HAMkrail.'' 1 "r "ln rlili..lll-linIM(llMIIWMI. '""'"'"'i. oflhoW'"''' "r "'' "' r;"' ",", ,i .-inoi ifiy w.u K"'"iy """ ilm ti"' f"11"''"" "r """"'ul1 l'"w"1'' 'It and I""'"1' ""d w'"""'i ""U""tt "" '"inir H Hi"1''1""" "" u'"l,',mlu1"1 "ocmim "'"Tl'fify ll'" t'""1, rT,u,itn ,h" U""""r ,.rH)..r.tioii, lmp'"vi' lh npl-lil., li"l'H viir..r io yi"i "'"I M'l"y. "i X. o. o. r. W'l:1 ' ' . (InHIIIlN I.IMI'iR o, .1 llti-rlH . N .eBBRSW . , , , . ihn Mnauuio Million iimiiiiny ' vo,,",u 1,1 !,r,.'l,, . ' 1 1 N rrii in K""" "" "R """" " J. 8. IIINICAKMI.N, ,V ti. " - p..n Sc'v. 30 nlultDomnh Lodgo No. 1, . v t A. M . holds Ha .tilled I' llii'll- A..,nl.aill M"u 1 1 lllll Kllllllllliy VViieccding III I'1'1' .....h..n III tt.i..il .iinilin nr.- 1 1 v 1 1 I lii III tend. ii. i' Thompson, w. m. rllt,.. Wxusst, Scc'y. ,,,, VnrirK I li'til" 10 H"iv "oli''" t,l"t 1 Will ill liver ll li'i'liil''' on inn .-n in r' '. mil'! - i oiliii ik: t tliu linibi' of Mr. ,r( Arllnir. mi Dm I"Hhwiiik miujci'ir. CdiwKol I In' 1'iTM-iit war, SiirilniiliMii, i""i - . i Tcmi"'r",u't' fv, iiihi riinj'iMii. V. W. HOll'llt. Ho! for SsilllKMI Hiver Mines. Selling Off at Cost. now is tii k timi:timi:t voru SIITUKS! JACODfl, WOLr tfc CO. -IIVOI'I D Clll 'll Rll'l'li f I" "I'1" ceneliilly III tlid fact llml ll'i'V ll"" MlliiiK oir llirll rillili' !k i i I 'im "I n I!"1- ill iilinriii ( cmiinil lin ln CLOTHING, Hoots ond Shoes, ml i;iI nmiiv i llii I uilii li t. I'.iiif on. rrrln.ili. Willi ilii-null, n. Jon c.ni J' I ,la fin lillil""! Ilollini W . mii! I ul. (i i a I Hi' llMl'lltll'll f ll, I. A- IlM.S I ir 1.4' i!- ii"' I lllirnl of llm I INKST lUiliSS (iOODS, I I nil ilrcn' u", niol n line bl "( l.li;iiolii:i!lK- AMI a Ul 'II 9 !... ll l. .. .!' .' il Ml Ir-U'-.U III I 1.1 ' p' l .vl . a ami .'liM llml ' ' hi'CM Ii. iii. nib r lb' aniii.l-ihe uM I' iru Ii Ma I I... Kiiira'.oli 5Ii.ii al. so ni l: We ..ul.! ul hi '"'in ill lli iii'l'b'f'l I" la r.nii" Irwnrl wl! 1 ib !V n"l "It1" "I llini ,i, ul., U- for III" ll "f .1 .ii.u.iry. ! .' ,ii !,..,. i-ll'ilti ml iti ill.' . nil" ilif"iii;li im ' , III ,r I I,,,-. Ihmiij ln!l mlliKl H" Ii"'' "I .1 ,r ln.Wulf A IV. 'H i"'"i! "I '"' !'" ,. J AO 'IK UUl.l' llr.'..ll I i , I ' i'. I I, l"il. A I'll. 4olic'. I.I. lb"' . Iii-mi'ix t' i, .1. lilr.l to lb Illlili'l". IM ll II' lili iiM'iii o ibf r MIM-lt ll 'if III (Hf . .....in,', b. lb 1-1 i.( J .n.l'i-.' In fw Hi p,. ,lr I l, llMt I. in. I UK.' P a'-rlll'-.U 'li' , III all i.lll. i'l a h i.i.la l"l I'O.Irr I a ii sii'.r.i.i:. Illin'i l'il, ! 1 1. I"1'! u! I.I.I IM:s ir in mi n.', in il I I j i iftV H I l. II t "ll , I'll ' I'll Hi'' ol I Wi iiilii I, Mil i. .M,v li.iit'lil. Ml. M i'Cr. t lirowii, ' lie,.. l;."l I' lUktr. li i Dioll i"i", J 'b'i l.tniu. II I. Il.if-'.n-, Wil'n ll'i;". I'liu'l M,-, I. J i'hi W UC.ll' j i i.i;Hi. ! M h-riiM) Unci vS. 1 II W I 1 III I K a l, "l,r,T"l"r II" -I 1ll.i;i l.Mr, ll'll I Will ar n. .mj :jrt ta llllli a III - 'ill, I Sf. . '.t "I I. I.Ik I'. II. II ADAMS. lie mo vol! MICHAEL MENOES I nf info' ining hi. friends and lbs p ibl c geiieinlly ihut b HAS REMOVED j Is llie aliiiid lomieily kept hy Mr. M Her. nesrly Opposite Charinan, Warner co. nln Ii lit culls I The Union Market, wlnre h is pn ,.ned In keep sll kiinli f l''' ninl I" aell llie 1.1111c Rl KI'.ASON A ,V. l'HIClW: ti low rs Iha maiksl will all'., id. I a'a il, aire In any lo Ihc p' oplo thai I inn ' Not (ioing to the .vines! tut will h- her all siiinuir, ill spit of Cariboo r Salmon Hiker. MU'IIAF.L 4, si,J. V.ENiiHS. Oregon City, Jan nan a 'UDuaa, (On Main street, anil f.irineily ill " Main Nlreet 11,'lia,") OREGON CITY. fllllF. Iriikeling puhliii are resperlfiilly .1. iimled In give 11m a eall. 