills and shall transfer funds Tn.rdlv. that cw 1 oik Mate contains ., ,i ,. ,. 0f ,n0nev derrenscs. II . . . i ii r t nil.ints, suiiji et to Itie approval oi inc S; c'y of the Treasury, us the bnsis of a national curreucv. the Sec'y of the Treas- i .-ry i? to issue and deliver a bond of six ; p.-r cei t. slock. United Stntes, in one thou- in! cert I.eutes, rulliniaiiie iweniy years exercised a very salutary effect, ns shown j from date, on receipt ol winch the ISoara ... .i... i..., i..",..ti; (... a rrv-.n ! shall d. hv. r to the Secretary fiitltty ptf ... , , . ,,,iiiii.'i.iLiiii.iiiiiv.i.'iii......... . - ".s in , f . , - - ..... f .1 ,. ...... :.. ..p.tlii.n.t.p , L r.. I'jial.ilnl innl l ales. ' ties increases us the vnltie o. lliom-y (letire-! ,, t I I Co r.i,m I trl"- "K ''""'" '" M'" l'"J f u fitrin ' coast. ,l t'a.iia ami up lib v..., , . .,, , ... nllH Hf. u farm will pay - 'Tj ,vm. V.M w.,ro..s i Urracoons, (i,r hly ,5,50 r,.cl.ivil',I(! in pay.m-nt for .-r acre, it will pay 4 l" r , (llt no u -s, I to ti.k.-tliein. Some idea of . ,ines t,," Gov. l i.iiit lit or in purchase of con- ii 11 I, ...iiai v,..le.l llillll I 1.10 lll'Vllslalill- tllelll llll ....... ., . . ,'" ''"' "'-Mile inai ... 1, .I...1I ., in Imi.Ii. war, by ,ay,.frorci,,,.h.u, tore,lr.,s I ntrdiv nnu .ew ok, a . Hi;lIy ,ls t lt. VllIUo o nion.-y ,-cr,,si,. i, i ,fl !l)!y in,.r..l into Cub.., inh,;;.;;;;; and sicaiFprocure on Not in ten cent,, .more pen .... .....u.-u, . Wl. .-.-,I, U any prool o: U,!S it n.-m easny , . . Vaii ,a,Ull bl.il), $300. !,,; m,l,l coin .nnal to six lllonths, Pcrtitirnl. bei.dditi.-ed. Hume, in his history of En-'-! , r 4.,n .... (lin. ., ,-rlU .t i :,,.,,.., ,. .. i,ni,. Tn'ted States debt. Fourthly, that lVumylvanii has a popu Iltllt( MyS: '-The rapid d.pr.eiatiou tr.u!l. itIl. shtin-ii in Nnv York, Cuba, nnd pay the s:.me. Tic-bill willsoonbe Int ion ex.-i-edin-r that of all S-ixony. or " ,,. (i the reign of KIuIh-H.) ens, d , ,,,,,, v..,,.,,. c..; Pn,.'al To I reported by the Coi-.imittie of Ways aud Swit.erlund, on iill the Uoun.n Slates. U nf.t.iiiishiiig rise in the price ol conuiio- We m;hl ii.st'.tuie a few more compnii- j sons, just ns strikiii'.'; but tin se will be j ..... ., . ... i l. r, lis-ivri nrsTi n Ari-EAl.. " H 'll s snlltceitl to snow mat woe s,,.,,fc African squ ..Iron, is mmh (irenter.- .e nations of Furopc we nre apt to , Jonnul of lie hi wh. h ' l m.rMic c,ion 0f Capt. dl,e in an ex .,,-cr.! idea of their sever-, mr . h pri eal and tinuli adi .u , d, C,mM,, llt .,,,, lc f. , popl.a,n. and to for,,, the magnitude ..i as fo nvs: ,,iat ,,, ,H., of our own. . . ., ! .' . .... I rrnctVal'v nit a stop to. If cur other i - - - , . in sacred their o n l'iii i .ii.i-i s .sot in ra s wo'lhl the Union h ue lieuil to inll.el den, or a so dis isiro.is a blow upnu slavery in I In Lorder Stall s as the traitor confederacy Il is done II it hill the Inst ScVell months The reliell.uii is y.