The Oregon Argus. (Oregon City [Or.]) 1855-1863, February 08, 1862, Image 1

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m d w. mi aim.
fftHMM 09 svuscuivnos
mi Irgv " (MotohiA nt Tin" Oolltri
Ji "' ' ' .
ii ,i ili' "i"ii"J" ""' '"" "' "'l,"""'r' '
.. . iL'k-i u Mid in . mHtht,
"k !"'-' "' "" ''"
" ' pnllaiM will lierkm unt I'" " .'.i'i
s'?i"i'"""" "r"'""' " "u
' V MM. i'K""1'""1"' "'' """"".'r
In',""'""""""''""" "' '";",,',"
"'s' r , Iirrnli Jii r Mat,
rnioiTiioi or'" " on a mOio MX."
Win ii tthek,.' in. rlii ' II"
Whu pt gsUtalr ikallag
(lar It "I''" "v " I SOU"
n iini mmMv nival " Ijliryduj
, ii , Li M knuiti i" thiohi
On,.; who IumI tlitnti "V illhliii
0 rini (i UlllR M
ii ml knot. i spring Ii' in,
i il.n lu.i.-np iron,
fi ueet) wtliaev MM" leelk1 frewgs,
Aj kkl link, ii iii wtediiii
When biinU i" i!'" wwwliii
4 lid n c u i" luioul -Mi..-
rklsi issiblerlhgi
i ml m."" im h " l.
wul kn"lt if in Win r,
,( I. .iV. Ili" u ml
J'. i. n.ifil nun 'J' bullei i" ik -
'I'll' k.l ul 111 ''"' I1
mi I I II il) I" ' nuiMN
Win ii run y ifllligV so hott,
,1 rii' ihl " In ki .'' m i'i' -
u hu"Wl hi in ' i i kuott.
I fd I. I ili Hum,
i tf I" ' Ii I I"1 CMll up;
WIhmi il wn " II rip
,j km i iUim i" irvviuig
flu ln' r. "Ill UH.I !' iiiijIK,
Id.- kiMU iii m 'ii.' ph .ii;
,i (i p ibwi ii iii' i,
I null knOII 'Ii u 111.
V.Mi N ami II 'Hi Tin re w ; huj dl
af ihllit booiid up in tin' wcvl niord,
me, Tin erofd In typical nf cuiufort,
lere syiiipothjf, nutl nil thu ulh 1 1 dllli v
idil coiMlnitv Uw tl I (jhti of 1 lifr
Wit' Un i-vrry il.ijr rhjiiMin iiU of In my ul
our phNM, lirteMktenl ewl itlfeetloiwte rum
lc fiiithfnlly poMriieeil, they woohl lx
Cftd, in niorel beroinw, Iditereel, end ro
am im. nionl of the pro taction "l the pen
of lii iimi. TlttiWtiel welhUeJiw ol otlelj
rrl un Iter hOMMj mi l Whet nr.' ill" fmin
ilnt. mi itonce f our lioniei Im' eiboioii'e
cjri end dfrotlonf
A eoo'l nothcr it worth in ermy ol pc
MtliiteBoet, awl troe-heerted, Bohle
htdnl Iter 'or'' prroloM then tl'
"limr in 1 banditti frh mtK "
ThnMi ho liner plyi ! n nnd lh i low
mile, in whtm vein the wroc bloo I How,
irelHiiml by stered lie Hi it MO "' T r
kbrokeri Pbtnoptoiyeps!Ki -ojuar
rdi in iv nceiir. I.ut lb" who Imvo n en
parity to love anyth i r. ni i t him i
.me, ii bubbling up "f loud frcbllerll ,
ad a yearning after ti e joys of bygom
iUv. Bvury w nm ni Im n inbedon pn
i irili. Tli Tt i "ao .. ithlng t. il i ' lor
ivirv one n hontehllld 10 put in order, a
,', ij lo nt(. ml to, sunn- clan of iiiifortu
mi.-, d'Ttraihil or huirivleM buraanity t"
h hn lid. Thnt mail i pour, imlu il, thai
av. the w.n I I ihonl hnl UgtX It. dan
mthiiniv that will be felt for good lifters',,
kn pi- .1 a .y
Tin re is little lieanty in the IWek ol 11 i
doweii who are drawn Into tba gaj circle
of fashionable life, whoae arernt is mbllc
iliiphiy, ttl.o-e ruin f.v i- their pr ""
home in th" Inner aauetnary f bonw life,
VUOlin appear, in h r till" L'lory
Tin lUnrrv or "il mi.i n-" ivr
hap oeatf Ntan nre rarer (H-rMinage than
,,f iis th'i.k Wi eh nf us ran po et
mt many well In hi ctrclil Mn wl
tnM r rfeiittou. who,.- truth I eonai mt,
mil ant mil emailanl In kind, tmi eleveled
. I. VIII,'. I I
,s main
them ilrnjile, who em. tank the world hon
tttl in tin- face, with mi equal, m mh iym
iitl v fur the treat and nnu l? we ..11
laoa a hundred wh i"'1' i,r" ,rr.v v" 1
nude, and a ecore who have exeelli
, Ih. 1, .,.,,, I. 11 Im lire
lirr. llll'l oil" or ,wm o- .-. 1
.1 ii I. 1 elrclce. and ;
kave ihol Into ihe eery ntt I hull'
eye nf Moon; hut' of gMlUmn, hna
Maky L' l us Ink- n I"tl" wrap ol mMr
tuJ iuih make out h lial Tk itktn)
Tin Pviko Ni.viu Wnr- The reason
limi ih- dv ni never weep is 1 canc ihe
piujfactprlea "f life Mop fnreti r; 'he I n
am ytem hna coasetj lt (bnetlone, In
all dbwasft, ih.. hn r i ii- very llri nrgan
tint eeasei in work mi by mi thr oilw 1
follow, nnd ..II Ihe fount., t.s of (Ife an-
it Itngth dried np; there hi no srpreilnu
Botha rye in death weep not, ."'i 'I."' "f
NftiOtl is .h ud iu Ihe heart, bill Iwf IttW
there are 1.0 lear-drop in .t any re than
tin re is mnllure oil the lip.