'I'l, 11,.,.,,, I In,, n ia llie iiiual nl.'iia- antly Incited bolel 111 the Slain, ami has bcfii so airsiiKed aa to miike ll inm uf llio most onilinodl oui h 111 the ciiiuiliy. THE TABLE will always he supplied with His U.I llial Ihc "iiilkel allotila. lino I RcciiiiiiinKliillniia for Indies ami families. raicrst Itonril and Imlginif, per week Hoard, wilhniil liHlgiug. K'f week llnnrd per day, with bidgnig Hingis 1111 al .$flllO . ft.OO .. I sn . .Ml nighl sludging JO J. IIOF.MM, I'mprielor. D'C II.INUI. Oregon City Foundry NOT WASHED AWAY It AYTK Inks pleiiaure In Informing Iha public IT I that Wo have Repaired all Damages ! in) got mir Foundry In running nt'l" K'". i ready lo de work as usual. ' " It. HMITH I'ltoi". Oisgon flily, .e. '.'I . IMH, (Jo otls a I Cost; 'W Salmon Jticcr. nANNKNIWUM & AtKEIIMAN res pccll'illy inform llie ciiici-ii of Oregon Cily ml vio uily thai Ihcy are now uH'ering thoir flu sunk of mm S3 Clotiiiiy; DKKSS GOODS AT SAN FliANClsCO I'lIllES!! Thoao hiu n mil bur ;uiua will du null lo cull anon. Notice Allllimin iiiilnliliil loin vill ifn ronm for uiiiil unit m-IiIb hew llm ) . . I i of J iiiiuuy, ami urn runlN, ni mi i.HiiTr will ciTl.iiuly wnii on llicin lilli'r llml ilili' ii lid lliiwi' Iiiiviii li I la ii.il:ul im H ill iit'rnl ll.rin for m nii'iit, ianni:nh M'.M A- ACKKItM an. (Inxmi Cny, live. H, I Mil. Danncnbaum Ackcrman .I I 'A' JL'Sl' RECEIVED A I.AUGK STOCK OF .'all 1111(1 ) i n o 1) 1 o r s roimi:iii ul. S t y 1 i N 8 II f DHKSS (iOODS, Cloaks, S li a w 1 (U For the Winter. Tin- l'inr.-t Assortment "t" W () ) 1 (' 11 (i o o (1 liver linuiirllt to this jilaec. NEW GOODS, NEW GOODS, .Voir UI'EM.W AT Sanncubaum Ji Ackcrman'i, OjtjMiilr tkt M iin Sl. Iluuir, .. rcliai.till of .. ST.MM.K AMI FANCV r - Goods, the new et .t les ct' DUKSS (JOODS, St'JI At l aiiev rolilins, liarei'es lelailis, Imth plain ami fiun-l, woolen iinils of every tleseription, . If ' I I . 0('H1() nlliUVIS, tiii; i.iTr arn.n or i Silk Mantels iind silk Kieli Silk Mantels iind silk I?oii 1 net-, ninl ii larL'e assortinont el' Millinerv .straw iroods, einliroii cries, collars, sleeves, ke. Gents' Furnishing; Goods, Fun its and Shoes, 1 hits ami Caps, CAliTCTIXG, (of beautiful sl)les.) and C 11 E C A' E I) M A T TING ; ii &.(!., lie, Together 1 1 Ii llio Largest and lcst selected stock of CUSTOM-MADE Ever "ll' 'l fr sale 11011I1 uf Sim Franciico! Cunt Mini! f 1 !..,!. aiinerliiie French clmh coats ; genls' fine ailk mined, und Han is' ess 111. re busuieas suila; c... I.. .,..!' black dneakiil inula: silk limed, and ll'iri- caaiinero p.iuls Lyon silk velvel ...... II. via A. .Ii, lies' shirts, wilh and wilhoul collaia, etc , etc. -a- I! n.1,.1 ih. .tore uf DA N N EX IIAUM , 1 i.'iivi k V l..ie tan will find lbs luteal and