-t I k- Iy. however, to r' CO I the l.eava-r up.1. 1 III - " peclll.i.r institu tion" ill tin- (in It.i r Slates. As hut.' iis the w..r rajres, the rapid dim inution of slnvis coos on Their deprecia tion ill Value il.cMKiS. Tin ir facilities for ,.se..,e niulti-'v. Their removal south- frni-i the Ib.r.ln-Slates progresses - I'lieir crude inroi iiMl on, aspiriiiions nun llM-ontcliI, and lite pi Til of si n lie in-lir- i tin, i, nre nii.-iileiili d I he Ioniser Hil ar, the worse for slavery ; nml the rebel ,iie,s ..re idling their people lo prepare for a oio, a nr. The confederacy has not a flittering prospect f- r the cnplurc of iislcnto i. ueinus.il. nt ol .Mai vli.u.I, or I" - - I " ; l , c put ft stop to it our Government spends ' ' . a. n . r i i . .. ! Gen. Fremont yesterday read an elabo u lu.nl 41 0(10 f ori n vi ill- In s ,ll mntlV V..I- v . . - ' ' ' r..i.. iv.n.T liefnri. Hie nr I (imni.llee. in !u-,l I ves. Tin- est to tin- British of i .. vast deal of bribery prevails. the con- has addressed a h Iter to the editor of the Xilitmal Hquthli aii in favor of Congress i..im..,i;,..ilv n. akin.' nn iiipropr:ution for huh- nn' N. J , in one of his whole-souled, siirrimr wm js wor, iinsnn,ls. A publisher nar spccchcs He d-noiiiii-ed secession, t"l rnli-il ii. o.;r iiflk',1 not lonir a'o, an inci urL'Ueil eloquently in f.tvor of the fullest ',.tll j rcfrrence to himself. " For a loni t of Western Virginia. Yet any 1 s.,,,irt of tho Adm iiistration, in its war ,: l l .(i, t.reparins to meet n bank oinimrutive triiiniph ol the rebels that . ri.i,..r.m, nf 'peace men,' he !,...it. n lirL'e sum to tne the only lionld fail lo achieve llu-sc, would involve I , . ... . . .1.,... ... ..,,.. i s.ivs; note in in'" "ii ' ,."'i "r llielossol Mru'iuoi. li" I 1 - . ,.;..,,,;,, in I , 1 t ...... .,. ..reared. Mv .. i:..r ..r I ... ! .,..1 !,.!. .,1 the imiicnd I.I I'i -1,1 ill' I. fin lily tlioniill IU) oilier I s"" '" I - : nay cnii.c, imu - , uie n -m-i - i I'I ll"s ....... ...I .....i ..r.. entl lie.ll-l- ' ... . . t. j I . . , . I . I .. ........... inn; raitlMte. He eo,.ci.l-lis uy saim. "Now, when so many t'lonsnt'ds of Irish men nre pniliier their lives iu the buttle fields of bin rty in our defense, where so many have nlieady fallen, nnd others ere immured iu rebel ilt.ni ot.s, let I.s show that we are not ungrateful, mid when the j next urcat conflict comes, ns soon it must, the Shamrock, intertwined w;th Hie hturs and Stripes, will wave in triumph over the field of victory for lborty nml Union." im reniained. h.r Missouri What your shoes, wl yer you Hr.;iyn,, ,,.,. ! ,-r the Cher results of the war. the three u. fly from h" M'do,,, nnd t.o ntoir, h o , st.!i(m!. s. ;;;i,;;;;,:fl;;;:,;;i:: t;;:;:: ; ;:i-diJn:::: ; .i.ir in I dly earnest in the w ork, their eff'-rls would doubtless tll'il Willi l.ke .. li.i owes niiolhi r. ill these times, to per" Dasifi. S. Kickinson- on IY.wf. Men. ,;, milll,.y ,0 1. i,llc in his hands. Th.