Sail vr v.. tiik I. st A (rentlemen
writing on the " Woman Qui thin," yi
" I emif, s. in nil iiie-r'...v. that I b . Ilrt
men .... ugly woman, Tltki my "pi"1"
mridnxleal, nnd 't il ll 1 '." I",n'
1 in ver limi nnv woinnn et.tirelv tlgly, I
lalarged uimm this Id. a onw liefbrn an an
dlenci ni women I" wlremn
I; flat ,1 s od to me. 'Sr, l defy yon
tint In limi me ugly ' ' Y" i, ni'idiim,' mid
f, 'ireanttngel htlleh Iromhenfen, only
ynii fell upon rnnr nraaV "
Hai.Kisn l.V HoV - llv Ihe way, there
aiiiht in he n sumptuary idlet igmnai
(aokiiMrby hrnis under aft, I pome Into
tota frequently on ihe lop of an omn has.
hnul Ihe lime the fie. ks OMM In And
' behind on (he roof of the velneh s lie
May, mws nf ahiskerh ss, snlh.w, ndk
IjaiM RUoklng nl rhiv pipes, is ln.IH.ous lo
bntokl; They sninke ..way tlielr pprtltea
"'I what htlle liruius lin y hove, nnd gfOU
"P. Of rather don'l urow up, mlatrulile 1 1
'Ic mob, deipteed vf recti and 000 tel tl
''K women.
Coil, Ott. W nit .mi "iir readers lo
bocnrplul how liny niffl rOUl Oil) there is n
Kteiit djial of poor in If palmed "IT on the
wininnmly enll' d " fi'iil "II" ill." ''"m
DOJld. ol Ipo.iI oil nnd MinnhrtW. nini " l'l
'or n mpei ior i.riii le of Kerosene it will
'M'h'de nlmoM us r. nlll 'a inoiphWI
A Woekly Newirjtywir, devoted
Voi, VII.
i hi pewit nulfit.
Tin word " peace" liui n vrrv loottdmi
nnimi iu im- niMiirniii Rpiric, flIHI Ii iipl lo
Dnil ndrojwU'f in nn; cotpmiiujl, ihool
much rcipird ly thf in to tlia lereil ripon I
I .1 .-I. I . . i
nrnigji it w in in- . cured.
The Qovcrii.
MiiMit ! just now ennonod in dvfendinit Iti
own OJttfiico nf(nliist rebljls Ufllt upon
dronhlnicltoulol'cxliiteneo. Vot theuouM
itdvocatei, pretcndlnn lo bi I ro (liut it It
iti tin' power of ii." (iii, . 1 ufjicitt io retttnrg
Ika country Hi tin- sunn. imiiiIii .on of ordi r
mill iii . wlMk M 1..1 il lull
. , , , . , ..
I on, iii ;-ii' Sliviinoiisly niiiikt lie wnr ns
, ,.,
.1 orlme iffeiiut our brethrim." rho
,, , ,, i
spirit, which, nnlinuua our rjtWIIooii lirethi
ran may bu beet keen In their liihjtunge aiu
their purpnw Th" Mcmphln Araluhohe
ol if vii mv inosi iiin'iiiit or'ini ol
rebellii'ii, calU the peace pirty of tl)e Kortll hud nt'hleW'd grcutnens hut waa only day in the stre"tn, without elintns or muz
mi ii tarn tit humbug; Lhot'tho r l-N w.ll iorinh fortmialo ft-w ali6 hh'vo g 1 r! ori, nn'ft 'we.'hav'e liiyer llf'ard of eveii
have no ponce abort of n iipiiratioiij that
-" b w '
Lincoln nnd the Qorer 'lit of wbleli he
is ihe diet itor, and : ihwttl e pi "pi" whom
he gorerna, nhtil aim gl-t Hd of tin in lor
Mr" We think that eomeol our iicace
, , , . 1
mline, u 1 ahonld cull th-lr nrxl uieojng nt
Menpbla, Thern btiio plnoe which more
Muiids In need of the hleaawl Inflitfi ol
ill" ."!ie" nwinnrp, ""'I il" n;K hi i n e
t . r-i'i'i abnulJ U cuinmenccd among tlul
rortl - iiwn. Here everybody is in favor
of peace ManpH rih.dho.i lay- down III
.1 . i 1.1 i. r
umw and permit m to enjoy the blcmlng
of free sjovemmeiit without mohttotlon.
PkiMtffihm Mpr.
. ,
tin. ii tn m " pi'' -i nt tune is trii.t-
r InlhrentWn ofdrstrnct ve eahnon, rh
, .
1 s hi K ni. d iierv v.ii M-t v of dead v
" ' p" " ' " '
wcipou. WMind in ... exeh iicc-he fob
n'ref' renee tilth' i II KjnfHMUfr
n ut Pnrtri Moi i".