b, sl selccled aim k of iioods uver brought lo this city, v.li ch will be sold T iiu-er thnii can he purchased in Fort land l! Oregon Cily, A', pi. 0 I""'- epfilll round, . N il.a (.'escsile niiuiiiiaiiw. Mar Hiinilin I ml 1 ri. !" "I"' '"' Xmi m,,,'r' ',' ,ent, .,,,.11 black MUI.F. will, .r..al..i. .... I... iniind nl (I. C. Dny'a fiifin, Washington Nov. Sl.lT.I. D D. HTKI'IIF-XSON, .....iiuf I... removed his nfTieo lu the I)" HiiiiiiorrrlsrM5,''f: ., wliernh. is pispnred l.'do work in hMilln. T. ('HA KM AN, A. WARVKK. F. CMA KM AN . Charinan, Warnor it Co., (J EN EH A L COMMISSION MEHC1IANTS WIIOI.IIAl.ll 4 ultTAIL Oi'illi-r ill Dry Cool, Clothing, Hiirdmart, Crnrktry. Glasmonre, Jinnh, tiliort, Paints, Oil, dc, Intlmir ftraruof lirick Main iTiiiiKT, OHKIION CITY, OIIKOuN. ...K Cliiriiinn, hating united lii... BAKERY, CONFECTIONERY, AND FAMILY OIlOCERY STORK lo I he lnli!ialiuii'iit of CliMiinaii Sl Warner, llio linn will liow cirry on bun.niiw iii ll llm nbuve liiniiliuiieil lirmicliMi, III lliia cily, liopiiff by alrict Udiiljon tobuaiiiru to merit lbs cuiitiiiiieil fmor of their old untroim, ami ti ipnny new onca as cIioiim lo cuius forward. No puiiii w 11 be upainil lo give MliftUctiou lo u II our cunloincra. JVoticu Sottlo Up! A LI, Ibonn owini; Ciiahman Si Wahnkr or F, Ciiarnan, wilt pleuao come fnrwaul und i muku (( leiiK nt of lli"ir inilrbleilnriia, wit limit d'-lnv, ihi lliut )ou can all coinnmiicn ilealingi with the new firm of ' Charman, Warnor & Co. All our d' bliiri will ik'e ill lutownly 'of ulU'iid- Ui'j l line cell iiiiinriliiitvly. aiAUMAN, WAIiNEI. & CO. Oregon Cily, Aug. 'J I, IHbl. I i SHERIFF S SALE. BY Villi by the VIII I'L IC of un exrcul on lo me dimcli d oirnuit court of tbt- Stale i.f Orrgon dr llie counly of ('Inckannia, d it il Novoiiibcr 'i'Jlh, IHIil, in faiur of linrnry 111. only it aid ugiiitiat l.ealrr M. lioll', I bavo levird upuu tall the nglil, title, ninl ink fat of llie an id Lcali-r M (otr Ul ami lo (I in following deauiibe I real thliili", lying nnil bein in Cluokalliii" counly, Ori'K'iu, win. Ii m known aa I Ii . ra.leru Imlf of llir pi.ue of IuiiiIoikt cliiiuird by Dniiiel Moaier til l Alice Ilia aifr, and piirliculaily dvicnbi d aafollowa: lli-g iiniux ut llie n ul 111 e. ul cm lie' of u d luml c!ii:m, n purlieu lur tlrsnr piimi of and Inn I claim L-i 1 1 tr in tbo noli liiulii'ii ol (lie iniil D.in 1 1 Moaii r ninl wiw lo llie Suikvkor (Jiiier.il of Orrgon of luii'l claimed by n d iliinii'l Moaier ami wife, liam uiuui v. yid bind ill kuid counly of C lui kamaa, mid ruiinuig Ibi'iire iiitliweali'ily ulong III,' imrlli line of auil laud claim aa dearnbed ill aaid milifi,:nl on forty cliaina, t Ii a uce aiMillimal'-rly anil parallel Willi ilia mainly line of aaid ilniiil eibiy cli.inu to llie with boundary of aaid claim, tlienci' no.'llu aalorly iil'.u Ilit- aoiiib Iniu of cai.l cluini forty cbiiiiii tu the t'Hillie.iat I'onier of a nd Inn I claim. Ill, lice norlliwi alerly along ill ol limiml if)' "f 'd claim uglily idiaina In the place of beginning, I'oiiiBiiiiiig llnec liiiniliod an l Iw, u:y ucioi ol I I, loeibrr Willi all tlie uppuileimuc. a, mi- pr.ivrmciil", buil ling", tVc, ii'K'rlaiiiiiiJ in b.' Iiiiiging Notice ia lien by giv, ii