-iv : Consuls w, re cqn 'l'l.:.. I. .1 :.... I i..lri.,. nml slalesli. ill ' . , I.. ,!..!! .r n.al- lift n their iff'-rt.S Wlltllv ,..,...,.... , .,; i,,,,, r. -. . ... .1. ..;.... ,ln,,.. , ... I .1... .1 'li-cu-sed Hi.- q , t iss Newark. lmmhlllill .a from the heart of a man ' i ...TJ i .Z .. t . " U , T. rel ' . , III ItliS title IIS in C nil l" i". ".'.""-v Li'liiniiiiii r. -v. 'I ' vii.d catioii of his .Missouri campaign. The jrrc.it expedition tins embarked from Cairo, G.uira'.s Mt.CU-riun.il and Paine c mnnilimr the forces from Cairo, and Gen's Smith and Wallace those from Ka due-all, the whole coainiaud under Gelt. Grant. News f om ti e South by way of Cairo sivs t!ic Fid-T.d troois lauded at Biloxi, (wo caiiiio:. and munitions of war. Geti. Ibnlcr was expected to capture oil the Goin Scour sTios Hon. K. J. Walker ; tns on the coast. The Confederates r miicll excited. ! nml brimstone that w be sent mum you I Lev are ul- Don't .stand there fill- outlays M the smallest p-issii.le amount. Various persons who were owim: had prom : i m .hi nil in th.-ir t.ower to help me in nt u iv i ri mil Minn '. .1 ' . ...... ..-Ill t.r.K M tii "Tiene "'" . . ., I.. c. ;.. , I;..,,,,,.,. l il. M,i,.i o t lie liiouli III l'ie nn- in- . i .i I-i, .1... eniii.n n.o.l iiii with you ,rer Mines n.e.i....- ' - I ,,rill' Tl,,. ,aV of C! propositions is States into """'era o. .....,. , ' ,, w. Von are mark- l""' ' .' . .. '......r ..... l l.-rSnies lomrer be ill livor ot Hint. u, w in .. Von arc mark-! the eracrp-iu-y, for I went so far as to ,em in me ' ' ' ; , , Tr , ntnm rt, s vituls.- ,h; ';; zvAt, v. . .-. . : f-r ,esl bope il H " ry 1 I. . r , t ,1-owitl.' (pieiiilons iibjec- Tlin .ttnttoi, as n , cd rn h, , rn. Hi. J e. tre.ne oi peru .7 ... . fr,jf tlto'sicttcd with i-vi-ry iliflii-ulty. H you n Kidvution ...ust come, f at a . fr. n in., t, 'm,u, uo- with yon. I'fr " lm" ..i..;.....i..,.. .0 return ' shoulder y '.' r .....il liv Its chiiinnions. and its 1 lions m iihi ii.,. ...... . w , ,. ,,.. Stales fro... further oblntutions to re - , . . . wi ynl refi.re.ice bei., made lo the t.l ni.sor.un, . . .. . . J.. .I...:. I. ..el llii.li v.-rv he... Will, litem to no men -, 3 Hut when the nioruiii).' of the dreaded day came, the sun shonn bnuht and bentitifiil, but there wns no brij-'htucss nor beauty in it to mo and mine. When the lutlu chil dren came to the breakfast-table there wns Ii nn ominous sil nee Hint, without any nml would insure .1. snfo flight, Pcrai, -n ' m,md M , prM w7.,Tlu.?.rf lii'hi'Ko.ues March.' You ctnl no longer b,; rf innilins. As is ,o often the 110. II W .... I....I. aiiles. I of American power, which ..lour hn sc- .1,. Inith sides, in Invor of the I mon nml favor of prosfciititik' mu war taT The lJuff-do Commrrdul says that n pnthinan who arrived from Toronto lately, win re be had resided since May, slnles that out of the thousand Eiibsli sol diers recently stationed nt that place, near ly six hundred have deserted. He relates nuiny instances where the men bft iu Many were retaken, hut the ma- or American "';"," . f - 1 (ltf,)insl ;, i r.ivor of proscci it rrol;1 ,1... open 11 ' J k ,f ; 1, M1I;, ,1m Adininis.rnti. nations, lllld Cllllblell It 10 ninhO p.iiiiini nisiiiousofnewterriiory. In cpotv,' r, m. m. ' -.;, (,fli'u:::r'i;S veternti' enemy, wmn, m '" . I .o wltt-t li.