I Rlpbwrd Uonh a' t, i i r Uionih" if ih-y
Wn-it tt..;,M (in Pi of J. r-i .! i.i, or
tiinld hnvo aven the ureal Uiiiou l'u.i, ixi
t.-en I , i ImiL'. limit tig n, i:;l pound oj
wilid rout nea. el 1 in I through the
..' Rv.u, lu ilos ,1 iv ol nrni. etil.-s il is
ani n.n in 1111s nay 01 prnj 1 111 1,11 is
r,-.rfitl olid 1 rifnl tolbiuk of I
!;;,. f ,. Onlnnnoe D-liarimcnl,
m ( " . d it experimental shot with it
un tlm 98nd ult., at Old IVnt Comfort.-,
. .
Muasui offmx :..' i . ry paces, ami
yon have (he length i.r the cnn. which
tti-'ghs .rJ. (MM) pound", W ill a nih il Inn
' . ...
twelve Incmt in ilinmeter purty po uni-
ol Hiwdrr goei to n chango, o! inch eqnre ,
ti ilut tlie , pint.- :-ri ns vary from the
. .. of n walnui lo hen' v.'. Fimr men
tt.nk the ;iiiniiii-e r onrod, nnd four nini!
nldrd hy A eriidh nf iron, llfl the shot 10
the month of the piece, An aye wilnea
iini, dewrib. 1 tee firing:
A terrific crah, a -!i et nf flame nnd Uhe
Iremliliug f th" earth folluWS, At ill"
nme time theru bt a acreci'b nnd a crem
,-i I by th.- alint, n liliick m, which
i."t can 1 n i'- lV.-hi. y lilt : I k" an in
r t il devil let loos,- front the Infernal re-
;. IK.
Th" p' Pllll lr
k,.r. W ..hove deserihed.
Is nci-asiooro hy the rotary motion or ine their nnlagrmlita 'recording Ii uregarn tliv luatory ol ricspotiMn. Tlnru I." inav'tinee, nnnnd Sir.h I ..y .op, of hist ten
hall and can ii" a ire ly I ,s ti 1 fernal na ,.r,, WM the more r. on console limi. If a th th- n il ction that no hp,.. who is the step-danghter of Oapt.
Ti," force ol the. Ii-, hoe" pe.!.-'l off he L h ,r;.. jhfl f.t ,.,;lt ,!., one can Ktmi l.y tailing him a dug, lor ry,,,n. 6f the 1st 'fivnes-ee itettmeut
nutrr anrfiire of the ball, acaltering in-1 ,, , , , n, "linn ... m , -, , 1 ,
,, mi in every direction, ai it il w, reoldad nti and eJeantnattw, To my 1.enano M.-s Taylor I an exile from her home,
like a ahowrr of grape Ton time for the mind there la somethlngof 0 reaemldatRs tviiom '(w.-u bi-i'm.;. r 1 . 1 ,11 .lru'' , imv'ng joined th- fortunes of her step-fa-
ball flight of thr d a half miles, wa
- II At J I
" "v ,,'-'""1. " noIJ .,,M,r 1
'' I r. ....... .-.or. .,"",:".
...... .1 I. : .1 1
lleil lis nio'i lerrnue . 11.".. ev ui n- ni
t.nui,,.,,. sand hatterlee w'th riielUi
which l.ursll.B under ro I, will ench do
ih work ol nbnltalifmnl men with shoveli
nnd nick Xe, How d ff. r. nt is w ir nnw,
. , . :.
rr""' . "
s In the l ines ol lance,
-Im Id, mid battering run.
OuPAttiTivr. I'o.-r Or Tit- Wai: S-n-alor
Dixon, in n h at II irtfnr.l, emn-
pared the rxpi nsi , nl this w ir w lh llioar
of I'.nglaud in bow with N pnleon II"
ealtmnti d that with h- s Ih ... eighteen m I
I en, ol p.npl", she ipctlj f'r ihirlien yeirs
an everuge of $1,800,000 I"1- ''"' n"f
lor ihr. e montlm Itefore the battle ol Wn
terit.O she -pent in II "ns per day Our
one mill ptrday is a p-.l.ry affair by the
side of inch a enl expertdlfitre, Tjiontott.
,y p.iit 1..1I l-v Kt. I. 'I w . -i"!' l
I,', n great extent Upon ihe continent, nineh
f ,i golna u. Ih" shone "f mlalhlii 1 1 Other
.u.-..r. ,iii thu helmr lost iltoetJir m
, . Ilr'lish people. The ommtnt of tr
. XpeieM.-irelhat out of the CO. V is
. . . .-,d r....
hut it tr ll ng fracl pn
Tin' II.. I villi AO Iliulu.'M Hnyi one
of .mr rxchanueai
T.ds Is Ihe ..ante (H,
i, 1 1, p. o t; ii. e in si
... I . , ... ...
nils th ii h is
i, uiiMiered Into Ihe icrvh ' lh conn
,rv Ii is made up chiefly of rtdbfious
7s 5c . " Vn..'vlv,n.n and l.'-ut
Pol Enklh nf'Ullwbi'lh. Pennaylvnnll
or the character nfthl regiment, we have
... r..ll..i,.,r .vtr.iel
,i L'oml innici.ii" "" " i
of n letter NW.IWg
II ' '"'" ' '". "...
Willi IS Still i" "'--.. . , .
ironiite wiin my m ...
. . ... 1 1 ... I i.i... I .,..ii
h 1 wrile III lime o ii"i n ...
ml r U T.! 171
mtttingi, wn .