llml I " ill offer llie iilioke de-ci ibe l n-.il eatite fur aule at aiidion lollie b gin at bi l.ler for i iiali, at tlie eoiirt-h jiih- dour in Oiegou ("it y. on Miind.iy, the '.Mil day of Jiiiiiiuk, 1 h i i J , at 'J o'clock p. ill , I" aaliafy raid fAeciitii'ii and cnlaan l accruing cosia JOHN TIIOMXS, Dec. CH, IMJI. Slier 11' L'lu, kamm l'o. NOTICE. T 10 Th uiiaa Itiaiik, I bnrlea K. U.rk, and ;. W. Il.aiik, lb nut of kin, and oil other p. l-ona l onceriifil: 1 ou ami eacii ui jon in- hereby iniiilied Hint Ari li'.n iseny, gn.iriHii "i TI10111..B ti. Iloork, an iuaine per..ii, lia file I hn pelil.on in tlie county court of t b.-kii'iiaa enmity. On j;nn. prnking an d court f .r lio-n-o to wll nil llie real eainlc in an I Male Ril l Comity belonging lo aa d TIioiiiiis Ii. U airk Y"U are III, refore di rected and requited to afp-nr b'-forc ui I court 011 Moiiilav, the :i, day "I lbru.iry, l-li-, at the curl bi'uae ill au'd county, at III o ilock a. ill , of rani day, t allow cilia, if any ym have, vhy aaidliirme lo si ll aai.l piuprrty ahuuld not be gniiili'.l bv aa d court, lly order of the court. JAS. WINSTON, Clerk. Dee Ul, 1SCI. Aotice. 77 fi WMI.WIl.U: COLLEGE SCHOOL lTILL lii: oll'NKI) ON MONDAY, (H'TollKIt T, l-lil, under tlie cbare of lleV lilii. C. Clls.MH.RR, uaaiatl'd by C. II. Mat ioosi, Kooiiia can be had for ttudrnla ill the College building, if applied I'aar B,'ll. T' l Ilia li c,irreaii, Willi lb I lll. lly oidir ol Ihc Kieeutive Com. IIKMiV WAURKN. M M nv.lle,Sepl.7, IMll-tf SiC.of H.T. WIIKFI.KU A WILSON'S rXZLST PREMIUM F A M I L Y Sewing .Machine; ARE ACKNOWLEDGED TO HE FAR SUPERIOR TO ALL OTHERS IN USE! Firing simple, and enpable of Doing more kinds of work WAN ANY OTHER MACHINE. The Hitch is alike nn bth sides, And will not Kip or Havel ! GREAT REDUCTION IN fRICES! H. C. 1IAYPEX, Agent, Corner Moiilgnniry and .Viigranienlo slreels, Uel j9 SN Francisco. Notice. LL persona knowing themselves Indebted to il. uiiiti'laionail bv book account, are hereby nolilied In call Immediately nnd make sellh iiieiit nf the Mine, nn further Indulgence will be i,,n' AINRWORTII A PintPoRFF. Oiegw !'). r!i.?S, lnM To Shippers. T1IK STEAMER ST. CLAIR &aS2: -y ILL RUN BE T W E F. N OREGON CITY A PORTLAND, ...nuking . Three Trips a Week. Ail OF FREinilT. Down trip.. I'p " ... per Ton. . a ITT Tlioie wiabiuir lo al'il' "'I our boat, will tlo well lo mink llieir frrigM loth enre of tlioaleum I tr Ki. Clair. TAY LOU & b.MITIL Oiegi.ii Ciiy, Dec.101. n and Diseased AY oiimon; You be cured ! can An IIono.it ADDt-al to All witli I5al or Failing Health. VIiK you Ijnguiil inaiiiinot':, reil, appel te noor. diyaiioii bad. and 1'AINS IN THE Lh'li.S, IIODY, HACK, an I IIKAD? Header, inticli of llna ia luiisi d from C'OI.D cauglit uu wiltni'.lv. or. in M;V( ii ca-i a out of ten. ulngi' !i- iiMuof llie liier and blood, mid kvaul of miiural iierMiirution. indiscretion in tlie tuo of food and iliink. or I'roiii a drviiuie iu til aliii'i-plirj winch ia a verc uubrallliv mrt of lb climate many "f Ibe awful. vioVnt. and SUDDEN DKAIIH that occur here must be iitli ilili ed to tliia. Now, reader. I bave made litis my tiidy fur many icuih, nnil I do iiMiir you lint my I'l!. WKHIiKU'ri IW'KiOIIATINU COIiDIAL will cure llnu c iuaea il will miire animalion of llie I.I hit, III.dOD. mid llltAlN.