-r you can kec will. ihent. i is pir-nl-r. e -Me, , J Un . .... ...i:.. r..:l sriuads :?sfll,,. ;: r c,,n'iij.-ri.yn, h.i Hllin iii i i j No,' the ' do himself must remain undone. However, there at lcnctli remnmeii omy one ....0..1- l In- ih.or, nnd we p step to the . .'..I rn,ie4 mid n.ivies. II." or COi'llll'i H : . . . , . ..:..., eivdi.e.1 ration" would., mto ;o.n m. - Ihe exte..'' ".. '" "ln 1 . T ti . !,Ul.'.o"i'r:-:-,irl 11 latum 10 11 . 1 - " ... a 1 .... iwnvers waned, would liect.iom f V ) .1' h, sbivehohliuir imlion onlhefnce ((f olobe could not ol l.er from Hie mc FX 1'ltFHItiF.NT UlTIIANAS ON THE Ma- son-Suiifii. Affaik.-A correspondent of the Cincinnati Cummrrriat, who has .... ., I ..,.:i... (Law been Oil Visit lo V lieniunin, .'" " Ucfcretice was cssnully inado to Sliihh ami Mason nrrest tin This drew out TaTASt'ltY NoTFS r.FCFIVABI.r. ron Tos rir.r Sniirs The Postmaster General . 1 11. i:......lt.. ...... u-iiKtiiit' nfuri. 1 . u 1 .t. .......... 1..i .n.tcii-r. il.i'titi, n music oonar iini..j - l.nvinir in nro nun i-","-- -i (raiherintt up ctpi v penny iu the houe, .-ten I f i, ,0 rill,iv(, Unilcil St .tes Treasury notes, ntronchinir on Hie Wile, uvinir 01 me ,!, 0 jeiiinnil, 111 payinem lor pos child) en. Three o'clock wns nipMly p pro.chiiKr, it'i'l the dreaded protest! What imattiniiDis of ruin crowded my brum, com init and goinR with each successive turn of ..ni,t! I could havo borrowed tho miser able dollar from any ono of a mul'itudo of 11 1.1 L.lii In Kllilell lllnl ,.1'lsoti lines.. - i.iiii: u. , , k,,.p Hie pence, ' -' ' " .,' I rrom ,M, ex-President a prompt r.'irrei ... , fr.(in(, ,mt , (IulM i ll0rrow i"v ' - . , . . . .I..... .1 lm mi 11 irrnsseii . . - .......,ii,i w 1.11 n rini.'ii " i..,.ienii reciorOL'tlies. miiK'i.i"" re eviiiu i , ... ...... .,.r t tin A. 111. I uw 0)iri.ssed her cncrKies nun 1 .( (.w (,;nl,.n,ty. w;w whc. every ' ttMljk n friend ::Un Fniot. wil, .,,.f, kind-1 S W - have ,0 confess 1 Jl he Soil.!.. Shielding ;f7V e tesl.a.ed not lossy Hint tho prisoners l, .ingle dollar so m.ch-I could '"r . 1 l.i.r necitlinr turil wHliin, , , ., ,fiv..n lm ns soon as lite . ... ., !(. a neli-hbor had owed me ft r,,. ii 1 1 111 nn. , ... I,,,,, w oiiui " ii"" - ' ui.n. tliuslobi'twicercscuei - "'-""SK.r.'i'S 3?ta5S tiitfe slumps nnd stamped enrelopcs, has is sued n circular directiiiir Hint such notes nre to bo received nml d sbursed by Tost- masters, us equivalent, in all respects, to coin. Touacco. An old tobacco (jrowrr writes to the Alia, that California is bound lo be one of the lust tobucco Stute in thu world j The soil is peculiarly adapted to its crowih, the climnlo excellent, mid the leaf is equal to thn best. In the opinion of tho writer before tho Govern- ' ,. . k u ,ri. due n this country will produce more tobacco to Z" ho had ol.en told ma to send for it, the acre limn Virginia. Tho tobacco worm . J .... 