I I.. I. lev. rv body seeins ..slouished ..I
.. .. 11 ' ll ' " "ll '
I I' "i "' - 0 ' II . 1 l
Such men will hioo
..Iv. s iu the dal "f bellll
ine nioram nw.
i .....I..-,. I he ,'Uiuin s
oeooTil of t hi in
If sh-p II es frmn yon,
pursiiil "I it; It" Mill, nmi
i nmi' ii"l . ' 1 von
to the biteraetn ofithe Laboring Claadee, add advbftating the
i k h. in or suiuirr.
I)r H. Il'i .v, of All S nuts (;iinrcli, Xnv
m 1c. ilfliivrr.l u l-:nr u S in hy.
W. Stth, on the. wur. one! i'n tin- courio
of tt thqi referred to Mnjor. now Ueii, Am-U
.... . ...
1I1 r 10111
" I Mtj n few ii .VK ;;o, Inukitii: M
f mtly Into the fnee of the rrtlld end Ohfft-'
tUu TUtrlot; Whii. ei tlw hero of Hnmi-r. '
1 ' '
ronsed thli nntlon to nrrte. In (qW,
ti ullo counteiiunce, Mint uuhmuiuIii, mod
! ! ni . 11, those hutulilt; 1 p, liutt worn uml
r,...i.i.. r. r' i.i ...... ri..
, ,. ,. ,. ,.
for Mi Iiiiii'i w, iiitripi ;!y uml h-Hwcri
... . , ... .' , , . .
I I'mn. ci ted with Mint liopelem ht mi
. , i , .... , d.-n-use. Thelonef of WwcV, lite
eye, till! laiiuiinge, luclicated noihliitf r
to ul. ul. le, iiiifl uIiiiobI h::tiit"i one t i thii
tiiui . iiiM lit ti tt iiiiiiirr pom irnul nor ,
lieaa Ihrhtt ttpon them Hut nil nt once,
" 1 1 " a a n,v, hi rou
mt like f h.ij-, in, face alipue jike n
I. m h" pol;.': ' I nm not s.iti.-fir.l u ;t!i
Hie pout which pnhlio feeling Ins yel
reached in tbla war. Sol , hf mat.
,, . , .
tlrlnkn tint any Other man In a deeper in-
''', I lit it than bo himself baa, lie is not
fully loyal, he K not adequately rooacdJ'
... . . - .
fiu iihip m i'i u.ij onnni rn u no
'hHI Every wafl ha, or OngHt to fetl
that ho has an lufliilto inter m in tlic eiiiiie
"f jutic, honor, uouitiiniional law and r
41.1. ., i ..... ;.. .....
puolliain instilntiou. bvery map in
loyal Siut.
. If- . I... ..
ty .on. I act s a id.-w l oaurtrcatecl
ni h.s iionlihrs shnnhl liht aiifiiol.oly
, P , .. , , . ,. -r , , ,
i h e w is fi..hlniu' should die as if no
.., .., .. ,, .,,. r , ....
but hi could aavo the coontry, Ut th!
. .
t .1.11.' :.t I . .v. ;;,..' , . . . ...
, , B(j ChritUu. and carried lilt
CM , ChrUt Ma,,.sll)v ngai.M lhl
w'ioI- falt civilhtatlon and religion of the
Ro,n,m E ,,w '" ,th " ' ' '
oncu m " wiw "no .n "'
th. m Irion phiMitly through all the hatti ri
tM for mile fortify 'itavQup of Manajwua,
i i .1 i- 1 r t 111
nl ,,v.i I'oto nac. W nrt
, , "-, 1 , .
"M"' , 11,0 "l"nt " w ri!"
le more ""hie Maaaach'uketr men neyd
only blie lb dui j a Rw mora lIlqMriui
. . .1
Qener! uml Caplning from Minuesnta ami
Qf, pj,odo Ll.,.,,1. OoilUCCtb tf, uml
.. .. , . . .. . , ., ...
N.w oik, h id Ih" wnv end In ir!; it with
l,"'!l' Wood, to ran the whole hation lo a
pbeh wlilch would nitlsfy even thb Hero
f Somterl!'
McCl.KU.AN ami Hr.u T.iT.Ann Con
TRA8TED. The following is tik 11 from
some of the recyni letU rs 1mm America ol
Dr. Kn.sell iq the London Time;
"When I had the p"ii,iir of ponvers
Ing with Oen: MeClelhin for the first time, J him the beuvOt ol the following driwsiug: One of the features of tho 1st Tenn. s
he ii-k. I me sevcrwl queMion wiih evideui j " Let him to Iu tlm I sonfedemcy whksh srP Hegtment i in the person of n lirave
inter st ami frien lly i-jtriodtynol 11 itwital extols ua the mosl humune and fren upan d flP,oinp!is1P( ymw, My ,lf ,ut ej-fc.
" ' I .....ll I tt )...!. II ll II, HI I II, .ft; l.l if lit
mi ihe mrl ol Omental in r fertnee to
h 1 ween the men, Both are below Ihe
mlddhi heghtj they are both aqnnndy built,
' '
,, f ,.,, f, ,.,.,..-.uv,r since then
oollege days. Bcaurega,rd.Jdced, i lenn
and thinribbod; .MiChllun is full and j
with a Napoleonic tendency' to eat
it, sii'iilu.-il by iu('. -s;iut .X rclsc.