-i it !r.i.L'ilieiia Hie If rv,, and L-ivea to Hie auticior a lightuos of jiirita, a mental and bodi y f- ling "I alielitn, that ia d'-'l:g!ilful. The many re.jircLili'e " ron ul,,. I,.,v i.pni b nefi:eil bv an I ct rtilied lo iti e:raiiliiiuiv rm.ilil.ca ill curiii nny of tlie fob l,.wini. i!i.iucj. iiiii1 aal.sfy all b.it llie ae.f-tt'.M 1,11,1 tguorunt scci'liw I)y,ep i.-iii. or linli'rL'.itioii: loss ot nmseuiar or doiuiv ssiruiiui uuu mental energy; Fever, Agno, or chills; rheiiniatie, neuralgic or other pains; depletion ami weakness of the nat ural functions, deliility from disease, dissi pation, too much d o c 1 0 r i n g, deliauchery, and OTHER C.llSES. In case of exci cut from constant INTEMI'IlKANCi;, and tkhcro DLLIKIUM TUUMKNS I 1 .11.. . A. -4 1. .1 h is occuneil. I bavo seen it iliaji the milVrer la. Ixall nil luiiir from Hi., iiinat borii'de elate to c.ilmneMi and pluc dity. Il can. in I. ed. been M'.eiiliuusly recommended lo ull siitTering. an. ihe iironn.lor r"'reU d.-enly that il i nrrcH-iry lima tu adv, rtiic H, in o d, 1 that if merit" nu)' be known. 'ald highly concentrated. I " in .t. to lr ! luriie mult bo'.lica. .Vol, I bv ev,rv lenii-i-'ahlc ili u-.' . l. The It, v. Ilobcrt Schuj I t. tf reialimw, My : l-'nr venra. both mvecif and brother have auf- r.,.l u, V..101 flkneii.ia. weakneM of mid eoar ....... iiiHi'f. Miion. and tl.iluleii' c. that l.fe at 1 1 ...... uaa 11 burden. We have lui d your CorJul I dip WrhScr's I:ivi'. r.il n Sm gniiier: four days, ! .....I l,.ii. r Hi in we have for v, an. ri;vi: A- HlilOIIAM and UllIilNCTON '. ( i'ii liruni.i.ia San Francis . rf-nt. no'Jy :11a La! ha! ho! ho! ho! he! lit! Ik f ISS SUSAN SMITH. y..iir fjee aii'i nin, I? I thi.UL'li yellow, c . iirsc, , nil I ilai k as s 11. and nimuled, fieekled. sunburnt, lunned, i-potU'S. can 'be, I iindep.lnii.1 all such de'erts or cmel, ! cli pe. when washed with JONIIS' ClIKMU'Al. Sll 1 l Vn.ir leelll. your brealli. vn II l ot di- i mite, bv Ijifont'. laui'-ua SO. I' TEK Til ItOOT i white sa ll,e driven snow are mad.', llioiiiih el low, tnrtand, dark, decayed ; nnd fragrant, pure, I ami sweet your breath, though puin l, loul a roi' I 1. n lMtit nnd ih it red ha r. though mwns co.in. aa any mane r tail of home, ailky nnd d uk ! 'twould be made I" live, by Jones l,r.il lia r I .lor.itive : all di.iidiiill', tciu f would be remove I- I the hsratoi.p'd filling mid iiiiprnv.il ; end reader, i iIiourIi wo lima do .",ti:o, the Ih n.-s are een 1 hett.r than we ailkerlisa rii-i are an s.,iu, rcas. ii- ; .!,' at everv driiL' "tms in Oregon. A jenis. CltANE A IIUIUIIAM, unigtfiws. .S'rii Fr.iiiciseo. ""'"-' Will liny the Street House," rgon City: Main Or 0 iNE HALF OF THE I'l.'ltCIIASK MO- liey to b" paid on the fuel day uf .March nail .Ha remainder lo lie alll ill one veai nu.n ' ' . . , - C I ii,.i .Uie. If 1101 sold bv the first day uf Novem ber uet, il will bo ol.cred lor rent. S. W MOSS. Ore -on Cily. Sep! '.'' !"!