1... ,,U..n.Mri nnd to co is not k uowil here. i... n 0 t ie nil I 1 ul not em '117 -"" . . r rL". .. r...., . .I., ...an who thinks 1 lnf to collect a dollar was Into U8. T s,.w Votk Tabl-t snys that there Eelf more rinhteoiH limn his nelKM...r not ,,, thu l.oue nny lonjrcr. ,, , U tin,,, one lM..id,c -S, iu,'.(tln.'H thai his way .0 Leaven l m,m, WlUU ,, ri.,ief. 1 went out Into Catholics in thu K'deral Army 1 ,,o only truo wny, nn. 1 nt v ..... don't bdictfl in bim disbelieve In God ' ou ,ho Ureal .m.M7 "7 lo-Qn-J sauu-1 of this your. Gov. n ,mnv, of Minnesota, was in0 Ciirnted Jan. P'.h, at St. raid. An "ffort is to be mnde ot Washington to cstnbl sh a bureuu for.supplying ind in spictiii clolhiuir for the army. Senators Johnson and Polk, rebel Uni ted States Senators from Missouri, were expelled yesterday. Tin.' case of Stark, of Oregon, canto up in the S. nate y.sterday. After a warm ilisi u-sion, ihere'was a motion to amend the r-solution, so us to allow Stark to take the on 1I1. Lost ayes J, noes 31. A vote was then taken to send the crt d. ntiali to the Committee on the Judiciary. Car ri. d ayes 33. nots 1 1. Latham utid Nes inith voted nny. It is said I ho pnnbonts irx ant) .S'l. iw.'i went down the river this morn injj towards Columbus, and were attacked by tin! rebel (.'inibonts. After a brief en (fBifemeiit the r. bels retired behind tb bat teries 01 toiuiniiin. The St. Louis R'pMran has dispatch tndnv fioin H"lhi wivitiir that two rebel c.iptiiins and fifteen privates were, taken in Unit iioin.hnori.ooo.. A sVrmish occurred at Silver Creek, be tween Holla and Springfield, in which a lurcc i.uu.b. r of rebels were routed, and a cinp entirely destroyed. C'pt. Hnssi ll, of Kell.-y's Brigade, had n skirmish with G.-n. Jackson's Brigade yesu-rd ay, on the PotoiiitiC, ot Until, and succeeded in capturing eleven horses, after losing seven of his own. Chicago, Jnn U. The report of Sec retary Cameron' resin nation is Irue; the cause is not known, but it is snpposed to be differiiu' of views as lo the conduct of the wnr. Fd. M. Stanton, of Pn , Hitch omul's former Attorney Genernl, will bi his aiicci ssor. Cameron goes to St. Peter, hurir. Ciiniiis M. Clny will retnrn and have a position In the army. The Qtm of Me Srai, Dec. 24th, ran ashore nine miles north of Georgetown, 8. C., entrance, nnd burned. Lnnc's Joint resolution, introduced yet terdny, empowers commander! whilt marching thrnngh Indian coiintriei to rani tcr Into service such persons as may prel um themselves Nothing Ii laid about color. , PritMi schooner i'rine 0 Walti, wbrli in wiutcr'i proviioiiH-a limd "nv . . 1 . 1 I. ..11 Ammm w ii nor (! nml two yrr ir- pi mm u- j,-