, , ., n, .
gild iceiw htlle; M.riell..ns teni-
" .' , , 1 ,
It. mr
,H ,10 ,,t n qnirei 0 full liarn of rest ; both 1
are aparc itsu Spartan in del, studious,
quiet, Beauregard is rather katuriilnr-,
in. I if not melntiuhollc, is of a grineg n Ij ;
Mi CI Han Is iteuial 1 v. n iu hi r, - rvo
Tn,- il , iv of tin- hair, ih" onnr lies of
the jiw, the nnd Pi 11 ily of tlm
leeih, end the outline of the ffattire :uv
.', r ;,: iv in h,.th, which would
...;, It-, l were unto,
,,. ,n. Lotilihinn Creole tint, while Me
Olvllnei is fair complexion d. llem.reg.r.l,
, ,.,, .t.nk, ilull, student's eye, the dull
0f ;W,t0h however, arise', from it fnr-
, n ttta, for i. I full "f Are, nnd It's gl me. s j
t .,i ..rohimr. Mablelb.11 bai a
.rev,,, n(0 whiidi y.m pan hmk
' " rf ,,, f, ' scn-he. f-.r
. m .1 1 ..,...
and deeji Into you
iBoauregnrd has some-
ihim: of p-i tension
In Ins manner not
. .,..;.
sort of nir, wiucn pem . say.
t ,,,,..
.... ., mr it 1 .1 11 Ill, io r" . .
riiatnrh I in I km.' ni iniuwry tnove.
m(,,tn MirCUellon Oeema to be nlwoya at
Uht n-t . intrude tOo much UpOI. hm,
even when you se.k in vain fpr.the ground
; ,lf impression In anything that he is
. . ii.. ..,.11 .nit.
il-enir or s.v.uir ...".. -
1 lining or saving uvutirspo.M
eraft, nnd mtutlj MoOMIoi
himK n .1,
Ihm is nior.
I.,..,.,. on.'
,, ,, H,,,,,,,,,,!,
...... .1. ii '. " L'o'i '. r-
.ii.inr; .net uiuoi i"" I "
0-.,r.,l. The former only look ;h-
.1 .1- . ...I...O.,
. .,,rt iltirerrards noun lit
'"-V '""s"' T.dT"nW 11
,.,IH, oue.iCi s, nun I:'""" l"'l
... I. i I ..lot.iai I II' I t 1 l i nt it t in
iii.inuis, .
...... ,.,u ,1 Mi-naidi-
op nion in i. ." i ii - i
eel ni well ns military reinlU u wnni ne
I III II!. " ' " J
order Th- v both thecrenturwol n
,,,1,.,,' ' .ipr,,,.,,! pn, tin re
" iiS ffi "
(. ,n eon t ml the eort.'nl o; i H uta, arid if In
either the rtitbrjr awn or the eavalrj iii
,,. ,,M Unitn St il-s' there is the
n,(T Broohd whifth Him 7 I ii(Ulded, kiicfi
tint of which tlw iiriillerf own of
or U11
ler ol' the Irootldei v.'us
fun. i. "
.ww KnM Loo. k.-Ii only
1. 1 111" 1 lint tlm icon o! luihim
mrin i0oll," .. a nj I .r..r.-
A 1 the Sooth, wh. r Ihry nre i en ' Imn'
eepry '.' spiiliicle nutrrqi iiobodx,
If K'lwiird l. r li, who mho'iioted n
Frertph hidy' hook, to illuKtrate the hor-
,.. ,. ,i ',;,, , ,.m r... I,,
! , , ' i
Bodih Cnro inn, he would iieiler quote or
. i , 1
iiiionoto rlmt hooK iiiriun.
Il. n. i.i ih" I) vt, , t of Coloml.i.1. we
v.. nrii i u r !y Klrtvi'S "tnotf, hut free ni'-
lirneii 'ihott.' Of the I iSI Hum d elo we
c "i" ' . ii i'ioii iij'i, v.'i.o nte awn t'very
Il' nV 111,1 r I;. " '" '''""'."f Ul "'71
''"ail eiliKlren neiM Iri--:.t-t: il alaail it.
hhythe offer of ma y dollaN per
month. They ore not po'iouoaa, or, If
they nre, Itiey art riot' tdte.
JMjw on"
D ,; Golnmiiia upon any apodal
,.,.,,,,., wl0n ,. fciioaf that HgktjMlwfW
iJioiwaiid fri ttfrmt are 'loout itl Mury-1
land, nfid that evcii littlo Delilwiire ui able
t : ii.,.,.. .... I. ni, .o
i" ....... "u i u i.... ...... ... .......
tn mamiire nineteen tlinuvami onmra.
The Ns V. Jmiiiiiil nf Commence talkl
ninint ine ivnt narlMriam ol luriiiujr
loose On women end I1' hlr. n n hlPO to .
V, 111.
S ppt i in nil
inner of honor
Hid i v - '
v ... t 1:1 . .. :.. !...
" I '"'I II t'i.H'i I I - I I 1 1 111 'Mill HHTi
li I i V P' ih' I I V ' i I . i- ' IS (i
,!.,. s, ...j, f,.:. ut i,..,u..Vu,-.i,.i
';, .
. L
Tee Pux o? Doco:.;.-.- In the Cb:c:;go
l o t, w :b was .In " Po'iglasa mouth-
piece, nnd which is edited by his warm
personal friend, Mr. Sheahan, we Bad the
following si. i lenient:
Judge Donghi' plan to preierve the
P nWrartc pnVf, ! tl at .he D. m, cratalmore than a moot court; nnd that the citi
stiouiii run tins war, n iney naq run cyery
nth r wur since the fouiidiit Oil of the ITie
in fact, make it n DcmOrr.itlc W!ir.