- .Ini Hnnila' Havapuvtlla.'lhia purely vcgeuible leuiedy i-iinibuies in ilaelf llie prep,nirs of ail An il i.e. a mild cnllinrlic, mid a Iniiiu. It quick ly removes frotn the blued, nnd oiler llicils of the l,.,,le. llie initiitriliea nf unhealthy secreliuna which engender nnd feed dieae, lliua striking Rl llie root of lite miiiniiy. .iiii"ii,-ii provi.il "u..... eiima Ii may be taken at all limes Willi perfect sufety, ilcuiluins no powerful di aatic drug in debililule lbs syaleni, or iuiini.il poiaou to ruin Ihc constitution. Prepared nnd sold by A. 11. A D. SANDS, 100 r..imo .1 . Xew Yoik. l'nuu 81 per bollle, or .I. I,. 1 1 lea for ft.'l. 117 Head llm ailvotlisniictil in aiii'lliercnlninil Soldbv Da. 8 IE EL Hi Ortem Cily, and by Dtnggiali generally. MoRixt's I.He IMll. The high and oiiiied e.lebiilv which Ihls i,ro-uiiiieiil ine.lieine litis sc- vuired for ilsiiivariablr illieny In all thed se.is.s which il prnfesacs In cure, has rendered the usual tin..' ilea of naleutiit oils I'lillluu not mil)' iinneces- snry bill unworthy of Ihem. Thry nre known by their frmist llieir good woiks testify for lliein, and Ihey llirives not by llio hiilh of the credulous. In all cases of coaliveness, ilyvapaia, bilious and liver aflecllims, piles, iheiiiiiHlisu, fever nnd ugue, ..l..ilie liaHd-iii'hcs. and all eenoral ilerniice- m.ntaiir health, theae Pills hnve iuvni iiibly proved a cerbiin slid Rpeedy remedy. A amgla trial will place the Life Pills beyond llie reach of competition III the eilininlloll 01 every paiieui. Dr. Muff it's Phnjnis Bitters will be found equal Iv I'fficRciuus in all enact nf nervous deb Illy, dys pepsia, headache, the sicknes. incident In femelcs in delicate helllt, and every kind of weakness of Hit Hige.liv organs, tor sale by lr. . n MOFKAT .ISS Hroadwav. New York, and by Medicine Denlere ml Ditr-i'iMf cm-rally IhreaiBlmiil iho cwmlry. Gil OVER & BAKER'S NOISELESS SEWING MACHINES, FOR FAMILY USE AND ! Manufacturing Purposes, PRICKS From ()0, upw ard!! Over 50,000 in Use ! w rn: hug to VrjsiTti; tiiu i-lhuc that the well-known rcputaliuu of these Maciiiiua for RELIABILITY Wiil be fully euatalne.l, an I iu our rapidly increna- ing liiii'ies llie same care will be faithfully exer- cieed iu every department of their manufacture. EVERY MACHINE SOLD II Y IS IS WARRANTED IN EVERY RESl'ECT. Tin pj'j'ac a:tetit;un is rsepeclfuliy repeated totlic loiluwiiig , Prom ilictiirovi'rtV Uiikcr ScwlwS .HiH liiiie Cuuipaii)'. j The nubl e. in their caznrness to supply them- ' selves with Sewing Machines making theijIkO- VKIl A- I1AK Kit stitch, must not urg. 'opur- clmi-e them of the parties who alone are authorized i lo .ell 1I11111. All mschiiies sewing t'rom two 1 snoola. and iu which ou ues.llo only penatnites 1 he clolh.and having a feed wh eh allows the me teiial to be turn, d nt will, are iiifruuemenis. I (il'.OVF.U &. lUKtlt S. il. CO. A Card Iron. Clint 1 1 a we,. Jr. All Dersom nro eaulioneJ not to make, deal in, , or ua.-, any fc'wing mach s which sew from two ( ' ' . II. it L' II a oola ami 111 ike llio stilcli Known ua uio" t.is V UAM.lt allien, uuleas ins same are poicoiar,. Iron, the (iltO r.ls aV I.lk.cis cs. l IMIIXK l 'O MP AN Y. or llnir audits or 11. eeiiaeea, uii.l stumpcu uuuer my p.ueui , ber llllli, Ir-10. Sjid dummy nnd their L censers, alons, nre leuall) authors- d, nn lr their own patents, and my said patent during Ibe extenJe.l lerm thereof, to make ami sell this kind of Sewius Machiue, au I all oihers are p racles upon my s-iid palent, and will he dealt willi accord. ugly wherever foiiuJ. ELI AS HOH K, J. lur. r.Alo ov txu.orh AND Who prefer llie " Lock Slilch," iacalled to our Improved S h n 1 1 1 e Machines, Which lire specially adapted to tlitii requ,retnenle, AXD IT THE BEST .V USE! JJ 11. G. BHOWN, Ageut, .170 'I M"ntg"tnr S"e, M. FRANCISCO Pm3 AINSWORTH&DIERDORIT. WE AUE NOW OPENING IN TUB New rire-Proof Brick, A LABOE AND WBI.L-ASSORTED TOCI r GENERAL MERCHANDISE. Feeling perfectly aeoure againit fire, we willnoi Otfrr Grtater Inducement than tvtr to the public. We tre conateiitly In reeelpt t GOODS elected with the greateil care (ae te prices Dq" quality), and tre confident that our facilities will enable ua lo oiler and el fod AT PORTLAND PRICES'. (freights on), ud would advise ill those siaiting this city to purchase goods, to examine our stoek and piicts before purchasing elsewhere. We have, end ere juil receiving, sn Invoice consistiugiu pertof the following articles Cr,ehe co, I'acilic, lladlcy, Couestego, Sprague, fhllip Allen, Fall llivcr, Merriinsc, Briggs,nd numer ous other choice IMIINT3, all Uti itylti ; hat liah i French merinos, Lyoneae cloth, mohair and oiher Debsie ; braie, wool, it mualin de lamee, black, blue, purple, 01 pink merinos, fancy plaids, jaconet, book, swiss, fc mull muslin, ladies epib. scU, collars, hdkfa 4. skirts, dress Sc bonnet Inm miuga, French &. domealic ginghams, French lawns from laj to 25i, blus, mixed, & grey saU net, wool & cotton jean, cotlounde, bleached and brown sheeting from 3-4 to 10-4 wids, brown and bleached drills, denims, hickory shirting Silesia, marine, blown, and Iriah linen, nankeen, diaper, and crash, a large lot of linen aud thread lace and edging, hosiery, ic. MEX'S ij- ROW CLOT HI NO : Ulue, black, and browneloth coats ; 10 dot blk cloth veils, 0 doi while and buff Maraeillea de., velvet mid satiu do.; 3D doi satiuet pants, doeskin and fancy caasimcre do, 30 dot merino aud cotton underahirls, grey, blue, It black cloth over coals, with a general assorimeal of gouts' furnishing Z"uOOTS cj- SHOES. Men's, boys', and youths' boots; Indies', misses', and children's mo rocco, goat, kid. and ealf Congress boots, with ev without heels; ladies' kid slippers. Groceries: P.io anj Java Coffee, black and green tea, N. O., China, BataviR Island, Cu!. refined, and crushed su''ar. K. Boston, Cal., sugar-house, av golden syr' up! salt. S la 3'JU lb sks; 1UU kgs nails, assd siics; Hill's pale, chemical, . English soap, soap pow ders, powder, ahot, la lead; jeasl powder, aalera tua, creuin tartur, smoking k chewing tobacco, green corn, ;ifo, tomaloet, ttra and ileeiicr riff, iu 2 lb tins; spice, pepper, and eassie, pearl barley, inaccnroni, vermicelli, com starch, alia 1 oiid-.'waliiuts, llraiil nuts, raisins. Chili psaohes, ! dried fruit; mackerel, iu qr lllf bbls; sardines, j A fine asaurnneiit of ! CROCKERY 4 TABLE CUTLERY 1 20 crates assorted ware, 4U d"X steel picks, ; "0 ' Dutch fc Hdla hoes. ' While Lead, OH, and Window UlaitJ I with a variety of other articles usually kept. IT We w'ill pay cash for wheal, flour, bacon, I butler, ej'is, aud almost everything the