I it with all th" power ol the lia-
, ... ,
MK nnd, if nec.e.ry, to atntion 0 t
I ir'i.rnrt n every one of the rebtj State,
arid . hy Iht bayenet enforce bbediencu lb
th luw Puree, with regulnr troop eii-
t..m, I I. .. It... . I, .. 1 ftltt ('!. Ii llli.M lint
""'" -'".
Lincoln do thu nme thing In' Clinnestoiif
Ho was lor dropping all local lbeii und
....,,' Until iiit.-r tl... wnr, idotl .1
im th it. in a Union perpd, I .- Wj - rdr
.. ., ,. . i
i .1 , , i nnee 111 ire llle Ul I I lemocrni e nine eniupiua in it'iuiuu hbi uiaui, inuii miii nu
ll, r, inscribed with the nahn ol a hundr. il over illustrate and lend a rnmantlo feature
Imtth for that. Uniw, and ngain .i.spnte 1 10 i(, of onr colintry. Another
with the old political enemy the con teat ut , . , ., , , .1..
J example is fnnushed liv a recent letter
the li.illo: Inix. , ,
from Garrard comity, Ky , where n I n-
jyOo It Prentice, of the Loniavllle ion camp has been formed, composed in
Jounmt, in noticing u speech made by ex- n,.i of exiled Tennelkceatn. The letter
C'.mgr- s,iuan llui'in It, ol Kentucky, giv
,,,.,,,, ,,r..,;iN ,JtU , Ur,mi,it..l iu
n (nav ulw pridu Mmaelf iu tlie coimcioua-1
' '
nea tM ultltOogh he may
not wi ar r.
. . ... ..i l. .. .1. :.. I.:., ....
Ho eo.iar lie lias u. .,ss . ,.o
, 1
inideiit loii ln ad to lnrii!,h 11 l.r .peof ol-
!,, for nil the ,1",, in cryatl .1.. T...- Ren-
incfcv Tneraite i udmirahlv Qnalifled lor
tiu-lt Tl.eraiti is udmirahlv qnalifled lur
ihu olflce ol Uh.ckguard Extruordiimry gcra nnd fatignet of a military campaign.
ind Soollion ;Pli tiipotej.tiary to 'b! poor! ghc ha donnetl o neut blue ohnpaau, be-
ni ,I,iY Davis, for hi brnitt i ax fueblu as , . . ......
1 ' " ' . ' . . ..'neath which her long hint la fantastically
his lung are for. 1. il', and In uioutli b as "
,, r)v ,;S (l! ,; ..,
Letter fron (J r.i T'i.c follow.
j ingh'lter from Gen. 'OarlbalrH has lieen
r ei ived by th.' V S. Consul nt Antwerp:
Capreba. S"i.t. in, l SO I
Mv ln uiPm: I SitW .Mr Miitoni, me
ri.tfr,. to l. obliged to niinounee to yon
tlm I shall not in-aide 10 go in the United
State at present, I du not
irinmplno Hie ennso 01 i.e 1. ....... m
I, nt the ennso nt the Union, un.i
frtni,ntl.j. coniiiinc in ymv beautiful conn-
R,Hf overcome all nbstueles which
.h M n me. I hasten Ifi lie- defense ol a
p0jl " !' d ar tn nnv ,
- ' '
mr A letter from Muidch aayst ,Tl.e
1 .1.. !.. ..' tl... ...... .....
".k on ihe grand galeWny of the Capitol
of Wash UgtOO is On till p-M.t of being te.- '1 in the myal foundry . mid 111 nhoiit
ml d in the royal ton -y. inu m nuoot
n tort., l-m w... oe , .., .-
ih-large rooms nf I i.e csl;,.,i,l.llient -
I. , ii worli ol Hie tfriumsi s,,i", i.i.-i i...
. . . . 1 .... I 1 ,1...
. . . , ..... ..1
lino ri hew. r pies mini; ...e nn ,o"
. , Wm of jUfjl.p(rt, excite
Brwt odmirntioti,
, S.h Cmolna, the lire
of ,, Si..ti funoallj Invited nny nu
of M tliuscits men to visit Dixie, i
r the
i number
.mi.l' Io IheUI r. V ..emn mu, ,-...
un 1 h and com
,. , Tne ii.iit.ilioll was
"' ' ., ...,... , ti rili. ,.,ro,.,.n.J
uc'. pi. i. ov ui" " ...
... ... ... ... I r 'Pi...
... ii. ,- . i , 1 1 irooos in i.-iiuioit. . i
I of
a ..... In-.,;.
i. .
lur hiah liinhcr';
.-si t .in',,.. -
, ., , ,1(r
. . . 1 . .. ., s: ,,,,.,
-jjr j
lor DUUI
a I" .1 Iti'iiuror. .has
tar A " .
m . . . ...
, .... . . .... .,... "Mis'inv.
""" . . , . .. .
,1,. Ahib iiiiiiiiis run, in n oe .ii oivm cbtb
rv ,., p,.,. d. .n, .by didn t poine
It 11 "111 ... l ' .' ' '
,1( k ,,,,, ,,. Soof Oar'Hnbins run d left
,. Du-el. W be lulled" The Hermans
side of Truth iu every issoe.
No. 4.",.
i .iu tin: Vevater m un r. ...,.. .
Willi Hi- In- It.
Hi one of our Beitern eJchengej we
Hod the following extract from Ooto'i
ipceeh to r'ui-:ir. It U id appoilte that ii
miiy ho republflhed, ftbd oi"y be rmd will)
profit hy those who so far forget the pbll
(CatftHin of iut;iotinn ns to lympntblze
with nnd rejoice at the mccen of rebeln,
When Ct!Iiue'i confederate cbnuplratorn
were to In. ae.ntenced by (lie Romiin Sen
utp, the Senator declared fur the ttrereat
punMimi'nt, nut 1 Crc-ar spoke Juliun
Ctonir, who Wpi then doolitlen blnnnlna
, '
(he overthrow of the Bephllc. Bo rag-
. , ., , ' . ,. , ,
. .'I'st.-.l in; i it lii"iisiiri s. Ciito ri pl;i il, imil
ir, , . , . v. J
"ls " V u"7 " " "'
ed to us. Plutarch's occoutit of Cuto's
s. Cecil is this;
' II" iittnCked Cajsar, nnd charged him
with n aecret design of aiihverthig the
Qoi riimeut, under the plausihle appeal
nuccof mitigetlng ipeechei nnd humune
rm,r fa hie own jwwoo, mid In which be
njjjfht deem It en inatance oLgrcat good
fort one if he himself could he exempted
from the imputation nd sn.eion of ,dt.
Hwi who had oiieny arid dhrthgly attempt-
(0 r,,,.u,. tent joatldo theemYnies ol (be
jJtutA unci shown that, fur from bavins
unv ciimiuianion for bia country when on
'. - ...' . . . .. .
ih.. Ini,.lt of ... striietinn In. i-onhl even
py nnd plead fcr the biinatnral wretches
r ho hod mediated it yoirt.altd grieve that
,i.:. ; j,., tknnlH r.,. c. ..( thai .1...
Do the whining advocateg of "pence"
nnd the sniveling sympathizers with rebel
in onr land, think, ns they read these
words, that treason has chanced .moth
nee tha dnVii of Out line!
" '. oi wot.nei
But when th-v bear Joaeph Ho t de-
Ll.Ml II Tl- I. !.. In tl,..;. ,,.i..clr ll...
people of the United States should inak"
known to the world that this Government,
its dignity nnd power, is something
ten wno mare war upon it is a traitor,
nt only in theory, hut in fact, and should
; lllVl. ni't.t,., 0llt t'0 him a traitor's doom"
, , ,
whdn those fellow hear these Word do
I-P"1" ",'
they hot know, as every generous heart
in the . fund neknow ledges, that heroic pa-
triotlnt nW hrn hot much changed since
the davs of Cut..?
A Tfcx.v ESSEX Heroikx. The wnr
against tele-li on hn fnfn shed very many
i ,rf i.. i : !.!..!. u:tt r.
I ",'" wmim-rs, and of prepossessing appear-
thor and her wandering companion, oc-
'ompanylng tin 111 ih their perilous and
,,r.,,rv fl;..!t frm ,hcir and estates.
1 1 1 t UIKUi II UIU IIU II ll'IWvle JHM B 1 "
1!"r mm formed a determination to
ihare with her late companions the dan
ih .re with her late companions the dan
nrrnnged; bearing nf her side n highly Un
ished regulation sword, nnd silver mounted
pistol iu her h-lt, nil of which gives n very
i" :it mi l martial appearance. She is quite
the idol of the Tennessee hoys. They look
1 up, 11 h, r mi a second Joan ol Are, hphev-
ing that victory nnd glory wdl perch upon
thaatnudnrdi bortM) io the ranks favored
! .v her loved presence. Miss Captain T.y-
. ... , nmi ski,
rec n adept in the sword exercise, nnd
U sure shot with the pistol, she isdetermin-
, ed lo lead ill the van ol the march, bear-
,inir ,r nn( oppressed countrymen
I buck lo their homes, if failing, to offer up
her oW )tn blood in the wcrilloo.
T.IF. B.'Al'l
conrs- ol a d
eonra 01 a tieinue on ine njarrvajti n.ii in
... . l . : l. ll :..
llleni prouio.iu.g ...e iivhi v-t-n-
' I.-.. .I.... .Il.i nP in. i rrin.r.i uitl.o. (ll,..
oin.,,. .m. " f
... . . . , . .
p, rntofV. one ol me mnniitTJ saui inai
men had not probably seen ni much
of the damnable doctrine of Mormonhtm as
he had. II" knew one mnn at Salt Lake
who married his half sister, nnd another
who married hbt brother! widow and her
..,.,. nih.e dunvhtae tn wife one after
.. . . "...
i iiiuiinei', ns us iney arrived si main-
Tin Wfatiiku The weather ol the past
I i in- ' r Aiiii.u
?rk! !SffiSP.
eeih . .ted for the (plan-
tily o snow wlucl. has tallen. calling n.
ou .rvals. Iron, week IO Week and day lo
day. with .. very sliuht thlW, in n.e see
... ' ,. , ...i .. ., r i. r..,.i
ino.ia n p aH..iit ui? ,
and upwaroa, ano in no qwnw
. ' . . " M, , t.
leu than nne foot doop. Too ..d,eat,o.,s
, arc in favor of at ill more snow Mora the
! winter ha pa5e,i W
One jqnar.. 'twelve limn, or lea, DM VfrsMIBri)
one ii.Hor.ion $' 1 ''
Bach inbMinilat ian-rtion ' LU, c.i rrln am- year 2U "0
A liliornl lU.liirtinn will be inniJo to tliOMW'hn
tdrsHaM hj the year.
Th ...imh.-r nf Inatftiont h(inH l.e no"J
on uti margin ,.f wn adviri trnienti eUavwi it
ill b ,ubliilicd till forljidilen, and chiiignl er
coid ugly.