farmer 1 has to eell. Oregon City, April 1G, 1SG1. ! SANDS' SAKS APARILL A . i The Original and Genuine Article. ' Endorsed by the i Medical Faculty ri being the BEST and "IKC3I r.viricl of HariVrH de. SANDS' SARSATAKILLA l'urifics llie tllood. SANDS' SARSATARILLA Cures ScrofuU. SANDS' SAR5APAIULLA Cures Stubborn Ulcers. i v NDS' SARSAP A RILL A Cures Cutaueous Eruptions. SN!)S SARSAPARILLA Cares Strumous Complaints. c . NHS' SARSAPARI LL A Cures Mercurial Diiensrs. SVNDS' SARSAPARILLA Nvtvfr Pails! SANDS' SARSAPARILLA May he aifely taken at all times it will seonrs W La i.e 1 a tegular perio.lic habit, audio the Tory best medicine they can take when arrived at the . .. - f erio.l call, d " turn of l.fe.' i.I- f..r Smdf SviaparilU. ana Uit no eSsr, 1 r , , ., j Prepare.! by A. U. A. D. SANDS, Druggists, I 11) 1 Fulton St., corner of William, X. Y. 1 l-nr R.I e hv IUbiiotom 4 Co., San Franeisooi I Suiiil. Jt Davis, l'oitlaud : Dr. Stsils, Oregon City. aul7 Hk.prp-.la, Vewr aid Aue, lalUom Sour Slum ich, Heart Burn, Water Brash, Bil liousnesa, Liver Uinplaiut, Aeidny. Flatu eney, I .lannd cc, Chan? cf Climate, Sick Headaohe, i I ossof Appetite. Female Complaints, Oppreesion I after Kiting. General Debilily.ie are rapidly, of- fecttiallv Rill surely Clireu oj ui ATED BITTLKS. (. (IHernia t-eiatnet. MoISLl'MMt Hai.Cal., ( June 16, 1853. ( Having suit red fer fifteen years with Dyapepsid . r . .. I k. ..'. nAn...l.l a,ol. ttlB in IU worst lorin, biiu u..,a best Physicians, and tried everything rceommondedl with-ut rel of. I was iuduitd to try the OXYGE- X AT ED lii II EIUS, and More 1 nea uacn ont b.ittle. I found mjself much belter, and continued taking them, until I wue entirely cured, and now enjoy as good health at ever I did In my lift. I take Eteut pleasure in recommending them to all . . , ... I.....I ..MM... wlioiirc siniilariy uiii.cia. "'"" The OXYOEN ATED B1TTEH8 tre sold it California by Kedimtton A Co., Henry Johneondf Co., Charles Morrill, Sun Francisco! R. IL Me DonuM Sl Co., Sncrumrntu ; Hioe, Coffin A e, Maryeville Smilh ot Uavis.l onisna.vregoB. WlRtar' Balsam tf XV IW CrryTha only pure and genuine Balsam Is, and Ihe lt twenty years has Iwen, prepsred by SStm W. Fowu 4 Co., of Dosion. tnd Ihe.r pniiled n .n.e. ts well as the wrilln elgntlurt tf L. lulls, api-ear on tht oulsr wrtpptrt. At yet would urWtheeimrioue end Aari tht genuine, 'ttW,"mR'.'B.u,- or W,LDC...R.r.-Tbl. In-..tn-hle remedy Is the best ont extant for the tafe, sure, spee.iv. tnd permanent our. or eesi't, toU: r tKrtl, bronekitil, ilma. plenriey, pptumonia.rroup, vSoopIng covfk, tfssdinf aC tht lung: Pi" in n ,ud ,tt (,el every f"" of lliront. dust, tnd lung oompUinl, a,wsllasCosumoltsclf. This hotisi hold remedy should bt It tht hand of every family tin! Individual, at t limtly appli cation of It l t slight cold will csnse Immediate? relief) while otsee of long Handing, obsllnatt and apparently Incurable character, will eaeelf yield lo lie wonderful euralive powert aid Iff great adaptation la tht wtult of man wbet tf- fl'CFnf'e.lsi In California kf Rsdlngton A Ct., Henry Johnson A. Cv Charles Morrill, Sat Tnt. rtaeireatento CISCO t Rice, Coffin It Ct MsrysTtlls Smith A Davie, fotitlind, ffrgen. 'tuyeres