ZH Obituary notices will uc ch.n-jjcd half tli
nln.i - rate of r). entstne,
tji" J..a PaiatlNO exec.itr.i wl.h eenlt.tie ai d
,ip itsll.
PayDUnl for J'Jj Printing mvit lie made or.
d'limil nf the trritlt.
Amebic an Exti.p.pkisf.. Charles ReadV,
one of the iprigblllest of English writers,
myii "The constructive genin of this
Am.rlcon people, by souri hg
Illation, tenches in, lessons nt ev. ry tern
Look at their hotels, the wonder ol the
world ours nre only the terror. Look at
their citi.s, reticulated with lelegntjihlfl
wires, so that at the first nlnrm of fire an
engiuu is rung lur. 1 go u.roupii i ne
dock nl Liverpool, mid point out the big
gMt nnd smartest .ships, ond ask n snilor
from ports they come. It is nlwnys
'Yankee,; Yankee. Yankee.' We had
bcou sailing yachts mnny years more than
tiny hud when they sent over the ' Amer
ica' nnd beat our fltsit, From the credlc
to the grave, American invention aceom
panlca an Eiiglishma'aO, One clothes hi
bodyi and another gins h's mind the new
of his epoch an hour or two quicker thnn
he could have done otherwise. Meantime,
American clock are ricoroii g his progress
to the grave. The Other day an American
hydraulutt treated with Route for wet
gooda bought her ships under wa!cr at
Sebaitopol, W'l.ilu wo wa getting ready
Id machinery to raise thnn. ond tow them
away nt Iii tall, thrre appeared un Mirer
tisemeut to thisnffct: "Any second rnte
power that wihe toauUjogalea third rte
country can have n tidy little fleet for the
purpose, by treating with me, Jonathan
, in Sebastopol.'1 One can cuage the
intellects of nations ns well s men, nod
there is tmt another n ition under the eon
opy of Heaven capable of that advertise-un-iit,
end also ol acting in the spirit of it.
Such are hydraulics iu the hands nfgmius;
and such arc the ardent piople, the lead
ers of the world in mechanical invention
and constructive skill."
Con. CotcotAK. The Boston Pilot thus
speaks of this noble patriot:
Among the bra if Hit of the lirave, end
the truest of the true, may be ranked this
genuine Irish soldier. The fame of the
09th ihine on Irs Irow; nt Bull R.fh ho
made that regiment the most efficient in
the battle; uml now thnt lie is a ptisoner,
nnthiiig has been able to shake his spirit.
He bus been frequently off red his freedom
on parole; hut he Ins .s o'ten proudly
spurned the rebel generosity in its own
ilrooghohl. Said he, in ni-.k l'g his refusal,
" I entered into this matier from u y whole
heart, and from tl e cn niies ol the Union
I n-k no mi n v. I hope to fiht n.y wot
back to freedom.'1 This is th" r uht de
eription of temper. The bleed
nl Oen. Patriek Sarsfnld haanot descend'
rd to Col Corcoran fr a rnkscrablepur
pose. When he stonily r"fu.-id to parade
the fiOth in honor of the Pr nee ol Walee,
he si owi d the heroic fluff that was in h;m;
at Manaesai he gave it 'uilln r splendid
real zi'lii.n; his rotuhict in prison elevatM
him to the moral snhlime. In
the future history of tli- cooatry bbt name
will ocenpy n iritht niche. He is one
more to whom that cherish. d island at .he
oilier side of the de p gave birth thst his
blood might he shed for another country.
The hand ol Providence will chance thins
nt hist Irish valor will, we trntt, heex
erciard sooner or later for Irish fitci'ora
and nationality.
Ci Vr may cost nu iuiPiense ileal,
but certainly not u tbooaandth part as
much as p. nee upon the basis of a permav
in ..t division of the Union.- Ln&tlilh
sThoat who get nervous ovrr the cost of
patting down the Rebellion, will do wefl to
consider this: It may cost us hundreds of
in H ons to nssirt the snpnuiucy of tho
Gov. rnmrnt; hut, if wp Mceeed; it will he
the cheapest investment we evrr made.
ssuci'ess in such 'a contest cntiimt be too
dearly purchased. He who thinkiooreof
hit' purse than he tloe of hi honor, de
lervcs to die tlie death of a dog. II wo
are not willing to Imooveriih ours-lv. s in
order to rescue our institutions from de
struction, we are li. Ol to hear the WDM of
Freemen. Paintnill Adurtinr.
BrAiiPS Dr. Hayes states that hencv-
er saw bat one of the Esquimaux with a
beard; the exception to the general rule
was an old man, with hnirs upon his upper
lip nnd chin, which were silvered with sge.
The facs of nil others of the tribe were ns
Innocent ol hair ns n woman's. The beards
of Pr. Kmie'h party exc ted gn at curiosity
and sdmfWtlou among the native of the
arctic region.
Hr. DiKDTOO Late The New Orhnn
Ctattut, oi Nov Bth, attOoooced the death
of Oen, Sum Houston Hid he died whilo
Opposing sec anion, well would it have been
for Ii s fume; but he chose to throw nw.iy
his solo ehimee of immortality, (or present
ease nnd safely and a few more month of
mortality, at the price of honor, by writ
ing n letter MpNMing sympathy witli re
bellion. loT An Act for the prevention of kid
napping has passed the Vermont Senate,
mul is now before the House, which re
penis in part the Pcrsonnl Liberty law of
that State, ni final in so fur n it nuiy he
said to have nullified tho Fugitive Slave
The nun mul of luxes paid in NW
Yoik tit v the pi nr wii fi,flii2HI